tv Washington This Week CSPAN April 5, 2014 6:17pm-6:31pm EDT
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hear what i think is a view that looks at life and the economy as some static pie, as if the pie of life and the pie of our economy is some fixed thing. and it's really a question of how we divide up the slices more equitabl equitably. we believe this growth. we believe in dine michl. we believe we should grow the pie to get a better slice of the pie. it is not a question of sitting here in government picking winners and losers by cronyism or whatever you want to try to redistribute the slices of the pie. we want to grow the pie for everybody. now, we're going to hear a lot of rhetoric like we have heard in the past. back in 2011 when we passed our first budget, the appropriations we had in that budget for this fiscal year was $1.47 trillion for 2015. back then, that was considered draconian, unserious and many other names were called. then, patty murray and i and all
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of us put together a bipartisan budget agreement that called for spending in fiscal 2015 $1.14 billion. president obama signed that proposal into law. it was heralded as a great bipartisan step in the right direction. and so for those of you who are keeping score and minding the rhetoric, that's $33 billion less under this bipartisan bill than we proposed two years earlier which was so draconian, so unserious. we're proposing the federal government increases the spending over ten years by 3.5% instead of 5.2% and by the way, if we reform government, put the patient in the center of health care, give states the ability to customize and tailor their benefits to populations like food stamps and medicaid, and have pro-growth policies that put people back to work, clean
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up the tax system, have this energy renaissance fully developed, then we will get people back to work. then we'll increase take home pay. get the deficit down and as a result according to cbo have more prosperity and faster economic growth. it's true. you kapt cut your way to a balanced budget. you have to grow your way by growing your economy. and government as it is currently designed needs to be reformed. if we stay on this path we are guaranteeing the next generation has a bankrupt medicare program, bankrupt social security program, bankrupt medicaid program. bankrupt country. by 2024 according to cbo, three programs, medicaid, medicaid air deficit consumes the revenues. we see it comes. it is not a democrat, republican thing. it's a dlem graphics thing. when you have so many baby boomers retiring, 10,000 a day for 10 years and far fewer people following them into the work force and the cost of the
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programs goes up by 5% to 8% a year, this's a problem. the sooner we tackle this problem, the sooner we get ahead of it the sooner we apply tried and proven ideas and reforms, fixing these things the better off we are going to be. i hope we take it into perspective as we use our rhetoric and think about the next generation, those people who don't consent to this debt that's coming to them. and i hope that we can think about, you know what? maybe the design of some of these programs in the 20th century could be kind of improved. maybe we have learned a new thingless of how to make the goals for accomplished. how to focus on outcomes and results instead of just inputts and spending. that's what we're trying to accomplish here. we're trying to get this debate going so that we can actually solve this problem. we believe we have a responsibility. not just to the next generation but to constituents today and we know that if we do get our
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linux the polls are closed in the afghan elections. president obama released a statement. these polls are critical to work securing the future. we look to the afghan electoral body to carry out their duties to adjudicate the results. the most critical voices on the outcome are those of afghans themselves. we will bring you updates here on the c-span network. "washington farzad looks at the process of high frequency trading. they use advanced computer algorithms and high-speed data to execute trades. they guess from the brookings institution reviews the elections in a full top we will
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take your calls and you can join the conversation via face and twitter. live at 7:00 a.m. on c-span. thist's take a case like one. it had a $1.9 billion settlement. -- happened aot year ago. part of the prosecution agreement, they admitted that they had wandered as much as $850 million from south america drug cartels. not only did they commit minor financial infractions, technical infractions, we are talking about an organization that was operating at the top of the illegal narcotics pyramid. this was a major criminal enterprise. they admitted it. if they did not find the evidence to put those people in jail, that is on them.
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that is a failure of the regulatory system. if you have someone who you know is guilty and they have admitted that they are guilty, and they are in league with the present violent people and helping them with the worst kind of behavior a being can be involved with, and no wonder the day jail, that is outrageous. it is more outrageous when you look at it in comparison with who go to jail in america. at the veryle bottom of the illegal drug pyramid. the consumers, people who are caught in possession of drugs. they are the people who go to jail and they go to jail for real-time. five years, 10 years. at the same time we are letting hf bc off -- hsbc off. divide" explores injustice in america.
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sunday night at 8:00 p.m. >> in his weekly radio address, president obama talks about his 2015 budget proposal and how it differs romp the republicans. tim scott gave the republican address. >> hi everybody. today our economy is growing and our businesses are consistently generating new job. decade-long trends are in the middle class. those of the top are doing better than ever, but too many americans are working harder than ever. that is why the budget i sent congress earlier this year is also the idea of opportunity for all. the middle class would grow and we would shrink the episodes. it is an opportunity. jobs thatreate more
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pay good wages. we would train americans with these hills to all those job. we would guarantee every child access to a great education. we would make work pay with wages you can live on, savings you can retire on, and health care that is there for you when you need it. this week, the republicans but forward a different budget. it does the opposite. it shrinks opportunity and makes it harder for americans who work hard to get ahead. the republican budget begins by handing out massive tax cuts to households making more than $1 million per year. to keep from putting a hole in the deficit, they would have to waive taxes on middle-class families with kids. there are deep cuts to investments that would help our economy create jobs, like education and scientific research. they will not tell you where these cuts will fall exactly.
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kidsfew years, 170,000 will be cut from early childhood education programs. numeral their thing hits will become offer programs that let them get healthy food. schools throughout the country will lose funding that supports special education teachers. if they want to make smaller cuts to one of these areas, that means larger cuts in areas -- other areas. it also tries to repeal the affordable care act, even though that would take away health care for americans who have done the responsible thing and find up to buy health insurance. the rules that we have put in place to protect the middle class from another financial crisis would disappear. few and that benefit a make it harder for working americans to succeed is not what we need right now. our economy does not progress from the top down. it grows from the middle out.
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that is what my agenda does. that is what i will keep on fighting for. thanks and have a great weekend. >> hi, i am u.s. senator tim scott. the most important issue facing our nation today is job creation. it has been that way for the last six years. instead of tackling because of unemployment, too many politicians are focused only on the effect at on making political points. we want to make sure that folks can get out and they have a solid foundation on which to stand. facingthe hard choices so many families every night. as a former small business owner, i know the importance of ensuring that the next generation of american is the most well-trained, best educated workforce the world has ever seen. are currently 4 million
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open jobs in america, including 65,000 in south carolina. these are good jobs that for a ariety of reasons, including lack of trained workers, go unfilled. day after day, week after week. that is 4 million families who could sleep better at night and thousands of businesses that could become more profitable and offer more opportunities for their employees. let's confront this problem head on. will ensure system that our workforce can compete and win in the 21st century. more resources will help those in need. up inuld not get caught the quagmire pit of red tape and regulations. instead of having 35 separate federal training programs with expensive overhead, let's simplify them into one flexible
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workforce funds. instead of throwing billions of dollars that these programs with no measurable result, let's give state and localities the flexibility they need to develop targeted plans to help low-income families, young folks, those with disabilities, and the unemployed, the long-term unemployed, and the under way. instead of watching were million suresit empty, let's make that those who want to work are learning the skills they need to succeed. i will ensure that we can do all this. my bill has passed the house of representatives under degraded leadership of congressman fox. i introduced it as an amendment to the senate unemployment bill. senate democrats, for some reason, i can only imagine it is a political reason, block it happened this week.
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the american people deserve better than that. a modern, efficient workforce development system is essential to our future. i believe in america, and i believe that our greatest days lie ahead. we need a straightforward commonsense illusion or american families and for helping get america back to work. thank you and god bless america. >> c-span, created by america's cable companies 35 years ago and brought to you as a public service. >> this past week, the federal communications commission made a decision that affects televisions asian owners. joining us to discuss this is gautham nagesh.
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