tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN December 31, 2013 4:00am-6:01am EST
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at this point we have seen small businesses all over this country who are losing the ability to compete, who are not expanding, who are staying under 50 employees, who are not hiring and who are forcing employees to move to part-time work. according to the chamber of commerce, survey of small businesses, half of small businesses eligible for the employee mandate are either moving to part-time workers or forcing full-time workers to go
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part-time. this is not a small problem. this is not a marginal problem. this is a problem all over the country. you are a he talking millions of small businesses. and another i believe it's 24% are not growing to stay under 50 employees. which means they're not hiring people. anyone struggling to find a job, small businesses provide two-thirds of all new jobs. small businesses are crying out that obamacare is killing them. and, unfortunately, the united states senate is not hearing their crisis. -- their cries. for the millions of americans that are facing the threat of being forced into part-time work, unfortunately, the united states senate is not hearing their cry. for the millions of americans whoewho are facing skyrocketing health insurance premiums and facing the reality or myth of losing their health insurance,
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the united states nationa natiot hearing their cry. and the people who are facing this are not the wealthy. they're not the powerful. they're not, as the president likes to say, the millionaires and billionaires. they're the most vulnerable among you they're young people. who are being absolutely decimated by obamacare. they are single moms who are working in diners, struggling but suddenly finding their hours reduced to 29 hours a week. the problem is, 29 hours is a week is not enough to feed your kids. single moms are crying out to the united states senate, fix this train wreck, fix this disaster. and for the struggling single mornlings fo terminated.
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the presiding officer: without objection. mr. reid: madam president, the eyes of the world have been in washington all this week. and that is a gross understatement. and while they witnessed a great deal of political discord today they'll see congress reaching historic bipartisan agreement to reopen the government andrea void default on the nation's bills. this compromise we reached will provide our economy with the stability it desperately needs. it's never easy for two sides to reach consensus, it's really hard, sometimes harder than others. this time was really hard. but after weeks spent facing off across a partisan divide that often seemed too wide to cross our country came to the brink of a disaster. but in the end, political adversaries set aside their differences and disagreements to prevent that disaster.
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i thank the republican leader for his diligent efforts to reach this important agreement. the republican leader's cooperation was essential to reach an accord that could pass both chambers of congress and also be signed by president obama. as part of our agreement, in order to assure congress continues the work of setting this country on a path of fiscal sustainability this instructs congress to name conferees to set a long had long-term path to sustainability. what we do is hard here and this is really hard but i think we can get it done. the committee members selected must have open minds, be willing to exert every option no matter how painful to their own political ideas and even their own political parties. this conference committee led by chairman murray and chairman ryan which will produce its
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negotiated budget resolution in december, is the appropriate place to discuss our differing views of the best way to chart a course for economic growth. this legislation also funds the government through january 15 and averts default through february 7 during which time we can work on a long-term budget agreement that prevents these crises. perhaps most importantly it sends a stand-off that ground the work of washington to a halt this fall. madam president, this is not a time for pointing fingers and blame. this is a time of reconciliation. i look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of this great capitol to pass this remarkable agreement which will protect the long-term health of our economy and of -- i'm sorry and avert a default on our nation's debt and and allow us to set a foundation for economic expansion. what we've done is sent a message to americans from every
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one of our 50 states but in addition to that citizens of every country in the world that the united states lives up to its obligations. now congress must return to its most important job, fostering economic growth and protecting middle-class families. i appreciate through all this the steady hand of president obama who helped guide us to this conclusion. i'm optimistic that the spirit of compromise that has taken root in the senate over the last two days will endure. i do know this: senator mcconnell and i have sat in very, very serious discussions the last few days. we're going to do everything we can to change the atmosphere in the senate and accomplish things that need to be done for our country. mr. mcconnell: madam president? the presiding officer: the republican leader. mr. mcconnell: this has been a long, challenging few weeks for
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congress and for the country. it's my hope that today we can put some of those most urgent issues behind us. after yesterday's events the majority leader and i began a series of conversations about a way to get the government reopened and to prevent default. i'm confident we'll be able to do both those things later today. crucially, i'm also confident that we'll be able to announce we're broking the government spending reductions that both parties agreed to under the budget control act. and that the president signed into law. that's been a top priority for me and for my colleagues on the republican side of the aisle throughout this debate. and it's been worth the effort. some have suggested that we break that promise as part of this agreement, some have wade washington needs to spend more, that we need to raise taxes, that we need to just tax our way to prosperity and balance.
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but what the b.c.a. showed is that washington actually can cut spending and because of this law that's just what we've done. for the first time since the korean war -- the first time since the korean war -- government spending has declined for two years in a row, the first time in 50 years. and we're not going back on this agreement. it's a lot -- there's a lot more we need to do to get our nation's fiscal house in order. hopefully once we're past the drama of the moment we can get to work on it but for now let's not understate the importance of the budget control act or the importance of the fight to preserve it. this legislation is the largest spending reduction bill of the last quarter century, and the largest deficit reduction bill since 1981 that didn't include a
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tax hike. preserving this law is critically important to the future of our country. throughout this debate the public has rightly focused on obamacare for good reason. this law is ravaging our economy, killing jobs, driving up premiums, and driving people off the health care plans they have and like in droves. it's disastrous rollout is a sign of even worse things to come. and the refusal to delay it reflects a kind of stubborn ideological obsession that will do untold damage to our country and republicans remain determined to repeal this terrible law. but for today, for today, the relief we hope for is to reopen the government, avoid default, and protect the historic cuts we achieved under the budget control act. this is far less than many of us
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had hoped for, frankly,. but it's far better than what some had sought. now it's time for republicans to unite behind other crucial go minutes. mr. dent: thank you, madam speaker. i rise tonight in support of the senate compromise legislation being considered to end this unnecessary government shutdown and few tile exercise in brinks -- futile exercise in brinksmanship. this would prevent a catastrophic default and downgrade that would spur another recession. i'm generally pleased that the cooler heads have finally prevailed. however, it is very disappointing that we're in this situation. that after more than two weeks of a government shutdown and on the eve of the default of our nation's obligations, we have finally reached an agreement.
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this legislation must be supported. but it should not be celebrated. no high-fives or spiking of the football. it is a temporary government funding bill and a short-term debt limit increase. it's not a win for anyone, particularly the institution of congress or the presidency for that matter. the bill represents the conclusion of a difficult period from which i hope that many can draw important lessons. i hope that this sad episode won't result in a newfound commitment and intensity for the governor majority in congress to make the difficult decisions that must be made to keep the government functioning while addressing the many problems facing our country. including the budget deficit, the nation's out-of-control debt and the many challenges presented by the health care law or obamacare. for many months and particularly throughout the last two weeks i have worked tirelessly with colleagues from both sides of the aisle and in both chambers to find an agreement to break
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the impasse. i particularly want to thank representative ron kind, senators susan collins and joe mansion, and the many other members who participated in the many discussions. i believe these conversations have laid a strong foundation that we can build on to arrive at agreements made in major issues that need to be addressed in this country. i urge my colleagues not only to vote in favor of this legislation tonight but to join with those of us who share in affirmative obligation to govern and who seek bipartisan solutions to the challenges facing our great nation. at this time i yield back. thank you. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky reserves. the gentlewoman from new york is recognized. mrs. lowey: madam speaker, i'm very pleased to yield one minute to the distinguished gentleman from pennsylvania, a member of the appropriations committee, mr. fattah. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized for one minute. mr. fattah: thank you, madam speaker. i rise to urge expedited passage of this legislation. i join with the chairman and the
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ranking member of my committee and i agree with every words that has been stated by the majority chairman and the ranking member. this is critically important. on this monday i was in a foreign country, i was in the state of israel, met with the president and with a whole group of brain researchers from around the world. they had difficulty understanding, given our nation's leadership on so many critical issues, that we could be at a paralyzed situation. so i'm happy that the senate has acted in such an overwhelming way op on this matter, with some -- way on this matter, with some 81 bipartisan votes, and i would urge the house to restore our government, to pay our bills, and to get on with our responsibilities. as the most powerful nation in the world, the wealthiest country in the world, we can pay our bills and we can conduct the affairs of government in a way that gains us res
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courage is no longer doing that. courage is standing next to someone that you don't normally agree with for the betterment of our country and for people to be able to go together on tv to do those things is going to change things. not everything is negative. the only way you will change the nuances of it is by doing it yourself. >> for me, balance. in my 30 years of elected office, i am still trying to find that balance between my professional life, my family life, and finding some me time as well. i'm am still juggling. we still feel like -- whether you are a teller at a bank or a barista or a member of congress or a member of the senate -- we still have our perfection -- our professional lives. we have our personal lives. we never get it right. keep juggling and you will find that balance that fits you and it may not be the textbook
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definition of balance, but if it works for you and it works for your family, then that is a great thing and never forget that family is the number one, above everything else, that you've got going on. your relationship with god and your family. >> taking the balance analogy, i will tell you -- what when -- egg, amen juggle is an bowling ball, and a chainsaw and then the cell phone rings. [laughter] women, whetherll you are a democrat or libertarian or republican, say yes. step out of your comfort zone. everyone of you are qualified and able to step into that arena and run for public office. we need you. we need your voice. we need your leadership.
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we need your common sense. women, as i said, multitaskers, communicators, they bring people together. we listen. we are the ones who ask for directions when we are lost, right? that is us. [laughter] and i would encourage all women to get involved in so many ways. you are involved in your communities and your careers. you can have it all. not all at once. i have three great kids. i have drug them across the country. i have drug them across the world. and here to washington, d.c. and people say to me you are a great role model to your daughter. i say i am a better role model to my sons. they see strong women who are willing to stand up and say, ok, i will put the flak jacket on. i will take it because i'm going to do what's right for them, for their future, for my constituents. it is just a joy. the kind of relationship building that we are able to do
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as a team is important to walking across that i'll and getting things done. i have seen it in financial services committee and the many different ways. i will leave you all with just , say yes. step out of your comfort zone. >> thank you so much to our panelists for such an engaging conversation. [applause] is on fire. in computer science, by education expires after five years to 10 years. everything is new. a lot of new things, new programming wages -- linkages. -- languages. dividedhistorically human life into five phases, play, work, resting. allink we should have them
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at the same time. play, learn, work, and rest at the same time. the world moves so fast we cannot afford to have a single set of education and we have to stay up to date. c-spanyear's day on throughout the afternoon. y, twitter, and others on the future of higher and tion, robotics, hutchison on the woman who helped shape texas. daughters of the civil rights movement share memories at 8:30. womene from politico's rule series. a discussion with nancy pelosi and her alec -- and her daughter alexandra pelosi. it is 30 minutes.
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morning, everyone. i am lowest from politico. we are delighted to be joined by house democratic leader nancy pelosi and her daughter alexandra. an award-winning documentary maker. [applause] we are hoping to have a conversation this morning on what you learn from each other, how advice goes both ways. i sort of want to know what it was like growing up in nancy pelosi's home. alexandra, i will start with you on that note. your mom is an advocate for woman. she has been in congress and before. she wrote a book on it. she has said, in her book, "for our daughters and our granddaughters, the sky is the limit." is that the message you had growing up or to that, later? later?r did that come
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>> i have to set a picture of what it was like. she was not working until i went off to college. she went to congress when i was a senior in high school. let's put it this way. >> you answer, then i will tell you when i went to congress. working when we were growing up. she was a stay-at-home mom, she cooked and made hollowing costumes. -- halloween costumes. we only knew her as the woman driving carpool. -- youe was 46 years old tell the story. >> when i was 46 years old, late in life. [laughter] i had the opportunity to run for congress. i have absolutely no interest in
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running for any political office . i has been active in the political party, i was chair of the california democratic party. >> it was all volunteer. we did not think of her as working, she did it while we were in school. came to runtunity for congress. the person who was a member insisted i run in her place. it was a whole new thought to me. it was not my idea or thought -- it was out of the question. but since she asked me and she was insistent, i went to alexandra, our four children were in congress. ive and six years -- the day brought alexandra home from the hospital, our youngest turned six. who is goingndra, to be 16. she was going to be a senior in
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high school. i said, with all the sincerity and authenticity. mommy has this chance to run for congress. but it would be better if it were a year from now when you are going to be in college. but it is now. i love my life, is up to you if you want me to be home with you, that is perfect for me. otherwise, i have this opportunity to run for congress. thinking this was really a sincere question to her. she looked up to me and said mother, get a life. [laughter] i was like -- what teenage girl would not want her mother out of the house for three or four days a week? [laughter] it was so stunning. it did not take her a nanosecond to respond. so i did. i got another life by running for congress. that was the breakaway for me.
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it was harder for me than it was for alexandra. from then, i went on. in congress for a few years, alexandra told me how proud she was of me. because i was a pioneer. she stopped cooking before all the other moms did. >> she used to cook. one day, she just stopped cooking. -- it wasn't takeout like fast food. she started by getting food to bring home from restaurants and putting it on the table as if she had cut that -- cooked it. over time, she just gave up. there were certain pieces of evidence that she was moving on with her life. i thought that going to congress was her empty nest syndrome. everyone had gone away to college. she had more free time. when you have that conversation about work-life balance, i don't
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know that she understands the way it is saturday. now, she has a life that is all-consuming -- the way it is today. now, she has a life that is all-consuming, but it is another stage of life. >> you have had it all. >> that is a different generation. i am in all of women today -- in awe of women today. >> if you were raising your children today, how would you do it differently? they have to work today to make it. >> they also want to work. they have their own aspirations and the rest. i am in awe of all of you. terry mcauliffe, head of my san francisco office, by four daughters who work and have children, i could never have done that. here is what i would say to you after the previous conversation. theot ever underestimate
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quality of the time that you spend with your family as part of your career. this is one of the hardest jobs in the world to raise a family. personalitiesny to deal with, you have agile, you have tax thing -- you have tasking. you have you are an editor, you are an engineer, so many things. let anybody ever trivializes that time. i count on your resume as something very important should -- everybody's decision is the right one for them -- should you decide i am going to have my babies and then have a career. or i am going to do a career for a while and then have children. whatever works for you is the right way to go. as i say to people, you may want
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to have mentors and you may want to admire some other people for what they have done. understand that the authentic you, whatever works for you and your timing in your life and the choices that you have. with the balance of home-work, i say to my kids, about me and now. you do the best you can. it may not be the best you know how, you may say if i really have this under control, i would be doing this and that, taking three cakes a day. that is ok. balance, it will all turn out to be the best that you can do. that is really a good thing. do not try to idealize it and say, if i had this a little better under control i could do these other five things. that does not matter. >> you always say we made the
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mistake because we didn't get help. >> get help. two words -- get help. [laughter] the bestsaid i want for my children, that means their mom taking care of them all the time. three, by then, i really needed help. no babysitter, no housekeeper. i remember pushing my stroller in new york city with three little girls, smock dresses. i paid the lady in the basement to iron them who work for someone else in the building. the woman came up to me, she had twin boys. i was expecting my son, the fourth. i watch up and said, you come and go. i have two words to say to you -- get help. [laughter] get help. our of money from a bank -- bo
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rrow money from a bank, sell your furniture, whatever you have to do. by the timeadvice, i had the fourth and fifth, people would not come into your house. run out theally door after an interview. maybe you would see them on the street and they would go blocks away to avoid having to face you because -- you could work for a family with one child or two children. maybe even three. why would you go near a house with five kids? it does not mean you have to get help for the children, there are other tasks in the house that have nothing to do with the character building of your children. get help with some of that. i thought if i had someone who d, life would be be a full. it was beautiful anyway. >> remember when the woman came
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to the house but what i said to the kids -- >> remember when the women came to the house -- >> i said to the kids -- [laughter] this is horrible, do not tell anyone. >> what if she is here? >> i said we have a beautiful life, you all take care of your room. knew yousaid to me i were going places when you had three-year-olds falling laundry. they were very organized -- you had three-year-olds folding lau ndry. they were very organized. i had someone come interview, an wild.r, they would go i said, when money is interviewing someone, remain calm. [laughter]
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jerry brown was governor at the me and said this lady has used your name as a reference, will you interview her. she wants to be appointed to an important commissionship in california. it is a very big job. i cannot really remember, i said interview her and let you know -- let me know what you think. she comes to the house and we are sitting in the living room. two of them come in, my son and two of my little girls come in like this. good evening, mother. [laughter] lady, aresay to the you going to be our new maid? [laughter] we never used the word made. it was like -- the word maid. it was like, oh my god. the most one of
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glamorous, wonderful, well-dressed women. >> i am so proud of my daughter's, how they manage all of it. i am in awe, i could never have done that. >> you grew up in this home. we are underestimating her a little bit. ms. pelosi was active in the 1880's, she did not just dabble. now, in hindsight, i think about it. she had events at the house. every member jerry brown being there. she would make a speedy catering department. bageluld send us to the store to get bagels. one person would be in charge of putting cream cheese on the bengals. we would walk around serving at five years old or six years old. it was not all-consuming, she did not talk about it the way -- >> you look at her as a
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homemaker. >> yes. i still do. we were just at thanksgiving. in her is a 1950's housewife. >> 1950's teenager, 1970's housewife. [laughter] allverybody would be there, 20 of us. every meal, all she did was cook and clean up and prepare for nte next one. home, people think we have interesting political conversations at dinner. when she gets home, all she wants to do is relax and talk to herids and retreated family life. she cooks and cleans and reverts to that. >> not too much on the cleaning anymore. was all over she it. on thanksgiving, she made the kids go to saint anthony's dining room. teaching them about how lucky we
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are and how grateful we should be and all the good lessons she wants to teach them about being a member of society. we did not do that when we were kids. she was not that politically active. >> that is a very good point. mothers sometimes impart different wisdom to grandchildren. you have one vision, now she is a powerhouse. how does she interact with her grandchildren? >> she tells them about the world. my five-year-old was in "time" magazine last month talking about iran. >> syria. >> syria, sorry. she has real conversations with them about the world. she wants them to know about the idea that there are 1 in 5 children who do not have a male at night and how lucky -- have a meal at night and how lucky.
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children, she was focused on our homework, she'd won prizes in cake baking. there are two different -- >> expectations. >> she has four daughters, all four of her daughters have children. they found work situations that work for them. model themselves after the first version of their mother, not the i am going to take over the world version of their mother. >> but everybody developed careers. >> in their own time and in their own way and so they could stay near their kids. nobody has say -- gone to the non-:00 to 5:00 situation -- 9:00-5:00 has a -- situation. >> nobody has a nanny. >> they took that home life into
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their career life. to haveresponsibility children. they are not accessories, they are people. the investment you make and the time goes by quickly. enjoy every single minute of it. that youopportunity cannot get back. you did not want to have any regrets. >> what she does not understand in this conversation is how, for us in this generation that have been working, if we had to stay home all day, we might not keep our sanity. do. is something that we i tell my kids -- mommy has to go to work. why? i say i don't go because i have to, because i want to. that is something they need to understand. because i have to have some identity. that is what happens when you have kids we are 40. >> you are 35.
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>> 37. [laughter] >> she likes to say i am her baby. >> on that score, in terms of the children, one of our daughters, the middle child. -- this was her dream. she started a school that teaches children about art appreciation and all kinds of mediums. her passion is to teach children with special needs in the senate with other children -- in the setting with other children. she has three sons. at the time, they were younger. she thought it was really important that as little boys, they saw their mother working. and that they understood that that is what the world was about. wish theot think i
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kids were bigger so i could do this. she said this is an important part of raising my sons. >> do you worry about that when they were younger? the girls seeing that you were not working. what it is to you have five children, you do not even wash your face. anything you might want to do behind a closed door, forget about it. it is a complete -- you are totally immersed. >> she loves these kids. she comes over to play, my little son said they are playing with legos on the floor. she said i have to go to work now. you just stayon't here to play with us. she said this is the best invitation i have ever gotten. she sat down and played legos. in this generation where we are
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all stocked on our blackberries, it is hard to disconnect. she can really disconnect and get into the legos. than mostkids more people do. when she talks about why she does what she does because she cares about children, she lets other people's children more than most women. >> my whole motivation in politics has been the 1 in 5 children who live in poverty and america. it is a stunning thing in a country as great as our country go to sleep hungry at night. what drives me is that. i wanted the best for my kids, that met my taking care of them. also that they should live in a society where other children have a chance. on the airplane and there is another baby crying the whole ride.
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my mother is the one that would say let me help. i am sitting there going how long? i am going to put on ear phones. do you know what i am saying? >> i have a touch. [laughter] i know that i can make that baby stop crying. [laughter] these days, you can't. [laughter] i am a mom. after all is said and done, i am a mom. lois, that is, think are important. for women to really unleash who link in, the missing our society and our policy is the issue of child care. 90 years ago, women got the right to vote. thepaper said women "given" right to vote. we were not given, they fought, they argued, they traveled and it took decades.
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women wered war ii, in the workforce. they had left home. to win the left home. higher education of women, now, women in the professions or whatever level they are. the missing link with the issue of child care. that most other developed countries have recognized a need for. called whengenda women succeed america succeeds. it is about equal pay, paid l eave, childcare. it is now called early learning. when children learn, parents earn. this is from the earliest stage. so women do not have to say who are these people might kids are
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with? it is very high quality and worthy of the children. we have beenat -- going all over the country with a crusade on it. it would make a big difference. not only to women and their families, but to our economy. -- this isthing really important. both of these things are structural changes that we have to make. the second thing, we need many more women in elected office. and in policymaking positions. [laughter] i promised -- [laughter] -- [applause] i promise you this. money induce the politics and increase civility in politics, you will increase women. women will come forward. who with options would subject himself to someone sp ending $5 million to
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misrepresent me. this is just one congressional race. .he civility the debate has to be on a level that is dignified instead of back and forth. it is like, oh my god. scary. to them. this is really important. we will do it. we must do it. when we do, we will have many more women in leadership. women in the military, women in government. a fortune 500e and 20 ceos? it is not lack of talent. we have to have the recognition of a woman's approach. whatever time she spent at home counts. it is a gold star. >> we are being recorded by
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c-span. i'm going to have to cause. -- to pause. we will bring susan into the conversation, a former member of congress. thehen i would walk down aisle to vote and my daughter pelosie crying, ms. would get her to stop crying. she has a gift. thank you for being here with us and sharing these stories and memories. stage, we'ree the going to talk a little bit and go into our mentoring sessions. at each table are ambassadors, lady set up with people that they can connect with based on the interests they have brought to this breakfast. as we get into the mentoring about howere we talk you can inspire other young women. we wanted to ask if you had -- i will start with yukon alexandra.
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if you had a mentoring or inspirational story. years i have been working at hbo. there is a woman who runs the documentary unit their names sheila. she supported me. jokes likeo make what have you done for me but have babies. that is a hard challenge. she has been really supportive. i am very grateful to her. >> just in terms of alexandra and her career, you notice she did not say i was her mentor. [laughter] myake it very clear to daughters that your decisions are your decisions. i would not even dare to express a point of view about. [laughter] my mentor was -- >> more on that later. >> i hope c-span got that. >> did you make a face?
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>> you have never answered your opinions -- judgments -- i mean opinions. never. [laughter] >> after the fact, maybe. but not. children,er had seven six boys. i was the youngest and the only girl. she was -- my father was mayor for 12 years, he was in congress before that. susan, you know what that is having grown up with your father in congress. she was the most strategic thinker politically. very strong in the church and all the rest. the catholic church. when that door closed, she was a mom. to balance ate all. but certain things on the shelf. , i would say that my mother was a mentor. having no idea that i would ever
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run for congress. just as a person who cap a lot balls in kept a lot of the air. about susan -- susan comes to congress from eight distinguished family in staten island. we had to wear dresses. there was a dress code ok.. we had two waitresses. there was a dress code. even though we were of different parties, we had so much to love about each other. she comes in in pants. no questions asked. she changed everything the day she walked on the floor. it wast the pants, emblematic of a new generation. a young woman coming in who would have babies while she was in congress.
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>> not five. >> even one is a lot. >> thank you so much. [applause] >> the world is on fire. they are moving extremely fast. in computer science, my education expires after five years to 10 years. after that, everything is new. a lot of new things, new programming languages. human life into four or five slices. the play phase, the learned phase, the work phase, a resting
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phase afterwards. i think we should interweave these phases and have them all at the same time. play, learn, work, and rest at the same time. the world moves so fast, we cannot afford having a single set of education. c-span justs day on before 1:00 p.m. eastern and throughout the afternoon. on the future of higher education, robotics, and data as the new industrial revolution on c-span. >> on book tv, unflinching courage, former texas senator on the women who helped shape texas. on american history tv, daughters of civil rights leaders and a segregationist share members of the -- share memories of the civil rights era. >> our encore presentation of q&a continues today with lanier, washington
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d.c. police chief. that is at 7:00 p.m. eastern on c-span. state department deputy on thean commented recent bombings in russia that killed more than 30 people. these attacks come weeks before the start of the olympics on february 7. here are part of her remarks. >> a question about russia. the bombings that have happened over the last few days. does this put security and out for the olympics? are you concerned about the safety of americans? >> a few points. as we did when the first one happened. we condemn the terrorist attacks in volgograd. we send our condolences to the families of the victims and stand in solidarity with the russian people against terrorism
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. in terms of security for sochi, u.s. citizens should remain alert at all times. our security experts have said that criminal activity in sochi is similar to that of other cities. major events are an opportunity and other folks to cause mischief. threats have been made against the olympic games. acts of terrorism continue to occur in russia. this is an exciting and positive, happy, international sporting event. tople going there need maintain vigilance and watch out for their own security and safety. our diplomatic security personnel has been working with the russians for many months on security. high-levelith officials. we provide u.s. citizen services to folks traveling there. we are ready to support in any way we can to help. >> have there been any
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additional measures that diplomatic security has taken since these bombings? >> we do not discuss specific security posture, folks are very focused. >> one more thing. what is our ability to bring in our own security personnel into russia? >> and terms that the dramatic security? -- in terms of diplomatic security? >> if we wanted to protect the u.s. team, or other people. deval patrick security from the state department is responsible. -- diplomatic security from the state department is responsible. we send folks as we need them. we don't have any specific numbers to give you. they are playing a lead and that it will continue to do as we head into the x. >> will there be more people? >> i don't know the details, we will talk about it more leading up to sochi.
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>> do you believe that makes the situation urgent, that you cooperate with the russians in fighting terrorism? iraq --ways talk about we always cooperate with the russians in fighting terrorism, we talked about this with the boston bombing. >> are the russians forthcoming in cooperating? on the are very focused olympic games, we are cooperating closely. you mention that there have been threats made against the games already. have any been made against americans specifically? >> not to my knowledge. i don't have all the details. >> highlights from the second season of our first lady's serious. from edith roosevelt to rosalynn carter. clips, taurus, and more. 9:00 p.m. eastern on c-span.
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i have been involved in politics for 40 years in one way or another. campaignsn reagan's and in his administration. i have never seen so many people quoting and waving around the declaration and the constitution. you of you, 10 years ago, never gave it a second thought. now, i that is is at the front of your minds. it is with tens of millions of us. the fact of the matter is -- tens of millions of us love this country. we do not want a fundamentally transformed. we have to get to as many other people as we can, wake them up and educate them. i am not trying to pat myself on the back. that is the purpose of this book. i consider it part of the purpose of my radio program, as do other people in broadcasting. which is why we are under attack. selling author,
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lawyer, reagan administration personnel mark levin will take your calls. in depth on cspan2. the road is on fire. they are moving extremely fast. excise after five years to 10 years. everything is new. languages.ming historically, we have divided human life into four slices. a play phase, a learned phase, a work phase, and then a resting phase. maybe eventually dying. what we should be doing is interweaving these phases. we should play, learn, work and rest at the same time. fast.rld moves so we cannot afford having a single set of education.
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we have to stay up to date. throughout theay afternoon. ceo's of twitter and others are the future of higher education, robotics, and data as the new industrial revolution. on the tv, "unflinching courage," former texas senator on the women who helped shape texas at 8:45. on american history tv, daughters of civil rights leaders and a segregationist share their memories of the civil rights era and 8:30. >> a discussion of the role of conservative women in politics from the university of california at wrigley. this is one hour 15 minutes. go -- there we go. ok. thank you so much for coming. i want to thank the berkeley center for right-wing studies and the cosponsors, the graduate school of journalism. and the center for race and
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gender. christine, jerry, deirdre. i also want to thank john mccain. why would i want to thank john mccain? as most of you know, in 2008, john mccain surprise the united states by nominating alaska governor sarah palin to be his running mate in the presidential election. and i remember that moment. i was at a political science conference and my first book had just come out on conservative women. it was academic press. i'm sure a few people thought it might be interesting. then i saw sarah palin on the screen on national television and i thought john mccain is promoting my research agenda. so i always feel it's important to thank john mccain when i do talk about my research. speaking of research and i want to follow up on something that larry said. what i am presenting today is scholarly work and really intended to create understanding of conservative women. i am a women of politics scholar and i saw a lack of attention to
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ideological diversity among women in the scholarship that was being published. so i became very interested myself and exploring questions about conservative women and also wanting to highlight their important contribution to politics. no matter where you stand politically, i think it is really important for us to understand the role that they play in politics. now back to palin -- references to palin's gender and maternal status influenced the campaign when she was running for president. this generated discussions of whether or not mothers of young children should seek elected office. of course, she played into these debates by bringing her children on stage for events and referring to herself as a hockey mom. discussions of mothers in politics made their reappearance in 2010 when palin herself was advocating for and campaigning for mostly tea party candidates,
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women who were running for office, and calling them her mama grizzlies. june 5, 2011, and other mother of five, conservative, congresswoman michele bachmann announced her intention to run for president of the united states. as with palin, bachmann's bid generated a lot of debate over gender roles and women in politics from all sides. given that both women were running in high-profile races, these cases provide an excellent lens through which public deliberations about conservative women, motherhood and politics can be examined. so i was very eager after the first book that i wrote, which was about two conservative women's organizations and i wanted to stop and felt compelled to keep going. but i was eager to resources -- i was eager to explore the question about how you have conservative ideology, which promotes traditional gender roles, stereotypes, which i will
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get into, yet these organizations are promoting these mothers of five running for national office. so the research i am presenting today builds on my work in writing feminism. when i was presenting research and talking about the book afterwards, i got a lot of questions from people basically saying aren't those women hypocritical? they say women should stay home and be with her kids and yet there they are running for office. those of you who remember that the anti era-- debates, this was posted to phyllis schlafly. she has children and she is out there politically engaged and so on. so it was a frequent question. people said these women are hypocrites. that's basically people said the -- that's basely what people
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said. that is too simplistic. if you stop at calling a group of people hypocrites and leave it at that, you lose out on a lot of information and understanding what role they actually play in politics. what i want to argue today is that -- i'm sorry there are valid reasons to say that potentially these women can be considered hypocrites, but there are also tensions and contradictions and it is not as clear-cut. so let me explain. so some of the tensions, that conservatives are actually presented with. because they do promote gender rule conservativism. on the other hand, they are also promoting mothers in politics. so let's start with the tensions in the questions and the ideas about why is it that we would think it would be wrong for conservative women to promote people like palin and bachmann running for office. conservatives have promoted
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stay-at-home motherhood based on theological beliefs and male leadership in heterosexual families and about gender values about the primacy of women as caretakers, social conservatives have long argued that women should prioritize their roles as stay-at-home mothers. that is the first point that i sense that you should think it is odd to promote palin and bachmann. conservative women's groups in the u.s. themselves have been promoting these ideas for decades. i will give you two comments from women that run organizations or are active in conservative women's groups. they point to why we think conservative groups might actually be hypocritical and promoting palin and bachmann. the first is from a woman who works for concerned women of america. "women recognize that they cannot have it all at once. they have to acknowledge that when they are blessed with children and it is important to give their needs top priority.
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another quote is from phyllis schlafly. encouraging wives and mothers to do their own thing has left children to bear burdens of loneliness, depression and d&d -- and an empty house. latchkey children are crying out for the love of mom who subordinate to their own career ambitions and desire for material things to the well-being of their children. so these do show there is some validity in positing that there may be some hypocrisy here. another tension for conservatives is that, in terms of promoting mothers in elected office, republicans -- if you are looking at studies, they are less likely than democrats in promoting mothers of young children for running for office. scholars have found that in states where there is a higher number of social conservatives, the lower number of women are in the state houses in so there is an inverse correlation and political life. conservative women's organizations have chastised feminists for promoting the notion that women can have it
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all. that is that they can be super moms. you may remember the bring home the bacon and fried up in a pan. that was in the 1970's or 1980's. essentially, conservatives had chastised feminists for promoting the notion of the supermom. encourageed that they mothers to participate in the workforce and that it generates feelings of guilt and so on. promoting palin a mother of five or bachmann, and other mother of five, and standing behind tea party mothers running for office, indeed, the promotion of these women appear to violate ideological and religious norms. ok. on the other hand, there are some reasons to think that this makes perfect sense that conservative women are doing this. to use phyllis schlafly.
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despite the prevailing gender norms, women have had a long history of political participation in conservative movement politics. we know her from stop era. she ran for congress and worked on barry goldwater's campaign and so on. conservative women's activism has included, for example, organizing against the women's suffrage amendment. they have been actively involved in challenging laws having to do with federally funded day care or family leave. they have been actively involved in the opposition for legal abortion, same-sex marriage. so despite the conservative gender roles, they are actively involved in politics. secondly, when republicans do vote for women, they prefer to vote for mothers than women who do not have children. third, there are an increasing number of republican women running to -- running for
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office. in the 2010 election, there were record numbers of republican women elected to office. the numbers are still pretty low. about 18% in congress, but only a quarter of them are republican women. but they are wanting to increase their numbers. the republican party wants them to succeed. in addition, conservative women's groups themselves to do political --nd a foundednd it -- have political action committees and organizations to raise money and train women to run for office. they are working to meet the goal of getting more republican women elected. finally, republicans are well aware there is a gender gap that favors -- generally, women favor democrats in presidential elections. they know they need to target women voters and promote more women in politics. here is the tension. historically, conservatives have grappled between ideology, the role of mothers and women, and political reality when it comes to trying to promote women in the public sphere, including in the realm of professional
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politics. given these tensions, i ask the following questions. how do conservative women advocates -- and i actually looked at conservative women's organizations themselves in the first part. how do they negotiate ideological beliefs about conservativism and gender roles with an interest in electing republican women, and in particular wanting to promote , palin and bachmann when they were running for office? thesely looking at how organizations. with palin and bachmann during their campaign. -- io they represent interviewed women leaders and asked them how they negotiate tensions personally. they're all paid representatives of organizations.
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how do they negotiate tensions personally and how did their organizations talk about these tensions? and how might that affect public discourse and policy outcomes? finally, i look at what this tells us about gender and politics more broadly, especially in light of the fact that there are an increasing number of republican women who want to run for office, or are running for office and want to get elected. i see this as important not just and asking those questions. when conservative women are talking about gender roles and -- gender roles and maternalism, it has implications broadly for how we understand motherhood, politics, in a broad sense. i want to make it clear that we need to think broadly and not just try to think someone is hypocritical, but what it actually means when people think this in the public sphere. i will not go into much detail about political theories of representation and so on. i'm happy to talk about it in the q and a.
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i want to talk about what guides my work. i look at social and economic conservatives, and i'm happy to .efine that later on the organizations i study are national and represent a range of conservative women's organizations and women political actors. i specifically look at how they talk about palin and bachmann when they were running for office. and i try to tease out how it is they -- what language they used to account for the tension. and i find that basically what they do is they have transformed the meaning of conservatism a little bit to basically take account for the fact that they are promoting mothers in office even though sometimes they say mothers should stay home. i look at their language. and i call that "framing." when i use the term framing, i'm really talking about language and ideas used to communicate values, organizational goals, and perspective.
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then i went on and did interviews with women who represent national organizations. i have also interviewed feminist women for the bigger project i am working on. but for the talk today, i'm only talking about conservative interviews. and here, arguing about personal narratives and how they reflect the political actors understand mothers' interest and provide insight into basically, how they themselves have negotiated these tensions. but also how their organizations are talking about them. and how these things shape public discourse about motherhood, conservatism, and gender in politics. it's a mouthful, but hopefully i'm making the argument in the long run. i will present my research in two hearts. -- in two parts. first, the organizations on palin and bachmann. second, i will give you highlights of the interviews i did and talk about how they work together and how there are contradictions between the two. here are the organizations i've studied. the concerned women for america. the oldest organization is eagle forum.
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that inschlafly founded 1972. all of these groups are not only national in scope, but i consider them to be women's organizations. what i mean is they are exclusively led by women and they make arguments that a are representing women. i think that is very important. you have now saying they represent women's interest and conservative groups saying they represent women's interest. there engaged in a public debate about the representation of interests. these are the organizations i've studied. the network of enlightened women is a college women's group. smart girl politics is more of a web-based organization, but there is a range. these are the groups that i looked at as far as how they talk about palin and bachmann. the interviews are here. i will go back to the slide when i go over the interviews. but as you can see, there is a range here. i will note again, this is not the universe of conservative women. i studied what political
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scientists like to call elite women leaders of or representative of these organizations. this can range from phyllis schlafly to the national coordinator for the tea party. let me go back to the organizations rhetoric about palin and bachmann. basically, i found that they use two different frames. the first is called feminine toughness. those are indeed, barbie for president. i have them in my office and they are good conversation starters. i wanted to get a suit that matched, but it was nowhere to be found. i am kidding about that part. the first frame that organizations use is what i call feminine toughness. basically let's focus on the , feminine first. not feminist, but feminine. from this perspective, palin is deemed to be full of grace and someone who exudes femininity. this is the language that these organizations have used to talk
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about her. she was heralded as a leader who successfully integrates political leadership with family responsibility. the president of the claire booth policy institute tells us that palin holds her baby on stage because she wants to publicly embrace being a women in all of its facets. has motherhood coupled with , her policy goals and proves to the independent women's forum that you don't have to hold the cultural prejudices of the left to be a woman. in an interview with the washington post, the president of the independent women's forum also summed it up this way. she said this about palin. "she is feminine and she is fashionable, and that is ok now." which i'm happy to hear. in these ways, femininity is how she looks. this is in part why i put the
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barbie up here. because obviously it is partly about what you wear and your makeup. it is also her personal convictions. she emphasizes the centrality of her husband and children and so on. bachmann generated similar reactions. in an interview discussion of the potential effects of told a cnnuce reporter, i actually think it is great. i think you can embrace your femininity in a way that you will look and still be a smart and intelligent woman. in addition to their style and persona, palin and bachmann are also consistently praise not just for being feminine, but also for running for office for the right reasons. and that is, not to gain power or authority, but to help people. here, conservative women are also now offering what i say is a feminized account of the quest for national office. one that is actually consistent with the traditional notions of mothering and gender roles.
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as an aside, feminists also have some version of this when they talk about the need for more women in office and the difference in what they bring to political office. but this is a very particular to this end, karen agnes who founded the network, which is a conservative organization for college women, praised palin's life choices and goals. she said palin chose to marry her high school sweetheart stating proudly we met at high school and two decades and five children later he's still my guy. she chose to have children and focus her time on raising the children, but to make her community better for children. now, balkman was also touted as a role model in general for this but also as a role model for younger women due to her feminine leadership goals. cordova told a reporter that balkman "stands up for her believes." it's not about
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