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tv   Q A  CSPAN  December 29, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am EST

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talking about the latest book, "the happiest life." westminster review, looking back at some of the most took place ts that in the british parliament's fall session. the north american free trade agreement, 20 years now since it was signed into law. >> in your book "the happiest ife" it's the first time you
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discussed your kids. >> a man heard me talk about my threatened her. we stopped talking about the kids on the air. lot had that debate with a of public figures and as a result i often said to young who are in our business your children forward because there are crazy people who will try to get to you through them. are they now? >> the youngest is 22. college, not paying for anymore. the others are 25 and 28. >> my daughter doesn't care much for politicings. do, but only one listens and he loves talk radio, business. e whole >> we're going to talk a lot about what happened in your on , the first question is work itself. why do you spend this much time on the radio? ith all of the radio, your harvard background, your michigan background. >> i think radio is the longest
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media that's of left. what we're doing is an hour-long onversations, unprecedented, only c-span does long form conversation anymore. ou read books the way i read books in order to talk to the arthur seriously. nd it's tremendously revealing when an author had his book read these days because they don't get many people read their books and know what they're talking about with page notes. them.warding for i get a great deal of satisfaction that an author says highest compliment, that's the best interview i've had on the book tour. just got it from charles kraut hammer. love his new collection of essays, some are old but biographical. i like radio. of e hours is an abundance time and i can do so many different things. >> where would we find you day?ing every >> in irvine, california. i have a studio. carol-a in california, i have a studio. and i'm in washington, d.c., the
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foundation lets us use a studio. veryn personal studio is a modest, probably 1100 square foot, three rooms with the me, cer in front of dewayne. what time of day do you do it? >> 3:00 to 6:00 in the afternoon west coast time. nationwide? >> got to be new york city, a.m. ama 70 in new york. they're one of the biggest radio markets in the world. >> i began radio. we began radio in 1995. doing my syndicated national i guess the 14th year now. >> you got a degree in harvard university of michigan to get a law degree. i understand you teach at chapman. part of the law firm. this. you do all of >> like college. you go to college, you have a schedule. monday, tuesday, and wednesday.
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at the law school tuesdays and thursdays. i'm in the studio thursday afternoon. i'm in the law firm and i travel a lot and i juggle. exactly what do they want. but i get pretty close. regarden blessed in that to always say to people like the hiredf the law school who me who built chapman university, it, can we work it to the parameters of my life? they said yes. who founded salem radio network who allowed me to bill a way that i such can teach and practice law. people are accommodating. learn about what makes the most sense to me. people work their way around it. wetlands,ered species, anything that's in any way code.ed by government product liability law is what my partner does and i assist with
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that. >> do you find yourself conflict? >> no, i try to keep the world very, very separate. i'm talking about something in which my law firm might have an interest on air, i would immediately to the audience. >> chapman university is where start?n did it >> chapman is 100 plus years old. i don't want to get the date wrong. 100 years old. chapman college for 75 of those years. california, ange, its's ranked among the most rapidly growing both in and difficulty in entering the united states and n southern california and jim dodi, the president, got it so abundantly endowed and supported community and us business people in orange county that the dodge film school, the am a part, hich i the business school, the arduous usiness school, they're all taking off. so chapman is sort of where usc was 20 years ago. it will be at usc another 20 years.
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what do you teach there? >> common law. since we ing that opened the door. >> why? >> on the d.c. circuit when they school. of law had a experience there. my judge, i don't know if you'll remember, he was on the circuit with a nixon appointee. when he became ill, they took a few clerks panned swapped us around. work for robert scalia, justice ginsberg and a judge named spots robinson. they were compelling individuals. two or three week, they gave me and i'd work on it until the judge came back. the business of being around the constitution know ou have people who what they're doing with it. i like to teach it. i love very much the fact that verything that happens in america can be taught in common law. there's not anything that doesn't come through the court
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anything that doesn't show up in an opinion that's interesting for our students. >> what do you remember from justice ginsberg? very precise.l, i'm not a great speller or on side, ginsberg was very precise. funny. justice bork is as intimidating as you might imagine. did you get to know chief justice john roberts? in did, we shared a suite the old executive office building on the first floor. street time, the 17th side was used in the counsel's office. the back right corner of that area. so we had a terrific white house office.s i was seceded by chris cox. chief justice was there for the beginning and he went to the '86.ral's office in
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fred fielding was the boss. e came back subsequently and served president bush as his chief council as well, the counsel of the president. and dick hauser, one of the chief legal counsel for beauing deputy counsel. so we had extraordinary -- larry the t went on the be secretary of the navy in that office. was the bottle washer, brief case carrying youngest guy in the office that got to do all of the tuff like protect presidential seal. >> what year? 1985-'86. >> be the most candid you can be about john roberts. >> he cannot shoot a jump shot. we were 0-10. ringers.ought in we couldn't win for the life of us. the e -- peter robinson, speech writer lives next door to us as well. he feels on the team as well as gelder. we were horrific, terrible.
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we were together on the white vetoes, v-toes. 5-k team thatenge contained pat buchanan, the myself and e elizabeth. we have one woman. i don't know if they still run the nike 5-k up here. good team. ty >> how surprised were you when john roberts became the chief justice? >> brian, the most interesting thing about that is they were close friends. michael is now the general counsel of boeing, on the fourth circuit. the e no idea whom president would pick because they're so smart and they are the same person and i think they the same way. so i was pleased for the country the r of them would be chief justice. i thought it would be liddy be use i thought it would perceived that michael would be more conservative than the chief justice is.
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when roberts came out. and especially in the civilian's i think his genius showed. and sebelius, a very controversial dele cigs. the were disappointed when obama care provision came down. now its's a train wreck. the end game liberalism. to study l be able that for 100 years. saying what's right for the country, and ultimately what i considered to be the off course correction e're on for writing that course. so it's a brilliant piece of work. >> how much involved were you in the romney campaign? >> i had no involvement in the campaign. his the governor wrote book, he did write his campaign booshgs he asked if i would do a it.t edit on i was happy to. i ran through it and picked up coolities. he had text, etc., that most over the use see
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of semicolons. so i did that. the only thing i had to do. stayed officially away from it. i was deeply disappointed by the loss. >> did you speak for him? did not speak for him. i did not. i campaigned for him on the radio. please go out and do it. when you're seeking the nomination, i did campaign for him. in 2012, there's no campaign to be done. >> talk show hosts make a mockery out of the law that says much money give so to a candidate. longer the lawno because of citizens united. ou could argue that talk show hosts make unlimited contributions by being on the side of someone. candidates at f my website. support i want to
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treadwell and tom cotton in arkansas. i have a long, long list. and i think that's terrific. i think if "the new york times" thing, i o the same was the first amendment, i was justice black, i have the in the back pocket aying congress makes no law as expected. yes, i make the law every day. that's what the framers intended. still have -- you have so race. er candidate per >> you can't give to a candidate. i can give as much money or time want to a cause of a 527 or fter citizens united have no restraint whatsoever. as an individual, neither do i. i'venk, in fact, right now got the guy running around from the west coast who's very green. intervening in the virginia race, i can't think of his name mcauliffe.ect he writes big checks to people, of billions but hundreds
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millions of people like mayor bloomberg writes big checks. talk shows exist where you don't have to have a kind of a wallet to make an impact. campaigning lot of and a lot of the attention to bide your time. >> go back to salem broadcasting. what is it? >> salem is a publicly traded symbol slmn. the by enninger in the '50s, i believe. originally with the intention of nly doing christian programming. they grew organically. underused er genius signals and now full blown cig p signals. communications division the s on-line and on internet. it's a fully unified communications company right
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now. it's bill bennett followed by gallagher followed by the christian side -- >> together i think we represent the best, strongest, and most lineup of talk show hosts in the business. we're friends of all, enemies of none. i have many good friends who don't work for salem. a good friend of mine. each other ininst the time frame. > explain why the last five years or so, 5 1/2 years, on and you can ws, tell us what it is, you can tune barack obama at the very beginning of the show could be -- something negative will be go for three ll hours. matter what decision under almost all circumstances, he's a bad
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guy, a n, the bad socialist, a communist. is that all about? >> lit's parse that. great question. i don't think it's an evil man. i think he's completely incompetent and way above his head when it comes to the office. close.watched reagan up i worked for richard nixon in exile. like to what it's screw up the presidency. w andenormous respect for he made mistakes. it's an impossible to do job, you're eisenhower. but president obama has pursued is as divisive as any as i've seen, i'm 57. passing without a republican vote, not one. put us on a course we find ourselves in today. i have on the show tomorrow. you always have a new book out where left and right came from, thomas paine versus edwin
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burke. to reading this tomorrow. president obama is a genuine man on the left. bill clinton, michael dukakis, he's not jimmy carter. he's a man on the left. a law professor. i live with law professors. we get the debates, we go out a h academics, no it with great deal of world experience. property d use with prospectors, they don't have an idea of what they're talking about. the planning of parks and streets. obama is esident really professor obama. and as a result politics has polarized, not as bad as it's opinion in the 20s were fore, the terrible. civil wars, the federalist papers. throwing, name calling, terrible times. the segregation years, the effort.gation the country has gone through worse than this.
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this is as vigorous as it's ever been. much. cared so >> the question isn't what your opinion is of the president. but why is it that these talk hosts and maybe you're one of them. although i listen to you. doing this mber you exactly this way. burr they start at the beginning hours. goes on for three it's a constant negative. bored by that. that would boar me. >> does it work? >> it does work. say there's at to market for it. msnbc programmed the way to me.t's unwatchable i can't watch it. maddow, i tch rachael can't watch it. unwatchable. there's a market for it. matthews, he's ebullient and funny and worth watching. for everything in america. format. invented the
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a radio genius. ush and oprah are the two most communicators in america. they have built and sustained he largest audiences over the longest period of time of any two in america. target st at her audience middle aged women between the ages of 30 and 65 them.ilt a program for center lt a program for right erge now right america and never been broadcast. i went on the same tie as did. i went on l.a. he was on l.a. he was predicted to fail. rush was first. and a lot of program earles got radio has tohat -- be local. listen to no one will it. he blew up. it's still big. radio station has a mall. and they have some specialty
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have some big nordstroms. nd rush is nordstrom and i'm like sports slide. but not nordstrom. i have 100 stations, rush has stations. who does he serve? he serves people who do not believe that in washington, d.c. who listens to them. rush listens to them. sean hannity has done very, very well. they're friends. very good to me. he's a gentleman. eople tell me he's the nicest man in radio. he is the nicest man in radio. radio.he nicest guy in he asks questions ordinary people want asked of important he muscles up a little bit with it. mark levine is brilliant. irascible as he can be. he can be explosive. of those sell all books? it's about the constitution.
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books about the constitution, i'm lucky if they byes.,000 con he wrote 100,000 copies. ho are people buying those books? they're folks that are not radio.other than on talk they do sometimes get mad and stay mad. these are important times in big obama care -- i use it because the president used it. the health care act. about the presidency. president obama, the office is important to me. anyone working in the white that. knows he's a wonderful father, a terrible -- a terrific husband, a terrible president. so a transformative president, really lly right or wrong. in commentary magazine coming out in december, i'm going to blanked out oh, i his name right now. e's the deputy secretary of health and -- dr. troy will be on with me today. he's on obama care.
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writes at the beginning of it. it hasn't come out yet. the advanced copy. conservatives will not with able to see if it works. invested emotionally on one or the other. he lays out parameters. the biggesthe'll be success or biggest failure in american domestic politics, ever. that's why that's that intense. that's why the market is out there. i was ing back to what getting to on the talk show stuff, how many people in did not ever listen? eople say i wouldn't listen to that stuff under any circumstance. >> what's great about being talk show host. i can walk around close to a television person. am.dy knows who i i walk around the streets of washington, d.c. did television for a long time. los did television in angeles for 11 years, pbs. adio talk show hosts are not
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recognized. rush is able to move somewhat asnymously through the world opposed to brett bare, if he him, or people know brit hume. privacy.ple have even my voice, one out of ten eople recognize my voice in public. they don't -- they don't hear rush. ubiquitous. sean hannity is one of the most recognizable people in the world. people don't listen to it. they should give it a try. he's among the most thoughtful men in america. they think like krauthamer. putzle and think trying to get to the best answer. a beautiful book, still the best about america going forward n he talks about secular absolutism and the war on trade
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and traditionalism. it's a deep book. he talks to interesting people. turn on my show, they would hear peter baker talking a little earlier from the new york times. alter is a nathan friend of mine. they hear a lot of liberal voices, a lot of smart lefties. mark leak witch is on my show. guest, "new york times" magazine, national correspondent. guest. voices er, they hear doing what we do. i have 35, you have 65. is really the last place in america where you an extended conversation other than c-span longer than ten minutes. >> if you had to listen to a liberal talk show host in who would you pick?
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any -- npr has all of the liberal talk show hosts. >> peter byrant. period will make a terrific talk show host. he's engaging. he's delightful. he's engaging and delightful. they don't live their life in place long enough. you are anchored to a studio. when i go on a road, i have to there's a e where studio. in our business, you can't be off of the air longer than a unless i89's the fourth of july. to 1995 when newt gingrich became a speaker. got a call suggesting that -- and what i'm getting at mentioned that npr has all of the liberal talk show hosts. call from -- you
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can explain it. >> cbs central. was the president of kcet which is -- used to be, no affiliated with pbs. but at the time kcet was the flagship of pbs on the west coast. four of us sitting around doing what we do in c-span. kneltwork shows yammering about the news. i was concerned about the entire system. newt gingrich won and the occurred, you have a conservative, don't you. we need you to do a national show. the have bill maher on all time. and they had on liberals all the time. hour, you watch the news it was unbalanced and remains to a certain extent unbalanced. brooks is the conservative. david is the conservative. conservative's
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conservative. he's like me, a center right guy. they gave me a show. i went off and did a show on religion. my called "searching for god in liberal america." me broadcasting about religion. pbs was unbalanced and npr is most unbalanced -- it would i would the one thing have gone to to bat for to cut symbolic dget as a thing because it does not represent well the broad of american opinion that funds i want. c-span has always been very especially in the morning edition. which id logically driven is why left wing talk radio an't work because all of their listeners are listening to "morning edition" and npr. popular. ry >> great product, superb quality.
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>> they say whatever their are, very, very little of the money that comes feds, a percent and a half, i think they say? > that's why they shouldn't be unwilling to part with it. they would -- i used to be a plug for pbs. kcet d sit in front of with ed asner. wedgy once on television. a way left wing guy, but he's a funny engaging man. mind begging for money for public television, but i don't think the taxpayers obliged to pay for that which they never hear mirrored, never. some ant to watch videotape. somebody you know you had on your program 70 times i think. yes. >> let's watch christopher hitchens for a moment. answer. >> people are getting fed up being pushed around by ordinary
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they are o think better than us because they have on their side. enough of this, it's very insulting, threatening, and stupid and it's becoming, now we ave the chance that the apocalyptic weaponry will fall into the hands of messianic of organizations, armageddon-type forces. present danger. >> did you ever believe in god? >> no. >> did your parents? yes. they must have done at some point. but i think my father must have done it. i don't know this. i always have this doubt about affirm they believe in god. do they believe in all the time, day,ey believe in it every do they have crisis of faith. organic ey have an church to prove they believe. >> god is mentioned in your book more than anything else? >> yeah. >> what would you say? >> i talked to christopher
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0 times on the air and many times as a guest in his home. i love the guy. him a great deal. his brother, peter hitch ince is faith and he in his brother would debate about this. what i would say is what i always said, one of us is right. out.nk we'll find i think i am right. think he never had the conversion experience at least i didn't talk to him the last two months. i did a three-hour verdict with you about his book. god wouldn't push them on because it was not appropriate pros he tiez to a an who knew he was in the last phase of his life. you either have a religious faith or you don't. to it, ask be open the right questions, pursue honestly how the world is.
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i asked charles about this on the air this past week, what's god.elief of he has the einstein view, god oes not play golf in the universe. it's so complex. play dice, he intends to be understood.
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>> that schtick, the difference etween sam and christopher hitchens is intellect. chris is deep learning across a wide array of abilities and fearless.nd he was he would go to beirut and get to
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syrian nazisth the and almost get kidnapped and pulled away. e had earned the right to be cavalier about everything and be as abrupt and abrasive he wanted he feels orwell. hristopher hitchens was a true map of freedom. sam harris is a promoter of sam harris. to be provocative in a way that learning ande book trident. ng, it's >> what do they say about hugh hewitt? >> they can and be will. the happy life i try to put on display. learned my life. i had this conversation yesterday with three young eporters from washington free beacon. he town is now lousy with 20-year-olds with opinions. i didn't have an opinion. until i was ished 28. i wasn't really published until i was 35.
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jobs in government confirmed by the senate and go to law school. to have opinions. now the town is full of 25-year-olds who know what's with i'm amazed and i'm amused. i think people should really be they start to opine on that which could impact they 's lives in the -- should have children. they should be married. if they don't have children, and aunts be uncles and be responsible and have life insurance policies. congressman n be a when you're 25. >> not many of them -- that's because the time of the your life span was so much expected. hejoe biden was elected when was 29 to the senate. >> i rest my case. actually, i bring up joe biden a the adage that some people do not change period in washington. same when he was first elected. the , they said man on rise, something like that. they said he'll be around for a
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long time. jerry brown in 1978. jerry brown is married to ann gus. she's the smartest person in california. i hope she's running the state. since 1978. joe brown around since 1978. reagan had been governor and fought the communists. these were not 25-year-olds when they came to their world views. obama by contrast and sam harris, they showed up with views. they hasn't really lived through crises -- they hasn't been in the city for long enough to be repared to do what they're asked to do. sam harris has no experience. president obama had two years in the senate. >> president obama got accomplished what the clintons accomplished by getting the health care bill passed. >> george bush passed the health bill. he lost the 2008 elections so
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badly, when the financial crisis happened on his watch, people forget that senator mccain was when the financial crisis occurred. that's the panic. history will have another one at some point. greenspan me it on more than bush. but that swept in a supermajority that's rare in the american politics and the intend to not happen. the supermajority did not the bill. it did not take the court to strike it down. fundamentally unworkable. and i think -- as i said sebelius decision was appropriately decided because people have to see how law is. there's a limit to what government can do. trying todo what it's do here. >> "happiest life -- seven seven givers -- the ecret to giant success" what's
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the message. >> generosity underscores almost person i know. i've known successful people. three people i thought were genius, richard nixon, mitt romney. at a level ey were so far above the other people i knew. that?w do you measure >> intuitive and the ability to etain so much information that they know everything before you tell them. what's the romney, most frustrating thing about your dad. e said he already knows everything i want to tell him because he's constantly reading. the ability to absorb information, organize it, act on it in a successful systematic way. it's not physics. genius. natural science those three were political geniuses. did you spend e around richard nixon? >> a lot.
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'88, '89, and '90. the at did you do with library? >> executive director overseeing linda, tion in yorba california when he was at the university organizing the overseeing the construction flying back and forth. what did that cost? >> privately raised. did the money come from? >> not one gift larger than $2 i believe bob aquinot gave $2 million. i have to check my facts. of -- a lot >> the aerosol man? >> very good memory. former ill simon, the secretary of the treasury was the foundation raised. got was raised before i there. >> why did you do that? >> president nixon was good to me. he was the best boss i ever had. amountd spend an endless of time answering questions. not a good writer when i
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started. chief, there were three of us. and the president who wrote everything out in long hand. he taught me how to read, what to read, he invested a lot of people who are still around. john taylor, not an episcopal priest in california. crowley on fox, richard nixon. he would hire young people, them.t a lot of time in so it was a terrific boss. and it's after the fall. in t's -- you know, isolation in san clement. came on staff after frank gannon and diane sawyer. todd and i came on staff. o help them with the real war in leaders. he's an amazing guy. he led a life. sawyer role did diane play in those days? >> not there the same time she feels. principal the research editorial assistant. frank gannon was the principal
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of the chapters that richard was uninterested in the memoirs. you had to write a chapter on venezuela, frank is an incredibly prolific writer and talent. he and nixon were the lead on our end. great book. and diane sawyer and sam were those two. to >> was there a moment around richard nixon you had that you never talked about? told this story a couple of times but i never told it on air. my mom and dad came to when they were both alive. 1978. called over and said can i bring minute parents by to meet you. a big deal. dad was a small town lawyer and stay in the same firm for 50 years. were born in ashtabula. they had seen him in a parade but they were going to come meet a president. it was awkward as we sat down in the oval office, the nixon overlooking the pacific until my mom, god bless her,
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what do you think is going to china. with we left two hours later. e talked for two hours about the world to my mom and dad. because they were my mom and dad. he was generous in that way. giving fellow. i saw him do that again and again with ordinary americans important sk him questions. talk.s terrible with small if you said, what's going to happen to brazil, you'd be in the office forever. in those had time years. this is before he was back in ew york or back down in dc occasionally when you would take visitors. oody hayes showed up, bill walton. people showed up in san cle to them.nd talk he would spent hours with them. wrote a book son about that. he got pretty close. nixon people won't write books about it. we'll tell a few stories here and there. up to julie and trish if they want to write that book.
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e had a fascinating postpresidency in the way that w is having a fascinating postpresidency. ill clinton has done it differently than any other president. era. izen hour lived quietly. talked to the president. nixon was disgraced. slowly emerged. bill clinton never stopped being president. he's always out there. he's fascinating. it's a different study. in the white house again. w has been -- his father wrote a piece for fortune magazine. w has followed those rules exactly. disappear, raise a lot of money for a lot of people and be good to the folks who were good with you. with the troops. >> go back to radio. you interested in radio national d you get a three-hour-a-day talk show? >> i'm the luckiest guy in i was giving use press conferences at the nixon
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library. program director of ksi said this kid is on his feet. i got call out of the blue from director, never happens in the major market. show. in the weekend talk so i went over there. and i went to work for kfi on along ekends on saturday with the people who became -- show.singer had a national bill press had a national show, myself. the biggest morning drive guy in los angeles. that's what talk show host used bench vp ng out the bench on the weekend. i did that until the local radio station. a wonderful man named drew offered me a guest slot at kabc in the morning one time when the morning hosts were on
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vacation. me and hen they heard had a fellow named russ has ollowing me around for years, my work. they offered me a show. it was all -- i never looked for a job. jobs have found me. >> is dwayne your producer? yeah. >> if i was dwayne and i first came to work for you, what would producer e as your that your own rules are about how to have a good show? > we must find the most interesting people who will be s honest enough who will give us talking points. so the regular guest, the people again and again and again have to be very smart, funny, and witty. segment for 14 years now. for 14 ne it every week years. the deanesmart guy -- her pulls at the school of chapman. is on the right, owen is on the left. they go at it on constitutional
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law. they're funny. each other. markstein is the favorite guest of my audience. in ay be the funniest america. he's hilarious, brilliant, and knows everything about everything. kelly was michael my -- everyone's favorite guest. the late michael kelly. before he went to iraq the ied at baghdad when vehicle flipped over. he was funny and ebullient. he never failed to entertain. he was authentic. i'm not smart or good or funny enough to be three hours of interest. ut there are a lot of smart, funny people. if i can get krzysztof to come on more, people would like him. he's very thoughtful and thought provoking. >> nick krzysztof from "the new times"? >> he would only come on every once in a while. he comes on once in a while. he's thought provoking. they don't like it. they don't like the format too much. aggressive. if not angry. vich, sh -- mark leak
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great guest. dwayne, by the way, would do to make a l me how good show. he feels in radio production before i became radio host. do you kind of rules have that for instance you say no, i'm not doing that. people.ll not do profane there's no vulgarity on my show. i don't -- profanity is fcc but i by the don't like vulgarity and so i stay away from that. i stay away from the salacious. blue radio out there. t's term, for people who want titillating subjects. and it's just not me. it's vulgar. ut other than that, i don't have any role. i'll cover any story interesting to the audience. the audience should win. they don't, they will go across the dial and go to somebody else. to bring an u have a game and do five segments an day, 75 a e hours a week, 300 a month.
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there are enough interesting people to do that. just as you probably -- >> just as you've done? >> i don't know. >> i've done more than 25,000. i put 10,000 in the book. know i've done 10,000 interviews. >> but, going back to your whole you maintain?do how do you keep your mind open have time to research? you're travelling, you're speaking. you have a road show that you do. do.yeah, we >> how do you keep track of all of this? >> i was blessed with the remember things. and i read something, it was not photographic memory. i can read a book, take taupes ou notes, i'm a very fast reader. i'll read the book on the plane tomorrow on the way back. 4 1/2 hours about a 300-page book. wife "the your fetching mrs. hewitt."
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now how do you keep her happy in you're rung f around? >> mrs. hewitt goes with me when can. all our children are grown. she travels with me. the one-day trip. but she has been very generous with her time. even though the broadcast is everywhere. one or two-day trips to markets. i go to denver a lot. it's the largest share of the radio market in america. places often, go to ohio, cleveland, london, big markets for me. kentucky, new york city, places that matter a great deal. day triples.o and she'll come with me. she is a christmas tree in my present every day. >> been married how long? >> 32 years. her?here did you meet >> pete wilson fundraiser on san diego bay.
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more than 40 couples meet with pete wilson she's been in the business so long. doing?t was she >> attending a college republican, i was 22, she was 22. she was living in fall brooke. >> go back to chapman university. listen to talk radio, you hear -- especially the conservatives, you hear a advertising for hillsdale college. of the the hillsdale west coast? >> no. hillsdale is a great school. chapman is not. he's a -- >> he's conservative. >> he's not conservative. he's diverse. a lot of faculty, at least 50% very liberal. and i at the school of law who are conservative. that's about it. two others that are semiconservative. it's a classic liberal family. here are some concerns in chapman. the business school is conservative. a normal liberal arts college.
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and larry is like a great ollege president and mutual friend for college president. different colleges need leaders.t kinds of hillsdale, the lantern of the north. conservatisms great beacon of enduring ideas. t turns out generation of generation of leaders in the future. it's extraordinary. far from center not here is where hillsdale is running the kids through washington, d.c. as are kids for and women. they produced many, many military officers, they produced scholars.y many, many high schoolteachers. akauai hers like thomas college. down at houston baptist, john turning it to a institution. john mark university for which summer is a is lighthouse institution. >> the former senator of
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colorado. >> terrific man, terrific university. think reaction largely to the proliferation of mediocrity of many universities, chapman not among them. n many places, the elite conservative institutions are springing up to say that mothers and fathers and to children who here.o interested come it will be reverse and hard. larry bird tells people on my it's on once a week for an hour, this will be very hours ou will work 6 1/2 on aristotle's efforts last week. we were laughing about it. hardest book in the world. tails of ke heads or it. it is turning out incredible people. you?is is how much for >> 14? >> in but not of a guide to ambition. somebody told me this week that that's the favorite book you wrote. >> it's the most significant book you wrote.
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book.our take your advice. ask by l of -- i got to sure you dople, i'm as well. you say what do you want to be? i want to be george will. got to be sort of george will meaning i got to be a pundit. eople say i want to be in broadcasting, a commentator. i wrote down what you have to do in my view to do that. is practical. a lot of it is books you need to read. questions, be curious and engaging. everyone has a story. this.ow everybody has a fascinating story to tell if you can get it out of them. >> where do you write the books? >> never been super energetic. >> some people have super abundant energy. higher end be on the of that scale. >> encouragement, enthusiasm,
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empathy, good humor, graciousness, gratitude. important? most >> gratitude. >> i wouldn't be sitting here if not for richard nixon -- mom or dad. a dad. people have mom and some people don't have one, some don't have either. important to recognize. any of us with happiness owe of line there's a chapter on teachers in the book. i have to go toe-to-toe against teachers' unions that want to do bad things. i'm ambivalent about common core, for example. i had terrific high schoolteachers. i name them all, terrific high schoolteachers in ohio. -- can you name your best high schoolteachers? >> sure. >> i'm grateful to them. but i would not be here but for those people so it's important
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to be very open about gratitude. >> a lot of advice in this. one of them underlined is a thanksgiving dinner. quickly break up thanksgiving dinner with a shouting-level argument. how do you do that? >> sarah palin will divide a room more quickly than anyone in america. i do an annual show on how to get thanksgiving over. chatern, i e encourage everyone to grade their relations with the b, c, d.a, the not worth ruining holiday. or iheart any of the hundred of different affiliates over the year. --pod casts or >> it's all pod cast. a subscription service. hughniverse.
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>> what's there? >> from 2000 forward. >> the latest book of hugh hewitt is called the happiest life. seven gifts, seven givers. the secret to genuine success. you, hue wilt, for joining us. >> thank you. an honor. >> for tree transcripts or to give comments about this q& visit us at q q&a are also available as c-span pod casts. >> coming up next on c-span, bbc review.ent's westminster after that, a former u.s. trade northentative discuss the
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american free trade agreement, 20 years now since it was signed into law. later, a >> the british parliament is currently in recess. prime minister's questions will not be shown tonight. instead, we bring you bbc parliament's westminster review which takes a look back at some of the notable events in the british parliament within the last few months. ♪ >> hello and welcome to our look at the autumn term in parliament. it was a term when the field was set by a shot fired at the september conference. >> we will freeze gas and


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