tv Question Time CSPAN May 4, 2014 9:00pm-9:43pm EDT
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impact. we expect better results for thousands of young people at risk of becoming meet. >> questions to the prime minister. >> number one, mr. speaker. >> thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, i'm sure the whole house will wish to join me in paying tribute to captain thomas clarke of the army air corps, flight lieutenant rakesh chauhan of joint helicopter command, acting warned officer class do spencer faulkner, corporal james walters of the army air corps, and lance corporal oliver thomas of the intelligence corps, reservist who also worked as a research assistant. these tragic deaths remind us of the continued commitment and sacrifice of our armed forces, and i know that our deepest concerns are with the families that is very, very difficult
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time. i'm sure the whole house will also want to join me in paying tribute to and mcgwire who was stabbed to death in her classroom on monday. it is clear from the tributes paid she was a much loved teacher that work to school for over 40 years. she gets so much about her pupils, should come in on her day off to help prepare them for exams. our thoughts are with her family, her friends in the entire school community who have been left devastated by this truly shocking and appalling tragedy. the criminal investigation is underway in everything they can be done to get to the bottom of what happened will be done. mr. speaker, this morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others, and in addition to my duties in this house, i shall have further such meetings later today. >> i very much associate itself with a prime ministers tribute to the serviceman who lost their lives in afghanistan last week, and two anne mcgwire who lost her life in the classroom
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situation he spoke about. can ask them about something different. last week the institute for fiscal studies revealed the government's decision to trouble tuition fees will cost more than the system it replaced. is this disastrous policy a symbol of the government's long-term economic plan? >> it is another expansion of higher education and. that's what we're seeing under this government. all of the forecast from the party opposite that fewer people would have applied university, those forecasts were wrong. that people from low income backgrounds would have applied. those forecasts were wrong. unlike other countries we put in place a system for tuition fees that means we can expand our universities and go on winning in the global race. >> mr. roger williams. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i'd like to thank the prime minister and, indeed, the whole house for paying the tributes to
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the five men who recently died in afghanistan. in particular i pay tribute to lance corporal alber thomas who worked for me in westminster. he was an outstanding young man who was so well liked and held in such high regard by everyone who knew him and worked with them. the loss of bears particularly held on his family and friends who grew up with them. i'm sure the prime minister would want to join me in praising all our reservists who face all the risks that are armed forces experience. and sometimes tragically paid the ultimate price. >> here, here. >> my friend is right to pay tribute to lance corporal oliver thomas. it is a reminder the sacrifices that we have born in afghanistan. this looks as if it was a tragic accident but will get to the bottom of what happened but he's right to mention how our reservists in all three forces
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serve alongside the regular colleagues and take all of the risk. and in afghanistan preapproved again and again that they are people of huge quality ability and courage. as we go forward and expand our reserves i hope everyone in our country, particularly businesses, the public sector, local council and others including the civil service will do everything they can to make sure the reservists are welcomed into businesses and supported in the vital work they do for our country. >> ed miliband. >> mr. speaker, i want to join the prime minister in paying tribute to captain thomas clarke, flight lieutenant rakesh chauhan, acting warned officer class to spend spencer faulkner, corporal james walters of army ergo, and lance corporal oliver thomas of the intelligence corps who were tragically killed. mr. speaker, these deaths are tragic and poignant reminder, sacrifices made by our armed forces including reservists who
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are serving our country with the bravery and distinction. all of our thoughts go to do their friends of those who knew of those we lost including the honorable member. we share his lost. our deepest sympathy goes to the families. i would also like to join the prime minister thing traded to the speaker anne mcgwire who was murdered in the classroom on monday. this was an appalling tragedy. it is clear from the testimony of those who have spoken out since she died that she was an inspiration to those she taught. our thoughts are with her family, friends and teachers and pupils of the school. mr. speaker, yesterday for the first time we got to know the names of some of the investors including hedge funds who were given preferential access. how were these lucky few chosen? >> what we're talking about is an exercise in privatizing the royal mail which has been a
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success for our country. a business that lost a billion pounds under labour has now paid the money back to the taxpayer, is making profit, and the people we should be praising are the 140,000 employees of royal mail who are now under this government shelled in the business they work for. >> now answer the question to the royal mail is featured in buffalo and was sold out. only he would want to congratulate for looting -- losing the taxpayer 1 billion pounds. now, now, each of these chosen few investors were given on average 80 times more shares than other bidders on the basis of the national orders words they would provide a stable long-term shareholder base. in the words of the business secretary, -- can the prime
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minister tell us what assurances in return for their gold ticket these investors it gave us so they would hold the chairs for the long-term? >> first of all he said the people were given shares. they paid for scheppach second, he raises again, he raises again this issue that there was some sort of agreement. there was no agreement. at the end of the day he should be recognizing that a business that lost money, that he tried in government to privatize but failed, is now in the private sector making money, succeeding for our country and its employees are now shareholders but isn't it interesting that with the growth in our economy the fall any unemployment of the reduction in the deficit, he's reduced like all to labour to complaining about a successful privatization. [shouting] >> ed miliband. [shouting] >> no, mr. speaker but i'm raising an issue about a ripoff of the taxpayer which the
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british people know when they see it. the reason this matters, and the reason this matters, and the reason this matters is because -- >> order. the orchestrated yelling us are predictable and incredibly tedious but it won't stop us getting through a bit longer. people can call down. take a tablet if necessary. mr. ed miliband. >> shares sold for 1.7 billion windowsill for privatization are now with 2.7 million. who cashed in? 12 of the 16 so-called long-term investors made a killing worth hundreds of millions of pounds within weeks. now yesterday, now yesterday the representative of the bank that sold the shares said was an understanding, and i quote, with those investors, he said there was an understanding. that's what it says on the record. with those investors about the long-term commitment to royal mail. so why were they allowed to make a fast buck? >> we are getting them we are
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and he is nodding ead. that is -- now, he talks about the postal workers. he talks a lot about the postal workers, mr. speaker. so this is her interesting. there were no conditions on the hedge funds but there were conditions on other groups. can he explain why postal workers were told they couldn't sell their shares for three years but hedge funds were told they could cash in on day one? >> the post office workers were given their shares and it's right that they were given their shares. let's celebrate the capitalism. let's celebrate. i thought he believed in empowering workers.
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we are not a 140,000 workers about their shares. in terms of the risk to the taxpayer he ought to reflect -- >> order. there's far too much noise. i say to you, you are a product of the ladies college. [shouting] [laughter] >> i cannot believe they taught you to behave like that. prime minister. >> mr. speaker, try to your right there is a lot of history in this shouting because of course in the past with all these privatizations we had the shouting. over each of us look at labour's candidates and "the sun" of straw wants to give you. son of prescott wants to get you.
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it's the same families with the same message. it is literally the same old labour but that is what is happening. no, he asked about -- [laughter] he asked about taxpayer value. this is what the national order -- audit office said privatization has reduced taxpayer risk to support the universal postal service. this is a good deal for taxpayers because of this business was losing a built-in. it is now making money, paying taxes, gaining in value, good for our country but bad for labour. >> ed miliband. >> the post office is making a profit when they privatized. what we discovered today is one rule for the postal workers and another rule for the hedge funds. and mr. speaker, who rode these hedge funds? they've been very coy. none other than the chancellors test man. so why is it mr. speaker, it's
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one rule if you deliver the chancellors best man's speech, and it's another rule if you deliver the chancellors profits? >> what this shows, mr. speaker, he can't talk about the deficit because it's falling. he can't talk about the economy because it's growing. he can't talk about jobs because there are one and a half million more people in work. so he is painting himself into the red corner by only talking about issues that are actually successes for the government but appeal to the trade union, the left-wingers behind them and the people who want to play the politics of envy. that's what's happening in british politics. everyone can see it. nothing to say about the long-term economic plan that shows britain is on the rise and labour is on the slide. >> and mr. speaker, what we know is there's a cost-of-living crisis in this country worst -- oh, oh, they don't figure the
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cost-of-living crisis. why not? because they stand up for the wrong people. the more we know about this privatization the bigger the fiasco it is. and national asset sold at a knockdown price. a sweetheart deal for the city, and the government bungled of the sale. everything about this privatization stinks. [shouting] >> not a mention of gdp. not a mention of what happened while we were a way in terms of employment figures. non-eviction of the fact that deficit is getting better. we know, mr. speaker, he's got in his advisor from america. yes, he has, mr. axelrod and this is what he is giving advice is a. let me share because i think this is excellent advice. he says this, there's a better future ahead of us but we must not go backwards to policies that put us in this mess in the first place. [shouting] >> i don't know what the opinion -- >> order, order. order.
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[laughter] [shouting] >> in response to that question the prime minister has finished and he can take it from me that he is finished. >> mr. speaker, from the cyber attack on estonia to the invasion of georgia to recent events in the crimea we have seen a clear pattern of behavior from the kremlin, and the west has allowed itself to allow wishful thinking to take the place of analysis. given that defense exports from the eu to russia have amounted to about 700 million euros in the last three years not counting the 1.2 billion of the french warships, isn't it about time we were talking about eu sanctions and? >> i think by right honorable
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friend is right on this issue. we have set out a clear set of sanctions in terms of russia's behavior toward ukraine. we have taken a series of steps so far in terms of putting asset freezes and travel bans on named individuals. we take an acer is a diplomatic and other steps and we've set out the so-called stage three sanctions that we think should be taken if further destabilization of ukraine are set out and we do believe that restrictions on arms sales should certainly be part of that. >> mr. speaker, the prime minister promised by the end of this parliament a third of the cabinet would be women. we know the former cultural secretary had to go. does he agree with the new culture secretary that this is because government appointment should always be made on merit? >> what i said was i wanted to see a third of my front bench
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ministers being women at the end of a conservative government. we have made some important progress in terms of the numbers of people on the front bench. i have to say with respect to my coalition partner in terms of cabinet members, the liberal democrats need to do a bit more people to wait on this issue but i hope you make further progre progress. >> to the subject of royal mail, as the leader of the firm which brought british gas to the market, and as the offer of -- [inaudible] may i tell the prime minister that the questions, the criticisms the way the royal mail launched was handled by
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party opposite those -- shows their total ignorance of the city markets. [shouting] >> the fact is that when you're trying to make an immense sale, you have to take trouble to find people who are to underwrite it, and they are not able to prophesies what stock markets are going to be like a week ahead. and, therefore, the whole way, the prudent way in which to handle is for a sensible. it does if you are -- [inaudible] >> order, order. people are shouting. i know -- >> if you --
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[laughter] if you fail, those institutions responsible for its launch are ruined. [shouting] >> the right minister. >> he makes an important point because when you're privatizing state-owned industries, if you sell them for less than the price set outcome it is written off as a failure and if you settle for anything more than the price you are accused of undervaluing the business. that has always been the way. as i said that is what labour said with respect to british airways, british telecom, british aerospace. they oppose every single move to build a strong competitive of private investors sector in our country, and that continues today. >> thank you, mr. speaker. mr. mitchum would like to be a policeman buddies only working part-time and can't afford the thousand pound bobby taxing each day to apply to join the met.
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his mom and dad are foster cares and they would like to give it to him if they had. is -- if my constituent is people of passing the fitness and test requirements of the police why should his bank balance stop him? went to become a metropolitan police officer become an aspiration for the few rather than the many? >> the honorable lady is as questions about what she calls a bobby taxing let me make three points. it is not a tax. secondly, it is not a barrier to recruitment and thirdly recruitment is taking place in the metropolitan police. that is what's happening. we are seeing people being recruited. as is happening members who want to join the metropolitan police are able to get assistance with this qualification that they now require. >> mr. speaker, last week -- [inaudible]
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here in your apartment last night young scholars painted the scene from shakespeare's work. mr. speaker, could this right honorable man, the captain of our state, make our national -- [inaudible] a national day? and cookie choose to tell before the house what shakespeare means to an? >> can i thank the ottawa friend for the beautifully and really crafted question about the anniversary of shakespeare's birth? it is a moment for celebration not just here in britain but all across the world where shakespeare's works are getting a wider and wider understanding and education. i will attempt the quotes he is brought out in his question but i was a to any politician if you read henry v speech, if that doesn't inspire and dry the on i can't think what does. >> thank you, mr. speaker. when will he published the
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relations they produced standard packaging for tobacco products? >> i can't prejudge the queen's speech but we said we want to take action on this front and we will. >> thank you, mr. speaker. textile engineering, food and drink manufacturing are all blooming -- booming. for example, fabrics are producing the of wall street for master buses which have been very, very busy this week because they are grading jobs at apprenticeships. will the prime minister praise them and all the other local firms that agreed to attend my first ever jobs fair on friday the 20th of june? >> first let me make it to my on welfare for holding his job fairs, a number of members of parliament have taken this approach and it's in real benefits in local areas as you get businesses coming forward pledging apprenticeship, pledging to take people on and
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you can bring them together with people who are looking for work. what we've seen since the recess is a series of figures in our economy, growth now running at over 3%, 1.5 million of our fellow countrymen and women in work since this government came to power. inflation now at a five year low, this is confidence at its highest level since the early 1970s. there's still more work to do, absolutely no complacency. the long-term economic plan is not completed but it is well on its way. >> before he was elected, the prime minister said that if they let me he would put a -- [inaudible] making use of the cheapest most developed form of renewable energy. last week he announced his party wants to add support for onshore wind. 70% of the public to support a. what changed his mind? >> what has changes with seeing a massive increase of onshore wind in our country. we will achieve with what is in the planning system and under
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construction approaching 10% of our electricity demand provided by onshore wind. i think the question then is is a right to continue to overrule local planners and local people and the continued -- to put taxpayer money and have to build that onshore wind? i don't believe it is. the manifesto will make it very clear for local communities to see. of the parties will have to make their own choices. >> in the last few weeks, over 160 million pounds of private investors was announced. we vetted 3000 new of friendship since the new election. in short -- [inaudible] does the prime minister agree with me that as recourse goes, pay follows the? >> i'm glad to hear he is leading the way, particularly on apprentices. where we are it is not 1.6 million apprentices have
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started under this government, our target is 2 million. we would see a particular expansion of higher level of apprenticeship schemes but it is a major part of the living our long-term economic plan. >> thank you, mr. speaker but i'm sure the prime minister read last week's excellent report by the all party group which is set out how consumers are getting a raw deal from the secondary market. the question is, mr. speaker, whose side is the prime minister on? >> i haven't seen the report the honorable lady mentioned. i will have a look at it and i will discuss it with my right honorable friend who i welcome to the cabinet, who i think, labour seems to criticize the point but i'm not quite sure on what basis they were doing the. i think you are doing an excellent job for our country. very happy to study the report
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she mentioned. >> a number has fallen 25% in the last year but they're still so much more to do. i'm hosting a jobs fair this friday. >> here, here. >> in the light of -- [inaudible] what else is government doing to make it a reality? >> what we've seen already is 1.7 million private sector new jobs created, far outstripping the loss of public sector jobs so there are one and have been people altogether. we seen an increase in full-time work. in terms of driving further employment growth i think the clear message to businesses you've got the 2000 pounds on financial insurance bill which i think can help people to take on the employment. the cuts do business with someone shops is also very
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welcomed, and from next year anyone under the age of 21, you won't have to any national insurance, contradictions at all. we want to see more people in work and rais to raise even fort level of aspiration in our country. >> mr. speaker, nuclear power is a very important component of our energy mix because it produces large amounts of electricity with very little co2. this government called itself the green is government ever. what will his government do to ensure that nuclear power stations such as hinckley point which is already five years behind schedule, is online on time? >> i have to say to the honorable gentleman i'm sure he has a constituency interest in this because the northwest is very important energy assets for our country. the last labour government was in power for 13 years but can never build a nuclear power
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station nor make any progress on moving towards doing it. under this government we have hinckley point going ahead, the most exciting development. i believe there is opportunity of more to come. that is what we're doing putting our money where our mouth is and making sure we have nuclear power providing high quality base load power which is carbon free. >> thank you, mr. speaker. business confidence is returning, unemployment is falling come more new jobs are coming to my constituency. most of that relies on infrastructure spending, financed by private pension funds. does my right honorable friend share my regard the labour's raid on retirement funds, the brainchild of the shadow chancellor, an estimated two amounted to 118 billion pounds last week, not only racked private pension but hobbled by private sector infrastructure that was in our country for a
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generation? >> i'm delighted to hear about the effect you got employment rising, unemployment falling, more people taking on apprenticeships and businesses expanding. that is what we see across our country and decisive in 20 minutes into prime minister's question not a single labour member of parliament has been turn gdp unemployment, growth in the country our economic plan. they don't want to talk about our economy because they can see it's getting better under this government. >> will the prime minister make representation in relations -- that have been held under house arrest in saudi arabia for more than 10 years? would he agree with me that human rights and women's rights should be our priorities and our relationship with saudi arabia the? >> i read the report as she did and i share her concern and i will look into it further. in terms of our relations with all countries, we do give a
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proper party for human rights and to the rule of law and we raise these issues with all countries that we meet with. >> could i gently tell the prime minister the liberal democrat women not only pull their weight but perfect a ready and willing to push their way. i recently -- [shouting] i recently hosted -- [inaudible] the culture and what can be done to build up women in its name. i know the issues, forced an early marriage are important to my right honorable friend. so would he please consider viewing the film and showcasing on these issues that he's hosting in july? >> i think the honorable lady first of all can i thank her for the work that she does
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particularly on women and enterprise with a business department i think is widely important to the point i was making is i know all parties in this house want to see greater gender equality and representation, present incumbent and the rest of it, and all parties have made progress. my party has made progress and there's more we want to do, specifically on her concerns about preventing sexual violence in conflicts, we are taking huge steps this year in raising the profile of those issues. i pay tribute to the leadership shown by the foreign secretary. also the country that has met its targets in terms of 1.7% of aid going to gdp going in aid. we are able to push this item right up the agenda which we will do over the course of this year. >> thank you, mr. speaker. yesterday ukrainians in scotland wrote expressing disgust and astonishment as the first mission statement. will be prime minister support
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the statement of the scottish ukrainian committee and state and labour and condemning those statements which support, which support a regime which oppress his a minority group and silences its critics? >> i agree wholeheartedly with the honorable lady. i think what alex salmond said was a major error of judgment. i think all of us in this house should be supporting the ukrainian desire to be a sovereign independent country and to have the respect of international community, and party leader for that ambition. >> thank you, mr. speaker. this morning i met with just jumpstart who is a charity. will my friend congratulate the council of worked with myself and my honorable friend, a year committing 75,000 pounds to a
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program of up to 50 committee public access defibrillators that will save lives? >> this sounds like an excellent campaign. we have as a country taken a lot of steps forward in terms of making sure this sort of equipment is more readily available because if you can find people who suffered a heart attack quickly, you can save lives in those golden minutes in that golden hour when it first strikes. i it sounds like an excellent idea and i join him in paying tribute. >> over the last 12 months the use of food banks has increased by 93%. social landlords, read her rates have gone up by 84%. will be prime minister except that the governments own policies are driving up debt and poverty? >> what i would say to the honorable gentleman is clearly the best route out of poverty is work and we should welcome the fact there are one and a half million more people in work.
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if you look at the figures of course he is right that food bank usage has gone up not least because food banks are not properly advertised and promoted, not least by java center plus but also by local authorities. if he wants to deal in facts, the oecd has shown the proportion of people struggling to buy food in the uk has actually fallen since before labour's great recession. i know that members opposite want to make this argument about policy and inequality in britain but the fact is that statistics don't back them up. inequality has fallen compared to when they were in office. there are few people in both the poverty and fewer children in relative poverty. the picture they want to paint because they can't paint a picture about economy that isn't going, they can't paint a picture about people not getting jobs. the picture they're trying to paint is wholly false. >> with the service sector, with the manufacturing sector and with the construction and manufacturing sector all growing
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at 3% plus, with the prime minister agree the economy is well on the road to recovery and rebalancing as well? >> i'm grateful for the question. the recent figures did show that manufacturing was one of the faster growing sectors of our economy and i welcome that but i think what the chancellor said in his budget is we are not resting on our laurels and saying the job is done. there's more work to address the fundamental long-term weaknesses of the british economy. we need to manufacture more, export more, save more and we need to invest more. unlike the party opposite we have policies that promote all of those things. >> there's been so much noise that only from her seat but on her feet. [laughter] >> has prime minister seen the study which shows that two-thirds of local council are either dimming are cutting their streetlights at night. and does he think that women are
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feeling safe in the local communities at night under his government? >> i have like all honorable members to take part in election campaigns have been lobbied on this issue on both sides of the argument. i think it is an issue for local determinations. i want to see good street lighting but we should listen to the arguments from the police and others about the effects that this has. >> i congratulate my right honorable friend on economic prosperity. [inaudible] >> we are very happy to look at the issues she raises, but the weapons that we've used to try to help young people who don't have rich parents but who can afford, who can afford mortgage payments is help to buy because it helps them to get together that deposit of 5% deposit rather than 15 or 20% deposit to
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the labour party are shouting about it. they should be welcoming this. it's expanding aspirations and growth in our country but that is what they should be promoted and that is the approach we will take. >> order. >> i have to inform the house that i have received the following letter from the house. i write to inform you that i've indicated to her majesty, the queen that i wish to surrender as clark of the house at the end of august this year. i shall then have served the house for 42 years over 11 parliaments, and for the last decade at the table. as clark of the house i've been fortunate, indeed, to the best job in the service of any parliament, indeed one of the best jobs in the world. i have been lucky enough to have been involved in most of the
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innovations in the procedure and business of the house over the last 10 years. whatever the attitudes of polimetrix and whatever brickbat may be thrown at it i conclude said that the house now is a more effective scrutiny or and more topical relevance and independent-minded than i have ever known it. as chief executive of the house service of some 2000 staff, i've had the great privilege of leading a remarkable group of talented people, deeply committed to the house and whatever their role here, all the rightly proud of being stewards of the central institution in our democracy. that commitment and pride has been a feature of working like her for as long as i can remember, but in recent years it has been increasing levels of professionalism and teamwork and
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than ever clear focus on delivering the services required by the house and its members as well as reaching out to education and information to the world beyond westminster. i am so grateful to have had throughout my service, especially over the last three years, the support and friendship of members on all sides of the house, and especially of the occupants of the chair as well as the happy camaraderie support and counsel of my colleagues at all levels. i have spent much of my career seeking to make the house and its work and the work of its members better understood by those whom it has served and the citizens of the united kingdom. for i believe that with understanding comes value and with valuing comes ownership. and our citizens should feel pride in the ownership of their parliament.
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the house of commons across the century has never expected to be popular. and, indeed, it should not cost popularity, but the work it does in calling governments to account and its role as a crucible of ideas and challenge deserves to be better known, better understood and so properly valued. so, too, does the work of individual members, the workings of the constituents, but often as the last resort of the homeless and hopeless, the people whom society has let down. this is a worthy calling and should be properly acknowledged and appreciated. this house is the precious center of our parliamentary democracy. and with all my heart i wish it well. yours sincerely, robert rogers. >> here, here.
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