tv Washington Journal CSPAN February 14, 2014 7:00am-8:01am EST
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department will look at food security in statute issues. we will also take your phone calls. host: the republicans met on strategy and the democrats are meeting on strategy. we want to hear from you. what do you want from washington. do you want more laws? is there a legislative interest that you have? what direction do you want to see things go?
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comments that we have already gotten on facebook. but do you want from washington? this is an politico this morning. reelection. isk 73 years old. he was first elected in 1994. from the daily caller, tea party groups are making and spending millions but not on candidates. arewell-known groups spending 80% of their money
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point. sean is in missoula. caller: thank you for taking my call. my answer to your question is i would like to see them look like montana. where weike to see have individual rights that are identified and projected. washingtone to see leaders quit looking forward to the next race and pass some bills for the good of the country instead of always being on the campaign trail. host: what is a bill that would be good for the country in your view? caller: the bill that has me most concerned is on the borders
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not being controlled. that is at the very top. i want to ask you, what do you think about your new senator? i actually had my preferences. senator walsh, we will see what he does in a couple of months and see how he proves out. we will give him a good chance that it. if he does not hit a couple of home runs, he will have an uphill battle. host: thank you for calling in. on the front page of the washington post.
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everything that comes out. this is not right. are covering up everything. they are running down the republicans. can you give an example of what you meanwhile that? caller: the government shutdown. the president was responsible for that. they blamed it on the republicans. host: what do you do? caller: i am retired. i was a civil engineer. host: michael posts on our facebook page. well. my money spent
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host: beverly is calling from chicago on the democrat line. what do you want from washington? caller: i would like for washington to look like america. employer, they are supposedly working for us. why would they work 94 days and expect full pay? they don't want us to have minimum wage, they don't want us to have health care. how can they take home fantastic salaries? the guy from mississippi does not know what he is talking about.
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ted cruz shut down the government. if they expect us to work for $7.25 an hour, why can't they? was to have health care, why do they have it and we have to pay for it? the republicans are taking this country back. if you don't want to do your job , get out. we are the ones who are hurting. thank you for letting me speak. host: thank you for calling in. jeremy is on the independent line from hartford, connecticut. wish theykind of would stop repealing repealing laws.
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it is not guns that kill people, people kill people. host: are you a gun owner? can't own a gun because of the laws they passed. get one domestic violence and you can't have a gun. that is the way this country is built. for every freedom you have, they take it away. they say it is for national security reasons or whatever. we are supposed to be a free nation. this is usa today. she
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david is in oregon on our republican line. caller: this is strange. personaring about this being gunned down before i come on the air. i am a republican and i think we ought to go after iran. i supported the efforts of president bush. i am unemployed and my unemployment just ran out. i am getting health care for the first time in my life.
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it is really hard when i hear some of these other republicans and wonder are they speaking for me? when the president decided to go republicansthe supported putin. i don't know who they are anymore. i don't support either side anymore. i don't understand what is going on. i like government better when people got together and reached a compromise. host: when did that happen? caller: they are not compromising. i liked it better when they were . of bush.he days i don't understand who these people are.
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ted cruz is too far out there for me. i want somebody who's going to help me with my problems. with unemployment. i don't understand what is happening anymore. i don't see anybody supporting my needs and what i am interested in. on the acaou sign up exchange? caller: yes. it was great. i am in oregon. i hear people complaining and it sounds like they are from other .tates very in i know people cannot get medicaid in some states. in oregon, we are getting a lot of money and helping our health care system because of this new law. i saw a for the first time in years where i didn't have to pay 175 dollars just to get my prescription filled.
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i could not believe it. i was so happy. people understand why are so against people like me, a person who works at walmart and works hard but does not make more than $17,000 a year. i finally have health care. i think god that obama did that for us. syria was a big thing for me. he decides to go into syria and promotingicans are prudent and assad against our own president. i don't understand who these people are. is david in oregon calling on the republican line. from sioux falls, south dakota. i am in sioux falls
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south dakota. two yearsre about ago. jumped on my son. my sons are in and out of jail. put himt son they just back in for violating parole. they are trying to give him eight years like he killed somebody. out when thee case white boys jumped on my son. i need to know what is going on. host: a couple of tweets that we have received on this question.
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i would just like them to work together. they say it is always the other guy's fault. they go home and look at it in a mirror and say i am part of the problem. what can i do to work with the other side? they should work with one another to do what is right for the american people. it is disgusting to watch all the criticism when they get up in front of a microphone. i support the minimum wage being raised. support gay marriage or abortions.
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host: what do you think about your senate rate there in kentucky? i don't have an opinion. i don't like senator paul. he wasted our time and our money . thatkes every opportunity he has to get in front of a tv set because he wants to be president. work on thed we would behave, better off. now, itey that comes in
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host: what does that mean? they are pushing a $10 minimum wage. everybody in the country has been arguing that jobs are flowing overseas cousin of wage rates. it.s going to increase how many jobs is this going to create? .his is sheer idiocy i don't understand the logic. i will let it go with that. thank you. host: what do you do? caller: i am retired. host: what are you retired from? caller: i was an engineer. i have a broken wrist because i was stupid enough to get out of the chair with one leg asleep in my ankle turned and i fell down.
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we got rain but no snow. perspective,ur what do you want from washington? caller: i would love to see more bipartisan harmony in washington. see congress and the president put the country first and not personal agendas. i would love to see congress work with the president to do things for the americans as a whole. i do think a be great for the minimum wage to be increased. he has a degree, but he never had to work for minimum wage.
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not in a good position to judge. people say teenagers work for , but that is not always the case. host: who is that? caller: that is my grandbaby from north carolina. i could not imagine in this economy trying to raise a family on seven dollars point five cents an hour. i know many people who are. i know families who are struggling every day. there are people who don't have health care insurance. there are people here who won't be able to go to a doctor. you see a lot of people die
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young. i live in a republican state. what do you do? clerk. i am a court host: thank you for calling in. on our independent line. what do you want from washington? caller: the main thing i want is for the independents and republicans to stand up and do their job and stop allowing president obama to go around the congress. these presidential orders that at -- according to letters violates the constitution. why are they not doing something about it.
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why are they allowing him to do it? we are supposed to have three parties in the government. it looks like the president is doing everything. it is about time that somebody stood up and took this guy to using the pened and the telephone. host: thank you for your call. this is andy on facebook. host: roads in many parts of the
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caller: i have electricity. host: what do you want from washington? caller: i would like to say you have a great show. my primary point is this country should be working part-time. they are never there. money.quit spending i could care less what happens in afghanistan after 12 years. i could care less of happens in europe. bring them home and keep our money here. what do you do? caller: i am a correctional
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officer. john in costa mesa, california. caller: good morning. caller: i want washington to sober up. i don't know if they think they they havestars, but talking points and they tell us -- and also i think they need to be checked for sobriety. public is asked to do that in the workplace, and i don't know why it is not required of them. the decisions they make, they just don't seem to be sober. i think they need to be more straight with the american public and start listening to each other. there on theay out
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other coast in orange county, california, how do you guys view washington? how do you view what goes on here everyday? caller: it depends on the media source, what you are seeing through the media. the results are on the ground. i think the affordable care act is a good thing. you just cannot ask washington to leave you alone. that is a childish notion. "leave me alone." we need government, we need washington, but we can take the truth. we are smart, we are educated. we are americans, and we can take it. just tell us the truth about what is going on out there. these talking toys just don't do anything for us. -- these talking points just don't do anything for us. tell us what is going on with the country. i don't know if they are drinking at lunch or what they are doing, but we are the
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world's leaders and we are being -- i don't know how they perceive us with the games that get laid and the things that come on, even the talk shows -- that get played and the things that come on, even the talk shows. john in costa mesa, california, a democrat. it is is alicia, from come only a maryland -- from columbia, maryland. good morning, peter. when congress makes a law and the president signs off on it, i for that law to be just other people as it is -- it should be just for the native american women just as it is for the other americans. host: what does that mean? -- whenthe people congress and the president
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signed off on this law, they said that native women -- it would cover the native women to take anyone to court who violates their body. because theyot so have -- what do you call it? only if ite to court is domestic violence. they would only have to know that person. can go on aive reservation and could violate a woman and she would not have a leg to stand on because -- and good for threely reservations on a trial basis. we are going to have to
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host: a little bit from "the new york times" this morning. plainview, new york. a republican. good morning. i would like both republicans and democrats to live by the laws that they promulgate. i will give you an example. ,nder the health care act $45,000, $46,000 single can get subsidies. $95,000, $96,000, cannot get some cities. it seems obama exempted congress
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from this law. we now have give people that earn outside these parameters -- we have to give them subsidies of 75%. no one else can get that. if i or anyone else earned the amount of money that they did, we are not entitled to a subsidy. how is it that somebody can just say you are exempted? and i that hypocritical, am tired of the laws not being .ead the consequences when they become negative, all of a sudden the laws can be rewritten by edict. i am tired of it. they have to accept the consequences of the laws that they promulgate. host: plainview new york.
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eight miles from roanoke, virginia. host: beautiful country down there. caller: yes, it is. i have a question about federal prison reform. i wonder if congress will be doing anything this year in this congress to take forward the prison reform good times act increased intrigue -- from 50es people commit days per year to 128 days per year. this would be so important for our nation because, number one, produce a healthy prison system with the cost of incarcerating these people, and it is only for nonviolent white-collar crime. host: our question this morning is what do you want from washington. you have come up with a specific piece of legislation you would ed?e to see pass
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why is that philosophically important to you? my son iscause incarcerated in a low-level prison camp, and he is able to or dot his family anything productive outside the prison system. however, he is progressing within the system. he is a very intelligent young man, but it seems we are just stuck in that no home halfway house can help him, but it has to be legislated from washington. fay inll right, that is boones mill, virginia, on our democrats line. this is randy on our independents line from crown heights, illinois. caller: good morning.
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i would like to see them at least bailout the middle-class people, the middle-class that are going into poverty now and everything. i would like to see them -- what they did, they bailed out all the car dealerships and the banks. why don't they do the same thing for the middle-class? we need help now. host: what kind of help would you specifically like to get from washington? caller: this seems like a big issue. i have been listening to you for a long time now. long-term unemployment. we were off by one vote. why couldn't we get back to that, when the democrats get back from this retreat? why couldn't the president pick up his pen and his phone, and pass that long-term unemployment? we are almost going on 2 million people now that are out of it. pretty soon we are going to be up to the three-month -- all we are asking for is a three-month extension. then they can get into this in
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the three-month and discuss more what they want to do with. and now the middle-class people are going into poverty people. that is why we need the bailout now. host: thank you from calling from illinois. "eve b. post on twitter -- what do i want to do? simple. leave me alone. don't pick my pocket and let me live my life." host: well, there is a lot of k this morning on the
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proposed comcast/time warner cable merger. i want to run through a couple of the articles and editorials quickly. this is something we will cover on our "communicators" program next week. fire."t merger under from politico. "if completed, the deal would have a major impact on pay tv and broadband internet markets." politico's lead. the front page of "the washington times," "a media behemoth -- the "los angeles
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times," "a media behemoth." revenue last year, $64 billion for comcast, $22 billion for time warner cable. the front page of "the financial times." warner cabletime ready to square off against regulators." here is "the wall street journal " lead editorial. "the bigger cable guys." here is how they conclude --
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co.'s"new york times quote also opines on this issue. "if a cable giant becomes bigger, regulators might be comcastto agree with that its proposed acquisition of time warner cable for $45.2 billion in stock poses no threat to competition and would benefit consumers by giving the company more resources to invest in new services. the government officials should not accept that argument without conducting a thorough investigation into what effect a merger between the country's two largest cable companies would have on the media and the internet." finally, from "the financial "ma bell should toll
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peter. hi, i want something to get things done down there, but the problem is -- host: what does that mean? caller: after the president and the democrats passed two major comprehensive bills, 2000-page and the dodd frank affordable care act -- the house of representatives will not pass any bills that huge anymore. they are just not going to do it. passes and senate immigration bill that is 2000 pages long and sends it over to the house, the house is not going to consider that. they are not even going to consider it because we see the problems that are coming out of dodd frank and out of obamacare. they still don't know how to administer either one of those laws well enough to get it going.
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by all the delays and regulations for both of those laws. so i don't know. we have enough to worry about out there right now. we need to keep our hats on, and if we are going to fix things, we have to identify things we can do together because the senate is not doing anything that the house suggests or passes and vice versa. it is just not happening. bob, what do you do? caller: i am a teacher and i work with dealing with common core, which was a bipartisan program that i am not certain is right either. know,ou know, i don't unfortunately when a law is passed, we have to deal with the outcome of that, and the unintended consequences. toon't know if we are going
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-- as a republican, i live in a district that is 90% blue, so i am not represented in the house, almost nothing that i want done .ets passed i have two democratic senators. so me calling my senator and congressman does not do me personally any good. i support candidates that do. if i have to go out of my state to do that, i will. host: that is bob from baltimore, maryland. host: in the washington post this morning is this obituary. george wilson, post military correspondent, dies at 86.
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post" in 1990"the and wrote for "the national journal" after that. host: don is calling in from .rown blank, michigan are you in the upper peninsula? caller: no, i am 60 miles outside detroit. host: what do you want from washington? caller: i would like to see the war on drugs stopped. all that is is a war on the american people. and families.
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i would like to see the affordable care act, the kinks worked out so americans can really appreciate and find out what is good and what can work for americans. thing, i wonder where the republican party was at when george bush and his cronies got the country into this mess that we are in now. president obama has been there five years, and he basically kept the country from going bankrupt when he walked in, if people remember -- and we have short memories. the republican party in this country put us in the situation we are in, and now they are complaining about the president. we need to get on board and help us get out of this mess that they created. what do you -- host: what do you do?
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work for a department in the city. they killed the unions. they have cut hay, raised taxes, and this is all with the republican governor doing it on the back of the middle-class. on the backstten of retirees, poor people, schools. this is what a republican administration does. i want to get your reaction to this. inder and land hold the edge the senate races. rick snyder, the republican in, is up by eight points, and in the senate race, the republican is up by three points. caller: it surprises me, what
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these republicans in the state of michigan have done to working people in the state. i am us of -- i am surprised he is ahead by eight. we are here -- it just blows my mind that we have a democratic governor in the state of michigan. he just passed making us a right to work state. he is not helping the working people. people need to realize the republican party is not for them. host: thank you, sir. manistee, michigan. are you in the upper peninsula? no, sir. i am in the upper half of the lower, along the little finger area. host: are you near cadillac, michigan? caller: yes, 60 miles further west, almost down the shore of lake michigan. host: near harbor springs?
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caller: no. host: petoskey? caller: no. right, enough geography. what do you want from washington? i want the idiots to get the thumbs out of their bottoms. host: what does that mean? the republicans have done nothing but obstructive even the most common sense legislation that would benefit both sides. host: such as? caller: i don't know, the farm bill that took them forever. take your pick, you know what i mean? host: is the farm bill important to you? caller: yeah. host: are you a farmer? i am disabled. i have been disabled since 1990, so consequently i have been unable to work since 1990. i imagine i would have starved
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to death had there been no farm because they're in our the food stamps. or am i wrong? not sure i understand what you're saying. caller: the food stamps are fed through the farm bill. host: they are, but i think they were removed from this particular farm bill. caller: i seem to remember hearing squawks about cutting food stamps from the farm bill. host: a little bit later in this aboutm we will be talking hunger in america and what the department of agriculture calls food security. jim, one of our regular twitter followers, and tweets into respond to don, who works in flint -- host: from politico this to warn "bobby jindal
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of silent war on religion." "he urged states to pass laws designed to block overreach by the obama administration. address touches on several hot button issues including same-sex contraception. that jindal argues liberals will choose the mantra of antidiscrimination to force people to violate their religious beliefs. the american people are mired in a silent war that threatens -- that threatens the fabric of our communities, the health of our public square, and the endurance of our constitutional government." a little bit from bobby jindal's speech last night.
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richard in myrtle beach, south carolina, republican line. what do you want from washington? would like to see something i thought i would never say -- term limits -- initiated before the following election so that the congressmen and senators that i have, if be on board and initiate anything, i will vote against them. in the primary. host: why have you come to that conclusion? caller: i have come to the conclusion because of the morass there right now. they are so entrenched and self-serving. they think it is ok to lie because it is part of a tactic. they call it "it is just politics." there is no sense of decency or standards these people have. they think the ends justify the means, and they don't. i am just fed up with seeing it. i would like to see across party lines -- vote them all out.
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and then recycle. you have the senators, 33 at a time. at the end of the day -- there will be a lot of good casualties, but it will send the right message if you do it this term. they might straighten up for what they are doing the rest of the time. host: that is richard in myrtle beach. here is fierce -- pierce on twitter. host: susan is calling from blackstone, massachusetts. what do you want from washington? i would like the republicans to really listen to the people. they keep saying they are listening, yet we don't have any
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background checks. we don't have the minimum wage yet. and comprehensive immigration seems to be a big hill that they cannot climb. yet these are things that a majority of the people are for, so if they listen to the people, where are they? i would like to see more compromise in washington, and anyone who doesn't compromise should not be there. compromise is one thing that has kept the congress going through .ll the years also, i would like them to pass a jobs bill. they keep talking about doing something about jobs, but i don't see the bill that is going to repair our roads, fix our airports, and fix the grid. so they talk a good line, but they don't do anything. greg is calling from bear,
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delaware, independent line. caller: how are you doing? i tell you, i would like to see them get a writ of -- get rid of a lot of their waists that they have. host: what is an example of waste? well, with the no-bid contracts and all the equipment you see running all over the place and you wonder how everybody gets this work that there is no open bidding on it. there is cronyism running all through it. over and every year over about how much more money they need and how in debt we are . you can go from local level to state level and see that most people working for government are not producing a thing. we need to get a hold of that and call all that to task. everybody else has had to tighten their belt to make this economy work, and we see people
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sliding through life without any regard for the amount of resources they are burning up. along those lines, let's talk about energy. for 60 years now we have had alternative sources of energy and we are still earning oil in killing everything. why aren't we talking about solarative energy like steam? you see other countries doing it. we are doing nothing, going backwards. host: we got the point and appreciate it. we came up with this question this morning to have a conversation based on the fact that the republicans met last week to discuss their strategy and the house democrats are meeting to discuss their strategy this week. the president declared 2014 a year of action. we will come back to this es
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