tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN December 9, 2013 12:30pm-2:01pm EST
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as we negotiate, international inspectors will have unprecedented access to iran's key facilities, which we do not have today. we will have daily access, regular access to the heavy water reactor site. they are required to give us the plans for that site. as we negotiate, the iraq facility, which is still under construction, and which could have provided an alternative path to a bomb, will be prohibited from installing any new components whatsoever or testing additional fuel. as we negotiate, our treasury department will remain absolutely determined to enforce our core sanctions, architecture which has deprived iran of more than $80 billion in oil revenue since 2012. we have deprived them of $80 billion in 1.5 years. in this deal, we will let
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billion be released? you think that makes a difference? $15 billion to $25 billion will he put away. they will still be deprived. none of it happens all in one day. it happens sequentially as the process is implemented. we also have prevented, as you know, access to the international banking system. we will work with our international partners to ensure that that commitment does not waver. as we negotiated, i have personally instructed every bureau at the state department and each of our missions around the world to remain vigilant for any sign that any sanction is being skirted. as we negotiate, we will continue to be perfectly clear that for iran, the price of noncompliance, of failing to satisfy international concerns about the nuclear program, will be that we immediately ratchet
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up new sanctions, along with whatever further steps are needed to prevent iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon, including, as president obama just made clear, a military option if that were necessary. so, there shouldn't be an ounce of doubt. this is a debate we shouldn't be having. the real question is what is going to happen with the final agreement. the united states stands squarely behind our israeli friends and allies in the region and in the world. the result of all these steps we are taking is that iran's breakout time, the period required to produce enough weapons grade material intended for nuclear weapons, will have been increased because of our diplomacy. we are obviously well aware that even a comprehensive agreement would not solve all of our problems with iran. we don't pretend that they do.
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it wouldn't address their support for hezbollah. it won't deal with syria, although it would have some impact, ultimately. it doesn't deal with other terrorist organizations or their attempt to destabilize our partners throughout the region. whatever the outcome of the upcoming negotiations, iran will still have much work to do. but i am convinced that we have taken a strong first step that has made the world and israel safer, even as we work to solve this problem once and for all. once again, i want to emphasize, a careful balance of strength and diplomacy gives us the best chance to reach our common goal and to do so without having to resort to force. i want to come back to the peace process for a moment, because there is another existential threat to israel, that diplomacy can far better address.
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i'm referring to the demographic dynamic that makes it impossible for israel to preserve its future as a democratic, jewish state without resolving the israeli-palestinian conflict in a two-state solution. force cannot defeat or defuse the demographic time bomb . israel's current state of relative security and prosperity does not change the fact that today's status quo will not be tomorrow's or the future's here -- or the future's. the only way to secure israel's long-term future and security will be achieved through direct negotiations. negotiations that separate palestinians and israelis. resolve the refugee situation. end all claims. establish an independent, viable palestinian state, achieve recognition of israel as the homeland of the jewish people.
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president obama and i are committed to reaching a final status agreement that recognizes two states for two peoples living side-by-side in peace and security. there is no mystery about what a two-state solution looks like. for many years, the broad contours have been absolutely clear. they were crystallized for the world in december of 2000 when president clinton laid down the parameters for a final status agreement. they were reaffirmed through the annapolis process during the bush administration, a basic framework will have to address all of the core issues, borders, security, refugees, jerusalem, mutual recognition, and an end of claims. and it will have to establish agreed guidelines for subsequent negotiations that will fill out the details in a full on peace treaty. this is the stuff of our strong diplomacy when it comes to peacemaking.
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we the united states cannot nor should we make all the hard decisions. only the leaders themselves, the governments themselves can do that. but we can serve as facilitator, the honest broker, and the full partner in the effort to reach agreement. and for all the talk about our disengagement or declining influence in the middle east, just ask yourself about my trips eight trips. in the middle east, the fact is that both parties still look to us to play this role. we are doing so. we are deeply engaged and we will remain so through thick and thin. now i understand there are many who are skeptical of whether american diplomacy can achieve this breakthrough to peace. steps that destroyed trust, by the way, like continued settlement activity and incitement only feed that
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skepticism on both sides. but i believe that if you indeed care about israel, and everybody here does. if you care about its security, if you care about its future, if you care about palestinians achieving their legitimate aspirations for self- determination, which we do also, we need to that peace is possible. we all need to act on that belief. after so many decades of disappointments, i am not a starry eyed pollyanna-ish idealist. who comes out and think you can make it happen overnight. i understand it is difficult. if it were easy, it would have been done. it is no surprise that skepticism, even cynicism is widespread. doubts that peace is possible regrettably often blind people to even having a good discussion about all the benefits that peace can bring.
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i ask you to imagine what a two- state solution will mean for israel, palestine, jordan, and the region. imagine what it would mean for trade and tourism, what it would mean for developing technology and talent for future generations of israeli and palestinian children. imagine israel and its neighbors as an economic powerhouse in the region. it is long past time that the people of this great and ancient part of the world became known for what they can create and not for the conflicts they perpetuate. it is long past time that jerusalem, the crucible of the world's three great monotheistic religions become known not as the subject of constant struggle, but as the golden city of peace and unity embodied the aspirations of israelis and palestinians alike. peace is possible because we have courageous leaders who have already taken significant political risks for peace.
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the time is approaching when they will have to take even more. they have shown real courage, both president abbas and prime minister netanyahu. president abbas has made tough choices. he has stayed the course, despite people in his team saying you ought to get out of here, look at those settlements, they are making a fool of you. believe me, that battle has been going on. i deal with it every week. at the same time, there has been israeli soldiers shot and killed in the west bank and other acts of incitement. prime minister netanyahu has made tough choices. just this week, he reaffirmed his commitment to a palestinian state. he said israel is ready for an historic peace. peace is possible today because the arab league has also made
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tough choices. for the first time, they came to washington. they met with me. they came out and announced that the new map will look different than the 1967 borders. it will accommodate realities on the ground. the arab peace initiative holds out the possibility of normalizing relationships with israel and strengthening peace and security in the region. think of how much more secure israel would be if it were surrounded by newfound partners. think of an end to the unjust but inexorable campaign to delegitimize israel in the international community. the united states has fought these efforts, often alone, at every opportunity. most recently in our successful effort to secure israel's entry, this week, into the western european and others group at the u.n. in geneva. we fought hard for that. but think of the new markets
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that would open up and the bridges between people that peace would build, think of the flood of foreign investment and business opportunities that would come to israel and how that would change the lives of everyday people throughout the region. as stanley fischer, the former governor of the bank of israel said, a peace agreement with the palestinians could boost israel's gdp in a short period of time by as much as 6%. israel would also enjoy a normal , peaceful relationship the moment this agreement is signed with 22 arab nations and 35 muslim nations -- 57 countries in all. it is not beyond our imagination to envision that a new order could be established in the middle east, in which countries like jordan, morocco, a newly independent palestine and an internationally recognized jewish state of israel joined together to promote stability and peace.
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ben gurion knew from the start that if his young state were to do more than just survive, if israel were to succeed, it would need more than just strong defenses. he said israel would need strong ties throughout the middle east . he wrote as much in the israel i declaration of independence. promoting bonds of cooperation with israel's neighbors. that did not happen right away, of course, but israel has always known it is strongest when it extends its hand in peace, when it is in the high moral ground. that is why the declaration of independence of israel went on to state from day one that israel would "do its share in a common effort for the advancement of the entire middle east."
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the entire middle east. that was the vision of the founding fathers. now, i understand that some think the current upheaval in the region makes this an inopportune time to try for peace, but i happen to agree with what prime minister netanyahu wrote in a rather remarkable open letter to the citizens of israel that he wrote in the beginning of these negotiations. he wrote that the dawn of a new era in the region is exactly the right time to recast israel's relationships and to change the narrative with a new generation that is starting to make its voice is heard -- voices heard. -- make it voices heard. recent events have created incentives and opportunities to pursue peace urgently. so, we meet today on the anniversary of pearl harbor, a day that reminds us and reminds the world of the horrible costs that war entails.
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like so many israeli citizens, including many of you in this room, i wore the uniform my country. i have seen war. that is part of what makes me such a passionate advocate for peace. as someone who has been committed to israel's struggle for peace and security for 30 years, i also know that diplomacy doesn't happen without strength. i am proud to see how israel has used both sides of this coin in order to become a powerful, beautiful country, an amazing country, blooming out of the desert. technologies that can be used throughout the region. and how israel is fighting to keep alive a flame that makes it a light unto nations. to build its first class defenses and alliances that allow it to negotiate from a position of strength. we know that diplomacy without strength is blind to the world 's payrolls.
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-- the world's perils. we also believe strength without diplomacy is blind to the world's promise. it is diplomacy backed by the credible threat of military force. if it can prevent the menace of nuclear weapons in iran, if diplomacy can solve it existential threat -- if we can fully address the reasons -- these threats without going to war, israel and the world will be more secure. so will the united states. my friends, as everyone here knows, the world is mourning the loss of a great leader right now, nelson mandela. mandela was a stranger to hate. he rejected recrimination in favor of reconciliation. and he knew the future demands that we move beyond the past. just think of the lessons that he taught the world, which have special significance at this
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moment in history. he said it always seems impossible until it is done. all of us who seek peace, the skeptics who think it cannot be achieved should bear in mind those words. as the sun sets on this sabbath, let me leave you with a favorite line from the psalms that i understand is recited in the evening prayer service. it is a prayer for overcoming danger, a prayer that we might know, all of us, true security. shelter us in the shadow of your wings, the psalmist wrote, for you are a protector. spread over us the shelter of your piece -- your peace. through the grace of god and hard work here on earth, may all of us come to know the shelter of peace. thank you very much. [applause] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2013] [captioning performed by
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>> earlier today, president obama boarded air force one to south africa for the memorial service for nelson mandela. 4 of the 5 living presidents will join thousands of mourners. among speakers will the ban ki- jacob zuma. president obama will also offer remarks. live coverage starting at 4:00 a.m. eastern tomorrow. honoredsident biden mandela today by making an inscription in a condolence book at the south african tendency -- south african embassy. the vice president plans to speak at a memorial service at the national cathedral in washington. sat at a small rote condolences on behalf of the american people. >> the wireline world is the
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system ofrculatory our economy. it is the veins and the arteries that connect what is now the information economy in the u.s. data traffic on our wireline networks increase at 40% per year. it is wireline networks that connect communication, whether they originate in a wireline or wireless environment. america's future is a wireline future. >> u.s. telecom head walter mccormick much night on the communicators at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span2. >> i got upset with the president. covered my mental health meetings ist few had, and then they never showed up. i was walking in the white house and met this woman who was a
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press person. you do not ever cover my meetings. she said mental health is not a issue. but we found out what was needed and developed legislation. we passed the mental health systems act of 1980. through congress one month before jimmy, as he says, retired fromrily the white house. the incoming president put it on a shelf and never implemented it. it is one of the greatest disappointments in my life. atrosalynn carter, tonight 9:00 eastern, live on c-span and c-span3. also on c-span radio and c- world institute of politics held a discussion on
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the intelligence committee and national security in washington d c. lieutenant general michael flynn talks about the security landscape, addressed global trends like population growth, urbanization, and advances in technology. his comments are just over one hour. good, ladies and gentlemen. my name is john, i am president of the institute. for those of you who are new to the institute of world politics, i would like to introduce us and our mission. we're an independent graduate school of national security and international affairs. we specialize in teaching the arts of statecraft. the various instruments of national power, military strategy, intelligence, counterintelligence, diplomacy,
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public diplomacy and soft power such as cultural diplomacy, political action and that sort of thing. the economic strategy, and how integratede arts are into overall national strategy. our philosophy is that if you study and master many of these fields which are almost never integrate them together, you minimize the necessity of having to use force to defend our country and civilization. today toreat pleasure have a very distinguished speaker for an event we have been conducting for 18 years now. our pearl harbor day commemoration. keep some do this to historical memory and historical lessons alive, especially during a period in our culture where
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there has been a precipitous drop in the study of history. people are mostly studying social history and not diplomatic, military, intellectual, economic, and political history. it is a regrettable thing. ahistoricalnd to be as a cultural matter, we are very forward-looking. so that we dole not repeat the mistakes of the should paywe attention to some of the transformative events that have taught us some great lessons. the surprise attack on pearl harbor is one of those events which helped propel the u.s. into a global role. and which teaches us many lessons about intelligence, vigilance, and
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national security preparedness. to help elucidate some of the lessons of the past, we have a great friend of iwp here today, lieutenant general michael flynn. general flynn is one of america's foremost intelligence officers. he has been associated with different units of the u.s. army and most notably the 82nd airborne. he was deployed to grenada and haiti. and afghanistan. he has had an array of senior intelligence appointment, including director of intelligence for the joint special operations command. director of intelligence for central command. director of intelligence of the joint staff. director of intelligence for the international security assistance force in afghanistan,
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which meant basically that he was in charge of u.s. military intelligence and the afghan war. most recently, he has served as the assistant director of national intelligence for partnering each man. engagement. in 2012, he was nominated to be the 18th director of the defense intelligence agency. to put a little substance behind this remarkable resume, general flynn, while in afghanistan, had come to the conclusion that we were concentrating more and our intelligence collection efforts iedinding information about networks. improvised explosive devices, which were the main killers of american troops. problem was that this was being done, in his estimation,
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at the expense of understanding the local political, cultural, strategic conditions in the valleys and the tribes. in the counterinsurgency war we were conducting, which necessitated understanding relationships with those tribes, being able to find the local political collaboration safe haven for troops and so on. it was essential to understand the human terrain, which is why the army developed and higher neared the human -- developed the human terrain initiative. when one would have thought that the civilian agencies might have been more active in collection of what we call "cultural intelligence." general flynn was the pioneer in conceiving and implementing this
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revelation in -- this revolution in intelligence strategy in afghanistan. it is the result of somebody who live not only had an incredible -- it is the result of somebody who has not only had an incredible career, he has three graduate degrees, including one from the u.s. naval war college. we were proud to present him with an honorary degree a couple years ago. thatuld not neglect general flynn has been given many awards, including the defense superior service medal. the legion of merit. the meritorious service medal and others that are now too numerous to mention. general flynn is a great friend of this school and we are
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honored that you could join us. the floor is yours. >> thank you. [applause] great. before i get into some formal , i helpfully -- everybody got handed out one of these. pamphlet about the defense intelligence agency. a little bit about who we are and what we are doing on behalf of national security. to give you some idea about the 5irection of one of the big agencies that we have that are every day, 24 hours a day, seven days a week in 142 countries around the world with 17,000 people, doing the nation's business. we have some talented men and women and i will talk about them.
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john, thank you very much. i want to thank for the great introduction. i want to thank the institute of world politics and the staff that puts these things on. it is important that we keep doing i think it is a really important endeavor that we keep doing this. politicstute of world and your personal dedication to hosting this annual lecture is a testament to the institute's commitment to training a new generation of critical thinkers. the professionals in this room who recognize the value of studying history when confronting modern issues of national security and world politics. as early as 1932, there was a which begins with a surprise attack on pearl harbor. part of the curriculum. i have a graduate degree. in march of 1931, intelligence reports warn of a possibility of a preemptive attack on the u.s.
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fleet japan. many insist intelligence intercepted in late november, 1941, indicated japanese intentions and we now know last- minute disk -- descriptions of japanese diplomatic communications on december 6, 1941, resulted in a warning to u.s. pacific commanders received 28. it was sent via commercial western union telegram and sat unread in the inbox of the u.s. naval intelligence official in honolulu because it had not been marked urgent. amazing. in hindsight, the events provided ample warning of the danger that lie ahead. a lesson of pearl harbor is not about failure to collect intelligence, but rather one of getting that intelligence into the hands of the people that needed. our decision-makers. the limited factor on the intelligence community leading up to pearl harbor was are buried arguably its inefficiency and disjointed this, and while
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the march of technology continuously enhances our technology to handle data, the advances that have helped to new challenges today, that is part of what i will talk about. where the intelligence community was previously limited by its technical ability to manage a relatively small volume of information, it is now challenged by its collective filter, analyze, synthesize, and share relevant intelligence from a vast universe of information. today, with all the of the data and reports at our fingertips, it is critical we pull together the right information in the right way at the right time. that is a tough thing to do, believe me. it requires steady discipline, exactly what the institute of world politics, i believe, is about. and for many students in here, many of whom are part of our military forces, i know the army has a great fellowship and a know you have had special operations forces officers here in the past. you do not realize it until you
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leave the investment our department is putting in you. in some cases, you do not know it until a couple of years later. i would tell you the other thing is it requires reliable tradecraft. some of the academic courses you have, it is about trade and statecraft. it also requires a committed to cultivating a sophisticated workforce. being ready to use all of the tools at our disposal by toviding decision advantage our leadership. we must begin looking at the were ahead of us, emerging challenges, and prepare our enterprise and -- to answer questions not yes -- not yet
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being asked. we are encountering a new operational environment, one with the east, west, balance of the world is being challenged somewhere war fighters are more likely to be deployed in the are -- urban mountain space in the mountains, deserts, and jungles of the past. the challenging global escalate -- landscape is having all of us re-examine priorities and examine ourselves for the future. given the rapidly changing security environment and reflecting on the past, i would like to take the next few minutes to walk through some of the challenges we are focused on and how we are reshaping the defense intelligence enterprise to meet the needs. there are two reasons why. first, resources are being constantly reduced rate now. you are in an era of huge fiscal constraint. time, we haveme skyrocketing intelligence
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requirements. sequestration seems to be here to stay. to have to make tough decisions as a result of that. the operational environment has no sympathy for our fiscal plight and is more complex than ever. the middle east continues to command our attention as we are simultaneously rebalancing to asia and refocusing on new threats to africa, all the while, the threat of cyber presents a constant threat with far-reaching implications. it is all over the media, all over the news today. there are really four global trends occurring and have been occurring since really post-world war ii. i will talk to two of them specifically. those four, have to do with population, technology, resources, and economic trends. is world we live in transforming at an unprecedented rate. the intelligence community must be prepared for the new challenges.
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is shifting.power given our global leadership role in the world, developing countries require our utmost attention. these threats are no longer relegated to the nationstates. non-nationstate actors have the potential to exert disproportionate force via ciber and other weapons of mass distraction platforms. in terms of one of these megatrends, and i will talk to two of them, the first has to do with population. builds out, it goes from 1802 2050. it gives you perspective back a couple hundred years and takes us to 2050 and put it into the of the discussion in play today, world war ii notes, pearl harbor, 1950 was the first global census ever taken, the first time the world was ever counted. 2007 was the second time. the way i would describe it is
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the world is at a crossroads today and in the future. you see annex potential change really over the last 50 or 60 years. 2000 8, 50% of the world's population became urbanized. there is estimated to be 10 billion people on the planet, over three times as many as was counted in 1950. time,ery short exponential growth of this population. by 2050, there will be over 700 cities with one million or more people in them. in 1800, there were only three. 1950, 74. today, there are nearly 500. again, one of the things brought out about this graft, you see a rise of all of this demographic shift's and increases in population. a lot of what we are seeing isay in these challenges
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what we're facing. i will talk to some of these. trends such as these are creating new global dynamics we do not yet understand. instead, today and in the future, we need to look to help shape and influence behavior by trying to control it. maintaining force residents globally has proven to be too costly. we must also expand upon and create new partnerships with allies and friends around the world. defense intelligence agency has numerous bilateral and multilateral intelligence relationships, defense department, ministers of defense, and, around the world. we have them in every region of the world. we have the capability to continue to push that and that is the guidance we are getting in our national security and military strategy, partnering and partnerships are critical to our own national security. intelligence must be ready for the new realities. the second megatrend i want to speak to briefly have to do with
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a connected populace. it is really important we understand this. today, they are growing up in a different world. when i say young, it is the millennium's in this world where they do not wear watches. a time -- tell time by a cell phone. i could go on and on describing how regions of the world have moved from no pair copper wire, which, unless you are used to an old dial-up phone, you do not even know what i'm talking about, to 4g and five g telecommunications networks around the world. the african continent has 47% of the global total communications market. they never really had the copper wire built into the infrastructure of this country years ago at the turn of the last century in order to build a telephone system. communications and the interconnectedness we have is really changing the face of the
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planet. by 2017, only a couple of years away, half of the world's population will be connected to the internet. add in the ubiquitous use of cell phones around the world and you have a global populace connected in ways unimaginable 100 years ago probably to a degree 25 years ago. our new intelligence challenges finding the right needle in a skyscraper haystack of needles. i will say that again because it is important. it is the challenge we face. challengetelligence is finding the right needle in a skyscraper size haystack of needles because the volume of information we are able to absorb in our system today has no meaning unless we ruthlessly prioritize what it is we are trying to discover. knowledge is what we are trying to discover. finally, dia is training our analysts on cutting edge tactics and procedures to shrink the haystack to better support policymakers and war fighters.
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i think this is an important aspect and a dynamic that the population growth we have seen over the last 100 years. i believe we do not yet know what having a worldwide network population means to national security and global stability. obviously, we are thinking about toerie it our challenge is remain ahead of the rapidly shifting and next financially rising technology curve. unprecedented connectivity linking the world together creates both opportunities and challenges. in terms of opportunities, a vast array of accessible information. that is an opportunity out there we have to take advantage of. the possibility to forge new partnerships with nontraditional partners. all the potential that global communications can bring. these opportunities are in the
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field of economic development, improved education, enabling techniques for developing new energy resources. the challenge is our a mess. the free flow of ideas that test societies not yet ready to respond, or those wild card or network threats such as the nontraditional threats posed by non-nationstates cyber actors. these types of threats continue to test us on a daily basis. i think the world of cyber and everything out there in the generation for the of young people involved in getting an education today, and where you may be, as i look at my career backwards 33 years and look forward to the kinds of things i have experienced, what one can imagine, what i can imagine standing here today, projecting myself maybe 30 years ahead and trying to think of all of the changes i have seen and many of the others in this room that have been around a little
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bit, the kinds of dynamics we have seen change. in the information world in just the last work -- five or six years, facebook only came onto the scene in 2005. today, over half a billion people are connected via twitter. these are just some of the challenges we are facing in what i believe is the defense intelligence and intelligence in general has to remain ahead of the curve. confronting tomorrow's challenges, just as we reflect back on the past challenges we into a worldead where two, and the kinds of information coming in, and the lack of technology at the time that created the inefficiency that caused some of the harm that occurred, these megatrends are really creating new paradigms every single day. intelligence has to be adaptive, or we will be caught by surprise
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again. the mega city development is far outpacing nationstates ability to provide basic resources and governance. nationstatesre that have essentially good institutions, good governance, and some aspect of rule of law, not necessarily rule of law that we would attest to, but they have some control of their societies, they are in relatively ok shape. the remainder of the world, most of it, is not. we have large parts of the planet in these less than gathering -- governed areas or regions that do not have the institutions and strength of our education system and financial systems, and definitely, what i believe, one of our national security advantages, our rule of law in the country. those are important aspects we need to keep in mind as we think about the challenges we are likely to face in the future. are all creating hotbeds of economic stagnation and political instability and what i
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have described as these less than governed regions of the world. demographic challenges, things gender youth all just, imbalance, and aging populations, have the potential to spark widespread unrest in some of these regions. i think we see some of that in different parts of the african content and middle east. what are the implications for national security echo -- security? defense intelligence and the iserprise that dia responsible for, we are rethinking how we approach this threat. we are phasing a very complex array of threats and adversaries. our changing operational environment the man's new approaches, new geographic areas of the fences. north-south dynamic. he picked up on the population slide, in the past, we were in east-west world. it was the east and the former 50 or union over the last
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60 years. now, this shift over the next 50 years, it really started back and certainly into the last decade. the world is shifting to this north-south dynamic where the populations and the centers i have been talking about, these megatrends are more in the southern hemisphere of the world. the eastern and western parts of the world are typically europe, the united states, russia, china, and then when you begin to look at some of the more challenged parts of the world, it is really in the southern hemisphere of the world or that is where we are seeing a lot of these challenges today. that is why we see ourselves being drawn into places that are relatively new locations where we are having to play military forces in our intelligence system being challenged to understand these new threats. as i said, our changing
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operational environment demands new approaches. urban terrain will need to be the dominant were fighting environment, bringing with it a unique set of challenges. those challenges, i believe, deal with precision. , mountain, of desert bejungle warfare, you could less precise in terms of the application of military power. in the day and age of urban , and we see this in the these werehdad, urban areas. as we see more of the population an urbanization effect, the precision of our capability will be key. the other way i describe it is understanding.
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it should be a principal of war. one of the lessons learned from , ourast decade of war failure to understand the operation environment led to a mismatch of resources and capabilities apply to that environment. as we move into a different operational environment, and this is one that is emergent, and we have to have a better and we will have to be very precise applying management. it is everything we do. in terms of taking it back to find deficiencies and need a new threat environment at the same time.
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when the rate of change on the outside of an organization is greater than the inside, they will become less relevant. we do not want to become less relevant. we cannot afford it. model tovocating a new keep pace for the rapidly changing global environment. the core of this model is fusion and integration. it leverages innovative strategies to overcome fiscal restraints. this integrated intelligence center construct e dia is implementing integrated functionalgional and centers to synchronize capabilities and eliminate redundancies throughout our entire enterprise. the integration of intelligence operations and collection with our defense all source analysts
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and combining these capabilities management,ion targeting, science and technology, bring to bear significant capability and these types off skills and capabilities, and others, they all brought of aneath the construct center concept. the integrated intelligence center construct, uniquely tied into our war fighting combat in and commands, part of the defense intelligence enterprise, provided full spectrum intelligence, synchronizing capabilities and eliminating redundancies. i will not stand here until you we will eliminate every redundancy, but i will tell you, it is one of the areas we have to try to work toward. understanding who is doing what to whom. as a longtime intelligence officer, you meet the demands of your customer. your customer is a commander. customerustom-made -- is the secretary of defense for the present, you answer that question. somebody else answers it for
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their boss, so be it. if somebody wants a call that redundant, so be it. inis the world we live in dealing with the here and now and the threats we face today and to keep us out of conflict, as dr. lynch ounce -- lynch lc highlighted, we want to stay in a military vernacular. fusion and integration will terminate -- permeates everything we do. transparency within our defense intelligence enterprise must become the norm. there are really three priorities or components should i talk a little bit about them in the pamphlet we handed out. they have to do with operations analysis and training. fusing analysis and collection, modernizing analytic methods and tools, being innovative to maximize return on investment, we absolutely have to do that in everything we do. as much money as we spent over the last decade to build
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capabilities, in many cases, money was spent -- we look at the best tools we have. we want to bring those to bear. we do not want to throw out everything we've just learned to do. we want to take the good forward with us. a new model for defense intelligence requires elevating our capabilities in innovative ways. one of the small steps we have taken is created an office of innovation and we have competition for small and large businesses in an open forum now on our websites. that is basically called the innovation gateway. it will actually kick in in early january. up -- we put our requirements out there. in the open world. we put them out there and say, it is what we are looking for and it allows open competition. it reduces the turn for our investment from years to under really a couple of months.
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significantly has changed the way we are able to adapt with technology. we must also thicken the edge, supporting -- the editing the field, what is out there on the footprint of our furthest server -- verizon out there. we also must support a greater human intelligence presence forward. working with our national partners, and then fusing that through analysis and collection, making sure it is all done in a very prioritized and effective and smart way. we must reshape the analysis as well, exploiting the unprecedented amount of data available to us with new tools, technologies, and databases that are definitely different just because of the technology we have today. tools i used in both iraq and afghanistan, only a few years ago, are outdated. we have new technology that has
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now given us even better insight in being able to tag data to sift through the sand to speak -- to find the golden nugget. we must champion a new training and education model. we have to invest in training and education. maximize the agility across our entire enterprise. defensiveprise is the intelligence agency headquarters and our national capital region footprint, which is significant, all of the joint intelligence operations centers and commands and all of the service intelligence centers. the army, and record, intelligence david just agency, the marines, it belongs to the air force right over here. the parkway, that the loss to the navy. it is all part of our enterprise. we have to ensure we are invest make thend basically right investments in these highly talented intelligence officers we have. for us, it is a significant
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investment. we do not want to leave a decade of war with all the six periods we have and then stop investing, particularly in the young workforce that we have, the what we call below 40 workforce we have. prior to 9/11, we were generally about close to 70% from the age of 40 over the last decade, we have shifted not completely around, but more than 50% are under the age of the. over 6000 of our civilians have deployed. over 6000 have deployed in the ,ast decade to iraq afghanistan, and elsewhere in support of operation enduring freedom. as -- we have to provide the best technology available and counter what appears to be never ending threats to our way and that drives our
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workforce every day. if we are not to have another 9/11, we must move toward a far intelligencerated community focus on one thing, protecting our nation. that, i would just finish -- it is a quote and i would say, we cannot afford another such ason or committee the joint committee on the investigation of the pearl harbor attack in 1946 and they greaterhad we imagination and a keener awareness of the significance of the intelligence that existed, it is proper to suggest that pearle should include harbor was a likely point of japanese attack. we cannot afford to lack that imagination and what we are dealing with today. staff,at, john, and the i want to say thank you very much for allowing me the opportunity to present some
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thoughts on the direction we are taking over in dia. i look forward to questions. thank you. [applause] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2013] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] >> thank you. seems as we look back in time, did not have an understanding not only of our adversaries but also our teammates that came from a different culture. do you think this explosion of usia connections will help bridge that so we can better understand what makes our friends and adversaries techie -- you -- tech -- tick? ck-tock --
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>> this is for $4000 question, there are a lot. that is one of them. how do you know me view oftimedia dock though i -- media? we want to ensure it is believable and reliable and relevant. we have to come to grips with this medium which has an enormous amount of media in it. uploadedr of videos and videos that are being presented from the battlefield of syria as an example. activity in ang square, presenting activity in a benghazi situation were in mali. we have to look at that. we will have to develop -- it is
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like the old attack and defend manuals i grew up in, grew up , whereaching in the 80's we had a laundry list of indicators of an attack, the indicators of a defense. there are new sets of indicators at that are actually coming us far faster because of the media out there. whatll have to develop these new indicators are forewarning. i will tell you, strategic warning and tactical warning can be a matter of hours in some .ases, because of the speed it is what people describe as the velocity of the information environment we face. so, are there trusted sources out there? that are better media more reliable in the kinds of reporting they do? at the same by theou are bombarded
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information. it gets back to, when i was a young officer, my commanders returned -- would turn to me and say, tommy where the entity -- the enemy is fear that is not good guidance. what is it -- i have a responsibility to understand what it is we're trying to do, and i think the give-and-take these days, and i think the smart commanders i know, the burger it on up, they have more of a dialogue these days with their intelligence professionals, particularly analysts. a lot of young analysts have been very engaging with brigade commanders, kernels, generals, on up to joint task force commanders. it has to be a give-and-take. out,you're trying to pull sometimes, the commander does not know. sometimes, the secretary of defense, the president, they are not sure what it is they need.
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the kind of information that is available, you have to get to be more precise in the answers we are providing. the more precision we can have in our priority intelligence requirements, the more precise we can be in directing a vast capability we have against the right target. >> can i ask the questioners to identify themselves? i want to introduce the admiral, the first question. >> the institute of world politics. our ability to address the north south challenges predicated on and the leadership unity of the western alliance. you have not addressed too much the challenges to the western alliance imitating from russia and china. which are not in the south. would you mind commenting? >> i
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will comment a little bit. ame of these are clearly in policy been. is stayo make sure i do in where i think the intelligence challenges lie. i would just say as we go , the kinds of challenges we, the united states, are going to face, are very similar to what the chinese are facing, and the russians are facing, sort of the normal, the big nationstates. sort of the big players on the world stage. i would bring into that, even, the european union of nations, and the challenge really come down to three things. access, have to do with access to food, access to water, and access to energy.
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three things, those three capabilities, those three items, for this world that is growing, and, as we move to be more of an urbanized society, a global society, we take it for granted. you look around in our country and take it for granted when you turn on a water faucet and a light and you have all of that. -- in some of these places where they do not have that kind of structure, those kinds of visitations that ensure you have power and electric, ensure you have clean water -- those types of nations will have to face .ogether those things i hope we need to faith -- i believe we need to face them as a coherent group of leaders trying to challenge
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each other. we have to contribute to the greater good. any leader would say that is right. intelligence supports that in a lot of ways. trying to understand where those challenges are where those types of resources are. what are the kinds of challenges if we havely to face to go get those resources in some cases or protect those resources around the world? not for the united states were for russia or china, but for the world to be able to apply those to a global landscape that is rapidly changing. wayr questions? let me go to the back to the young lady. with policymakers focusing on the short-term threats here and
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now, are there any resources going to midterm and long-term ofeats? if a whole bunch resources are not come out of the dia plan for long-term national security? class a great question. -- >> a great question. i get that a lot especially in the field. there are forces in the field, those are joint task forces. our special operations forces. commands. they tend to live in the short term because they are dealing with the operational environment as it is and reality as it is today. people tend to look back and say, if we will do that, you also do six months or a year and out. we do. we work very closely with our national intelligence system, both the national capabilities
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and definitely with the office of director of national intelligence through national .ntelligence framework those assessments are done in documentsely called national intelligence assessments. there are other national assessments done on things like water and weapons of mass destruction and developing economies. there are long-term projects and assessments that are done. bothare frankly done by defense, because we will look at defense issues for long-term for defense investment, by some of the regional partners around the world, how much are they
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investing over the next five or 10 years? same thing back on our side. will do that kind of assessing. it is example of something we would do. we would participate, certainly, in other assessments taken place but definitely have a direct impact on the fence. a good question, but it gets back to what i said. if something happens in yemen, or something happens in iraq, and the secretary of defense or an assistant secretary, because kinds ofith all customers, says, what just happened? i need to know because i'm getting ready to go into the interagency process over here on capitol hill, and i need some answers, that is a here and now answer and they will not go to get that answer. they turned to us. we have to also maintain a very current intelligence capability. we do that.
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the center construct actually gives us enormous flexibility to do that. we also do that through the joint staff. component of really staying in the here and now on behalf of the chairman of joint chiefs. that is -- if no one has ever worked on the joint staff or those who have any aspirations, the joint staff, the way i used to joke about it, the best thing i like about it is my parking spot. the job itself is just ruthless. when i look back at assignments, that was probably one of the best i ever had because it is so are really at the top of the game in terms of intelligence support to war fighters. a great question. yes, ma'am. >> thank you for the presentation. executive director of education. reducedally, given the
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u.s. government fiscal resources, how do you see it correlating to be able to take the reduced resources and start to address the velocity -- velocity of information at the same time the volumes of the velocity of the information, to be able to come out with timely analysis to be able to answer the questions that need to be answered. >> i will give you my personal day. life in the day of flynn. you know, we have an dialligence mission, and, is a big business. it is a global corporation. probably midsized in terms of and budget and things like
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that. if i have a responsibility to ensure folks doing the intelligence transmission have the resources they need to do their intelligence mission. i say that, and she because are finite and prioritized and not everything -- not everybody will get what they want. i have to prioritize the intelligence mission. it is in a collective sense as we are being driven from the ,hite house to the secretary undersecretary and assistant secretary level, the national intelligence director on down through our combatant command. everything dries how we prioritize. it starts with the president. the president stood -- sets very ther priorities for intelligence system. shapethat, how do we then the business environment and the business side of what we're doing? i like to think of agility and flexibility and
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speed, relevancy, as terms to shape an organization. as i highlighted three priorities we are involved in, we are prioritizing operations, which is really our collection capabilities, counter and humor intelligence -- human intelligence. at the end of the day, we provide knowledge to support decision-making. that is kind of what we do. we have to modernize analysis and defense analysis because, exactly what you said, with the volume and velocity of information, we cannot stick to the ways we used to have in the past. very conventional and in somenal training and cases, even tools that we have. we have to change those. they are business decisions. i will tell you for us, we have made a couple of big ones. big decisions in our information
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technology. big decisions in our modernizing analysis. we are going to make other investment decisions in the world of science and technology because that is a big component of what we do. lab and think tank rolled into one. we have access to a wide range from darpa, the research organization. we have to make smart business that take the dollars we are given and use them as wisely as we can and ensure we are prioritizing exactly what we are being driven to prioritize by our leadership. i believe that has been very face, but the challenge we is that, as clear as that can be, something else will happen
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around the world that suddenly takes you by surprise. back to pearl harbor, or 9/11, was it in x essential threat to the country? the underlying, underpinnings of live those occurred could be x essential. nazism is an example. the national leadership asked to decisions about how far we go when we are in fact surprised, and who are the people, the individuals, making those decisions that do surprise us. --t is really, for those in who get paid the big bucks to make tough decisions, with -- we have the responsibility to give the best intelligence we can. in the environment we are in today, we have to ruthlessly prioritize our resources to be able to compromise -- to a congress that mission. service you for your
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and for your commitment to the national defense. .t is a time of hope outside the beltway, there are a lot of concerns about how well the various parts of the u.s. government are doing and coping with the challenges we face. in that regard, and referring back to your mention of critical thinking and need to understand, i would like to ask you questions. the first is you did not mention the challenge of islam. i would like it if you could clarify please how you came to train your analysts to use critical thinking about islam when it appears the defense department or the pentagon is afraid to have people who take a howi've used -- view of muslims are about to left or your staff. or when it seems inside the
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beltway, it is hard to tell whether the people consider what workplace was violence or terror. how do you cope with trying to understand and anticipate how some people may use some parts of islam, the occur on, to justify terrorist acts. our society faces a lot of strains. quarantiningresee or preventing the next bradley manning? -- >> those are good questions. [laughter] start with the second one. , younk that is relatively know, a short answer.
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stop an think we can insider threat, a determined and and savvyd agile individual who works to get inside of our system so to speak. you cannot close all the locks and gates and doors. there will always be that threat. we have to put disciplined processes in place. many times, when you look at what has happened, manning or the right things in place? yes. were people doing the right things? maybe not. our system administrators, where they following the rules? all these kinds of procedures and more of, we do not need
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that, necessarily. this would create new ones. -- to need to be able to do is have discipline. our counterintelligence esters -- efforts are significant, as they should be. ofshould have an awareness the counterintelligence and the kinds of intelligence electors threat posed against us because israel. i think we will learn a lot of lessons from that. we continue to learn those. i will -- i will not stand here and tell you we will never stop that kind of threat. on the first question, i think, what is the environment we are , we come to grips and face the reality of what it is that is happening within a social structure, to talk about
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islamism, or christianity or judaism or whatever it is, i have been schooled on this by who are of the islamic faith, when you talk about fundamentalists and extremists, there are six jim is in every segment of society. someone i defined is willing to put themselves and their lives and children and others at risk for some extreme believe they have. the typical suicide bomber, if you do not see it in the news today, it is in the news today and in iraq in the last 24 hours. more bombs, off, killing large doing of people out there
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their business for the day, trying to make a living. those are extremist elements inside our society. those elements are part of, i would argue, most elements of our society. it does not make any difference what their religious background is. we have to understand that and understand what these cultures that believe in these and have these believes, that we do not necessarily -- you know, as a catholic, do i even understand it at all? i have tried. do with somebody who is a fundamentalist, somebody who has a strong believe in their religion, i have a strong believe in my religion. it does not mean i will go to an extreme and do something violent. that is what we have to deal with. he -- these elements, in whatever walk of life it is, that will turn to violence.
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and challenge, not only societies that cannot take care of themselves, but also us and our way of life. i think that is a difficult challenge we are facing. as we look around the world, and societies and the societal underpinnings of what i would describe in some regions of the world, a sense of hopelessness, that is where we have to understand that and decide whether we will do anything about it or not. in some cases we can and in some we cannot hear it but we would like to do is he able to help other nations in other regions of the world, certainly, to be able to help themselves. that is what a global leader should do. that is what we try to do all the time. as i see the military and what the military has done and is involved in over the years, that is what we have tried to do. it does not make a difference what their background is. other questions?
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let me go in the back. yes, sir. christ -- >> [indiscernible] thank you for your talk. edward snowden, have those affected your agency posses ability to function as usual prior to the revelations?- question. -- revelations? >> good question. that is an extraordinary capability, a national capability for our country buses and ability. the workforce, men and women up there, are some of the most talented people we have in the intelligence community today. they are challenged today because of an incredible thaturing of attention
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they do not, frankly, they do not deserve it. a workforce of their does not deserve it. there does not deserve it. 24/7,re out there today, and i would not just say up there, before me, but that is a global workforce out there on the battlefield in afghanistan, and in many other parts of the world that are working for me 24/7. that are working question, has it affected us? absolutely. is what the individual. -- individual did a tragedy? absolutely. it is being dealt with in the right channels. at this stage, we have to look at all of the ways we can
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impacts of what some of those effects are, whether it is a reduction of reporting or access to information, and we're working through all that. majority of your intelligence community is very high -- a high level of maturity. it is a dalen -- daily conversation to mitigate any impact because we still have a national security mission that we have to adhere to. a good question. let me go right here. this will be the last question. >> i am retired from the state department. do you have -- given the issue raised to train on cultural issues, what you brought up workforce,ounger what was brought up here was -- with the need for your defense, duke -- to quickly and adequately bring back information to you, to have the necessary bandwidth in their
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communications, is there any light at the end of the title -, of the budgetary process? is there anybody in congress listening? >> how do i take the fifth year. e fifth,-year? -- th here? [laughter] do not want to disparage anybody. we are facing -- i have been doing this for 33 years. i trust my judgment and my instinct. in an believe is we are butedibly difficult time not a time where we are about to clash. i do not believe that for a second. incredibleritical -- strategic advantages in many areas. rule of law. no country in the world has the
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rule of all we have. -- of law we have. it is unprecedented for the intelligence system we have is a strategic advantage because of its capability. when it is precisely focused, we can do just about anything. we are challenged because of the magnitude of the number of events around the world today, but we are still doing a pretty good job of keeping things that they. .- at bay maybe it is selfish, but our defense capability, military capability. it is a national strategic advantage. despite what you hear about all of the challenges the army and navy and air force, those are true. we are still the best in the world. the most capable. that provides this country enormous advantage. when other countries look at us and look at the united states, we need to remind ourselves to exactly what is in our dna,
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to be humble about our strategic advantage as a world power and global leader, and not be seen as, we are better than you. we have to be seen as a global leader around the world. i know we are because of the conversations i have with others. i say all of that because i dialogue.s a not just a dialogue one way, but a dialogue from the dia to the defense department, from and wes back to daa, have a great conversation going on all the time. we have to make decisions about capabilities. it is not a fair world. you will not end up with what you want sometimes. you will end up with what you need.
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i believe that is the right thing to do. as wedays, and especially go over the next couple of years, that trend typically out of globalcome conflicts. world war i, two, korea, vietnam, the end of the cold war, desert shield and desert storm, and we had the peace dividend. then we go in and now 9/11, and here we are again. we are still in war but are transitioning out of afghanistan. with what john said up front. ist we have to be able to do help our decision-makers make the best decisions they can with the best information we can provide them to stay out of conflict and stay in this piece -- or sort of a peaceful world. the world is generally not bad. it is not the reality, but what we do not want to do is move --selves to where we move
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reduce our leaders options, increase the cost to our nations purse or wallet, and we seriously increase the risk to our country. that, to me, is what we want to avoid. with that, i want to say again, thanks, john, for inviting me. thank you. [applause] >> south africa says president barack obama and the united nations secretary will be among the world leaders speaking at a mass memorial series for thousand mandela. expected to last about four hours for the stadium near johannesburg. we will cover the event live beginning 4:00 eastern tomorrow morning. >> i got upset with the press because they covered my mental
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health for the first few meetings i had. never showed up anymore and one day i was walking in the white house and met this woman who was one of the press people. nobody ever covers my meetings. she said, mrs. carter, mental health is just not a sexy issue. we toured the country, found out what was needed and developed legislation, and past of 1980al health system and it passed through congress he wasth before involuntarily retired from the white house. it was one of the greatest disappointments of my life.
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>> first lady rosalynn carter tonight at 9:00 eastern live on c-span and c-span three. there will be a 24% cut to medicare payments. on the other side of the capital, sensors are continuing a ban on plastic guns. you can see it. now lie to the floor of the u.s. house. house will be in order. the prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. chaplain conroy: let us pray. dear lord, we give you thanks for giving us another day. at the beginning of a new workweek, we use this moment to be reminded
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