tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN May 30, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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action has to be taken. conduct, hehis himself tendered his resignation. he felt that it would be a distraction for him to be an issue remaining as secretary when the focus should be fixing these problems and that's what ultimately the president is focused on. >> u.s. defense officials are now saying that russian troops will be moving away from that ukrainian border. what's the president's reaction to that confrontation from their own defense -- >> well, there continues to be indications of activity on the border including a number of units that have appeared to have been withdrawn and that activity has continued and i would note what you did, statements from the defense department that they have
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increased. we do not have confirmation that this represents a full withdraw yet. we would welcome a full withdraw as we have called for now for some time. the presence of those troops many, many thousands of troops on the border serve to destabilize the situation in ukraine. they were there to intimidate it remains necessary that the full withdraw takes place. that's a positive step. we continue to work with the people of ukraine and the president elect to support them in their endeavors in the future. despite their significant disruptions, the efforts separatists seizing buildings reventing -- >> you have seen me enough
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today. one of jay's favorite lines is i have no personnel announcements at this time. but i do. and it's bittersweet. it involves one of my closest friends here in washington. in april jay came to me in the oval office and said he was thinking about moving on and i was not thrilled to say the least. but jay's had to wrestle with this for quite some time. he's been on my team for day one for two years with the vice president, for the past three and a half years as my press secretary. it has obviously placed a strain on claire his wife and his two wonderful kids, hugo and dela. dela's little league team, by the way, i had a chance to see the other day and she's a fine pitcher. but he wasn't seeing enough of the games. jay was a reporter for 21 years
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before coming to the white house including a stint as moscow bureau chief for "time" magazine during the collapse of the soviet empire. he comes to this place with a reporter's perspective that's why believe it or not he will miss hanging out with all of you including the guys in the front row. >> come on. [laughter] my ay has become one of closest friends and is a great press secretary and a great advisor. he's got good judgment. he's got good temperament and he's got a good heart. i'm going to miss him a lot. i will continue to rely on him as a friend and advisor after he leaves to spend as much of the summer as he can with his
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kids before he decides what's next for him, whatever it is, i know he's going to be outstanding at it. of course, that meant i had to make a decision which is who succeeds jay and we've got enormous talent around here but i've decided that we're going to put in this slot somebody who is also a friend and advisor. so today, the flag jacket is officially passed to a new ernst. on, mr. josh [applause] josh is the coach's son from kansas city. he still works for the royals, i guess. [laughter] as you know his name describes his demeanor. josh is an ernest guy. and you can't find just a nicer
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individual even outside of washington. the country, of course, knows him for his golden voice and dolcett tones on "west wing" week the biggest viral internet hit since "between two ferns" but we have an incredible history going all the way to the iowa caucus. even when he was in that role u find him spending an extra hour or two making phone calls. there was no small detail too unimportant for josh to atepped to. at the white house he's been a mentor to many of the young people here who i know are . rilled for him today he is of sound judgment and
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great temperament. he is honest and full of integrity. i'm sure at some point you will get frustrated with him as well because it's going to be hard because he's a straight shooter and a great guy. so my request is that be nice and y on his farewell tour be nice to josh during his initiation which will last maybe two days or perhaps who questions. we're going to let him hang around a little bit to milk it for all itself worth. thank you. thank you. [applause] >> yeah. any questions? [laughter] >> we haven't got a date set. part of his pen innocence or
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initiation is that josh will go to europe in my stead. thank you, sir. which will alow me a little time when the boss is gone. but i'm looking at mid june, you know second or third week around then. >> what are you going do? are you going to join any bands or anything? my son's -- manage bands which is on the verge of taking off. i haven't made any decisions yet. i've managed over the past months to have some conversations about what my future might look like and i'm excited by some of the possibilities. but i'm sure, you know, you guys will be among the first to know once i've decided what i'm going to do. you know, i will -- before -- i'm happy to talk about myself, of course. but i will -- i will -- this is not my last briefing and i will probably have a few more polished things to say at some
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point before i go. but i off-the-cuff i obviously want to thank the president, the vice president first lady and dr. biden, the chiefs of staff i have had the privilege o work with including dennis mcdhunna and everyone here. but there will be another time for more of that. but it's been an amazing experience, just so fulfilling and i said as we surprised some folks in here and the minutes -- -- in the minutes that i came out that probably the best part of it is that in mid life you don't often make a whole new set of friends and not just friends but people you would fight by and for under any circumstance and that's certainly what i have been lucky enough to get these past
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five and a half years. so it's been a privilege and it continues to be a privilege and every day in here with you has been a privilege -- >> every day? >> people more often than not say so me you have the hardest job or you have the hardest job. and i'm not saying it's easy every day but i love it. it's an important interaction that takes place here. it's not always pretty. it could certainly be better. but to be a part of it is an honor and a joy for me. so and no matter how tough the briefing is i walk out of here having been glad to stand here. so, with that, like i said i'll take more questions and talk about me. i can also take questions on other subjects if you so desire. can assure you that the --
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that my family having won me back would not be happy with that outcome. so i am not -- >> i would not anticipate that. anybody else? april? >> yes, ma'am. >> jay, since you've been here [indiscernible] and then over there and then over here in the administrative -- what have you learned and what could you tell us to be able to better work with you as we continue our job? i don't think i want everybody sit here and ear me opine or -- on this subject at length now. but i'm sure we'll be seeing each other both in this room and elsewhere in the next
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couple of weeks and beyond and i'll have a few things to say about how i view this job and and the interaction that takes place in here and just around this building and this town and hopefully some of the things i say will resonate somewhere. but, i don't think today's the day. i think today i want to just focus on how pleased i am that josh is going to succeed me and how very honored i feel still to have had this job. jim? >> first of all, congratulations. i can ask you about something that secretary shinseki said in his speech earlier this morning. he said he was too trusting of some and some reports have been misleading with regard to patient wait times. doesn't that suggest that the president needs to do more than just accept the resignation of
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the secretary of the v.a.? perhaps there are other top level officials that need to o, people inside these various facilities that a cleaning house might be in order? >> jim, i think that secretary shinseki himself announced today a process that he was initiating that he's going to e dealing with directly, specific individuals will be holding accountable specific individuals. i mean, i think what you heard the president say was pretty clear. here there is misconduct there ought to be pull. there is an active investigation underway by the independent i.g. and there's a review that's not yet complete that secretary shinseki initiated and the broader review that rob neighbors is
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conducting. i know the president believes that holding people accountable is important. and he expects that to take place. it is taking place. he also believes that the first nd most important mission, both that the v.a. and he as president of the administration is to insure that the primary focus remains on providing benefits to our veterans and for the sake of that to fixing problems that have delayed the provision of those benefits to our veterans. shinseki secretary said i think included actions that he initiated when it comes to personnel. i wouldn't, you know, suggest that that activity is over. i wouldn't know there are active investigations going on.
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so the focus still has to be primarily on making sure that we're getting the services with need and in the long-term the services we need to make the system work better. >> but does the president need -- does the president believe that there needs be a cleaning of the house there? >> well, i guess the cliche that i'm just saying that the -- that i i that relates to specific individuals and actions that they may or may not have been taken. where secretary shinseki at a needed to bick taken was taken. he suck mitted his resignation, the president accepted it. the president expects the i.g.
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investigation to continue, the review to continue and for any misconduct to be met with onsequences. as the v.a. provides services to our veterans. >> was it just the president and the secretary in this room? or was rob neighbors in that room? >> yeah, rob was in the meeting as well. i'll see if we can get a manifest -- i know the president met with -- [laughter] >> i'm not holding back, jim, i promise. it's not my last briefing. but i just confessed i'm not sure. rob was in the room.
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shinseki may have been in the room. i'm not sure. i know the president said to you that he met after that with the new acting director who is the deputy director. -- i'm sorry the deputy secretary and the acting secretary. i don't know if that was all at the same time. i may go off topic because i don't believe we asked you about what happened in santa barbara last weekend. i'm sure you've seen the comments that richard martinez one of the fathers of the victim in that rampage that he has made publically, he has said that he does not care about members of congress calling in to offer condolences. he doesn't care for their sympathy. get to work to do something. i'll tell the president the same thing if he calls me. getting a call from a politician doesn't impress me. does the president have a message to the families out there? does he plan on visiting with the families? this is another mass shooting
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-- >> sure. orrific, heartbreaking incident. and another in a series of horrific heartbreaking incidents and the thoughts and prayers of the president and the first lady and everyone here are with the families of those who were killed or wounded. obviously what happened in santa barbara or outside santa barbara is under investigation and all of the elements of it remain under investigation. as a broader matter you know the president's view. there are things that we can and should do as a nation to reduce gun violence. there are things that congress can and should do fully consistent with the second amendment rights what the president supports. they can help -- that can help reduce gun violence. he was explicitly disappointed
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in the failure of congress to take action on a measure that was entirely consistent with second amendment rights that he supports that would have simply expand background checks and made the system more detailed. ve and on measures that can be taken administratively to help take this challenge. the reason that i pointed out that we need to set aside the specifics of this incident that, you know, we all cknowledge and accept that the actions that we can take administratively and the actions that congress can take will not eliminate all violence or gun violence or any
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necessarily a specific incident that occurred. but they are the right thing to do and they are fully consistent with our second amendment rights. >> jeff, congratulations. >> thank you. >> two questions. when did the white house find out that he was going to resign and did the white house officials put any direct pressure to do so? >> i'm not going to get into any internal back and forth -- obviously we've been paying close to attention to this. e president received preliminary >> to the president and that's when the secretary offered his resignation. >> did he know coming in that that was going to happen? >> i'm going leave it at that. it's obviously something the president feels very strongly about. nd that is the unique business
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of secretary shinseki, not just his resume but his quality as a person. i know the president feels that the actions today reflects that he once again as he has for ars and decades put others ahead of himself, put the mission ahead of his personal situation and the president has a huge reservoir of admiration for mr. shinseki. >> are there limits for existing power plants. we understand that the president will not be involved in the announcement of that. this is the biggest part of his climate action plan that the president announced a year ago. why would he not be involved? >> i've seen some reporting on that that's kind of knuckle headed. he's going to give the weekly address on it. he'll be talking about it in a
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conference call with reporters. this is an e.p.a. rule that the e.p.a. chief will announce. but i don't think -- -- indiscernible snsm indiscernible] >> yes, on monday my trustee advisors tell me. he's proud to own it because he believes that reducing carbon pollution is essential for the health and welfare of our children and for our nation. we believes that we can make ours more energy department as well as address the issue of climate change in a way that enhances economic progress and the quality of the lives of all americans. i think he's getting a weekly address on it and he'll be discussing it in a conference call on monday. >> congratulations.
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ncy pelosi said that she hopes the white house could do this in a speedy fashion. could you talk -- >> let's do that now. [laughter] violate all those principles. >> what kind of committee are you looking for? watchdog, an investigator type, what? >> as the president said it's very important that we move quickly to identify, nominate and get confirmed the new secretary. wouldn't want to restrict the earch by laying out parameters of, you know, what the qualifications of the right personal might look like. i think there are a varietyy of things to go. and hopefully a number of truly
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qualified individual wloss will be interested in being considerate. but beyond that i certainly don't have a list to give. we simply want to move expeditiously. >> we just do not characterize the personnel process. it certainly i have to say a small pleasure that we're able to come today and having run a process and surprise a few people. doesn't happen all the time. chuck? >> the president in explaining the problems of the d.a. steam have found a familiar theme that he did during the -- and he did during the g.a.o. issue and that is a systematic bureaucratic issue. outdated technology in one case. in another case there wasn't enough man power over here. in another case it's middle management not getting the issue to the top. my question is, so essentially when i view reports or stuff gets percolated up, we find out
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that's the reason as far as the president's concern that's the reason? is there a concern that if there was any department that we all spend 10 days scrutinizing and find out that it's just as mismanaged. is he concerned that this issue is identified at the v.a. is system metric around the government. and if that's the case, is it time to follow and try to do something about the management and the government? >> well, i'll say a couple of things. number one, the president does have an initiative 245 he urged congress to work with. but i would urge for you to talk to some folks in congress to take up what are absolutely the right ones. con conflating a couple of things. the challenges that the creation of a wholly new enterprise around the a.c.a.
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and whole new intendity at e issues related to v.a. are not related to the, yeah, development of a new initiative or a new website or they're more about, you know, a problem with capacity and a problem with management. you have a capacity problem where there isn't enough capacity to serve officially the veterans that are seeking benefits. then you have a management product. when the truth about that challenge is not being accurately reported. as it should be. to the findings of a.g. and the secretary whasm is true . when these kinds of things are identified and they are as
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severe as we have learned they are at the v.a., a decisive action needs to be taken. and that is what -- have you seen secretary shinseki initiate it. >> let's talk about the d.a. for a minute. i heard reports going back on this issue of the specific issue of scheduling should have gone back to 2002. he was something sma was brought up and it wasn't working in 20 the 11 and 20: 10. his was not a new problem. this was not a surprise. you have an assistant that's able to find out what's going on in these agencies that he's sort of on top of them saying ey, can you give me a stat something?
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how does that work. > those are spernly good questioning. what an i think that's secretaryy shinseki found today. what he found troubling that dividuals who he defended on --. you're not going to like the v.a. which is providing a service a benefits to americans who earned them in most cases or many cases in the most difficult circumstances. so, look, i think that a lot of this remains under investigation or the subject of inquiry. the fact of the matter is we those a stay focus ond
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veterans who are been i'd fight for who on the list too much are taken care of because as quickly as possible. we have to identify similar chammings and rem midding where they exist and the pro-its of minding wrout is on young. in the i.g. effort in the review calkted by the secretary. >> technology issues and reorganizing government issue. you tell us where does it stand? >> this is an initiative that ou unveiled in 2009. so the -- i don't think it's a surprise for you, you're a veteran here. that you know, trying to change and consolidate changes the way
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reorganize done and structures in the executive branch. congress institutional prg actives as. we look for farter in who is believe that the -- >> i guess we could look back at which. >> question is you don't have system metric individual problems. . the point is that tease pattern that i feel that you see here and the president himself seems toe explain to the president public which is everybody is ooh bureaucratic probable. -- not going to say >> that's a substantial side. >> right. >> happen on your watch and you only follow about the match
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that happened. that's what the president did. that's what secretary shinseki did. i'm sure that and i've seen that some will view problems like this and -- an indictment of more than one entity or one constitution. thes of oriented system that are at the heart of what the v.a. cousin and what the v.a. actually does are pretty. and are different from other department and agencies two. . were quite eating unique. >> but there are other issues. i think that is something that this administration and futured
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a minutes traces will continue to grapple with. because you know, we need to veer fisket systems that provide smooth communication between systems within and other information that needs to be effective ander so that the vernment can be more effective transition. getting tulations on your life back. >> thank you, sir. >> i have one process yes. is it affected immediately -- [laughter] >> the other one. that is a good question. i believe the answer is yes. on this issue of being surprised, how do we changed the letter of the over a year
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ago 20123 and he sent this letter, did not get a response. it was only public relief effort. it wasn't like one of these. om the charmente of the -- charty of the season. months r patients for have tried to compel v.a. letters to take steps by holdingment the imemployees and know a lot of the people get with their responsibility oaf over this stephen. knox the. did it never get to the president? >> large response.
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-- some of the charges made in that letter i'm not familiar with or do not know where they've been born out as true. i'm sure they're under investigation if they were late to the shishes -- issues they're looking at. so i didn't want to prejudge d outcome of that investigation. john, look, there's no question hat the, you know, what with -- we are seeing in some of our v.a. estimates are un acceptable. do the .a. needs to best job possible on the half our veterans to insure that these kinds of things aren't happening because they are the service and the effectiveness of the benefits that are provided for our benefits.
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that's intolerable in the president's view. i can't respond about allegations of what may or may not happen. we know from the i.g. is what he's identified thus far in the investigation and what the ecretary has identified. i'm sure there will be more that have been reported had those inquires come to a conclusion and there will be things that will need to be handled and responded to. more people needed to be held responsible. we can't know that until we see the end of the investigation. >> this is an issue that he was passionate about as a president as a presidential candidate. is he concern with the breakdown of communication at the white house? does it -- having something like this of this magnitude go
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on for so long and not to be aware of it. there seems be a failure not just there but at the white house here too. >> the chief executive should -- took responsibility for everything that happens in his administration and pledges to hold accountable for those who are responsible for any misconduct. that's the way we should be. the fact is the president has been as you said since he was a senator and a candidate for this office. focused on and committed to providing better service to our veterans. and he has done that and i the record in discussing the opportunities and the record in vastly nying veterans coming out of
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iraq or afghanistan commitment, that demonstrates shinseki's commitment. that doesn't mean that anything of what we found out about the issue of waiting ist and misleading reports about getting service is reportly acceptable, it's not. the challenges of services our benefits pose are significant. we have a huge increase because of the 9/11 generation and the number of veterans who are seeking service and benefits and who are seeking, you know, the kind of specialized medical attention that comes from seen been -- having contact and having been wounded
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in combat. the v.a. and the medical facilities societied with it as veterans will tell you provide unique and uniquely high quality services to veterans who are in need of it because of their experiences in war and after war. so that's why it's so important the v.a. ngthen to insure that we're rooting t misconduct, making it more efficient, providing more resources where necessary americans deserve the best. where they are not been getting the best, that has to be fixed. >> just one more question. secretary shinseki in private
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conversations yesterday was making it clear that he did not intend to resign. so my question to you is you are not as i hear your answer to jim, you are not -- it's up to you. you are not denying that somebody at the white house told him to do what he did or strongly encouraged him -- >> i'm not going to get in communications of the white house and other agencies. i will report that anonymous reporting is inaccurate. that happens sometimes. >> is it or is it not? >> i'm not going to comment -- but you saying that third hand is that he said other people -- >> i think he can speak for himself. i'm not going to comment about, you know, the communications that they place wean the chouse and the took questions often
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the issue today. this is at some point probably very soon are going to require environmentment. . oh, inkeed. already there are some. .> you mean legislative does the president anticipate this going easily or -- or is he expecting this to be sort of problematic. >> you knee mean trying to get lugs passed. or to -- the standard legislation which is in conflict with house legislation. is there a sense that getting less, the v.a. needs to fix itself. -- will be easy or not easy. >> we would never predict easy. but i think there is general
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bipartisan for denise to do right for our veterans. and the president certainly hopes and expects that that will -- that sentiment will prevail going forward. cl it's taking actions along e lines of what sefrpblt shinseki ro. or taking action. once the specific needs are identified to make sure that we are able to search resources. you know, this is -- this is the kind of thing that could bring it together here in washington. we could bring democrats an republicans together in support of our veterans. we'll obviously have to see him. e'll have to see what what the , what the requests are. is there any imagine of the
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double. e have increased finding for v.a. that the president's been in office at his regget. s > what some of the earlier reveal some of the reporting from the media reveals. is that some of the issues were . problems with, you know, inefficient resources and that needs to be furthering studying. we hope to work together with those plobs to those problems. isn't there a can. . i lived in paris next week,
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you can practice? >> no. president speaks to president their y candidly discuss disagreements. i think our european partners have been quick about the fact to share our view when it comes to russia's actions and ukraine s a legal attempt to annex kre numeya. poornt, yeah -- that russian leaders understand selled by the view
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states. i'm sorry, fake. the secretary general informed the second secure council will not meet the deadline for meeving 28% of the kem cam weapons stop spiles. assuming that it is too dangerous to do that through certain rues. especial that as aly jet mick. what does thisent do do to see if that deadline was implied but wasn't scheduleder that you have noticed that the secretary general will not be me. june 30th was a target date for the total of knees. the internal committeity will abide it itself obligations nder resolution 21-18.
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from the beginning we have ressed the assad regime. adds a result of its own inl action. than it is today. the u.s. and our partners remain ready for if tast couple of months. we also call on the other side we are eject that continuing to press on this and fully expect the assad regime d its sponsor in russian roughly eight% of chemical weapons and. >> i heard you say it could
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have been done earlier. we didn't get a chance to ask you question about how the economy contracted. obviously he was looked at and said he was a huge mart of my ife. it can fall into a bad month scenario. >> i will probably bore you down by reading from the statement of the chairman of the capital's economic advicors. he noticed that as you just did . e notable, i said in ut him in a historically severe. the report also show as positive impact of the implementation of the afford nl care about. oday will help strengthen your
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committee. the president will do everything he can. they would push for accepts that would access brate it. and key e said, tchs -- were to eses conducted on the long-term and we're to conducted on sustained growth and sustained job creation, accelerated growth and accelerated job creation that's why the president continues to to does on what we can do to make the couple -- continues to focus on what we can do to grow the economy. we are at the new york bridge and that's the indication of infrastructure that goes a long way towards providing good jobs today and enhancing our economy
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productity in the fruche. you will continue to hear the -- productivity in the future. you will continue to hear him to take action that he can do on his own towards expanding growth, rewarding hard work and continuing the many, many months now of private sector job creation. >> sticking together the president's comments and yours, and thised a mintstration for whatever reason did not priortize this as it did the g.i. bill wrestling with thisish -- this issue of wait times because there were 2,014. so it's not as though no one was aware. is it a fair assessment and does the president regrets that? >> the president is committed taking all the action we can
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to insure that the veterans we have in the country are getting the services benefits they earned as your question notes we have made progress in some key areas as the statement by the president and the questions he answered today reflects and the -- some of the things that have happened over the past days and weeks bare out more work needs to be done. and that's what he is committed o doing. >> will he ask something from rob neighbors on a monthly basis? >> he did when was the most decision. is he going to ably that kind of metric going forward to these particular issues?
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when you say the particular issue obviously there are matters that are under investigation and under review. you need vidence of to hold people accountable. >> and president shinseki has initiated that process. and the investigational review continues. there are actions that we can take now prior to the submission of the file report from the i.g. or the review address secretary to the wait issue and the veterans who have been poorly served because of it right away. and he absolutely will be expecting immediate action on that. and regular progress on that.
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we also have to find a new secretary for the department and he'll be actively engaged n that effort. >> there are some practical suggestions that have been hanging out there with the v.a. vouch tore the private health care. can you -- the president did mention it. i just wondering with those suggestions that are out there, how will those be addressed by the president? >> broader policy reforms. i think, you know, we're eager to hear ideas and -- and leadership at v.a. will -- and legislative teams will look at those. i think that i would refer to e v.s.o.'s and the seeming enthusiasm that folks have for private tiesing the v.a., there
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are folks who know this issue best and i will refer to them. i noted that veterans despite what we have learned and despite the other challenges that the v.a. has faced overwhelmingly say that they are satisfied with the care that they received through the v.a. and in some cases that is because of the unique care that they can provide at these medical centers which is very specific to the needs that veterans have especially veterans returning from combat. and that's very important thing to report when we talkability how do we best service our veterans. but, you know, i haven't -- i'm no in a position to evaluate specific ideas for changes or reforms. the president did support what the secretary initiated earlier. when they were look at these
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specific veterans who have been on waiting lists too long getting it to go quickly and tackle the issue directing them to private or not private of that care. but think that is a tactical solution to the immediate challenge where broader issues are being evaluated. >> one or topic and that's with hillary clinton and a potential presidential run. and there are people in this room that would love to see her on that schedule -- since you are leaving and josh is going o this in a defensive way, thanking god -- [laughter] what is your thought about the kind of having that high level -- >> i think -- look, i think
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it's alva liquid question. -- a valid questions and this was a lunch between friends that arose pretty late in the process here. it wasn't something planned very far in advanced. and that explains partly why i wasn't on this public schedule. but as a broader matter, i get the interest, but it simply can't be the case that a president can't have a lunch or a meeting if not on his public schedule just because the fact that it might be of interest. i had an e-mail exchange of a female reporter and the reason why this one should have been reported is because secretary clinton and and the pulse that you read is the next contender for being president. is that news worthy? i think the standard has to be
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question never -- i always compare our public schedule -- we endeavor to put as much as we can with as much as we feel is appropriate of the p's schedule out publically but not every meeting and not every lunch is going to be on that schedule. and again, this was kind of a specific circumstance and how it came together and the lateness of the lunch and it reflects the fact that the president worked very closely with for four years and who was very close to. it was an informal lunch. it wasn't like an official thing. it was just lunch. so -- so there's that. i'm not dismissive of the idea that it would be of interest to you. ut i think this that it's -- it's also the case that there is this sort of, you know, you can reduce this all the way to infinity and simply say that, you know, everything the president does and -- that
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everything should be tarns parent in public. i think that sounds great and ideal but that would render a president incapable of functioning. >> do you promise to that do that? the tarns parent si of the white house? >> i think this white house is more tarns parent with more information provided more about the visitor who is come to the white house more on the president's schedule than any of the president's predecessors. every meeting and phone call he made would be publically previewed because a president couldn't effectively function that way. again, we're having this discussion around something that was just a friendly and formal lunch and the interest has driven in part by washington's constant focus on the one thing that matters most which is the next presidential election. >> you're suggesting that you
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are -- [indiscernible] >> off the schedule. >> off the public schedule, it was with his interest in mind? wasn't -- saying it i'm not going to get into the internal discussions. >> based on that discussion that doesn't square because it wasn't on the schedule. that's what you're saying. >> i'm saying that not every meeting the president has or every phone call he has is on the public schedule. it has never been the case. and i promise i'll -- i promise that there will never be a president who is able to do that because it just wouldn't be -- it wouldn't be what allowed him or her to be effective in his or her job. -- n, -- you're
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>> you're not saying why she was off the schedule. she was on the schedule last year. >> and i'm saying that this was something that arose -- you know, presidents it's hard but they can have like a last minute decision to have lunch with somebody just like you and me that that was part of the reason blind it., i'm sure -- behind i'm sure you guys will read it. i get it. i'm just saying i don't have short of going back in time and, you know, putting it on the schedule. so you guys get super excited about it. i can't -- i can't -- i can't rectify what you seem to want rectify. what i can address is a broader issue of the public schedule, the need for any president. it was certainly true in the
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past and will i submit be true in the future to have some meetings and lunches that are private. that says s not to say that this one kneed to be. it came late. it was a late -- an item added very late to his schedule. i'm just making a broader point. you guys -- >> can you make it up to us by telling us what was said at the meeting? [laughter] did they discuss politics? >> i don't have -- >> i don't have a read out of the meeting for you, mark. and i wouldn't have had one even if we were on the public schedule. >> you can watch the rest of c-span. fing online at org. next, president o bamo on the celining president shinseki.
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e'll be taking comments on the resignation. today, president obama announced that eric shinseki had resigned. the v.a. and the secretary had been under pressure after reporting that veterans have ed bait waiting for doctor's points. secretary shinseki had been in that position for five years. the president spoke for about 0 minutes. >> good morning, everybody. a few minutes ago secretary shinseki and rob neighbors who i tempry assigned to work with e v.a. and what they found was the misconduct has not been limited to a few v.a. estimates but many across the country.
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certainly unacceptable. our veterans deserve the best. they've earned i. last week i said that if we found misconduct it would be punished and i meant it. secretary shinseki he has ordered the va to personally contact any veteran waiting to get the care they need and the care they deserve. some of you also heard rick take a truly remarkable action. in public remarks he took responsibility for the conduct of those facilities and apologized to his fellow veterans and to the american people. a few minutes ago secretary shinseki offered me his own resignation. with conside
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