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tv   U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  October 15, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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vets' memorials, those are my memorials, why am i not able to visit? something that i actually own. and what authority does the park service have to keep me out of it? this is i think -- goes to your point. and i think this is a very healthy exercise, when people begin to feel, what is their relation to the government? there was a wonderful piece by mark stein when he talked about the magna carta and he said, you know, it's true that, you know, the english peasants who were benefiting from the act had more access to the commons than americans who are living in 2013. . i hope there are ramifications of it. attorney from falls
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church. this is from andrew or anyone else who wants to comments. my understanding of the act is as is enforced by the executive against foreign agents of the executive. can someone comment on the legal actions or rights of congressional oversight? >> i would first of all say that there is the office for there is the inspector general and a variety of different places. congress has the ability -- congressman issa's committee, the congressional oversight committee, there are lots of places where members of congress ask for reports or do forr investigations expenditures. there can be political ramifications. number one is obviously the
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political processes. in terms of private rights of action to enforce, i don't think there is one. thingsre a whole host of but this is the branch that does the enforcement. if there is a nonenforcement this year, there have been other non-enforcement issues at the doj that people have raised questions about. congress has power of the purse to say they will not make appropriations until they get their house in order and start applying the law where it ought to be applied. >> presumably, people are arrested or fined as you mentioned? executive, for example the gentleman who was mowing the lawn in front of the lincoln memorial, presumably there is a groundskeeper whose job that was until he or she was
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furloughed. if they had a given some indication that he or she was except in those services, that groundskeeper would be subject to the felony provisions of the ada and would be able to challenge. that prosecution or conviction in court. would the obama administration enforce the ada in other? i don't necessarily see that and there's no real way for an average citizen to sue the federal government for doing stuff without authorization. possibly there are structural constitutional provisions and in the first bond case the supreme court said that federalism preventions do include private rights of action but until then, i doubt it.
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>> around the same time i heard the world war ii veterans and to takenam memorial had barricades away, the park police somewhere in d.c. was providing a type of security at some rally for citizenship for illegal aliens? it has been hush-hush in the press and i just was not sure if you had heard anything more about that. >> i have not heard anything more about that. what you might be saying is it looks like favoritism. it looks like certain content is allowed to be expressed but others is prohibited. >> on the national mall. >> that would be a lawsuit if that were the case. however, they said they will allow other activities. presumably, if someone wanted to rally, anti-immigration
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they could apply. another problem with these policies is, again, another lawyer in our department went down to ask how they could get a permit. the answer was, i don't know. process is armit problem in and of itself and that's a policy that could be challenged, two. been any tea party trying tos or leaders inaugurate legal challenges to these things? isolated individuals will have a hard time doing it. what about the vfw? they have lawyers and resources? they are doing legal strategy on this or is it a matter of making
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it last that long so i might as well just waited out? our devoteesate like this. it may be something looking into. "the washington post" is reporting that they have ported the national park service has ordered them to reopen langley fork park based on a private lawsuit by the mccain youth lacrosse organization and that was a preliminary injunction. they sued and they said the parks service has to keep that federal land open. that is the type of thing that could keep happening. i will have to get back to you. >> my name is bill and i'm a retired career naval officer. i served for 26 and a half years an aircraft carriers. my father is a 92-year-old world war ii veteran living in new
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hampshire and he fought in every major campaign in the pacific on board the uss yorktown, commonly referred to as the fighting lady . he is heartsick over the shutdown of the memorials on the mall and he has called this "they shameless act of commission." the day after the shutdown, i went down to the mall and i was stunned to see the barricades put up like strategic hamlets around each of the four war memorials. i got in a little closer and i noticed that the barricades had actually been wired together at the top and bottom. i noticed five metro police in police cars and i saw five park rangers and four
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park maintenance officers and the maintenance officers were wiring with these big bundles i guessbarricades and that gives credence to the manyrbial joke about how park service maintenance guys it takes to wire a barricaded shut and i now know the answer is five, with needle nose pliers. my laying the background to question here because my father's conclusion on seeing this on social media, by the way there was one park ranger standing on the inside of the trader giving a tour group of people standing on the outside of the barrier pointing out different parts of the memorial. my father could only come to the conclusion that someone in the administration, we don't know , is vindictive, petty, and
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small. andrew, my question to you is, if you go down there and take a comeat this, you can only to that conclusion so based on your legal analysis but also policy analysis, i was a political appointee in the bush administration and the white isse, i know that money reprogrammed all the time and people are blamed and deemed nonessential all the time. they were ostensibly breaking the law with no repercussions whatsoever until you got td strategic handling. -- until you got to the strategic handling. so why is it they could open these malls and movie barricades? legally or from a political of,
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why? and itfies common sense appears to these 92-year-olds to be vindictive, petty and small. >> why does the sunrise? why does the sunset? it is definitely enraging. people understand this. >> it has touched a nerve. your dad understands this. i will leave it for you people the same or. that's to say more. their justification is, gosh darn it, we need to padlock these things to secure the property -- from who? >> what on earth is causing this inability to break the wires on those barricades? when the lawyers say at the stroke of the pen that 400,000 people could come back to work.
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>> this administration has taken a very broad reading of what it can and cannot do and this is a toy odd case for them finally say they don't have the authority. if anyone else wants to comment. >> i know what you are talking about. i have seen it. to see that sort of behavior against citizens who are just touring open-air memorial is is mean-spirited and that is what means bearded behavior by the government towards its people is unacceptable and when you realize it was a decision that was made, no law tells them they have to close those memorials. if you then, on top of that, moreover look at the purpose of these memorials and contrast that with this behavior, it is deeply, deeply troubling. i leave it to andrew and others to find a legal remedy but as a people we ought to make it clear in anyis is unacceptable
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future partial government shutdown, a park service or whoever it is responsible for caretaking of these places cannot behave in this manner. >> i think we have time for one or two more questions. >> it seems like there is a common thread between this and the shutdown of the monuments in general than that is that there is an elite that does not seem to care about the rest of us. there is a political of the that does not think monuments mean anything to people or they don't care that we are upset and it shows an extraordinary detachment from the people who elected them and then there is an aesthetic, artistic elite that keep tried to push monuments on us that most people don't understand or don't like. are so tone deaf as to the 99% of the rest of us that it really is an extraordinary state of affairs. i'm just curious if you shared
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that perception and what to make of it. >> one of the things that hasn't been taken into account for the people trying to build the eisenhower memorial is a tremendous groundswell of .utrage it is just huge. there is a determination to move gary lannanhis unaltered. i feel, as a commissioner, that this would be much improved by listening a little bit more in .istening to this criticism it does not look like there will be any private money raised on
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this. i don't think there is any .equirement or legislation this is not the staffs memorial. this is the people's memorial and i think it's important as a of opinion is listened to and accommodated and everyone will be better off and we will have a much better memorial. showing some in difference to the subject, it's not as if we don't know how dwight diaz and howard felt -- dwight d eisenhower felt. he said so much about the opening of a librarian kansas while he was still living. >> on my way here i walked through the park honoring nathanael greene and on a date announced that the facility is
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closed due to the government shutdown, national park service. on only did i commit civil disobedience by walking through the park but there were approximately 30 toddlers and their mothers openly recreating on this closed facility. it strikes me that we have to laugh at the stupid policy off the boards. >> thank you for being here, andrew and bruce. we appreciate it. we stand adjourned. [applause] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2013] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] >> discussion from earlier today at the heritage foundation, day 15 of the government shutdown. the debt ceiling date, october 17, we will open the phones
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again to get your calls and comments on the looming debt ceiling and efforts on capitol hill to resolve the issue. the numbers are on your screen. over the next hour or couple of hours we will play out some of the events of the day and how things moved along in terms of discussions on the senate, house, and that the white house as well. i want to read a brief part of a story here from "the wall street journal." they abandon their proposal and reid and mcconnell presume there are talks writing that the house republican leaders are faced with persistent conservative opposition today and dropped plans to bring a gop bill to the floor to raise the borrowing limit and fully reopen the federal government. comes asion to abandon they remain divided on how to
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end a 15 day partial government shutdown and increased the debt limit before the treasury faces a cash crunch. to placeings decided u.s. debt on the watch for a downgrade as the budget impasse continued. from abc who covers politics and other issues tweeting this evening, at the end of this, they will accept the senate deal and republicans will have zero to show for pushing to the brink. here are the two competing proposals, the latest house republican proposal as of late this afternoon proposing that they fund the federal government, reopening through december 15 and it would allow the treasury to borrow and extend the debt ceiling through
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february 7. it would not allow those subsidies for members of congress and their staff adding the so-called vid or amendment to earlier proposals and i would limit efforts by the treasury department to manage the debt and debt ceiling. the senate land, meanwhile, apparently remains from pretty much the same and there is a discussion going on between democrats and republicans reopening through january 15 that would allow the treasury to borrow until february 7. it would require subsidy and income verification and it would also set up a bicameral committee to work out budget issues on the 2014 budget and that is where things stand currently. the house will be a net 10 a ourk eastern for morning speeches and legislative work at noon eastern and as of now, a very brief schedule of matters related to the federal debt and
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that is on the majority leader scheduled for tomorrow. we will play out some of the events of the day and a bit but let's get to some of your calls. brian from ohio on our democrats line. caller: if i get poll over for speeding and i'm not wearing my seatbelt i get signed for two violations. pay say i'm only going to this if you let me off of the speeding violation. we don't like the affordable care act so we will fund the rest of it if you change her stance on this issue. when i refuse to pay my fine, it's the difference. oklahoma.- >> atoka, caller: i like to think it is both parties responsibility for the shutdown.
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neither side is negotiating. it's not up to the president to do the job of congress. there was a bill last month that looked like it was going to pass. i would like to -- >> let's go to greg in kentucky. caller: i think it's all insane. you only get one chance in life when you put your money down to have that dream and it's been taken away. >> here is ad
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tweet from huff post politics about the movement of the action in the senate. they are reopening budget negotiations to overt default after the house failure and a picture of the republican and democratic leader. restarting after the house plan collapses, senate majority leader harry reid and mitch mcconnell have resumed talks on a deal to reopen the government and raise the debt ceiling after a day in which house republicans failed to act on a proposal of their own. releasing a statement saying, given tonight's event, they have decided to work towards a solution that would reopen the government and prevent the fault. they're optimistic an agreement can be reached. the number three democrat said upon exiting his office this evening, making good ron gress and things are looking a lot better than they did several hours ago. that is the reporting from roll call. roger on the independent line and highland springs, virginia, go ahead.
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thank you for taking my call. >> are you there? go ahead with your comment. i'm calling to say that at what these tea party fools are doing. i'm a vietnam veteran and, frankly, i'm concerned about my compensation. these fools up in there, they have no right to be holding the country hostage because they don't like the affordable care act. that's the only thing i have to say about it. is onsouth carolina, jeff the republican line. good evening. hello. this is getting to the point of it being totally ridiculous that they cannot some time to
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--otiation or compromise they cannot come to some sort of negotiation or compromise. i would like to see a petition where we start to impeach the entire government. cliques appreciate you calling him. let's check on #cspanchat. have one message for obama and congress, don't spend money we don't have. this is one tweet from heritage action. this is one that came out probably around 5:00 this act or noon that says, key vote no on the house spending in dead real talking about the plan that him from republican leadership late this act or noon. david in brooklyn, new york, on the democrats line. >> you are on the air. go ahead.
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i cannot believe that a minority of the republican party wants to default on the united states's obligations. the damage is already being done. the debt ceiling ought not be a negotiable item ever. these are debts we have already incurred. i don't understand why republicans cannot see that. seem to be dictating policy for the entire nation. industrialjones average was down.
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is "treasurye yields climb, stocks fall." stocks fell. we are stumbling again. thee is a plan to raise limit. they are pushing ahead with their own plan. the competing proposals from the house and senate are clouding the prospect of a quick resolution to the political divide that is cap the federal government in shutdown mode for two weeks and threatened to push the country into default. " that is from today's wall street journal -- "wall street journal." i would like to say that
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a lot of the people out here, we have did make it day by day will stop -- day. , i do not think they should be spending money like crazy. we need to find a way that we can survive without going into a whole. holdingsee the people anybody hostage. we are really holding ourselves hostage. everybody is going to have to tighten down and work together. thatportedly, part of senate deal is that they will work out a longer-term deal. neither the house or senate has fored out the senate deal the fiscal year 2014. the shutdown is 15 days old.
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line, aa call on the republican call. you are on the air, go ahead. obama andsee through the democrats. i want to give a shout out to the republicans and conservatives. the united states's citizens need to wake up. that is it. host: we have a caller on the democrats line. go ahead. hey.r: host: make sure you meet your television there. you had. family i grew up in a where you had to pay your debts. you never went under. and weat the country
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cannot balance the budget. on the one hand, you want to help, but you have to draw the line somewhere otherwise we are never going to get out of this. i can understand that the republicans want to hold the line on this, but i also feel that there is a balance, as well. the tea party is getting a bad name. this is the way government works. you have one side that feels one way. and the other side that past obamacare, they control the ,ouse. we have to understand that is american politics. i wish we could live within the budget. call on thee a independent thing line. i just wanted to remind money went to a
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british company for obamacare. , they are being investigated for serious fraud. i am not sure how people do not know this. million.$88 the american company handling the customer service, that is the injustice. host: are you still with us? if anything comes out of the republican efforts to delay or defund the law, what are you hoping will happen, as far as the law is concerned? what would you like to see? to see themuld like giving money to people to set up an american industry. whether going to debate
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or not we need socialized medicine. i was in québec for 20 hours, that is about a full day. ofm not sold on the idea giving money to britain or canada. i draw the line there. more, coming up on c-span. we wanted to show you some of the events of the day. you where someow of the discussions were on the senate and the house side. conference of the house met after that meeting. they came to speak with reporters. at this point, they had not revealed the proposal that they would reveal later in the day. [video clip]
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>> good morning, everyone. our team met with the members today. we are trying to find a way forward, i bipartisan way, that would be fair to the american people under obamacare. there are a lot of opinions about which direction to go in all stop there been no directions about what we should do ash go in. there've been no decisions about what direction we should go in. is no issue of default until the government reopens. >> we just talked to our members. thatink it has been clear we want the democrats to sit down and continued talking to us so we can work out our differences. we have been saying since day one, that there should be
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fairness for all americans. i am glad to see that harry reid and the senate have finally agreed to sit down and talk to us, the republican leaders. we encourage that. we also, as the house republican conference, think it is important that whatever proposal that most forward reflects our position on fairness. >> we were very clear in our discussions that we think individual should be treated fairly. no one should have special treatment. members of congress should not have special treatment. we want to find a solution to this in a bipartisan manner that gets us moving forward, that gets america back on track. >> for weeks now the republicans in the house have been leading with solutions.
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we believe that this is the time for solutions. we recognize that people across the country continue to struggle and have their challenges. as a foundation, we want to make sure that laws are implemented and that they help moms, dads, small business owners, seniors, that are trying to find a way forward. we, in the house remain committed to being a part of the alution, to working in bipartisan fashion, to working in a commonsense way. bill tohanges in your the health care law, were they worth a two-week government shutdown? >> they were worth the government being on its way forward and making sure we are providing fairness to the american people. >> can you guarantee were not going to go beyond the default. it is wrong.
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we should not get anywhere close to that. vote on itgoing to today on this plan to make changes to the senate bill? >> we're talking with members on both sides of the isle to try to find a way to move forward today. mean?t does that thank you. house republican leaders following their conference meeting this morning. the plan at that time included a the act thaty in was it used to fund part of the health care law, an offer that would be taken out of the later house republican bill.
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when the republican plan this reidng was unveiled, harry on the floor of the senate was not very happy about it, saying that they had been blindsided by the republican plan we are going to show you the comments will stop republican plan. we're going to show you the comments. [video clip] it is a plan to advance an extreme piece of legislation. it is a blatant attack on bipartisanship. the facts are these. we have been engaged in productive, i partisan negotiations in the senate. we have been working across party lines and making steady process to achieve an agreement that protects the full faith and credit of our country, and puts the country on from the school
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footing. is no partiscussion of what we've negotiated in the senate. president, the debt is here. the deadline is looming. rating agencies are talking about downgrading us as early as tomorrow. i know i speak for many of us who have been working in good faith. i felt blindsided by the members of the house. extremist republicans in the house of representatives are trying to torpedo the progress with a bill that cannot pass the senate, and will not pass the senate.
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the house measure would take away the presidents authority that has been in existence for as long as we can remember. it has been in place for decade after decade. we are not going to default on our nation's bills. never, ever consider doing this if it were president romney, president bush, or president reagan. -- never. as they said, the government is closed for stop -- closed. we don't mind default ring on the debt. it is good for the country. that is what they said.
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that is unacceptable. they want to make major changes to obamacare. it does not even include a sensible long-term budget. numbers, andthese they think magic is going to happen, and they think that everything will be gone. processes --l there are still processes we have to follow. weeks, republicans have been saying they want to negotiate. their legislature ignores the needs to work together for our country. president, they have complained about the lack of a budget. now they will not negotiate a budget. mr. president, the tea party-
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driven part of the public and party does not follow logic. they want to close the government for 15 days, have is default on our debt. the introduction of this measure is unproductive and a waste of time. let's be clear. house legislation will not pass the senate. here is what the white house said just a few minutes ago. " the president has said repeatedly that members of congress need to refill their basic responsibilities to pass a budget and pay their bills. unfortunately, house republicans are in a partisan attempt to ,ppease tea party republicans who cause the government shutdown in the first place.
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" i am very disappointed with john boehner who would try to preserve his role at the expense of the country. i want to find common ground in the senate. are doing thiswe together for the good of the nation. than theot bigger , orte or those presiding the leader was to my side. it is much bigger than that, much bigger than me, much bigger than two senators hear from connecticut. bigger than the senator who is the chair of the budget committee stop it is bigger than her -- committee. it is bigger than her. mr. president, we have to start
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working together for our country. that is what we are trying to do. we do not want financial destruction for this great country. and that is what it is all stop to aps a small group of people -- a piece a small group of a small groupase of people. one of the key elements in this new proposal from speaker boehner is to manage this president's authority to deal with the default on the national doubt -- debt. this authority if the president, going back to president kennedy, the wherewithal in the treasury department to avoid an economic disaster, which could impact the reputation of the united states and the world.
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i asked the majority leader, now that we have seen the republican party bring us so close to the precipice of default, it is unimaginable to me that any president would surrender his authority to keep america safe. ,his is one of the key elements in terms of problems, with the boehner proposal. mr. president, my friend from senator, wenior have seen what is going on in the last few months, this whole year, with a group of people who are out giving press conferences and demonstrations. they want the government to stay closed. they wanted it to close in the first place.
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the hardship of the country is really, really awful. if that is not good enough, they are out saying that they want the country to fail on its obligation to pay bills. these are not new. these are obligations that we have. have would notey example my friend is of the most important part of the federal government, the safety of the united states. department.efense this proposal gives the president of the united states, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, no flexibility
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whatsoever. we are not going to change those numbers. we agreed to those numbers. we voted hereto agree to those numbers. allow thenot even department of defense to shift their money around. i do not know how the defense of the country can move forward if they do not have flexibility with moving $22 billion. this bill is doomed to failure. it is doomed to fail legislatively, and it is so awful for our country will stop -- country. >> a lot has been taking place. a tentative agreement has been reached between both republican and democrat leaders. the speaker of the house has come forward with what we believe is a plan which would
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reopen the government, extend , and has several other revisions and it. beeneaction to that has condemnation, immediate, automatic condemnation i majority leaders, by the white , absolutely rejecting this proposal. i don't understand that. i don't understand that does a role reaction in a most negative fashion. why don't we try something like we used to do around this place? look, you have a proposal, we have a proposal, let's vote, let's go to conference, which we can do in 24 hours and resolve our differences. i understand
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what the poll said. 74% of the people disapprove of republican handling of this issue. i agree with that. there was a gentleman at the beginning who said we were going on. aaron to said that -- say that we would be a will to defund obamacare will stop we have -- obamacare. we have to stop digging. majority of you, and for the democrats in the house, and the white house, that we say absolutely, categorically, we will not consider what the republican house of representatives are doing, in my view, it is piling on. it is piling on. and it is not right. i urge my democratic colleagues, let's sit down, and let's work this out.
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let's get this resolved. to categorically reject what the house of representatives and the speaker is doing, and i think he is pretty courageous in what he is doing in my view, but it is not serving the american people. let's stop this will stop let's stop this -- let's stop this. let's stop this. let the proposal get done. in 24 hours.s i would like to express my disappointment and categorical rejection of a good faith effort by the speaker of the house. i am sure that the agreement that was made by both the senate majority and the republican leaders will not be everything that i want. let's stop the condemnation. --'s consider the house republican house proposal as a
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way to end this gridlock. let sit down together and get this thing done. again, i urge my democratic colleagues. we know you have the upper hand. we have to find a way out of this, which is what the american people want, rather than who won and who lost. as i've mentioned , i urge myes before colleagues to reconsider on the democrat side. categoricalhe rejection of any proposal from the house of representatives on the floor.
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[no audio] from the floor of the u.s. senate, john mccain and harry reid. they were reacting to the republican plan at the time. since then, that plan has changed and stalled on the house side will stop the house -- side. the plan would reopen the government and extend the debt ceiling through february 7. no subsidy would be provided for members of congress and the staff. an additional amendment that we will tell you about in a moment. meanwhile, much of the action has been to focus on the senate plan, the senate deal. that would extend the debt limit
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through february 7, but they would reopen the government through january 15. anybody using health care subsidies would need to have income verification. they would work out a longer- term budget deal. someone tweeting that the deal is essentially done. it just needs to finalize the legislative language. about the amendment which would eliminate health subsidies for members of congress, here is a comment. president obama threatening a veto over the measure will stop he told -- measure. -- bill is slated to be considered on tuesday night.
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that would require the president, vice president, and political employees to enter the obamacare exchanges without a subsidy will stop the house did not -- subsidy. the numbers were released earlier this evening that they did not have the votes to move that legislation forward. they get back to legislative work at noon eastern. what is on the board is still to be determined. hopeful that there will be an inclusion of the proposal. [video clip] >> i rise to encourage the house of representatives to consider and pass a compromised resolution to the crisis before
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us, which includes no exemption line regarding obamacare. i strongly support that language. i strongly support that effort in the house. i support all of our house colleagues looking forward and acting on that, and i encourage my louisiana colleagues to act on that. know, madam president, the obama administration issued an illegal role, in my opinion, authority,tutory that gives members of congress and congressional staff, special status, a special exemption, a special subsidy, if you will. it is not enjoyed by any other american.
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of, with an advocate many others, with many house that specialithin elite status, to get rid of that. that is what we need to do. we need to do that for two crucial reasons. first of all, on principle. congress should be the first will of our democracy. washington should be treated like the rest of america. to exclude congress from what america must do is not there. they must live with no special will, no special exemption, no special subsidy. that is what the role should be regarding obamacare. the first rule of american democracy.
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newhey want to impose these ones on the rest of -- rules the rest of america, they must impose them on everyone. it is like carrying about a chef who never eats out of his own restaurant, never eats out of his own kitchen. on a the same thing here number of points, including obamacare. principle, madam principal -- president. washington should live by the same rules across the board, including obamacare. washington, congress, all congressional staff, the president, the vice president, all political employees, should have to go through the same processes as all of america, regarding the so-called exchanges.
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it should do that with no special rule, no special deal, no special subsidy, no special exemption. it should do the same thing that ordinary americans do. 8 million people are forced out of good health care coverage and forced on to the obamacare exchanges. why i thinkeason this is so important is a practical one. the sooner that we make washington lived by the same obamacare rules as the rest of america, the sooner washington will change obamacare and fix , asnot just for washington it did for the special, obama administration will -- rule, but for america. policymakers in
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washington with the interests of the american people. the way that you do that is make them live by exactly the same rules, make them walk the walk of the american to have to go through the obamacare exchanges. will be 8ses, there million people plus who were satisfied with their health care coverage, and then will realize under this law that was put together by president obama, who lied and said that if you like to your coverage, that you could keep it all stop that promise -- keep it. that promise was a lie. principal. the practicality. first, the principle that government should live by the same rules as america.
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practicality that we need to experience all of the frustrations and challenges that america faces under obamacare, including the 8 million people plus going through the exchanges that are going to lose the insurance they like. washingtons new exemption language in anything that is put together with regards to these fiscal issues that we're dealing with now. i think it would be enormously important. .t would show leadership it would resonate with the american people. the american people resent, rightly so, washington getting a special exemption, or a special subsidy under obamacare that no other american under that situation gets. act on urge the house to that important line. that would show leadership. that would align our personal
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interests with the people that we represent. that would honor which should be the first principle of american democracy, washington should live under the same rules as the rest of america, on obamacare and everything else. thank you, madam president. i yield the floor. from indianaor talking about his amendment, which would eliminate health- for political representatives. it became apparent that republican leaders did not have the votes to move forward with that proposal yet. here is the headline. house cancels plans for the debt owed. there was fear they did not have
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the votes for passage. " we're going to be prepared tomorrow to make some decisions." action.will be no no votes. the rules committee will not meet. " meetings an hour-long with house democratic leaders and president obama, talking about reopening the federal government and the impending debt ceiling. here is a tweet from our correspondent who follows the white house. and there is a photo from that oval office meeting. [video clip]
9:00 pm
>> good afternoon. it is a beautiful afternoon. we had the privilege of having a conversation with the president about the looming deadline. we are still optimistic that there is a path to lift the debt ceiling in time. we have heard of the bipartisan legislation being prepared in the united states senate. we're disappointed that the house republicans decided to or at leastt was hoping there delay. everyone knows that time is of the essence


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