tv 2013 Ronald Reagan Dinner CSPAN October 25, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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thank you for your time. >> taking you to iowa now. senator ted cruz is expected to talk about his role in the government shutdown, other issues facing the country come other public and party. this makes for the third visit in iowa in three months for senator cruise. a lot of speculation that it means a possible suspect -- possible presidential run in 2016. also expectight, we to your marks from iowa governor terry branstad and iowa senator chuck grassley.
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his third visit here in three months. earlier from a local reporter about what to expect tonight. we will take a listen to what she had to say as we wait for senator ted cruz of texas to appear here in iowa. iowannifer jacobs covers politics for the des moines register. you wrote this morning that this will be senator ted cruz's third appearance in iowa in the last three months. what is he trying to do their? >> it is interesting for some of your percent the state of texas to be in iowa so frequently. he says he is here to energize the american people. he says he is looking for larger
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than the state of just texas. he is looking to energize the grassroots and that has to do with freedom and constitutional principles. anytime a politician comes to iowa, there is always suspicion that he is planning to run for president, or at least has ambitions for that. >> when he is speaking at the reagan dinner for the iowa republican party, is he trying to broaden that appeal beyond just the grassroots, but mainstream republicans as well? >> you would think so emma except that our party -- you would think so, except that our party is really divided right now. the headquarters used to draw a large broad section of republicans, but lately it has only attracted the most conservative iowans, the tea party conservatives, and literally the conservatives that really believe in the philosophy of ron paul, and now things like rand paul. the dinner tonight probably will not have very moderate republicans.
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it will probably be more of the extreme right republicans. >> meese and read -- recent onia profiles have appeared senator ted cruz's wife. is this a broader strategy to soften his image across the country? >> that is a good question. that is usually what political strategists say you need to do when you want to soften your image and humanize. you trot out the wife and open up a little bit and tell the softer side of the candidate. i'm not sure, but it seems like he is doing some of the steps that would be necessary for the path for the white house. commentsote about the of sting -- steve king of iowa. what did you hear? >> there is no predicting. he says iowa is known for having candidates frame out.
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in them was originated last caucus cycle where we saw so many candidates rise and fall. he says that anyone who steps into the spotlight as ted cruz's doing, you have to ask whether they have staying power. hear interesting to someone like steve king, who is aligned with ted cruz say that he might flameout. >> are there any future dates for senator ted cruz in iowa? >> not yet. he will speak tonight. he will hunt some pheasant with revisited of king tomorrow. and he's also speaking at a fundraiser for representative king, so it is a two-day visit for him. >> jennifer jacobs, covering all it takes for the des moines register. you can reach her at the des moines and also follow her on twitter.
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thanks for the update. we will give thanks here in a minute and then settle in and get ready for a great night. thanks. >> c-span live tonight from iowa, the state republican party reagan dinner here in des moines. introductions still need to be are making their way to their tables. senator ted cruz of texas, his third visit to iowa in three months. we also expect to hear from iowa governor terry branstad.
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we saw him enter the room just a minute ago, as well as senator chuck grassley. he is also in the audience tonight. senator ted cruz is excited to talk about the government shutdown, other issues facing the country and the republican party. the roomarently not in yet, but here at the convention center doing some photo opportunities and speaking with some of the folks outside the room before he comes in to make his remarks. we should be hearing from him and others shortly.
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>> man have your attention please? we are going to get the program started. please make it to your seats. we are being broadcast on c-span tonight, so we do want to get the program rolling. everyone moved to your seats. we will get started. the senator is on his way in. let's get this grand old party started tonight. [applause] my name is david fisher. i'm the cochairman of the republican party of iowa. i'm sure you all understand that we have to get things going tonight, because the last time somebody offered senator ted cruz a microphone, he did not stop talking for over 21 hours. [laughter] [applause]
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we need to move through dinner and get the plates out of here and everything am a so we can start planning on how we will get breakfast in here tomorrow morning. welcome to all of you. thank you for coming out and joining us and supporting our party as we work together to advance our conservative principles. thank you also to the north -- the enormous number of media national, and, even international that have come to cover our event. we as first in the nation iowa republicans take it as an honor to host you here in des moines tonight, so thank you for coming out tonight as well. our republican party is in transition. i am really proud that our big spring event -- at our big spring event, we were able to bring senator rand paul into cedar rapids fresh off his historic filibuster of the
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outrageous notion that the american government can use its drones to kill american citizens on american soil. and here tonight, we are proud of our big fall event to be bringing you senator ted cruz, fresh off of his heroic filibuster of the outrageous notion that government can take over medicine, take over mel -- health care, increase the price of your insurance, or force you to buy a product that you do not want from a website that does not work. [applause] there are some of the old guard that, grand old party frankly, don't approve of the kind of leadership being shown by the new conservative leaders, like senators ted cruz come a
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rand paul, and lee. some republicans have even gone as far as to call them names. i have a name for these principled new leaders, too. i call them the future. [applause] speaking of principled leadership, let me introduce you to our iowa gop chairman. he has been our chairman for almost two years now and under his leadership, you have seen the parties actively and firmly take a stand for our conservative principles. much like senator cruz, there are some people that wish our chairman would stop that. they rather he would not do that. but he has energized the conservative base of our party. and believe me, he won't back down.
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i am proud to reduce -- introduce the chairman of the , myblican party of iowa good friend jay sprecher. [applause] >> thank you all for coming this evening. this is really a tremendous event. it is actually the first political event i think my mom -- have been to other than the 2012 iowa caucus that was their first caucus. i also want to recognize a friend of mine that came from california tonight, david lane with the american renewal project as well. [applause] i am proud to be your chairman as we host 600 republicans for
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our 2013 ronald reagan commemorative dinner. would like to briefly share some comments about the crossroads we find our party at and how i believe we can best elect great candidates while adhering to the values of our platform. tonight, i would like to share with you one thing that the permanent political establishment believes is the dirtiest word you can utter, and that word is principle. today where country the federal government has principles that extend only so far as they can threaten people to comply with them. we have a federal government today that takes three years to implement a mandated health insurance law and then spends hundreds of millions of dollars on a website that does not work. we have a federal government today who thinks the word
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principle means that during the recent government shutdown they should devote resources to depriving veterans of visiting more moral -- war memorials formed in their honor. my time as chairman, i have been honored to work with a number of elected officials, and perhaps no one has been as welcoming as i was republican senator chuck grassley. republican senator chuck grassley. he has always taken my calls and at one point, even told me not to be naïve. that was pretty good advice to a new chairman coming in. during any trip i take as chairman of the party, be it an rnc event or visiting with leaders of other states, i'm always proud to it knowledge that i work alongside one of the most principled men in the united states senate, chuck grassley. [applause]
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and tonight, i'm especially honored to be presiding over an with such a strong believer in principle, our keynote speaker, the senator from texas ted cruz. [applause] ted cruz has stood strong on the principles he believes in, from cutting spending, defending therty, and ending crushing federal debt of our nation. and he has done what is right even when it meant opposing leadership of his own local party. -- political party. [applause]
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all political parties face. timesrospection -- face of introspection at times and i firmly believe the republican party is facing one now. the republican party is at a crossroads to determine the type of party it wishes to be. what we wish to promote and what we wish to stand for. i am proud to be the chairman of the republican party of iowa, a party that works hard to elect republicans while standing on principle. since i was first elected in 2012 and reelected this year, i believe i have been abundantly clear that we will continue to be a party that stands on the values of the platform. we are often told by the political establishment that we should not take stances on issues, because it might hurt in an election year two years or four years down the road.
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we are told we should water down our message, to try to win elections. and then we wonder why candidates with a watered-down election -- message lose those elections. we are told by those who have become distraught -- mistrustful and uninterested in politics that the two political parties are one in the same and they no longer seem different or stand for anything. as i stand in front of you tonight, i can tell you that as long as i'm chairman, that will not be the case in the state of iowa. [applause] i'm proud to be the chairman that continues to promote republican candidates, while never forgetting that we must stand fast to the principles we believe in. the republican party was formed as a party in principle and i
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believe we must continue to be one. the principles of life, liberty, cutting spending, a strong national defense, opposing government spying on citizens, and defending traditional american values. they are all found in our platform, the very platform that all of you, the leaders, activists within the party wrote in our state convention. our task as activists and leaders of the republican party is to select rate candidates, -- great candidates and to win elections. we mustelieve that and utilize the proper strategies and tactics to get our party in a position to enact real change. and that means electing solid leaders to office. electring that effort to republicans, we must always stand fast to the values we set, the goals we've made, and the defining characteristics that
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make us different as a party. there is, indeed, a permanent political class whose goals are money, influence and power. i'm proud to be your chairman, and i'm proud to stand before you in what will undoubtedly be an hour to remember with senator ted cruz tonight. thank you. [applause] and at this time, i would like to welcome our master of ceremonies for this evening's , a sevenpal krishna term member of the republican state central committee in iowa. he has twice served as treasurer of the republican party of iowa and he is a three-time cochairman of the republican party of iowa. humor,has a history for
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wit, and good looks. please welcome gopal krishna. [applause] >> thank you, aj. please stand for the prayer by the national committeeman and remain standing for the pledge of allegiance led by our state central committee member. >> would you value heads in prayer with me, please? we gracious heavenly father, humbly come before your throne of grace. lord, we believe this is absolutely the most important part of the night, owing allegiance to you, and that you have created each of us in your image. and lord, we thank you that you
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who laidguiding force your imprint on the hearts of our forefathers who laid out a more perfect union, a society that has lasted for more than 200 years. lord, pleaseoken help us remember the words from your scripture from second chronicles 13, which says, "if my people, which are called by my name, will humble themselves in praise and turn from their wicked ways, then will i hear from heaven and i will forgive their sin and heal their land. oh lord -- heal their land." lord, we thank you for having such patience with us as a sinful people and a sinful nation. ind, we beg for your mercy helping us in this room be a spiritual light in a world of we mightand that
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imprint upon other people's minds that in addition to leading a good life, they have to be the salt and light of our society. and we know that the yield in our land cannot be him -- be blamed entirely on people who we feel have shoved there again -- their agenda down our throats. but as we, the people of yours, who have neglected in many cases the duty of being that salt and light. and lord, i pray that the pastors of this land might once and for all understand that they have to be that salt and light, because if they don't, we will probably lose this great republic that we live in today. lord, we all think you for senator ted cruz who is here tonight, and other speakers, like aj who came before. it just seems like we are lacking, especially on the conservative right, those takers who are willing to a stand and let the arrows come to the back of their heads and basically be crucified for their belief system.
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help us to be there back for people like key and senator the .nd of the people 89 that firing the base that we might be the catalyst -- eight night that fire in the base that we might be the catalyst for society. help us that whatever we do and say will be to your glory and honor and that we will be united. and we ask you to nurse the food to our bodies. all the things we ask in jesus name, amen. >> will you join me in the pledge of allegiance? >> [all together] i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. thank you.
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-- >> thank you. >> thank you. say thank you to each and everyone of you for attending this evening. providingthat we are all of you a well-deserved break from your marathon efforts in trying to log onto [laughter] allow me to say three things. first, our party is in the middle of a revolution started by the tea party activist and liberty groups. we are not in a civil war. [applause]
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i am confident that all of us can work together in electing republicans from the coal house to the white house. second, congress should realize that they made a mistake in calling obamacare as patient protection and affordable care act. actually a patient distraction and unaffordable nightmare act. [applause] when congress is debating the immigration reform, they need to understand that people like me who follow the law and became legal immigrants and proud citizens of this great country will feel that it is totally if they give illegal
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aliens any type of amnesty. [applause] as good christians, we can forgive them, but we should not be rewarding somebody who broke our laws. [applause] let us recognize the groups that are in attendance this evening. when i recognize your group, please stand and the egg knowledge. let us recognize the state committee members. please hold your applause until i read all names. [reading names]
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thank you for everything you do for our party and for our candidates. [applause] let us recognize and applaud the committeer national chairman steve scheffler and our national committee chairwoman. [applause] let us recognize and applaud the work of our finance chair [applause] . let us recognize all of the members of the iowa house and iowa senate. [applause]
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thank you for fighting for our issues and for protecting us from unnecessary increases in taxes and burdensome regulations. our third district congressman .as here, but had to leave please let him know that we appreciate his efforts. [applause] recognize and wish good goldfor rod plum and rogers. -- [applause] please support them in their campaign for the first congressional district. let's recognize and wish good ernst, sam clovis, joni
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mark jacobs, scott shaven, mark whitaker, and david young. [applause] please support them in their proper -- in their candidacy for senate. we are heartened that are u.s. is here and i'm happy to introduce him. jot grassley is -- chuck grassley is a job creator. microsoft and facebook decided to invest in iowa because our senator appreciates and uses the latest technology. [applause]
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industries inserted in -- invested in fertilizer plants because our senator is a farmer. [applause] our senator is a running -- or nike realizes our senator is a runner. they may invest in a pair of running shoes. we are proud that our senator stays well connected with the mainstream media, the social media, and with all of us by visiting all 99 counties every year. we know that our senator runs to keep himself physically fit. him to keep running
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the longest-mes serving senator and the oldest serving senator in the history of our nation. please welcome senator grassley. [applause] >> thank you. thank you. [applause] thank you. thank you all. i'm going to only use half of my time and yield the other half to my colleagues, senator cruise. [laughter] you don't know how long i was given, do you? [laughter] thisld not have thought of except that he said that i run, and i do. tomorrow morning, if any of you will be in the race for the cure and you don't run any faster
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than an 11 minute mile, i would like to have you run with me if you would. 9:00 on capitol hill. [applause] and come up afterwards who you are and where we will meet their , because there will be about 25,000 people in that run. , usuallyall, gopal somebody says, well, he needs no introduction. that is why i stood here and you introduced me. thank you very much for your kind words. for givingall of you me the opportunity to serve in the united states senate. it is quite a privilege not only to work in the senate, but more of a polish -- more of a privilege to represent people like you. coming from washington, it is good to be here among friends and iowans. it is good to be among iowans, even if they are not your friends. [laughter]
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you know, i'm famous for saying that washington is an island surrounded by reality. and that is a very true statement. thanks to energy -- your energy are going towe give washington a republican reality check. with your support, we can spread the good word. together, we can rebuild the very unique to our great country. founders, youcan and i and other iowans believe in less government, lower taxes, life, liberty, and fiscal dip fiscal discipline. whereas those in the other ,olitical party believe that
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being the big spenders they are, believe that government has all .he answers we, meaning us of our political party -- and even people that are not of our political party -- we believe in "we, the people ." all power comes from the people. government is very much limited. we believe the solutions to washington's overspending, overpromising, and overreaching is to overcome big government. spenders cannot help themselves from digging deeper into debt, a bigger hole yet, and maybe that is what the president get -- what the president meant when he said he had shovel ready programs. [laughter] unfortunately, the 16 day shutdown of our government did
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not reduce the debt, not by one dime. the white house squandered a very good opportunity to dial back the debt clock. the president flat-out refused an opportunity to do that, to negotiate in good faith. the president said, and i think you heard him say this -- we heard it many times in washington -- i will not negotiate with a gun at my head. now, he's been president of the united states for five years. so, i'm going to use his words. president,ime, mr. that you initiated a budget discussion, unless there was a gun at your head. [applause]
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the president worked to discredit our message of long- by invokingsanity the full faith and credit of the united states as a scapegoat to avoid coming to the bargaining table. the deal to reopen government debts, --arantee one one cent of debt reduction. what did the shutdown accomplish? to feel some ought pain, but you all ought to be sorry and the president ought to be ashamed that some of that pain would go to the world war ii veterans who were not able to visit their memorial. [applause] i don't know why you have to be a sadist to do the things you want done.
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far falls into that category of inflicting plane -- pain needlessly. however showdid, that this administration refuses to answer the wake-up call. and that wake-up call is taking every minute, every day, the $17 trillion debt clock is ticking. all of the people in this room and those who are not in this room, we have our work cut out for us. thankfully, we have the right message to end the cloud of keeps businesst people, particularly small business people, from hiring. message, like the same message that ronald reagan told us about and what he understood. we believe in america's
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possibilities. whereas the democrats want to transfer wealth, we want and expect you to create wealth. as america observes this 50th anniversary of jfk's assassination, i am reminded of some of his words that you and i would agree with. a rising tide lifts all boats. but with 21st century democrats and unlike the president of their party, jfk, the only thing rising today our taxes, spending, and borrowing, alongside the rising costs of health care and college tuition. will notgenda then float america's boat.
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my fellow republicans, it is up to us to save our ship. centralizey want to health care, spending, big government, we will pursue limited government, personal responsibility, and free markets. [applause] they want to divide america into several different parts. whereas they see a nation of we see a have-nots, nation of risktakers working hard, following in the footsteps of our predecessors to lay a claim to their share and our share of the american dream. that'sgh in nearing -- pioneering entrepreneurial resilience.erica's
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now and most importantly, we will need all hands on deck to turn the tide in washington, to , torm spending practices simplify the tax code -- and i suppose i could go on with a long list. let me end with the most important problem facing america , getting the national debt down and getting the fiscal situation under control. today, together, we can pay it forward for generations yet to come if we work hard. we are on the process -- in the process of helping some. more needs to be done. because we know as the tide rises, everybody benefits. and unified, we can save our republic. if not us, who?
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and if not now, when? [applause] with just 12 months ago until the midterm elections, we do not have a minute to lose. let's dedicate ourselves to working hard. let's dedicate ourselves to making sure that this american dream is alive and the people that have not gotten it the last five years can reclaim it. what weove to the world know about america, that we are an exceptional nation and we are not going to let the president of the united states destroy our concept of america. [applause] we are a country not because of a monarch, or not because of some ethnic relationship, or some nationality.
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we are a country of all kinds of people. but we are not a country for some other reason. america is an idea, and you and i have to keep that idea alive. thank you. [applause] x thank you -- >> thank you, senator. kim reynolds is a rising star in iowa politics. during her foreign trade missions, she worked hard to market our state, attract investment, and create jobs for
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iowans. she gained national recognition for her performance as the secretary of the 2012 republican national convention. was elected as clark county treasurer in 1994 and was reelected three times. she served as the president of the iowa state county treasurers association. standing county treasurer united states award in 2004. kim reynolds was elected to the iowa senate in 2008. her work as county treasurer and as i was senator earned her andect, selection, nomination as the running mate of terry branstad. after the 2010 elections, she proved that she is a quick became a good
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political partner for our governor. please welcome our lieutenant governor, kim reynolds. [applause] >> thank you, go paul -- gopal, for that introduction and thank you, senator grassley, for being a dedicated server and for the citizens of iowa and a voice of reason and washington, d.c. we appreciate your service. senator ted cruz, thank you for being here tonight. , chairman, andad iowa republicans, good evening. thank you for being here. it is a great pleasure to be there with you this evening. [applause] it is an absolute honor, pleasure, and distinction for me to have the opportunity to serve as your lieutenant governor and to work with my partner, --ernor gray -- covered
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governor terry branstad. everyone understands here tonight that i was families are better off when they can provide for themselves and not be dependent on government. government cost job is not to create more -- government's job is not to create more red tape. we need to break down barriers and get out of the way, and that starts with iowans who want to start with jobs are able to do creating an environment where business and entrepreneurs can do what they do best. and that is, create and innovate. and i want you to know that governor branstad and i and the legislature are working every day to create an environment that is conducive to job creation. this year in fact, i'm proud to say that we set a record of more people working in iowa than any other time in our state's history. completely erasing the job
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losses of the culver administration and the democrat- controlled house and iowa senate. yes, we need to acknowledge that. [applause] we have work to do, but that is a great place. the most encouraging part of the economic growth that we are seeing in iowa is that it is not just happening in one part of the state. rather, it is happening in all corners of iowa. over $8 billion of private capital investment has come to iowa since governor branstad and i took office. we have cf industries in sioux city. cj in fort dodge. google continues to expand in council bluffs. the i west fertilizer plant in lee county. biosciences in osage. and that is just a small sampling of what is taking place across the state. and facebook just down the road in altoona are of -- are investing in growing in iowa because of her disability within
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state government -- because of the predict ability within state government. our goal has been to grow by 25% . that means these are not just jobs, but good paying jobs that lead to long-term careers. and many of those jobs are in stem, science, technology, engineering, and math careers. and we know that stem-related careers are projected to grow times -- four times faster than non-stem related careers. and just last week, it was they werethat bringing 700 jobs to ames, tripling their workforce. when these jobs again with an annual salary of $50,000 up to $75,000 a year. [applause] that will make a difference. arernor branstad and i proud of the success that we've had, but we will not step back and look at the past. we will continue to lay the
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groundwork and we are focused on the future of iowa. iowa is a bright spot in this nation and we have a great story to tell. and with a leader like governor branstad, i was future continues to look bright -- iowa's future continues to look right. i want to say thank you for being here. thank you for being a part of the process and continuing to be engaged. have a wonderful evening. god bless you and thank you for being here. [applause] >> thank you. was born,ranstad raised, and educated in iowa. makedicated his life to iowa a better place for all of us. he is an exceptional leader. he works with the leaders of both parties to accomplish his cutting expenses,
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reducing taxes, balancing the budget, and increasing the rainy day funds. of economicpion development. reduceted many jobs and the unemployment rate. he supported the growth of renewable fuel industries and renewable energy. in education and has made educational reform one of his priorities. makingassionate about iowa the healthiest state. governor branstad is iowa's longest-serving governor. he has been everywhere in this state. let's work together to reelect that he can become the longest-serving governor in the history of our nation. these welcome governor branstad. [applause] >> thank you.
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gopal, thank you for that nice introduction. i still have a long ways to go to catch up with senator grassley. but i'm proud to be here with him, with chairman spyker and cochairman fisher, and i want to thank you for inviting the lieutenant governor and i to be part of the program tonight. i want to thank the party and your staff for succeeding in putting together this excellent event. and i'm really proud to welcome senator ted cruz to iowa. he is a bright, up-and-coming senator and we are proud to have you in the hawkeye state. [applause] we are proud of senator grassley, congressman latham, and congressman king.
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being voices for of common sense in washington, d.c., where there isn't much of it. it is great to be here with all of you wonderful iowa republicans. conservatives know that it will take all of us working together and fighting for control of the nation's capital and the d.c. media that is attempting to divide us. [applause] i want to do all i can to help bring all republicans together. i want you to know that this is the ronald reagan dinner. i was one of the early supporters of ronald reagan for president way back in 1976. we need to get that spirit that reagan brought to republicans. he taught us the 11th
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commandment, speak no ill of other republicans. we need to be united as a party and we need to get our message across to the people of this great country. [applause] we know that president obama and his friends in the media are going to do all they can to try to divide us and demonize us. we have seen this strategy before. but i want you to know that as we prepare for 2014, we will be the champions of limited government and we are going to bring that message of growth and progress and opportunity by reducing the size and cost of government and government and withdrawing the economy. it is going to be so much different than what they do, which is attacking others and dividing others instead of providing leadership like the
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republican governors are providing in state after state. [applause] we saw the spectacle of the president of the united states refusing to engage discussions with republicans and democrats , massive deficit problems of our nation. we saw the chief executive of interested be more in scoring political points than solving america's financial woes. that is not leadership. americans deserve better. [applause] deserve leadership like we have with republican governors of states all across this country. and what of the great ones is in the state of texas where senator cruz is from will stop his governor, rick perry -- is from.
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his governor, rick perry, has created 12% of all jobs in the whole nation in the state of texas. [applause] has a front-azine page picture of texas saying how texas with its low taxes and low regulations is what america needs to be and how texas is gaining jobs, while california, new york, and illinois are losing jobs by droves. [applause] texas claims one third of the nation's high paying. think of that. look at what is happening in other states, like the state of wisconsin where governor scott walker had the courage to take on the unions and do what is right to restore his state economy and turn a $3.6 billion deficit into a
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surplus of half $1 billion in the badger state. unemployment has dropped from 9.2% down to 6.7%. kasichgovernor john inherited an economic mess. the previous state unemployment had reached 10%, the highest it had been in 10 years. 10.6%. today, governor kasich has brought it down to 7.3%. the result of conservative governance is making a difference. in michigan of all places, they now have a republican governor and a right to work laws. he has taken the unemployment rate down from 13% to below double digits. the result of conservative leadership in the executive departments makes a difference. compare those results in state after state. and then all you have to do is
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look to the east of our state in buddies where obama's from chicago run everything, and run it into the ground. look at where they are. the enemy summit rate in illinois going up instead of down. it is at 9.2%. they are $7 billion behind them their bills. -- on their bills. they have the least funded public employee pension system of all the states in the nation and the most local and state debt per capita of any state. and besides that, most of their former governors are in prison. i'm back in office. [applause] democrat-run california has a debt per capita of $4000 and an
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unemployment rate that is the fifth force in the nation -- fist -- is the fifth worst in the nation. when problems present themselves, republican governors roll up their sleeves and go to work and reduce the size of government and unleash the private sector to invest and create jobs. we republican governors do not spend our time calling press conferences to make political demands and issue ultimatums. we provide leadership that makes a difference. that is what our nation needs, just like we have in the states. [applause] we don't look at ways to sidestep the difficult problems. we take them head on. we take on the tough issues, like reforming property taxes and education issues.
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we are proud that we are able to do something in iowa, and just likely lead in welfare reform in the 1990s, we will lead in becoming the healthiest state in the nation in this state as well. [applause] we've got our fiscal house in order and we have just again to build the dynamic, growing economy that we have seen can be done in texas and other states. proud toonored and so have the unique opportunity to serve as your governor. i want you to know that kim reynolds and i have the energy and enthusiasm to lead this state. we just need your help to give us a few more republicans in the senate and reelect the republicans in the house. and you have not seen anything yet as to what you can see in the future of this state. [applause]
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ronald reagan once said, we don't have a trillion dollar debt because we have not taxed enough. we have a trillion dollar debt because we spend too much. presidentagine what reagan would say today with his country having a $17 trillion $17 trillion debt? doneve proven it can be state after state. we need you all to be united to turn this country around and get us back on the right track. thank you and god bless you all. [applause] [applause]
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>> thank you, governor. all of you know why no one can beat him in any election. honors -- he graduated with honors from harvard law school. the supreme court justice, william rehnquist. with more thanw, 88 supreme court briefs and taught litigation at the university of texas school law. the nation's youngest and first hispanic solicitor general of texas. crews -- cruz was elected
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