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tv   The Communicators  CSPAN  March 8, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm EST

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lost cause. president obama is tested. he knows that the issue of our time is the oppressive stagnation facing the middle class. good working-class families cannot get ahead. he hates the gop establishment. t is a hit for cat -- tit for at. they pander and they do damage. their agenda is failure and fiasco on steroids. gopica is counting on the to get it right. that is why the establishment cannot handle it. no republican gets elected promising higher taxes, wasteful spending, inc. raised that, bigger government.
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rewarding lawbreakers of amnesty? why are they voting for the things now. why should we reward them with our votes? [applause] you know that 2010 election victory that swept into power? you did not build that. the tea party did. dance with the one who brought ya. joint -- grab a room and join us at the party. eyes are open. we are stronger now.
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we are wiser now. god knows that we are hungry. enoughre not low-information voters to see the other side this year. we must not retreat. harry reid will be the senate minority leader, -- [laughter] vegas.ackjack dealer in where everything stays in vegas. [applause] another reason to feel good about our future and our movement is because culturally, we are pushing back against what ,ome would call the sexual panties in a wad people. outragee some latest against the latest victimize identity group.
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they are professionals at taking offense. it is what they do. media areons and the even quicker at publicizing their manufactured outrage. the play is always the same. somebody on the right, somebody who is not politically correct. [laughter] that was me once or twice. or you are being distorted. perpetually wanted -- up people get to work. they claim to want tolerance. they are the complete opposite. they want to shut up anyone who does not toe their line. what is happening? bob. truck. up or stay in the that is how we grow. [applause]
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remember when there's gerdes got tabled over their heads recently because our body from dr. dina uckyed -- doc -- "d dynasty"--remember that? he is talking about the with a reporter from gq, first mistake. in between saying that he loves humanity, he said that we are all sinners. leave it to god. and expresse bible his opinion. whether that brilliant tv network do? they fired him. canned the devout christian for expressing his devout christian views on a television show about a devout christian family.
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nothing is ever wrong. who getose executives to school america on standards. they are the ones. in another time, that might have been it. phil when a state fire. not now. not this time. [applause] knewle over america new -- that it should just not be swingers on tv shows. they understood that phil's writes express himself and that fight was all about our right to express ourselves. his fight with our site. we pushed back and we won. [applause] now everyone is happy, happy, happy. [laughter]
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these are the same thinking couch liberals. -- they whine that we disrespect women. that is bull. democrats, it is your leaders who are demeaning to women will not -- demeaning to women. [applause] think that theo women of america are cheap dates. feed them a few line about birth control and thorough infants kerry quotes about the war on women -- throw in some scary quotes about the world women. don't bother their pretty little head about debt or energy independence. imagine if we treated the man like that. a quick word with the sisters here. guys, give us a minute.
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go play some raising game on your cell phone. [laughter] i will talk to the ladies for a second. we know better than to fall for that victimization line. it comes from the president and his party. if you have a friend or sister or roommate falling for this hooey, you have to set them straight. after was really stereotyping you? you are a thinking, striving individual. those who put you in a box and find you still my body parts -- ll myine -- define you sti body parts. women don't let them use you. unless you choose to be their pawn or their-
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piece of accessory on their arm. that is not liberation. that is subjugation. this sisterhood fight against that. [applause] [cheering] we fight the mastery that big government would want over us. who are the real women liberators? you can join us. be legit. libs, do you really think, i am woman hear me -- no. only mama grizzlies can say,
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"hear me roar." [cheering] let the women of america know our platform. family, faith, freedom. be bold in making our case. ses of thatcheres and others. -- if the boys are not up to the challenge, women are happy to lead the charge. [cheering] [applause] this sisterhood so believes in respect and the power and purposeful potential of every woman so much so that we are the
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that with the blank protect even our littlest sisters in the womb. [cheering] [applause] friends, last year i did hear -- stood here and declared that we are not here to rebrand the party. we are here to rebrand the country. we should not be in the business phraseology right or pandering to special interest. we are in the business of digging ourselves out of debt and restoring competitiveness, educating our children, and liberating our potential. truth be told, coming from a
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fire -- a very diverse family and being independent, i do not care what you call yourself or how you rebrand a party. those things, i stand with you. here, it is to stand on the shoulders of giants. the men and women who came before at podiums like that in front of patriots like you. you are the key. you are what matters in all of this. they were devoting their lives to preserving and protecting. some are veterans, some politicians, some were housewives. to soldiers,aking students, teachers, firemen, fishermen, farmers, every race, color, creed.
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all were part of a remarkable movement of freedom and human florsheim. g. flourishin for all that they have achieved, such a great price that they have paid. the best is yet to come. this is a great awakening. the age of obama is almost over. [applause] error. of an he is the lamest of lame ducks. our ranks toand save our country. it is unimpaired admission for small government and big freedom. it is big enough for every american who loves liberty and trust the individual.
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we know america. not from the top down. from the heart, looking out. our message resonates. we believe in the promise of america. that message resonates and it has since the band of brothers dumped tea in the boston harbor. [applause] we have got to be that band of brothers and sisters again. we should not fundamentally transform america, but save it. we should fundamentally restore the promise of america. it is because of you. it is weeping people, because of you, but i have never been more optimistic about the age of are one nation under god. stand and fight for it. the best is yet to come [applause] .
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god bless conservatives. god bless america. ♪ ♪ atbe cpac straw poll taken the conference shows a presidential preference or kentucky senator rand paul. he is followed by texas senator ted cruz.
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we will have highlights from the conference tonight at 8:00 a.m. coming up next is our weekly half-hour conversation would be people shaping our digital future on the communicators. >> c-span, created by america's cable companies and brought you today as a public service. >> fadi chehadé is the president and ceo of icann. what does icann do? is responsible for finding key identifiers of the internet. numbers,main names, which are underneath this. they are under every server on the planet.
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the policies for these are developed in different places, is responsible for implementing these items and ensuring their security and resilience. we must ensure that their its proper oversight over our functions so we have legitimacy. >> who sanctions you? startedistory of icann darpa startedthat and the internet. clinton's administration had a move to create icann as an independent, private, nonprofit in season. -- institution. we coordinate these things. regard, we have done this job very well. it has not been down once in many, many decades. it is working very well. we ensure that stakeholders have
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a seat at the table. the stakeholders are businesses, government -- we have over 130 government thing on the committee. society, we have active organizations, academics, all of them sitting on an equal footing and making sure that these identifiers work. >> are there any competitors to icann? >> this role cannot be ordered by more than one player. managedthan one entity a key identifier of the internet, by nature, the internet will no longer be one that -- one net. at the heart of the matter is the domain name system. very few people appreciate that in order to resolve issues, there is a root system that make that work for the entire planet. in the room, all names are
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resolved to make sure that when for.c example, or any other website name, you go to the exact i that you want to go to -- site that you want to go to. quite how are you funded? >> when people buy website names, there is a will be that they pay. -- there is a small part of the fee that they pay. that comes to us and ask up to $19 million a year to stop that is what we used to perform our functions. >> where are you based? >> good question. icann's home-los angeles for a long time. i have taken the concept of a headquarter office and divided it. we now operate artwork functions, all of our functions, from three cities on the planet.
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los angeles, houston bowl, and singapore -- is the goal, and single port. singapore., and we employ stakeholder management relationship systems. we make sure that any stakeholder around the planet is -- receives follow-up service at any time of day in a unified, structured way. , how did you get this job? >> my name was put in with a lot of applicants. frankly i had not known icann well. someone suggested that i would do well to search the internet community that frankly gave me so much. my entire career was used on thataging the innovation
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is allowed on the internet to create companies and value. and it company was bought was bought and i'm starting another company when my name was put into the lot. icann has a nominating committee. he board puts into place. with tensith a firm of applicants. i was a finalist. i remain very humbled and honored by the choice the board has made. >> joining us to discuss some of the policy issues is my guess from politico. think it is an exciting time for icann right now. a newe about to announce program. could you speak a little bit about where you are in the process? what is about to happen to the internet that we use every day? isenshrined in the bylaws
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the fact that icann needs to needsin that provide -- to provide competition. consumers need to participate in the domain name system. the naming of all of the sites on the internet. several years ago, the community got together and started discussing how to do that. as you know, countries have codes. is ".us."s. it then there are generic domain names. people know why don't we expand that? why don't we provide more choice and competition in that market by opening it up? that is what happened. many companies and countries of
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life. the process was long and complicated. cuspe now at the cost -- of starting to add new top-level domains to the root system that i mentioned. them andt that we add we passed that to ensure , they will be available for the consumers. many registrars already have them. you can go and buy names on new top-level domains, whether their brands or communities were purely generic. .nyc."rk city has " brands also have their own.
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and communities. i want to emphasize this. finding each other in cyberspace is important. neutron global domains will have the opportunity for communities to express their identities on the web. up thest, we have opened use of long latin characters. the very first new domain that was approved was spelled in arabic script. we have one in cyrillic script and one in chinese script. >> you mentioned quite a number of potential new domains. that is obviously going to be a shock for some people. they are used to and
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.org. what is icann's rolling going forward? -- role in going forward? how will they navigate to something they are not used to -- to question mark seeing? >> we will have campaigned to support the consumer. -- we operate in the public interest. it is public interest, important that we give consumers a sense of safety about using these new domains and a sense of understanding the choices they have. it is becoming more and more difficult to find the domain that you want on existing top-level domains. now they have the possibility to express themselves differently. many of the new applicants are also engaged in public
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campaigns. maybe for their own interests. they are also engaged in explaining to consumers how toices and opportunities build community is now may more possible by the new program. , what did itdé cost the city of new york to get ".nyc"? let every applicant has paid the same fee, except for some applicants where we provided support from developing regions. paid $185,000 as a setup fee. that fee is turning out to be about right because of the cost of insuring that is applicants know how to operate these new registries. they become registries. people can find them.
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n.y.c..nt. they need to serve these people. sure that these registries are stable, therefore the fees went to ensure that they are ready and technically ready. thatare operated in a way ensure stability for the consumer. course, there were many steps to each of these applications. some of them had using strings. some competition over the same name. we had to go through processes. that was the reason for the fee. i am hoping in the next round, the fee will be lower. i think it was a barrier for some folks. we would like to see that the earnings from this round would lead us to lower fees.
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>> how many generic domain names do you see in the future? >> i do see the potential for thousands. not because i have very specific knowledge, but because my sense is when that these open -- and it is a limitless ace. you can have as many as you want. the domain name becomes an community,of grand or a certain type of service on the internet. naturally,rnet grows a number of users are growing, i think that we will see many more of them. many are going to fail. it is not a guarantee that every one of them will do well. it is important to look at what
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is behind the name, not just the name. ".green" may sound like a subpar suberp name.r -- -- superb name. what is important is the business behind it and the fidelity of the business to the space and what that space represents. the market will decide. it is not to icann. we gave solely by making sure that the system is always available and always stable and resilient. it is secure. it is open. everyone can participate. you listed a number of exciting things with this program. there has also been a lot of concern from folks who are worried that with this
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expansion, they may have to register their name in an untold number of these names. are people going to have to do that? is there a lot of extra cost or hassle for big brands? >> there is no question that those who own >> i come from that community. i am very appreciative of the need to protect these assets. i understand that. as i have been engaged with the community i explained that ander than be defensive operate in that new space without strategy, which is to say, putting c-span on everything, which would the costly but also easy, we are encouraging trademark owners to
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build strategies. this is a portfolio. they need to understand what is in it withticipate care and wisdom rather than just a generic shock of buying everything. icann has done a remarkable job to put in protection for these owners. trading first global house. there is no other place on the planet where you can actually do that. you can literally register your name and anybody buying a domain on any top level domain on the planet will have to contend with what people registered in that place. buy domains that reach someone's trademark they will be informed. there is a process to ensure that trademarks stay with their owners.


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