tv Needma Ters CSPAN December 29, 2013 10:00am-10:36am EST
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after core has been worse the affordable care act. can you talk about what you meant there? let me just say that we at the we are big supporters of the notably amendola did in a straitjacket type of wife not in a straitjacket type of why, but we are more committed to told solving and applying knowledge, which is what kids were need to do and middlew to do for the class jobs of this century and the next -- well i will not be talking about the next center, but the rest of the century. we became a big believer and how you have these have these kinds of standards.
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this is why the is such a bumpy rollout. you cannot just get on a podium and say that out shall have standards. thou shalt have standards. do withn a podium and the government did, and spend on testing solutions, and yet there was no attempt to figure out how forreate an appropriation the building of professional development and curriculum and the things that are absolutely essential to do this transition. beenat is why there has sent to bumpy road because there a standardis race to rather than a publication -- thoughtful implementation. people are surprised by this, the fact that john engler and myself wrote a letter in november to every single
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governor who was on top and -- adopting the common core, and saying it is important, but we're to do it right. we should trust stages, give them the time in the professional development and the curriculum support to do this right before you do this kind of testing. the isu have the head of is roundtable and the head of the national union saying stop, do this right because really knew -- we really get it, i would hope that some people would listen and stop with the race to announce and actually do a reflective and limitations so that we actually implement it with fidelity to give kids the skills and knowledge they need. know, it is as you toxic in states all across the country. and what is it going to
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implement the standards effectively? and can you assess whether or not they're going to work? >> number one, i think we need to dealing the testing. link the testing from these standards. look at the countries that outcompete us. none of them test every kid every year. they do not do that. not lead with a testing fixation, they lead with a whole child and learning fixation. before we even get into that debate what i mean by the moratorium, or the paws on testing or the fixation on testing is that if you think they are really important, you have to give teachers the time to actually lament them to try teachersctually give the time to implement them, to
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try them, to work with them. help parents understand that this is not an attempt to hurt kids as some parents really think right now, but it is an attempt to actually transition our education system to one that is more robust for all kids. to transition our public systems to what the private schools all the time, experiential learning and project-based instruction. you dealing this standardized testing from the rollout of common core, you immediately stop the anxiety about what is going to be on the test, and you actually shift all of that energy to how do we actually do this right? -- i puthy i i am very california in very high esteem, and i'm very disappointed in my becausee commissioner what california did was
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understood this and passed a law that said we are going to link the test, and give an appropriation for implementing this. test,e're greater field and see if the whole system works before we create consequences. that is what other states should dreadfullyy got it wrong, as those of the that should be a really important good thing that evil should be incited about that -- that people should be excited about is now something that is hugely controversial. >> following about caitlin's question to you caused a moratorium, attaching consequences to standardized testing while, gore gets up and running. what would be a timetable that you would be held to the standing? -- standards? >> it is not so much an actual
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timetable, because some places you can see the transition taking a year, and some places years.t will take 10 the moment that you start this transition in a thoughtful way, kids will succeed. i'm not suggesting that we do not have accountability, but think about the performance raised assessment but think about her folio scores. when you see kids actually being able to thoughtfully describe what they are doing, that is real education. you cannot tell me the 21st century we cannot come up with a more complex or a more thoughtful accountability system around the kind of schools that you want kids to -- skills that you want kids to know i didn't
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understand -- to know and understand. peer back to things like intervention. this is not an either or issue, this is having full-blown mentation -- having a thoughtful implementation and thinking about other ways of measuring school success. >> you yourself say that we need to have the standards, and that something needs to change. -- recentlyrelate this week, looking at testing data, showing small but steady gaze. the urban school district data this week showed that there has -- some progress but it is still wildly uneven gains and huge achievement gaps.
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the education secretary said it painted a picture of stagnation. what are these results say about the state of education right now? does will link to you, or are you optimistic -- doesn't look like to you, or are you optimistic? >> what all of this is saying is that the dominant strategy that we have used for decades is not the strategy that is going to kick the door open to help all children succeed. it is just like the strategies that we used in the 70's and 80's. the 1960's you actually saw a hugely bigger game the nissan 80's and's on the 19 the 1990's. more levelkids the
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playing field. 70's, 80's combat 90's, and now, we did not -- first we ,id a bunch of nice programs which helped some gives and not all kids. in the last 10 years, with no child left behind, what we have done is we have said that testing is going to be the dominant strategy. the countries that outcompete us do not use that. is thaty do instead they actually focus on ensuring that kids get really good teachers and really good teaching, and have a real focus on equity as well. optimistici say i'm it's because i think there is a growing recognition that you cannot test your way to
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tremendous gains in public education in the united states. you cannot sanction your way to tremendous gains in united states. you accented do it massachusetts has done in the united states, what the performance consortium schools in new york city have done, what the schools in connecticut but i just spent the week looking at have done. germany, and others have done is following the teachers were giving them the time and the tools to do the crap that we have asked them to do. supporting them through that, d also supporting -- the craft we have asked them to do. tutoring, and remediation and
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enrichment, and things like are in an music -- art and music. when things like that are wrapped up with the core, standard, you see these huge aggressions like you saw in germany and finland, and even estonia and latvia, vietnam, singapore. that is why i am optimistic. there is a blueprint here. decide that that blueprint is more important than still thinking that market strategies are going to work when they actually haven't. that, d.c.g up on was one of the first to shining stars on this years's national assessment on education progress , the nation's per core -- report card. a few years ago, ec was 20 and severest -- washington d.c. was reforms, andme new
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they clash over teacher of automation. i would wonder how you would view d.c.'s reforms in terms of their recent progress? like asked the question that, and the dominant d.c. reform for fourth-graders is not valuationned with a or with any of the things that we did. the dominant piece was what the mayor himself did when he was 80 -- citypresident council president woolwich was that this was the first group of fourth-graders that actually had a kinder garden -- begin to prekindergarten. of the most important
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investments you can make if you want to see progress for all kids. it is what i take from the d.c. example. there are a lot of other states and cities that did exactly what michelle was suggesting in terms of the evaluation that did not do very well. when you look at the other pieces in terms of d.c., what you're seeing is that the northwest quadrant of d.c., they are doing correctly well. the fact that d.c. is becoming more and more than a class for your seeing that reflected. what i see in the statistics is that you actually do have to do more to mitigate hoppity, and not less democracy. go-ith 10 minutes left, ahead kaitlyn. >> i would ask about you and you as a union leader. people who follow you on twitter know that you are prolific and social media, you enjoyed engaging your critics and
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talking with people. if you enjoy engaging with people who follow you, in general. how you see the role of the union leader evolving in the 21st century? what are your ironies and most effective tactics -- right ortiz and most effective tactics? judgeeone else will tactics, but the most important thing we can do is reclaim our values as americans. both economically, in terms of the american dream, and in in terms of public education reclaim the public -- reclaim the promise of public education. even though we are doing better than we have ever done about a lot of actually help all kids fulfill their potential, we are never going to be satisfied. not as it was today, not as it was 150 years ago, but as it means for us to fulfill our
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collective responsibility for individual opportunity for kids. like iou see the world do, which is that we have to paths for thete middle class to get to great jobs and great housing and retirement, the people who actually work -- teachers, paraprofessionals, nurses, you see a clear road for the union. is about chanting those values of economic opportunity, of educational opportunity. making sure that the work we do is the best he can be, great solutions i can make that work better. ,hat we join with communities parents, clergy, small businesses want to actually create credibility for public schools. we are chanting great neighborhood public schools,
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communities that have great job opportunities about we are actually making sure that the dobbs of today and tomorrow are filled by people in communities. you have clear career ladders so become assistant teachers and then climbed to regular teacher. i see the union being solution driven, i see the solution -- the union as engaging our members in this quest to make the school the communities better, and that we cannot do it alone. we have to work with parents, we have to work with communities, and so that is really important as well. that is why it is ready democratized, and so you have to engage, and i love the engagement to custody engagement means that people have have -- people feel like they have power. even if there are critics, i want their voices to be heard.
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we have to be a big tent. connecticut for a full almost everyth single educator in the district, and talking to kids and parents and really seeing what they were doing. what they're doing together collaboratively is not just changing societies, they are changing the future for the kids . music, and art, they're doing better as a school district, working together. >> i have another question about leadership. say, on december
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9, the day where we reclaim the -- reclaim to the promise of public education, i do not think that people have ever seen a day where there were 100 events coordinator to be a problem location day. that is what i mean by bringing communities together. actually really focusing on a vision of helping all kids get a great education. sorry. >> no problem area this is -- problem. this is a question about the deputy's leadership. he had a lot of leverage in the beginning, and now that that has gotten, d.c. sort of the shine coming off of the secretary? >> i'm not going to grade the
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secretary of education, because that -- what i will do the i , i think his heart is in the right place. i think that the strategy of the administration from the beginning was wrong. i was very, very come a very grateful that they understood that the stimulus was absolutely filltial in order to back for the huge budget cuts that were happening while we were in the woods -- worst recession since the great depression. we lost over 100 -- 300,000 teachers, that were laid off, or lost during the recession. we needed to have that kind of back stock because you do not want to lose a generation of children because of the recession, and because of a result, education was not a priority.
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top, and toe to the threehe world that within and a half nanoseconds every thing was going to change in terms of the american education, that was the mistake. him the countries of the world that outcompete us, they know it takes time to actually make this work so that we are helping all kids succeed. finland did not do it in three minutes, singapore did not do in three minutes with, shanghai do not do in three minutes, so that when you suggest to the countries that all you need to do is change a couple of loss in a state capital of a or just announced that you are adopting a new system people of expectation that in this -- if it is not done into nanoseconds, it is failing. how to have an enriched curriculum, hot of art and music, how do have experiential
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learning, i think that has been the problem for the administration right now, because the expectation and what has happened in fact do not meet up with each other. >> one more question. >> you are in new york right now, they are in the midst of digging a new schools chancellor. what candidate do you like? >> the band of -- the bottom need a that that we chancellor that bill is comfortable with. that knows education class that knows new york and the politics , and most important can repair a school system that has huge assets, but has been totally and completely demolished because of the fixation on testing and sanctions and data as opposed to
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a fixation on how we help all kids achieve. valuing the educators who are trained to do that. so it is going to be a big job for but i have a lot of faith in ,im, since he knows the city and he ran as a parent who has been edited to public schooling -- committed to public schooling, and someone who can one of the jewels of the united states, the new york city public education system, and really bring it into the next in a way that will really help all kids succeed. >> you do not have a particular name you want to throughout their? >> if i throughout a name, then it would be a shoe in that that person would never be chancellor. >> let me sneak this question
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in, we have talked about the administration, but less so, congress, and look forward to -- to thend ha second half of this congress. what tops your agenda? >> i think what patty murray did with paul ryan to actually help us stop lurching from crisis to crisis was really important, and i think they should both get props for that. it was not a perfect deal, but that budget deal is really important meta-mitigate some of the pain of the sequester that hurt thehas heard -- k education.o pre- i thought that was a really good first step. some work on career tech ed but because that is something you can see some realn ground from the
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focus on the ptech school in new york city. ibm, and what the city college of new york are doing, you see those kind of career and places -- ed places. there will be an attempt to did -- not sureof the what will happen with that. the publiction in education that is missing on how -- that is focusing on how to kid succeed. how to become critical bagels, and -- thinkers and innovators. ande can actually direct come up with that new direction in education, the skills like it needs, sohat kids
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arease are helping in the of those with the least, we can then look back at this time, 2014 congress, and say we did something to help the world. ourhank you for being "newsmakerr." a little but of round up conversation. where does it stand? >> right now, every state has adopted the common core standards except for for just four of them. i number of states are starting to waver in different ways on their commitment to those standards. we have not seen anybody on
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adopt the standards, but a number of them are sort of slowing down implementation of or changing the environment -- their involvement in these contortions that are crafting assessments to go with the standards. and it's been a very bumpy and ms. weingarten has said we should not have standard ized tests until we really know we're doing with the standards. a number of critics say that that all undermines the effort. is the administration feeling the pressure from the union on this? >> i would think so, but i would also think that they are feeling a lot of rusher from everywhere on the common core standards very as we talked about, it has become very toxic.
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we have governors all across the country that are seeing this as a federal intrusion into state education matters. they were founded by states, they are led by states, but there is still the suction out there that because the administration wants it, the they are somehow driving it. a lot of governors are saying we just don't want a part in it. a lot of states have renamed the common core standards to reflect the bear their own standards. -- it has become a label, a byproduct of the administration that people are cautious about. >> is their federal money tied to it? develop $360 million to the assessments, to go along with the standards, state and other folks are kicking in money
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on that effort too. it is not so much that the standards were developed by the feds, the federal government made adoption of higher college a decisionstandards of the states. critics who say they were coerced into adopting these dinners were -- have an argument. >> she was commentary of the budget deal that was passed. what did educators get out of it? >> i think it kind of remains to be seen. with the sequester there is some relief there, a lot of education groups feel good, they feel confident that maybe they are not going to see the drastic cuts that they saw the last couple of years going forward
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area they will not hurt anymore, but the preparation rossa still needs to happen. education department, just the other day, i was on the call them and they are still waiting to see how that is going to play out. right now they have a lot of priorities, for example, race to next year they were looking at a competition aid in higher education, something they have been wanting to do for a long time. the monitors has not been there. they have a lot of things they want to get done, a cluster -- the sequester something they want to get off their back or not, it is a burden. they want to see how the money is going to play out. much in the both of you for being on "newsmakers ." >> thank you for having us. span, world bank
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stay up-to-date. othersof twitter and on the future of higher education, robotics, and data as the new industrial revolution. ,n c-span2's book tv unflinching current -- courage. and on c-span3, daughters of the .ivil rights segregationist jim world bank president yong kim. this runs an hour and 10 minutes.
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>> i am your moderator. i'm calling this room to order. i am interrupting your current conversations to start a brand- new conversation. welcome to "speak up against corruption." now -- [indiscernible] if you have a phone or laptop or ipad, anything that is likely to make noise, please put it on vibrate or silence. it is something you can tweet on, by all means keep it on. the hashtag is #wblive. the reaction can be here and
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with our online audience as well. so if you have ever wondered what might happen if you had a current world bank president meeting a former world bank president, putting a little bit from the philippines perhaps and make it spicy with the chair constraints international and a little sprinkle on the top, the former chair of the federal reserve, that is a very tasty conversation. so i will stop talking so that we can start having that conversation, and we will start with the current world bank president, dr. kim. [applause] >> thank you very much, and thank you all for coming. we have with us today 2 truly great men who laid the
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foundation for the world bank group's efforts to fight corruption. jim wolfenson dared to utter the word corruption at the 1996 annual meeting, and as a result, urged other international financial institutions not to look the other way. 11 years later, paul volcker provided us with a clear blueprint for attacking corruption. this is an historic occasion to have both of you with us today, and a new opportunity to learn from you once again. thank you so much for coming. [applause] i am also very pleased to welcome yvette from transparency international and the finance minister from the philippines. we are also very honored to have you with us today. [applause] right from the start, i would like to make clear why fighting corruption is a critical priority for me personally and for the entire world bank group.
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every dollar that a corrupt official or business person puts in their pocket is $8 stolen from a pregnant woman who needs health care, or from a girl or boy who deserves an education, or communities need water, roads, schools. every dollar is critical if we are to reach our goals to end extreme poverty by 2030 and boost shared prosperity. let's not mince words. in the developing world, corruption is public enemy number one. i pledged to do all in our power to build upon our strong fight against it. how do we build institutions with greater integrity so that we can help more people lead better lives? i believe there are 3 important elements in our approach. first, we need to improve the way we share and apply knowledge about building institutions with
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