tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN December 23, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm EST
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david stockman, and we thank you. >> thank you. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2013] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] our year up tonight, in review looks at immigration policy. our first ladies series features the life of lou hoover. a discussion on new technology for public safety.
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>> from the west of front of the u.s. capitol, where one year ago , president obama was sworn in for his second term. during his address, he talked about changing immigration along and talked about a great deal on the campaign trail. over the next hour here on c- span, we will bring you more comments from president obama adhere house and senate debates on the immigration issue. and a conversation with alan gomez. he has been reporting for usa today. yearu wrote earlier this about of eight. is it fair to say it it took the lead legislative this year? >> absolutely. right after the election that the senate came together and decided they wanted to tackle the issue. mitt romney got a 27% of the hispanic vote, you saw a lot of
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republican senators get together and forming this coalition and a couple people drive in it came out. eight senatorsng that took the lead. >> it seem to have a lot of energy early on. what happened throughout the year? >> they ran through it. in this climate we are seeing an congress, very difficult to get anything through, they had a regular committee hearings and vote and pass the immigration bill on the senate floor. something will not see too much of. that is when things stalled. ofthey seem to have a lot going in their favor. you mentioned the president and his desire to see immigration change. you wrote an article about congressional budget office that the senate bill could cut illegal immigration and a half. didn't help their case or move it forward? did that have residents over
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there? >> incredibly. in 2006 time it failed or 2007 was from the heritage foundation that found immigration reform would cost the u.s. quite a bit of money in the services we provide to them and health care and education. this year, that was flipped on its head. a, with a similar study. -- and they came out with a similar study. would besaid it incredible financial boom to the company, the taxes they would pay and contributing to social security and medicare. once the republicans sought it, they could say it is an economic argument for us. going back to your comments on the politics. mitt romney got 27% of the hispanic vote. a number of senators must be up for election in 2014. who are some of those senators?
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get some immigration change it done. >> one key we saw senator hatch. reallyone of those -- trying to get it. he came over because they were able to do some things for high- tech pieces in utah that's very important out there. utah -- and hispanic population is increasing. senators,e of those arizona, nevada and places where the hispanic populations are growing. hatch and others are coming from the region it has become very important. >> will show some the floor debate and key hearings held throughout the year including the judiciary committee. some testimony on the path of citizenship. first, i know you are
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reported in the 11 million a here. assuming -- most people do assume, they are not happy about illegal immigration, isn't it better to have those who are here illegally able to work legally because they will be wagepaid a higher wage and rates for every body else will go up? in my neighborhood, as i ride my bicycle early in the morning and i see on street corners people were waiting -- day laborers who are waiting to be picked up. the construction workers picking them up are not saying i will pay you two dollars above minimum wage. the's $20 for these folks because they are living in the shadows and in need of money, they take it. my question for you is very simple, if, also, we cannot
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deport in the 11 million people is it not better to have a system in our bill where people can work legally work as opposed to work here illegally which pulls down wage rates even more? >> 2 things. that iot testify at all support deporting 11 million people. i do not think we know how many are here. i am not in favor of deporting. i'm an immigrant's son. i am in full favor. even ife to take today you regularize and legalized across the board, everybody who works, subject to the same standards and everything else, the construction workers who are talking about are still going to exist. we are still going to have a sizable cohort of individuals that will take advantage of people regardless. >> is it harder if they are
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legalized than it legal? >> yes, senator. on the march. i see it on a regular basis. if we think by a stroke of the pen because when something on paper, people are not want to take advantage. take advantage. you admit it will get a better but marginally, some of us think more. >> great questions. let me save important aspects go to the heart of the program. we really are creating in many ways, threeome brand-new programs. you have the year around contract part of the guest worker and judy at will guest ill guestworker. andnow it will be difficult bumps and bruises on the
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implementation. this ensures that for agricultural production which is so important in terms of timeliness seasonality that there is going to be a maximum amount of time here before the e-verify system is kicking in and fully operational. so we can make sure that in these three new apparatuses are working and the caps are being set and an adequate amount to provide the workers we need. remember senator franken, these are small businesses out there on our farms and ranches. more than anything else, want to measure the small producers know the program and what it takes to get the legal workforce here before we get to enforcing this thing on every single farm and ranch. and that is only fair. the smalllly for operations. we need to make sure that you verify system has an accuracy --
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higher accuracy rate than it has now. introduce millions of immigrants into the system, the error rate stance to get higher when you do that. run a dairy operation or other small businesses for do not have aou huge hr department like you might at other businesses. i think this is very important -- that we understand how this all fits together and we deal with our eyes wide open. to me, it is absolutely essential that we do it at one time because everything is so interrelated.
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pleased with what this is going to do again for our -- half of all dairy cows in america are milked by -- by rather -- immigrant labor. i have called for this to be fixed for years and i am glad that senator feinstein have made efforts to do that. connor, ind mr. addition to dairy -- by the way, the chairman said something about you said powers -- cal's -- cows --they do not know what you are saying. >> maybe not minnesota. [laughter] >> well, ok. i know the chairman is a dead
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head. no comment on what he got -- sorry, senator. >> has the senator finish his questions? -- aside from dairy, what are the two most important aspects of this agreement? senator, we have a problem in american agriculture today reflected in the fact that so much of our workforce is currently undocumented. for anything else that we have recognized the problem exists today. the status quo is intolerable. of the agricultural sectors, the notion you are going to give us the ability to actually have a legalized workforce and that we know is legal and can verify that.
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are theand ranchers most law-abiding people on this planet. the want to have access to workers. they wanted them to be legal. fundamentally, this bill gives us that ability to be legal. that is huge. -- what areuo again the alternatives? those who suggest it. the current system is broken. we have to change it. >> thank you. thank you, mr. chairman. >> i thank the chairman and witnesses and saying all of you and senator feinstein for working so hard to get an agreement here. those of us working in the broader agreement were cap aware of the progress being made in the hurdles to overcome. is not a easy task. congratulations for working together on this and getting it done. when we launched the broader
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bill last week, i grew up on a farm and working alongside migrant labor. i know the motivations that they have and how difficult it is. that were here to make a better life for themselves and their families and for the life of me, i've never been able to place all of those who come here across the border undocumented and some criminal class exists has never run true to me that way. i want a solution here. farm work is tough work. i made it off the farm with almost all of my digits. the endhe -- i lost of one. it is a tough job. we are nottell a cow going to milk you today. it does not work.
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i appreciate what you have done here. mr. connor, i appreciate working with you at the usda on issues and appreciate the work you have done. experience, iyour know you have been working on a four years. ag why is that so difficult and important to have this as part of the broader bill? why did the easiest part? -- isit the easiest part it the easiest part? -- it is not a realization that has come about in the last few months. we knew we had a problem for a very, very long time. we worked with senator feinstein on solving just agricultural problems for a very, very long time as well. i would say that history
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suggests that did not work. the agricultural problem in enough itself probably was not going to produce successful legislation. being a part of this comprehensive of effort on our negotiations have been very limited to the agricultural peace. we appreciate the fact that it is part of the broader package. there seems to be some momentum to get something done in this year. we have been talking and proposing solutions and in some cases, producing legislation for a very, very long time. this is been a problem for a long time. we believe 2013 reflects what i have described as the best chance in a generation to stop talking about it and finally fix it. that? you just go on with if we fail to reach agreement here, there is no agreement just the subset of agriculture.
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what would the consequence be? how much of our industry do we stand to lose if we cannot reach an agreement here? >> the consequences are substantial. . put my opening statement the status quo means large percentage of the american workforce doing nothing means a large percentage of the workforce is going to continue to be undocumented workers. people not here legally. is untenable to the american producer out there. somehow we cannot get him or her a legal workforce. we do have a labor shortages in this country. it is resulting in crops going unharvested and agricultural production and i cited the california study of tens of thousands of acres moving to a another country.
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that pattern will continue if we do not fix the problem. >> some would argue that if we do not have a foreign labor force, that simply means more jobs for americans. how does the lack of a program like this affects u.s. jobs or american worker jobs? thisveral have raised point. i know time is running out. this has been studied and a look at a exhaustive leave. senator feinstein has been involved in efforts to demonstrate -- are we replacing u.s. jobs here? we are just not paying enough or something is wrong and therefore, we are turning to foreign workers. it has been proven time and time , that study after study is not the case. they will not to do this work.
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again, this workforce, food production and crops will be left unharvested in the u.s. >> why are we tying the pathway to citizenship to a guest worker program? i am not going to get 11 million illegal immigrants a path way until i get something i want. i want a new immigration system. i would not trust them to give it to me. our democratic friends are not going to trust us to hold everything up until we are satisfied with border security. you live on the border. i know you are as sincere a positive as possible. we have to talk about the elephant in the room. debate,me we have this there's always a reason the border is not quite secure enough. we spend billions of dollars and
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we got 21,000 border agents on the border and we're spending $4.5 billion more. have 18 -- we will drones and we're going to have the comprehensive strategy at substantially deployed and operational. thate going to have terms are flexible because at the end of the day, people on their side believe we are going to use 90% problem after one the border and we never quite get there. your desire to secure this border is my desire. the southern fencing strategy is completed. that makes sense. as senator has expressed numerous times, fences are not the best security available to the country in some parts. view, the mandatory e verify system is the ultimate
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border security because they come here to get jobs. system, thatexit samerts have not had the as land-based systems. we created a new system. that is a gap in the system. at that airports and seaports look at ballston, that is the gap. we are improving every day and want to do more. i am not against biometric. i am against having systems that can never be achieved. in my lifetime. i'm against moving -- i am for move forward and make our border more secure. the reason we have 11 million illegal immigrants, none of them coming from canada, it's because the people come here from the south and overstayed their visas conference distressed parts of the world. if you can control who gets a job, you are going to control illegal immigration. you cannot build a fence high
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are still having availability of jobs in america to illegal immigrants. we are going to do two things will never done before. we are but it has a board security using more money and technology and finally, address the cause of this problem -- controlling who gets a job. if you are an employer and you hire somebody illegally, you are going to go to jell or lose your business. that is long overdue. or lose your business. -- that is long overdue. >> on schumer number five. one have a vote. -- we will have a vote. briefly told respond my friend. drug cartels and human traffickers do not use ev error five. -- e verify.
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entry flashuse an exit system. system./exit here is even more fundamental problems. the border security trigger calls for a plan. results.ot call for >> i am david vitter and i am really pleased to join the tea party patriots here today and all of their guests you are going to hear from. once you hear from them, you will see that we all support america as a nation of immigrants and fixing, truly our broken immigration system. this is where we are in regards to this bill. this gang of eight bill was supposed to come to the senate and essentially sailed through
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with over 60 votes. once it was actually introduced and debated, that support started to erode and concerns started to arise. i do not think it has the 60 votes right now as we speak without an amendment. now, we are going to plan b. amendmentring up this , very, very quickly, a lot of hoopla about border security and try to pass it and then with that amendment over 60 votes. again, it is important that we look at the details. let's read it before we vote on it. people do, american they will understand and the same thing if they came to understand about the bill -- it does not truly fix the problem. first of all, an immediate amnesty and the legalization
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happen first and only after that are their promises of enforcement. secondly, because all they guarantee is -- spending money. there is no measurement of actuallyf results of securing the border. they have rejected our having any verifiable measurement of securing the border. those are the two big problems with underlying the bill and that remain the two big problems with this amendment. so we can readng and understand the amendment. the american people need to be able to read and understand and the amendment. then, let's have a full debate and vote. >> anyone in the chamber wishing to change their vote? before the chair announced a vote, approval or disapproval
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are not permitted in the senate. yay's are 68 and the nays are 32. the bill as amended is past. -- passed. will call the roll. >> mr. alexander? [chanting] >> yes, we can! yes, we can! sergeant of arms will restore order in the gallery. >> we are back with alan go mets talking about immigration. our year in review. z talkingome
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about immigration. you talked about this immigration -- conservative trying to sway. how far did they get? >> a not very far. it is progress for them. what you saw was a different tactic that they were pushing this year. in previous fights, it was a traditional hispanic advocacy groups. pushing for reform and that was counterbalanced by people on the traditional right and other groups. what you've seen this time around is a collection of bibles, badges and businesses. that the putting the pressure on republicans. it is graded more space for republican to give them cover. the chamber down here is ok with it, let's go forward. that has been a big change.
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said thatership still if they wanted to get something going moving forward. want terms of that, they to get something going, what has stopped them forgetting something on the floor? >> who knows? the senate passed their bill in june. the house has look at it and what did they refer as a piecemeal as does a big, comprehensive a bill that is everything into account, they pass smaller bills. three of them have to do with immigration enforcement and 2 revamping the legal immigration system to bring in more workers. have considered those and they are ready to go to the floor. that not introduce the bill that deals with the 11 million undocumented immigrants. it has been stuck there. >> on that point, it it seems to be a key point of real opponents .
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the undocumented immigrants. what is going to happen to them? what is the argument of people of steve king of iowa? >> at a time when unemployment is very high, why are we owing to bring in all of these workers from outside? letting thesee folks who started their lives in this country by breaking the law and give them amnesty? it counterbalance is saying is not amnesty, it'll be a very long process. at least in the senate bill, a 13 year pass have to pay taxes and have to learn english and jump through all these hoops. before -- they get is the opportunity to apply for a green card. the argument is saying why are we breaking in of these guys are letting these folks stay here when there are so many america unemployed? >> you mentioned senators who have concerts in 2014. every member of the house has
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reelection concerns. are there key members in the house trying to work and those in favor? starting to see change. it was a bill introduced that has garnered 190 cosponsors. not very surprising that all democrats would be on board. it has picked up three republicans. a couple of others have followed on. seeing, they are come from heavily hispanic districts, some of them have their own personal stories about immigration. the problem comes down to the huge chunk of the house does not have a big hispanic group in their district are designed to deal with the issue very much. house republicans districts are 75% white. that is increased since 2010 redistricting. for a lot of them, it is not have a lot of hispanics.
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>> will take a look at some the house action from the past year. starting the steve king of iowa. it grants amnesty to everyone who is here. it's is an invitation to everybody who is been deported in the past and said marie apply, -- re-apply. as a promise that everybody who comes or after the deadline, they've also get amnesty. that is the package. everybody here and deported and everybody here are going to get it on less they are convicted of a felony. by the way, nobody is coming out of the shuttle who does not want to. the people they think will be sorted out, fellas will not be -- felons will not come out. they will live in the shadows. here is how bad it is. despise how badly i obama care.
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i spend years of my life fighting against obamacare. i spent many years. i despise that bill because it is unconstitutional taking of our by these, our health and everything inside it. it is terrible and it diminishes the destiny of america. if i have to choose -- if it came down to this, if there was an offer that you will do one or the other and you have to choose one. i would take obamacare try to live with that before i ever ate said that his amnesty plan. the amnesty plan is far far worse. that genie cannot be be put back in the bottle. we cannot repeal obamacare or pay for it. through,esty goes there is no one doing it. the genie of the left would've escaped. >> ultimately, the american people have little trust that
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administration would not enforce the law in the past will do so in the future. immigration and nissan mechanisms to ensure the president cannot simply turn off the switch on immigration enforcement. the bill contains such a mechanism. not only does it strengthen immigration enforcement by giving the federal government it needs, it ensures where the federal government fails to act, states can pick up the slack pursuant to the act, they are provided with specific authorization to assist in the enforcement of federal immigration law. states and localities can in act and enforce their own laws as long as they're consistent with federal law. it shows how to avoid mistakes of the past with regard to immigration law enforcement especially the 1986 immigration law.
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of bill expands the type serious criminal activities for which we can remove aliens including criminal gang membership, drunk driving, manslaughter, and failure to measure as a sex offender. they cannot take advantage of our generous immigration laws. in addition, the bill strengthens federal law to make it more difficult for foreign terrorists and other nationals security national concerns to enter and remain in the united states. threatenliens who national security from receiving them aggression benefits such as naturalization and relief from removal. such provisions are relevant following the boston bombing were naturalized aliens killed and injured americans. under the bill, no immigration benefits can be provided until all required background security checks are completed. another item that it fails to
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include. -- the senate bill fails to include. it offers to waive background checks. it improves our first line of defense. the visa issuance. to hise act lives up name and provide much-needed assistance to help the u.s. immigration to carry out agent'' jobs while keeping them safe. it allows local officials working in their communities to pitch in, the bill also strengthens national security and protect our communities and from those who wish to cause us harm. the save act provides a robust enforcement strategy that will maintain the integrity of our immigration system for the long- term. i look forward to hearing from all of our witnesses and i think the chairman. -- thank the chairman. gentlelady from california.
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>> thank you. over the past six months, this committee has engaged and informed if an civil discussions civilormative and discussions. they have shown members of this committee recognized our immigration system is broken and must be fixed for america's businesses and families. most have recognized that deporting 11 million undocumented immigrants is not a realistic and it would tear parents away from children and separate spouses and leave gaping holes in businesses and communities. that is why today's hearing on hr 2278 it so disappointed. portions should be familiar because they draw heavily on 112thwe consider in the congress. it will allow people to be detained indefinitely and deported they saw nothing at the discretionary decision of the
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secretary of homeland security without due process. i am confident some this language would never survive constitutional scrutiny. it troubles me more because how similar it is to a bill we consider in the 109th congress. contains many provisions from that bill including provisions that essentially turn all undocumented immigrants in the country whether they cross the border or overstay their visa into criminals. and every day they stay in the as., they continue to commit crime. under this bill, every day and undocumented father or mother stays in this country to feed or care for a child, he or she would be committing a crime. their family members may be committing criminal acts for living with them are driving them to the doctor. this bill goes further than hr states andeashing
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allowing people to enforce. abilityp would have the to detain a person based on mere suspicion that the person may be unlawfully here. and e be put in jail for being here. it is impossible without thinking about the lessons we have learned about what happens with local police officers are turned to federal immigration agents. immigration tost local police damages community policing practices and leave community the less safer. it breeds distrust in the community from u.s. citizens, legal residents, and undocumented persons alike. we have heard this from asian or -- major organizations. cities chief association stop city police year thatified last
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placing local law enforcement officers in the position of excuse me, agent -- it undermines the cooperation essential to successfully policing. recently, we heard from a survey of latinos. 44% said they are less likely to contact the police if they are the victim of a crime out of fear officers will inquire about their immigration status or people they know. whon out of 10 respondents are undocumented said the same thing. when victims of crimes and people witness are afraid to contact the police, crimes go unsolved. when they go unsolved i'm a communities lose faith. rather than making our community safer among something of the bill -- safer, sunday the bill purports to do. -- something the bill purports to do.
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it results in unconstitutional racial profiling and prolonged detentions. the poster child for this bad behavior is maricopa sheriff. just last month, a federal judge pattern ofgaged in a unconstitutional racial profiling and the lawful detention while participating in the agreement with the federal government and the enforcement of arizona immigration laws. last year, the justice department concluded that north carolina engaged in routine discrimination against latinos which included illegal stop and detentions and arrests without probable cause. the justice department entered a following anement investigation into widespread racial discrimination and abuse against latino residents. policelved the arrest of
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officers on charges of excessive force and conspiracy. immigration law is complex. agents sometime makes mistakes leading to the detention and removal of u.s. citizens. imagine what would happen would we turn over this power to people who cannot possibly understand the complexities of immigration law such as the rules surrounding acquisition of u.s. citizenship, derivative, ,xtension, adjudication withholding and removal, and it goes on. it turns a blind eye to these problems. that is a gross understatement. velasquez. all of the witness that have made reference to 11 million. i hear it everywhere i go. not.ow it is
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you made reference several times to the 11 million. would you agree with me that those members of the 11 million who cannot pass a background check should be on the path of anything except a deportation? do not path,people there should be a pathway for the majority. >> that is very different from what you said earlier. my point is, all 11 million i cannot have any background checks stop all the 11 million of any category of people from futures too nervous congress -- preachers to the congress cannot pass a background check. disingenuous.s all 11 million do not want to be citizens. all cannot pass a background check. even if you can't see that, we get to the details of what the check is going to look like. if you were sitting where he is sitting, if you have a condition
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for domestic -- conviction for domestic violence, should you be on a pathway to citizenship or deportation? >> i can only argue for my parents -- >> and no, no. you advocated for 11 million aspiring americans. is not a back patter the talking point of aspiring americans. i am not interested in cap. i am down in the details. what does a background check to look like? do you think a conviction for domestic violence shouldn't dismiss somebody for a pathway? back to that is up to you all to decide. why do iis up to us, hear 11 million if it is one monolithic group? why? why not said what you said? there are subgroups that warrant
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different levels of scrutiny. children who were brought here with no criminal intent of the data warrants one level of scrutiny. the parents who brought them another level of scrutiny. those who have misdemeanor convictions have one level of scrutiny and those allow multiple convictions have another level. convictions.lony why is that not most honest response? >> honestly, i am in no position to tell you who deserves what. how would you decide that one percentage -- >> it is not hard for me. i spent 60 years prosecuting people for domestic violence. that is a disqualifier. even though most states consider that a misdemeanor. the devil is in the details stop the brighton line, people do not have any problem with that.
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i am out of time. i will say this. all 4 of you who were good, persuasive a witnesses -- even if i do not agree with everything that is said, you are here in good faith and you contributed to the debate. things like i saw today from somebody named dan pfeiffer who works for the president, i think the same who said the law is irrelevant. he tweeted out today that our planet is to allow some kids to stay what to do port their parents. he summarized his entire debate with that tweet. i want to complement you and thank you for not being a demagogic, self-serving political hack who cannot be elected to an advisory committee much less than congress. i want to thank you for not doing that and understanding
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these are complex issues where reasonable minds can perhaps differ. >> with the government shutdown ended, the white house to turn its attention to other pop -- public policy issues. wishing comments from president we will november 25 -- show you comments from president obama on november 25. we will bring you our senator.ion with a he indicated support for a path to citizenship. he was our guest on "washington journal." reforme get the question across the finish line and it is there, it wouldn't get folks in washington to go ahead and do what needs to be done -- we will grow our economy and make our country more strong. we will strengthen our families.
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a second. i respect the passion of these young people. they feel deeply about the concerns for their families. what you need to know, when i am speaking as president of the united states, i come to this fact ity is that if in can solve all these problems without passing laws in congress , i would do so. of laws, also a nation that is part of our tradition. the easy way out is to try to yell and pretend like i can do something by violating our laws. what i am proposing is to use our democratic process to achieve the same goal you want to achieve, but not an easy as
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shouting. it requires us getting it done. [applause] >> immigration is one the challenging topics not only -- the biggest issue is that there is no fiscal cliff was noted debt ceiling deadline. -- fiscal cliff. dachshund debt ceiling deadline. there is no date. we have to get the country focus. the house focused on this and we are doing that with this new bill that i co-authored and offered amendments. does congress a need that pressure to get something done? when we see a vote? >> i am confident will see a by the end of the year. they made a commitment will have a full debate on the issues and a floor vote this year.
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our challenge is we had so many issues, recently with syria and the shut down. we are running out of time. we are trying to make sure that not only does house leadership know how many members are really motivated on this issue but a geisha the entire public. in the entire public. we have something out there, several bills, one in particular . there is one thing to talk about how many democrats will support something where how many republicans will support a pathway. ,ntil you actually have a bill that makes it a challenge. we are getting them now. they are bipartisan. >> you signed on to a larger democratically led bill. explain your decision-making. >> this is something i've worked on for many years. when in the centerville came
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out, i senate bill came always said that was one major issue and that was border security peace. both republicans and democrats have come out after the fact and said that was a flawed issue. in the house had a good border security package. addedisan, but has been to the bill. we address border security and guest worker program and a path to earned citizenship. >> talk about border security. a rundown of these issues. by $40eases spending billion over the next decade to bolster border security. a bill was passed.
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is that enough for you over like to see further action? >> i think there will be room for amendments as we move forward. there are a number of members that we continue to talk to. if you have an issue with this bill, tell us what it is an last amended and make sure we have a good working product. an example is my asked to allow dreamers to be able to surf in our military just as we always have. with that openness and bipartisan support, being able to change a bill, not only rare but refreshing in this circumstance. >> alan gomez. some the house action from earlier. as we wrap up, looking ahead, senate has passed its bill. what are things going in 2014? out whateed to figure
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the house wants to do with undocumented population. we have seen representative issa was floated the idea of not allowing citizenship for them but in between where they have legal status of but can never reach the point of citizenship. is workingive cantor youngill to deal with the undocumented population. those broad as children. those are the big things they need to figure out. they need to figure how they can deal with the population. ethnic else when it comes to border security and the system, -- everything else when it comes to border security and the system, there are two different chambers. that's what we will see the work through. >> you mentioned 75% of districts are white majority. you point out eric cantor and darrell issa. their district have larger proportion of hispanics. gomez, thank you for
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joining us. people can read your articles at up this year of review, we will look at a recent conversation on the history of american immigration and why the u.s. continues to see unlawful immigration. what we call comprehensive immigration reform comes out of the experience. it is a formula that says we will try to stop and solve the problem of illegal immigration by legalizing those who are here and putting in place mechanisms to prevent any future unlawful immigration. know, that did not quite work out. there's a lot of discussion as why that is. it was too idealistic and too lenient. in fact, the reason we continue to have unlawful immigration is
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because the system put in place which has the same maximum for every country, 20,000, that means belgium has us" as mexico. new zealand has the same quota as india. when people talk about being a long lines for visas, only four countries that max out on visas every year. is the same for every year. india, china, and the philippines. if they say you should go to the back of the line, for some countries the line is 20-40 years. the990, congress raised ceiling migration by 40%. that is a lot. that was in response to the economic expansion at the time. because every country gets the same limit, 20,000 limit went up 600.5,000 -- 25,
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for a country like mexico or india, a small increase. you still have the same problems. i want to end by saying a few words about the most recent andod of economic expansion recent recession and how it has affected immigration. one is economic restructuring and that took place at the end of the 20th century was continued to draw migration said anti-immigrant sentiment. you had a decline in manufacturing industries and growth and service sectors so native whites and blacks suffered greater unemployment and was a new sector and service economy as well is agriculture and agricultural practices that
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drew a low-wage immigrant labor. declining strength in organized labor. and getting away from unions which hired low-wage immigrants. economiceature of this restructuring was a reversal in the trend of distribution of wealth. from 1947-1974, we had a steady trajectory of declining gap between the wealthiest and poorest in the united states. since 1974, we have seen the increase in wealth inequality. >> year in review examines the filibuster rules change. we will look at the actions from the senate floor and hear from alex rogers on the impact.
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that's 8:00 p.m. eastern here on c-span. >> coming up on washington journal, a discussion on the role of faith and religion in politics and civics. nn andests are barry ly richard land, president of the southern evangelical seminary. the federal trade commission discusses the target card breach to ways consumers can protect themselves from identity that. washington journal is live every morning on c-span. >> what we know the founders at , the guyshe version were against the constitutional where the religious conservatives other day on the anti-federalist and included patrick henry at the time.
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they wanted to have religious tests. the founders were the cosmopolitans. most of them were bible believing christians. why did they take the approach they did? that aincludede they're all was beyond faction. madison's subscription was a multiplicity of sects. >> important development in the law over the last couple of decades in terms of government funding of religious institutions. there were some real issues to work through and figure out. the rules that govern during the clinton years -- early clinton years were different. they changed over time. some people think it was a good thing as some and it is a bad thing. there are important issues and that people fight about and fight about with legitimate
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disagreement. span.ristmas day on c- current and former heads of faith-based offices on the separation of state and religion. illustrate and count the great award. that's a 5:00. three, from 1957, follow bob hope as he travels across the pacific for his uso tour includes stops in vietnam. >> c-span, we bring even for washington directly to you putting you in a the room at congressional hearings, white house events, briefings, and conferences. all as a public service of private industry. cable tv industry 34 years ago and funded by your
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local cable or satellite or >> coming up next on c-span, our "first ladies" series features the life of lou hoover. that is followed by public safety and technology. by a program on nsa surveillance programs. >> the first lady, lou hoover, graduated from stanford -- >> lou and herbert hoover came to the white house as trained geologists and experience will travelers who were successful in the public and private sectors. months into herbert hoover', the markets crashed
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