tv Washington Journal CSPAN November 17, 2013 7:00am-10:01am EST
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discussing iranian nuclear program. then ken feinberg looks at the life and legacy of the john f. kennedy. "washington journal" is next. ♪ host: good morning, congress is back in session. the president is decade -- is spending much of the week in the white house. on wednesday he will give the medal of freedom award to bill clinton. it is the debate over the affordable care act that is expected to -- the headline in "the new york times closed quote -- -- "the new york times" -- we are going to begin with a feel misled byu
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you can also join in on the conversation via social media. we will be taking your tweets as well. you whato share with the president said last thursday during his news conference in which he reversed the policy of the affordable care act and said that those that lost and had -- that lost health insurance plans can keep it. here's what the president had to say. [video clip] >> i understand why folks are frustrated. i would be too. at what iseople look
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taking place in washington. regardless of what congress congress does, i'm the president of the united states. onterms of how i intend approaching it, i am going to work as hard as i can around the priorities that the american people care about. is legitimate for them to expect me to win back some credibility on this health care law in particular and on a whole range of these issues in general. this morning in "the washington post" --
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in this piece, -- joining us on the phone is tim molloy. thank you for being with us. let me begin with one of the headlines of this survey, "bad news for the president, the lowest approval rating since he took office in january 2009." what does the numbers show? it is the first visit to the sub 40 region. he had only slight disapproval numbers six weeks ago. this is a big drop. that?how significant is
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this has precipitated itself over a brief. ang -- over a brief period of time. everybody was talking about the rollout failing and whether you can keep your health care. through 11.ember 6 the question is can he undo the tailspin? to thatt me go back promise, because it was one that was very easy for the american people to understand. ifmany occasions he said, you like your health care you can keep it. we did not hold that specific question. clear clearly the last --
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-- he has clearly, in the last week, backtracked on that. host: let me drill down some of the numbers and share what 46% think found -- the president knowingly deceived them on that promise. quality of health care coverage for their families will improve. 43%, almost half, say it will get worse. those are pretty devastating numbers. they oppose obamacare 59% to 30%. they don't believe the website will be fixed by november 30. said.n't a good thing host: i know you as the pollster, not the political analyst and we have done interviews on capitol hill.
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bye website isn't ready november 30, how damaging is it to the president, to the democrats, and congress? brush is theoad problem. .he holidays are coming the gop is not going to let this one go away. who you would vote for him a congressional race -- this time around it was pretty much equal. it could be -- this is not going away until this is completely fixed.
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host: let me put up a set of numbers as a comparison to a 10% drop for the president on his question of honesty and integrity. 44% said yes in the most recent survey. that is down from 54% six weeks ago. can you give some comparison to these numbers? ground across-the- board demographically. the president has lost nearly 10 points with women in the last six weeks. quickly, right now 70% of african americans approve of him.
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1, 90% of african- americans approved and six percent disapproved. in his wheelhouse he got hit. how many people did you survey and what is the margin of error? guest: the margin of error is plus or -1.9%. is 1200 orlly it 1500. why more than 2500? it is an unusually large sampling size but it gives us a better analysis of the subgroups. the survey is available online. thank you for being with us. and comments on this specific question, do you think the president misled you on health care? we want to share with you one
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the medicare part d with george bush, that was a disaster. when you consider -- insurance companies cancel policies all the time. they have jumped insurance. ash jumped insurance. surance.have junk in the affordable care act is supposed to bring the insurance companies up to code. he did not want to do that because they oppose obamacare in the first place. if you are counseling -- canceling your policy before the the act came around, they chose not to do it so you end up canceling those policies. don'tsurance companies want to bring it up to code because they are losing money. insurance is all about money anyway. he is not misleading anybody.
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the insurance companies understand how this works. the president is saying -- is not saying we are going to cancel millions of americans is policies, that was on the insurance companies. host: thank you. on our facebook page has this comment -- gene is joining us from washington state on the republican line. caller: thank you for taking my call. i am on disability and medicaid in washington state. i was forced to last november to choose a plan on the state exchange.
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i have less coverage. had five surgery i levels of people that had to approve the different levels. did misleadresident us, some of it through lying and some of it through incompetence. [indiscernible] michael from the kensington pennsylvania, good morning. i do believe president obama did mislead us. anybody who is paying attention knew he very beginning supported single-parent health time. for long that is his philosophy. disingenuously, tried to show that he was a moderate. really he was not from the beginning. to get his things through he had to lie about these things to disguise his
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intentions. upthe media had just stood and told the american people what he actually supported, which is top-down, bureaucratic z,nagement of everything, a- he never would have gotten elected. they figured anything was better than a republican. if you look at all the things he supported and the way he got ,hat health care bill through going to different states and browbeating and putting in to help them -- nebraska and pays his like that -- and places like that -- it was not genuine us -- genuine. host: reuters reporting this
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morning that the health group dropped thousands of doctors from its health group from recent weeks. the story is available online from yahoo! news. it says -- the company also supported more health care premiums on medical claims in the fourth quarter, due mainly to government cuts. available online at from our facebook page, there are these comments. this is from denise, who says --
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can't rollout a lot that can cover everyone in this country. countries that are not supposed to be the exceptional country that we are, they do it very well. and it is much cheaper. i think all of this is a selfish smokescreen on some people's part. later in the program, a preview on what you can expect on the sunday morning programs. we welcome our listeners nationwide on xm channel 120. the question, do you feel misled by the president? did the president mislead you on health care? we will get more of your calls and comments in just a moment. you can also send us an e-mail at e is reporting on a special election held by congressman rodney alexander.
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election forunoff ,he congressional the strict and upset win over neil riser. 59.7% to 43%. rodney alexander stepped back down in august to take a job in the bobby jindal administration. our next call is from illinois, from illinois, independent line. caller: i would like to say that this has been going on with medicare for many years. i was taken off of my company plan. even though i had been promised that when i started working for
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them 30 years ago or 40 years ago i would be able to keep my plan. this has been happening to medicare people for a long time. this is the way it works. when the government offer something to the companies, everybody is going to take it vantage of it. maybe the government should not be offering so many things. next is michael, republican line from florida. caller: hi, steve. good morning. thisroblem i have with president is he gets on television and tells us all these things he does not know about. he does not know about 5.1 million people losing health care. he doesn't know about the obama care website down. he doesn't know about benghazi. andoesn't know about fast furious. he did not know about the tea
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party targeting. i believe we host: have an absent minded president. you think he misled you yucca or was it incompetence? caller: several times. take your pick. is ron from georgia. caller: he has been misleading us from the start on this. he lied about the cost from the very beginning. we know it is way over $1 trillion. lies in the more system. benghazi, he is in the middle of a campaign so he sends someone often lie about that. sky is a joke. he should be impeached. this is from "the hill" newspaper, based on a story from "the washington post" --
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that story from the hill newspaper on the attorney general, who has no plans to step down immediately. next call is from kelvin in portland, oregon. caller: good morning, sir. i first want to say you have a great show and i joined the citizens around the country for giving us a voice. i do not think the president of the united states has misled the people. all we have to do is go back to history when james madison
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worked to form a more perfect union. there were factions that disagreed. i think it is a natural process of trying to create a shared community. to the context of some of the callers identifying the misleading context of policy and i think it is important to recognize that under george bush, a lot of the programs were created as well as the fisa courts. i think it is to obama's credits he has not slammed the previous president but creating an -- creating make it an infrastructure to make it a workable democracy. from "the new york times" there is this --
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danville kentucky. good morning. forer: thank you so much taking this call. we are sitting here talking about the future of these health care laws that everybody is talking about now. what happens after one year? it actually offers us health care. willare not even sure they offer us -- to offer us health care in 2015. health care is what is going to take place after next year and -- still getting lied to. host: you can send us a tweet at c-span wj.
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next is james joining us from beaverton, oregon on the democrats line. good morning. caller: good morning to you, steve. i am a first time caller. and -- am i on? host: you sure are, go ahead. caller: thank you. i don't believe the president misleading me because i have health care and it is fun. --ut the people coming in people calling in, all of the republicans, 99% of those people are on social security. they have health care. why would they go on this website to get health care? i thought it was for people who did not have health care. misleading, they
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are misleading everyone else when they call and say they need health care and they arty have it. i don't understand it. host: thank you for the call. one other point from our twitter page -- a lot of focus this week on the 50th anniversary of the assassination of president john f. kennedy. we will delve more into that later today. i will show you some of the headlines from the sunday papers. another anniversary, the 150th anniversary of probably one of the most infamous addresses by any president, the gettysburg address. a quote from the gettysburg's address -- opinionread some of the pieces on that speech, its impact on the civil war, and on the lincoln legacy. good morning from oceanview,
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delaware -- republican line. to you feel the president misled you on health care? caller: yes, i do. host: and why? easy --it seems pretty this was never about health care. it was always about transfer of wealth. there was absolutely no reason for the president to totally change the health care system. he could have fixed what was broken and left the other system alone. -- 95% ofkeep saying the people had no problem with their health care. they keep talking about people that bought individual policies, they are junk policies. it is just washington speak, it is the democratic speak. that is not true. people that bought individual policy had choices between what they could have
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bought. they either bought what they felt they needed or what they felt they could afford. this new program takes all of that away. the other thing that people do not understand, because i was in the insurance and health care industry for 35 years, is when they took away all of the ,nderwriting and said "everybody gets it, there's is no underwriting, there is no do-existing illnesses," why you think people would buy this health care if they could pay a small fee and not get it to? -- and did not get it? if people bought health insurance and life insurance, then the insurance companies would have been selling this to these people because that is where they make their money. call, wenks for the appreciate it. jan says this --
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kathleen parker has this from the op-ed page from today's "washington post." patricia is joining us next from new york on the independent line. caller: hello. you asked another call if they think the president misled -- there was nothing to mislead. the insurance companies have been doing this for years, where you raise the standard for health care. that benefits everyone. why would the president to meet to lie about that? theinsurance for us, american people. i have been sick quite a while, over the last 10 years. i have had three insurance policies. the last one i had took the
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and seven saving 600 dollars -- $607 from insurance. my monthly policy wasn't there. x,y charge back every single , testll, hospital stay that i took. they charged that from the back -- forsen another company having to explain each claim, that puts me in a financial hardship. wasn'tsurance policy worth the paper it was written on. it has caused me strife. i don't know what's to do.
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i have no insurance. corrects what do you pay monthly or what have you been paying monthly? i pay $632 per month to sigma insurance company. -- i just got out of the hospital. host: what was your bill? caller: one was $19,000. the emergency bill -- emergency room bill was $32,000. wase was an mri, that $2000. i have not received my individual dr.'s. host: your insurance is not paying that bill? caller: they are not paying anything.
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there was an explanation of benefits that said $4500. they said -- i thought they may be worth starting to pay. -- they have as negotiated bill at the hospital. sigma did not pay one cent. host: thank you for sharing your story with us. on twitter -- the president is spending much of his week here in washington. "the hill" newspaper confirmed the president will travel to arlington cemetery to pay
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tribute to john f. kennedy. this will mark the 50th kennedyary of the assassination this week by laying a wreath at his grave and come rating the presidential medal of freedom. friday marks the half-century since kennedy with us -- kennedy was shot to death. the president will present the medal of freedom, the highest to its 2013 recipients and will include bill clinton, president harry truman -- will include bill clinton. that story from the hill newspaper. delivered the republican response to the president's weekly address. here's a portion of what he had to say. [video clip]
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for apology obama's was as phony and fraudulent as obamacare. he seemed to say he was sorry that americans believed him but took no responsibility for their plight. it is like telling someone you are sorry their dog died but refusing to acknowledge you ran over the dog. sorry, mr. president, it did not work. millions of americans are coming to realize that those -- that those are your tire tracks on the canceled policies. you did inadvertently speak when you promised americans they could keep their doctors and health plans have lower costs. those insurances were not slight exaggerations or shadings of the truth, they were statements that were fully vetted, cold and calculated, and carefully crafted to deceptively sell your health care plan to a trusting public. using fraud, echoed relentlessly by house and senate democrats, who should be accountable for
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the disastrous consequences of their deception. onsumer fraud is massive. for president obama, however, it helps secure enough votes to pass obamacare and win reelection. now america must face the truth. if congress must work to limit the damage that obamacare will inflict on our health care system and people's lives. the systemic failure of and canceled policies are only the -- only the tip of this destructive iceberg. host: ron johnson delivering the republican response to the president's weekly media address. on twitter -- mail --
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there is this from one of our viewers, saying nobody blames the insurance companies. to us an e-mail or tweet -- sent us an e-mail or tweet. this is an e-mail from the sewer -- from sue from nebraska. back to your calls. harry from oakland, maryland. the you think the president misled you? caller: without any doubt. i wonder if we had three quarters of a trillion dollars stimulus a few years ago, whether there was a problem and it could have been remedied with $50 billion or even 100 billion,
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i am not sure. you did not have to take the whole system and turn it upside down. vote for a democrat on a national level again. with thedisappointed two nelsons and mary landrieu. this. need to remember it was rammed down our throats and now it is coming back. it is a joke seeing senator landrieu having to reduce her own ill with this. you can tell when the president is lying. this is from frank, who says -- our next call is al from crystal lake, illinois. caller: hello.
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good morning. i do think he misled us. i think the real tragedy is whether you agree with the obama care or not -- they could not get the website up. a bunch of 14-year-old high school kids could get a website up. our government is broken and that is all i have to say. to bring your attention to "the new jersey star-ledger" -- "the state senate budget and appropriations committee voted will affectre that tens of thousands of new jersey residents. the bill heads to a vote in the
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senate tomorrow, where it is expected to pass. -- assemblyrs say leaders say -- plan to legalize their immigration status as soon as legally possible. they would be able to get lower in-state tuition rates at the public colleges and universities. the undocumented students would also be -- more details available online at the new jersey star-ledger website. frome is joining us franklin villa, new jersey on the democrats line. caller: good morning. i am tired of seeing the president alive. let's go back to health care. lined --licans have
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from ventura, california. caller: i give the president eight d for disgrace on this one. -- a d for disgrace on this one. the internet debacle is terrible. all of those people should be fired. i do believe every american has the right -- i am an american citizen -- as a right to health care. we are like a third world country on this. i would hope that this is what has shot up our health care, who has closed emergency rooms around the country. i will tell you what is coming down the road, the immigration bill. the president wants to hang his hat on that.
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this will turn this entire country into a third world nation. pink purple, black, yellow, i don't care. they are taking our jobs and universities. this is wrong. host: i want to ask you a question. think the problems with health care will impact immigration? the health care situation is a horror. is problem with health care that our hospitals and everything that is already, will just a loon up into a much worse problem. jack hutton responding to an earlier comment -- that e-
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false. false and -- is the front cover of cq weekly -- melvin is joining us from chicago. how are you doing? parts -- i think one of theob -- first jobs is to -- these tea parties and the small of her -- and a small percentage of americans that can afford health care is trying to sabotage anything the president does. anything he is going to to do is
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being sabotaged by republicans. thank you. host: thank you for the call. the 50th anniversary of the assassination of president john f. kennedy. , all withhe headlines a local angle. from the pit work post-gazette -- this from "the richmond times dispatch." "the miami herald close quote -- -- "the miami herald" --
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current""the hartford -- and finally, from the orange county register -- headlines courtesy of the museum. week is senator patrick leahy. what is the government to learning from all of this data the nsa is collecting with phone records and e-mail accounts? that is one of the issues we had -- issues we touched on. [video clip] >> the question is how far does this go? if we follow the obvious conclusion, it could be your medical records, i family
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member's medical records, your children's record at school. .our employment records somebody has had something in employmentin the record that has been misread. it is easy to say the people want to support all this. they had so much stuff they didn't even look at it. date nor did. they dropped the ball. now they have to spy on you and everything the can do to stop another 9/11.
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of course you know that, but how much of your personal privacy would you give up? , ifou give up everything you give up all of your privacy have you made yourself safer? host: joining us at 10:00 eastern time, c-span's newsmakers program with senator patrick leahy, democrat from for the -- democrat from for mott and chair of the judiciary committee. will get your opinions on the health care and affordable care act. with, patrick clawson inard to what is happening iran and negotiations with iranian leaders. first, a look at the other sunday shows, all of which can be heard on c-span radio.
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nancy callow is keeping track, as she always does, on sunday morning. looks good morning. topics include health care law, politics, i ran's nuclear program, and the assassination of john f. kennedy 50 years later. as you mentioned, you can hear rebroadcasts of the program on c-span radio. it begins with "meet the press close quote including that with "meet the press." tests include kelly ayotte. includes governor jell-o brand. at 2 p.m. it is "fox news sunday." former maryland democratic lieutenant evan are kathleen thompson and former rhode island are presented if patrick kennedy. state of the union follows
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at 3 p.m.. candy croley talks with benjamin netanyahu. in wyoming republican senator john barrasso, also a medical doctor. and james clyburn of south carolina. at 4 p.m. it is "face the nation." a former dallas morning news reporter and former correspondent for the associated press our guests. the sunday talk shows are brought to you as a public service by the networks and c- span. rebroadcasts of the show begin at noon eastern with "meet the press," 1:00 abc's "this week," news sunday," and therefore :00 "face the nation -- and at 4:00 "face the nation" from cbs.
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is on channel 120 on sirius xm satellite radio. or listen online at c-span >> every weekend since 1998, booktv has brought you the top nonfiction authors, including hannah rosen. >> i think women's identity is tied up for work in a way which we may not like. when i look at marissa mayer, who was recently chosen to be yahoo! of you who -- of when she was pregnant and said that she does not want to take maternity leave, the fact such woman exist -- it is not the way i would do it. is a kind ofhat woman that there can be space for. the fact that there are some stay-at-home dads that are happy stay-at-home dads, that is ok.
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host: we are the only national television network devoted exclusively to nonfiction books. years on c-ng 15 span two. >> "washington journal" continues. michael warren and paul waldman. thank you for being with us. to democrats,memo chicken little, the sky is not falling. guest: we have a tendency to believe that whatever is happening right now will be that way forever. a couple of months ago people were saying the fact that president obama cannot get a his proposal to have
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military action against syria meant his presidency was crippled. the shutdown said republicans are never going to win an election again. now people are saying that barack obama's presidency is over, despite having three years left in it. people need to take a deep breath. this is politically a poor moment for obama and the democrats. there are a lot of problems that are coming out about the affordable care act. a long time before the next presidential election. there is a lot that's going to happen between now and then. democrats in congress tend to be -- tend to react instantly to any momentary dip in the polls. that is why you saw democrats and for the upton proposal
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to get a good portion of the affordable care act. guest: they were under the mistaken belief that somehow this vote is going to inoculate them. keep in mind the things we are talking about now, how people are insurance -- are going to get insurance on the exchanges, that happens in january 1. you wouldn't say the cowboys lost their first preseason game. ultimately the laws going to work or not. that will determine the political effect, particularly on democrats. if it works well, once people are actually getting insurance through the exchange and premiums are stabilizing or going up or down, however many
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people are now -- now have realance, this is the impact of the law. what happened was due of said before things launched for good? host: you are partisan that you are anticipating the evan flow. what will -- you are anticipating an add and flow. from "the weekly standard" -- what is the alternative? the point of the piece is that this is happening faster than anybody in washington, particularly republicans in congress, ever expected. will premiums stabilize and will the law work? i don't think that is actually what is going to happen.
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the publicans aren't anticipating that is going to happen. the ofat five percent of insurance market being affected directly by this implementation. what happens with small businesses when the -- when the small business program or option goes into effect. this is going to be in other giant chunk of people thrown into this law. this is a political problem for democrats and that is why you're seeing so many democrats voting .n that i think of the president had not come out on thursday and made this administrative fix, you may see more democrats. we still have democrats and the senate offering their own proposals. mary landrieu from louisiana has
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this proposal. jeff merkley has one. the difference here, i think, 2010 is that back then you had all sorts of public pressure against this health care law. everybody thought this was going to stop. democrats held together. democrats pushed this through and made its law. the last three years, the differences the president obama does not have a public trust and 2010.d in 2009 he does not have a coalition that was able to push obamacare to congress in 2010. it is not there anymore. people are looking beyond obama's presidency. johnson had the it's nixon
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had watergate -- johnson had vietnam: nixon had watergate, as you look at second term , is this a key moment? it is comparable to what we are seeing with past presidents in their second term. there are lots of reasons to think that this is going to work out ok. what started is the problem of the website. that was disastrous for a lot of reasons. fixmately they are going to it. that is a manageable, practical problem. host: if it isn't fixed by the end of this month, then what? guest: they will probably extend the open and moment. like the skies going
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to fall of the website is not affected -- is not complete. is as thisn then thing gets rolled out, what do people think about it the echo -- about its? we got caught up in the who havel market, gotten cancellation notices. that is a pretty small subset of the population, even the people who are going to be directly affected. the news media spent a lot of time interviewing people who said that they do not have a lot of insurance. there are a lot of the stories as well. this is a law that has a lot of practical effects on people at .ll levels these individuals have these very limited insurance plans they want to keep. if you have one of those plans and you like it -- it depends on
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if you have had to use it. we have been focus on the small group of people. the news media is fickle. these people are going to have to get a different insurance plan and they will tell different stories. this is the lowest rate in a long long time. are are already some good times out there in the merck it in general. as those things in -- those things involved in the coming years, it is going to determine how we look at it. as a time whenit anything went to help. or we may look at it as a time where we got excited and everything ended up working perfectly fine. is this a defining moment for this president? as you look at the past 50 years and problems, is it comparable?
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if you look at obamacare as the centerpiece of the obama presidency -- president obama supported a new type of liberalism or return to an older type of liberalism that had had been jettisoned during the clinton years. that is the kind of liberalism that says we can do big things with government and get things done. ,he problem for obama has been and he admitted it as much in a thursday press conference where he talked about that website and -- theuble that difficulties that come with buying insurance, he said buying insurance required figuring out the difficult. i think that that was, more so than any conservative or republican commentator could make, a damning critique of his own vision of government, of his own vision for what his presidency was supposed to be like. this could all go away. maynews much -- news media
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find other stories interesting, but i do not think it is going away. january 1, let's say someone goes to the dr. and realizes that they were not in my network. because of the disruption in the insurance market, they are no longer in my network and i have nopay full price, no co-pay, coinsurance, you will hear a whole slew of news stories about people losing their doctors even though they were told they could keep their doctors. right before the november elections in 2014, this employer mandate if it is not delayed any farther, you will start seeing a lot more people getting those same types of letters that those in the individual market are receiving now. >> michael moran, he has -- ,ichael -- paul waldman
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graduate of swarthmore college, doctorate from the university of pennsylvania, mike takes aim at my question earlier. fairpoint? guest: sure. keep in mind there were be many people positively affected. you are talking about millions of people who will get insurance for the first time. you could run down this list, as obama represent -- administration officials often do. there will be viewable with pre- existing insurance who could not -- pre-existing conditions that could not get insurance will be able to. the question of whether or not those stories, which in some cases our life transforming, will be more important than a person who was on a cheap plan but got cherry picked into the individual market and now has to
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get a more comprehensive plan? a lot of it just has to do with how those stories get told. says,true, as michael pretty much any problem anyone has with health care, it is going to get blamed on president obama. sick andle are getting in some cases even dying under obamacare. the reality is that that is going to wind up getting blamed on him as well. right now we are talking about decisions by insurers in a capitalist marketplace and those are being blamed on obamacare whether they are a direct result of the law or not. that is something republicans will continue to do. blame any problem with health care on the president. when you take a big reform, you wind up being responsible for everything. host: our next comment --
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let's go to paul, joining us from international falls, minnesota. caller: good morning. i am calling you because i am a democrat and i have been watching this thing from the start. that the democrats going along with the republicans, you're talking blue not -- talking about dogs, most of them. they are democrats, but they are not. that is the thing about it. they lied about this health care ever since it started. i am 70 five years old, excuse me if i get excited here. is going to be good for the people who do not have insurance. i went through a lot of that when i had kids when i was
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younger, spending a lot of money and putting the family into a lot of hurt because i could not could not afford insurance. the insurance companies have been robbing us for years and years. they have still got their foot in the door. get the dam thing straight and tell the truth about what is going on and quit lying. if 1.5% of the people have to change policy, big deal. did i cut you off there? was that your final point? caller: yes. host: thank you for calling. michael moran? ren?ar guest: the insurance market was not a great thing before obamacare. republicans need to realize that for the lyrical purposes and for good policy. that to change something in the
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health insurance policy world, they need to recognize the fact that insurance companies are not anyone's friend. anyone who has ever dealt with an insurance company knows that. republicans and conservatives the to argue that this is wrong fix that the caller mentioned. people do not have health insurance before. republicans are getting this idea, they are understanding that it is not just the free market. they need to actually come up with good policy proposals. that is happening, you have a lot of folks, on thursday called wall street -- "the wall street had an op-ed about conservative health care reform. something is changing here and it was alluded to in terms of what goes bad with health care and health insurance, it will be blamed on president obama. that is the idea for
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republicans, for whom health care has never been a good issue for them. now they have the opportunity to make some strides. page -- m our facebook well, ultimately what makes the difference is whether or -- whether it works or not, not how you interpret a statement he made. there is something else i would like folks to think about, one of the people writing in mentioned socialism. most of the problem that -- problems being experienced by the affordable care act came from the first decision they made, which wasn't instead of radically overhauling the system , they were going to try to maintain the private care. the people getting cancellations and new insurance, that is private insurance. you have this incredibly complex system that comes out of the fact that it is basically capitalist in nature, with a lot
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of interests and ways to bring money out of the system. a lot of complexity. you have heard them put another layer of complexity on top of that. if they wanted to make it simple, they could have done something that was more socialistic. we have a single-payer health- care system in america called medicare. it happens to be the most popular of the options. people who are on it love it. it is much more efficient. if they had wanted to, they could have tried to do something like that on a more fundamental reorienting of the system, but instead they decided that that was impossible. so, they put together a reform that would basically try to undo some of the worst abuses and pathologies of the private system while maintaining its private character, which is part of the reason why things are so complicated. complex of thee
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on top of it to try to bring it in. it would have been a lot simpler. we welcome our listeners on c-span radio. , michael wa events in among the iowa -- fundraiser, the governor there, republican from iowa, paul ryan from wisconsin, 2012 vice presidential nominee, perspective candidate in 2016, also the chair of the house budget committee. [video clip] if you noticeow to this, obamacare has had some hiccups lately. remember we had to pass the bill to find out what was in it? here we are. -- if i recall,
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one of the guys running hard for this law was bruce braley. you know who that is? look, this law is doing real harm to real people. this law is taking people and disrupting their lives. millions of people are getting those cancellation notices. families are seen their premiums go up. the crowd that brought us this website, where they have three years to prepare, half of a billion dollars to spend, is the toe crowd that is now poised take over 16% of our economy, the health care sector. president obama, though, said he did not know that any of this stuff was going to happen.
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he said he had no idea these problems were in there. kathleen sebelius came to the committee to say that everything was ready to go. here is the issue, if you outlaw the kind of insurance that people actually have, they will not be able to keep those plans. the law was passed three years ago and now they are surprised? congressman paul ryan last night, campaigning for terry branstad, with an eye on running in 2016. this is a headline from jonathan in "the new york times," "some democrats feel exposed." we will get your reaction to what they wrote this morning. for the democrats across the country, the reversible political fortunes in the last month as in head spinning. republicans were contending with voter fury in mid-october over the government -- government shutdown, but now over obamacare republicans have found their voice.
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guest: if you are a democrat who represents a conservative district, you live your entire service in fear. so, you see those democrats, the democrats who voted for the republican proposal in the house, by and large they tend to be people from conservative or closely matched districts. what is justhave the misimpression, that if they respond to this week's news by trying to do something to ward off an attack that they see coming in the next election, that that is going to be what makes the difference. most people who have that kind of narrow view wind up losing anyway. that is what happened to a lot of democrats who voted against the affordable care act when it was passed.
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there was a wave election and what you can and it did not matter whether they voted for it or against it. if they were in one of those swing districts, they lost. did not protect them. i think that is true now. what matters really to those democrats next year is whether or not the law goes well. they may wake up at night dreaming about some attack ad, but the broad success of the law is going to make a lot more difference. the reality is that those people from those districts are in constant terror and it dictates their actions. >> this is a tweet directly related to what you wrote about in the weekly standard, which is that republicans need to wake up about something, "if obamacare fails we will be moving forward to single-payer, not health insurance dominance." after the train wreck, what will
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they offer? articulating what they might have been more on -- more honest about in the obamacare debate, if you are going to make a liberal reform of health insurance, republicans i think, there is a vacuum in terms of allah see and leadership on health care. in the policy realm, republicans are really seeing ground that they have never dominated on before. interesting that since barack obama was elected, there have been two major elections that republicans have one. first was scott brown in massachusetts. there was a lot of national money there. at the center of that race was obamacare, which had not passed yet. it was -- scott brown was supposed to be the senator who could stop it. the wave in the
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house made gains in the senate but were not able to win those races. if you think about what republicans have lost since president obama was first , mitt romney12 explicitly did not run against obamacare or on health care. mostly because he was trying to get away from his record in massachusetts. republicans looking at this from a political perspective need to in criticizing obamacare and going after online health care, but it will also own,re a plan of their there are a lot of plans in the house and the senate that republicans are throwing out there, some good ideas, but there needs to be some leadership. someone who can take these ideas and say -- here is the republican vision for what health care should look like. it does not look like the old one and it certainly does not
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look like obamacare. this health care debate may stretch on for the next 2, 3, 4 or five years. host: you brought up the point earlier that those votes in the house could have been 60 or higher. here is how the president framed of that on thursday. [video clip] >> those who got cancellation notices do deserve and have received an apology from me. they do not just words, they want to know whether we can make sure that they are in a better place. we need that commitment. by the way, i think it is important for me to note that a whole bunch of folks up in , who madend others this statement, they were entirely sincere about it. the fact that you got this percentage of people who had this impact, i want them to know
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that their senator or congressman was making presentations based on what i told them and what this white house told them. it is not on them, it is on us and it is something that we intend to fix. how would you assess the president's performance last thursday and how it puts him moving into 2014? be as he was trying to candid as he could, saying that he feels their pain. there were a lot of things that he said in a press conference that i think were useful to have in the discussion of people actually watched it, but the reality is that people tuning in in the middle of the day probably saw a snippet. he talked about what michael said before, the fact that the
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existing health care market is not particularly friendly for people. we cannot go back to that. i think he said what he could. wethe end i think what are going to remember about this six months from now? the things that went wrong and that he could -- came out and cared -- said that he cared and try to came up with a fix? we will see if that makes a difference. the big problem they had was these things happening simultaneously. it was not just insurance companies telling people that they will cancel your policy and wanting to sell you something more expensive, if the federal website had been working well, they could have gone to see the other options they have. but the federal website was not working well and they were not in about 30hat. seconds you can find out what you could pay in california.
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because people did not have that opportunity, it did enable the sort of rising panic and they told stories about those people without actually asking whether or not they could fund their coverage. i think that he did what he important foras him to communicate to people that he understands what is going on and wants to fix it. the real question is now getting it fixed. host: james makes this point -- the figure,k i saw 10,000 baby boomers retiring every day? paul waldman and michael warden with us. it depresses me that you are not getting to the root of
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the problem. this is all about money. the lobbyists have pushed bills that have been the corner of these insurance companies for years. you know, in 2014 i am going to vote in the republican party for the primary and in the general election i am going to vote democratic as these nuts up there who are pushing for more money are ruining this country. the people do not have a say. it is all about how much money gets pumped into the congressman's purse. how is it that their salary is so minimal that people in congress are meant -- millionaires? we need some caps on how much money these senators and congressmen are getting. ok, we will get a response. guest: if he directed his ire
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towards republicans, this is a problem the democrats as well, particularly when the obamacare law was crafted and passed, talking about the money that flows into folks pockets, it is not always directly, you know, check with a congressman, think ,bout the cornhusker kickback the sort of backhanded deal to get nelson to jump on board and carve out some health care waivers for nebraskans. problems always been a in politics, that is nothing new. it would be worth republicans waking up to the fact that the caller's about washington has intensified in the last few years. 2010 was in anti-incumbent election.
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2014 could be gearing up to be the same, which is not all good news for republicans. host: we have a question here -- dd questio we do not. it is interesting, 106,000 people signed up to the federal exchange, the various state exchanges, it was more than , signing up for medicaid, basically the infirm health insurance for them. i think one of the miscalculations that democrats in the obama administration made was that when people got on these exchanges they would not sign up for private health insurance and a highly regulated market, they would be signing up for more transfer payments. as you mentioned at the top of the segment about the number of baby boomers retiring, the
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welfare state in this country is basically being bankrupt by the skyrocketing costs added to those roles. it will be problematic just for the financial and fiscal health of the country. host: first from of you are in miami -- host: so, that point, and this from our facebook age -- is true. frankly if we had to redesign the system from scratch -- and maybe we will get the chance to
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would be- i think it something more like what the world health organization has in france, a hybrid system that covers everyone on a basic level and then most evil by something like five insurance that lets you buy everything you want. that is not too different from what medicare patients have now. to the point about the influence , the obama administration spent a lot of time looking at the clinton plan from the early 1990s, which they felt fell apart because of the entrance of those -- interests of those companies. they made the decision that they were going to try to co-opt all those things. get the insurance companies, doctors, hospitals to join them, these people who have a real interest in continuing to make money to the health care system, they were going to try to bring them in stead of fighting them. it worked to a great extent.
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one of the consequences of that is you still maintain the ability for all those people to make a lot of money on health care system. that means you solve some problems and create others. joe, cedar rapids, iowa, welcome to the program. hello. i recently retired from a large corporation that i work for for 40 years. point is on the blob --lob law -- blob they all have, mandatory requirements. anybody who buys a bronze or silver plan could easily be bankrupted under those plans. just because the coverage is so
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bad on major medical and stuff like that. would it not be better to have 380, 20, major medical co-pay on emergency room , with the second one being a little bit better, and the last two could be whatever you have got now? host: thank you for the call. guest: the short answer is it would be more expensive. the more cost-sharing you have, the cheaper your plan can be. when they designed it, the goal was that they would limit out- of-pocket spending. it would be a few thousand dollars, whatever it is. that would hopefully prevent anyone from going back up. even if they had a bronze plan with a major medical event. but there are always going to be trade-offs. if it -- it would be nice if everyone could get health care and never have to pay for it,
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but the more money you want to save in the system as a whole, the more you will have to have people chipping in some of their own. talking about the welfare state and the expansion of it, there are some things that are worth spending money on. when someone gets medicaid, i know conservatives feel like that is a bad thing because it increases the size of the welfare state, but others tend to look at that and save is a good thing because a family now has health-care coverage. in texas rick perry has one .4 million people who could benefit from the expansion of medicaid, but he refuses because he thinks it is a bad thing when people get help from the government. there are 1.4 million people i could have coverage. it could be good for the state, good for them, but it is a fundamental difference of how you look at it. what kind of value do you get out of that spending? we are improving the lives of people.
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2016other potential candidate last night, governor martin o'malley was in new hampshire for the jefferson jackson day dinner and he spoke about the tea party and the gop. [video clip] >> now i know that people like mitch mcconnell and kelly ayotte -- >> [boos and laughter] >> i know they keep trying to distance themselves from the tea party ever since they nearly drove there -- drove the country is sadlyult, but there very little difference between the tea party and so-called mainstream republicans. they see it firsthand every day in the now sadly but temporarily unrepresented house of representatives. [laughter]
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yes, there is very little daylight between the tea party and the republican party. think about it. both would have millionaires do less, cut taxes for big oil, from multinationals, reduce social security benefits and medicare coverage, cut student loan's, cut benefits, invest less in education and an affordable college. do less to combat climate change. do less on gun safety. do nothing to fix the immigration system. keep families trying to survive on minimum wage from ever earning another pen or -- another penny. it appears the only thing they want more of is rush limbaugh. [laughter] in -- michaelwar what about the, democrats? guest: look, i think he is right
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that there is a lot less difference between so-called mainstream republicans and the tea party, that is probably to the credit of the tea party. the tea party movement has moved into the republican party and moved that party to the right. we are talking about what he specifically said about bringing us over the cliff with the government shutdown earlier. ted cruz, one of the tea party senators, sort of the ringleader , looked on tactics i think he was probably wrong, he misled a , sayingonservatives that they could threaten the shutdown to defund obamacare, but the fight that he was fighting clearly shows his impression about what he thought was coming with obamacare and these cancellations. a lot of people upset about the coverage getting worse and losing their doctors and providers.
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tea party is funding the fights that a lot of americans agree with, not necessarily that the tea party and how they have ofn portrayed as a sort right wing faction outside the mainstream, but particularly on issues like obamacare and government involvement in the health care system, in the mainstream of the american people people like martin it is probably good politics for them in the democratic primary to knock the tea party. want to watch those speeches from governor o'malley or paul ryan, you can check them out in our c-span video library, this viewer says -- host: let's go to jim,
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.pringfield, mississippi independent line. good morning, jim. good morning from springfield, missouri, to you media people. think about that down the road. you are drinking too much kool- aid, some of you. think about this, how do you think anybody in the federal government could run a health irs program when 1500 refunds go to one house in atlanta? 4 million go to a house in russia and another in shanghai. my god, folks. we never talk about, we never fix anything. we just keep going. keep going, tea party. have a good day, gentlemen. host: guest: ok. respond? one thing i did think -- ok.
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respond? president obama was talking about how difficult and complex this business of getting folks insurance through the website was, he made this point that i have heard from his surrogates but i had never heard him say directly, which was that crafting a website, crafting the federal exchange, because of the rules in the federal government, they were not able to get the contractors at the right rates that they were able to say get in the 2012 presidential campaign in the private sector. i think that in many ways undermines the whole techno- raddick -- technocratic liberalism that barack obama represents. the colors right, the calculation from democrats and that the government
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can seamlessly restructure the health care system without there being any losers involved, but there are losers and we are hearing from them. guest: this is the most important part about the story, especially from the website. there was an explosion of government contracts over the last few years. it went from 200 billion dollars to $500 billion under george bush. the obama administration's mistake was that they could run it like any other contract, spreading the money around to lots of different subcontractors, just get blown through, deadlines get missed, things cost much more than they thought they were going to end it takes years longer than it should have. the website ran like most big government websites, like military contracts. if they had had more foresight they would have said -- this is not going to work and we need to find a way to circumvent that system and they did not, so you had companies that were in the
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business of getting government contracts, not in the business of creating fantastic i.t. projects. they knew how to pull money out of the government, which is why every defense contractor and their i.t. divisions as well, it was almost inevitable that they would run into this kind of problem because that is what every big government contract does with outside contractors and had they really been smart they would have found a way around that so that this kind of thing does not happen again. this may be impossible to answer, but if you could take the politics out of the debate and the health care acted does not work in its current form, then what? guest: i guess it depends on what you mean by does not work. what part does not work? we tend to focus on one thing at the time. right now we are focused on the people in the individual market. host: the employer mandate has been allayed by one year anyhow.
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guest: we will be talking about that in a year. mentally encouraging cost not piling up the procedures on people. there are all these different pieces that to a certain extent they thought to be a once in a generation chance. what is likely to happen is that some of those pieces are going to work better than others. once you have this law this is what conservatives have raised as something they are frightened of. once you put something in place, it is difficult to start taking benefits away from people. to take theard subsidies away, so it is just built into the system. so, then if parts of it don't work you will have to address it piecemeal and if there is one thing that is not working you can try to come up with a solution for that, but once january 1 comes, honestly the
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idea of repealing obamacare is really going to be off the table. wolf participated in a christian science monitor -- "christian science monitor," breakfast, and he talks about what he thinks will happen in 2014. [video clip] >> now it has become a category five political hurricane. it is not just causing havoc in certain regions of the country. it is ripping apart every region of the country. from tiny hamlets and towns to major cities, where people are finding confusion, chaos, cancellations, cost increases, all of which were predicted as if you had a report that the storm was coming three years ago and the administration and the democrats in the house were in
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denial, were misled, or did nothing to prevent what is now unfolding. so, i think 2014 will be a referendum on the failures of this administration and its notion and philosophy that big government has the answers. that big government can do things better. americans can now fully appreciate and understand that that is not the best approach. host: the chair of the republican house campaign committee. jacksonville, florida, independent line, good morning. good morning. i guess i want to start with the money or whatever. everyone has had health care for years, the last 30
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because you can go to the emergency room, an unfunded federal mandate, and you have to be treated. medicaid, there is a three to one ratio of the states who are up and operating with people going on medicaid. jay carney astounded me the other day when he said in a press release that medicaid is for free. is no budget item for that. of course, medicaid will be paid by the federal government for the first three years. florida, our medicaid budget is more than our education budget, which is a favor to the democrats. where is the money going to come from to pay these new medicaid benefits? i heard the other day that the subsidies are going to cost like one dollar trillion, meaning --
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trillion, so- $1 we will have to add $2 trillion that youbt ceiling so can report or verify your income? it is just astounding to me. of course it was brought up a few minutes ago about the working out of the problems. medicaid fraud since the 70s. the government is not doing anything about that. i want to follow-up, encase you are interested as well, there is a point this morning on your point in a "the new york times." "according to the national conference of state legislatures this month, 21 states either with republican governors or republican dominated
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legislature's announced that they would not expand medicaid and 27 others including the district of columbia have already improved the expansion or indicated that they would do so, with virginia expected to be next because of its newly elected democratic governor. to the point of what the caller was saying, your reaction? guest: most of the specifics he cited were false. it was paid for. the affordable care act paid for celfin the original bill. maybe costs will increase over time, we do not know. but this is one of the things we decided we wanted to spend money on. the federal government and those states taking medicaid money, it would be 100% of the costs of the new enrollees in the first year. so, states are getting an incredibly good deal out of this . they are getting $10 of coverage for their poor citizens for one dollar.
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every study done by independent groups, like the rand corporation, say they are saving money. we talk about people going to the emergency room, that has to get paid for by someone and it is more expensive than having a person with a regular doctor that they can go in for a preventative care visit for. it not only cost states money because of the competition in care, but there will be a less healthy and less productive workforce. you have these republican governors who have decided that they are not going to take all this money the federal government is offering them to help them ensure their citizens, there is frankly little reason other than spite. they can talk about their concerns over the budget question and maybe to a certain extent they are, but something that we talked about before with republicans needing ideas and notes care, to be frank this is not an issue that conservatives care a lot about.
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there are conservatives who spend their lives thinking about taxes and defense policy, they think about it and come up with plans and ideas from think tanks . health care is something that most conservatives -- it is not something they are really concerned about. so, they do not have all of these plans lying around. the one big plan they have from the heritage foundation was romney care and then obamacare. i think that when it began, the states could reject the medicaid expansion, a lot of people predicted that eventually the money would be too enticing. a couple of key states, that has been true. john casey in ohio, michigan, maybe more of them will come on, but it looks like a lot of people, maybe billions, could be getting coverage but their state governments have decided they
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want nothing to do with obamacare. host: we talked about these numbers earlier in the program, that the favorite -- the president's job favorability, 39% approve. this survey has a margin of error of less than two percent. when asked a question about the affordable care act, 46% said yes, 19% said the quality of their care would improve. 43% said it would get worse. 33% said it would not affect their health care. guest: these are really problematic and numbers for the president. even if his policies are not that popular, even if he has to
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squeeze and try to push things through congress to get them past, he has always been personally popular and always have the trust of the american people. that has changed. whether or not he actually knew that this entire website was going to be a disaster or what is that he isfact perceived as having been negligent to take care of this. this was his signature domestic achievement and it has not been a good rollout. trust thatt public was so important for him to get anything done in washington. he is pretty much a lame duck, i say, unless something drastic changes, which it always could. as paul said at the beginning of our time here, politics change quickly, but it looks like he will have a more difficult time than he has ever had in his
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presidency of actually doing something and it is all about trust. warren, paul bothan, thank you gentlemen for joining us. in a couple of minutes we will turn our attention to negotiations with iran and what happens neck. patrick fox will be joining us -- what happens next. we will have a conversation with the chair of the john f. kennedy library foundation, ken feinberg . on booktv we travel to ann arbor michigan. at 5:00 eastern time it will feature a look at the detroit observatory and the impact on the net -- on the university of michigan. [video clip] ready? >> ready. >> in the 1850s, astronomy and
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observatories were fundamental to lots of other scientists -- sciences, in part because the math was just for roche us. if you understood the math to operate a telescope like this, you understood the math to enter into physics, chemistry, lots of different sciences. the same way that today you need a biomedical engineering research center, the universities that wanted to be contenders needed observatories. so, this was the first step in a very public commitment to taking the university of michigan in the direction of becoming a research university. that this very important building and important for a into the sciences is in a state where loud cover her the conditions for viewing four out of five, but if you wanted to run with the big dogs, this is what you had to be doing. look at the detroit
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observatory and its impact on the university of michigan. our c-span local content vehicle travel to ann arbor, michigan. you can check out all of our programming online, anytime, at check it out during the day on c-span two's "booktv." you are watching "the washington journal," for this morning, sunday, november 17. we will be back in a moment. ♪ [video clip] >> think about the information that facebook has on a billion people. they know your political preference, sexual preference, who your friends are, what your dogs name is. one security analyst said that
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if the government had asked you directly for that sort of information, it would have taken money, it would have taken lawyers, it might have even taken guns to get you to cough up that information, but we routinely do so on social networks. we also don't think about the fact that our google searches are tracked. i also write mystery books. my google searches if the fbi chose to look at them would be very incriminating. i am looking at different eight rape drugs, things like that for my mysteries. people sitting there with their computer may think they are engaged in some safer activity, not knowing if there is an eyeball on the other end keeping track of the things that you do. "i know who you are and i saw what you did," on 8:00 p.m. -- at 8 p.m. eastern on c-span2, on "the communicators."
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>> "washington journal," continues. host: we want to welcome back , researchawson director for the washington institute of near east policy. good morning. guest: thanks for having me. host: negotiations with iran fell through. many people blame france. others blame john kerry. what happened? this was a very complicated deal and it was ambitious to think it would be complicated so quickly. a more cautious approach would have been to say let's have that conversation in geneva on november 7, november 8. the follow-up session planned for rate -- land for later in the month was what it looked like would wind up. what does that mean for the u.s.? what does that mean for iran? on the table is
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going to freeze the program for six months. the hope of the obama administration is that there would be a follow-up, finally. get is the first deal. you may never get the follow-up deal. everybody acknowledges that the first deal does not even follow the targets that the negotiators in the west have had. the obama administration is will bed because there a follow-up deal, whereas the critics, the skeptics i should say, like the israelis, saudi's, french in congress, they are saying they are not sure they will ever get it. [indiscernible] getting back to the politics behind this, with congress pulling off sanctions between iran, saying that they are getting closer to a
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potential deal, here is what the president had to say last week about all that. [video clip] had a series of conversations. it has never been resolved that we would handle the entire problem all at once. what we have done is we have seen the possibility of an agreement in which iran would halt advances on its program. that it would dilute some of the highly enriched uranium that makes it easier for them to potentially create a weapon. that they are subjecting themselves to much more vigorous inspections so that we know exactly what they are doing it all of the various facilities. that that would then provide time and space for us to test over a certain. of months whether or not they are prepared to actually resolve
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this issue to the satisfaction of the international community. it a constant than they are not pursuing a nuclear weapons program. in return, the basic structure of what has been talked about is that we would provide very margins ofef at the what we have set up. importantly, we would leave in place the core sanctions that are most effective and have the most impact on the iranian economy. specifically oil sanctions and sanctions with respect to finance. the president seems to be indicating that they are getting closer than initially reported. host: guest: debt -- host: it
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it is conceivable that they will work with united states to make a deal. but we will have problems completing this deal. host: you pointed out in a recent piece that the iran hardline supreme leader was open to the deal, but that the moment of the truth was coming and that all of the optics from the supreme leader indicated that they were gearing up for a new attempt and that at the deal cannot be made in the next few months it would be hard to see another opportunity. correct. the iranians have been poor negotiators on their deals. let's hope that is not what happens this time. to share a tweet with you from benjamin netanyahu that he sent out on friday.
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"people say that if we do not , it will be a dream deal for them. ♪" -- for them." it leaves in place a lot of disturbing parts of the iranian nuclear program. be written --ot necessary for them to bring more and a final deal. they have been saying this for well over one year. they did not like this two-step approach. the obama administration has always felt that at the end of the day these guys would accept it. host: president barack obama and
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prime minister benjamin netanyahu spoke for 90 minutes on the phone yesterday. "i wonder if obama has ever spoken to john boehner for 90 minutes. of course, this continues the dialogue and cnn reports this morning that john kerry travels to israel on friday to meet with the israeli prime minister to further talk about negotiations." what is on the table, specifically? the united states has got to -- wants to persuade the israelis that there will be a core agreement. that therefore the admitted flaws of this first agreement should not be fatal. that is going to be tough. the u.s. is going to have to show that it is structuring its temporary agreement in such a way that if iran does not follow through, that iran will be much worse off. that is going to take some skill to design a temporary agreement
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in such a way that iran thinks it has a strong incentive to further follow an agreement that limits them further. your calls andet comments in a moment. phone numbers are on the bottom of the screen. you can also send us an e-mail,, or a tweet. here is 1 -- with iran having some 18,000 plus centrifuges, iran can go from the moderate enriched uranium to a bomb grade uranium quite quickly. months, less than two although there are often actual glitches in the process of doing this. and then iran could make a crude explosive device very soon thereafter. host: the question -- and you
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write about this extensively, why now? imperative for the country to entities sanctions and help the people? shocked to has been discover that in fact the united states, the europeans, and their allies put together an effective strict limitation on how much iran can export oil. part of that was to the eu banning the purchase of oil, but just as important were the restrictions on the finances, on the payment for the oil. on the insurance for the ships carrying it. has made purchasers around the world nervous about buying iranian oil. when they buy it they pay for it in their own local currency, which iran can only use in the country, which is a cumbersome system that limits what iran can
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buy from abroad. we welcome our viewers from the bbc parliament channel as well. paul is joining us from swindon, england. go ahead, please. caller: good morning, how are you guys? host: we are fine. caller: excellent, excellent. i will try to be as brief as possible. if iran was to turn around and say -- look, we are prepared to nuclear sites, all installations, etc., to full inspections so that we know what , we are actually doing would say that you guys have basically got to release all sanctions against -- they would say to you guys have basically got to release all sanctions against us. however, what would happen if they turn around and said -- this is the stumbling point, we do not feel comfortable with
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israel's position against us. i know that iran has not been a friend of israel at all, but the israelis continue to talk about iranian -- ignoring resolutions, things like that. i have spoken to some people that i know who are exiles and say -- well, look, the basic stumbling point with iran is that israel needs to be reined in a bit. due to the fact that israel has nuclear capabilities it has a nasty habit of ignoring you and resolutions. -- u.n. resolutions. israel's position is that they look forward to the day when the middle east will be a place of peace.
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i feel confident that the day in have saudi arabia and iran ambassadors and jerusalem, and they call up the israeli government to say, let's have talks about banning weapons, it will be soon. but instead billions of dollars are spent arming and paying for people who attack israeli civilians. if iran were to stop that, it would be a lot easier to think that iran has peaceful intentions towards israel. host: hypothetically, if we reach an agreement with iran an lift sanctions, iran does not keep the part of the bargain, how long does it take to reestablish sanctions? guest: the most likely situation
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is that we would escalate towards a military confrontation relatively quickly. either the united states or the israelis would escalate towards a military confrontation. if the current negotiations don't work out successfully, if iran breaks the deal, we will have a worse situation than if there was no deal. host: do you trust iran? guest: certainly not. at we do have to do is craft deal based on the assumption that the two sides don't trust each other, and they each need laws of guarantees that the other side is going to deliver what they promise. we need to structure a deal so that each side has incentive to keep to that deal. the president's comments, cnn reporting that secretary kerry will be back in israel on friday. the timing of that meeting and
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logistical negotiations of getting from israel to geneva, what was it? round ofe next negotiations in geneva are scheduled for wednesday and thursday. if they are successful, then mr. kerry could stop by on his way to israel and sign a deal before proceeding to israel. or he could go to israel first and fly to geneva on the way back and sign the deal. host: catherine is on our line for democrats from california. good morning. tired of ourery government giving into anything that netanyahu wants. it is absolutely disgusting. israel is only concerned about israel. they don't give a damn about anybody else. when you say cut the cord
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with israel, what do you mean? given example. [inaudible] the criticisms of this deal are coming from the french and saudi's at least as strongly as they are coming from israel. the king of saudi arabia said, snake cut the head of the , and was urging the u.s. to consider military strikes on iran. the disquiet about iran's nuclear activities are shared by many countries that are closer states.than the united host: how important is israel's the middlems of east, being our number one partner and ally? issue,on the iran israelis point out that they are the country here on regularly
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refers to as the cancer in the region that should be cut out. they have a reason to feel they are targeted by iran's nuclear program. being a small country and facing this potentially nuclear enemy, israel is very worried about iran. it is a substantial problem for israel. attacks israel, isn't it safe that the u.s. would come in with full force to go after that government? a crisis happens, and what was him and him -- unimaginable because what happens. in august 1914, when archduke ferdinand was assassinated, the great powers agreed they should
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not lead to a great european war. within a month, that is what led to. many wars happen because of -- miscalculation in crisis. if there was a crisis about hezbollah and israel were to attack hezbollah in lebanon, and iran would say if you continue to do that that would be crossing a red line, we could have an escalation into a crisis that could see missile strikes between the two sides, and further escalation into a previously had been unimaginable, comes to pass. host: what is the root cause of hatred from the iranian people towards the israelis? 'sest: part of this is iran conviction that they should be the big power in the region.
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we see the saudi's being so nervous about the iranians. it is not because the saudi's love israel. the saudi's are nervous about the iranians want to throw their weight around. includesries that iran -- threatens includes many of its neighbors. our rate is convinced that -- theren is convinced that have been plots by the iranians to overthrow the government. can you envision that he would support any agreement between the u.s. and iran after being so vocal and public on his frustration and anger towards this negotiation? guest: he wants to know how the story ends. he's not happy with the obama .dministration promise
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netanyahu wants to know, how does the story end? a caller from new mexico. i had a statement about what i saw when president obama took office. he dismantled the missile defense in eastern europe. wasng that time, iran building up their nuclear capabilities., they're working on ispm' , thee guest probably knows iranians have built that up into a war zone. with tunnels, and everything. what's troubling to me is the obama administration is so eager, which baffles me -- so
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eager to make a deal. it's troubling. ii just mentioned world war people being nice to people that were belligerent, and world war i. beyou said, iran wants to the big boy on the block. if they get that ambition, i'm obama'sd about what weakness right now politically, that he will cave. that's troubling to me. i was wondering what your comments would be about that. guest: we now have an iranian president who is eager to do a deal because he sensitive to how iran's economy has been clobbered by sanctions. the president is not the one in iran who makes decisions --
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.hat's up to the supreme leader that's our best chance of getting a negotiated settlement that would include a lot of transparency that would hopefully allow us to verify whether or not iran is [indiscernible] a tweet -- the french have been pretty tough about nuclear nonproliferation. that makes most people's eyes glaze over. the french really care about this nonproliferation stuff. they thought this preliminary deal wasn't going to go far enough. the obama team said, don't worry, we will get a final deal.
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the french are saying not convinced there's going to be a follow-up deal. we have to pay more attention to what's in this preliminary deal. is with theest washington institute for near east policy. check out his work and information online at clawson studied at the new school for social research. a caller is joining us from indiana. caller: see if you can give me 30 seconds. mr. clawson is trying to imply has been the one causing a problem in these negotiations, as well as they want to be a big boy on the block, he says, and aggressive country. france's prime minister, its foreign minister and french negotiator involved in these negotiations, reported to have relatives living in israel -- these people are open -- all pro israel zionists.
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400 nuclear weapons, supposedly, doesn't allow any inspections of its nuclear facilities. why should it have any role whatsoever in these talks? guest: of the six countries talking with iran, five have nuclear weapons, including the u.s. before we complain about someone else being a hypocrite, we ought to consider our own situation. we have thousands of nuclear weapons and were not prepared to give them up. if you want to move the world towards less reliance on nuclear weapons, i don't think that has in violationran is of its agreements with the international atomic energy agency, and ignores security council resolutions telling iran to suspend its nuclear enrichment activities until iran
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has restore international confidence in its purely peaceful intentions. what level of trust do you think we can have towards iran, and also the ability to verify? international the parties negotiating with iran or iran trust each other. deal that takes into account this elemental lack of trust has been a problem. has the mantrani of transparency, because that is what is going to be key towards building trust in the future. the reason why we are so insistent that iran answer questions about its past activities is precisely because that gives us the best way of having more confidence that iran
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doesn't have a clandestine program hidden someplace. host: joining us from toronto is thomas erdbrink with the "new york times." thanks for adding your voice to this discussion. host: what is the feeling on the ground in iran? reporti'm expecting to on a certain level of hope. people have gone through many rounds of nuclear negotiation here. in the beginning they would be married much -- very much involved in this. but now people are skeptical there would be a deal. they are hopeful. this has to do with the election of the moderate president rouhani, who has been promising to his electorate that he would solve the nuclear crisis. people were disappointed when talks broke down in geneva less
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than 10 days ago. hopeful that also especially after the comments of secretary of state kerry and iranian officials that there is optimism for a deal, this would be a first step toward some kind of solution. people are hopeful that some sort of deal will come from the upcoming talks. is the case, what would the framework of a deal look like from your vantage point? guest: for the iranians, it's very important that what they call their right to nuclear enrichment is acknowledged by the other world powers. iranians say they are signatories of the nonproliferation treaty that many other countries have signed. they have certain rights under this treaty, and one of their rights is to possess the entire fuel cycle within their own
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sovereign borders. this means they can have a program that independently allows them to produce nuclear energy. the iranians want to see this technology in any deal upcoming. they don't want to shut down their factories. they want to keep everything going, and they want to be able to say to their people, look, we have not given them anything, but we have gotten a compromise out of dealing with these western powers. host: i want to share with patrick clawson the view from david ignace this -- dividend ratios -- david ignatius.
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the israelis want to know, how does the story and? what is the overall agreement going to be, not just what it's going to be limited steps for six months. the administration has to engage with those arguments, the argument that says, the threat of tougher sanctions down the road if there is no agreement may make iran more willing to come to an agreement. this administration now says the reason that iran started these talks is prices -- precisely because there were tougher sanctions. it's hard for the administration to go to congress and say that the threat of tougher sanctions if there is no agreement would harm those talks. host: if an agreement is reached and if the sanctions are listed, what changes do you think you would see in the streets of tehran and across the country? the first change we would see would be in the exchange rate of the local currency.
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iran's local currency has taken an enormous drive after sanctions have been imposed. this is something people really feel in their pockets. out to get coffee or milk, they pay three times as much as they used to. they're hoping the economic sanctions will be lifted so they have some financial breathing space. is other thing you would see more smiling people, maybe. haveary citizens of iran really suffered under the sanctions. won't find you people desperate to find food, it has limited the ambitions of families. some people tell me their
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children are not able to go to university anymore because i can't afford it. toer people have decided sell their cars, taking the bus to work. if a first step is taken towards any improvement, people will be happy. erdbrink is joining us from toronto and his work is available online at nytimes -- tehran. and his work is available online at patrick clawson, we appreciate your time. coming up, we will turn our attention to the upcoming anniversary of the assassination of john f. kennedy. , the director of the john f. kennedy library foundation, will be here.
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nancy callow is keeping track of the guests and topics, all of which can be heard on c-span radio. good morning. television's sunday talk shows, the topics include not only iran, but health care and politics and the assassination of john f. kennedy 50 years ago. here rebroadcasts of the program on c-span radio beginning at noon eastern with "meet the press." pelosi andude nancy kelly ayotte. at 1:00 p.m. eastern, "this week," with kirsten gillibrand, , and adamer kinzinger. 2:00 p.m., "fox news sunday," kathleens wallace, kennedy townsend, and patrick
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kennedy. union" follows at 3:00 p.m.. candy crowley sits down with benjamin netanyahu on iran. joints as well. 4:00 p.m., "face the nation." of schieffer talks about the assassination of jfk. the sunday network tv talk shows are on c-span radio. they are brought to you as a public service to the networks and c-span. the rebroadcasts of the shows begin at noon eastern with "meet week."ss." 1:00, "this 2:00 p.m., "fox news sunday." 3:00 p.m., "state of the union." 4:00 p.m., "face the nation" from cbs. fm in the90.1
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the deadline is january 20. get more information at >> "washington journal" continues. to welcome the chairman of the john f. kennedy library foundation, ken feinberg. we will be focusing on what happened 50 years ago. this was the bulletin from upi as reprinted from the "chicago sun-times." thechicago perl -- told world that president kennedy is dead. where were you? guest: i was a freshman at the university of massachusetts at amherst, walking to class. the news spread like wildfire. nobody believed it. class was adjourned and we all went home. why 50 years later do we still feel compelled to reflect on the kennedy presidency?
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was this a turning point in the 20th century? guest: it is what might have been a turning point. the reason i think there is so much interest in the legacy of president kennedy is for what ,is administration stood for this notion that every single person can make a difference in our country. the optimism that public service is a noble undertaking, that government is here to help, it's not the enemy. these concepts that president kennedy promoted, with the founding of the peace corps and the initiatives he undertook, this is something that contrasts with the political polarization today that you look back at those halcion days and say to yourself what might have been. he served only two years
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and 10 months, and people look at what happened before his assassination and the events that unfolded after the assassination. vietnam, demonstrations in washington, d.c. the assassination of bobby kennedy. martin luther king, and watergate. guest: who knows what would have been? the contrast between what he stood for, the perception in the country of hope, optimism, young people, the next generation, moving forward, what can you do for your country -- this was something that contrasted with vietnam and civil rights assassinations and riots in the streets. contrast,istorical that yearning for that message, that motivation, i think it's one primary reason, maybe the most important reason that we pause to reflect 50 years later. host: 40,000 books being written
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on john f. kennedy. did you ever meet john f. kennedy? guest: i did. i met him at logan international airport in boston in 1960, after he was nominated to become president. i never met him after he was president. he would turn to boston. i remember my father, brother, sister -- we all stood in the receiving line, snuck into the vip receiving line, and got to shake his hand. that was quite a moment. feinberg.guest is ken we are dividing our phone lines a little bit differently for this segment. for those of you who live in the ,astern or central time zones and those in the mountain and pacific zones, the numbers are on your screen. if you remember the day, give us a call on this number. on whatnolly reflecting was happening as he was in a
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motorcade on november 22, 1963 in dallas, texas. here are his reflections. [video clip] >> we were in a motorcade through the town. the crowds were extremely enthusiastic, warm, excited, exuberant. just after we turned off of main he turned around and said to the president, you cannot say dallas doesn't love you now. he said, no, you can't. we turned onto elm street to go under the overpass. i heard the sound that i thought was a rifle shot. i turned to look over at my right shoulder, because that's where the sound came from, to see if i could see anything. i did not. i was in the process of turning to look at my left shoulder when someonen impact as if
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hit me with a closed fist right in the middle of my back. the force was strong enough to where it knocked me over. i saw that i was covered with blood. frankly, i thought i had been fatally hit. my wife pulled me down in her lap. she was seated in the jump seat on my left. the jump seatn directly in front of the president. she pulled me down into her lap. about that time, i heard another shot. my eyes were open, i was conscious. i saw the blue galore interior of this presidential limousine covered with blood and brain tissue. and i knew that the president had been fatally hit. host: the late john connolly reflecting in 1991. this is a picture not often seen, a book that was put together on john f. kennedy.
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this is a motorcade and the flags welcoming john f. kennedy. one of the often asked questions is, how could the secret service have let this happen? today you would never see a president in an open air motorcade. it's a defining moment, the death of the president. it is so irrational. it is so unbelievable and unreasonable that this happened, that this lone gunmen could do leadsthat it inevitably to all sorts of conspiracy theories and stories and questions and second-guessing. it's human nature. it is to be expected. history will always have these question marks. that goes with the territory. host: one of the most widely viewed films is the printer film.
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does that answer questions or leave more questions unanswered as you look at this film and what happened on that day? guest: the warren commission looked at it over and over and over. bestnk it is the single corroboration of the circumstances surrounding the death of the president. wicker, whos tom writes about why we still have questions about what happened on november 22. he says, tom wicker put his finger on what may be the overriding reason why for many americans the single assassin theory is not enough and never will be enough, the notion that the murder of an american president, this young american emperor, deserved a more serious explanation.
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quoting "new york times" columnist wicker. guest: it is human nature that people will want to question whether this pathetic loser, to use his words, could have pulled off the crime of the century. that's exactly what happened. a million,an, one in but he pulled it off. host: this is what the book looks like, courtesy of "the new york times." "the kennedy years." many photographs not seen before on the kennedy life and career. let's take your calls and comments. friday morning on c-span "washington journal to get we will devote three hours to your calls and comments and look back at some of the archival films. us fromer is joining
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corpus christi, texas. you are member what happened 50 years ago? -- remember what happened 50 years ago? caller: i was in fifth grade. there was an announcement that the president was shot. i remember the teacher running out of the room and going to other rooms and going to the office and try to find out more information. we finally got word that the governor connolly had been killed. it was quite a chaotic day, and there were a lot of rumors floating around. i remember the day i was a patrol boy captain. we lowered the flag to half mast . host: do you want to respond? guest: that's one of the millions of americans who remember exactly where they were, what they were doing, what happened, the questions, the uncertainty, the future of our
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country. if you lived through that period, as i did, it's permanently a part of your memory and of your psyche. host: you spent many years with the kennedy family. did they ever express doubt on the loan gunman theory? guest: never to me. .ed kennedy asked me to review i reviewed the materials. no. there was never any discussion, there's never been any discussion to this day from the kennedy family, to me at least, as to the circumstances. instead, there is a constant toort at the jfk library reinforce the legacy of president kennedy and what he meant for this country and what he means for this country today, as we discussed earlier in this interview. host: i'm going to share with
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you a number of iconic films from that era. president lyndon johnson, after sworn in, calling on the nation to remember john f. kennedy. i want to talk to you about the development of the warren commission. here's president johnson. [video clip] >> to the people of the united states, john fitzgerald kennedy has been taken from us by an act which outrages decent men everywhere. he upheld the faith of our fathers, which is freedom for all men. he broadened the frontiers of our faith. he backed it with the energy and the courage, which are the mark of the nation that he led. a man of wisdom, strength, and peace. moved the power of
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our nation, and the service of a world of growing liberty and order. all who love freedom will mourn his death. he did not shrink from his responsibilities, but well them them -- welcomed them. from november 23, 1963, and this is the headline that americans woke up to in the "new york times." plane. sworn in on a one of his first acts was to create the warren commission. what was the political pressure he was facing on that? guest: there was chairman is pressure to get to the bottom of this. it was imperative for the country. president johnson knew there would be more questions and more questions. that aght it imperative
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credible, bipartisan, apolitical commission be formed to get to the bottom of this and get the answers. the chief justice was extremely reluctant to be part of this, since he was a separate branch of government. itnson implored warren to do . warren finally felt that on behalf of the country that he should do this. host: our next call is barbara, joining us from austin, texas. i told the screener my experience. i also want to mention election day. i was 21. at that time you had to be 21 to vote. on the day of my 21st birthday i got to cast my first vote for anybody, and i voted for kennedy. wasday he was killed, i
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watching tv because i was waiting for my husband to come home and we were taking our six- month-old child to visit family. i had the tv on and i saw the first bulletin from cbs. on, we watched every minute. we never turned the tv off the whole weekend. i will never forget that feeling. people who were not there or too remember how you felt on 9/11. that would be the closest thing. it was incomprehensible. host: television came of age in 1963, did it not? guest: it did. for our five days in a row, 24- of the entire funeral and the state funeral, constant reiteration of the kennedy legacy and what the
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administration had accomplished and what he meant to the country. i think that was television coming-of-age. faced barryhe have goldwater in 1964? what would that campaign have looked like? guest: that was the plan. the plan was a reelection presidential effort. senator goldwater seemed to be the likely candidate. kennedy was looking forward to the campaign, and he was senatort that with goldwater, the democratic party and president would prevail. host: this is another photograph from the "new york times" magazine. it is a picture of walter cronkite and john f. kennedy in september of 1963, when cbs expanded from 15 minutes to 30 minutes. -- concha right
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conchrite had a couple of interviews with the president. atng family, fresh look problems in the world, a generational shift, and the notion disseminated by the kennedy administration that every single citizen can make a difference in our country. whether you're serving in the military, a civilian, public life, private life, we would go forward as one nation, and that public service was a noble undertaking. the notion that we help each other, and by helping each other, we held our society -- that message must not be lost as we go forward in honoring the president. a scene from a 1960 campaign, leadership for the 1960's. marianne is joining us from pennsylvania.
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good morning. i was 15 years old at the time, lived in new york city. they sent us home and never told us what happened. when i got home i turn on the tv and my heart broke. my heart will be broken every time i think of this until the day i die. sad time forlly our country and for the kennedy family. thank you very much for remembering. host: let's go to bill, joining us from dallas, texas. caller: i appreciate the opportunity to speak with you gentlemen this morning. on november 27, 1963, i was a 15-year-old sophomore in high school. my mother gave me opportunity to skip school that day and watch the motorcade came by -- come by. we took my three-year-old sister along with me.
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she was riding piggyback on my shoulders. we worked our way through the to write at the curb -- right at the curb. we were able to get the president and first lady's attention. my sister was dancing on my shoulders. she looked our way, and we were waving. she said to the president, jack, jack. they were only eight or 10 feet from us. he turned and looked at us. they both laughed and smiled and he pointed right at us and waved and smiled and laughed. , we three minutes later arrived at a beauty salon where my mother was getting her hair done. ibo were saying the president had been shot. -- people were saying the president had been shot. this was the guy who woke me up to politics in general.
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this was my hero. in a matter of minutes, that beautiful experience was obliterated. memoryber the most real for me that day was people crying openly in public all over our city, everywhere we went. people just breaking down in tears all over the city of dallas. dallas love that president of the united states. it was a terrible tragedy for us as well. host: did you have a thought? guest: the thought expressed by that caller is the key message. millions and millions of americans remember those days rate that administration -- days. that administration and its legacy. the contrast to those days 50 the election of
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a young president -- the contrast between politics than and so much of the polarization today, the criticism of government, i just think that's there the primary reasons is such a yearning to reflect and remember those days. it was a different time, a different era. a time of optimism and encouragement. there were problems, of course. the overall tenure of president kennedy administration is such that people really you're in for that today. host: this is the scene at arlington national cemetery, playing "taps." you about the moments after the assassination
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as jackie kennedy comes back to washington and they have to plan a funeral. there is a protocol for the death of the president. a lot of firsts, including the decision to let him rest at arlington cemetery. guest: those were decisions that were made -- mrs. kennedy had a great deal to say about the details and what she wanted and what she expected. there was a desire on the part of the united states government to abide by her wishes. it was carefully planned. it is the type of state funeral that we hope you will never have to confront again -- we will never have to confront again. it was done with pageantry, .race, appropriate solemnity as we look at it now, retrospect. it was a searing moment in american history, but a worthy
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salute to a fallen leader. the day of his burial, i believe it was on tuesday, correct? to those not old enough remember, you watched it on television. everyone says they were glued to television. guest: the country stopped. the world stopped. you will see these films of of francedevault walking ahead of the dignitary line. professionhat their or personal situation, everybody, as a lady said earlier, glued. basically frozen in time while every step of that state funeral was transmitted to the world, and occupied everybody's attention. host: our next caller is kimberly, joining us from milwaukee. guest: good morning. i was in first grade.
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they came in and said the president had been shot, and we were to get our things and go home. i remember every station on television after that was just the funeral. on every station. those are my memories. six years old. let's go to bob, joining us from washington. caller: good morning. thanks for c-span, and thanks for the guest this morning. i just -- [no audio] host: are you with us? caller: yes. i was wondering what the odds were of president kennedy being shot and then his brother being assassinated also. there is such conspiracy in the u.s. are, looking at the odds
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of the president being shot and his brother being shot after him. the cia has to have some involvement in this thing. guest: that's a natural resource. there are millions of americans who probably agree with that. the odds, the unlikelihood, the unique circumstances. my own personal view is there's no conspiracy. at both of those murders, they acts of they were the single individuals, unrelated, five years apart. it makes very little sense to try and debate those who think there is some sinister conspiracy. it is part and parcel of american life. they will have that view as long as there is in america. i understand why. i don't share it all. host: -- it at all. host: one of the iconic
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photographs. was that profit or impromptu? guest: i think it was prompted. she urged him to salute. her young son did that at his mother's. host: next is caroline kennedy, who is the u.s. ambassador to tokyo. guest: she just left a few days ago. she has been welcomed with tremendous welcome in japan. she's very eager to move forward. ,he's excited by the challenge and is determined to do a top rate job. i'm sure she will. host: on the 30th anniversary of president kenny's death, mr. on the changesd in technology and media from 1963 to where we are today. here is more from the 30th anniversary of the kennedy
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assassination and reflections. [video clip] >> instant decisions directing the coverage. i can't think of a time in history when it was more important to make a decision very quickly and then hope to god that you were right. this panel that we have with us this morning are the folks who had to make some of those decisions. i think history is pretty well recorded that the decisions they made at the time were decisions that they can still live with 30 years later. i was in the decision-making business then too. one of the things i think that we really have to think about as we reminisce what happened back then was the tools that we had to work with 30 years ago, compared to the tools that we have to work with today.
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in television, we have black and white films. cameras -- dha d.l. had the d.l. cameras. we knew how to make a tape recording. hopefully we knew how to edit film, how to write to film, and how to go on the air. barker.die he passed away last year. dallas did cover this trip extensively. why was it a big deal for the president to come to texas? guest: he was tried to shore up support in texas, and also to help mediate an internal texas democratic party political feud. he was concerned about making sure the texas was in his camp. this was a political trip.
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rarely did the first lady accompany the president on political trips. unusual is it for a president and vice president to travel together and be in the same motorcade together? guest: i will tell you it's pretty unusual today. as you pointed out earlier in the show, the notion that they traveled together in the same motorcade, the notion of a top- down convertible, the notion of slowing down in an urban city street and going through --ves and underpasses those steps and did with the death of president kennedy, and i don't think you will see it again. death ofwith the president kennedy, and i don't think you will see it again. host: ken feinberg is the chair of the jfk library foundation. we harvey oswald, shot sunday lee harvey oswald,
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shot sunday morning. guest: hard to believe that this occurred on tv screens. all over the united states. everybody saw it. that just added to the un- believability of the surreal nature of that entire week in dallas. host: which also leads to the conspiracy theory, why would they move him from one location to another, and allowing at least some in the public to have access? guest: you can only second-guess why they did it, to go to a more secure facility or whatever. mistakes were made. to me undercut the overwhelming evidence that who didut it was oswald the killing, and that he acted alone, and that there was no support or conspiracy. it's not only the warren
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commission that looked into this. there have been books written subsequent to the warren immission report reaffirming think in fairly convincing, beyond a reasonable doubt fashion, that it was oswald and that he acted alone. host: who is jack ruby? tryinga middle-class guy to make a living in dallas. he prided himself on knowing the police, knowing the authorities in dallas. he was a regular guy. he enjoyed the benefit of the localfree pass by authorities, because they knew him. they knew who he was. they had socialized with him. he was able to circumvent a great deal of the security because of his known image in dallas. lee harveyid he kill
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oswald? guest: all of the evidence seems to think that he was so appalled sothis act of horror, visibly impacted by the death of the young president that he took matters into his own hands. host: barbara joining us from west palm beach, florida. caller: i was about 30 years old and living in connecticut, working. one of the women came into the office and said, the president has been shot. no, it can't be. where did you hear that from? then we turn on a tv. as many people have said, we were in a state of shock. us suffered from posttraumatic stress after this, although we didn't think of it that way. i'm careful just thinking about it again now. i never believed in a conspiracy, but looking over the years and looking at oswald and the type of man he was, i just
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somehow now can't believe he was on his own. you say beyond a reasonable doubt. well, a reasonable doubt is reasonable. but then there's that little percentage of beyond reasonable that i still am thinking about. , worry about this president the way these opposition parties have been defeating every effort he tried to make. i say, a little hope. person --religious that his wife and children would be safe. host: bob schieffer put it this way. he was in dallas. he said, america was never quite the same after the jfk assassination. guest: that's right. for what president kennedy stood for, what he symbolized.
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ever since his administration, the one reason i think he is so popular 50 years later in the eyes of the american people is not only have he died, which was a horrible, horrible tragedy, but also what he stood for. at the jfk library, what we're trying to convey is what those important characteristics were of that administration. i urge everybody, if you have not been to the jfk library, right on columbia point overlooking the water in boston, it is absolutely a requirement to understand that period of time to visit it. host: this is one of the photographs printed the next day in the "new york times." assassination of president kennedy. a quick call from margaret in michigan.
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caller: good morning. i'm from a small town. on that day i was in the center of our town. there was a little speaker there, and music played. moment, when president kennedy was assassinated, the music stopped and they announced that president kennedy was just assassinated. i was just five years old, but it's permanently implanted in my mind since that day. i'm sure there are many people around the world who remember clearly that day. host: how does the kennedy library and foundation deal with the oral histories of what happened 50 years ago? guest: those histories are available at the library for scholars, for the public with permission. they are all the president's papers, his documents, official proclamations.
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there are archives, various exhibits. the library is a wonderful place to go as a repository of what we've been talking about today in terms of president kennedy's legacy, and what he meant to the country thaen. means to the country 50 years later. host: ken feinberg, chair of the jfk library foundation, thanks for being with us. we will have more later this week on "washington journal" as we reflect and take your calls and comments in remembrances of where you were in dallas on november 22. alex wayne and kyle cheney, what's next for the affordable care act. later, david fahrenthold. the guest will discuss some of the stakes -- mistakes the government made in determining
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who is dead and the amount of money sent to those survivors. everydayon journal," at 7:00 eastern time. thanks for joining us for the sunday edition of "washington journal." today on c-span, "newsmakers" with senator patrick leahy followed by president obama's remarks on extending health insurance went under the health care law. manchincussion with joe and john hoban. the life and legacy of first lady lady jacqueline can indeed.
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