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tv   Washington This Week  CSPAN  April 12, 2014 12:00pm-2:01pm EDT

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the bottom half is being left behind. what was the promise from the president? if you elect me, i will pull the poor up. i will close income inequality. wrong. food stamp recipient c is up by 25%. in six americans, our fellow citizens, are so poor that they have to ask the government for help in supporting their children to have enough to eat. that is unpatriotic. that is un-american. we are not making progress. it is the administration's fault. ame thenot bl republicans. you cannot blame bush. it is just astonishing. disability insurance is like
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permanent unemployment insurance in america today for people who are so dust or, so afraid they so desperate,d -- so afraid they will never find work again they get assistance until they can afford social security and medicare. one million new claims every year since obama became president. inside the seasons, what is the unemployment rate for african-american teenagers? 37 f%. that is only for the teenagers actively looking for jobs. obama bill that. people know there is a problem. 70% think he is not on the right track here in people thought it
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was rough under bush. no. what is the problem when you talk about politics. they think people like me and you do not care. conservatives and the public and our hash and appeared at ucla find the majority of conservative citizens in that conservative leaders are heartless. this is a big problem. you want to know one statistic that explains the vastly 2012 election that you're still depressed about? do you want to know the statistic that explains it? who cares more about people like you? i heard conservative electionors after the say "the american public is too
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emotional." know they are not. are you going to vote for someone who just i care about you? i am not either. two thirds say republican candidate did not care about people like them. you cannot win if you don't think the leaders care about you. all day long he open the paper. you watch tv. what do you hear? business people do not care about people like you. that is what you hear all day long. that is not enough to sway the public that much. the real reason that people think that is not how the left talks. it is how we talk. that is what we need to change, how we talk to our fellow
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citizens. conservativesn to carefully, what are they doing? they are fighting against things. they are fighting against government. taxese fighting against and regulation and deficits and debt. i love the product line, by the way. i got my phd in that product line. it is good. i sell it all day long. what we beat with anymore. you cannot win. listen to the argument. the side that is losing is fighting against things. the site that is winning is fighting for people. wins.s what that is what we want. that is what you want. why are you so mad about obamacare? it is not because of the 2000 pages. that is a symptom. the reason you're mad is because it is hurting people. is hurting americans. why are you mad at the teacher
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unions? cares.s unions, who it is hurting kids. that is the problem. until we stop fighting against things and start fighting for all, americans are going to think we don't care. that is why i came into our movement in the first place. i wanted to fight for people. before.ou i did not grow up with these ideas. i grew up in seattle washington. it is a great place. it is a beautiful place. it is crazy. i grew up in a family of artists and academics who are wonderful. there is not a lot of sympathy for the free enterprise system around my things giving table. a lower middle-class family in seattle washington. i grew up in the soviet union.
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i finally went to college at age 30. turns out i was not sitting on a college campus getting my head told with bad ideas from left-wing professors. i was doing my own thinking. i recommend dropping out of college and going when you're 30. you think for yourself a little bit. here is what i found. in the paper tomorrow it says resident of american enterprise institute tells everyone to drop out. [laughter] here is what i learned when i get a lot. it change my views and me here today. it makes me admire you. here's what it was. in theally interested subject of poverty. i drew up when people around me were on welfare. so did a lot of you. it meansou know what to not have very much. what was poverty when i was a little kid? i'm one month away from my 50th earth day.
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it tells you how old i am. let me tell you what poverty was when i was in kindergarten. it was a extremely national geographic. it was the picture of a kid with flies on his face and a distended belly. there's nothing i could do about it. it was pennies in the collection basket on sunday morning and a few prayers and a hope that something would help those kids at some point. that is what poverty look to us when i was a kid. what is it today? there are still too much poverty. i bet everyone a few joins me in believing we have a duty to these with care and respect. i want to tell you the difference from when i was a little kid. between 1970 and today, the percentage of the world's population is living on the dollar a day or less. that is adjusted for inflation. has fallen byit 80%.
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in 80% decline. it is the greatest anti-poverty achievement in the history of mankind in a happened in our lifetimes. about in thed paper because it is good news. if you read the paper the world is getting worse. the world is getting better. why? i have an idea. i say why? how come this happen? it was the fabulousl success of the united nations. [laughter] it was u.s. foreign aid. wrong. the international monetary fund, the world bank. local socialism, central planning. wrong. it was five things. five things pulled billions of people out of poverty for the first time in the history of mankind. obliteration, free trade, robert --ights, rule of law, and
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after 1970, people around the world looked at you for the first time. have.aid i want what they i want there read them. freet their stuff -- their dom. i want their stuff. they threw off the chains of tierney and they got it in places around the world. to say that your american free enterprise system is the only system that has been able to pull people out of poverty to save them for death. charity is good for our souls. you got to have a system that works well you sleep. it is in your hands as americans. to coin the phrase president
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obama would never use, you know that -- you built that. that is a great thing to do. [applause] win, it is because we want to help more people. to start talking about people, the people who are the most vulnerable. would that ever win politically? can we get up against people and say we are the ones who are compassionate. we are the ones who were warriors for the poor. would anyone believe it? i have the data. here they are. i taught at syracuse university for a long time. one of my colleagues looked at millions of voters between 1980-2004. he wound it is true that republicans and democrats have different treat that they own naturally. abbottabad trait anger traits. here are two good trait that
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conservatives always own into good traits that liberals always own. conservatives are considered to be moral and strong leaders. liberals are considered to everybody including conservatives, not you necessarily, compassionate and empathetic. here is the question. if you are a politician, should you double down on the conservative trait or should you still be liberal traits? that is a good question. you don't know what is going to win. hedgehog.icians are they do one thing well. they become better conservatives and the other guys. that is the wrong thing to do. i taught a business goal for a long time. that is a good business strategy. he says i have a cardboard box factory. i am thinking about getting into fracking. what do you say? that is a stupid idea. keep making cardboard boxes that make them even better. if a politician comes to me, i say still the traits of the other guy and prepare to win.
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here's the data. republican and a democrat are considered to be eagerly compassionate toward the poor, that fact alone that will swing independent voters to the republicans by 10 percentage points. presidentialin a election if that were 40% of the voters who consider themselves to be independent. that was swing it and it is game over. you win. that is why it matters. written on your heart is the patriotic need to help people who are being left behind by the people who say they're helping the poor but are not. you know you want to do it. you know you need to do it. if people see you do it, you also win the election. that is the secret. [applause] how do you do it? it turns out that nobody really
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knows, especially people in my profession or scholars or fainting guys. what do poor people need? tank guys. what do poor people need? i have a friend who specializes on research and poverty. he got a phd studying poverty. when he was writing his dissertation, he was doing it in the poverty research center at a major university in the midwest. marble columns, the poverty research center. poverty is where the money is. he is working on his dissertation in silence. what do poor people need? an actual poor guy walks in. he saw the sign and was hoping he could get help with his rent. he asks for help. nobody could figure out what to do. call security? so.
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at aei, and the urge you to go org wen our stuff at aei. are doing pathbreaking work on poverty. we see the people who put their lives together that have been most disadvantage, people out of prison or he were homeless, former prostitute. people at the bottom of society and say what did you do to put your life together again? what do you need? what do all poor people need? they are the experts. what do they say? they say we need hope. we have to look at the future. there is something for us there. we do take moral agency, if we do get relief and we work hard we can actually do something. this is a country losing hope. it is bad enough about enough me and my kids. you know who needs help?
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the people we are visiting that are actually poor and being left behind. it do you know what we need? a hope agenda. here is the hope agenda in a nutshell. education, jobs, entrepreneurship. i want to talk about each of these three things. i will start with education. outraged by the abuses of the bureaucracies and unions that are eating up all of the public school money and setting back to the kids. it is terrible. let me explain it in a slightly different way. are we really outraged enough to --ome the symbol rights out subject of our time? they are feeling about a quarter of the kids and they are poor. if you cannot start out with a decent education, if you are hundreds of yards behind the line because you never taught to read, you're not going to be
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able to get ahead. look at washington, d.c.. i lived there so you don't have to. what spend per kick? 18,400 75 dollars. not putting all the bells and whistles. per kid. what percentage of eighth graders read at grade level? 15%. go to your favorite leftist and say what do the school needs in washington? what do they say? let's throw some more money down that well and see what happens. $36,000 per year. know this is not going to do anything at all except make richard bureaucrats in that have more power.
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that is all that is going to happen. it will not help the kids. choice and innovation. if we are not warriors for the the kids and their parents, no one is going to be. our generation will be saddled with that. we will be saddled with the memory of the generation that abandoned a order of the population. we cannot let that happen. this is the struggle of our time. education. number two is jobs. >> i cannot get over the conversations. it is a nightmare. i have a great idea. you want poor people to make more money? a minimum wage hike question mark really? jobs who00 low-wage are going to be destroyed, you know who they are.
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they are the poor people who do not finish high school. it is already 33% african-american unemployment. you want to make that worse? it is one thing after another. here is what really gets my goat. inn you talk to elite washington about jobs, you know it they say? we don't want to create more dead and jobs. the problem with mcdonald's is they are dead end jobs. how many of you started out with a dead end job? turns out it did not go so badly for you. no dead-end jobs. you -- i already told you about my wife. sometimes i still forget. i was on an airplane six years ago. a sitting next to a guy who had the bad judgment to start up a conversation with me. [laughter]
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as i always do, i say what do you do for a living? i am an economist. i say what do you do all day? turns out he was the chief financial officer of a company that owns 750 burger king's. i said that is pretty interesting. i do not know anything about fast food. i was asking him about supply change management. then i actually made a little mistake here at a dumb air or -- a mistake. the stupid. do you never feel bad like you are creating a lot of dead end jobs? i know. i should know better. come on. it is not like i came from great wealth. his face turns red. i'm thinking there's two hours left on the flight. i apologize. he said let me explain something. if you work at one of our burger any's andy show up to work jedi get into a fight or come to work high, you will be promoted
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within a year to assistant manager. you'll be able to support your family. if you work here for four years and you do good job you will be a store manager making $70,000 a year. if you work hard enough and you stick with it, you will be me. i started out flipping burgers on the line. that is what he said. [applause] his last line was this. there are no dead and it jobs in this country. there is a dead end government and people. that is the problem. works is a blessing. it is a sanctified thing. there's nobody, i know a lot of people are taking welfare payments. i know. i defy anybody to find more than a few people out there that would prefer to have their kids to see getting a welfare check over a paycheck.
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when people are desperate they will take welfare. we owe it to them to give them opportunities with jobs. last but not least, i want to talk about entrepreneurship. and thompson was entrepreneur at age 11. here's the problem we have in this country. you and i love entrepreneurs. increased opportunity and growth. you just heard from donald trump he was an amazing figure. i think we have the narrative wrong on entrepreneurship. when you listen to the last campaign, the story always with mike this. i met a guy in dayton. a roughed off with
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life. he dropped out of school. he decided he wanted to open a sandwich shop so he borrowed a lot of money. month after month he stuck at it. he made a billion dollars. that is always the republican story of entrepreneurship. that is not the story of entrepreneurship. and the punch line the new supported his family and then he built his life and then he was not on public assistance and then he understood what god wanted him to do with his life which was to .e dignified and productive that is the story of american entrepreneurship. that was the hope that brought your ancestors here. it was not i am going to be a billionaire. it is just i am not going to be poor and down and out. i'm not going to be held down skin orthe color my
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what my last name is. i'm going to be judged by what i can do with my hard work and merit. we have to fight for real entrepreneurship. let me tell you what is going on with entrepreneurs at the bottom. you want to start a real estate business and washington, d.c.? that is a good second career. it is a typical one for upper income families. 130 five hours of licensing to start your business. it sounds like a lot but consider this. you want to start a hair braiding business or paint nails or do that in your living room? a typical first income for african-american women and washington, d.c. who are poor without an education, cosmetology. no how much education you need? 1500 hours of licensing.
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you want to teach african hair braiding in your house? 50 hours of training. this country is becoming anti-poor. imagine if a president said this. regulations. forget the licensing. forget all the rules. if you want to start a landscaping business, all you need morally is a lawnmower. imagine that. i am standing between you and lunch. i'm going to stop. here is my last word. the left is going to tell you about social justice. it drives you nuts. you do not any want to hear it anymore. take it back. you own it. a conservativeis principle. it is about treating people with dignity.
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is but lifting them up and being a true warrior. remember this. patriots do not care awful americans vote. they're going to fight for them anyway. that is what patriots do. we will fight for every american and their families whether they vote like us or not. when americans see that, prepare to win. that is the most powerful agenda we can have. here's the question i want to leave you with. the question is not do you have enough anger to fight for the .ree enterprise system i know the answer. you do. satellite. -- so do i. every night i have a nightmare about something crazy the president obama says something about the economy. and isorning i wake up not as bad as what he was going to say. i am angry enough to fight for the free enterprise system. so are you. the real question, if we want to
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win for the right reasons, if we want to do what we are put on earth to do is to answer this question in the affirmative. do you have enough love on your heart for every american to fight for the free enterprise system with no apologies? if the answer to that is yes then prepare to win. the only thing i can say to you to close is "god bless you and god bless america." [applause] >> these welcome to the stage and ray more. >> we are up here for a very
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particular reason. we're going to recognize virtually everybody here knows can honorably because a hard-core, consistent conservative who never flinches, never backs up and to has been a great leader for the state three honor. a real it is someone i admire greatly when i was speaker. from one speaker to another. i want to ask bill o'brien to come out. this is for the american war asperity foundation. i recognize him for your steadfast commitment to lower his and less regulation.
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i know of no one anywhere in america who has been bolder and more aggressive and taken more risks in favor of all three. this is a man who would cut spending, taxes and regulation, increase jobs, increased opportunity, increased take-home pay and give the people of new hampshire a chance to have a larger life with a smaller government. very [applause] >> thank you. there aren't other speakers appear. i want to say thank you to everyone for coming here today. i really appreciate the fantastic turnout of all the people. i love the energy. we are here to do something we do annually, to get a conservative of the year award. yorty heard from one conservative of the euro winner-- of the year winner.
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speaker o'brien has a 100% lysates -- life-size carrier. is important to take a few moments to go through some of the challenges. looking squarely down the barrel of higher taxes and greater spending. he said we are not going to do that. we're going to draw a line in the sand and we will not raise taxes. we will live within our means. what do we end up with? that ended up cutting spending by 11%. unprecedented. [applause] that is the overall spending. the state general fund his portion was cut by 18%. when does that ever happened?
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gingrich woulder have loved to try it in washington. speaker brian did it. not raiseid we taxes but there are 20 of these that were reduced. was actually about reducing taxes and making it more competitive. he did not do this by himself. there were a lot of people that play important roles in making sure that the ability to try to move new hampshire toward a .reedom in a free market in the course of the 10 year there were 80 bills to reduce regulation here in new hampshire . regulation is a killer. you are made it a priority.
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obamacare is a big issue. when the federal government said you need to do and obamacare exchange. speaker brian said that smuggling to happen. they said that only are we going to pass the law to make it illegal to have an obamacare exchange here in new hampshire, but you know what? you can take the money you sent us and have a back with a note to you to reduce the federal debt. he did that. somed that, he had important other steps including passing a law to increase transparency in government as well as eligibility of verification for welfare. as it turns out, he things you ought to live in new hampshire and be eligible to receive welfare in new hampshire. is we had results from a $900 million hole we
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ended up with a $72 million surplus. the second largest in state history. we did not always win. obviously a right to work. he came up a little short. he tried to block medicaid expansion. he was unable to. been game for the fight it every level. no person was ever honored for what he received here at honor has been the reward for what he gave. a bill o'brien has given his heart and soul to the state to make it for year and for all of you. with that i would like to recognize bill o'brien. >> thank you. thank you, friends. thank you so much.
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i want to thank the americans for prosperity and my good friends in the new hampshire chapter for this award. i am thrilled and humbled truly as a in the company recipient of this award. both of them exemplify not just great conservatives that what is great about the conservative movement in new hampshire. we need to thank them for all they have done, all they are doing for our cause, state, and country. honorspecially it is an to receive this award at an event attended by our national leaders to the likes of senators ayotte, ted cruz, mike lee, senator rand paul. governor mike huckabee. king and of course my good friend speaker newt
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ofgrich and david bossi citizens united. there are so many great people here today. i want to talk just a moment about some other people. those are the folks who are going to be running in the republican primaries for congress. i ask you to remember one thing. , and custer are enemies of freedom a part of an unfolding disaster. all the republicans in our primaries, not one of them will thesewhere near like individuals. support your candidate. remember who are the enemies of new hampshire as opposed to who are our friends that we might differ on some issue or another. congressional
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delegation. to have a republican in the corner office. let's make that happen. it has been my privilege to be in the new hampshire legislature and to fight against the collective nest that brought us law, a lawan awful so dreadful that some insightful went so far as to call it one of the most serious legislative assault on individual's freedom since the slave act of 1854. harsh language indeed. maybe we should run from english like that. it needed to be said by someone no matter how much outrage it costs. late. i guess i said that. the president reminded me of that.
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even though it is clear he was listening, he was not learning. it needs to be repealed. people also say it was not. here that is clearly the case. i was the speaker of a house with 297 republicans out of 400 representatives. what i was able to realize as speaker reflected a hard work, the dedication and the courage both inside and outside the legislature. they made it all possible. group and individuals they deserve your praise. inld all of those who are last term and this term in the
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new hampshire legislature, could you please stand? thank you, my good friends, they deserve your praise. thank you. wait a minute. the 2010-2012in session, remain standing. gentlemen, you will never see before you a greater assembly of new hampshire heroes. these sons and daughters of new a newire gave us hampshire miracle by cutting state-funded spending by 18%, passing 80 laws to reduce or eliminate regulations on business and people. they buy and the crushing liberal of a leav government trampling on the live free or die soul of new hampshire. winky. [applause] -- thank you.
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[applause] choice inht us free the job market place. it allowed union bullies to avoid secret ballot on whether to join the union. they passed self protection by passing a standard ground law. they protect did us from racial, religious or sexual discrimination whether you call it affirmative action or whatever you call it. they made this against the law in new hampshire. confirmed that we had a state government that does not have subjects. we are citizens that controlled the state government by telling
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state agencies not to find businesses for non-help safety violations. these have been hidden from us be on the public record by putting the state checkbook online. toy began the journey back integrity in our elections by passing a voter id law. these men and women are our heroes. thank one person who is not a legislator last term but who showed her courage when she lost friends because of my activism. she listened to the insults and when she told me you cannot earn a living on a hundred dollar a
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year legislative salary. winky. she is my companion of dirty one years. long ways to go. i thank you very much. when you look to washington and you despair that there never can be a reform there. washington ande return to the constitutional vision of our forbearers. i ask you to think of the despair we fell in early 2010 after we looked at the results of almost war years of liberals running our government and send new hampshire must be lost.
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conservatives came forward and breathed life back into the new hampshire vision of limiting government, low taxes, personal freedom and family centered communities. we went up there. that was our goal. we achieved quite a bit. this remains with us today. come this november, another group of conservatives needs to ignore the naysayers. wait your turn. be practical. say no. we're going to be the revolutionaries. 2010 back tox and conference. help them. show courage. concord. when i think of my heroes, i
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reach to the past. i think of calvin coolidge who was mentioned as someone who understands the proper role of federal government in our society. think ronald reagan understood the necessary role in producing freedom and protecting freedom of our country but sometimes we ignore the fact that there are historical figures who were heroes. the heroes are with us today and still contribute to us today. my friend newt gingrich is one of those heroes. my friend who is an architect of the 1994 revolution is with us. days contributing to this
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to a conservative thought. he is someone that we can constantly learn from. he is someone that i am always anxious to hear. he is here with us today. i introduce to you speaker needs ingrid. -- speaker newt gingrich. [applause] >> i want to thank speaker o'briant for making sure i didn't fall down. correct emphasis he put on heroic action. up theireople to give daily activities, their hobbies. many of the things they can do to run for office this. it is hard. being a free people is hard.
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one of the reasons i have so admired eaker o'briant is that citizenst calmly as a living out the kind of courage that he urges each of you to live out. i'm delighted to be here. i have to thank my good free and -- my good friend dave bossi. we have made several movies. to this,lative "rendezvous with destiny." a captures what it was about reagan that dramatically changed the country. what was until obama the worst residency in modern times. as a georgian, i am grateful to obama. the fact thatwith jimmy carter had been the worst president in modern times. now that award has gone to illinois.
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we georgians have a better sense of how things are going. dave has done an amazing job. we did a remarkable film about freedom. i want to thank folks at americans for prosperity. i think what they are doing is very important. i think we are here at an unusual moment. it is a little hard to come up. and not take a moment to andmber secretary sibelius her good friend jeanne shaheen. part of what makes the obama administration potentially the
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worst administration since buchanan, which is really quite a record, buchanan led to a war, is not civil that they are ideological left but they are incompetent. it is this dual combination of whog nut cake ideologues cannot figure out how to put the jar back on the peanut butter. there is this duality. you may think i'm being too strong. newsletters aee week. i also do a podcast every week that is free. yesterday for he wrote a column one a secretary stability is in the portrait of failure. a pretty tough column. it analyzes why she failed so decisively.
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not knowamazing, i do how many of you watched the last 24 hours. at the rose garden ceremony in which the president thanked her for her service and introduced lost thessor, she had last page of her comments. bing about this. the last big moment on the national stage and it did not occur to her or her staff to see if all of the pages were there. it gets better. we learned this morning the last night, in a gesture of friendship to her close friends, she sent out a note to everybody who works at health and human services saying how hard she was going to work with her close friend. she misspelled her name. [laughter]
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think it is interesting. it reminds us that not only are there leave rules. if they are really incompetent -- are they liberals. they are really incompetent liberals. i'm not going to get into john kerry who undertook a marathon of 90 days of trying to get peace between israel and the palestinians project which is been going on for approximately 60 years and announced at the end of 90 days he was bored and he was going windsurfing and he would be back later. carrying him as though it would be a case study. i do want to take a minute to talk about this institutional incompetence. be one of a great moments in american history. i want to give you an example.
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the internal revenue service out $4 billion in to people who should not have gotten it. checks to one address in shanghai. i want you to think about this. cutting-edge, you send one check to the wrong chinese person in shanghai and it is a mistake. you send two checks to the same place and it is an embarrassment. you send three checks to the same place and it is an absurdity. , and congress has not even held a hearing on this, this is a government now so bad
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on so many fronts that congress cannot figure out how to deal with them. have you noticed building with the commissioner of the irs and say "explain to us how your bureaucracy could have failed to checks going to the same house in shanghai?" the reason of course is there are some buildings in the u.s. but got 12,000 checks. you can google it. .t is an astonishing case study here's is what we have to understand. when you are inundated with republican presidential candidates, this is what you have to hammer about everyday. opportunity toe years from the right versus left politics of
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franklin roosevelt and the new deal. we have a unique opportunity to create a new conversation between the future and the past. and to allow the left to become the defenders of the past. it is a very simple model which is a very in my book. model. geithner's all over the country who are developing a new, -- we have those all over the country who are developing a new model. some are scientists. some of them are churches doing a better job of foster care or educating the poor. all of them get up in the morning and say i want to improve things. it is not working the way it used to. institutionalized prison
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guards of the past. a brand-new lobbyistd've hired a to pass a bill that would limit railroads to the speed of a horse on the grounds that anything else was unfair competition. jeanne shaheen world. this is the hillary clinton world. it secretary clinton decided she was going to run, she will be the leading example of a prison guard of the past rapidly protecting every element of her system. that is what they build up. you come in with a brand-new idea. think about this.
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current model that we have accepted at every level of government of the civil service bureaucratic system was invented about the same time as a manual typewriter. around 1870 or 1880. people will tell you they will reform the pentagon or the department of labor. what they actually mean is they will get a slightly better manual typewriter. said. there is a remarkable passage in november. the president was trying to explain why the website didn't work. all these people ask me why we could do such a great job in the campaign but not the government. i don't did you listen to his own answer. the wealthiest and most successful entrepreneurs in america. he could have said would you
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form an advisory group so we do not look like total idiots? what he would say is under the rules and regulations of the system, you cannot possibly be modern. the regulations require mediocrity. the bureaucrats yet hired do not have a clue what they're doing. one of our major projects is going to be to literally think through the replacement of the food and drug administration, not the repair. the replacements. the vice of caltech and asked five health-care companies. passing he does not understand algorithms. of all the things that create modern capability are beyond the
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on of thesiv 30-year-old bureaucrats who are ready to create medicine. they are an impediment to the system. anyone you seen the dallas buyers club coming of a guy he was told to you have six months to live. they gave him a drug. it operates for killing your immune system. he quit taking the drug. he goes to mexico. the doctor says this is really stupid. they're giving you a drug that meets you sicker. this guidance was giving him vitamins and all sorts of things to build up his immune system. he probably gets in trouble with the fda. he's doing all these things they do not control.
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what makes it fascinating as i want you to think about this as a model. the sky was sold yet six months to live. he was fighting the fda every year. they're threatening to put him in jail every year. saying this is a miracle, why is he surviving? what shall we be learning from him to help other people survive. do you defy the government? this is the current model. we have bureaucrats who are not public servants. publice perfect -- overlords. they are prepared to put us in jail if we do not agree with them. this is exactly what people rebuild against in the revolutionary war. the attitude that government is bigger than the people. this is why it is going to get
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very exciting. why they're going to lose this. you are going to have this conversation in every neighborhood in america. it is simple. we are on the edge of a period where we can organize and bring together the pioneers of the future. we can offer people such age are moderately better future that we began to just literally wash away the bureaucracies, prison guards, rules and regulations of the past. i'll give you two examples. ever gonef you have outside the country and gotten cash out of an atm machine? raise your hand if you ever done this? think about what you do. you are in a foreign country. you welcome up to an anonymous machine. .ou put in a plastic card the machine light up was six or eight languages. you pick one of the ones you are
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good at. [laughter] four number code. the machine reaches out across nine international borders, 14,000 miles, e-verify's who you are, gives you the local currency in the amount you asked for. you do not know what the exchange rate is. you believe it is better than the hotel. that entire process takes less than 11 seconds. should be a great national scandal i do not understand why the congress is not doing something about it. for a soldierays to transfer their health record to the veterans administration. nationalld be a great
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scandal of pure incompetence herding the veterans of the united states because the bureaucracy [indiscernible] [applause] your other simple organizing is the smartphone. how many of you have a smart phone? as opposed to a cell phone. currently equivalent of a 2003 lots of computer. it is the power of everything you connect in the world. we have no language for that. this is the leading public health instrument of the 21st century. how many of you answer questions by going on a search engine on
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your cell phone. they try to take away your cell phone if you are a student. think about this. student and you try to do this, they take away your cell phone. the school will confiscate it if and medicalse it eight from texas has medical applications on his .martphone he can check for sleep apnea on his smartphone. of course, they want to regulate it.
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you go to every young person in high school and college and say, would you really want to have a federal bureaucrat decide what you can put on your cell phone? you overnight have an enormous audience saying, what? be allowed to regulate cell .hone apps i am honored to be here today and i think that people need to be held accountable for helping create a mess. i want to suggest the next 20 years are not going to be a mess. part of the most creative generation since the founding fathers.
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the sheer power of all the pioneers of the future. guarantees energy, job creation, 3-d printing. the academy gets 10 million visitors a month and you can learn math at zero cost. so i am an optimist. if we set the tone, we offer a better future with better ideas and a better future. i think we're right at the edge of being able to say, why would you allow these prison guards to ?rap you
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why would you keep a system that sends 353 checks to one house in china that is your money. what would we have done with $4 billion last year in research and other things in education or opportunity. or balancing the budget. you have a big opportunity as candidates come through here to ask them to talk about the future, to talk about breaking out prison guards. we will putther this country back on the right track. our children are going to live in a bigger and more prosperous and successful america. in a way that we will look back
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and are amazed at how many things we've got. we understood it and we replaced it. god bless you. [applause] >> let me introduce you to our het speaker luke tilghman manages the daily operations of the organization including oversight of culture, personnel, and finance strategy. serving as native state director for americans for prosperity was instrumental in protecting governor scott walker's sweeping budget reforms that have delivered over 2 billion dollars in savings to the taxpayers of wisconsin. luke worked in the wisconsin legislators for over a decade.
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and most recently as chief of staff for the majority leader and the state assembly. he now lives in northern virginia with his wife and three children. [applause] >> good afternoon, freedom fighters. ?ow are we doing today it is a privilege and honor to come here to new hampshire and talk to you folks. i am from the great state of wisconsin and we know if you -- a few things about leadership there. governor scott walker -- [applause] i think the story that doesn't get old enough are about people like you sitting in this room right here today. people that are out there every day making a difference for
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freedom. knocking on doors, making phone calls, why the principles and onesies are though right for this country. on in 2014 and beyond, what started out has grown into one of the biggest grassroots organizations in america. activists.llion it's amazing to see what we can do when you're in united in that cost. -- cause. senator from the state of kentucky, senator rand paul.
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>> thank you. [applause] thank you. in theomes a time history of nations when a country passes the point of no return. that time approaches. that time is near. the question remains, will you be sunshine patriots? firstou shrink at the sign of probation or will you men and women of courage and fight for your freedom? will you? will you fight for your freedom? [applause] those who would trade your are inside security the gates and breached the walls. they are here.
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the question is, will you stand? i have had enough. i will not waver in my defense of freedom. i will not wilt in the face of adversity. i will stand and fight them at every point. [applause] dilutey that we need to our message and be a little bit more like the democrats. it's exactly the wrong thing to do. our problem isn't that we are too bold, the problem is that we are too timid. you go to washington and what that we areold is for revenue neutral tax reform.
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i frankly don't care. if that's what you're for, i will go back to kentucky and be an eye surgeon but i want nothing to do with the timidity of revenue neutral tax reform. [applause] i want nothing to do with budgets that never balance. i don't care if it's republican or democrat, i want nothing to do with budgets that never balance. some say we can defend the second amendment but let's ignore the fourth amendment. let's defend the second amendment but that first amendment is not for conservatives. the whole bill of rights is what we are here for. [applause]
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some will say we don't have enough money for welfare or entitlements but we have plenty of money to bailout and give corporate welfare. hogwash. we shouldn't be sending one penny to rich companies. we send $20 billion a year in direct subsidies to companies. corporate welfare should once and for all be ended. [applause] the top 100 companies in our country averaged $200 million apiece. and you've got republicans in washington saying that it's in the bag. rich companies don't need your money. it's an insult to those among us that say we don't have enough money for these other programs but we have enough money for rich friends. want -- some will say you
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can have religious freedom and the obamacare mandates. they are mutually inconsistent. or give up on your business to stay true to your faith, that should not be a question. it's not something an american business has to answer. shouldn't force people to buy things what they don't want and go against the religious morals. some would say that you can have have definite
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detention of american citizens an. remember what martin luther king wrote from the jail in birmingham? binding on a makes minority but does not make binding on themselves. it was a debate with one of the senators. you're going to take an american citizen and send them to guantánamo bay without a trial? they are dangerous. it begs the question, who gets to decide? these are people that might be terrorists. multiple guns in the household.
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a raise of fans but people might be embarrassed. ammunition. in cash.o pay nin has changed the color of their hair. stains on clothing, missing fingers. these are characteristics of the people they are looking for. included the constitution party. people that are pro-life. people that think we should have security at the border. want my lawyer before they send me.
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some people think and some people say you can have justice and put our young people in jail for decades upon decades for nonviolent crime. some of you may not have thought about this but it's important to think about. told a woman yesterday who me my son is 18 years old. the wrong place at the wrong time, he always wanted to be in the military. he got caught. the punishments are out of this world. was given 55 years in prison for marijuana sales. 55 years in prison, you can kill somebody and be out and 12. growu want our movement to
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and add new people, the people and the powers that be say to dilute your message. become democrat light. we need to be more bold with our message but we have to reach out to people that have not been listening. the door is not going to open up to the african-american community until we have something to offer. your kids and grandkids aren't perfect either. you get a better lawyer. it may not be part of our group here. besides, we are the party of justice. we need to be that party of justice.
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the unemployed. anybody here been unemployed? -- ady have a top time tough time? there are members that have suffered and had those problems but we have the show concern for people out of work. we have to have concern for those people and have ideas. guess what? the president's ideas are not working. 20 million people are out of work. black unemployment is twice white unemployment. 3.7 million women have been added to the rolls of poverty. maybe it's their side.
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if we want to grow our movement, -- i thought the bank bailouts were a horrible idea. sending myeel like money to a guy that made $100 million a year working on wall street. and somehow me and middle america, i am supposed to send my money to bail out these bankers. that is part of why the tea party started. they were frustrated with republicans and giving up on the democrats. are frustrated on republicans voting for the bank bailout. there is a bigger working than an honors class. i want to tell the workers of america that we are on their side. the president keeps offering you free stuff.
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more unemployment insurance. when is the last time that we created millions of jobs? it was under ronald reagan. forwardld reagan come and say, let's just cut taxes for low income people? he said let's cut everyone's taxes. that's what rich people pay. more revenue came in in fact. people were carter and make more money. more revenue comes in. say,n't let the democrats richower the taxes for
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people. anyone here ever work for a poor person? we are all interconnected and we've got to get beyond this class warfare. we can't let them beat us up -- how manyave to people have their policies employed? barely growing. you never get out of poverty. the government steals the value of your dollar. you have a little bit more. the gas costs more and you can go on vacation. all of this occurs from big government. $17 trillion worth of debt. losing onesay we are
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million jobs a year because of the burden of this debt. we are on a precipice. the time approaches. i remember seeing patients in my and looking at my money market account. my definition of panic is when you are worried about your money market account losing its value. i still worry about the fundamentals of that. our movement has never been about the plutocrats. the other side paints it is that. will let the media know we are the middle class. why isn't he helping us? [applause] the president is simply loading more people in the wagon.
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these are not bad people in the wagon. they are people out of work and suffering. he debate needs to be not about who cares more, it needs to be about what policy will help people more. new hampshire, send me your money, i will give you some back later doesn't work. policy ism with the if i come to new hampshire and i take your money, here is $100,000, go create jobs for people. nine times out of 10, i will pick the wrong person because the marketplace chooses. think about solyndra. president took $500 million from the middle class and gave it to one of the richest people in our country. that doesn't sound like it's good for the middle class.
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the president says a lot of things but doesn't quite get around to doing them. phone? got a cell you are under surveillance. the president says he's not listening, he's just looking. even that's not exactly true. they occasionally are. if we want to grow our movement bigger, the message resonates with some young people. young kids on the right and on the left, this message resonates. they don't like our message, they just don't have any money.
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you have to talk to people about things they are concerned with. thosed of listening to supposedly in charge of the party that want to dilute the message, we keep our core message. they take it to people. it we will be the dominant party again. i love the image of that. we need to proclaim our message with the passion of patrick like a man coming over the .ill singing with optimism no matter what walk of life you are. we once again proclaim our
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message like a man coming over the hill singing, we will be the dominant party. >> we will introduce our next speaker, mark lucas. he had a reputation of being fiscally conservative and that continues through today. erector ofe state the americans for spare taxation. mark has served nine years in the iowa army national guard and is a graduate of the u.s. army
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rangers school. he currently lives in iowa city. they are both graduates of the university of iowa and have season tickets for the football and wrestling teams. ladies and gentlemen, mark lucas. >> good afternoon, new hampshire. as a lifelong island, a lot of us look at each other as rivals. i view us more as partners. the next president of the united states, to select that person, a beautiful spring day.
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you guys could be anywhere on the golf course. could be drinking a sam adams but you're here at the best western. that is the reason why. before i had the opportunity to come to work for this great organization, i had the opportunity to serve as an army ranger. we came home to a country that is in disarray. we came home to a country that was facing a $16 trillion deficit. my soldiers, like many other americans, they find it hard to find work. leaders were failing the same people that
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fought for and were willing to die for this country. we have a real leadership problem. it's not a democrat problem or a republican problem. there is an american leadership problem in this country. we have politicians that would rather do things than serve their country. we have politicians that will say and do absolutely anything to get reelected. we've got to change that. just like here in new hampshire, iowans pride themselves of hard work. and the majority of my soldiers come from western iowa where they get dirt underneath their fingernails. the person i'm about to introduce you to represents western iowa.
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you can tell he is not just a politician but a public servant. i know he will make the right .ote he stands by you and all iowans back home. [applause] >> thank you all. thank you very much. thank our host for organizing this and the privilege to be here and say a few words to energize us. i hope you don't mind if i draw some energy from you.
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i just came back this morning from minneapolis where i went to that is so wh. we must use it as best as possible. it's going to sound pretty bad. we will start with the constant prayer that i have, that the leaderwill raise up a that he will use to restore the soul of america. [applause] it was the soul of america that built this country, god-given liberty that explained, argued, articulated. i am jealous of your state motto.
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it hangs on the wall of my congressional office in washington dc. [applause] i call it the political correct version of iowa, our liberties reprised and our rights we will maintain that reduces down to live free or die to me. i have appreciation for liberty and freedom and our constitution. the underpinnings of america are easily articulated. most of them are in the bill of rights, the freedom to peaceably assemble. second amendment rights, it goes on up the line. at the judeo-christian values that build the moral core of this country and accepted it and integrated a respect for all people. all of that made this country greater.
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that came from all over the planet for people that saw the dream of the statue of liberty and said i can make my life in america. that is the foundation of the core of the american dream. all of those things came together at the right time in this miracle of history. i watch what is happening with this president and this administration and i have one number that i have written on my hand today. 1013. days left of the obama administration. it's a countdown. it runs in inverse order to the national debt. it's going up and the days he has left is going down.
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that will hopefully be sometime time before the last day of office on the realization that we have elected the leader that will inspire us and be used as a tool to restore the soul of america. look what scott on in his regime. $700 billion in tarp. it was lost at the tail end of the bush administration when bush ended over the economy to the next president and only half of that and we voted it down the first time. the 787 billion dollars in economic stimulus plans. remember shovel ready? it turned out to be 825 and went up to $1 billion. we have an economy that has been in the doldrums. to put thisoing country back together without growth and we are not going to
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have growth of a government that suppresses the inspiration of entrepreneurs in america. the damage this president has , trillions of dollars in obamacare. , regardless of the supreme court decision, obama care is an unconstitutional taking of american liberty. [applause] can you imagine our founding fathers sitting around and thinking we have this constitution now and we will sell it with the federalist papers and will get the states to ratify it. and someday, it will be used to compel americans to purchase a product it's either produced or approved by the federal government and if they don't do so, we will send in the irs and weapon eyes the government agency to take away their money
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if they don't do what we tell them to do from the federal level. is designed and approved by the federal government. and the youth that we have, when they come out of college with their student debt, they get this thing called obamacare for a bill. when you are starting wages and you can't afford the premiums, your subject to a subsidy. the government hands you the subsidy. in a gatedgrew up community, it puts everybody in the dependency class in america. everybody's on the dull when they start out their working life. it gives them political power. they will take away the liberty and in exchange for that, creating dependency.
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the congressional budget office said that obama care is going to cost the equivalent of 2.5 million jobs. machine,stration spend it's pretty hard to spend that one. work is not such a good thing. you can spend more time with your paintings. we strategize this and the wholesome life will be better because you're now more dependent on government and we are more dependent on the chinese not to foreclose on the loan. it is a strategy. it's not an accident. here is an example i would give. of us ane handed any baby and said this child is the best combination of dna that could possibly come out of all
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the 7 billion people on the planet and this is the one that you raise and nurture to be the next president of the united states, you're in charge of the nursery component. is there anything about the background of this president that you would put that child through to educate them, send them off to a place like indonesia and get the foundation of their understanding and culture? and he admitted that he was the man'sy marxist? background doesn't match what we need to take america to the next level. and neither do his policies. i look at the idea of economic freedom. foreign policy, there's nothing good that has happened on foreign policy. in the arab spring and the
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almost three years that we've had now, only one thing broke our way. that was egypt when they took their country back from the muslim brotherhood morsi. and the president was on the wrong side of that one, you will remember. andave a speech in cairo said the muslim brotherhood in the front row. hillary clinton said that mubarak needed to be gone yesterday. not long after that, he was gone. the muslim brotherhood came in and out of 83 million egyptians, 33 million went to the streets and said we want our country back. now the administration is not on the right side of the people of egypt and has opened the door for russia to move in. you know what happened in syria and the french pushed us into the conflict in libya. you canerpiece of this, talk to netanyahu and learned ist his relationship
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stronger in egypt that with the united states. administration, the holder justice department. i think louie gohmert was here earlier. i will trust that he did give you the whole nine yards. i will submit there is one of those transgressions he did not holder sent a message to all of his assistant u.s. attorneys and said to them, i want you to collect applications for those incarcerated in our prisons today that might qualify under the sentencing guidelines, the diminishing prosecution guidelines, that might qualify to have the sentence commuted or pardoned. however many u.s. attorneys we have in this country, if they send their staff out there to take applications, they will
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stack up hundreds or thousands of applications. what for? do you remember though clinton and the pardons at the end of the clinton administration? get ready. i think this will make that pale in comparison. they are getting ready for the pardons at the end of its administration on about 1012 days from now. that is what is going on here and i will take it to the other side. we do have to have a leader and we are in the process of sorting the leader that will inspire us and help restore the soul of america. do in iowa,hat we new hampshire, south carolina and beyond. and it's a good thing our presidential candidates go face-to-face and you look in their eyes and they look in years because that sticks as a candidate. to the policies that we need
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move forward on turn out to be this. let's pass a balanced budget amendment to the constitution of the united states. the will to balance the budget doesn't exist in the united states congress because it is not reflected from the american people through the congress. we are generally downstream from the culture. we do have leaders but you drive those leaders. , if we had done that in the 90's, we would've been a balance and we would've not gone into the red in 2001. we would've sacrificed and this country would be on an even keel today. the culture is being eroded systematically by the educational system in the united states. i am a product of public school and my wife taught in the public school. the curriculum being infused into the minds of educators and their students it roads the
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united states. school choice is the answer. and where we have public and private schools competing with each other, they both get better. neighborhoods of done that for generations. roll that money up in the one check for each student and staple that check to the kids shirt collar and point to the terrace and say, get that child an education. it's really pretty simple. our curriculum will reflect the values of america because u.s. parents will be empowered again. that's already the balanced budget amendment, school choice, very simple. you have watched as the irs has been weapon eyes and they are targeting the president's political enemies. lois lerner
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has been up in front of the television more than she ever imagined. i think that this investigation needs to be accelerated to lou will not get a prosecution out of eric holder. he's not the justice department. he has politicized the justice department more than any attorney general i remember. day that het same called louie gohmert is buddy. of all of these people you have they all seem to be conservative republicans, enemies of the president of the united states. all of these people over here need to be prosecuted, but you haven't prosecuted any of them. you investigated or convened a grand jury or prosecuted any member of the obama administration? no answer to that one because the answer is no as near as i can tell. think of that. two governors investigated by
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the justice department. one of them was a week after news of her bridge closing and the subject matter was about sandy relief. it didn't take older a week to new jersey. the jon corzine has no investigation there. where is that money? can we have some justice out of the justice department and we have eric holder step forward and do his job? somebody got his ballot one day and that didn't trouble him either. is kind of a racial plot is seems to be what is coming out of his mouth. this pretty quick because a see the lights coming on. we need to pass a tax policy that stops punishing productivity and taxes consumption in this country. .hat is the fair tax
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ronald reagan's and what you tax to get less of and what you subsidize you get more of. when you go to work, uncle sam puts his hand out and collects what he wants and the governor gets a little and you get to keep some of your money after a while. we want to take that tax off of productivity and make the decision to pay taxes. freedom back and our pastors to be able to preach from the pulpit. i want to tax the pimps, prostitutes, and drug pushers. on google to make whatever they want to earn. i have turned this rubik's cube around for years and it looks better every time i turn it a bit more. there is no downside. those are the three policy things. a balanced budget amendment to the constitution. tax, and the, fair
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obama administration in 1013 days is going to be shovel ready to be under the ash heap of history. god bless you. [applause] >> lays in tillman up next is andrew ogle. the tennessee state director of americans for prosperity. he previously served as the deputy director for newt gingrich's presidential campaign. he served as the coo for the organization committed to ending child trafficking. passedate director, he landmark legislation to stop obamacare and is currently working to repeal income taxes.
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>> let me say, thank you for coming. i know we are busy with life, but days like today matter. legislationto pass and take on big initiatives is because of you. michigan or tax cuts in wisconsin is because of you. being here and committed to making a difference. room and across the see it hundred concerned citizens, patriots tired of an out-of-control government, the government forcing failed policies like obamacare on unwilling citizenry. d.c. thatreaucrats in are destroying lives across the country. nation, wecross the are taking a stand.
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as director for tennessee, we can successfully pass landmark legislation. legislation that other states are looking to take on to stop obamacare. it is a piece of legislation that prevents a governor from arbitrarily implementing obamacare without the approval of the legislature and the people of that state. fight onading the income tax. it penalizes those who work hard and saves part of the american dream. but that tax hurts seniors. battle to pass this legislation, we've got the support of 92 legislators in tennessee. it is a vetoproof majority that is two thirds. it includes our lieutenant governor and house speaker.
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obstacle thisime tax would incentivize companies and entrepreneurs to create new time higher workers at a when jobs can be hard to come by. seniorsacle to helping is our governor. having worked with the administration on other reforms, our hope is that having overwhelming support for this legislation, an overwhelming number committed to making a difference, we hope the governor will agree to this fiscally responsible repeal. ands traveling in the state an elderly gentleman came up to me and thanked me. hall incomey the tax. i work hard, i saved. roughly half of my income cares for my wife.
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the income tax he pays makes a big difference in his monthly budget. it is the difference between food, medicine, the essentials that he needs on a monthly basis. and it's just not fair. as we wage these battles, we are not alone. we have many senators and representatives. they are committed to stopping .ederal overrate they're committed to telling obama, leave us alone. he is a political warrior but he is also a true warrior.
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the tennessee state senator selected as the rookie of the year. dr. green is the founder, president, and ceo of a foundation that provides health -- and numerous other reservists. his most memorable mission was the capture of saddam hussein he interviewed for six hours. these join me in welcoming dr., entrepreneur, philanthropiser, senator mark green.
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[applause] >> thanks for those kind remarks. a special operations flight surgeon to be with seal team six, to be the first dock inserted into baghdad, i mission was to find a vehicle we could use as in a balance. i was looking for something to use as an ambulance and i find this nissan pickup truck. as i am ripping open the steering column to hotwire the truck -- this is all in accordance with the geneva convention. this guy with a huge beard grabs me and spins me around. haveany of you here actually been caught stealing a car he act oh -- a car?
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i thought i was going to lose my head but he told me the agency of error federal government he worked for, he had already stolen that truck and it was his truck. away and ito mope think he felt sorry for me and said, down at the end of the runway, there is a powder blue nissan maxima with the keys in the ignition. i take off and there it is. nothing happens. someone had stolen the battery. i went back and told my commander that i failed i mission. back past the nissan truck. there is no agency guy around. i made off with the guys battery. it was a perfect fit. but the story doesn't end there.
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about two months later i was in the post exchange buying some goodies and in the checkout line, in walks the bearded agency guy. sees me, recognizes me, makes a beeline straight to me, 03 in the chest and say, did you take my battery that night we came into baghdad? i said, i did. he said, no worries. i had taken it out of the maxima i sent you to go get. [applause] as a special operations flight surgeon, i had the opportunity to do some amazing missions. that night tommy some interesting lessons. absolute power corrupts absolutely. youked saddam, why did invade kuwait?
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he gave me all of these justifications about the oilfields and who owned which oilfields. he said something that was very insightful into the psyche of a tyrant. said,d up his hand and he you know, all of the people from the world come from the euphrates river basin. everybody on the planet is iraqi. i am the president of iraq. he was saying i am president of the world and i can do whatever i want. absolute power corrupts absolutely. usurps our legislative branch with the stroke of a pen. [applause] that is not the beginning of the end of our separation of powers.
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as awesome as it was to have an interview with saddam hussein, the rangers, the navy seals, the special operations teams lived by the motto, leave no man behind. it is a sacred of that you take when you go in the special operations. the people inspired by this president and told that he was there to bring change on their young, the elderly, minorities. people hurten the the most by his failed policies.
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right now, our workforce participation rate is the worst it's been in 46 years. order 6 million people on food stamps and everyone's income. unemployment amongst african-americans is 36.1%. you stand a better chance of getting a job in jordan. they're leaving millions of americans behind and it is especially hurtful to me. we are leaving behind the veterans that we asked to put on a uniform and defend our freedom. veterans unemployment under 24 is extremely high and a national disgrace. president is leaving millions of americans behind in the form of a health care system. it's not just about a website
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that doesn't work or cost more than the atlanta braves stadium. what they are really losing is there freedom. that is what is at stake here. imagine you are a young college graduate that can't find a job. your generation is saddled by over $1 trillion in student debt. the president is asking your .eneration to bear the burden that is why this freedom summit is so important.
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arecapital gains taxes putting people out of work. the nation's debt is paralyzing men and women that want to grow and want to create jobs. is, in this nation we are preventing them from creating jobs. we don't know how to say it. our message has to resonate with people. quoteemp used to say a
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that i think is mostly quoted by leadership guru out of atlanta. know, cares how much you until they know how much you care. connect to the heart level, we are not going to win again at the national level. course we will speak about cutting taxes and speak about cutting and reducing the size of a government that is smothering business. left behind by barack obama needed here why. why do we want to cut taxes? why do we want to reduce the size of government? they need to hear that this is about freedom. this is about prosperity. this is about making their american dream come true. we need to be saying, whatever color you are -- wherever you were born. wherever you go to church or
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synagogue or if you don't go at all. whoever your parents are, we want your american dream to come true. it is republicans who want the dishwasher to own her own restaurant someday. that want theans wages of all our workers to be competitive and fair. that want tocans see the housekeeper go to law school if that is her american dream. it is republicans that want to see the unemployed have [applause] guest we want to see no american left behind. it will be a tough fight to get that message out. we have to do it. it is imperative that we win the senate this year


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