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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  October 8, 2013 12:00pm-2:00pm EDT

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that, and weyou will be in about a half hour or two to again on c-span take your calls and your tweets.
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the speaker: the house will be in order. the prayer will be offered this morning by our chaplain, father con roy:. -- conroy. chaplain conroy: let us pray. loving god, we give you thanks for giving us another day. lord, you know there are many americans who look to the people's house as uncertainty about the future of the economy and their livelihoods hang in the balance. bless the members of the people's house with the understanding that it is their work to develop the strategies and the plans to assuage the fears of their fellow countrymen and -- countrymen and countrywomen. we again ask you to compel those who possess power here in the
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capitol to be mindful of those whom they represent, who possess little or no power. and whose lives are made all the more difficult by a failure to work out serious differences. may all that is done today be for your greater honor and glory. amen. the speaker: the chair has examined the journal of the last day's proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1 forjournal stands approved. what purpose does the gentleman from south carolina rise? >> mr. speaker, pursuant to clause 1, rule 1, i demand a vote on agreeing to the speaker's approval of the journal. the speaker: the question is on agreeing to the speaker's approval of the journal. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the journal stands approved. the gentleman from south carolina. mr. wilson: i object to the vote on the grounds that a quorum is not present and i make a point of order that a quorum is not present. the speaker: pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question are
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postponed. the pledge of allegiance today will be led by the gentlelady from illinois, mrs. kelly. ms. kelly: i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the speaker: the chair will entertain up to 15 requests for one-minute speeches on each side of the aisle. for what purpose does the gentleman from south carolina rise? mr. wilson: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, revise and extend my remarks. the speaker: without objection, so ordered. mr. wilson: mr. speaker, it's been one week since the government shutdown. for one week the president and senate democrats have refused to negotiate to reopen the government's doors. house republicans know the hardships american families are facing due to washington democrats' failure to negotiate. we have worked over the past week, passing bills to have the government functioning. house republicans have voted to fund pediatric cancer research,
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reopen national parks, memorials and monuments, bipartisan vote to give veterans the benefits they have earned and deserve. on saturday house republicans voted to pay $800,000 fur -- pay 800,000 furloughed employees who are at risk of losing a paycheck due to the government's shutdown. with the debt ceiling limit looming, the american people are waiting for the president and senate democrats to negotiate a solution for fiscal responsibility. in conclusion, god bless our troops and we will never forget september 11 and the global war on terrorism. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentlelady from california seek recognition? without objection. ms. speier: mr. speaker, today we find our nation -- ms. hahn: mr. speaker, today we find our nation in the midst of a government shutdown and in the shadows of a debt default. the partisan gridlock in congress is as bad as ever but across the country millions of americans are finding new hope
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in the affordable health coverage on the online exchanges. despite the more than 40 republican attempts to repeal, defund or derail this law, the affordable care act is finally fulfilling the promise of dependable, affordable health coverage for millions of our fellow americans. on opening day, the exchanges were inundated with millions of users. americans excited to learn more about their new coverage options. it was a little bumpy, as expected, but no fleeting webpage glitches can distract us from the fact that for the first time millions of uninsured americans who have lived in dread that an illness or an accident could plunge them into financial ruin will finally have access to good coverage that they can afford. today is a dark day here in d.c. but for the thousands of people i represent, a long night is ending. and that's worth celebrating. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek
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recognition? without objection, the gentleman is recognized. >> thank you, sir. mr. speaker, i rise to recognize the 2013 angels in adoption, jesse and j.c. prince from my hometown, plano, texas. as children, both jesse and kasey were touched by adoption. having experienced the powerful impact adoption has on families, they decided to adopt one of their own. n 2012, ezekiel from congo became part of the prince family. mr. johnson: as the princes helped zeke learn how to read, they quickly learned how challenging it was to find books that depict transracial families. a family to as write, illustrate and publish
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that -- a children's book celebrating adoption. this book is not helping -- now helping other families form special bonds with their own adopted children. i'm grateful for the compassionate families like the princes, jesse and kasey. you are truly an inspiration. god bless you. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentlelady from illinois seek recognition? without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you. mr. speaker, last week the health insurance marketplace opened, giving millions access to quality health care. since then there's been too much focus on the small hiccups that are to be expected when any large program is implemented. yesterday i received a letter from a north carolina woman who lives over 600 miles from my home district in illinois. ms. kelly: like many illinoisans, she believes the positives of the affordable care act are being overlooked. she said, my family has already benefited from the affordable care act as i have two children just finishing college. i am relieved i can keep them on
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my medical coverage at no cost. this saves them money and gives me peace of mind. the cost of our health care plan has decreased by $400. like many she wants to ask congress, is this why you shut down the government? to keep me and my children from getting affordable health care? citizens are sick and tired of the misinformation being spread about the a.c.a. the a.c.a. didn't cause the shutdown. the shutdown is a symptom of what really als america -- cynicism that allows a few to take hollow ideological stances at the expense of many. like me, she wants us to pass a clean -- c.r. and end this shutdown today. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman rom missouri seek recognition? without objection, the gentleman s recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, president obama must stop playing politics with our national park system. the parks belong to every american and should not be held
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hostage in president obama's political game. in the 1960's the federal government established the ozark national scenic river way in southern missouri. mr. smith: under the disguise of protecting the rivers and forests for all missourians. some 50 years later, president obama is taking away our access. the riverways do not belong to president obama. they belong to my constituents. mr. speaker, president obama is working to make his shutdown as painful as possible. the president has barricaded parks and monuments across the country, including the open-air world war ii memorial in washington. it cost more money to barricade the monument than it would to leave them open. the national parks do not belong to president obama. the parks belong to every american. it's time for president obama to open our national parks. it's time for president obama to stop playing politics with our
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parks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i seek unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker, this government shutdown has clearly demonstrated our democracy is not working the way it was designed. unfortunately this is largely due to the oversized influence and obscene amount of money in politics which continues to fuel our distorted political process. and it could get worse. mr. kildee: today the supreme court is hearing arguments in the mccutchen case, the second coming of citizens united. this case could open the door to even more money flooding our political process. money in politics has paralyzed washington and has paralyzed my republican colleagues' will to compromise. they'd be more apt to compromise
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if they weren't absolutely petrified of the koch brothers spending millions of dollars to unseat them. we cannot afford to have a system of government fueled by money that rewards confrontation and condemns compromise. if we don't fix this underlying problem, money in politics, we'll continue to lurch from crisis to crisis, where the american people ultimately lose. mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from indiana seek recognition? >> i ask for unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker, back home hoosiers know that we only solve problems by sitting down and talking. unfortunately president obama and senate majority leader harry reid refuse to join republicans in the constructive, respectful dialogue that washington desperately needs.
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eight days ago senate democrats shut down the government by refusing four separate house-passed bills to fund the government. mr. stutzman: it's clear that the american people don't want this shutdown. and that's exactly why the house has passed nine bipartisan, commonsense bills to fund and reopen parts of the government that we all agree on. together house republicans and house democrats have passed bills to ensure that the snarble guard is paid, -- that the national guard is paid, veterans benefits are funded and our national parks are reopened. unfortunately these commonground solutions are gathering dust in the senate, as harry reid refuses to come to the table and talk. the american people don't expect republicans and democrats to agree on everything. but they do expect us to talk. it's time for senate democrats to put aside their obstructionism and come to the table. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentlelady from the virgin islands seek recognition? mrs. christensen: ask unanimous consent, mr. speaker, to address the house for one minute.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. mrs. christensen: thank you, mr. speaker. well, the truth is out. republican leaders and their big donors have been planning this shutdown for over two years. and why? they claim it's because of obamacare. but it's now clear to everyone that it's plainly and simply about obama. he won re-election and they still can't deal with it. so they're willing to hurt their own constituents and the entire country just to try to keep our president from doing the job he was overwhelmingly elected to do. the american people should be outraged and demand that this shutdown end now, congress lift the ceiling, pay our bills and protect the good faith and credit of our nation. the good news is even some republicans are sick and tired of these tactics. they want to put our federal workers back to work, to make sure that they and those depending on social security will be paid, that all veterans will receive the services we them to, that vulnerable women and children can get the care they need and that our nation will continue to remain strong. and so the american people must demand that speaker boehner bring the clean consider to the floor for a vote today. if he doesn't, then they must
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insist that their representatives stand up for this country and our fellow americans by stepping up and signing a discharge petition to end the madness. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from minnesota seek recognition? >> permission to address the house for one minute, revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. kline: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, we find ourselves one week into a government shutdown. that's something i hoped i would never have to say on the floor of this house. i do not want this. house republicans do not want this. and the american people surely do not want this. so why are we here? we're here because democrats in the united states senate and the president of the united states refuse, refuse to negotiate with the people's elected representatives here in the house. how long can the refusal to negotiate go on? all we're asking for is a conversation, mr. speaker.
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that's it. house republicans want to sit down in good faith and work to get this government open again and to make sure that all americans are treated fairly and under the president's health care law. my colleague from indiana just moments ago pointed out that we passed bills in this house. with overwhelming majorities, margins of over 100 votes, bipartisan votes. to keep important, essential services up and running. there are grounds for agreement, we just have to negotiate. leader reid, mr. president, let's talk. i yield back. . the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. hinojosa: mr. speaker, i rise today to speak out against the government shutdown and its detrimental impact on federal programs like head start and impact aid for school districts. instead of punishing our
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youngest learners through this government shutdown, our nation needs a responsible, forward-looking, fiscal policy that repairs the damage done by sequestration and the government shutdown and allows programs like head start to provide the highest quality early learning opportunities to our most vulnerable children. a piecemeal approach to funding head start is not a real solution to this government shutdown. this g.o.p. majority has slashed funding for the education, including impact aid, impact aid school districts have been harder hit than any other school districts as they struggle to provide quality education for the children of active military and native american students due to the g.o.p. sequester, many of these school districts have been reduced to four-day school weeks. this is a reckless and irresponsible way to govern. our nation's children and families deserve more not less. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentlelady from illinois rise?
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>> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. >> thank you. mr. speaker, i rise again today to continue speaking out about the human consequences of this ridiculous government shutdown. we are now one full week into this shameful display of irresponsibility. yesterday i spoke with a man in my district named joe burton, he's a decorated war hero, serving 21 years in the military. mrs. bustos: as a retired army sergeant, joe received the bronze star for his brave service in the gulf war. but after honorably serving our nation for so long, joe is now worried sick about how this reckless government shutdown is going to impact him and his family. this tough guy is literally frightened about the shutdown and how it is affecting his v.a. disability payments. and if his benefits aren't here,
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don't arrive, he has no idea how he will pay his bills or even how he will pay for his next meal. more than anything, he just wants to know how veterans like him across the country, how they are going to make ends meet if we don't get this solved. let's stop this nonsense now and do right by joe and the others who have served our country. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentlelady from ohio seek recognition? >> unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker, i stand here at a time we should be celebrating the many freedoms bestowed upon us, but i am here in the midst of some republicans' crippling us. it is fatal for the congress to overlook the urgency of the moment and to underestimate the desires of the american people. mrs. beatty: who want the doors of government opened, ending the whirlwind of piecemeal, cherry picking funding.
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paraphrasing martin luther king, when the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the constitution and the declaration of independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every american was to fall heir, but instead citizens are sitting at home waiting for congress to open the doors of government because bills are due, mortgage payments, rent, car loans, services are needed. so i request republican leadership to end this debate because the american people are asking congress to let them get back to work so they can cash their check. mr. speaker, this is no way to run the government. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the jackson lee yields back. -- the gentlelady yields back. for what purpose does the gentlelady from texas seek recognition? >> unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. ms. johnson: instead of approving the senate-passed
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funding bill, house republicans have placed politics before people, while important decisions on government funding and the debt ceiling await votes. mr. speaker, i rise today with excitement to express my support for the patient protection and affordable care act which has already significantly improved health care for americans. in my state of texas, families have saved $46.3 million in insurance company refunds. medicare beneficiaries in the doughnut hole have saved $420.7 million in prescription drugs. more than 40,000 americans and 17 million american children with pre-existing conditions gained insurance coverage through the affordable care act. because of a health insurance marketplaces, in my district about 204,000 individuals will
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have access to quality, affordable health care coverage. the affordable care will grow stronger and expand access to quality care for all americans. thank you, mr. speaker. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from kentucky seek recognition? mr. yarmuth: i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. yarmuth: thank you. mr. speaker, the last thing congress needs is more special interest candidates who don't answer to the american people. and yet this morning senate minority leader and his big money allies in the republican party once again asked the supreme court to give billionaires more influence on public policy through our elections. if this effort succeeds, individuals will be permitted to give as much as $3.5 million each to candidates and parties next year, in addition to the already unlimited amounts they can spend independently. it should go without saying that the number of people able to contribute on this scale is minuscule, but the ranks of
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those who would be affected by this deluge of money cannot be overstated. it is simply not possible to turn up the volume on the already amplified voices of a few wealthy donors without drowning out the millions of americans already struggling to be heard. the fact is we will never have a fair and balanced budget or more equitable tax system while the well off and well connected are allowed to control members of congress. mr. speaker, this is not the republic the framers intended. when they created congress and when the people approved the 17th amendment appointing themselves the electors of the senate, they wanted to ensure government was accountable to the people it serves. the more we undermine campaign finance laws, the further we get -- the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from california seek recognition? >> unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. mrs. davis: thank you. mr. speaker, this shut down has affected more than just the government. we all need to understand that. yesterday i learned that a veteran-owned small business in
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my district who contracts with the navy has had to furlough its workers. because they are not federal employees, they won't be receiving back pay when the government resumes full operations. lost pay will have a terrible impact on these employees and their families, but their absence is also seriously affecting the financial well-being of the small business that employs them. think about, let's think about this, how often is this happening throughout the country? you begin to see how san diego alone is losing seven million a week during the shutdown. how much longer are we going to play political games when everyone is guaranteed to lose? for our communities, for our economy, and most of all for those who are out of work, even one more day is too long. let's fund the whole government and end this shutdown.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition? >> to address the house for one minute. revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. johnson: thank you. mr. speaker, i deeply regret that the republicans have shut down the government. they shut the whole thing down, two-year-old plan to shut down the government over the affordable care act is as harmful as it is fruitless. however, all is not lost. the republican shutdown can end today if the speaker would simply disengage the cruise control and hold the vote on a clean bill. this is day seven of the government shutdown. with the debt ceiling vote looming, this is the time for action not talk. you can't negotiate with the republican party stuck on cruise control on something so basic as a clean bill to reopen our government.
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unfortunately my republican colleagues have determined that feel at this to extreme -- feel to -- fealty to extreme tea party groups is more important than the people they represent. it's time to end the mean-spirited obsession with killing the affordable care act. the republican shutdown can end today if only the speaker would allow a vote. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from arizona seek recognition? >> unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. barber: mr. speaker, this weekend our nation lost five brave service members in afghanistan and shortly after they were killed their families were notified that our government would not pay their survivor benefits due to the shutdown. this is disgraceful and an
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outrage. these service members gave their lives in defense of our country. when they stepped up to defend our nation, we promised that they and their families would be cared for. now due to the shutdown we have broken and abandoned that say considered as read commitment. today i'm introducing the fallen heroes and family assistance act which will ensure that the promises we made to our fallen service members are fulfilled. i urge immediate consideration by the house. we must, we must honor our commitments to our fallen heroes and their families. mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. for what purpose does the gentlelady from ohio seek recognition? without objection, the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. ms. kaptur: thank you. mr. speaker, this republican shutdown and their threats not to pay america's bills are not only reckless but they are playing with economic fire.
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their irresponsibility is burning the american people. there are currently more than 800,000 federal employees out of work with thousands already filing for unemployment benefits because they have been furloughed by the g.o.p. shutdown. these are working men and women who have to pay the bills, their mortgages, car loans, and the republican shutdown is harming the whole economy. the dow jones industrial average went down another 136 points yesterday, and is down nearly 200 points during the course of this republican shutdown. it is currently at its lowest levels in a month. global markets continue to slide due to the uncertainty that the republican shutdown has caused. according to news reports, it has already cost us over $2 billion because of the shutdown and it's hurting u.s. trade because inspections of imports and applications for exports can't be cleared by agencies like the e.p.a. due to the fact that the staff in charge has been furloughed.
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mr. speaker, it's well over time to bring up a clean continuing resolution for a vote, end this needlets republican shutdown that not only hurting american people but the entire economy. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman seek recognition? without objection, the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. mrs. maloney: mr. speaker, the economic disruption caused by the republican orchestrated shutdown continues to mount. the negative impact on the lives of the american people and the loss of jobs and opportunity continues to rise. as one example in my home district of new york the shutdown is hitting some small business owners really hard because it brought to an absolute halt any work of small business administration. on average, the small business administration approves over nine million loans in my district alone for 1345u8 business -- small businesses each month, but because of this
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shutdown, zero, zero is being approved. in small business loans, real estate, or equipment loans. this has a terrible ripple effect on our economy. it was bad enough that the majority would not bring a single meaningful jobs bill or infrastructure or transportation bill to the floor for a vote to create jobs, but now this reckless long planned action to bring the work of the government to a halt it is actively killing jobs, killing opportunity, killing hope. let's bring a budget, a clean budget for a vote today. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentlelady from hawaii seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. ms. hanabusa: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, day eight of the shutdown of the federal government. what do we know, mr. speaker? we know, one, you and your
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majority wanted the shut down so you win. you have no plan to end this shut down, that's obvious. and it's no longer about obamacare. but what we don't know is, who do you want to punish? it must only be the people of this great nation. you pass bills for show only. you know that the senate and the president will not cherry pick among the departments. yet you continue to pass these bills. yet you won't let the house vote on a clean c.r. to open government. . mr. speaker, you tell us when you've made the people of this country suffer enough. you tell us when you're satisfied with the level of anxiety and pain that you have caused. at that time, maybe you'll let us vote the clean c.r. and let the people see where we all stand. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. members will remember to address their comments to the chair.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman
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from kentucky seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, pursuant to house resolution 37 1, i calm up the joint resolution, h.j.res. 84, a joint resolution making continuing appropriations for the head start program for fiscal year 2014 and for other purposes. and ask for its immediate consideration. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the joint resolution. the clerk: house joint resolution 84. joint resolution making continuing appropriations for head start for fiscal year 2014 and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to house resolution 371 , the joint resolution is considered read. the joint resolution shall be debatable for 40 minutes equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee of appropriations. the gentleman from kentucky, mr. and the gentlewoman from
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new york, mrs. lowey, each will control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from kentucky. mr. rogers: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days in which to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on h.j.res. 84 and that i may include tabular material on the same. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. mr. rogers: mr. speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. i rise today to present h.j.res. 84, the head start for low-income children act. this bill provides federal funding at the current postsequester rate for the head start program, which millions of children across the country rely on to fulfill their educational and health needs. as we work our way out of this government shutdown mess, we shouldn't let some of our most vulnerable citizens, low-income children with no recourse, suffer. as we work our way out of this mess, we shouldn't let some of our most valuable seasons --
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citizens suffer and in my home state of kentucky, 20,715 kids rely on head start to provide a helping hand. if we don't do anything about this today, 2,800 kids in kentucky will lose access to head start programs starting november 1. this bill provides funding for head start at an annual rate of billion.86 this will help open the doors to the more than 1,600 head start programs across the country. as before, the funding will last until december 15, or until we enact full-year appropriations. this is another step the house is taking to alleviate the burden of this current fiscal dilemma. and move us closer to ending the government shutdown. the nine bills the house has passed since october 1 to reopen
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the government, this will be the 10th, constitute nearly 1/3 of the federal government's discretionary budget. these 10 bills fund very critical programs, cleanly, as the senate has demanded. and they've been supported on a bipartisan basis in this house. so why are these bills still sitting on harry reid's desk? why is the senate not making every stride they can to help our nation's disadvantaged children, hungry families and our veterans? this method of funding the government is not my preferred way, mr. speaker. nor is it the standard. but while we work to find an end to the shutdown, we should fund those programs we can as soon as we can. i hope that my colleagues in the senate will take this opportunity to meet us at the negotiating table. we've got a great deal to work out, but this can't be done if
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we're not willing to talk and listen to each other. it's the time-honored way, mr. speaker, when the two bodies disagree on something, each body passes a bill and we send it to conference. with the other body. and that's what should be done here. in fact, this body several days o now appointed conferees on this topic and sent it over to the senate, only to be met by a loud senator -- snore. so, mr. speaker, i want us to get together and talk about ending the shutdown. though i wish we were able to end the shutdown in its entirety, this bill will at least reopen one indispensable government program and lessen the toll that the shutdown is taking on the american people. this congress is facing a great deal of difficult choices in the near future. but taking care of our children
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should be a top priority. i urge my colleagues to support the bill. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentlelady from new york. mrs. lowey: mr. speaker, i rise in opposition to the recless republican shutdown -- reckless republican shutdown. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. mrs. lowey: i wish my republican colleagues had shown the same level of concern for head start earlier in the year, when the majority proposed to slash the abor h.h.s. spending bill by 22%. the majority did not have the courage of their convictions to stand behind their cuts and even released a copy of their bill. today's bill does nothing to help families afford child care or to invest in other pre-k
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services that are so important for children's development. even if house republicans' piece meal bills were enacted -- piecemeal bills were enacted, at the rate they're going, it would take until after christmas before the government is fully up and running. the republican plan is completely irresponsible. we could end the shutdown today if the speaker allowed a vote. democrats have negotiated and we didn't just meet in the middle. we agreed to the republican spending level in the stop gap bill. but republicans insist on repealing the affordable care act, including allowing insurance companies to deny care to children. vote no on this bill, demand the house vote to immediately end
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the reckless republican shutdown and i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady reserves the balance of her time. the gentleman from kentucky. mr. rogers: mr. speaker, i yield two minutes to the gentlelady from michigan who is the chair of the house administration committee. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for two minutes. mrs. miller: i certainly thank the chairman for yielding the time and, mr. speaker, i rise today because i strongly support the head start program and i am so hopeful that the house will pass this bill today and certainly that the united states senate will take it up as well. head start is a program that helps american children get the extra help that they need at an early age. and i'll tell you, you can talk to any mother or grandmother, you don't need some scientific study to tell you that this program and early intervention is absolutely critical to making sure that every child can optimize their individual potential and to achieve their own opportunities. and during this shutdown, mr. speaker, we have heard a lot about obamacare.
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but this bill has nothing to do with obamacare. absolutely zero to do with obamacare. this bill is about america's children, about head start. there are no strings attached. it just funds head start. now, i know that many of our colleagues on the other side of the aisle say that they can't support any funding bill unless they get exactly what they want which is an entire continuing resolution to finance the entire government. they want exactly what they want, otherwise they can't do this kind of a thing. and yet it is interesting to note that they then call republicans absolutists. fortunately, mr. speaker, many others on the other side of the aisle will support this funding bill for head start, as they have supported these other funding bills that we have been passing since the beginning of this shutdown, in a bipartisan way. and president obama and senate majority leader, the senate majority leader, keep saying that they will not negotiate.
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but i sincerely hope, mr. speaker, that they will negotiate. and that we can go to a conference committee. that we can work out our differences. that we can stop this shutdown. because to just keep saying, as the president keeps saying and the senate majority leader keep saying, that they will not negotiate on funding the government and they will not negotiate on raising the debt ceiling, i do not believe, mr. speaker, that that is the proper way forward and certainly on issues like america's children we can put politics aside. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time. the gentleman from kentucky reserves. the gentlelady from new york. mrs. lowey: before i yield to my next speaker, i'd like to make it clear we negotiated a spending bill. we took the republican number. let us pass that spending bill, speaker boehner should bring it to the floor at your number, and raise the debt ceiling and then there's plenty of time to
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negotiate on all the outstanding issues. mr. speaker, i'm very pleased to yield one minute to the gentlelady from california, ms. roybal-allard. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. ms. roybal-allard: i join the national head start association in opposing this bill. at a time our nation's at-risk families are suffering and the republican government shutdown and sequestration, a piecemeal approach is not in anyone's interest. this would selectively fund some education programs while failing to provide funding for others that poor children and their families rely on. the national school lunch program, the supplemental nutrition assistance program, title one, after school, special education, and rural education programs among others are all left out of this bill. it's unconscionable that our nation's most vulnerable children are being denied head
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start services because of speaker boehner's refusal to bring to the floor a clean bill to open the government. let's stop the charade of pitting seniors against children, veterans against families, one group of americans against another. let's open the government and serve all our countrymen. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back. the gentlewoman from new york reserves. the gentleman from kentucky. mr. rogers: mr. speaker, i yield two minutes to the gentleman from kansas, mr. yoder, a member of the appropriations committee. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. yoder: thank you, mr. speaker. i thank the chairman from kentucky for his work on this legislation to help provide funding for head start kids to have an opportunity to realize all the opportunities that life presents. mr. speaker, i rise today to ask us to work together and setaside our differences for the good of the american people. we are divided. we have an ongoing dispute about whether congress should receive special treatment, and whether
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individuals should be given the same exemptions that business vs. been given under the affordable care act. that is in dispute. why can't we go forward with legislation and policies and things that we all agree on. the senate has a position and the house has a position and we can go on and on with this debate about whether we should fund special treatment for congress and for businesses and labor unions under obamacare, but there are unnecessary casualties to that debate. today we have an opportunity to take head start off the table. 1,446,068 hat serves ,000. these students need our help. these are kids with little opportunity, disadvantaged by poverty and circumstances that put them behind from day one. head start for low-income children is a ray of hope. coming at a critical time when these young learners are developing their young minds. head start works for students. head start works for families.
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and head start works for the american taxpayer. so why can't we come to an agreement as to the funding for this portion of government? we can't come to for every portion. we get that. we are in agreement that the shutdown is unnecessary and that we can fund head start today. for some this is a philosophical debate. for the young of head start in kansas, these are real lives and real futures at stake. they are counting on us. surely we can take our partisan hats off for a moment and fund a bill to give each of these kids a chance to succeed. let's pass a clean bill that funds head start today. let's put aside our differences. let's find common ground. we have the power today to take head start kids out of this debate and ensure their funding. let's show the american people that today on this issue -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from kentucky reserves. the gentlelady from new york. mrs. lowey: mr. speaker, i ask
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unanimous consent to give the remaining time to manage to ms. delauro from connecticut. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentlelady from connecticut. ms. delauro: i thank the gentlewoman from new york. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the government of the united states of america has been now closed for a full week. people are out of work. some are people going hungry. our economy is poised on the brink of a disastrous default, yet this republican majority continues to play political games with the future of our country and lives and health of american families. the hostage being negotiated today is head start. one of the true american success stories. unquestionably the most effective early childhood development program ever developed. i have heard so often from my colleagues on the other side of the aisle about how unsuccessful a program is and what a terrible program it is and we ought to cut it. for almost 50 years now head start has provided comprehensive
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child development, literacy, family service to nearly 30 million preschoolers, from low-income and working families. it now serves nearly one million children every year. it's an example of how dedicated teachers with the help of a smart federal investment can enrich the lives of our citizens. the cornerstone of our efforts to close the achievement gap, combat poverty, provide all kids with the opportunity to thrive. it is another important federal program that republicans are claiming to support today in full defiance of their previous voting record. it is the majority expects we have all forgotten the positions they have been promoting for years up to this point. we have not forgotten. i am the ranking member of the subcommittee that oversees head start funding. and i have had to continually fight tooth and nail to see this program adequately funded and to
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protect it from the deep cuts put forward by the majority. 2011, the very first bill the majority -- republican majority passed, tried to cut head start by over $1 billion. 218,000 kids would have been cut from the rolls. 16,000 classrooms closed. 55,000 teachers, assistants, and staff would have lost their jobs. that was the majority's opening offer. and they didn't blink an eye. parents, teachers, advocates stood up and said no to these cuts. and the majority had to back down. instead now what they are doing with the automatic cuts, the across-the-board cuts known as sequestration, which was never meant to become law, they are using that to do their work for them. and because of those cuts, this majority has voted to make permanent 57,000 students across america have already lost access to head start, even the children
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who are able to remain in head start can expect shortened school days, elimination of home visits, and teacher layoffs. in total 78,000 children have lost access to this early learning since this house majority took office, and those sequester cuts will grow worse over time. this is a self inflicted government shutdown. head start centers are being forced to close and the longer the majority perpetuates this shutdown, the more kids are being denied an opportunity to learn. i'm happy to see my colleagues on the other side of the aisle embrace the importance of early childhood education. president obama has called for universal preschool, which would make a profound positive difference for children and their families across the country, but you know, this republican majority turned its back on that proposal. walked away from it. didn't even consider it. let's stop playing games with people's lives, their health, and our children's future.
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it is little wonder that according to the latest polls, 70% of the country opposes this hostage taking and want us to get back to work. i urge my colleagues to oppose this resolution and urge the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady reserves. the gentleman from kentucky. mr. rogers: mr. speaker, i can't believe what i just heard. the gentlelady was describing the importance of the head start program, and-in glowing terms, yet she turns around and tells us she's going to vote against funding for the head start program. that's a puzzle to me. ms. delauro: would the gentleman yield? mr. rogers: so i -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman controls the time. the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentlelady from connecticut. ms. delauro: i yield one minute to the gentlelady from california, miss he lee, a member of the subcommittee. the speaker pro tempore: the
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gentlelady is recognized for one minute. ms. lee: thank you very much. first of all we all know we are eight days into this tea party republican government shutdown, and 2.4 billion in lost economic activity. this hostage taking continues. the tea party republicans continue to want to deny millions of americans health care. that's why this shutdown continues and the public knows this. because of the devastating sequester already more than now 57,000 students have lost their head start slots. at the same time, the tea party republicans insisted on cutting food stamps by $40 billion for these same children. so you can't tell me that today they care about these kids when they fight to cut head start and every other program for young people in the appropriations committee. the national head start association doesn't buy this very sinister approach which will not reopen the government. they know that there are enough
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votes to open the government up if speaker boehner brings the senate budget bill to the floor. also let me just say want the funding level of the senate budget bill but compromised just to get the government opened. shut down this shutdown. mr. rogers: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentlelady from connecticut. ms. delauro: i would just like to say to the chairman of the full committee, he suggests that the national head start association, head start for low-income children act, i'm commenting on this sham of a bill before the house today has said that they are opposed to this effort because they realize that it is a charade. i think it's important to note that. they are certainly committed and have been for years in terms of early learning education and education for our children.
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but they, too, understand what is happening here today. with that, mr. speaker, i yield one minute to the gentleman from california, mr. miller. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one inute. mr. miller: i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. miller: i thank the gentlewoman for yielding. mr. chairman, this is now the second week of the republican shutdown of our government. shut down because they want to put insurance companies back in charge of america's health care. republicans in the house think that they can get out of this horrible mess by creating -- by partially opening one part of government or another. today it's head start a program i strongly support. and what used to be supported on a bipartisan basis to provide education, health and nutrition services to at-risk children. when republicans voted to shut down the government, they closed the doors on thousands of these children and their families. after several bad news articles about the republicans shutting down head start, they now want
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to partially reopen it. keep in mind restoring funding to head start only serves a small percentage of at-risk children who need preschool and eligible for it. it is not enough to restore one set of early learning services for at-risk children but not fund the childcare development block grant, special education service, and temporary services for needy families which provides servicings for children from low-income families as well. if the republicans are serious about supporting early childhood education, we should vote on a clean senate-passed budget to reopen the government. ms. delauro: yield another 30 seconds. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for 30 seconds. mr. miller: to reopen the government so services for these kids and families can be fully restored. we should have that vote today. it's time to stop the republican shutdown. i call on the speaker to let us vote. let us vote. let us vote on a bill to open the whole government. as of today, enough republicans have publicly stated that they are ready to join all of the democrats to vote to open the
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government. the republicans should allow the house to vote on the senate bill. a bill that was negotiated by the speaker of the house, mr. boehner a. and the leader of the senate, mr. reid, but rejected by the republican caucus. ably that bill to the floor. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired the gentleman is no longer recognized. the gentleman from kentucky. mr. rogers: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky reserves. the gentlelady from connecticut. ms. delauro: just as a quote from the national head start association, the proposed head start for low-income children act while attempting to provide funding for head start does not put forward a true solution to the government shutdown. and i would like to yield one minute to the gentlelady from wisconsin, ms. moore. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. ms. moore: thank you so much, mr. speaker. the definition of farce is a foolish show, mockery, ridiculous sham. mr. speaker, this head start funding bill and cry for
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providing a head start for our low-income children is indeed a false start. at this 22% sequestration level. the politicians' mantra that education is the key does not pass the laugh test. where our babies are locked out and out of luck, no liheap, immunizations, disability education assistance. this is a key to what? a key to a government careening toward default? a government that is defaulted on the future of our children. let's shut down the shut down. i yield back the balance of my time. mr. rogers: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentlelady from connecticut. ms. delauro: i'd like to read a headline. head start memo, nearly 1,000 children shut out. i'd like to yield one minute to the gentlewoman from california, ms. waters. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for one minute.
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ms. waters: thank you very much. mr. speaker, i rise in opposition to this legislation. you will find no stronger supporter of the head start program than me. for years i worked first as a teacher and later i was the supervisor for parent involvement and volunteer services. i know head start. the experience was like change -- life-changing, inspiring me join the war on poverty and dedicate myself to improving the lives of low-income children and families. thanks to head start, thousands of children have been put on a solid path to a well-rounded education. head start teaches children to feel good about themselves, to have a positive self-image. head start introduced children to books and reading and to how to resolve conflicts and we gave full examination and discovered educational disabilities and we gave them the path to good health services. the opposite side of the aisle claims they support head start and early childhood education but they supported sequestration
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that has robbed 57,000 children of the opportunity to be in the head start program. and so this republican destructive strategy, picking winners and losers, who will survive and who will not, is not the right way to go. ms. delauro: i yield the gentlelady another 30 seconds. ms. waters: put a clean c.r. on the floor so that we can vote for all of government to be protected. don't pick children -- pit children against veterans, etc. i will not be bullied into supporting this measure. i urge my colleagues to stand with me. despite my love for this program, i must vote against this measure and i ask my colleagues to stand up to these republican chicks and -- tricks and vote no. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time. the gentlelady from connecticut reserves. the gentleman from kentucky. mr. rogers: mr. speaker, i'm really puzzled. we hear speaker after speaker on the other side tell us how committed they are to these poor children. and the head start program.
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and yet here's the chance, mr. speaker, to continue this program. yes, it does not include the entire government. but are we going to hold hostage these kids from poor families who are desperate for this program? are we going to hold them hostage? or are we going to go ahead and approve this short-term funding for the head start program? if you believe in head start, it seems to me you would stand in the well and say, i support this bill. because it continues the head start program. i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky reserves. the gentlelady from connecticut. ms. delauro: let me just comment for a moment. i think it's not a question of olding these children hostage. you're holding the entire nation hostage. for an effort that is not going
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to change. and that is the affordable care act is the law of the land. let's have a vote on this floor of the house of representatives. we can reopen this government and not hold anyone hostage any longer. and if my memory serves me well, in 2011 the gentleman who i do have great respect for voted for and what maybe was his bill was the passed h.r. 1 which would have cut head start by over $1 billion. it is puzzling to me that all of a sudden my republican colleagues have gotten religion on the head start program. it is not -- it is so inconsistent where this majority has been with regard to head so disingenuous and due police to us that we know it is -- duplicative that we know it is a political ploy. i yield to the gentlewoman from
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florida, ms. castor. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. ms. castor: the republican shutdown is a disaster for families across america and this great country and we are not fooled by this political gimmick on the floor today. it is a gimmick, it is a gimmick, it is a gimmick. republicans -- the republican position in this congress, as demonstrated in their budget, has been to slash support for head start students. i know this. head start parents know this. head start teachers know this. and our communities back home know it all too well. in fact, in the house budget committee, just this past march, democrats offered an amendment to eliminate the severe republican cuts to education and head start students and to stop the layoffs of teachers. republicans scoffed, just like they're scoffing at their biggest responsibility to negotiate and pass a budget, and keep government working. mr. speaker, when you shut down head start classrooms, did you know that the parents of these students may not be able to go
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to work or keep their jobs? that is not smart. head start keeps parents working or studying for their own degrees so they can move out of poverty into the middle class. so i urge speaker boehner to bring a clean bill to the floor. ms. delauro: 10 seconds. or you're done? mr. costa: -- ms. castor: not these gimmicks. we know we have 200 democrats ready to support a clean c.r. and at least 20 or so republicans, end these political gimmicks, fund the government. end this calamity for american families. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. the gentlelady from connecticut reserves. the gentleman from kentucky. mr. rogers: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentlelady from connecticut. ms. delauro: i yield the gentleman from new jersey one minute, mr. andrews. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey is recognized for one minute. mr. andrews: i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. andrews: colleagues, i think
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the best way to resolve this debate is to ask a simple factual question. there are two approaches here, the majority approach wants to pass this piecemeal bill. we want, we, meaning the entire democratic caucus, and enough republicans to pass it, we want to take up the senate clean bill and vote on it now. which of these two approaches would provide the most help, most quickly, to the head start centers across the country? which would really help the program? if this bill passes, it will languish in the current political turmoil and go nowhere. if the speaker puts on the floor the clean senate continuing resolution, it will pass this afternoon. and the head start centers that are afflicted by this problem all over the country will open tomorrow morning. if you care about helping the head start program, you'll vote in favor of the senate bill. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentlelady from connecticut
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reserves. the gentleman from kentucky. mr. rogers: i yield two minutes to the gentleman from nebraska, mr. terry. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. terry: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise in support of this bill because i actually think head start is an important program and i support it. i've seen and gone to head starts throughout my district and read to the kids that are there and the reforms that were done that made it more of an educational preschool-type of atmosphere, as that was done, jeez, i don't know, probably about seven or eight years ago, i think. it actually helped improve head start. making sure that children are ready when they start regular k through 12. so i support this. and this is important. and this atmosphere, where it is all or nothing and no negotiations, we're not going to talk to you, we were left to
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doing these micro or minivan-type of bills where we take the most important, essential programs and say, you know, we agree with you that ad start is a worthwhile program. and it's worth funding. so why don't we just work together and agree that we will fund head start at the budget level? yeah, i heard comments earlier about some republicans wanted to cut it and, yes, there's going to be some that do. so if you think that it's that cynical, call us on it. vote for it. you want head start to continue? and you think we're being cynical? call us on it. vote for it. let's send it over in a bipartisan measure, over to the senate. and force them to vote for it. what's the worst thing that's going to happen? oh, head start gets funded. i yield back.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the chair reminds members to address their remarks to the chair. the gentleman from kentucky reserves. the gentlelady from connecticut. ms. delauro: i will just say to my colleague who just spoke, vote for it, let's take the bill that was passed in the senate, bring it here. there are apparently enough votes to reopen this government. vote for it. why be afraid of the process? that's what we do here. we vote. bring the bill here. let's open it up. and take our chances. what are we afraid of? what are we afraid of? re we afraid that in fact some republicans will join all of the democrats to pass a bill that reopens the federal government and protects these children, protects our veterans, protects
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ur workers, protects everyone? there is just a fear and loathing here, which i truly do not understand. with regard to head start and other early childhood education programs, we know what those economic dividends are. it's about productivity, it's about prosperity, but it is about the quality of their life and their fewer you to -- and their future. that's what head start means. and given the record of in gentleman -- of this majority and its past actions in cutting funding over and over and over ain for head start, just proves how disingenuous this gimmick is here today. they're playing to the crowd but the crowd isn't listening. no one will forget what you have done. in fact, head start graduates
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are less likely to need special education services. to be left back a grade. or to get into trouble with the law. they are more likely to go on to college and to have a professional career. it is a program, yes, that works wonders. which is why we've all been surprised and dismayed by our republicans and their attempts to slash this funding in the past. may i ask the gentleman if he has any additional speakers or if he is going to close? mr. rogers: i have no further speakers and am prepared to close. ms. delauro: ok. can the gentleman please let me know how much time i have? the speaker pro tempore: you have one minute remaining. ms. delauro: said -- the speaker pro tempore: 1 1/2 minutes, i'm sorry.
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ms. delauro: thank you. i'm dismayed but we are all dismayed. we have fought these battles on head start in the committee. the ranking member of the appropriations committee, who sits on the labor h.h.s. subcommittee, we fought over and over and over again talking about how important this program is. and day after day after day we have been told that the facts belie themselves. that this is not a successful program. that kids aren't learning. and they have drug up studies from 20 years ago to tell us that this program doesn't work. all of a sudden today they think that there is merit in head start? i hope this extends to what the president has asked for, and
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universal early childhood education. do you know that the labor, hh subcommittee never -- h.h. subcommittee never even saw a markup, nor did they ever mention what their draft proposal, early childhood education, they dismissed the president's view of early childhood education and providing universal coverage -- or universal early education for kids. and now today they stand before this body and this nation and say they support this effort. let me just tell you, this is more of the reason why the hostage-taking by the majority has to end. every day we waste time with these gimmicks, mortgages our kids' future and our future as a nation. it's not responsible governing and it's time for it to end. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. the gentleman from kentucky. mr. rogers: i yield myself whatever time remains. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. rogers: you know, mr. speaker, we've heard here today what we've heard in the last
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several days. from the other side. that they will not vote for any of these individual bills because we're not bringing the entire continuing resolution before the house. but let me point out, with this bill, the 10th in this series that we've brought out in so-called piecemeal fashion, this 10th bill will take us to about 1/3 of the c.r.. the original continuing resolution. so we're passing the continuing resolution one piece at a time, but nevertheless we're passing a continuing resolution. and to say that i'm not going to vote for this bill because you don't have all of the bills before us doesn't have much logic to it. it means that every bill that comes to the floor of the house could be argued the same way. i won't vote for that bill because it doesn't fund whatever or enact whatever piece of
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legislation that's waiting in the wings. now, mr. speaker, this is about head start. it's not about health care. it's not about procedure. it's not about whether or not this piecemeal or full or what have you. it's about head start. if you believe in the head start program and the hundreds of thousands of young children in this country and families that are depending on this program, it seems to me you would lay everything else aside and vote for that program, which i'm asking our members to do as i close. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. all time for debate has expired. pursuant to house resolution 371, the previous question is ordered. the question is on the engrossment and third reading of the joint resolution. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no.
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the ayes have it. third reading. the clerk: joint resolution making continuing appropriations for head start for fiscal year 2014 and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from california rise? >> mr. speaker, i have a motion to recommit at the desk? the speaker pro tempore: is the gentlelady opposed to joint resolution? mrs. capps: yes, i am. the clerk: mrs. capps of california moves to move the joint resolution, house resolution -- joint resolution 84, strike after the clause and insert the following, that upon passage of this joint resolution by the house of representatives, the joint resolution, house joint resolution 59, making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2014, and for other purposes, as amended by the senate on september 27, 2013, shall be considered to have
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been taken from the speaker's table and the house shall have be considered as, one, recreeded from its amendment, and, two, concurred in the senate amendment. mr. rogers: mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from kentucky rise? mr. rogers: i reserve a point of order on the gentlelady's motion. the speaker pro tempore: the entleman reserves. pursuant to the rule, the gentlelady from california is recognized for five minutes in support of her motion. mrs. capps: thank you, mr. speaker. i'm honored to speak on this topic. i worked for decades in our nation's public school as a school nurse and i saw firsthand in my community the tremendous affects that head start programs have for so many of our most vulnerable children. no one is a stronger supporter of this program. but today is really not about the children of head start or their families. today is about ending the childish behavior of the republican leadership who continue to stand in the way of
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reopening our government. let me be clear. we are here today because one faction of one party in one house of congress has shut down the united states government because they don't like one law, the affordable care act. this is a law that was passed by this congress. it was affirmed by the supreme court. and it was a focal point of the last election where the candidate for president who supported the law won. but none of this matters to our republican colleagues. instead, they have let their obsession with repealing the affordable care act bring our entire federal government to a screeching halt. mr. speaker, this piecemeal approach, pushed by my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to reopen certain parts of the government, is merely a facade, it's a gimmick, as my colleague referred to, giving the illusion that they are trying to fix the problem. but they are not. instead, we find ourselves here picking and choosing and
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waiting for them to decide whose lucky day it is to be funded by the republican leadership. this is not the way to run a great nation. even if we open -- reopen head start programs, what about the millions of other students that benefit from programs administered by the department of education? what about the families who cannot get their childcare vouchers? what about the job training programs that help the unemployed parents get back on their feet? how long do they have to wait, mr. speaker, until we get around to funding their programs? when is their lucky day? we cannot continue government funding by picking programs out of a hat. if the house leadership really wanted to fix the problem, they could do so today. if they would just bring a clean continuing resolution to the house floor for a straight up or down vote. at least 25 of our republican colleagues have publicly
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supported a vote for a clean continuing resolution. that is enough votes to end the shutdown today. we know it. the speaker knows it. and the american people know it. so we are still waiting. now, let me say it again. this government shutdown does not have to continue. we can end it right now. my amendment today is the ninth time that democrats have provided a solution to end the government shutdown, and it is the only way to get a vote on the clean, negotiated continuing resolution today. so i urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to take this opportunity, let us stop wasting time. we must reopen the government. we must get back to our work which is to rebuild our economy, to support our veterans, to pass a farm bill, to address the many other challenges that this great nation of ours faces.
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to do so we need to stop playing these games. therefore, i urge my colleagues, including my many republican colleagues who have called for a vote on a clean c.r. to join me today and to end this charade. i urge a yes vote on this motion, and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back the balance of her time. for what purpose does the gentleman from kentucky rise? mr. rogers: mr. speaker, i make a point of order that the instructions contained in the motion violate clause 7 of rule 16, which requires that an amendment be germane to the bill under consideration. as the chair recently ruled on 2013, 2, 3, 4 and 7, the instructions contain a special order of business within the jurisdiction of the committee on rules and therefore the amendment is not germane to the underlying bill. and mr. speaker, i insist on my point of order. the speaker pro tempore: does
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anyone wish to speak on the point of order? mrs. capps: mr. speaker, point of order. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from california. mrs. capps: mr. speaker, doesn't the bill before us fund only a portion of the federal government? my motion to recommit would open up the entire federal government so that all of our education programs are there for all our children and families. account chair explain, please, why it is not germane to open all of the nation's education programs? the speaker pro tempore: the chair is prepared to rule. the gentleman from kentucky makes a point of order that the instructions proposed in the motion to recommit offered by the gentlelady from california are not germane. the joint resolution extends funding related to head start. the instructions in the motion propose an order of business of the house. as the chair ruled on october 2, october 3, october 4 and october 7, 2013, a motion to
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recommit proposing an order of business of the house is not germane to a measure providing for the appropriations of funds on committee jurisdiction grounds. therefore, the instructions proposed are nongermane amendment, the point of order is sustained. mrs. capps: mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from california rise? mrs. capps: mr. speaker, point of order. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady will state her point of order. mrs. capps: i appeal the ruling of the chair. the speaker pro tempore: the question is will the ruling stand as judgment of the house. mr. rogers: mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky. mr. rogers: i move to lay the appeal on the table. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on the motion to table. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair the ayes have it. mrs. capps: mr. speaker, i ask for the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested.
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those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. pursuant to clause 9 of rule 20, this 15-minute vote on the motion to table will be followed by a five-minute vote on passage of the joint resolution if arising without further proceedings in recommital. this is a 15-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote the yeas are 226. and the nays are 191. the motion is adopted. without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. the question is on the passage of the joint resolution. those in favor will say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. ms. delauro: mr. speaker. with that i ask for a recorded vote. the speaker pro tempore: a recorded vote is requested. those favoring a recorded vote will rise. a sufficient number having arisen, a recorded vote is ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. and this will be a five-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the
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u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote the yeas are 248. the nays are 168. he joint resolution is passed. without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. pursuant to clause 12-a of rule 1, the house will stand in recess subject to the call of
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we are a nonprofit, nonpartisan conservation organization that really dedicated to protecting our national parks. and so we're nongovernmental. while we don't have control over the national parks, we do have the ability to protect them and advocate on their behalf. host: so that's an important to note. you don't have control over the national parks but you can speak to the impact of the government shutdown on the parks. what is it so far? we are in day eight? guest: we are an incredibly awful situation. as you know and the viewers know, the national parks have been suffering from underfunding for several years. and with the sequester we have been seeing park closures, late openings really throughout this
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year. in fact, i think a great example is a park that opens in mid april. it's an important part of the season for them. this year, because of the sequester cuts, they weren't able to open until mid may. so just local businesses alone lost about $30 million in revenue. so now the season, another season which is so important. many people remember the government shutdown last time. this time it's even much worse because this is peak season for so many of the national parks. so whether it's weddings, vacations, whether it's concessioneers losing thousands of dollars a day, this is an incredible hit for local communities and those that depend on the national parks. . host: if you got to the website you can see the running ticker of the cost of the park shutdown to the local park economies. there's also a flicker page we can show you that yo