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tv   U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  May 28, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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noaa but i first also want to echo everything that's been said about our great colleague, frank wolf. frank is one of the few members of congress who has visited my district, actually went onto my property in big sur, ended up coming back and saying, now i understand why you're so passionate about the oceans. it's an interesting committee that you've chaired, most of you, ranking and chair of the committee, because it's a committee that has all the department of commerce, has all the department of justice and has the science programs, nasa, n.s.f. and the science and technology policy, office of science and technology. essentially the science of america is in your hands and this bill has a lot of it in there, particularly i'd like to talk about noaa. noaa is the national ocean atmosphere administration and what's been happening is that as we've gotten interested in the weather and as we've gotten interested in sort of the sky, we're putting a lot more money
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into it, sucking it away from the oceans and yet what's happening in the oceans is they're dying. . in the ocean dies, planet earth dies. while there's money to look at the oceans, moons, and other planets, we are going to do it at the peril of our own ocean. i just want to make sure we don't allow the importance of our oceans, our coastal economies support 81% of all u.s. employment in the united states. over 100 million jobs. coastal economies contribute to 84% of the u.s. g.d.p. ocean tourism is an $89.25 billion industry and relies on healthy marine mammal population, healthy coral reefs, healthy clean waters and beaches. think of all the people that recreate on beaches. if those were polluted they wouldn't be able to do so. the united states plays a big role in the world. we are sponsoring this month, hosting the international oceans conference, next month. and one of those topics is going
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to be the blue economy. what does it mean to all the countries of the world and to the united states. so, i just want to, as we go through this bill, emphasize that the wet side needs as much attention as the sky side. thank you, frank wolf, for the great job you have done. caller: the gentleman's time from california has expired. the gentleman from pennsylvania reserves. the gentleman from virginia is recognized for 2 1/2 minutes. mr. wolf: i recognize mr. young from indiana for two minutes. caller: the gentleman from indiana is recognized. mr. young: i rise today first in recognition of the great professional service, public service offered by the chairman, appreciate that so much. also rise in support of h.r. 4660, the commerce, justice, science and related agencies appropriations act that he and his staff have worked so hard on. this important measure provides funding for a number of vital agencies, of course. one of which is the office 69 united states -- of the united states trade representative.
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provides funding for the ustr to continue advocating for the t.p.p. in the transatlantic trade and investment partnership or t tip. and continue enforcing existing free trade agreements. more specifically funding through this bill and funding of ustr will protect intellectual property rights abroad. i continue to maintain very serious concerns with canada's misapplication of internationally recognized patent standards. which appears to violate their international obligations. having a really economic impact on innovative american companies. i appreciate that ustr's expressed serious concern about these practices in the last year through their special 301 report, given canada's continued failure to bring its patent standards in line with interarble -- international obligations and practices. i urge canada to the special 301
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priority watch list in 2014. i.p. is one of the main engines of the united states innovative economy with approximately one third of u.s. jobs and 60% of our exports relying on the u.p. with more than 95% of the world's population living outside of the united states, strong i.p. potentials are essential to future u.s. economic growth and competitiveness. funding ustr will ensure continued enforcement of existing free trade agreements, while furthering future u.s. economic interests through negotiation of t.p.p. and t-tip. i'd like to again thank chairman wolf and his staff for their important work in putting together this approps bill. i yield back. caller: the gentleman from indiana yields back. the -- the chair: the gentleman from texas reserves. the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized. mr. fattah: i thank you. i yield myself such time as i may consume. i want to take a minute and acknowledge someone else who has played a very important role in
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our country's science activities who is retiring. i spent some time over at nasa headquarters and i also went out to visit the jet propulsion laboratory to see the mars rover land after 8 1/2 months of travel. the nasa team is an extraordinary team. one of its members, the head of the education office, former astronaut is retiring. i wanted to take a minute during general debate and acknowledge his great service to the country. it's leyland melvin. he hails from the chairman's great state, commonwealth of virginia. we want to wish him well and thank him for his service to our country. i'd like to now yield two minutes to my colleague who has spent his work here on small business and research connections to science, to commercialized technology and help build the american economy. i yield two minutes to the gentleman, mr. lipinski.
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the chair: the gentleman from pennsylvania yields. the gentleman from illinois is recognized for two minutes. mr. lipinski: thank you, madam chairman. i thank the ranking member for yielding. i rise today in strong support of h.r. 4660. i'd like to thank chairman wolf and ranking member fattah for their hard work on this bill. while i have had to make some tough budget choices with a reduced level of funding, this bill still shows a strong commitment to scientific research at the national science foundation, and also nasa. investment in research is vital to our economic future because it helps us achieve discoveries that will keep the u.s. at the cutting edge of science and technology, and creating new american jobs. i also want to take a moment to honor my good friend, chairman wolf. even in an era of partisan polarization and heated rhetoric, he has taken great
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pains to craft bills like this one to get broad support from members on both sides of the aisle. he's been a strong defender of american security and a strong supporter of american manufacturing. most importantly, throughout his career he's been a courageous fighter for human rights around the world. while never losing sight of his duty to his constituents here at home. he's been a good example for all of us in this body. madam speaker, i urge my colleagues to support this bill and to support the strong funding, especially for national science foundation in this bill, and i want to yield back the bam of my time. the chair: the gentleman from illinois yields back. the gentleman from pennsylvania reserves. the gentleman from virginia is recognized. mr. wolf: i have no additional speakers. i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized. mr. fattah: i have an additional
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speaker. i need to yield two minutes to the gentleman from new jersey who is the only one among us who has a degree in nuclear science and is also retiring this year. i yield two minutes to my friend and the great science leader holt.n the congress, rush the chair: the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. holt: i certainly appreciate the work of the very admirable chairman wolf and my good friend, mr. fattah, the work that they put into crafting this bill. however i do have some serious concerns, especially the cuts that are being made to noaa's climate research programs. this bill cuts noaa's climate research for the next fiscal year by $38 million below the current year, or $69 million below the president's request. deeper droughts, heavier rains, more flooding, superstorms, tornadoes, rising seas, huge
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storm surges are all getting worse. would we not want to understand what's going on? i'll be offering an amendment later this evening to restore funding on -- for critical noaa climate research programs. noaa climate research program support ocean and spheric research, global data collection and sharing so that we can understand climate change. this year reports from the intergovernmental panel on climate change and the u.s. national climate assessment were released. they agreed, they come to the same conclusion the climate is changing. greenhouse gases by human activities are the principal cause. we have already begun to experience the effects which will continue to be costly in lives and dollars. those who would deny these changes, some here in this very house, can't stop the changes from occurring.
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denying funding for the research won't stop the changes. it will just leave us ignorant and less prepared. we need to support the science behind climate change. since we are talking about science it's true ostriches don't actually bury their heads in the sand, but it's a metaphor for what is going on here. we should not bury our heads in the sand. we should be supporting this esearch vigorously for all the reasons that the climate change affects our lives, our well-being around the world and here in the united states. i yield back. the chair: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized. mr. fattah: we have no additional requests for speakers during general debate. i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman yields ack.
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all time for general debate has expired. pursuant to the rule, the bill shall be considered for amendment under the five-minute rule. during consideration of the bill for amendment, the chair may accord priority and recognition to a member offering an amendment who has caused it to be printed in the designated place in the congressional record. those amendments will be considered as read. the clerk will read. that erk: be it enacted the following sums are appropriated out of any money in the treasury for fiscal year 2015, namely, title 1, department of commerce. international trade administration, operations and administration, $473 million. the chair: the clerk will suspend. for what purpose does the gentleman from massachusetts seek recognition? >> madam chair, i have an amendment at the desk. amendment number 86. the chair: the clerk will report the amendment.
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the clerk: amendment offered by mr. lynch of massachusetts, page 3, line 10, after the dollar amount, insert reduced by $3 million. page 44, line 6, after the dollar amount, insert increased by $3 million. page 45, line 17, after the dollar amount, insert increased by $3 million. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. mr. lynch: thank you very much. before i get started, i just want to join the chorus here and congratulate chairman wolf on his remarkable career as the leader here in this congress and as someone who has worked diligently on behalf of his constituents, but also in a way that i think has reflected greatly on this body. i think that the work product in this bill produced by chairman wolf and ranking member fattah is a wonderful example of the possibilities when people work together. mr. chairman, my amendment --
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madam chairman, my amendment would increase by $3 million the amount appropriated for fiscal year 2015 for the drug courts program. the $3 million added to the drug courts program will be offset by decreasing by $3 million the amount appropriated for funding for the international trade administration. madam chair, the drug addiction in the united states is at an epidemic level. to call it otherwise grossly understates the problem. this epidemic affects every city and town across america and cuts across every demographic. it simply does not discriminate. drug and alcohol addiction shatters lives, destroys families, and costs taxpayers billions of dollars annually. in fact, according to the national institute of drug abuse, estimates of the total overall cost of substance abuse in the united states, including lost productivity, in hospital care, incarceration, rehab, and crime related costs, those
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tallied to over $600 billion annually in the united states. many of us understand that drug addiction is a disease and certain actions taken by people under the influence of drugs are typically uncharacteristic of that person. a handful of countries, as well as much of our own society here in the united states, have begun to realize that we need to deal with addiction and its outcomes in way that can have a long-term positive effect on the parties and families involved. drug courts offer just such an opportunity by promoting -- providing a support system and a road map for moving forward. madam chair, drug courts are specialized court dockets designed to handle cases involving drug and/or alcohol dependent offenders charged with offenses such as possession of a controlled substance or other nonviolent offenses determined to have been caused or influenced by their addiction. drug court cases are handled through a comprehensive program of supervision, drug testing,
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treatment service, and immediate sanctions and incentives designed to reduce the recidivism rates of these offenders by helping them overcome their substance abuse problems. which are the primary and proximate cause of their criminal activities drug courts coordinate the efforts of the judiciary, prosecution, defense attorneys, probation departments, law enforcement agencies, rehab facilities, mental health, and social services, and also involve the community, the family, and the employer in many cases in an effort to break the cycle of substance abuse, addiction, and crime. . if we can break that cycle we all benefit. i've had the opportunity to visit many of the prisons and houses of correction in massachusetts where about 91% of those inmates have substance abuse problems or are addicted. the bottom line is that drug courts save money, they reduce crime and restore families. quite simply, drug courts work. and according to the national association of drug court professionals, the drug court
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approach reduces crime by as much as 45% compared to traditional sentencing options. in fact, the available data indicate that nationwide 75% of drug courts graduate -- excuse me, drug courts graduates remain arrest-free at least two years after leaving the program and reduction in crime have been maintained for at a minimum three years and in many cases over 14 years. in addition to reducing crime, drug courts save money. as reported by the national association of drug court professionals, for every $1 invested in drug courts, taxpayers save as much as $27 when compared to the historic approach to these problems. this substantial savings comes from avoiding criminal costs, reduced prison costs and reduced recidivism and allocated utilization, all develop we know that vast sums of money every year in this country. and they restore families.
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according to statistics, family reunification rates for drug owe fenders are 50% higher for drug court participants. people struggling through addiction can become isolated from friends and loved ones. reuniting with their family is often the first step in returning to normalcy and becoming a productive member of the community. the underlying bill provides for $41 million in drug court funding levels. $2.5 million over the 2013 postsequester level and i'd like to thank chairman wolf. he has long been a champion of drug courts, as has raverpbinging member fattah -- running backing -- ranking member fattah. but these have been underfunded for a long time and the adoption of this amendment would meet the need that has been amplified lately. i just urge my colleagues to support my amendment and i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from virginia rise? mr. wolf: i accept the amendment.
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the president's request had proposed eliminating this as a separate program. we reject it. that proposal, we funded the program above the level, $41 million. this takes it to $44 million. he makes a very good case. i think it makes a lot of sense. i accept the amendment and think it's a good amendment and yield back. the chair: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. mr. lynch: i concur with the chairman. thank you. thank you, mr. chairman. the chair: the question is on the endment offered by gentleman from massachusetts. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the amendment is agreed. o -- is agreed to. for what purpose does the
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gentlewoman from california seek recognition? >> i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by ms. davis of california. page 3, line 10, after the dollar amount insert, increased by $3 million. page 34, line 8, after the dollar amount insert, reduced by $3 million. the chair: the gentlewoman is recognized for five minutes. mrs. davis: thank you, madam chair. first i certainly want to thank chairman wolf, ranking member fattah and the committee for putting together a strong bill in what we all know has become an increasingly tough environment for appropriation bills. this year's commerce, justice, science bill is clearly the product of a great deal of bipartisan collaboration and as a result this bill provides strong funding for a number of important priorities that both democrats and republicans can get behind. and in that vein i want to offer an amendment that i think both sides of the aisle should be able to support. only a small portion of the overall department of commerce
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budget, the u.s. foreign and commercial service plays a critical role in helping american small business owners export their products to foreign countries. and we know that the world, about 95% of the world's customers live oversales. unfortunately while this year -- overseas. unfortunately while this year's bill does a decent job of funding the department of commerce it failed to fully match the president's requested increase of funds for the u.s. foreign and commercial service. unfortunately that would mean that we will once again continue the trend of underfunding this vital national resource. specifically, and i wanted to note these three points, this amendment helps small businesses who can benefit from overseas consumer activity by helping them learn how to navigate red tape imposed by governments overseas. big companies we know don't necessarily need this help but our small business owners do. and second, it will help them increase export it's, create jobs and boost economic
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recovery. third, the funding that was requested in this amendment is $3 million. the agency is currently $15 million below the president's request. to share where the offset of comes from. it comes from the bureau of prisons which was overfunded by $61 million. that's out of $7 billion. the offset does not touch funding for new construction, which we know there are concerns about overcrowding from time to time, that is not an issue in this amendment. in order to remain competitive in an increasingly globalized economy, we must do everything that we can to help our exporters gain access to overseas markets. while this amendment only amounts to really a small increase in funding, we know from past experience that it will pay enormous dividends. i've certainly seen that in my community in california. most importantly it will allow
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u.s. exporters to compete on a level playing field with the rest of the world and will help strengthen the overall economy, putting americans back to work. i urge my colleagues to support small business owners all across this country and adopt this amendment. the chair: the gentlewoman from california yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from virginia rise? mr. wolf: i rise in opposition to the gentlelady's amendment. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. mr. wolf: the recommendation in this bill includes $323 million for the global markets program. which includes the u.s. and foreign commercial service. this amount is $3 million more than the current operating level. despite the continued fiscal constraints, the committee has supported increases to the international trade administration over the last few fiscal years in order to support deployment of additional commercial service and staff at embassies. but this offset takes it from
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the bureau of prisons. it reduces the bureau of prisons salaries and expenses account by more than $3 million. the prisons are overcrowded, we've had several prison guards killed with their high and medium security institutions exceeding 51% and 41% of their rated capacity. the prisons are overpacked. they're maxed out. and so with a population of 5,000 inmates and 2,500 more expected in 2015, the bureau of prisons just can't keep up. so this bill helps them recover. we don't want to have another prison guard killed so i think -- where they take the money from. so i would urge a no vote on this amendment and yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman from virginia's time has expired. the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized. mr. fattah: i rise in the first instance in support of the
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focus of the gentlelady from's amendment but -- the gentlelady's amendment but i have to oppose the amendment because of the offset. one of the prison guards that was murdered was from my home state of pennsylvania. and i think that the -- depleting $3 million from this account at a time when we have a situation that we have far too many people in prison, and hopefully through our criminal justice reform efforts we will do something about that, but why we have people in prison, we have a responsibility -- but while we have people in prison, we have a responsibility to administer these prisons safely and i think it would be unwise. i support wholeheartedly export initiatives, we have increased this account each year. i have visited and spent time focused on this and the chairman had mentioned a number of initiatives. we also fund the select u.s.a. and the other parts of the president's export initiative, but i'm opposed to this amendment solely on the basis of the offset as offered. thank you.
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the chair: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from washington rise? >> i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: an amendment is currently pending. >> yes. the chair: the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from california. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the noes have it. he amendment is not agreed to. for what purpose does the gentleman from washington seek recognition? >> do i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will report the amendment. amendment offered by mr. reichert of washington. page 3, line 10. after the dollar amount insert, reduced by $1. page 4, line 21, after the dollar amount insert, increased by $1. page 7, line 17, after the dollar amount insert, reduced by $110 million.
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page 52, line 18, after the dollar amount insert, increased by $110 million. page 53, line 6, after the dollar amount insert, increased by $110 million. the chair: the gentleman from washington is recognized for five minutes. mr. reichert: thank you, madam speaker. i rise today to offer a critical amendment with representatives pascrell, king, grimm, welch, johnson, reid, enyart and defazio and others. this amendment funds the highly successful cops hiring program at the f.y. 2014 level. ensuring the safety of our communities and neighborhoods. that should be one of our first priorities and we cannot afford to do that without sufficient number of capability police officers trained across our country. i became a law enforcement officer because i wanted to serve and help others. i brought that same desire to congress. the cops program helps others
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do the same. we cannot protect this nation without adequate funding for law enforcement, their service is our gain. madam speaker, this program is vital. i was in law enforcement for 33 years. i started out in a patrol car, was actually hired in 1972 under a federal grand. after 30 some years or so i became the sheriff of king county and i was able to use those grants again to hire additional police officers in the sheriff's office. and those additional police officers are used to be a part of federal teams, federal law enforcement task forces -- task force efforts across this country. to mention a few, cybersecurity task force we have in some of the major city as i cross this country, integral to -- across this country, integral to protecting this nation, not only our entire country, but our communities. you cannot do that with just
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federal resources. we always talked about the federal, state and local partnerships as federal representatives and as the f.b.i. came to me when i was the sheriff and said, we want to work with you. provide a police officer to our joint terrorism task force, provide a police officer to our task force to fight gangs and provide a police officer to be a part of our d.e.a. effort to impact the use of drugs and reduce the use of drugs in our communities. well, madam speaker, local police departments and sheriff's offices don't have the money to continue to supply police officers to these federal efforts. but they know they're needed. and i would like to join eryone in congratulating the chairman on his distinguished career and his efforts here today in support of protecting our country. mr. wolf has done an
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outstanding job over his years of service. from my perspective, though, we really need to strengthen this partnership and the way that you do that is you allow these grants to be fully funded, you allow access to police chiefs and sheriffs across this country, to hire additional police officers to be a part of a national effort to reduce human trafficking, and this is e of mr. wolf's passionate issues right now, as well as other members of congress. it has been highlighted and we need to highlight it still. but the federal government cannot stop human trafficking alone. they need the help of those local police officers and detectives on the street. if we don't have the people, we won't be putting them on the street. if they're not on the street, if they're not working these cases, they won't be solved. if they're not solved then our children, madam speaker, are going to be at risk.
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so i stand today to offer this amendment because i know it's the right thing to do, i know it creates a partnership, a true partnership between the federal, the state and the local agencies. it is critical, it is vital to our local law enforcement communities to have access to these grants, to be a part of the national efforts, to night not only local crime but -- to fight not only local crime it's but those crimes across state borders and international crimes are something we also get involved in. so thank you for the opportunity to speak and i yield back. . the chair: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from virginia rise? mr. wolf: i'm going to accept the amendment. my father was a policeman first. philadelphia policeman. the chair: does the gentleman move to strike the last word in mr. wolf: my father was a policeman. i think mr. reichert makes a very, very powerful case. i have great respect for the law
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enforcement. i just want to put it in context. we are going to accept the amendment, but article 1, section 2 of the constitution requires a census every 10 years. this is one of the few areas where the constitution actually requires this body to do something. frankly this body a lot of times does nothing on this, we are required to do it. this amendment cuts funding for the periodic census. without getting into detail we'll try to work this out when we go to conference. i am sympathetic. we are going to start getting more amendments. cut the census it's not for so many years. cut. then when the time comes. i think mr. reichert makes a powerful case. we do respect the law enforcement. we cannot, we cannot solve the issue of sexual trafficking with just federal officers. we need the sheriffs and police departments. having said all that, there will be some pain we are going to have to work this thing out. but i accept the amendment. yield back.
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the chair: the time of the gentleman has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania rise? mr. fattah: move to strike the words. i also agree with the amendment but i want to yield for a minute to the gentleman from the great state of new jersey. the chair: the jay may not yield blocks of time. -- the gentleman may not yield blocks of time. mr. fattah: let me say i'll ave lou him to move the strike -- allow him to move to strike the word. i support the chairman and accept this amendment. but his warning about census and the need for us not to assume we can walk out with a bill with zero for census and live up to our responsibilities, our constitutional responsibilities, is not an appropriate notion for this congress. i do support this one. i'm going to be opposing many others. thank you. the chair: the gentleman from pennsylvania yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey rise?
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>> madam speaker, i as co-sponsor of this amendment along -- the chair: does the gentleman move to strike the last word? mr. pascrell: move to strike the last word. i want to say to frank wolf, you're a good man. i wish you the best of luck. and you raised the respect of this institution. that's pretty difficult to do nowadays, frank. the wish you the best of luck. i want to thank all of those folks who came aboard. we had this struggle every two or three years. i think it is the responsibility that we in some way support our local communities, our county sheriff's departments. the cops program has been a great success. the two most effective and efficient programs in the congress of the united states are the cops program and the fire act. we know where every dime going. we know how it's spent.
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but we certainly couldn't take it and accept a 61% cut for fiscal year. this is going to allow us, madam speaker, to hire over 11,000 police officers. god knows we need them. when we take our oaths, some of us, we have had some good fortune every two years, god willing, first thing we talk about is defending the united states, defending the constitution, and defending against the attacks on the outside as well as inside. we have an obligation and responsibility. we've taken this very, very seriously. the gentleman from washington and i we are the co-chairs of public safety in the congress. and we work on this all year-round. not just when it comes to budget time. i'm proud to work with the congressman from washington. i'm proud to -- and i thank wholeheartedly the gentleman from virginia and wish him the
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best of luck. and you have made a big difference in this congress, and i mean that sincerely. thank you, madam speaker. i yield back. the chair: the time of the gentleman has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from new york rise? >> madam chair, morph to strike the last word. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for fufe minutes. -- for five minutes. >> thank you, madam chair. first, let me start by thanking my colleague, mr. reichert, and mr. pascrell, for their continued leadership on this issue and specifically joining me on this cops amendment. mr. grim: i'd also like to recognize chairman wolf for all his outstanding service and specifically his work and with the subcommittee for their efforts to fund the critically important programs within this bill while facing very tight -- very tight fiscal environment. i recognize that this is absolutely no easy task. while i agree congress must rein
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in our spending, doing so at the expense of men and women in uniform who risk their lives every single day to protect our communities is simply unacceptable. that is why i'm proud to co-sponsor this bipartisan amendment to replace the drastic cuts to the community oriented policing services hiring program. now, some will argue that the cops program is a bailout to our local governments. the truth is that this funding can only be used to supplement not replace state, local, and other funds used to hire and rehire additional police officers. further, unless an agency can demonstrate severe fiscal distress, cops funding has specific limits based on sworn force strength and service population. let me give you an example. an agency can only request funding to hire or rehire no more than 5% of their sworn
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force strength, and agencies with a service population of a million or more are capped at 25 officers. these limits ensure that the cops program promotes community safety in an efficient and fiscally responsible manner. the reality is that our local and state budgets are also being reduced. and this 60-plus percent reduction to federal cops funding would exacerbate the many dangers police officers face on a daily basis because of low staffing levels. i also support the cops hiring programs incentive to promote veteran hiring by giving additional consideration to agencies that commit to hiring or rehiring at least one military veteran. as of 2013, 336 veterans have been hired with this funding. so considering the good that the cops program has done, and that
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it will continue to do in creating good-paying, career-oriented jobs and enhancing safety in our communities across the nation, i want to urge my colleague to support this amendment. last, in closing, i just want to also family size, we spoke about human trafficking and the horrors entailed there and we need every effort we can to combat that, but i also want to highlight the prescription drug epidemic which plagues my district and many districts throughout this country. if we are going to be able to fight to keep our children safe and keep those from overdosing on these drugs, we are going to need more and more police officers to combat this. i would seriously urge all my colleagues to support this amendment. i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman's time has expired. the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from washington. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no.
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in the opinion of the chair, the aye vs. it. the amendment is agreed to. -- the ayes have it. he amendment is agreed to. for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition? >> i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. kildee of michigan, page 3, line 10, after the dollar amendment insert increased by $8 million. page 63, line 22, after the dollar amount, insert reduced by $10 million. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. mr. kildee: thank you, madam chair. my amendment would ensure that the interagency trade enforcement center under the international trade administration's budget is funded at the president's requested level of $15 million. by moving $10 million from nasa's $4.2 billion exploration fund, which is funded $191 million above the president's
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request. here's the problem. mr. peters and i who offer this amendment represent the state of michigan, but i assume that this problem, the problem of access to markets across the globe for american products, is one that other members in this body experience on a regular basis and hear about all the time. we made disagree, and i suspect that we would disagree on elements of our trade policy and particularly the elements informed that many of the trade agreements of this country enters into with other nations. in fact, there's a debate brewing now over the extent to which we continue to expand those international trade agreements. but the one thing we ought not disagree on is whether or not we enforce the existing structures that are in place. and ensure that american made products have access to markets.
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that should be open to us and under existing agreements would be opened to us if we had the strength and resources to enforce those agreements the way they ought to be enforced. this is having a real effect. i represent michigan, as i said, and the auto sector, particularly, has suffered greatly as a result of trade practices. just recently, matter of fact, the w.t.o. sided with the u.s. in a dispute with china on duties that it imposes on imported american vehicles. uties ranging from 2% to 21.5% affecting 2/3 of the $8.5 billion worth of american vehicles sold into that market. this amendment would ensure that there are adequate resources to ensure that we enforce existing trade policy. american workers and companies are harmed when other countries are allowed to use unfair trade policies unfettered.
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this amendment would ensure that the interagency trade enforcement center had the necessary -- has the necessary resources to go after unfair trade barriers. it sends a strong message to the world that if you violate global trade laws, the rules will be enforced. and that there will be consequences for bad behavior. american workers deserve this. american companies deserve this. we should stand strong. this amendment would make sure that the resources are available to do just that. i yield back. the chair: the time of the gentleman has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from virginia seek recognition? mr. wolf: strike the requisite number of words. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. mr. wolf: i rise in opposition to the amendment. the amendment would take away from nasa's commercial crew program. this is a program that we are aying the russians, putin, who invaded the crimea, we are
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paying putin. this takes away from that, allowing nasa fund fewer development testing ache tifts. it would increase the likeliness that we will have to extend our reliance on russia for access to the space station. the russians have even said we are going to have to use a trampoline to get to the space station. they are going to stop cooperating after 2020. i can say more. i don't think we want to take money from that program. because of that i urge a no vote. i yield back. the chair: the time of the gentleman has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition? mr. fattah: i rise again in opposition to this amendment. not in opposition to the intent -- the chair: move to strike the last word? mr. fattah: strike to strike the last word. i i can't support the offset t comes out of the general exploration account at fasta. but it would have i think put additional strains on programs like commercial crew, commercial
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cargo which are very, very important. not just because we have the -- we have to depend on the russians at the moment to take astronauts to the space station. this was put in place years ago, but given the political circumstances and the chairman's right, that there have been threats to whether or not we would have access to transport. we do have to think about accelerating our commercial crew program. it's been very successful to date in terms of cargo. but we have not utilized the commercial cargo system yet to actually put human beings into lower earth orbit on private space ships or or bital sites. it is a concern now that this
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offset would be used. i think that -- what i would say is i hope the gentleman would consider the fact that we would look at this issue in conference and try to find other ways to do it, but i cannot support this offset. it would not be a responsible thing for us to do give where we are. i yield back the remainder of my time. . the chair: the gentleman's time has expired. the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from michigan. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the noes have it. he amendment is not agreed to.
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the clerk will read. the clerk: page 4, line 1. bureau of industry and security, operations and administration, $103,500,000. the chair: the clerk will suspend. for what purpose does the gentleman from rhode island seek recognition? mr. langevin: i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. langevin of rhode island. page 4, line 21, after the dollar amount insert, reduced by $5 million, increased by $5 million. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. mr. langevin: madam chair, the amendment that i offer today addresses the topic that is of the utmost importance to our national defense and that's cybersecurity. before i go into particulars,
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i'd like to first acknowledge the important work of my colleague, chairman wolf, on this vital issue. and although he's retiring at the end of the year, he has certainly left a legacy of support for cybersecurity funding which he and ranking member fattah have continued in this bill and i thank them both for their important work. madam chair, bad actors in cyberspace are growing in number and sophistication and as policymakers we have an imperative to act in the public interest. when congress came up short in its efforts tone act comprehensive cybersecurity legislation in the 112th congress, the administration rightly acted as best it could to advance the ball on cybersecurity. the president issued an executive order on this topic and among the many things that it did, it charged the national institute of standards and technology with the creation of a framework for cybersecurity
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nd it ensured an open process. engaging all parties from across the spectrum of industry , government and academia. my simple amendment endorses the use of routine department of commerce surveys in order to measure the extent to which businesses have adopted the voluntary cybersecurity framework. in fact, my amendment will ensure that the bureau of industry and securities office of technology evaluation uses its defense production act authority to conduct a survey about use of the framework. while i applaud the president's focus on cybersecurity and the process has been widely regarded as a laudable example of public-private partnership, much more needs to be done and the administration cannot go it alone. it will take congressional action to address issues such as incentives, liability
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protection, information sharing and breach notification. however, while we continue to work toward passage of bipartisan cybersecurity legislation, it's important that we measure how well the framework is faring. our routine commerce department survey, using existing authority under the defense production act, will enable an assessment of the framework's adoption rate, a key component of its effectiveness. information sharing is also an important part of the framework, so the survey will also allow b.i.s. to ask companies what if any information from the government they have used and how they have used it. this brief survey should be designed in a way to minimize the burden on companies, in determining if they're using the framework or information shared from the government does not require an exhaustive survey of their cybersecurity practices. now, the framework is a model for cybersecurity, it doesn't
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demand adherence to a particular set of standards nor does it describe -- per scribe certain activities -- perscribe certain activities. instead it prescribes processes that an entity can adopt to help them decide which standards and risk levels are appropriate for their own situations. i believe in this framework, it's a useful tool for companies to help them navigate new threats in the information age. i know that some of my colleagues feel otherwise. but without higher data, these sentiments will be just that, believes -- beliefs. measuring adoption of the framework is a concrete step that in the -- in the right direction that we can take to help develop our own best practices for what works in the realm of cyberpolicy. so with that, madam chair, we've all heard about major cyberattacks in the news, including the target breach and the hot lead security vulnerability. just this month alone we've seen the department of justice indict chinese soldiers for
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hacks on american companies. we have seen the breach of up to 145 million emails, birth dates and passwords from a major internet commerce site. we've even seen the department of homeland security warned about a successful attack on a public utility that compromised utilities control system network. my amendment will not solve all of these problems at once. but it will help policymakers here and in the administration take effective and informed steps to protect our networks from cyberattacks. so with that let me again congratulate chairman wolf and thank him for his distinguished service to this body. i urge my colleagues to support this amendment and i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from virginia seek recognition? mr. wolf: strike the requisite number of words. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. mr. wolf: the gentleman's absolutely right. i completely agree with him. we will make every effort to make sure this is in there. he's been ahead of almost everybody else here.
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but i accept the amendment, think it's a very good amendment and yield back. the chair: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition? mr. fattah: i rise in support of the amendment also and want to thank the chairman for agreing to accept it -- agreing to accept it. i want to spend a second on this. there's no more important issue facing our country than this question of cybersecurity and chairman wolf has been at the very forefront of this. we've seen the unfortunate circumstance, for instance, with a corporation like target. now, target has invested over $1 billion in revitalizing libraries in our school and country, done a lot of great work. they were victimized by cybercriminals emanating from apparently ukraine and i think that whatever assistance we're providing to the new government there should be contingent on making sure that this
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cyberthreat emanating from ukraine visited upon our companies here should be part of the considerations. but the chairman has also pointed out what has now become obvious, given the d.o.j.'s action that china is also quite act active in this realm -- quite active in this realm. we've seen this problem in places like nige. we can go around the -- nigeria. we can go around the globe. if we're going to protect ourselves we have to take action. i thank the chairman for accepting this amendment. i think this is an appropriate improvement to the base bill and i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman's time has expired. the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from rhode island. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. he amendment is agreed to.
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for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? >> parliamentary inquiry. the chair: the gentleman may state it. >> would a motion be in order to suspend the rules and bring up an amendment that was from the previous section at this time? the chair: the motion to suspend is not recognized in the committee of the whole. >> thank you, madam chair. the chair: the clerk will read. the clerk: page 5, line 10. economic development administration, economic development assistant programs, $210,500,000. the chair: the clerk will suspend. for what purpose does the gentleman from rhode island seek recognition? mr. cicilline: i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: clerkt will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. cicilline of rhode island. page 5, line 17, strike grants and insert grants including
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grants authorized under section 27 of the stevenson-wideler technology innovation act of 1980, 15, united states code, 3722. the chair: for what purpose does the gentleman from virginia seek recognition? mr. wolf: i reserve a point of order on the gentleman's amendment. the chair: point of order is reserved. the gentleman from rhode island is recognized for five minutes. mr. cicilline: thank you, madam chair. i thank and acknowledge the work of chairman wolf and our ranking member fattah for their exhaustive work on this appropriations bill. madam chair in an effort to drive innovation and regional collaboration, the america competes re-authorization act of 2010 established a regional innovation program within the economic development administration. this program is intended to encourage and support the development of regional innovation strategies including regional innovation clusters in science and research. for the past few years the president has consistently
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requested $25 million to fund the regional innovation strategies program and the program has provided $10 million funding in the fiscal year 2014 omnibus appropriation bill passed by this chamber a few months ago. funding for the regional innovation program supports the economic development agency's interagency effort to build regional innovation clusters including the jobs in innovation accelerated challenge and make it in america challenge. this program helps to ensure we build a cohesive, competitive economy by aggregating existing investments in technical assistance for multiple federal agencies to develop a network of interconnected firms and institutions. together this network and other regional stakeholders can use this funding to accelerate job growth, spur business formation and expansion, encourage innovation, invest in work force training and support small business development. for example, the i-16 challenge grants funded within the regional innovation program have already helped universities and research centers across the country
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invest in efforts to scale up groundbreaking ideas. this means providing these innovators with the necessary resources to accelerate commercialization and to attract venture capital for the most promising technologies. to compete in the 21st century and win, america must invest in scaling up promising technology and innovative ideas. in the long-term these ideas will help ensure our nation remains at cutting edge. importantly, investing now will help jump start our competitive advantage in supporting advanced manufacturing. through the regional innovation program, local leaders are empowered to maximize existing assets and are provided resources to ensure that historically under-represented communities, including those hardest hit by unemployment and economic decline, are able to participate in and benefit from a growth in the regional cluster. the regional innovation program has traditionally gotten support from both republicans and democrats. it's a truly bipartisan, evidence-based method for creating jobs. my amendment would not create a
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new program or new authorization, does not increase or decrease funding for a single account in the appropriations bill. instead this amendment simply serves to include the regional innovation program within the bill and bring focus to this vitally important job creating initiative as this appropriation process moves forward. in addition the regional innovation program is consistently been specifically supported and cited with a separate line item in previous senate c.j.s. appropriation committee reports. to close, i strongly believe we must recognize that innovation is critically important to america's ability to compete in the 21st century global economy. supporting the development of regional innovation clusters strengthens our capacity to create and retain new jobs and sustain our economic recovery. the regional innovation program will help federal, state and local entities leverage existing resources, spur regional collaboration and support economic recovery and job creation and high growth industries. i recognize the opportunity to confer with chairman wolf that there's a point of order that's
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been raised on this and i would ask for unanimous consent to withdraw this amendment and look forward to working with the chairman and the committee to see that this program is both re-authorized and funded. the chair: without objection, the amendment is withdrawn. for what purpose does the gentleman from kansas seek recognition? >> i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. pompeo of kansas. page 5, line 17 through 21, after each dollar amount insert redulesed to zero dollars. page 6, line 7, after the dollar amount insert, redulesed to zero dollars. page 100, line 17, after the dollar amount insert, increased by $247,500,000. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. mr. pompeo: thank you, madam chairwoman. today i rise to ask my fellow members of congress to take one small step towards fiscal
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sanity. chairman wolf's done very nice work on this bill. but we're all familiar with the way agencies that have outlived their usefulness and no longer can with stand budget scrutiny. in these times, if we don't set priorities, nothing is a priority. and here's one opportunity for all of us to make one tiny step towards getting rid of what is now over $17 trillion in debt. . we often talk on our side of the aisle about how we have a spending problem, here's a chance for all of us on both sides of the aisle to begin to attack that. we have an opportunity. part of the department of commerce was established in 1965 as an element of lyndon johnson's great society. the current administration and to be frank, many administrations, have used this for their own pork barrel projects and their own cookie jar,. the e.d.a. has spent $3.2 billion in


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