tv Washington Journal CSPAN May 9, 2014 7:00am-10:01am EDT
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at 8:20, presented present of charles dent of pennsylvania explains his growth act. host: this week in congress the xl pipeline was debated in the senate. a benghazi special committee was head ericd, andva shinseki was subpoenaed. this morning on "the washington journal" we want to get your views and what is happened in the last seven days.
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this week in congress, pretty busy week. he have benghazi, lois lerner, appropriations, surveillance, x the pipeline. caller: please don't cut me off. the gop has done nothing to help american people. all the talk about his scandals to bring the president down. no president has ever been treated like this in the white for godd the gop stands opposing people. tyrone, what would you like to see them do? caller: i'd like to see them be more productive and help this president get some more jobs created.
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look at all the people who died in iraq. nobody is saying anything. it is all about politics and trying to take over the congress. public -- all the republicans want us to run everything. thanks for calling in. jed is calling in from virginia. what city is that? i personally believe that holding someone in contempt of congress sets a dangerous precedent, because they all have their own corruption. if we hold one in contempt we have to hold the mall. deborah, manassas, virginia. caller: i'm calling because i'm so disgusted with the congress, the gop.
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they sat there yesterday and this president is so contemptible with his congress. he won't do anything with us. nobody has ever treated this president more contemptible he than the gop. and ghazi has already been settled. hasybody -- benghazi already been settled. they already know what happened. there is funding state .epartment and the embassies absolutely everything they're not supposed to be doing, spending our money. we need help out here, we need jobs. they will put jobs else through. i know why we can't take your money. . ey are not working host: og like to see in that job
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john is calling on our democrats line from brooklyn. good morning, john. you are on "washington journal." they neglected us, but i have an issue with these republicans. they cut all these funds. we get cut off. they have the jobs bill tied up. obama is trying to have more police. he is trying to hire more teachers. i am a disabled vet.
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here is john boehner talking about the select committee. >> at a conversation with the minority leader yesterday and they cleared that this is a serious investigation that we wanted to work together to get to the truth. seven-five split is eminently fair, more fair than the global warming committee that she set up.
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so much about the ratio, it is about the power that the democrats have or don't have. >> ms. pelosi and i have a conversation about how the committee would operate. gary is on the line fromk ketron, missouri. caller: this president has done some things that i wasn't crazy about. the wayit is appalling our congress is doing now. now, theyget elected start looking at their senators and not republicans and democrats. , with theicans now affordable care act, all they're interested in is getting rid of it. it got something in place.
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they need to get in there and straighten it out. i have never seen anything like it. just forget it and not do anything. this is appalling. it is hard to believe. i think that's a good together and start getting some things done. i've always leaned republican, but i am ashamed here now. it is like a don't want to do nothing. host: gary, what you like to see them do? caller: i would like to see them get together and do things,. together, period. what about the affordable care act? caller: they are to have something in place. they should improve it.
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next caller is russ on the independent line. i am happy that they're finally getting an investigation on this benghazi. is something going on there. i cannot believe that the people in this country cannot see that there's definitely a cover-up here. i just hope they find out what is going on. i want to find out why these four americans died. it is just ridiculous. it is out in the open. now the democrats are all running and hiding. they don't even want to be part of this investigation. i think they have something to hide. i'm just so happy that they're going to do this right now. hopefully this comes out. maybe they will go down to the iraq situation and see what is happening there, too. it seems like there were a bunch of coverups going on ever since president obama has taken office. this country is going downhill.
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innocent people died because they don't have health care here. the republicans are stonewalling. they would do anything except became in writing real high, we're going to create jobs. they're investigating benghazi, the irs. and sick and tired of them some of our democrats saying that we sent them there to help us. they are not. people die here in tennessee every night. representatives are not doing anything about this crime. what about people killing people? people killing children. republicans, democrats,
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people have to pay for insurance and then maybe they will get the care that they want. another one i heard earlier someone said the gop has not supported job creation. i think 28 bills were sent over to the senate. someone by the name of harry reid killed every one of those, would neither let the bills come up for a vote. also, the affordable care act. a woman by the name of nancy , when the republicans objected to the way the act was we want.t, said you don't the right to say anything. no input was permitted. i don't know, things have just turned around right now. a reference to jobs. oh issued a report yesterday on the effects of sequestration. you know how many jobs are lost
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according to the gao report? one job. i don't know, i wish some people would get their facts straight. there are two houses to congress. one is the house of representatives and one is the senate. as long as the senate doesn't cooperate, of course it is going to be nothing happening. that is where your stonewalling is. in the senate of the united states, under the leadership of a guy named harry reid. up is jay, an independent in clearwater, florida. good morning, america. alaska had it right. gentlemen, government does not create jobs. government destroys jobs. small business and corporations make jobs. point ninet is 39 percent tax rate.
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it is killing jobs. jobs will open up that will give them more money to hire people/ buy equipment/maintenance jobs. you have representatives and senators come on c-span and act a simple yes or no question and -- get five minutes of government does not hire police and firemen and emt guys. both parties are to blame. you can't blame one person without pointing the finger at another. it all starts with the house, the senate and the president. the president has had numerous
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bills. although harry reid is had numerous bills put on his desk to do things, he stonewalled. i disagree with the useful idiot comment. lena, seven valleys, pennsylvania. yeah, i'm calling to reference the idiots who calling up to talk about obama and the democrat party. gop hasn't done anything, nothing. all they're doing is trying to belittle the president, trying to pretend he is the worst president in the world, and they haven't done anything. what we need to do is get out .ere and vote i hope people are listening to me. we need to vote these clowns out of office. they haven't done anything. they're always trying to make areend that the democrats
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not doing anything when they're the ones who have not done anything. lena, karen comments on he facebook page -- if you can't get through the phone lines and want to talk about what congress has been up to this past week, go to the facebook page. from political this morning, rnc clamps down 2016 primary debates.
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americans to enroll in insurance plans under the affordable care act. >> 8 million americans have now signed up for health insurance under the affordable care act. >> were going to get to the bottom of what really happened in benghazi. >> this dereliction of duty demands your impeachment. >> it looks like more of the partisan stuff. debate is at ay stalemate after republicans this morning blocked a motion to advance the paycheck fairness act. week, the senate republicans filibustered and blocked an increase in the minimum wage. ♪
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host: dr. calls on what congress has been up to this past week. oklahoma onn, a republican line. had it alluess we figured out for us this morning. that one lady called up this morning and said she knows everything that happened on the ghazi. was her son or thatson or one of her kids was up there. we want to know if we were the president during all of this. extras i turned down for charity. why, in seven hours, were these guys sitting there on the rooftop definitely looking for help in the form of airplanes.
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seven hours. why was the ambassador still ? ere, anyway echo host: john, niagara falls, new york. independent line. hello, good morning. when i was a child the sunday school teacher taught us a little less in one thing. sunday school teacher whispered something in the one child's ear. the next child was both a whisper to the next child heard at the end, the answer was always different. in the sunday school, innocent children. .o show us that there is a lie
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it is not just that it is a lie, it is a misunderstanding. the sentiment and ghazi. -- the men went there. they knew there in four, he won the small footprint, that is why he didn't travel with extra details the soldiers to protect them once a story came out, because the words changed from person-to-person, they think it is a scandal. the scandal is hundreds and thousands of children being killed, and they won't even do a background check on it. -- these arens phony charges. is a revolutionary family. it comes from good stock. the very first newspaper in the
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united states of america, 1778, eight there is my first and last name. that was my grandfather's grandfather. colonel webb fought with george washington. john, can you bring us to conclusion? the lies that both sides are doing. i'm not just picking on republicans, i'm going overboard on this. the point.ight, got congress is not doing anything, really. you understand? republicans have to have good comments. i'm a democrat, but i'm not caught up in party, i am into doing what is right. i fought for this country. you have to look at who's in the majority now.
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didn't bring any investigations on bush. he would never have won reelection if they had brought an investigation. the fair. republicans and democrats. they need to realize that we need to stop being in denial and come together. this country is going this way. the sealy corporation taking it easy. ,verything that they're doing we need to realize there is unemployment getting -- and getting no insurance. , the onesoney to them sending money over to ukraine. what about our people, man? everyone is going to suffer. i don't care who won the congress in who runs the senate. we need to realize --host
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caller: the media and the politicians divide us. every controversy, every division is another fundraiser for the media and the politicians. we have got to quit making decisions based on power, money and votes. we have got to start seeking common ground because we don't get the best decisions for the american people otherwise. can you give an example of ? at you mean yeah caller: that is how we function. it is all about winning and losing.
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the whole country is losing because of the way we function. government does create jobs. it is just crazy to say that government does not create jobs. thick about all the jobs that our gut -- that are government jobs. theeople would just let politicians divide us and divide are thinking, we need to work together as fellow americans and stop this ridiculous lower level of functioning. as need to work together fellow americans and seek common ground and make the best decisions for the american people. host: thank you, craig and i were. obama addresses the limits of using power inserted and nigeria is the header.
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that strongly urge congress to pass the unemployment extension. i'm seeing and reading so many sad stories of so many people that are losing their homes, becoming a did, their lives are getting turned off. there's no place to live, can't feed the children. i think it is a sad state in that democrats and republicans are playing political games with the lives of citizens that voted them in office and elected them to service and do what is right for the american population. if you read the stories that i read on my facebook groups, you would be so sad, it would bring tears to your eyes. torge house speaker boehner get this to a vote. i'm sure that it will pass if it gets to the floor.
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i speak for 2.5 million -- ployed people that from "theece washington post" on bobby jindal. .e will be giving an address a front-page piece in the post on indiana governor mike pence. a couple political pieces there. here's the lead story in the "l.a. times" this morning. the cia has made plans to close its network of secret bases in afghanistan.
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thomas calling in fort lauderdale, florida. tom, please go ahead with your comment. caller: i was going to call about benghazi, but one gentleman talked about unemployment. let's go back to the start of the obama administration. a commission set up a , and he claimed he wanted a bipartisan path forward for this country. he walked away from that. what don't you remember that when you start complaining about unemployment? that he had just broken off the tax these, the tax on corporations, to reform that, this would do different country today. you would be screaming and republicans. you need to scream at president obama and his lack of leadership.
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benghazi, the problem with benghazi is congress has identified e-mails that they need to resolve this whole thing and get it over with. they can't get them. this is the question was standards, my friend. ae we going to allow political party or president of the united states to make for dead people the objects of political expediency? if you're willing to put up with that, do me a favor, start your own country. i don't want to be part of it. host: that is tom in fort lauderdale. not going for party so much as i look at everybody, which i'm one of them, i'm 56 years old, worked for the last , andars of my life
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unemployment was cut off on the 28th. we have 2.8 million people who are literally suffering. in cars, people living people who got evicted, people losing their homes. the majority of these people are not young people. they're my age. i'm being very serious when i say age really does make a difference when you're looking for a job. i am 56. i'm going to be 57 in 10 days. i go on jobs and it is very difficult. i go on interviews and they look at me like i'm some kind of dinosaur that was pulled the smithsonian. toneed speaker boehner address this. he is not even giving us any consideration whatsoever. every time it is supposed to come up for vote, he goes to benghazi or something else. we are suffering. we have even had a suicide, one known suicide, over this.
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a man who worked for over 17 years at the same place got laid off at 47 years old. he couldn't see his family suffer anymore. he committed suicide. is his right. we need the press to bring it out into the public more. the people that have jobs, i understand. didn't understand what it is like. i worked my whole life. i never lived above my means. i am suffering right now along with a lot of other people. children living in cars. people had to break up their families. host: that is paula in either e, pa. erie, pa. we will be discussing these issues and others as "washington journal" continues.
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>> let me be clear that i am not defending ms. lerner. i wanted to hear what she had to say. have questions about why she was unaware of inappropriate criteria for more than a year after they were created. i want to know why she did not mention the inappropriate criteria in her letters to congress. i cannot go to violate an individual's fifth amendment rights just because i want to hear what she has to say. the much greater principle is at stake here today. the sanctity of the fifth amendment rights for all citizens of the united states of
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america. >> i have never alleged that he goes to the president. i have said that the tea party would clearly and fairly be described as enemies or adverse to the president's policies. i think that his party comfortable to understand. they were targeted by somebody who politics is with the president and who quite frankly was over -- trying to overturn the supreme court citizens united in support of using the president. >> this weekend on c-span, house debate on holding former irs official osler in contempt of congress for refusing to answer questions about targeting conservative groups. saturday morning at 10:00 eastern. i'm booked to the, in point of yoo argues about
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president obama's foreign-policy. unveiled at the newly restoration of george washington's mount vernon dining room, sunday night at nine dirty -- at 9:30 on c-span3. >> a collection of interviews with some of the nations top storytellers. >> this is the story of people who have come to united states and emigrated legally. when i came, i had no documentation and no ability to get a job or education. when i first came to united states in the late 80's and crossed the border between mexico and the united states, i ended up coming into the san joaquin valley to work as a migrant farm worker. it was no challenge to find a job. they were not a lot of people trying to get the jobs of pulling weeds with the very same hands that are now doing brain surgery.
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i was pulling weeds. c-span's sundays at eight, published by public affairs books, now available at your favorite bookseller. washington journal continues. now joining us as representative john delaney. he's a democrat from maryland. he represents the sixth district. thomas mann, tell us about your background. prior to running for office i was an entrepreneur and business person. i started to companies in the financial services industry. infirst company i started 1993. i took it public in 1996 and assaulted a 1999. it is a company that focused on midsizedsmall to mr health care businesses.
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my background is in starting businesses. i grew up in north jersey. my father was a union electrician. my parents did not go to college . he worked for hart to give me an opportunity. host: to bring a financial expertise to congress? guest: i think so. as someone who started to financial services companies from scratch. both companies were pioneering at the time. capital services became the largest lender to small sized businesses in the united states. i had about 800 employees when i left. i created about 2000 jobs over the company's history. a lot of granular experience in starting some are raising capital, financing these businesses, and financing our clients. when i left, we had about $15 billion in assets.
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host: what made you want to come o congress? guest guest: that my experience would be helpful. i thought i understood how the private sector work, but i thought we needed to take that approach to strengthen our economy and create jobs. we are at a very significant inflection point in our economy. i think the debate we have in washington is overly focused on tax policy and the size of government. it is not really focused as precisely as it could be around what is really happening in the economy. if think about what is happened over the last 20 years of globalization and technology, it is unduly -- it has utterly transformed the face of the economy. think from a public policy perspective we are preparing our country to compete as successfully as it could in that world. that is really the perspective i
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think i bring to the congress, which is how to make sure the country competes. we like to talk about the jobs crisis we have in this country, but what we don't talk about is how we actually create jobs and have decent standard of living. delivery to do that is successfully competing in what is increasingly a global tech elegy world. we need to set public policies that enable the country to do that. only through that we be able to create the jobs and one in this country. is one of those policies that you would advocate? if i were setting the domestic agenda for the country, my number one economic writer artie would be investing in our infrastructure. i say that for a couple of reasons. first, if you think about competitiveness, improving our transportation, our communication, our energy, water, even educational infrastructure in this country
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is so critical for us to be will to compete in the future right in this global technology part of the world where people can do business anywhere in the world. after really bring to bear a strong portfolio of infrastructure that will allow businesses to compete. that helps individuals in improving the quality of their day. if you care about long-term competitiveness, infrastructure should do the top of the agenda. should be the top of the agenda. we're either creating high skill jobs are low skilled jobs. when not creating midscale jobs for people can have a decent standard of living, you don't have to work two jobs. there's a real shores of those jobs. infrastructure more than anything else creates those kinds of jobs. third, infrastructure is probably the second best investment we make as a nation. every dollar we spend on infrastructure, we get about a dollar 92 of economic growth.
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if you're thinking about things a government has proven it is good at, and if you're thinking that things that turn out to be a good return on investment and position the country to be competitive, infrastructure is the top of that list. i think there's a lot of bipartisan support in that area. we have 31 house republicans, 31 house democrats, and it was introduced in the senate about two months ago. we have about half a dozen and republican senators on the bill. an incentive for private companies to invest in this infrastructure fund. the incentive is tied into their overseas earnings, which brings in a whole debate about what has gone on with you as corporate rash being overseas, the pfize transaction that was announced a few weeks ago.
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that is a problem. would be reforming our international tax system to do with the problem. encourages u.s. companies to invest in this fund. the incentive is that they get to bring back a certain amount of their overseas cash to the united states tax-free if they put money in the fund. particularly, the bonds to by our 50 year term, you have one interest rate and they're not guaranteed by the federal government. it brings together two important pieces of public policy that each party has been pushing for for a long time. our republican colleagues have wanted to create mass for the cash to come back to united states. there've been hundred percent right about that. if there's a bipartisan agreement, let's start with the
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cash overseas. we keep hearing about all this cash sitting overseas that we can't bring back paraguay kelly bring it back? why don't we pass something? the specific reason we can't bring it back is that the u.s. has a special tax provision. when they went to repatriate her bring that after-tax overseas earnings back to the united states, you have to pay for united states tax. most countries have a system that's as you make money overseas, you pay the tax, you bring it back to the homeland, tax-free. ago, when bigears companies made 10% of their .rofits overseas it is really creating a barrier, because these companies are basically saying, i have lower
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cost of capital. we should fix that system. there've been a lot of proposals out there to fix that system. i didn't agree with everything in there, but i thought it was incredibly thoughtful approach. he addressed a, the president talked about it, we really should be focusing on fixing the international tax system. i personally think there is a golden opportunity to take some of that money overseas, because there's a huge revenue opportunity associated with giving that money home, and using some of that for public policy like investing in infrastructure. that is a natural deal that we should be focused on, particularly in the context of the highway trust fund, which we will have to deal with. thisf the vote projects in country are going to stop as a result. thinking about that, forcing functions. the forcingut
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function creates a really big opportunity for congress to do something enormously positive for the u.s. economy, which is to fix international tax system, get that money flowing back to the united states. think about it trillion dollars of capital flowing back toward country. take some of that infrastructure fund i have been talking about. wouldn't it be amazing if we could bring back cash without the government increasing its debt or deficits come increase the net investment we have an infrastructure in this country? that would be a double bottom line when for this country. an op-ed in the wall street journal, we must stop driving businesses out of the country in pursuit of lower tax rates.
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states, the day after the pfizer deal was announced, was burning the midnight oil and analyzing this opportunity on behalf of their clients. i think every major u.s. corporation is looking hard right now at what pfizer is doing. the scale of the transaction is what is taking people back. you have an obligation to do what is in the best interest of your shareholders. if you can do a transaction that lozier tax legally that doesn't mean you are going to do it, you have to look at it. that is the first thing. think the inversion provision or provision of the tax code that allows the inversion can and should be looked at and potentially loopholes closed. that is the superficial issue. the more embedded issue is what is going on with the international tax system and the fact that it discourages the
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flow of capital back to the united states. the pfizer inversion is premised on two things. one, them using the loophole to accomplish this inversion. fact --has to the the do with the fact that pfizer has a lot of cash overseas. issueis a much deeper than just the inversion. if you look at the trends, with $2 trillion sitting overseas pretty soon there will be more cash sitting overseas than there is in the united states. if the u.s. company makes have -- half their earnings overseas and half in the united states, they pay their dividends to shareholders out of the u.s. , and they also borrow their money to the extent they borrow money in the united states.
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half the money overseas, half the money united states, they do not have a lot of uses for the money overseas. the overseas cash is growing. it is a situation where cash is piling overseas. bye of them are doing it exploiting some of these loopholes, which i think should be cold -- should be closed. correctly if you create international property in the united states? are you able to ship it overseas without a fair market value of that? the --ld be enclosing should be closing these loopholes. companies make money overseas, they pay overseas cash, it is really a low tax rate and they want to bring the money back. if they pay a decent tax rate overseas they ought to be able to float back to the united states tax rate.
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increase the competitiveness of u.s. corporations and prevent a lot of these inversion deals. maryland,crat from serves on the joint economic committee's. talking about some financial issues but all congressional issues are on the table. rick from tennessee on our democrat line. caller: it started with bush senior and maybe before that, nasa. and coming to fruition with clinton -- i lost my job and making mexico and was 1000 dollars per week. i went back to school and ended up in a job where i wasn't making anywhere near that. are companies all over america this has happened to. it kind of touches base with what you are saying, they're
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making more money out of the as ary but we are losing country. if you could touch on the -- the government is .asically an oligarchy we do not have a read -- a free press. host: two issues, the trade and media. guest: i do agree with you the polarization of the media, which sells which is why they do
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is unfortunate because it leads to polarize asian of the country. we cherish free speech in this country. hopefully our habits will change over time. things that don't make sense ultimately don't continue. the intense polarization is the ideological orientation where people give you the answer before listening to the facts. you start saying something that people put into a box and say yes or no. it is a bad approach to informing our citizens create i think over time that will change. the first part of the question is about trade. we have a lot of trade agreements coming up. i think what we think about trade we have to do two things. we have to be focused on making sure the united states is as bad
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-- is as competitive as possible. competitiveness is really important because this country will not create jobs that have a rising standard of living unless we are competing successfully. there's a whole portfolio of things we need to do from a policy perspective to make us compete more successfully. have a national energy policy that allows us to keep our prices low. it is part of that portfolio. and doing things to continue to reform the educational system, we have a good bill coming up in the congress ealing with charter schools. a whole bunch of things to do to make ourselves competitive. we need to be doing that. as i think about trade we have to acknowledge that we are in a global world that is becoming more interconnected because of technology. when i graduated from high school 30 years ago there were 6
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billion people in the world and about one billion of them were in a global economy. 16% of the world participated in an interconnected way and the rest were localized. today we have 7 billion people in the world and 5 million of them are in this global interconnected economy. we cannot reverse that's nor would we want to because during that century of time we made major improvements as a world in terms of lifting people out of poverty, billions of people come out of abject poverty because of globalization, which is enhanced by technology. but it has heard the united states in many ways. that hurt the united states in many ways. it has been enormously -- what it has hurt the united states in many way. enormously destructive. that is a huge challenge, how do we replace those jobs with other jobs that need a decent standard of living? i think a competitive agenda allows us to do that.
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i think that will be one of the big debates in congress over the next couple of years. some of the big trade agreements that are coming up, making sure that we can exist in a global economy and our businesses can thrive and trade with other countries. these trade agreements are really important that they have to be tied to thinking about how do u.s. companies compete on our soil to create the kind of jobs you are talking about. delaney, offtive of twitter -- guest: in terms of the funds that are in the highway trust fund, the highway trust fund has been historically financed with the cap tax.led it is a tax that gets charged on
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our consumption of gasoline. the first problem is we haven't raised the tax since 1992. even though we have been increasing -- we have been increasing our investment in transportation and highways and roads. we haven't raised the sorts of revenues to pay for that. that is our first problem. patternsd problem is have changed. cars are more fuel-efficient and people are driving less. cars thate electric don't use any gas and the use the roads and technically don't pay anything to use the roads. like many things in this world, as i like to talk about the globalization of technology, the and of technology innovation has outpaced congressional response to the changing world area we have the
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highway trust fund supported with the tax that brings and two thirds of that. that is the essence of the problems we have with the highway trust fund. we probably can't raise it enough. the second thing is to come up with a way of charging vehicles for my miles driven has not tied to gas consumption. if you are an electric car you will have to pay something to use the roads but it won't be typed using gasoline. you have to integrate technology into cars -- the third solution is to find a new source of revenues to enhance the highway trust funds on top of the cap tax -- on top of the gas tax. i think we need to do all three .f those things
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look at fixing framework for funding it. we have to do transportation improvements every year. the gas tax will probably be part of that equation long-term. we are going to have to think about ways of charging vehicles that don't use a lot of gas, charging urban dwellers who do not drive a lot the benefit from the roads because of all the goods and services that are coming in the highways. worked a new framework to this out. there are a lot of concerns and debate on this. i propose using this international earnings to do that.
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host: next call for john delaney comes from here in washington on our republican line. please go ahead. call, i was hearing about these the polls. who enforces these? i am a colored man who pays taxes. i hear these people so you don't have to pay because of a loophole. i think we are losing money because of that. the rich people are going through these loopholes and then they save millions of dollars of money.
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the second part is the foreign policy, the immigration reform. they reside here illegally. americans pay services for these illegal and then we provide full medical health care. why is that? about the's talk first part, the loopholes, then don't the immigration question, which is obviously a very important question. when loopholes we are are a provision of the tax code that was designed for something, somebody is using it for something else. we should be enforcing and closing these loopholes because they are not fair to americans. is in charge of
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enforcing these things. it takes congressional action to close these loopholes because we in chart -- we in congress changed the law. he came up with a tax law that was designed for one thing and people use it for something else. that -- legally about allowed to do that because the provision wasn't drafted right or we didn't think about how people should use them. it should be more bipartisan support for closing these loopholes. the number of these things would make you sick if you saw them. which is why some people have proposed things, like warren buffett has proposed a rule that says everyone pays the minimum tax. if your tax rate is really low you have to gross it up to a certain number so everyone else is paying a fair tax. i support things like that. immigration, to you touched upon a couple of components with our immigration system. people in this country who we are provided services to a lot
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contributing x citizens. we have to fix the system. we have had a lot of problems over time with our immigration system. as we all know this country was built by immigrants and it is one of the great assets of the united states, that the majority of the world wants to come here. i referenced earlier how there are 7 billion people in the world. them had theof opportunity, they would go to the united states. no other country has anything like this. weis one of the main reasons have been so successful as a nation. we have to recognize this is a great strength of arms, people shores,come to our build businesses here, it is a huge blessing have a summation. a lot of people came to this country and are now documented. that was something we failed at doing and we should have enforce
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our borders and made sure people immigrated appropriately to this country for a long time. we should be doing that now so we do not have more of this problem. i think we need to look at the reality of this situation. no one even knows what the number range is. we should be creating a path for these people to have citizenship. they should be getting ahead of other people. similar to what was approved in the u.s. senate. i think it is fair, i think it is moral, and it is the bottom line. we need to be doing that. then we need to fix our visa system. the senate has approved an immigration bill.
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it makes a significant investment in those things. it deals with some of the visa issues they have and create a path for existing residents -- this is a bipartisan agreement. unfortunately it hasn't been taken up by the house of representatives and that is a tragedy. are waitingoncerns for this. what we really need to be doing is acting on the senate immigration bill in the house of representatives and congress would improve -- would approve an immigration bill. the president would sign it and we would be on the road towards fixing the system that you are
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rightfully concerned about. everything you're saying is a legitimate concern. host: a group called citizens for tax justice sent out a press release after you introduced your bill. delaney's delusion was the press release. guest: it goes back to what i said about ideology, which is the problem with ideology is people give you an answer before they look at the fact is. responses that have come out when i engage with people -- it is clear they did not understand what the bill was. they just heard we were doing
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something with the international tax system and it must be unfairly benefiting companies, so it is bad. this is a non-fact-based analysis. i said before, there are things going on with what u.s. corporations are doing in terms of shifting profits overseas. mostly around international property, where they develop intellectual property in the united states and becomes valuable. they make high profits on its internationally and pay lower taxes. close those loopholes. they extrapolate and they assume this is what is happening with every company. that is just not the case. if you look at most large corporations, they do make up half of their earnings
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internationally. they have stores all over the world. they are making money in these markets. thathave a tax system taxes these companies. earlier, were 30 years ago the small number was interconnected globally, there was a small amount of the money they made. that is a huge percentage of earnings overseas and they have a lot of investment opportunities overseas. they don't want to pay the double tax, they want to invest money internationally. we have to fix this. some of the comments they made are true. there are some things that are inappropriate. be doubling our resources against enforcing our laws so that those companies can't do those things, including
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prosecuting the officers of those companies. they should also prevent us from fixing -- they should also not prevent us from fixing what is the real problem. based on any serious analysis of the facts. i do not view it as serious. host: please come back when we have more time. house of representatives is coming in at 9 a.m. we will continue our discussion with charlie dent, a republican from pennsylvania. ♪ >> china has become the factory to the world. we couldn't have the kind of
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quality of life that we enjoy if we didn't have low-cost goods and low-cost labor in china. standard ofay the living remains only 1/6 of what it is in the united states in terms of per capita income. that is a source of frustration because people realize we work hard, we are participating in the global economy, we play by the rules in some cases, and yet we are not enjoying the quality of life we have in the last. chinese history, people have no idea what life was like outside. it gets back to this tour of europe. chinese people can sit back on a computer and have a pretty accurate understanding of what it feels like to live in washington dc. that heightens this conflict. rising conflict between the individual and chinese government, sunday night at eight on c-span's q and a. >> you cannot take c-span with
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you wherever you go with our free c-span radio app listen to all three c-span tv channels or c-span radio anytime. there is a schedule of each of our networks so you can tune in when you want. from our signature programs, like afterwards, the communicators, and q and a. online. your free apple complex c-span brings public affairs events turkey from washington, putting you in the room of congressional hearings, white house events, briefings, and conferences, and offering complete gavel-to-gavel coverage of the u.s. house. service of private industry. we were created by the cable industry 35 years ago and brought you by your local cable or satellite provider.
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follow us on twitter. host: on your screen is representative charlie dent, a republican from pennsylvania. you are often described as a moderate republican. what does that term mean to you? guest: i have often considered center-right congressman in a center-right industry. what that means to me is i am , one ofthe government the people who believes in the from obligation to governor, to govern,- obligation to national defense come a many of the values keeping with many americans. would be my two cent answer. you have been working on
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unemployment insurance. legislatione a growth act. it acknowledges the economy is still -- isn't still in a very good place. fact that we can continue to extend unemployment benefits. emergency unemployment benefits extend as far as 98 weeks. today an individual can receive up to 73 weeks in some states. we should allow for the continuation of emergency unemployment benefit program until the end of this year at 40 weeks. that is 40 weeks or 10 months. of we should deal with the underlying problem that unemployment -- we are not creating enough jobs in the economy.
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one, approval of the keystone xl pipeline, which many would estimate would be 40,000 jobs both erect and indirect, for , and we medical tax talk about restoring the nature of full-time work. defined as 30 is hours. we take it back to 40 hours because we know many americans -- their hours are being reduced below 30 hours. let's deal with these job getting an job saving measures and pay for it by stopping the double debt on unemployment benefits being collected simultaneously with this opinion -- with disability benefits. there's a presumption you are not going back to work.
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host: potential passing? guest, mark meadows has been a key ally on this issue. of we are working hard to build some support. there has been some interest on the democratic side of the aisle from us because many of the job creating proposals to support medical device tax. there's a lot of support in the repeal it. from elizabeth warren to al franken and bob casey and others. there are democrats who want to eliminate that tax. is pretty clear there's a lot of support for that. an opportunity to vote on this legislation there is a good shot it would pass. host: how much more legislating a we going to see on major issues? guest: we are going to have to see some this year.
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he has to deal with a number of to thefrom trade medicare fix or the sustainable growth rate. we have to make sure our doctors can get paid for the services they rendered. to confront to have that issue. there is a highway trust fund. it is likely to go bust. john delaney is working on a proposal to deal with that as well. what issue, particularly is happening in europe, we have an aggressive trade agenda. we are going to have to move forward on at least some of these issues. host: we have talked to a lot of members on -- lot of members of congress on this program. i don't think i ever met or -- or or read somebody
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talk to somebody who supports the medical device tax. could that as a standalone be repealed or does that create wave c echo >> i think it could. -- create waves? guest: many democrats insist we pay for it. most on the republican side believe we do not should pay for taxing. that is the debate, how do you go about paying for it? we were almost able to delay it when we reopened the government during the shutdown in october. we came within a whisker of making a change there. it and thereg at are a lot of folks who want to repeal is. i believe senator baucus insisted on it during the health-care law debate.
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it is often credited to him, or blames, for the device tax being in there. host: charlie dent is in his fifth term, a representative of the 15th district of pennsylvania. guest: it goes from the delaware river, south of east pennsylvania, with three mile island at the southwest extreme points. boroughs of the hamburg. like to call hershey, pennsylvania the sweetest place on earth. a lot of biotechnology, life sciences, we have a lot going on there. host: congressman dent serves on the appropriations committee and the ethics committee. you talking congressional issues. withe going to begin
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gerald in cincinnati on our democrat line. caller: good morning. i heard you speaking about the unemployment insurance. i have been out of work and i am a veteran and everything. off of my job by no means of my own. voted on thehey uninsured benefits? the senate is trying to pass a bill, which i have some concerns with. it would extend the unemployment program by an additional two months. they would also do it retroactively. i don't think that is a good way to go. would extend
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unemployment benefits on a phase down basis until the end of the year. not 73 weeks or a year and a half, it would be for 10 months. a person could collect up to 10 months of both state and federal unemployment benefits combined. i think that is a smart way to proceed. we are going to tie that to job creating or job saving measures, which deal with the underlying problem of unemployment, which is lack of growth in the economy and lack of job creation. thank you for the call. john next call comes from in atlanta on our republican line. caller: how are you doing? some money from the transportation bill if the democrats pay their taxes. president obama couldn't fill his tact -- fill his cabinet because nobody paid their taxes.
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john kerry did not want to pay poor tax. people in the irs haven't paid their money. havee recovery act you 51.6 51.6 million dollars going to denmark and then $91.4 million going to japan. million, spain 430 million. host: can you bring this to a conclusion? if thatust want to see might help in fixing these potholes. in answer of your question about transportation, i mentioned a few moments -- a few moments ago that the highway trust fund is on the verge of solvency in late july and early august. congress will have to fix this. in two have to do it steps. first we will have to
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temporarily patch the program because once it goes insolvent projects. around the country. we cannot have that happen. i have seen estimates from anywhere from 10 billion dollars to $15 billion. that is the first thing. we are going to have to pass a longer-term surface transportation bill. and we are going to have to fund it. that is really the big question. just heardy you congressman delaney talk about his proposal to take repatriated funds and create a bond financing program, which may be part of the solution. i also give him credit for his effort. talklso tell you that about using federal royalty thenues -- but that into trust fund. we are going to have to find a sustainable funding source to
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shore up this trust fund. i think we are going to have that conversation fairly soon. others bit the bullet and passed some pretty significant transportation legislation. i suspect washington is now on the verge having to do something similar. stay tuned. whatever we want to do we want to make sure that those of who are using the roads are those that will be largely paying for it. i believe that will be the focus going forward. all theseking at options as we speak, he will have a bit more to say. tweet -- areas -- any number of
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just the construction alone was estimated to be 20,000 jobs on the keystone xl pipeline. work, a lot of trenching that would have to be done. is an immediate benefit on the direct side. all the folks who are providing the best aerials -- providing the materials, all are going to be very much impacted as well. number ofan enormous jobs. this issue has caught up in politics. has become ideological. the state report says if we build this pipeline that it will not have an impact on carbon emissions because this soil is going to go somewhere. i would arsenal that i would also argue that transporting this oil by truck and rail is not a very energy efficient way
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to move all this. host: is the xl pipeline done for the year? i would prefer harry reid simply allow for a vote on the keystone xl pipeline. i don't know why this is so complicated. i know there are many in the senate's who would like to see this move forward. just allow a straight up or down vote. why does it have to be attached to something else? --elieve senator reed senator reed has the authority to schedule an up or down vote. >> tony is coming in from minnesota. please go ahead.
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caller: i am a businessman. i started three businesses in my lifetime. i employed over 160 employees. partiesking that both are completely missing the solution to america's problem, especially with the highway system. when eisenhower started to build these highway systems in our the 40's 50's and gasolinetax rates for was only about four percent of the growth tax. now we are taking on the average , which is much higher. back then the government employees that were hired, it was only 10% of the dot
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employees that were hired to maintain the roads. now it is completely the opposite way around. we have 30% of the dot tax dollars being paid out to government employees to sit in big fancy offices and that leads to almost 50% left to actually build the new roads with private contractors. the problem isn't the fact that we need to tax more, which is the democrats answer to every single problem our nation has, we need to microscopically look at each department in this nation and say, wait a minute. if we could build all these highways in the 40's 50's, and 60's with less gas being pumped out of the pumps and we were able to make it work, why can't we do is now with three times more taxation on the gasoline?
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guest: in answer to your question, you raised an interesting point. since the interstate highway system was established back in we have had a lot of things happen. .n the 50's it was a lot easier go through years of a process. you have to go through a design, preliminary engineering -- engineering, right away acquisition. there is a multi step process. it takes forever and a day to get a project to construction. we have to streamline that process because it is taking up a lot of money that is allocated
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for our highway system. you remember one the i 35 bridge collapsed a few years back? that was rebuilt in 437 days. us around the country decided at the time that this is an emergency. that bridge had to be rebuilt. maybe we should treat all structurally deficient bridges like we treated that bridge, where they waved a lot of the rules and regulations and basically got that bridge rebuilt. we probably have more structurally deficient bridges than any nation in the state. why should we go through all the steps to replace a bridge? that would be my recommendation, let us streamline the process so we can take our limited resources and put them into replacing those bridges or even those roads that need to be
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replaced. guest: -- host: if the house is so concerned about trade and transportation bills, why are you putting the focus on benghazi and the irs? guest: the irs issue has been with us for some time and benghazi -- we had votes on those two issues. me that itclear to has been pretty hard for an individual to stand up and protest their innocence rather than take the fifth amendment. i just want to get to the truth. suggesting anybody committed any particular crime. it was tragic what happened. at the same time i think we all know what happened here.
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this fairy tale was spun that a video caused the attack on the facility when in fact we know it did not. it was ap meditated terrorist attack. this story was spun to protect the campaign narrative at the time, which is that al qaeda was on the run. a terrorist attack would disrupt that narrative. i just want the truth on both of these things. are -- i any of us believe many of us are ready to move forward. are going to see bipartisan collaboration between republicans and the president. that is going to happen at some point.
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host: john is calling in from south carolina. you are on washington journal. a suggestion for c-span. thatlly wanted to talk to democrat guy, i think you need to have both guys on. as far as gas would you agree in the pump enough oil united states to sustain us? guest: what is going to be your follow-up? caller: i'm going to get all the way down to how we fix our roads. host: go ahead and make your statement. we pump enough gas and oil to sustain us in the , why are we paying
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five dollars per gallon per gas? the pipeline. job on the pipeline that means i have to move out to nebraska somewhere. why not build a refinery in north dakota? that shouldn't affect us. i'm military. these gas companies that drill on federal land, they should subsidize our military with free or cut it in half. they are not paying any taxes anyway.
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go ahead and take that money you are giving to these oil companies and fix our roads. guest: i filled the other day and i paid three dollars 75 that -- $3.75 per gallon. can't united states be self-sufficient? absolutely. thesylvania is second-largest gas producing state in the nation after taxes. we have tremendous gas reserves in our country. yes we can become cap's self-sufficient, so much so that -- theree the capacity is a demand for american gas in japan. they need to diversify their supply. the answer to your question is yes. are we self-sufficient? todo we have the capacity become north american energy
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self-sufficient? my answer would be us. i am not prepared to give you a particular time or date. we could largely become north american energy self-sufficient. the big question in the united states is this administration, will it allow for the development of both oil and natural gas resources on federal land to a greater degree than they are doing now? the administration is slow walking the approval process. that is a really big issue. i would argue we are in a great position to become self-sufficient for gas and oil. host: is fracking a loaded term or the industry term? guest: this has been going on for decades, hydraulic fracturing. what is really more recent is
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the notion of horizontal drilling. able tovidual who is drill into the ground and turn it almost at a right angle, i think they do it at a slowing goal. that has been really transformational. hydraulic fracturing is regulated by the states. we use very water intensive practices. waterve to treat the after using it to drinking water standards. we want to make sure these water sources in particular are protected and we want to make sure that happens. hydraulic fracturing has been around for decades. it has added the number of jobs in pennsylvania.
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the price of gas has dropped because we have all the sweet -- all these resources. supply is way up. the mediatant than jobs created by the gas is the fact that these natural gas prices has given our unit -- has given our country and enormous competitive advantage. are paying for the lowest rates in the developed world. that is a major change for maybe a decade ago. we are a lot of interest from foreign investment into the united states. it's a reliable stable supply. when you're dependent on russian are notthe russians known as a reliable supplier, they are inclined to cut off supplies if the politics
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dictate. host: the appropriations committee passed their omnibus bill. we've happy with the final numbers? we passed the commerce justice science built out of the committee and provided allocations, which essentially establishes what each of the 12 subcommittees of the appropriations committee will receive. we set those allocations based on the budget agreement that was enacted in december. the overall discretionary spending number for this fiscal 1.0 4pcoming will be trillion. the number this funding the
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current fiscal year is $1.012 trillion. that is where we are. that is split 12 ways. not equally between ways. also takes a big chunk. that was established yesterday. host: what is the next step in the process? guest: get processes one month ahead of schedule. -- they havers been working to restore washington to a regular order process. it is important that we send a message that we can government, that we are capable of doing what the public sent us here to do. i think we have been lurching from one crisis to the next.
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i believe it is important to provide some level of budgetary sodictability and stability that the public have some confidence in washington. we were in the situation where there was always a threat of asset -- threat of a shutdown or default. i think we have to get back to of business.der when you do that it provides for a lot more stability and atmosphere and also frees up time and oxygen to do other things, like the keystone pipeline or transportation bill or whatever the issue is that people want to talk about. host: the chair of the appropriations committee will be c-span's asked this week on newsmakers, which airs at 10 a.m. on sunday mornings. carolyn in westchester on our
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republican line. thank you for holding. caller: i was wondering why congress is not investigating building seven. what happened on 9/11. the attacks took down the buildings on the north and south tower and that contributed to the collapse of building seven. not much i can say about that. host: birds calling from our republican line. caller: thanks for the service you do. i really appreciate what you said about benghazi earlier and just wanting to find the truth. that is a levelheaded approach anybody should take. i want to apologize because my question really is for peter. just like the last caller, i know you get a lot of questions about building seven on your and hosts tend to be
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perturbed by that. a lot of times say you covered it and i just want to establish for the audience that cutting somebody off and calling them conspiracy theorists when they can't defend themselves is not really covering it or debate. i also know that one of the leading organizations behind questioning what happened with building seven offered c-span a chance to air this on their programs back in september, a chance to have a debate with them and somebody advocating for the official story of what happened to the openings on that day. my question is why hasn't c-span taken them up on that offer? host: thank you for calling in with your views. ron is calling in from west chesterfield, new hampshire. caller: good morning. i would like to get back to repatriating dollars back into the united states.
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president obama raised his hand in 2008, the republicans have been doing nothing but reading -- rating every social program under the guise of paying down our deficit. it doesn't matter whether it is unemployment, kids going to school for head start, military benefits, they have cut money from everything under the guise of paying them a deficit. there is one segment of the population that the republicans refused to come to. i believe repeat treating dollars back into the united whyes at 40% is a reason these corporations are keeping their money's overseas, i believe if we were to go up to
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60% one month from now and two months from now that tax will go up to 80%, i believe the for that tax ever gets to 60% these corporations would have a lot of money back into the united states. is just another large corporate giveaway, and other large corporate tax loophole. host: i think we have the point. guest: on the issue of free petri shin, we have to be clear about this. states taxes these multinational companies anyway that is different than the rest of the developed world. a an american company builds facility, a chemical plant in ireland, it will pay 12.5% of the irish government. a german company that builds the same plant in ireland will pay 12.5%. the german company will take
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their profits back to germany without paying any additional tax. payamerican company gets to the difference between 12.5% and 30%. the tax code allows for these companies to defer bringing back that money. they keep all this cash overseas. idea is to allow for a repatriation. maybe five percent. we try to make it more reasonable? also the fact that the united statutory a large corporate income tax in the world is not helpful at 35%. we need to get that rate closer to 25, where most of the developed world is. simply threatening these companies means they were likely to contain them that continued keeping their money overseas and use their moneys for overseas
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operations. this absurd policy is incentivizing american headquartered companies to set their headquarters up in other countries. worse of all we will have more job loss that way. host: charlie dent has been our guest. we have -- we always appreciate you coming over. house of representatives will be working on an r&d tax issue. they will also be looking at a charter school issue. we will have live coverage. a reminder that booktv and american history tv are on c-span two and c-span3 over the weekend. of books and 48 hours of history on our two companion networks over the weekend. us.k you for being with enjoy the rest of your day.
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[captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. house of representatives hupes [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.] the speaker: the prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. chaplain conroy: let us pray, eternal god we give you thanks for giving us another day. once again we come to you to ask wisdom, peace and understanding for the members of this people's house, the words and sentiments that have been spoken and heard in these recent days were borne of principle, conviction and commitment. members might judge anew their
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adherence to preliminary, conviction and commitment less they slide toward the inability to listen to one another and work cooperatively to solve the important issues of our day. give them the generosity of heart and the courage of true leadership to work toward a common solution which -- with sacrifice on both sides. finally, as they return to their respective districts, may they be open to the hopes and desires of their quints while being attentive to the needs of our nation at large. may all that is done this done be for your greater honor and glory, amen. the speaker: the chair has examined the journal of the last day's proceedings. pursuant to clause one, rule 1,. ledge of allegiance will be
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by mr. paulsen. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.. the speaker: the chair will entertain up to five requests for one-minute speeches. for what purpose does the gentleman from minnesota. mr. paulsen: ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. mr. paulsen: we have heard about the horrific and evil act that is occurring in the country of nigeria. hundreds of young girls have been kidnapped and being held in captivity. were these girls, they simply attending school. as the father of four daughters, i can only imagine the anguish these girls are experiencing as their loved ones are being threatened to be sold into slavery. we cannot sit by and applaud the
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steps that the administration is sending resources to the nigeriaian government and more can still be done sm the president needs to push the boko haram be added to the al qaeda sanctions list to weaken their power. whether demreskically or internationally, we need to be vigilant to those who continue to do harm to young girls. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from maryland seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to speak out of order for one minute and revise and stepped my remarks. mr. hoyer: mr. speaker, in just a few short minutes, we will demonstrate whether this house does or does not have fiscal responsibility. we ought to extend the research and development tax credits to help businesses invest in innovation and do iment permitly. but republicans are asking us to do so without paying for it which would add $155 billion to
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the deficit. once again, once again, they are ignoring fiscal responsibility when it comes to tax cuts. n 1981, 2001 and 2003, republicans passed tax cuts without paying for them and the outcome every time was predictable and increase in our debt. under president reagan, 189%. under president bush, 86% increase in the national debt. economists agree that tax cuts do not pay for themselves. in 2010, david stockman said this, this debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the democrats but the republican parties embrace of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts. the speaker pro tempore: the
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gentleman's time has expired. mr. hoyer: house action on tax extenders for fits. they are right. vote no. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from indiana seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker, i rise today in support of the success and opportunity through equality charter schools act. we must recognize that no single educational model will meet the needs of every child. we need pathways that empower educators and students. i college prep school in indianapolis. it is helping students like sam who is not being challenged at his old school. he moved to this school in 2010 and been a star students ever
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since. and received high the highest score. his parents say the school has answered their prayers. this legislation will help more students like sam thrive. it provides grants for quality charter schools and gives states the flexibility support. ensures charter schools can find suitable facilities and will encourage collaboration between charter schools and traditionalal public schools. let's pass the success and opportunity through quality charter schools act. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from washington seek recognition? >> ask unanimous consent to address the house. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentleman from washington is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. earlier this week, the pacific northwest and america lost a true legend. billy frank junior made his mark on so many people and so many
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issues. his legacy on civil rights issues on ensuring america lives up to its tribal treaties has touched generations past and present. we saw firsthand two weeks ago when he commanded a room that included tribal leaders and federal officials and the secretary of the interior. after recent meeting with billy, i was talking to my car and midway i said hold on for a second. i said can we take a minute and appreciate the fact that we spent a few hours with an absolute icon. i will treasure those hours the entire time i spent with billy and the work he did for our region. we should make decisions with an eye of how they will affect our children seven generations into the future. billy frank was the embodyment of that and he will be missed.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from nebraska seek recognition? >> ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. i rise today to honor january thayer who passed away on may 3 after a long battle of cancer. she was a successful woman and entrepreneur. during her long career, she was recognized with many awards and women of the year, the university of nebraska's business woman of the year and entrepreneur of the year and she was named a member of the nebraska hall of fame. these honors are a testament to her work ethic and dedication to her community. i extend my sympathies to her husband and family. honor jan and the legacy of her service that she has left behind. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one
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minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. green: i rise today to draw attention to an issue that should concern us all. america's increasingly reliance on telecommunications services for everything they do. key to providing that service is robust and committed wireless communications which drives innovation, keeps cost low and employs tens of thousands of americans in good stable jobs. these jobs is our responsibility. with that in mind i find the actions taken by sprint over the past year since its acquisition by the japanese firm particularly troubling. in that time, sprint laid off more than 2,700 call workers, 900 in my state of texas. sprint is preparing to buy t-mobile and the c.e.o. have expressed strong skepticism about this potential merger because they believe that competition drives innovation
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and low prices in the marketplace. coupled with sprint's recent layoffs, congress must take a look at this deal if and when it ed and stand up for what's best for american consumers and american jobs. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition? mr. thompson: request permission to address the house for one minute, revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentleman is recognized. mr. thompson: today i rise to recognize the work of united way erie which this month celebrated its 100th annual campaign to eradicate poverty and improve the lives of local individuals and families. each year on average, it touches the lives one out of every three residents. in 2013, 100,000 men, women and children were helped by united way. last year, it put forward an ambitious goal to reduce the number of families struggling to meet their basic needs between
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now and 2025. as a result of this new initiative, they raised over $6.1 million in 2013, which was the largest fundraising campaign. through bold new ideas and innovative charitable efforts, united way is making a difference. i congratulate united way of of erie on its 100th anniversary and the supporters to help those most in need to find a helping need. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from florida seek recognition? >> ask permission to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentlelady is recognized. ms. frankel: thank you, mr. speaker, this sunday, on mother's day we celebrate the blessings of our moms and deep appreciation, we give them candy and cards and beautiful flowers.
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with that said, what our moms really deserve is an economy where women are given equal pay for equal work. sadly today in the united states of america, some earn only 77 cents for every dollar earned by their male colleagues. so i respectfully suggest on this mother's day, we as a nation commit to pay equity for all, regardless of gender. and to my own mother, i thank you for your unconditional love, couragement, unconditional deficit of life. and your matzo ball soup. thank you, mother. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? . >> permission to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without
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objection. >> mr. speaker, i rise today in support of the enhanced equity quit and transparency measures in h.r. 10, the success and opportunity through quality charters schools act. this legislation would require charter authorizers, charter management organizations and charter schools receiving grants through the charter school program to adhere to higher standards and become more accountable. too often, charter schools are unwilling to take the most at-risk and needs students or give up far too soon. that needs to end. with h.r. 10, applicants for grants would be required to describe how they would serve students with disabilities and those who are english learners. it would require grant recipients to assist grantees in enrolling, recruiting and serving students at rates comparable to public schools. now my vote today on h.r. 10 is not a vote in favor of charters. charter schools are a part of our educational system and my
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vote is to make them more equitable, accountable, transparent and of high quality. thank you. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. pursuant to clause 1-c of rule 19 further consideration of h.r. 4438 will now resume. the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: a -- union calendar number 319, a bill to amend the internal revenue code of 1986 to make permanent the research credits. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from arizona seek recognition? >> i have a motion to recommit at the desk. the speaker pro tempore: is the gentlelady opposed? >> in its current form. the clerk: mrs. kirkpatrick moves to recommit the bill to the committee on ways and means with instructions to report the same back to the house forth with with the following amendment, add at the end the following, e, strengthening
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america's middle class. section 41 of such code is amended by striking such employee and inserting such employee but only if the taxpayer pays women employees equal pay for equal work and in hiring employees the taxpayer gives priority to unemployed american workers particularly veterans and does not outsource american jobs to foreign workers. f, ensuring that tax cuts for corporations are offset. nothing in this act shall result in an increase in the deficit. . the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentlelady from arizona is recognized for five minutes in support of her motion. mrs. kirkpatrick: thank you, mr. speaker. this is a final amendment to the bill which will not kill the bill nor send it back to committee. if adopted, this bill will immediately proceed to final passage as amended. mr. speaker, this bill is fiscally irresponsible. it is an unpaid-for bill that
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costs $156 billion, but combined with the other six permanent tax extenders passed by republicans on the ways and means committee, the combined cost of all six bills is $310 billion. not one dollar of these bills is paid for. not one dollar to offset the costs. they do not close one special interest, corporate tax loophole to offset the cost of these bills. the bill threatens so many critical programs that we care about. it threatens tax extender provisions that are not included. the new market tax credit, the work opportunity tax credit for veterans, and renewable energy incentives. the bill also threatens enhancements made to refundable tax credits for working families that expire in 2017.
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the child tax credit, the earned income tax credit, the american opportunity tax credit for education. republicans may have turned off at the 11th hour the automatic spending cuts that would have resulted from passing this legislation after we called them out for it. what isn't done with one hand by them will be done by the other. republicans will add to the deficit, let me make that clear, republicans will add to the deficit and then automatically use that to push for harmful cuts elsewhere. the ryan budget lays out whether republicans will make the cut. they will make cuts to education, head start programs, and k-12 education. they will make cuts to medical research such as the important work done by the national institute of health. on the other hand, medical
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research is one type of research that they seek to incentivize with this bill. on the other hand, they are cutting programs at the national institute of health. do you get my drift here? they will make cuts to medicare, medicaid, and other health programs to the tune of $2.9 trillion. they will make cuts to transportation, $52 billion. this bill throws the republican budget so out of balance. the first opportunity they have to go against their budget, they take it. they had to waive their own rules to make this bill work. chairman camp made this provision permanent in his tax reform bill and pays for the provision. he pays for it. the president made this provision permanent. and he has offsets to cover the cost of his budget. we should have time to look and find common pay fors and pass this bill in a fiscally
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responsible manner. again, i support the r&d tax credit as do the vast majority of the members of our caucus, but we do not support this bill. i ask for a yes vote on my motion and yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time. for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition? mr. camp: mr. speaker, i'm opposed to the motion. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from michigan is recognized for five minutes. mr. camp: mr. speaker, this economy isn't growing. last quarter's g.d.p. showed .1 percent -- .1% economic growth, it's essentially flat. do we have any pro-growth or policies coming from the other side? none. they seem to be happy with the way things are. frankly americans aren't. americans think the country is going in the wrong direction. americans think things around going to get better because they haven't been. medium incomes have been declining.
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what we need to do is adopt something that's pro-growth. this is a policy that has wide bipartisan support. republicans and democrats have long supported the research and development tax credit. you know why? because it allows companies to innovate, to create refine medical products that help extend and make people's lives better. it helps small companies like one in my home state of michigan that actually makes footwear for our soldiers and men and women in harm's way and continue to refine that product as they meet difficult conditions overseas. we need to innovate and grow. democrats 71 times voted to extend this provision unpaid for. the president when he was in the senate voted twice to extend the r&d credit without paying for it. the president twice as president of the united states signed legislation that twice extended this credit without paying for it. but stop the charade. let's be honest. this credit will be extended. let's give businesses the
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certainty they need, employers, so they can grow and invest and create jobs. so that everyone can get higher wages so we can reverse this terrible trend of incomes declining. let's raise wages for everyone. let's adopt a permanent r&d tax credit. vote against this motion and vote for the bill. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: all time having been expired, without objection, the previous question is ordered on the motion to recommit. the question is on the motion, those in favor will say aye. those opposed, no. the noes have it, the motion is not agreed to. the yeas and nays are requested, those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. pursuant to clause 9 of rule 20, the chair will reduce to five minutes the minimum time for any electronic vote for passage of the bill. this is a 15-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote the yeas are 191. the nays are 209. the resolution is not adopted. the question is on passage of the bill. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. the roogs is -- >> i ask for the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from michigan requests the yeas and nays. those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device.
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this will be a five-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote the yeas are 274. he nays are 131. the bill is passed. without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. he house will be in order. he house will be in order. for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the gentleman from california, be removed as a co-sponsor from h.r. 4615. the speaker pro tempore: without bjection.
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