tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN December 5, 2013 7:00pm-9:01pm EST
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the government institutions we create, the legislation we are taught. important most purpose is therefore to have social order in which a single individual will truly mean the freedom of the individual. in such anstruct manner that it guarantees because -- the liberties and the human rights of all our citizens . already exist in the constitution. task of thehe constitutional assembly to visit
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this issue, to ensure that we have the constitutional ,nstitutes that we guarantee then i can take away or restrict the freedoms and rights of any of our people. we shall immediately take steps to inform the attorney general , the we willions subscribed universal declaration of human rights. shall take steps -- onure that we political rights. international conference on social and economic rights, and other human rights of united
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nations. definition of the freedom of the individual must be of the objectives to restore the human dignity. of each and every south african. this requires that we speak not only of political freedoms. my government's commitment to create a people-centred society of liberty binds us to the pursuit of the goals of freedom from want, freedom from hunger, freedom from deprivation, freedom from ignorance, freedom from suppression and freedom from fear. these freedoms are fundamental to the guarantee of human dignity.
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they will therefore constitute part of the centrepiece of what this government will seek to achieve, the focal point on which our attention will be continuously focused. the things we have said constitute the true meaning, the justification and the purpose of the reconstruction and development programme, without which it would lose all legitimacy. when we elaborated this programme we were inspired by the hope that all south africans of goodwill could join together to provide a better life for all. we were pleased that other political organisations announced similar aims. today, i am happy to announce
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that the cabinet of the government of national unity has reached consensus not only on the broad objective of the creation of the people-centred society of which i have spoken, but also on many elements of a plan broadly based on the programme for reconstruction and development. let me indicate some of the more important agreements. annually, in the combined budgets of central government and the provinces, we will provide for an increasing amount
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of funding for the plan. this will start with an appropriation of r2,5 billion in the 1994/95 budget that will be presented next month. this should rise to more than 10 billion by the fifth year of the life of this government. government will also use its own allocation of funds to the reconstruction and development plan to exert maximum leverage in marshalling funds from within south africa and abroad. in this regard, i am pleased to report that we have been holding consultations with some of the principal business leaders of our country. consequently, we are assured that the business sector can and will make a significant contribution towards the
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structuring and management of such reconstruction and development funds, towards the effective identification and implementation of projects and by supporting the financing of the socio-economic development effort. i am also pleased to report that many of our friends abroad have already made commitments to assist us to generate the reconstruction and development funds we need. we thank them most sincerely for their positive attitude which arises not from objectives of charity but from the desire to express solidarity with the new society we seek to build. we accept the duty of coordinating the management of
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the total resources that will be generated, without seeking to prescribe to other contributors or undermining the continued role of non-governmental organisations and community- based organisations. the initial r2,5 billion will be found from savings and the redirection of spending, as included in the preliminary 1994/95 budget proposals presented to the cabinet. i would like to thank the departments of state for their cooperation in carrying out this adjustment to their planning, at short notice. as we allocate larger amounts in future, we shall require further adjustments by departments,
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partly to correct the bias in the spending patterns which are a legacy of the past. the longer period should allow such changes to be properly planned. but they will still make great demands on the managerial capacity and spirit of cooperation of the cabinet and the whole civil service. afrikaans] we are confident that, motivated by the desire to serve the
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people, the public service will discharge its responsibilities with diligence, sensitivity and enthusiasm, among other things paying attention to the important goal of increasing efficiency and productivity. afrikaans] my government is equally committed to ensure that we use this longer period properly fully to bring into the decision-making processes organs of civil society. this will include the trade union movement and civic organisations, so that at no time should the government become isolated from the people. at the same time, steps will be taken to build the capacity of communities to manage their own affairs. precisely because we are committed to ensuring sustainable growth and development leading to a better life for all, we will continue
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existing programmes of fiscal rehabilitation. we are therefore determined to make every effort to contain real general government consumption at present levels and to manage the budget deficit with a view to its continuous reduction. similarly, we are agreed that a permanently higher general level of taxation is to be avoided. to achieve these important objectives will require consistent discipline on the part of both the central and the provincial governments. furthermore, this disciplined approach will ensure that we integrate the objectives of our
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reconstruction and development plan within government expenditure and not treat them as incidental to the tasks of government, marginalised to the status of mere additions to the level of expenditure. there are major areas of desperate need in our society. as a signal of its seriousness to address these, the government will, within the next 100 days, implement various projects under the direct supervision of the president. let me briefly explain these. children under the age of six and pregnant mothers will receive free medical care in
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every state hospital and clinic where such need exists. [applause] similarly, a nutritional feeding scheme will be implemented in every primary school where such need is established. a concrete process of consultation between the major stakeholders in this area will be organised immediately. a programme is already being
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implemented to electrify 350 000 homes during the current financial year. a campaign will be launched at every level of government, a public works programme designed and all efforts made to involve the private sector, organised labour, the civics and other community organisations to rebuild our townships, restore services in rural and urban areas, while addressing the issue of job creation and training, especially for our unemployed youth. many details of the overall reconstruction and development plan remain to be discussed, agreed and put in place. but i believe that the broad outline i have given and the
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immediate initiatives i have mentioned, will allow you to share my joy at the progress already made by the government of national unity with regard to this important matter. we shall carry out this plan within the context of a policy aimed at building a strong and growing economy which will benefit all our people. i would like to deal with a few matters in this regard. in support of sustainable economic growth and the macro- economic objectives of government, it will remain the primary objective of monetary policy to promote and maintain overall financial stability.
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the reserve bank has the important function of protecting the value of our currency and striving for relative price stability at all times. we are pleased that dr chris stals will continue to serve as governor of the reserve bank. [applause] the battle to reduce the rate of inflation will continue. the realisation of many of our objectives for a fair and equal treatment of all our people will not be possible unless we succeed in avoiding high inflation in the economy. we also face a major challenge in re-entering the global
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economy, while stable prices are vital to the restructuring of our industries and dealing with the critical issue of job- creation. we are blessed with a heritage of a sophisticated financial sector. our financial markets are well- placed to play an important part in the allocation of scarce funds to give effect to our economic development programme. it is however also necessary that we think in new ways, to meet the challenges of reconstruction and development. we therefore welcome recent developments that provide for the creation of community banks. we would also like to encourage the greater participation of established financial institutions in the important
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area of black economic empowerment and support for the development of small and medium business. the latter two areas of economic activity will receive the greatest attention of the government because of their importance in deracialising and democratising the economy and creating the jobs which our people need. so will we pay attention to the important matter of consumer protection to shield the ordinary people of our country from unscrupulous business practices. it is also clear that we must pay increased attention to tourism. the jobs and foreign currency
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which tourism generates will strongly influence our economy. the active and imaginative intervention of all stake stakeholders in this area of our national life must take advantage of the excellent atmosphere created by our peaceful transition to democracy to make tourism a major positive force in the future. we look forward to the private sector as a whole playing a central role in achieving the significantly high and sustainable rates of economic growth. we are convinced that the growth prospects of this sector will be enhanced by the measures of fiscal discipline contained in our approach to the reconstruction and development programme by the continued steady course of monetary policy. furthermore as growth proceeds,
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more domestic savings will progressively become available to finance increased investment at reasonable rates of interest. the government is also acutely conscious of the fact that we should work firstly to return the capital account of the balance of payments to equilibrium and, in due course, to ensure a net inflow of resources, consistent with the experience of other countries that enjoy more rapid growth rates. the present situation of a dual currency and the existence of an exchange control apparatus is a direct result of the conflict in which our country was embroiled
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in the past. as the situation returns to normal, these arrangements will be subjected to critical scrutiny. it should be possible to match the steady growth of confidence at home and abroad with other confidence enhancing modifications to everybody's benefit. the government will also address all other matters that relate to the creation of an attractive investment climate for both domestic and foreign investors, conscious of the fact that we have to compete with the rest of the world in terms of attracting, in particular, foreign direct investment. i am pleased that we have already started to address the important questions of our trade policy, guided by our gatt
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commitments and the determination systematically to open the economy to global competition in a carefully managed process. soon we will also begin trade negotiations with, amongst others, the european union, the united states, our partners in the southern african customs unions and our neighbours in the southern african development community to provide a stable and mutually beneficial framework for our international economic relations. we will also be looking very closely at the question of enhancing south-south cooperation in general as part of the effort to expand our economic links with the rest of the world.
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consistent with our objective of creating a people-centred society and effectively to address the critical questions of growth, reconstruction and development, we will, together with organised labour and the private sector, pay special attention to the issue of human resource development. both the public and the private sector will be encouraged to regard labour as a resource and not a cost. education and training must therefore be looked at very closely to ensure that we empower the workers, raise productivity levels and meet the skills needs of a modern economy. important work will have to be
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done in and significant resources devoted to the areas of science and technology, including research and development. government is also convinced that organised labour is an important partner whose cooperation is crucial for the reconstruction and development of our country. that partnership requires, amongst other things, that our labour law be reformed so that it is in line with international standards, apartheid vestiges are removed and a more harmonious labour relations dispensation is created, on the basis of tripartite cooperation between government, labour and capital. the government is determined forcefully to confront the scourge of unemployment, not by way of handouts but by the creation of work opportunities.
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the government will also deal sensitively with the issue of population movements into the country, to protect our workers, to guard against the exploitation of vulnerable workers and to ensure friendly relations with all countries and peoples. the government is also taking urgent measures to deal firmly with drug trafficking some of which is carried out by foreign nationals who are resident in the country. we must end racism in the workplace as part of our common offensive against racism in general. no more should words like kaffirs, hottentots, coolies, boy, girl and baas be part of
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our vocabulary. [laughter] [applause] i also trust that the matter of paying the workers for the public holidays proclaimed in order to ensure their participation in the elections and the inauguration ceremonies will now be resolved as a result of recent consultations. this would be a welcome demonstration by the private sector of its involvement in the beautiful future we are all trying to build. we have devoted time to a discussion of economic questions because they are fundamental to the realisation of the fundamental objectives of the
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reconstruction and development programme below i mention some of the work in which the relevant governments are already involved to translate these objectives into reality. the government will take steps to ensure the provision of clean water on the basis of the principle of water security for all and the introduction of proper sanitation sensitive to the protection of the environment. we are determined to address the dire housing shortage in a vigorous manner, acting together with the private sector and the communities in need of shelter. health also remains a fundamental building block of the humane society we are determined to create through the implementation of the reconstruction and development
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programme. we must address the needs of the aged and disabled, uplift disadvantaged sectors such as the women and the youth, and improve the lives of our people in the rural communities and the informal settlements. we must invest substantial amounts in education and training and meet our commitment to introduce free and compulsory education for a period of at least 9 years. everywhere we must reinculcate the culture of learning and of teaching and make it possible for this culture to thrive. [applause] we must combat such social pathologies as widespread poverty, the break down of
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family life, crime, alcohol and drug abuse, the abuse of children, women and the elderly and the painful reality of street children. we are giving urgent attention to the long waiting lists for the payment of social grants which have developed in some areas, owing to lack of funds. i am especially pleased that we have a ministry dedicated to the issue of the environment. its work must impact on many aspects of national activity and address the question of the well-being of society as a whole and the preservation of a healthy environmental future even for generation not yet born. as we began this address, we
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borrowed the words of ingrid jonker to focus on the plight of the children our country. i would now like to say that the government will, as a matter of urgency, attend to the tragic and complex question of children and juveniles in detention in prison. the basic principle from which we will proceed from now onwards is that we must rescue the children of the nation and ensure that the system of criminal justice must be the very last resort in the case of juvenile offenders. i have therefore issued instructions to the departments concerned, as a matter of urgency, to work out the necessary guidelines which will enable us to empty our prisons
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of children and to place them in suitable alternative care. this is in addition to an amnesty for various categories serving prisoners as will be effected in terms of what i said in my inauguration address two week ago. in this context, i also need to make the point that the government will also not delay unduly with regard to attending to the vexed and unresolved issue of an amnesty for criminal activities carried out in furtherance of political objectives. we will attend to this matter in
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a balanced and dignified way. the nation must come to terms with its past in a spirit of openness and forgiveness and proceed to build the future on the basis of repairing and healing. the burden of the past lies heavily on all of us, including those responsible for inflicting injury and those who suffered. following the letter and spirit of the constitution, we will prepare the legislation which will seek to free the wrongdoers from fear of retribution and blackmail, while acknowledging the injury of those who have been harmed so that the individual wrongs, injuries, fears and hopes affecting individuals are identified and
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attended to. in the meantime, summoning the full authority of the position we represent, we call on all concerned not to take any steps that might, in any way, impede or compromise the process of reconciliation which the impending legislation will address. the problem of politically motivated violence is still with us. we depend on our country's security forces to deal with this problem using all resources at their disposal. in this, and in their efforts to deal especially with criminal violence, they have our personal support and confidence. we have also directed that all
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relevant ministries should engage the structures set up in terms of the national peace accord so that these can be invigorated to pursue their noble mission in the context of the changed circumstances in our country. the government will otherwise not spare any effort in ensuring that our security forces enjoy the standing they deserve of being accepted by all our people as the defenders of our sovereignty, our democratic system, the guarantors of a just peace within the country and the safety and security of all citizens and their property. let met also take this opportunity to reiterate our assurance to the rest of the public service that the government is firmly committed to the protection of the rights
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of all members of this service. we are also determined to work with the organisations of the service to ensure that we have the democratic, non-racial, non- sexist, honest and accountable corps of public servants which members of the public service themselves desire. in this context, we must also make the observation that the government will not waver from the principle of achieving parity in remuneration and conditions of service among all workers in the public sector. the youth of our country are the valued possession of the nation. without them there can be no future. their needs are immense and
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urgent. they are at the centre of our reconstruction and development plan. to address them, acting with the youth themselves, the government will engage the representative organisations of the youth and other formations, among other things to look on the sitting of a broad-based national commission on youth development among the structures of government. building on this base, the government and the commission would then work together to ensure that the nurturing of our youth stands in the centre of our reconstruction and development, without being consigned to a meaningless ghetto of public life. similar considerations must
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attach to the equally important question of the emancipation of the women of our country. it is vitally important that all structures of government, including the president himself, should understand this fully that freedom cannot be achieved unless the women have been emancipated from all forms of oppression. [applause] all of us must take this on board that the objectives of the reconstruction and development programme will not have been realised unless we see in visible and practical terms that the condition of the women of our country has radically changed for the better and that they have been empowered to
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intervene in all aspects of life as equals with any other member of society. in addition to the establishment of the statutory gender commission provided for in the constitution, the government will, together with the representatives of the women themselves, look at the establishment of organs of government to ensure that all levels of the public sector, from top to bottom, integrate the central issue of the emancipation of women in their programmes and daily activities. tomorrow, on africa day, the dream of ingrid jonker will come to fruition. the child grown to a man will trek through all africa.
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the child grown to a giant will journey over the whole world without a pass! tomorrow, on africa day, our new flag will be hoisted in an historic ceremony at the oau headquarters in addis ababa, with the oau having already agreed to accept us as its latest member. tomorrow, on africa day, the un security council will meet to lift the last remaining sanctions against south africa and to position the world organisation to relate to our
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country as an honoured, responsible and peace-loving citizen. [applause] as such, the government is involved in discussion to determine what our contribution could be to the search for peace in angola and rwanda, to the reinforcement of the peace process in mozambique, to the establishment of a new world order of mutually beneficial cooperation, justice, prosperity and peace for ourselves and for the nations of the world. yesterday the cabinet also decided to apply for our country to join the commonwealth. this important community of nations is waiting to receive us with open arms.
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we have learnt the lesson that our blemishes speak of what all humanity should not do. we understand this fully that our glories point to the heights of what human genius can achieve. in our dreams we have a vision of all our country and play in our sports fields and enjoying deserved and enriching recreation in our theatres, galleries, beaches, mountains, plains and game parks, in conditions of peace, security and comfort. our road to that glorious future lies through collective hard work to accomplish the objective of creating a people-centred society through the
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implementation of the vision contained in our reconstruction and development plan. let us all get down to work! i declare this session of parliament formally open. [applause] >> the late south african president nelson mandela from 1994. his state of the nation address the year he was elected president. the first immense critically
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held elections in that country. minutes, your5 reaction and thoughts on the death of nelson mandela. if you're the eastern and central time zones, -- you can reach us on twitter. #is c-hest tag -- the span chat. the white house tweeted out this comment. rest in peace, nelson mandela. that is a picture from his visit to south africa. a number of remarks and comments from other politicians and statesmen as well. former presidents.
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jimmy carter sending a statement that reads rosalynn and i are of nelsony the death mandela. -- that is from jimmy carter. let's go to your calls. go ahead. jacksonville florida? sonia inove on to tampa. caller: the world is saddened. we have lost an example of what a man and what a person who cares and was able to forgive. he really led by example.
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is, why did we leave him in prison so long, and not try to free him in the 20 years that he was in prison? to come out forgive, and not focus on that is something people should take under consideration and try to follow in his example. lossart is saddened by his . i want to thank you for giving him honor and allowing your show to share your thoughts. host: he was convicted of treason by the white majority government in 1916 and served 27 years in prison. a tweak here looking at the latest time magazine cover. the cover of the new magazine special edition on mandela.
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there is a look. to orange, new jersey. caller: good evening. host: make sure you moved your television -- mute your television. caller: personally, i am self african. -- i am from south africa. it is such a big blow. to figoing to be hard ll the gap he is going to leave. host: when did you come to the united states? in 1998. host: what was it like during his presidency? caller: pretty vibrant. time i think and feel that everyone tried to reach out to common goals.
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it was a very great man. i had the occasion to mention , his life story, his values can trickle down. >> what brought you to the united states? caller: i came as a student at columbia for a writing course. i became an attorney. i'm an author of several books. host: thanks for joining in. a look at the coverage in the south african media. the father of the nation has died at the age of 95 years old.
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the father of the nation died at the age of 95 years old. away at 2050 -- 8:50 south african time. he would have a state funeral flags would fly at half staff until after the funeral. south africans are asked to values for which he fought. president obama is likely to travel to south africa. released a bush statement. --
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next, palm beach, florida. he was a great man. he reminds me of a man like bothh, a great man for black-and-white. i pray he rest in peace. should learn from him. to take example. host: new york is next. caller: good evening. i just want to express my condolences on behalf of members of my community in new york
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about the death of nelson mandela. [indiscernible] we really miss him. there has not been any african that has done the things that has.n mandela i want to express my heartfelt condolences to the people of at the death of this at the thomas history -- epitome of history. very large personality. there has not been anybody that has achieved what he has done. none of them. nelson mandela is somebody that for thousands of years nobody will forget. host: we have shown you a number
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of events over the years. you will find in our video library at his death announced late this afternoon. by southh african time african president jacob zuma. his activism affirms the ability of men and women around the world to achieve freedom from the bonds of slavery. says hisn of michigan powerful mission of freedom, peace, tolerance cannot be confined by prison walls. his spirit and legacy live on. pennsylvania, -- we are taking your thoughts on c-span chat. madison, wisconsin. caller: hello. for me, the loss of nelson
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mandela is a big deal because i'm a blind person. the disabled people of america are fighting hard for our civil rights. nelson mandela has done a lot of work things considered for things like slavery. we have a topic similar. you are not entitled to the minimum wage here in america. we are specifically exempt. we are so inspired by the work of nelson mandela, we try to continue in that legacy. we want to make it so that our people, our disabled people, are no longer trapped in these workshops. host: why the blind exempt from the minimum wage? caller: the fair labor standards act of 1938 specifically exempts us. the idea is that disabled people are supposed to be inherently
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less productive. we are less than people. there are a lot of explanations. some people think they are doing by employing disabled people at a penny an our. it is exploiting us. whenever go on to real productive life. we are pushing hard to try to get that change. we want to be able to earn minimum wage for our work, or not work at all. disabled people have the the cassidy to be -- have the thatity to make the change nelson mandela made. host: thank you for sharing your views this evening. about five more minutes with your calls. a statement here from bill clinton. lost one of its most important leaders. -
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our maura, illinois is next. i actually had a chance to see nelson mandela when i was a student in south africa. , around 1994. he came to the council where i was. he was an ordinary guy. all theking around campuses in south africa. just for the students to have a good [indiscernible] >> thank you for your call. , they raise post
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their fist upon his release from prison after 27 years. that is from 1990. caller: hello. i want to give my condolences. host: make sure you mute your set. caller: i would like to give my condolences to his family and the people of africa. today was a tragic day. they lost an important man. i really wish in the united states school districts, they would teach more about him. there is a lot of people that they don't know what he has done for the country. they are not up on the things that he has provided for africa. they know that he has passed away. host: we appreciate your call. the last word here. your thoughts on nelson mandela. caller: mr. mandela was a man of
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peace. of forgiveness -- a man forgiveness. a man of inspiration to millions of people around the world. that the truly sad same cannot be said about the man who spoke about earlier today from the white house. noson mandela had divisiveness. he had no enemies. he had -- he did not desire to cause division. barack obama is low. nelson mandela -- host: thank you for your calls. lots of reactions from the former president, george w. bush issuing a statement.
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-- president obama shortly after the announcement of nelson mandela's death spoke to reporters on his thoughts on the passing of nelson mandela. >> at his trial in 1964, nelson mandela close to statement saying i have fought against white domination. i have fought against black domination. ahave cherished the ideas of democratic and free society in which all persons live together with equal opportunities. it is an ideal which i will hope to live for and to achieve. if needs be, it is an idea for
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which i'm prepared to die. nelson mandela lived for that ideal, and made it real. be achieve more than could expected of any man. today he has gone home. we have lost one of the most influential, courageous, and good human beings that any of us will share time with on this earth. any of us will ever spend time with on this earth. no longer belongs to us. he belongs to the ages. he sacrificed his own will for the freedom of others. his journey from a prisoner to a present embodied the promise that human beings and country can change for the better.
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the commitment to transfer power and reconcile with those who thatd him set an example all humanity should aspire to, whether in the lives of nations or in our own personal lives. the fact that he did it all with great -- with grace and with humor and the ability to acknowledge his own imperfections only makes the man that much more remarkable. as he once said, i am not a saint. a saint is aink sinner who keeps on trying. i am one of the countless millions who drew inspiration from nelson mandela's life. ,y very first clinical action the first thing i ever did that involved an issue or a policy of politics was a protest against apartheid. i would study his words and his writings, the day he was he gave meom prison
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a sense of what human beings can do when they are guided i their hopes and not her fears. and like so many around the globe, i cannot fully imagine my whole life without paying thankful that nelson mandela said. as long as i can come i will continue to learn from him. his wife michelle and his family, michelle and i extend our deepest something and gratitude for sharing this extra ordinary man with us. those whoaway from loved him most and i only hope thesehe time spent within last few weeks brought peace and comfort to his family. africa,eople of south we draw strength from the example of renewal and reconciliation and resilience that you made real. a free south africa at peace
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with itself. that is an example to the world and that is the deepest legacy to the nation that he loved ve.y we will not likely see the likes of dawson mandel again. it falls on us as best we can to forward the set -- the example that you set, to make decisions guided not by hate, but by love, never discount the difference that one person can make, to strive for a future that is worthy of his sacrifice. for now, let us pause and give thanks to the fact that nelson mandela lived. a man who took history in his hands and bent the arc of the moral universe towards justice. may god bless his memory and keep him in peace.
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>> u n secretary-general bank human also commented -- banking i-moon alsok commented on nelson mandela. >> i am just going to the for at to go to paris subcommittee meeting. when i heard this very sad news of president mandela's passing, i thought that i would say in person something on behalf of the united nations. the profoundly saddened by passing of nelson mandela. nelson mandela was a giant for justice and a talent for human inspiration. many around the world were greatly influenced by his selfless struggle for human dignity, equality, and freedom.
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he touched our lives in deeply personal ways. at the same time, don't ignore in our time to advance the values of the united nations. nelson mandela showed what is possible for our world. and within each one of us, if we walked together for justice and humanity. his moral cause was decisive in dismantling the system of apartheid. 27arkably, he emerged from years of detention without rancor to build a new south africa based on dialogue and reconciliation. i was released to meet nelson mandela in february 2009. i thanked him for his life's work. he insisted the credit belonged to others. i will never forget his
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selflessness and deep sense of shared purpose. on behalf of the united nations, i extend my deepest condolences to nelson mandela's family, the people of south africa, and indeed our global flam and -- global family. that's continuing state to be inspired by nelson mandela's lifelong example to keep working for a better and more just world. thank you ver. >> the secretary-general has temper to russians. >> could you recall your first encounter where the various encounters that you had with nelson mandela. what was let like for a personal level for you? >> when i met him in his residence, i was deeply touched and moved and inspired by what he said. his i praised him for
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lifelong contributions and struggled to it -- to and apartheid, he said, no, it is not only me. there are hundreds of hundreds of known and unknown people who have contributed to the ending of apartheid. i was so touched. to to me since then. it was a sense of human decency, and humbleness. such a great man of the world was saying that it was not only him. that there were known and unknown, hundreds and hundreds of people. he repeated it two or three times. dialogue, ie of my told him, well, president mandela, we are grateful for your contribution, for your
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lifelong contribution to make this world a just -- this will just end to end apartheid. and he repeated, it is not only me. there are hundreds of known and unknown people whom he is happened -- who made this happen. me. was his person for i have been speaking to many of our colleagues. look, this is what such a great man said. this is a real sense of human decency and humility. grateful forly what he has left during his lifetime to make this world a just and fair and a forever by. thank you. >> one more person. please use the microphone. >> on behalf of the u.n.
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correspondents association, we appreciate you taking the time to speak to us. message thatsingle nelson mandela has made throughout the years that wrong particularly true with you and that you think applies today in africa and throughout the rest of the world? one of the things he often said was that the whole cause of freedom was still a work in progress. >> africa and many countries in the world in the last century before haveuries suffered from colonial rule and abuse and violation of human rights and human dignity. only because of such a great man possibleon mandela is that particularly people in africa and elsewhere are able to
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enjoy freedom and human dignity. but i am still very much humbled. if we think of the current state of the world, there so many people, particularly women and girls, particularly in conflict areas, whose human rights are totally abused and violated. we have to learn the wisdom and determination and commitment from president mandela to make -- aworld a better for him better forum. -- iis why i ask breasts express my deepest admiration for nelson mandela and the people of south africa and all the people of africa. thank you very much. >> thank you very much indeed. thank you.
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thank you. thank you very much. thank you. [cheers] thank you. mr. speaker, senator thurman, senator daschle, congressman gephardt, representative hotten, thank you for what you have done to make as they come to pass. we are in your debt. congresswoman waters, thank you. the members of congress here
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present in both parties, members of the cabinet, administration, and all our friends from south africa who are here, to my friend, president mandela, americans as one today, across all the lines that divide us, pay tribute to your struggle, to your achievement, and to the inspiration you have given us to do better. others have said with profound conviction and eloquence what it is that we love and admire.
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today we offer a man who has received the nobel prize, the highest honor within the gift of this country. but if this day is to be more than a day in which we bask in his reflexive glory -- reflected glory, we should ask ourselves what gift can we really give nelson mandela in return for 10,000 long days in jail. how can we truly redeem the life of amy? how can we honor all of those who marched and work with nelson
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mandela who are no longer standing by his side. after the president was released and began his public career or, he said, "the true test of our devotion to freedom is just beginning. whenever we are together, he always talks about unfinished business/heath thanked me again yesterday for saying something that to be honest i did not even think about consciously. he said that the united states has now said what can we do for our south africa, but what can we do with south africa to hold a common future.
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so i ask all of you to think about just two or three things. the work of our common struggle with people with whom we share a tom -- a common task and with whom we must build a common future throughout safra group and the african -- throughout south africa and the african continent has only begun. president obama has now said that he has gotten old and leaving the seat. the truth is he has gotten married and he feels young and he is tired of his response test of his public responsibilities and he wants to go into a broader life. [applause] those of us who share his vision
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and lift him up in honor today owe it to him to build a permanent partnership between americans and africans, for the education of our children, for the solution of our problems, for the resolution of our differences, for the elevation of what is best about us all. that is what we owe to nelson mandela, to amy beal and her family, and to all of those who have sacrificed. we also owe for those 10,000 long days and the shiny example sent the clear understanding that a man who has given up so much of his life can give us
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that even more important than the sacrificed yesterday is what you are doing with today and what you will do with tomorrow. for that is the thing that always humbles me when i am with nelson mandela, the sense of serenity and peace and engagement in the moment. and so i say to all of you we should not waste our days. we should make more of our days. mr. mandela waited a very long time to actually do something for his people rather than just to be something to keep their hearts and hopes alive. and every day i watch him, that is what he does. so should we.
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and finally, in forgiving those who imprisoned him, he reminded us of the most fundamental lesson of all, that in the end, apartheid was a defeat of the heart, the mind, the spirit. it was not just a structure outside in jail houses within which people were kept. it was a division of the mind and soul against itself. we owe it to nelson men della, not simply to it and then -- not to get him this award, but to tear down the own lasting vestige of apartheid in our own hearts. this divide us from one another. [applause]
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for those of us who have been privileged to know this remarkable man, no medal, no award no fortune, nothing we could give him could possibly compare to the gift he has given to us and to the world. [applause] the only gift that is true recompense is to continue his mission and to live by the power of his profound and wonderful example.
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justice. a people whose triumph over the divisions of racism has even the new life to humanity's hope for a world without hatred and discrimination. i am conscious that historians of the congressional gold medal upon me that you aren't you booking these on its -- you are invoking these bonds between our nation and paying tribute to the all of south african nations, for its achievement in realizing our ideals. it is in that spirit that i
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humbly accept the award, aware -- it is in that spirit that i humbly accept the award, aware at the same time what a great honor you do me. by using me as the receiver of a unique distinction confirmed by this how load institution of american -- how load institution of american democracy, as one who has dedicated his life to the pursuit of unity, i am moved by the consensus in your nation's regard for the achievements of my people. and i take great pride in the fact that there are citizens, few citizens of other countries who have received this high honor. the name of a south african is now added.
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[applause] if today the people of south africa are free at last to address their basic needs if the country of south offer key -- south africa has the potential to realize the potential or development through cooperation, if africa can devote all her energies and resources to construction, then it is not -- and it is because the american people have lent their support to the struggle to end apartheid, including critically critical action by this
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congress. it is also because of the actions of countless ordinary american citizens who responded to the call to join the worldwide anti-apartheid movement, who have sided with us as we have tried to make a living reality of our vision of a better life for all south africans. among those we remember today is young amy biehl. [applause] she made our aspirations her own and lost her life in the turmoil of our transition.
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as a new south africa struggle to be born in the dying moments of apartheid, through her our peoples have also served the pain of confronting that terrible past as we take the path of reconciliation and healing of our nation. in all these ways, the united states and its people have played a significant role in the birth of our new nation. since the achievement of democracy, the relations between our countries have been steadily growing. we appreciate the commitment to our future that was embodied in
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the decision to set up a national commission, and that has informed the commission's contribution to the systematic the lament of an all-around relationship tween our -- an all-around relationship between our countries. the highly successful state visit by president clinton to south africa in march this year testified to the strength of our relationship. the warm welcome he received from our people speaks of the special place that the people of the united states occupy in the hearts of south africans. the breadth of our relationship makes the united states and indispensable partner in bringing maternal improvement in the lives of our people, especially the poor.
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without which our democracy would remain a hollow shell and our stability fragile, and yet we need to remind ourselves that as much as we have made progress in changing our peoples'lives for the better, the needs must be met in our country, the needs are a mess. -- are immense. it does need to be acknowledged that the imbalances and inequities given to us by the history of africa and south africa are beyond our capacity to admit on our own.
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they call for a partnership of africans and the united states, developing and developed countries, in bringing about a transfer of resources in addressing the in balances and disparities which have been so dramatically exposed in the turmoil, in the world lost economic system. in the, in agenda that we seek to develop with you, are such issues as increased aid the resetting of external debt, inc. clute -- improved access to markets in developing countries. includes also the democrats as asian of the institution of -- it includes the democratization of the institution of international
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governance and the redirection of the world's trade and financial system so that it better reflects the needs of the poor. the recognition that even the most powerful economy in the world is not immune from the consequences of defense in the global economic system, so forcefully articulated recently by your own indicates to us that we will have an understanding here in washington. it adds to our confidence that the united states will be in the forefront of the support of africa's struggle to bring about nations. expect to be granted
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again the privilege of addressing again the representatives of the united states of america. i am grateful to have been allowed to do so in the last months of my public life. the challenges of the present time for our countries, our continent and the world are greater than those have already overcome. we face the future with confidence. because, in spite of the difficulties and tensions that confront us, there is in all of us the capacity to touch one another's hearts across oceans and continents. the award with which you honor me today is an expression of the
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must be fought and won. thank you father for enabling nelson mandela to turn the long struggle of an unjust incarceration into a stepping stone to true greatness. for the lasting example of kurds that he has given to the world. to bless them with strength meet the trials and challenges of leadership in south africa today, overcome the destructive and bringracism growing prosperity and stability to that land. we all stand together as nations committed to your sovereignty, andndent on your guidance, unswerving in our allegiance to your values as revealed in the
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out of the experience of an extraordinary human disaster that lasted too long must be born a society of which all humanity will be proud. our daily deeds as ordinary south africans must produce an actual south african reality that will reinforce humanity's belief in justice, strengthen its confidence in the nobility of the human soul, and sustain all our hopes for a glorious life for all. all this we owe both to ourselves and to the peoples of the world who are so well represented here today. [applause] to my compatriots, i have no hesitation in saying that each one of us is as intimately attached to the soil of this beautiful country as are the famous jacaranda trees of pretoria and the mimosa trees of
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the bushveld. each time one of us touches the soil of this land, we feel a sense of personal renewal. the national mood changes as the seasons change. we are moved by a sense of joy and exhilaration when the grass turns green and the flowers bloom. that spiritual and physical oneness we all share with this common homeland explains the depth of the pain we all carried in our hearts as we saw our country tear itself apart in a terrible conflict, and as we saw it spurned, outlawed, and isolated by the peoples of the world, precisely because it has become the universal base of the pernicious ideology and practice of racism and racial oppression.
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we, the people of south africa, feel fulfilled that humanity has taken us back into its bosom, that we, who were outlaws not so long ago, have today been given the rare privilege to be host to the nations of the world on our own soil. [applause] we thank all our distinguished international guests for having come to take possession with the people of our country of what is, after all, a common victory for justice, for peace, for human dignity. we trust that you will continue
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to stand by us as we tackle the challenges of building peace, prosperity, non-sexism, non- racialism, and democracy. we deeply appreciate the role that the masses of our people and their political mass democratic, religious, women, youth, business, traditional and other leaders have played to bring about this conclusion. not least among them is my second deputy president, the honorable f.w. de klerk. [applause] we would also like to pay tribute to our security forces, in all their ranks, for the distinguished role they have
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played in securing our first democratic elections and the transition to democracy, from blood-thirsty forces which still refuse to see the light. the time for the healing of the wounds has come. the moment to bridge the chasms that divide us has come. the time to build is upon us. we have, at last, achieved our political emancipation. we pledge ourselves to liberate all our people from the continuing bondage of poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender, and other discrimination. we succeeded to take our last steps to freedom in conditions of relative peace.
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we commit ourselves to the construction of a complete, just, and lasting peace. we have triumphed in the effort to implant hope in the breasts of the millions of our people. we enter into a covenant that we shall build the society in which all south africans, both black and white, will be able to walk tall, without any fear in their hearts, assured of their inalienable right to human dignity -- a rainbow nation at peace with itself and the world. as a token of its commitment to the renewal of our country, the new interim government of national unity will, as a matter of urgency, address the issue of amnesty for various categories of our people who are currently
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serving terms of imprisonment. we dedicate this day to all the heroes and heroines in this country and the rest of the world who sacrificed in many ways and surrendered their lives so that we could be free. their dreams have become reality. freedom is their reward. we are both humbled and elevated by the honor and privilege that you, the people of south africa, have bestowed on us, as the first president of a united, democratic, non-racial, and non- sexist south africa, to lead our country out of the valley of darkness. we understand it still that there is no easy road to freedom. we know it well that none of us acting alone can achieve
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success. we must therefore act together as a united people, for national reconciliation, for nation building, for the birth of a new world. let there be justice for all. let there be peace for all. let there be work, bread, water, and salt for all. let each know that for each the body, the mind, and the soul have been freed to fulfill themselves. never, never, and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another and suffer the indignity of being -- [applause]
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and suffer the indignity of being the skunk of the world. the sun shall never set on so the sun shall never set on so glorious a human achievement. let freedom reign. god bless africa! thank you. [cheers and applause] former president nelson mandela died in his home in johannes berg on thursday. he spent my seven years in prison after being convicted for his anti-apartheid activities. prison,s release from he was elected president of the country in 1994, serving just one term. current south african president
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has ordered flags to be flown at half mast. nelson mandela was 95. >> coming up on c-span tonight, a hearing on expiring unemployment benefits followed by the house majority cantor and the year-end agenda in the u.s. house. later, treasury secretary jack lew gives a speech on the dodd- frank regulations. unemployment insurance benefits are set to expire on december 28. withday, a hearing witnesses representing some of the 1.3 million people who will be affected if these benefits expire. this is 90 minutes.
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>> good morning, everyone. thank you for joining us for this hearing. good morning everyone. thank you very much for joining us for this hearing of this most serious matter striking into the heart of the security of america's working families. in the interest of getting to our witnesses as soon as possible, i will save my for the remarks until later. the yield to the distinguished member of the ways and means committee who has been a champion on the issue of fairness for america's workers. today, our focus on unemployment insurance, the very distinguished gentleman from michigan, representative sandy live -- send 11.
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>> -- sandy levin. >> this congress has a mandate to extend federal unemployment insurance hearing we will, in a few minutes, see the human side from the three americans who are joining us today oh -- to tell their personal stories. i think they will be, in a sense, very personal. they they represent more than one million other americans with similar stories who will lose every dime, every dime of this support instantly on december 28 if this congress fails to act area a further 3.6 million americans would lose access to federal unemployment insurance next year as they exhaust their state coverage.
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