tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN February 5, 2014 11:00pm-1:01am EST
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had network behavioral analysis and monitoring in place. we had network segmentation with the use of firewalls and control intrusion detection we also do boy -- the ploy encryption technologies and utilize tokenization is a method to protect and secure information stored in our system. it sounds pretty robust. the traditional kinds of things to provide network and data security. why do you think those things failed? the sophistication of the attack? >> there are still important questions we have not answered in the investigation. to thereally points back
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malware being sophisticated and customized to specifically invade those technologies. this particular malware was able to inject itself into known programs so it could disguise itself and continue to operate as if it was a normal program, delete itself and cleanup its tracks. very complex. >> you emphasize the sophistication of the attack tom a even customizing it so that it by today'se detected current antivirus programs. it can criminals always stay one step ahead of us like they appear to be doing in this case? is that a battle we are going to face? be difficultg to
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in the public and private sector. i hope we get to a point where we can be on par if not ahead of criminals. experience arecent clip you to try some different techniques? checking -- have you started checking that they can't get through and once they get through, that we can detect them? the thingsdly with we're learning with this investigation and help of the forensic teams and law enforcement, there will be things that we can consider to help further strengthen the security in place today. i don't think that you are going to give me the time to ask my gazillion questions. >> we will let you have one more if you want to stay. you are now recognized for five minutes.
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>> i appreciate the panel's testimony today. ask for your patience. thank you for testifying. in your testimony, you know december 16 and 17, you began notifying the payment processors and made a public regarding the breach. is that true? >> that is accurate. >> given 47 states and the territories have developed data ,reach notification laws definitions of personally identifiable information, did you find it difficult to navigate through these standard? track ad to >> we had two tracks.
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we wanted to notify the processors and the brand so that fire up their fraud the secondolicies was providing public notice as soon as we had the scope. we build the resources to respond with what we knew invariably would be significant call volume. >> was it difficult to navigate this process? 47 different states and laws. you are everywhere around the u.s.. majority provide for broad public disclosure. we provided them on the 19th. we were on the front page of every newspaper. to 17 milliontice
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by e-mail. should there be a national standard in regards to notification? >> one standard would be easier to follow than 47? . >> should there be a national stance? opinion but ie an would say that it is important that there be flexibility with whatever standard we have. these investigations, these events are different. and they need to be handled differently. >> should there be a national standard?
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>> in 2015, liability to fraud losses would shift. you said that you are accelerating chip technology for targets cars. -- red cards. will it save money in the long run? advocates over a long time. it doesn't resolve all the issues but it is a significant step forward for our industry ensuring that the data is safe. we are in the middle of rolling it out with 300 stores already deployed. we will finish that by the fourth quarter of this year. all our credit products will also have chips embedded. >> will it save money in the long run? >> we believe so.
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>> we are actively evaluating pin chip technology and neiman marcus and we will certainly, if consumers are issued cards with to be readythem, and able to support those transactions. we are also looking at other technologies that can also protect online business. chip doesn't necessarily address that as well as the growing trend for mobile amen transactions. payment transactions. there are other solutions out there that we will also evaluate. you believe ito will save money in the long run to switch to chip and pin?
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>> i can't comment on the savings but any security technology we would be supportive of. >> i agree with mr. smith. it will be yet another layer of security that is important. >> thank you for your questions, i yield back. >> you are only going to get two extra questions. my question will be for mr. mulligan on specifics about and when you last did them before the breaches were discovered. notnt you to answer it neiman marcus or target
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specific, but what is .ppropriate for audits with that, as i understand the process, the norms that you do audits throughout the year on , how oftenty systems do you do those? when was the last time an audit was done on your security before you discovered the current hacks that include password integrity and possible procedural >> it certainly starts
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i would be happy to give you a date. our audits do address password integrity but we have several different forms. i will start with periodic audits of i.t. and general that include password strength and controls. we also do a penetration scan of the perimeter to see what potential vulnerabilities or risks are. part of the assessment that i point out is under pci. >> we assess this with our clients all the time. we do active penetration testing.
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all the time, depending on if there is an incident or security issue. i think it is going to depend on compliance as an annual testing. that, we do frequent vulnerability scanning. these are all the applications. i really do want to thank the gentleman representing target and neiman marcus for your patience and coming here as the chairman said. through asitting long hearing. i think that should be noted.
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openness and willingness to cooperate. disturbed, there are efforts in the courts to undermine government and actually act in the area of data security. the federal trade commission has applied its authority to the area of data security by bringing legal actions protecting customer data. there is a case currently pending in the district court for the district of new jersey. the use are challenging of its unfairness authority to assist -- insist companies have
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minimum data standard in place the american hotel and lodging association and the national federation of independent businesses. part of this brief to the association and whether your company agrees with the petition taken by wyndham and that the ftc lacks authority to enforce reasonable data security measures. to your question, i am
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not familiar with that. what i can tell you is that we are committed to making this right. >> i am not intimately familiar with this legislation -- >> this is the court case. >> i can thought you neiman marcus supports having standards in place for data security and why we are actively participants in the standards and assessment process.
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>> i hope that both of you will track with your company's and if you are part of something that would undermine the ability of the ftc to protect consumers in cases of data security breaches. >> it does conclude all of our questions. you can start wrapping up. we have the right to send you questions and we will try to get any ofo you if there are them individually and ask the same amount of time to return an answer. here, i askusiness unanimous consent to include the hearing record statements from the following four organizations. the union national association, independent community bankers of america. national retail federation.
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retail industry leaders association. all of these have been shared with the minority. so ordered. now we are adjourned. thank you, gentlemen. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] coming up on c-span, the house foreign affairs committee on the response to al qaeda in iraq. a discussion on the role of the surgeon general and first responder training. that is followed by data security breaches at target and neiman marcus.
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>> coming up on the next washington journal, a discussion on pending u.s. trade agreements from pacific and european countries. later, university of oklahoma president and former senator david boren discusses proposed budget cuts. you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. senators had the day off for their policy retreat. being a congressional reporter means covering these retreats. hearing from president obama and former president bill clinton, what is the significance of the timing?
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in some ways, senate democrats have been breaking with the president on certain issues and some of it is related to the 2014 elections. this is where the president isn't particularly popular. it is kind of a big moment for legislation in the senate. unemployment insurance still not had been revived. they are trying to just kind of strategize as a party whereas in the past, congressional aides have been a little bit critical. of media coverage coming out of these retreats. is he a cheerleader? >> i have been told by some sources that they don't expect any big policy news or political news. riled up, we a get
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will hold the senate. we will all be on the same page. i look at it more as a teambuilding exercise right now. >> what was the focus of their meeting? >> they will get on the same page in terms of getting their agenda out there rather than just be opposing the democrats agenda. i think there is recognition that they are seen as the opposition party more than the party of ideas. they will look at how we can offer alternatives like raising the minimum wage or offer alternatives to extending unemployment benefits in definitely. >> the house is holding down the legislative fort. the hearing from the congressional budget office --eted about it saying that
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fallout, thatthe messaging coming out today. >> the member did not give it to me but said the primary one was the 2.5 million jobs lost due to the effect of obamacare and the administration and democrats saying low income americans won't feel obligated to the lifestyle. that issue coming back to the senate floor thursday, what is proposed. >> there are changes called
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smoothing. in may sort of be a wink and a nod agreement with republicans to appeal cost of living adjustments as part of a budget deal that negatively impacted veterans. there may be some interplay between some two things -- those two things. to haveans want proposals. you can read more at and follow his reporting on twitter. thanks for the update. >> thank you very much. >> it is really an instrument of the president. the president is always the master.
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it is their personal pop stand. they can do things in secret. that amount of worry about the congressional appropriations process. it is convenient and attractive and sometimes overly seductive tool in the foreign policy article -- articles. >> you can see it online, comment on the guest. click on book club to enter the chat room. >> president obama on c-span2.
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taking questions about the link between the health care law and the job market. you can see his entire testimony at 4:25 a.m. eastern or any time at >> i have a few questions about the health care law and the labor market. what is your best estimate of the effect that obamacare will have on the total hour of numbers work? i want to make sure we accurately understand what it is you are saying. think the affordable care act will reduce the number of hours worked in the economy
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between 1.5% and two percent relative to what would've happened in the absence. >> what is the full-time equivalent of workers? this is a calculation that we have done to translate that. it suggests an equivalent between two and a half million. >> so just to understand this, it is not that employers are laying people off, it is that people aren't working in the workforce, supplying labor to the equivalent of 2.5 million jobs in 2024. and as a result, that rate
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lowers economic growth? >> that's right. >> who are these workers? >> is principally a labor supply of wage workers. we focus on lower middle income people to buy health insurance. and in order to encourage a sufficient number, the subsidies are fairly large. as their income rises. and withdrawing those subsidies thomas income rises. back act creates an incentive
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for people to work. we make those lower income people better off, it is an implicit tax. and face theoff disincentive to work more. providing subsidies, they have -- they are better off. inducing a person not to work who is on the low income scale to not get on the ladder of life and begin the dignity of work and get more opportunities, enjoying the middle class, this means fewer people will do that. that is why i am troubled by this. >> what they may have done according to the constitution of
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this country. it will not be americanism, it will be converted. >> while father divine was ,lowly rip -- retiring to life another religious leader in indiana was beginning to borrow from his teachings and his model to create an interracial collective community modeled on the peace mission. the revivalist and utopian james earl jones including claims to divinity, critique of racial inequality, and a desire to economically empower his children. >> from the peace mission movement to peoples temple, a look at modern religious utopias
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that are denied at 8:00 eastern and sunday at 1:00, part of american history tv this weekend on c-span three. the state department official testified in front of the house foreign affairs committee on the rising threat of al qaeda in iraq. this hearing from wednesday's two hours. >> this hearing will come to order. this morning, we consider al qaeda's resurgence in iraq. an unfortunate reality is that out qaeda in iraq, now known as or islamic state of iraq isis as you see it in the papers is growing steadily in size and in power and influence.
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it's militant ranks have blossomed. isis carried out attacks on two anderent prisons in iraq freed hundreds of experienced al qaeda fighters and leaders. group is now able to carry out approximately 40 mass casualty attacks every month. multiple car bombs struck the capital this morning. the nearly 9000 deaths last year made it the bloodiest since u.s. forces departed in 2011. in syria further strengthens this group. militants are able to flow syria,between iraq and providing isis an advantage as it works to advance the regional vision of the radical islamic state.
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the gains have been dramatic. it took advantage of a security vacuum, entering the cities of in columns of trucks mounted with heavy machine guns. of course, and bar province is where marines pushed so hard to .fight al qaeda i should note that this committee benefits from the first-hand experiences of mr. perry, collins, and ms. gabbert, all of whom served with distinction in iraq. this threat is evolving. earlier this week, the central leadership declared that those operating in western iraq and syria were no longer an affiliated group.
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we will see how this power struggle develops. the independence is a reflection of its unprecedented resources including weapons, personnel, cash, and the resulting operational strength. this is a threat to iraq and also us. they have been actively recruiting individuals capable of traveling to the u.s. to carry out attacks here. al qaeda and iraq has been empowered by prison breaks and by the syrian civil war, it has been fueled by the alienation of much of the sunni population from the shia dominated government in baghdad. skilled atecome very exploring this sect. rest. the power grab has given them much ammunition. this is a point that elliott and
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underscoredd and with president maliki when he visit last fall. the u.s. moves to send military equipment to help the iraqis fight these terrorists. appropriate intelligence can be shared as well. iraqis should know that their relations with iran and the slow pace of political reconciliation raised serious congressional concerns. while he may not be up to it, he tot take steps to lead iraq a post-sectarian era. only a iraqis can control their future. but if we don't want to see in a
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rack with large swaths of , we must be willing to lend an appropriate hand. and now we will go to opening comments. mr. angle from new york. >> enqueue for holding this important hearing on iraq and the threat this poses to u.s. security interests. in the city of falluja and the dominated province, to make sure -- it also has a deeper and symbolic meaning for americans. u.s. marines fought bloody battles to secure falluja during the iraq war. acknowledge our brave men and women in uniform that
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lost their lives as well as the families that continue to grieve their loss is everyday. iraq continues to be ravaged by sectarian violence. the sick -- situation is getting worse. it is the most since 2000 eight. on monday of this week, the senior leadership of al qaeda ask communicated and disowned their affiliate islamic state of a rack. as a result of that groups tactics in syria. isis remains a threat to stability in falluja. some might argue that the lack of an enduring u.s. troop presence has contributed to the resurgence of violence, especially sunni terrorism in al qaeda. situation isrity much more about iraqi politics
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than the united states. the use of force is virtually unthinkable at this point. we have withdrawn from iraq and we are not going back. the u.s. does maintain a huge stake in iraq's security. we should be able to provide appropriate assistance to the military and their fight against isis. we should also recognize the current situation cannot be resolved for military means alone. we play right into the hands of isis, in forcing the perception that they have been systematically victimized by prime minister maliki. they have taken -- vice president biden discussed this
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issue with the prime minister, encouraging him to incorporate fighting isis with iraqi security forces. by taking these steps, i am hopeful that he can bridge the widening sectarian golf. -- gulf. and regional dynamics, we saw how al qaeda and iraq expanded their franchise into syria. we now see violence from that war spilling back into iraq. it serves as a recruitment vehicle for thousands of foreign fighters. has been a clear hindrance to progress in iraq. iran's nefarious influence also contributes to instability. it is well known that some senior officials have a very cozy relationship with iran and iraq has not done nearly enough to prevent iranian oversight
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antiregime in syria. iraq, theo stabilize government will need to be more responsible in the region. we emphasize that point when we met several months ago. it gives cities a meaningful stake in the future of their country. it is the only viable way to save the future for iraq. hopefully reducing the violence in syria. i look forward to your testimony . >> we will hear from the chair
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of the middle east subcommittee followed by the ranking member of that subcommittee. >> there are two issues that i continue to be concerned about. is the safety of residents of camp liberty. they have very little protection. 192 last we testified, walls were up. 17,500 t walls. they save lives. put them up. we don't want them to be shipped back. the government correctly states that the papers are theirs. we hope you continue to work on that.
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since the departure of our caused the emergence has it to take a turn for the worst. we have to rebuild our influence there. >> thank you for holding this extremely timely hearing. the instability with the government, al qaeda affiliated fighters and iraqi has reached a level not seen since 2006. is nowamic state of iraq the primary perpetrator of the worst violence. use of a disavowed the rack for the tactics deemed to be do violence.
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violent.o , theve turned the page ,umber killed is close to 1000 rockets indiscriminately fired at humanitarian aid. the deputy assistant secretary, i hope you'll be able to shine light on the copper have a strategy -- comprehensive strategy. to judge poeill go of texas, chairman of the terrorism subcommittee followed by brad sherman from california, the ranking member of that .ubcommittee
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>> the united states has paid a high price to liberate iraq from the menace of al qaeda. it is frustrating they are gaining ground back in iraq. it is directly related to the prime minister's mishandling of the government. incompetent and corruption seem to be the norm. he alienated the cities and brought back shia hit squads. he has allowed operatives to now onanian dissidents seven occasions without consequences. the last time you were here, you testified before my subcommittee , camp liberty was attacked again. this created an environment ripe
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for al qaeda. establishing a safe haven to plan and launch attacks. that is an unacceptable trend. what is the united states going to do? >> we occupied countries that nobody doubted our right to occupy and those governments created new societies. we invaded countries, achieve limited military objectives, as much as could be achieved at reasonable costs and we left. the first example was in libya. we established a bad example. states, theynited doubted our right to occupy. and in iraq, we installed a structure that provided over by mr. malik he.
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it is not surprising that they since weto be problems handed over governance. the most important arab states strategic lead. it doesn't become more important because we made a mistake in the past. other hand, iraqi is important because of its proximity to her rant which i believe is one of our greatest threats to national security. >> we are pleased -- prior to his current assignment, he served as a special advisor to the national security staff.
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he also served as lead negotiator and court nader during bilateral talks with the iraqi government back in 2008. without objection, your prepared statement will be made part of the record and the members here will have five days to submit any statements, questions, or extraneous material for the record. summarize your remarks. we will go to questions. thank you for inviting me to discuss the situation in iraq with a focus on al qaeda's primary offshoot in iraq. a restatement will discuss the situation, current and how we intend to help the iraqis combated.
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its former incarnation was the focus of u.s. and iraqi security for many years. the current leader is a designated global terrorist under u.s. law and we believe is currently based in syria. stated inn is clearly they providements, a platform to gain resources and safe havens. .here are likely 26,000 they inflicted mass casualties. last year until early
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we began to see a significant increase in attacks. suicide attacks we assess our nearly all attributable and our foreign fighters that enter iraq through syria. of 2012, there were three suicide attacks throughout the country. they are now striking anorak around three lines of operation. these are the vast majority of attacks. in eliminate rivals territories. suicide bombers attacked three small towns in the province. they're attacking the kurds in northern iraq to incite ethnic tension and unrest. they began to spot these camps
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late last summer but proved unable to target them effectively due to a lack of unnecessary equipment needed to deny terrorist safe havens. problem to address this that i will discuss in more detail. bombs notd suicide seen since summer of 2007, violence remains far lower. of such reprisals rise with attacks. also, over the course of 2013, political instability and unrest and able to but did not cause their rise. a protest movement began when a former mr. was detained by iraqi security forces. placed a number of legitimate demand such as -- andthe process
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ensuring criminal due process. we worked with all parties to shape a package of legislation which is now pending in the iraqi parliament. ongoing violence has been difficult. this accelerated a vicious cycle. they exploited unaddressed grievances and long-overdue reforms further out of reach. this brings us to where we are today and how we intend to help them fight back. trucks withp to 100 mounted heavy machine guns and antiaircraft guns find the black flag of al qaeda into the central cities. they deploy key objectives and destroyed most police stations. the police in both cities nearly disintegrated.
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establishing seven centuries islamic rule. -- afterare the city they arrived in force, tribal leaders organize and asked for funds and arms to retake the streets. the government responded with money, weapons, and assurances that they would enjoy full benefits of any soldier in the iraqi army. in meetings with the prime minister, i have pressed upon --m the urgent assess it he necessity. producee begun to results. it is increasingly secure.
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-- army has been remained has remained outside. it is more serious. one week ago, fighters captured a group of soldiers, and executed them. further complicating the areation, some tribes supporting them while others remain on the fence. the hardened fighters are seeking to draw the army. but make no mistake, the has ament in iraq responsibility to secure falluja. under the plan that is now being , the united states is
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prepared to offer advice and make recommendations to share lessons learned based on a deep experience in these areas. they had a series of candid conversations about the importance of patience and planning. they are planning to consolidate control and move 30 miles east of baghdad. fightersr directed his to be on the front lines and march toward baghdad. doubts, here any added what he said was a direct message to the americans. be in direct confrontation. watch for us, so we are -- for we are with you, watching. we take threats seriously and we overd to help the iraqis the long term.
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to develop a holistic strategy to isolate extremists from the population, this means supporting local tribal fighters. committing elections to be held on time. we are supporting the security forces through foreign military sales. they have fired hellfire missiles by denying the safe haven in the western desert. such assistance is often and third, we are actively encouraging an aggressive economic component to theyize the population. have allocated $35 million in assistance and payments to fighters.
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the message to all leaders is firm. despite your differences across the host of issues, you must find a way to work together. this is particularly true for the prime minister that, as the head of state, must take extra measures and draw a critical mass into the fight. thank you again for allowing me to address this most important topic. i look forward to your questions. >> the first question i was going to ask you, related to something that happened last summer, there were militant camps and training grounds spotted in western iraq. we heard the cia director note before congress that there are camps inside of both iraq and syria that are, in his words, used by al qaeda to develop
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capabilities that are applicable both in theater as well as beyond. you noted that the iraqi government could spot these camps. ability tot have the target them, leaving safe havens is miles from populated areas. why aren't we doing more against these camps? this gap that the iraqi capabilities can't meet, how can they be closed? how can you move on this? >> let me walk through the last four or five months. they spotted some of these camp's and tried to target them. flew helicopters out there.
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they were shot out by machine guns and they tried to send the army out there. it was pre-clear that despite a strong capability, they were not able to target camps. and that is when we began to accelerate some of the foreign military assistance programs and information sharing to get a better intelligence picture. two notable developments in and second among , we believe apache helicopter platforms are effective denying safe havens over the long term. i want to thank the committee.
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that is really a long-term solution to this problem. >> you call suicide bombers a key data points that you track and noted that these suicide bombers operating in iraq are have comeghters that in. where are they coming from? close to 1000 have come from europe and the u.s.. how do you assess the threat to u.s. personnel. not only to personnel and interests in the region, but here in the united states? the foreign fighters in syria are coming from all over the world. this is the problem that we from 2006 to 2008 when they were making their way into iraq.
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they are coming mainly from the region. from our best intelligence assessments, the suicide bombers are foreign fighters. right now, they don't pose a direct threat to us or personnel, but a direct threat to the personnel in iraq. about 30 or 40 a month, it has a pernicious effect on the political discourse in the country. car bombs the iraqis have been able to protect against. you don't see mass casualty car bombs like you used to see. they are still there, but casualties are lower. suicide bombers are able to get to funerals, mosques, populated areas and cause mass casualties. it is a very serious regional problem. you are just in baghdad and you said that you stayed -- you
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detected for the first time, acknowledgment that the government of iraq missteps. that they have made the problem worse. this is not the feeling that the ranking member and i received when we raised this issue. that was a few months ago. . am somewhat encouraged how encouraged should we be? reconciliationof is causing problems? >> it was similar to the tactics we used in early parts of the war. the security problem was simply a security problem and not fuse with politics and economics. we had a series of conversations over the last year in which
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iraqis saw this mainly as a security problem. all i can say is that we have been there twice this month. i have heard from across the enlistunless you >> they have made a commitment that tribal fighters will be incorporated into the formal security of the state. that didn't happen. that is a significant commitment. we need to stay on the iraqis to follow through. >> thank you. >> thank you mr. chairman. let me ask you about al qaeda in a rack -- in iraq.
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it has been reported the head of al qaeda has his own state of iraq in stadia -- iraq in syria. what does that mean? affect rebels in syria? >> isl of -- basically al qaeda and iraq. it was a bit of an offshoot and focused on syria. sayings now this message that it is no longer affiliated with al qaeda central. i would defer to my intelligence colleagues. we have found that it has such a media presence, and is able to
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in westernn itself iraq bay will be able to maintain its cycle of operations. is their message. -- es back to czar callie thousse who believe that gravitate to isil. it includes a threat to us. i think despite this new statement, isil is going to maintain its pace of operations and be a serious threat. >> i would like to ask questions about iraq and iran. when i look back at the war in
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iraq. that weaks my heart is .ost so many americans now, it is a most is if we didn't do anything. nothing we did was positive. it is all been eroded. it breaks my heart for people who lost loved ones there. we are the ones responsible for making iran the power in the region. ironic that rack fought wars and checked each other. the him -- and up the sunni regime in iraq, it seems to me that it is only -- the that the she is shias would gravitate to iran.
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are reports, and i raise that iranshington, seeks to arm hezbollah. they are fighting the war in syria. it is helping hezbollah expand its presence in syria defending the assad regime. how would you describe the a rack amendment to the u.s. on the overflight issue? >> iraq's relationship is multifaceted. we have found iraq acts in its own interest.
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we have found few instances in which we have seen iraq acting at the behest of iran. you can look at that in terms of the overall oil production and in terms of iraq ratifying additional protocol, supporting the geneva 1 protocol. areas where they have not done enough, we continue to press this issue. inspections go up. inspections go down. it is frustrating. material is coming on civilian aircraft's. it is a problem we focus on all the time. iraq is not doing enough. >> thank you. i wanted to make one final comment. when the chairman and i met with
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mr. malki, he was a good provide, but he didn't much in terms of answers to questions we had, one of which was overflights. he came to listen. but he didn't come to put his head together with us and help solve the problem. found that since the prime , he spenttrip -- trip two hours with president obama in the oval office. he got a direct message on a number of issues. we have seen fairly significant changes from that. influence. made an we have seen some changes. particularly, the need for holistic strategy to defeat isil
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, and enlisting sunnis at the local level. we have seen changes from that visit. >> thank you. -- e go now >> the iraqi jewish archives. you have been engaged with the iraqis on this issue. you spoken to representatives. could you give us an update on progress of these discussions. have you been alternatives proposed? been only 235 out of 17,000 put up? why have we only see the addition of 43 since our november subcommittee hearing? can you commit that you'll put extra effort in saving lives there. resurgence, aaeda
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large part of this is due to the failure in the iraqi government and i reckon leadership since we left the country. their elections planned, we were successful after the surging getting the government to participate in more inclusive power-sharing government. that mollified the sunnis of iraq and left al qaeda marginalize. after we left, they took another step backward. now was the sunnis marginalized. ensureeps were taken to the sunnis are participating, and i reckon return to that power-sharing government we saw in the post-surge iraq? we've seen over the last few days the military has been bombarding falluja, taken over by al qaeda last year. preparing the way for a ground
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assault. the shiite dominated government cannot successfully take falluja on its own without the help of the sunni tribal leaders in the region. can you describe the relationship between the government and these tribal leaders? do you think they will gain support given the crackdown on sunnis in iraq? >> for me take the topics in order. on the jewish archives. as you know, this is a sensitive topic. i have worked directly with the iraqis on this. .e are engaged weeks, they will be coming to the united states. i hope to report progress on this. i will keep you informed of those topics. have made arty, i
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number of trips to iraq. every time i go, i raise the issue. we have them back into the account this month. they are moving into the camp again. i visited survivors earlier this month. i told them i would do everything i could. i urge them to do everything they could. this is an issue i'm going to continue to stay on top of. on the issue of elections, we are focused on holding elections april 30. this'll be the third full-time election for a four-year government. the first was 2005, then 2010, then this year. the head of the main coalition was in the united states. he met with secretary of state.
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we are focused on making sure the elections happen. but they produce a result, and they allow a government to reform. described, thei plans have the tribes in front. is an army. they are very well trained. we have to have the sunnis and tribal people in front. week, we are revising commanders on the lessons that we learned in these areas for tactical and strategic patience, and to make sure that civilian casualties are minimize. >> i know how hard you have been working. everything about iraq is hard all the time. please keep making progress.
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thank you. >> mr. sherman of california. >> it was bipartisan support for leaving a residual force in iraq that required a status of forces agreement with the malki government. it would have had to include immunity for soldiers so they would not be subject to iraqi courts. marinesur soldiers and to take risks. one of them we do not ask them to take the idea that their up tos would be held iraq or in a court in afghanistan. we didn't get a status of forces agreement. one theory is the administration blew the negotiations. that the argument
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malki government was in place on the ministration got there. he didn't have to give immunity to our troops. he chose not to. seen these immunity for aents are difficult host country to provide. karzai isn't providing them. back 70 history going or 80 years where the shot was held up to ridicule for providing such immunity agreements. status ofl to get a forces agreement because we blew the negotiations, or given the political reality starting with malki, was there no way to get them? are on the history here. the history of agreements is
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what colors the entire debate. 2008egotiation 2007 and took 18 months. when we got those pass, the , they barelyement passed. they pass on the last possible day. i was working on that issue for 18 months. >> this is pass in the iraqi parliament. >> our legal requirements in 2011 or at another agreement would have to go through the parliament. it was the assessment of our leadership that it was unlikely to pass. therefore, the decision was made that our troops would in -- our troops would leave at the end of 2011. it provides a strong basis for providing security systems.
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it is not provide a basis for having boots on the ground and training presence. we do train special forces under our office of security cooperation. we're are in discussions with regional partners. >> i want to move on. discussion of the u.s. air force or other air s bombing these camps rather than us providing huge i?ounts of weaponry to malik has there been a discussion of air forces preventing overflights? >> there has not been a discussion of a direct u.s. role in targeting the camps. we are focused on increasing the target camps.
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>> i would point out that if only we were bombing al qaeda camps before the years before 9/11, we may have had a different history. residents, 52 of them killed last september. the secretary of state appointed a special advisor on the resettlement. what is the status of protecting these folks while they are there ? homes outside of the region for some of the residents? >> a couple of points. a cellined that there is trained by iran dedicated to attacking camp liberty. we have cells trained by iran dedicated to attacking us.
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we did everything we could to route those out. it was difficult. we were unable -- we were never able to do so. that is why we are focused. while they are at camp liberty, the governor of iraq has an obligation to do everything it can to keep them safe. that is something we raised constantly to make sure they are getting as much protection as possible. you mentioned some other notable developments. there is some international attention to this crisis. the first, every settlement fund. we have notified congress for a million dollars to put into that fund. the iraqi cabinet authorized $500,000 to be allocated to that. united nations has appointed a full-time basis to be focusing
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on every settlement fund. we are getting some progress. i look forward to working to move it forward. >> we go now to mr. chris smith of new jersey. >> thank you. thank you for your service to man thank you for being here. if you questions. 72 mentioned on january 1, -- 70-100 trucks. was that a medical surprise on the art of the isil, or did we have intelligence they were about to move. what was the month that? you talked about how the suicide bombers has become the most precious resource. you point out that in november of 2012, there were three suicide bombers.
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that is gone up to 50. what is the scope on that? is that expanding? average -- has that ebbed? sis hast out that i focused on the south. 21, how seriously is that threat to bag that? -- how serious is that the baghdad? the soldiers did not take the bait. that isthat something ongoing? are they holding prisoners? to the issue of , the iraqi government
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theinues to tolerate ongoing ingredients violations. that is against a number of the , what isects happening? what pressure reporting on the government to mitigate an end there were prescient of christians any rack -- in iraq? are we looking at the possibility of another syria? >> thank you. let me try to address these issues. in terms of entry into falluja, we started to see hitting encampments trying to relocate.
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it was a surprise. i think was a tactical mistake on isil's part. it is going be far harder. the one thing that the sunnis likeot like, they do not these foreign jihad fighters. they are trying to gather common cause against them. bombers, theuicide average is 30-40 a week. i do not think this was an exponential rise. i'm hoping 50 will be a cap. we have seen this problem of this phenomenon in the past. what we did was a concerted regional wide effort. witho you get these people the military age males, and we were effective at draining the
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flow. re-createng to try to that strategy throughout the region. strategy is to attack the south. i would not be surprised if they are on the same plate as 2006. attacked a qaeda mosque, which led to the sectarian violence. they are going to try to attack high profile targets. particularly religiously symbolic targets. i hope i do not think they will be successful. in terms of falluja, yes, we believe soldiers are being held. these extremists are fighters trying to go the army into a direct confrontation. so far, despite some rhetoric,
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that is not the strategy underway. the government does have responsibility working with local people to secure falluja. suree going to try to make it is as contained as possible. on christians. a good question. we are focused on the plight of christians in iraq and throughout the region. the importance of taking -- i try to meet with christian leaders. i try to focus on some of their land disputes they are having. the iraqi captain pass a legislation to allow them time in the and security. this is something we continue to develop. i'm meeting with a christian leader tomorrow in our office. difficult issue.
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extremists are threatened by these issues as our everybody. thank you for being here. at the ties between iraq and a ram, it seems to be getting closer. based on the defense treaty. i am concerned maybe the safety of people at camp liberty, the iraqis are not making the effort that they need to secure these people. if i am making a contract with the treaties of iran, why would i be so intent on the safety of these people? they keep firing rockets into this camp. how sure are you that they are
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making the best possible efforts to bring security to the camp? >> the issue remains difficult. there was a rocket attack. i was just reminded there was a rocket attack and camp liberty. intook casualties there 2011. that is only have 70,000 troops trying to stop that activity. it is very difficult to deter and root out well-trained teams up with rockets. but that is why we are trying to move as much protection into the camp as possible. that is why went myself to assess the security and protection during it remains a difficult issue. iraqi government doesn't like the mek. on we have to do is stay them to do everything they can to cooperate and move residents
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to a secure location, and every time i meet with the government i mention this issue. . i just received reports they are moving back into the can. the >> how concerned are you about the arms going into iraq? >> they have been careful. they have kept their line fairly firm. i have seen reports like that. i would not take them too seriously. iraq has made clear they want a long-term institutional relationship. they want united states to be the backbone of their military. that is why they want platforms like helicopter system. we are not just giving them an attack helicopter. we are buying a 30 year relationships in terms of
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training and maintenance. we want iraq to have a long-term institutional relationship with united states. the visit to the -- the visit iraq last week, they blend together in the streets of baghdad. they have a deep relationship. i was in those meetings. you cannot get a deeper relationship and people who love fought side-by-side. what we are focused on is building institutional relationships with the iraqi government. the military, the parliament. something that is going to last for many years. >> and the sale of russian arms to iraq? are you concerned about that? >> yes. i do not want them buying russian hardware. i have to be honest.
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situation,ecurity they are showing up and saying we are here to sell you an attack helicopter. , a good system. it is slow and cumbersome. earlier this month, i was in .ther countries i want iraq to buy u.s. equipment. that buys a long-term relationship. yes. it is unfortunate they bought in my 35 some russians. on the other hand, they told us they were going to do it they could get the apaches festina. >> there is no consideration to sell drones? unmanned selling them
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uavs. not armed drones. no armed drones. >> thank you. >> we turn to -- likes thank you. -- >> thank you. we are impressed with your towledge level you are able do from your memory. we are impressed by that. that doesn't mean that i agree with your assessment. let me just say the idea that we fundamentallyout you're suggesting our approach to try and stop the massacre of , that we camp liberty basically have to go to the
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malki government and ask them, and they're not providing enough security. the malki government is responsible for these deaths. i don't understand. military invaded camp ashroft and murdered people. they tied their hands behind their backs and shot them in the back of the head, and it was maliki's own military who did that. we know these people were attacked numerous times by the iraqi military. and hisnot -- malaki people are not protecting me mek. this is a crime against humanity. these are unarmed refugees in areh malaki's own troops
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murdering. i'm not talking about rockets that we do not know where they come from. we are talking about -- by the way, i would suggest that probably know about those rockets as well. malaki, let's make it very clear -- as far as i'm concerned and many members in washington are concerned, malaki is an accomplice to the murders going on. we shouldaccomplice, not be treating him, begging him to have a residual force of u.s. troops in order to help his regime? then't understand why united states, we feel compelled to be part of all of this. why do we feel compelled that we have to go in and be in the middle of a fight between people who are murdering each other, 30-40 suicide bombers a month? thousands of people are losing sanity,ives to this in
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why should the u.s., tell me, this is my question, why does the united states feel that we need to become part of this insanity? and does that not instead turn both parties against us? congressman, the suicide bomber phenomenon, it is complete insanity. i agree with you. when you look at iraq and you look at the region and you define our interest, and i do not go with any leader and beg for anything, but we protect u.s. interests as we define them. in iraq, whether you like it or , vitall, al qaeda, iran u.s. interests are at stake in iraq. so we need to do what we can -- outfitting u.s. personell. >> let them kill each other. i'm sorry. if it means we're going to spend our treasure and more of our blood. we have already spent thousands
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of lives of american soldiers. we have done enough. and i'm so happy that you now can report to us that you are negotiate -- your negotiations to provide a residual american force in iraq was not successful because i am very happy we do not have a bunch of american troops in the middle of mess. we are not even capable of letting malaki know that we are holding you responsible for the murders in his own ranks. for the military that he commands to go into camp ashcro ft and camp liberty and murder unarmed refugees. this is a no-win situation for us. both sides seem to be evil. both sides, all the sides. one last question. i have got 30 seconds. who is financing? you talked about 100 trucks. this equipment costs money. bullets even cost money. ak-47 and rockets cost money. who is paying for all of that on
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the mayhem on both sides of this fight? to mygressman, i defer intelligence colleagues for the funding, we believe it is a source of funding, private funding from the region. funding from the global jihadist movement. >> is that a saudis? >> i would have to differ to intelligent colleagues. a lot of it is private funding. >> private funds. thank you very much. glurk, while we are on the subject, did you want to share any details in terms of the attack on camp ashcroft, and in your judgment who you believe was involved in that, since that was the question at hand? >> thank you, mr. chairman. the last time i was here, i discussed what we know. we believe it was militia. we believe the militia was trained by iran. and that is really the primary
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responsibility. we have, since that horrific attack, we worked to get the survivors out of the camp, 40 miles from the iranian border and out to camp liberty. camp liberty is safer. campve the u.n. in the every day. when i go, i try to meet with survivors and residents there. >> and you are making efforts right now to relocate the survivors? >> absolutely, yes. >> we're going now to gerry connolly from virginia. >> thank you, mr. chairman. and welcome, mr. mcgurk. a couple of questions first. authorization to use military force, the administration has indicated would not oppose the repeal of that is the issue the timing with respect to, say, pending elections in iraq? might it disrupt things you are
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doing in iraq if we were to do that now? >> congressman, i do not think there is much focus on that. i do not think it would make much of a difference. >> that is good to know, ok. elections in april. still on schedule? >> we, our team at the embassy is talking every day to the united nations mission in iraq. and the iraqi high electoral commission. and the information i received recently is that elections remain on track. we have tens of thousands of displaced families from anbar province. we have been assured by that -- that displaced people will be able to vote and the vote will count. l confident the election will be held on april 30, and our firm position is that those elections have to be held on april 30. there should not be a delay. >> what a novel thought. allowing people to vote
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remotely. states.he united fallujah. help us understand what happened. the united states has been involved now for 12 years. billions and billions of dollars. we've reconstituted the iraqi military, we have trained law enforcement forces. we spent our military's london treasure to -- blood and treasure to gain a foothold, to gain fallujah. and al qaeda's successful organization manages to occupy it. i understood your testimony correctly, we are now once again -- relying on tribal support to essentially dislodge the occupying forces in fallujah . an in the world, isn't that indictment of the investments we
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have made in the iraqi military in its inability to hold its own territory securely? >> the iraqi military without the numbers and equipment to go into fallujah tomorrow and clean up the streets. we believe were they to do an assault like that that it would exacerbate the problem. >> excuse me. i do not mean. before you get there -- how did this happen in the first place? iow is it that the iraq government was not able to secure something as symbolically important, if not really important as fallujah? try to explain, it was a series of events in 2013, including a protest movement that added to political instability in the region. area, asah, it is an we know, any outsiders coming into fallujah are resisted, and that includes the army, and includes us, and it includes
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these al qaeda extremists, we hope. we are where we are right now and we are helping the iraqis develop a plan. saythat will lead -- i tribal fighters. the local people, the local able toon are identify the foreign elements and push them out. right now in fallujah, it is a mix of al qaeda, former insurgent groups, and former bathist networks. it has always been a very difficult place. so it is a very difficult territory to operate in. >> the tribal support we are relying on, what is their attitude towards the maliki government? dozen that some of that cooperation, is in that some of that a function of how they view the central government? >> yes, certainly there is tremendous mistrust in the area of fallujah toward the central
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government. no question. >> does that impede our ability to dislodge the occupation forces in fallujah? >> it does. it makes it harder. working with the extremists. some are working to oust them. and many others are on the fence trade that is why it is incumbent upon the central government, through resources and through dialogue and communication to mobilize the population against them. when we worked with the awakening, we did three things -- we trusted them, we funded significantly, we protected them. they thought they were going to win. we head of the awakening. parked two tanks in front of his villa. and he was still killed by a suicide bomber. this is a tough area. but the tribal leaders need to know that they are going to be supported. and the believe they are going to win. i's commitment most
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recently to give tribal fighters all of the benefits of a soldier and to incorporate those fighters into security structures of the state, meaning they will have a livelihood to protect their people, is a significant commitment. one that has not been made before. we need to make sure that we follow through. >> thank you. thank you, mr. chairman. >> ted poe from texas. >> thank you, mr. chairman. i want to talk about what you probably thought i would talk about today is the mek. the last time you were here and you testified before my subcommittee and the char irwoman's subcommittee, i made the statement that there would probably be more attacks on camp liberty. and unfortunately, i was correct. camp liberty was attacked again. four people killed, seven injured, one young man lost both legs. since 2009, there have been seven attacks on camp liberty or camp ashroth.
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during that time, 19 times members of the state department have testified. many of those were about camp liberty. all those attacks, to my knowledge as of today, not one person has been captured or charged with any of those killings. not one. still on the loose. as i alluded to in my testimony, i personally believe that the malaki government is in cahoots with the iranian government who liberty every, -- be subject to attacks. these last attacks to my understanding were where rockets came in that were three minutes long -- meters long. 40 of them. it seems impossible to me that a rogue iranian militia could
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sneak those by anybody and fire them over time and caused this chaos. and murder. up for severals reasons. one, it has not been resolved. but this is become very personal to people who live in my district. i represent people who are iranian american. they know these people that are being killed. they are family, they are friends. and they come and they visit and they tell us it has happened again, judge pie,oe. it has become personal. many of those people are sitting behind you, and may come up here wanting help. that is all they want is the united states has said that we have promised to help them. we no longer recognize them as a foreign terrorist organization. they want their loved ones safe. safe first from the constant attacks by, well, i believe the ians workingan
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together, but long-term they want to leave. they want to be safe. i commend you for going to visit the camp. did you see these, what looked graves, but people in camp liberty are in such fear of their lives they no longer stay in the trailer houses here. they have dug themselves what looks like a grave to hide in when the attacks come from the r ockets. they put sandbags around them and they are ready for the next attack. they jump in these things. some of them sleep in these things at night, even in the rain to be safe. literally digging their own graves. this is fairly tragic situation when people live like this in fear of where they are, whether it is the iraq is or iranians or both.
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did you see any of these when you were there, what they use as foxholes to hide them from the rockets? >> i did not see that, but i saw some of the bunkers at the camp. >> i'm sure you will see it on your next visit. but now this is what they have resorted to further own safety. i think that is an international human rights concern. it should be. the t-walls. you mentioned t-walls are coming. i understand they have not had any today. 17,000 were removed in the short time. now they want to put them back in slowly. it is a safety hazard. i ought to move them and now. the other concern i wanted to mention is, the resettlement issue. they want to leave iraq. we want them to leave. the iraqis, want them to leave.
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i am not so sure what the rainy and want. -- the iranians want. says,--consull he he says, the u.s. has not taken them. when the u.s. starts taking them, maybe we will take them as well. why haven't these folks been sent to other countries? why haven't we taken some of them are all of them? that is my first question. my second question is, when you visited with the survivors of the ashroth camp attacks, did they believedwho was responsible for attacking them and killing their families and their friends? those are the two questions i have. oflet me first say in terms accountability, a shia militia leader who took responsibility for the attacks openly and was on iraqi television taking responsibility for attacking the camp, we thought it was
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ridiculous that this guy was walking the streets inciting people to attack the camp. he was arrested by security forces and is detained in being investigated. that is something that happened in the last month. angree with you that this is international human rights concern. that is why as i mentioned earlier how much i find it encouraging that there is now the united nations focus for the resettlement fund. a full-time person to focus on this issue. out, veryrectly point few countries around the world, despite the international human rights concern, have agreed to take the residents into their territory. albania, germany, the total of 350. so we still have almost 2900 people in the camp. this is an international human rights concern, and it has to be treated with the utmost urgency. as you know, we are considering inions to relocate residents the united states in close coordination with the white house department of homeland security and other relevant agencies.
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any eligible religion -- residents would have to be vetted by the department of homeland security. that is something we are actively, actively considering, i can assure you. we also, and i encourage those who care about the residents to lobby other capitals around the world, given that this is an international human rights concern to take residents into their territory, because so long as they are in iraq, they will not be safe. four residents of the camp lost their lives tragically this month. 900 iraqis also lost their lives this month. violent place. and particularly the residents of camp liberty will not be safe until they leave. that is why we have a full-time person working on it. we encouraged the u.n. and they have appointed a full-time person. and we have a resettlement fund to in courage other countries to take the residents in. >> now we go to mr. ted deutch of florida. >> thanks for being here. thanks for your thoughtful testimony. last year, we read a letter --
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wrote a letter to the prime minister about the overflights of iranian aircraft. there are reports that the number of overflights from iran has increased, that these are f lights that iran sends to arm hezbollah to expand their influence in syria, to defend the assad regime even as it continues to slaughter its own people. how do tyou characterize prime minister malaki's relationship with iran? >> let me say a couple word about iran's role in iraq. just like al qaeda has exploited the grievances of the sunni community, iran is exploiting the fears and that rehashes of the shia community as they are attacked by al qaeda extremists. so it's a vicious cycle that iran takes advantage of.
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the most extreme elements of that regime. malaki, and we discussed this with him over time, tries to balance all of those many precious that come at baghdad from the region and from internal -- he is under great pressure from his constituency, particularly among the shia who continue to get attacked by extremist groups. but so far we have seen the government resist the iranian efforts to have a direct security role in iraq. iran control certain militias in iraq. but their activities are not nearly to the level they were five years ago. 's they've resisted iran efforts to play a more significant role in iraq, but they have resisted the efforts of many of us here to them to play
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more significant role in stopping these overflights. why don't they do it? >> we continue to raise the overflight issue. we believe some of this material is coming on civilian flights. we do have certain agreements would be iraqis, which we look forward to testing as soon as we have intelligence we are able to share in terms of catching a flight in the act. >> i'm sorry. say that again. explain that. >> we have agreements -- it is hard to get a precise intelligence picture in terms of what is coming on a flight and when. it is very difficult. we have we do, and worked with countries around the region and several circumstances, -- in similar circumstances, we hope to be able to work with the iraqis, to make sure we are able to deter that flight. >> here is what i'm trying to get at. it is difficult to identify what is on planes. i understand that. ich of the frustration that
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have on this issue is frustration generally with what is happening in syria and the anyoing assertion by so m that it is hard. so much about syria is hard. it is difficult, even as there are now more than 130,000 syria ns who have been slaughtered. so this is one very small area where i t is difficult, yet do malakiieve that the government, that the prime minister discounts the suggestion that there are planes flying from iran. instead are flying over iraq with those weapons to be delivered to hezbollah, used to prop up assad and kill the syria n people? >> do i believe that he knows it is happening? i believe we have given him an enough information. >> how do we test these?
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when are we going to start testing? how do we do that? again, this is one very discreet -- i'm just bringing in everything else that goes into syria at the moment, which this committee has focused on extensively and will continue to focus on. very discreteone area, one very discreet point that is weapons from iran to hezbollah that flyover iraq. it is one discrete area where perhaps we can have some, play some greater role in making it even slightly more difficult for hebollah to help assad as murders his own people. slightly more difficult. morer ally in iraq plays a constructive role. so how do we test that? how do we make that happen? >> first, i would happy to come
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discuss in a different setting specifically some of the issues related to this topic. but i can put you in the picture . we had this conversation with iraqi officials. as soon as you mention syria, what they talk about in syria is the threat that is coming into iraq. that is like their primary threat perception coming from syria. we explain that the reason the terrorists group are syria entrenching in syria his partially due to assad who is a terror magnet. as long as the regime is able to be strengthened, the vicious cycle will go on. the iraqis have signed up to the geneva one communiqué. they have done some things to put pressure on assad. twice this in iraq month and never raise this issue specifically to get inspections increased again. the next time i am here, i hope to report some progress. >> thank you very much. >> we go now to mr. george -- of
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north carolina. >> thank you, mr. chairman. mr. mcgurk, i appreciate your level of knowledge and facility with the facts. and your ability to communicate them. in numerous answers, you have detailed the support that iran is giving to militias and iraq andto al qaeda-related successor al qaeda groups in iraq who are proper getting this violence. and undoing a lot of the good work that we were able to do in iraq. addition to that, where the malaki government may be able to disavow it and say that we are not supportive of what iran is doing in iraq, there are other
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errors which are in contravention of the sanctions we placed on iran. such as in the energy area, the energy sector. iran and iraq are negotiating the building of a pipeline to supply gas. in contravention of the sanctions. noticeputting iraq on that this is in contravention to the sanctions and detrimental to what we perceive as our interests? >> very good question. this is also an ongoing topic of conversation. they share a 3000 kilometer border. so there is trade, cultural ties. it is impossible to stop everything. iraqis have been very conscious of trying to enforce, make sure they are working with our sanctions. in fact, they have not paid iran ears they are owed for
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electricity payments because they believe in might be sanctionedable even though the banks are not sanctionable. theiraqis have tried to go extra mile, making sure they are keeping with -- >> in regard with financial institutions, there is evidence that the nature of the relationship between iraqi financial institutions and iran ian financial institutions go way beyond what would be permitted under the sanctions. i could follow-up with you specifically on this because it is a very detailed topic. iraqi banks have cut off many transactions with iranian banks due reputational risk. iraq has increased its oil output while iran has asked them not to do that because we have taken one million barrels of iranian oil off the market. again, the pipeline you mentioned is concerning if the pipeline goes forward.
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that could fall afoul of our sanctions. >> considering the extreme detriment to our interests fomrm this iranian support of militant groups in iraq, is there any that thehe deal administration is currently negotiated that would address these issues? , yout as a condition, iran have got to stop doing this. >> congressman, a nuclear negotiation is focused solely on the nuclear proliferation issues. but that does not mean that we are not also focused -- >> so we are not using any leverage or any of our capital sanctions for the nuclear enrichment part to solve some of the other problems we are havingin iraq with iran. >> given the existential threat that a nuclear armed iran would have, we focus specifically on the nuclear issue. as far as iranian support of
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hezbollah, which as you pointed out, you have given malaki clear evidence as far as overflights go in the supply of hezbollah with iranian weapons. part in the nuclear negotiations that we are doing now with iran which would address iranian support of hezbollah fighters in syria? >> the nuclear negotiations are focused on the nuclear proliferation issue specifically. but that does not mean we do not deal with the other issues on parallel and separate tracks. again, we are not using any of the leverage we have in the nuclear negotiations to try to address the situation we have with hezbollah? >> we are not discussing this to the new clear channel, no -- the nuclear channel, no. >> thank you, mr. chairman. for your, mr. mcgurk
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insightful testimony this morning. as you can imagine, offense and iraq are particularly difficult to hear about in light of the heroic sacrifices american heroes and the billions and billions of dollars of taxpayer money expended in this region, and you acknowledge that but i would ask you to speak to the difference of events. it seemed that the turnaround was quick, fairly effective, and that is not the case and fallujah. would you speak a little bit about why that is in the extent of coordination between the tribal fighters, the iraqi government, and resource allocations between these two cities and any other factors contributing to different outcomes were different strategies. >> fallujah has been the most harden
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