tv Washington This Week CSPAN October 12, 2013 10:00am-12:01pm EDT
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is correct. if members would please remain from conversations on the floor. the gentlewoman is recognized. mitts mccollum -- ms. mccollum: i rise today to oppose this bill. as democratic co-chair of the native american caucus, i'm here to promote respect for tribal sovereignty, to fight for the needs of native american families, and to call our federal government to uphold its trust and treaty obligations. mr. paul, my republican co-chair, ranking member moran, and mr. simpson, the author of this legislation, shir those very same goals. . but i think the bill before us today doesn't meet the needs of indian country. the national conference of american indians has asked us to, quote, reopen government operations for all federal agencies that meet trust and treaty obligations to tribal nations and to stop the sequester of 2014. and i've heard that same
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message loud and clear from minnesota tribal leaders. mr. speaker, when we consider federal funding for tribal nations, we are talking about government-to-government relationships. this means the entire federal government needs to be open and functioning. many services have been pointed out that are vital to indian country are not funded with b.i.a. or b.h.s. the department of agriculture, commerce, justice, transportation and other agencies within h.h.s. or interior all have native american accounts. food distribution on indian reservations is administered by the department of agriculture and no funds is able to replenish food reserves to support low-income american indians each month. in minnesota, winter is on its way and tribal housing development has been brought to a halt for white earth nation because the bureau of land
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management is closed. mr. speaker, i could list other important tribal partnerships that this bill will not open. and i have one that i'll enter into the record with your permission. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. ms. mccollum: we need to vote for a clean funding bill for this government. i'll vote no. i encourages others to do the same. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman's time has expired. the gentleman from idaho. mr. simpson: mr. speaker, it's my pleasure to yield to the gentleman from alaska, mr. young, two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from alaska is recognized for two minutes. mr. young: i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. mr. young: my fellow colleagues, this is an important piece of legislation. when you vote against this legislation, you're voting against the first americans. everyone in this room is an immigrant. we made a trust relationship with american indians to take care of them, provide them and
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a trust relationship that we failed. you say this won't go anywhere. very frankly, we should have done this a long time ago. we should set up the system because of the trust system that they are front end loaded for their health care primarily. we have a system now that does not work. they have to hold their hand out and beg, and a lot of you on that side, all you'll say, don't say too much. take your blanket and go home and be quiet. no other minority would be treated that way. this health system has to be fixed. we have an opportunity to fix it now. we should fix it now. when people stand up and say, i support the american indians, the first americans, you're not really supporting it. you're paying lip service. you're paying lip service. that's all you have been doing for all these years ever since
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columbus landed on these shores, and you broke treaty after treaty after treaty, both sides of the aisle. i've been with eight presidents and they paid lip service. they paid lip service. the president is going to have a big first american conference, the fifth one, and now all they tell them again, be quiet, take your blanket and your half a beet and go home. for those that talk about the minority, this is the first minority. yes, i get a little emotional about this because i have 10 american native grandchildren. i have two beautiful american native children that's given me those 10 grandchildren. and i had a wife that was in fact one of the first americans and i'm proud to be associated with that. we should vote yes on this bill. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from idaho
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reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: mr. speaker, i agree with my good friend from alaska. the unconscionable treatment that's been accorded our native americans. and i agree that there should be a unique commitment to our native americans, but at this point i'd like to yield one minute to the gentleman from michigan, mr. kildee. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. kildee: thank you, mr. speaker. thank you for the time. look, we all know what's happening here. if anybody believes that there's a true commitment to fully fund the promises that we have made to america's native american tribes, you've got to be joking. look what is not funded in this legislation. it would be really simple to meet the promise that the gentleman spoke so eloquently about and the way we would do that is to simply bring up a clean bill to reopen the entirety of government. instead of picking and choosing
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which promises we will keep to america's native american tribes, we would keep them all. instead of skipping the housing program, skipping the social service programs and providing a talking point but not meeting the obligation that this congress has made to america's native american tribes. if any community in this country understands broken promises, it's the native american tribes of this country. in this bill, this legislation, continues the trail of broken promises. the speaker pro tempore: the entleman's time has expired. mr. moran: i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from idaho. mr. simpson: mr. speaker, it's now my pleasure to yield to the gentleman from oklahoma, a valued member of our subcommittee and probably the largest advocate for indian issues in congress, the gentleman, mr. cole. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. cole: thank you very much,
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mr. speaker. i thank the gentleman for yielding. i can agree with parts of what my friends have said and parts i frankly can't agree with. i worked in a bipartisan manner across the aisle and with the white house on native american issues ever since i've gotten here no matter who was on the other side of the aisle or who was in the white house. i have to tell you, when you question the commitment of our native american affairs, you clearly haven't looked at the record. because of this chairman, indian health expense is up 29% in three years. each year for the last three years, we have raised above what the administration quested in native american community. i want to give my friend, mr. moran, my friend, betty mccollum, a lot of truth -- excuse me -- a lot of credit for those achievements. i want to give our predecessor, norm dicks, who operated in the same way, a lot of credit for that. this is a good faith effort to do exactly what my friends suggest, make sure that critical programs in indian
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program are funded right now. i'll continue to work in a bipartisan manner with my friends on these kinds of -- and other issues, but to suggest that they're being used as a pawn, no, for the first time they're just not being forgotten about, because that what tends to happen around here. that's happened with democrats and republicans. so with that, i would urge the adoption and support. i want to thank my friend for being the leader in this house on funding native american programs. has done more than anybody in this country to improve the quality and the level of federal services on that. so he ought to be given the credit that he respects. i want to thank my friend, mr. moran, working with him every step of the way to accomplish those things. i saw them do it when their roles were reversed and he was chair and he was ranking member. not an effort to divide. it's an effort, actually, to put something out that has united us in a bipartisan sense and to make sure that the first americans aren't the last americans that anybody around here thinks about. with that i yield back my time.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from idaho reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: mr. speaker, this releases .15% of the federal government, leaving more than 9% of the federal government -- 99% of the federal government still closed. so at this point i'd like to yield for the purposes of a unanimous consent request to our very distinguished minority whip, mr. hoyer from maryland. mr. hoyer: i thank the gentleman for yielding. mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to h. resolution 59, to open the government and go to conference on a budget so that we end this epublican government shutdown. the speaker pro tempore: under guidelines consistently issued by successive speakers as recorded in section 956 of the house rules and manual, the chair is constrained not to entertain the request unless it has been cleared by the bipartisan floor and committee leadership.
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the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: mr. speaker, i'd like to yield for the purposes of a unanimous consent request o ms. velazquez from new york. ms. velazquez: i thank the gentleman for yielding. ask that the house bring up the resolution to open the government so we can end the republican government shutdown. the speaker pro tempore: the request cannot be entertained absent appropriate clearance. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: mr. speaker, i yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent request to mr. green from texas. mr. green: thank you. mr. speaker, i, too, ask unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to h.j.res. 59, to open the government and to go to conference on a budget so that we can end the republican government shutdown. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertained absent appropriate clearance. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: mr. speaker, i yield
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for the purpose of unanimous consent request the gentlelady from california, ms. hahn. ms. hahn: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to h.j. resolution 59, to open this government and go to conference on a budget so that we can end this republican government shutdown that is hurting so many american people. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertain absent appropriate clearance. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: mr. speaker, i yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent request to the gentleman from rhode island, mr. cicilline. mr. cicilline: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to house joint resolution 59, to open the government and go to conference on a budget so we can end this republican shutdown now and get the american people back to work. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertained absent appropriate clearance. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: mr. speaker, at this time i yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent request to the gentleman from new york,
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mr. maloney. mr. maloney: mr. speaker, in order to end this republican shutdown today to get the people's government working, i ask you bring up the senate amendment to h.j.res. 59 and open the government without further delay. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertained without appropriate clearance. mr. moran: i ask unanimous consent to yield to the gentleman from texas, mr. hinojosa. mr. hinojosa: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to the house joint resolution 59, to open the government and go to conference on a budget so that we end this republican government shutdown. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertained absent appropriate clearance. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: i now yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent request to the gentlelady from new hampshire, ms. kuster. ms. kuster: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the
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house bring up the senate amendment to h.j.res. 59, to open the government and go to conference on a budget so that we end in republican government shutdown and give the american people the relief that they deserve. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertained absent appropriate clearance. mr. moran: i now yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent request to the member of the appropriations committee from new york, the honorable mr. serrano. mr. serrano: mr. speaker -- the speaker pro tempore: the chair would ask that any member seeking recognition remove any communicated badge while making any request. mr. serrano: you mean this sticker? the speaker pro tempore: yes. mr. serrano: we're allowed to bring posters and other items to the floor. why not this red, white and blue sticker?
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the speaker pro tempore: badges are not allowed. mr. serrano: i'll take it off but it's with great pain i do so. mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to h.j.res. 59, to open the government and go to conference on a budget so that we end this republican government shutdown now. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, this cannot be entertained absent appropriate clearance. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: mr. speaker, i now yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent request to the gentleman from california, mr. mcnerney. mr. mcnerney: thank you. mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to h.j.res. 59, to open the government and to go to conference on a budget so that we can end this republican government shutdown and get our nation back to work. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertained
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absent appropriate clearance. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: mr. speaker, i now yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent request to the gentleman from texas, mr. doggett. mr. doggett: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to h.j.r. 59, instead of leaving for a three-day weekend, that we open the government and go to conference on a budget and end this republican government shutdown. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, the request cannot be entertained absent appropriate clearance. mr. doggett: ms. pelosi has cleared it. who's objecting? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is not recognized. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: mr. speaker, i'd like to yield for the purposes of a unanimous consent request, the gentleman from wisconsin, mr. pocan. mr. pocan: thank you. mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to h.j. resolution 59, to open up the government and go to conference on a budget so we can end this republican government shutdown that's costing the u.s. economy
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$160 million a day. . the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised that request cannot be entertained without appropriate clearance. mr. moran: yield to the yeal from california, mrs. davis. mrs. davis: i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up senate amendment to h.j.res. 59, to open the government, go to conference on a budget so that we end this republican government shutdown. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertain absent appropriate clearance. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: mr. speaker, i now yield for purpose of a unanimous consent request to the gentlelady from nks ms. jackson lee. ms. jackson lee: mr. speaker, because many families today are not able to pay their mortgage, i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to h.j.res. 59, to open the government and go to conference on the budget so we can end this republican government shutdown hurting the children of america. the speaker pro tempore: as the
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chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertained absent appropriate clearance. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: i now yield to the gentlelady from alabama, ms. terri sewell. ms. sewell: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to h.j.res. 59 to open the government and go to conference on a budget so that we can end this republican government shutdown now. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertained absent appropriate clearance. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: mr. speaker, at this point i'd like to yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent request for the -- to the gentlelady from ohio, mrs. beatty. mrs. beatty: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to h.r. res. 59, to open government and to go to conference on a budget so we can end this unnecessary republican government shutdown that hurts veterans and children and the american citizens. let's open up the government
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now. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertained absent appropriate clearance. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: mr. speaker, at this time i'd like to yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent request to the gentleman from florida, judge hastings. mr. hastings: thank you very much for yielding. mr. speaker, i have a parliamentary inquiry. what i would ask the speaker to advise of this member as to what is the definition of appropriate clearance. the speaker pro tempore: earance must be given by committee staff. under guidelines consistently issued by successive speakers as reported in section 956 of the house rules and manual, the chair is constrained not to entertain the request unless it is cleared by the bipartisan floor and committee leaderships. mr. hastings: further
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parliamentary inquiry, do you know as speaker whether or not such an attempt has been made and maybe denied with reference to the bipartisan clearance? the speaker pro tempore: as indicated in section 956 of the house rules and manual, it is not a proper parliamentaryry inquire to ask the chair to indicate which side of the aisle has failed under the speaker's guidelines to clear a unanimous consent request. mr. hastings: mr. speaker, you are a republican and i'm a democrat, further parliamentary inquiry, i seek appropriate clearance from you. the speaker pro tempore: the chairs has not received appropriate clearance. the gentleman from virginia is recognized. -- moran: mr. speaker, i now i yield time to the gentleman to complete his unanimous consent request. mr. hastings: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to h.j.res. 59 to open the government and go to conference on a budget so that we end this
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republican shutdown and that's with or without clearance. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertained absent appropriate clearance. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: mr. speaker, for the purpose of the unanimous consent request, i yield to the distinguished layy from -- lady from california, ms. bass. the speaker pro tempore: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the house bring the senate amendment to h.j.res. 59 to open the government and go to conference on a budget so that we can end this republican government shutdown. as the chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertained absent appropriate clearance. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: at this time i'd like to yield for the purpose of unanimous consent request to the gentleman from california, mr. honda. mr. honda: good morning, mr. speaker. i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to h.j.res. 59 to open the government and go to conference on a budget so that we end this republican government shutdown. the speaker pro tempore: as the
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chair has previously advised, that request is cannot be entertained absent appropriate clearance. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: mr. speaker, i would like to yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent request to the vice chair of our democratic caucus, mr. crowley, from new york. mr. crowley: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to h.j.res. to open the government and go to conference on the budget so we can end this republican government shutdown. it's time to shut down the shutdown. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, that request cannot entertained absent appropriate clearance. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: i yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent to mr. welch from vermont. mr. welch: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to h.j.res. 59 to open up the government and go to conference on a budget so we can end this republican government shut gun. i yield back
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the speaker pro tempore:s the chair previously advised that request cannot be entertain absend pronetcleernts. mr. moran: i yield to the gentlelady for the purpose of a unanimous consent request. ms. shea-porter: i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to h.j.res. 59, to open the government and go to conference on a budget so that we end this republican government shutdown and allow the government to do the people's business again. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertaint absent appropriate clearance. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: i now yield to the gentleman from texas, mr. veasey. mr. veasey: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to h.j.res. 59 to open the government and go to conference on a budget so that we hand this republican government shutdown -- end this republican shutdown now. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertained absent appropriate clearance.
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the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: i yield for the from e ms. waters california. ms. waters: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to h.j.res. 59 to open the government and go to conference on a budget. so we can end this republican shutdown. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from virginia. >> mr. speaker, parliamentary inquiry. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman will state. mr. scott: mr. speaker, you have ruled that these unanimous consent requests cannot be entertained because they have not been precleared. it's obvious the democratic leadership supports these motions and i would wonder if it would be in order for the republicans here now to preclear
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these unanimous consent requests so we can vote to reopen overnment. as speaker pro tempore: indated in section 956 of the house rules and manual it is not proper to ask the chair to indicate which side of the aisle has failed under the speaker's guidelines to clear a unanimous consent request. mr. scott: further parliamentary inquiry. apparently the chair can't do it. is it in order for me to ask the republicans to preclear the unanimous consent request? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is free to try to obtain clearance. mr. scott: i yield to anybody on the republican side at this time under my parliamentary inquiry to please clear -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized is not recognized to yield. does the gentleman have a unanimous consent request? mr. moran: i yield to the gentleman from virginia for the purpose of a unanimous consent request. mr. scott: thank you, mr. speaker. i ask unanimous consent that the
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house bring up the senate amendment to h.j.res. 59 to open up the government and go to conference on the budget so we can end republican shutdown and let the record reflect that the republicans have had an opportunity to preclear one of these unanimous consent requests. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertained absent appropriate clearance. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: mr. speaker, i now yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent request to the ms. elady from california, roybal-allard. ms. roybal-allard: i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up senate amendment to h.j.res. 59 to open the government and go to conference on the budget so we can end this republican government shutdown today. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertained. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: i yield to the gentlelady from california, ms. lofgren. ms. lofgren: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to
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h.j.res. 59, to open the government, to go to conference on a budget so that we end this republican shutdown and stop holding the economy hostage. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertained absent appropriate clearance. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: i yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent request to the gentlelady from california, ms. brownley. ms. brownley: mr. speaker, please, our country is asking, i'm asking unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to house joint resolution 59 to open our government and go to conference on a budget so that we will end this republican government shutdown now and get our government back to work for the american people. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertained absent appropriate clearance. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: mr. speaker, i now yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent request to the gentleman from california, mr. takano. mr. takano: mr. speaker, i ask
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unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to h.j.res. 59 to open the government and go to conference on the budget so that we end this republican shutdown now. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertained absent appropriate clearance. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: mr. speaker, i now yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent request to the gentleman from massachusetts, mr. kennedy. mr. kennedy: thank you. mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to h.j.res. 59, to open the government and go to conference on a budget so we can end this republican government shutdown today. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertained absent appropriate clearance. he house will be in order. members will take their conversations from the floor. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: mr. speaker, i now yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent request to the gentlelady from new mexico, miss
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lohan grisham. miss lohan grishian: i join my colleagues and ask unanimous consent that the house immediately bring up the senate amendment to h.j. resolution 59 to open the government and go to conference on a budget so we end the republican shutdown immediately. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertained absent appropriate clearance. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: mr. speaker, at this time i yield to the gentlelady from california, ms. lee, for the purpose of a unanimous consent request. ms. lee: thank you, mr. speaker. i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to h.j.res. 59 to open the government and go to conference on a budget so that we can end this tea party republican government shutdown and put people back to work. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertained absent appropriate clearance. mr. moran: mr. speaker, i now yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent request to the gentleman from minnesota, mr. walz. mr. walz: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up senate amendment to
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house joint resolution 59 to open the american people's government and go to conference on a budget so that we end this republican government shutdown. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertained absent appropriate clearance. the gentleman from california. mr. moran: mr. speaker, i now yield to the gentleman from california for the purpose of a unanimous consent request, mr. ruiz. mr. ruiz: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to h.j.res. 59 to open the government and go to conference on a budget so we end this reckless and irresponsible government shutdown and do the right thing for the american people. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertained absent appropriate clearance. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: mr. speaker, i now yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent request to the dean of the new york delegation, mr. rangel. mr. rangel: mr. speaker, may i make a parliamentary inquirery. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman may state his inquiry. mr. rangel: under what circumstances could a senior
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member of this august body protest the shutdown of government at this time? it the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is not making a parliamentary inquiry. mr. rangel: i ask -- i'm asking from a parliamentary point of view, i don't want to violate the house rules, but as a member of congress, representing 700,000 people, i feel that i have to scream out in protest as to what's happening to the country, and my constituents, there has to be some way for me in a parliamentary way without violating the house rules to express myself. . the speaker pro tempore: the chair is following guidelines on appropriate unanimous consent requests. mr. rangel: with all due respect, that has nothing to do with my parliamentary inquiry. nothing at all. the speaker pro tempore: under the --
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mr. rangel: the rules for unanimous consent doesn't have to do with a parliamentary inquiry. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is engaging in debate. does the gentleman have a unanimous consent request? mr. rangel: are you saying that you're ignoring my parliamentary inquiry? i'm just asking. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman has not made a parliamentary inquiry. mr. rangel: that's how i started. and i could ask the recorder but i don't want to waste a lot of time on this weekend legislative session. but i started asking permission to make a parliamentary inquiry and that was granted. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman will suspend. under guidelines consistently issued by successive speakers the rule 956 the chair is constrained not to entertain requests -- mr. rangel: mr. speaker, are you talking about a unanimous consent request?
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the speaker pro tempore: yes. mr. rangel: well, i'm talking about a parliamentary inquiry. if you're telling me i'm out of order for making a parliamentary inquiry, i'm not prepared to challenge the chair even though i truly believe you and i believe you would be incorrect. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman has not stated a proper parliamentary inquiry. mr. rangel: i ask -- how do you state it properly? i ask, how could i properly state the feelings of my constituents as a member of this august body in a parliamentary way? what could be more parliamentary than that? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman may be yielded to for debate. the gentleman from virginia is recognized. mr. rangel: oh, so the parliamentary inquiry is not going to be recognized? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from virginia is recognized. mr. rangel: ok. i accept that. mr. moran: mr. speaker, i had yielded the gentleman from new
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york for a unanimous consent request if the gentleman has unanimous consent request. mr. rangel: i ask unanimous consent that the speaker and the parliamentarian take a good look at the rules of this house so members could protest the closing down the united states government. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman has not made a proper parliamentary inquiry. r. moran: mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from virginia is recognized. mr. moran: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, at this time i would like to yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent request to the gentlelady from california, mrs. capps. mrs. capps: i thank my colleague for yielding. honorable speaker, i'm pleased to join with my colleagues asking unanimous consent that this body in which we serve,
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the house of representatives, bring up the senate amendment to the h.j.res., the house joint resolution 59, to open the government and go to conference on a budget so that we may end this republican government shutdown. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair has previously advised, that request cannot be entertained absent appropriate clearance. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: mr. speaker, at this time i'd like to yield to the gentleman from minnesota for the purpose of a parliamentary inquiry -- for unanimous consent request, mr. nolan. mr. nolan: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the house bring up the senate amendment to house resolution 59, to open the government and to go to conference on a budget so that we can end this republican government shutdown so hurtful and harmful to the american people. the speaker pro tempore: as the chair previously advised, that request cannot be entertained
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absent appropriate clearance. pursuant to clause 1-c of rule 19, further consideration of house joint resolution 80 is postponed. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, proceedings will resume on the question previously postponed. votes will be taken in the following order. house resolution 378, the motion to instruct on h.r. 2642. the first electronic vote will be conducted as a 15-minute vote. remaining electronic votes will be conducted as 15-minute votes. >> parliamentary inquiry. the speaker pro tempore: the unfinished business is the vote on -- mr. connolly: mr. speaker, parliamentary inquiry. the speaker pro tempore: on which the yeas and nays were ordered. the clerk will report the resolution. the clerk: house resolution -- expressing the sense of the house of representatives regarding certain provisions of the senate amendment to h.r. 2642, relating to the secretary of agriculture's administration of tariff rate quotas for raw and refined sugar. mr. faleomavaega: the question is on the adoption -- the speaker pro tempore: the question is on the adoption of
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the resolution. members will record their votes by electronic device. this is a 15-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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reconsider is laid on the table. the unfinished business is the vote on the motion to instruct offered by the gentleman from minnesota, mr. peterson, on which the yeas and nays are ordered. the clerk will designate the motion. the clerk: motion to instruct conferees on h.r. 2642, offered by mr. peterson of minnesota. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on the motion to instruct. members will record their votes by electronic device. this is a five-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the motion is not adopted. without objection, a motion to reconsider is laid on the table. without objection, the chair appoints the following conferees n h.r. 2642. the clerk: from the committee on agriculture, for consideration of the house amendment and the senate amendment and modifications committed to conference, messrs. lucas, king of iowa, neugebauer, rogers of alabama, conaway, thompson of pennsylvania, austin scott of georgia, crawford, mrs. rovi, -- robey, mrs. noem, mr. sten ham, rodney davis of illinois, mcgovern, cintyre, mrs. dell bennie, from the committee on foreign affairs for consideration of title 3 of the house amendment and title 3 of the senate amendment, and modifications committed to the conference, messrs. royce, marino, and engel. from the committee on ways and means, for consideration of sections 1207 and 1301 of the
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house amendment and sections 1301, 1412, 1435 and 4204 of the senate amendment and modifications committed to the conference, messrs. camp, sam johnson of texas and mr. levin. for consideration of the house amendment and the senate amendment, and modifications committed to conference, messrs. southerland and ms. fudge. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. members will take their conversations from the well. and take their conversations from the floor of the house. for what purpose does the gentleman from maryland rise? mr. van hollen: mr. speaker, pursuant to clause 4 of rule 22 i move that the house take from the speaker's table the senate amendment to the house joint resolution 59, recede from its amendment and concur in the
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senate amendment to open the government now. the speaker pro tempore: under section 2 of house resolution 368, that motion may be offered only by the majority leader or his designee. mr. van hollen: parliamentary inquiry, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman may state his parliamentary inquiry. mr. van hollen: the standing rule of the house is rule 22, clause 4, is that correct? the speaker pro tempore: that is correct. mr. van hollen: and the standing rule of the house reads, mr. speaker, when the stage of disagreement has been reached between -- reached on a bill or a resolution with house or senate amendments, a motion to dispose of any amendments shall be privileged. mr. speaker, my question is, is this parliamentary status of the bill, does this -- does it meet 22-4? uirements of the speaker pro tempore: the house has altered the operation of that rule. mr. van hollen: i want to understand, mr. speaker. this standing rule of the house,
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which i have here, has been altered by the house, is that what the speaker is saying? the speaker pro tempore: the house adopted a resolution altering. mr. van hollen: parliamentary inquiry, mr. speaker. when was that alteration made? the speaker pro tempore: house resolution 368. mr. van hollen: house resolution 368. mr. speaker, parliamentary inquiry. i want to make sure i have the right one. i have in my hand h.res. 368. october 1, resolved, and section 2 of that says, any motion pursuant to clause 4 of rule 22, relating to the house joint resolution, may be offered only by the majority leader or his designee. is that what you're referring to, mr. speaker? the speaker pro tempore: that is the resolution. mr. van hollen: so, mr. speaker, just so i understand the situation, parliamentary inquiry
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. h.res. 368 changed the standing rules of the house to take away from any member of the house the privilege of calling up the senate bill to immediately reopen the government, is that right? the speaker pro tempore: it did change the operation of the standing rule. mr. van hollen: all right. so, just -- parliamentary inquiry. a privileged motion, mr. speaker, would have allowed any member of this house, republican or democrat, to call up the senate bill to open the government, is that right? the speaker pro tempore: the chair did not give an advisory opinion on that. mr. van hollen: but, mr. speaker, a privileged resolution as cited in rule 22-4 of the standing rules of the house would allow any member of the house to offer that resolution. is that right? the speaker pro tempore: the chair will not give an advisory opinion. mr. van hollen: well, mr. speaker, parliamentary inquiry. i think you just, as i
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understood, said that was changed so it no longer would be a privileged motion for any member, but it would be exclusively the right of the republican leader or his designee. am right about that? the speaker pro tempore: the louis follow house resolution 368. mr. van hollen: just again, mr. speaker, i want to be absolutely clear that h.res. 368 changed the standing rules of the house so that only the republican leader or his designee could call to open the government. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman will state his parliamentary inquiry. mr. van hollen: pearl meantry inquiry. parliamentary -- parliamentary inquiry. parliamentary inquiry. is the majority leader or his designee -- i would ask my colleagues whether the majority leader or his designee is on the floor of the house today. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman will address -- mr. van hollen: parliamentary nquiry, mr. speaker. this rule, which amended -- my parliamentary inquiry, this will be my last one. i just want to understand, mr. speaker. the rules committee under the rules of the house changed the
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standing rules of the house to take away the right of any member that moved to vote to open the government and gave that right exclusively to the republican leader, is that right? the speaker pro tempore: the house adopted that resolution. the chair is now prepared to entertain one-minutes. mr. van hollen: i make my motion, mr. speaker. i renew my motion that under the regular standing rules of the house, clause 4, rule 22, that the house take up the senate amendments and open the government now. the speaker pro tempore: under section 2 of house resolution 368, that motion may be offered only by the majority or his designee. mr. van hollen: mr. speaker, why were the rules rigged to keep the government shut down? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman will suspend. the chair will now entertain -- he gentleman will suspend. the house will now entertain
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he house will be in order. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. thompson: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, in october of 2009, the obama administration reversed the policies of both president clinton and president bush by committing the united states to u.n. arms treaty negotiations. since then members of the house and senate have voiced their strong opposition. i joined 130 of my colleagues in sending a letter to the white house to express my concern about the dangers posed by americans' second amendment rights. in the senate which must ultimately approve the treaty by a 2/3 vote, a bipartisan coalition of senators remains united in opposition to its ratification.
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despite overwhelming opposition from the congress and the american people, secretary of state john kerry signed the treaty, a decision that is sure to have far-reaching consequences before american foreign policy and sovereignty. i have joined my colleagues in the house in sending another letter to the administration voicing our continued opposition to this misguided and dangerous policy. i encourage my colleagues in the senate to stand strong in their opposition. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from oregon rise? >> to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. over here, 186 democrats this morning signed a petition to end the republican shutdown and routinely continue to fund the government through november 15 while we work out our differences. we need only 32 more signatures. i expect every democrat to sign. will some on the other side of the aisle cross over, reopen the
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government, go back to regular order, and negotiate our differences without a shutdown government, without threatening to default on the united states of america? earlier we tried to bring up a bill that would do that under the unanimous consent, but the republicans changed the rules of the house. after more than 200 years, they changed the rules to say no, we couldn't bring that bill up. we could not have a vote on continuing to run the government . man up, man up over there. give us a vote. if you've got the votes, then you can keep the government shut down. if we've got the votes, we go back to routinely funding a continuing resolution for the government until november 15. i think that would be a service to the american people. it's time for you people to stop hiding behind skirts. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman will suspend. the gentleman will suspend. the gentleman will suspend.
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for what purpose does the gentleman from ohio rise? >> i seek unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker, ernie blankenship lived life of service to his faith, his family, his country, and his community. it was a pleasure to help ernie and rita celebrate their 350th anniversary last year. as -- 50th anniversary last year. as it was to see him monday morning at st. mary church. he passed away earlier this week, a loss that will be felt not only by his family, but throughout southern ohio. ernie served his country in the army. played minor league baseball. and earned degrees from the university of cincinnati and david university. he coached utah sports teams and enjoyed a broadcasting career that spanned over 50 years. earlier this year, ernie retired as the senior vice president of
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n.c.b. savings bank in hillsborough. he touched all of our lives in countless ways. he'll continue to touch our lives and the lives of many young men and women through the scholarship that bears his name. mr. wenstrup: his legacy will continue through his children and grandchildren who learned firsthand his lessons on a life of humble service, faith, and patriotism. it's been a true honor to know ernie and to represent him in congress. mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. doggett: mr. speaker, shutting down this house for the next two days after shutting down the government is truly an act of great irresponsibility. the threat to the security of our families grows with each
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hour of the government shutdown and with each hour that we approach an historic breach of the full faith and credit of the united states. one economic expert after another tells us that move into this unchartered water, this economic calamity that the results and consequences for our families, for our economy, for our standing in the world are jeopardized. we have two ways to avoid this. one is as any member to call up the senate resolution to continue operations of the government and republicans have blocked that with a special rule that gives that power only to eric cantor and the republican leader. the second is why you see so many members wearing these stickers is to sign a petition to open the government. we have done that. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. doggett: we have almost 200 members of this house if only a few republicans will join us, the government will open up.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from kentucky seek recognition? >> unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker, the president says obamacare should not be part of any negotiateations to fund the government or raise the debt limit, but my constituents in kentucky recognize the president's health care law for what it actually is, a massive increase in federal spending. it's projected costs has more than doubled since the president originally claimed it would reduce the deficit. it will cost american taxpayers $2 trillion over the next decade, and its true costs will continue to grow. mr. barr: obamacare was rammed through congress on a partisan basis through a process specifically reserved for budget related bills. so for anyone to suggest that obamacare should be left out of budget discussions in washington is both skinical -- cynical and
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inconsistent with congress' ongoing responsibility to constantly scrutinize federal spending. after wracking up $7 trillion in five years, the president stubbornly refuses to negotiate over obamacare. make no mistake, mr. speaker, congress would not be doing its job if it ignored obamacare and its massive cost in the ongoing debate about how to save america from bankruptcy. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition? mr. pallone: ask unanimous consent, mr. speaker, to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. pallone: thank you, mr. speaker. i'm glad that the republican leadership pulled h.j.res. 80 from further consideration today. this is the american indian and alaska native health education and safety act. the affordable care act, which the republicans are demanding be elimb nominated in exchange for allowing the government to reopen, includes the permanent
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re-authorization of the indian health care improvement act. as the author of the authorization of the indian health care improvement act, i know the challenges of the re-authorization faced and how long it took for us to finally get it passed into law, a decade, in case you're wondering. if we yield to republican hostage taking and throw out the affordable care act, we throw out the re-authorization of the indian health care improvement act. that would be devastating to indian country. this bill continues, this bill h.j.res. 80 continues the damaging sequester cuts that the national congress of american indians have said pose particularly hard is for indian country and the surrounding communities who rely on tribes of employers. mr. speaker, it's time for us to stop this nonsense. if you truly do believe in the sacred trust responsibility our government has to trod, then let's have a vote on a clean c.r. and reopen the government. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the the gentlewoman from illinois seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for
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one minute. revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentlewoman is recognized or one minute. >> mr. speaker, my neighbors can't understand how we could actually recess today with so much work left to do. in 2012, businesses in my district were approved for $391,000 in small business administration loans per day. ms. duckworth: that's the most of any district in illinois, yet zero s.b.a. loans have been approved in the last 12 days because our government is needlessly shut down. acme design was founded by clint and has been a part of our community since 1992. clint has 10 employees and has designed and manufactured models advertising businesses and government. now an important project for his business is on hold because the military contractor is unable to move forward during the republican government shutdown. last monday in shamburg, i spoke with federal employees who served their country and played
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by the rules. these americans who live paycheck to paycheck are you being punished for our inability to fund the government. at the church of the holy spirit, they told me they will be unable to fill the gap the government shutdown has left for families in need in my district. my neighbors can't understand how we could recess for two days while this republican -- government shut down remains in fefpblgt let's stay in session, get to work for the people we serve, and reopen the government. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition? >> unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. engel: mr. speaker, why did our republican colleagues shut down the government? why don't our republican colleagues allow the united states to pay its bills? house democrats want to open the government and have the country pay its bills. senate democrats want the same. even senate republicans want to open the government and pay its
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bills. but not house republicans. remember when you were in school, mr. speaker, and we learned how a bill becomes a law? one of the tenets of this great nation is that majority rules. put the senate c.r. on the floor, mr. speaker. let a majority of the house make a decision. why is democracy being thwarted by the republican majority? pass the c.r. the american people are tired of these political games. we have the votes here to pass a clean c.r. and open the government again. if the republican leadership allowed that bill to come to the floor, we could do it today. thank you, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from american samoa seek recognition? mr. faleomavaega: unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. faleomavaega: mr. speaker, not only is the word redskin inappropriate, but just plain
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offensive and its a derogatory term towards the american indians. i want to share with my colleagues and the 181 million football fans all over america how the word redskin came about. in 1749 there was a standard procedure among the colonial settlers who lived in what is now maine and november scotia, to kill and scalp as many indian members of the tribe. the same policy was also implemented in 1755 by settlers who lived in what is now known as the state of massachusetts, and their objective was to kill and scalp members of the penobscot indian nation. mr. speaker, the colonial policy was, you get paid. you get paid for killing and scalping native american indians. and if you kill an indian boy, you get paid 50 pounds. if you get a scalp, that's an additional 40 pounds. and not only is it to the men, but the women and children are also scalped and killed, and you get paid for it. mr. speaker, i submit that these
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scalps were called redskins. native americans are human beings, mr. speaker, they are not animals. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from california rise? >> ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. lamalfa: thank you, mr. speaker. well, the republican side of the house has put out everything that their side wants except for what america doesn't want and that's obamacare. instead people are going to be railroaded into a program that finds them -- fines them for buying a product that they don't want or not buying a product that they don't want from a website that doesn't work. is this america or is this something a whole lot different? because choices are being taken away, people are being forced into a program they don't want. that's why our side fights for liberty, fights for the choice of determining their own health
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care systems, their own health care plan. so, would my colleagues on the other side of the aisle please join us in putting out everything that we need to get done since we agree on everything in the c.r. except for the continued forcing of people into the obamacare program. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the chair lays before the house he following personal request. the clerk: mrs. napolitano of california for today. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the request is granted. under the speaker's announced the of january 3, 2013, gentlewoman from hawaii, ms. hanabusa, is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the minority leader. ms. hanabusa: thank you very much, mr. speaker.
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mr. speaker, it is very disturbing that we are here on day 12 of the republican government shutdown. but it is even more disturbing when we heard the point of order little made just a while ago. the point of order that said that october 1, that a special rule that was passed, that what has happened by that vote, the vote again by the majority party , that says only, only the majority leader or his designee can bring the matter of calling up by motion the ability to rule , the ability to ask people to continuing resolution as amended by the senate. in this process of not only
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shutting down government, what we have also done is shut down, shut down the people's rights to the representative form of government. , all of us, 435 which are mandated in our laws to be the members of the house of representatives, only one and his designee or his designee has the right to bring forward this critical, critical issue that the people throughout this nation are asking for a resolution. only one can do it. yes, it passed by the majority of the republican votes in this house. but not only have we shut down government, not only have we made things unbearable for the people, but now we've deprived them of their representative
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form of government. that, mr. speaker, is something that the people should be absolutely outraged about. i would like to begin this special order by first yielding to the gentleman from texas, mr. doggett. mr. doggett: well, i would ask the gentlelady about the number of federal employees you have in your area that remain unable to do their work. ms. hanabusa: the gentleman from texas, i appreciate the inquiry. as you may probably be aware, hawaii, because of its unique location and its location before the time that we were a state, has a large federal presence and a lot of them are in the military. so, because of the actions of
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both this house, plus the senate, plus the president, about 20,000 of them are defense and the last time i was able to check we just have a small handful that are yet not back to work. but we do have a large number who did not work. what is being impacted now is the fact that the other agencies who had some funds, for, -- like, for example, the court, the u.s. attorney's office, and the other people like, for example, the state department. all of them were watching very carefully, but we have an additional swrrks between 69,000 that are being affected -- additional, somewhere between 69,000 that are being affected. but it's not only them, it's the people they service and their families that are being impacted. mr. doggett: that's exactly what i wanted to explore with you. first, all of those public service workers continue, whether they're at work or not at work, to face the uncertainty
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of whether their paycheck will arrive when the car payment is due. or when the represent is due. or when they need to buy another round of groceries. they don't know if that check will be there. and i think that there are some people out there across our country that are watching this shutdown and they're saying, well, at least we're saving some money by not paying hundreds of thousands of workers across the country, federal employees, who are not yet able to return to work. but in fact isn't it true that under the tea party faction rule here in the republican party, they have passed a resolution through this house to pay every one of those hundreds of thousands of federal workers to stay idle, pay them not to work a time that they could be
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delivering the services they were hired to provide, so the taxpayer has to pay them to stand idle and cannot receive the benefits of the many varied services that these public service workers would like to provide? ms. hanabusa: the gentleman is absolutely correct. we as the house of representatives unanimously passed that bill, that we would pay the furloughed workers. but you are also absolutely correct that still, because the government is shut down, and the republican position is to open up government piecemeal, with no concurrence on the senate part, that that's exactly what's going to happen. so many of these federal workers feel like, why can't we get to work, because we're getting paid to get to work? why isn't that happening? and i believe that that's clearly a disservice not only to the workers themselves, but to the people of this great nation. it makes no sense. >> would the gentlewoman yield to me? ms. hanabusa: i think it's the
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gentleman's time. if he's willing to yield. mr. doggett: i yield. ms. brown: last weekend i left and i went to florida and many people in church came up to me and they wanted to know -- they're not federal employees, they're contract employees. so therefore they do service for the federal government, but they will not get paid, is that correct? mr. doggett: that is correct. and, you know, the other thing that happens, suppose you have a cafe across the street from a major federal installation. suppose you have a dry cleaners, a service station, or auto repair. your business has fallen through the floor because that work force is not there, not only to o the public's work, but to do business with you. and there is not any plan from this irresponsible tea party caucus to reimburse the many small businesses around america, as well as the contractors to
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whom you refer, to give them a dime. so they will suffer at the same time they pay federal workers not to work and not to deliver the service that they were hired and are willing to provide. ms. brown: lock heed martin, sir, if you continue to yield, indicated that they're going to lay off over 3,000 employees. so there are many companies that do work with the federal government, because the federal government is shutdown, then they're going to furlough their employees that's not going to be paid. drawing dog -- mr. doggett: that's one of the reasons that i feel that with every hour that we go through this government shutdown, every hour that we get nearer to a default, a historic default on the full faith and credit of the united states, we are jeopardizing the security. and your comments regarding lockheed, we're talking about the national security of the united states, but i'm also talking about the economic
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security of your fellow church members, of our veterans, because almost -- ms. brown: veterans. we had the secretary of v.a. come to our committee. he indicated by the first of november, if he did not have his appropriations, over 5,000 veterans and their families and their spouses would not get their benefits in the mail. mr. doggett: i view that as a real disgrace -- disgrace. and this week in texas as we attempted to call in san antonio and austin to the veterans administration about problems some of our veterans were having, they said they turned off their equipment, they furloughed some of the representatives that we work with, i'm sure that happened in your areas also. so that we cannot be the advocate we want to be for our veterans. additionally, almost -- i think it's around 1/4, a little over
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1/4 of our federal work force are veterans. they are people who have served our country, put their lives on the line and now they are serving our country in a different way. and those are some of the families, some of them being paid not to work, all of them, where they're at work now or not, uncertain, left with great economic uncertainty about when they'll get paid. ms. brown: the list goes on and on. for example, we furloughed most of the h.u.d. employees. so we're going to have more homeless veterans. the list goes on and on. cemeteries furloughed cemetery employees. and the other issue, if we default on thursday, then the social security payments will not be made. but these people in this house of representatives wants to operate by management. yesterday i heard over the news the number of cows that had died or been killed because of the storm.
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we came back the next day and did the farm bill. because everyone had been furloughed. they can't even provide the assistance they usually provide. so, we're doing management by -- where we're going to tackle this. lot of e is a whole services that we're not picking up. for example, when you look at people that work at the universities, well, they're really for the national foundation or mayo. mr. doggett: like a cancer researcher or someone who is working on childhood disease. ms. brown: all kinds of research. so all of this work is brought to a halt for no reason. mr. doggett: nor to good reason. and that's why -- for no good reason. and that's why, you know, it is outrageous, that we could be here on this saturday and the
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republicans have recessed the house until monday night. they know that this default is approaching. they've outlined no plan to avoid default. they had one on -- coming up on the floor two or three weeks ago and they could not get agreement among their own members about how to avoid default. and now, at a time when you, like all of us who are here, have signed a petition to reopen the government and be prepared to address the default issue right here, they've gone home. mr. cantor was here on the floor a few minutes ago. he is the only one under the rules of the republican majority leader that they will permit to offer the motion to continue operation of the government. that's why we turned, as you know, to this petition. so that all of us coming together, and we're approaching now, headed toward 200 members of the house. we only need about 17, 18
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republicans to come join with us and we can reopen this house and then move to address the default issue. ms. brown: the sad issue here in the house is that the minority have no -- we have no rights. mr. doggett: because they were specifically, as you know, cut off in the rules. the rules of the house that have existed for so many years would accord the gentlewoman from florida, the gentlewoman from hawaii, any of our colleagues who are here now from across the country, the right to say, mr. speaker, let us vote on continuing the operation of the government. now, why would they deny us that traditional right as members of the congress? all members, republicans and emocrats, and give mr. cantor, as the republican majority leader, the sole right to do that? i say it's because of fear. they are fearful that this house will continue the government operations and they can no longer hijack the country the
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way they have hijacked the republican caucus and jeopardize the security of our families. ms. brown: in the veterans committee, the veterans members kept alluding to the senate. the senate. the senate. let's be clear. the senate passed a bill and i thank god for the senate. they passed a bill, took the house numbers, which was unacceptable to all of the democrats, unacceptable, took those low numbers in order to pass a continuing resolution so we could have discussions. but what happened to the house? they're missing in action. because there's no leadership on the republican side. . mr. doggett: i thank the gentlewoman from hawaii the opportunity to join her on this. the numbers she refers to is back during the summer, and
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speaker boehner acknowledged this last sunday on abc, there was an understanding reached between the house and senate that democrats would compromise and agree to a level of government services that we think is totally unacceptable. ms. brown: would you repeat that again, sir. mr. doggett: there was an understanding he acknowledged, reached between the house and senate, that we democrats in order to keep the government functioning, would agree for a time this fall to accept an unacceptable low number that we know won't deliver the level of services needed for head start, for education, for cancer research. ms. brown: sir, are you saying that the democrats in the house held their nose and voted for the republican irresponsible numbers? mr. doggett: we said we will do that now if it will keep our government opened and protect our families and avoid default, open the government, and it is that motion, not a motion to
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give us all that we have asked for, but a motion to take the republican budget number and put it in place as a compromise, i must say not a very good compromise. ms. brown: say it again. mr. doggett: we agreed to do that. the speaker indicated that he had agreed to that, and then this tea party faction took control. the shutdown caucus, as the gentlewoman from -- ms. brown: can we have a conversation. can we have a conversation. could you repeat that again. conversation. do you mean to tell me that the speaker had a negotiation with the house and with the senate on the republican's low levels? that was unacceptable to the democrats in the house. we held our nose and voted -- be willing to vote for it if they bring it up in order to move forward and get a conversation going.
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mr. speaker, we just want a conversation. mr. doggett: i want to yield back to the the gentlewoman from hawaii. in doing so, in thanking her for this time, the reason that it is alleged that they would not continue to stand by the agreement that was made between the house and senate for this bad number was they wanted to shut down the affordable care act and our opportunity to get health insurance for millions of americans and as the gentlewoman from hawaii knows, they have failed utterly and completely to do that. they are now in search of some ther rational -- rationale for keeping the government down. i need to yield back. ms. brown: just one other question. i want to know how many times did the republicans pass their bad bills in the house an then send it over to the senate and they think that the senate's supposed to pick up their bad
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bills? how many times did they pass it? mr. doggett: they have passed little partial bills, many times. ms. brown: i'm talking on the health refeel. mr. doggett: they have sent there over there i guess 40 times to repeal. ms. brown: 44. mr. doggett: you could lose counting because they do it every time they turn around. i thank the gentlewoman from florida, the gentlewoman from hawaii. this totally unjustified shutdown must end and we must stand for american families to avoid the insecurity, the threat to them that grows by the hour. yield back. ms. hanabusa: i thank you to the gentleman from texas. what the gentleman from texas was referring to is the level of funding in the continuing resolution which was amended by the senate at $986 billion. as the gentlewoman from florida said, for many of the democrats that was not acceptable.
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you know what? the democrats haven't had the opportunity to vote because they haven't -- it hasn't come to the floor. it's a compromise. ms. brown: would the gentlelady yield. but we have agreed, we have compromised. we have had a conversation. we have agreed to put our politics aside and do what is in the best interest of the united states of america. it is unfortunate that we have people that serve in the house of representatives, supposed to be the people's house, and they do not care about the people of the united states of america. they only care about their petty politics. ms. hanabusa: i thank the gentlewoman from florida, ms. brown. are you going to speak on further? ms. brown: i think i have said everything that i needed to say. ms. hanabusa: we thank you. ms. brown: i do want to say one thing jokingly. i went home last weekend and i was looking for some snake oil since they said cruz had given
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the house republicans snake oil. i couldn't find any snake oil, but i did find some holy oil, and i asked my pastors to pray for us because we need all the prayer we can get. thank you. i yield back the balance of my time. ms. hanabusa: thank you to the gentlelady from florida. now i'd like to yield to the gentleman from california, mr. honda. mr. honda: thank you very much. i want to thank the gentlelady from hawaii. found many she's members here, and i have to say that this is a wonderful candid interchange. one that needs to be heard, witnessed, participated with because the way the rules of the
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house are set up, there's very little exchange between the different parties here on the floor. the rules are very ridged and this allows -- disallows debate and interchange of ideas and discussion. a discussion that's very, very needed in this country because through this discussion that we just had as candid and colorful and interactive as it was, it was informative. hopefully that the information that was shared between the gentleman from texas, the gentlewoman from hawaii, the gentlewoman from hawaii and florida, would have been helpful and raise some questions in the minds of individuals watching us and listening to us, and perhaps asking themselves, is this all true? hopefully it will drive them to check it out and see if the information that was exchanged
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was valid and factual. i believe that we'll find that it is. ms. hanabusa: i want to say aloha and mall hallow, you're from california but as far as i'm concerned you have been a great friend of hawaii all along and your concern of the shutdown i know is not only for your constituents in california but the constituents of the united states, but -- and i know us in hawaii, we also have a special place in your heart. i thank the gentleman. r. honda: thank you. as our past senator said, mahalo, sista. i came here from california. my friend, ms. hanabusa, comes from the islands of hawaii. all of us came here to make our country better, to help us build a more perfect union. we have different ideas on how we will do that, but like in the medical field, we should observe one rule before all else.
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do no harm. e not be causing unnecessary suffering, inflicting unnecessary pain on our country, economy, and those that sent us here to try to improve their lives. here we are on day 12 of the republican government shutdown, and less than a week from an unprecedented government default. every day that the republican majority does not allow a clean vote to reopen the government and give us a long-term certainty of a debt ceiling, they are violating that most important rule. do no harm. critical childcare, nutrition support, lifesaving research, small business capital, high tech and groundbreaking research and development, home loans, affordable housing, veterans benefits, tax support, visas and passports, are all negatively affected. and the list goes on and on to touch nearly every sector of the
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economy, with the cost of our economy compounding every day. $50 billion is the estimate cost towards the economy over a month's time. as we get closer and closer to defaulting on our debt obligations, we are causing more and more undue harm to our economy. a failure to make payments on any part of our debt for any amount of time would cause severe disruptions in the global financial markets. downgrade the creditworthiness of the united states, and do long-term harm to the economy. if we defaulted, social security, medicare, and veterans benefits could all be disrupted. retirement accounts would be devastated. state and local governments would be forced to default, and their ripple effects will be felt all over the world. mr. speaker, time is running out and the world's watching. there's nowhere for us to hide from our obligations. start the process of any of this
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crisis, stop inflicting unnecessary harm to our economy and to our people. let's lift this cloud from over our economy and have the vote that americans have been waiting for. et me just close, my friend, with this other personal comment and observation. , know that the phrase, ptsd and we know that the devastating effects on people. i suspect the kinds of things we are doing here or not doing here -- ausing a massive inflicting a massive ptsd upon our seniors, our families, those who are trying to make ends meet. i appreciate you doing this for us. thank you. i yield back. ms. hanabusa: thank you to the gentleman from california. the gentleman from california makes a great point, which is that we are never fully aware of the impacts, and that is is what
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is the saddest part of what has been done with the shutdown is that we do not know what is the true impact. i can say from my democrat colleagues, that is the reason why we fight so hard on trying to reopen government. but the question is, for the majority party, and especially for the speaker, what about the people? and he raises a great point. i just would like to share something before i call upon the gentlelady from illinois that will it i just learned recently, -- that i just learned recently, in visiting probably some of the most decorated members of the greatest generation, members of 42nd regiment in hawaii, everyone knows about them. one person came up to me and said, you know, we found out that though our fathers sort of suffered quietly as a result of
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that war and the result of the rejection by a nation that didn't want them, that they were suffering from ptsd. we just didn't know that it was called that back then. and i think the gentleman from california makes an amazing point that we have got to see the hidden injuries. because if we can all look upon the hidden injury, no one, on both sides of the aisle, can let this craziness continue. with that i yield to the gentlelady from illinois. >> thank you very much. i appreciate this opportunity and i also appreciate that you are talking about the human consequences. mrs. bustos: of the shutdown. that is what i have been doing for the past couple weeks now is trying to draw attention to the human consequences of this senseless government shutdown. this is about people we are here to serve. and now week two in that crisis.
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so what i have been doing during this is spending a lot of time on the telephone, talking first hand with the people from my region of illinois who are suffering through no fault of their own. and today i'd like to share a story about a family who not only wants a piece of the american dream but is striving to achieve that. and is working their tails off to achieve just a piece of the american dream. this is a story about a woman named jill king. she's a wife, mother of two young girls, and a disabled veteran from moline, illinois. jill also happens to be now a federal employee who works at the rock island arsenal, which is the largest employer in the district i'm here to serve. on top of all that, jill has gone back to college as a way to continue her education, and her husband, also a veteran, who lost his job recently, has gone
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back to school to increase his employment opportunities. you see, all they want to do is provide a better life for their two young girls. they are ages 4 and 6. one's a preschooler, one's a first grader. but because of this government shutdown, jill has been furloughed, and is afraid that now she'll lose her v.a. benefits on top of it. . with her husband back in school, not knowing where their next paycheck is going to come from, they're rightly worried about how they're going to make their home mortgage payment, or, for that matter, even pay just their most basic bills. jill and her husband worked very hard for a number of years in order to buy a home. they had to rent. to save that money. they have never, never missed a payment of any sort. they've never even been late with any payment. so now what jill is left doing is calling
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