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tv   First Ladies  CSPAN  October 19, 2013 8:30pm-9:01pm EDT

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>> monday, eleanor roosevelt. after the attack on pearl harbor it was the first lady who spoke to the people. she gave an address on the radio that she wrote. eleanor roosevelt traveled constantly in support of the president's new deal policy and causes like education, a living wage, and civil rights. as first lady, she held regular press conferences and invited only women reporters to cover them and she was the first first lady to travel overseas without the president. the first to address a national political convention, and the first to write her own daily syndicated column. join us for a two-hour program as we explore the life and legacy of eleanor roosevelt on first ladies, influence and image next monday, live it 9:00
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p.m. eastern on c-span, c-span3, and c-span radio. we are offering a special edition of the book, "first ladies of the united states of america," presenting a biography and portraits of the first ladies. it is available for the discounted price of 1295 -- $12.95. our website has more about the first ladies including a special section, welcome to the white house. produced by our harner. -- parter. cycling life in the mansion during the first tenure of the first ladies. >> tonight, speakers from annual techcrunch conference in san francisco. first, the death the yahoo! president. followed by the facebook ceo. later, an award-winning cartoonist talks about the future and influence of editorial cartoons.
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next, yahoo! ceo and president marissa mayer talks about the future of the company. she was previously vice president at ogle. she sits down with michael arrington at their annual conference in san francisco for about a half-hour. >> did you see the cookie thing? >> i did. >> amazing what they are doing. before we talk about the logo, i would like to get your thoughts on the whole vote thing. i never opened a vote before. look at this. book.t is a huge >> i gave up because i could not find the article. there is no table of conflict --
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contents. we finally found it. would you autograph this for me so i can have it forever? >> why not? where you are laying upside down on the chair there. -- he back story is for to doesry is minutes, i was sitting upright. leadership is about being unconventional. please move upside down and i said sure. it worked. that is the back story of what went on there. >> awesome. we will talk about this. every time i interview you before the rest of our lives. i wanted to get it -- i actually wrote this for you.
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we think both of us could be in the upside down position. we will not do that. dr., what happened here? -- doctor, wjhat the happened fuck here? we pride ourselves at yahoo! as being the world's largest startup. an established company. attitude -- the way we did the logo, we kept it in-house. we did not have someone in a consulting firm. we did not send millions of dollars. we came from a very authentic place. for us, what the brand is really about is the product and having the products and the best user experience. that is what we want to shine through. we are happy with the logo. for us, the focus is --
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>> fair enough. how long until you change it? >> i think the interesting thing is one of the things that getens is most logos changed a little bit all the time. yahoo! did not change its logo at all for 18 years. we have 18 years of pent-up changes and small changes. day, they happen. from now on, we will use it to do small iterations over time just to keep the logo fresh and current. we got to a place where 87% of our employees wanted something different and users were mailing in saying your products are beautiful and the logo feels clunky. when you get to the point when your brand and your logo does not really match the product, it is a problem. will drop that. you were honest. i thought you were going to talk
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about math like you did in your tom will post. even though we cannot see it, it is beautiful. but, no. ok. here is something nice. you have been the ceo for a year and four months. july 2012. >> a year and two months. >> the market has doubled. $14 billion in stockholder value that was not there before. that is really good. is it something you would serve? how have you earned that? >> there are very smart investments. i/o it to my predecessors. alibaba, something people are excited about. for example, yahoo!, depend -- yahoo!, japan. i will say, when i look at the
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state of what we are doing inside the company, i said it would take multiple years. more, it will get the company going in the direction we wanted to. having the growth be at the rate we wanted it to be. it is a chain reaction of quadra things. having the right people and having them build the right products, turning into traffic, because traffic leads to revenue ultimately. we are doing really well. things? >> people, product, traffic, and revenue. the interesting thing is they are a chain reaction and they work like a funnel. you have to get the right people before you can build the right products. the products have to be good or people do not come and use them. once you have got those usage, people can use them. we had a modest year of growth in 2012. all growth starts somewhere. stablear, we had a nice
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year so far. we are hoping to see some growth this or next year. was --were seeing exciting things. a lot of acquisitions. even separate from the we gettion strategy, 12,000 resumes a week. for us.a fun number the company is worth 12,043 now. for every job we have, we get a resume each week, up genetically. five or six from before i was there and before july 2012. we are down to between three and four. i have been really happy with the team i have made and adding new people all the time. >> how many yahoo! words?
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>> we call them boomerangs. team 1, 14% of our hires were boomerangs. to date, 10%. we had a lot of college grads. over the course of the year, it hired have% of the been boomerangs. we are really happy with some of the products we have release. we would really stay product all the on who screen. it has an archive in it. south park, jon stewart, stephen colbert. you can watch those all on yahoo! now. i am happy traffic, to announce we passed 800 million monthly active users in terms of yahoo!'s global audience. 20% since represents
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july. >> that includes,? >> it does not. >> where are these people coming from? seeing a lot of usage on mobile. 350 million monthly users. a lot of usage on home page, mail, search, or core properties. my strategy is to be focused on the daily habit, things people use everyday. search, mail, homepage, news, finance, etc.. we have the same people responding to the way we have the products.ning >> can i apologize? there are 40 people taking pictures here and they follow me around all the time. it is annoying. they are taking a lot of pictures of me and i do not want that to distract. i think they are here for you. iere are interesting cameras. did not mean that in a weird way.
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photogenicittle more , i think. we talked about products a little bit. your traffic is way up for unknown reasons. the core product. everybody thinks i mean it in a mean way. it is exciting. i promise i will go to yahoo! -- the new to yahoo! for logo thing and i remembered i had an e-mail account and i will start to the how that worked out. >> lee appreciate it. seen a lot ofas market in the last year. you will see more. >> it has to be hard. you came from google. you were there from the beginning. effortlessly gets praise. to a company that had really hard years, you probably have to fight harder than ever to get any attention on these products. sometimes.e fun
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>> i like hard work and i love google and was there for 13 years. i am as happy if not happier at yahoo!. it is a phenomenal experience. hard work, but i love hard work and i love big challenges. a big challenge, but i have got a great group of people we both assembled and were there already . we are really rising to the challenge. it has been inspiring to be a part of that. >> do you think this crowd is the crowd you can get back to your products? are you starting with mobile on that? >> i will start. pc,ou count mobile, weather, mail, fantasy football, everything, how many people have been to yahoo! in the past month? it looks like it is about half or more than half. in many cases, i would argue we have not lost a users. we just
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want more of their time and attention. we can get great tools that can help. figuring out how people spend their time. some of what we are working on now our news strains that organizes all the news stories on our home page. we have sophisticated personalization algorithms. i have seen the dates. i am really proud of what the team has done and we are just getting started. at its core, yahoo! is an advertising driven company but we are really a personalization company and about organizing the right content and advertising for each of our users. there is a lot we can do for the users if you happen on the site once a pc, week, giving them moe reason to come back and time on our site. >> when you started using it, i assume you are not using it much at google but -- maybe you were.
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you say, this is awful and we have to change some things or did you think it was good? >> there are a few teachers i missed. it is a really strong product. i like the fact -- it is funny. one of the things i use for fast e-mail processing is time. i like basic e-mail. i like to be efficient and simple and minimalist. love about yahoo! mail is it loads fast, loads faster than gmail. we have been working a lot on efficiency and speed improvements. it is just e-mail. video chat ande a lot of those other things. we may experiment and it may ultimately get in the way in terms of using mail every day.
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what are the biggest product holes and problems you are trying to fix right now, the things you -- that make you the maddest right now that you want to change? >> there are a lot of small things. there always are. are a lot of different bugs to squash as they come up. need, thef the broad big case i am focused on is mobile. team bygrown our mobile a factor of 10 since i arrived. it was fun sized in terms of what it needed to be when i got there. we had great s&p and mobile. a tremendous team is working on the design. mobile has been growing tremendously. looking at what users need to do and what daily habits are on the phone, it is a huge opportunity look atr yahoo! if you
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what yahoo! has always been strong in. mail, news, finance, stock quotes, games, sharing photos, group communication, all of these pieces. that is what people do on their phones. it is a great opportunity for us to take the content we have always had on the web and bring it to the phone and taking it and making sure it really needs not only the same cases we have had on the pc, but also the new used -- user expectations on mobile. that is the key thing i am focused on. >> a random question. to like -- you were at the apple event yesterday and seemed to like the fingerprint nsa scanner thing on the phone. why? you be in favor of anything that could gather more information? realize it was a reporter. i did not know. i think what i liked about it --
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mike made fun of me because i do not have a passcode on my phone. he was like, are you crazy? i said, i just cannot. now, i do not have to. i was excited about that. these smartfrom sensors into the phone is really funny. i really excited what they are doing in terms of small sensors that help make everyday life and everyday tasks -- that is more interesting. >> fingerprint sensors are good. >> to unlock your phone, yes. >> microsoft has not announced a new ceo. are you happy that ballmer is leaving? [laughter]
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you want to be the next ceo and -- they are your biggest partner. >> i am 15 years in the industry. bill gates, steve, they have been huge fixtures in the industry. i really admire what both have done at microsoft in terms of what they built. this is an interesting time for microsoft. do not know what their board is considering but when i look at their product line, i see a lot of strength in the advertised area, windows, office, and so one of the things i have come to appreciate is i think consumer executives and enterprise executives have different traits and different instincts. i would hope they are looking for people who are really strong. a strong microsoft is good for the industry overall. that is helping to build
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strength and competencies. >> would you like to see bill gates comeback e >> he is a phenomenal leader. there is nothing quite like the passion of a counter in terms of leadership. >> you are turning into a real diplomat. being ceo means you have to say things more carefully than you are sometimes used to. what is your biggest weakness as a ceo? what do you suck at the most. you have things that are great about you that everyone understands. what are you terrible at? i have been really lucky. there is a community i know that many ceos in the audience feel that range from startups to big companies. ceos want to see -- i have been lucky to have some of the greats in silicon valley reach out and give advice. one said to me the thing that is
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is how few decisions you actually have to make. you have to make them exactly correctly and exactly perfectly. on the average day, there is no decision you really need to make. every now and then, there is a decision. sometimes it is obvious and sometimes it is not. it really matters and needs to be made absolutely correctly. when i hold myself up to that lens, i should probably be making fewer decisions and while i try to identify what those decisions are, i do think it is are the big what decisions that need to be made absolutely correctly e >> you do not think you have made a single bad decision? >> i am sure i have. i am not sure any of those are make it or break it for whether yahoo! returns to growth. the goal is to get the company
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growing again. from that perspective, your job as ceo is to grow revenue. in that quest, there are a very few downward decisions you need to make but you need to make them perfectly. >> ok. all right. >> or memory that -- remembering that each day is something i hope i can get. >> what are you doing to protect us from tyrannical government? >> i have been watching your other interviews. i knew this would come out. lot.nk i agree with a a board member and a good friend, i am not going to repeat that. say i am really proud. i cannot take credit for it it happened after yahoo! cut -- before i took yahoo!, but i'm proud of an organization that from the very beginning in 2007 with the nsa, has been skeptical
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of those requests. againstiled a lawsuit the patriotic act. we fought that. we were the key plaintiff. a lot of people wondered about the case and who it was. it was us. >> you lost there it and you caved. not you, you were not there yet. >> right. we thought we lost you, if you do not comply, it is treason. >> now you are going to the process of suing. >> now, on each request, we view it and scrutinize it and push back on a lot. we push back on requests in terms of the nsa. we cannot talk about it because they are classified. less to say, right now,
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if you were to tell us the truth of what is going on with stuff that is classified, what would happen to you? >> releasing classified information is treason. it would have you incarcerated. i think, when you look at -- we innk it makes more sense terms of analyzing requests and doing our best to protect our users, it makes sense for us to within the system. we filed suit against the government monday, asking to be more transparent with the numbers. we have really taken charge. a lot of other companies, as well, pushing for more transparency and pushing back on pushingable request,
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back on what we viewed as a station that might not be reasonable. we are constantly petitioning the government to be able to release the documents of the 2007 case. we will keep doing those things. it is really about protecting , for our users to understand on our side and across the industry, and their data, which is why we started a transparency report friday. >> i want to thank you. i have asked this question of every single person except mark, because he was on a monologue too good to stop. i've asked everyone else and have not gotten a single answer. if you say what you said and reasons why it is great -- thank you. >> this is not about this particular thing. it can be classified as treason. that is all i can say. >> you do not think the best way
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you will serve your shareholders and users is from jail. i do not mean to put words in your mouth. page ormarter, larry mark zuckerberg? [laughter] >> it is not a fair question. i know them in different amounts. i have a huge amount of respect for larry page. he is broadly talented, intellectual, curious, interested, wanting a challenge. i would point out i think they in differently and dimensions. larry asks why not when he looks at the world. can i change it? i have not interacted much with mark zuckerberg. have met him, i have been blown away by his insight into google. i think it is -- he is incredibly insightful. he is incredibly insightful.
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he has created an amazing social toll and it is not surprising. i think he is really insightful into people and their psychology and what drives them. get the sense larry is insightful into people. am i wrong? he is in another at times. so smart he is in another world. >> what you want to look at our superpowers. larry's superpower is challenging the status quo and what is possible and what is impossible. superpower -- >> what is yours a repower? -- your superpower? if i have one.w quest that is set. -- >> that is sad. [laughter] everybody should have a superpower. >> one piece of my life is i think i am able to empathize. year, into yahoo! last
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the company had been through a time of a lot of turmoil and turbulence, getting to empathize with the employees, -- realizing we all had to get there together as a team. ift was not going to happen i could not empathize and be part of what happened to them. i do not know what people would say but i would hope if i had a superpower, it is probably empathy. >> thank you so much. this was great. you are giving us so much time today. you are staying in helping the to thend going finalists. it is great. thank you so much. >> thank you. [applause] ♪ >> next, more from the tech crunch annual conference with
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mark zuckerberg. [applause] ♪ >> all the photographers are back again. they love me. what have you done lately? that is not my real first question. we have a great interview. your firstof interviews after the ipo. we have not had a chance to talk until -- since then. how has the last year gone in general? >> it has been an interesting year. a lot of things always change around you when you are running a company. i tend to think it is my job to
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keep us centered on what matters. different companies focus on different things. there are companies that are obsessed with their way of doing stuff we are really singularly focused on commission. we want to connect every body and the world and give everybody toll's. that has been the unifying theme for us. -- and give everybody tools. i remember when we are first getting started back in my harvard dorm. i used to get pizza with my friends. the vp ofis actually engineering. we used to talk about how we were building this little site that was going to help people share and connect within the small community. one day somebody will surely build something like this for the whole world. at a


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