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tv   Washington This Week  CSPAN  October 14, 2013 2:00am-4:01am EDT

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be examined to ensure the tax dollars spent go to support u.s. objectives. this hearing today i feel is important and a first step to help ensuring in another 20 years, we will not i look forward to hearing from the witness today and thank you to the chairman for pushing forward on this and i think it is a good show we are still having hearings and moving forward even with the shutdown. thank you for being here. >> thank you thomas senator flake. we encourage you to keep opening remarks to five minutes for stop the first, madam secretary. >> good afternoon. , it is myoons pleasure to appear before you to talk about somalia. reminded me this my first hearing since taking over my position. ,t really is important for me
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somalia will remain a top foreign-policy for the department of state as it has been for the obama administration. this past year marks some changes in somalia and in our bilateral relationship with somalia. the election was a welcome of a lyrical -- was "stop because of the support for the peace process and the leadership role of our regional partners notably the african union and the intergovernmental authority. on january 17, we formally recognize the federal government of somalia after two decades a transitional government. nonetheless, the u.s. government also understood very clearly that somalia would face considerable challenges as it
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worked to rebuild its statehood. the successes of the african union mission in somalia, contribute companies and strategic partners to combat al- shabaab are demonstrating the strength of an action -- african led a model. this-based al qaeda affiliate is a dangerous present. the terrorist attacks on the west gate shopping mall for which al-shabaab has taken credit is a chilling example of the challenges for somalia and the region. extremism inggests the corner of africa maybe he bought them. it also makes clear that al- shabaab poses a threat to u.s. partner nations and american citizens and u.s. interests in the region and elsewhere. al-shabaab must be stopped. the federal government of somalia must is increased if capacity.
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unified a fractured political theem and provide to somalia people. for all of this, the government needs our support and much more. our primary interest is amalia at helping people of somalia build a peaceful nation that is stable with a stable government that is able to ensure civil security and services for its citizens. to turn to what our policy engagement in somalia. admission of the federal government of somalia, our policy had three primary elements. provide support for african andn mission in somalia strategic partner, ethiopia to combat al-shabaab and political space -- and provide political space for the government to operate.
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second, we wanted to respond to demand debt to the humanitarian crisis -- we want to respond to the humanitarian crisis. and the dual policy. , the threetion elements of our somalian policy has evolved and is as. first we continue to support the primary stable force in somalia. as we expand our assistance to somali national army to build capacity. 2007-2013, the unisys obligated -- the united states obligated support. in addition to our contributions for the u.n. logistics. during the same period, we propagated to support the national -- promulgated to
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support the national army. we have shifted focus from humanitarian crisis response now concentrating on security and the foundation for economic recovery. nearly $140rovided million in funding to support , democracy,lization and economic growth activities. our dual track concluded with the successful completion of the peace process and recognition of the federal government of somalia. the united states has underscored the importance of outreach and engagement with the regional administrations to form the federal framework. we'll cut into font humanitarian assistance and civil society programs -- we will continue to provide humanitarian assistance and civil society programs. it includes an emphasis on human
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accountability, countering human trafficking and fiscal management. tragic and cowardly attack at kenya's civilians westgate mall has underscored vulnerabilities and the horn of africa and demonstrate that al- shabaab has the capable network in the east africa that is willing to carry out attacks outside of somalia. from the pressure somali national army has weakened al-shabaab to wage conventional military offenses and to hold territory inside of somalia. we contribute to success to the african land models for achieving greater stability. however, al-shabaab can still conduct this demolition processes. destabilization processes. what furthering resources we can provide to
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shore up effort to support their efforts and secure the border and its neighbors and contribute to the international effort to shape the somali national army and to professional and effective force. for the united states to effectively engage in these localx issues, understand dynamics, build relations and manage our expanding programs, we eventually needed to establish a permanent u.s. diplomatic presence there. ultimately, it is an security conditions in somalia that would dictate when we can establish a more permanent presence and recognize the time as not right for that at this time. however, we are moving in that direction. our posture allows for a nairobi-based team to travel to the somali capital and other key regions with increased frequency and duration as security conditions permit.
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building political cooperation among somali regions and clans and support of the federal framework is essential to arecracy, economic growth truly to take hold in somalia. this is the message that president emphasized during his washington meeting with secretary kerry and secretary hagel advisor rice and with me when i met with him in new york. we see budding signs that he is meaningfully engaged. the somali federal government the accord on august 22 recognizing that regional entity and mapping a way to become a federal state. the federal government introduce a roadmap to the 26 election with a focus on political inclusion and security at mogadishu came to agreement on regulating air space a step toward wider reconciliation.
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ultimately, the development of the pacific touring accountable oryfor signatory -- precipiat will secure the country's fish. -- future. thank you. >> thank you very much. i look forward to around the questions. if i might do next, secretary dory. distinguishcoons, members of the subcommittee and staff. thank you for the opportunity to appear today to update you on the department a defense role in somalia and the way ahead there. the united states as you know has not maintained an official military relations with somalia since the early 1990's a large part because there is not a u.s. recognize them it until 2013.
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in might of the recognition january of 2013, the department of defense -- in light of the recognition imaging were 2013, the department a defense looks to build a relationship with a somali national security forces. from 20is emerging years of civil war at all hazard knowledge. al-shabaab has led a violent insurgency in southern and theral somalia against former transitional government and now against the federal government of somalia and forces. once controlling most major cities, al-shabaab operated with impunity. and ethiopian forces have weakened al-shabaab as conventional fighting force. however, al-shabaab is still dangerous and capable of contested sophisticated -- conducting sophisticated
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activities to disrupt the government. recent events are sobering reminders. that is for the foreseeable future we must maintain focus on securityo sustain progress made today at al- shabaab is likely to remain the primary threat to somalia and is african disability for some time to come. the significant gains achieved by somalia over the past three years has been critical in providing space for the political process that resulted in somalia's transition to government officially recognized . somalia faces many challenges ahead of the is moving forward in a positive task put up it was hard to imagine five years ago. mature, dods through command will work with state departments to design corporation activities to assist with the development of the unified somali forces.
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there've been tremendous gains as he in and around the horn. rbc has been eliminated. as a maritime nation, the u.s. -- to assure our well-being. as 2000 11, somali pirates held in nearly 600 mariner hostages aboard captured ships. changes ands to business practices by the commercial maritime industry in the presence of international naval forces, piracy is almost nonexistent. approach reflects the u.s. national security strategy and the strategy of these of these vis a vi by- working with partnerss. a creating -- and creating an
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environment. the dod will work in conjunction with the state department and other government agencies to provide security assistance to build the capacity. including their ability to counterterrorism, secure borders and reinforced democratic values in the rule of law. additionally, we will continue to support contribute in countries in their effort to counter and defeat al-shabaab. -- it servicess a success story in which forces have collaborated to regain territory from al-shabaab, working collaboration with wasli national army is utopian forces. finances and other partners have provided critical training and equipment -- the united states and other partners have provided
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critical training and equipment. once it is approved, 2013 would be the first in 20 years in which it dod is able to support somali forces with title x activities. militaryut in place a presence in nairobi. we will increase our presence in mogadishu in tandem. dod personnel are participating in both the joint security committee led by the somali government and the somalia working group led by the united nations. moreover, we have made a concerted effort to increase our engagement with officials. ,his summer the commander general rodriguez made his initial visit to mogadishu. visited thegel president on somalia and his
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chief of defense at the pentagon. these face-to-face engagement have been critical in identifying and better understanding somali needs and concerns. in conclusion, somali will continue to present a set of challenges and opportunities. with sustained assistance from the united states and other international partners tom somalia's national security apparatus will be better positioned to fend off the al- shabaab insurgency and transform the fragile state into a success story. thank you for your support to our men and women in uniform and our dedicated team of civilian officials from the old look forward to working with you on somalia and the other. >> assistant secretary nancy lindborg. thank you. i really appreciate the opportunity to speak to you today and most important our
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present your ongoing support for our programs that make a difference in the lives of millions around the world. i less testified in front of the committee about somalia. battles as the worst droughts and ease africa in six years -- and that was as the worst drought in east africa in six years. ofer the july declaration famine. at the height of a crisis, 4 million somali survival depended on receiving emergency assistance. even though the entire region itfered, only an somalia did result in famine. as noted it was a deadly consequence. the death of hundreds of thousands of somalis will stop -- somalis. famine do not happen in democracies. two years later, it is a remarkable story we are telling right now that somalia had it
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his first legitimate government since 1991 and has a democratically elected president and parliament. i am very pleased to announce that recently i was in brussels where 58 countries gathered in support of a compact for somali that focuses not on famine but on peace and prosperity. the recent very tragic attack in need tounderscores the reaffirm our commitment to helping somalia all is pathway to peace and prosperity and economic growth and providing alternatives. 1991, the work has been defined by a prolonged complex humanitarian emergency. however, over the past five years with increasing security able to.s. has been increase our support in five key areas for transition and most importantly, in 2012, governance the firstpported
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national government in 22 years. with other donors, we provide logistic support, constitutional and representatives from a cross-section of somali society into a constituent assembly. a massiveers mounted civic education program to mobilize toward the constitution drafting process and its eventual adoption by the constituent assembly. this assembly electing new members of parliament who been selected the new president my mood -- mahmoud. we see that the greatest property and insecurity process and weak and fragile states that are plagued by conflict. in 2011, a group of 19 self identified off late states establish a new framework for helping countries climbed out of
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protracted conflict called the new deal for engagement. this new deal calls for a clear focus on five key piece building and state building goals included legitimate politics, security, justice, economic foundation, and revenue and services. the compact we endorse in brussels with the government of somalia sets us on a roadmap to achieving those goals with very clear benchmarks. 2015,ral constitution by credible elections by 2016, 30% of women participation, and so forth. the new deal hinges firmly on mutual accountability and stasis i to russia but that is based on inclusion and of dialogue. on inclusionsed and dialogue. regional -- this approach
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recognizes that security, development, and governance are intertwined and must be pursued together. today food and security levels in somalia are at the lowest point since before the drought. yet, three key challenges remain. they are very fragile and would have ongoing humanitarian need for 870,000 people still in crisis. insecurity as al-shabaab and other groups continue to limit access and thirdly access which is vital to carrying out continuing commentary and efforts in expanding our development action. finally, somali is johnson only by conflict but also the severe weather. it's impossible for communities
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to escape the cycles of crisis. as was done in other parts of is not onlyaid focus on saving lives for building resilience so communities are better prepared and able to recover from the next shock. ultimately, the somali people must be the primary architects of peace and democracy in their country as amalia would not have the opportunity that it has today where it not for the many members of the community in an outside of the country who are making a daily decision to focus on a future built on a hope, peace rather than a conflict and despair. we know the road is long and the challenges are steep. this will not be fast nor easy. with specific commitments of the new deal with the specific commitment continued focus by the people and the government of somalia, we believe the right
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now purpose is the best chance for peace in two decades. and the u.s. will remain a committed partner. thank you. >> thank you very much. members on the first panel for your testimony. frankly if we are starting by focusing on the enormous progress that has been made in the last two years since he , a reminderied there's been real progress in dealing with the famine and humanitarian crisis and with piracy which is been dramatically cartels. and making steady progress toward legitimate state recognized by the united states and the platform for progress toward a federal state structure and moving forward with dealing with some of the unresolved issues. significant progress. i like to ask the three of you if i might what impact is the current government shutdown
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having all your ability, your department's ability or station ability to review and approve programs to carry out and deliver immediate diplomacy, intelligence or other services? nextere to continue for few weeks, would the impact strengthen? >> if i may start. thank you for that question. i think my colleagues would agree that the shutdown has had enormous impact on our ability to coordinate foreign policy within the interagency framework . some of her colleagues are owned for low and they are not available to court made or speak low -- are on for furlough and they are not the global to contact or speak with. to travel to somalia, it is a
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two-sided problem. security now, people are not traveling. had it not been a security issue, they still cannot travel because of the moratorium. thirdly, our ambassadors are not able to host events that build on the critical relationship that we need to develop to do our jobs. we are unable also to monitor. mentioned the large amount of taxpayer dollars that are going to supporting somalia. we for responsible for the taxpayer dollars to stop in order to ensure those dollars are going where they need to go, we need to go to going to the field and monitor. the shutdown what impact that as well. -- will impacted that as well. >> severally to the areas laid out by my colleague, i would add civilian employees in particular for the first week of the shutdown were affected.
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ability toinish our operate across the department in all key areas, acquisitions, personnel readiness, training, etc. unexpected ways where the shutdown impacts, for example, the inability to make -- ifitures that could be you are thinking about cash expenditures to entertain a would ben that perhaps set to the site temporarily. when it comes to aircraft and paying fees of various kinds whether refueling and you are unable to expand cash, it is a small example of the limitation imposed by the shutdown. theaps a fundamentally is absence of understanding of fiscal 2014 what our planet
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levels are to work with and a piece of the longer-term business in the context -- it impedes on the longer-term business in the context. somalia or any other countries in the region. >> i would add to that. we are in a critical time as we move toward milestones that would be critical for seizing the moment for helping somalia move forward. an average the unisys is doing and close partnership with the international community -- in the united states is doing in close partnership with the international community. we are constrained in being able to participate at a moment when what to be at the table to talk about being poor does of transforming government. we're not able to be there. in addition to the strains of our travel and ability to work
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with the inter-agencies. but several of you mentioned that in this structure is in some ways a model of african led regional security of being successful so i would be interested in each of how you see the model plane forward. what are the lessons learned? strengths and weaknesses? this is something we ought to be looked into more broadly. one of a number of different nations to meet together operationally driving al-shabaab i'm significant swaths of the country. making possible development and improving security, improved statecraft. it is gotten very little attention and the domestic press. compared to the condition as amalia a year or two again -- and somali a year or two ago, it has been significant.
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interested what you andas the lessons learned the strengths and weaknesses and what we should be expecting for the mission. each of you in turn. >> thank you for that question. i do think the model is the model that can be used to do some of the lessons as i look back on this in my limited time in this office and greater experience on the continent is we have to do a better job of ensuring that will provide the support that they needed to do its job. i met when i was in new york with the foreign minister from uganda and he said we have people on the ground. he said we still need the support to move those people around and when the enablers. because our budget cycles and how we budget, were not always able to provide them with that needed as early as they
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that support. we also want to be able to continue to support them. each year because of our funding cycles, sometimes there's a delay and when we can get our support out to them. you tell the how we might use his model. i was in mali a few weeks ago for then operation and a similar model was used. -- for the and operation -- inauguration and a similar model was used. thank you. >> was sort of lessons might we learned -- what sort of lessons might be learned from amason? as we look at the success and there are many successes and one of the challenges is the pulling together of all of the external supporters with all of the and thet coalition
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troop contributor countries that step up and answer the call and managing across the complexity is one of the biggest challenges and can make things slower and less efficient. i do think you are seeing replication because it is successful whether it is resisting a armies where you have u.s. and others enabling regional partners to pursue the army. a similar model in the context where you have a regional forces in the configuration and now as the u.n. mission being supportive. i think the replication is an indicator of the success and our part is really bringing the targeted training capacity and .ringing get enablers
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sometimes they can be quite challenging as special in the area of logistics which is the true shortfall when you look across the many missions on the african continent. capability of african partners themselves and the tolls and which we are able to support them. >> building on airlift capacity. the long-term goal we all share. , how do you see that they are intertwined? exampleia is a perfect of how a one in ease security for development but how development leads to greater security and so as we continue to push our development program into south-central somalia, the
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opportunity is to help citizens gain greater confidence in both local and central governing structures and to receive the services that are essential for their well-being and support for the way forward. this is supported by greater security. it is a hand-in-hand proposition that going forward will be important that we are able to realize the gains from both security and development working together for priests -- for peace and prosperity. >> thank you. >> thank you. -- continuingsom on amisom. i'm just looking at a map in terms of the area of the country controlled by government forces will stop it is pretty small. -- forces. -- it is pretty small. how far out of mogadishu does the government threat actually
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go? how much are we controlling outside? through amisom or the security forces? has succeeded in doing is taking away the revenue generation prospects for al- shabaab related to the port operations in mogadishu. thefocusing first on population centers and liberating them from al-shabaab that is a critical step in weakening their sustainment capabilities. as you have seen on the map, the forces how push out of the population centers further into the countryside. there are swaps of somali territory that are not under effective control as essential government at this point and there are corridors and between some the major centers that are maintained and controlled by amisom.
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there iste clear additional territory available to al-shabaab as a sanctuary and that is the work ahead with amisom and the somalian national army to pressure al-shabaab so they continue to fracture and continually are displaced from the location they are currently occupying. currenthe weekend is a note. is that just security forces? shabaabom is pursuing al- alongside the somali national services. enabling one another at various times. what is the lead and the other takes the lead. the vast majority of operations, their operating together.
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>> in 2010, they wanted to change the rule for peacekeeping to peace enforcement and those objected to by the united nations. does that matter? >> i think that refers to the rule of engagement their operating under and amisom at this point is operating with robust rules of engagement who where they are not a defensive force, and often civil force. they are making peace. >> is the transition happening quickly enough in turning over security functions to country security forces? >> in my view, the transition is happening as quickly as they can which by definition is slowly. and the ability of the national over isactually take quite constrained at this point. the somali national army is about 17,000 strong at this
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point based on the count from their chief of defense. militiaforce, many are forces or other individuals who are under the banner of somali national army some of whom have been trained in many have not. seven trained by a number of external sources -- and they have been trained by a number of external forces. and i think we would forecast a period ofl be aperio time. >> mrs. nancy lindborg, you mentioned the department is democratically elected as well as the president. reference themou as democratically elected. is it more of an appointment by tribal elders? and the president is been
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elected by the mp's? how much an election is it by the parliament? and how much legitimacy do they have? the economist wrote a year ago or so that some of the slots were going for $25,000 and there was some corruption. and willt that legitimacy they have going forward. >> and yes. there been challenges of corruption through the years. the importance is the commitment of the current government to move beyond that as they look at that list of benchmarks with the elections and the new constitution over the next several years. third six-month timetable. -- 36 month time. there is a good till of factionalism.
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overve inclusive dialogue the next 36 months to find a way forward that enables that's kind in the --ation participation in the solution. this is one the best opportunities that somalia has had in two decades with an inclusive process and that kind of planning will have to continue where you bring and regional entities and you bring and a lot of the local governments that have been critical for holding communities together over the last several decades. now under a number allah -- an umbrella of a federated government. >> the president was elected by the program it -- a by the parliament. >> selected by the assembly process and they selected the president. the 2016red toward
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residential election -- presidential election. >> back to security environment. the raid that occurred last weekend. , it was nots successful. we did not get our card. amber sure the commands made the right decision. how does that affect our policy going forward ? commanders made the right decision. what is the story moving ahead? . >> taking direct action is one element of the multifaceted approach being taken and the circumstances under which that is pursued were outlined by the president and his national
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defense speech. selected cases where that will be pursued. more importantly is the indirect approach and the three major pieces of that. he is talked about two of them. one is continuing to support amisom and its activities against al-shabaab and the second is working with security services and their ability to develop an effective counterterrorism capability going forward. the third would've not really touched on yet is what we are doing with the other partners and the region on a bilateral basis whether with the kenyans, the ethiopians, uganda, all of serious threats from al-shabaab based on their willingness to participate in amisom. several have borne the result of the tax in their territories.
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-- attacks and their territories. shabaabbob -- al- continual support in the region. >> thank you. >> thank you. senator mccain. >> thank you into the witnesses. -- and to the witnesses. the operation in , it is my understanding from polish reports that did not go forward with the mission because it was a greater resistance than they had anticipated. if an accurate depiction of what happened? a to discuss -- senator, would have to move into a different setting to discuss. >> please you say whether the medium -- can you say whether
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the media's reporting was accurate or not? >> to confirm or not confirm what -- would call first to move into a different setting. >> what you are saying is we have to information in a secure saying but it is ok if the media reports events and yet you can either corroborate or deny those events, is that correct? >> that's correct in this setting. , do not be surprised when there is skepticism here about the activities that you engage in. the fact it was a failure. it was an intelligence failure otherwise the mission would have been completed. i guess and another said "the new york times" and will find a exactly why it failed. given last week and's operation
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,- last weekend's operation president obama seeks to appeal, how was terrorist groups be targeted and will these types of operations be justified in the future? >> senator, going back to the earlier discussion about the direct and direct approach, at , it is legallye available for the direct approach. the to that is enabling regional partners -- cora lori that isllary to enabling the regional partners. be a corecontinue to element of the strategy of countering the activities.
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>> would this have been legal? senator, i am not prepare with a legal analysis for you today but i can come back with a response. >> is it your opinion as to whether it would be legal absent a --? >> i do not have an independent, ntrsonal opinion to compleme the legal analysis at this point. >> ms. thomas, linda thomas- somalia, it is my understanding that most of the work is being done by private
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contractors. is that true? >> we do have private contractors assisting gaza but where using a mixture of that as well as direct support with and other strategic partners such as the ethiopians and we work very closely with africom. >> does that mean you have american troops in somalia? we do not. when advisor works with the somalian government and we do work with the somali national initary outside of somalia doing training and we also occasionally send people to do training with them. oversightyou maintain of what these contractors are doing if there is no american
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military? >> we do send people in on a regular basis to monitor when we are able to travel and security allows us to travel inside. that is part of the issue we have had that were not able to travel on a regular basis but when we are able, we are able to do that kind of monitoring and we also work and monitor them throughout operations in nairobi. contractors are often operating in what is effectively combat zones, would you agree? >> occasionally it is a combat zone. >> umm, you spoke about normalizing our military, military relationship with somalia. he describe what that would look like -- can you describe what that would like?
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>> what i would hope for and it was dory who talked about the thationship, it is my hope once the security situation there is enabling that we would have our military doing the through therams same kind of programs we do elsewhere in africa that provided direct training and support to the somali military. one of our primary goals is to build a professional army there that is able to provide security and his professional and has capacity to respond to al- shabaab. on what grounds and it would -- as to our military opposed to our military? was it our threat? contractors do a better job? >> we do a mix. with bob had contractors.
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in some cases, well military stop -- we have already had contracts. -- in some cases, we have military. at a point with the security situation changes, will be look at other options. >> based on the security situation? >> that was part of the issue. well visit security situation that would guide your decision on whether to send them in i would imagine it was a security situation that led you to keep them out. i thank the witnesses. >> to what's the as a senator reference and a number if i -- thank you to the senator. and as the reference, a number some thee asked for -- intelligence gathered from there and the implications.
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i welcome the opportunity to discuss the timing that might be possible. i'm sure the chairman understands the frustration when we read things in the media that are believed to be factual and cannot find out in open session whether this true or not. i think the american people probably deserve to know whether -- >> i suspect we broadly share frustrations. at the outset of the hearing i express my gratitude to the witnesses for their ability to come today given the impact of the shutdown on departmental resources legal vice and preparation and otherwise. is appropriate for us to the of this line of dialogue in a classified setting if we could as soon as possible. if i might, nancy lindborg,
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programming designed to counter violent extremism in jihadist attendances. can you say something about the small-scale or local projects that have been an ongoing effort tothe area of amisom stabilize the situation and lay the groundwork? >> you characterize that exactly right. there's an opportunity to show quick wind to some the communities aware you have an issue greater security and work with them so those communities identify one of the priorities and coinvest with them in a way that enable local government structures to have greater capability within their community and to align that with the central and address essential services. , basicnditional school
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infrastructure. at the same time, we are very focused on what is the large use population to provide alternatives to extremism and through our somali youth to provide working secondary education opportunities as well as economic options. and ways for them to participate in civic life. we think is actually critical especially for those groups. with your permission, i want to questionenator flake's about the democratic election about the president and in the assembly. the constituent assembly was formed and they've been elected the president. somalia is not currently able to have the representative election that we think about in this country. adds a part of the big effort of the next few years is to provide that kind of commission and
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voter registration. they are simply not equipped to do right now. there's a difference. to get a moment to clarify. >> i was taken a bit aback. i agree. we are not in a point where we can expect anything else. we cannot lead people to believe well the democratically elected government. >> is not every voter but a cross-section and constituency assembly which did provide a legitimate government 20 blows through this important time. -- two and a blows through this nable ust -- to e through this important time. >> to get the plates were a legitimate election is possible -- to get to a place where a legitimate election is possible.
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>> is the process of drafting the constitution and a process of reconciliation adding more inclusive dialogue including the diaspora was an important player in all of this. years transition from 20 to a functioning democracy as part of the objective of this hearing and to understand how can best support that. give came back from the new deal conference in and i will be interesting in hearing more detail and how the international community is coordinate and support for the ongoing transition and what you see as our role in in the international community and how well coordinated it is towards the goals we have been discussing. >> is an essential opportunity because it enables the international donor community to come together in a coordinated way in support of a plan and theework that is owned by somalis. with the key priority that were laid out we are able to work
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together against the priorities and there are conversations very vigorous conversations with the u.k., sweden, and other partners on how to ensure that our and alliances behind the key priorities. there's also a timing urgency here that is in these moments whether it is confidence and the sense of possibility that we still ford and -- step forward in a coherent manner. a very ambitious timetable. thes important to grasp golden hour of possibility and enable that to turn into real results. >> thank you. if i might, what does our overall strategy to simultaneously strengthen ongoing somali led efforts to centralize state institutions
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and according eric system that automated system -- coordinated system? is you think they're steady progress to both but there is tension between the weather is a centralized, strong state or federal lice structure. what you see as our strategy? -- federal lice structure. >> there will be a strong federal framework that will allow the various components and groups outside of the central government to participate in a process of governing the entire country of somalia. we do need a central government that can provide services and delete -- and lead and develop the policies and strategies going forward so government has to recognize the components outside of the scituate. with encouraged cooperation and
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implementation of the federal framework and with encouraged the government that we have encouraged the government to be we have cooperation -- encouraged the government to be in close cooperation. the president of somalia has expressed his views that he is prepared to move forward and that and we are backing him and those efforts. >> terrific. thank you very much. , younda thomas-greenfield mentioned $140 million going toward the economic growth activities, democracy activities. can you further detail where that is going? and who is administering that? go ahead. i think you mentioned the figure 140 million, right?
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>> that was going to our efforts of theort the capacity somali national army and supporting training for that but also building democratic institutions that are being working with usaid. wasfigure i referred to directly to our efforts with the army. >> ok. can you further detail the activities or growth activities? millionve about a $64 program for 2011 and 2012. i am sorry, 2012 and 2013. some of the activities to help set up the constitution, to support the move toward election. somalicludes work in with those governments to
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continue to support the very important advances they have already made on democratic approaches is and accountability and to align their policy with the central government and includes a lot of the work on setting up the independent election commission and the electoral mechanics to make the games would need the net -- gains we need in the next 36 months. >> you make us sound like they are ok with this arrangement and that's not the sense i've received from them. they want to be recognized on their own. can you explain the difference here? >> edessa since would've gotten as well that they have worked to develop and stabilize areas.
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lead ofollowing and the the au of would not recognize them separate governments. the au has not made that recognition but will continue to support their efforts to provide security and services to the people that they are currently supporting. >> you mentioned some the funding is going to help them. what is their understanding to what they are to do with this money and establishing their place in a federal system? it sounds to me when you talk to them that they have a completely different idea of where they are going. what is your understanding? there isndicated, continued help particularly to support the accountability angers parents he is a quite -- quite havey they made gains with.
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at the same time, we are doing it anyway that expressly indicates the goal of having that aligned with the central government in a centrally federated system.
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