tv U.S. House of Representatives CSPAN October 4, 2013 10:00am-2:01pm EDT
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to come back until the republicans to pass a clean bill that funds the entire government without touching obama care. we are going to see that battle play into the weekend and continue in the next week at this point. host: jonathan strong, political reporter for "national review," we appreciate your time and we andeciate "national we operate take their space in their d.c. office. october 31, we will be live at mother jones magazine's d.c. office. now the house of representatives in session. use a communication from the speaker. the clerk: the speaker's room, washington, d.c., october 4, 2013. i hereby appoint the honorable george holding to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. signed, john a. boehner, speaker of the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore:
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pursuant to the order of the house of january 3, 2013, the chair will now recognize members from lists submitted by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour ebate. the chair will alternate recognition between the parties with each party limited to one hour and each member other than the majority and minority leaders and the minority whip each, to five minutes but in no event shall debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. the chair recognizes the gentleman from alabama, mr. brooks, for five minutes. thank you, mr. speaker. according to the department of defense, quote, of the department's 800,000 civilian workers, about half will be furloughed, end quote. that means president obama, our commander in chief, in his sole discretion, publicly declared that roughly 400,000 d.o.d.
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civilian employees are not essential to america's national security. mr. speaker, president obama's furloughing 400,000 civilian defense workers violates the law while putting national security at greater risk. let me explain. if any one of three circumstances exist that america's defense workers should not be furloughed, the first circumstance is if congress passes a defense appropriations bill. then, the military is funded and the president has no legal basis for using the shutdown as an excuse for if you are loge defense workers. -- furloughing defense workers. unfortunately, this first circumstance does not exist. the house of representatives four months ago passed the national defense authorization act on a bipartisan vote that included 103 democrats, and while the house, almost three months ago, passed the defense appropriations bill on a
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315-109 bipartisan vote that included 95 democrats, president obama, democrat senate majority leader harry reid and their allies refused the senate to vote on either bill that would fully restore defense suspending lost because of sequestration and fully fund america's national security. the second circumstance exists if president obama declares workers essential. while i disagree in question why any commander in chief in his sole discretion would leight 400,000 defense workers , president obama did just that. hence the second circumstance. can you see not prevent furloughs of civilian defense workers during this shutdown. which brings us to the third circumstance that pay our -- the pay our military act. this act not only forces the president to pay our men and women in uniform, it does more, much more. it also bars the president from
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furloughing civilian defense workers even if there is a government shutdown, even if they are not declared essential and even if congress has not passed its defense appropriations bill. for those who wish to read it, google the pay our military act to confirm what i say is true. the pay our military act states in part, and i quote, they are hereby appropriated for fiscal year 2014 such sums as are necessary to provide pay and allowances to civilian personnel of the department of defense whom are providing support to members of the armed forces, end quote. let me repeat that for emphasis. it states, quote, they are hereby appropriated for fiscal year 2014 such sums as are cessary to provide pay and aanses to civilian personnel of the department of defense whom are providing support to
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members of the armed forces, end quote. the only requirement is that they, quote, provide support to members of the armed forces, end quote. for emphasis, there is also no requirement that the support be for armed forces who are in combat. mr. speaker, every single civilian defense worker supports the armed forces. by definition, that is their entire job. hence, as a matter of law, there should be no furloughs of any civilian defense workers. mr. speaker, earlier this week, on october 1, i joined 67 other congressmen in a letter to secretary of defense chuck hagel, the office of management and budget and the acting secretary of homeland security, reminding them of the pay our military act and emphasizing that we are, quote, disheartened that the administration chose to needlessly furlough workers against the intent of congress and that since all d.o.d. civilian employees served to support the uniformed services,
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all of these civilians should return to work without further delay, end quote. mr. speaker, the president, our commander in chief is actively violating the pay our military act. the obama administration must 400,000 ly return all furloughed workers to work. why, mr. speaker? because it's the law. mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the chair recognizes the gentleman from oregon, mr. blumenauer, for five minutes. mr. blumenauer: thank you, mr. speaker. today is the last day on capitol hill for jeannine bener, my deputy chief of staff. her and her husband, a key member of the commerce committee, are a true capitol hill power couple. not the type that you see in the society pages of "the post" or on saturday morning talk shows. when you see them on televisions, they are sitting next to a member of congress helping them on a bill or an amendment to look smarter and do their job better.
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ms. bener joined our office as a legislative assistant in 2001. shortly after the 9/11 attacks, and leaves having seen congress at its best and worst. the near meltdown of the economy, wars, the shutdown. she's seen landmark legislation and made important contributions to many. she knows that we often make it harder than it should be, but that didn't stop her or discourage her. history will judge what congress has accomplished in her 12 years but there's no doubt that ms. bener helped make it better. meeting with thousands of people, listening, learning, help them understand the mysterious ways of their government and how to be more effective. jeannine bener was a colleague and mentor to hundreds of professionals and interns, not just in our office. she worked with them, helping them learn, encouraging them to weave the tapestry of legislative activity. she brought her ivey league
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education, passion to coax more value for the american people. she led our staff efforts dealing with climate change and global warming, help manage and guide initiatives to make the federal government a better partner. she was part of our initial work in 2002 in johannesburg that led to our efforts for the water for the poor legislation and more recently, water for the world, to help bring sanitation and safe drinking water for people around the world. she returned from the united nations climate conference in copenhagen in 2009 being part of that hopeful and frustrating process with a renewed commitment to deal with energy and climate change and found ways to make a difference. she organized and participated in my bipartisan three-day backpacking trip around mount hood -- oregon's magnificent mount hood with my colleague, greg walden, and his family.
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it led to the mount hood legacy stewardship act that protected that oregon treasure. no hill staffer knows more about the challenges, dangers, opportunities dealing with natural disaster. she dove in behind the scenes working in the detailed any unusuala that brought about the flood insurance reform act of 2004. no member or staff did more to make that happen and continuing on ongoing efforts. she continues to nudge the federal government to be more productive. she spent years to modernize procedures for the corps of engineers. whether it's been in copenhagen, johannesburg, hiking around mount hood or being in a capitol hill shutdown yesterday, she brought experience, good humor, intellect, not just some bills enacted or amendments passed, she helped improve federal agencies like the corps and fema that need more attention. she took time off and did amazing volunteer work in key
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oregon campaigns with spectacular results. besides being a good citizen, she's a proud mother to her darling daughter, dahlia. she and greg could live anywhere in america. they could make more money and not have questions about whether they are going to be paid or whether their employer was going to take away their health insurance, but they've chosen to serve the public, help congress and make the world a better place. it was an honor to be able to work with her. there's no one who better exemplifies the dedication, competence and commitment that holds this place together. thanks, jeannine. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from south carolina, mr. sanford, for five minutes. mr. speaker, i came down to this well
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yesterday to talk about how for 20 years i have run back and forth to the lincoln memorial and how day before yesterday i was shocked to run down there and see the place in chains. i had planned on making a run last night and then tragically the shooting occurred here yesterday, but it turns out there's some things i didn't know about the lincoln memorial. i've become so agitated that i asked a tourist to take a picture and it's an amazing picture of, again, the lincoln memorial without people. because what i have come to learn, it's always been a place with people. i didn't realize that in the last government shutdown president clinton elected not to close down the lincoln memorial. i didn't realize there had been 17 shutdowns in this country since 1976, and not one president elected to close down the lincoln memorial. that means president ford,
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president carter, president reagan, president bush and president clinton each when given the discretion in how they would handle a shutdown chose not to hold americans hostage in somehow gaining political favor by shutdown that would hurt them on their tour to washington, d.c. in fact, what i came to learn is that in the history of the american republic, the lincoln memorial has never been shut down. and so my simple question would be why. i mean, i think it's interesting that dr. martin luther king came to the steps and he talked about how the american dream for many pieces of america and many people in america was in chains. and yet this president, for some reason, chooses to chain the lincoln memorial in a way that has never been done in the history of our republic. i don't know why he would do
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so, but what i can say, it turns out he has a history of holding people hostage in a political equation that i think is very, very harmful because, you know, in the sequester he chose to end public tours to the white house. that means an eighth grader who may be making their one trip to washington, d.c. over the course of their life is no longer afforded the chance to visit the white house as school groups have done literally since the time of jefferson. always that has been the people's house. not a palace, but the people's house. and what i came to learn here that i didn't know over the last 24 hours is that the white house, as it turns out, spends $277,000 on -- you can either keep the white house open for tours for eighth graders across this country or you can spend
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$277,000 on caligibrapher. it's a person who writes in very fancy pros on a very fancy invitation to a rich folk to come to the white house. hat's what a caligrapher is. he'd rather do that than not open the white house for tours. it's costing more to chain these public open air monuments, whether the world war ii monument, whether the lincoln, whether the jefferson, in many cases costing more to rent barricade equipment, to take people out of furlough to have them there. so it's ok to disagree that -- agree that we disagree. it's ok to say, you want to spend more, the house wants to spend less. harry reid wants to spend more. we want to spend less. i think the congressional budget office's numbers are on our side. what they show is in just 12
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years we will be at a point in this civilization where there will only be enough money to pay for interests, for entitlements and nothing else. and in that regard, what we see is simply a prelude to bigger problems in our country if we don't get our financial house in order. -- t's ok to giss agree disagree on those things, but it's not ok to inflict pain on the american citizen to win a political point, particularly when this house has sent four different bites at the apple in terms of trying to keep government open and particularly when this house has sent a bill over that would keep the national parks open, that would keep groups like n.i.h. open, guard and reservists, go down the list. . so i would come back and ask of you, mr. speaker, that we look for some way of, again, unchaining monuments that have never been changed in the history of this republic because
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i think they represent very silly political games by this president. with that i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from california, mr. bera, for five minutes. mr. bera: thank you, mr. speaker. day number four of a government shutdown. day number four of not doing our job. to the folks in the gallery, if you sit here all day you're going to hear people throwing the blame game and playing that blame game. democrats blame republicans. republicans blaming democrats. the house blaming the senate. the senate blaming the house. the house blaming the president. let's stop this madness and let's stop the blame game. let's stop pointing fingers at one another and let's just do our job. mr. speaker, it's time we did our job. air the speaker of this house. this is a house that has both democrats and republicans. it's time that you were speaker of this house. yesterday one of our colleagues
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said, we are being disrespected by the other party and we won't be disrespected by the other party. this can't be about democrats looking for respect from republicans, and republicans looking for respect from democrats. that's the problem. we've lost the respect of the american people. spreebling, -- mr. speaker, this body, congress has lost the respect of the american people and that's who we should be looking for respect from. 87% of america feels like washington, d.c., is going in the wrong direction. mr. speaker, let's spend time working to earn the respect and the trust of the american people. this has to be bigger than political parties. it has to be about america. here's who deserves our respect. the united states capitol police. did you see how great they were yesterday? they performed admirably. they did everything that they had to do. they did so without getting
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paid. they are not getting paid. they show up -- they do their duty. they do their work. they deserve our respect. and they have the respect of everyone in this body and the united states because they are doing their job. mr. speaker, if we want to get the respect back, we better do our job. you know, here's some other people who deserve our respect. when i visit our troops in afghanistan earlier this year, those are some of the most professional young men and women that i have ever met. when they are called and asked to serve, they just show up for duty. they do what they have to do. one tour, two tours, three tours. they are doing their jobs. they deserve our respect. mr. speaker, if we want the respect of the american people, we need to do our job. as democrats and republicans. you're speaker of the house. bring us together. the leadership needs to start coming together and doing their job. that's how we get the respect back. mr. speaker, the men and women
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behind us, they show up every day. they are doing their job, but they are not getting paid. the way we can show our respect for them is let's open the government -- let's make sure that the men and women in america get paid. let's start rebuilding jobs. that's how we can earn their respect. let's do our job. mr. speaker, every year thousands of americans show up. young college students show up in washington, d.c., to serve their country. they show up as unpaid interns. they show up as low paid staff members. in my office we have a young college graduate, calvin. he shows up for work every day. he helps me deal and talk and manage the constituent requests that are coming in. he's not getting paid. let's show our respect to those folks who care deeply about our country, about the united states of america. let's open government up again. mr. speaker, it's time that we work to get the respect of the american people. let's do our job.
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my father taught me a little bit about respect. he said, son, the way you get respect is you don't ask for it. the way you get respect is you go out and do your job. you work hard. you do it with integrity. you don't blame others when things fail. you just work harder. mr. speaker, let's get the trust and the respect of america back again by doing our jobs, which is opening up government, which is starting to put together a real budget that relieves our children and grandchildren of crushing deficit coming at them. let's do our job as democrats and republicans listening to each other, taking the best ideas out of both parties, and doing our job. mr. speaker, if we want to get the respect of america back, we'll do our job. the democrats and republicans in this body are ready to open government. we have the votes.
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it's up to you now just to bring legislation to the floor, let us open government again to make sure our capitol police are paid, to make sure the men and women serving this country are paid, to make sure the tourists that are coming to the united states capitol to visit and show their respect for america are able to visit the monuments. mr. speaker, it's in your hands. let's do our job and let's get that respect back. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair would advise the members that the rules prohibit references to occupants of the gallery. the chair recognizes the gentleman from texas, mr. poe, for five minutes. mr. he poe: mr. speaker, government secrecy is an anathema to all people. and darkness by rulers can be trumped by the sunshine of public and an independent judicial system. but, mr. speaker, secrecy by judicial system is a threat to liberty of all free peoples. so in our country we have the constitution. and specifically the amendments
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to the constitution protect us as a free people against government. government intrusion, government violation of our privacy. because government really has no power. it has what we give it when we give up our liberty. the amendments promote openness of government. there's the sixth amendment that talks about a public speedy trial where witnesses come forward and people are put on notice of the crime and they are given a jury trial, but the most important part of that amendment is that the trial is public. seventh amendment deals with jury trials in civil cases. of course the fifth amendment talks about the fact that in a trial a person accused doesn't have to testify or produce any evidence against themselves. and then the fourth amendment talks about how government is limited on how it can intrude into our homes and our papers.
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it limits government surveillance. it's a philosophy that government must have reasons, it must be a reasonable search based on probable cause. and that there must be a warrant drafted under oath describing the place to be searched, the persons and objects to be seized. now this just didn't come out of our ancestor's mind because it was a good idea. there are historical reasons for that. maybe in our public school system we ought to teach more about history and why we do things the way we do. it goes back to the 1500's in england, when england invented this concept of the star chamber. the idea was we are going to be able to prosecute and go after nobles. certain people who are being able to get away with violations of the law. but the courts were made specifically to be secret courts. where there was no witnesses. there was no indictment. and a person was forced to testify against themselves. so obviously it was abused.
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it was abused by the kings of eng lapd primarily henry the viii when he went after and fought his opponents by prosecuting them in those secret courts. the united states doesn't have the star chamber, but we have the n.s.a., the national spy agency as i call it, and the fisa courts, the 21st century desendants of the star chamber. the n.s.a. gets the -- is the foreign intelligence surveillance courts, and allows those courts under fisa to authorize searches of anyone. those searches are not based on probable cause. those areas are not described. it is a general warrant concept that they used in england to search people in england that were political opponents. the spy courts of the united states started probably with a good reason, to go after these terrorists that are after us, but they are based on general warrants where they can seize phone records. they can seize credit card
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bills, utility bills. we are learning now that they seized n.s.a. with the authorization of these fisa courts, seize the bank records. it's also the judges are far from being independent. they meet in secret, just like the star chamber did, they can't even keep the records of the proceeding, those are turned back over to the government. there are no witnesses present, just like in the star chamber. there's no lawyers present for anybody. just like in the star chamber. you know, these fisa courts should be protecting american citizens. should be following the constitution. they are supposed to act as the independent power between government and the people. but they are not doing that. i call them the spy search and seizure courts because they are operating in the darkness of tyranny. we don't know what they are doing. they allow the n.s.a. to seize and violate the privacy of americans in violation of the
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constitution. by seizing people's records under general warrant. a general warrant is the idea that we know there is a bad guy in the area so we want to search the whole area, town, bad guy. can't do that. i used to be a judge, you have to name the house, specific area, probable cause, sworn to, and specific location of what you want to search and what you want to seize or it's a violation of the constitution. the spy courts, the n.s.a. courts, the star chamber courts need to be revisitted. it's time to shine sunshine on the fisa courts and the spying of the n.s.a. the n.s.a. and the fisa courts, star chamber courts have shut down the constitution. now it's time to shut down the unlawful surveillance and intelligence gathered by these courts on american citizens. that's just the way it is. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from maryland, mr. hoyer, for five minutes. mr. hoyer: i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the oyer: mr. speaker,
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government has now been shut down for three days. the people's government that is formed to serve it and promote the general welfare and the national defense. that government has been shut down. entirely? no, not entirely. there are some sporadic instances wherefore the public safety we have people working. i read the papers every morning. clips as so many americans do. so many members do. i start discussion of where we are today because surely the public must be confused. the republicans say that they don't want to shut down government. they say that president obama wants to shut down government. that we democrats want to shut down government for political advantage. having said that, 99% of us are prepared to vote for a
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to lution at 12:01 this day open the government. because that is the rational, commonsense right thing to do. i tell speaker boehner, mr. speaker, that we are prepared to vote on that today. as soon as this house opens. now, the governor of virginia is a republican. the governor of virginia wrote an article today that said budgets are documents born of many compromises. a government shutdown represents the antithesis of that approach. we agree. he went on to say, in a shutdown, planning and forethought go out the window. instead of rational governing, we get speeches and inaction. that's not how government should work. so we stand ready on this side
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of the aisle, i say as one of the leaders of my party, to vote now to open government. and, yes, to do what in a democracy we ought to do, sit down and discuss compromises. now, the american people, mr. speaker, need to know where we are and how we got here. the process is that the house adopts a budget for the spending, which keeps government opened, and the senate passes a budget that funds the government and keeps it opened and serving the american people. now, often there are differences between the house and the senate, as there are now. and so what our process is to go to conference, as the speaker has talked about so often, to sit down at a table and discuss as reasonable people as governor
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mcdonnell says government ought to work, resolving our differences. but for six months my republican colleagues, mr. speaker, as you know, have refused to go to conference and sit down at the table. they have refused to try to bridge the gap. they have refused to do what governor mcdonnell says is necessary to do, compromise. and we are far apart. now, interestingly enough we have only passed three appropriation bills out of the 12. all three of the appropriation bills that we passed through this house are at the senate umber. not the house adopted number. at the senate number. and so they have to slash the other nine bills very deeply. as a result, they have not brought them to the floor. i have no power. i used to be the majority
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leader. i could bring a bill to the floor as my colleagues know. i can't bring a bill to the floor now. one of those bills was brought to the floor and it was defeated. it was pulled from the floor. because they couldn't pass it. so we are at a place where we are now have shut down government. the reasonable, rational, responsible thing to do is simply say, we have enough votes to open government. at the number that the republican party sent to the senate. not a compromise. we are telling them we'll take your number. i don't like their number. but i like even less having government shut down. because it costs the economy money, it puts at risk our national security, and it undermines the confidence of the american people, not to mention the international community. . but we'll take your number, i
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say, to the senate, mr. speaker. but unfortunately they haven't yet taken yes for an answer. now, earlier this week -- and i don't know him -- but representative marlin stutzman, a republican from indiana, said this -- we are not going to be disrespected. now, by that i presume he means the president and the democratic senate is not going to agree to undermining or repealing the affordable care act that millions of americans are already trying to access to get coverage and get health security for their families. he said we will not be disrespected. then he goes on to say this, ladies and gentlemen of the house and mr. speaker, we have to get something out of this. and i don't know what even that is.
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let me repeat that. he says, we've got to get something out of this, but i just don't know what it is. how are you going to negotiate in that context? i see mr. mcdermott here chuckling. you're chuckling. i'm chuckling. we need to get something out of this but i don't know what it is. now, after being asked by the g.o.p. leadership putting a clean government funding bill on the floor for a vote, representative tom cole, one of the leaders close to speaker boehner, former chairman of the campaign committee said this when asked about putting a clean government funding bill on the floor for a vote, he said this, why in the world ould we do that? now, they've said they don't want to shut down government, that's why they'd do that. why would you say that? to open the government so it
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can serve the people, that's how you do it. how confusing can that be? he went on to say this, however -- you know, that doesn't encourage anything. that's basically at this point a surrender to the democratic position. now remember, ladies and gentlemen, i just told you that their their number, number that they passed through here. i don't like that number. hal rogers, the republican chairman of the appropriations committee doesn't like that number. the subcommittee chairman doesn't like that number. we're saying, ok, yes, we'll take your number. let's keep government working for our people. now, the house majority leader -- i used to be majority leader -- or as i refer to the good old days. he said this, we're trying to get the government open as quickly as possible. that's 12:05 p.m. today, ladies
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and gentlemen of this house, mr. speaker, it's 12:05 p.m., five minutes after noontime right now. you can get it open as quickly as possible, if that's what the majority leader wants to do, mr. cantor, bring that bill to the floor and our side will overwhelmingly help you pass it and get government open for the people. now, the chairman of the republican policy committee said this. he echoed cantor and said this -- i don't think anyone wants to stretch this out for two weeks. but what we see today is little tiny slices of bills. it will take weeks and perhaps months to open at the rate they're going. i don't think anyone, lankford says, wants to stretch this out for two weeks. i'd like to -- this is the chairman of the republican policy committee. here's what he said.
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'd like to resolve this this afternoon." we're ready. the american people are ready. it's the responsible thing to do. get the government working for its people. if mr. lankford and mr. cantor want to get this done as soon as possible, i'd tell them as a leader on my side of the aisle, i'll help get them the votes to pass it this afternoon, early this afternoon, by 1:00 this afternoon. let's get this government open. mr. lankford goes on to say, "i don't believe there's any argument for stretching this out for two weeks." this is their policy committee chair. i don't believe there's any argument for stretching it out. why are we stretching it out if there's no argument to do so? i close with this, mr. speaker. i also read, the american
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people are angry. let me tell the american people, mr. speaker, i share their anger. excuse me. i'm angry too. as governor mcdonell said, this makes no sense. this is no way to run a government. we've taken the republican number. mr. cantor says he wants to act quickly. mr. lankford says he wants to act quickly. we will support acting quickly. let's do it. let's just do it. open the people's government today, not slice by slice by slice by slice over the coming weeks and months but today for the people, of the people, by the people. open the government today, and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from north carolina, ms. foxx, for five minutes.
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ms. foxx: thank you, mr. chairman. -- house n, our republicans remain committed to a bipartisan solution to reopen the federal government for the american people, and we continue to act in good faith to find an agreement with senate democrats to do just that. but to build a bipartisan compromise, the senate needs to come to the table so we can work through our policy difference. my colleague from maryland gave a quote from one of our colleagues, but he neglected to mention that senator harry reid said, why would we pass bills to keep the n.i.h. operating and help children with cancer? we've offered such a bill, and voted hat, 171 democrats against pediatric cancer
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research. 172 democrats voted against funding the national parks. 164 trats voted against -- democrats voted against funding veterans' benefits. mr. speaker, that doesn't sound like people who want to get the government back opened. harry reid said, why would we want to do a piecemeal approach? well, we all know, and the american people know that the way we pass appropriations bills here and the way we have the government running is by passing individual bills. we have 12 different bills that we normally pass. the house has passed five and sent them to the senate and the senate has acted on none of them. so now we're doing it the way it's supposed to be done, under regular order. we're bringing the bills to the floor and passing them. and yet the senate will not act on them. what about the barriers at the
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memorials, mr. chairman? isn't it a shame that barriers have been put up at our outdoor memorials that have never had barriers put up before? they're always open, 24/7, 365 days a year. why deny world war ii veterans the opportunity to get onto their own memorial? how petty is that, mr. chairman? make no mistake, house republicans want to reopen government and stop shutdown policies before they cause any more pain. but if the senate will not meet with us to build a bipartisan solution to end the government shutdown, we'll continue to take the lead to fix problems for the american people. we want a fair government, and on those two things, an open government and a fair government, democrats and republicans should agree. but there are a few hang-ups. shouldn't principles of fairness apply to obamacare?
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my colleagues in the house and i say yes. big business and other well-connected groups are getting a one-year delay from obamacare courtesy of the president to prepare for its drastic changes, brace for its higher costs and study up on its mountain of regulations. american families and small businesses who apparently don't have the same pull with the white house aren't going to get the same treatment. and further, many are losing the health care they like and would prefer to keep or having to find insurance through obamacare exchanges without any help from their employers. that isn't right. at the very minimum, these americans deserve to have the same delay big businesses have to prepare for obamacare's drastic changes, brace for its higher costs and study up on its mountain of regulations. mr. chairman, we remain committed to a bipartisan solution to reopen the federal
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government, and that's where we need to go. but rather than building off of common ground and fixing those problems for the american people, the president and the saying re reflexively no. preserving problems as leverage is wrong. help us do the right thing for the american people. help us end this shutdown and ensure fairness under obamacare. it's time for the senate to join us at the negotiating table and achieve fairness for all. and with that i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from california, mr. lone thall, -- mr. lowenthal, for five minutes. mr. lowenthal: i ask unanimous consent to address the house and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. , i lowenthal: mr. speaker am greatly saddened by what is king place in the past few
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days with the closure of the government. we're participating in a downward spiral that has no end in sight, and we've lost the ability to relate to ordinary americans. it's important to talk about how our actions, our inactions here in washington affect the very people that we represent. i want to talk to you today about two people who have been impacted tremendously by the actions of this house to close down government. let me begin with one of my constituents who has -- who is an f.a.a. and safety inspector who's been furloughed. he's been furloughed, as i mentioned from his job as a federal aviation administration, aviation inspector because we have not been able to keep the government open. he reached out to me -- and i
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have here his letter -- he reached out to me and asked i share his concerns with all members of congress and with the public at large. he made it clear to me that he was not here to talk about or to ask me to minimize the hardship that is going on in his family. instead he wrote that he wanted to express his concerns that the aviation inspectors will not be on the job to ensure the safety of u.s. travelers. my constituent, retired army officer, a veteran, wanted me to specifically talk about four safety functions that are now not being performed by f.a.a. inspectors under this government shutdown. first, surveillance of aircraft , pilots, both domestic and
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foreign repair stations have leaving aircraft maintenance and aircraft operations unchecked. second, in-flight cockpit nspections have not been inspected, overseeing pilots, in-flight operations and procedures. third, ramp inspections are not being conducted at airport gate facilities. this is not just here in washington but nationwide. this increases the probability of risks not being identified between destination points. . fourth, even more frightening, is that aviation safety inspectors are not duty to respond in the event of an aircraft accident. how tragic this is. but the second one even touched me more.
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maybe not more, but certainly equally as much. this is about a young lieutenant at a local los angeles county police department who has worked for the past two years to be accepted into the prestigious f.b.i. national academy. this 11-week program, which is paid completely without federal funds, with a once in a lifetime opportunity for him to pursue his dreams and contribute to the safety of our country. the government shut down tuesday, however crushed his dreams because this 11-week program began on monday. all he wants to do is to go to his class, but he can't, because there are no instructors. they have been furloughed. this program has 212 of the brightest and most dedicated law
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enforcement offices from 24 countries and 48 states. if the government does not quickly reopen, they must go home. every single one of them. mr. speaker, do not send these people home. we are witnessing political brinksmanship in its purest form. the american people have no time for these games, and i did not come here to participate in unnecessary political brinksmanship. i came to provide solutions and resolve problems. instead of pitting americans against americans using this piecemeal approach that my colleagues across the aisle have decided to do to keep the government opened, i urge my colleagues across the aisle to declare victory. use their own budget numbers, and vote for a clean c.r. to -- that will last until mid november.
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don't hold our government hostage any longer. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the chair recognizes the gentleman from florida, mr. mica, for five minutes. mr. mica: thank you, mr. speaker. just a quick minute to reflect on the previous speaker. first of all as a former chairman of transportation, chair of the aviation subcommittee, if the f.a.a. administrator is not ensuring that safety positions, including inspectors that are key to safety, that those positions are filled and manned during this shutdown, he should turn in his resignation immediately. i can tell you he has the discretion to make certain that safety and our essential air service inspections are conducted. this is a game that's being played by the other side. secondly, the gentleman spoke to a nonfederal program. there's no reason that any program that's supported with
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private money can't continue. we have seen this game played this week poking veterans in the eye, poking even minorities in the eye. if you've been to washington, seen the world war ii memorial, it's an open space. to put up barriers and put park service personnel out there to put fences up to prohibit the public and our veterans from walking on to that open memorial is an offense. to do the same thing to the martin luther king memorial is an offense to our minorities and all americans. so this is a game that's being played. i have seen it played. just a short time ago, it's good to have some institutional memory on f.a.a. the other side controlled this body. now they controlled the house, the senate, and the white house in huge majorities. they could not pass an f.a.a. re-authorization. they did 20 extensions. during that 20 extensions you know what happened?
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they left all of our safety policy, they left our advancements in technology, our next generation air traffic control programs, all in the lurch. here they are talking about a four-day disruption. they did the same thing to me. i sent over to mr. reid, after the 20-some extensions, i said to him, a clean extension with one caveat. you cont have essential air service, a federal program, in which you gave more than $1,000 per ticket subsidy. that was offensive to him because he was getting $3,720 per airline ticket subsidy. and he held up the legislation for two weeks. we had a partial shutdown of f.a.a. for two weeks. they called me every name in the book. i was a one mantei party terrorist cell. i heard them talking -- a one
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man tea party terrorist cell. i heard them talking did -- they used this before. they had an opportunity to do some of these things. they couldn't even pass a budget. the only reason they passed a budget this year was we put no pay, no budget. all of their four years. so let's look at the record. how did we get ourselves into this situation? they spent that four years passing a health care bill that they told us that we would know what was in it after we passed it. we found out. the president 17 times has changed provisions in it that were in law. he gave an exemption to businesspeople. he gave an exemption to his friends. he changed the law. many of us wanted to do away with the law. we know that has gone into effect. we have asked them for a reasonable approach to negotiate. and change some things that need to be changed.
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let members of congress and the white house staff and others be subject to obamacare. let's have some relief for individuals for some time. but you can't do that if you won't negotiate. if you're golfing on saturday, as the president was doing, if you don't show up for work on sunday like the senate didn't do, you come to work on monday at 2:00, you don't get the job done. then if you go to the white house and you don't sit down and talk or negotiate, you won't get it done. we are here. we are going to be here 24/7. our leadership is committed to stay over the weekend, next week until we get it done, until we open the government, until we get the finances of this country as it careens down the path to possible default, $17 trillion, asking for another trillion of indebtedness, from $9 trillion to $17 going to $18, double it in five, six years of this
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administration spending out of control. large government programs that have -- that do need our attention. we need to be responsible. we need to be accountable. we need to take any law whether it's obamacare or others, and make certain that our people do have health care and do the best job possible working together and compromising. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from new jersey, mr. andrews, for five minutes. mr. andrews: mr. speaker, i ask nuke to address the house for five minutes, revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. andrews: thank you, mr. speaker. and i say good morning to our colleagues and hope that as we focus on the very real pain and burden that so many americans are feeling that we can act this afternoon to alleviate that pain whether someone's looking for health care services from the national institute of health or whether they are troubled by the problems at the f.a.a. that mr. lowenthal just talked about, or
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that there are veterans or person in our police departments or military that we can alleviate the suffering they are feeling and we can begin to have taxpayers receive the services for which they are paying by passing the senate short-term budget this afternoon. it's pretty clear to me that a significant majority of house members would vote in favor of that budget. it should be put on the floor. if i'm wrong, it will fail. but we'll have a vote. i think i'm right. i think that the bill will pass. the government will reopen. and the shutdown will end. that's the way we ought to proceed. if the majority of this house believes that's the right thing to do, the majority should be given a chance to vote on that particular piece of legislation. i hope we can also focus on the long-lasting damage that's being done to the way we govern our country by what has happened here. i want to say from the outset that i feel strongly that the affordable care act is a good thing for our country. i really do believe that's going
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to do many good things for our country, but i completely respect and admire those who have completely different opinion, i know that there are many members of this chamber and many people in our country who believe that the affordable care act is very bad for the country. they would like to see it repealed. they believe it will do harm to the country. i respect and admire their zeal and their passion. this is the essence of the democratic process. we are fortunate to live in a country for when we disagree over something we resolve our disagreements with voting, with elections, with peaceful and civil processes. but when that peaceful and civil process protects the rights of those who have lost an argument, as frankly those over the affordable health care act have, when it respects your right to continue to come back and pursue your views over that argument, you also have to respect that process in return. and grave damage is being done to that process because of this
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practice of threatening a shutdown of the entire government, in fact, causing a shutdown of the entire government, and now threatening a default on the country's obligation to pay its bills by tying the health care debate to the extension of the federal debt ceiling. i want you to think about what was happening here. the health care legislation came to this floor and passed. it went to the senate floor and it passed. the president signed it. it was challenged in the united states supreme court. the united states supreme court said, it complied with the constitution. we had an election a little less than a year ago where one candidate promised the very first thing he would do would be to repeal the law, and the other candidate promised he would implement the law. the candidate who wanted to repeal the law lost. lost in the electoral college by
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a substantial margin. lost the popular vote by about 51 to 47. that does not mean that those who agree with governor romney have to abandon their efforts and try not to appeal the law. the democratic process says they have their means, every legitimate mechanism, to try to win the next time around. that's part of the beauty of american politics. there's always the next time around. but it is not a legitimate means to shut down the entire government of the united states because you lost the last time around. let me draw some analogies here. virtually everyone on our side believes passionately that the senate immigration bill, which would provide legal status to 12 million people, the vast majority of whom are decent, tax paying, hardworking people who are benefiting the united states, we believe passionately
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that that bill should become law. 68 senators voted for that law. it has never been put to a vote on the house floor. we feel passionately that should become law, but we did not threaten to shut the government down if we didn't get a vote on that. it looks like we may lose that argument if it doesn't come to a vote, we are not going to shut the government down because we can't get our way. a huge majority of people on our side, a huge majority of the american people, if you believe the polls, believes that there should be a background check before someone can buy a gun, before a wife beater or a terrorist can buy a gun, there ought to be a background check that says whether they can buy one or not. again, i yield back. we are damaging the political process by this we shouldn't do it. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from arizona, mr. shikert, for five minutes. mr. schweikert: mr. speaker, i request unanimous consent to address the house for five
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minutes. revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. schweikert: mr. speaker, this is one of those moments where you come to the floor, i'm unscripted, and i want to sort of share something from the art that actually has really disturbed me watching this debate over the last few days. i'm from arizona. and i like to say i was -- i am a friend of gabby giffords. i have known her for a very long time. do we all remember three years ago when this house came together, when my media in arizona and media across this country said, whoa, maybe it's time to actually take a step backwards and reflect on our use of language. reflect on our tone. reflect on our civility. and yet look what you have heard over the last two or three days,
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over this last week. i have a president that got behind the microphones and was literally talking down the stock market. asking why hasn't it gone down? i have one of the heads of the intelligence services fearful that the intelligence service officers are bribeable now because some are on furlough. i have had members come beside me and say the word terrorist. and gun to the head. you want to talk about something that's offensive, and this is to all my brothers and sisters here in congress and for the blogs and the reporters and the political operatives around this country, you are better, we are better than this. a good example as you just heard the representative from new jersey come to the
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microphone. i can only say nice things about his tone. he made his argument in a rational constructive way. we have different views of the world. there was none of the flailing of the hands and the screaming into the microphone. and you have to take a step backward and say why the fear, why the viciousness and the theer coming from the left? i hope we don't look back a month from now and find out that some of this was about money, fundraising, the politics of cash because the reality, this argument is actually pretty darn simple. those of us on the conservative side believe we have and we have reached out over and over. and if you really want a solution -- and this is to senator reid -- send over some members to the conference committee, put them in a room and let them start talking.
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you know, i'm from that view of the world that a big deal is healthiest for the country. but then i'll hear language like, well, we're heading towards the debt ceiling and you're going to default. anyone that says that is looking you in the eyes and lying to you. either that or they don't own a calculator. got to understand the math. this country takes in 18% of g.d.p. in taxes and we pay out 2% in debt coverage. and in 2014 we have, $1.6 trillion in refinancing. the fact of the matter is, anyway you see the model -- i'm also quoting bill gross from a couple days ago -- we're never, never, every, it's implausible that we won't make our interest payments. you have a $3.1 trillion we are going to take in tax revenues, we'll spend $3.7 trillion.
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so using language like, well, default, has let them hungry to scare the market, hungry to scare the world markets, and is this how you leverage politics? look, i understand we have different views. i actually believe the affordable care act, obamacare, is part timing america, is destroying so many people's opportunities, but i also do believe -- we do have to come up with solutions and continue solutions for pre-existing conditions. as someone with severe asthma. we want to get to the same goal. so to my friends on the democrats' side, particularly over in the senate, two years ago you lit up my phones in my office demanding that we talk and negotiate on other issues. so that rhetoric was acceptable in the summer of 2011 but today
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it's not? how much is a bit of intellectual consistency from the left? and with that, mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from oregon, ms. bonamici, for five minutes. ms. bonamici: thank you, mr. speaker. i ask unanimous consent to address the house for five minutes and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. ms. bonamici: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, it's day four and i am dismayed that this government shutdown has been allowed to continue even though we have the votes to end it right now. a bipartisan majority of this house supports the senate-passed so-called clean continuing resolution, but for some reason speaker boehner won't allow a vote. people back home in oregon and across the united states don't understand this. a majority of the house and the majority of the senate and the president agree on a deal that would reopen the government but
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it won't happen because you won't allow a vote? this is one of my constituents, one wrote about her family's effort to save enough money for a house but she's on indefinite furlough, unpaid time that she didn't ask for, didn't deserve and couldn't afford. another had planned a trip to the grand canyon but after buying reservations and buying tickets the park won't be open and her family's trip will be ruined. and another wrote about her pregnant's daughter that relies on w.i.c. and won't receive the nutrition assistance she needs. and another said years of conservation and restoration work could be set back because there will be no staff on duty to manage the water levels. researchers at our state universities like oregon state university had had to put projects on hold. they've been unable to collaborate with federal agencies, important deadlines are being messed, new grant applications aren't being processed. these are just a few of the stories i'm hearing. the shutdown hasn't affected
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one agency or one constituency. it's affected everyone who relies on a functioning federal government. and mr. speaker, it's chipping away at what's left of the respect for this constitution. we can't a-- respect for this institution. we can't afford to have piecemeal bills that we know won't go anywhere. it's time to set aside the politics and put the needs of our constituents first. mr. speaker, i understand, as does america, that you and some of your members do not support the affordable care act. we understand that. we got that message. but it passed both chambers, was signed into law and was upheld by the supreme court. well, mr. speaker, i don't like the across-the-board cuts caused by sequestration. they're harming my district and this country and i'll continue to fight them. yet, i'm ready now to vote for the clean continuing resolution that contains those cuts. why? because it's critical to get the government open now. and every indication is that a
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majority of this chamber will do the same. mr. speaker, let us reopen the federal government. we can do it today. mr. speaker, please let us vote. thank you very much, mr. speaker. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from utah, mr. stewart, for five minutes. mr. speaker, this is a frustrating time in washington. for the first time in 17 years, our government has been shut down. i believe the critical gridlock is a discouraging high mark. i empathize with those who are feeling its devastating effects, especially those hardworking families that have been affected by furloughs, including some members of my own family. so i rise today in defense of the american people and i ask one simple question -- why won't the president and harry reid sit down and talk to us? the american people are hurting. they want to see progress.
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they want to see us work and fix this in a bipartisan way. so why won't the president and the senate leader sit down and engage us in a simple conversation? what are they afraid of? the president of the united states is the president of all of the people. he's not just the president of the democratic party. he's not just the president of those states in which he won. he is the president of the united states. he's the president of everyone. he owes it to the american people to listen to their voices, so let me ask again, what is he afraid of? why won't he sit down and talk with us? i represent more than 700,000 people in my home state in utah. they want the government to stay open, but they do not want obamacare. they know what a horrible piece of legislation that it is. they know and they already see that it is destroying jobs. they know it is hurting working
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families. they know that it is driving up costs. they want the president to know this. they want harry reid to listen to their concerns. but both of them refuse to talk to us. so let me ask again, what are they afraid of? are they afraid that they might be actually convinced that we are right? are they afraid that they might have to compromise just a little? i am the father of six children. i know what it's like to have teenagers in the house. i know what happens when they get angry because they don't get their way. they run to their bedroom, they slam the door and they refuse to come out and talk. mr. president, mr. speaker, it's time for our president to take out his ear buds, to open the door, to come out and talk to us. he's canceled his trip to asia, but i ask why, for what purpose if he still refuses to coum out
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and talk with us? my -- to come out and talk with us? we need to fund government operations other than obamacare and to reopen the government. had no y reid has willingness to compromise. we have to understand that we are engaged in a generational fight over our debt and spending as it goes far beyond obamacare. our current national debt is approaching $17 trillion, and it's growing every moment. during this administration we will double more than our national debt. this won't end there. it is the reach of government into our lives with obamacare just being one example of how our government has grown too large and too powerful. in addition, this law will come with something like a $1.3 trillion price tag. that is something that we simply can't afford.
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it's critical that we work together now to reduce the size and the power of government into our lives. house republicans have repeatedly come to the table to negotiate with over the past several weeks. so once again i ask, what are they afraid of? why won't they sit down and talk to us? as a former president, one of my heroes, john f. kennedy said, let us never fear to negotiate. mr. speaker, i will continue to do everything in my power, along with my other colleagues, to find a solution to reopen the government while fighting to make washington, d.c., less important and less powerful in the lives of american citizens. and with that, mr. speaker, i yield back my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from maryland, ms. edwards, for five minutes. thank you, mr.
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speaker. we're in day four of the republican shutdown and irresponsible and a manufactured crisis designed to promote ideology at the expense of the american people. let's be clear about why house republicans have so knowingly, carelessly and recklessly shut down our government. we've heard it on this floor today, mr. speaker. it's because they continue to be obsessed with eliminating the affordable care act, the law of the land that's being implemented right now. it's become apparent that they're willing to sacrifice the basic functions of the u.s. government just to prove that point. again, ideology and politics over people. right now there are nearly one million men and women who work for the federal government, good people, my neighbors and family, who signed up to do a job in the service of their nation and today they're not at work. they've had to either take a
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furlough, now missing four days of work, some of whom were already furloughed earlier this summer with the sequester. that means they're laid off and they're not working because their work isn't essential. they're not getting paid. now, for those of us who are old enough to remember, it kind of reminds me of the cartoon character popeye. i'll gladly pay you tuesday for a hamburger today. now, the capitol police and many other federal employees that are deemed essential are in fact are working. we're heard yesterday with their courage and their valiant service to this capitol, but hey're not being paid. many would work with overtime pay due to the rallies and car chase yesterday but they are not being paid. now, this shutdown is not just about faceless bureaucrats, it's about real people, about public servants who are
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directly affected by the shutdown. and i want to tell you about a few of them who live in my congressional district. pat who he and his wife are both federal employees and so in that household it's about eight days of furlough. they, like many of their fellow colleagues, will experience extreme difficulty if the government defaults in just another couple of weeks. pat contacted my office and he urged the president, my fellow democrats and me not to bargain with republicans in regard to increasing the debt limit and getting government operating. it's our job, he said. though they are experiencing difficulty, pat stated, and i quote, i believe it's more important not to negotiate or go to blackmail. republicans must learn that they must follow the same rules as the rest of us or there will be consequences. those are pat's words. but i also want to tell you some others who contacted my office like tracy out in
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laurel. she works at the department of health and human services. she helps her mother pay bills every month, and when she called my office she was crying. she was in tears because she wants this to stop so she can pay her bills. and then another who is a single parent who was already furloughed earlier this summer and now she isn't sure how she's going to pay the bills or take care of her child. in fact, some of these workers still have to pay childcare to keep the spot in daycare even though they are not being paid and they're not working. . then there's chris toffers. he and his wife are employed at the department of homeland security. in support of the security of this nation. they were both furloughed earlier this summer and they are furloughed now. those are just some of the stories, and i could go on. i have sheets and sheets of calls from workers who live in my congressional district. and you know, those federal
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workers have already paid a great price. they are the folks out at nasa's goddard space flight center, located in the county i live in, in prince george's county, premium research institution, and 3,397 employees who would normally be at work aren't there. only 104 of them are. and only 60 are working full-time while the other 44 are working part-time. that means also 250 of them are on call, so 90% are actually furloughed out at goddard space flight center. but it doesn't just affect goddard, it affects all those small businesses. restaurants, shops, gas stations where civilian employees normally go to do their business but they are not going now. so the impact isn't just for the federal work force. this is a terrible situation, mr. speaker. and i really implore the leadership of speaker boehner. i know that he is a good man, and i want him to have the
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courage to put a clean senate-passed c.r. on the floor of this house so that the majority of the house can work its will. now, i know 40 or 50 won't, but the majority of the house should be allowed to work its will. with that i yield. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from south carolina, mr. rice, for five minutes. mr. rice: request permission to speak for five minutes. revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. speaker, we are all concerned about the 800,000 federal employees who have been furloughed for three days in the government shutdown. we can argue back and forth about who caused the shutdown. but the fact is that 800,000 people have been furloughed and it could stretch into a week or two. while we need to work hard to get these people back to work as
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soon as possible, we must remember that according to the congressional budget office, obamacare is costing us 800,000 jobs permanently. we are not talking about working people being furloughed for a few days. we are talking about the permanent loss of 800,000 american jobs because of this job-killing health care law. where's the outrage over that? you see, the fact is the president and my friends across the aisle like to say they are for the working man, they are for american jobs. but if you pay attention just a little bit, their actions belie their rhetoric. the truth is, they are not the party of the working man, they are not the party of jobs. my friends across the aisle is the party of big government and more regulation. they believe the american people cannot be trusted to make their
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own decisions. they believe like how to invest their money or whether to buy health insurance. they know better than the american citizen. they want to make your decisions for you, to take care of you. obamacare is just the littest job-killing iteration of their big government expansion. you see, it's only common sense. you don't have to be a genius to understand it. big government and big regulation do not grow the economy. they stifle the economy. he they don't create jobs, -- they don't create jobs, they kill jobs. 7.3% unemployment right now. anemic growth four years after the recession ended. 15% unemployment among those under 25. 50% of recent college graduates are either unemployed or
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underemployed. i've got three sons who are recent college graduates, they've lived it. we are failing our young people. remember, mr. speaker, that the democrats held the presidency, the senate, and the house for two years, and out of that came obamacare and dodd-frank. two of the biggest government expanding job-killing laws to be enacted in decades. it's no accident that the economy remains weak. it's no accident that unemployment rates are so high. and now when the republican house asks simply for a conference, they won't even sit down to discuss it? they refuse to accept anything but the status quo. what is the status quo? record deficits, high unemployment, and anemic
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economic growth. i guess with a record like that i wouldn't want to sit down and discuss it, either. mr. speaker, i don't think anybody here wanted the government to shut down. but perhaps it's good that we have come to this point. maybe the government shutdown will be a catalyst that brings us together to make some hard decisions. we've got to stop thinking on six-month time horizons and create long-term certainty if we want our economy to thrive. tax reform, deficit reduction, entitlement reform, these are issues that everyone knows must economy o push our forward and to return america's competitive edge. if we could resolve just a couple of these issues, we would lift the cloud of uncertainty, our economy would grow again,
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and all americans would benefit. nobody wanted to shut down. but let's take lemons and make lemonade. let's use this crisis to come together for once and resolve some of these fundamental issues. these are the issues we were sent here to face. i plead with the senate and the president to rethink your hard line no negotiation stance. america is counting on us. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from california, mr. sherman, for five minutes. mr. sherman: i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. i checked with the parliamentarian and he's informed me that it is in order
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to give a bipartisan speech even today. so i've got a speech that i think most members on both sides of the aisle can agree with most of. been here 17 years. been working every day for the toughest iranian sanctions we could adopt. this house has passed bill after bill. the senate passed about half of them. and over the last decade several administrations have basically refused to enforce the iran sanctions that passed both houses of congress. then about three years ago this administration started enforcing our sanctions laws. they unleashed the treasury department's office of terrorist financing and intelligence, t.f.i., and its office of reign asset control, ofac, t.f.i. and ofac are doing a great job. it's working. yes, something the federal
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government is doing is working. iran's supreme leader was forced to allow someone to run -- ok, one of his own insiders, to run on a reform platform, and the iranian people voted for the most reform they were allowed to vote for. it is clear that iran wants out of these sanctions and is willing to surrender critical parts of its nuclear weapons program, but only if we are very tough in sanctions negotiations. let us remember why there is nothing more essential than preventing iran from developing a nuclear weapon. iran's supreme leader on his website today says the holocaust is a myth and wants to wipe israel off the face of the earth. iranian troops are in syria backing assad. iran is the number one state sponsor of terrorism. now imagine terrorism with
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impunity. there is nothing more essential than stopping iran's nuclear program. in order to do that, we need more sanctions. why? because every day iran develops ways to get around the sanctions program that we have. that's why we need to do a bit more as they are undoing what we have already done. but what's really happening? t.f.i. and ofac are basically shut down. 90% furloughed. 70% of our intel community, civilian employees are on furlough. so what needs to happen? first, restaff t.f.i. and ofac. these are essential government functions. second, pass a clean c.r. because all aspects of our foreign policy, our national security operation, our intel operations are critical to keeping america safe from
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terrorism and stopping the iranian nuclear program. and just as critical is our credibility worldwide to really be viewed as the leader of the world. so it's time to drop demands that everyone knows the senate and the white house will never accept and pass a clean c.r. third, it's time for the executive branch to use the statutory authority we have already given them. for example, they designated about two dozen iranian banks as being banks cut off from the international system. it is time for them to designate all banks. fourth, the senate needs to pass a bill that passed on this floor by 400 votes last july, the nuclear iran prevention act. staff the agencies, pass a clean c.r., designate all the banks, pass and implement the nuclear iran prevention act. and we may just see a world safe from the iranian nuclear weapons
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program. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from indiana, mr. messer, for five minutes. mr. messer: i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks. thank you, mr. speaker. there is a lot we disagree on around here. by now virtually every american knows that we disagree on obamacare. we ought not allow what divides us to stop us from coming together on issues where we all agree. there is nothing political about passing bills to help sick kids, or pay our troops, or open our national parks, to help low-income women and children. in recent days the house has passed bipartisan bills to fund the areas of government like those i just discussed where we all agree. each of these bills passed the house with dozens of votes from
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my democratic colleagues. each of these bills were unilaterally rejected by senate leader harry reid. the president has publicly declared that he will veto any of these bills if they reach his desk. let me repeat. the house in recent days has passed bills to help sick children, pay our troops, open our national parks, and help low-income women and children. dozens of my democratic colleagues have voted for those bills and the president and harry reid refuse to have them even considered. why? it is awfully cynical to oppose helping people who are being hurt by the government shutdown, a shutdown, by the way, caused by the president's refusal to participate in the democratic process and negotiate.
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clearly president obama and senator reid are putting political leverage before the american people. and that is wrong. this shouldn't be about politics. it shouldn't be about the inside baseball games of washington and who is going to win and who is going to lose in this debate. it should be about the american people. we have very big areas in which we disagree. this is a time where that debate is coming to a head. many of us believe the federal government is far too big. many of us are concerned about a federal government that's $17 trillion in debt and robbing the next generation of their opportunity to live the american dream. many of us are concerned about obamacare and what it will mean to live in an america where government is in charge of 17% of our economy. some on the other side of the
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aisle disagree. and each of those issues. we we do have areas where agree. commonsense dictates that we would -- common sense dictates we would act on them. i urge our colleagues on both sides of the aisle to continue supporting these commonsense proposals, and i urge senator reid and the president to do the right thing and allow those bills to become law. the american people don't want a government shutdown, but they also don't want the president's health care law. it's time for both parties to listen to the people, work out ur differences, and find a common way forward. thank you, mr. speaker. i yield back the balance of my time. .
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ms. jackson lee: good morning, mr. speaker. good morning to my colleagues. i think a greeting always sets a tone for conciliatory and direct and honest interest in bringing people together. there are many of us that come from different segments of this nation and therefore have to respond to our constituency. and i respected and if i might in a term that we use sometimes i get that. but i rise today to call upon the higher angels and the recognition that this is america's country. and to disabuse my colleagues and my friends on the other side of the aisle, some of the misinterpretation that they have represented in the dialogue and debate on this floor. numbers are showing that 60% of americans don't want to have a government shutdown just to
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defund obamacare. i don't know how often that number -- polling number has to be repeated and how often that number has to be noted as reflecting the sentiment of this country. but even more importantly than that, we're always told, as we pledge allegiance to the flag, that it is to this great nation and it is because we are in ct united under one sense of commitment to our country. and so, yes, the president is acting like a leader of the nation. maybe he's even acting like a parent. and i'd ask the question, mr. speaker, whether or not you had two children or five children, whether or not you would say to two of them, you're my favorite, you're going to get everything, you're going to eat every day and the rest of you, well, you can fend for yourself. that is the very nature of the piecemeal legislative debacle
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that the republicans are putting on the floor. i would have asked them, they could have done this in regular order six and eight months ago in this house. they are in charge. they did not do that. they have not finished all of the appropriations process, but we have in fact compromised, democrats, the president, by putting a continuing resolution on the floor of the house that is the exact number that the republicans in the house and the senate wanted. and so in 31 minutes on this floor they would have the opportunity to introduce that legislation, have it passed by a majority of this house and have the president of the united states sign it. but instead of that, they want headlines like "the houston chronicle" that says, a mother, how am i going to feed my children? because overall, they are going to be cut off in the month of november soon in the funding for food stamps, even though it has suffered a horrible blow by this house of representatives
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with a cut of $40 billion, but with the house not ceding to the will of america, a government shutdown, they won't be able to get that minimal support and so a mother says, how am i going to feed my children? and someone else, what is going to happen with mothers with newborn babies and others? that is the problem that we face today. let me talk about the n.i.h. i am a cancer survivor, and i am very concerned about those who are dependent upon research. and just a few weeks ago was engaged with a number of children who are impacted by the disease. i represent the texas medical center and m.d. anderson and the texas children's hospital. why would i want to vote against the n.i.h.? but this own body has already cut $1.55 billion because we have already been under sequester, which is a devastatingly odius process and
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it already counts for the loss of one million jobs and already some $2 trillion-plus being cut from this budget and already the economic pundits say that's the absolute wrong way to go because it does not create jobs, it takes away jobs. but i will tell you that mary willie, president of the c.e.o. research of america says on a microlevel, allegedly funding parts of the n.i.h. does not work. we are concerned that an incremental approach to the shutdown neglects disruption to life-saving research by other federal agencies. -- amin karr, director of director, says this as well. and now the leader in the other body has been charged with doctors, people showing up in doctors' uniforms in a press conference, that he says something with children with pediatric cancer. he said to senator schumer's
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comments, we shouldn't do a piecemeal type of approach and why should we do that? we should not be going against each other. we should be going toward each other, mr. speaker. assistancea is concerned about monitoring of the space station and the affordable care act is working. so, mr. speaker, i offer an olive branch as well. that olive branch is let's stop calling each other names, get working on behalf of the american people and vote on a clean c.r. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from louisiana, mr. scalise, for five minutes. mr. scalise: thank you, mr. speaker. i appreciate the opportunity to address the house and talk about the things that we're doing here in this house to continue to fund government, to keep the government open. if you look at what's been going on in the last couple weeks, mr. speaker, you've seen four bills passed by the house of representatives to fund all of government. you've seen us send bills over to the senate to keep government open, but what you've also seen, mr. speaker, is the president of the united
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states and the leader of the senate refusing to take up the bills because they are not getting everything they want. senate president, mr. speaker, harry reid said he's not going to budge an inch, not an inch in his position. he'd rather shut the government down than move an inch. president obama said he won't negotiate. he refuses to negotiate with republicans unless they give him everything he wants. he won't budge an inch. so what we've done, mr. speaker, in that time, you know what, we'll put a lot of options on the table because we do believe we ought to fund government properly. we ought to address the problems facing our country, address all the problems that the president's health care law is facing. but we also know that we live in a democracy, and when you got divided government, mr. speaker, that means both sides ultimately have to come together. it's what our laws actually demand. and yet you got a president saying it's my way or the highway. if i don't get everything i want, i won't budge. and then you got republicans saying, let's pass bills to keep things going.
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let's actually negotiate and work out our differences. i think the american people are realizing that, mr. speaker. they're seeing the unreasonable approach of president obama. if you look at what's happened in the house the last few days, you're seeing a ground swell, not just republican ideas to keep government funded, we passed a bill to fund the veterans. shouldn't we all -- while we have all these other disagreements, there are areas where republicans and democrats agree. you don't hear a lot about it, mr. speaker, but there are a number of those. and so we started putting those ideas on the table and saying, we have some real disagreements over health care policy, but shouldn't we at least fund our veterans? shouldn't we at least fund cancer treatment for those patients that are struggling through cancer that aren't looking at this from a republican or democrat issue, they just want their treatment? and so we passed a bill and it got participate votes in the house. it wasn't a partisan vote. a lot of democrats joined with republicans and say, let's fund
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cancer treatment while we're debating these other things. and the senate leadership said why would we want to do that. how shameful saying he'd rather hold them hostage until he gets everything he wants. not everyone gets everything they want in a democracy. we passed bills to address these problems. we passed bills to fund our national guard troops. large bipartisan votes, a growing number, by the way, democratic votes to take a reasonable approach to this because, again, my way or the highway is not how we govern in a democracy and yet you go and you send these bills over to fund our veterans, to fund our national guard, to fund cancer patients. and you literally on a party line vote have the senate leader saying he's going to kill those bills until he gets everything he wants and forcing every democrat in the senate to vote with him. horrible votes that they're casting over there to play some kind of partisan game. that's not how our dreaks
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works, mr. speaker. -- democracy works, mr. speaker. and where is the president's leadership, mr. speaker? you should see him saying stop punishing these people, stop taking hostages. and yet he's so afraid to stare down the senate majority leader that he sits on the sidelines and continues just to throw rocks at people instead of getting in the fray and say, as all adults get in a room together and say, let's work out our differences. the president says he won't budge an inch. we'll continue to work in the house as a troom enters the guffleguffle, -- tropical storm enters the gulf of mexico, we have a bill that says, let's fund fema. we ought to take care and respond to disasters. and that bill will be on the floor and i'll predict, mr. speaker, that you'll see a broad bipartisan support to vote that bill out of the house and pass it over to the senate. and maybe, just maybe, let's all hold out encouragement that
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the senate majority leader will finally put his partisan differents on the side and say let's agree to do that, don't hold hostages. finally, mr. speaker, when you look at what the president's been doing with these monuments, punishing american people, the world war ii memorial is a great example of the greatness of america, the greatest generation, a tribute to those men and women who risked everything. you know, you had heroes in their 20's that stormed the beaches of normandy and they stared down the enemy. they didn't blink. and of course they come earlier this week to the world war ii memorial to see the memorial that was built in their honor and they're faced with obamacades blocking off those memorials. i'm glad they didn't blink. mr. speaker, let those veterans into the world war ii memorial. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the chair recognizes the gentleman from north carolina, mr. meadows, for five minutes. i ask unanimous
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consent to revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. meadows: mr. speaker, i come here today to speak from the heart of a true story that's happening really right now in my district. it's a story of an inkeeper, bruce o'connell, who's operating an inn since 1979. it's an inn on the blue ridge parkway and that inn has been operated really at no cost to the federal government for years and years and years. in fact, as he operates it, he sends money to the federal government. so this government shutdown shouldn't have anything to do with the inn. the blue ridge parkway is open for business. it continues to allow cars to go both ways on the parkway,
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but yet what we see is under the direction of this they have to close the inn down. they had to close the inn at 6:00. so i got a call this morning from bruce. he says, congressman meadows, i just want to let you know that i'm going to open my inn back up. now, i expected to hear all hurt of just heart felt and concern from bruce. what he says is you're fighting for the right thing. you're fighting for our future. you're fighting for our hildren. and i'll open back up knowing that the cost of this particular thing may cost me a
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business that i've had for many, many years, but you know, congressman meadows, it is the right thing to do that we must stand together and fight. we must make sure that what we do is our voices heard. so i want to say thank you to a to stand o is willing and fight for what he knows is right. and i'm going to close with this because this fight is not a new story. on the back of the delaware corridor is a horse and rider. many people think it's paul revere, but indeed it is not. it is an unknown or little known patriot by the name of cesar rodney. his statue is in this very building. it's on the back of a quarter commemorating what he did because actually he got on a
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horse when the founding of our nation was there, he got on a horse and rode through the night, through driving storms, to arrive in philadelphia to cast a deciding vote that created this great country. why do you share this story? across his face was a green scarf that covered a cancer that could be best operated on back in england. so he knew that by signing that document he potentially was signing his death warrant. it is that kind of patriotism, mr. speaker, that we're seeing day in and day out exemplified by the men and women across this country. world war ii veterans, many of whom died across for the cause of freedom. i just want to say thank you to the patriots across this great land that are standing up to fight on behalf of this great
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country. and with that, i yield back, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from washington, mr. mcdermott, for 4 1/2 minutes. mr. mcdermott: i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. r. mcdermott: mr. president -- mr. speaker, as we have this debate over opening the government, i want to talk about an agency that people are not thinking about. national institutes of health started in 1887 in one room. the public health service hospital in staten island, new york. it was modeled on something that the germans had been doing for a number of years it was called the laboratory of hygiene. in 1891, it came to the d.c.. in 1901, they built the first building, the appropriation was $35,000. it was for the investigation of an infectious and contagious
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diseases. n 1912 in st. louis, 12 kids died when they got diptheria vaccine that was contaminated with tetanus. at that point they decided they would pass the biological control act, and that was given to the institutes of health. joseph goberson, a doctor discovered the cause of polegria, which was a scourge of the south in this country. a dietary deficiency because of a bad diet. this came from the institutes of health. in 1930, a senator from louisiana by the name of rams dale -- ramsdale, started the national institute, one, institute of health. it was to give fellowships to physicians to study problems in
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the health care system. that situation went on from that day to this day. now, they tried to do it in the private sector. after the first world war and all the problems of chemical warfare, the congress said, let the private sector figure out how to do it. and they couldn't do it. they couldn't find anybody to finance it. so they came and established the national institute of health in the government. in 1937 they added the national institute of cancer. and in 1938 they built the first building up in bethesda, building six. until the second world war they discovered, worked on various things, and the war game, and they spent an enormous amount of effort trying to figure out the health problems of this country. people don't realize, 43% of the people who were inducted --
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brought forward to be inducted into the army were rejected because they were unfit physically. the national institutes of health went to work on that. there were a whole variety of issues, diet, teeth, siffluss, all kinds of things that were not being done in this society and they did the initial research on that. now, in 1946 after the war, they decided we've got to expand this thing and they began creating new i.n.s. -- new institutes of health. one was arthritis and metabolic disease. that's where we worked on diabetes. and allergy which went on to deal with aids. in 1970 there were 15 institutes of health. today there are 27. now, all over this country, in every university, everywhere you look, there are scientists and physicians who are submitting grants to the institutes of
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health on issues that affect all of us. it has been the practice until very recently that one out of five of them is accepted. one is good, four, not so good. we are going to pick the one that is and put our effort there. we are down at the point where we are now doing six out of 100. six out of 100. this country that boasts about our health care system is killing it by this kind of bill, by squeezing the national institutes of health to death. mr. speaker, bring out a clean bill and let's start up the national institutes of health. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. pursuant to clause 12, section a of rule 1, the chair declares
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funding for fema as well as the wic program, the federal nutrition program for women and children. funding for the fda, border security, and head start. on c-span 3, live coverage of an event outside the u.s. capitol. the national treasury employees union. members of congress are speaking on behalf of the union. watch it live on c-span 3. all of our coverage is on our website.
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we are keeping track of your comments with the #cspanchat. it is so sad the world we live in, people's lives are being ruined. comments on our facebook page, pan. belinda says "what about people losing their jobs. says president obama is acting like a dictator. last hour, the speaker of the house john boehner spoke to reporters. here is a portion of what he had to say. [video clip] >> good morning, everyone.
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crisis we'rehave a in the middle of this week. the american people expected our leaders to sit down and try to resolve differences. i was at the white house the other night and listening to the president. he explained 20 times why he was not going to negotiate. i sat there and listened to the majority letter -- leader in the senate described that he is not going to talk until we surrender. and then, this morning, i get "the wall street journal" out. it says we do not care how long this lasts, because we are winning. this is not some game. the american people do not want the government shutdown, neither do i. all we're asking for is to sit down and have a discussion and to bring fairness to the american people under obamacare.
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it is as simple as that. it all has to begin with a simple discussion. speaker of the house john boehner with members of the republican house leadership earlier this hour. the event is on our website. a few minutes before we gavel back and that the house. -- in at the house. you can weigh in at who is responsible? the republicans, followed by the white house, followed by congressional democrats. joining us on the republican line. caller: good morning. i wanted to say, on behalf of my wife and i, we are both veterans. we truly appreciate what speaker boehner is doing. ours tragic, we don't want citizens out of work. this is not king george.
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we need to be represented for and by the people. with liberty and justice for all. reid is not a king george or a print, whatever. -- a prince, whatever. hang in there is what i can say to the republicans. god bless you all. thank you. host: thank you for the call. #cspanchat. republicans will lose their seats behind this. on the democratic line, from west virginia, james. caller: good morning. i wanted to say that it seems to me that obamacare has already been passed a long time ago. i don't understand what the holdup seems to be. boehner seems to
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be taking more care for what the what allns want than americans want. all americans want the government back to work. call.thank you for the we heard earlier in the week that the second half of the asia trip, including a stop in the philippines, was canceled. they sent an e-mail -- the president's travel to the summit will be represented by john kerry. pete is on the phone from alabama, independent line. caller: good morning. i would have to say congratulate .he republicans i don't think the president and the senate are cautioned -- compromise a very well -- compromising very well.
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we have congress and a president in capitol hill for the people and not for themselves. >> thanks for the call. looks liket the poll on facebook. you can weigh in. 464 comments, related to the government shutdown in day four. peter is on the phone. >> good morning, thank you for taking my call. i have been trying for two day s. i disagree with the democrats because of quite a few issues. one, obama made this bill up. it was passed by the democrat party. it went in front of the courts. the courts said it was not a bill, it was a tax. are done by caucuses
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in the house, which it was not done. it cost a lot of jobs, he wants to put taxes to 5%. people are going to move out of the country. where they can make a living under businesses. my daughter works 29 hours, my son-in-law works 29 hours because of all i care. if it is good enough for her to work 29 hours, it is good enough for congress to also. the call.ou for the scene outside of the u.s. capitol. and a lot of news conferences, rallies happening. this one taking aim at the republicans on the shutdown of the government. we heard from the house republican leadership earlier today. no public events with the president. he is going to stay in town, he
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will not be traveling to the summit. we will hear from jay carney at 1:00 eastern time. we are putting all of these events on the c-span networks. the house on c-span, the senate on c-span 2. the other events on c-span three or any time at or 119. radio, xm georgia, democrats line. >> i and a woman. johnld like to say, muddyingis continually up the waters. he is the speaker of the house. if he can put a piece by piece legislation on the floor, he can put a complete bill on the floor if he chooses to. he is in charge of the house. he should do his job and stop
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listening to other people that are evil, that hate the president because he is black. he is a black man, god chose him, we elected him. get over it. this is the second election, he won both times. they tried to block it. didid not do any good, god not need for a to be blocked. this was meant to happen. john boehner needs to get over it. eric cantor needs to get over it. they need to shut up and do the right thing for the american people. >> i will stop you there. the house is back. new mdc -- noon in d.c. the speaker: the house will be in order. the prayer will be offered by our guest chaplain, reverend
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barry black, chaplain, washington, d.c. the chaplain: let us pray. eternal god, today give our lawmakers the wisdom to do what of ight, led by you instead political expediency. forgive them for the blunders they have committed, infusing them with the courage to admit and correct mistakes. lord, illuminate their minds so that they will find a solution to the current impasse, embracing your purposes and doing your will. ontinue to sustain our law enforcement agents and first responders, inspiring us to
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emulate their patriotism and self-sacrifice. going beyond applause to ensuring they receive fair and timely compensation. bless this land we love so much and save us from self-inflicted wounds. we pray in your powerful name, amen. the speaker: the chair has examined the journal of the last day's proceedings and announces to the house his aplufle -- approval thereof. pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1 the journal stands approve. for what purpose does the gentleman rise? >> mr. speaker, mr. speaker, pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1, i demand a vote on agreeing to the speaker's approval of the
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journal. the speaker: the question is on agreeing to the speaker's approval of the journal. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair the ayes have it. the gentleman from illinois. >> mr. speaker, i object to the vote on the grounds that a quorum is not present and make the point of order that a quorum is not present. the speaker pro tempore: pusuant to to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question are postpone. further proceedings -- the pledge of allegiance today will be led by the gentleman from texas, mr. williams. mr. williams: i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the speaker: the chair will entertain up to 15 requests for one-minute speeches on each side of the aisle. for what purpose does the gentleman from ohio rise? without objection. >> mr. speaker, as you and i have discussed tuesday morning,
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8,700 at wright-patterson air force base were unnecessarily furloughed. i have voted every single time to fully fund the government and opposed this shutdown this shutdown is just as harm to feel our military readiness as sequestration is. which i also opposed because it undermines our national security. mr. speaker, as you know, the pay our military act was passed by this congress and signed by the president to ensure our nation's uniformed service members and the civilian employees that support them would be paid in the event of a shutdown. mr. turner: the administration has chosen to ignore this law and force our civilian employees to sit at home and go without pay. i have written to sec retear hagel and president obama demanding clarification as to why they have chosen not to follow the law and have furloughed these hardworking people. the armed services committee is holding a hearing to get to the
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bottom of the clear defiance of the law by the administration. it is pastime that we get all men and women back to work and those who work to support our military. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized. mr. green: i rise to recognize the tens of thousands of men and women who work in our fastest growing manufacturing reasons in america, houston and harris county texas. today is national manufacturing day. in our district which covers the port of houston and houston ship channel thfer over 125 chemical manufacturers, refiners and facilities employing over 33,000 people. houston is the energy capital of they have world, benefited from this energy renaissance taking place on the gulf coast. houston has been the national lead for the job creation in recent years and america's number one export regular john
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by the department of commerce in july of this year sending over $110 billion in manufactured exports overseas. i proudly stand with america's manufacturing sector, the backbone of our nation's economy and our middle class, and i look forward to this chamber taking up legislation this congress to provide the support and statutory clarity our manufacturers need to continue being the lead for the innovation and exports. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from illinois seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized. >> i rise to talk about the contributions of manufacturing in our country. it accounts for 93% of exports from my home state of illinois. on its own, american manufacturing would be the 109 largest economy in the world. mr. hultgren: there are nearly 25,000 employees work in the
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14th district. these men and women produce items we use every day, plastics and furniture and food products. other companies relie on them for commercial printing and creating instruments vital to industry. colleges in my district recognize the promise of advanced manufacturing and started programs to train the next generation. while our economy struggles to jump start on this national manufacturing day, let's recommit to protect this crucial sector of our economy. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from connecticut seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman from connecticut is ecognized. >> this morning a list of 21 house republican members was published who said they would vote far clean c.r. and end this idiotic shutdown that's keeping 800,000 federal employees from doing their job. unfortunately a few minutes ago the official speaker announced he will not listen to the will
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of this house and instead we're going to do salami slice spending bills and we're going on recess tomorrow through monday night. mr. courtney: monday morning in stratford, connecticut, thousands of defense workers will not be able to go to work because the contract compliance officers who haven't been on the job for elast week can't certify the helicopter parts and engines that allow them to do their work. those layoffs are on this speaker's head. those layoffs are on the majority party's head. allow the majority of this house to have a vote. there are 2 1 of your colleagues prepared to do it today and the president would sign it tonight. those workers could go to work on monday and protect the war fighters of this country. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? without objection, the gentleman from texas is recognized. >> they have threat -- the president threatens to see toe
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every bill we pass. yesterday we passed the honoring our promise to american veteran act to fund critical veteran programs of the v.a. and ensure proper funding for the national guard and reservists. defying commonsense, most of my colleagues voted against the w.e.c. program. harry reid of the senate has stepped forward and refused to provide funding for sick chern and it would be enexcusable for them not to take up this legislation as well. there's still no sign of willingness to sit down with house republicans to fwoshte. president obama has canceled a trip to asia but i have my doubts that we he will actually use his time to again the important conversations that must happen to end this government shutdown. i urge my democratic colleagues in the house and harry reid's senate to do what's right for the american people and pass these important funding bills
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immediately. america needs to be america again. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from massachusetts seek recognition? without objection, the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. >> thank you, mr. speaker. in the early hours of the morning tuesday morning, late monday night, i along with a number of my colleagues walked -- left our offices to walk to the floor to vote after the government shutdown. we passed a cleaning crew that was down to half-staff, with only half the crew here to clean the offices. we are not what makes this house run, yet we're sending home those who do. they have mouths to feed, children to clothe. but because some of my colleagues have decided it's better to shut down the government than provide millions of americans access to safe and affordable health care. the health care model is
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modeled on the reform we have conducted in massachusetts. let's look at with that massachusetts health care reform stands. we have 100% of all kids covered. we've got 9 % of all adults covered. we've made certain that no person is now one bad accident or one bad gene away from bankruptcy. egarding cost containment, our creases are 1.% this year, overall they are stable. we need to get this bill done and i ask for your help. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized. >> what the "american idol" people want is the opposite of what this body has been delivering, americans tnt want the shutdown, but here we are. they didn't want to lose their health care plans but they have. a very large number will in the future. they wanted lower health care
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costs but insurance rates continue to escalate. the children's health insurance program which provides good uality lork cost, market-based insurance, my constituents children their kicked off of this plan but they will be. we should have changed this bill. our bill remanes chained up in the senate leader's office. my constituents know it's not my party in the white house or in control of the senate but they expect me to be their voice in washington, to solve problems, fecks government and put forward solutions. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized. >> thank you, mr. speaker. every day our federal government is closed, our economy gets weaker and
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necessary services the american people depend on are not available to them. but what do we get? rather than taking up the senate-passed continuing resolution, we get a series of bills to -- for p.r. value, that are reportedly intended to reopen goth but nobody is fooled. we know that there's no real intent on the part of the other side to reopen government because you don't want to give up your leverage to try to defeat or real re-peel or defund the affordable care act. you lost in the house of representatives. you lost in the senate. you lost the campaign for the white house on this question. you lost in the supreme court. if this were baseball, you'd hit for the seekle, you lost all four. we know if these bills continue to come to us, one or two a day, that you will have government, you'll have the federal government reopen sometime next spring. let's do it the this afternoon
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when we come to this floor, you will have a chance to vote on a clean c.r. if you bring it. let's reopen government today and stop this charade. thank you, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? does the gentleman seek unanimous consent? the gentleman is recognized for -- for one minute. >> mr. president, as the oldest member in the history of this body, i rise with more concern today for our country than ever before. mr. speaker, i was a member when we had the last shutdown. it spawned a balanced budget. today unfortunately we are a president and a senate who is so far unwilling to negotiaten a budget that will accomplish these same goals. mr. hall: we need to rein in federal government, cut wasteful spend, fix the tax code, protect and strengthen medicare and the national defense, blabs the budget, address the harmful obamacare and my people tell me to continue to object to obamacare
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and don't let up. the president needs to give the american people the same privileges he's given to the big business and small business, a one-year delay in the mandate on obamacare. the senate rejected all four negotiation attempts proposed by the house. the result of their refusal, a shutdown of the government. they work this president, shut this government down. mr. speaker, i urge the president and senator reid to work with us on a responsible budget. we should all work toward the seam goal, protect the best possible opportunity, the greatest good for the greatest number, our children. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from illinois seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman from illinois is recognized. . >> thank you, mr. speaker. the insistence of some to accurate responsibility and shut this government down is disappointing. more importantly it is harmful to the american people. to american businesses, and if prolonged to the long-term
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prosperity of our country. because of this shutdown over 800,000 government workers are furloughed and don't know when they'll see their next paycheck. in my district is but one example, 2,500 people at naval station great lakes, the navy's only basic training facility, have been told not to come to work. hardworking people around the country have been locked out of their jobs because some people in congress see fit to hold ideology over good governance. i remind my colleagues we were sent to govern and act responsibly. we are not doing either. seniors and veterans in my district and across this country cannot afford for congress to continue this game. let's start putting this country on a long-term fiscally sustainable path forward and let's do it together. million schneider: i am and always will be committed to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to 2350eu7bd a solution -- to find a solution. let's end this shutdown today. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition?
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>> to rise and address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman from texas is recognized. >> thank you, mr. speaker. in 1836 a dictator showed up at the alamo in texas, and demanded a complete full surrender without negotiation. william travis was -- spoppeded with a cannon shot. there will be no surrender. now comes the president and senate majority leader demanding the house of representatives surrender. we will not surrender. we are fighting for the american people. tea partiers knew in the colonies that king george's dictatorial methods wouldn't be tolerated. we won't tolerate them here. like it or not, mr. president, and the senate majority leader, this house is part of this process. mr. weber: we understand we are fighting for the american people. we will not surrender. we are going to fight to make sure that we keep our liberty. americans expect nothing less and deserve nothing else. i'm randy weber and damn proud
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to be an american. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition? >> ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman from georgia is recognized. >> thank you, mr. speaker. mr. barrow: in 3450eu district thousands of government employees are being forced to work without pay. thousands more have been laid off because congress can't get its act together to do our most basic job, keep the government running. they are willing to do their jobs but can't because congress has failed to do its job. folks back home ask me, why do you get paid but we don't? we are told the constitution requires that members of congress get paid whether or not they do their job. i think that's wrong and i have introduced legislation to change it. while folks at home don't get paid, i don't think we should get paid. i'm not talking about asking the clerk to send out our checks after this is over. that's no sacrifice. that's why i'm donating my pay to the augusta warrior project for the duration of the shutdown. i'm giving it to the folks who can use it and call on my colleagues to do the same. it's about accountability, mr. speaker. if members of congress didn't get paid for not doing their
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job, maybe they would appreciate those who do their job a little more. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman from texas is recognized. >> mr. speaker, in the weeks leading up to the government shutdown, abc, nbc, and cbs tried to make sure that it would be the republicans who were responsible. mr. smith: a media research center analysis found from september 17 through september 30 the networks' event newscasts ran a total of 39 stories about a possible government shutdown. of these stories over half blamed republicans for the potential shutdown. not one news report placed the blame on the democrats. yet it is republicans who have passed such bills as keeping the national institute of health opened and making sure that veterans get their benefits. these bills are opposed by the president and the senate democrats. republicans want to reduce the pain of the shutdown for the american people. but they are blocked by those who want the entire government
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to remain shut down. americans deserve a national media that gives them the facts rather than one that is in the pocket of the democratic party. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from texas seek recognition? ms. jackson lee: i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentlelady from texas is recognized. ms. jackson lee: mr. speaker, just a few minutes ago i stood with hundreds of american workers who came to this place that they consider a place of responsibility and respect, holders of the constitution, to beg for their jobs. they represent a small segment of 800,000 federal employees. as i was standing there, a representative, miss mcneil, from afge indicated that this morning she had just received a call from an unemployed federal work and unemployed federal husband, wife and husband, they are in crisis.
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the woman is now being abused. and they had to escort her to a shelter. crisis, mr. speaker. it's not about surrendering. it's about caring about the american people. it's about caring about dianne, who was able to get health insurance after being diabetic and hearing bad things about obamacare, and it's about senator dole and john dingell, two world war ii veterans who have said, don't insult us with this piecemeal. i ask unanimous consent to put their statement in the record. a republican and the dean of the house want us to stop and put a clean c.r. for the american people and to end this crisis. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. without objection, the document is entered into the record. for what purpose does the gentleman from south carolina seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman from south carolina is recognized. mr. wilson: mr. speaker, yesterday a bipartisan group of
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the house passed two commonsense pieces of legislation. first, to provide resources for our nation's veterans, and second to ensure that our men and women in uniform serving in the national guard and reserve are able to be compensated for their efforts. we should all agree that legislation designed to protect our national security should be above partisan politics. unfortunately senate democrats have rejected the legislation. additionally, the president has already threatened to veto these bills. as a 31-year veteran of the national guard, i hope for the sake of our brave men and women in uniform, and military families, that obstructionism will cease. it is now up to washington democrats to put politics aside, do the right thing, and protect our national security by promoting these bills. in conclusion, god bless our troops and we will never forget september 11 and the global war on terrorism. congratulations to our chaplain today, senate chaplain barry black, for recently being
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awarded a doctorate from his alma mater, the university of south carolina. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? >> unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman from california is recognized. >> it is a dark day today in america and the lights of the greatest government of the greatest democracy in the world are out. the only person who can turn those lights back on, the only person who controls the switch, is speaker john boehner, not the tea party. turn that switch on, mr. speaker. turn it on for the federal worker at camp parks in dublin, california, who is seeking unemployment benefits and asking to extend the mortgage on his house. turn it on for the children who are awaiting clinical trials at the national institutes of health. turn it on for our veterans whose claims will be delayed. turn on the lights, mr. speaker, for the hungry women and children who will be affected by delayed w.i.c. funding. turn on the lights for our capitol hill police who stand guard at the people's house
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without pay. mr. speaker, you can turn back on the lights of the government that runs the greatest democracy in the world. just give us a vote. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from indiana seek recognition? >> unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: does the gentleman seek unanimous consent? the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. it's time to fund the government. so far house republicans have passed four bills to fully fund the government. since then, that wasn't enough for the senate and they shut the government down. on a bipartisan basis we have passed bills to ensure our national guard, our reservists, our paid, funding federal benefits, reopening national parks, reopening the national institutes of health, and allowing the district of columbia to expend their own local funds. mr. stutzman: all of these passed with bipartisan votes.
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a clean c.r. is not the answer. a clean c.r. funds the gold plated health care plan for members of congress. members of congress cannot be treated one way and the american people another way. we need fairness for every american and to stop the chaos of obamacare. it's time for harry reid and president obama to come to the table in good faith to work together with house republicans for the good of all americans. let's pass the bills that we have bipartisan support for today. thank you. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from california seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentlelady is recognized. ms. hahn: mr. speaker, here we are on day four of a government shutdown that should never have happened. i'm deeply disappointed that my republican colleagues have decided that their obsession with repealing the affordable care act is more important than the rest of the country. more important than 800,000 government workers going without a paycheck.
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more important than children and families of less means going without the nutritional support they rely on. more important than providing cancer victims and survivors with the reassurance that this government is continuing with critical research to find a cure for cancer. why are they letting the shutdown drag on when it could be over today? how much longer do the american people have to suffer? i urge my colleagues to turn this ship around right now and give us a bill that will fund all of the government without any strings attached, that restores critical services to our seniors, to our veterans, and to our families. enough already. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition? without objection, the gentleman from georgia is recognized. or one minute.
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>> mr. speaker, the fact is that i and most of the members of this house have voted now for five different measures that would have paid our nation's civilian defense work force and all of our gartsmen and reservists. the first of those bills passed this house with overwhelming bipartisan support in july, mr. speaker. july. unfortunately the senate and the president have refused to pass four of the five measures. and the pay our military act, the president unilaterally deemed many of the civilian work force and national guard nonessential. mr. scott: to our national defense. i'm sorry, mr. speaker, but what the president is doing is wrong. the civilian workers that design, build, and maintain our planes, our ships, and support our war fighters and everything that they do are essential and should not be furloughed simply because the president shoozes to do so. every member of our national guard and service should be paid while we wait on harry reid and the president to agree to
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negotiate. that's why i introduce our pay our guardsmen and civilian personnel act. our national security depends on these men and women and they should be paid while we are waiting on the president and senator reid simply to do their job and agree to negotiate with us. i urge my colleagues to support this measure. thank you, mr. speaker. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from arizona seek recognition? >> request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentlelady from arizona is recognized. mrs. kirkpatrick: mr. speaker, the good people in my arizona district are disgusted with this congress. they see washington treating this shutdown as a political game. news reports now confirm that there are enough votes in the house, democrats and republicans, to pass a clean funding bill and reopen the government right now. yet the house g.o.p. keeps bringing up piecemeal bills that are going nowhere. designed to create campaign attack fodder. this week the house majority
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cynically used piecemeal votes on veterans and national parks. my district has the grand canyon, and many national parks, and as a member of the veterans' affairs committee, i'm disgusted with these dead end piecemeal games. and you know who else is disgusted? veterans. yesterday, the commander in chief of the v.f.w. said, and i quote, we expect more from our elected leadership and not a piecemeal approach that would use the military or disabled veterans as leverage in a political game. mr. speaker, we must stop the piecemeal games and restart our government now. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from kansas seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman from kansas is recognized. >> thank you, mr. speaker. it's no secret that there's plenty to disagree about in washington, d.c. mr. pompeo: the house majority continues to believe that funding special treatment for members of congress and the affordable care act is wrong. the house yorte continues to
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believe that the american people need a reprieve from the new government insurance mandate for one year, the same that has been given to businesses, unions, congress, and other groups. we should be treated equally and fairly under the law and congress should have to follow the same laws it dictates to the rest of america. but as we continue to negotiate over this divide, let's start funding the things we agree on. let's fund veterans programs. let's fund the n.i.h. clinical trials. let's fund head start w.i.c. programs. open up the world war ii memorial. surely even in the divided times we live in we can setaside our differences and start reopening the doors of government. this shutdown is wrong and the american people are hurting. let's please start working together, getting past our differences, finding points of agreement, and he let's forge ahead together united as americans. . the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one
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minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. >> mr. speaker, i rise today to correct the record regarding health benefits for members of congress and their staff. recently, many on the other side have been falsely claiming that congress is trying to exempt itself from the affordable care act in an effort to distract the public from their failure to do their job and keep our government open. the fact is that members of congress and their staff are the only people who are required by law to give up current employer-provided health care and go into the exchanges. mr. pascrell: i support this because i know the exchanges will provide all americans, including congress and its staff, quality, affordable health insurance, the exemption my friends want to get rid of is ending congress' employer contribution, which all federal employees currently receive. mr. chairman, my republican colleagues probably have, like
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many of us do, young staffers working in their offices that make around $25,000. we're going to ask these devoted civil servants to pay $5,000 and $12,000 more per year for health insurance than they currently pay just to score a cheap political point? ask the speaker he supports maintaining this contribution. case closed. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman from michigan is recognized. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today in support of manufacturing day. america is an exceptional nation. other the last two and a quarter centuries our country has been an example of freedom. our freedoms' -- our founders' belief in the free enterprise system has helped ignite a change in manufacturing that changed the world. as we all know, arbitrary
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regulations and excessive taxation unfairly punishes hardworking americans and impedes our industrial capability this hurt ours national strength and is simply the masses especially in the aftermath of a recession whose effects still linger. mr. bent voleyow: every day i i r. bentivolio: every day want rom constituents who the government to invest to grow our economy. as i say, investment always goes where it's welcome. our focus should be to regrow the economy if we want businesses, especially manufacturing businesses, grow and create jobs, fixing depreciation rules by moving closer to full expensing would be a great start. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from california seek
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recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentlelady from california is recognized. >> mr. speaker, i remain appalled by the gimmick that the house continues today. the majority claims that the bills before us will fund w.i.c. and fema programs but let's be clear. the only way these programs will be funded is by ending this irresponsible and reckless government shutdown. i have no doubt that my colleagues on both sides of the aisle want fema to function and w.i.c. recipients to continue to receive life-sustaining nutritional benefits. ms. brownlee: but to put bill -- -- ms. brown lee: but to put -- ms. brownley: but to put bills on the floor when they do not is shameful. we should not be using fema and
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critical safety net programs as political footballs. mr. speaker, if we truly want to end this shutdown and help american families, we must allow a vote on the floor to end this government shutdown. let us do what e-- what we all know is right. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from nebraska seek reck nix? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house and rest rest -- and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman from nebraska is recognized. >> thank you, mr. speaker. we can continue to march ourselves town here and throw barbs and insults at one another while watching our meager approval rating fall from 0% to perhaps 5%. we can continue to do that. our maybe we can reframe this whole discussion and agree to something that we should keep working steadily to get this government back running while also working on the right type of policy reform, tax reform
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and spending reform that could restore america's greatness. mr. fortenberry: in the midst of this difficulty and seemingly with no way out, this could be a historic moment. but it will take the house of representatives and the president of the united states and the united states senate talking to one another that conversation must begin now. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey sec recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. >> mr. speaker, our democracy is supposed to be the example for the world but the example we have set with this republican government shutdown is beyond shameful. some of my republican colleagues are celebrating this
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shutdown saying, quote, this is exactly what they wanted. who are they listening to? it certainly isn't the american people. i feel the survivors of hurricane sandy who have lost everything will be left without the relief they need. mr. payne: that the 31,000 federal workers in new jersey on furlough will wonder how they'll make ends meet. i worry about the veterans who have fought for this country but have come home to broken promises and the more than nine million women, infants and children who will be cut from w.i.c., the nutritional assistance they need to survive. we cannot choose winners and losers in this fight so i urge my republican colleagues to act responsibly. bring a clean c.r. to the floor and let's start working for the american people again because they shouldn't have to suffer for the republicans' inability to govern any longer. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one
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minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection the gentleman is recognized. >> mr. speaker, i rise to speak out against this unnecessary, republican-led government shutdown. republicans should work with democrats to keep our government open. republicans have cut off basic government services relied upon by millions of americans including millions of americans who call themselves republican. this effort to shut down our government is costing hardworking taxpayers millions of dollars. 800,000 federal employees around the country did not go to work this week and won't return to work until republicans thend senseless shutdown. enstead of working across the aisle, republicans would rather score political points with the tea party. they'd rather take our government hostage over an issue that's been voted on in march of 2010 and upheld by the supreme court in june of 2012 and held to a public referendum by the re-election of president obama in november of 012. mr. veasey: the affordable
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health care act is law. it's going through checks and balances of our government and should not be an issue when it comes to funding our government. i ask my republican colleagues to let us return to reason. let's keep our government running, let's do the right thing. stop these games, stop the obstruction, and let's get back to work on real issues. i yield back my time. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition? without objection, the gentleman from florida is ecognized. >> mr. speaker this week a republican colleague spoke of the need to shut down the government he said, we just want to help america get past one of the most insidious laws ever created by man. he's referring to the affordable care act but his words sounded eerily familiar to statements from this body's past. a congressman once said never in the history of the world has any measure been brought here
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so insidiously designed as to prevent business recovery and enslave workers. another one said, we cannot stand idly by now as the nation embarks on an ill-conceived adventure in government medicine for which the patient will be the ultimate sufferer. mr. deutch: these quotes are not about the affordable care act, these are from congressman taker opposing social security and from congressman hall in 1965 opposing medicare. what if opponents of social security and medicare shut down the entire government because they didn't get their way? what if the majority gave in to the demands of those on the wrong side of history? this country would be very different today. this reckless shutdown will not be forgotten and the american people will remember who caused it. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman rise? >> by direction of the committee on rules i call up
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house resolution 371 and ask for its immediate consideration. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the resolution. the clerk: house calendar number 65. house resolution 371. resolved, that upon adoption of this resolution it shall be in order to consider in the house any joint resolution specified in jackson 2 of this resolution. all points of order against consideration of each such joint resolution are waived. each such joint resolution shall be considered as read. each poferte of order against such resolutions are waived. the previous question is ordered on each such resolution and on any amendment thereto on final passage without intervening motion except, one, 40 minutes of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on appropriations and two, one megs to recommit. section two, the joint resolutions referred in the first section of this
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resolution are as followed. a, the joint resolution house joint resolution 75, making continuing appropriations for the special supplemental snuetrigs tram for women, innants -- enfants and chern for fiscal year 2014 and for other purposes. bmbing, the joint resolution, house joint resolution 76, making continuing appropriations for the national nuclear security administration for fiscal year 2014 and for other purposes. c, the joint resolution house joint resolution 77, making continuing appropriations for the food and drug administration for fiscal year 2014 and for other purposes. d, the joint resolution house joint resolution 7 making continuing appropriations for national intelligence program operations for fiscal year 2014 and for other purposes. e, the joint resolution house joint resolution 79 making continuing appropriations for certain components of the
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department of homeland security for fiscal year 2014 and for other purposes. f, the joint resolution, house joint resolution 80, making continuing appropriations for the bureau of indiana affairs, the bureau of indian education, and the indian health service for fes call year 2014 and for other purposes. g, the joint resolution, house joint resolution 82, making continuing appropriations for the national weather service for fiscal year 2014 and for other purposes. h, the joint resolution house joint resolution 83, making continuing appropriations for the impact aid program of the department of education for fiscal year 2014 and for other purposes. i, the joint resolution, house joint resolution 84, making continuing appropriations for head start for fiscal year 2014 and for other purposes. j, the joint resolution, house joint resolution 85.
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making continuing appropriations for the federal emergency management agency for fiscal year 2014 and for other purposes. section three, upon adoption of this resolution it shall be in order to consider in the house the bill h.r. 3223 to provide for the compensation of furloughed federal employees. all points of order against consideration of the bill are waived. the bill shall be considered as read. all points of order against provisions in the bill are waive. the previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill and on any amendment thereto to final passage without intervening motion except one, 40 minutes of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on oversight and government reform, and two, one motion to recommit. section four, the requirement of clause 6a of rule 13 for a 2/3 vote to consider a report from the committee on rules on the same date it is presented
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to the house is waived with respect to any resolution reported through the legislative day of october 21, 2013. section 5, it shall be in order at any time through the calendar diof october 20, 2013, for the speaker to interteen motions that the house suspend the rules as though under clause 1 of rule 15. the speaker or his designee shall consult with the minority leader or her designee on the matter for consideration pursuant to this section. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oklahoma is recognized for one hour. >> mr. speaker, for the purposes of debate only, i yield the customary 30 minutes to my good friend ms. i ghter, pending which yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. >> during consideration of this resolution all time yielded is for purposes of debate only.
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i ask unanimous consent that all members have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. cole: pl cole: the rule is a closed rule which provides for 40 minutes of debate between the chairman and ranking member of the committee on appropriations for each joint resolution. additionally, the rule provides 40 minutes of debate between the chairman and ranking member of the committee on oversight and government reform for h.r. 3223, the federal employee retroactive pay fairness act. the rule also provides a motion to recommit for each bill or joint resolution. additionally, the rule extends same day authority for resolutions reported by the rules committee through the legislative day of october 21, 2013, thus continuing to allow the house the flexibility to continue to address the government shutdown.
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finally, the rule permits the speaker to entertain motions to suspend the rules until october 20. here we are again, mr. speaker. day four of a government shutdown. unfortunately, for the american people, not much has changed. the senate is still recalcitrant, unwilling to consider legislation that would reopen parts of the government. i do want to add an exception and add -- thank our friends in the upper chamber for actually agreeing with us to exempt our military from these cuts, both civilian and uniform. the senate also, however, is still unwilling to go to conference to discuss the very serious fiscal issues facing this country. the senate's unwilling to consider any of the five pieces of legislation the house passed in the last two days which will reopen parts of our government. even so, house republicans continue to bring legislation to the floor to meet the needs of american citizens. today's rule will allow for
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consideration of resolutions that reopen the bureau of indian education, the bureau of indian affairs, the indian health service, w.i.c. program, the national weather center, fema, our intelligence agencies, impact aid, head start, and the list goes on and on. in addition, mr. speaker, this rule makes clear our commitment to the 800,000 federal workers currently furloughs that they will be paid. it's not their fault that washington is dysfunctional, that congress can't agree on the size and scope of government. if they are caught in the crossfire, wondering if they'll be able to afford their mortgages and pay their utilityity bills. -- utility bills. mr. speaker, that simply didn't fair. h.r. 3223 which i'm a proud co-sponsor, would codify what we have done in every previous government shutdown, pay our federal employees from the date of the government shutdown on. i particularly want to compliment in a bipartisan fashion our friends, mr. moran,
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mr. wolf, who worked together on this measure, brought it forward, and gathered many dozens of co-sponsors from both sides of the aisle. quite frankly i think their example of bipartisanship and working together is something we could all learn from. mr. speaker, democrats and republicans alike agree that that's the responsible thing to do. house republicans are working to deal with the real world problems of our constituents. republicans are working to reopen the government. however we lack a willing partner in the senate and in the president. every time we have attempted to negotiate with them, they have told us to accept their plan. they have even rebuffed our attempts to go to conference. therefore house republicans have been left with little choice except passing a number of smaller bills to see if the senate would be willing to accept those. again i remark on one occasion with respect to the military they did accept one. i would urge them to do that with the others. i urge support for the rule and
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the underlying legislation and i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time is reserved. the gentlelady from new york. ms. slaughter: thank you, mr. speaker. i thank my good friend for yielding me the time. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. ms. slaughter: thank you very much. mr. speaker, unless the silent members of the majority speak up, today's debate is a fait accompli. for the last two days, members of the majority have said publicly if they wish to government shutdown would end, in fact a coalition of more than 218 democrats and republicans have publicly declared that they are ready to vote on the clean c.r. and 218 would be the majority and we would pass it. and that's why the powerful minority has taken the government hostage is doing all it can today to he prevent the senate c.r. from coming to the house floor. it doesn't make any sense. last night actually -- we could do that, we wouldn't have to be
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here today trying to do these piecemeal pieces. last night the rules committee proposed a rule for these 11 piecemeal funding bills before us today. they didn't go through a single meeting -- committee. at least in the committee process, subcommittees, and committee would have given both republicans and democrats an opportunity to weigh in on these measures. and remember that half the population of the united states is represented by democrats, and in the last election democrats -- candidates for congress achieved a million more votes than our republican friends. but we are shut out of the process. ndeed these bills were written -yesterday afternoon, brought straight to the rules committee, as so many are lately, to be rushed to the floor. during our hearing, a colleague promised that the reckless approach would continue. even suggesting that we could see 150 more of these piecemeal bills before the majority agrees
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to end the government shutdown. that could take us to sometime -- october of next year. while they fail to take 150 votes on bills, the president would veto, and everybody knows the president would veto it, and the senate will reject it, they haven't allowed a single vote on the cure to the problem. bring up the c.r., put the government back to work. fortunately for the american people, no minority, no matter how powerful, can stop the will of the house if we exercise it. unlike the senate, a majority in the house can only be held back for so long. thanks to the democrat spirit, a majority will always succeed. for the more than 218 members, a majority, who have expressed a desire to vote on the clean c.r., our most powerful tool is voting down the previous question and bringing the clean senate c.r. to the floor to vote
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on. earlier this week my democrat colleagues and i urged the chamber to vote no on the previous question so that we could bring the senate bill to the floor. not a single republican joined our cause. today we are going to give you another chance. following the debate on the rule , we will have a chance to vote down the previous question. while that may simply be legislative language to most people, what that will do is give us an opportunity, those of us who very strongly believe this government should work, an opportunity to bring the c.r., bring the shutdown to a close, and put everybody back to work. i want to see by the end of this day we can accomplish that because words are no longer enough. those members of the majority who claim that they want to end the government shutdown get the opportunity today to stand up and vote. as i said the other day when we
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had the same opportunity, i would like them to put their voting cards where their mouths are. over the next hour, i encourage every member of this chamber to reflect on the damage that has already been wrought on our nation because of the shutdown, and the damage that will ensue if we wait another day. the shutdown is costing the nation $300 million a day. and more than 800,000 workers are furloughed without pay. today we are going to vote, and i think almost unanimously, to pay them when the shutdown ends. a logical person would say, why don't you bring them back to work if they are going to be paid anyway, let them work. there's no answer for that. there must be some reason here that is available to only a few people as to why the majority wants to keep this country -- the government shut down. we have to also end this because our state department and
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intelligence employees need to come back on the job. a hurricane is barreling down right now on the state of louisiana. 80% of the fema workers are furloughed. nasa had to turn off the mars rover which was giving us so much information about the universe. stopping all the space exploration in its tracks. one of the best things i have read to describe what we are doing in this house was said by a republican. because there is no plan here, there is no end game here, they say that what they are doing is laying the track ahead of a speeding train as it bears down on them. the majority started to shut down because they were dead set on repealing the affordable care act, and i think by doing this piecemeal they think they can still do that. although the process that they have issued, dire predictions about the health care law and warn that the law will hurt american workers is absolutely
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turning out not to be true. in the last week two of our nation's biggest companies have responded to the affordable care act by giving tens of thousands of their part-time employees full-time jobs. guess who they are? one is the largest employer in the united states, wal-mart. they are raising 35,000 of their part-time employees to become full-time employees to make them eligible for health insurance. walt disney announced that 427 employees at disney world will be hired -- who have been hired as full-time employees will be given access to the health insurance plan. and we hear all the time that delta airlines, i have got to research this, delta airlines has said, at the they will me, that the affordable care plan would cost them $100 million a year. i surely would like to know how that's possible unless they plan to hire 70 million new employees. which would certainly be good for the employment, but i see no
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earthly reason for them do that. we need to know whether that's true or not since all the rest of dire predictions have turned out not to be. the affordable care act is working. because of the majority, the government is not, and it's time for the majority to give up its losing game. i strongly urge my colleagues to vote no on the rule, the underlying legislation, and so importantly i vote -- urge a no vote on the previous question and then, mr. speaker, we can bring the clean senate c.r. to the house floor as we should have done weeks ago and end this government shutdown today. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time is reserved. the gentleman from oklahoma. mr. cole: i thank you, mr. speaker. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. cole: thank you, mr. speaker. i want to address a couple of points that my good friend raises. before i do, i want to agree with her that i think we all think the government ought to be opened. i don't think there's much division about that.
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and folks have actually tried to do that. on our side of the aisle every single piece of legislation we brought to the floor during this period has either kept the government open in whole or part. i suspect we'll continue to try to do that. it's not the aim of either side here to shut down the government. in terms of the affordable health care act, i certainly don't support it, voted against it, volted multiple times to repeal it and delay it, but i'll agree with my good friend on that, too, in the sense that there are times when we have actually worked together on both sides of the aisle to change it. my friends like to quite often mention there's been 41 or 42 efforts to, quote, repeal, delay -- but they usually forget to add, what frankly some people on our side -- seven of those have succeeded. that is a democratic senate, democratic president agreed with it. and the proposals that we have on the table now in terms of the affordable health care act are
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imminently sensible and overwhelmingly popular. the first one is quite simply, we don't think that political appointees and elected officials ought to be treated differently than other americans. now, we can get into a big fight about health care, but the reality is right now under the law members of congress and their staff can bring subsidies with them on the exchange. no other american can do that. now, we can do this either way as far as i'm concerned. i could lead them back as federal employees, and they could be treated like other employees. that's acceptable. or we could allow other americans to bring subsidies on to the exchange just like members of congress. but the underlying principle is we ought to treat them the same. washington politicalese shouldn't be treated differently than the average american. the second is very simple. we are not talking about delaying all of obamacare, but if we are going to allow big businesses to wait a year before they implement what they are required to do, if we are going
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to allow 1,100 organization, many labor unions to do it, why shouldn't we allow the average american at their choice to delay as well? they don't want to delay, they can go on to the exchanges, the subsidies are still there, the tax programs are still there, why shouldn't the average american have the same privilege that we have bestowed on big business, big labor, and countless other organizations? that's what we are talking about. now, my friends -- friend's points here, i suspect this is true of the debt ceiling a little further down the road, the democratic approach is simple, do everything i want and then i'm willing to negotiate. . we would like to sit down and talk now and see if we can find common ground. we got negotiators, conferees is the technical title, to sit down and see if we can find common ground. we're not asking for anything unreasonable. we're not proposing anything outside the scope of things
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we've agreed on before. the president is taking the same approach the senate has taken with regard to the continuing resolution with the debt ceiling. he's just simply said we have to raise it unilaterally. that's not a particularly popular vote on either side of the aisle, certainly not on my side of the aisle, but i'm willing to work with the president on the debt ceiling. i did it in 2011. and i note that that's something he never did when he was a member of the senate he didn't vote to raise the debt ceiling when he had the opportunity to do it. instead he engaged in a lecture about debt. regardless, he didn't do for george bush what he's asking us to to for him. i'm willing to do that for him. if you vote for the rein budget you envision the debt ceiling having to be raised.
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but you have to be in a discussion. i think the central issue in this is not the affordable health care act, not the debt ceiling and not the government shutdown as serious as that is. the real issue is, will my friends and the president of the united states simply come to the table to negotiate. will they put a counterproposal out there? or sit simply going to be we encyst getting our way, in fall -- in full, all the time. don't think that's an acceptable way to arrive at common ground and i don't think it's likely to succeed. with that, mr. speaker, i will reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time is reserved. the gentlelady from new york. ms. slaughter: i'm pleased to yield four minutes to the gentleman from massachusetts, mr. mcgovern. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for four minutes. mr. mcgovern: thank you very much. i thank the distinguished ranking member for the time. mr. speaker, here we are on day four of the republican shutdown of the people's government. day four.
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the other day after meeting with the president at the white house, speaker boehner said, and i quote, at some component we've got to allow the process our founders gave us to work out. end quote. mr. speaker, i've studied american history too. what the republican leadership is doing with this rule is a million miles away from what the founders had in mind. i'm trying to find it comforting that speaker boehner has said privately that he wants to extend the debt ceil bug he also said he didn't went to shut down the government and yet here we are. i don't know what senator cruz is saying privately, which is important because he's apparently calling all the shots around here. the rule before us today extends martial law rule until october 21. they have decided that they have the right to throw the rules and traditions of this house into the trash can for the next two and a half weeks. that's four dis after we default on our obligations. that should make all of us very, very, very nervous.
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the rule also makes in order 11 separate bills, many of which were never considered in committee or on the house floor. under a closed process with no amendments. i've been and around the rules committee for quite a few years, mr. speaker, but i have never, ever seen a rule leek this. i find it astounding that republicans have suddenly found religion on the need to go to conference on the budget because for months and months and months and months they have refused to appoint budget negotiators. but udenly, as the american people rise up in outrage over their tactics and their poll numbers fall off a cliff, my republican friends all of a sudden now want to negotiate. there's a very easy way to get past this. bring up the short-term, clean, continuing resolution that has already passed the senate, at republican sequester number, no less, bring it up, we'll pass it with a bipartisan vote and end this unnecessary, harmful,
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republican shutdown. it is simple. but -- and mr. speaker, not only is this process awful, so are many of the bills made in order under this rule. i want to talk about one in particular that has -- and that's the one that provides funding for w.i.v., the women, infant and children's nutrition program. after months, after months of trying to cut 40 billion -- trying to cut $40 billion from the snap program, after months of demonizing poor people, after months of trying to cut assistance across the board, republicans want us to believe they care about hungry america all of a sudden. give me a break, give me a break, mr. speaker. i say to my republican friends, where have you been? where su sr. you been on this issue? because of the sequester, we have seen w.i.c. clinics close and par tess penguins in the program fall. that means fewer and fewer low income women and children are getting help, the nutritious food they need this bill does not fix that.
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the national w.i.c. association urges the house to oppose h.j.res. 75, calling it, quote, a cynical ploy to use low-income, nutritionally at risk mothers of young children as political pawns for political ends, end quote. they are right, mr. speaker. this is a cynical, cynical ploy. enough is enough. i urge my colleagues to defeat this rule and pass the clean c.r. and let the american people get on with their lives. i would say to the speak over the house, all you need to do, all you need to do is schedule a vote you don't even have to vote for it. but if you schedule it it will pass in a bipartisan manner. and we can end this shutdown once and for all. please, mr. speaker, please, practice a little democracy in the people's house. please, mr. speaker, give us a vote. give us a vote. i yield back my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oklahoma. mr. cole: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield myself such time as i
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may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. cole: just a quick point, my friend is, as always, quite eloquent and i know frankly very passionate and very well meaning and very expert when he talks about nutrition programs, where he spent a great deal of time but for the record it's worth noting that we have increased knew tregs programs by roughly 400% since george bush became president. doubled them roughly when bush was president, doubled them again while president obama, since he's been in office. what the republican program is talking about is a 5% cut after a 400% increase, based on reforms. so i think it's maybe not quite so dire but again, i recognize my friend's good work in this area and hope we have an opportunity to get to conference, have that discussion, i suspect the bill when it comes back may be closer to his liking than the bill that went out. mr. mcgovern: will the
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gentleman yield? mr. cole: i yield to my friend. mr. mcgovern: my objection with the republican approach to the snap program is that 3.8 million people will lose their benefits, 170,000 veterans would lose their benefits and we have a problem with hung for the america, we have close to 50 million people who are hungry, 17 million are kids, we should be ashamed of that, we should be coming together to try to solve the problem, not making it worse. that's my issue. mr. cole: the rolls have been going up in a period we're supposed to be recovering. i think -- we have some genuine problems in this program in terms of reform. but again, that's the initial proposal. it's not out of bounds considering a 400% increase to have a 5% cutback. but we'll wait and see what comes out of conference committee. mr. mcgovern: will the gentleman yield? mr. cole: i will not with. that, i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from new york. ms. slaughter spm mr. speaker,
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i'm delighted to yield five minutes to the gentleman from maryland, the democratic whip, mr. hoyer. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. mr. hoyer: i thank the ranking member of the rule committees for yielding and thank ms. slaughter for the extraordinary leadership she's shown and the work she's been doning. . speaker, the people want their government open. a government of the people and for the people and by the people ought to be open. they want their dedicated federal employees who have been unfairly furloughed to go back to work. they want to end the shutdown that's having negative consequences for our economy and for our national security and for the confidence of americans that their government can work. the only way to do so is by passing a clean, get the government open, funding bill to keep the government open
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while we discuss, negotiate, put forward our positions, a longer term agreement on the budget. the senate's acted and acted responsibly by passing a bill that will keep the government operating. they passed that bill with a number that was suggested by the republican party, mr. speaker. now we have the opportunity to do the same thing right now and end this shutdown. get the people's government back to work. there are a growing number of republicans who say they would vote for a bill which is so-called clean. not with any of the poison pills that have been on it time after time after time. i tell them, this is your opportunity to back up your words with actions. don't just say, let's end the
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shutdown. vote with us, in just a few minutes, to end the shutdown. on wednesday, majority leader cantor to -- cantor said this, and i quote, we are trying to get this government open as quickly as possible. as quickly as possible is in about five or 10 or 15 or 20 minutes. that's as quickly as possible. i don't know that it's as quickly as probable because i'm not sure the majority leader means those words or that his party means those words but we'll have an opportunity to vote on it. i say to my friend from virginia, here is our chance to do so. to the gentleman from oklahoma, mr. lankford, mr. cole's colleague, who said about the shutdown he and his republican colleagues have imposed, quote, i'd like to end it this afternoon. i say, we can do it.
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he's right. and just a few minutes, mr. lankford will have the opportunity to vote that way. in just a few minutes. now it's either empty rhetoric or he means what he says. let's do it. let's open government. let's get the people's public servants back to work for them. right here, right now, we can end this shutdown today, this afternoon, in just a few minutes. we don't olleagues, differ, as i understand it, everybody on both sides of the aisle says they don't want to shut down government. mr. cole says that. ms. slaughter says that. i say that. we have the power. to just in a few minutes put people back to work for all of our constituents. urge my colleagues, vote no
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on this motion, the previous question, we call it, jor began for saying let's move on, and if we vote no on the previous question, we can put a bill on the floor which will put the government back to work this afternoon. mr. cole knows we can do that. i don't know that mr. cole will vote to do that, i think ms. slaughter will vote to do that. i will vote to do that. mr. andrews will vote to do that. others will vote to do that. and if they do, if they match their actions with their talk, then we can open this government in just a matter ofmens. and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oklahoma. mr. cole: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield three minutes to my good friend and fellow member of the rules committee, the
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gentleman from georgia, mr. woodall. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for three minutes. thank you, mr. speaker. i thank my friend from the rule committees for yielding me the time. mr. speaker, i listened with great interest to what my friend the minority whip just said. he said there are things we agree on, why can't we get those things done? i would say that every single member that the majority whip pointed out that said i know they're going to vote for that, i know they're going to vote for that, we have an opportunity today to reopen parts of the department of homeland security. i know we agree on that we have the opportunity under this rule to go ahead and fund the wmple i.c. program. we agree on that. i didn't come to that conclusion on my own, mr.
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speaker. i sit in the rules committee and i listened to my colleague. this happens to be the minority whip from a rules committee hearing he said this. he said the american people are obviously deeply distressed. they are distressed that when they see agreement, that that agreement is not made into law. we don't have an agreement on everything, but we do have an agreement. let's move forward on that which we agree. i agree. every single provision that we are bringing to the floor today, i say to -- i say, mr. speaker, is something on which we agree. the gentleman would be happy to know i'll yield. let us move forward with which we agree. there is not one provision in this rule on which we disagree and, mr. speaker, you will not hear anyone on this floor say otherwise. but it's not just the ort minority whip which i would very much like to yield to him
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if i have time remaining, it's the minority leader. same rules committee hearing. "here is a place where we are all in agreement. whatever else we have, we can continue that conversation later." "whatever else we have, we can continue that conversation later." let's do what we all agree on. mr. hoyer: if the gentleman will yield? mr. woodall: i agree with the minority whip. as i have said to my friend very respectively, if i have time remaining at the end, i'd be happy to yield. but at the time i do not. mr. hoyer: very respectfully, my friend. mr. woodall: and it's not my friend, the minority whip, it's not just the minority leader, it's president barack obama. i want the american people to earn -- urge congress soon, to begin the work we have by doing what we all agree on. "we already all agree on making sure middle-class taxes don't go up, so let's get that done."
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we did. we did. now, some republicans voted no and some democrats voted no, but the chame we are came together and we -- chamber came together and we got that done. we are in the same place today, mr. speaker. if one of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle disagrees with any one of these provisions, believes any one of these provisions is not worthy of their vote, if they do not affirmatively want to see these programs reopen, i'd like to hear that from my friends. but, mr. speaker, they do. i would ask my friend if i could have one more -- one additional minute? mr. cole: actually, i want to give my friend -- i yield as much time as you may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. woodall: i thank my friend from yielding. i'd like to yield my friend, the minority whip. mr. hoyer: i thank the gentleman for yielding. does the gentleman believe we should shut down the government? mr. woodall: reclaiming my time. i'd say to my friend, i spent the entire month of august at every town hall meeting i could
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find telling folks government shutdowns were not the plan for this nation. mr. hoyer: i thank the gentleman. continue to yield. then we not only agree on the small slices which the gentleman has spoken and which you are on the floor today but on the whole and we could put every employee back to work today because as you say we agree. mr. woodall: reclaiming my time . i say to the gentleman, no, we do not agree, because the gentleman wants to continue to support those programs that are putting workers in my district out of work. they want to continue to support those programs that are taking health insurance away from families in my district. they want to continue to support those programs that we know are broken. folks, my constituency wants to do away with pre-existing conditions. my constituency wants to ensure that every child has access to health coverage, but my constituency does not understand why we had to
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reregulate the entire health care industry, destroying the 40-hour workweek, as my union friends have said, destroying quality health care plans that folks in my district have had and have now lost, breaking the promise that the president made that if you like your health insurance you can keep it. there's not a man, woman in this room that believes that promise has been kept. we were dooped, mr. speaker, by that promise. -- we were duped, mr. speaker, by that promise. now we have straightforward narrow bills, not 2,400 pages of legislation, mr. speaker, but one idea at a time. stand up, mr. speaker. who doesn't believe that the department of homeland security, focused on our nation's security, should not be funded? you believe that you should be and you are going to vote no anyway. who does not believe that the health care program that helps children not only in my district but in every district, mr. speaker, that it should be funded?
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everyone believes it should be funded and yet they are going to stand up and vote no anyway, encouraged to vote no by leadership. it's disappointing to me, mr. speaker. i'm disappointed we can't agree everything, but i recognize we can't. i can agree that we can agree on most things. let's do those things on which we agree. don't take my word for it. take president obama's word for it. let's begin the work by doing what we all agree on. take nancy pelosi's word for it. "let's do what we all agree on. we can continue the rest of that conversation later. " let's do what my good friend, the minority whip, said "we don't have agreement on everything but we do have an agreement. let's move forward on that with which we agree." i could not agree more, mr. speaker. i urge a strong yes vote for this rule and a strong yes vote for every single underlying
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provision. i thank my friend on the rules committee for yielding to me, mr. speaker, and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from new york. ms. slaughter: mr. speaker, i yield myself 30 seconds. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. ms. slaughter: my colleagues have confused the fact that they go around saying throughout august and the rest of this time that they don't want to shut down the hope in the hope that when they shut down the house that they had actually done it. now, what my colleague is talking about from the democrat side, let's do what we agree with, they were taking your word you weren't going to shut down the house. superimpose that motion with dibs and drabs. the senate won't do it. you now this is an exercise of contilt. the previous question is coming up. you are going to have a chance to do what you said you didn't want to do, shut down the house, but i understand from what you said that because of
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health care, because of health care and what you think it has done to people in your district, you are holding this country hostage. mr. woodall: will the gentlelady yield? ms. slaughter: i don't have any time to yield. i yield back. i reserve. mr. woodall: parliamentary inquiry, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. woodall: could you tell me how much time is remaining for the gentlelady from new york? ms. slaughter: the gentlelady om new york has 13 minutes re-- the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from new york has 13 minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oklahoma. minutes i yield two to my friend from the great state of florida, mr. mica. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from florida is recognized for two minutes. mr. mica: we are here on friday, the government has been shut down for four days now. the republicans have tried to be reasonable. like f us did not
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obamacare. some folks like myself, my family didn't have health care at certain times, and i thought we had a responsibility to help people who had pre-existing conditions, help some of our young people. and we disagreed with the other side. they passed it. they said you'd know what was in the bill after we passed it. after we passed it, it became the law, we saw what was in it. the president some 17 times now, many times in countervenges to the law that was -- counter venges to the countervention to the law -- there was not money to run the government but there was money to run obamacare. still, many people were left in the lurch. after many exceptions were made for special interest folks, even business. i admit to be pro-business.
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they gave they a waiver. when we said members of congress, and also the white house staff and others should be under obamacare, when we said the individuals should also have a break here -- this is a system that the democrats -- some democrats said was a train wreck. we didn't say that. but we should have the opportunity to make some changes, and we offered three opportunities to make changes, some of them minor, that we thought were fair. but when you go out golfing on the saturday before the government's about to run out of money, when you don't show up for work on sunday and you come to work on monday, as the united states senate did, you can't negotiate. when you send people to the white house and sit there and say we won't negotiate -- can i have an additional minute? mr. cole: i yield my friend an additional minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one additional minute.
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mr. mica: i stood here in the well and urged the president. as a staffer i used to get calls -- i was a staffer for senator hawkins. ronald reagan asked me to have them get things done. i voted on this floor to impeach bill clinton. and bill clinton came back and worked with us, and we balanced the budget. remember, after we had the last shutdown -- 1995 -- within two years we balanced the budget. we reformed welfare. we balanced the budget. actually, the debate here on september 11, just before september 11, what to do with the surplus, so some good can come out of this. good people working together. but when they won't negotiate, when they call you to the white house and won't talk, when he goes to maryland as he did or wherever he was in the region and tells folks that we are
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holding a gun to their heads, that's wrong. let's negotiate. let's get this done for the american people. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from new york. ms. slaughter: mr. speaker, i'm feeling quite badly. i didn't know how much time i had. i'd yield time to mr. mica if he'd like. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from has 13 minutes. ms. slaughter: i'd like to yield him a minute if he'd like. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. ms. slaughter: i yield two minutes to the gentleman from illinois, a member of the and nment -- oversight government reform committee. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from illinois is recognized. mr. davis: i oppose the rule and i oppose the bill and i don't oppose it because my district does not need the assistance. i represent one of the most impoverished and disadvantaged districts in america. we have great need. fortunately, many of my constituents know the difference between genuinely
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trying to help them, or as the guys in the barbershop might say, gaming them. others may say fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me. or they could say that this piecemeal approach is not going to cut it. poverty in my state of illinois is at nearly 15%, and in my district, child poverty is 40%. women 28%. african-americans 38%. 23% of asian americans and 24% of latinos in my district live in poverty. overall, 196,478 people in my district live in poverty. so you can see we need the assistance, but we also need affordable health care. we need liheap. we need mortgage assistance.
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we need to get homeless people off the streets during chicago's cold winter. therefore, i cannot support this piecemeal approach. what we need is a clean c.r. so that our employees can return to work and our people can receive the services and benefits that they so greatly need and rightly deserve. we need a clean c.r. i thank the gentlewoman from new york for yielding, and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oklahoma. mr. cole: mr. speaker, i yield two minutes to the distinguished chairman of the appropriations committee, my good friend, the honorable hal rogers. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky is recognized for two minutes. mr. rogers: i thank the gentleman for yielding. might i engage in a colloquy with the gentleman? what is the normal procedure, the time-honored procedure in the congress when the two bodies disagree, what do we --
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how do we work that out, mr. chairman? mr. cole: we schedule a conference and try to negotiate our differences. mr. rogers: it's the way we should operate. that's regular order. now, the senate has passed a bill, the house has passed a bill, which disagree with each other. the house two or three nights ago now passed their motion to go to conference and it passed the house. the speaker of the house then appointed conferees from the house side and sent that to the senate waiting for the senate to appoint conferees so we can meet together, work out our differences and bring that agreement back to each body, the house and the senate. why aren't we proceeding in regular order in this case? do you have an answer? mr. cole: no. no, mr. chairman, i don't.
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i would just highly recommend to my friends we do since it would be a good way to resolve our differences. mr. rogers: that's the way we've done it for 200 years or so, and that is to when we disagree with the other body we each appoint our conferees, the conferees go off and hagel and amend and change and argue and debate until there's some agreement that can be brought back to each chamber which then can reject or accept that conference report. the house has acted, we're waiting on the senate to acomponent conferees so we can go and work, 24 hours a day if necessary, to come to an agreement. which we can do. i would urge the other body to honor the edge old tradition in the congress, when you disagree with the other body, appoint conferees to work out the differences and bring it back to each body. i would hope that the senate would to that i yield. the speaker pro tempore: the
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gentlelady from new york. ms. slaughter: i just want the time to say regular order has not been the order of business in this house for a long time. i am pleased to yield two minutes to the gentleman from california, propings subcommittee on agriculture ranking member, mr. farr. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognize for two minutes. mr. farr: thank you, chairwoman slaughter for yielding, and thank you, mr. chairman. i'm a member of the appropriations committee. this process is about appropriations. that's how we keep government open. unfortunately, we have never been able to go in it -- to get any of the appropriations pill bill to the floor because republicans won't appoint conferees to the joint committee. we're doning a continuing resolution. continuing resolution is not new to this congress. it's been done every year. the shocking thing is, it's never been used as a weapon of destruction until now. we were here last year, same argument, the health care bill is not the issue here.
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that's been law in this country for three and a half years. so for three and a half years we've been prorpting money -- appropriating money to keep government open. what's the difference now? the difference now is the new attitude, new breed, very mean, very conservative, very anti-government, and they're willing to bring their internal kind of power within their caucus to shut down the whole country, if not the whole world. it's totally irresponsible. and they argue, well, we could do this if we could change the health care bill. if the health care bill needs changing, bring it up in a bill. that's how we change things. i'm opposing this rule buzz this rule says, ok, let's bring up 10 parts of government. let's breng up 10 parts. let's just have multiple choice. let's have a triage, which parts of government do you like? i'd like to compliment my colleague, mr. cole, because in
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it, we keep -- we can't be against all health care because we keep open in one of these bills, h.r. 80, the indian healther is vesses. we're fwoning to provide health care services for some low income people but we're against any other system that might provide assistance for other kinds of low income people. this is government by multiple choice. it's not working. that's why we oppose it. let's bring the whole family, the whole nation together. reject this rule. reject the ability, defeat the previous question and the feet the rule and get on with the c.r. that's in this house and can be voted on right now. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expeered this egentleman from oklahoma. mr. cole: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from new york. ms. slaughter: mr. speaker, i believe i've only got one more speaker in the room. so i want to inform my colleague that after mr. andrews, i may be prepared to close but i'd like to yield two minutes to the gentleman from
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new jersey, mr. andrews. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. andrews: i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentleman is recognized. mr. andrews: i thank my friend for the time. there's been an avalanche of talk from both sides, an alanche of opinion, that's democracy. i think one indisputable fact is to end the shutdown today is to pass the senate bill and send it to the president. that would end the shutdown immediately. it's my opinion that the majority of the house would vote in favor of that bill but i think it's my conviction, and it should be our shared conviction that we ought to take a vote on it. let all 433 members that are present here cast a vote on whether they want the senate bill to pass or not. if our side wins, fine. if our side loses, that's fine too. that's democracy. after this avalanche of talk there is going to be a chance in a few minutes for people to
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actually vote on this question. and this is not the technical procedural language but it's the reality language what is vote is going to ask is this -- do you want the government shutdown to continue or not? if you vote no, that you don't want the government shutdown to continue, the senate bill will come to the house floor this afternoon and we'll take that vote. if you vote yes, then the senate bill will not come to the house floor and we'll continue on this everlasting process of burdening the american people, talking the issue to death and not getting anything done. i think we owe it to the american people to all stand up and raise our hands either say yes or no on the senate bill. if your answer is no, your answer is no. mine would be yes. but the way to make that happen is to cast this vote in a few minutes, the question on this vote is do you want the government shutdown to continue or not? if your vote is no, then we
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vote on the senate bill. if your vote is yes, then we don't. and the shutdown continues. the american people deserve this vote. mr. speaker, give us this vote. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oklahoma. mr. cole: i have some good news i want to announce here shortly but i want to note for the record, again, my friends quite often make the point that they don't like a piecemeal approach. the reality is if you look at actions, sometimes they do. they like it until they don't. we had of course h.r. 3210 here which funded the mill tear by our good friend from colorado, mr. coffman, i think in a very bipartisan way, we voted overwhelmingly on both sides to fund the military and most of the contracting and civil abian employees, there was a little disagreement with the administration about that right now. but that's half the discretionary budget taken care
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of in a piecemeal approach. today the administration announced, and i commend them for doning it, and acommend my friend because she anouned she would be supportive of this too and i think we all are, very evident in the rules committee, h.r. 3223, federal employee retroactive pay fairness act. the administration just anouned they're going to support that legislation. the president looks forward to signing it and that's a bipartisan agreement between both sides and frankly a product of the work of our mutual good friends, mr. moran of virginia, mr. wolf of virginia who found common ground and moved us closer to a solution. i think that's maybe not the greatest news in the world but on a day when there's not as much good news as we would all like, some good news. i would hope my friends would look at the vedge pieces of legislation that are coming, where we mostly agree and accept those. we don't have to agree on everything, as the point has
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been made by several, to agree on some things. those are areas where we do agree. if we can fund our mel tear in this fashion and make sure that our federal employees are not going to lose any pay retroactively, certainly, you know, one step at a time, we could walk in the right direction and turn back on critical parts of our government. i hope that's what we're moving forward, mr. speaker. with that, i reserve the balance of my time, so my friend knows i'm quite prepeared to close whenever she wishes to close. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time is reserved this gentlelady from new york. ms. slaughter: thank you, mr. speaker. i am absolutely going to vote to retroactively fund federal employees because that's the best i can do on that one issue. it's a matter of basic fairness. but it is not good enough. the fact is that the federal employees will not get paid their retroactive money until after all this charade is over. we have no idea when that is going to be. i think what -- let me reiterate again what all my
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colleagues have said. we could do it right now, put them back to work and let them get their paychecks. i'm embarrassed every time i neas capitol police at what's happening to them. it bothers me terribly to hear from my friends at the state department that they are working on fumes. we cannot run the government of the united states which is the beacon of democracy, has been the pattern for countries all over the world, by saying we're going to fund this piece over there and that piece over there and we don't kear what happens to the rest of it. that's not what we are here for. certainly we well fund that one piece but i can tell you right now the democrats are not going to do the rest of it because the senate is not going to take it up aed the president is not going to seen it. we are wasting time. and we're taking up valuable time. and we are worrying the country half to death. for heaven' sake, when we do this previous question, let us do the right thing, vote no, and get all these folks back to
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work. does it make sense to anybody who manages a house hold or their own business that we would say to everybody, go home and we'll pay you later when we decide you can come back for not being here. that makes absolutely no sense. let them go back to work. we're going to pay them. pay them now. for the work thea doing. pay concurrently with work. doesn't that make more sense? does it really make any sense at all, we're saying to them, we have no idea what the end game is here. you may be sitting around for a very long time while the country pays $300 million a day , the cost of the shutdown. for heaven's sake, i will say once again, that we have to stop this nonsense. it is humiliating us. we cannot go on with this another week. we're only here today to try to look like we're doing something
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because the fwoth is shut down and we know it. the bills we're voting on today had no committee action, nothing. the senate made it clear they're not going to take them up, they will not become law. as every school child knows. those who vote no on ordering the previous question will be giving this chamber what the leadership of the majority has not. and that will be the real chance to vote down this vote -- vote this down so we can put the c.r. on the calendar and stop the shutdown now. today. the president -- doesn't have to go back to the senate, the president is waiting for it. i ask unanimous consent to ensert the text of the amendment in the record along with extraneous material immediately prior to the vote on the previous question. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. ms. slaughter: mr. speaker, i urge my colleagues, i beg my colleagues, i do implore my colleagues for goodness' sake come to the floor, defeat the
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previous question, vote no, and i wreeled back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back. the gentleman from oklahoma. mr. cole: thank you, mr. speaker. i want to thank my good friend from new york. she's always a terrific counterpoint and debater. and we agree on some things. we both agree the government shutdown is not a good thing. frankly, there's a strong bipartisan agreement. it's not something that either side wished to achieve and it's something we ought to be working together step by step to try to undo. and frankly, we've made a little progress. again, the idea that it never works to work piecemeal, it did with respect to the united states mill tear, civilian defense force and contractors. exactly what we did. we passed something out of here and the senate, which said it wasn't going to agree to anything, magically did. now we're fwoning to hopefully eventually pass house resolution 3223 out of here to gearn tee back pay. i think most people on both sides of the aisle will support
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that. the president has indicated he'll sign it, which suggests to me that the senate will probably take it up and move it, so once again, just working through the process, we found something that we can agree on. the differences here should not be so great that they can't be bridged. just to remine everyone of the history, we have placed multiple offers concerning the affordable care act before the senate. the last offer seems to me something we ought to be able to agree on or certainly be willing to sit down and discuss. only has two points. and it's basically a question of fairness. if -- why should members of and the white house staff be able to go into the exchange and bring subsidies with us. we could amend the law and let everybody come into the exchanges with subsidy that would be fair. or we could say, you know,
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really, members of congress and their staff are at fundamental level, employees of the federal government and they ought to be in that. and that would be fair. but let's treat everybody the same. more fundamentally, currently, the president has unilaterally desaied to exempt 1,100-plus organizations, he's unilaterally in a questionable measure constitutionally the sided to suspend parts of the law for a year and exempt big business. we think, gosh, if you're going to do that, shouldn't every single american have the right to decide whether or not they want to participate in this for one year? until everybody is actually operating under this esame system? that too is a question of fairness. give every individual american the same relief from a mandate that you're giving big business and big labor. it just seems to me commonsense call. it doesn't mean you have to stop the exchanges or stop the
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taxes or undo the program, just treat everybody the same. be fair. that's the republican proposal in front of the senate right now. and frankly, i think they probably don't want to discuss it because it's a hard one to say no to. because it's fundamentally fair. that's all we've asked is that the senate which has rejected it, at least come to conference and talk about it. the real issue here, beyond the questions of policy, is the senate going to be allowed to dictate unilaterally what the house does? is it just going to say no, you've got to do it our way, we're not going to negotiate, not going to conference, you have to do it our way. that's not the way the system was set up. our friend and chairman mr. rogers pointed that out quite succinctly. we've got a way to handle this, it's called go to conference, argue and work out the differences. i suspect we'll see the same thing a little bit down the road if the president who told us and told the speaker this week, you know, i'm not going to negotiate with you on
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raising the debt ceiling of the united states. you just have to do it unilaterally. you have to put the country further into debt without any discussion of what we could do to change the trajectory of that debt. that's a remarkable change from august of 2011. remarkable change. he was willing to sit down and talk. i don't know why he'd change that now. so i think we should do something in this bill to build on this piecemeal approach. we should pass these different measures. we agree these parts of government ought to be open and continue to work through and conference with our friends in the senate and ultimately in negotiation with the president of the united states on the debt ceiling. and so i urge the adoption of this rule. in closing, i'd like to again say that the basic functions of government -- to fund government -- congress -- excuse me. this rule would allow 10 more pieces of that to open again,
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provide for crucial services they provide. i'd urge my clegs to support this rule and the under-- colleagues to support this rule and the underlying legislation. mr. speaker, i yield back the balance of my time and i move the previous question on the resolution. the speaker pro tempore: the question is ordering the previous question on the resolution. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the gentlelady from new york. ms. slaughter: mr. speaker, i request the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. all those in favor of taking this vote by the yeas and nays will rise. a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question will be postponed. pursuant to clause 12-a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in recess subject to the call of the chair.
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behind schedule. we have a new question on our facebook page. we want to get your comments on how much the government shutdown has affected you, whether it has affected you a lots, a little, or not at all. you can join it by logging onto also, more than 10,000 of you with comments on the government shutdown. we will share with you some of that as well. g is c-span chat.
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jane says put it all in a bill and leave out aca and let's open it all appeared how is that? i said it. within the last hour, the president traveled about a block away. he joined by vice president joe biden walked to 1750 pennsylvania avenue for taylor's gourmet sandwich shop. the two ordered lunch, and the president spoke to reporters. no, i just want to say that part of the reason we are here is we are starving, and the food here is great. the other part of it, though, is that right now, this establishment is providing a 10% discount to all federal workers. >> plus a cookie. >> plus a cookie. that, i think, is an indication of how ordinary americans look
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out for each other. with thet upset politics and aren't trying to extract concessions out of each other. they just try to make sure that everybody is doing their job, and that we are doing what is best for the country. right now, the house of representatives have the opportunity to do the exact same thing. this for low, this shutdown could be over today. for it there is a vote in the house of representatives. as i said yesterday, speaker banner will simply allow that vote to take place, we can end this shutdown, and a whole bunch of families, not as here in washington, but all across the country will have the certainty that a paycheck will be coming, that they will be able to make their mortgage, that they will be able to pay their expenses, that they will be able to look after the family, and we can get
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back to what we should be focused on every single day, and that is how we make sure that we have got a strong middle class in this country, that anybody was willing to work hard to get ahead. negotiations, i have said i am happy to have negotiations with the balkans and speaker banner on a whole range of issues. ehner on a bo whole range of issues. we cannot do with a gun held to the head of the american people. open our government, make sure we are paying our bills, and take your cues from folks like this who are more interested in making sure that everybody is being treated for early -- fairly and properly. with that, i am going to order. >> hi, how are you? >> there is no winning. don't havees
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certainty that they will get paid or not. there is staff all across the country, in the rural areas working for the liberal troll department or working for veteran affairs, who were on the job despite the fact that they are not getting paid or they have been sent home and want to be on the job because they are looking after their fellow citizens on a whole range of services. as long as they are off the job, nobody is winning. that is the point. we should get this over with as soon as possible. now, i'm going to order. what did you get? joe, student not take his money. >> at that i was paying for you. >> no, no. i got you. you got the white? -- what? >> i got the 9th street.
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>> in the salami -- >> summary said the race street was good. --it is turkey >> let's try that out. i'm going to get a race street, 9th street -- >> what do you want to drink? >> you know, i think i'm going to have water. and whatever this is. you said we could get a cookie, too, right? >> you get a cookie, guys. >> the president in a sandwich shop joined by vice president joe biden, and a briefing with the white house getting underway with press secretary jay carney, let coverage here on c-span. >> i hope those of you who are in the pool enjoyed taking a stroll down pennsylvania avenue. i know i did. before i take your questions, i had a couple of announcements.
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again this night and morning, the president was briefed on tropical storm karen, which is forecasted to begin impacting the gulf coast this weekend as well as the extensive activities underway i fema to support state and local partners along the gulf coast. to ensure the needs are met based on applicable legal requirements inconsistent with its contingency plan, fila is a isll learning -- is -- fem recalling in preparation for the potential impacts of extreme weather, including tropical storm karen in the gulf of mexico and severe weather in the central united states. fema has activated its national response coordination center in washington, and fema is an close contact with officials in effect -- and affected areas. has deployed liaisons to
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emergency operations centers in alabama, florida, louisiana, and mississippi. today, fema is deploying three additional management teams, recalled from furlough to potentially affected areas to assist with the coordination of planning and response operations. at all times, fema maintains commodities, including millions of liters of water, millions of and hundreds of thousands of old blankets and said critically located at distribution centers throughout the united states that are available to state and local partners if needed and respect -- and requested. fema has recalled staff from furlough to activate out of atlanta, georgia. second, later this afternoon, the president will be briefed on shutdown impacts by alyssa messer marco, deputy chief of staff. ofvia burwell, the director office of management and budget, and other senior staff. among the issues discussed will
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be the effects of the furloughs at the department of the treasury office of foreign assets control. it implements the u.s. government's financial sanctions -- sanctions, including those that apply to iran. the other factors had to furlough nearly all of its staff due to the lapse in congressional funding. full-1 employees of 175 time employees have been accepted, meaning that the office is unable to sustain its core function. one, those functions -- issuing new sanctions designations against those enabling the government of iran and syria as well as terrorist organizations, wmd percolator's, narcotic cartels, and organized crime roots. two, investigating and analyzing facial violations. three, issuing licensing to authorize humanitarian and other important activities that might otherwise be barbed by samson -- by section.
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four, issuing new sections and guidance. this is just one of the items that the resident will be briefed on, but it illustrates the consequence at the republican shutdown continues to have on the government's mission and workers across the country. it is time for the speaker of the house to bring up the senate passed funding bill and just vote. >> thank you. said back to what you about fema, do you have a number on all the employees being recalled? >> i do not, but i am sure fema does. if you ask them, i am sure they can provide more information to you. >> ok. when you say that you utterly disavowed the notion that the white house does not care, are you saying that the cause -- that because public opinion has turned against the white house? >> no, i am saying it in response to a quote because it
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is categorically our position that the government should be a halfd today, now, and hour, whatever the speaker of the house, john boehner, sees fit to put on the floor of the house a bill that would extend funding at levels republicans claim they were delighted with and allow people to go back to work with no partisan strings attached. put it on the floor now. vote now. a majority of the house of representatives, as is the custom in democracies, would and itre support it would become law because the president would sign it. that is our position. end the shutdown now. reopen the government now. one of the many effects of this gaveown is the one i just information to you about that the president will be briefed on later today. reflects the breadth and
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scope of the implications of a shutdown as a continues on day after day. it means thousands and thousands, hundreds of thousands of americans both here in the washington area and across the country who are sitting at home, wondering if they will ever get paid, wondering when the shutdown will end, wondering how they're going to make ends meet. our position has always been -- we are making no demands, we are asking for nothing in return for congress fulfilling its responsibility to open the government and fund the government. i don't think we be any more clear. that is our position in public, it is our position in private. it is our position in the briefing room it, and it is our position in the backroom. openly government now. just vote. why a seniorplain administration official would say something like that? i would think a lot -- would have been pretty -- i cannot parse or explain
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every quote that appears in every article that you all right. -- all write. the president believes the government ought to be reopened now. there isdent believes an opportunity for the speaker of the house to do that but putting on the floor of the house the so-called clean cr, and we are very confident, as are many republicans, that it would receive a significant majority vote in the house. that is the president's position. and i do not think we could have been more clear about that, and that is the position the president took in his meeting with that speaker of the house as well as democratic leaders. it is the position he took walking past some of you on west executive drive and
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