tv U.S. House of Representatives CSPAN October 23, 2013 6:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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the chair: on this vote, the yeas are 225, the nays are 193, he amendment is agreed to. the unfinished business is the request for a recorded vote on amendment number six printed in house report 113-251 by the gentleman from florida, mr. hastings, on which further proceedings were postponed and on which the nays prevailed by voice vote. the clerk will redesignate the amendment. the clerk: amendment number six printed in house report 113-251 offered by mr. hastings of florida. the chair: a recorded vote have been requested. those in support of the request for a recorded vote will rise and be counted. a sufficient number having risen a recorded vote is ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device.
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this is a two-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the .s. house of representatives.]
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the unfinished business is the request for a recorded vote on amendment number 16 printed in house report 113-251 by the gentleman from louisiana, mr. richmond, on which further proceedings were postponed on -- and on which the noes prevailed by voigs vote. the clerk will redesignate the amendment. the clerk: amendment number 16 printed in house report 113-251, offered by mr. richmond of louisiana. the chair: a recorded vote has been requested. those in support of the request for a recorded vote will rise and be counted. a sufficient number having risen a recorded vote is ordered. members will record their votes y electronic device. this will be a two-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: mr. hairman. the chair: the committee of the whole house of the state of the union has had under consideration h.r. 30880 and pursuant to house resolution 385, i report the bill back to the house with an amendment adopted in the committee of the whole. the speaker pro tempore: the chair of the committee of the whole house of the state of the union has reported that the committee has had under consideration h.r. 3080 and pursuant to house resolution 385 reports back to the house with the committee of the whole. a separate vote demanded on on any amendment fl the committee on the whole. not, the question is on the adoption. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the yeas have it and the amendment is agreed to.
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engrossment and third reading of the bill. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the yeas have it. third reading. the clerk: a bill to provide to provide for the conservation and development of water and related resources and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on passage of the bill. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the yeas have it. mr. rahall: mr. speaker, i ask for the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman asks for the yeas and nays. the yeas and nays are requested. those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. a sufficient number having arisen, yeas and nays are ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. this is a five-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: the yeas are 417 and the nays are 3. the bill is passed and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. the unfinished business is the question on agreeing to the speaker's approval of the journal which the chair will put de novo. 9 question ev -- the question is on agreeing to the speaker's approval of the journal. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the yeas have it and the journal
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stands approved. the speaker pro tempore: the ouse will come to order. the house will come to order. for what purpose does the gentleman from maryland seek recognition? mr. hoyer: i ask unanimous consent to speak out of order for one minute for the purposes -- the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. hoyer: i yield to the majority leader for the purpose of notifying us about the schedule for the week to come. mr. cantor: i thank the
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gentleman from maryland, the democratic whip. the house will meet at monday at 2 proximate cause and votes postponed until 6 pisme 30. on tuesday and wednesday, 10:00 a.m. for morning hour and noon for legislative business. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. please take your conversations off the floor. the house will be in order. mr. cantor: last votes of the week are expected wednesday afternoon. mr. speaker, the house will consider a few suspensions next week, a complete list of which announced by close of business friday. in addition, the house will consider two bipartisan bills from the financial services authored by r. 992 representative holt green and
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retail protection act. i yield back my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. mr. hoyer: i thank the gentleman for yielding and i appreciate that information. i would simply observe, mr. speaker. i have a couple of questions of the majority leader that last week, we did something that i think was critically important and we did it in a bipartisan fashion. we made sure the government was open and we made sure that america pays its bills. today, overwhelming bipartisan fashion we passed a water resource development act as i heard the majority leader saying and i said as well, will be helpful in growing our economy, growing jobs and investing in america's growth. i would simply observe that there are other things, mr. speaker, that i think we could act on in a bipartisan fashion as well and be successful in
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seeing enacted, which would make a real difference on behalf of our country. i would ask the majority leader whether or not there is any thought about bringing to the floor before the end of the year the immigration bill. and i would yield to my friend for the purposes of a response. mr. cantor: mr. speaker, i thank the gentleman for yielding and would respond by saying that i think the gentleman knows both the speaker and i have said that we are not going to consider the senate bill because we object to the senate bill, although we do want to make some progress in reforming our broken immigration system and there are plenty of bipartisan efforts under way and discussions between members on both sides of the aisle to try and address what is broken about the immigration system. the committees are still working on this issue, and i expect us to move forward this year in
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trying to address reform and what is broken about our system. i yield back. mr. hoyer: i thank the gentleman for that information, mr. speaker, and i would say that of course the senate has passed a bill in an overwhelmingly bipartisan fashion on immigration. and if, in fact, we bring an immigration bill to the floor, whether i vote for it or not and we move that bill through the house, that will give us an opportunity to do what my republican friends, mr. speaker, have been talking about, negotiating, sitting down, talking, going to conference and that will be a step forward. we are very, on this side of the aisle, very, very strongly in favor of moving immigration reform. we are obviously hopeful that the budget conference that has been convened will reach an agreement. we hope it will reach an
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agreement frankly before thanksgiving so we will not have to again address on a crisis basis funding the government and keeping the government open and ensuring that we do not have another time when we come very close to not approving the mostnt of our bills by the earth. orth nation on let me ask the majority leader as well whether or not he has any information which might lead us to having some confidence that we might have progress on the conference on the farm bill. and i yield to my friend, the majority leader. mr. cantor: i thank the gentleman. and as the gentleman knows, the conference committee has been appointed, is meeting and
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anticipate productive discussion on the farm bill and the reforms that the house voted on in both parts of the bill -- all parts of the bill and hopefully look forward to resolution on the differences between the senate so we can produce yet another bill that can be signed into law. and i would just underscore the fact, mr. speaker that talks and negotiations are the way to go back -- about trying to accomplish more for the american people and it is about focusing on the things and beliefs we have in common, not allowing those things that we disagree on to get in the way. and if that spirit of negotiations is adopted by both sides, i believe that there could be progress on the farm bill as well as other issues. i yield back. . .
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mr. hoyer: i thank the gentleman, i think mr. cantor and i with are in agreement that this could make progress. i would like to ask the majority leader, the majority leader has said, i have said, hal rogers, chairman of the appropriations committee has said, and others have said that the sequester will not work, -- will not work. that the sequester will undermine the ability of america to invest in its growth nd opportunities and its ability to compete globally so that we can create jobs here in america. the majority leader has made an observation, mr. speaker, that the sequester, he didn't think, was the way to go and i share that view and i share very strongly the view of mr. rogers that in fact the sequester was -- could not be implemented in a way that was consistent with the interests of our country. so i want to ask the majority leader, mr. speaker, whether or
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not he shares my view that the conference focusing on what we can agree on, not what we disagree on. but the conference, one of its objectives should be replacing he sequester with a with a formula that gets us to a place where we are bringing down our expenditures but at the same time making sure that we rotect the mandatory expenditures that mr. ryan talks about and others talk about to make sure our most vulnerable in america are protected. frankly, e do so, before thanksgiving, mr. speaker. i'm urging the majority leader to hopefully take that course so that we do not confront a crisis once again prior to
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christmas when we are scheduled to adjoush for the christmas -- adjourn for the christmas and hanukkah holidays but also preclude coming in to the first of january with the deadline confronting us and disrupting the confidence of our people and frankly people around the world. i yield to my friend. mr. cantor: mr. speaker, i thank the gentleman, and i agree with the gentleman that it is desirable and i look at it as a priority that we allow for the process of appropriations process to begin again, but that will require taos arrive at an agreement on what that top line number is, as the gentleman knows, as a former appropriator, and we have said and maintained all along on the majority side of the aisle that the sequester is not the best way to go about
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achieving spending reductions and i have said continuously at we would like to exchange for sequester mandatory savings and put that into law in exchange for the sequester. and there are items in the president's budget that we agree on as well. that goes to my point, mr. speaker, of working and focusing on things that we have in common, things that we believe in in common, and leaving aside those things that we disagree on. the main item that we disagree on in these discussions has been higher taxes. the republicans in the majority in the house do not believe we ought to raise taxes. and we will not go about raising taxes in exchange for sequester relief. what we want to do instead is to allow for sequester relief and put into law mandatory
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savings that in the long run will exceed the kind of spending reductions that are in the sequester. there's smarter reductions, they make more sense, and will allow taos provide as the gentleman said for the -- and will allow us to provide as the gentleman said, for the needs of those ho most wanting in our society, will allow for defense of our country and put us on a path of sustainability. but again, mr. speaker, it takes us focusing and limiting our discussions to those things we have in common and i believe that's the best way forward. i yield back. mr. hoyer: i thank the gentleman for his comments. we have two bill the senate bill, which was passed some six months ago and the house bill, passed about six months ago. we have been hoping to go to conference during those past six months, that hasn't happened. we are now going to conference, that's a positive step forward.
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and my belief is that the conference will discuss both the senate's bill and its priorities and the house bill and its priorities. and will come to a resolution, hopefully, on a compromise. so that we can get from where we are to where we need to be. i'm not going to get into a debate at this point in time, at some point in time that will be appropriate with the gentleman. lot, m to hoe this road a but the fact of the matter is we ought to look at those who make recommendations, to figure out how we get from where we are to where we need to be. without going further into specifics, let me ask the gentleman if he can give our members, we talked about next week, if he can give our members some view of his thoughts on scheduling and
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subject matters for consideration for the balance of the year. i know we talked about a couple of items few but if he can give us something, i know members are interested in what their planning should be for the balance of the year which is coming up pretty soon. i yield to the majority leader. mr. cantor: i thank the gentleman for yielding and as we just discussed, we expect there to be a farm bill conference report that we'll consider here on the house, we'll also look to consider items dealing with our domestic energy supply and the ability r us to maximize the indigenous assets and resources we have here to increase our competitiveness as a country for investment, for job opportunity, and to increase the standard of living for all of working middle class americans, as well as all americans. i would also say to the
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gentleman if the senate acts in time, we look forward to a conference report on the national defense authorization act as well as various provisions that expire at the end of the year. obviously we have s.g.r. and some other things that will expire, that we'll have to take time to deal with. obviously we maintain our focus on the rollout of obamacare, mr. speaker, and our committees will be hard at work trying to understand exactly what is going on with the signup on these exchanges and to once again assert that it is only fair that all americans are treated equally and fairly under this law. as is expected under every other law. i yield back. mr. hoyer: i thank the gentleman for his comments, of course he's going to find out, i'm sure, over the next few week, the overwhelming interest that americans are displaying in getting health care
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opportunitys and afford to believe quality health care, unless the gentleman has something further he wants to say, i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. for what purpose does the gentleman from virginia seek recognition? mr. cantor: i ask unanimous consent that thed orer of the house of january 3, 2013, regarding morning hour debate not apply tomorrow and when the house adjourns on thursday, october 24, 2013, it adjourn to meet on monday, october 28, 2013, when it shall convene at noon for morning hour the bait and 2:00 p.m. for legislative business. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and
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extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. waxman: i rise as a member of the safe climate caucus to address the important issue of climate change. e.p.a. reported some good news today. carbon pollution from power plants has dropped 10% from 2010 to 2012. some of this drop was due to fuel switching from coal to natural gas, which is less polluting. some was due to increased energy efficiency and some was due to growth in clean, renewable sources of electricity like wind and solar. our challenge is to continue these reductions, market forces alone will not be enough. the energy department says that carbon pollution has crept up this year as coal prices fell and usage increased. that's why we need the new regulations proposed by e.p.a. to limit carbon pollution from
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new power plants and that's why we need limits on pollution from existing power plants. the history of the clean air act has shown us we can have both a strong economy and clean air. our health, our environment, and our economic prosperity depends on developing the clean energy technologies of the future. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from ohio rise? >> to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. ms. kaptur: i rise in tribute to our former colleague, congressman major owens of brooklyn, new york. major and i were elected in the class of 1998 and had the joy f serving together for several decades. he was a fighter for learning, perhaps the first librarian ever elected to the congress of the united states and he came from brooklyn, far from where i
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live, but his predecessor, shirley chisholm, was the only member of congress who in our first campaign came to campaign for me, and i shall never forget that. major was a social critic and he was a voice from a brooklyn i only imagined as a child, with the brooklyn dodgers, the old field torn down, the dodgers moved to los angeles and baseball changed forever from a human institution where the players came from that region to an enterprise where they were traded like chattel. major understood the difference and the work he did here, fighting for learning, fighting for libraries, for the training of workers new york a very measured way he had a poetic sense about him coming to the floor many times in the evening and delivering some of his hand-written lines through his work both for brooklyn and for our country he helped to build a better america. and he left us a better place for his service.
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i wish to extend to his family and to his former constituents the deep sympathy of the people of ohio, he was an honest man, an honorable man and it was a great privilege to serve with him those many years which seemed just like yesterday. mr. speaker, i yield back my remaining time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields. for what purpose does the gentleman from texas rise? >> to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. green: mr. speaker, i had the pre-eminent privilege of talking to the honorable barney frank just recently, the former chairperson of the financial services full committee and he called to my attention a speech made by the honorable maxine waters, now the ranking member of the committee, this speech was a keynote speech at the launch of the global financial governance and impact report. this is a very insightful message accorded by the honorable maxine waters.
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it's a critique of the world bank, the i.m.f., she goes into the global sovereign debt restructuring issue and she talks also about the problem of growing inequality. i would invite anyone who is interested in learning more out what i call the water -- waters world view to peruse this document. champlee frank was correct when he suggested this might become part of the congressional record and i place it in the record tonight. i thank you for the time, mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the entleman yields. the chair lays before the house the following personal requests. the clerk: leave of absence requested for mr. aderholt of alabama for today until 4:00 p.m. and mr. rush of illinois for october 22 and 23.
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the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the requests are granted. the chair announces the speaker's appointment pusuant to 22 u.s.c. 3003 and the order of the house of january 3, 2013, of the following members of the -- on the part of the house to the commission on security and cooperation in europe. . the clerk: ms. slaughter of new york, mr. cohen of tennessee. the speaker pro tempore: under the speaker's announced policy of january 3, 2013, the gentleman from texas, mr. gohmert, recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the majority leader.
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mr. gohmert: as the obamacare debacle continues to unfold, more and more is absolutely staggering that is now coming out. people in america need to understand who shut the overnment. -- down. the house of representatives had voted out first a bill to completely defund obamacare, many of could tell, us have read it -- i have read it before i voted no. i could see it was a disaster waiting to happen. real americans would be really
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hurt. we offered a compromise. all right. this obvious, pursuant to notice by democrats themselves was a nightmare, it was not ready for prime time. so we actually gave democrats in the senate and in the house that pushed it through without a single republican vote and the president himself, an easy out, because that's -- if you really want to get something done, unless it's obamacare that america knows is going to be harmful and totally against or at least over half are against, unless you are going to do something like that that is really totalitarian and against the will of the american people. it's good.
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a chinese proverb notes to give adversaries a way out. we gave a way out for democrats in the house and the senate that passed obamacare without republicans. we gave a way out for president obama. we said ok, here's a compromise that ought to be an easy agreement. we'll give you money that you are demanding with the gun to our heads, namely the shutdown and all we ask is you do the right thing for america and suspend the implementation of obamacare for a year. clearly, it's not ready now. harry reid, maybe consulted with the president -- surely he did, before refusing to let that go anywhere. so we did what people are not supposed to do in a negotiation, continue to compromise against
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themselves. i didn't think it was a good idea. we should have waited for the senate to vote on something, something, do something. because being in a legislative body requires more than just saying no, no, no, no, which majority leader in the senate did. nonetheless, our republican leadership decided we would compromise against ourselves yet again, all right, if you don't want to suspend the whole thing for a year, at least do for individuals in america what you are doing for big business. big business basically as set forward in obamacare is anyone with more than 50 employees. and yet, again, harry reid, the
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president were a no on the compromise that would have just suspended the -- legally suspended the mandate forced upon individuals that they are going to pay higher taxes, a fine of $95 or 1% of their thate, going up to 2%, but was going to be implemented -- they were going to be penalized or as chief justice roberts rewrote the obamacare bill and called it a tax after he called it nothing but a penalty. so americans were going to get hammered. at least we implored the senate and the president, give
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individuals, americans the same break you have now basically illegally given to big business by saying, yeah, the law says that, but we aren't going to enforce it for a year. why not do it for individuals in america if you do it for big business? why not? it's the fair thing to do. d once again, it gives a legislative opponent a way out. it gives you a back door. well, ok, we're caving in. we are going to allow the individual mandate to be suspended for a year like the resident did, legislating from the executive office. but again, the answer was no. and in the response to majority leader's no and president's no,
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the president had called people to the white house later on after the shutdown and made clear to the leaders of the house and senate -- i want to make clear to you, i'm not negotiating, give me my money and raise the debt ceiling and maybe we'll negotiate. it was give me my money and raise the debt ceiling and you will be amazed to see how much i'm willing to negotiate once you give me everything i want. it was indicated yesterday by the administration, gee, there is a possibility we may have to delay the individual mandate. jimin an article today from wisner, the title of the article, obamacare mandate may be delayed. official says deadline to have
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insurance could be postponed. article says, the obama administration may give americans extra time to sign up for health insurance under the affordable care act, postponing penalties for failing to buy coverage will go into effect, market watch has learned. further down, it says the administration declined to say whether people who purchase health insurance late in the snowment period, say on march 31, would be exempt from a penalty. even if the policy doesn't kick in until april or may. nor would the department give a specific date by which people would need to buy coverage to escape a fine, the h.h.s. or health and human services official however indicated that the administration may extend the deadline beyond february 15,
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quote, we are exploring options currently and will issue guidance at a later date. the article from markwatch doc says the federal health exchanges are under fire for ongoing technological problems that are making it difficult for some people to enroll. the obama administration has so far resisted g.o.p. pleas to delay the requirement that individuals purchase insurance next year. but as lately expressed frustration with the technical difficulties. those problems perhaps the elephant in the room during deadline discussions may influence a decision to provide an enrollment grace period to avoid fines. there is another problem that the penalty policy or as
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rewritten by our chief justice, the tax policy, may be influx. hile health and human services said that fines, a person referred a request on wednesday back to health and human services suggesting that the health officials are now the ones writing new rules for the law. for this administration, for democrats and any part of this body or at the white house to en consider out loud suspending the one -- for one year the individual mandate is solutely outrageous and it
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exposes, clearly exposes there were games being played in congress and it wasn't by republicans. it exposes that people knew there were problems with obamacare, with the websites. they knew that americans were going to have a nightmare and were having a nightmare in even trying to get online and review different policies. and they didn't care, just as obviously there were people in this administration who could have changed the policy. they didn't care about the veterans. they can say, yeah, we had a policy that world war ii vets were going to get in or people
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utilizing their first amendment rights. i was there the first day. there wasn't any mention of that. those barricades were connected in front of the world war ii memorial, across and in front of the linchingon memorial and martin luther king memorial. there were barricades on the road that just made a loop the u.s. marine corps memorial. they were out to make things as difficult as possible. apparently at least as early thursday before the shutdown the following tuesday, plans were being made to gather barricades. there was an indication at one point, some may have been rented. we still haven't gotten to the bottom of where they came from or the cones came from to interrupt people's lives around the country as this
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administration sought to make it as difficult as possible on americans as one park ranger. it was disgusting the park ranger is reported to have said, but we have been ordered to make as difficult for people as we can. they were doing a good job. for them, anyone in this administration, anyone down the hall, anyone in congress to now think about, gee, maybe we should suspend the individual mandate, is an outrage. it tells you that there were people in congress and there were a lot of people down pennsylvania avenue who had no consideration for the american people. they were out to score political points. they didn't care. they wanted people to hurt and to suffer. so maybe they could win the majority in the house next year.
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and american people begin to see through this. and when the next-to-last compromise of a compromise continuing against ourselves was to suspend the individual mandate for a year, there was no excuse for rejecting that. senate should have at least voted that through. what an incredible turn of events for this administration now to say yeah, we're thinking about suspending the individual mandate. you have got to be kidding me. nothing could make it more clear to the american people that games were played with the shutdown and it wasn't by republicans who kept compromising against ourselves, but it was with the people who kept saying no. no. no. no. and then the last thing we did,
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the night before things really shut down was say ok, under the law, the rules -- here's our conferees, you appoint your conferees and we'll have this worked out by morning before people even realize there's a shutdown and once again the answer was no. no. o. obviously people at the other end of the hall in the majority wanted the government shut down. and i would expect that in the future, if someone were looking ant wo dern-day marie et who reportedly -- marie antoinette, with reportedly in the -- in response to the suffering people in france said, let them eat cake, so out of touch, if that were actually said, so out of touch with the
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suffering of the people, here's an article by susan jones, cns, dated today, in an interview with cnn's dr. sanjay gupta tuesday night, health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius said she won't be enrolling in the problem plagued health insurance system that she was charged to implement. and this is her quote that she ld to cnn's dr. sanja; y gupta. quote, this is the secretary of health and human services. s the person who was charged with implementing obamacare.
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s the person who is charged with overseeing obamacare,s the person who has been given, by oppressive, g, obamacare bill, she's been given the power over people's lives. over their health care. there's nothing more personal than that. this person, who will have so much control, if she's still in office at full implementation, says this, quote, i have created an account on the site, talking about the obamacare site, i have not tried signing up because i have insurance, unquote. mr. speaker, you had insurance,
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had insurance, we had the same policy that every federal worker in america had the chance to have, there are a number of different policies you could choose from in the federal employee handbook, the federal employee cafeteria plan, as they call it a number of different insurance policies with private insurance, we had insurance just like secretary sebelius has now. the difference is that this bill, oppressive, government-controlled obamacare business took our health care insurance away. there's been a lot of confusion in america about whether or not members of congress are under obamacare. we are. we have, as of december 31, we
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will have lost our insurance. and i had health savings account, not totally thrilled with it, doesn't work like it should, there are some glitches that need to be worked out but i had a choice. i could choose to have a higher deductible, as i have, and a health savings account, that i would manage, bucek retear sebelius had authority to take that away and she did. so -- but secretary sebelius had authority to take that away and she did. she said, i have insurance. well so did i, so did all of us in here, mr. speaker, so did you. but an oppressive, overreaching congress took it away. and those americans were promised over and over and over
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if you like your insurance, you can keep it. that promise has now been broken millions of times to americans, people are told, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. that promise has been broken, probably millions of times to americans. the arrogance when millions and millions of americans are having their insurance taken away from them, having to get different insurance, strog pay higher deductibles, having to pay higher amounts for their insurance, the arrogance to come back and say, i'm not going to get insurance under obamacare, i already have insurance. that takes a lot of unmitigated gal. -- gall. might as well say, let mem eat
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cake. i cut my insurance. let them eat cake. maybe people want a different health and human services secretary as a result of the horrendous job done in preparing this. rollout. but i would think the head of health and human services, to have this kind of arrogance, should not remain in the position with an attitude like that. it would be like the president of american airlines refusing to fly on anything but united. in the real world, people would care so much about their own product, that's what they'd use. they'd be embarrassed to refuse to use the product they're forcing on others.
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airlines aren't forcing their products on us. this is being forced on us. and the one who is in charge of to have ng is too good obamacare insurance. ow the difference was, the office of personnel and management, had said, or put into law, something that wasn't in the law, and that was that members of congress would continue to get -- to have the federal government which is taxpayers, paying for over 70% of our monthly health care costs. we pay a little over a third. well, actually, not quite a third. and the government pays over 2/3. taxpayers pay over 2/3. so o.p.m. had issued an order
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that that could continue even though the law didn't provide for it. i've indicated i'm not going to accept that, likely i'll be paying a fine unless the individual mandate is suspended to indicate st how bad this rollout is, this is from the "washington freebie con," headline, h.h.s. finds two enrollees for pro-obamacare adds. add claims -- ads. ad claims website is easy to use. this is by elizabeth harrington. new advertisements promote og ba macare by health and human claim is, quote, very easy to use,
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unquote, despite a flood of reports about glitches and a dearth of users willing able to access the site and purchase insurance. president barack obama held a press conference on monday in defense of his health care law saying it is, quote, not just a website, unquote, which has been under scrutiny for its disastrous rollout since october 1. coverage of the site has been largely negative with pundits and reporters alike at news outlets from "the washington post" to the "new york times" to the "los angeles times" noting the problems with the website. however, health and human services is out with new ads touting its success. for heaven's sake, we ought to have a law against the government lying to the american people. we ought to start with a law like that. the new ads featured two individuals who have received media attention for beating the odds to sign up.
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quote, the site was very easy to use. and the customer service representatives were patient nd helpful, unquote, she said. the woman was identified online as debra lialsis, 54, a self-employed grant writer who has written grants for h.h.s. - well how about that. one of the two people in the ads that they were able to find to talk about how wonderful obamacare website was happens to write grants for h.h.s. how about that. back when i was a judge and chief justice, we would call that evidence that could be used to impeach her credibility
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because of that link with health and human services. she has a direct interest in promoting how good things are at health and human services so that she can potentially get favorable treatment. that's what you call in it a court of law. and in the court of public opinion, reasonable people might be embarrassed that all you can find is somebody who has a pecuniary interest in promoting h.h.s. but this article points out, her process for enrolling was not as smooth as the ad suggests. according to the associated press, she was only able to create an account before the ebsite crashed on october 2. quote, as a grant writer, who does a lot of research on
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federal websites, debra was impressed by how easy it was to use the new online insurance market that launched tuesday until it stopped working, unquote, the report said. quote, they're telling me the system is down at the moment, unquote, lialsis said. she told the "washington freebie con" that enrolling ok -- the "washington free beacon" that enrolling took several days. she said the first day she was only able to register for an account but two or three days later she was able to submit an application and enrl. -- enroll. she said her experience with was primarily positive. i expected some glitches particularly on the first day when the site was flooded with reporters as well as
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individuals trying to enroll. lialsis appears to be one of the few who have successfully enrolled in new hampshire. an obamacare navigator tried to sign up 45 people in the first week but she wasn't able to enroll anyone online because of the glitches, according to the "concord monitor." lialsis said she doesn't recall who contacted her to be in the video for h.h.s. only that, quote, i believe i was approached for the video to are my personal story, unquote. a second h.l.s. video features daniel mcnaughton, who was the only person able to sign up for health insurance during obamacare's first week, according to the "orlando sentinel." mcnaughton said in his ad that with it was easy to shop for insurance. quote, i already had health
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insurance but i just wanted to see if i could do a little bit bet thorne health insurance marketplace, and i did. unquote. quote, wubs i was on the site, it was pretty easy for me to compare plans, i was table pick a much higher quality plan because of my income as a student. i only pay about 70 bucks a month for it, unquote. well, the article goes on and says, on facebook, mcnaughton posted a link to the plan he signed up for which includes a $3,000 deductible, which doubles to $6,000 out of network. mcnaughton a 22-year-old male, will have maternity care covered which is an essential benefit mandated by the health care law. so another great thing, when the federal government decides
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to create a one size fits all sing -- fits all, single young men must pay for maternity care for themselves. because he only makes $15,000 a year, mcnaughton is eligible for a subsidy, will pay about $ 0 per month, according to the "sentinel," known as one they have few floians who have successfully signed up for obamacare, the "miami herald" calls enrollees, urban lengeds, unquote. he was one of only two people found by the herald which solicitted readers for stories of enrollees in the first weeks after the launch. hat's weeks, plural. nearly two weeks after the federal government launched the online health insurance marketplace at, individuals who successfully used the choked-up website to
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enroll for a subsidized health insurance plan have reached a status akin to urban legend. everyone has heard of them, but very few people have actually met one. unquote. pretty sad, but that's what happened when the federal government takes charge of people's personal lives. here's an article from national review online. andrew johnson. an iowa city man may have the distinction as the hawkeye state's first obamacare enrollee, but it didn't come easy. edward voss, a computer programmer, told the des moines register he had to try more than 100 times before he was timately able to sign into voss said he didn't know whether or not he had actually rolled in a plan until
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coopportunity health called him to congratulate him for being its first enrolled customer. even though he was eventually successful, voss criticized the website for resembling one from the 1990's, saying it was one of the worst he's seen. he recommended that the administration consider shutting the site down for at least a week in order to address the problems. quote, it's hard to fix things while you're up and running, unquote, he said. that's rather amazing. but over 100 times to sign up. i guess he probably got maternal care -- maternity care, too. that individual young man. ere's an article from cns news .
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dated today. this afternoon. by ali meyer. the first line says, house minority leader nancy pelosi, democrat from california, also he speaker who helped push through obamacare without any republican input or votes, and who famously said, we'll have to pass it to find out what's in it, this article says she admitted wednesday that the obamacare website is, quote, beyond glitches, unquote, adding that, quote, somebody should fix it, unquote. well, it seems to this person speaking that the somebody that should fix it should be led by the former speaker who shoved it through this house without
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america's support, without any republican support, and without having any clue what was really in it. that's somebody that ought to work on fixing it. another article from "national review" online, by john fund, hopefully you wouldn't mind me calling him a friend, the no excuse administration has a whopper of an excuse for obamacare. president obama told the nation there's no excuse for the disastrous rollout of the health care exchanges that are central to obamacare, but that didn't stop kathleen sebelius, his secretary of health and human services, in overall charge of the project, from making excuses in a cnn interview yesterday. she claimed that president
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bama hadn't been told of any potential problems prior to the launch of the exchanges on october 1. a dereliction of duty any way one defines it. but there was also this startling explanation of what went wrong at h.h.s. quote, we talked about having testing going forward and if we had an ideal situation and could have built a product, you know, a five-year period of time, we probably would have taken five years, but we didn't have five years. and certainly americans who rely on health coverage didn't have five years for us to wait. we wanted to make sure we made good on this final implementation of the law.
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well, ok. she only had 3 1/2 years since obamacare became law in early 2010 to oversee the design of the exchanges and the website accompanying them. so now she tells us she needed five years. bruce webster, a noted i.t. consultant to many companies, is stunned that sebelius thinks, quote, that we needed five years but only had two is somehow an excuse for this disaster. that's like boeing saying, we know the plane crashed, but we needed four years to build it and a year to test it but we only had two years. color me boggled. unquote. bureaucratic applegrab like that was probably behind yesterday's white house announcement that it had, as bloomberg reported, tapped former acting office of management and budget director to work with the team overseeing repairs to the
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obamacare website. he was named last month as the director of the national economic council but his arrival there will now be delayed as he takes on his new task. it's pretty clear that the white house has, as bureaucrats say, minimal confidence in secretary is he bellous to deliver a -- sebelius to deliver a functioning health care exchange system, but i'm told for now her job is safe. because firing her would prompt cries from liberals that she was the scapegoat for mistakes made by higher-ups. such as her boss, who signed the legislation creating this mess and then failed to hire right her eople to on the implementation. this also brings to mind this disastrous rollout of obamacare for which republicans here in the house, speaker boehner
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leading, he actually did a to say, our consent here's a way out. you want a c.r., you want a continuing resolution to just keeping the same amount of massive money, you want the debt ceiling raised to who knows what, look, we'll do that, we'll give you an out on how bad obamacare is, let's suspend it for a year. with when that didn't work, let's suspend the individual mandate, that gives an out and allows us to postpone some of the harm that's going to come to america from obamacare. and they still said no. shut the government down for over two weeks, hurting americans, refusing to provide death penalty benefits to families of fallen warriors in combat. even though this had the power
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under the bill we passed before the shutdown. making it as uncomfortable and difficult for people as possible. all the while when they were given an out by republicans to suspend it for a year, it's an out, it helps america, it saves grief for america for a year. they wouldn't have it. now, i know some have said, well, the problem the administration's in is, gee, if they actually postponed obamacare for a year after so many have already lost their insurance, you know, there's no alternative, there's nothing we could do. gee, what would anybody do, they've lost their insurance. well, this is just a suggestion people bet we could get
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in congress, a majority, i can't imagine there wouldn't be friends across the aisle, our democratic friends, who would agree to this, as they see how problematic obamacare is for americans, and knowing that people think that federal employees have had this gold-plated health insurance policy is ok, i had better efore i came here, i had better before -- when i was in private practice. , there n where we are are private insurance companies that have provided insurance policies for what's called a cafeteria-style group of choices. so every federal employee in the country, before obamacare, could say, read through the thick hand book and say, ok, i've studied the different
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insurance companies, the different plans, the different costs, and this is the one i choose or that's the one i choose. w about if we for the next year, two years, give america a break? let's say, any health insurance company that's part of a federal exchange or a state cafeteria plan or a local government cafeteria plan, we ake those available to anybody . if it's a local plan, anybody in that area. if it's in the state, anybody in that state. if it's in the federal plan, anybody, any insurance company in that plan, or any insurance company that wants to offer the same coverage for the same
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price. let's offer to every american across the country the same private insurance choices that federal employees have until obamacare kicks in. but let's give them all of the choices that we had up through this year, just say we'll suspend obamacare, yes, mr. president, yes, harry reid, you shut down the government for over two weeks to make life difficult for americans when you didn't have to, but we're more interested in helping americans. so how about a compromise plan that just says, hey, why don't we let americans across the country choose from any of the federal choices we had before obamacare, any state choices, local choices, and you could allow employers, since the president's suspending the
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businessman date, whether there are more than 50 employees, less than 50 employees, let them choose for those, if their employees choose the policy and the employer wants to pay for part or all, let them do that. let's give them another year before we force them under the iron hand of the government. let them choose from any of those, from private insurance companies. let them make the choices federal employees had until obamacare. and, you know, it would still take away the problem of the pre-existing condition because the market would be so wide that people signing up would be so numerous that it could afford to take care of that. want to leave people on that are 26, heck, i don't care, 28, normally people in their 20's are in good health so, you know, let them stay on.
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we offered to agree to a bill like that before obamacare ever passed. but the democrats were so insistent on their way, not the highway, but their way, period. and now 3 1/2 years later we see the consequences. well, we ought to have unlimited amounts, if you got a health savings account under a federal plan, state plan, local your or if you have -- if insurance company that provided the employer insurance plan and the employer wants to continue that next year, even though it's already been canceled, if the health insurance company wanted to re-extend that, let that be part of the agreement during the suspension period of obamacare. let's allow people to put pretax, as much as they want to, in a health savings account, understanding once it's in there it can't be used
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for anything but health care. i have a fear there will be people that might accumulate over the years $80,000, $100,000, i don't care, i'll pay 40%, 45% in interest. man, just think, i could buy two or three good bass boats with that. but we can't allow that because it's too important for people's health. once the money's in the health care savings account, it can't be used for anything but health care. and let's do what ben carson suggested. let's start encouraging young people to have a health savings account. et's do that. those in medicare and medicaid can stay there. if they have the wherewithal to sign up under one of the plan the federal option the federal employee -- that federal employees have had until obamacare passed, let them do that if they'd rather but still they'll be in medicare or medicaid.
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let's suspend the hurt that's being done to medicare through obamacare. let's suspend the hurt that's being done to young people that really shouldn't have to pay for, if they're a young man, single, until such time as we have a pregnant young man in his 20's, let's don't make them pay for maternity care. no need on it. just when you think it couldn't get much worse, then we also find out n.s.a., this is from the "washington free beacon" dated today, the n.s.a. spied on 124 billion phone calls in one month and that's the people that want to run our health care. the federal government. an article from "the washington times", from this afternoon,
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today, house speaker john boehner predicted wednesday that by the end of the month, more americans will have lost their insurance by being kicked off existing health plans than the number who were able to sign up for the flawed online health care -- website. and the early number mace back him up. massive number of people have now gotten their notice that they've lost their insurance or will, effective january 1. here's an article that is on the blackbart website but it's talking about a cnn story, cnn obamacare site doomed, riddled with security dangers. and this reports that today on the cnn money site there's a terrific story about the problem surrounding the obamacare website. the story includes all kinds of new information from a host of
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experts, most of the news is flat out terrible. billion dollar site needs to be rebuilt from scratch, the site has an unwieldy 500 million lines of computer code, it took just 500,000 lines of code to send a rover to mars, and that code of obamacare is riddled with security holes that could result in one of the biggest breaches in american history. quoting from cnn. that article by john nolte. staggering. state exchange enrollments, mostly medicaid, not private insurance plans, this is another story, blackbart by dr. susan berry, defenders of president obama's signature health reform legislation claim the states that put effort into
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establishing their own exchanges most, mostly democrat-led are signing people up successfully for obamacare. a new report, however, indicates most of those individuals signing up in these state-run exchanges are ctually enrolling in medicaid. pretty disingenuous. and then just as you think you can't stand any more about the federal government, they're in your bedroom, your bathroom, your kitchen, all into your your life, will have medical records, be giving home to navigators who are not thoroughly vetted, they'll keep it secured, it'll be put online where people are saying it's a dream for hackers to steal personal information. just when you think you can't take anything more in the way story by , here's a
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- from the a.p. today by steven olmacher of the a.p., the headline, 700 i.r.s. contract workers owe $5.4 million in back taxes. kind of reminds us of the old secretary of the treasury, timothy geithner he signed four different documents certifying, basically swearing that he would pay, he would be given all the money as an independent contractor instead of having money withheld, he sertfid, he absolutely was swear, that he would take care of paying his taxes and he didn't do it until he got nominated to be secretary of the treasury. as one treasury employee told me privately, she didn't want to make it public because she if 't want to lose her job, an employee of the i.r.s. were
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to have done what timothy geithner had done and not paid taxes he swore he would pay, they'd be fired on the spot at the i.r.s. of course that was before lois lerner and her crew weapon sized the i.r.s. so they could o after conservative groups. so anyway, it's bad news when it comes to obamacare, mr. offered like i say, we repeatedly to agree, in fact we didn't just offer, we passed a bill that would allow obamacare , be suspended for a year where if possible it could get its act together, gave an out to the president, the president and harry reid could have said, those republicans in the house, we didn't want to do it, we
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needed a continuing resolution to keep the government going, needed the debt ceiling raised, we went ahead they had us over a barrel, we agree to suspend obamacare for a year and gee, those pesky republicans made us do it. that's a political way out that they had that we gave as republicans in the house, we extended as a gift, we passed it into -- as a house bill, extended it as a gift, gave them an out, that would have given them an extra year to get their act together but oh, no, they were more interested in scoring political points because they knew the mainstream media would give them cover, would blame republicans 100%, even though it was 100% not republicans, it was the people who refused to even appoint conferees to try to work it out before the shutdown really took hold.
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it was the democrats who refused to agree to just suspend the individual mandate. and the compromise before that suspend the bill for a year. they wouldn't even do that. and how sad for the mainstream dia that the best question about obamacare and the horrendous rollout of its asked by not somebody at abc, cbs, nbc evening news but was asked by jay leno after finding out, you know, that the president said, we're putting our very best people on fixing this website, n essence, jay leno asked, spirely appropriate question, wait a minute -- entirely appropriate question, talking about health care here, why
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wouldn't you have put our best people on starting on the website? instead of waiting until it crash sod miserably? and the answer is unknown but the american people deserve an answer. are you so intent on having the federal government take over people's private lives, most personal medical secrets, that you would force this horrible health care system upon them? i'm willing, i bet we could find a majority in the house, and if harry reid would let it come to a vote in the senate, say, let's suspend it for a year. come on. and during that time, maybe make it two years, during that time, everybody in america,
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every employer, you can get your insurance back if the insurance companies will do it nd if they want -- if they won't, get private insurance we used to have as part of our cafeteria plan for every federal employee in america. let americans choose from that. don't force these obamacare exchanges on america. let them choose, like federal employees have done. let them choose. to pay a , i'd like brief tribute to a patriotic man, devoted to the military, devoted to seeing that the military had what it needed, devoted to america, c.w. "bill" young, have his funeral
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tomorrow in florida, he was 82 years old. there have been plenty of tributes written about bill young, there'll be many more written, many more spoken tomorrow, and i look forward to hearing those at his funeral. but there's nothing that could said that could surpass the witness he was to who he was. talked to him numerous times, sometimes i had questions, sometimes i had points to make, when i had questions, he was always -- he always had time. he was always honest. completely honest. very sincerely honest.
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he was a kind, decent, honest man. we miss, when we lose a kind, decent, honest man. bill young, you'll be missed. mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. does the gentleman have a motion? mr. gohmert: i move that we do now hereby adjourn. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on the motion to adjourn. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. the motion is adopted. accordingly the house stands adjour
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frustrated to obamacare's rollout after the administration briefed house democrats with the myriad remaining issues. red and swing state democratic senators called for further changes to obamacare. joe man chin of west virginia is taking the strongest tack among senate democrats. >> that's from politico and other news sources reporting that as well. following that, a tweet from senator marry landrieux.
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>> she won't be at tomorrow's hearing but many contractors will, here's a fox tweet a report on what we may here -- hear tomorrow. obviously the question of the launch of the website, the implementation of the health care law dominated the press briefing with spokesman jay carney at the white house. he was asked about the president's awareness of the problems with the website when the launch occurred over two weeks ago on october 1. here's some of what he had to say. >> secretary sebelius on cnn yesterday said that the president was not aware of any of the problems with the health care -- website
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before it law firmed. we've come to find out since then there were a bunch of red flags that cropped up before launch. so i'm wondering whether the president feels now that he should have been made aware of that. should somebody be held accountable for giving him that information. if there was somebody giving him information, was he in fact misinformed about the status of the launch? >> thank you for that question. secretary sebelius was referring to what i have said and what the president himself has said which is that while we knew that would be some glitches and actually said publicly that we expected some problems, we did not know until the problems manifested themselves after the launch that they would be as significant as they have turned out to be. so you know, there was testing and there were some problems
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anticipated but we did not expect, and by we, i mean broadly the administration, did not expect the scale of problems that we have seen. which is why at the president's direction, and the secretary's direction, we have launched this all-out effort, 24-7, with a tech surge of experts, new eyes and ears coming in to assist the existing team, to identify and isolate each problem that exists with the functionality of the website, assess what the best solutions are to creating a remedy for that specific problem and then applying it, whether it's increasing server capacity or writing new code to work around a situation providing greater accessibility for improvements in the user interface, you know, these are all things that teams currently operating and working on making improvements to the system are focusing on.
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they're tackling the problems one by one. they're prioritizing them. and they're addressing them. these are technical, logistical problems that require the kind of expertise being brought to bear to fix them. but there is no question that we did not anticipate the scale of the problems with the website. what is also important to remember is that the website is not the affordable care act. what has been in place since october 1 and what will be in place for the millions of consumers who want the product is the vast array of affordable health plans out there because of the marketplaces set up by the affordable care act. every day, more and more americans are submitting applications. they're enrolling, they're shopping, and they're finding out that they have access to affordable health insurance and if they're among the 15% to 20% of the american people who did
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in the have insurance in the past, they're discovering that they have options available to them, that make it affordable, and that will provide them, come january 1, security that they've lacked in the past and while the struggles that individuals have had with the website are extremely unfortunate and we take responsibility for them and we are working around the clking -- around the clock to fix the website to make that experience easier, the struggles as i said yesterday pale in comparison to the uncertainty that a single mom who is a breast cancer survivor has felt every day that she's lacked insurance. because she can't afford it, she's been priced out of it or insurers won't give toyota her because she has a pre-existing condition. that's why we have to keep focused on the end goal here, making this insurance available to millions of americans who need it. >> also today at the white
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house, a number of heads of insurance companies across the country were meeting with chief of staff dennis mcdonough, valley -- valerie jarret and others discussing the specific fixes earlier today at the white house. mark nulner tweeted about that. >> also today a story from the white house ha president obama received a call from angela her tell because of apparent snooping on her phone. here's the headline.
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>> she made the call earlier today according to reports. tomorrow we'll cover the house energy and commerce committee meeting looking at the health care implementation law. their specific focus tomorrow will be on the implementation of the law by the contractors who have been hired to create the system. hearings ahead next week will include the head of the center for medicare services and also h.h.s. secretary kathleen sebelius in the week ahead or so. house republicans met today, the conference met today, to talk about health care and the agenda ahead in the house. afterwards speaker boehner and house republican leaders spoke to reporters about the implementation of the law and about the effect of the latest employment numbers.
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>> hello, everyone. we had another jobs report yesterday, another frankly disappointing jobs report. this economy is not creating the jobs that the american people are looking for. their wages are stagnant. and part of the problem is that we've got the whole threat of obamacare continuing to hang over our economy like a wet blanket. employers scared to death in terms of what they have to do and what they don't have to do, afraid to add new employees, and you know, when you look at the problems with obamacare, all the focus here lately has been on the website. clearly there's problems with the website. but i would argue that the problems go much further than that. how about the report over the last couple of tais of the hundreds of thousand -- of days of the hundreds of thousands of
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americans who are finding out they're going to lose their coverage because the plans they have today don't qualify under obamacare. and when you begin to look at these hundreds of thousands of people, i think what you're going to see at the end of october are more americans are going to lose their health insurance than are going to sign up at these exchanges. this is a very serious problem. it's affecting our economy. and it's affecting the ability of the american people to find the job that will help them take care of themselves and their families. >> good morning. the rollout of obamacare is nothing short of a debacle. and the american people are now fearful of their health care. i mean they're down right scared about what's going to happen with their health care next year. and all we're hearing from the administration really is really unsatisfactory in terms of answers to the many, many unanswered questions.
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yes, we all know the website doesn't work. and the administration keeps say, well, just, to the subscribers who want to go on, sago and try again. well, again, there's so many unanswered questions that that is adding to the fear of so many american people. and what's not helping is a lack of transparency on the part of this administration. this morning, i know that h.h.s. officials will be up briefing the democratic caucus. no intention initially to say that they were going to brief republicans on what's going on. last night we learned that federal officials asked insurers not to release numbers for the exchanges in terms of signups. we still don't know these enrollment numbers. and h.h.s. is blocking third party verified traffic data. this is not transparency. this is adding to the confusion and fear surrounding the rollout of obamacare. in a couple of months, the
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obamacare mandate tax is going to kick in. and many americans are going to have to pay as much as 1% of their income to the federal government if they don't sign up on obamacare: so how is that fair? i mean, with so many unanswered questions and the problems arising around this rollout, it doesn't make any sense to impose this 1% mandate tax on the american people. and that's why we republicans remain committed to delaying that mandate tax of obamacare so that finally we can get the answer that so many people are seeking and we are trying to reassure the millions of americans who are growing in their fear about what this all means for their health care. >> it's another day and a new glitch for the obamacare rollout. that's why only 12% in the latest cbs poll say it's going well. more than half believe it's
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not. as we listen to the president do his press conference that we will handle it, we will fix it, it just brings us back to the moment when he was proposing obamacare and said if you had your health care, and you liked it, you could keep it. it's not a glitch when an american citizen received a letter that says their current health care, they will no longer have it. many of the constituents i have that i come out and see, the frustration that it is not fair in the process, they don't have the health care they can keep. and if they go to the website they can't see what they can have now. so when you look back and look at the arguments, the complaint the transparency and the accountability that we've asked for, none of that goes away. i think the focus will now be on where is the accountability in the process and where are the answers. >> moms, dads, seniors, young people, continue to struggle all across this country, whether it is those that are out of work, trying to find a job and the economy that
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continues to struggle, or those that are trying to get health insurance, are losing their health insurance, having trouble getting their health insurance, as leaders here in congress, our commitment is to continue to work on issues that are going to create jobs, that are going to create opportunities, and also ensure that people do have access to quality and affordable health care. the concerns are coming in every day right now. and the concern that actually this health care law is going to make it harder for people is going to make it, is actually going to make it worse for more people than it's going to help. that's why we're launching the your story, to have people across the country share their story dealing with the new health care law so we can go to work ensure that moving forward, we can take the action to help individuals, give them the protections they need with this law, the delay of the individual mandate, the tax, the fee that they are facing,
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that employers have been given a pass on, we need to provide that fairness to individuals and families across this country. >> coe nan said the other night obama is now urging americans having trouble with the website to call 1-8 -- a one-800 number. 1-800-we-didn't-think-this-thro ugh. whether it's fallon or conan or jon stewart, "saturday night live," all of the jokes go on and on and on. ut nothing is funny. nothing is funny about losing your health care plan when you had what you liked and wanted to keep it. nothing is funny about being force odden a website that doesn't work to buy health insurance you don't want and can't afford. it's even less funny when a government tax is hanging over your head and you don't have hours on to end go through the
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whole circus. this obamacare exchange has been a complete and total failure and it's unacceptable. the american people deserve >> i'm congressman tim murphy of pennsylvania. chairman of the house energy and commerce subcommittee. tomorrow, we are going to have a hearing about the exchange website and it will be about the facts. we are approaching this investigation in a thoughtful and deliver it way. here is what we know so far. $55 million for just one company to build the website. less than a year in, the agency it hasnt $93 million since frittered away $300 million. other companies were hired to work on this website. half $1, more than billion was spent on a website that doesn'wo
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