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tv   Washington This Week  CSPAN  February 1, 2014 9:00pm-11:01pm EST

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i love amnesty for illegal immigrants. leading our nation. the establishment can say, we are the only the establishment can say well, we're the only chance at repealing obamacare and if you don't elect us the democrats are not going to do it. how many in this room really trust the current republican leadership in the senate and in the house to actually do what they say and repeal obamacare, raise your hands? how many dosed -- don't trust them? so, why should we believe anything that they say? they don't keep their word. they don't like being held accountable.
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can tell you, we have evolved beyond holding tea parties. a georgia, we are beginning precinct organization plan. we are going after swing and independent voters. we formed a coalition with the grassrootsservative organization in georgia. we are going to be very competitive in the primary. we need to elect people to congress and two elective office that are not going to be in the pocket of big business, big corporation sponsors. they are going to say no to them we would a shame that send elected officials to washington dc that care more about appeasing their corporate you continue corporate cronyism and corporate welfare. they talk about our entitlement
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society and how we need to reform our welfare system and entitlement system. total agreement with that. but we also need to reform subsidies, stop corporate welfare and corporate subsidies, and we need to tell the government to stop picking winners and losers. subsidies are monopolies in the energy field are the governments ways of picking winners and losers and it's unconstitutional. we need to stop it. they claim to be principled, the when they have a decision between their principles and what their cap -- what their
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corporate benefactors one, they always go with their corporate benefactors instead of going and doing what is right for this country, and that has to stop. that is why big business -- the u.s. chamber of commerce has declared war on the tea party because we are saying no to corporate cronyism. we are saying no to corporate welfare, and we are telling them that needs to stop. been pickingt has winners and losers in the energy field since the 1940's. energy is one of the things most heavily subsidized out there. they need -- if you want to get energy underway, the solution would be cut out all energy subsidies. let the energies compete in the free market and let the free market decide what energy is best, not the government.
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if you go to the websites -- if you open, have any doubt why a vote was cast, follow the money. jim demint left the senate and he said the government should stop picking winners and losers in the energy field. cut outduced a bill to all energy subsidies for coal, nuclear, wind, soldier, natural gas and he said the government needs to stop picking winners and losers and the free market needs to decide that. it never even made it to the floor or out of committee. you have to excuse me i have allergies. -- i can tell you
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that we have sent many whene to washington dc they are on the campaign trail, they are warriors. they are principled and they promised they will go to d.c. and be a voice for you. in many cases, once they get there and they start drinking , they turn who laid from warriors to wimps. and all of a sudden, they are biddinge business and of big corporations and their donors instead of doing what is right for this country. i encourage you to turn our theirng fathers pledge
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lives on her, liberty and sacredness to each other, and i pledge that each and everyone in this room turn to your neighbors, make the same pledge, and yourur life's fortunes and your sacred honor to work to unseat rhino number one, lindsey graham in this next election. thank you. that will make a statement. we have gotten smart. and you have friends in the sisters inhers and different states are going to be coming and help you unseat senator graham. thank you.
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>> i would only quibble with one saying. the government doesn't pick winners and losers. expense losers at the of winners. it hasn't picked a winner yet, and the founding fathers did not make the federal government of venture capital firm. now, if we could get the $100 million that karl rove got last time and instead make it a buy in to washington dc, that would be productive. up next is a man i have interacted before with. he is an author. his name is trevor lowder. the enemies within. about thet talk enemies within? great to be here. look, it's great to be back in south carolina, the state that
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produced jim demint, one of my great heroes. and a state that has produced the people that are about to unseat lindsey graham. it is a very, very worthy goal. i will just say, i have been touring the company -- country for three months. days. been here 90 if i stay for 91, i get a free cell phone. i get health care. you know. ask me, why do i care about america? why do i come to this country from new zealand to do something in your country. i say there are two basic reasons. the first is simple. gratitude. my country was only saved in world war ii by the huge sacrifice of your fathers and uncles and grandfathers at the battles of guadalcanal.
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and then still resonates in my country today. in the bottom of the south pacific and people down there think we're safe, but look, folks, if your country goes on the direction it's in now of downgrading the military, china is moving into my region now. fiji is a client state. they are training the military. ago, the australian minister was up in china for talks and a top chinese general said to him now is the time for australia to choose. do you want an american godfather or a chinese godfather? if you are smart, you will choose china because we are the region. folks, around the world
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your allies are being forced to make a choice. countries like israel, great britain, germany, canada, japan, they are all basically freaking out because the leadership they see coming out of your white house, they see that your president seems to love the bad guys of the world more than he loves them. and that is causing huge instability folks. we have japan which is now rearming. they were never supposed to rearm after world war ii but they are now rearming because they cannot trust obama to protect them from north korea and china. look at how many of your allies climbed aboard when obama wanted go into syria. that shows where american prestige has gone.
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vladimir putin, the old kgb man, who spent most of his career trying to destroy your country, is now looked on as more of a statesman than your president. you have israel with its back to the wall, no friends left in the middle east, and they may be forced to take desperate measures to defend themselves, and those measures could put us into world war iii, and all because of your president, the man with the nobel peace prize in his trophy cabinet. so that's where it's going, folks. this isn't just about america. this is the free world at stake here. if america goes, we all go. not one free country will remain standing. iran andd china and north korea and nicaragua and regime'sthe islamic will carve up this planet amongst themselves. about costa rica,
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folks. don't even think about new zealand, because if you go, we all go. now, i have a book on the market. it's called the enemy is within. communists, socialists and progressives in the united states congress. its 750 pages. i vowed to make it smaller than the last one, but it is bigger because those bloody commies just kept coming. and i couldn't leave out jim clyburn. i couldn't leave out people like that. modern communism borrowed from the devil because the cleverest thing the devil ever did was to convince people he didn't exist. and what have the communists done?
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exist, and if they do, they are not a threat. well, they are a threat, folks, and they are in your congress. and the other thing the book is about is the other big secret of modern communism. it is not adam bomb spies or anything like that, it is the ability of a tiny, marxist, leninist harty to use the labor unions and the people under their control to influence the policy direction of your government. thisou were very lucky in country for a long time because your labor unions were controlled by hard-core anti-communist like george meany and lane copeland. today, 1995, that all changed because that was the year the democratic socialists in america, your largest marxist , took over the afl-cio. they took them over,
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they took over the democratic arty. and that was the point when the moderates like joe lieberman and people like that were no longer welcome. it is not the democratic party of harry truman anymore, folks, or even jfk. it is now the democratic party of marx and lenin. because that unions control that and the communists control the unions. they make a policy -- it might be comprehensive immigration reform, obamacare, cap and trade, green energy, whatever it is. they make it union policy and the unions make it democratic party policy. if you want to know what the democrats are going to do tomorrow, read the people's world today, the communist party paper, because what's in their paper today will be on the floor of your house tomorrow. that's how it works. that's how small groups of people -- probably less than
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20,000 card-carrying communists in your country -- that so they took control of the labor unions to take policy for more than 300 million people. people.ow they do it, i will give you an example. comprehensive immigration reform. now you have been told by people like mr. graham and fellow comrades like the man from arizona, mr. mccain, that this is going to be good for the gop, right? we give these people citizenship, voting rights, they are all going to start voting republican. yeah, right. and i have a bridge in brooklyn you might be interested in. theof this started back in 1950's with a man called bert corona, communist party member in california. he was the one who set up the immigrants rights movement. he set up a whole bunch of
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organizations through southern california and he got a whole bunch of people, several of whom are with us today. people like antonio vera goza, who was recently the mayor of los angeles -- antonio villa goza who recently was the mayor of los angeles. he is a marxist. cuba as a young man to pick sugarcane for cuba. he totally change the demographics of los angeles. the immigrants flooded in. comrades is the speaker of the california house. he was the man that put the dream act through. that gave illegals a whole bunch of rights in california. key comradesf the currentlypalazzo, head of the california labor movement. the massive labor
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union registration drives and get out the vote efforts that have turned california completely blue. all on the backs of illegal immigrants. this wasn't an accident because every one of those people were marxists and they had a plan. they look at your electoral that they they know can get control of the electoral college and that gives them the power to pick your president. once ak at california, reddish purple state. now it is solidly blue. even orange county, the most conservative region in your country wants, is now purple. all done deliberately by marxist using illegal immigrants, using voter registration drives that makes the latino community a plan. now, the head of the immigration
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reform movement in this country right now is a man called alistair medina. until recently the executive vice president of the sei union. he served on obama's immigration committee. driving the bill that went through your senate and he is working with people like luis gutierrez out of illinois to get a bill through your house. he is the man. now, to take you back a little bit to prove a point. which organization in this country 20 years ago was the most hard-core anti-illegal immigrant? which organization was constantly lobbying congress to increase penalties for anybody who employed illegal aliens? the unions. the afl-cio. the cause they saw -- because they saw illegal immigrants as
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unfair competition for their members. they would drive wages and conditions down. now today, which organization is leading the charge to legalize illegal immigrants? the unions. why the change? because before 1995, the unions were there to represent their workers. after 1995, when the dsa took they became an organization dedicated to socialist revolution. illegal immigrants are not good for unionized workers, but they are real good for socialist revolution. of that is why the afl-cio is now so hard-core pushing it. and the man who got the year does gotreverse does theunions to rivers -- and man who got the unions to reverse their policy was a
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member of the democratic socialists of america, a marxist. now, why does he wanted? he wants more members, but the real big deal is this. cat out of the bag at a progressive conference in washington dc two years ago. he got up in front of the comrades and said this, immigration reform is the number one priority for the progressive movement. in 2000 eight, latinos voted 78% and progressive candidates. if we give these people for give theseip -- people citizenship and voting rights, they will stand by our movement. this will give us at least 8 million more democratic party votes. this will give us a governing for the nextjust few election cycles but for the foreseeable future.
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in other words, a permanent democratic one-party state. if they get those 8 million votes, texas will go blue. even georgia will go blue. most of the southwest will go blue. if you take the electoral code -- electoral votes from texas and combine those with california, which they've already got, it makes it mathematically impossible for the republicans to ever win another election. it cannot be done. got traitors like lindsey graham and john mccain telling you this is good for the gop. it's good for the chamber of commerce, for now. its good for the unions, but ain't good for america and it certainly isn't good for republicans, and you have to repay -- you have to oppose it,
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folks. you have to stand against that. the bill would've been passed long ago without you guys. you know that. that brings me to a point. things are pretty tough in america right now. you could lose your freedom permanently. and this won't be like europe. this will be like venezuela and then cuba. this is a full-blown socialist revolution you are undergoing. don't make any mistake about that. depress youwant to because you are here for a good 2008.but i think back to they had the house, the white house, the senate. all the ducks were in a row. they had the agenda written out and they were going to take out middle america once and for all. they were going to transform
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your nation. but in 2009, something miraculous happened. you guys happened. you guys came out of left field -- or should i say right field -- ok? surprise.ok them by you took me by surprise. you came out of nowhere and you stood on your constitution and you marched, and you blog, and you agitated, and you e-mailed, and you phone bank, and you took the house back in 2010. it wasn't the gop. you know that you to get back, and had you not done that? we be now? everything the obama administration wanted in would be in now.
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those 8 million illegals would be voting. obamacare, green jobs, the whole scam would be in. obama knows that you stop them. progressive theerence last year, institute of policy studies that basically writes the obama platform. i went and mingled with the marxist because i want to know what they are talking about. you know what they were talking about all day? afford me. i got sick of it. you guys. tea party this. tea party that. you stopped us here. you stopped us there. they held us up. they did that. they talked about nothing else all day. nothing. you have to understand, you
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saved your country. where are you now? you have been let down, marginalized and criticized, and you are still fighting. where are you now? think back to 1976. you had the carter years. no, you had not had them yet. a man came out of california, ronald reagan, and he's stood for the values you stand for. he stood for the same things and he articulated them so well, and hundreds of thousands of people young and old got behind him. they loved his message. because you had been losing your freedom. that and soick of were you.
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and you got ronald reagan. and you are telling me he did not change this country for the better? ronald reagan was a pretty old guy. go around all the time and where my ronald reagan batch. i have had 16-year-old cost -- goss girls with weird haircuts come up to me and say wasn't he great? how do you think they would get along with gerald ford? not so good? the point is, young people love idealists and people who stand for something. that's why they love ron paul.
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you people put reagan into power and he did so much. right now, we are carter on steroids. we really are. everything carter screwed up, these people are doing deliberately. and they mean business. again, thereower will not be another turn for the republicans or any other conservative party ever. this is it. this is the turning point. , therethe next election is only one political force that can stop the democrats and take them out. and whether you like it or not, it's the gop. but the real important question is the character of that gop. now if they give you a fat boy ,rom new jersey or a jeb bush you're going to lose, right?
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you are going to lose. and even if they win, you still lose, because her aggressive is in rolls on. i think you people have the power to make something different happened. i can't pick your candidate, but this is what i would do if i was a man like ted cruz. ok? to win the next election, you need every single segment of that old reagan coalition less. lose thet afford to libertarians, the fiscal conservatives, the social conservatives, or the 2 million republicans who stayed home last toe, and you cannot afford lose the evangelical christians who didn't even vote.
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karl rove spout on his face and he blames you. what would i do if i was ted cruz or someone of that caliber? i would put that coalition together now. now, before chris christie or anyone else can get a head of steam up and blow things for you. you have all of these people out there who are waiting for inspiration, who are wanting to believe in something. if i were ted cruz, i would go out there and start taking my team. i would go to someone like allen west and say i want you as my vp. libertarians,se those young libertarians, i
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would go to someone like rand paul and i would say i am going to make you secretary of the treasury and you can do what you dam well want to the federal reserve and the irs. and for the energy voters, as palin, secretary of energy. drill, baby, drill, open it up. jim brydon stein secretary of defense. john bolton, secretary of state. ambassador to the united nations, no one. ok? dr. ben carson, secretary of health and human services.
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mark 11, attorney general. voters, theytian care about the education of their children more than almost anything. they love the homeschooling. i would say to them, you vote for me and i will make mr. david barton secretary of education. now, would you guys get motivated by a team like that? do you think it could win? would you be in c lose and get all of -- enthusiastic and get all of your friends and get wound up about something like that? and is it possible? it's possible, folks, and you can make it happen. behind the best
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candidates and take no prisoners with the gop. you get in there and take their they back and make sure give them your team and a team you can be inspired by. imagine, folks, if you had people like that -- all those people are out there, the proven leaders. the grassroots are out there. there have never been more people who understand the u.s. constitution and american exceptionalism since the revolution. the leaders are there. the grassroots are there. if you can put them together, you can win this thing. only doonly win it, not what reagan did, you can go way beyond reagan and actually restore the constitution of your country and put the federal government back in its place.
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i know folks, this is not easy. there are no guarantees of success, but i am asking for two more years. because if you give it everything you've got for two more years, the very least you're going to get is the ability to look your children in the eye and say i gave it everything. is that not worth something? and if you win it folks, you will not just give them the country you inherited, you will give them a country even better. is that not worth fighting for? i'm just about finished. i know how tough it is. i have been involved in practical politics, and you have
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a big job on your hands. i was in morristown new jersey and i went around the big were 10,000 troops camped through the winter of 1780. by the end of the winter, there , the officers reading their dogs and the troops were eating their boots. we are in crucial times and we have to fight. they fought then and we have to fight now. i just want to say, you all have a decision to make. do i work and fight or do i give up? yourewards are huge if fight. the penalties are terrible if you don't. back at those founding fathers and we can see their place in history. think that when they were starving in morristown they could see the amazing country they were creating? they didn't care.
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they just cared about the next meal. but look what they achieved. we can see their place in history looking back from here. history? your place in there will be some kid in 200 years in front of a high school class in this town, a civics class, and he will say something like this to his friends, hey guys, we studied history. we studied american revolutions. that second one, when everybody thought america was done, people stood up against all the odds, they took back the constitution and they restored the public, and they gave us the liberty and prosperity we enjoy today. yes what, folks, i did some .amily research i went back to my family background and found that my great, great, great, great grandma and family were in the
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south carolina tea party. ok? how about that? want to say, you have a place in history, and you have the world on your shoulders. and you can do this. i want to say thank you very much for having me here. thank you for what you're doing, and god bless america.
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we are going to have a question-and-answer session with trevor. also, a housekeeping note, there is a water station just outside where the elevators and stairs are so you don't dehydrate. yes sir. oh, you're up? sorry, bob. up next is this gentleman here, bob benj is from the convention states project and he is -- g to talk about >> good afternoon. i am the south carolina state director for the national convention of states project. i have been teaching and speaking on the constitution for the last 15 years, and inevitably, whenever i do that, i always end up relating back to an event that takes place at the virginia ratification convention in june of 1788. at that convention, there was raucous and rancorous debate going on between two factions. you probably know this already, the federalists and the
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anti-federalists. you probably well know that the federalist were those trying to work on the amendments for the articles of confederation, and those folks understood that there needed to be a stronger central government. today we recoil at that, but that's what they understood because of what the articles were. the anti-federalists also understood the need for a stronger federal government, but they were extremely leery of investing too much power in the central government. people tell me that politics need to go back to a time when it was more civil. you look back in history, it never happened. there was huge rancorous debate at that convention. as a matter of fact, it was so and edmundrick henry randolph almost had a duel. cooler heads prevailed and that didn't happen. but a man named george nicholas stood up in the midst of that rancor and said something profound. it is so profound i have it on the back of my business card.
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he said an enlightened citizenry will never suffer what was established for its security to be perverted to inactive tierney. -- to an act of tierney. when you look at that statement that's on the board right now, you see two words that stand out. an enlightened citizenry. i don't have to tell you this. you are here. the enlightened citizenry. we are not teaching the constitution. we are not teaching separation and we have an unenlightened or -- let me say ignorant -- and i don't mean that in a nasty way, they are just unenlightened. an enlightened citizenry will never let what was established for their security be converted
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to an act of tyranny. people say to me bob, if they are not obeying now? why would they obey any changes to it? that is a good question, but there is a misunderstanding about what is going on. we know our elected officials are disobeying their oaths to read we know that. how are they able to get away with it? submit to you that for 100 years our constitution has been pulled, twisted, contorted and radically perverted, and the reason those guys can get away with disobeying their oath to the constitution is because of what has happened. the courts today -- when i teach the constitution, i teach constitutional law. i teach original intent. that is the only way to interpret the constitution. i take them back to the founding
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documents, the federalist papers and the notes from the ratification conventions themselves to madison's notes at the convention in philadelphia. we know what the original intent is. it's not hard to determine. it's right there. but we don't do that anymore. we have acted as judges -- and not just the judges, but those that place them there. we talked about one of our senators who has done that frequently a little while ago. get away withto that. we know what the problem is. the federal government is out of control and will not relinquish power. i will try to be respectful of my time, but i have to get this then. now look at what is happening. all three branches of federal government are attacking state sovereignty. i would go so far as to submit to you that the three branches of government are in collusion with one another today. as a matter of fact, the two parties are in collusion with
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one another. we have a huge problem. you know about the out-of-control spending and debt, but let me show you this. we talked about the federal agencies under the executive branch. i have a picture posted by mike lee, one of the good guys, about a week ago on his facebook page. the 80,000 pages added to the federal register last year. they call them regulations, but they carry the force of statutory law. we have federal agencies set up in the executive branch in violation of the constitution. the department of energy, the environmental protection agency, the department of education. david barton and there. i would abolish the department of education. agencies -- honest people can dispute whether we need some of these functions, but here is what you need to understand.
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faceless bureaucrats behind closed doors are writing regulations that are laws that have no accountability to me and you. of the one section one united states constitution says all legislative power will be vested in the congress. when congress sets up agencies under the executive -- and they like to do this. they are glad it is done because then you can't blame them when the president takes his pen and passes an executive order. that, to me, is the fourth branch of the federal government. it is enormous. it is out of control. what does this mean? the cold hard truth is that washington, d.c. will never voluntarily relinquish meaningful power. we have to work to elect good people to federal office. we have great candidates running against lindsey graham. we have a provision that has been given to us but we have to open up another front. the time has come for the states
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the citizens to be proactive in taking this power back. as the a solution as big problem. if you are here today, you know the problem is enormous. we're not fooling ourselves. we need a solution that is big and what i want to tell you is the framers, from 226 years ago, are screaming to us. provisions inhe the constitution. i know there is fear among us, but there are two methods to propose amendments to the united states constitution. you probably know this one. all 27 amendments to the federal constitution have been done via this mode right here. article five. you know it. two thirds of both houses propose amendments. and they send those amendments out to the states. send them to the 50 states, or if you listen to the president, 57. and they say that 38 states must
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ratify those proposed amendments for them to become part of the constitution. but there is a second mode that is almost identical to the first mode. the legislators apply for an article five convention. if you look at the chart, it is almost exactly the same, except washington, d.c. is not involved. it is an end run. any conservative should before and running washington, d.c., but when you look at this, it is the same thing. if we are successful to get a convention called, the convention cannot change one word of text in the united states constitution. they can only propose amendments, just like congress. those are then sent to 50 states and three force would have to ratify them. consequently, 13 states could leave them alone and nothing
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would happen. but here's what's even more important. if you want to understand article five, you must look at the history. when i teach the constitution and limited government, i teach from a biblical worldview. i have a course called christian world studies. our founders operate from a biblical worldview. i would submit to you that the vast majority were bible believing christians. of aof them had much more biblical worldview than most christians do today because they were brought up under it. the bible is have a look learned how to read peter -- is how they learn how to read. they understood the depravity of man and that powers had to be separated. but this is very important. this right here. the philadelphia convention that took up the drafting of the united states constitution went from may until september of
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1797. through that summer, around june 11 -- up until june 11 was when they got to drafting an amendment process for the constitution. at that point, article five was drafted and had only the first mode i showed you a while ago, whereby only the congress could propose amendments. and george mason stood up on june 11 and said wait a minute. hold on. if the national legislature is the only way to propose amendments, should the national ,egislature become oppressive then the people will have no recourse. i think i got cut short a little bit, deny? 11, you get to september two days before the convention ends, george mason stands up again and says listen, if the people do not have a process.
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if the government becomes abusive and oppressive, lest it come to violence, the people need a recourse. was the to you that providential hand of god putting that into the constitution to give us a way forward. the convention of states process is a national effort to build a grass-roots machine in at least 40 states. can i please finish this? we know there are 50 states. the president says 57. we're shooting for 40. introduce identical bills for an article five application and call for a convention of states for the exact same subject rather than a particular amendment. i can talk to you more about this later about that. but we want to propose amendments to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government. the convention of states has a completely -- has an extremely strong grassroots movement.
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mark meckler is the cofounder. he was the founder of national tea party patriots in 2009. he knows grassroots. his partner is a guide by the name of michael ferris. schooler.e i have been homeschooling my kids for 16 years. two of them have graduated from college. michael ferris was the founder of the homeschooling association 30 years ago this year. he has stood up and fought in the trenches. this guy knows grassroots efforts. he is also one of the finest constitutional scholars in the nation and i am proud to call him a mentor of mine. the plan is to build a viable people -- to organize i am going to finish this, i promise you. here is the meat and potatoes. come to the table on the second floor and talk to us. i am trying to put a point of contact, a district captain --
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many of them are here. can you hold your hands up real quick? thisof them are here weekend. we're going to put one in every district and drive our bill through. we were the first state to introduce this application on december 3. virginia followed. georgia followed. and the good state of alabama last week introduced it. 14 cosponsors. bill taylor was the lead sponsor. we have a bill. we want to push that through. , we downstairs and please want to answer your questions. if you are honest with at ourves, when you look federal government, we are staring down -- romans 13 tells us if the government bears a sword -- we are staring down the gun barrel of a runaway federal congress. the only thing wrong with that
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graphic is that the needle is not all the way over. please visit www. convention of and come talk to us on the second floor. >> thank you, bob. i guess he is bypassing the room and going to the second floor. the room is right there. follow the gentleman. we are streaming this live in english and in spanish. the address is bit. l y/s etp conventions. -- s ctp convention. spread the word on that on your
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face books, and social media, and that kind of thing. speaking of the española version. a speaker from the witness project. dr. juan torres, thank you. hashtag, sctpcc. becausegreat to be here we know what the tea party is all about. andmuch more important,
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need to goges and beyond these walls. the reason we are doing this in english and spanish is because the importance of hispanics in the outcome of u.s. elections cannot be ignored anymore. i was supposed to talk for 20 minutes, but i gave half of my time to frank because i want you to listen to him. everybody asks this question. why latinos voted the way they voted. there are two reasons. and think about this because this is the case. one, the media. we don't have media representation in the united states. everybody knows that. when it comes to hispanic media, it is even worse. it's time to change the way we do politics.
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to include hispanic people from day one in order to win elections. it is very important that you remember that they don't want to teach hispanics or educate hispanics. hispanics need to know that one out of four live in poverty in the united states. hispanics need to know that the unemployment rate is more than the hispanic population. hispanics need to know that president obama said this is not a christian nation. ago whena few days president obama said i have a pen and i have a phone? i wonder where the pen and the phone was during the benghazi attack. i wonder where the pen and the when christians are
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killed all over in the middle east. 24 million hispanics were registered to vote this past election. only half of them voted. that gives you an idea how important it is, this issue. we need to reach out to hispanics because they need to know what we are facing right now. if we don't reach hispanics, sega by two presidential, state and local elections. more than 50 million hispanics living in the united states. a big part of the hispanic vote is going to get bigger and bigger every year. it's time for you to realize that we need you to do something about it. otherwise, it is going to be worse and worse. think about this.
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80% of hispanics voted for president obama. that was never seen in american history before. about the reason , think about , the huffington post. they are all in bed together. they make sure hispanics don't know what they go to vote. if they don't hear the news from -- one day, someone asked me what is this tea party about? why are you a tea party guy?
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in those days, i used to have a card with me and i would say i believe in the tea party. they would say why? your latino. they are racist. they are anti-immigration. i would say they are not. i am going to tell me what the tea party is about and you tell me which one you don't agree. limited government. national security. lower taxation. control the borders. i went one by one until i finished. and i say, can you please tell me, tell me from your heart if you don't believe anything i say. and it was a woman, and she couldn't say one thing. anything you don't say , it means you agree. now, if you don't agree with this, you shouldn't be living in this country, period.
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i encourage you to send this message all over the country. severingn we are so on -- the reason we're sponsoring this is because we want this message to go out as never before. think about the elections in new jersey. christie won the election with more than 50% of the hispanic vote. new jersey. a republican candidate. you know why he didn't? it?id becausee campaigned -- he campaigned heavily in spanish and where hispanics live. the minute he saw he was going to get 35% of the vote he knew he would lose the election. he got some of the worst
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hispanic support in the last 20 or 30 years. the reason i am telling you this winecause we can not elections without hispanic support and hispanics need to know what the tea party is about. hispanics need to know what this administration is doing. we moved here because america still is the best country in the world. we don't come here looking for another hugo chavez. reason weactly the escaped removed from our countries. and it is up to you to make sure these people know. we are christians. we are conservatives. but they are telling us that the ,ea party is racist anti-immigration, this and that. and you all know this is propaganda.
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they want you to make sure you keep doing what you are doing. they don't want you [applause] there is one more thing. wife, i don't know -- i have twoow minutes. thank you. i want a couple more numbers. in florida, there are 4 million hispanics. that is the way that it is. hispanics reached
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the voting age. every hour. even without amnesty, don't be -- how many of those know what is going on now? we do not need representation, they don't know. they want them not to know. i know you can do it. if you have hispanic friends or websites, put together for freedom usa so they get all the information. affirmation -- we put out the information. to make sure they know who they
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are voting for. thank you again. i appreciate this opportunity. god bless you, everybody. [applause] >> i know i am racist, but i like what he is doing. next, franklin is going to 's -- obamama distorting the constitution. >> i bring you greetings from the sun sign -- from the sunshine state. friends, america is in decline. of mys precisely the type hadst book, which i have
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since 2000 and eight. i have written four books. three of those are in spanish. 2008, 2010, 2012. this one just came out two weeks ago. this book is in english. the others were in spanish. i am the only hispanic in the nation that has written four books on barack obama. in this book i have documented policies the misguided of barack obama domestically and internationally. he has made as a superpower in retreat. a superpower has to be respected by our allies. it needs to be feared by our enemies.
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we are neither. unfortunately. [applause] i am an american born in cuba. at the age of 17 years old, with my brother, we invaded at the bay of pigs. criminal negligence, we lost that war. years oftenced to 30 hard labor. i served two years in the orinda's prisons of cuba, the worst prisons of cuba. away 120 pounds. therefore we americans born in -- are thankful have born witness from 2008.
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we have a communist that lives in the white house. [applause] not only is he a communist, he is a he then marxist. heathen muslim. [applause] his brother is a member of the muslim brotherhood. he was an architect of the financial workings of egypt. this is the older brother of barack obama. one thing in common egypt and israel have, both of them hate barack obama and those two nations. ,e has the muslim brotherhood and is helping iran and al
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qaeda. committing treason in our nation. in terms of the violations of the constitution, from the very moment he took the oath of office, to protect and defend the constitution of the united states, have violated that by naming 45 czars, radicals, none of which ever pass the senate. they are not subjected to congressional oversight or the consent of the senate. that was the beginning. has that point on, he ignored the constitution numerous times. , it is about time, he says he can sign any executive order that he wants. we have to tell him a warning. canhouse of representatives
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easily sign your impeachment. a cap pickup the phone, they can pick up the phone [applause] and, they can call the senate and say the impeachment articles are on the way to the senate. get him out of power. [applause] he is negotiating with vladimir putin to reduce a nuclear arsenal. he has been doing that since the moment he was elected an office. he is not taking it to the congress. he is doing in formally with vladimir putin. he is trying to push 17 u.n. treaties through the united nations.
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gun control. agenda 21. international court of justice. ,hey take away our sovereignty destroy the constitution, and take away our wealth to give it to third world countries. [applause] he has declared a war on christianity. our pentagonying and armed forces by denying them of the bible and goss told -- the bible and the gospel. he has allowed the muslim brotherhood to rewrite manuals on the pentagon, on the fbi, on the cia. he has appointed a bunch of muslim brotherhood people in his government to rewrite those manuals. can be put inism
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those manuals. we are lying about islam to the people supposed to be defending us. all federal agencies, the ira, the epa, the national labor relations, the labor department, to harass conservative organizations such as the tea party, large donors, and to harass billy graham. persecuting them. they say no crime was committed. my computer has been hacked multiple times. we are close to being a police state. very close. unfortunately. he committed massive fraud on to
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elections. in 2008, he used a corner -- corn to do in -- he committed massive fraud using acorn. falsifying tens of thousands of ballots. the attorney general is not investigating. in philadelphia, other places, and in 2012 they did even better. they introduced the software of the electronic voting machines used in venezuela to cheat elections. came to thees
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united states and bought a california based company. later, a canadian company bought , and another company, and those machines which the software from venezuela were used in 22 states and the district of columbia, 50% of the united states. those machines with software from venezuela by canadian company was used to determine the election in this nation. florida, two or three weeks before the election, there was a .oll done by the miami herald romney was carrying florida by seven points. asked after the election,
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surprised he won 55% of the votes. i can tell you, there is no a mentor a integrity in this nation. we will never restore democracy in this country until every single electronic machine is banned. and thrown in the trash. [applause] states, in the district of columbia, we use direct recording. when you press a button to vote, there is no paper trail. there is no way you can investigate fraud. you can introduce a virus on any of these machines. they self-destruct at the end of
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the election. congress knows it. they testified to congress that all these machines can be fixed and tampered. congress does nothing about it. thank you. [applause] >> i would like to tell you that all of our speakers are invited into the q&a room. anybody that would like to go and ask them questions, they will be there until the next speaker finishes. then he will be in the q&a room. >> there he is. , he iswant to see him going to tell us more of how terrible barack obama is.
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[applause] get my tablet to charge. i have to use paper. thank you. it is an honor to be here. i have met hispanic american. i am latino. i love this country. i love america. i welcome the opportunity to speak to you about the demographic trends happening in our hispanic american community. that is the right way to address this community. there is tremendous change. it is significant. let's look at the numbers. i have a lot of visuals. i was told 10 minutes. i'm going to be efficient here. 55 point million hispanic
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, 16% of the population. one in four children. that is significant. the young population is what is growing. hispanics account for 56% of the population growth over the last 10 years. that is not going to slow down. it is going to increase. i will show you that in a minute. i like to start with back to the future. this is a classic movie we have all seen. i am sure you remember the scene when the mad scientists talks about it. the carj fox tells him brought me back 30 years. the scientist is a believe it. who was president in 1985? michael j fox says ronald reagan. he says, the bad movie actor? yeah right. who is vice president, jerry
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lewis? he could not believe in 30 years, a bad movie actor could be president. a similar situation is happening now. -- early years is a significant demographic time. travels 30el j fox years back. let's go forward 30 years. that puts us that today. if 30 years ago, someone i told you the wealthiest man in the , barackuld be a mexican obama will be president, a lady would be running the federal reserve, the number one player in golf would be african-american, that the number one tv actress in america columbia, that the three biggest professional sports contracts in history of hispanics,r three
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and they happen to be dominican, and the bachelor on abc is also latino. he is from venezuela. if someone told you that 30 years ago you would not believe it. let's go back. let's look at purchasing power. we are not necessarily activists. we are communications research professionals. we are professional observers of culture. we provide strategic intelligence and marketing communications to reach people. look at the purchasing power. $1 trillion. 51 millioning about people. 16% of the population. trillion ofiding $1 purchasing power. growth, youat the
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will see that it is not only the fastest growing segment, but it is going to be the fastest growing. the most politically active. the most mobile. for -- by the way, this is the nielsen report. if the hispanic american community were a country, its gdp would be among the top 20 communities in the world. forward to the trends. look at this growth. we read 50 million people today. by 2050, it is going to be 100. what you're seeing is the trend is simple. by minorities will be majorities. we are not dealing in good or
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bad. it is not our job to determine good or bad. it is going to happen. whether it is good or bad determines on the actions we take today. where are they? help me with time? great. thank you. are these? you would expect the traditional hispanic of this, california, the southwest, florida, the east coast. that is the traditional hubs. where is growth happening? it is happening where you would not expect. it is going into the mainland. countiesountries -- with the highest growth. you would expect new mexico, california. look at this. georgia. south dakota.
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tennessee. pennsylvania. virginia. the growth is happening towards the mainland. five biggest states with growth over the last 10 years, you would not expect south dakota. kentucky. south carolina. very interesting. at the rate of change. yellow means hispanic. red means general market. versus the yellow red. look at overall change versus hispanic. this is important. i am telling you is true because hispanics are a young population. look at this graph. if you take over on the right,
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that is the anglo general markets. look at the ages. it is a wide. there is a large amount of people there. aging years, there is much less. most of the hispanics are young. and, the growth is not coming without. it is not people migrating from latin america. it is native born. these children are born in the united states. they are american citizens. important factor, in terms of media and political influence, there is significant growth area that growth is not necessarily align with your worldview.
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it is they are you have to consider it. every major media market has a spanish equivalent. fusion. fox launched mundo fox. univision. the bachelor. this guy is firma -- this guy is from venezuela. i do not necessarily watch it. you should know that this is an interesting guy. he is going to represent the community well. he is a classy man. he is intelligent. come.k good things can .eople will recognize the number one paid actress in television is colombian. the political influence is growing. not only -- not all of them are aligning with our views.
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a tremendous amount of people in state assemblies. of digital growth, very digitally connected. internet, all over the internet. adapt tomore likely to new technology, especially smartphones. they skipped the laptop and went to the tablet and smartphones. it is very easy to engage and communicate with hispanics online. this is what i was telling you about. the richest man in the world. carlos slim. gravitate to conservative family values. look at hispanic protestants. brendan blew. it is almost equal. when they are not protestants, it is a very big difference.
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barnett has a study showing that conservativee values, but the longer they live in america, the longer they gravitate away from traditional values. we have done -- that is time? just to give you this, we have had the privilege to participate in my hope america. that was a tremendous honor to be able to do that. we didie "courageous," the spanish adaptation. we did the spanish language for their website. that is the kind of thing we do that can help reach and bridge the gap with the community. thank you. [applause]
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>> this is why what we are doing now is so important. that is demographics. that is unalterable. the question becomes, what kind of americans do they become? they are young now. use all the numbers. and under crowd we are talking about. the question becomes, do we reach them? do we show them what america is supposed to be? that is how we shape the country going forward. otherwise, gonzález from chicago, we need to take hold of these people. bear witness translation is so important. great that we are addressing this now. we need to get much more proactive going forward. from
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>> a pleasure to be here. we sail loja. -- we say aloha. hawaii, i would be suspicious. i heard six people in d.c. let's try to get. aloha! >> aloha! ,> it is a pleasure to be here to be around engaged americans. we just came back from south dakota. educatingth the visit our patriots out there. they keep me on track. i have 10 minutes. i have to move fast. i move fast for reason. $8.8overnment spends
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million a minute. i find it disheartening to find out we spend our congressmen and and lose their. moral conference -- lose their moral compass. i do not know about you, but i get upset about that. canked the question, how that be? i listen to their speeches. they impress me. they told me they believe in the constitution. but all of a sudden, they get this disease. this amnesia disease. they get to d.c.. all they think about is party, power, control. that makes me angry. about thet declaration of independence.
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we are endowed by our creator by certain unalienable rights. we are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights. let it be known right now, my creator is my heavenly father, not the government. [applause] our rights, they are not allowed to take them away, by passing legislation like common core. dumbing down our children. shame on them. how about stealing our copyrights? nsa. hello nsa. a brown boy don't like you. i'm racist. i hate everybody equally. ndaa?bout
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they can lock you up without due process. is that make you angry? i am livid. bad news.e i'll give you some good news in a second. one of the issues i spoke about is the biggest that trumps all the others combined. our national debt. we are in serious trouble, ladies and gentlemen. people don't realize, half of our country cannot hate its bills. bills.ot pay its the number one threat to our country is the national debt. our founding fathers warned us. there are two ways to lose your country. sword, this ward -- the and through debt. >> number one the economy
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collapses. the military collapses. receive social security -- forget it. this ability, knowledge. -- people receiving disability, nilch. federal retirees, no checks. .elfare recipients 50 million people. throw up. when you tally those people into one group, that is 100 million people on the street looking for food and shelter. they will not be fighting about pro-life or common core. when that comes in, the government will step in and suspend the constitution and
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declare martial law. the is what we should all be concerned about. tois we the people's right alter or abolish it. of2014, we have a lot altering and abolishing. people say, that is not true. look at rome and greece. detroit michigan. it is happening in front of your eyes. russia, two. -- too. anybody hear about the miracle in ohio? this gentleman led the crusade. we had a balanced budget amendment passed in 55 days. [applause]
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as a matter fact, i would like to give a balanced budget amendment task force report. of thehe cofounder budget task force. you al give me -- current, up-to-date report. -- seatour seaports else. belts. amendmentsting passed in state legislatures for balanced budgets. ere 16 states in 2009 with active resolutions. it.010 florida passed new hampshire passed
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it. ohio did this fall. .he michigan senate passed it it is over to the house. georgiaan said -- and senate passed it. you need to let them know about it. we have resolutions filed in 12 more states. grassroots people are helping us along the way. they could not have done it in ohio without tommie's effort. weeverything would go well, could have 35 active resolutions for a balanced budget amendment. [applause] >> thank you. i will tell you what. i get excited every time i hear
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those numbers. knowledge is power. --orrow night at susan cole 6:30, we are offering seminars on how to teach the tea party to take back our government. abolish the irs and replace the text code. . balance the federal budget. why can't they? c, compel our government to follow the constitution. [applause] i ask you to help us join in this fight and restore the shining city on the hill. when? now, abraham lincoln would have said,
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if we falter and lose our freedom, it would be because we destroyed ourselves. join the fight. my partner wrote this book for years ago -- four years ago. available. american." , "i am it's not about the left. it is not about the right. it is about restoring our shining city. time. hill one more againcan be once americans. [applause]
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i thank you. god bless you and america. stan with me tomorrow in join tomorrowand with me and a joijoin us. >> david copperfield, ladies and gentlemen. up next, the americans for prosperity foundation. i have been fortunate to work with them. dave schwartz, ladies and gentlemen. [applause] >> good afternoon, tea party. come on. [cheering] >it is an honor to be here. i want to say, i am optimistic. some people call me crazy. i am optimistic. i think we are headed in the
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right direction. i think 2014 will be a much better year than 2012 or 2013. who is with me? there are signs of that. i am not crazy. although sometimes my wife thinks i am crazy. i am not. the president's approval ratings are the lowest they have ever been. think he is a lame duck president. i don't think congress or the senate or the american people are in the mood for any lurch to the left. obamacare, we have been fighting this for how long? five years? they launched it. it didn't go so well. kind of a told you so moment. i think the american people are seeing what is happening and feeling what is happening.
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millions of people are losing their insurance because of this disaster. i am optimistic. oreally and truly believe, else i wouldn't be here, i believe that america is still the greatest country in the world. absolutely. [applause] i live an unpleasant -- live in mount pleasant. i have to get out of here quickly. i promise i will be less than 10 minutes. i went to visit south carolina congressional delegation in washington. i was staying in arlington. i had to get a taxicab. you know it is the worst driving conditions in the world. worst drivers. it is a terrible place to drive. roads go all over the place.
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the taxi drivers have a tough job. i got in the taxi. my taxi cab driver is a guy named t.k. he was from a country called air eritrea. retreat -- we got to talking. interesting story. he came here because he wanted freedom. he came over here with the green card. he had a family member that got him in the country. he started working in the taxi business as a young guy. got married. had five kids. eventually ended up working for the capitol police. --was open up letters opening up letters and inspected the letters before they came
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into the congressional offices. hard worker. he had a dream. he loved the taxi business. own taxi to own his company. a fleet of sedans. he said, i have worked hard and saved up money. he had five kids, god bless them. ago he year and a half quit the government gig and started a cab company. they were beginning to realize as telling me the number one issue was health care. what happens if we get successful? if we have to employ more people? we had to buy more cars? that is the dream, what we want.
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anybody that goes into business, they want to become a big flourishing business. what happens when you have to get health care for our employees? theooked at me and said, president's law does not comport with my beliefs. he said, it puts a burden on folks like me. we had to hold back for a little bit. it is him and his buddy. they are partnered with another company. he said, it set us back. he went back to his time in erit rea. we had government run insurance. the doctors were employees of the government. when you go to the doctor, everybody gets to go.
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you get to see a doctor. they will give you the treatment, then did you up or whatever. god forbid if you have cancer. for the most part -- but if you have something called gated and costly, the doctor will say, it, i haveafford after-hours. come and see ime at my house and i will help you. the same system. butrnment run health care, it is really not. if you need more, you have to pay for it and do it elsewhere. that is what i am worried about. i'm worried about the costs. i can afford it. i can afford to -- i can't afford to provide health care.
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he's going to figure it out. it gave me hope. here's a guy that came here with nothing but a dream. , providedd, five kids for them and save money. he wants to open up the business. it is still the greatest country in the world. [applause] there are 600 people here this weekend. that is a start. we can win. we can do this. the public needs us. they want us to win. we have to go to them. the hispanics for america was a great sideshow. we have to register more voters.. that is whatctor, we will do in south carolina. register more conservative voters. i hope you will join us.
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optimistic. i think we can win this battle. i think the vestiges of america are ahead. -- best days of america are ahead. i get up, like you, thinking about my kids. that is what motivates me. me fired up.ets i want them to have more opportunities than i did. i think we can get there. i need your help. make sure you visit our booth downstairs. you can e-mail me, call me. if you are around on monday before the debate, stop by. we will have a complement three hot breakfast. check us out. to paraphrase our great
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president, if you like your government and the status quo, you can keep it. but if you don't, come join the movement. thank you all and god bless you. [applause] >> congratulations on the baby. lot of great stuff. you can talk to him if you want. speaking of organizations, we have one of the favorite sons of the state in charge of heritage. jim demint. and this is karen from heri tage action which is the sticking in there i wing -- stick it in their eye wing. >> thank you very much. i need the clicker. let me make sure i got controls.
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we will see if i can make them both work. and start working -- it is not working. that makes it easy. my name is karen with heritage action. i am from florida, cofounder of the tampa 912 project. here in the tea party. i am the regional coordinator. ng. about i go di -- the heritage foundation is a great organization that has been around for 40 years. we owe you a debt of gratitude for electing jim demint as your senses are -- senator.
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thank you so much, south carolina. we have been around since 197 3. we come up with great policies. without anyone advocating and converting them to laws, what good are they? unless they are put into action. heritage action was born in 2010. we are a government relations team that takes that policy and tries to put it into play. we have a great team of young we call them government relations staff. lobbyists for freedom. they rent out the fourth floor of the heritage foundation building. they're right across the street from the capitol, where they can meet with members of congress and their staff. spread conservative policy based on the sound principles and
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values we share. they are a wonderful group. i am really proud of. this is a video. if you want to meet us downstairs tomorrow, we will be in the exhibit hall. become more about the team. this is a video show that shows the excellent quality and caliber of people we have. the next part of the equation, we have a team and d.c.. inneed to -- have a team we also have to have a team outside d.c. i will give a few websites out. our website is heritage
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i will introduce the sentinel program today. we rely on activists to help our organization grow. issuestinels know the and grow their activist skills and lead. in the roomyour -- don't need to teach her to lead. we want to equip you with the depth of information that the heritage foundation has. by signing up, you get e-mails and updates. clinical great director that holds conference calls on monday night. by joining, you can get access to that. we give you a kit of materials and try to equip activists and groups with information to spread the conservative message.
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to spread, we need the conservative message. on our website, i am not going to go well into it is you could pull it up, but you can go to our website. here is senator lindsey graham. you can get the representatives and other senators. tellsgot an area that what party they are, how conservative they are. link to their facebook and twitter. activists toop for use. we hope this is a tool you can use to simplify the activism. there is a lot of activism around at the federal, state, and local level. our expertise is the federal level. we hope you can join us. we form the tip of the spear that michele bachmann talks
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about. right when it is ready to go. you weekly calls tell what is happening in congress. the army with information to make the changes and hold members of congress accountable. a lot of times our activist's will call office staff and inform them on issues. it is amazing how effective they can be. , the green bottom call button is important. you will get whatever the action is. the gray area is the action we are working on now. by hitting the green button, you get bullet points. part is wheretant you give us feedback. that information, if you made the call and found that you are
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pushing the issue, let us know. that is one less person we need to worry about. we will send intelligence to our staff and they will send it to the foundation, whatever the roadblock is. we will get that back to you. in august.wn hall one of the representatives said they were all for defining obamacare. but you are not allowed to defund mandatory spending. sheet i was able to get to some of the activists during the next day, they went to a town hall where the member of congress was speaking. they were able to say, look, the hyde amendment. it is a law that limits mandatory spending on medicaid.
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.he amount of abortion funds, the congressional budget office has a term for that. >> ,, we were able to educate that representative. for getting great our message across. he had a 52% scorecard. we issue keillor to on important matters. key alerts on important matters. most of your members of congress are above the average of the republican party. you are to be commended. you do have some guys that need accountability -- senator
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lindsey graham. we give him some accountability question mark i hope so. you can drill down to each individual vote. some of our sentinels use these as a report card. we will go to the next light. -- slide. this is a great video of senator ted cruz talking about the scorecard. we will go on to the next one. know the issues. where did the time go? a little bit about the issues, we have all heard recently that there is a war on poverty. years and $20 trillion since we have been war.ting this we haven't create a safety net, we have created a trap.
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dependency. family --ies are in poverty today than when president obama took office. more people are receiving food aid from the government then have a private sector job. that is a been point. -- a tipping point. did you know that the farm bill is $1 trillion worth of spending. , ands gone up 50% -- 56% 80% is food stamps. we have to do something. the immigration reform. we are for immigration that is legal. there are 4.4 million people in line legally seeking immigration. we are not for the senate gang
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of eight amnesty plan. [applause] it is a good thing we have the house. how much time? if i could finish this one point. you can visit me tomorrow in the booth. said he wouldr not do anything to allow migration to go to conference gang of eight plan was passed. cks, they cleared the de they cleared time for debating immigration. he hired the most ardent supporter of amnesty to be on his staff. we are fearful that anything, even a three word bill, will go into conference. we don't want to start out with the gang of eight.
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make sure your member of congress knows not to pass anything until the session is over and we can get rid of that gang of eight amnesty bill. iwill cut it short because have to. thank you very much. this is a wonderful they. -- day. [applause] >> it would be frustrating with obamacare going the way it is -- the house republicans to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. and do the one thing that would cost a good election. shelledesty -- which is amnesty down. our next speaker was as preachy obamacare would play out. that is the bad news. the good news is hopefully she can point us on a path forward
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that is more a market and better for health care. [applause] >> hi everybody. joe and thehanking incredible team of volunteers that have put together the status conference. it is so important to have everybody come together and get on the same page and learn the issues. be able to move forward with the that are consequential for our country. i will talk about obamacare. there it is. just press the forward. after this law passed, a few months, i was talking with a democrat member of congress who said, when we were being asked to vote for this law, we were
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called to the white house. president lookhe me in the eye and said, if you don't vote for this bill, your constituents will be so mad at you because this will be the most popular entitlement program in the history of this country. -- thatd me in the eye guy was defeated that november. this is of us think more popular than it was four years ago? is it going to get worse? yes. let's talk about that. whatthey first passed it, were the promises they made? not to add a dime to the budget. reduce your health costs by $2500 a year. lower costs for individuals and the government. the plan will not require cuts of medicare. if you like your current plan,
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you can keep it. this was data taken just two years after the law passed. already, 72% of people said it it would notsay add a dime to the deficit. it would save $2500 in your health plan. it is false to say it would lower costs. the one thing that people still ifievedc as of last year, you like your health plan, you can keep it. thought that was the one promise he was going to keep. what has happened? this is a gallup poll. they have been asking who do you think should run health care? the green line is the go


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