tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN November 22, 2013 10:00am-12:01pm EST
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recording for the networks. we have to stop there because we only have a minute left there we in very to get ann quickly. ocean city, new jersey. quick comment. you have about 30 seconds. be brief. caller: i was born in 1958, i turned five. i do remember. i was in kindergarten. we had to go home. our father announced the president had died. my mother was very upset. she was quiet. she was a schoolteacher. she understood the psychology of third graders that she taught. she put the set on and let us children absorb what we could at that age. she did not want -- host: we have to stop you. thank you so much for the culprit we take you to the floor of the house. thank you for being with us as we reflect on the 50th anniversary of jfk and anybody that. the house in a pro forma session.
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boehner, speaker of the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore: the prayer will be offered by the guest chaplain, reverend john fort elvin, diocese of worth, texas. the chaplain: lord god, as citizens of this great land, we mark today the 50th anniversary of the tragic death of the 35th president of the united states, president john f. kennedy. in commemorating such a one whose life and presidency were to sow , we do so not in tears, as the psalmist says, but rather to reap with shouts of joy. help us, lord god, to make the late president's inaugural visit our own, so that together, as fellow americans, we may ask not what our country
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can do for us, but rather, what we can do for our country. and so, sacrificing ourselves for the sake of others helps -- help us go forth to lead the land we love, asking your blessing and your help in knowing that here on earth, your work, o god, must truly be our own. n your name we pray, amen. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to section 2a of house resolution 420, the journal of the last day's proceedings is approve the chair will lead the house in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the chair lays before the house
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a communication. the clerk: the honorable the speaker, house of representatives, sir, pursuant to the permission granted in clause 2h of rule 206 the rules of the u.s. house of representatives, the clerk received the following message from the secretary of the senate on november 21, 203, at 5:39 p.m., that the senate agreed to senate concurrent resolution 28. with best wishes, i am, signed sincerely, karen l. haas. the speaker pro tempore: the chair lays before the house the following privileged concurrent resolution. the clerk: senator concurrent resolution 28, resolved that when the house recesses or adjourns on any day from thursday, november 21, 2013, through friday, december 6, 2013, on a motion offered pursuant to this concurrent resolution by its majority
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leader or his designee it stand recessed or adjourned until 12:00 noon on monday, december 9, 2013, or such other time on that day as may be specified by its majority leader or his designee in the motion to recess or adjourn or until the time of any reassembly pursuant to section 2 or section 3 of this concurrent resolution, whichever occurs first and when the house adjourns on any legislative day from november 21, 013, through thursday, november 26, 2013rks on a motion offered pursuant to this concurrent resolution by its majority leader or his designee it stand adjourned until monday, december 2, 2013, or until the time of any reassembly pursuant to section 2 of this concurrent resolution, whichever occurs first. section 2. the majority leader of the senate and the speaker of the house or their respective
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designees, acting jointly after consultation with the minority leader of the senate and the minority leader of the house shall notify the members of the senate and house respectively to reassemble at such place and time as they may designate if in their opinion the public interest shall warrant it. section 3. after the house reassembles, pursuant to the first section of this concurrent resolution, the majority leader of the senate, after consultation with the minority leader of the senate, shall notify the members of the senate to reassemble whenever in his opinion the public interest shall warrant it. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the concurrent resolution is agreed to and a motion to reconsider s laid on the table. without objection, pursuant to senate concurrent resolution 28 , 113th congress, the house stands adjourned until 2:00 p.m. on monday, december 2, 2013.
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library. and a live look at arlington national ceremony -- cemetery where the eternal flame replaced just a week ago after renovation. our coverage continues throughout the day. up next, we will continue to bring you the broadcast from that date, november 22, 1963. it begins with the anchors receiving word that john f. kennedy and texas governor john connally had been shot.
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it includes white house correspondent robert mcneil, who reported from dallas hospital where governor connally and kennedy were taken. >> we have a mobile unit on the way to the white house now. to white house does not seem have anymore information than the reporters on the scene. we are also establishing contact with robert mcneil, in dallas. we expect to be getting reports from him very shortly. as you can imagine, extensive efforts are being made to get dispensed to the right place of the right timing get as much information as we can. >> thank you, frank. >> we are relaying information as it comes in. obviously, it will be sketchy for some time, because you can imagine what is happening to every circuit of radio and telephone between the east coast and dallas texas at this moment. obviously, at the moment, they are jammed.
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here is something else. it was impossible to tell at once where kennedy was hit. but bullet wounds in governor connally's chest were plainly visible, indicating the gunfire might possibly have come from an automatic weapon. thomas,sentative albert a member of the house of representatives, said he was informed that president kennedy and governor connally are both still alive after having been shot in an assassination attempt. this is from dallas. it is the first word we have that they are, in fact, still alive. it is the first thing definitive that we have. we can only give you as much as we have. it is that both men were wounded by an assailant, or assailants. it is not known who did it, or why. and it was reported from dallas that it was not determined whether the secret service and dallas police returned the gunfire that hit the president
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and the texas governor. there is no word that the assailant or assailants have been captured. the focus is understandably on much onident and not so those who committed this act. >> i have some additional information that would indicate that the secret service men guarding the president had no chance to return fire. reporters about five car length behind the chief executive heard what son of like three guerin bursts -- three births of gunfire -- what sounded like three bursts of gunfire. damage was done. the president was slumped over in the backseat of the car face down. and governor connally, after slumping to the left for the moment, lay on the rear of the front seat. >> congressman thomas is outside the corridor in the emergency room in which the president and governor connally are under
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treatment. he said he had been told the president was still alive, but "in very critical condition." that from congressman albert the hospital in dallas, texas, where the president and governor connally has been taken after an apparent assassination attempt. >> we are expecting momentarily a telephone call. that is why i'm seated with this telephone here from nbc posture of her mcneil, who was with the president party. robert mcneil, who was with the president party. may get more information about what is happening at the moment. perhaps more of these questions will be answered for us at that time. >> a reporter, nap man, jack rao , says the president and governor connally were shot under an underpass leading dallas.
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bill says a man and woman were scrambling on the upper level of a walkway, which overlooked the underpass. there is nothing yet to indicate this man and woman were in any way connected with the attack. they have sent out from parkland hospital a call for top surgical specialists, and also a call for a roman catholic priest. the best information that we have now is that the president is still alive. but a member of congress who was outside the emergency room where the president was treated at parkland hospital in dallas, texas, says he has been told the president is in very critical condition. reporter asking kenny o'donnell, the presidential assistant, if kennedy were dead. o'donnell gave no answer. kennedy was taken to parkland hospital, near the dallas
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trademark where he gave a speech. he was transported by ambulance. he lay on the seat of the car, blood streaming. three shots were fired as the motorcade entered the triple underpass, which leads to the stemmons freeway route to parkland hospital. speed tocade was a top the hospital. it took nearly five minutes to get to the entrance of the hospital. reporters saw the president lying flat on his face in the car. the ap reporter said a man and a woman were scrambling on the upper level of the walkway of the underpass. the presidential aide says he has no information on whether the president is still alive. mrs. kennedy was weeping and trying to hold up her husband had when reporters reached the car. >> it might be pointed out in that last report from dallas, the calling in of surgical , thatlists, and a priest
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this is routine in a situation like this. if a catholic is in critical condition, the summoning of a priest does not necessarily mean the own lives or affliction will be terminal, that that this necessarily near. it is merely a precaution. the best indication we have is that both president kennedy and texas governor john connally are still alive. a are receiving treatment in a hospital emergency room in dallas, texas at parkland the two men were taken after being wounded in an assassination attempt today. the report is that the president is in very critical condition. we have no more than that. you can appreciate that we would not have, because the prime concern of everyone now is to treat the president and the governor for their words and to save their lives if possible. >> you have been so busy bringing the bulletin information to the audience. of course, a great many people are not aware of the earlier details of the story host of
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radio and television stats have -- across -- on and television sets have been going on across the country. tell us what you know come in so far you have those details. >> basically, frank, the president was on this two-day trip making a series of speeches. it was said that one of his missions in texas was to try to coalesce the divergent wings of the democratic artie. he had made a speech in fort worth, texas, which is about 25 or 30 miles from dallas. he then moved to dallas and was about to make a speech and was on his way to another site to make a stitch -- a speech in another part of the city. it was a motorcade and was moving with the bubble top of the presidential car down. this may have been a tragic mistake. at we know is that roughly
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12:45 p.m. or so, the shots were fired. >> central standard time? >> i think it would have been dallas time, yes. it would have been dallas time. minutes orlast 20 so. the president was headed for another speech and the motorcade was moving along on this freeway, going under a ramp of another freeway when the attack took place. >> here is the information on a speech that he adjusts made before being shot. -- that he had just made before being shot. president kennedy said emma few can confuse rhetoric with reality. affecting barry goldwater's chances for the nomination coming kennedy said ignorance in this information has allowed to prevail handicaps -- >> put mr. mcneil on, please. >> this is robert mcneil, our correspondent that was traveling with the president. >> bob, are you there?
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>> we are on the air. you take it from the top, bob, and tell us everything in chronicle -- kyle magical order. starting with -- in chronological order. starting with the president condition if you know it. >> frank, you'll have to repeat. we are not hearing. >> bob, we are having difficulties with our communication. the early part of your broadcast did not get on the air. would you go again? yes, please go again, bob. thehey are not getting other end of the conversation. >> let's do it this way. you speak slowly and i will repeat what you say. this is robert mcneil reporting from dallas. please go ahead, bob. bob is at the hospital in dallas. where the president has been rushed. the president is seriously .ounded
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this information comes from texas senator rob yarborough, who was with the president. the shots which wounded the president occurred as the through awas running huge cross in downtown dallas. the governor of texas, john connally, was also hit. the texas governor was sitting on the far side of the car across from the president. kennedy, who was seated between them, was not wounded. the shots apparently came from a window in a building overlooking the parade route. back from iteet
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emma shielded by some trees. it, shielded by some trees. police immediately fanned out around the area and interviewed several witnesses. a man with a saw gun in the window. bob informs me that he was in .he motorcade he says he was able to hear the , and as the shots rang out, people lining the streets screened and lay down on the sidewalk and the street. the motorcade immediately speeded up. and took the president straight to the parkland memorial hospital, from which you are speaking now, bob. and the president was carried
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in. do you have any information about where and how many times the president was struck? bob does not know how many times, nor where the president was struck. all he knows is that the president was seriously wounded. that is the latest information that they have. another reporter at the scene says he heard four shots. turning to the texas governor, bob, can you tell us how many times or where he may have been hit? i see, bob. and you tell us anything about the man in the window? has he been placed under arrest? the police say he was a white man. there were a lot of negro people around, but the man's in the window was a white man. what kind of gun was it? was it a rifle?
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the policeman -- bob heard that it was a high-powered rifle, but there is no confirmation of that. put the receiver up and it will function as a speaker. and let bob talk. >> bob, and told that this little thing that i have just --ached to the telephone bob, could you say a few words for us? are you still there? >> [indiscernible] >> is this being broadcast, what he is saying right now? i realize you are in a terrible position and cannot get information while you're on the phone. do you think it would be better to remain on the phone?
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>> [indiscernible] [feedback] click yes, bob. -- >> yes, bob. this is being broadcast. >> [indiscernible] and i will be back in about five minutes. but that is just fine, bob. -- >> that is just fine, bob. you, we've just gotten this from dallas. president kennedy has been given blood transfusions at parkland hospital after -- in an effort to save his life after he and governor john connally were shot in an assassination attempt. the word is still that the president is in very serious condition. other reports say he is in critical condition.
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jim -- governor john connally, i think he has been moved, has he not? >> this information, which adds up to something rather inconclusive, it says that the secret service remained in the emergency room and the governor has been moved to the general operating room. one secret service man was overheard telling another that there was no need to move the president because emergency facilities were entirely adequate in the emergency room. that would indicate in a snap judgment evaluation that governor colin -- governor connally was worse wounded than the president. but as i said, that is only a snap judgment evaluation. >> or it could mean that they are separating the two cases so that each could be given full attention. >> the medical student is on the line and says he can't see outside the window. a sizable crowd has gathered outside the hospital. this telephone line is connected to the hospital. what is the name of the hospital? >> hartline memorial. >> parkland memorial in dallas, texas, where the president
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has been taken. >> again, to repeat, the president and governor john connally have been wounded. they were both shot as they rode in a motorcade through dallas. each is in serious condition, to the best of our knowledge. but there is no more definitive word than that. we may get some now. wvaptv going to switch to in dallas. >> just moments ago, parties and dallas took -- authorities in dallas took a young man into custody. [no audio] >> as you can appreciate, communications facilities, as you just saw, win-win and -- went in and out.
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the arrangements for that switch to fort worth were made entirely hastily under conditions of extreme pressure, which is why the picture came and the audio didn't, and when the picture dropped, the audio came in. again, to recap to the best of our knowledge at the moment, both kennedy and texas governor john connally have been wounded by an assassination attempt in dallas, texas. they were moving in a motorcade through the downtown section of the city. was ridingt mcneil in the motorcade. mrs. kennedy was not injured at all. she was riding in between the two men. a white man was seen with a gun in a building about a block from the car. had areports that he high-powered rifle. no indication yet that he is who fired shots -- that the person
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who fired shots at the president and governor connally has been found. president has been given blood transfusions and is in critical condition, but alive. no word yet on how serious his wounds are. once again, we are going to try to return to the local station in dallas and news man, charles murphy. --no word yet on the person that the person who fired shots at the president kennedy and governor connally has been apprehended. but moments ago, authorities took a young man into custody. he was near the shooting occurred. the man was neatly dressed. he was only in his 20's. he is protesting vehemently his innocence and says he has to prove -- witnesses his innocence. two catholic priests have been summoned to the emergency room
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where the president is. a white house spokesman said someone had asked for the priests, but did not say whom. blood transfusions have been administered to president kennedy and governor connally has been moved to the general operating room. tookas the go, authorities a young man into custody in dallas, but there is no definite word that this is the person who fired the shots at governor kennedy and -- at president kennedy and governor connally. charles murphy in dallas. the president has been given transfusions of be positive blood. they are coming for more blood if additional transfusions are needed. waspresident's wife escorted by secret service agents into the emergency room where the president is being treated. now for reaction to this tragic story. we go to washington and david brinkley.
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>> there is not a great deal as yet, because obviously the news has just got here. it was taken to congress, which of course, recessed immediately to see what has happened. the white house has told us they don't know anymore than we know, and in fact, has been listening to us to see what he could find out. the president writer -- the tedident's brother, kennedy, was on the floor of the senate and was informed by senator mike mansfield. the only word beyond that we have is that senator kennedy did not know at the moma whether he would go to texas or not. beyond that -- did not know at the moment whether he would go to texas or not. beyond that, because most of washington has just found out about it, they are shocked and stunned along with everyone else. the white house has no more information at the moment than we have. we will stay here, of course, ready to bring you any, at the moment it arrives.
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in the meantime, we will switch back to you. >> thank you, david. this scene was tangential and hardly important, but it is reported. after theexchange report of the attempt on kennedy's life has closed. p-tv ineturn to wba dallas and news man tom whalen. again, experiencing difficulties. we will make the switch whenever we can. here again is what we know so far. president kennedy has been wounded in an assassination attempt. he is reportedly in serious, critical condition and has been given a blood transfusion and is being treated at parkland memorial hospital in dallas, texas. there are reports in dallas that a young man has been taken into custody, but there are no
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indications that he has been charged with anything. he is insisting he had nothing to do with the attempt on the president's life. for late details, we go to news man tom whalen at wbap-tv fort worth. >> this is tom whalen in fort worth. james darnell away in dallas on the scene of the presidential suiting -- shooting. he has an eyewitness interview with a mrs. gene hill. here is the interview. 'am?hat is your name, ma >> jane hill. >> did you see the shooting? >> yes, sir. pre-k's you describe that now e >> -- >> can you describe that now? >> we were on the street and they were directly across the street from us. just as the president car became dry kleven with us, we took one look at him and he looked like a
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doll in the middle of the seat. at that time, two shots rang out. he grabbed his chest and looked like he was in pain and fell over in the seat. on him and over said, "my god, he's been shot." out. that, more shots rang >> what kind of car was that? >> what kind of car wasn't? it was the president car. >> where did the shots come from? over thehe hill, just underpass. it was on the south side. >> did you look at where the shot came from? >> yes, sir. >> did you see anyone? >> i thought i saw a man running. at the president for a while and i looked up there and i thought i saw a man running. i just did not have any sense.
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i started running up there, too. what is your name? >> jane hill. >> what is your -- your address? >> 9402 bluff creek. >> that was an interview i had with mrs. jane hill of dallas a few moments ago. a short time later, authorities took a young man into custody. it is believed that they took a rifle at the same time, described as a 3030 rifle, also supposedly found at the scene. this has not been confirmed. governor connally and president kennedy are in their emergency room. -- in the emergency room. governor connally has been taken to another room in the hospital. a catholic priest was called to the hospital a short time ago and the president's condition is described as very critical. revisited thomas of houston said both men are alive however. this is tom whalen reporting from fort worth, texas,
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reporting the shooting of president kennedy and governor connally of texas. stay tuned for further details. >> frank mcgee has reestablished to indications with robert mcneil, who was traveling with the president. >> bob, stand by for just a moment as i did -- i attach this year bees. then go ahead. please, go ahead, bob. >> drop the box, frank. they have a direct link. >> he's gone. >> and we are not getting it. perhaps we had better go back to the black box. we are not getting it on a direct feed. we may have to return to the black box. >> bob, i'm sorry to interrupt. would you start at the top again?
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the last rites of the roman catholic church have been administered to president kennedy. he is said to be seriously wounded at the dallas hospital. during ang shot at motorcade through the city. last rites were administered a few moments ago by father hubert . they do not necessarily mean that the president's condition is fatal. say theuse officials president's condition is still uncertain. he was carried into the hospital unconscious.
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from the car in which he and governor john connally of texas were both shot at. mrs. jacqueline kennedy, who was in the rear seat of the open car beside the president, was not hurt. vice president lyndon johnson, who was with the president, walked into the hospital. was he in the same car? these, go ahead. he walked into the hospital .olding his own arm just a moment, bob. i'm going to interrupt with a bulletin from the associated press in dallas. ms. -- mr. lyndon johnson said -- yes, go ahead.
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he just emerged from the area where the president has been -- mrs. lyndon johnson, who just emerge from the area where the president has been taking, said that the vice president, her husband, is fine. she would not say anything about the condition of president kennedy, however. she appeared to be in a state of shock and was heard away why -- by white house personnel. -- hurried away by white house personnel. be hospital staff appear to preparing a blood transfusion. for both the president and governor connally. bob is telling me that the isest he knows at the moment that the president's condition is serious and uncertain. we do not know exactly where he
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was struck, nor how many times. >> but he was carried into the hospital. >> but he was carried into the hospital unconscious and bleeding. and last rites of the church had been administered. that is all for the moment, frank. >> bob says that is all for the moment. >> there is this additional detail from the hospital. an assistant to governor connally said he talked to the governor in the hospital operating room. he said he was shot just below the shoulder blade in the back. his assistant, bill stinson, said he asked the governor how it happened and he said, it i don't know. i guess from the back. they got the president, too. there are additional reports that the governor's aide asked the governor if there was anything he could do and he said, just take care of nelly for me. that is governor connally's wife. she was not injured. also, mrs. kennedy was not
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injured. as robert mcneil reported, the last rites of the roman catholic church has been administered to the president, but this is in no way an indication that it is expected he will lose his life. chet has something more. >> the director of the fbi has telephoned the dallas fbi office ordering an all-out investigation of the attempt today on the lives of the president and governor john connally of texas. an item. both women, meaning mrs. kennedy and mrs. connelly, disappeared into the emergency section of the hospital to await news of their husbands. outside the emergency room in a hallway, interest members of the white house staff gathered, including major general chester b clifton, military aid to the president, and brigadier general mccue, the air force aid. mrs. lincoln, the president theetary emma -- president's secretary, and other members of the staff were shown
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to a waiting room not far from the emergency room area. as frank mcgee has reported, on direct word from our correspondent in dallas, a crowd is gathering outside parkland hospital in dallas. >> there is also this. repeating what we got from fort worth, the sheriffs officers have taken a young man into custody. they are questioning him, but there is no indication that any charges have been raised against him. there is no indication that he is directly involved in this attempt on the life of president kennedy and texas governor john connally. >> bill, i believe we have a picture of the president and mrs. kennedy as they arrived in dallas this morning. and i have some fragmentary copy on the first speech about which the president delivered in dallas. this is a picture of the president and mrs. kennedy. asi think the camera has you the one to hold the picture.
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>> hold it up over here. this is a picture of the first mrs.y, the president and kennedy arriving in dallas only a couple of hours before the assassination attempt. speech that the president delivered in dallas, speaking in an area where for barry are goldwater, the president said that misinformation is allowed to prevail and affect the country security. this was before the dallas citizens council, the dallas assembly, and the graduate research center of the southwest. he did not specifically mention senator goldwater by name. the president said, "in a world of complex and into doing problems, in a world of irritations, america's leadership must be guided by the life of -- the light of learning and reason, or else those who confuse reality and the plausible with the possible will
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give over simple solutions to the world's problems." the president's two younger brothers are on their way to andrews air force base. they will fly to dallas. additional details from the hospital. vice president lyndon johnson has not been injured in this attack on president kennedy and texas governor connally. the vice president is somewhere in the same hospital where the president is being treated, parkland memorial in dallas. it was reported he was badly shot by the shooting. the doctors are trying to keep him as quiet as possible and he is under heavy secret service protection. it was also noted that throughout the trip in texas where the president and vice president have been the same motorcade, they have been kept in separate cars, a precaution against just such an attempt as was obviously made today. >> i'm red -- i read an excerpt
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from the speech the president gave this morning at a breakfast. people rose innovation after the speech and a few minutes later, the president said he felt like he did in france two years ago when he identified himself as the man who accompanied this is kennedy through paris. >> excuse me just a moment, john. there was word from the hospital that they have dispatched a call from the -- for a neurosurgeon. that could be the head or possibly some spinal damage. there was also this. and understandably, in a situation like this, information comes from fragments and in unexpected places. senator yarborough, a texas democrat who was in a nearby car when the attack took place on the president, such he saw the presence lips moving at what he called a normal rate of speed while the president was being rushed to the hospital. what it means, we do not know.
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-- how much it means, we do not know. and there is word here, frank, that at least one neurosurgeon has arrived at the hospital. i should imagine that in a case such as this, every medical specialist of every sort and description and capability would be called into the hospital so that all medical treatment would be available to the president. there is momentary low, i would assume the memory of every person listening to this right now would flash back to that day in april, 1945 when franklin delano roosevelt -- >> excuse me, here is a flash from the associated press. two priests who are with president kennedy say he is dead. there is no further confirmation, but this is what we have on a flash basis from the associated press. two priests in dallas who were with resident entity say he is dead of -- with the president
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say he is dead of bullet wounds. the president may have lost his life. it has just come over the associated press wires in dallas. two priests were called to administer the last rites of the roman catholic church. it is from them we get the word that the president has died, that the bullet wounds inflicted on him as he rode in a motorcade through downtown dallas have been fatal. we will remind you, there is no official confirmation of this from any source as of yet. >> just moments before you brought that, i had word from the hospital that the vice president, lyndon johnson and his wife have just left the hospital and rushed away in a motorcade. >> this might be confirmation. >> we must stand by for confirmation, as bill has emphasized. this is rather sketchy information. we will stand by. >> now apparently there is word that this ap flash, this report
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from the two priests that the president has died of bullet wounds is confirmed. we will attempt now to get to forion wbap-tv in dallas confirmation. we go to news man murphy. >> substantiating this, but not confirming this, is a report from the dallas police officer -- police department to all officers that the president has died. some three to five minutes later, the ap flash of the two priests saying that the president is dead. returning now to nbc in new york. >> hearing from two sources. on theave bob mcneal line with a report. please, go ahead, bob. hase house press secretary just announced that president
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died at approximately 1:00 central standard time, which is about 35 minutes ago after being shot by an unknown assailant during a motorcade drive through downtown dallas. approximatelydied 25 minutes after the attack took place. he had been rushed bleeding and unconscious to the parkland andrial hospital in dallas was given blood transfusions. ago, reportstes nbc's bob mcneal in dallas to whom i'm talking to now, a priest emerged after having last rites.esident
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just before the announcement of -- presence death was made, of the president's death was made, vice president lyndon faced anderged grim was driven off with a police thert to assume constitutional responsibility of the presidency. has just been brought into the emergency ward of the hospital for president kennedy. as theack took place president who was just completing what amounted to a triumphal drive through downtown , encountering the largest
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and in some ways, the most friendly crowds of his two-day texas tour. dallas police had put into the most stringent security precautions in the cities history. -- in the city half history. because they had anticipated there might be some demonstrations against president kennedy like those which marked the visit of un ambassador rice 20laide stevenson on october -- 24th. mrs. kennedy, who was sitting beside the president, in the open car was not hurt. texas, the governor of john connolly, who was also in was wounded reportedly
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in the chest. further supplies of blood for transfusion for the governor had just been brought into the hospital. came, according to floorses, from the second of a building called the texas school book depository, which is about 100 yards from the tree- thed parkway on which president was driving when the shooting occurred. three shots were heard. bob, thank you very much. we will keep the line open. that was a report from nbc's
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robert mcneil confirming from texas by way of the white house press secretary the kennedy is dead. >> the death, according to malcolm, who was acting as the president secretary on the strip, came about -- on this trip, came about 30 minutes ago at roughly 1:00 dallas time. johnsonsident lyndon was taken from the hospital and he was not wounded. he has been taken off to a secluded place. he will assume the constitutional duties, succeeding now the late john pfister old kennedy, the former -- the late president of the united states. now, it is necessary, even any us tof pressure is upon go to washington, d.c.
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>> the situation is, of course, that the vice president, lyndon johnson, will be given the oath of office as president of the united states as soon as it can be done. i have not had time to check this, but i believe the oath can be administered by anyone for my justice of the piece, or anyone who can administer an oath. had it happen in less fortunate circumstances -- less unfortunate circumstances, he would have been sworn in by the justice of the supreme court. but in this case, he will be sworn in by anyone with the power to do so. that means lyndon johnson will be sworn in as resident and will finish out mr. kennedys term, running until january, 1964. what happened then, obviously we don't know. afterappens next is that lyndon johnson, john mccormick of massachusetts, who is the speaker of the house, he is next
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in line. we were told a few minutes ago the u.s. -- there were four jet airplanes at andrews air force base ready for takeoff for technet -- for texas. and perhaps they only have. presumably, to bring numbers of the party back here, and/or to take members of the kennedy family to texas. details as yet, but i assume mr. johnson will return to washington immediately and will take over the late resident kennedy's duties. that is about all of the detail we have at the moment. as reported earlier, senator edward kennedy, the president's brother, was presiding over the senate in lyndon johnson's absence. the vice president, when he leaves his job in the senate can turn to gavel over to any member. in this case, senator edward theedy was presiding when
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word came of the shooting. at that time, it was not known whether the president was dead or alive. a reporter in the press gallery upstairs overlooking the senate gave the war to a senate page, who then went down and told senators on the floor -- gave a word to a senate page, who then went down and told senators on the floor. the senate was adjourned immediately and senators went to the chapel for prayer, led by reverend john harris. in the meantime, they gathered around the new stickers and waited to -- the news tickers and waited to see what would happen. by now they know. the white house was not getting information very rapidly because of the confusion and haste at the scene. what we have learned we have learned from texas, not from here. here is a late report. members, members of kennedys cabinet, that is,
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secretary of state dean rusk, the secretary of interior others -- but and i'm relying on memory. i don't member who else was there. they were on their way to japan as part of a mission to discuss trade with the japanese and other matters. they were one hour out of hawaii and have turned back to the united states. we do not know yet if they're coming to washington or dallas. i would assume washington. there is not much they can do in dallas. peter salinger is with them. -- bobnedy children gawronski, the nbc reporter at the white house says the kennedy children are still there. it is a normal school day for caroline and her classmate. we are now told that the president was shot once in the head. governor colony -- governor connally was hit both in the chest and the risk, we are told. it was a rifle of some foreign make. we do not know what make, nor exactly who had it. the we are report -- we are told
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as was reported earlier that a young man was picked up. we do not know who he is. he was questioned. that is all we have at the moment. president lyndon johnson will now be sworn in as president of the united states and will serve out the remainder of mr. kennedy's term, which runs until january 20, i believe, 1964. about a year and a half from now. beyond that, we don't know. bill, are you there you go do you have any more from texas or elsewhere? >> yes, david, just this. president kennedy was assassinated today in a burst of gunfire in downtown dallas, texas. governor connally was shot down with them. the president, cradled in his ine's arms, as was rushed his limousine to parkland memorial hospital to the emergency room. a call for blood was sent out.
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the president was 44 years old. he was shot once in the head, as was just reported. governor connally was shot in the chest and the wrist. police have found the foreign make rifle. holyr hubert from the roman catholic church was called and administered last rites. consciouskennedy was when he arrived at the hospital. vice president lyndon will now be sworn into office as soon as possible. he rushed to the hospital, and then was rushed to go away -- rushed away again by secret service men. his whereabouts are being kept secret. can he be lived about an hour after a sniper cut him down as his limousine left downtown dallas. automatically, of course, the presidency now falls to lyndon b. johnson, a native texan, who had been writing to cars behind the chief executive. wo cars behind a chief executive.
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a priest came out at a proximally 1 p.m. executive town -- to priest came out at approximately 1 p.m. executive time. the announcement by the priest came from the hospital. sobs as collapsed in they were told of the slaying of the president. rob yarborough said he was in the third car behind the president and said that at least two of the shots came from the right rear. he said he could not say anything about the third shot. that is the story. the president of the united states is dead. the new president is president lyndon johnson. of all of us are flashing back to that warm april spring day in 1940 time -- 1945 when we lost the wartime president, franklin roosevelt. for many of us, this is the second time around we have been through one of these crises. the last shooting accident, not fatal, occurred in 1950 when
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president harry s truman was in office and living in washington. the white house was being renovated at that time. you may recall to puerto rican nationals try to gun their way into the white house and assassinate president truman, who was taking a nap at the time on the second floor. that is the story. the president of the united states is dead. the new president of the united states is lyndon johnson. mrs. kennedy, we understand, is still at the hospital. she was not hurt. the white house spokesman have refused to comment on her condition. president johnson is under heavy guard and was whisked away from the hospital by white house officials. resident kennedy, we are now informed, were shot in the right temple. it was a simple matter of a bullet right through the head, said dr. george berkeley, a white house medical officer. >> we have more details. we are risk we -- reestablishing our contact with the stations in fort worth and dallas. and news man-tv
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charles murphy. >> the car wanted in connection with the assassination of president kennedy has been stopped in fort worth. suspect inrt that a custody. further word will come later. fort worth is 30 miles west of dallas. just a few minutes before this report, we heard from one of our news men in dallas, james kerr, who said that a dallas policeman to my jd tippett, was shot to death by an unknown man minutes after the resident and governor were shot. the officer was shot about two miles from the scene of the presidential assassination. of car wanted in connection the -- with the sad summation of pressing cantonese he -- with the assassination of president kennedy has been stopped and forward. this is charles murphy reporting from wbap-tv fort worth/dallas.
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you andve ready for eyewitness account of the assassination of president kennedy. this was recorded, and the voice you will hear is that of an nbc soundman traveling with one of our television camera crews in the presidential trip to texas. the sound is the voice of john hogan. texas is john hogan of the nbc white house crew traveling with the president of dallas texas. we have just driven through the downtown section of dallas. the president had received a very tumultuous welcome. we were approaching the drive that would put us on the freeway, where we would then drive to the trademark with the president was to attend and make a speech. as we turned it down as moderate curve here, there was a large shot. at first, we thought it was a cherry bomb by some teenager.
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and it was immediately followed by two and three more. there were people falling to the ground. we did not know who were shot. ladies and men were boththe cami was driving immediately jumped out. we did not know who was hurt. we picked up one of the remaining secret service men who had been left behind. he went with us in a frenzy in this motorcade behind the president. we were clear through the police line and finally got to the hospital. as we came down the final drive there behind the emergency entrance, we were told we could not go any further and we stayed outside and were kept informed by the associate news secretary of what was happening.
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i came over to this phone and he whispered into my ear, john, we understand the president has died. since waiting here on the phone, they have confirmed he has died. that was the voice of john hogan. he was traveling with a television film unit in the presidential motorcade and witness the assassination of predecessor -- president kennedy. we have been keeping an open phone line to the hospital where president kennedy died. here now, frank in his communication with macneil. >> i understand they are clearing the room. can you give us a report on what you can see now. body --t kennedy's his body is in the emergency
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sector at the end of a long quarter. the corridor has been sealed with white house officials. now police are clearing out the entire court or and we believe that the president's body is about to be brought out. a bronze coffin was taken in about 15 minutes ago and that was shortly after white house secretary announced that the president had died at 1:00, dallas time. that is 2:00 new york time. thank you very much. does this mean you'll will have to leave this telephone? >> i can hold on for a second, i think. >> lee's do. as long as you can. that is the word from dallas at this time. >> a flag of the white house has been lowered to half mast.
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we also have to eyewitness reports on the wire services. saidyewitness reporter that he saw a gun emerging from the window of a warehouse. the warehouse was located behind a triple underpass through which the presidential motorcade had to go into downtown dallas. the as the car emerged from underpass, three shots rang out. three. not too. -- not two. president kennedy was hit in the right temple. we do not have a report on governor calmly's condition. the president died just about an hour ago from his wounds. this is the first assassination of a president of the united states since william mckinley. governor connally is reported
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in satisfactory condition. >> governor connally is in satisfactory condition. we have no report on the condition of mrs. kennedy. she is in the hospital still. lady bird johnson, she is now of the land since mr. johnson has become president of the united states. lady bird johnson has been under heavy guard and is in seclusion somewhere in downtown dallas. not information. i was just going to say that resident kennedy is the third resident to be assassinated since lincoln. this continues one of the grimmest statistics in american history. no president in the last 100 years has completed his term of
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office. they have all died. the capital is starting to react on what has happened in dallas. we go to nbc news in washington. this is the flag at half mast outside our studios here at nbc and washington. washington. we assume the flags of the white house are the same way. american flag flies, it has been lowered to respectt as a sign of to the president of the united states. yetave very little news as on the reaction in washington. it happened suddenly. there is very little opportunity for real reaction. statement from the senator majority leader. has made normick
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statement. nor has the senate minority leader, nor as far as we know or humphrey.te aide ofnformed by his what happened. his aide reported that his voice cracked several times and that he seemed numb and was able -- unable to make a response. i am told by an aide of senator , who is presumably hisoute to dallas with brother robert, that when senator kenny was -- senator kennedy was informed of this, he laid down the gavel and quietly
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stepped down from the roster and receded to leave the chamber. mr. -- all through the city, as we try to call government offices, it is almost impossible to reach prominent officials. i tried to call the attorney general's office and discover the attorney general had been out at his home in virginia having lunch. the girl who answered the telephone was crying so heavily that she could not make herself understood to me. i can only make out that she knew the attorney general was at lunch and that he had been informed of what had happened. shock -- thatof is the only way i can describe the feeling we have here in washington. it goes for me, for david, for all of the correspondence as well. ossible for us to
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contemplate and understand that this young, vital man can be dead in this fashion. there is nothing else to report from here in the capital. back to new york. i think we must remember that it was only last week when the president was making a similar 'stor drive from new york airport into new york when he decided not to follow behind the with allorcycle escort of the flashing lights and the sirens because of his disruptive of traffic. at the time he was coming into new york, it was a particularly busy time. it created some snarls, the limousine was delayed at several points and was blocked by a bus and a truck, but they did make it into new york.
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treated without those considerations. do you have word? frank is speaking to nbc correspondent, robert m acneil. robert has been working at the hospital. offe are times he will be gathering information. other times he will be coming back to the phones to report to us. he will confer as to whether or not he has new information that he can add to what we already know. bill unless you have some late information -- >> i have not. >> bob was talking to me about the attitudes of the president's arrival. bob, if you will go ahead. how extraordinary the -- was
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when the president and mrs. kennedy arrived at the airport, there was a crowd of many hundreds. mrs. kennedy took the initiative of going to the fence and shaking hands with both hands. the crowd was delirious with them. this kind of reaction was something like the reaction of the crowds all the way through the town. they were very friendly. motorcade when about 10 miles and then in the midi of this -- middle of this bright sunshine and friendly crowd, these three muffled shots were heard. it could not have been more startling to the very pleasant, sunny atmosphere he had received. this had been the thing that
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made the police worry. dallas got such a bad name around the world. the authorities were determined that there would be no repetition of this. the ambassador, someone spat on him oversomebody hit the head. they mobilize a third of their put on arce and propaganda campaign on the newspapers and the radios and the new -- and the tv stations to make sure that dallas would not be dragged in the mud again. that is why it is such a contrast. in the is the situation room where you're at? >> i am in a small waiting room where emergency patients wait to be taken into the operating room where they're treated. there are a few policeman.
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they are the only ones left leading to the room behind which we assume the president's body is being placed in the bronze coffin which was taken in about half an hour ago. we expected to come out shortly. we have a still photo that shows a man and a woman and two small children lying on the ground. i understand you saw these people. >> they were the first people i went to. they were screaming and lying down on the ground to escape from the shooting. the minute the shooting sound started, the air was filled with women ands of children. everyone laid down on the sidewalk. i assumed that the picture you are talking about is that. nobody else i know, besides
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kennedy -- >> we lost a part of that. >> as far as i know, no one else was hit except for president kennedy and governor connally. building describe the and how far away from the car was? as you come out of the main street of downtown dallas, which was packed with people, it leads into a triple in the past. -- triple underpass. behind some trees, is a service road, and a brick building of about eight stories which is called the texas store -- texas school book depository. they say they saw a man with a said the second
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floor, another 74th floor, that building. from either floor, he would be able to see over the low trees to about 100 yards away where the president's car was. >> and unobstructed view? >> i was not able to go up to either of those windows. it looked as though it would be. had aesident must have profile resented to the profile -- to the assailant or his three quarters back. his car had actually passed the direct line from onthe window. the car would have approached the window head on, turned left, gone down a slight decline under the underpass. just a moment. >> that seems to fit with what he said. the word that we had was that the president was hit in the
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right temple. body has beennt's carried out of the hospital and the bronze casket. it was accompanied by his e and has been placed into an ambulance. it is being taken straight to the airbase where he landed, to be flown back to washington. the crowds have been moved away by police and secret service. i can hear the motorcycle escort outside starting up. the president's body is with them. they are pulling away from the hospital. it is about 1.5 hours since he was shot. the president has been dead for about an hour and seven minutes. lyndon johnson,
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left immediately after the president's death was confirmed. towent off to the airport presumably go to washington to resume constitutional response buildings as president. -- responsibilities as president. ask --s about to >> there were three cars behind him with secret service. i was in the first press bought which came behind those -- press spot which came behind those. i heard three shots. >> was the president seated or standing? >> he was seated. it was a thin crowd at that point. most of the crowd was concentrated a hundred yards back. when i heard shots, i saw people fall to the ground. i was not looking at the
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president. the car disappeared under the underpass and went straight to the hospital. toeft the press box and came the hospital where the president reportedly came. >> what sort of building is it? >> it is the texas school book depository. orange, brick building of about eight floors. is about eight windows widen the front. the point where it -- would it be possible for him to have been struck by a bullet in the right temple? if he was using a high- powered white -- rifle with a , i assume thatt from that distance, it could be. about how fast was the
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president's motorcade going? just come around the quarter, probably between 15 and 20 miles per hour. >> vice president lyndon johnson was how far behind? >> i'm not sure. there was a jumble of congressmen in the car behind. i am not sure which car he was in. motor car speeded up -- >> and disappeared under the overpass. they thought the assailant had fled over railroad tracks. they traced -- chased him through several trains. did they apprehend this person? >> no. not at that time. they started talking to witnesses on the scene. just a moment. >> there is also this that could be added -- that vice president
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johnson was in the car directly behind the president. how far is it from where the incident occurred to the hospital? >> it is about a mile and a half. now going to the united nations where i am told delegates from the nations are expressing their condolences. we switch now to the united nations. >> i call now on the secretary- general. as secretary-general of the united nations, i would like to express profound sorrow at this most tragic event and to be associated in the condolences to and to they government and people of the united states. >> i request members of the
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the meeting is adjourned. delegates of the 111 member nations of the united nations standing in a moment of silence and sympathy to the united states government for the loss it has sustained today with the assassination of president john f. kennedy. kennedy,ord that mrs. who was riding in the car with not givend, she did way to hysteria. fell to the floor of the car
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and cradled his head in his lap. she held him in his arms -- in her arms all the way to the hospital. time gave wayt no to hysteria. we now have more reports from the area where it happened. we return to station wbap-tv in a fort worth. >> here is an additional report on what you heard bob abernathy described a few minutes ago. the building in which the sniper had hidden is the texas school depository at the intersection of elm and houston street in dallas. lieutenant jc day went to the building a short time after the shooting took place and walked out with a british 303 rifle. it has a telescopic sight.
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it was found on the sixth floor near a corner window. police searching that area found cases and scraps of chicken as though someone had been there for a. . note of time. period of time. we also have another eyewitness , a man of dallas who was probably the last man to view the president, here is his report. >> where's your witness? >> unfortunately i was probably
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15 to 20 feet away from the president when it happened. >> tellis what you saw. streetas coming down the and my five-year-old boy and myself were on the grass there and i asked joe to wait to him -- to waive to him and then i waved to him. he was waving back, shots rang out and he slumped down in his seat. himwife reached up toward and the second shot went off and knocked him back. >> did you see the man who did this? >> no sir. i did not see the man who did this. i looked in the man's face when he was shot. i am positive it hit him.
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i hope it didn't, but i am positive it did. i did not know what was going on, so i grabbed the boy, and fell on him. hopefully there wasn't a maniac around. thank you very much. as we said before, the sniper's nest has been found. police have recovered a british 303 rifle with a telescopic -- telescopic sight. things can move this fast when you're dealing with a story of this magnitude. while we were getting reports from fort worth dallas on finding the sniper's nest and details of what was going on in that building from which the bullets were fired, we were handed another story from dallas. frank has that. and secret service agent dallas policemen have been shot
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and killed some distance away from the area where president kennedy was assassinated. no information was immediately available. >> there was an earlier report that a dallas leishman had been shot to death approximately two miles from the scene -- dallas policeman had been shot to death approximately two miles from the scene. in the earlier reports, we were told that was wanted in connection with the assassination of president kennedy had been stopped in fort worth and a suspect had been picked up. we had no further word on that. no indication on whether the police have or feel they have captured the person or persons that took heart in this part in this took successful attempt on the life of president kennedy. >> his body has been taken away from the hospital where he died. it is the assumption that it is being taken to the airport where he arrived just a short time earlier for his motorcade and
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land a speech in dallas. planned speech in dallas. the assumption is he will be taken back to washington. mrs. kennedy, at last report, was still in the hospital. theident johnson left hospital a short time earlier. headingieve he is also back to the airport to catch a jet to be taken back to washington to be sworn in as president of the united states. that -- isulation that they are going to administer the presidential oath to president johnson. >> it always occurs as soon after the death of a president as possible. there is no particular protocol or formality for it as far as we know. the president and by -- the vice
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president is informed of the passing of the president and his almost immediately sworn in. there is a private swearing in ceremony that is repeated later. it is not a joyous occasion as you can imagine. constitutionally, the vice president becomes president immediately a mop -- immediately after the death of the president of the united states. there are reports that the president's father and mother were informed of the attack on their son in massachusetts. they is no indication that know they have in fact, lost their son. when was indication that they were told that he had been wounded, his mother was going to fly to dallas. john connally of texas who was riding with the late president,
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and was wounded, it is reported that he is not out of the woods, but his vital signs are good. on for aen operated gunshot wound in the chest. he has a good polls and his respiration is satisfactory, though he is in much pain. we're deeply stunned, shocked, and amazed by what happened in dallas today. our servicemen overseas got word of it. the pope was informed. francis cardinal who was in rome for a council, was also told of what happened to the president. he said the president's death was a great loss to the country and to the world. regular programming was suspended after the news of the president's death was received.
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a came into london about 7:30 in the evening. there was a flash this afternoon from the soviet news agency t ass. " president john f. kennedy has died after an attempt was made on his life." frank? >> just a note that he was at 2:05 p.m. >> it would've been central time when the president's body was removed from the hospital. the signed curtains were tightly drawn. >> there is something here from one of the persons. a white man in his mid 20's was arrested in the riverside section of fort worth in the
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shooting of a dallas policeman. the man denied he was connected with the assassination of the president. he was in handcuffs when he was seen by reporters. a man has been taken into custody. thee is no word if this is man our person who today assassinated president kennedy, apparently with a single shot from a high-powered rocket fire from the fifth floor of a building which is roughly 100 yards from the president's motorcade, which was traveling at slow speed. we are starting to get conflicting reports on weapons. there was one that it was a .303 rifle. there were some remnants of chicken indicating the sniper staked himself out for quite a
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while before firing the fatal shot. word that another mouser has been found, a german army rifle with one shell left in the chamber. three spent shells were found nearby. is measured mouser in millimeters and my be close to a .303. >> i would suspect we are likely to get conflicting reports. the president is dead and has been shot. i am sure all of us have wondered if it is necessary to go to the great plains that the secret service goes through to protect the life of the president of the united states. each little detail is checked out. i would assume that shriver of the automobile knew instantly where the nearest hospital in dallas was located.
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reports say he sped away and went directly to the hospital in an effort to spare the president from further gunfire and get him to the hospital as quickly as possible. despite the annoyance that is connected with the secret service to protect the life of it still comes as a shock to us to realize that a thing like this can happen in our country with the precautions that are made. a witness to the assassination today was texas senator and he went to the hospital where the president was taken and he was awaiting outside, some indication of what the president's condition is. we have a picture of the texas senator at the hospital as he came out and tried to talk with the news men. everyone was shocked and he
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appeared to be in tears. the texas senator. >> in speaking of precautions, the attempts to protect him from any possible attack, i have written in those motorcades and i am sure you realize -- i have riden in those motorcades. >> if one stops and thinks you have a distance of maybe 15 or 20 miles. the president is in an open automobile and often he is standing and waving. the distance would be 15 miles and you could have hundreds of thousands and millions of people lining these streets. there are hundreds and hundreds of buildings on either side. an assassin could attempt to conceal himself. to getn impossible thing
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complete and total reduction for the president of the united states. >> we have further reaction from overseas on the loss of president kennedy. chancellor from germany said the german people are filled with great grief. called together the student priests to recite prayers for the late president. were having dinner when we heard the astounding news of president kennedy's death. our hearts are pained." his stature as a petition is on the international scene was growing in the years of renewal. the french prime minister said it is atrocious and frightful overwhelmed."
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the city of washington, d.c. for further developments, the switch now to david brinkley in washington. the flag has been lowered at the white house. the white house, the acting white house press secretary is acting in the absence of peer salinger who is in a jet lane over the pacific -- pierre salinger. they were on their way to a meeting and the plane turned around and heading back to hawaii and washington. will beident's body flown to washington this afternoon. mrs.or edward kennedy and sargent shriver, his sister, arrived at the white house a few minutes ago. they took a helicopter to angers air force base -- andrews.air
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force base they will fly to dallas to join mrs. kennedy. the attorney general was at home having lunch. he lives a mile or so outside the city limits. he has left for the airport also to fly to texas. the government has been closed down. congress has adjourned. four members of the cap and over the pacific have turned back -- four members of the cabinet that were over the pacific have turned back. shock and horror. when the news, came to him said he was a man who contributed so much and deserve so much more in return. senator of nevada said it is a great tragedy and the world has lost a great champion and the united states a great president.
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senator byrd said he was deeply shocked and that he could not find words to express his distress. there are similar sentiments expressed by everyone who has said anything at all. the secret service is normally stationed -- they are charged ash protecting the president a plane close civilian arm of the united states treasury, to the left of the picture you're seeing, they are the husky young man you see in the news pictures. when the president motorcade is moving at slow speed, they usually walk along or run along beside it. they usually, they are aware it is impossible. a crowd is gathering across the street, facing the front entrance to the white house.
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a crowd has gathered for no particular reason. crowds usually do gather there in moments of crisis. that is the white house flack at half staff -- the white house flag lowered at half staff. they are keeping their own bodies in line with any weapon that might be aimed at the president. they cannot cover every window or tray or manhole and they rely on the decency and good sense of the american people. liveagain is nbc's television camera on the white house lawn looking through the iron picket fence, across pennsylvania avenue to lafayette park, named for the marquee the lafayette, whose statue is there. these are the grounds of the white house where the presiden''
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s office is. george reidy arrived. we assume he came to help make arrangements for the change over of administration. we do not know specifically that lyndon johnson has been sworn in, has officially taken the oath. he soon will. he is president anyway. that is how the constitution spells it out. he will of course serve out the remainder of mr. kennedy's term until january of 1964. that is about all the detailed we have at the moment, frank. we will switch back to new york for any further details might have from dallas or elsewhere. >> we are still in touch with dallas as we are with you in washington. very shortly the emphasis of one part of the story was shipped from dallas back to washington.
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it is being anticipated the president's body is being flown back to the nations capital. that is where we expect president johnson to officially be sworn in. we are anxious for further information on the quest for the assassin. we do not know whether the assessment has been placed under arrest yet or not. we as stories that perhaps one or two people have been put under arrest in dallas. a dallas police man was killed in a shooting after the president had been assassinated. the assumption would be that the shootings are connected. that is not necessarily true. the story was shift to washington for the formalities there. we will remain and keep our team standing by to bring you the developments as soon as we have them. on mrs. is this detail
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kennedy following the assassination of her husband. mrs. kennedy and the president's body were escorted from the wo.pital in dallas whby t she walked out the back door at the president's body was taken out. she walked slowly and looked around in a daze manner and appeared to be in a state of shock. she had not been hysterical and in spite of the tremendous experience she had undergone, she had managed to control herself and keep her head. there is this ironic note. the main body of the reporters apparently did not know that he had lost his life until they got to the destination which the motorcade was heading for. the present had been scheduled
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to make a speech later this afternoon. he was in the first press bus and that was three cars behind the president's car. the main body of the white house reporters were writing -- riding in two buses and many did not know about the shooting until they got to dallas. they found out the first hard news of what had happened. they did have some idea when they saw the motorcade start to fall apart. dallas police took off in all directions. we are told president kennedy's thiswill arrive at 5:30 afternoon washington time at andrews air force base, just about two hours. reaction from overseas. ur correspondent in rome, irving r levine.
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was inident kennedy oversleep popular. an aide was sent to express sympathy. he called the death a great loss for humanity. pthe pope is preparing a radiogram. italian radio made the announcement of the president's death and went off the air except for solemn music. american bishops in rome expressed shock. cardinal spellman said he is saying rosary for president kennedy now. irving r levine, nbc news, rome. >> there is the first overseas point. we've have called in to bring your reaction after the assassination of president kennedy. >> let me interrupt you.
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>> he was traveling with the president at the time the assassination took place. >> i wanted to tell you you are going on the air. why don't you make to report direct, bob? go right ahead. >> we can have pictures in about 15 minutes. >> i see, bob. >> the doctors who attended president kennedy have just reported his condition. -- a moment. the chief attending surgeon at the hospital, dr. malcolm parry, said the present was in critical condition -- said the president was in critical condition from wounds from the neck and head. it is possible they were caused
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by the same bullet. i can tell you what the doctor said. they attempted resuscitation. dr. clark was called in and several other doctors. they arrived. the president's addition to not allow any resuscitation. he was critically ill and near death. they attempted respiration and gave him oxygen. they performed a tracheotomy to assist breathing. they gave him blood and also a tube to remove any possibility of air getting into the space. they attached an electric cardio grant to monitor his heart beat. shortly after that his heart failed. they tried external massage to produce a hard movement again.
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--to produce a heart movement again. they had a faint pulse but the president finally died about 20 minutes after he was brought into the hospital. the brain wound in the dresident's had involved -- hea involved a great loss of blood and brain tissue. the brain wound was in the back of his head, slightly to the right, which would fit with the picture i gave you earlier of the president having his back to the assailant. the assailant was in the building -- this conflicts with the fact that the wound in the neck was in the front of the neck, just below the items apple -- adam's apple. the car turned the corner or
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perhaps one bullet struck him from the front in the neck and went up to the brain. the president never regained consciousness. >> the president was unconscious from the moment he was struck. >> and near death from that moment. >> you told us the president's body was removed from the hospital. there was speculation he was taken to the airfield. >> i believe that is true. it has gone to the airfield to be flown back to washington.lyndon johnson is remaining here in dallas. >> do you know where he is at the moment? >> i do not. >> he is not on his way back to washington. >> he is not. >> standby. >> thank you. >> the police department has
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arrested one man in connection with the slaying of a dallas police man. further details now from the scene. dallas fortt tv in worth and charles murphy. >> late film has just arrived in our newsroom from dallas. it shows the scene of the crowded scene when news was announced. and a prayer for president .ennedy [indiscernible]
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yet we would each come, rely upon the faith we possess. we would each come with perhaps the most earnest prayer that we never offered on the half of our president, our governor, the members of their families. so we pray that even in this --hering, we may reveal which shall be pleasing to thee and that we shall await word in a spirit of praise. holy name,-- in thy amen.
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>> their you have the scene at the trade center in dallas where president kennedy was going to make an address. the crowd assembled waiting to hear the president wondering what happened to him. will try to clear up this arrest that is taking place in dallas. a man has been arrested in connection with the shooting of a dallas policeman. the man was arrested in a theater in the oak cliff section of dallas. he had a pistol at the time he was arrested. the policeman he allegedly killed was killed by a pistol shot. there is nothing to link this man who has been taken into custody with the assassination of president kennedy, who was killed by a bullet from a high- powered rifle from only can tell
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reports of robert mcneil at the hospital and from doctors who treated the president and were able to give specific in clinical details of the wound indicating that it was a high- powered bullet and quite probably a large caliber a let, too -- a large caliber bullet, too. we're going to go to and nbc mobile unit outside the embassy building in new york for pictures and sounds of the reaction of citizens of this city to the loss of their president. we go to the nbc reporter. >> we are on the street outside the nbc studios. how did you hear of the president's assassination? >> a gentleman came in and mentioned it to us. i do not believe it.
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i had to hear from myself. >> what is your feeling now? >> i am terribly shocked and saddened by it and angered by it. i think it was a horrible, senseless thing. i hope the rest of the country feels the same way. >> do you think this reflects the opinion of the country now? >> i hope it does not reflect the climate of opinion that is prevalent in the country today. it reflects an opinion that some people hold. i know that as an american and other people as americans do not hold this feeling. >> you said some people. who do you mean by that? >> i do not feel expert enough to express an opinion. the only evidence i have as to who these people are are these ultraconservative groups that have been distributing literature and spreading ahte in
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-- hate in texas. >> no one knows if these people are indeed responsible. thank you, sir. what was your reaction? >> i was shocked and saddened by the president's dearthth. i was riding on the bus one they told me he was dead. i find it difficult to believe now. >> the president was in part of the south, dallas. do you think is racial policies are connected with this? >> that is the first thing i thought of. probably some segregationists. they had it all planned out. i believe his blood will be on their hands. >> thank you. how about you, sir? >> this is the first time i am not proud to be an american.
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right now i am serving in the armed forces and i am home on leave. it is an understatement to say it was a shock. i at first did not believe it. i have trouble believing it now. i do not think it reflects the thinking of most people. i think it is a small minority. is unfortunate that this could happen. you never want to believe this can happen when you are living. >> do think this reflects on the security arrangements of the secret service? >> random samplings of man on the street interviews, people here in new york city and the reaction to the loss of the president of the united states, john f. kennedy, who died approximately one hour 45 minutes ago in dallas, texas, after being fatally wounded by a sniper.
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david brinkley in washington. >> we have reported this before. the president's body is expected to arrive at andrews air force base a few miles outside washington about 5:30 washington time. the church bells all over town are ringing. we are told that people are standing on street corners crying openly and freely. fromt abernathy reports andrews base that the base commander says the president's body will be arriving at 5:30. he says senator edward kennedy and mrs. shriver have just taken off by jet for otis air force base in massachusetts. we assume they are going to the home state to join their mother and father and other members of family.edy
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military officers who have the job of arranging state funerals are at the white house now and presumably making the plans. mr. kennedy is the first president to die in office since the defense department was set up. these arrangements are made and et aink there is no s standard ritual to be followed so it will have to be made up. presumably the army will be in charge of the operations. courses atmonial fort myers, virginia, which is nearby, long with honor guards and troops that presumably will be used. that is about all we have at the moment. is at the white house with the live pictures so we will switch there to see what is happening. richard? >> the american flag atop the
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white house in washington has been lowered to half mast. became down after word, there was confirmation of the president's death in dallas. in the white house, the president's children are still there, caroline and john junior. we do not know yet if they have been informed about their fathers death. we do not know if any of the cabinet members are here now. picture of the flag flying at half mast as seen through the trees stripped of their leaves captures the mood of grimness at the white house. outside in front of the white house, crowds have begun to gather. they probably do not know what, perhaps looking for a visual confirmation of what they everybody else find so hard to believe, that the president is
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indeed dead, the victim of an assassins bullet in dallas. police are allowing pedestrians to walk in front of the white house but not to congregate there. crowds contain the outside the white house, and to surround the white house on all sides. traffic is moving normally and there are no other changes. we are also told that an assistant to vice president lyndon johnson has also arrived at the white house, torch -- george reedy. there is not a lot of word coming from the white house press office. pressrst word was that a officer was asking to enter. the mood there was one of utter shock, utter disbelief. the press
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