tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN December 30, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm EST
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was raw every single time. >> we are, unfortunately, are out of time and before we do -- if somebody wants to read your blogs and all, where do they find it? >> so, doctor tetteh, d-o-c-t-o-r t-e-t-t-e-h. the book is available at politics and prose, catholic information center, and online. >> amazon. >> and online, amazon. >> and it called "gifts of the heart." thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. captioning performed by the institute.ptioning [captions copyright national 2013]satellite corp.
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>> has there been an effort to have it translate to the other chamber and what kinds of chamber and what kinds of >> we are having it in the freshmen class. this weekreat dinner with the freshmen members from the democrat side of the aisle and the republicans. you how many bottles of wine we went through. and what we talked about was coming together, to get things done. women are born networkers.
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we're born communicators. multitaskers. we're solution-oriented. and i think there are lots of opportunities for us to come together and make things happen. .hat's why i came to congress i'm somewhat discouraged with be level of dysfunction, to honest. and to the extent that we can be moving the change in ball forward, advancing things ,n behalf of our constituents and the country. that's what we want to be a part of. old-timer, i've been here longer than many of you alive.en been we used to get along, used to women ate bipartisan dinners far more often than the etc. of marge, so if they are still going on, maybe i'm not invited anymore. . don't know >> do you remember when they stopped? >> no, but they were every the monda monicle.
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mccarthy.y good, they were wonderful dinners. we got to discuss whatever legislation we were working on, to get more co-sponsors for our bills because we all have our power groups from our party. but it's hard to get bipartisan support because it was just politicalting as parties. we had more friendships within own party. so these get-togethers, they were a great opportunity to move legislation along. and they were very helpful. i've got to talk to my scheduler, make sure that i'm on that dance card. time.n my dance card next >> the newest of everybody sitting up here, anything yourise you or relationships kind of across aisles so far that you've been able to build? >> yeah. i think what has been unique about our class who was just in aed was the recognition very uncoordinated way between gethat we were here to things done to get results. and the only way and best way to
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do that was to work together. we found after being here for a few months and coming from town hall meetings, district visits, and exchanging stories was that the messages that we were delivering back home were exactly the same, were that even in spite of the dysfunction, even in spite of the frustration that was that we had and the hope that we have for going forward was the fact that we had of like mind who were interested in working together and building those relationships from the very beginning that have allowed us do that -- to do that on the side, i got to know italy during the women's softball game. senator kelly, amy, was our emcee for the game. recruitnk we have a over here. >> there we go. >> i was cheering alongside. cufftle torn rotator issue. i was there. [laughter] >> we learned about each other, as people and our families. a great time to build
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camaraderie and established a friendships that have blossomed into other things. >> and i know all of their r.b.i.'s. >> that's right. >> i love it congressma congres, talk morean seriously. republicans have had issues in terms of having the same kind of in congress i know that you have spent time this year trying to change that in recruiting. can you talk about those efforts? >> i am pleased to. it is an absolute passion of mine. there are 19 republican women in congress. of 232.a conference it's a failure. and one that absolutely must be addressed. i look out, i see susan barra and others that i've -- barbara and others that i've worked with, winning which got women involved across the country in politics. we're doing this now. and i'm heavily involved in project grow that the nrcc is in.lved it has a messaging component,
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reaching out to women, talking 37-year-old single mother of two who's trying to make it to the 15th to the 30th month. but the recruitment piece of it is fantastic. 50, i'll say,to key competitive races that we're looking at at the committee now, over half of them we have fielded a woman candidate. of them have primaries, but we're working with them and doing what i would call real recruitment. just mentoring of women that are going to enter the race but finding that teacher, that military, that owner, thatss mayor, that community leader who's willing to step up and be process here. so we're working very hard on this. myi said, along with many of colleagues and members it's a true passion of mine. i hope that we can up those congress. the next >> just a follow-up to that. there's been a lot of talk since aboutst election republican outreach to women and how it's gone.
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and you mentioned it just now. but i'm wondering if you can go into a little more depth about what you hear back, what kind of feedback there is. so aggravated. women, you all, we're not a coalition. we are 54% of the electorate. we rule! ok? truly, the hashtag is right. women rule. elections going forward. we decide a lot of things. we're the ones that are the family and our personal budgets. we're the ones making most of the spending decisions. frontlines of healthcare. you talk to any medicare provider, they will tell you daughterpeaking to a or a daughter-in-law. we're involved in energy policy. we're the ones putting the gas car.e we know what it means. step up.e that we we're all involved in this to change public policy. that unless we're in power. and we're not in power unless we win elections, unless we step up involve ourselves. i am tired of others and -- and
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there are politicians across making decisions on your behalf every single day. a involved as a voter, as participant, as an activist. the but also as someone that's for office. >> if i could just follow-up along the panel. just to get the sense, especially given the partisan gridlock -- and i assume you all hear complaints about this from your constituents. but what is the number one issue hear from women constituents that they would like to be dealt with differently in congress? interested in jobses and security and the next .eneration i don't believe in women's issues. i believe that there are issues, broad,y, and they're that women have a great interest allnd are involved in at levels. it has to do with jobs, the economy, safety, security, the future of our families and our nation. they want to make their lives a bit easier. let's face it there are women
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across america that are just make those tennis shoes last another six months longer than they have to. we've got to make their lives easier, better, and more functioning. i represent a district where the majority of the folks are hispanic. either they were born outside of the united states or they classify themselves as hispanic-americans on the census forms. and for them, even if they have statusmmigration approved and they don't have to worry about it, in my district reform remains a priority. so there's a great sense of frustration that the senate has acted, the house has yet to act. we hope that we'll pass with boehner's leadership piecemeal legislation to get us through -- to solve the legality of the immigrants and get them path -- on a path to citizenship. but we have to first secure the borders. lotthat's what i hear a from our constituents. let's get immigration reform
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done. that's a priority. but first make sure that we're not going to repeat this mistake fromhis remedy 10 years now. so that, immigration, and also jobs. they're very much tide together in my district in south florida. a big boom financially a few years ago. is all-timetion low. tourism is still the driving florida, but the construction jobs seem to not be coming back and we're getting a money coming from in venezuela and other places that are unstable. but we don't know how long that will last. so there's a sense of insecurity souththe economy in florida. i think those two issues are .hat's driving the voters the third thing that unites them is disgusted congress. unifyingd to be that force. [laughter] i don't know where that 6% that still approves of us are, but they're not in south florida.
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maybe they're in your area. we'll comeckly, and back. immigration reform is obviously something that we've all focused a lot lot on. you've been one of the key players in the house. talk about your role. do you feel like your role as a woman or as a peacemaker in terms of trying to get agreement and work across party lines, which is something we haven't seen a lot of? leaders have bipartisan who are leading the charge. we have paul ryan. -- we're working with and luise zoë gutierrez. there is a lot of bipartisan movement on the immigration issue. i think that the press sometimes looks at the negative parts that along, butoving there are a lot of conversations sidelines, moving the force along. i'm optimistic that we can get it done. hitting a lot're of bumps along the road. the but it's going to be all right. i'm optimistic about that. >> just to tollup -- follow-up
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and then return. there an example in these notions where you can point to something you handled your maley than colleagues? has your pe perspective either in terms of at all how you approach this? probablyhan my gender, just my background because i came to the united states when i was 8. i'm a refugee, myself. think that folks who have dealt with refugees and immigrant families see how much it impacts women. because so often, many times, there.e is not either he's been deported or the dad is not present. really aration is woman issue. it's a family-centered issue. and i think that we need to focus it more that way and look at it more about how it impacts also.ic violence because if you're an immigrant who does not have papers, you're less likely to tell the police officialw enforcement that you're being abused or that
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your employer is not paying you correctly. domestic violence, human trafficking. all of these issues are tied to .mmigration and definitely women are gravely the lack of immigration reform. so it really is -- not that there are women issues. anne, there are no women issues. but this issue of immigration impacts women and it's kids.y the mom and the >> if we could just go back to the senator and congresswoman you're hearing from women voters in your districts. the think a lot of what congresswomen have been saying, first of all, the economy is what they care about the most. a little different way in my state. unemployment rate is down to 4.8%. >> wow. great. >> there you go. we have a lot of thriving businesses that we're proud of. we have a strong rural economy. we've been able to do it, i think, because we have a well-educated workforce and we lot on exports. so the issues for a lot of our
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constituents are about how much things cost. the concern about the cost of gas, down a little bit right now. concern about the cost of college. the concern about cost of healthcare. those kinds of issues are what they're really focused on right now. i'd say the second thing is what about a unityed on wanting congress to work together. they're just very angry about this gridlock. we're out of the downturn. things have stabilized. and there's things we should be reform.ike immigration and i so appreciate your work on that. i'm on the judiciary committee worked with senator hatch on a lot of the provision on the business side of that .ssue we are really proud of that senate immigration bill and want to get it done. you to be frustrate the do-nothing congress? senatetually -- on the side there are some major things we've gotten done there. of it is that nearly half our leaders,
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chairmen in the senate are women. but we have moved ahead on a lot of the bills. broughtthe shutdown everything to light for the people in the country, that this ridiculous. they're actually holding us back instead of allowing us to move forward as a country. the most what i hear from the people in the state. and i think what i love about here, when i think about her military background immigrationwork on reform, the work that anne's done internationally as an ambassador, you can't ask people ae you a democrat or republican when they come and they need help or you're standing on the front line next to them. to work with them together i think when you look at the backgrounds of the women havengress, a lot of them come from those kinds of results-oriented fields. i was a prosecutor. job.was my i couldn't ask any victim what their political affiliation was. get thead to go and thing done. i think that has helped us to work together and get some of these things done. ready to move on immigration reform.
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patty murray is leading the way working with congressman ryan. i'm just hoping we're going to see a new day in the next few months. >> regardless of from hawaii to florida and everywhere in issues that people are concerned about are the same. whether it is the economy or we'rer making sure providing good education to our kids and making sure that we have a strong and sustainable but the underlying, i think, common thread throughout women, fromfrom constituents as a whole is not understanding why we're not getting things done, finding it whenhat inconceivable there is so much commonality between the issues that we're hearing from at home, when there commonality in the things that we would like to tackle collectively regardless of party. able to actually sit down and work out the differences. ileana said is true. there's a lot of great work that's happening that doesn't make the headlines. there are a lot of small groups of members meeting, talking
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about democrats and republicans. not those classified as moderates but actually people who represent a broad spectrum views on policies and politics and how to find solutions and saying how do we figure out this budget deficit issue, how do we deal with the out ceiling and figuring that common ground that's there? so i think a lot of work we're of us in the those rank and file in congress, is creating these partnerships, be substantive solutions and creating the pressure from within. to be able to try o bring some initiatives to the floor and get some movement. >> what's been the biggest terms offor you in being the rank and file? are you talking about the meetings from hawaii, you come beltway, you know, you're in the -- things like these. has there been anything that's shocked you or you weren't prepared for? to work the opportunity for one of hawaii's great senator ikaka here when he was the veterans affairs committee. i worked for him between my two
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east.ments to the middle our two senators from hawaii were great leaders in many ways. set a good example, taught me a lot about building relationships. and building relationship that are based on respect and that the partisand of winds blowing one way or the other. inoi and stevens were great examples of two best friends. brother.ed each other i laughed one day. they were talking about an issue on the house floor. done, they went up and tried to fist pump each time and missed the first and ended up getting it on the second or third try. regardless of what happened, able to disagree and still remain friends. i firstrprised when came here. there were a few people. and i was reaching out to some friends.ublican and i was kind of criticizing. i said, you're not supposed to talk to them. doing?e you he was i like, are you kid meg?
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this is what we need the most. what are the hopes for eventually having a woman leading the senate? it will be think until it happens and would it make it run more smoothly than it has? >> i think most of us believe more women we have in leadership the better off we are. and i think there's proof of that with debbie stabinow close theeaching an agreement on farm bill that eluded us for years, with barbara boxer, working with somewhat surprisi surprising -- to get the bill done. and before that, the transportation bill done. we have susan collins leading the way on postal reform. a number of us worked together on the violence against women passed the house, the senate bill. and we've worked very hard to leaders in the senate. i don't know exactly the timing. there's kind of a lineup. senate. is in the but i think there are women right now in very important roles.hip that is including barbara
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our de factos leader of the women in the senate. one of my best moments was when she gathered the women of the senate together before a vote and she stood up -- as you know, on a couch short -- and looked at us. i felt like, i'm back in the says, "get out there, square your shoulders, suit up, put your lipstick on, for theready revolution!" [laughter] is -- there is a lot of experience of the women in the senate that is passed on. we really do stand on the shoulders of those that came before us. >> that's great. a questionclose with to all of you. a lot of this series has been about women empowerment and being solution oriented. so can you maybe give our audience a tangible example or a advice about how to become their own peace makers, whether in political office like or are the corporate boardroom. some kind of message to take into their own -- as they leave event today.
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>> you know, one of the things that i've come across as i've both talked to other women who are thinking about getting involved in one way or another, in electedy're office or other positions, and often i'm met with the response i'maying i don't know if qualified. and i think as each of us looks is sour own lives, there much uniquely qualifying about we've gonethat through, way that we may not have recognized where we had experience leading a group of people or leading an effort. that our voices need to be heard more. and recognizing and valuing the uniquely that we bring to the table, whatever that is, is important for us to then to be able to convey to others. really alongice is those lines of sort of the lean-in for women that want to go into politics, that you have to lean in. and i put the nuance on it that you shouldn't be afraid of the negativity. that it is part of the game now. and you have to have these
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intense debates. you're going to have to be on commercials and tv's and things like that. it's going to happen. involved, don't get you're not going to able to change it. i've always thought one of the best ways to change it is if of opposite parties that may stand in the opposite boxing ring of so many things, that willing to say, you know what, courage is not doing that anymore. courage is whether you're willing to stand next to someone you don't always agree with for the betterment of our country. and for people to be willing to tv, to dother on those things is going to change things. everything is negative. and the only way you're going to change the knew yanlses of it it is by doingf it yourself. >> for me balance. electiveyears of office, i'm still trying to find that balance between my familyional life, my life and finding some me time as well. juggling it. we still feel like whether you're a teller in a bank or a barista or a member of congress or a member
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of the senate, we're still -- we have our professional lives, we our personal lives. and we never get it right. juggling. and you'll find that balance that fits you. may not be the textbook definition of balance. you and itorks for works for your family, then that's a great thing. family isforget that the number one. above everything else that you've got going on, your god and yourwith family. >> and taking the balance tell youere, i will what women juggle is an egg, a bowling ball and a chain saw. and then the cell phone rings. ok? that is what our lives are. and i don't care what you're are. or who you to me -- what i say to women, al women whether you're democrat, republican, independent, libertarian, whatever you are, say yes. your comfort zone. every one of you are qualified
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step into that arena and run for public office. and we need you. need your voice. we need your leadership. sense. your common women, as i said, multitaskers, communicators, bring people together. we listen. fore the ones who ask directions when we're lost. right? that's us. just encourage all women to get involved in so many ways. you're involved in your your careers.n you can have it all. all at once. i have three great kids. i have drug them across the country. i have drug them across the world. washington, d.c. and people say to me, you're a great role model to your daughter. better role mod toll my sons. -- role model to my sons that see strong women that are willing to stand up and say, ok,
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on. put the flapjacket i'll take it because i'm going to do what's right for them, for fe future, for my constituents. it's a joy. the kind of relationship building that we're able to do as a team is important. that aisle,ss getting things done. i've seen it in financial services committee, i've seen it many different ways. say leave you all with just yes. step out of the comfort zone. >> thank you to our panelists for an engaging conversation. [applause] >> he says what he thinks no matter what it is. sometimes i would get after him. politicalu have to be in a certain way. you have to be honest. and you have to say the same things. but still, you have to cater to andle sometimes, i think, know what they want and need to
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be able to influence and vote you. it's not being dishonest. it's just finding out what they want and letting them know how you're going to help them with those problems, things that they want. captioning performed by the .ational captioning institute [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2013] women rules' "series. minutes. >> good morning, everyone. we are really delighted this joined by house democratic leader nancy pelosi alexandraughter
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pelosi, an award-winning documentary maker. [applause] so we're hoping to have a conversation this morning on what you learned from each goes both advice ways. and also, i just sort of want to know what it was like growing up pelosi's home. i'm going to start with you, note.dra, on that so your mom is a noted advocate been inn since she's congress and probably before. she wrote a book on it. said in her book, for our daughters and granddaughters, now the sky is the limit. message you had growing up? did that message come later? is -- this >> let's just talk. >> i feel like we have to set what it was of like. >> please. >> first of all, what you might not understand is that she was working until i went off -- she went to congress -- >> senior in high school.
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well, let's put it this way. [laughter] tellnswer and then i'll you when i went off to congress. >> ok. wasn't working when we were growing up. she was a stay-at-home mom, baked cakes, made halloween costumes, and cooked. >> hard to imagine. >> that's all i knew her as. i was the youngest of five children. and we only knew her as the carpool.ving old -- yous 46 years tell the story. ,> when i was 46 years old which they refer to as late in , i had the opportunity to run for congress. i had absolutely no interest in running for congress or running for any political office for that matter. i had been active in the i was chair of the california democratic party. >> but it was all volunteer. >> it was all volunteers. we didn't think of her as someone who was working. she did -- >> she was dabbling.
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was dabbling. >> in any case, the opportunity came to run for congress. the person who was a member insisted that i run in her place. it was a whole new thought to me orause that was not my idea thought or even -- it was out of question. me and she was insistent and this and that, i .ent to alexandra our four children were in college. mind you, five and six years. homeay i brought alexandra from the hospital, my youngest -- our oldest turned 6 that week. was close, close in age. so anyway, i four are in college. i go to alexandra, who's 16. but she was young. she was going to be a senior in high school. i said, alexandra, with all certificate -- sincerity and authenticity, really, mommy has this chance to for congress but it would be were a year from
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now when you were in college. but it's now. but i love my life. up to you. if you want me to be home with me. that's perfect for otherwise i have this opportunity to run for congress. thinking this was really a sincere question to her. me andh she looked up to said, mother, get a life. [laughter] like, what teenage girl wouldn't want her mother out of the house for three or four days a week? [laughter] it was so stunning to me because non-yo't take her a second -- nano second to respond. so i did. had a life, but i got another life by running for congress. the breakaway for me. i think it was harder than it was for alexandra. at all.t hard so from then i went on. in congress for a few years, alexandra told me of me becausewas
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i was a pioneer. >> because she stopped cook other moms did. cook.ed to and then one day she just stopped cooking. she decided she was just going to go -- it wasn't take-out like fast food. she started by getting food to home from nice restaurants. and then putting it on the table as if she had cooked it. eventually over time she just sort of gave up on that. and that was -- there were of evidence that she was sort of moving on with her life. i thought that going to congress h empty nest syndrome. you know, everyone had gone away to college. just the two of us and my dad. so i think she had more free time on her hands so when you conversation about work-life-balance, i don't know that she understands it the way because now she has a life that's all-consuming. it's the second act of her life. twoou've had it all but in
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segments. >> and that's a different generation, of course. i'm in awe of the young women today. going to what i was ask you. if you were raising your daughters today and you raised four daughters -- >> and one son. >> sorry. don't want to leave him out. how would you do it differently? give them? would you they have to work today almost to kind of make it. >> yeah. want to workso because they have their own rest.tions and the i am in awe of all of you. who used to work for me, headed my san francisco office, my four daughters who and have children. i could never have done that. but here's what i would say to you. theuse i was listening to previous conversation. underestimate the the time that you spend with your family as part of your career. one of the hardest jobs in the world, to raise a family. it really is.
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have so many personalities to deal with. you have schedule. ing.have task you're actually an editor because you're making choices editing out certain things. you're an engineer, housekeeping engineer. things. and don't let anybody ever trivialize that time. your resume as something very, very important you decide -- because everybody's decision is the right one for them. decide i'm going to have my babies, get them off to school and then i'm going to back to aeer or go career or i'm going to do a career for a while and then have back.en and then go whatever it is, whatever works for you is the right way to go. say to people, you may want to have mentors and you may other peoplee some for what they have done, but you.stand the authentic whatever works for you in your timing in your schedule, in your the choices that you
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have. and with this balance of home my kids -- iay to said it to them about me, and i'll say it to them now. you. say it to you do the best you can. knowy not be the best you how. you may say if i really had this under control, i'd be doing that, and that, baking three cakes a day and all of that. ok.'s because on balance it will all the best that you can do. and that's really a good thing. to idealize it and say, you know, if i had this a under control, i could do these other five things. that doesn't matter. >> you always say we made a mistake because we didn't get help. >> oh, get help. that's two words. get help. i didn't get help. i always thought, i want the best for my children. means their mom taking care of them all the time. one, then two then
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three. and by then i really needed help. anywheredon't come near your house. no babysitter, no house keeper, .o nobody i remember once pushing my stroller in new york city, three little girls, all ladyed, dresses, paid the in the basement to iron them who worked for somebody else in the, in new and this woman came up to me. she had twin boys. and i was expecting my what be my son, the fourth. and she came up to me and she said, i just -- i watch you come and go. just have two words to say to you. get help. get help. borrow money from a bank. sell your furniture. do whatever you have to do but get help. know, it was really good advice because by the time i had the fourth and then the fifth, people would not even come near house. they would come for interviews. au pair? like an
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then they would practically run out the door. and then maybe you would see them on the street or something. away to avoidks even having to face you because they were never -- if you could with one childly or two children, maybe even three. even go near a house with five kids? it doesn't mean you have to get help for the children. but there are other tasks in the house that have nothing to do with the character-building of your children. some of that. i always thought if i had somebody who drove and cooked, be beautiful. life was beautiful anyway. when theer the time woman came to the house -- >> i said to the kids -- [laughter] this was horrible. i shouldn't even tell this in public. promise me you won't tell anybody. >> how do you know she's not here? >> she's not here.
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[laughter] so i said to the kids, you know, we have this beautiful life. you all take care of your room. kids.s little in fact, one of my friends said, i knew you were going places when you had your 3-year-old their ownolding laundry out of the drier. but they were all very well organized. theirad the responsibilities. but when we -- i would be somebody to come, an au pair, whatever, they would go wild. around the house. maybe they always were, but i noticed it more then. and i said, it's a little overwhelming to people. so when we have somebody, mommy's interviewing somebody, just remain calm. just remain calm. [laughter] soiery brown was -- jerry brown was governor at the time, my friend. chair, whatever, maybe northern chair. he said this lady used your name as a reference. will you interview her because she wants to be appointed to a commission? commissionship.
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like the chair of the commission. in california. and i'dery big job, like -- i couldn't really remember her. he said, interview her and let think. what you so she comes to the house. we're sitting there. in the living room. of them come in. my son and two of my other girls come in, come in like this. good evening, mother. [laughter] and then says to the lady, are maid?ing to be our new [laughter] and, of course, we never used maid.rd we were never looking for a maid. so it was like, oh my god. said, i don't think so. >> she was one of the most -- most is one of the glamorous, wonderful, well-dressed women. >> i'm so proud of my daughters, how they manage it all. it's just a remarkable thing to me. i'm in all of all of you. i could never have done that. >> i wand ped to ask you about
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that. you grew up in this home. we're underestimating her a little bit. yowsies was -- pelosi was extremely active in the 80's. she didn't just dabble. politics ng democratic politics. >> she did use us as her catering -- >> props? >> she would have events. in hindsight i think about it. she had events at the house. remember jerry brown being there. i remember where she would make .s be the catering department and she would send us to the b store, one person would be in charge of putting the cream cheese on the bagel. had little events, we would serve it 5, 6 years old, i was .erving people it wasn't all-consuming. she didn't talk about it the way -- her a you looked at homemaker. >> oh, yeah. i still do. we were just at thanksgiving. has -- in her it's the .950's housewife >> a 1950's teenager. >> ok.
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housewife. she would go into the kitchen and be serving. everybody -- everybody would be there, all 20 of us, every meal, all she did meal, then clean up and prepare for the next. >> this is just last week. it in her whens she goes home -- people think we have the most interesting political conversations at the dinner table. people don't understand that when she gets home, all she wants to do is relax and talk the kids, and retreat into family life. so she tokes and cleans. reverts to that. >> not so much on the cleaning anymore. it ast week she was all over it. for example, thanksgiving, she made the kids go to dining room. my kids, 6, 7, serving the little kids. them about how lucky we are and how grateful we should be and all of the good lessons she wants to teach them being a member of society. we didn't do that when we were kids. we were more sort of -- she wasn't that politically active. >> i wanted to ask you -- that's now.d point you're on
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mothers sometimes impart different wisdom to grandchildren. of her. one vision now she's this power house. with herhe interacting grandchildren. what did she tell the grandkids she didn't tell you? thehe tells them about world. my 5-year-old was in "time" last month talking about iran because conversations -- >> syria. >> syria, sorry. syria. [laughter] so she has real conversations with them about what's going on in the world. them to know about the idea that there's one of five children that don't have a meal and how lucky they should be. when we were little, she wasn't -- i wouldn't say -- she on just doingused our home work. cakes inrizes for her the cake baking contests. >> second place. >> oh. recipes.t >> she was really -- so there's definitely two different -- i two different -- >> expectations. >> right. but she has four daughters. of her daughters
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have children. and they found work situations for them.d so i think everybody role modeled themselves after the of their mother. not the i'm going to take over the world second act version of their mother. >> ok. that's what i was going to ask. but still everybody developed careers. >> everybody developed careers their own time, own way and things that made them close -- so they could stay near their kids. i wouldn't say that anybody -- 9:00 toas gone to the 5:00 situation. nobody has a nanny. everybody secretly retreated to their own -- idealized or stay-at-homethe version mom that they got and took it into their career life. >> i think they all understand really an important responsibility to have children. they are not accessories. people. the investment that you make, quickly.ime goes by
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and i always say to them, you know, enjoy every single minute of it. but it is really an opportunity can't get back. and you don't want to have any regets about that. >> what she really doesn't in thisnd, though, conversation is how for us in this generation, that have been working, if we had to stay home might not keep our sanity. that work is something that we do. i go -- mommy, has to go to work today. why do you have to go to work? to work because i have to. i go to work because i want to. and that's something they need understand. that the reason i go to work is because in some way i have to have some identity still. but that's what happens when you have kids when you're 40. >> you didn't feel that. >> you didn't have kids when you were 40. were 35. >> 37. >> ok. it makes her older. >> she likes to say i'm the baby. score in terms of the children, one of our lien, the middle
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wasd, she started, which her dream, she started a school artnicks, which teaches children about art precious, all .inds of mediums her passion is to teach children with special needs, but her idea is to teach them in the setting with other children. this is what she really wanted do. she has three sons. they're now 12, 14, 16, but at time they were obviously younger, eight to 10 years ago. was really it important that as little boy that they saw their mother and that they understood that that is what the world was about. i wishdidn't think, oh, the kids were bigger so that i could do this. she was like, i think this is an important part of raising my sons. and they helped her at work. >> did you worry about that when younger, that you wouldn't working, about the girls seeing that you weren't work and being a role model?
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me tell you what it is to have five children. face.n't even wash your anything that you might want to door,ind a closed personal or otherwise, forforget it.t you are totally immersed. deeplyshe really, really loves these kids. my kids. when she comes over to play, my said to her, mommy, they're playing with legos on the floor. she said, i, mimi, have to go to work now. thomas said, mimi, why don't you with us. here and play and she said, this is the best invitation i've ever gotten and sat down and played with them. she genuinely has -- in this we're all stuck on our blackberries and we're all a part of the conversation, disconnect. she can really disconnect and it into those legos the way think -- i think she likes kids more than most people do. talks about why
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she does what she does, because she cares about children, she really does. other people's children more than i think most women. motivation in politics has always been the one in five children who live in .overty in america it is really a stunning thing in a country as great as our is that one in five children go to sleep hungry. maybe now one in four. drives me is that. i wanted the best for my kids. oft meant my taking care them at the expense of washing my face sometimes. also that they should live in a society where other a chance.ave >> but when you're on the airplane and there's another whole ride, mye mother is the one that would say, oh, let me help. let me get in there. sitting there going, how long? take the kid. phones.g to put on ear you know what i'm saying? a
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i know -- [laughter] i have a touch. i know that i can make that baby crying. but these days you can't. . want to say two things i'm a mom. after all is said and done, i'm . mom two things that i think are important, that is, for who theyreally unleash in oure missing link society and the rest is the issue of childcare. 90 some years ago women got the when they did, the paper said women given the right to vote. toweren't given the right vote. they fought, they starved, they argued, they traveled, they worked really hard. it took decades for women to have the right to vote. and then during world war ii a later womencades were in the workforce. imagine they had left home. will now they were in the workforce. helping to win the war. home.
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this was revolutionary. then higher education of women. now women in the professions or women staying home, or women in the workforce and whatever level they are. but the missing link in all of childcare.e issue of it is something that most other developed countries have recognized the need for. and we have an agenda called succeed, america succeeds. it's about equal pay in the workplace, about paid leave, and it's about childcare. learning.alled early when children learn, parents earn. stage. from the earliest so that women don't have to make -- who are these people with?y kids are it's something very high-quality children. of the if we had that -- and it's something we've been going all over the country with a crusade practically on it, it would really make a big difference. their only the women and
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families but our economy in general. and the second thing -- and this really important because both of these things are sort of structural changes that we have to make. is we need many more women in elective office. and in policy making positions. of. [applause] and i promise you this. it for an absolute fact. if you reduce the role of money increase thend level of civility in politics, more women.ct many many more women will come forward. options.ou all have and we want people with options. so who with options would say, subject see, i want to myself to somebody spendin spending $5 million to misrepresent who i am, to mischaracterize. and this is just one congressional race not to mention the speaker of the house which would be a souple hundred million dollar against you. the debate has to be on a level dignified instead of
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this back and forth. because if men -- they're strong. if women, it's like, oh my god. it's scary, right? them. this is really important. we have to do it. we will do it. must do it. and when we do, we'll have many ine women, again, leadership. it will benefit women in the military, women in government, women in the corporate world. could we have a fortune 500 and have 20c.e.o.'s? not about lack of talent. we just have to have that recognition that a woman's time she and whatever may have spent at home counts on her resume. that's not a blank. star. gold >> with that since we are being i'm going to-span, have to pause. susango toking to bring molinari into ask a question. congress. a baby in and leader pelosi, when i walked down the aisle to vote and my
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daughter would be crying, would put her hands up and take my child and get her to stop crying. so she does. witness. she's got a gift. thank you so much, leader pelosi and alexandra for being here with us and for sharing. just wonderful stories, and inspiration. when you leave the stage, we're going to talk a little bit and sessions.r mentoring and each table are ambassadors. we have ladies set up with that they think can connect base thed on the interes that they have brought to this breakfast -- well, i guess going into lunch. so as we get into the mentoring session, a session where we talk about how you can help to young women coming up, before we let you go off the stage, we wanted to ask if you start withgoing to you, alexandra, if you have a mentoring inspirational story all you can sort of kick us off with. >> for the last 12 years i've been work at hbo. thee's a woman that runs documentary unit there, sheila thenevins. she just embraced me and me the whole time that
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i was there. and she likes to make jokes, for meat have you done but have babies because that's a doing thed challenge, children and the work. but she's been really supportive. so i'm very grateful to her i say. >> how about you? >> just in terms of alexandra i never -- in, other words, you noticed she didn't say i was her mentor. make it very clear to my daughters your decisions are your decisions. to expresseven dare a point of view about it. but my mentor was -- [laughter] >> more on that later. >> i sure hope c-span got that. [laughter] >> did make a face? >> no. you have never inserted your opinions, judgments -- i mean opinions. [laughter] never. >> after the fact maybe, but not --
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[laughter] my mother had seven children, six boys, i was the youngest, only girl. but she was the wife -- my years.was mayor for 12 he was in congress before that. susan, you know what that is, having grown up in the family father was in congress as well. strategicst the most thinker politically, very strong the rest,rch and all the catholic church. and yet when that door closed, she was a mom. she was a mom. and that just having to be able certaince it all, put things on a shelf when you're then.this and others so in any event, i would say my mother was a mentor having no idea that i would ever run for congress but just as a person who kept a lot of balls in the air. as i say this about susan. congress from a very distinguished family in staten island. the rest of us have been there. happened to be the first
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person whose father served and a daughter served. sons.athers and so we had to wear dresses. where's the dress code? dresses.o wear so susan arrives this young woman coming to congress. italian-american heritage. i immediately embraced her even were different parties, we had more to love about each other. -- comes in >> pants. >> pants. no questions she changed everything the day she walked on the floor. and not that it was just about pants. it was emblematic of a new generation, of a young woman have babieso would when she was in the congress of .he united states >> not five though. >> but even one. even one is a lot. much.nk you both so [applause]
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>> on the next "washington journal" both we'll look at the top news stories of the 2013 and the decline of the middle class past 50 years. our guest is pulitzer hedricknning reporter smith. "washington journal" is live every morning at 7:00 eastern c-span. >> things are moving extremely .ast expires after five to 10 years. five to 10 years and everything is new. new, facebook, twitter, google is new. new programming languages. we've done ishat sliced human life into four
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slices or five slices. phase the first five years, then the learn phase the next 20 years, the work phase and a resting afterwards and eventually dying. but i think we should be interweave these phases. we should play, learn, work, time becauseame the world moves so fast today we single --rd having a we have to stay up to date. c-span,ear's day on just before 1:00 p.m. eastern and throughout the afternoon, udacity, twitter and others on the future of higher education, robotics, is and data industrial revolution. on c-span2's "book tv," unflinching courage, former texas senator hutchinson on the helped shape texas. and "american history tv," "daughters of civil rights leaders and segregationist share their memories of the civil 8:30. era at
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>> coming up on c-span, our first laties series features the life of lady bird johnson. then a discussion on the january 1 start of coverage under the affordable care act and what's ahead in 2014. >> a beautification, to my mind, is far more than a matter of cosmetics. me, it describes the whole effort to bring the natural world and the man-made world harmony, to bring youthfulness, delight, to our whole environment and that, of course, only begins with trees .nd flowers and landscaping talkingbird johnson about
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