tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN November 2, 2013 2:00am-4:01am EDT
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whether or not there is a real change beneath the rhetoric, in my view, it needs to be probed a untested. whatever the percentage is, some people say the odds are that this is just -- what did the college? a romance? -- what is the saying? >> charm offensive. >> where is my staff? i'm looking to the audience for my words. it's just a charm offensive with nothing behind it. it may be that surely that is all it is. some people say, there is a real chance here. whether or not it's a 10% chance, 60% chance, it should be tested. it should be probed. the potential, if this is real, could be a major, major change. >> should congress know? >> i did not mean to avoid that.
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i believe we should not at this time add additional sanctions. we should fully keep those sanctions in place. that is how my believe, the main reason why iran is where they are out because those sanctions have had an impact. my committee, the armed services committee, has been very much involved putting those sanctions in place. alas national defense authorization act had the last tranche in that bill. i'm not one who has any sense at all and opposed to sanctions. as opposed, i am very for it. if we respond to this possibility in a negative way instead of being study and keeping sanctions in place, if we tighten the screws now when
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it looks as though, apparently against some opposition at home and in iran, that the iranian leadership may be willing to talk about ending, modifying, changing and making less threatening their nuclear program, and to response is negative, they could very well lose the very countries, particularly russia and china, who have stood with us to put sanctions in place internationally. it would weaken our current stations possibly, and i would say probably but at least possibly, for us to respond possibly, for us to respond rhetorically or through additional sanctions in a negative way before we have taken the couple of months that
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are needed to explore the reality as to whether there is a real change in iran's attitude. i'm not only willing but i believe we should not, at this time, do anything but we should in a steady, constant way keep the pressure on iran because it has had a good result but not because of the negative effect on the countries that have joined with us on this add to the pressure at this time. >> and no addition to the nba this year? >> people might try to do it. just because i think we should not do it does not mean it won't happen. it happened even on my own bill. >> university of michigan. go blue.
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>> we also have some spartans in the audience. there you go. >> i attended the talk yesterday at the u.s. institute of peace and i was struck the fact that he granted nothing about the fact that he had mismanaged the political process and i was in brussels and had a chance to interview one of his opponents, dr. hashimi, who is now in qatar. he showed me all kinds of documents to show that he was not lt of the charges. he is very much tied with the sunni opposition and it's incredible to me that he does not bring them in because it would undercut the whole al qaeda operation. lastly, he said that the sons of iraq are with him and i don't think they are.
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>> he's meeting with president obama today. >> i think i agree with just about everything you said. i'm not sure about the sons of iraq. i would be surprised. other than that, i happen to agree with you and i joined a bipartisan letter with minute does, mccain and others to urge the president to make those points. i basically agree with you. also in terms of the failure of the iraqi government to protect the christian minority, to protect the people at camp liberty, for instance, whether or not the government of iraq is the perpetrator of that horrific outrage, they did not carry out that mission if it was to protect that came.
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the christian minority in iraq is very, very fragile and the relationship to the sunni, if it is what you say, in terms of iraq and the relationship, allowing the iranians to overfly and support assad is so totally terrible. nonetheless, he has a lot to talk about and if they want certain kinds of weapons, there's a lot of skepticism about providing any types of weapons if there are to be a condition to basically doing a number of things differently and making sure that those weapons are not put to the years that we could never support, hopefully. >> margaret warner, pbs news hour.
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if rouhani or his executives were willing, that the president has some authority to freeze some sanctions. the iranians are looking for a sign of good faith if they extended a sign of good faith. >> i don't think it would be appropriate for me to tell you what signs of action on their part should result in signs from us. i just don't feel comfortable doing that. >> it's clear the iranians are going to want something and pretty soon. >> they are going to want something and we are going to want something. what we're going to give them is producing something which is significant in terms of what they need to do and i don't
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think i'm comfortable in changing that. >> you do recognize the need for a quid pro quo. it would just be a negotiation measure temporarily. >> there's going to be a first phase hopefully within a month or show that shows that they're not just talking to friendly but they are the haters going to be different -- but their behavior is going to be different. you can reduce your 50% enriched uranium down to 20% but if you are still producing even 10% go down with the 50%, and other words you reduce your stockpile to --
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is it 10 or 20? if they are still producing it, then what? you know you go what to the net? you know? what's the net? how many months or years but take for them to produce a weapon under those circumstances? what is still to be negotiated? i really don't want to get into that. >> you knew they were going to move from that. >> not necessarily up and end of the day to move from that. >> if you want some sort of nuclear power, you may have to import it. >> that might be the ultimate game. >> it's a goal but it will not obviously happened in phase one. phase one will be something that, hopefully, if it comes off
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shows that they are willing to move significantly and that what we are doing in return does not endanger, does not leave us off significantly any worse place than we are now in terms of being able to act should they move towards a nuclear weapon. >> john sullivan, the center for international enterprise. thank you for your positive comments about afghanistan. we've been there for a long time as well and i've noticed a lot of positive developments. there are afghan business associations in the afghan chamber has been a way to go but the builders association and others are building the foundation for an economy. i will not say market oriented because it's not there yet but it's definitely moving in that direction. the question i wanted to rescue was, you know we were talking
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about the negativity? to me, a good portion is coming from the various inspectors general reporting from afghanistan. you think you will get to the point where they can series the handle transfer of funds? >> no. >> pretty straightforward answer. >> i don't think they are to that point out all. the gm representative and dealer. there are real glimmers of enterprise. this is a significant deal. these women work during the day and they come to this place right to the american university
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campus to get the skills that they need to go into business. i know it will happen overnight and it's a real significant change to be a part of. >> i'm from the naval postgraduate school. it's great to have you here and listen to what you are saying. i want to start with what you opened with was telling the stories of the public that's it. the president was so good about telling the story when he campaigned then he lost that skill when he got into the white house. we have plenty of examples of that and, indeed, what's going on with the health care system >> don't go there. [laughter] >> we should start another website. >> afghan healthcare? come on.
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>> i'm talking about the importance of storytelling in getting it into the education system and am wondering if you could talk about that along with the press that we need to get people interested because it's all about selling new ideas. we don't talk about complexity. we live in a complex system. finally, last night i saw a play called "love in afghanistan." i think it's one of the most powerful plays of ever seen and i'm a performing arts junkie. i recommend everyone to go see it. it was fabulous. it addresses the things were talking about. >> it's a really important point. somebody brought over some young
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afghan music students about six months ago. it was terrific. we brought them to the capital so that some of my colleagues could see. i think there were like eight students on afghan instruments at a music school which could have never existed and they are there preserving their heritage. it has an impact when people can see a play or whatever, of course it does. telling stories are important. the problem on the other side is i'm not a good storyteller, by the way. i admire those of my colleagues who are. it's the most powerful way to get a message across. my wife reminds me of this all the time. instead of statistics, you just said, how many teachers? they will not remember. there are 10 times as many teachers now, 40% are women, 30% are women. they won't remember that statistic.
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my wife will tell me that if she were here, why not just tell one story of one teacher? they would remember that? the answer to that, i'm afraid, and i'm a victim of this. you can tell an anecdote about almost anything. the question is how broadly based is an anecdote? under the taliban and i could tell a story probably of a woman who did something terrific and heroic in her village. you could probably find a story which would give you the totally wrong impression of the taliban, the tale of the elephant problem. is the anecdote a tale of the elephant or is it the elephant? the statistics are the elephant. the anecdote is detailed but it's far more powerful, i think, and they could not agree with
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you more. >> we have time for one more very quick question and, reminder, this has all been on the record. >> now you tell me. [laughter] whoa. whoa. >> rebecca chamberlain, and a former intern of your stomach great state of michigan. the question is on china. can you comment on their role in afghanistan and our relationship with the? i'm thinking of all of the industry and could they be development partner to operate with? >> great question and you have 90 seconds. >> i have read very different examples and they are much more aggressive and unwilling to be partners and i think the security situation is not one that they're particularly satisfied with in terms of
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moving in. i have heard stories about the chinese in afghanistan and they reflect their general view about business. they are very aggressive business people, far more aggressive than any catalyst of ever seen. can i tell a story? end with an anecdote? your honor. >> thank you. >> we met with him 25 years ago, or whatever, the head of the communist party in china, the number two or three guy. it was the only communist party in the world. we are arguing with him and china about human rights and we are giving him a lecture, in
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essence, on why it's important that human rights be part of an equation for a country that businesses have to respect the rights of their people. you have to respect the rights of workers, respect the empire not. we are giving lectures about businesses with responsibilities, in essence. he says, we have an old saying in china. don't mix business with these other things. that's the point of his old saying.
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business is business. [laughter] workers have rights. the environment has rights. and he's telling me we have an old saying, business is business? >> we have an old saying, business is business, except with business. [laughter] [applause] >> next on c-span. president obama met with iraqi prime minister to talk about the
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partition between the u.s. and iraq. and later, secretary of state john kerry talks about free trade. on the next washington and nsanal, we will discuss surveillance programs for gathering information within the u.s. and abroad. our guest is author and strategy director michael alan. -- allen. then we will look at the fda's recommendation to tighten rules on painkillers. we are joined by very -- barry meier. washington journal. live on c-span. time for nsatough when everybody says what are you doing or why are you doing it. when we get together, -- will maybe a couple times we whine.
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but most of the time we say it is more important for this country that we defend this nation and take the beatings that it is to give up a program that would result in this nation being attacked. we would rather be in front of you today telling you why we defended these programs. than having given them up and have our nation or our allies be attacked. and people killed. >> this weekend on c-span, intelligence officials defend the nsa's surveillance program in a house committee. -- kelley,elly author of biographies. .nd american history tv
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remembering john f. kennedy. eyewitness accounts of the assassination. sunday at 3 p.m. eastern. >> president obama met with iraqi prime minister to talk about the partition between the u.s. and iraq. he addressed the syrian civil war and iran's nuclear program. this is about 20 minutes. >> all set? all set? i want to welcome back prime minister maliki to the white house. it's been two years since the last u.s. troops left from iraq,
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but the strategic partnership between our two countries remains very strong. we honor the lives that were lost, both american and iraqi, to bring about a functioning democracy in a country that previously had been ruled by a vicious dictator. and we appreciate prime minister maliki's commitment to honoring that sacrifice by ensuring a strong, prosperous, inclusive and democratic iraq. >> [speaker translates]
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>> we had a wide-ranging discussion about economic issues, regional issues, and security issues. [speaker translates] and much of our discussion centered on the fact that, although iraq has made significant progress in areas like oil production and a range of other reforms that have taken place, unfortunately, al qaeda has still been active and has grown more active recently. so we had a lot of discussion about how we can work together to push back against that terrorist organization that operates not only in iraq but
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prime minister maliki has done in the past to ensure that all people inside of iraq -- sunni, shia and kurd -- feel that they have a voice in their government. and one of the most important expressions of that will be elections next year. i encouraged that iraq pass an election law and that that moves forward so that people understand that when they have differences they can express them politically, as opposed to through violence. [speaker translates]
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>> and we agreed that it's in the interest of both countries to try to bring about a political settlement, a political transition, inside of syria that allows the syrian people to make decisions about their own lives, while, at the same time, isolating extremist factions that could end up not only threatening people inside of syria, but throughout the region as well. [speaker translates]
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>> and i shared with the prime minister our efforts to resolve the iranian nuclear issue in a peaceful way, but emphasized to him how important it is that iran seize this opportunity to take the right path in accordance with previous international norms and resolutions. my hope is, is that we can arrive at a resolution, but i emphasized to the prime minister how serious we are about preventing a nuclear arms race in a region that would only add to the dangers that so many people there already face. [speaker translates]
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we are deeply invested in seeing an iraq that is inclusive, that is democratic, and that is prosperous. and i communicated to the prime minister that anything that we can do to help bring about that more hopeful future for iraq is something that we want to work on. so, welcome, mr. prime minister. thank you so much for coming. [speaker translates] [speaking foreign language]
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>> thank you very much, mr. president, in the name of god, the merciful. mr. president, you went into the details of all the issues that we discussed and the dialogue was very good. so we mentioned many, many issues that are of common importance for us, and we agreed on them. it was a very positive, very deep and very strategic dialogue. [speaking foreign language] >> we had an agreement that we signed between iraq and the united states, as you know, and we have a friendship agreement
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and we have a strategic framework agreement. and we need to activate them. and this was one of the main purposes of our visit. we need to enhance our bilateral relation and to enhance the agreements. [speaking foreign language] >> we discussed many issues that are very important for iraq, for the region, and for the whole world. and this clearly tends to show that the strategic framework agreement is of essence for the cooperation between the united states and iraq and for the issues of the world. [speaking foreign language]
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>> and in our discussions today, we wanted to take the strategic framework agreement and our bilateral relation sort of out from the unilateral security and military assistance that the united states provided to us. we wanted to move to a multi- layer relation at the political, economic level. and we hope the united states and the united states company and economy to participate in the rebuilding and developing area. [speaking foreign language]
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>> we have a common vision about all the issues that we discussed when it comes to diagnosing the region of terrorism to the middle east. and we talked about the way of countering terrorism, and we had similar positions and similar ideas. we discussed the details of our cooperation with the people who are in charge and will discuss further details about this. what we want is for iraq and the region to be able to work together. and we are working in iraq at the security level, intelligence level, social level -- at all the levels in organizing our people in order to fight al qaeda, because it's a scourge for iraq and the middle east. [speaking foreign language]
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>> and i told the president that we improved our relation and are still working on improving our relation with all the countries in the region. and we are aiming at creating a moderation front in order to fight the sectarian front and the violence and the terrorism. this is very important. and we, as iraqis, we act responsibly at all the necessary levels -- political, security, and military -- to do so. [speaking foreign language]
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>> we do know that the democratic experience in iraq is nascent and fragile, but it was born very strong. and we need to continue enhancing it and consolidating it, because democracy is very important. we also want to have the mechanisms of democracy such as elections and we want to hold the elections on time -- and the government is committed to do so alongside with other issues like enhancing the national identity. democracy needs to be strong, and we are going to strengthen it because it only will allow us to fight terrorism. [speaking foreign language]
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>> and as the president said, we are in total agreement when it comes to finding a peaceful solution to the crisis in syria, a solution through dialogue. we are very supportive of geneva ii. we want the syrian people to have the right to self- determination and to choose its leader. and also, we want a peaceful solution to the iranian nuclear problem. we do hope to avert nuclear wars in the region, and we also want
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to avoid the use of chemical weapons, because we and the syrians suffered a lot from these weapons. [speaking foreign language] >> and we will continue with our good relations, bilaterally, and with the strategic framework agreement. we want them to be strong, and we will continue working on that. thank you very much, mr. president. >> thank you, guys. >> obviously, we've been monitoring, and we're concerned about it. but i'll let the law enforcement folks talk about it directly. all right? thank you, guys. thank you. >> defense secretary chuck hagel
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rocks remarks from the memorial service for former house speaker tom foley. we will hear from president obama, former president clinton, and democratic leader nancy pelosi. what's the service beginning at eight: 30 5 p.m. at c-span. 8:35 at c-span. >> this painting was originally painted as my grandmother's white house portrait. in the 1960s, lady bird johnson went looking for portraits of first ladies to rehang in the white house. she thought that was important. she looked high and low and could not find my grandmother's official portrait.
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she called my grandmother and asked if she knew where the painting was. she said, yes, it is on my wall. you reallyn said should not have it, it belongs in the white house. is myndma said, no, it painting and that is where it is going to stay. eventually, she gave up. >> watch the program on pest truman truman on-- on bess our website or on monday. and we continue the series with many eisenhower. >> defense secretary chuck hagel spoke thursday at the anti- defamation league centennial meeting in new york city. he talked about the benefits to same-sex couples in the national guard and has remarks for -- were followed by leon panetta, and then secretary panetta was awarded a medal for public service.
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this is one hour. [applause] >> thank you. thank you very much. thank you. i'm grateful for an opportunity to spend a special evening with all of you, each of you. it is a privilege. it is a room, as i sat and listened, and had an opportunity to renew all old acquaintances, and make new friends. it is a roomful of warmth,
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friendship, love. but of purpose. i want to thank this institution for what you have done for this country, and the world in the last 100 years. it is a unique, special, courageous institution. in a world that not often is about courage, it is about character. as each individual's life is guided by those indispensable elements, character and courage. i think you for what you are doing. what you have done, and what you continue to do. thank you for honoring my friend, and my predecessor, leon panetta. i told -- you can clap.
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[applause] i told leon that i would be up on the stage soon, showering him with praise and glory. it is a regular thursday night occurrence for panetta. [laughter] just another thursday night he gets another award, another recognition. in panetta's case, it is well deserved. that career that he has built, and the service he has provided for our country, is among the most unique and distinguished careers of modern public service. i really mean that. [applause] this is inappropriate -- this is an appropriate recognition. i want to share with you, and i
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promise leon and other members of congress that it is brief. you hear that all the time. i recognize i still have some bad habits that i picked up. this will be some comments i wanted to share with all of you that i spent some time on. not that anything i am about to say is profound. i'm incapable of that. nonetheless, i try. these are comments i do feel. i strongly believe. as i begin my comments, i want to share with you tonight, i want to acknowledge so many special people in the room. we will not be will to get to everyone tonight. one in particular who taught me about the adl, what it was
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doing, what it was important. that is bob wilson --who is here tonight. as most of you know, bob directed the adl office for a number of years. and when i ran for the united states senate, i began my campaign in 1995, in nebraska, no one knew me. bob was one of the first to come to see me, to take a measure of me -- is this a serious fellow, what does he believe, what's he about. on more than one occasion, i was a guest in his home, as he would gather different people, and i would try and convince them that i was the right person to support for united states senate. but i would never forget the hours i spent with bob, and his
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generosity and thoughtfulness, and his tutoring this fellow who wanted to be a united states senator, who didn't really understand so much of the things that you have done over the years and why you're so important. so to bob, tonight, thank you, my friend. i am grateful. [applause] as i have noted, your selection of leon panetta is, i think, very appropriate for 100 years, as you celebrate what you've done. and i can't think of a more appropriate public servant. throughout his career, he's embodied the adl's fight -- continued fight -- for justice, equality, and security.
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and the adl has been about that. your theme tonight, for your 100th anniversary, "imagine a world without hate," that theme captures the hope and the possibilities of mankind. that hope, and that sense of possibility, is overflowing in this room tonight. you know that. but you also understand the realities that will always temper a certain amount of hope. but if we don't have hope, there's not much left. and there is no goal more worthy or more noble than world peace, which you do, and you're about. a world of respect -- respect and dignity for all people, all mankind, as noted on this stage by other speakers tonight. and although that may seem
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impossible, we must never ever quit trying. no organization has done more in pursuing this dream than the adl. it is who you are, it's your very fiber. year after year, decade after decade, you have fought against intolerance, prejudice, and injustice all over the world -- including in america's armed forces. the department of defense is proud -- very proud -- to have worked with the adl to make our military more open, and more equal, and more just. one example of this historic partnership is at the air force academy, where only a few years ago there were troubling accusations of religious intolerance and anti-semitism. that began to change when the local adl worked with leaders at the academy to create a special course on respect for religious freedom, which is now required for all cadets.
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going forward, we will continue to build on this relationship. we'll build on the relationship because there is so much more we have to learn from each other. both of our institutions are committed to strong national security, and both are committed to combating hatred and bigotry. the adl has never separated the two, for they are interconnected. you've shown that the strength of civil rights underpins strong national security. this balance has been the essence of leon panetta's career. as strong as leon panetta is on security, he's always been just as strong on civil rights and equality. as the director of the u.s. office for civil rights, one of his first jobs in government, he pushed for equal education across the south. as a leading member of congress, chairman of the budget
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committee, and a white house chief of staff, he worked to advance civil rights everywhere. and as secretary of defense, he oversaw the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell," and opened combat positions for women. the balance between security and civil rights sends an important message to the world. and leon panetta has lived that message. at the department of defense, we work to preserve america's individual liberties as well as defend our national freedom. when the supreme court issued its decision on the defense of marriage act this summer, the department of defense immediately began working on providing the same benefits to all eligible spouses, regardless of sexual orientation. we did it because everyone who serves our country in uniform, everyone in this country, should receive all the benefits they deserve, and they've earned, and
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in accordance with the law. everyone's rights must be protected. [applause] this means that all spouses of service members are entitled to dod id cards, and the benefits that come with them. but several states today are refusing to issue these ids to same-sex spouses at national guard facilities. not only does this violate the states' obligations under federal law, but their actions have created hardship and inequality by forcing couples to travel long distances to federal military bases to obtain the id cards they're entitled to. this is wrong. it causes division among our ranks, and it furthers prejudice, which dod has fought to extinguish, as has the adl.
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today, i directed the chief of the national guard bureau, general frank grass, to take immediate action to remedy this situation. at my direction, he will meet with the adjutants general from the states where these id cards are being declined and denied. the adjutants general will be expected to comply with both lawful direction and dod policy, in line with the practices of 45 other states and jurisdictions. whether they are responding to natural disasters here at home, in their states, or fighting in afghanistan, our national guardsmen all wear the uniform of the united states of america. they are serving this country. they -- and their families -- are entitled to all the benefits and respect accorded to all of our military men and women. our people are the foundation of a ready and capable force. and that will always be. leon panetta knows this very,
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very well. he knows it as well as anyone in this room, that the core responsibility of any job of authority or accountability, is people. this business is about people. hope, possibilities, peace, is about people. the adl is about people. the united states military is deeply respected by the american people because of the character, the determination, resilience, and courage of our men and women in uniform. these men and women in uniform, as we know, have borne a heavy and constant burden since 9/11, along with their families. and their families often get forgotten in this business. families should never be forgotten. they are the anchor, they're the substance, they are the soul, they're the core, of who each of us are and what we each represent. yet as we wind down the second
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of two of america's longest wars, we continue to face a complicated and volatile and dangerous world. nowhere is this more apparent than in the middle east, where the united states and our allies are facing an unprecedented set of complex challenges. for israel, this shifting landscape has brought new threats and new dynamics. even as israel takes important steps toward peace and the two- state solution, these challenges remain on its borders. there are no margins for israel. egypt's future remains uncertain. there is a humanitarian crisis in syria, along with disease and hunger compounding the scourge of sectarian violence and civil war. these challenges demand unprecedented cooperation between the united states and israel. israel's self-defense capabilities and its qualitative military edge are central to
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both israel and u.s. security interests. the united states has provided important support for israel's iron dome system, which has proven very successful in protecting israeli citizens. and earlier this year, the united states reached a historic agreement, an agreement to open up even more advanced military capabilities to israel. one of these capabilities is the v-22 osprey, a tilt-rotor aircraft that will greatly enhance the range and effectiveness of israeli special forces. tonight, i am pleased to announce that we are working with the israeli government to provide them with six new v-22s. i have directed the marine corps to make sure that this order is expedited. [applause] that means israel will get six v-22s out of the next order to
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go on the assembly line, and they will be compatible with other idf capabilities. the israeli and american defense relationship is stronger than ever. that isn't due just to where i am at my time. that's due to previous secretaries of defense. panetta, gates, all the previous secretaries, this organization, the american people, our congress, past presidents -- we've all worked together to strengthen this relationship. another area of our common security interests is preventing iran from obtaining a nuclear [applause] the united states is presently testing iranian intentions for a diplomatic solution. as we engage iran along with our partners, we are very clear-eyed
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about the reality in the middle east. iran is a state sponsor of terror, responsible for spreading hatred and extremism throughout the region. but foreign policy is not a zero-sum game. if we can find ways to resolve disputes peacefully, we are wise to explore them. engagement is not appeasement, nor is it containment. we know what those are, we know where they lead, and we will not pursue them. and president obama has repeatedly made clear that words are not enough. action must match words. we understand why this is so important to so many people. because we've all been to yad vashem. earlier this year, i had the opportunity to revisit yad vashem. i had been there before, but
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this time was special for, because i brought my son, ziller, with me. i wanted him to see the harsh realities of the depths of evil, and the beautiful tribute to the victims of the past. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2013] ways demand commitment, sacrifice, and courage. tolerance, equality, and justice around the globe. and it demands that we remember the timeless questions of rabbi hillel, "if i am not for myself, who will be for me?
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if i am only for myself, what am i? and if not now, when?" as leon panetta often says, our "future is not guaranteed." you've got work to do. you've got to work for your future, and your freedoms. and you have to fight for it. with the continued help and leadership of the adl, the people in this room, all across the world, i know our country always will. thank you very much. [applause]
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your friend and colleague, but also to honor our mission, our vision, and our hope. god bless and thank you very much. [applause] we have special relationship with law enforcement. one of the pieces of paper that i put away referenced in detail that special relationship. most of you in the room know how enforcement, law torifices and what they mean a fair and decent and respectful society. manye honored to have partners of law enforcement and the military.
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please stand up so that we can all say thank you, thank you for all that you do to keep us safe, to keep our nation safe, and to help us achieve a world without hate. [applause] ok. the institute on terrorism and extremism advances the fight against terrorism through education and advocacy by providing information and cutting-edge training to law enforcement communities. we're honored to have with us our good friend who established this institute to honor his late parents.
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before terrorism was a household alan gary had the foresight to help the adl provide our expertise on terrorism to law enforcement so they could do a better job of protecting us. the serviceproud award has been presented to many distinguished law enforcement officials at the fbi, cia, u.s. customs service. the list of prior recipients is in your program and i think you will agree it is an impressive roster of great americans. tonight, as you heard, we honor leon panetta, who has given much of his life to public service and has left an indelible mark
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in the fight against terrorism and extremism. history will probably remember him as the director of the central intelligence agency who launched a successful operation to bring osama bin laden to justice. as secretary of defense, he kept his commitment to keep america strong while working to end america's involvement in iraq and transition and exit from afghanistan. under his stewardship, cooperation between the united states and israel to face, and challenges, defense it grew to it on presented at -- unprecedented level. leon panetta has been there reaching out to consult with israel on terrorist threats and to ensure israel's military superiority.
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proud that hisly early fact-finding trips to mission inin adl together with some legislators who went on to assume pivotal leadership roles. if you look closely at the screen, you will see him with two other little-known and .embers of congress nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. we honor him tonight not only for protecting america's , but for being a warrior in the fight for american ideals and the american
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dream. leon panetta has lived that american dream and exemplified those ideals. he is the son of immigrants who witnessed firsthand the bigotry that targeted italian-americans and he overcame the taunts and the stereotypes to achieve elected office and to assume the most powerful roles in the executive branch of government. in the nixon and ministration, -- in the nixon administration, he led a memorable battle for school integration. he faced down a government intent on trying to stop busing despite a unanimous supreme court decision that schools must be integrated. decision a gut level and chose to stand up for what he thought was right. in spite of the risks to his own career.
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that story did not end well for him. he was forced to resign. secretary panetta led the pentagon's repeal of don't ask don't tell policy, which had barred gays and lesbians from serving openly. he made history by extending military benefits to same-sex couples. one of his final acts before leaving the pentagon was to rescind the ban on women serving in combat. last vestige of rules barring servicewomen from serving in combat and it paves the way for the largest expansion of their role on the front lines. panetta, who served president nixon, president
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clinton, and president obama. he does not be old orient to -- bend or yield to cynicism. he is faithful to his job and to sound governance. thend his wife have created panetta institute at stanford and are now devoted to teaching the next generation that public service is a high calling, that civility and integrity matter in democracy. an organization committed to protecting america's securities, we can think of no better on a noree honoring the -- ho but the man who presided over the attack and disruption of al thea, but who shepherded changes to civil rights and opportunities here at home. his leadership and commitment to
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>> have a seat. thank you very much. this is really a great honor, a wonderful honor from a wonderful group on this 100th anniversary. i cannot tell you how much i deeply appreciate your honoring me. i want to thank alan gary for creating this award in honor of his parents. i would also like to thank my burdette and stacy
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the staff of adl. e, you have done so much for our country and for our world to teach us to live in a world without bigotry and without hatred. in my book, you are a national treasure. you are an american patriot and i am to be here with you tonight. honored to be here with you tonight. [applause] i am also honored to be back in new york city. of speciallot meaning for me. my parents came through this town. my grandfather as well bought some property in brooklyn. i do not know what the hell ever happened to that. [laughter] assistant to the
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mayor of new york city. i spent some time working in the city and getting to know it. i worked very closely with the delegation both on the senate side as well as on the house side. served on the board of the new york stock exchange. i have an awful lot of relationships in the city. i am also honored to be here with my successor at the pentagon, secretary of defense chuck hagel. he is a good friend and somebody who i think really has greatly served this country. [applause] chuck, one thing i have always been proud of is having a good sense of timing when to get the
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hell out of washington. [laughter] i have never in 50 years of public service seen so many people dedicated to screwing things up. [laughter] [applause] every time i look at what is happening there, i keep inking of a story -- i keep thinking of the story that a good friend once told. we were doing a summit. one of the first budget summits during the reagan administration, democrats and republicans sitting in a room. it was tough. all of the issues were on the table, entitlements, discretionary spending. it was not easy, but we stayed there. we had to stay in the room and
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not leave until we got a deal. every time we were close to a deal, someone would get out and walk out. i am sick and tired of this. this reminds me of a story of the three missionaries, the british, the french, and the italian missionaries who were in a very uncivilized part of the world and they were making their riverwn this uncivilized in their little boat and the boat tipped over and they made it to shore only to fall into the hands of the cannibal tribe. you have a choice. you can either take your own lives or jump into this pot of boiling water. either way, we will use your skins for our canoes. the british missionary took out his knife and plunged it into his heart and said god save the queen. the french missionary took out
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his knife and slit his wrist and said, aviva lafrance. the italian started punching himself in the stomach and chest and achieve said, what are you doing? i am trying to screw up your canoe. [laughter] there are a lot people trying to screw up the canoe. i know trying to work and keep the defense department focused and dealing with 3 million americans who serve courageously in that department, i know they count on your leadership and you are doing an outstanding job under very difficult circumstances. 100
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100 years. i'm honored by the purpose of the anti-defamation league to , fight for equality and equal justice. this country was founded on the principles. the veryds us of purpose of our democracy and that makes all of you great american patriots. [applause] i think i first learned about l when i was in congress and i have the opportunity to be able to learn about it. i stayed with several members of us who stayede of in washington. we stayed together. i think it's fair to say it was animal house on capitol hill. [laughter]
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one of the members as pointed out in the photograph was chuck schumer, someone you all know and has a tremendous passion for israel. the bottom of the house in this living room area and we made a bed. i tried to get him to say a hail mary and he made me say the shema. we tried to cover all the bases and we did. i learned a lot from him. the reason i guess i isticularly appreciate because i am the son of immigrants.
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daughter,ur the son, grandchildren of immigrants. that story we know well. my parents came to this country in the early 1930's. we had very little money, knew very little english, few skills. islandme through ellis and managed to make their way to my hometown of monterey. why did he travel all of that distance leaving poverty in the area of italy they came from? why would you leave all that to come to a strange land? said to me it was because your mother and i believed we could give our children a better life. that is the american dream.
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but is what we want for our children and hopefully our children will want for there is. streams are just dreams. as my father used to say. unless you are willing to work for it and sacrifice, unless you are willing to take risk and willing to fight for what you believe in. those are the values that they passed on to me. they had to make their way in a strange society. my dad decided to start a restaurant in downtown monterey during the war years, tough times. my parents believe that child labor was a requirement. after the war, this'll the restaurant, moved out and we
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continue to reside there. anda they walnut orchard were used to be underneath collecting the walnuts. when i got elected to congress my father said i had been well- trained to go to washington because i had been dodging knots all my life. nuts.ging [laughter] from my parents, hard work, sacrifice, commitment, dedication, fighting for what , those are achieve what make america great. those who are willing to respond to the trumpet, the call to service that helps preserve our democracy for the future. this dinner and anyways honest people who have answered the basic call a public service you
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have been asked to serve your community with your philanthropy and, more importantly, with your time, your commitment, with your energy. award,, as i accept this i would like to share it with all of those who have served with me in my different capacities because it is their service and their commitment that made whenever i was able to achieve happen. my own personal commitment to public service bus from my and my who said i, brothers, oh do something back to the country for what they had given them. somehing back to the country.
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learning what it meant to be in order toacrifice accomplish a difficult issue. whothe young president said, ask not what you can do for your country -- what this country can do for you but what you can do for this country. that is what inspired me and it's why i went back to washington as a young legislative assistant. ultimately the reason i headed up to the u.s. office for civil rights, it was tough disaggregating schools in the south was not easy. the people in the office for civil rights were dedicated dedicated to a comp showing the task of giving kids an equal education. -- dedicated to accomplishing the task of giving
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kids an equal education. they said they were going to back off of strong civil rights enforcement. i had to make a decision. do i uphold the law or back off of my principal? ini fight for what i believe or do i sacrifice my job? i lost my job. but i have never regretted the decision is standing for what you believe in. [applause] i went back to monterey and public service was still in my veins so i ran for congress and served a terms of the congress. eight terms. it was a different congress. tip o'neill, bob michae
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we just honored tom foley the other day, speaker and a majority leader. republicans and democrats work together. toy work together to try solve the problems facing this country. yes, they had their differences. yes, they had their politics. when it came to issues affecting the country, they worked together for the common good and that's the way our democracy should work. [applause] clinton asked me then to take over the office of management and budget. the good people there helped work with me and precedent to develop the clinton economic plan. as a result of that and as a result of the work that was done on budget summits and agreements, we ultimately balance the federal budget. remember that? we balanced a federal budget and
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it was done because people were willing to work together to be able to accomplish that. when i returned to monterey after that service, my wife and i started the panetta institute because we wanted to inspire young people to get into public life and public service. that's the heart and soul of our democracy. 2009, the trumpet sounded again for me. president obama asked if i would consider running the cia. i have to be honest with you. i was in that first but then i looked at the challenges we were facing in this nation. two wars, the war on terrorism and 9/11, the al qaeda leadership, hiding in pakistan, theiruing to spread influence in their effort to try iran,ack this country,
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north korea, the nuclear programs moving forward. i came back to federal service and returned to washington. object is. two major one was to restore the credibility of the agency that had been badly damaged and that is what the president asked me to do. second was to disrupt, dismantle, and ultimately defeat the terrorists to attack this country on 9/11. of cia is made up professionals. they are not republican. they are not democrats. they are political. public servants, good americans, who come to work every day looking to do what's best for this country to keep america safe, to keep america
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safe. that's the key. that's the key to what the cia and intelligence agencies are all about. the president also asked that i go after bin laden. at that time, the trail was pretty cold. we had a team at langley responsible for the mission and i asked for weekly updates. , we learned how difficult it would be in the struggle to try to find bin laden and his leadership. on number two, al- zawahiri. we had an asset and we were theg to meet along afghanistan-pakistan border. we've are going to meet with him, a doctor who said he could
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lead us to zoller here he -- al- zawahiri. we arrived at the base and just out of the car, feet, the asset detonated an explosive vest with ball bearings that tore through the compound and through the ages that were there. he was a double agent and had learned our offices -- had lured our officers into a deadly trap. feet, the asset detonated an explosive vest with ball bearings that tore through theit killed seven agents. it was a bitterly cold january day and we stood at attention as the seven flag-draped coffins were loaded off of a c-17. those of people who gave their lives in order to protect this
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country and it gave us the inspiration to do everything we bin laden. after we got the break that we wanted and the team followed a group of careers. we found this compound in abbottabad, eight times larger than anything in the area, nine feet high wall, seven foot high on the third level. residents who never left, had the telephone, conducted in highly secure ways, a mysterious family living on the third floor. after a great deal of surveillance, we came to the conclusion that there was a strong possibility that bin laden was there. i can remember when the president went around the rim and ask whether or not we ought to conduct that operation. i said i have a very simple
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test, mr. president, i have often used in politics. ask the average citizen. , about the what i do intelligence on bin laden, that this was the best intelligence we had a sense tora bora, what would you do? i think the average american would want us to conduct that operation. the president, to his credit thomas said we should. the mission was a oh. -- to his credit, he said we should. it was a go. and conduct of that operation with great skill and great determination. they sent a message to the world -- nobody attacked the united states of america and gets away with it. [applause]
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frankly, i thought it was time to get the hell out and go back home. again, the president asked that i would serve as secretary of defense. 3 million people, 2 million in uniform, huge bureaucracy, but very dedicated people and we want to keep america safe. we were able to accomplish a bringing the drawdown in afghanistan, working with our nato allies to get rid of .addafi we implemented unprecedented sanctions and pressure on iran uniting the world against the nuclear ambitions in making clear that they must not close the strait of hormuz and not developing nuclear weapons.
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as chuck said, we clearly should negotiate about whether they are serious. we have to maintain a healthy skepticism. it is the supreme leader that is .he key -- the supreme leader they are not likely to agree to give up enrichment. therefore, we must remain strong. thatst remain consistent they must never, never be able to develop a nuclear weapons and that we may very well have to use military force to back up our policy. [applause] together to make sure that everyone would have the opportunity to serve in our military. that's what this military is about, giving everyone the opportunity to serve when they want to, men, women, regardless
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, peoplel orientation who want to serve this country ought to have the opportunity to serve it in uniform and they do now. [applause] and we strengthen our alliance with israel. as chuck said, we continue to support israel. in 1991hat first trip when hundreds of thousands of werefrom the soviet union fulfilling the dream to live a more free and prosperous life. and directorf cia of defense, i believe deeply in our obligation to maintain close ties with israel so that we could confront our common
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enemies together. working closely with ms. saud, sad, andak, -- mous others. over the course of time, we did everything we could to make sure that they would have the wherewithal to be able to provide for its security. better friend, no better ally in the world they on israel. [no audio] -- [applause] today, and i will share sense thats that i whether it is out of exhaustion over the last 10 years or fear of being embroiled in another , there is a growing mood of isolationism in this country. is that this remains a
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very dangerous world. we are fighting a war. we continue to confront terrorism. now nodes in yemen, somalia, molly, through north africa-- mali, north africa. a threatue to have from north korea as they test nuclear weapons. we have stability and fragility across the middle east. we have rising powers that pose unique challenges, like russia, that continue to challenge our policies. we are witnessing a new battlefront and warfare called cyber and i do believe that cyber could very well be the pearl harbor of the future so we
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need to protect ourselves from that as well. all of this happens at a time when we are imperiled by the gridlock in washington. when we muste maintain our military strength as a world leader. we cannot retreat from the responsibilities that the united states has in the world of today. [applause] i will tell you something. if you ask us when our biggest threat united -- to national is noty is today, it being able to come together to deal with the station's problems. [applause] this gridlock imperils our
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national security. let me tell you. chuck knows this firsthand. as a result of sequester, as a result of the shutdown, we are hurting our military readiness in this country. we're making it much more difficult to respond to a major crisis outside of the war zones. the shutdowns and the threats to financially default this country have sent a message of weakness to the world. it could be avoided if our leaders came together and made compromises necessary to govern the country. public0 years of service, i've seen washington at its best and washington at its worst. but even though i see a
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washington that is dysfunctional .oday, i've also seen it work republicans and democrats coming together to protect our country. it can happen again but our leaders have to be willing to take risks. the real strength of america, the real strength, lies and the american people, lies in those men and women in uniform who are willing to put their lives on the line in order to protect this country. that is where the real strength of america lies. [applause] let me end by telling you the story of one family that took the risk i just talked about. 2012, afghanistan, third battalion, sergeant first
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an armynjamin wise, ranger on his fourth deployment struck by enemy fire and he died several days later in germany. he left behind a wife, two sons and a daughter. as was my practice, and one of the toughest things we do as secretary of defense, is to write a handwritten note to the parents of those who have lost loved ones. letter different as i realized it was the second time i had written to this family. then the brother, jeremy, was one of the seven cia officers who died at the bombing in december 2009. these are the families sacrificing for our country.
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if they are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, to fight and die in order to protect this our politicaly leaders can find a little bit of that courage in order to govern this nation. [applause] a few months after i visited the base, i remember that on the wall was a verse from the old from the prophet isaiah that they had up on a plaque. the saying is this. and then i heard the voice of the lord saying, whom shall i send? who will go for us? and then i said, here i am. send me.
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also, send me. under the call of the trumpet. the call of the trumpet, the call to service. call to serveless and sacrifice and it binds us in a very sacred mission. adl as lead that mission and i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, not just for this award but for what you do in fighting discrimination so that in immigrant kid from monterey could grow up, live the american dream, be secretary of defense for the greatest country the world has ever known.
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>> leads welcome to the stage any pritzker. -- please welcome to the stage penny pritzker. [applause] >> good morning. i hope everyone had a great first day. [cheers and applause] i went to start with a big thank you to the select usa team in all of the folks who have made this summit happen. let's give them a big round of applause. [applause] it was great to hear from president obama yesterday. he said when you bet on america, that that pays off. -- that bet pays off.
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i could not agree more. he also announced that the select usa program will be stepping up its game in a number of ways. attracting business investment will be a major priority for commerce and the state department, including our foreign commercial service officers and our ambassadors. senior government officials, including the president himself, would do more than directly advocate for investment deals. we will create a single point of contact to provide you with a coordinated federal support and cut the red tape. and we will do more to support the great work of the economic development organization at the regional state and city level.
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to provide a sports analogy it'll serve as a quarterback for increasing business investment in the united states. in addition, i should note that the president once again calls for congress to provide full funding for select usa in his budget. select usa already provides a great bang for the buck. the response to this summit shows that we can and will be doing much more to help you succeed. we want to capture the energy and turn your conversations into united states investments. on another note, i want to be clear that we are listening to that leaders of this community more than ever before. i am pleased to announce an important example of our commitment to listen to you. let me give you a little bit of ground. -- background. since 2004, the commerce department has received value
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advice on how to support american manufacturers. the fabric of american manufacturing has expanded. there are many representatives in this room. the fact is foreign owned u.s. space manufacturers now support 1.7 million jobs in the united states. the share of our foreign investment dollars for manufacturers has grown to 45%. in many cases, these manufacturers have become the economic anchor of local communities across the united states. however, these businesses have not had a seat at the table to help us strengthen american manufacturing until now. i am pleased to announce that we are revising the eligibility criteria to allow them to serve on our manufacturing counsel.
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[applause] thank you. we want to hear all of the good ideas for strengthening american manufacturing and create even more jobs. i want to say thank you the organization for the investment and members to bring this issue to the forefront. let's turn to the agenda for day to. -- day two. after this morning's keynote speaker who i will introduce the moment, you will hear from the ceos of caterpillar and bmw, north america. using u.s. operations as a platform to take advantage of our free-trade agreements. in fact, were than 20% of the united states exports comes from subsidiaries based abroad.
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the next panel will demystify the united states market. it features a mix of top leaders on the business, academia, and association. we will have two sets of breakout sessions ranging from development to securing working capital and financing for your investment here. we will have a discussion on the exhibition floor on how to take advantage of service providers. for right now, let's get to this mornings keynote speaker. i am honored to introduce the secretary of state, john kerry. he is a proud son of a decorated former foreign service officer. as a young man, he served two tours of duty in vietnam and received a bronze star, silver
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star, and three purple hearts. he served as a top prosecutor at the county level in massachusetts and went on to be elected to be governor. two years later, he was elected to the united states senate where he served for 28 years. the last four of those years he served as the chairman of the senate foreign relations committee. in fact, he has been a leader and virtually every foreign- policy issue for the united states over the past three decades. this year, he became the first sitting chairman of that committee in over a century to become secretary of state. two weeks ago, i was honored to travel to asia with secretary
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kerry where you push key initiatives like the trans- pacific partnership. he has knowledge and global reach in this leadership position. ladies and gentlemen, let's give a warm welcome to a national hero, a man who he would dedicate his life to serve the united states in a tireless and can do way and is dealing with the tough issues that face our world. please help me welcome my friend secretary of state, john kerry. [applause] >> good morning. thank you.
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thank you very much. thank you for an extraordinary introduction. based on the introduction, i accept the nomination. [laughter] only kidding. i'm out of that now. i tell you, a couple of months before i was out of the job of being secretary stay, i'm still serving and the u.s. senate. i was walking through the airport one day and you notice when those fellows have that recognition, hey, you! does anybody tell you look like that kerry guy that we sent to washington? i say, i get that all the time. kind of makes you mad, doesn't it? [laughter] it is fine by me. i'm really happy to be here.
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i'm honored to be introduced by penny. who is a very good friend. she was very involved with me in 2004 when i ran for president. i'm very grateful for the effort and energy that has gone into making this first summit such a success. no one who knows her will be surprised by that. everything that she has done in business and philanthropy and the public service has always been a success. she is a dynamic ceo. you can feel the energy and leadership she is bringing to the commerce environment. she's a fabulous partner and i am thrilled by it. i'm very happy to have her there. i heard written introduction -- her in the introduction. we had a chance to go out and break bread together. she reminded me of the story of
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her dad who started a family business with one motel out in los angeles. she went on to spansion cisco -- san francisco and it grew to six and everyone knows the hyatt. we are so proud of penny and glad she's stepping back from the private sector to give us the energy and dynamics that we need. her leadership of select usa is one of the reasons that this effort has the potential to grow our country and to grow all of yours for those of you who are here and visiting from so many other countries. we welcome you here. this in the biggest reason select usa will make a difference is frankly, all of you. a group of very capable business leaders, people who are hungry, who understand the dynamics of the marketplace and to our
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ambitious and come here with a vision for nearly 60 countries around the world and from all across the united states. i said in my confirmation hearing when i was selected to become secretary of state, i said to the senators and former colleagues that in many ways, foreign-policy today is economic policy. leaders in government need to understand that. there is a synergy and importance to this relationship that cannot be denied. i think many of you are here because you understand this new marketplace that we are all operating in. voracious, huge appetite.
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very fast moving. we wanted you to come here to select usa as the umbrella that is hosting this event. we believe deeply and are convinced based on our feelings in the world and exposure in the world without arrogance or chauvinism that there is no better place in the world to invest than right here in america. there is no better time to do it in many ways than right now. some of the growth and development of the last few years has equalized in some places so that manufacturing -- the number of manufacturing jobs here, we are growing again. it is competitive again. make no mistake, as we look ahead to the trends that will define this new age, the factors that will determine which countries thrive as well as which businesses thrive in this competitive marketplace, i think
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it is crystal clear that the united states is going to continue. it is the nature of our economy. not because we are superior or better. it is the nature of how we have grown and where we come from from the industrial revolution all the way through. the 1990s and the tech explosion. we will continue to lead the world in both innovation and education because of the nature of our communities and the structure and the openness with which they operate. i believe that people will have access here because we will continue to work hard to make sure that we have the most qualified workers one of the largest consumer market in the world. again, i do not say any of this with one bit of arrogance. i say it because that good news
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for america is also good news for the world. it is good news for you and your businesses. you know the importance of the american economy in terms of driving china's economy and other economies in the world. their importance is driving other economies in the region and elsewhere. it is a principle reason why we should invest in here. it is a top priority at a level unlike any before. you're sitting here in the heart of the most open economy in the world. the u.s. is the largest recipient of direct investment. manufacturing was mentioned. we have about 5.6 million total good paying american jobs contribute in close to when chilean dollars to our economy -- $1 trillion
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