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tv   Morning Hour  CSPAN  November 21, 2013 9:00am-3:01pm EST

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why wasn't he brought in earlier? if you knew in march that it would not be ready october 1, why not level with the american people. more days. fundamentally also, i would love heading now live to the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. the chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. the clerk: the speaker's room, washington, d.c., november 21, 2013. i hereby appoint the honorable ted poe to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. signed, john a. boehner, speaker of the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore: the prayer will be offered by the chaplain, father conroy.
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chaplain conroy: let us pray. eternal god, we give you thanks for giving us another day. we come to the end of the week where we have given thanks for the heroism of the brave men who served as code talkers during the world wars. they answered the call to service of their nation at a time of great danger and we are grateful to them. now we approach a week during which all americans will gather o remember who we are, a nation generously blessed not only by you, our god, but by courageous ancestors, faithful allies and the best good wishes of people everywhere who long for freedom. he difficult work of
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participative government and bless the members of this assembly and us all that we would be worthy of the call we have been given as americans. help us all to be truly thankful and appropriately generous in our response. may all that is done this day be for your greater honor and glory. men. mr. faleomavaega: the chair has examined the journal of the last day's proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. -- the speaker pro tempore: the chair has examined the journal of the last day's proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1 the journal stands approved. the pledge of allegiance will be led by -- we will be led in the pledge of allegiance by the gentleman from utah, mr. bishop. mr. bishop: i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
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the speaker pro tempore: the chair will entertain up to five requests for one-minute speeches on each side of the aisle. for what purpose does the gentleman from south carolina seek recognition? mr. wilson: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to speak for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from south carolina is recognized for one minute. mr. wilson: mr. speaker, 25 years ago, congress said yucca mountain will be our repository for nuclear waste. sadly, the president canceled it in 2009. on monday, the nuclear regulatory commission ordered the department of energy to proceed with the review process. in administration has failed to produce a clear plan for storing spent nuclear fuel, putting the environment at risk. south carolinians have pledged $2 billion into the program for the fees to address spent nuclear waste. yet, because of the president's
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party politics, the facility does not exist. thankfully, the judicial system sided with the american people this week and demanded the energy department to collect those fees until a path forward is created. yucca mountain is clearly environmentally safe and secure and should be completed. this is great for the akin community and those across the country. the president should abide by the law. america is a strong nation because we are a nation of laws. in conclusion, god bless our troops and we will never forget september 11 and the global war on terrorism. i appreciate the community service of bill and ann west. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from illinois seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today to remember those who tragically lost their lives this weekend in illinois. last weekend, tornados ripped across my state and six people were killed.
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extreme weather events are sadly becoming a norm across the country. 2012 was the second most extreme weather to date with 11 extreme weather events across our country. mr. quigley: last year, illinois experienced 113 broken heat records, two broken snow records, 30 prescription broken records and one large wildfire. clearly this year looks to be no different. the reality is this. stronger, more destructive storms are pounding our region with distressing regularity and huge costs to our state, our residents and our economy. our task is to aid those devastated by these events as well as addressing the underlying cause of their increased severity and frequency, climate change. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back his time. for what purpose does the gentlelady from north carolina seek recognition? ms. foxx: i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. ms. foxx: thank you, mr. speaker. president obama and the democrats who run washington spent a lot of time telling the
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american people that if they like their health care plan they could keep their health care plan. so what would they say to the four million americans who've had their insurance canceled under obamacare? what would they say to all the folks who've logged on to our house republican website at and told us their stories of lost coverage? americans need real solutions, not the political fix the president proposed last week. the house passed our keep your health plan act with strong bipartisan support. that's a real solution, and we call on the senate to listen to the american people and support it. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back her time. for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? >> seek unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from california is recognized for one minute. >> i rise today to offer my condolences to the people of .he philippines
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i've haired from many constituents -- i've heard from many constituents who are concerned about loved ones who live overseas. i heard from those at st. anne. mr. swalwell: they sent humanitarian workers and military personnel. people in the most remote areas are struggling for basic human needs, water, medical splice. that's why jackie speier and i are sending a letter to secretary of defense hagel which we plan to send tomorrow to have a food drop. in the real world, aide workers will help those in need. but time is of the essence. people are hungry, need medical supplies and are thirsty right now. i'm committed to making sure the american people are doing everything they can by helping those following this horrific
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storm. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. for what purpose does the gentleman from indiana seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today to reflect on the destructive tornadoes and severe thunderstorms that struck indiana and much of the midwest this past sunday. on monday, i had the opportunity to tour areas that sustained some of the worst damage. kokomo, indiana, was hard hit. while hoosier lives were speared during this, some of our illinois neighbors were not so lucky. in all throughout the midwest, they lost possessions, their livelihood as businesses were destroyed. mr. rokita: they will suffer from a painful recovery. i ask those in their thoughts and prayers. as is often the case in our great tragedy, it reminds us the goodness and kindness.
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they've helped their family, friends friends, neighbors and strangers in a time of need. i saw those from kokomo to lend a hand. shelters were open. neighbors were helping neighbors. while the federal government may have a role to play in the recovery effort, hoosiers were not sitting around waiting for their federal government. individuals attack problems, help their neighbors and show great generosity and resilience. it makes me proud to be a hoosier and i'm humble to represent so many people with resilience. mr. speaker, thank you for the time. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york is recognized for one minute. mr. higgins: mr. speaker, this morning new york mayor cuomo is in buffalo to announce a $225 million redevelopment of a former steel making plant that will bring 850 new jobs to
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buffalo. this will transform a 200-acre former republic steel site into a new clean energy and research campus that will breathe new life into a formerly contaminated industrial area that is situated along the buffalo river and has been economically dead. this along with $75 million with private and federal investments to clean up the shoreline is creating a dynamic new economy in buffalo, an buffalo marked by new waterfront development and clean energy manufacturing. energy independence and hundreds of new jobs and a new economy are remaking buffalo, new york, and this project should serve as a national model to grow the economy and for nation building right here at home. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. for what purpose does the gentleman from kentucky seek recognition? >> to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky is recognized for one minute. >> thank you very much.
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over the last six weeks, every member of congress has heard from constituents who've been very much concerned about the cancellation of health insurance policies. mr. whitfield: primarily because someone has determined that their health insurance policy is not adequate. we're hearing about higher premiums and then we all know about the difficulty of obtaining, getting on the website to select your insurance policy. so there's a lot of confusion out there. there's a lot of anger out there and there's a lot of people that are asking the u.s. congress to help. we want to hear how this obamacare is affecting individual americans from coast to coast. and so we've developed a website called, and we would invite those people who
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are experiencing difficulty to your, click on tory and tell explicitly the experiences you're having. this is important. we appreciate it. i think my time has expired. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition? >> to ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york is recognized for one minute. mr. crowley: thank you, mr. speaker. earlier this week the republican leader circulated his party's 2014 agenda, the vision for promoting a private sector job growth, expanding the middle class and strengthening our economy. there are ideas for improving civil rights and bettering our immigration system. the path forward for ensuring our children and grandchildren inherit a better america. now i'd like to read to the house and to the american people the 2014 agenda by the
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republican party. mr. speaker, i would like to read them all in the order in hich they are presented. yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from illinois seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from illinois is recognized for one minute.
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>> mr. speaker, as our nation prepares for thanksgiving, i rise to thank and honor two brothers from boy scout troop 275 and the community that rallied behind him. in the suburban chicago district i represent, post 1170 was showing its age. it was neither fitting nor proper for the veterans that filled the halls. renovation was need and money was tight in an economy hard hit by our economy. e day, edgar and eric garcia reinvigorated post 1170. with help from fellow scouts, all they needed were supplies. that's where home depot came in. mr. schneider: they covered 90% of the renovations. but they contributed far more than simply dollars and cents. 30 home depot employees helped with labor. by their and inspired
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generosity and i am overwhelmed with the community's outpouring of support. our communities in illinois' 10th district are great because we care one another. as we approach thanksgiving, if you ever doubt our greatness, you need only visit american legion post 1170. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. . . the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? the gentleman from texas, mr. session, is recognized for one minute. mr. sessions: mr. speaker, today i'm joined by part of our rules committee family, the members of the rules committee, who would like to welcome back to our nation's capital a very dear friend, celeste west. she's part of our rules committee family who retired last july after 20 years of service. on friday, september 6, celeste
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was tragically and unexpectedly had the loss of her only son, barker, in a car accident. today would have been barker's 19th birthday. we all watched barker as he grew up in the rules committee. barker brought a smile to the face of everyone he met. a gregarious young man who had an unlimited amount of energy and zeal with an unlimited future. he was an outstanding young man who believed in himself and others. barker was also a fraternity brother of mine in the pie kappa alpha fraternity. barker's fraternity brothers have called him a legend. d as we know lives live on despite us being in other places. his spirit is with us today. in the wake of this tragedy, we
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are here today with celeste, her family, barker's father, frank, and his stepmother, sue ellen. we are here to celebrate the short but remarkable life, another life of a person here in our family also of the united states capitol. as a father, myself, i cannot even fathom the difficulties that the family's going through. but we want you to know all of us that are here today that the life that has been lived of franklin barker west was important and is important to us. we yield back our time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas yields back his time.
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the speaker pro tempore: does the gentleman from kentucky have a general leave request? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to evise and extend their remarks and to include extraneous material on h.r. 1900, the natural gas pipeline permitting reform act. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. pursuant to house resolution 420 and rule 18, the chair declares the house in the committee of the whole house on the state of the union for the consideration of h.r. 1900. the chair appoints the gentleman from texas, mr. poe, to preside over the committee of the whole.
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the chair: the house is in the committee of the whole house on the state of the union for the consideration of h.r. 1900 which the clerk will report by title. the clerk: a bill to provide for the timely consideration of all licenses, permits, and approvals required under federal law with respect to the citing, construction, expansion, or operation of any natural gas pipeline projects. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the bill is considered as read the first time. the gentleman from kentucky, mr. whitfield, and the gentleman from california, mr. waxman, each will control 30 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from kentucky, mr. whitfield. mr. whitfield: thank you very much. mr. chairman, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the chair: the gentleman from kentucky is recognized for as much time as he wishes. mr. whitfield: as chairman of the subcommittee on energy and power, we had a number of
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earings over the last year and we are all quite excited about the production, additional production of natural gas and oil in america. as many people know, we now are the number one producer of natural gas in the world, and the number one producer of oil in the world. this has come about because of the entrepreneurial spirit of the private sector and development of these properties on private lands, primarily in pennsylvania, north dakota, and texas. so we are all excited about the opportunity for energy independence in america. and certainly hopefully to reach a point where we are less dependent upon oil and other products coming from the middle east. i want to thank mike pompeo, member from kansas, for authoring this important legislation.
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and although we have become the number one producer and we have an abundance of natural gas today, we still have one key problem. to put it simply, we don't have the necessary pipeline infrastructure to move natural gas from where it is produced to where it is needed most. and i would like to just illustrate how some states are being harmed. according to the energy information administration, in january this year we saw several states with residential natural gas prices way above the national average. for example, new hampshire was 30% above the national average. massachusetts was 43%, maine, 67%, and florida, 68%. unfortunately those living in these and many other states can expect to see higher prices once again this winter, and this is
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precisely why we are bringing to the floor h.r. 1900. h.r. 1900 simply would bring certainty and agency accountability to the natural gas pipeline permitting process. it would allow natural gas pipelines to be built in a safe, responsible, and timely manner. it would also make existing natural gas pipelines safer. during the legislative hearing on h.r. 1900, we heard testimony from industry of a corrosive natural gas pipeline that could not be replaced in a timely manner because an agency missed the deadline to issue a permit by nearly a year. the american people demand better than this. and so as we hear discussion and consider amendments to h.r.
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1900, i want to thank once again the members of the subcommittee, the staffs, and representative pompeo for all the work on this important legislation. i respectfully reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman from kentucky reserves his time. the gentleman from california, mr. waxman, is recognized. mr. waxman: mr. chairman, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the chair: the gentleman is recognized. mr. waxman: we are told that the pompeo bill seeks to speed up the approval of interstate natural gas pipelines. in fact, it would have the opposite effect. delaying and disrupting the pipeline approval process that is working. the nonpartisan government accountability office has concluded that the federal energy regulatory commission pipeline permitting is predictable and consistent and gets pipelines built. the pipeline companies testified that the process is generally
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very good. and that the, quote, sector enjoys a favorable legal and regulatory framework for the approval of a new infrastructure. in short, this is a government program that works well. h.r. 1900 would disrupt this functioning permitting process by arbitrarily limiting the time that ferc and other agencies have to review pipeline applications. when faced with these time limits, one of two things will happen. agencies conduct -- can conduct inadequate environmental reviews and rush to approve permits that do not comply with our nation's health, safety, and environmental laws. this would be a terrible outcome. because the public won't be protected and pipeline permits will be legally vulnerable. alternatively the agencies can deny the permits when the time
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limits prevent them from completing legally mandated pipeline reviews. and this would be a bad result as well because needed pipeline capacity would not get constructed. the career director at the office of energy projects at ferc testified that he didn't believe that this bill would result in faster permitting. he explained that the bill would actually result in slower permitting if agencies had no choice but to deny applications because of the arbitrary deadlines established by this bill. with this bill we will get rushed decisions and more project denials. no one benefits from that, not even or especially not the pipeline companies. but the problem with this bill doesn't end there. the pompeo bill automatically
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grants environmental permits for a pipeline project if an agency does not make a decision on a permit within 90 days of the issuance of ferc's environmental analysis. this provision would sacrifice public health and environmental protections in favor of an arbitrary deadline. no one can explain how this provision can actually be implemented. these permits are detailed documents that include emission limits, technology or operating requirements, and conditions to ensure the environment is protected. agencies need to figure out all of these details and then actually draft the permits. complex permits might not even be written but somehow they would be required to magically take effect. in an effort to cobble together
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a solution to the mystery of how incomplete permits could be automatically issued, the bill ansforms ferc into a superpermitting agency. if an agency misses the 90-day deadline, the bill apparently requires ferc to write and issue the permit itself. under this approach ferc will be issuing b.l.m. rights of way through federal lands. ferc will be figuring out water discharge limits. ferc will be determining which technologies should be employed to reduce air pollution emissions. ferc will be issuing permits to prothoket wetland and even bald -- protect wedlands and even -- wetlands and even bald eagles. they are ordinarily conducted by other agencies. but in this bill because of the
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deadline, ferc will be required to take on those responsibilities. there are going to be real environmental and safety impacts if permits automatically go into effect without the responsible agencies completing the necessary analysis. the army corps of engineers and e.p.a. raised concerns that automatic permitting could lead to permits that are inconsistent with the retirements of the clean watt -- requirements of the clean water act, clean air act, and this could result in harmful water or air pollution. this unworkable bill won't speed up pipeline permitting, but it will have adverse health, safety, and environmental impacts. and it will undermine the public's acceptance of interstate natural gas pipelines going through their communities. that's why it's opposed by the pipeline safety trust and the public interest and environmental groups. and that's why the
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administration has announced that it would veto this bill if it ever made it to the president's desk. this is a bad bill. the consequences have not been thought through. and i urge all members to oppose the bill. i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman from california reserves his time. the gentleman from kentucky. mr. whitfield: at this time, i would like to yield four minutes to the distinguished gentleman from kansas, mr. pompeo, author f this bill. mr. pompeo: thank you, mr. chairman. thank you, chairman whitfield, chairman upton for working this bill through the committee. it's great to have it on the floor today. we now have a bipartisan piece of legislation aimed at making simple, commonsense reforms to the natural gas pipeline permitting process. rather than eliminating environmental regulations and permits, h.r. 1900 takes a very reasonable approach by requiring agencies involved in the permitting of natural gas pipelines simply requesting that they finish their work in a timely manner.
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the legislation builds on the reforms of the technology act in 2005 which placed the ferc as the lead agency for the interstate natural gas pipeline. as we heard this morning, natural gas is becoming a dominant force in the manufacturing sectors. it's critical that pipeline construction can take place through a modernized permitting process, that's what this bill aims to do. the current permitting process established in 2005 is already in need of updating because of the enormous shale gas boom. . h.r. 1900 puts in place statutory deadlines for each of the permitting agencies to complete their work. this is reasonable. we are simply asking agencies to do what the law requires them to do. they can say yes to the permit. they can deny the permit but they can't sit on it. they have to do their home work. they have to get the job done.
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ferk is the lead -- ferc is the lead agency. and ferc testified earlier this year, the deadlines imposed by h.r. 1900 are reasonable. in each case we made those changes at their request. if an agency after h.r. 1900 were to become law, an agency doesn't complete its work, the permit would automatically be approved by statute. and i've heard others say that's unprecedented but that's not the case. there are examples where permits approvals of is deemed necessary. i can't imagine anyone saying this is radical or unprecedent but i don't see how they can claim it's unnecessary. to my left you can see the effect of natural gas.
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here in the northeast where i'm standing today and on the west coast, you see natural gas 20% above the national average in arizona. 67% above the national average in maine. and 68% above the national average in the state of florida. we are seeing these prices rise because we don't have infrastructure adequate to the needs of manufacturers and consumers in these places. "the new york times" wrote the following -- ferc was concerned about natural gas generators at a time when there is increasingly tight availability to deliver natural gas from the south and the west to new england. "the boston globe" wrote, writing about pipeline projects in new england, the globe said they come as they have growing demand for natural gas and
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constraints have led to price hikes such as extended winter old snaps driving the prices higher. "the times" and "the globe" recognizes the need for h.r. 1900. this is a real issue with real consequences for jobs in america and for average working families. this will give developers that invest in projects which could transport affordable energy to consumers all across the nation. i urge my colleagues to vote in favor of h.r. 1900 and address a very real issue impacting consumers and manufacturers all across the country. i yield back. the chair: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from kentucky reserves. the gentleman from california is recognized. mr. waxman: mr. chairman, i yield myself one minute. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. waxman: i do that in order to respond to the concerns that have been raised about natural gas prices in the northeast. this is a real issue.
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new england is using more natural gas to jen operate electricity and more -- generate electricity and more natural gas heating the homes than in the past. on the coldest winter days when natural gas is needed for both heating and electricity, there is more demand than can be met by the existing pipeline capacity and that of course can result in price spikes. but this bill does nothing to solve that problem. the problem in new england isn't caused by pipeline applications, taking too long to get approved by the federal energy regulatory commission. the problem is that the pipeline companies aren't even submitting the applications because they haven't figured out who will pay for these new pipelines. the pipeline companies haven't been satisfied that there's a sufficient year-round demand -- yield myself an additional 30
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seconds. sufficient year-round demand to justify and finance these pipelines. that's an issue that ferc is actively looking at and has been holding stakeholder conferences about. but this has nothing to do with mr. pompeo's bill. cutting corners on the permitting process isn't going to help get additional pipeline capacity built for the northeast. i don't think we ought to be blaming government for every problem. the reality is that ferc and the government didn't create this problem. it's a problem of the economics of it all and the faster we understand that the faster we can try to find real solutions. i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from kentucky. mr. whitfield: at this time i'd like to yield two minutes to the chairman of the energy and commerce committee, mr. upton of michigan. the chair: the gentleman from michigan is recognized for two minutes. mr. upton: well, thank you, mr. speaker. i rise in support of h.r. 1900, a commonsense, bipartisan bill
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that's going to help build the architecture of abundance that we need to fully realize the benefits of our american energy boom. you know, until a few years ago our nation was facing a very critical shortage of natural gas, and i will remind us that policymakers in the 1970's in 1980's 's -- 19750es, and 1990's never thought of this. hydraulic fracturing made america the number one gas producer in the world. our overall energy landscape has changed dramatically in just a short period of time. it is not only rewriting the economic outlook we have as a nation but also beginning to change the geopolitical nature of energy as we've heard from nations around the world seeking access to united states supplies to help wean them off of regions like russia and the middle east. so today we face a new challenge.
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how to overcome government-imposed roadblocks to building the infrastructure and unleashing the unovation necessary to harness our new energy abundance. as energy production grows across the u.s., building infrastructure to move these supplies to consumers is emerging as the real challenge of this century. with all of our abundance in natural gas, it is simply unacceptable that there are still regions of the country where lower prices are being constrained by a lack of pipelines because of regulatory delays. america's rich natural gas resources should continue fueling both job creation and economic growth, but we cannot fulfill that potential unless we ensure businesses and manufacturers have access to this affordable and reliable and clean energy. so i commend representative pompeo for introducing this bill, h.r. 1900, as a remedy for the problem, setting enforceable deadlines to approve natural gas pipeline
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projects will build upon the bipartisan -- one additional minute? mr. whitfield: i yield the gentleman one minute. the chair: the gentleman from michigan is recognized for one minute. mr. upton: setting enforceable deadlines will build upon the bipartisan reforms that we made with our energy policy act of 2005 while preserving critical environmental review. if other nations, including canada, australia and many other e.u. member nations can hold their agencies to real accountable deadlines, it is not unreasonable to ask ours to do the same. congress should be doing everything possible to reduce red tape and delays and building safe and efficient natural gas pipelines to bring our infrastructure up to modern times to reflect that energy abundance. this bill is a very important step in the right direction, and i would urge my colleagues to vote yes and i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from kentucky reserves, and the gentleman from california is recognized.
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mr. waxman: mr. chairman, i'll continue to reserve our time. the chair: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from kentucky. mr. whitfield: at this time i'd like to yield three minutes to the gentleman from ohio, mr. johnson. the chair: the gentleman from ohio is recognized for three minutes. mr. johnson: thank you, mr. chairman. today i rise in strong support of h.r. 1900, the natural gas pipeline permitting reform act, legislation that will help bring america closer to energy independence and security. the united states is blessed with god-given natural gas resources that many experts believe it exceeds the reserves in places like saudi arabia and eastern and southeastern ohio we are blessed with the deposits that are beginning to produce never before seen volumes of natural gas and natural gas liquids. this part of rural ohio, a region of the country that is often forgotten by officials in
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columbus and washington, d.c., is seeing billions of dollars of private sector investment in domestic energy production and even more is in the planning stages. but we have a major challenge to overcome. you see, we can't always get the natural gas from the drilling site to the end users because there's a lack of pipeline that -- networks. pipeline companies are working 24/7 to remedy this problem, but they often face procedural roadblocks from federal agencies that slow down progress and hamper job creation. h.r. 1900 would give production companies the confidence and certainty that if they invest the millions of dollars to drill wells they will have a way to get the natural gas to market. now, this legislation could decide whether or not my constituents have a job. but i was disappointed that the administration is opposed to it. from the president on down, the administration has acknowledged that hydraulic fracturing is environmentally safe.
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just yesterday, secretary of state john kerry menged the importance of natural gas -- mentioned the importance of natural gas to americans. but with their opposition to this legislation, i guess they aren't really serious about america's energy independence and energy future. it seems they'd rather leesk ohio's natural gas in the -- leave ohio's natural gas in the ground than having hardworking americans benefit from its production. i ask my colleagues to support this job-creag legislation and i urge the senate to -- job-creating legislation and i urge the senate to take it up and i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman from california. mr. waxman: mr. chairman, i yield myself two minutes. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. waxman: mr. chairman and my colleagues, i understand that proponents of this bill want a one-size-fits-all washington, d.c., solution to the time frames required for pipeline reviews. the problem is that there isn't some magic number of days that works for all pipelines and all
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circumstances. there are 10-mile pipelines far from population centers that cross no rivers, and there are pipelines hundreds of miles long that cross multiple rivers and run through back yards. these are very different projects. it should come as no surprise that they take different amounts of time to review. when reviewing a project, ferc doesn't just have to do an environmental review. it also has to conduct an engineering review. ferc must evaluate, approve and in many cases alter a pipeline's route to address environmental, engineering and community concerns. ferc must determine a pipeline's tariffs and rates. now, these are steps that take time. for longer and more complex pipelines, these steps take longer and they should.
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ferc decides 92% of all pipeline applications within 12 months. let me repeat that. 92% of all the applications are approved within 12 months. the fact is that 8% of projects take longer isn't a problem. it reflects the reality that a small number of projects are more complex and impact more people. if you have constituents in the path of these proposed pipelines, you should want the federal energy regulatory commission and other agencies to protect your constituents by completing the necessary reviews. your constituents don't want a one-size-fits-all washington solution for all problems that are not the same. i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from kentucky. mr. whitfield: i'd recognize myself.
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the gentleman from illinois just rised and i didn't see him so at this time i'd like to recognize the gentleman from illinois, mr. shimkus, for three minutes. the chair: the gentleman from illinois is recognized for three minutes. mr. shimkus: thank you. i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend. the chair: without objection. mr. shimkus: thank you, mr. speaker. i applaud my colleague and fellow subcommittee chairman on the energy and commerce for helping bring h.r. 1900 to the floor. this legislation would help ensure the key elements of our critical infrastructure will be improved and constructed on a timely and predictable basis. this is a goal we all can and should support. on a closely related subject, i, too, want to talk about the growing tendency among certain states to having obstructionist tactics to obtain projects. they've blocked federally approved projects. states have used federally delegated authority to block
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federally approved projects. the most prominent example is use of the clean water act to deny otherwise routine permits and approvals. as my colleagues suggested, we have legislated on that previously but our clear intent on doing so was frustrated in the court system. it may be well that we need to address this issue further and i stand ready to work with my colleague ready to do so. in other states, they have imposed consistency requirements on federally approved projects even when those projects have already been found to be consistent with the states' coastal management plan. this is clearly taking a second bite at the apple. the law is abundantly clear that the state has no authority to review an existing project a second time if it underwent a previous consistency review. only in the event there is an applicable program change or a significant alteration in the nature of the facility would a state ever be entitled to
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render a second consistency determination. for this reason i see no need to legislate on that subject at this time, but i am well aware that even the clearest of statutory provisions can sometimes be distorted by determined states. so i will join where my colleague, chairman whitfield, to keep a watchful eye on this situation. mr. speaker, once again, i support passage of h.r. 1900 and yield back the balance of my time. . the chair: the gentleman from kentucky reserves. the gentleman from california is recognized. mr. waxman: mr. chairman, i'm pleased at this time to yield four minutes to a very porp member of the energy committee from the state of florida, ms. castor. the chair: the gentlelady from florida is recognized for four minutes. ms. castor: thank you very much. i thank ranking member waxman for yielding the time. colleagues, we are dealing with a bill here, h.r. 1900, that relates to the federal energy regulatory commission. ferc is an independent agency that reviews electric
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transmission lines that go across states, interstates, electric transmission lines, they also review intrastate oil pipelines, and they also review the interstate natural gas pipelines. this is very important -- this is a very important subject. this bill relates only to the natural gas pipeline authority of ferc. now, the country right now is in a natural gas revolution. it has been remarkable. the united states is now a net exporter of petroleum and this has happened very quickly. and ferc has responded very well over time on the expansion of the natural gas markets. that's why it's so confounding why we need this new bill that's going to short circuit ferc's review power. right now ferc grants over 90% of the interstate natural gas pipelines across the country. this bill really is a -- an
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unnecessary piece of legislation in search of a problem. in committee the bill was panned by the ferc professional staff. the administration strongly opposes it. instead of expediting expansion of natural gas pipelines across the country, it would disrupt ferc's natural gas permitting process, which right now is already getting thousands of miles of pipelines permitted in a timely manner. like i said over 90% of the applications. instead, the bill establishes arbitrary and inflexible deadlines for ferc and other agencies to issue permits. and there are several major problems with the bill, particularly short-circuiting the permitting process for the most complex projects. the bill says we have a 12-month deadline no matter what kind of project is proposed. ferc currently decides 90% of the permit applications within that 12-month period.
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and in july, the pipeline trade association testified that ferc's existing permitting process is generally very good. second, in addition to this arbitrary 12-month deadline for all applications, it would rush environmental reviews for complex projects. the bill's rigid deadline applies to every pipeline project regardless of complexity. it doesn't make sense to apply the same 12-month deadline to, say, a 30-mile interstate pipeline that doesn't cross any rivers, doesn't have environmental concerns, doesn't go through population areas, and then apply the same 12-month deadline to the most come flex, multistate, interstate pipeline -- complex, multistate, interstate pipeline issues that goes across environmentally sensitive areas, across rivers, through highly populated areas. third, the bill also will lead to unnecessary permit denials.
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what we heard from ferc is that instead of speeding up the permitting process for natural gas pipelines, it is very likely that this bill would slow down permitting. if ferc can't finish its analysis by the required deadline, they may have no choice but to deny an application that otherwise could have been granted. now, before i came to congress, i practiced environmental law. what i learned during that time is for those complex projects there's a lot of give and take that needs to happen. you have to discuss mitigation. you have to discuss are there any alternatives. oftentimes these business owners, it's in their interest to have a little more time to figure out the right path for a pipeline or a transmission line or something like that. you get input from local governments, local communities, neighborhood associations, environmental groups, and you wind up with a better project. could i have two more minutes? mr. waxman: i yield an additional two minutes to the gentlelady.
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the chair: the gentlelady is recognized for two minutes. ms. castor: i thank the gentleman. another serious problem with the bill is that it transforms ferc into a superpermitting agency. now, that sounds pretty scary but that's what it does. it says that the bill provides for permits to automatically go into effect if an agency does not approve or deny them by the bill's arbitrary 90-day deadline. ferc would be issuing clean air act permits, clean water act permits, even b.l.m. right of way through federal land permits. these are function that is ferc does not have the expertise or resources to carry out. this is an unworkable provision that could result in permits being issued that are inconsistent with the nation's environmental laws. finally, i know many people on both sides of the aisle are very concerned about eminent domain. when we give power to government to condemn land. well, here's a reminder for everyone, we should all remember when ferc issues a certificate of public convenience and necessity, it gives a pipeline
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company the power of eminent domain. the power to take someone's property, should not be conferred without ferc taking the time it needs for a thorough analysis and thoughtful decisionmaking. for all of those reasons i urge opposition to the bill. i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentlelady yields back her time. the gentleman from california reserves. the gentleman from kentucky. mr. whitfield: i might make one comment. as the gentlelady from florida indicated, the obama administration has indicated their opposition to this bill. but i will tell you we have large groups, co-ops supporting this bill, and the new england ratepayers association wrote a letter to us saying currently new england ratepayers suffer from the highest electricity rates of any other region in the country. and a significant reason for this is the limited compass ut of natural gas pipeline which the electricity generators throughout new england rely on.
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so we are trying to respond to the needs of people, and we recognize that the economy has been weak and there's not a lot of pipelines being built right now, although there is one in my home state of kentucky, but we want to state the framework so that when the time comes these pipeline companies are able to move and move quickly with adequate protection. at this time i'm delighted to recognize the gentleman from california, our distinguished whip, mr. mccarthy, for three minutes. the chair: the gentleman from california is recognized for three minutes. mr. mccarthy: thank you, mr. chairman. i thank my colleague for recognizing me. i rise in support of h.r. 1900. in support of the work this chamber has accomplished this week. this was an important week in the house. we will have passed three bills that further the energy revolution that has propelled the u.s. to the forefront of the world's energy producers. so to hear a few of my colleagues on the other side of
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the aisle disparage this work, even so much as refer to it as egregious, is disappointing. first we pass legislation that reduced bureaucratic delays on energy products on federal land. that are providing resources to power our economy. as america we will soon become the largest energy producer in the world. it is astonishing that this occurred while energy production on federal lands has actually decreased. we guarantee that energy production from hydraulic fracturing on federal lands is overseen by the regulator with the best prack record, the states. and -- track record, the states. and today we are ensuring that one harness the energy resources will reach the end users in the safest, most efficient, and reliable manner. in its lifecycle the quality of life for all americans improve. there is no better example than at the start of this month, november 1. the first pipeline to enter new york city in 40 years. that was 40 years that it took.
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what happened once it entered new york city? the price dropped. the price fell by 17%. do you real nies if you buy gas -- realize if you buy gas in new york city it's cheaper than louisiana? 40 years it took. to me that was egregious. the savings that extends far beyond new york city. in 2012 affordable energy added $1,200 of disposable income to the average u.s. household. that will go to $2,700 by 2020, and $3,500 by 2025. that is real savings. today we have an opportunity. we have an opportunity to streamline, to protect, and to lower the cost for all americans. to actually be able to produce and create more jobs in america. that's why you see a very diverse group of support for this legislation. from union to association to americans. we want to keep more of what
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they earn. create more american jobs. and again stop any egregious falsities that it takes 40 years to build a pipeline. i yield back. the chair: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from kentucky reserves. the gentleman from california. mr. waxman: mr. chairman, i know of no unions supporting this bill. nor do i think the northeast ratepayers said in their letter where they expressed their concern about the supplies, where there's a very cold spell, that they want this bill, either. i'm pleased at this time to yield three minutes to a distinguished subcommittee ranker on the energy -- one of the energy subcommittees, the gentleman from new york, mr. tonko. the chair: the gentleman from new york is recognized for three minutes. mr. tonko: thank you, mr. speaker. ank you, mr. waxman, for the opportunity. the bill we are addressing before the house simply does not address the problems with pipeline approvals because the committee has not identified any
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problems with them. the natural gas pipeline approval process works well. the government accountability office's recent review found ferc's consideration of the vast majority of these projects is completed within a year of receiving a complete application. the network of over two million miles of gas pipelines spread across this country ensures yours that natural gas can be delivered where it is needed. we do have some areas where additional infrastructure is required. but the failure to fill those needs is not due to the permit approval process at ferc. it is due to economic decisions being made by those in the private sector. we do have some problems with pipelines. accidents resulting in explosions have severely damaged property. and in some cases claim lives. we should be doing more to prevent these accidents. the 10% of project approvals that are not completed within a one-year period are those that are more complex. they extend for many miles.
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traverse densely populated areas, and cross sensitive or valuable resources such as farmlands or water bodies. a project with these characteristics may need more than one year to n sure that the pipeline that is ultimately constructed is not going to place people, their communities, other businesses, or valuable resources at risk. whenever a regulatory agency is poised to act under the law to defend the health and safety of our citizens, there is a hue and cry about the necessaryity of doing extensive analyses of all aspects of the proposed regulation to determine its potential impact on businesses and the economy. many of these aal sees take -- analyses take years and common sense protections that save thousands of our citizens from illnesses and deaths. apparently protecting public health or the environment cannot tsh-can wait but the oil and gas companies cannot. we need energy, but we need
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other things, also. ferc's process weighs all these considerations before approving pipelines, and that is how it should be. pipeline projects should be evaluated in a timely fashion, but the imposition of a hard 12-month deadline for all projects regardless of their length or complexity is bad polcy. we should devote our time to solving problems not creating them. h.r. 1900 should be rejected. it will do nothing to improve the pipeline approval process. and with that i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from california reserves. the gentleman from kentucky. mr. whitfield: may i ask how much time is remaining for both sides? the chair: the gentleman from kentucky has 12 minutes emaining. the gentleman from california has 12 1/2 minutes. mr. whitfield: at this time i yield an additional three minutes to the gentleman from kansas, mr. pompeo.
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the chair: the gentleman from kansas is recognized for three minutes. mr. pompeo: thank you, mr. chairman. a couple of points i think are worth noting to make sure everybody understands what we're up against. there's been suggestion this is unnecessary and maybe some in the eyes of washington, some political officials it's unnecessary but the people that t matters to, consumers know this is a important piece of legislation. the national association of manufacturers said this will be important for creating manufacturing jobs across the country. the chamber of commerce has similarly made this comment. me folks were unaware of union support for this legislation. the united association for plumbers and pipe fitters, the engineers have been in support of h.r. 1900 and this expands all across our country.
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finally, there's been this idea that ferc approved 90% of the permits. it's been repeated time and time again. it's just factually incomplete. right? it's like if you like your health insurance plan you can keep it. technically perhaps true in the most narrow sense but in reality it's not the case that the federal energy regulatory commission approves 90% of all permits. or that they're all approved. ferc is one but many, many agencies that has the authority to approve and deny permits and so this 90% number that continues to be thrown around is just false. we don't have 90% of all folks seeking to build pipelines being able to build those pipelines in a timely fashion. they're being delayed. there's real demand from this. there is demand from the new england ratepayer association and in florida where rates are 60% higher than the national average. this is a real need, this is a real challenge. if we get h.r. 1900 passed, all we're simply saying is do your
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job. finish the process. if you decide that the permit shouldn't be built, any agencies can deny that being built. we are not denying any agency to deny the permit but do their work. tell the folks, no, you're not going to get it and then allow the process to move forward. these unions, these associations, these hardworking families need affordable gas to be delivered to them and h.r. 1900 will help achieve that objective. i yield back. the chair: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from kentucky reserves. the gentleman from california. mr. waxman: mr. chairman, i yield myself two minutes. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. waxman: mr. chairman and my colleagues, we're not arguing whether we should have an infrastructure of pipelines to take natural gas from one place to another. that's not the issue. and that's a false premise that for some reason that may be arn agreement of disagreement. it's -- that may be an area of
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disagreement. the disagreement is whether letting a pipeline be built we're going to shortchange the ability of the agencies to review the pipeline. and if we do that, there may ot be time to look at b.l.m. issues or safe water issues or clean air issues because ferc will be told, if you don't do your job within a certain period of time, this permit's going to be approved and these other agencies aren't going to have enough time to do the review. well, ferc doesn't have the ability to do other agencies' jobs. and those other agencies ought to be able to do their job and ferc should do its job in a timely manner, but a timely manner doesn't mean a certain amount of time and no more. not another month, not another two months, not another three
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months. i want to close by sharing some of the comments made by others. the white house said they'll veto this bill. the president an administration are against it. -- and his administration are against it. they say automatic approvals of natural gas pipeline applications are not decided within a rigid, unworkable time frame could cause confusion and increase litigation risk. and further, the bill may actually delay projects or lead to more project denials undermining the intent of the legislation. let's say they needed a couple more months, but that 12-month period is right there. i yield myself additional time. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for as much time as he wishes. mr. waxman: they'll either have to approve it without those extra few months of review or deny it, which could mean longer period of time before
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the pipeline is approved. it's counter to what the proponents say they expect. the pipeline safety trust, other public organizations said about this bill it would put at risk the well-being of the people and environment where natural gas pipelines are built while making it easier for pipeline companies to use federal eminent domain authority to take private land without a thorough review. eminent ing to allow domain authority by a private company to take away people's land. does that -- is that something that members of congress want to vote for? your constituents' land can be seized by a private company when there had not been a thorough review that would allow this kind of power over
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private property? that shouldn't be the result of a rushed, incomplete process. we wouldn't want a rushed, incomplete process of taking away liberty. we shouldn't allow a rushed, incomplete process to take away private property. the trust -- pipeline safety trust said rushed or incomplete reviews resulting in automatic approvals pose a threat to public safety and the environment. nd they characterize this bill as transforming ferc into a superpermitting agency. they said that's bizarre. and they're right. because it effectively places control over key environmental and public health statutes in the hands of an agency primarily tasked with regulating the economics of natural gas and electricity. they don't have the expertise. they don't have the personnel. they don't have the budget, and
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now we're giving them that kind of a job. and the last quote i have is from the natural gas pipeline industry. now, i realize the industry would always like the permitting to go faster, but the industry told us over and over that the existing process works well. in may, the c.e.o. of a dominion energy testified on behalf of the pipeline companies. he told the subcommittee on energy and power, quote, the interstate natural gas pipeline sector enjoys a favorable, legal and regulatory framework for the approval of new infrastructure, end quote. and his conclusion was that, quote, the natural gas model works, end quote. conservatives used to say, if it works, don't fix it. and yet they want to fix it ith a lot of uncertain
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results. perhaps unintended consequences. mr. chairman, this bill would cause a lot of problems without speeding up the permitting process which is currently getting thousands of miles of new pipelines built in a timely manner. i urge my colleagues to oppose this bill. i reserve whatever time i have. the chair: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from kentucky. mr. whitfield: we have no further speakers so if the gentleman would like to make his -- mr. waxman: mr. chairman, i yield back the balance of my time and recognize the right of the majority to close on the debate. the chair: the gentleman from california yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. whitfield: in my concluding remarks, i'd simply say this act is a commonsense reform aimed at providing greater certainty for interstate natural gas pipeline projects at a time when we see great revitalization in the production of natural gas.
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we have an opportunity to export some natural gas. we have the opportunity to help lower electricity rates, and i would urge all the members to support h.r. 1900 and i'd yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman yields back. all time for general debate has expired. pursuant to the rule, the bill shall be considered for amendment under the five-minute rule. in lieu of the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the committee on energy and commerce, printed in the bill it shall be in order to consider as an original bill for the purpose of amendment under the five-minute rule, an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of rules committee print 1113-25. that amendment in the nature of a substitute shall be considered as read. no amendment to that amendment in the nature of a substitute shall be in order except those printed in house report 113- 272. each such amendment may be
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offered only in the order printed in the report by a member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question. it is now in order to consider mendment number 1 printed in house report 113-272. for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition? mr. tonko: mr. speaker, i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will designate the amendment. the clerk: amendment number 1 printed in house report 113-272 offered by mr. tonko of new york. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 420, the gentleman from new york, mr. tonko, and a member opposed, each will control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from new york. mr. tonko: thank you, mr. speaker. h.r. 1900 attempts to solve a
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problem that simply doesn't exist. the bill seeks to change ferc's process even though the pipeline companies have testified that the permitting process is, and i quote, generally very good, end quote. thousands of miles of natural gas pipelines are being approved under the current system. we have real energy challenges in this country and should be seeking real solutions to these challenges, not spending our time on problems that don't exist. my amendment addresses a real problem, the dangers of climate change and the contributions of natural gas infrastructure to this growing threat. and it prevents waste by ensuring that we use it and don't lose it. is the most urgent energy challenge that we face today. if global average temperature continues to increase, we will face even more serious impacts, including flooding of coastal cities, increased risks to our flood supply, unprecedented heat waves, exacerbated water
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security in many regions -- water scarcity in many regions, intensity of tropical cyclones, such as superstorm sandy and the typhoon in the philippines. our behavior is driving these changes. we must take responsibility for this situation and work to halt it. we should not leave this task to our children and grandchildren and condemn to a more uncertain and unsafe world. many hope that natural gas or methane will serve as a critical bridge fuel as we work to reduce our carbon pollution, but natural gas poses its own challenges. although natural gas emits less carbon dioxide when burned than coal or oil, the development and transportation of natural gas results in releases of methane which is a potent greenhouse gas which is 25 times more damaging to the climate than carbon dioxide. this is a serious concern. according to a study by the
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world resources institute, leaks from natural gas systems, and i quote, represent a significant source of global warming pollution in the united states, end quote. the study further found that methane leaks occur at every stage of the natural gas life cycle. at the well-head, from compression facilities and from pipelines. these methane emissions can reduce or negate the net climate benefits of using natural gas as a substitute for coal and oil. the good news is that we can reduce methane emissions by applying proven, cost-effective technologies throughout the natural gas system. my amendment will ensure that new pipelines incorporate designs, systems and practices that minimize leaks thereby conserving gas and reducing pollution. we will still need to address problems with existing infrastructure and other sources within the natural gas system, but this would be a very important start. it is precisely what we should expect and require of energy
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infrastructure that will be around for decades. by including this requirement in the law, the applicants informed before they begin their application of the requirement for this information and would have ample time to include it in permitting applications. in encouraging the prevention and monitoring ever leaks would have the added benefit -- monitoring of leaks would have the added benefit. it wouldn't wait for the development of something new. these technologies exist today and only need to be applied to the extent applicable. this makes both economic and environmental sense. by reducing pipeline leaks, the amendment ensures that more of our domestic energy resources will be used in fewer of -- and fewer of these resources will be wasted. the amendment doesn't fix the core problems with h.r. 1900, including the bill's arbitrary and harmful deadlines, but it does ensure that the bill addresses an energy problem that actually exists. if we're going to revisit the law governing the permitting of natural gas pipelines, this is the kind of commonsense steps
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that we should be discussing. with that i urge my colleagues to support this amendment and yield back, mr. speaker. the chair: the gentleman yields back his time. who seeks recognition? mr. whitfield: mr. chairman, i rise in opposition to the amendment. the chair: the gentleman is ecognized. mr. pompeo: thank you. methane is defined as a greenhouse gas. the e.p.a.'s new source performance standards captured emissions above a certain threshold. permits are already required for facilities whose emissions are anticipated to be above that threshold. ferc's primary role, rather, should be as an economic regulator the same it is today and the same way it would be after h.r. 1900 would become law. it would want to defer environmental matters, like this, to the appropriate agency, which would be the e.p.a.
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the amendment is structured such that the determination would have to be made before the nepa analysis would begin. in other words, when the complete application's filed and ferc is put in the role of determining methane-best practices rather than e.p.a. that puts the cart before the horse. it should be made as part of thep ep permitting process. regarding emissions in general, the industry has every incentive to control methane leaks. escachinge methane is escaping product, something they don't want to have happen. this amendment would add unnecessary requirements to a problem that is already being addressed. you urge my colleagues to vote no on the tonko amendment. i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman from can as as is recognized. the gentleman from new york has already yielded back his time. mr. pompeo: i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman from kansas yields back his time. the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from new york. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no.
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in the opinion of the chair, the noes have it. the amendment is not agreed to. mr. tonko: mr. speaker. the chair: the gentleman from new york. mr. tonko: i ask for a recorded vote. the chair: pursuant to clause 6 of rule 18, further proceedings on the amendment offered by the gentleman from new york will be postponed. it is now in order to consider amendment number 2 printed in house report 113-272. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from florida seek recognition? ms. castor: i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will designate the amendment. the clerk: amendment number 2, printed in house report number 113-272, offered by ms. castor of florida. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 420, the gentlewoman from florida, ms. castor, and a member opposed, each will control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from florida. ms. castor: thank you. under h.r. 1900, if an agency cannot complete its review of a gas pipeline permit application
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by the bill's arbitrary 90-day or some cases 120-day deadline, then the federal energy regulatory commission, or ferc, is required to automatically issue the permits. this permitting provision broadly applies to the clean air act, the clean water act, the endangered species act, the coastal zone management act, and rights of way through federal lands. it simply goes too far. it's completely unreasonable. and it runs counter to the author's intent. the untent of the author is to speed interstate -- the approval of interstate natural gas pipe lin. but instead what this provision will do f. my amendment is not adopted, is create greater delays, and i believe greater likelihood of litigation that will delay our important natural gas infrastructure in this country. so my amendment is straightforward. it simply strikes this provision
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that requires ferc to automatically issue other agency's permits. you heard mr. waxman, and i said the same thing what, this bill does is it turns ferc, whose jurisdiction is limited to reviewing interstate electric transmission lines, natural gas pipelines, and oil pipelines, it turns it into a superpermitting agency. it grabs e.p.a.'s jurisdiction and authority, the interior department, other agencies. the army corps of engineers. and settles into ferc this superpermitting authority that really is completely unreasonable. right now these permits are typically detailed documents that include safety requirements, emission limits, technology on operating requirements, and conditions to ensure communities are protected and the water and wetlands and other environmental resources are considered when -- especially when you have a complex interstate natural gas pipeline coming through your
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community. agencies need the ability to -- and time to analyze all of these details and then draft appropriate permit conditions to protect our communities back home, protect the health and safety, protect landowner rights, and propose cleanup requirements in case there is an accident. under h.r. 1900, ferc acts as a superpermitting agency and if an agency cannot meet the strict deadline, ferc apparently will write and issue the permit itself. this is a recipe for natural gas pipeline delays, and that's why so many are fearful the consequences of this bill. after all, ferc right now already grants 90% of the natural gas interstate pipeline applications that come before it. so it makes no sense to have ferc issuing permits for other agencies. ferc doesn't have the expertise to grant land management, rights of way through federal lands, or
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set water pollution discharge limits. that's not a workable solution. it's a recipe for greater litigation and delay. besides litigation and delays and other complications, there are going to be real environmental and safety impacts that permits automatically go into effect without the responsible agencies completing the necessary analysis. it could result in permits being issued that are inconsistent with the requirements of the nation's environmental laws. that's why the pipeline safety trust and numerous environmental organizations strongly oppose the bill. the army corps of engineers and e.p.a. also express concern that automatic permitting could lead to permits that do not meet the requirements of the clean water act and clean air act. this could result in harmful water pollution and air pollution. and in addition to delays, lawsuits and environmental harm automatically issuing permits without an agency confirming the legal requirements is going to undermine the public's acceptance of interstate natural
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gas pipelines going through our communities. that's the last thing you want to happen. we are undergoing a natural gas revolution in this country. that generally is very positive. so why would you try to pass this bill that would lead to greater litigation delays, ncertainty, and that the industry itself says may not be necessary? agencies should act expeditiously on pipeline applications, but they also need time to conduct the necessary environmental and safety reviews. take e cases, it will longer for a 90 dash day or 120-day environmental review. some of these pipelines are very complex, and they go over hundreds of miles through environmentally sensitive areas. people need time and the businesses need time to work through the conditions. so we should not sacrifice these protections when the pipeline permitting process is already working well. nor should we take critical health, safety, and environmental functions away
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from the agencies. my amendment doesn't fix all the problems but it eliminates unworkable provisions. if you do not want to complicate interstate natural gas pipeline process that the industry says is generally very good, then i urge you to support my amendment. thank you. i yield back. the chair: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from kansas seek recognition? mr. pompeo: i rise in opposition to the amendment from the gentlewoman from florida, ms. castor. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. mr. pompeo: thank you, mr. chairman. there's been reference as ms. castor presented to what the agency wants. it will mess it up. it will make pipeline permitting take longer. let me read to you what was written to me on a letter this year from that industry association. this is a letter siped by the president and c.e.o. said the energy policy act of 2005 attempted to coordinate the permitting of new natural guys pipelines by designating ferc as a lead agency under nepa and granting them authority to set deadlines for permitting
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agencies to act on pipeline actions. however it did not confer upon ferc the enforce such deadlines. as a result permitting agencies routinely ignore those deadlines. it is critical the pipeline expansion keep pace with demand in such regions as new england, a clear timely review of permits associated with he proposed pipeline projects is critical to meeting these goals. the industry is fully in support of making sure that h.r. 1900 becomes law and this amendment would prevent the key provisions of that from happening. we are seeing the skyrocketing prices. the worst residential price increases in the country are the gentlewoman's home state of florida where natural gas is now above and m.c. is 68% the national average of the gentlelady who offered this amendment. part of this is a direct result of insufficient pipeline capacity to keep up with production and demand inside the state of florida.
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that's great. i'm glad there's demand in florida. we now simply need to get them affordable energy so they can continue to grow jobs for florida families. in july of this year, the energy and commerce committee held a hearing on h.r. 1900 where multiple stakeholders testified, including a florida-based energy company, which in addition to being the largest wind company in north america s. also one of the largest purchasers and consumers of natural gas power for electric generation. regarding the possibility that agency might ultimately choose to deny an application because of h.r. 1900, something that this amendment is offered to make sure it doesn't happen, ostensibly, it says the, quote, in infrastructure development a timely no is much preferable to an indetermineable maybe. that is we have folks who just simply need certainty. they need answers. the gentlewoman from florida talks about increased litigation. i am thrilled to see folks on the other side of the aisle
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finally worried about the plaintiffs' bar and excessive delays that the plaintiffs' bar throws into the regulatory process. i promise my cooperation fully to work across the aisle to make sure h.r. 1900 doesn't add a single job in the plaintiffs' bar anywhere in the united states of america. and finally, ms. castor's amendment was offered because they are concerned about the idea that permit would be deemed approved after a certain time. claiming in some case that is this has been unprecedented. yet in the clean water act thin 45 days of receiving an application under 33 u.s.c. 129, if no ruling has been issued, a permit, quote, shall be deemed approved. under section 75, again, the company seeking an application must submit a notice of commencement to e.p.a. within 30 days, after which the chemical is considered an existing chemical. that is the request if deemed approved. this is not unprecedented. the idea that this provision is extreme is simply not supported by the facts. and the president for deeming
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applications approved if an agency fails to act is common in federal law. i urge my colleagues to vote no on the castor amendment. with that i yield back. the chair: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the question is on the amendment offered by the gentlewoman from florida. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the noes have it. the amendment is not agreed to. ms. castor: i ask for a recorded vote. the chair: pursuant to clause 6 of rule 18, further proceedings on the amendment offered by the gentlewoman from florida will be postponed. it is now in order to consider amendment number 3 printed in house report 113-272. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from california seek recognition? ms. speier: i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will designate the amendment. the clerk: amendment number 3, print in house report number 113-272, offered by ms. speier of california. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 420, the gentlewoman
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from california, ms. speier, and a member opposed, each will control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from california. ms. speier: thank you, mr. chairman. the majority earlier said that this measure is just common sense. so i have a question, is it common sense not to consider the interests of state and local governments in allowing ferc to have this permitting process? my amendment is quite simple. the concerns of state and local communities must be considered in any natural gas pipeline permitting process and should not be disadvantaged by a permit approval process that weighs heavily in favor of the pipeline industry and could deem approved a permit that tramples the concerns of communities that are affected. this issue i know all too well. three years ago a pipeline exploded in my district. i don't want that to happen to any of you. let me tell you what happened in my district. first of all when it exploded no
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one knew that there was a pipeline running in the middle of a densely populated area. the fire department didn't know. the police department didn't know. the city manager didn't know. the city council didn't know. and it took over an hour and a half for the local gas operator to go to another destination, pick up a key, come back to the community, and open the gate so they could turn off the valve. meanwhile, what happened? there were eight lives lost in that explosion. there were 38 homes totally destroyed with just a concrete pad left. 45 other homes badly damaged. three people were considered missing for more than two weeks because there was so little d.n.a. left from the intense fire to positively identify them. there are people in that community today, three years
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later, who are still shell-shocked. and the city fathers and mothers are very concerned about making sure the pipeline safety includes notifying local communities. one of the truly frightening lessons of the tragedy was that the many pipeline operators don't even fully know the conditions of their own pipelines. i can tell you that my communities are much more aware and engaged in natural gas pipeline safety and location decisions. . the objections of state and local officials must be adequately considered and taken into account in the decisionmaking process on where to place potentially dangerous natural gas transmission lines. the consequences of these decisions to local communities cannot be overstated. they have a fundamental stake in these decisions on whether to permit a new pipeline project in their communities. i ask you to support my
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amendment that would ensure that at the very least ferc considers and responds to local and state concerns or objections submitted as part of the ferc permit process before a natural gas pipeline permit is approved or potentially deemed approved. i yield back, mr. chairman. the chair: the gentlewoman from california yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from kentucky seek recognition? mr. whitfield: to claim time in opposition to the amendment. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. mr. whitfield: i would like to say to the gentlelady from california that all of us certainly have great sympathy and were shocked by the events at san bruno. i know it was a horrific incident and many people lost their lives and homes and certainly disrupted the community. i will say that in response to that accident, congress re-enacted a re-authorization of the pipeline safety act in late 2011. that bill included provisions
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on requiring verification of maximum allowable operating pressures for pipelines constructed before 1970, and an expansion of the pipeline integrity management program to cover more miles of pipe and have more inspections. the accident at san bruno determined that the natural gas pipeline that failed had been installed in the mid 1950's using incorrect materials and welding, incorrect even given the standards of the day. fortunately, that house -- that legislation passed unanimously in the house and in the senate and i would also note that under the natural gas act, ferc, whether reviewing a proposed natural gas -- when reviewing a natural gas pipeline proposed, they must find that it meets the public convenience and necessity.
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in other words, the public interest. and the commission does have mechanisms in place to listen to the concerns of landowners, of communities and they balance that with the need for energy infrastructure that meets national needs for a broad number of citizens. the ferc process under section 7 of the natural gas act is open, fair and it invites participation by local communities and landowners already, and that has been in place for 70 years. so i think all of us understand where the gentlelady from california is coming from. we do genuinely believe that the existing process certainly considers local communities and the input from those communities, and for that i'd respectfully ask that we not agree to the gentlelady's amendment of california and i
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yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman yields back. the question is on the amendment offered by the gentlewoman from california. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the noes have it. the amendment is not agreed to. ms. speier: mr. chairman, i would request a recorded vote. the chair: pursuant to clause 6 of rule 18, further proceedings on the amendment offered by the gentlewoman from california will be postponed. it is now in order to consider amendment number 4 printed in house report 113-272. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition? ms. jackson lee: mr. chairman, i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will designate the amendment. the clerk: amendment number 4 printed in house report 113-272 offered by ms. jackson lee of texas. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 420, the gentlewoman from texas, ms. jackson lee, and a member opposed, each will control five minutes.
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the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from texas. ms. jackson lee: thank you, mr. chairman. good morning. i'd like to yield myself two minutes. i offer an amendment that responds, i believe, to the importance of the issue and also the purpose of the underlying bill. it deals with safety. my amendment delays the date upon which the bill can be implemented until such time the federal government is no longer operating under a budget dictated by the sequester. some would call a meat ax. that is dipping into and diving into the works of the federal government, such as agencies such as ferc. the likely impact of this bill, if passed, is to put ferc in a position of having to work faster, to issue decisions with fewer experienced employees and a reduction in resources. thereby impacting safety and security, if i might say. because ferc, like virtually every other federal agency, is operating under the draconian provisions of sequestration,
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which has caused disruption across the nation and to our economy, and i might add, mr. chairman, the important aspect of this is the ultimate results will be, ferc, if you don't do your work, if you're not thoughtful if you're not deliberative, we deem the approval. there's no evidence, no evidence that ferc is backlogged. this has nothing to do with the keystone pipeline which procedures are in another agency altogether. so you'd ask, what problem is this bill solving? none. absolutely none. and with a budget of $306 million, because of sequestration, $15 million reduction in spending, 5% of ferc's budget is impacted. this is a bill seeking a solution to a problem that does not exist and it's dangerous, dangerous to have legislation that deems approval when the agency who has jurisdiction is not complete -- has not completed its investigation. i reserve the balance of my
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time. the chair: the gentlewoman from texas reserves. for what purpose does the gentleman from kentucky seek recognition? mr. whitfield: to claim time in opposition. since i'm the only one that will be speaking, i'll reserve my time. the chair: the gentleman from kentucky reserves. the gentlewoman from texas. ms. jackson lee: may i find out the time that i have? the chair: the gentlewoman has three minutes remaining. ms. jackson lee: i thank the chairman. sequestration is not only impacting the whole of the work of ferc, but in actuality, sequestration is undermining the economy of the united states of america. n my state alone, we have lost 153,000 jobs. in the united states, they've lost one million jobs. it is so devastating that i offer to submit a letter into the record from the prp cardinals dated november -- republican cardinals dated
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asking us to 013, rid the disastrous sequestration. i ask unanimous consent to submit this let near the record that -- the chair: the gentlewoman's request will be covered by general leave. ms. jackson lee: thank you so very much. it indicates that we have a severe problem in sequestration. this legislation to expedite the approval of needed gas looking for gain a solution. since fiscal year 2009, ferc has completed action on 92% of their pipeline applications. mr. chairman, there is no problem. there is no backlog. the idea that sequestration's impact is overstated, it is not true. according to an analysis conducted by regional economic models and damage caused by
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sequestration is substantial. then, i'd like to offer a personal story that deals with the impact far reaching. the fact that pediatricians today are seeing babies that are malnourished because of these horrible cuts and the cuts in snap. mothers are putting water into formula. it may be a far reach, but because we are under these horrible caps, sequestration, it is impacting the far reaches of government. even babies are suffering and malnourished because of sequestration. so my desire today is if this bill passes, if it even goes anywhere, if it finds a problem that it's trying to solve, that it should not be implemented at all. but if it is implemented it certainly should not burden an agency that is proven to do its work 92% of the time timely, it should not burden that agency by insisting that it goes in
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implementation right away. we ould not be in until have move forward and gotten rid of sequestration. i'll say in conclusion that there are enormous amounts of impact, human toll impact, social safety net and health education, 600,000 women and children fallen off of w.i.c., fewer hospital visits for native americans. the national security impact, the u.s. less prepared for w.m.d. incidents. so i ask my colleagues to not support the underlying bill but support the jackson lee amendment. i yield back. the chair: the gentlewoman's time has expired. the gentleman from kentucky. mr. whitfield: the gentlelady from texas does have a reputation of being very innovative in her legislative strategy, and while i would agree with her and many of us would agree that we are frustrated with the budget
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process, many of us don't think the budget process works, she's in this amendment trying to bring to a conclusion sequestration. and i would simply say we do not believe it's appropriate to -- nor do we think we're equipped to debate the sequestration issue which is a budget issue and today we're simply trying to expedite the building of additional natural gas pipelines to streamline the permitting process to help people throughout america have lower electricity rates and perhaps increase our exports. so i would oppose her amendment and with that yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the question is on the amendment offered by the gentlewoman from texas. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the noes have it. the amendment is not agreed to. ms. jackson lee: mr. chairman. the chair: the gentlewoman from texas. ms. jackson lee: i'd like a recorded vote, the yeas and nays. the chair: pursuant to clause 6 of rule 18, further proceedings n this motion are postponed --
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pursuant to clause 6 of rule 18, further proceedings on the amendment offered by the gentlewoman from texas will be postponed. it is now in order to consider amendment number 5 printed in house report 113-272. for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition? mr. dingell: i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will designate the amendment. the clerk: amendment number 5 printed in house report 113-272 offered by mr. dingell of michigan. mr. dingell: mr. chairman, i ask unanimous consent that the amendment be considered as read and that further reading be dispensed with. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 420, the gentleman from michigan, mr. dingell, and a member opposed, will each control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from michigan. mr. dingell: i thank you, mr. chairman. i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks. the chair: without objection. mr. dingell: mr. chairman, this bill is a desperate solution searching for the answers to a
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problem. n july of 2013, before the committee, commissioner muller said that 90% of pirment applications to ferc are already approved within 12 -- permit applications to ferc are already approved within 12%. and 8% is due to the complexity of the projects or incomplete applications, something that indicates there's hardly any need for the amendment. in addition to that statement, there's been no record of any backlog of permit applications that justifies the need to overhaul pipeline permitting regulations. there's an old saying, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. i'm curious why it is we're trying to fix something here that is not broke. i'm worried that if this legislation were to somehow become law we would already see that the agencies and the courts in their consideration
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would rush around to try and figure out what it was the congress intended and how these matters could or should be proceeded upon more expeditiously. that, according to the government agencies that appeared before the committee, is completely unnecessary. having said these things, i would like to call to the attention of the colleagues here that the amendment that i offered today simply directs the g.a.o. to take another look at the permitting process and to take into consideration these issues to tell us what it is that needs to be done to better expedite the process. why this? the reason is very simple. the committee had one day of hearing, had very little support for the legislation, no explanation of why it was
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needed. the agencies appearing before the committee said it really wasn't necessary and other witnesses testified that it wasn't needed. now, the report of the g.a.o. will identify any problems which exist and we can then use the oversight authority of the committee and the congress to fix such problems as might be found and have an intelligent record as to what it is, can or should be done to make this a step which in fact will help us move forward on pipeline permitting. now, i want to make it very clear. i am not opposed to natural gas pipelines, nor am i opposed to moving forward speedyly and intelligently. the system is working, the congress has devised a system of permitting that works, sees to it that safety is properly attended to and has given
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proper oversight, including legislation recently to ensure that proper behavior and proper safety of the pipelines does take place. . i urge the committee to support my amendment. it gives us a bill which we can be proud instead of a bill a loft people will scratch their head and wonder what was the wrongdoing when they foisted this miserable thing upon us? i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman reserves. for what purpose does the gentleman from kansas seek recognition? mr. pompeo: i rise in opposition to the amendment from the gentleman from michigan. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. mr. pompeo: mr. chairman, i rise in opposition of the amendment offered by the gentleman from michigan, mr. dingell, which would strike the entire piece of legislation and replace it with a g.a.o. study. the g.a.o. back in february of this year issued a report detailing what they called the come plecks natural gas pipeline permitting process.
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this amendment would simply ask the g.a.o. to duplicate many of those same findings done in the report issued less than a year ago, and there is simply no need for that. i understand the gentleman from michigan thinks this legislation is unnecessary, but i respectfully disagree. i'll give one example where the laims regarding the approval timelines for natural gas permit pipelines have been dubious. it's been repeated by opponents of this legislation that ferc testified in front of the energy and commerce committee that 90% of the permits are being done on time. this is simply not the case. this is not what ferc stated in their testimony. it stated that 90% of the certificates are being completed within 12 months. there is an awful lot of difference between a certificate and a permit. ferc is in control of only the certificate process. but they are at the mercy of other agencies with respect to the permit approval process. and this is the main reason for the need for this legislation because ferc has absolutely no enforcement authority over the
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other agencies to process permits on schedule. this brings accountability to the other agencies. even though 90% of the certificates are being processed by ferc in the 12-month period, it doesn't tell the full story. it would be like talking about the bills that the house of representatives pass and talk about only naming our post offices, not only talking about the substantive legislation, the important things we do here in the house of representatives. i would also remind the gentleman from michigan that the need for this legislation is so great that it garners support not just from the u.s. chamber of commerce and national association of manufacturers, but also the major electors of the trade associations across the country. the national rural electric cooperative association, and the american public power association. as well as the new england ratepayers association, whose members are, speernsing skyrocketing natural gas prices. -- experiencing skyrocketing natural gas prices. this would ignore the problem of high gas prices in certain
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regions. i urge my colleagues to vote no on the gentleman's amendment and i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman from kansas reserves. the gentleman from michigan. is dingell: this legislation unnecessary. every witness before the committee found no reason why it had to be enacted into law. it was made very clear that there have been no incidences of egregious delay by any events before the permitting authorities. there's no need for the legislation. the amendment is a friendly amendment offered to enable us to find out if there are, in fact, problems. and if there are, in fact, problems then we will be able to take the necessary action to correct whatever problems might exist. at this particular time there is no evidence of need for the
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legislation. permits the time the have been granted within the one-year period. it is only necessary to allow time for others where the erfect mutting application was incorrectly or improperly done, and only where the complexity of requires more time. what i'm hearing from the other side is, they feel that there is need for us to move more rapidly in these complex cases, where serious mistakes can be made, and we can have the danger of an unsafe pipeline resulting. i would remind my colleagues that a pipeline explosion -- the chair: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. dingell: only the failure of a gas pipeline is like a nuclear event. i urge the adoption of the
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amendment and the rejection of the legislation if not adopted. the chair: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from kansas. mr. pompeo: thank you, mr. chairman. i just reiterate there is enormous support for this legislation. while i appreciate that the gentleman from michigan offered his amendment in a friendly tone, it got guts the legislation in its entirety. i also want to offer had a h.r. 1900 is offered in a friendly manner. it's offered friendly to places like michigan, new york, florida, arizona places that are paying unnecessarily high prices for natural gas in their parts of the country. with that i urge the rejection of this amendment and urge my colleagues to vote no on it. i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman from kansas yields back the balance of his time. the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from michigan. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the noes have it. the amendment is not agreed to. mr. dingell: on this, mr. request a record
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vote. the chair: pursuant to clause 6 of rule 18, further proceedings on the amendment offered by the gentleman from michigan will be postponed. pursuant to clause 6 of rule 18, proceedings will now resume on those amendments printed in house report 113-272 on which further proceedings were postponed in the following order. amendment number 1 by mr. at that can -- mr. tonko of new york. amendment number 2 by ms. castor of florida. amendment number 3 by ms. speier of california. amendment number 4 by ms. jackson lee of texas. and amendment number 5 by mr. dingell of michigan. the chair will reduce to two minutes the minimum time for the electronic vote after the first vote in this series. the unfinished business is the request for recorded vote on
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amendment number 1 printed in house report 113-272, by the gentleman from new york, mr. tonko, on further proceedings were postponed on which the noes prevailed by voice vote. the clerk will redesignate the amendment. the clerk: amendment number 1 printed in house report number 113-272 offered by mr. tonko of new york. the chair: a recorded vote has been requested. those in support of the request for recorded vote will rise and be counted. a sufficient number having arisen, a recorded vote is ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. this will be a 15-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the chair: on this vote the yeas are 183. the nays are 233. he amendment is not adopted. the unfinished business is the request for recorded vote on amendment number 2 printed in house report 113-272, by the gentlewoman from florida, ms. castor, on which further proceedings were postponed and on which the noes prevailed by voice vote. the clerk will redesignate the amendment. the clerk: amendment number 2 printed in house report number 113-272 offered by ms. castor of florida. the chair: a recorded vote has been requested. those in support of the request for recorded vote will rise and be counted. a sufficient number having arisen, a recorded vote is ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. this will be a two-minute vote.
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[captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the chair: on this vote the yeas are 184. the nays, 233. he amendment is not adopted. the unfinished business is the request for recorded vote on amendment number 3 printed in the report 11 -272 by gentlewoman from california, ms. speier, on which further
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proceedings were postponed and on which the noes prevailed by voice vote. the clerk will redesignate the amendment. the clerk: amendment number 3 printed in house report number 113-272, offered by miss speier of california. the chair: a recorded vote has been requested. those in support of the request for recorded vote will rise and be counted. a sufficient number having arisen, a recorded vote is ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. this will be a two-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the chair: on this vote, the yeas are 183, the nays 236. he amendment is not adopted. the unfinished business is the request for a recorded vote on amendment number four printed in house report 113-272 by the gentlewoman from texas, ms. jackson lee, on which further proceedings were postponed and on which the noes pri pre-vail by voice vote. the clerk will redesignate the
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amendment. the clerk: amendment number four printed in house report 113-272, offered by ms. jackson lee of texas. the chair: a recorded vote has been requested. those in support of the request for a recorded vote will rise and be counted. a sufficient number having risen, a recorded vote is ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. this is a two-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the chair: on this vote the yeas --
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the chair: on this vote the yeas are 175, the nays are 243. he amendment is not adopted. the unfinished business is the request for a recorded vote on amendment number five printed in house report 113-272 by the gentleman from michigan, mr. dingell, on which further proceedings were postponed on which the noes prevailed by voice vote. the clerk will redesignate the amendment. the clerk: amendment number five printed in house report 113-272, offered by mr. dingell
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of michigan. the chair: a recorded vote have been requested. those in support of the request for a recorded vote will rise and be counted. a sufficient number having risen, a recorded vote is ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. this will be a two-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the chair: on this vote the yeas are 175, the nays are 239. this amendment is not adopted. the question is on the amendment in the nature of a substitute. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. the amendment is adopted. accordingly, under the rule, the committee rises. the speaker pro tempore: mr. hairman. the chair of the committee of the whole house on the state of the union reports that the committee has under consideration bill h.r. 1900,
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and pursuant to house resolution 420 reports the bill back to the house with an amendment adopted in the committee of the whole. under the rule the previous question is ordered. the question is on the adoption of the amendment in the nature of a substitute. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the aye vs. it. the amendment is agreed to. the question son engrossment and third reading of the bill. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. third reading. the clerk: a bill to he provide for the timely consideration of all licenses, permits, and approvals required under federal law with respect to the citing, construction, expansion, or operation any natural gas pipeline project. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. members will please take their conversations off the floor.
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for what purpose does the gentleman from massachusetts seek recognition? >> i have a motion to recommit at the desk. the speaker pro tempore: is the gentleman opposed to the bill? mr. tierney: i am in its current form. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman qualifies. the clerk: mr. tierney of massachusetts proves to remitt the bill h.r. 1900 to the committee on energy and commerce with instructions to report the same back to the white house forthwith with the following -- the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will suspend. for what purpose does the gentleman from kansas seek recognition? mr. pompeo: i ask unanimous consent to dispense with the reading. the speaker pro tempore: is there objection? without objection, so ordered. the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized for five minutes. mr. tierney: thank you, madam speaker. madam speaker, colleagues, this is the final amendment to the bill. as you know it will not kill the bill. it will not send it back to committee. if this motion is adopted the
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bill will immediately proceed to final passage as amended. i ask you to consider doing that. over the last several years it's my understanding that ferc has approved 69 major natural gas pipelines. they span over 3,000 miles in 30 states with a total capacity of nearly 30 billion cubic feet per day. the general accounting office, our firm that does our research for us, has found that ferc's pipeline permitting is predictable, consistent, and gets pipelines built. for some reason the underlying bill replaces that existing natural gas permitting process with a process that appears to be arbitrary, unworkable, and a one-size-fits-all approach. the bill will force regulatory agencies to comply with what many believe is an unreasonable permitting deadline. one year for ferc, and three months for other permitting agencies. to render decisions on applications no matter how complex they are and potentially before the public risks are
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fully understood, particularly by local areas. if the underlying bill didn't attempt to fix an existing permitting process, that many, including the pipeline trade association, believed and agree is not broken, then perhaps my amendment wouldn't be necessary. if the majority had supported any of the responsible amendments that were proposed by mr. dingell and others here a little while ago, perhaps it wouldn't be necessary, but it is necessary. the motion states that this bill will not take effect until ferc determines its implementation will not adversely impact natural gas pipeline safety, and that it will not inhibit the ability of communities to engage in the process of siting natural gas pipelines. the motion seeks to protect public safety. it seeks to n sure that our constituents continue to have a voice in the permitting process. madam speaker, i don't believe that's too much to ask. it shouldn't be, so let's please do the reasonable thing. let's stand up for safety. let's stand up for our local constituencies and communities
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and support this motion. with that i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from kansas seek recognition? million pompeo: i claim the time in opposition to the motion. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. mr. pompeo: i urge my colleagues to vote in opposition to the motion to recommit. while we every one ever our colleagues he' concerns about pipeline safety, nothing in this legislation does anything to impact the safety of pipelines across the country. indeed, putting in new pipelines, increasing capacity for natural gas pipelines, will allow retirement of older pipelines, which might present even more risk. we all know the tragic incident that happened in an bruno -- san bruno, this body has taken action to rectify that. there were pipeline safety bills passed with all members of the house and passed in the senate as well to make sure every pipeline built is done so in a way that's safe and responsible and plenty of time for community input. the motion to recommit suggests that h.r. 1900 would eliminate that time. it does nothing of the nature. in every case for a complex
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pipeline there will be nearly two years' time for communities and interest groups who have concerns about the pipeline going into their territory, region to make their voices heard and to make their concerns registered in the public place. i urge my colleagues to reject this motion to recommit and pass the underlying legislation, h.r. 1900. with that i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. without objection, the previous question is ordered. the question is on the motion to recommit. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the noes have it. mr. tierney: i ask for the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. members will record their votes y electronic device. pursuant to clause 8 and clause 9 of rule 20, this is a five-minute vote on the motion to recommit followed by five-minute vote on the passage of the bill, if ordered.
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[captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote the yeas are 180. the nays are 233.
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the motion is not adopted and he house will be in order. members will please take their seats. the chair lays before the house a communication. the clerk: the honorable the speaker. i have the honor to transmit herewith a facsimile copy of a letter received from the honorable tom shad letter, secretary of state, state of louisiana, indicating that according to the unofficial returns of the special election held november 16, 2013, the honorable vance mcallister was elected representative to congress from the fifth congressional district, state of louisiana. with best wishes i am sincerely, karen l. haas, clerk.
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the speaker: the house will be in order. members will please take their seats. for what purpose does the gentleman from louisiana seek recognition? mr. scalise: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the gentleman from louisiana, the honorable vance m. mcallister, be permitted to take the oath of office today. his certificate of election has not yet arrived but there is no contest and no question has been raised with regard to his election. the speaker: without objection, so ordered. will representative-elect mcallister and the members of the louisiana delegation please present themselves in the well of the house. will all members rise. will the gentleman from louisiana, mr. mcallister, please raise your right hand. do you solemnly swear that you
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will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic, that you will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and that you take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to enter, so help you god. mr. mcallister: i do. the speaker: congratulations, you are now a member of the 113th congress.
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the speaker pro tempore: the chair has determined that the children in the well are 12 years and younger. without objection, the gentleman from louisiana, mr. boustany is recognized for one minute. mr. boustany: i'd like to welcome louisiana's newest congressman, advance mcallister. he's been married for 15 years to kelly and he's the proud parent of five beautiful children here. he's a veteran of the united states army and louisiana national guard. he's a self-made businessman a well regarded entrepreneur and i look forward to serving with you, advance, on behalf of the -- vance on behalf of the people of louisiana. welcome to the united states house of representatives. now i'd like to yield to my good friend. great pleasure
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to -- mr. richmond: it gives me great pleasure to welcome the gentleman to washington, d.c. and this body. there's no doubt in my mind that he will be a great addition. while he's nerve held office he bring -- never held office he brings with him his experiences. he's a veteran a successful businessman and devoted family man. he's committed himself to addressing the needs of the people of louisiana and finding a commonsense solution to the problems that plague the nation. one thing that i have come to know as a member of this -- as a member that represents louisiana, that historically we have not had the luxury of being partisan because of the many needs of our state. so with that, mr. speaker, i will congratulate our newest member of the house and welcome and yield to the statesman from louisiana, mr. vance
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mcallister. first, let me say thank you, what an honor to be part of such an elite group and the many people that walked before us in the halls of congress and with that comes great honor and great value. i want to say thank you to everybody that got me here. i wouldn't be here if it weren't for them and i wouldn't be here today if it weren't for hese kids. as i always said, i knew we're eady to get on out of here but -- they didn't raise no dummy,
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i can tell you that, i didn't get here by accident. i want to make sure we keep this country, we keep our everybody in our prayers and let's do the right thing by this country and take care of business like we should. let's all work together. thank you all. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. under clause 5d of rule 20, the chair announces to the house that the in light of the administration of the oath to the gentleman from louisiana, the whole number of the house is now 432. without objection, five-minute voting will continue. the question is on passage. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the ayes have
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it. the gentleman from california. >> on that i request a recorded vote. the speaker pro tempore: a recorded vote is requested. those favoring a recorded vote will rise. a sufficient number having risen, a recorded vote is ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. this will be a five-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote the yeas are 252, the nays are 165. the bill is passed. without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i wish to announce to all members of the house that the permanent select committee on intelligence hazardered the bill h.r. 33 1, the intelligence authorization act for fiscal year 2013, reported favorably to the house with amendments. the committee's report will be filed next monday. the classified schedule of authorizations and the classified annex accompanying the bill will be available for review by members in the
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offices of the permanent select committee on intelligence in om h.b.c. 304 of the capitol visitors center beginning any time after this report is filed. the committee office will open during regular business hours for the convenience of any member who wishes to review this material prior to its consideration in the house. mr. rogers: i anticipate that h.r. 3381 will be considered in the house in the near future. i recommend that members wishing to review the classified annex contact the committee's director of security to arrange a time and date of that viewing. this will assure the availability of committee staff to assist members who design assistance during the review of these classified materials. i urge interested members to review these materials in order to better understand the committee's recommendations. the classified annex to the committee's report contains recommendations on the budget for fiscal year 2014 and
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related classified information that cannot be disclosed publicly. it is important that members keep in mind the requirements of clause 13 of house rule 23, which permits access to classified information by only those members of the house who have signed the oath provided in the rule. if the committee staff can administer the oath and it will be sent to the clerk's office. the committee rule requires that members agree in writing to a nondisclosure agreement. the agreement indicates that the member has been granted access to the classified annex and that they are familiar with the rules of the house and the committee with respect to classified nature of information and the limitations on the disclosure of that information. i want to thank you, mr. speaker, for this announcement. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's announcement will be carried in the record.
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for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition? the gentleman from michigan, go ahead. >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that when the house adjourns today ited a scombrurn to meet tomorrow at 10:00 -- adjourn to meet tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? mr. green: i ask unanimous consent that the gentleman from colorado, mr. coffman, be removed as co-sponsor of h.r. 1989. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the chair will now entertain requests for one-minute peeches. for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition? mr. thompson: request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. thompson: mr. speaker, just a couple years ago america was
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on a path to spending hundreds of billions of dollars more a year on energy imports to fulfill its energy needs, money that can otherwise be used to invest in our kids and pay down our debt. today, due to shale oil and natural gas activity, the u.s. is going to leapfrog saudi arabia and russia to become the biggest producer of oil and gas. by 2035 capable of providing its own energy. this has contributed over 1.7 million jobs in 2012 and saved american families $100 per month in the form of lower energy bills. these amazing strides towards greater energy independence and a greater standard of living for more americans is due to energy development taking place, not on federal lands, but on state and private lands, regulated not by the federal government but by our states. this week the house acted on policies to keep us on this path to greater energy security. a future where america is let reliant on the rest of the world to fulfill its energy and
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power needs. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlewoman from illinois seek recognition? without objection. ms. duckworth: today i stand with my neighbors in illinois and express my deepest sympathies to the victims of typhoon yolanda. more than 4,000 died in this tragedy. while we mourn for those who suffer, i'm also inspired by the resilience of the victims and the generosity of the american people. i want the people of the philippines to know in a we stand with you. our brave men and women stationed in okinawa were on the ground and dispersing supplies. and local communities throughout the united states, including my district, are also helping. motorola solutions, based in
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illinois, and its employees have already donated $150,000 and energy equipment to help with the recovery. we in the eighth district will not forget our filipino friends and families. members of the illinois congressional delegation and i also sent a letter to secretary hagel yesterday asking that the men and women of the illinois national guard be allowed to fly their c-31 of supplies collected to the philippines in order to assist to the recovery. i know the dedication andand professionalism of these men and women and i'm certain that heir contribution. time and again our nation has stepped forward to help those in need. i'm proud that america is doing so much to help the friends of typhoon yolanda but i know that into eed, that assistance the future. we stand with you and i yield back my time.
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mr. faleomavaega: for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition? -- the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition? without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i want to draw attention to a positive program that helped young people make better choices. it is quality the reality check program and it was founded by larry lawton of west melbourne, florida. he lived a life of crime and ultimately -- and that ultimately landed him in federal prison for 11 hard years. upon his release, larry dedicated his life to helping kids everywhere make better choices by reaching at-risk young people before they make serious mistakes. larry uses his experiences in prison to show kids the truth about where that path leads and what life in prison is really like. the reality check program has earned recognition from many in
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law enforcement, county and ate judges and of course families and possibly wayward kids. in missouri, the lake st. louis police department enlisted larry as an honorary deputy. helping kids make healthier choices make for safer communities and a stronger nation. i salute the program and yield back the balance of my time, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new mexico seek recognition? without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. lujan: mr. speaker, november is pancreatic cancer awareness month, when we bring awareness to a disease that takes the lives of too many men and women. pancreatic cancer is the 10th most commonly cancer in men but it is the fourth leading cause of death. sadly, it's estimated that 73% of patients with this disease will die within the first year of diagnosis. while these statistics are daunting, i believe that
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pancreatic cancer awareness month is a time for hope. it's a time when we stand up and call attention to this disease, we'll call for more research to a better find methods of early detection. it's the time to share stories of those we lost and move toward more effective treatments. pancreatic patients and their families are among the countless americans that have asked we do something with sequestration. it is critical that we work together to fight this terrible disease. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? mr. poe: i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. poe: mr. speaker, the world was reminded yesterday why iran should not get a nuclear weapon. it would be a constant threat to israel. in a rally in iran, they said that israel was untouchable,
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rabid dogs. he talked about iran's nuclear program on the same time that negotiators met in geneva, he said that iran will not back down one iota. he vowed that iranians would slap the aagreesors in the face in a way they would not forget. mr. speaker, we cannot change the iranian's philosophy of hate but we can change their actions. me -- they must be stopped with tougher sanctions. the supreme leader made it clear he does not feel pressure to give in. when he met with prime minister netanyahu a few weeks ago he reiterated, the west needs to understand that israel's -- iran's goal is to destroy israel and the united states. letting up on sanctions increases the sanctions that -- chances that war will result. now is not the time to appease the bully aggressor from the desert, iran. and that's just the way it is. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition?
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without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one inute. mr. deutch: the hastert rule is votes that is supported by his own party instead of the majority of the whole house. last week stweant asked me where the hastert rule came from i did a little research. it doesn't exist. not a single page of this book, the house manual of rules and procedures, contains the hastert rule. that's because bills in the house need votes from a majority, a majority of all members, not by a majority of any party. the speaker himself knows the hastert rule is no rule at all. that's why whenever extremists bring us to the brink of default or cost the government with a deadline shutdown, the speaker brushes it aside and calls on reasonable republicans
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and democrats. the hastert rule is only used to prevent votes americans actually want, and they want us to pass reasonable gun laws, to pass enda, to protect lgbt americans from discrimination. they want us to pass commonsense immigration reform and they want us to pass a minimum wage increase. this week the gom reminded us they don't have an agenda. don't use the none existent hastert rule to block agenda. thank you, mr. speaker. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from wisconsin seek recognition? mr. petri: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. petri: thank you, mr. speaker. today's elections are costing more and more each year. according to the center for responsive politics, winning candidates spent an average of $1.5 million in the 2011-2012 election cycle, more than $4 billion was contributed to campaigns during the last cycle
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with 63% of this total coming from donors who gave more than $200. most would agree that the ideal way to finance political campaigns is through a broad base of donors. this is why i proposed to bring back the federal tax credit for small campaign contributions. today i've introduced the citizen involvement in campaigns act. under this legislation, individuals who donate amounts up to $200 to a federal campaign could receive a tax credit equal to that contribution. more and more campaign operations moving to website and online resources, campaigns could tilt the playing field away from special interest and large donors and this bill is a step in the right direction of encouraging greater participation in our campaigns, and i urge my colleagues to co-sponsor this legislation. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the entleman's time has expired.
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for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition? without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. conyers: thank you, mr. speaker. members of the house, i rise to speak about the negotiations under way in geneva today between the five permanent members of the u.n. security ouncil plus germany. these negotiations have the potential to lead to a peaceful resolution to the standoff over iran's nuclear program. if successful, these negotiations could put in place e restrictions and intrusive inspections needed to ensure that iran's nuclear program is used exclusively for peaceful
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purposes. with a significant diplomatic break through within reach, now is not the time to consider new sanctions which could derail the negotiations and strengthen the position of those in iran who oppose a settlement with the united states. the speaker pro tempore: the entleman's time has expired. the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from illinois seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. > mr. speaker, i rise >> i rise today to remind all americans that we should pay our debts. i stand here today to pay a debt for a friendly wager i made with my colleague joe kennedy, and i rise to offer my congratulations to the boston red sox for winning the world series.
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the red sox overcame a 2-1 series lead and rattled off three straight victories to capture the 2013 championship. mr. davis: i certainly think the boston red sox showed the st. louis cardinals and the rest of the world why they are deserving of the slogan boston strong. however, i hope that this series win will forever erase the curse of the bambino. yes, red sox fans, no more excuses for losing. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker, tomorrow will mark 50 years since president john f. kennedy's tragic assassination in dallas, texas. as americans pause to remember president kennedy's legacy of public service and fight toward achieving racial equality,
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north texas will host events related to the equation -- to the occasion in dallas and fort worth. mr. veasey: former house speaker wright who accompanied the president on that day will be a speaker at the downtown fort worth hilton, formerly known as the hotel texas, it's where president kennedy spent his last night and delivered one of his final two speeches. president kennedy defied a tumultuous era of racial and gender discrimination by promoting forward-thinking progress. he defined the civil rights process as moral as well as legal. as we commemorate president kennedy's life and the historic impact he had on the dallas-fort worth area and the nation i call on my colleagues to work together to ensure that the legacy that inspired a generation lives on. mr. speaker, i yield back the balance of my time.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from nebraska seek recognition? without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today to acknowledge national rural health day, the ird district of nebraska contains three counties and over 70 small towns. the providers in these communities face many challenges without the heavy hand of government. mr. smith: i'm concerned about physician supervision regulations which may be released by the centers for medicare and medicaid services late they are month. physicians and surgeons and nurses and staff in rural areas are highly trained and experienced in determining the level of care. failure to allow them to determine the level of care may further discourage physicians from seeking rural positions. i will continue to fight to ensure our rural communities
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maintain access to the quality care and i appreciate the opportunity to recognize national rural health care day. thank you, mr. speaker. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. ms. jackson lee: thank you, mr. speaker. there are remaining issues of justice that this house must address. first let me offer my deepest sympathy to the people of the philippines who, as you look at the landscape, 10 million people have been affected, 4,011 deaths, 4.4 million people displaced. we must come together as a nation, come together as a congress and provide the resources, let me absolute the united states military and our marines who landed first who are a lifeline to those people. let me say to them that we are with you. then i want to say that the
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senate has addressed the justice issue, enda, for the lgbt community. how can we stand here on the precipice of honor great leaders and not recognize that there are people who need human dignity, pass enda now and let me pay tribute to the 50th year of the assassination of president john f. kennedy and salute him as one of the greatest leaders and visionaries who led this country and inspired this country to greatness and service. we owe a debt of gratitude and appreciation to the legacy of his family and the service they have given, to president john f. kennedy, may he rest in peace and thank him for inspiring millions of people. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker, the american people are losing trust in their government. the continuous dragnet
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collection of data by the n.s.a. is just one of many reasons why. liberty and privacy are the founding as on which this country was established. even though emails have replaced most handwritten letters and phone calls replaced most face-to-face conversations, these principles endure today. the n.s.a. defends police. and other programs, the warrants originate and take place behind closed doors and cater only to go's cases for increased surveillance. in these secret proceedings, no one is there to advocate on behalf of privacy and individual liberty. no one is there to advocate for individual liberty. with no public disclosure of the court's decision, congress and the american people are left in the dark. this is unacceptable. maintaining a secure nation can be done within the pounds of the constitution. privacy and national security
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are not mutually exclusive. that's why i'm a co-spon or of this oh liberty e act and the n.s.a. inspector general act to help address many of these issues. i urge my colleagues in the house and senate, both republicans and democrats, to stand up for liberty. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from tennessee seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today because tomorrow is the 509 anniversary of the assassination of president kennedy. president kennedy inspired me to get into government. mr. cohen: i was only 14 years old when he passed but his mark on everyone of my generation, experienced that national sharing of grief that went on that weekend. president kennedy was a person who said that politics is an honorable profession. i believe it is and i believe people should get involved in politics and public service.
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he asked -- he founded the peace corps and asked people to ask not what you can do for -- what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. he was a great loss to our nation. he i would ask everyone to watch the tv specials and read as much as they can and learn everything they can about an honorable gentleman who tried to inspire the government to do the right thing. i thank his family for his -- for him, he enspired me, i got to see him in nashville when the campaigned. thank you, mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. tomorrow, november 22, we mark the 509 anniversary of one of the saddest day -- the 50th anniversary of one of the saddest days in american history this anniversary
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affords us the opportunity to remember president john f. kennedy, who also served in this house, and reflect on the idealism and spirit of public service he enspired he encouraged all americans to dream big dreams. like putting a man on the moon by the end of that decade. he reminded us that this country is capable of great feats when the american people come together with a defined mission. as president kennedy said in 1961, it will not be one man going to the moon, it will be an entire nation. for all of us must work to put him there. president kennedy's goal was achieved on july 20, 1959, when apollo 11 commander neil armstrong was the first person to step on the moon. it is good to remember how president kennedy enspired a nation. the torch of freedom president kennedy described in his inaugural speech has been passed to yet another generation. let this generation celebrate president ken ice -- kennedy's sense of idealism and public service every day.
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i thank the speaker and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from hawaii seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you very much, mr. speaker. on behalf of the people of my home state of hawaii, i stand today to send our heartfelt condolences to the victims of super typhoon haian in the philippines. ms. gabrd: like so many around the world -- ms. gabard: like so many around the world -- ms. gabbard: like many, we have family and loved ones in the philippines. they have been in our thoughts and prayers. in the wake of such a horrible tragedy the positive we can find is the outpouring of support and aloha from my state toward the people in the philippines. the hawaii air national guard is working with the u.s. pacific command as we speak which is based in hawaii as collectively they provide
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unparalleled air, maritime and ground support to the aid efforts of the philippines authorities. all across hawaii as across the world we are seeing businesses, nonprofits and individuals standing up individually and taking the time and energy to raise resources and to provide support to these aid efforts, to these relief efforts and helping to reunite families and friends and communities. i continue to pray for all those who have lost homes, family, and friends and encourage all who are able to kibt in any way possible in this recovery effort. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you very much, mr. speaker. as we reflect on the 50 years since the passing of president
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kennedy, i want to reissue that thought about call for service. call uck me as in his inaugural address, asking not what the country can do for you but what you can do for your country, and i responded immediately when he announced the peace core. mr. farr: i my thoughts are as we enter into the next century of thought about america and service, president kennedy not only urged us to go to space, he urged us to send our people to places where no person had ever gone before new york american had ever been, to all these remote countries in poverty situations and places where nobody had ever lived. it changed the image of america around the world so positively. for you young people thinking about the future, don't think of america as just a platform to make money. america is the platform to launch peace and understanding around the world.
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join the peace corps. serve this country. call for service, it's honorable. thank you. the speaker pro tempore: the chair rill recognize members for special orders speeches without prejudice to the probable resumption of legislative business. the chair lays before the house the following personal equests. the clerk: leave of absences requested for mr. lowenthal for today, mr. ray dell of florida for november 18, 2013, through december 31, 2013, mr. rush of illinois through november 21, 2013. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the requests are granted.
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under the speaker's announced policy of january 3, 2013, the gentleman from texas, mr. gohmert is recognized for of minutes as the designee of the majority leader. mr. gohmert: thank you, mr. speaker. first of all, it's my honor to i gnize good friends who have tremendous respect from the state of florida, congressman desantos for such time as the may consume. mr. desantos: i am struck by having been here to witness something that i think is pretty neat. we had a newly sworn in member take the oath of office to become a member of this body and part of it is neat because he got endorsed by "duck dynasty" which i know a lot of people leek but it was neat because i think it reminds us what our duties are here. he was asked to take an oath of
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office here in the well of the house and that oath was very simple. it charged him with the duty to support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic and i think we need more of a reminder that that's our duty here. i'm struck by the -- reading the constitution, how the fam -- founding fathers laid out separation of powers, checks and balances. article 1 states clearly, all legislative power is vested in the congress of the united states. article 2 prescribes authority for the president and imposes a duty on him to take care that the laws be faithfully executed. mr. desantis: and i think that going back on these constitutional foundations and looking at how this particular president has made claims of his authority to essentially put aside the law or change the law should cause us great concern. for example, with this employer mandate aspect of obamacare,
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the statute said clearly it hall take effect this january, 2014. that would have been disastrous if they implemented that. we were willing to delay it by statute. the president chose to do it by executive fiat. most recently with the idea that obamacare was causing people to lose their plans a lot of people in this body said, we ought to grandfather these plans in, let people keeper that plans. the president threatened to veto that and he issued essentially an executive order saying he's not going to enforce, or he's going to extend the grandfather clause and not enforce the obamacare mandates causing the cancellation. on one hand, obamacare is a holy writ that people in congress are mot allowed to touch in any way with our article 1 power but the president can essentially pick and choose which parts to enforce, which parts to delay, who to grant waivers to. that ultimately is not sustainable and it conflicts with the basic structure of american government.
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it was a revolt against executive power and the british king. you look at the jefferson list, all the abuses they were revolting against, one of the things he mentioned was that king george iii, that george iii had done wrong was for abolishing our most valuable laws and altering fundamentally the form of government. and students in school throughout america are taught, congress passes the law, the president, of course, can sign and veto the law. the president has a duty to enforce the law. now, there are certainly prosecutorial discretion that comes with that. and the president, if they believe a law is constitutional, of course, they have to prefer the constitution to the statutes. here this president has not made any claim that obamacare is unconstitutional. he can't because it's his signature piece of legislation. i think the key thing to just
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think about is the founding fathers, they did not create separation of powers, checks and balances because they thought students would need something to study in civics class. they did it because ultimately that structure of government was the surest way to protect the individual liberty of the american people and to preserve and maintain the rule of law. and i think disputes that we have prarding what this particular president may do should not even be about him, per se, because that just gets lost in partisanship back and forth. i think when we see any president taking steps that may not export with how the structure of the -- come port with how the structure of the government -- comport with how the structure of the government was set, we have to look to 50 years from now. so i introduced the resolution that enumerates some of the instances in which the president has gone beyond using executive discretion and is essentially rewriting the law,
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either by failing to enforce entirely or suspending affirmatively different provisions of the law. much has been said recently about the failure of this core promise with respect to obamacare that if you like your plan you can keep it. obviously we're seeing that that's not true. we're going to continue to see that. people are going to lose doctors. it really is a deception on a massive scale. so i was thinking, if you like your plan, you keep your plan, that obviously didn't work. maybe we should just get everyone in congress and the white house to agree with this simple proposition. if you take an oath to the constitution, you should keep your oath to the constitution. so i thank the gentleman from texas. i know you'll be someone who will take that oath seriously, and i yield back to my friend from texas. mr. gohmert: i thank the gentleman from florida. hat a profoundly novel idea,
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if you take the oath you should keep it. that doesn't even mean if you like it, it is if you take the oath you should keep it. and as my friend, mr. desantis, was pointing out, there are so many problems with the obamacare bill, and i know the president referred to the bill as obamacare many times and said he was proud to do so, so i certainly don't mean any disrespect or anything like that. on the other hand, it's xtremely difficult to call it
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the prose was quick to share miss sanford's gratitude and said her experiences, quote, what the affordable care act is all about, unquote. he went on, quote, the essence of the law, the health insurance, that's available to people was working just fine. the president went on to say, in some cases actually it's exceeding expectations, the prices are lower than we
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expected, the choice is greater than we expected. but this article points out that sanford was one of 8,000 people to be affected by 4,600 policies sold on the washington exchange that had been quoted premium rates that were too low. ms. sanford said i was dumbfounded. she said i thought this was a total mistake. they are going to correct this. this isn't true. now she says she can't even afford the cheapest bronze obamacare plan, quote, i was like, forget that, unhe quote. i'm not going to pay -- forget that, unquote. i'm not going to pay. so she's going uninsured. sanford now says of obamacare, quote, you are stuck on this big treadmill of bureaucracy, and, you know, it feels if he -- it feels very out of control. this article from today, this
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afternoon, actually, from steven entitled, obamacare denies hospital choice for blind child with rare bone disease, it says, as "the washington post" reports, a number of the nation's top hospitals, including the mayo clinic in minnesota, cedar sinai in los angeles, and children's hospitals in seattle, houston, st. louis are cut out of most plans sold on the exchange. in most cases the decision was about the cost of care. here's how obamacare is hurting one family. in seattle, the region's predominant insurer, premiere blue cross, decided not to include the children's hospital as an in network provider, except in cases where the service sought cannot be obtained anywhere else.
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children's nonunique services were too expensive given the goal of providing affordable coverage for consumers. the spokesman said in an email. which brings up the point, the president wants to provide everybody health insurance, and some of us, like me, were more concerned with getting them quality health care that was affordable. all this talk about insurance, insurance, insurance. the bigger more important question should have been can we get them health care they can afford? one of the biggest promises was, it will lower most everybody's cost. it turns out that was not true at all. either there's some in states -- in a state like new york where it was overpriced previously, where it's come down some, but overall when you add 18,000 new i.r.s. agents that will not even
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ever apply a band-aid, they may cause a bunch of ulcers, but they'll never provide any health care, they are not from the u.s. government to help you, they are there to go through all of your most important and most personal decisions with you, the i.r.s. go figure. this institution, the i.r.s., this agency, we found out got weaponized by the obama administration, to go after people they disagreed with. richard nixon had an enemies list, but he never could do much with it. this administration has an enemies list, and they have really gone after people and made them suffer for having a different political opinion than this administration. this article points out, for example, pediatric appendectomy
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at childrens cost the about $23,000. at another community hospital it costs a total of $14,000. mellser said his hospital often bills more than community hospitals for comparable procedures because the children it treats are often gravely ill, so even a routine tonsilectomy may be more complicated. but as a result families, like jeffrey blanks, which has relied on seattle children's hospital since his daughter received a diagnosis of a rare bone disorder, faced difficult decisions. under some of the new laws' health plans, the family would no longer be able to take zoe to children's hospital for her routine checkups. or it could count as an out-of-network visit saddling the family with huge bills. as the prolife movement warned
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during its adoption in congress, health care will be rationed and health care access will be limited when the government gets involved. these lessons have been seen for decades in nations like canada an england, and the united states is now following suit. it makes such a great point because when you add 18,000 i.r.s. agents to be even more intrusive and get into your most private decisions about health care, and your own health, they not only may cause you ulcers or create jobs, they don't help at all and yet i have no idea what the average i.r.s. salary will be. i would imagine the i.r.s. average salary will be a lot higher than $56,000, but if you just take $56,000 as the average orer -- for the 18,000 i.r.s.
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agents, it means that $1 billion next year will go for i.r.s. agents to harass you, that will come out of money that should be going to health care and it's not going to help you a bit. in fact, they are playing for the other team. they are out after you, not out to help you. and then when you add in all of these millions of navigators and you add in all the tens of thousands, maybe some make over 100,000, i'm sure some of them will, that are involved in this whole navigating process, not the lowest level but some surely will, and you think about all the billions of dollars over the next years that will be spent for navigators that, as we heard here in testimony from kathleen billous her -- kathleen
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sebillus herself, yeah, they can be convicted after felony and we won't catch it because they are not checking on that kind of thing. as a former judge who sentenced people to brings prison, for example i never sent a woman to prison for nell any -- nell any welfare fraud when her -- felony welfare fraud when her crime was getting a job to try to get out of the hole the government lured her into by promising checks for every child she could have out of wedlock. i do believe in holding people accountable. i would sentence them to probation and do things like either max them out or come close to maxing out 800 hours of community service. but then make very clear as a incentive. but if you get your g.e.d. or high school diploma then i'll knock out 750 hours. to urge them to go forward, help themselves, which ultimately helps society. that's the kind of thing
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government's supposed to do. but instead this government for too long, going back to the great society days, has incentivized things that lured people away from their god-given potential. it hasn't helped them, it's lured them away from their potential. and here we are now with obamacare, isn't just luring people away from their health care, it's put a wall up between them and their health care. i knew when i would hear people, our friends across the aisle here in the house and in the senate talk about health insurance is a right. well, it's not a right, but i was more concerned about health care than health insurance. and there are ways to make it affordable. when we see these kind of disparities, 23,000, 14,000 for the same tonsilectomy, it should be very clear that we need
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competition. when you have government running everything, there is no competition. the government screws that up royally. it prevents the thing that made america so great, entrepreneurialism. competitive advantages that eople have that work hard. it destroys those kind of incentives and now we are seeing it destroy lives. here is article from november 19, h.h.s. secretary sebelius visits south florida to meet with health care navigators. gee, wouldn't it be nice if we weren't paying billions of dollars for government workers that will make your health care he decisions more miserable
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instead of giving you more freedom? here's an article from yesterday, second wave of health plan cancellations looms. says a new and independent analysis of obamacare warns of a ticking time bomb predicting a second wave of 50 million to 100 million insurance policy cancellations next fall right before the midterm elections. the next round of cancellations and premium hikes is expected to hit employees, particularly of small businesses. it goes on to talk about, as eported by scott godly, some businesses got around requirement by renewing their policies before the end of 2013, but the relief is temporary, and they are expected to have -- to offer in compliance plans for
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2015, according to gotly, that means beginning in october of 2014 the cancellation notices will start to go out. so the millions of cancellations that have gone out now, they say five million, and people make the mistake of saying five million people. that's five million policies. that's the information that i've got. five million policies. approximately. so far. that's a lot more than five million people. that could be 15 million, 20 million people. and then this article's exactly right. a.e.i. is exactly right, come next year a lot of people, we have heard this, mr. speaker, a lot of people have been renewing their policies now before the end of the year so that they don't completely lose it until next year around this time. so next fall there will be millions and millions and millions more who will get those notice of cancellations.
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as a result, this article points from marguerite bowling that obama's legacy be more americans than ever reject government enroll in health care. then p points out -- it points out the way it's gone from 64%, wanting 69% government to be responsible for their health care to now dropping to 42% of americans because people have begun to see what so many of us have been talking about for a number of years. the best solution is not more government. the best solution is not having navigators and i.r.s. agents taking away money that could be spent on health care.
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ell, this article from david points out that obama -- our president acclaimed that more than 100 million americans have enrolled. obviously that was just a mistake in the teleprompter. not his fault. heritage e from the foundation, warning bell, the american people rose up to repeal a health care law once before. they can do it again. and it goes back and points out that had been passed under a man that i greatly revere, great president, ronald reagan, and he thought he was providing america a great ift of catastrophic care for seniors, but it didn't take but a couple of years for people to see this is a disaster. this isn't a good thing. so in 1999 they stepped up and got it repealed.
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interesting cbs poll, though, yesterday points out that 84% of democrats want obamacare changed or repealed. i had not seen that before that article. so it is important to understand just what's at stake with obamacare. nd -- these things are kind of worn. i have been through them so much and i had gone through and read the bill so i'd know what was in it before i voted, which was why i voted against it, but there are things in here, and i'll just hit a few, since people are now waking up as this thing has become a reality, people are starting to wake up and realize, wait a minute, this was not such a good idea. so when there were some that were concerned here in this room about the president representing
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that abortions would not be paid for under obamacare, some of us had read the bill, i think at that point it was the 1,000 page bill, then it came out of committee and then somehow it magically became around 2,000 pages, and then we end up with one, my copy, 2,400 pages. or just under 2,500. like page 119, this was a comfort to some people when they read the services described in this clause are abortion force which the expenditure of federal funds appropriated for the department of health and human services is not permitted based on laws in effect of the date that is six months before the beginning of the plan year involved. but then it does have a provision that abortions, which public funding is allowed. and so when people -- and then
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the next section, prohibition on federal funds for abortion services and community health insurance options, and then that's the last i could find of abortions specifically being mentioned. but what gets really clever since we now are of the information age where you can go online and see bills and you can do an electronic word search, if you go online and look doing an electronic word search for the word abortion, i didn't see it but what you have to be aware of is these are really clever people. they were clever enough as they wrote this to make sure that the speaker's office and certain staffs would be exempted. and it was really intriguing how clever some of these things were, but to avoid a word search picking this stuff up, like over here at page 122, it says,
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assured availability of varied coverage through exchanges, and it says, the secretary, talking about secretarycy billous right now, shall assure that with respect to qualified health plans offered in any exchange, establish pursuit to this title, there's one such plan that provides coverage at least one, of services described in clauses little i and little ii of subparagraph capital b. well, that certainly could be abortion unless you look at 2-i is of little capital b and, guess what, that's the abortion reference over in page 119. that's the way you get around people picking up those things that, of course, she's going to
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have provisions in here about that and, of course, people shouldn't forget that the provision page 429, it was a special adjustment to fmap, termination for certain states recovering from a certain disaster. this was put in there to buy the votes that people from louisiana. that's why some called it the louisiana purchase. so we got special consideration in there for that. there's all kinds of things we go through. f course, aarp got special dispensation. and also this administration saw that medicare advantage was really helping some people out. their costs were lower. there were a lot of people that were telling me they like medicare advantage, and so as obamacare would do, it would try to destroy anything that people liked and was helpful and mandate you couldn't have
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those provisions in your policy so that they knew all along by putting this kind of thing in this bill, like at 904, that people that liked their medicare advantage, we are not going to get to keep it. they sure weren't going to like it before this bill got through with them. in 904 it goes after medicare advantage and says nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring the secretary to accept any or every bid submitted by an m.a., medicare advantage, organizations under this subsection and then the xt capital c, subparagraph 2-i, authority to deny bids that propose significant increase in cost sharing or decrease in benefits. because as the government keeps mandating more and more things like maternity care for men that are single and may be
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beyond their childbearing years, well, a single man that's 70 years old may think, gee, i'm beyond childbearing years, i probably won't get pregnant anytime soon, maybe i don't need maternity care. well, maybe secretary sebelius thinks you do. so you're going to pay for it anyway and that's the way people end up paying more than what they really need. it's in the second volume. and i never could understand. i keep asking questions and nobody will give an explanation as to why at page 312 in the health care bill to make sure everybody got the health care they needed that we had to create the commission corps and service erve corps for in time of national emergency.
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over at page 314, it takes about national emergencies and public health crisis. gets health in there for part of it but not under national emergencies. it gets -- above that, talking about the purpose, meet both routine public health and -- and that's conjunketive, not discunctive and emergency response missions. i wish they'd put health in here and we'd be more assured this isn't creating some kind -- we don't al know who these people are, what they're being trained with, what they're being trained on. are they being trained with weapons, with they being trained with medical equipment? what are they being trained on? well, one thing i've learned as both a judge and chief justice and now in congress is, if
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words are not specific, somebody's going to figure out to just use their plain meaning . and so when something says national emergencies, like this bill, there will be times it will be called in for national emergencies rather than just health emergencies. and the next section talks about public health emergencies, both foreign and domestic, but we've already learned they didn't put the word health in the national emergency. and so it's strange. these are commissioned officers of the ready reserve corps that will be appointed by the president. commission officers of the regular corps shall be appointed by the president. subject to advice and consent of the senate, but that's for the actual appointment. but it makes clear over here that their subject says that the corps will be available and ready for involuntary calls to
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active duty during national emergencies and public health crisis and then below the health crisis, foreign and domestic. so that's some more. i have insurance that has health savings account attached to it. i think aetna could have done better and i was looking forward to improving my policy, except that obamacare came in and made sure that anybody that had a policy with a high deductible and health savings account they liked were probably not going to be able to keep it because they took shots and terrifically restricted what you could use health savings account for. the goal is to get rid of them because if people get that much control over their own health savings account. or the bill i filed back before obamacare ever passed nearly a year before it passed, i'd say give seniors a choice. let them choose medicare. let people choose medicaid.
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or it would be cheaper for us if we just say, look, we will buy you a cadillac, not a bronze, we will buy you the best coverage, great coverage and it will have a high deductible. now maybe $5,000, something like that, for a deductible and we'll give you the cash in the health savings account, you get control back of your health care, you can handle it yourself. your debit card will be coded where you can only use it for health care. but then let you make the decisions. but this won't even let you go get your own medicine or drug unless it's prescribed. this kind of stuff is running up the costs and trying to get rid of h.s.a.'s. it's very clear. oh, and i love they got a rovision in here for states. back 2,300 or so.
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they got a provision in here, gee, we're giving out grants, but if your state has bothered to do malpractice reform, like the federal government hadn't on , then if you put caps pain and suffering, for example, you're not going to be getting the grants like other states are. well, there are a lot of problems with obamacare, and i hope that by the end before the election next year people will realize that what some of us have been saying for years is true. it's in america's best interest to have health care reform, but that's not it. t is not it. there's another issue. there are two other things i want to address very quickly.
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mr. speaker, how much time do i have left? one is about guantanamo bay. i had the television on when i was working at my desk in the wee hours of the morning this morning. i can't remember, maybe 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 a.m., something like that. a show where some psychologist basically corrupted by being used at guantanamo bay for psychological warfare. totally false story. i mean, there's still a lot of people walking around that don't know that no one has ever been water boarded at guantanamo bay. having been there two or three times. you know, you get the picture. and amnesty international comes regularly. these groups come regularly.
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when you find out what's really going on there, really the guards that are put through all kinds of things. ey have excrament and things thrown at them. they are not allowed to get angry back. there was one soldier who had responded angryly and he was punished for it -- angrily and he was punished for it. when you have urine or feces thrown at you by one of the detainees at guantanamo bay, you just don't react and then you get the day off so you can go clean up, change clothes. so the inmates are constantly coming up with innovative ways to get feces and urine on our guards. that was last time. hopefully they've dealt with it better. the punishment, when i was there before, they were --
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would take away some of the movie-watching time that the detainees got to have. and if it was really egregious enough, they might cut into their outdoor time a little bit. i was told that amnesty international gets real upset about that so they don't like to cut their outdoor time so they're more restrictive on the movie-watching time that our detainees at guantanamo may get. and this -- you know, what a juxtaposition, what an amazing thing. he new york times" used to bill itself and it's arguable that it really was accurate as the newspaper of record, but they have so corrupted their standards that they could say bout an overt lie, someone
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misspoke. this is not a newspaper of record. 's really just a sad day for america regarding "the new york times" but every now and then they get a story right. but unfortunately now we have to go to england or other countries whose media is not overwhelmed with bias for or against a particular administration so we can get proper reporting. but this story is from russia today. i mean, i was in the soviet union in 1973. i could read a little bit of russian. speak a little russian back then. hadn't had any reason to for over 30 years except get to the bathroom. but from "russia today," they report -- and this was the dead lock aw and when dealing with the
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guantanamo bay detention facility, voting down dueling measures which would have either loosened or tightened restrictions on transferring detainees. 2014 ndaa found one now in senate. could finally mean the end of guantanamo. more than half of guantanamo bay's 164 detainees have been cleared for transfer to other ations, mbs -- mns reports, -- msnbc reports, when we keep transferring people out, releasing them and they keep killing americans, so many of them after they're released, i'd say one is too many. but one's not near as many as have been reported going back and continuing to kill americans. this talks about even a good
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who's reportedly aiding the guantanamo bay win for president obama but white house top senate democrat successfully defended provisions in the national defense authorization act that would loosen restrictions on transferring detainees out of guantanamo bay. advancing president obama's goal of closing the facility by a margin of 55-43. yeah, they can vote like that because they got enough people that aren't up for re-election next year so they can take a vote like that so that caused me to go look at the law being discussed and voted on and find this provision in there. section 1032, the authority to temporarily transfer individuals detained at united states naval station guantanamo bay, cuba, to the united states
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for critical or medical treatment. ok. see, we got to get them out of there sometimes for medical treatment. they got incredibly good medical treatment at guantanamo bay. this says status while in united states, an individual who's temporarily transferred under authority in subsection little a, while the united states should be considered paroled into the united states temporarily pursuant to a provision of the immigration nationality act. but then it goes on under section 1033 to say that transfer for detention and trial, the secretary of defense may transfer a detainee described in subsection a, the united states for detenks and trial if the secretary -- detention and trial if the secretary determines if it's in the interest of the united states. and it does provide that congress should be notified not later than 30 days before the date of proposed transfer.
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but if the president with the wave of his hand can waive you have handtory language in a bill -- mandatory language in a bill that was passed without a single republican vote, if they can waive off provisions, the immigration bill and just flat out change the law, unilaterally as the chief executive, then it sure wouldn't be very hard to say, oh, oops, we didn't give congress notice. those people are in the united states because once they are in the united states, things take a big turn. i remember our friend from -- my friend from across the aisle, anthony weiner, was so upset. he was -- he actually said he wanted these detainees brought to new york city and put on trial and executed there in new york city. well, having been a prosecutor, judge and chief justice, i knew he would be exhibit a for why if they brought the detainees
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to new york city they shouldn't get a trial there. they'd have to transfer them somewhere else because you had people like anthony weiner who were not particularly capital punishment supporters but wanted them to be executed so that would have been exhibit a and why you couldn't get a fair trial if they were brought to new york. and some of our friends get very confused and demand, we want these people at guantanamo bay to have the same rights under the constitution that everybody else does. well, everybody doesn't have the same rights under the constitution. when i was in the army for four years, i didn't have the rights everybody else did. i wasn't free to assemble where i wanted. i wasn't free to say what i wanted to about the president. i wasn't happy with jimmy carter. we saw fort benning going down and down and down. we saw our nation attacked by an act of war in tehran, and there was no response.
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that's still being used today to recruit people to al qaeda, to terrorism because of how weak our response was then, how weak our response was when we were attacked in 1983 at beirut. and certainly the ongoing weak responses after the world trade center bombing in 1993, the u.s.s. cole, the embassy attacks. i know there are people that would say to such embassy attacks in the 1990's, well, what difference does it make at this point? well, perhaps if it had made a difference to the clinton administration, we would have been better prepared and people wouldn't have died in benghazi. but this is a disaster. under the constitution, nobody is promised a trial in a u.s. district court, and people need to understand that because in the constitution there is no u.s. district court. as my old constitutional law professor at baylor used to
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say, there's only one court created in the constitution. every other court in america, ederal court that is, owes its existence and continued existence and jurisdiction to the united states congress. that's it. so if you're an immigrant, our constitution says you get due process in an immigration court. if you're in the military, the constitution assures you will get due process in a military court. i can tell you that's kind of tough when a soldier stands in -- t of a military jury all all-wearing uniform, to whom they account after that trial is over, it's a little different than a jury that you
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would get just picked at random from your peers. they're not picked at random. the commanding officers from platoon on up through company nd all the way up to the installation, they send recommendations and they eventually tunnel their up to general commander for a court martial and they're hand picked by the general. these are the people that will be on the jury. . that is constitutional. it's been upheld many times. i have a little trouble having served in the military understanding why someone who wants to destroy our country and kill all the americans they can, why are they entitled to more rights under the constitution than somebody that's giving their lives and -- in our u.s. military? they are not given more rights
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than our u.s. military. in fact, under international law, the way it's existed, going back as far as it's been recorded, when someone was part of a country or group that declared war on another country or group and they were captured, they were held until their group or country said they were no longer at war. then we let go the ones that promised not to be at war, after and punish ver, those who were guilty of war crimes. i also, mr. speaker, want to make sure people understand what we have at guantanamo. muhammad was the leader, people call him the master mind, of 9/11, 2001, very unrepentant. not only is he unrepentant, he in 2008 in december agreed to plead guilty and went through, i
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believe at least two hearings where through in-depth questioning by the judge he admitted his role in killing americans. we know he filed this pleading of which i have a copy here that was released by military judge henley, declassified so we could muhammad, the 9/11 master mind, as he said himself, he talked about his planning it, and he had some resources where he could translate his language into english so that he could write this whole thing. there's some idioms, perhaps, that may be misused, but anyway, he's a brilliant man. he just hates americans and loves to kill them. but in his pleading he he says, in god's book he ordered us to
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fight you everywhere we find you. even if you are inside the holiest of all cities, the mosque in mecca, and the holy city of mecca, even during sacred months. in other words, it would be perfectly fine for him or one of his buddies to kill americans in but heaven ecca help the person who causes any damage at all to the same mosque. he said in god's book, this is as if he had legal training, he does this quite well, he states, the premise, and he follows it up with a provision from the law of the koran, the koran is a book basically of law, in god's book, verse nine, then fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them. seize them, besiege them, lay in
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wait for them in each and every ambush. on further he says, we do not possess your military might nor your nuclear weapons. of course this president may be presiding over the united states unless israel protects itself, this president may be the one that sees for the first time a radical islamist, terrorist regime get a nuclear weapon. and that will change the world forever. we can't afford for that to happen. but he points out, at the time he wrote this, we do not possess your nuclear weapons. nevertheless, we fight you with the almighty god. so if our jihad and fighting with you cause fear and terror, many thanks be to god. because it is him that has thrown fear into your hearts which resulted in your infidelity, paganism, and
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statement that god had a son and beliefs. ty and then the provision he follows that up with, from the koran, soon shall we cast terror into the hearts of unbelievers for that they join companies with allah for which he has sent no authority. their place will be in the fire and evil is the home of the wrongdoers. and he misspelled their when he said their place, he used there, but i mean this is amazing stuff. he's admitting we want to destroy you. a moment think for that khalid muhammad or ahmadinejad or khomeini would not mind using a nuke to destroy were me of them believe people descended from apes and pigs, as some of the muslim
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brotherhood say, you got another thing coming. these people are not stupid, but they are insanely crazy in their desire to kill innocent people. he went on at the end of his pleading on page , you'll be greatly defeated in afghanistan and iraq and that america will fall politically, militarily, and economically. your end is very near and your fall will be just as the fall of the tours on the blessed 9/11 day -- towers on the blessed 9/11 day, we will raise from thee ruins, god willing, we will leave this imprisonment with our noses raised high and dignity as the lion emerges from his den. we shall pass over the blades of the sword into the gates of heaven. so we ask from god to accept our contributions to the great attack, the great attack on to our place -- and
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to place our 19 martered brethren among the highest peaks in paradise. this is a guy that some people want to bring to the united states. they have no idea how desperately wrong that would be. he's being held actually right where he is, and under no circumstances should he be allowed to be brought into the united states itself. they have the perfect courtroom set up down in guantanamo for conducting terrorist trials. enough bulletproof material in the middle of an area where a bombing would not do the damage that it would in manhattan. israel understands the threat. they understand the danger, and it absolutely breaks my heart to find out that israel is having
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to seek another ally that understands the threat of radical islam to them and to the united states. now, it was prime minister netanyahu that asked me, after i apologized for putting them in a position -- for america for putting them in a position to have to defend not only themselves but the united states, because some people here don't understand the threat, he said, just ask that you remind your president, people in america that it was your president who said the words, israel must defend itself by itself. i didn't remember president obama saying that. i had to go back and do a word search. turns out that was slipped in in a bunch of other glowing comments about what a wonderful and we are not going to let iran get nukes and all this stuff.
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and then he slides that little sentence in there that is profound. israel must defend itself by itself. that's why i wasn't the only one that didn't pick up on that because of the way in which he contextualized it. here's an article from the blaze today, from schwartz, how bad are things between israel and the united states? israeli foreign minister says it's time to find new allies. israel's foreign policy for many years went in one direction toward washington, but my policy is more directions. is is foreign minister lieberman who said this. he said there are enough countries that we can be a help to and therefore our foreign policy must be to search for allies. the americans have a lot of problems and challenges around the world that they need to solve. they have problems at home.
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we need to understand them and our place in the global arena. we need to stop demanding, complaining, moaning, and instead seek countries that are not dependent on money from the arab or islamic world and want to cooperate with us in the field of innovation. israel's been a leading intellectual echnology. they need to be our friends. they believe in the value of the life as we do. they to not name streets and holidays for people who kill innocent women, children, innocent victims, men who never saw it coming. as as even in palestine
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it's called now, never were called that before, recent history, but it's time that we realize what a friend we have in israel and that we could never spend enough money to create the defense system we have in israel if it we will just be supportive. one other thing i want to address before conclude today, there's some people that are saying -- calling attention to the president's omitting the words, under god, from the gettysburg address when he did the entire gettysburg address on camera. and i don't know whose decision it was to leave that out. i don't know if he was just reading it, whoever gave it to him to read in the teleprompter took it out and he didn't realize. i tonight know what happened. but, mr. speaker, it's important that people understand yes, there are five existing copies
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of the gettysburg address. there's only one that abraham lincoln signed, the bliss copy, that unless the president's removed it like he did winston churchill's bust from the white house, unless it's been removed, it's up there in the lincoln bedroom. this is the bliss copy it's called. and actually at the gettysburg foundation website, they have an explanation of those five copies. the nick laid copy, the hague copy. you had a couple of them there. you can see what actually was in the copy, but the every yet -- everette copy, he was the speaker that went two hours or so, and he asked for a copy. so abraham lincoln made sure he got a copy. i was talking to a brilliant historian, steven mansfield this week, he was pointing out these that that it was thought
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lincoln had provided his secretary with his notes and since he had interlineated, as i see people on both sides of the aisle do all the time here, make a note, scratching stuff, putting stuff in, he had interlineated under god so when he gave the speech, under god was part of it. i don't know about anybody on this floor that wants the across-the-board -- congressional record to carry a copy of their speech before they made all the changes in it just as lincoln did, but the last three copies, the ever yet copy that ling yop personally got to senator ever yet, it says this nation under god shall have a few new birth of freedom. the bancroft copy, that was one that also came -- was requested by historian george bancroft, and that has that this nation under god shall have a new birth of freedom. then the last copy, the bliss copy that's most often used, is considered to be the most authoritative copy of what was
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said at gettysburg because this is the only copy that abraham lincoln signed. he didn't sign any of the others, he signed this one. it went to colonel bliss who was going to use it to auction and use the money to help wounded warriors. this is a nation under god. it had a new birth of freedom. and i hope and pray god will give us wisdom to avoid destroying that freedom. ith that i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. under the speaker's announced the of january 3, 2013, gentleman from connecticut, mr. larson, is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the minority leader. mr. larson: i thank the speaker and request permission to revise and extend my remarks and introduce extraneous material. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. larson: and will say to the speaker we'll be joined in progress by the leader, at which
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time i will yield to her for remarks. ,ur topic today is a solemn one and yet a hopeful one. . it is about the 35th president of the united states, john fitzgerald kennedy. .e speaks to us still in november of 16983, i submitted an op-ed piece to our local paper, the "east hartford gazette" on president kennedy. it's hard to believe that 30 years have passed since i submitted that document.
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most, including myself and especially the kennedy family, would rather not dwell on the events that transpired on november 22 in that ensuing weekend but rather on the president's birth and celebrate heroic service. indeed, may 29 should be a national day of remembrance. i'm proud to say that the entire new england delegation has dropped a resolution today calling upon congress to birth-day of 9,
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john fits -- birthday of john fitzgerald kennedy as a day of remembrance. president kennedy if he were alive would be 98 years old. it's hard to imagine even today because of the image of that uthful, vigorous, witte, energetic -- witty, energetic man in those tv clips and who speaks to us still. at beautiful man was taken om us in the summer of his years. for my parents' generation, december 7, 1941, president roosevelt appropriately put it,
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will be a day that will live in infamy. for my children and so many of his current generation, myself , cluded, september 11, 2001 will be recalled as another day of infamy. for my generation, however, , 1963, the ber 22 in the nation stood still shock, in disbelief. as a new englander, the shot heard round the world on that day was not the one fired at concord but in
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dallas, texas. that shot cut down the 35th president of the united states, ded dreams of cam lot and -- camelot and cut short the life of an american hero. almost everyone can recall ere he or she was and what they were doing when they first heard the news of the assassination of john kennedy. 50 years after his death, the country still gropes for answers and searches to fill the void created by his departure. it was sixth period in french ass when mrs. braves voice
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noticeably shaken announced over the loud speaker at east hartford high school that the president had been shot. an unsettling silence that was ladened with anxiety, fell over a perplexed and unbelieving class. attempts to calm the class were fumbled by a visibly stunned teacher as he sought answers to a host of questions. such an irrational act. it just couldn't be. her voice, to be in tearful voice, announced that the president of the united states had died. hallow, disillusionment, deep
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sadness engulfed not only the classroom but the entire nation. despair was replaced by speculation concerning the perpetrator of such an act. walking home from school, conjecture of this heinous crime, fettered on the k.g.b., castro, likely culprits, but even conjuring up these villains brought no resolve. when i reached home, my mother, with kleenex in hand, set motionless next to the tv. and as glassy eyed, shaken unable to comprehend the events of the day that saw the first president born in this century and the first catholic struck
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down. the family gathered around the tv and waited for dad to come home. surely he could explain. when my father arrived, everything from the russians to texans were mulled over as he revealed various theories discussed in the shop. but all with the same anguish and perplexity. thus began a family vigil with walter cronkite. ut even he, the most trusted man in america, could explain to the viewing public the way it was on november 22, 1963. it was a numbing experience for our family and the rest of the
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country as we sat in shock, traumatized as the first real-time media account of the 1960's unfolded in our living room. in a weekend that never seemed to end, we witnessed a nation in mourning, the apprehension and then murder of lee harvey oswald and the subsequent arrest of crime figure jack ruby, all unveiling and unfolding themselves on tv. the plot only seemed to become more complicated. the complexities of american society and the very fabric of our way of life in this nation hit home like never before. what i most recall and what i believe most americans recall from that weekend are the vivid that and images of ordeal. the distressed widow in a blood-stained pink suit with all the dignity and strength
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and nobility that she could muster being met at andrews air force base by robert kennedy. the long lines passing through the rotunda to pay their last respects, including james ichael fitzgerald from our hometown in east hartford. the veiled pass of jacqueline kennedy as chenilled over the fin, clutching the she kneeled over the coffin, clutching the hand of her husband. the support of the first lady and her family and their family. those boots placed backward in the stirps of black jack, the horse -- stirrups of black
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jack, the horse. the procession of world leaders en route to arlington, a eekend of images culminating in john-john's final salute to his dad. i will never forget that weekend of tragedy wrought with emotion and extreme crushing reality, its impact and the impact of other events in that decade perhaps won't be fully understood though we are fixated on this. but to put it in perspective before i yield to our leader, i would say this, as william manchester noted, in november were , among the living robert kennedy, martin luther ing jr. and 58,200 young men who would die in vietnam over
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the next nine years. i yield to our leader noting that as we said at the outset, we prefer not to dwell on the ents of the day but on the heroic nature of this president and what he meant to so many people and continues to do so and continues to speak to us as does our leader who knew him personally, nancy pelosi. ms. pelosi: i thank the gentleman for calling the special order. congress has adjourned for the thanksgiving holiday, but i thank you for staying so that we can acknowledge and observe the 50th anniversary, a great loss for our country. my colleague, mr. larson, he spoke so beautifully about what happened on november 22, 50 years ago, how your mother
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reacted and the rest and you could have been speaking for every family in america. certainly we took special ownership of president kennedy as the first catholic president, but everyone who enjoys firsts understands that that pioneer action, that courage, that success that he had was not just about him being the first catholic president but america embracing our country more fully, the people of our country more fully. yes, mr. speaker, mr. larson, 50 years ago, tragedy struck the heart of a nation in dallas, texas. 50 years ago, president kennedy was taken from us suddenly and unexpectedly and the entire nation was shaken and was -- and mourned. as you said, we don't want to dwell on that sad day. we want to spring from it to talk about what went before and
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what has come from the legacy of president john f. kennedy. today, 50 years later we rise on the floor of the house to pay tribute to him as a leader on the anniversary of a tragedy but on a focus -- the focus on many victories. here in this chamber, president kennedy served. can you imagine? i take great pride in the fact that president kennedy began his federal service in office in the house of representatives. fitz, dfather, honey also served in the house. his grand-nephews served in the house. so it has been a kennedy family tradition to serve in the house of representatives. he did so as a proud member of the massachusetts delegation. i honor, with mr. larson, to --
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i rise to honor the life and legacy, inspiration and achievements. i rise to salute an extraordinary leader for our country and the world. i feel emotional about it listening to mr. larson describe the events of the day and the weekend that followed, the beautiful family, dignity that mrs. kennedy and the children demonstrated made a mark on our hearts. we're so pleased that, as the president said last night, as we're here, caroline is drawing crowds in tokyo. as a student, i had the privilege of being there when president kennedy was inaugurated. i had the privilege of meeting him as a student in high school in baltimore, maryland, when my father was mayor, spent an
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evening, because my mother couldn't attend a dinner -- well, she said she couldn't attend, but enabled me to attend in her place as the first lady of baltimore with the pleasure of sitting with senator kennedy and to be dazzled by his presentation to the united nations association of maryland dinner honoring the leader in our community. my father was mayor and i was very lucky. -- on other occasions had the privilege of being in the -- in service to that campaign in terms of one time we had a show called senator kennedy answers your questions and i was one of the people -- i was in college at the time -- of answering the phone and hearing the questions. all the questions were about seniors and health. this was before medicare. and it was an important issue
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for the president. in any event on that happy day in january 20, 1961, i had the privilege of being there in the freezing cold to hear the president's inaugural address. his stirring address still echos in the hearts of those who were there and all others who heard his call to serve. he appealed to the energy, the faith, and devotion that will light our country and all who serve it, and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. what inspiring words, perhaps the most significant of all, he ushered in a new era with a simple yet powerful call to start anew, declaring let us begin. let us begin. so we began to answer the call to carry forward the torch to ask what we could do for our country. we began to get america moving again. and we began an era that would recast america's future that would set us on course to
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address so many of the challenges facing us 50 years ago, and still confronting our nation today. as i reference his ask not what we can do for our country, everybody knows that that was an important part of the president's call to action in that day. citizens of america ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can to for your country. it's memorized by students all over the world. when he delivered it it was so stirring. but what i remember is the next, very next sentence, the very next sentence he said, to the citizens of the world, ask not what america can do for you, but what we can do working together for mankind. it was just so beautiful. and so that, no wonder, one of the first actions would be to establish the peace corps. renewed beginning, witnessing the creation of the peace corps, a group of americans serving as ambassadors of good will
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worldwide, and to this day then it was started under the leadership of sergeant shriver's brotherin in law. to this day each volunteer is a tribute to president kennedy. a few weeks ago i had the privilege of being in massachusetts under the auspicious of the kennedy library where we had observed the 50th anniversary of the president signing the equal pay act into law. legislation he called a first step to end the unconscionable practice of unequal pay. this agenda that the president had, imagine equal pay for equal work for women in the workplace, also established a commission on the status of women headed by eleanor roosevelt and its recommendations were, raise the minimum wage, equal pay for equal work, childcare as an initiative both public and with
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tax credits, so forward thinking. so much of it still left to be done 50 years later. part of the commission and again with great women like eleanor roosevelt andester -- and esther peterson and others were with him when he signed the bill. today as i mentioned that battle continues. if president kennedy were here he he would beckon us to do more to take the next step. when women succeed, america succeeds. legislation, to have respect for women's work in the workplace. raise the minimum wage. 62% of women -- 62% of people get minimum wage are women. equal pay for equal work. paid sick leave. and childcare. which is an important part of president obama's agenda. the fight for equality, whether in the workplace, president kennedy become the first president to call civil rights
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above all a moral issue, mr. speaker. he said, to he remind us it was time, long time past to keep the promise of freedom. and so he put forward a civil rights bill to right the wrongs of history and in his name and the wake of his death in the years that followed, under the leadership of president lyndon johnson, the congress passed the civil rights act and the voting rights act. yet still today the march to civil rights is not finished completely, and as in the time the president remains our moral obligation to preserve, expand, and strengthen voting rights. that is our challenge now in the house. and equality. so let us begin. so many other things that we witnessed. it's hard for people to imagine now how impossible it sounded when the president said bold action and exploration, a commitment in the promise to be the first. he said if we are to honor the vows of our founders, we must be first.
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and therefore we intend to be first. it was a commitment and promise to invest in science and innovation. when he said that we would send a man to the moon and be back safely in 10 years, it seemed impossible. but it happened even in the shorter period of time. he he laid out his vision to do what was hard and unthinkable. but by the close of the 1960's, as we know, two american men walked on the noon and returned safely home. so many other people were part of that success. our beginning ignited the fires of all kinds of innovation that our country has been fitted from, even though he wasn't there to see all of the legislation through. e had his vision and he was an inspiration for others to get the job done. one thing i want to -- so many
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times we all quote president kennedy because he's so quoteable, and he was he so wise in what he said tsh-and what he he said resonates and is timeless. when we had the -- i had the privilege of speaking at the groundbreaking of the institute of peace, i quoted what senator -- president kennedy said at american university in 1963. he said, the united states as the world knows will never start a war. we do not want a war. we did not now expect a war. this gen racial of americans has already had enough, more than enough of war and hate and oppression. he went on to say, we shall be prepared if others wish it we shall be alert to try to stop, but we should also to our part to build a world of peace where we are safe and the strong are just. so remarkable. so remarkable. again would take hours for us to
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truly mention all of the accomplishments, moon shot, all the things about the test ban treaty, the list goes on and on. but the fact is a person came into the life of america from a family, which is hard to imagine any other family in america that has had or name another family in america that's made as great a contribution to the well-being of our country than the kennedy family. starting before before even with rose kennedy's father, honey fits, but then coming through to now even service in the congress of joe kennedy, a grand nephew of the president and we had the privilege here of serving with patrick kennedy. i end where i began in taking pride in the fact that president kennedy's association with this house of representatives, this people's house, and to say that
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i'm so happy that i had the opportunity to see him so many times. i'll just close with one, we were at the convention in los angeles, i was with my parents, we went to a restaurant after the president's speech at the stadium. first time a president had accepted the nomination at a stadium. tens of thousands of people there. the speech was fabulous and great. we went to this restaurant called row manoff, i said to my father and mother, i wanted to go to a los angeles-type restaurant. it turned out to be los angeles-type in that it was very expensive. more expensive for shrimp cocktail than it would have been in baltimore, maryland, where we were from. so my father said, gee whiz, why did you find this place? it's the most expensive restaurant i have ever been in. i said that's probably true. but it's an experience. it cost so much more for shrimp cocktail here in than in baltimore maryland.
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in another few minutes the door opens of the restaurant, in comes president kennedy from the speech. from the speech. came right over to the table. tommy, my father thomas, tommy, how did you like my speech? my father told him he asked me how i liked his speech. imagine that. then he went on with his entourage to have his celebratory dinner. well, after that price was no object. -- cost of the restaurant the prices kept coming down in my father's view. again i was lucky many different times to have the opportunity to have some conversation with the president. so when that horrible thing happened that day for our country, everybody took it very personally. and perhaps part of his legacy is the sacrifice that he made for our country, the inspiration that was intensified by that
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sacrifice, and may we always, may we always, always remember it and may we always remember what he said, the light from that fire shall truly light the world. the glow from that fire can truly light the world. may god bless the memory of president john f. kennedy, his family, may we draw strength from his legacy and vision. may god always bless the country he loved and led, the united states of america. and all who serve it. with that, mr. speaker, i again thank mr. larson for calling this special order. i'm honored to be here with him and with our distinguished whip, mr. hoyer. i yield back. mr. larson: i thank the leader. i would point out in history there are often identify connick -- iconic pictures, one has to wonder in looking at the pictures that grace museums across this country, could that man who said a torch will be
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passed to another generation, could he have known when he was shaking bill clinton's hand that he would be a future president of the united states? could he have known when he met with tommy's daughter that she would be the first woman speaker of the house? that was the inspiration of kennedy who touched so many people, and our leaders, nancy pelosi and steny hoyer, typify a generation drawn into public of the not only because inspiration but the calling to president kennedy to public service. he majority whip, steny hoyer. mr. hoyer: i thank the gentleman
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for -- from connecticut. special on for the order but the speech he gave as we led into this special order about that wrenching day in november, the 22nd of november 1963. where he was, the memory he had. and i thank the leader who has recalled so well what john kennedy meant to our generation. of view every generation to icans has had a figure whom they looked for guidance, for inspiration. owever, few generations have
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such a compelling figure as john fitzgerald kennedy was to my generation. john kennedy was the first president for whom i voted. i turned 21 in 1960. and i had the opportunity to vote for him in november. it was a controversial vote for some who thought that a young catholic, or frankly an old catholic should not be president of the united states. for after all they would have to answer to the pope. john kennedy made it clear that he would answer to the american eople and to his conscience. and that is what he did. mr. speaker, all of us have memories and i will refer to at least two. i was a student at the
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university of maryland in 1959. it was the spring of 1959 and there was to be a convocation as there was every spring, with a major speaker being invited to give an address. it was to be at cole field house, which was then the athletic field house for the university of maryland. it still exist bus we now have another basketball center, comcast center. classes got out at 10:50 that morning and i left class with no intention, frankly, of going o hear the speaker, and i went to walk up the hill leading both to the student union and to cole field house. i was going to go to the student union. have lunch.
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talk to my friends. and then resume classes at 1:00. but as i was walking up, a car went drive big, relative -- relatively slowly, there was some traffic. and i saw a 1958 pontiac convertible. mr. larson will recall, that was a cool car. and that caught my attention. but as i looked at the car i then saw the person riding in that car. it was a warm day. op was down. and i recognized the individual in that car as the speaker who was going to address us in the convocation and i said, that's really neat. remember, i'm 19 years of age. i said, i'm going to go hear him speak. so i did go hear him speak. and he talked that day, as i'm
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sure he did hundreds of other days in thousands of campuses throughout not only this country but around the country before his death, he talked about young people getting involved in politics. not necessarily running for office but getting involved in the politics of their community. in making a difference in their community. in taking their talents. and as leader pelosi has said, as he enounsuated in his inaugural address, bring their faith and devotion to the endeavor of making their democracy and their country better. i listened to that speech. i walked out of the cole field house and the next week i changed my major from a business major to political science major, decided i would go to law school and run for office. it was in many ways a damascus
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road experience for me. and life changing -- a life changing experience for me. in seven -- and seven years after i heard kennedy encourage young people, not just steny hoyer, he never knew who steny hoyer was, but encourage young people to get involved, seven years later, five months out of georgetown law school, i was honored by some of the people of prince georges county to be elected to the maryland state enate. after, of course, i heard him speak on the cam noifs university of maryland in 1959, i worked in his campaign, never saw him. shook his hand once when he was at richie coliseum, coming out of the coliseum. but i have heard two more inspirational speeches in my lifetime.
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one was, of course, the speech that is quoted so often as leader pelosi said, the inaugural address. elivered on a very cold, snowy january day in 1961. in which he observed that the torch had been passed to a new generation. born in this century, meaning e last, and saying that they had been tested by a hard and bitter peace but that that generation was proud of their heritage and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed and to which he said we were committed today here and around the world. what a proud observation that was of america's role in the world.
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then, and now. a nation willing to expend its treasure and its commitment of life and liberty to the defense of both. here and around the world. john kennedy was an inspiration to my generation but john kennedy was an inspiration to all generations. in america. john kennedy called us to service. john kennedy observed that although the challenges in front of us were hard, that america could meet them, overcome them, and be a greater country. i would suggest to all of us that we need that same kind of inspiration today. america is faced with
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challenges today. america is faced with division today. this body is faced with division today. it is easy to forget as we remember john fitzgerald kennedy how close an election it was between richard nixon and john fitzgerald kennedy. less, i believe, as i recall, than 200,000 votes separated them after millions of votes were cast. john kennedy was declared the president of the united states. and our nation remained divided. that was the generation of the civil rights movement. that was the generation of martin luther king, of rosa parks, of so many other heroes
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of the civil rights movement. and our colleague john lewis, the boy from troy. as we remember the assassination of john kennedy and in remembering that, like john larson of connecticut, i -- ber where i was, i was i had just delivered some papers to the united states senator from maryland for whom i was working while going to georgetown law school. and john, i came out the door leading from the chamber and was walking down the steps and a capitol policeman said, did you hear? i said did i hear what? the president has been shot.
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the president was my hero. and he had been shot. and like almost every american, i walked down those steps in somewhat of a daze, walked other to the russell senate office building and sat down as almost every american was doing that very moment and watched the television. reporting on the status of our president. it did not take long for them to report that we had lost him. that he had died. that the shot fired had been fatal. i don't know how many people, i presume there are certainly 96 , who have cried for
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hours. i did that. america did that. america had lost some degree, .erhaps, of its innocence america had been rendered vulnerable. america had lost its hero. edward kennedy, the senator, after robert kennedy was shot, spoke at his funeral and he said, my brother need to the be idealized in death beyond that which he was in life. but it is extraordinarily fficult not to idealize john fitzgerald kennedy as we remember him, as we remember the extraordinary trauma we experienced as he was killed.
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his inaugural address addressed not only the american people, but freedom-loving people throughout the world. people seeking opportunity. people seeking liberty. people seeking justice. and the world responded and when he went to berlin, those in berlin then behind the iron curtain knew that they had a kindred soul in john fitzgerald kennedy. what he -- when he said ich they bin ein berliner, believed him. they believed he was committed to their freedom as much as to the freedom of those he served
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in america. john kennedy made an extraordinary difference. his term was cut short by the assassin's bullet. the promise that was john kennedy was not realized. but john kennedy's impact on america, on young people, was profound. i remember john and i think you were here when we served with jack kemp, a republican, who would repeatedly, in committee cite john floor, kennedy as an inspiration. so that his legacy has not only been in terms of what he did and what he said, but his legacy remains in those he inspired to serve. repaired to the high ideal he is put before us,
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this congress this country and the world. ohn kennedy made a difference. we remember him. we remember that he died tragically. but what it really has us remembering is the contribution he made while he lived however short that life was. i thank the gentleman for allowing us to remember this day the loss we sustained on november 22, 1963. mr. larson: i thank the leader, i thank him for his poignancy. i know how much it means to people listening to have a glimpse into history as it unfolded and also the real life experience of our great leader
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and president. david brinkley described of that moment, he said that the assassination was beyond understanding, and i quote him, the events of those days don't fit. you can't place them anywhere. they don't go in the intellectual luggage of the time. it was too big. it was too sudden. too overwhelming. and it meant too much. it has to be separate and apart but we want to, as both our leaders have said, remember this president in the way that we viewed him and his heroic importance to this country and now.nerations then and jacqueline kennedy, as ralph marden, her biographer, said,
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she talked about a person who had written to her about the president. and she said i loved the president but had never known him and wrote to me this past winter that the hero comes when he is needed. when our belief gets pale and weak, there comes a man out of a need who is shining. and everyone live will -- and everyone living reflects a little of that light and stores up some against the time when he is gone. so now he is a legend, mrs. kennedy would conclude, when he would have preferred to be a man.
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and so it has been, stein beck said of kennedy, this man who was the best of his people, who by his life and death gave back .he best of them to their own arthur o'shaughnessy, the great irish poet, said, for each age there are dreams that are dying and ones that are coming to birth. john fitzgerald kennedy embodied dreams that were coming to birth and through his presidency ushered in the future dreams of this century and the next. heroes, heroes are those people we admire for their accomplishments, their character, and their ability to inspire. they're often an extension of what we would like to be. if john kennedy had never been president of the united states,
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he would still have been a bona fide hero. his war record alone was heroic, his pulitzer prize admirable. and when you combine that with his personality, wit, and intelligence, you have a man to emulate and respect. . it is as president, however, that we remember john kennedy. in that capacity his grateness came -- greatness came from being the cog, the catalyst, the spark that ignited the tremendous latent strength of our great nation. summoning the nation like presidents before him, kennedy established goals for excellence, raised the consciousness of the american people to a level of dignity benefiting a nation embarking on building a positive future not just for the nation but for
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mankind. some would say john kennedy was a tragic hero. much like the tragic her heos of greek literature and shakespearean plays. kennedy was neither achilles or hamlet. he was a man who through sheer force of personality and conviction motivated and exsided people. -- excited people. he moved the nation. what he shares with ancient heroes was the great promise of before t short by death promise could be fulfilled. james russin wrote, the tragedy of john fitzgerald kennedy was greater than the accomplishment, but in the end tragedy enhances the accomplishment and revives
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hope. what died in dallas on november hallmark of e, the both the kennedy administration, and the man. it is sad to see what happened in this country, ted sorenson has commented, it is as if people don't want to believe in anything today. sometimes they even turn against john kennedy because, perhaps, he was the last man they believed in. sorenson's remarks are well taken. i share his sadness and tire cynics who seek only to tear down discredit, destroy, and in general believe in nothing. i do not share and i'm sure most don't an untainted or distorted view of john kennedy.
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or whatever is human shortcomings may have been, his rhetoric, his purpose, his goals to this nation are still worth believing in and aspiring towards. others will say that kennedy had superficial charisma. hype by his ability to manipulate the media. ralph martin notes that john kennedy have more than charisma. . orts figures have charisma rock 'n' roll stars have charisma. he had more than the magnetic attraction of movie stars.
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what kennedy had was real. he clearly was charismatic. he clearly was magnetic. he was poetic. but above all else the manic that he had -- magic that he had was real. john kennedy's appeal was not limited to this country. it was worldwide as steny hoyer pointed out. throngs gathered throughout the world not to chant anti-american slogans or to protest they came to touch, to hear, to see the man who represented the hope of a free world. one has only to recall the vivid scenes in berlin to realize there is a special magic about john kennedy. the excitement was real. john kennedy struck a chord in all of us.
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republican senator scott's wife asked, you didn't have much . miration for him why are you crying? to which he said, i am not crying for him, i am crying for the american people. what john kennedy meant to america is lodged deeply in our hearts and minds. he opened the door to a challenge and beckoned people to a greater future, a new frontier. he was our voice. history will probably bear out that a thousand days was too short a time to judge the greatness of kennedy as a president. but it will also bear out what robert kennedy said of his brothers -- brother's legacy. the essence of the kennedy legacy is a willingness to try and to dare, to change, to hope
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for the uncertain and risk the unknown. it is in that context that the civil rights movement, the bay of pigs, the nuclear test ban treaty, the cuban missile crisis, the space race, and other actions of his administration will be judged. and robert kennedy went on to note, with the constant footnote to that ancient thief, time. it was all too brief, ted kennedy said of his brother's era, those 1,000 days are like an evening gone, but they are not forgotten. you can recall those years of grace, that time of hope, the spark still glows, the journey never ends. his dream shall never die.
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is that the end of the story of camelot that takes on significance. jacqueline kennedy would speak so fondly of when she would talk of her husband. it's the point when king arthur tells of his legends to a young boy so they would still remember them even if he were killed in battle. 50 years have passed and the life and death of john fitzgerald kennedy still hold us captive. it's the topic on every magazine, on every news story, n every television show. but we always need to make sure that we separate the myth from the man. john kennedy was not a myth. he was a real man with hopes and fears and doubts.
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the same human frailties and many disabilities that we never even knew about. his time in office was too short to objectively evaluate his long-term objectives and goals, but we can never forget him or let him go. chris matthews in his recent book talks about a conversation that he had with daniel patrick moynihan. he recalled that moynihan said to him, we've never gotten over it. and then looking at matthews he said, as chris points out with generous appreciation, you've never gotten over it. matthews said i saw that as kind of a benediction, an acceptance and ething warm and iraq splendid--- and irish and
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splendid and a nighthood of the soulful. we have never gotten over it. john kennedy is a hero because of the message he brought, the hope and dreams he inspired. he set a standard by which all successive presidents are measured. he united the country on the great issues of the day. guided the nation through crisis by calling on the american people to uplift their expectations, their goals, and their fellow man. t wasn't hallow rhetoric ordazling showman ship. it was sincere and compelling belief in the purpose of this country and its people. john fits jerald kennedy is a -- fitzgerald kennedy is a hero for all time. and for those who believe in the promise of america because he
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elevated what it means to serve in government on behalf of the people. he made elected office whether it be serving as a house clerk andn the peace corps, noble honorable pursuits. he made poetry and literature and the arts in general a part of the fabric of our everyday life, and he did it all, he did and the h the ease grace and wit and humor and understated elegance that exuded the confidence of the nation he d and further ennobled his countrymen. for those that listened, he speaks to us still. this thanksgiving as we pause,
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let us remember and be grateful .or the great gift he gave us for that one bright shining moment that there came the hero and let us use that light to enlighten not only this chamber but the world. and as president kennedy would say so often, thenet us go forward -- then let us go forward to lead the land we love, asking god's blessing, but knowing here on earth his work is our own. thank you, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the chair announces the
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speaker's appointment pursuant to 46 u.s.c. 5131-2-b and order of the house of january 3, 2013, of the following member on the part of the house to the board of visitors to the united states merchant marine academy. the clerk: mr. king of new york. the speaker pro tempore: the chair announces the speaker's appointment pursuant to 44 u.s.c. 2501 and the order of the house of january 3, 2013, of the following member on the part of the house to the natural historical publications and records commission. the clerk: mr. barr of kentucky. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from connecticut -- mr. larson: i do now move the house adjourn. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on the motion to adjourn. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it.
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the motion is adopted. accordingly, the house stands adjourned until >> the house has completed legislative work for the week and will be gone next week. settingassed a bill deadlines for agencies to approve natural -- line permits. democrats lowered the numbers of votes in the senate to bypass filibusters, to change presidentialles on appointees. obama said he supports the move by democrats to make it harder for republicans to block nominees. harry reid launched the move. we will show you his comments now followed by republican leader mitch mcconnell. >> the american people believe congress is broken. the american people believe the
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senate is broken. i believe the american people are right. ng this congress, the 113th congress, the united states has wasted an unprecedented amount of time on procedural hurdles and partisan obstruction. as a result, the work of this country goes undone. congress should be passing legislation that strengthens our economy, protects american families. instead we're burning wasted hours and wasted days between filibusters. i could say instead we're burning wasted days and wasted weeks between filibusters. even one of the senate's most basic duties -- confirmation of presidential nominees -- has become completely unworkable. mr. president, there has been unbelievable, unprecedented obstruction for the first time in the history of our republic,
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republicans have routinely used the filibuster to prevent president obama from appointing his executive team or confirming judges. it's truly a troubling trend that republicans are willing to block executive branch nominations even when they have no objection to the qualification of the nominee. instead they block qualified executive branch nominees to circumvent the legislative process. they block qualified executive branch nominations to force wholesale changes to laws. they block qualified executive branch nominees to restructure entire executive branch departments. and they block qualified judicial nominees because they don't want president obama to appoint any judges to certain courts. they need -- the need for change is so, so very obvious. it's clearly visible. it's manifest we have to do something to change things. in the history of our country,
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some 230-plus years, there have been 168 filibusters of executive and judicial nominations. half of them have occurred during the obama administration. mr. president, 230-plus years, 50%. four and a half years, 50%. is there anything fair about that? these nominees deserve at least an up-or-down vote, yes or no. but republican filibusters deny them a fair vote, any vote, and deny the president his team. the gridlock has consequences and they're terrible. it's not only bad for president obama, bad for this body -- the united states senate -- it's bad for our country. it's bad for our national security and bad for economic security. that's why it's time to get the senate working again not for the good of the current democratic
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majority or some future republican majority, but for the good of the united states of america. it's time to change. it's time to change the senate before this institution becomes obsolete. mr. president, at the beginning of this congress the republican leader pledged that -- and i quote -- "this congress should be more bipartisan than last congress." mr. president, we're told in scripture, let's take for example old testament. the book of numbers. promises, pledges, a vow, one must not tkpwraeubg his word. -- break his word. in january the republicans promised to work with the majority to process nominations in a timely manner by unanimous consent except in extraordinary circumstances. mr. president, exactly three weeks later republicans mounted
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a first in history filibuster of a highly qualified the senator from fee for secretary of defense. despite being a former republican senator, a decorated war hero, having saved his brother's life in vietnam, defense secretary chuck hagel's nomination was pending in the senate for a record 34 days, more than three times the previous average of a secretary of defense. remember, mr. president, our country was at war. republicans have blocked executive nominees like secretary hagel not because they object to the qualifications, but simply because they seek to undermine the very government in which they were elected to serve. take the nomination of richard cordray to lead the consumer financial protection bureau. there was no doubt about his ability to do the job. but the consumer financial protection bureau, the brainchild of elizabeth warren,
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went for more than two years without a leader because republicans refused to accept the law of the land, because they wanted to roll back a law that protects consumers from the greed of wall street. so i say to my republican colleagues, you don't have to like the laws of the land, but you do have to respect those laws and acknowledge them and abide by them. similar obstruction continued unabated for seven more months until democrats threatened to change senate rules to allow up-or-down votes on executive nominations. in july after obstructing dozens of executive nominees for months and some for years, republicans once again promised they would end the unprecedented obstruction. one look at the senate's executive calendar shows that nothing has changed since july. republicans have continued their record of obstruction if no
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agreement had ever been reached. republicans continued their record of obstruction as if no agreement had been reached. there are currently 75 executive branch nominations ready to be confirmed by the senate, have been waiting an average of 140 days for confirmation. one executive nominee to the agency that safeguards the water that my children and my grandchildren drink, and the air they breathe, has waited almost 900 days for confirmation. we agreed in july that the senate should be confirming nominees to ensure the proper functioning of government. consistent and unprecedented obstruction by the republican caucus has turned advise and consent into deny and obstruct. in addition to filibustering a nominee for secretary of defense for the first time in history,
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senate republicans also blocked a sitting member of congress from an administration position for the first time since 1843. as a senior member of the house financial service committee, congressman mel watts understanding of the mistakes that led to the housing crisis made him uniquely qualified to serve as administrator of the federal housing finance agency. senate republicans simply don't like the consumer protections congressman watt was nominated to develop and implant. so they denied a fellow member of congress and a graduate of the yale school of law even the courtesy of an up-or-down vote. mr. president, in the last three weeks alone, republicans have blocked up-or-down votes on three highly qualified nominees to the d.c. circuit court of appeals. this doesn't take into consideration they twice turned down one of the most qualified people in my 30 years in the senate that i have ever seen
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come before this body, caitlin halligan. so we have got three more to add to that list. the d.c. circuit is considered by many to be the highest court of the land, and some think maybe the most important. it deals with these complex cases come from federal agencies and other things within their jurisdiction. republicans have blocked four of president bush's five nominees to the d.c. circuit, whereas democrats approved four of president bush's six nominations to this important court. today, the d.c. circuit court, at least the second most important court in the land, has more than 25% in vacancies. mr. president, i ask order. there is a conversation over here that's quite distracting. the president pro tempore: the senate will be in order. the senator is -- has the right
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to be heard. mr. reid: thank you. mr. president, there isn't a single legitimate objection to the qualifications of any of these nominees to the d.c. circuit that president obama has put forward. republicans refuse to give them an up-or-down vote, a simple yes or no vote. republicans simply don't want president bush to make any appointments at all to this final court, none, zero. further, only 23 district court nominations have been filibustered in the entire history of our country, 23. you know what? 20 of them have been in the last four and a half years. 230-plus years, three, last four and a half years, 20. that's not fair. with one out of every ten federal judgeships vacant,
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millions of americans will rely on courts that are overworked and understaffed are being denied the justice they rightly deserve. mr. president, more than half of the nation's population lives in parts of the country that have been declared a judicial emergency. no one has worked harder than the presiding officer to move judges. the presiding officer is the chairman also of the judiciary committee. no one knows the problem more than the presiding officer. mr. president, the american people are fed up with this kind of obstruction and gridlock. the american people, democrats, republicans, independents, are fed up with this gridlock, this obstruction. the american people want washington to work for american families once again. mr. president, i'm on their side, which is why i propose an
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important change to the rules of the united states senate. the present republican leader himself said, and this is a direct quote -- "the senate has repeatedly changed its rules as circumstances dictate." close quote. he's right. in fact, the senate has changed its rules 18 times by sustaining or overturning the ruling of the presiding officer in the last 36 years. during the tenures of both republican and democratic majorities. the change we propose today would ensure executive and judicial nominations an up-or-down vote on confirmation. yes, no. the rule of change will make cloture for all nominations other than the supreme court, the majority the threshold vote, yes or no. the senate is a living thing, and to survive it must change as it has over the history of this great country. to the average american, adapting the rules to make the
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senate work again is just common sense. this is not about democrats versus republicans. this is about making washington work regardless of who is in the white house or who controls the senate. to remain relevant and effective as an institution, the senate must evolve to meet the challenges of this modern era. i have no doubt my republican colleagues will argue the fault is ours. it's the democrats' fought. i can say from experience that no one's hands are entirely clean on this issue. but today the important distinction is not between democrats and republicans. it's between those who are willing to help break the gridlock in washington and those who defend the status quo. is the senate working now? can anyone say the senate is working now? i don't think so. today democrats and independents are saying enough is enough.
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to change the rules regarding presidential nominees will apply equally to both parties. when republicans are in power, these changes will apply to them just as well. that, mr. president, is simple fairness. and it's something both sides should be willing to live with to make washington work again. that's simple fairness. i note the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call: >> senate majority leader harry reid on the floor in his opening comments proposing a change in senate rules for executive and judicial nominations.
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breathtaking indictments of big government liberalism and memory, and i'm not just talking about a web site. i'm talking about the way in which obamacare was forced on the public by an administration and a democratic-led congress that we now know is willing to do and say anything, anything to pass the law. the president and his democratic allies were so determined to force their vision of health care on the public that they assured them up and down that they wouldn't lose the plans they had, that they saved money instead of losing it, and that they would be able to use the doctors and hospitals they were already using. but of course we know that that rhetoric just doesn't match reality. and the stories we are hearing on a near daily basis are now ranging from heart breaking to comic. just yesterday, i saw a story about a guy getting a letter in
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the mail saying his dog, his dog had qualified for insurance under obamacare. so yeah, i would probably be running for the exit, too, if i had supported this law. i would be looking to change the subject, change the subject just as senate democrats have been doing with their threats of going nuclear and changing the senate rules on nominations. if i were a senator from oregon, for example, which hasn't enrolled a single person, a single person for the obamacare exchange, i'd probably want to talk about something else, too. but here's the problem with this latest distraction. it doesn't distract people from obamacare. it reminds them of obamacare. it reminds them of all the broken p


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