tv Washington Journal CSPAN June 1, 2014 7:00am-10:01am EDT
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reporter looks at the climate initiative that will be announced on monday. and we will take your calls and you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. "washington journal" is next. >> as commander in chief i am proud of the service members. as usual they performed with extraordinary courage and professionalism and they made their nation proud. host: good morning. the president made his comments last night in the rose garden of the white house. today sergeant byrd all is in recovering. his releases sparking a new debate with members of congress over whether we negotiated with terrorists to ensure his
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release. it is the start of a new week and a new month on this june 1. we will begin with the latest developments of the last 24 hours. our phone lines are open. ,his is the line for republican -- if aren't independent you are an independent -- you can also send us a tweet or join us on facebook. our e-mail address is with the l.a. times. we will go to the home state newspapers in idaho. and from the idaho state journal, this picture from the print if there are
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some new details we found online with exactly what happened yesterday morning. sergeant bergdahl was picked up at the afghanistan border. as you try to communicate with his rescuers over the roar of the rotors, he sprawled f f on a paper plate, asking if his rescuers were special forces. yes, one of the men shouted. his parents, who lobbied continuously for his release, says he faces an arduous recovery. if his sonlear
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can even speak english, according to his father. your is more from the president yesterday at the white house. [video clip] >> i am grateful for the tireless work of our diplomats and the quad operation of the government of qatar -- and the cooperation of the government of qatar. earlier this week i was able to personally thank the emir of qatar for his leadership. the united states is transferring five detainees from the prison in bill guantanamo they -- from the prison in guantánamo bay to guitar. -- two qatar. to thank the efforts of the afghan government. going forward the united states will continue to support a process of reconciliation, which
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could help secure a hard-earned peace in a sovereign and unified afghanistan. week, we earlier this are committed to winding down the war in afghanistan and we are committed to closing gitmo. we also have an ironclad commitment to bring our prisoners of war home. it is our obligation within our military. today it has been a promise we have been able to keep. the president announcing the special release of sergeant bo bergdahl. the new york times points out --
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that is the front page of the new york times. we will show you what senate republicans are saying about all this. jerryg us on the phone is from columbus, ohio. i am an 85-year-old korean war veteran. i want to go back to the pirates in tripoli. and made deals with them, they made trades. what is new? anything this guy does they are going to jump on it. don't forget there were 15 republicans having a state 2009 at wereuary determined to fight against anything this president does.
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a lot of people forget that. that includes mcconnell from kentucky and boehner and the others. none of them have ever served in the military and they don't know hostages. with educate them, steve. show them some history. thanks a lot, steve. and have a wonderful day. host: thank you for the call. more reaction to the release of sergeant bergdahl. this is from the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, who issued this statement -- more reaction from senate republicans, including john mccain, republican of arizona. he says --
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that statement from senator john mccain. paul is joining us on the republican line. caller: i am a little appalled. the fact that the president walked out hugging mrs. bergdahl like it was his ride and he put the husbandetween and wife, it is very bad mannerism. scene, it looks like the president was more concerned about hugging and kissing rather than informing us that sergeant bergdahl has psychological
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damage and that our government will do everything in the v.a. to help him heal. instead the family has to inform has been severe psychological damage from torture. this president is a very disrespectful to the american people and to the values. host: thanks for the call. if you are an independent, the number to call is -- we are getting your reaction to those five taliban detainees who are now in qatar. they were exchanged for the release of sergeant bergdahl. from "the wall street journal" better -- on
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saturday -- "mr. obama recognized our obligation to protect the men and women who serve our nation." that echoed chuck hagel's statement. "his release is a powerful reminder of the service and our enduring nation." carol --his tweet from this is front page of "the taliban --post," as as the u.s. swaps five taliban detainees for a captive soldier. the parents of sergeant bergdahl also spoke to reporters briefly, indicating they are not sure of his son to him after being held
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captive, is still able to speak english. here's the father of sergeant bergdahl. [video clip] >> i want to say thank you to everyone who supported bowe. -- tol continue to save stay strong while he recovers. bowe,would like to say to who is having trouble speaking english [speaking foreign language]. , bowe.ur fahtether the complicated nature of this recovery will never be comprehended. to each and everyone who affected this in this country
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come at the state department, throughout the whole of american in international governments around the world, thank you so much. we can't communicate the words this morning when we heard from the president. host: the father of sergeant bowe for doll. the announcement coming after 6:00 eastern time. this is a photograph from inside "the new york times." he made a handful of videos, including this one from 2009. we will come back to that in just a moment.
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we'll take you to the new york daily news. the headline is -- to mavis joining us next from fort lauderdale, florida. caller: and my on? on?m i you made a statement from john mccain who wants to be d -- who wants begin to the detainees never gets back on the battlefield. he doesn't want anything to come to an end.
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if you want to be so assured that these men will never get let to the battlefield, them stay at his house so he will be able to keep an eye on them 24 hours. if he wants that assurance -- nobody can assure him 100%. if they come to his house he knows exactly where they are. host: one of our viewers saying that since the telegram is looking for opportunities to take u.s. hostages -- buzz from carlisle, pennsylvania on the republican line. caller: good morning. i can't believe the arrogance of our president to think we are this stupid. couldy this has been done have been done anytime in the past four or five years. the fact he did it now, it is , getting ourlitics
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mind off the v.a. scandal. it is amazing he thinks we are that dumb. host: we now go to seven valleys, pennsylvania. good morning. i don't know why you have these crazy people called in on the phone. our president is doing the best he can. he did not start this war. sent our boys to fight for oil and a lot of them died to come back in body bags and boxes. president obama is doing an excellent job. i am so sick and tired of these people calling up, talking against our president when our president did not start a war. i am so happy this man is back with his family. host: another viewers saying --
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this photograph from sergeant bergdahl, dated december 2010 and this video from 2009. [video clip] you have the power to make our government bring them home. so we canng us home and notwhere we belong over here wasting our time and lifeives and our precious that we could be using back in our own country. please bring us home. the american people have that power.
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committee and the chair of the armed services committee. the full statement is available on a number of new sites. next is many joining us from randallstown, maryland on the republican line. caller: [indiscernible] i am a republican and a very very ashamed of how the party -- mccain has always been against the government of obama. own is back home. we should be celebrating.
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host: the ribbons, which have been synonymous since the 1970's . this is a scene outside of his home in idaho. newspapers have a related story, saying -- "it also immediately sparked controversy. the obama administration failed to notify congress 30 days in advance. and there are nagging questions about the circumstances of bergdahl's captivity, how he came to leave his base in afghanistan was never clear.
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some suggested he should be treated as a deserter, not a captive." next call is from illinois on the democrats line. welcome to the program. caller: i have been distressed by some of the callers. it is great to have this young man back home. whether he walked away unexpectedly or he was confused or he was captured, it is good to have this young man home. i would like to see a lot of these republicans that are speaking out against this transaction. speak to his parents, speak to the people who are going to be happy to see him come home. who misseds family him for six years. traditionng-standing to not leave your man on the
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field. there are people who died in benghazi, people who died in iraq. a lot of people who died in iraq -- you have one guy coming home alive. that is really good. host: thank you for the call. there is this from mike -- this is from secretary of state john kerry, who issued a statement yesterday on the release of sergeant bergdahl. he says --
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"as he looked the future in afghanistan, the united states will continue to support steps that improve the climate for --versations between afghan closed quote --" robert is on the line. myler: i wanted to extend gratitude to the state department and the military for bringing sergeant bergdahl home. i think that is a most wonderful thing that has happened. prayers go to the bergdahl family at this time for his recovery as he enters a new phase of his life.
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but i have a couple of comments here. i cannot understand the cynicism on the republican side and i agree with the lady from maryland that their cynicism is absolutely disgusting and shameful. go back and need to see this matter from the side of the bergdahl family. much more sympathy and support for them instead of their cynicism. thank you and enjoy your program very much. host: from inside "the ," photographs of sergeant bergdahl, including a number of web videos that are available online. we hear from david from iowa on the republican line. like to say i am
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very happy for the return of the soldier and i am sure his family is very much in appreciation of it. however i am very concerned about the transaction that took place. i am afraid that it sets us up for a very slippery slope in the future. things just like to say must have really worked differently with the situation versus the benghazi situation. it must be day and night difference. " edwin has this point -- host: edwin has this point on our twitter page. this photograph from inside "the " showing thest president is hugging the family of sergeant bergdahl.
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the headline -- "before the current law was enacted, the conditions were more stringent. however the administration has pressed for them to be loosened in part to give them more flexibility to negotiate the bergdahl released. telling official reporters that the law was not followed did when he signed the law last year depression and -- not followed. when he signed the law the president --
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as commander-in-chief he could override it. from floridang us on the democrats line. caller: i want to say my heart grieves for that family this morning. i hate to talk about the other party, but the evilness that comes out of this is totally unwarranted. let him finish out his term in 2016. we can get a candidate back into the white house. talking about president obama hugging and kissing his mom, come on. let's celebrate with this family that he did not come home in a body bag.
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thank god that he is alive and this government did something to bring one of our true heroes home. host: if you are interested in looking at a photograph of those taliban members in qatar, you can check it out online. here is a picture of those five. listen to joe from new york on the independent line. news isthe good sergeant bergdahl is coming home. the bad news is he will probably be put into the v.a. system and be put on a waiting list to get medical care. god bless america. host: kathy is next in montgomery, texas. happy he is home. how it was done is wrong. the president made a mistake. you cannot deal with terrorism.
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let the they going to sergeant from california, he was taken by the mexican government and they would not take him -- they would not ring him home. when will john kerry do something about that guy? host: from arizona, we will go next to peter. good morning. welcome home to sergeant bergdahl. i am glad he is going to be coming home. hearing what you read earlier regarding mccain's mccains -- senator should be ashamed. he used to be a pow himself. [indiscernible]
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being a constituent of his i am really ashamed of the senator. mccain should be out of office. he has been there too long. a coffee shop in oda -- in idaho has been one of the areas for leaders and community members to gather. let me read to you in case you missed it earlier, from senator john mccain --
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that statement from senator john mccain. lara is joining us from florida on the independent line. caller: i am so happy he is coming home. every american should be rejoicing that this man is not coming home in a body bag. note republicans that are rejoicing, they are not americans. i am ashamed of them. we should go through congress? congress can't pass anything. not as long as the republicans are fighting this president to attend nail. god bless america that this man is coming home. they should be ashamed of themselves. host: thank you for the call. gary has this point --
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our next call is joe from south carolina on the independent line. if this happened on the eve of the midterms, i might say that. this notification does bother me a little bit. you and i both know that this did not happen overnight. timehas been taking some to affect. gave all thenees information we could get. officials are not as stupid as you think. justng them locked up aided the cause of terrorists around the world.
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every time you kill one terrorist, five more sign up. get us home, we can do better work at home. like we don't have the resources, money, or time to fight wars overseas. we have to yet good defensive strategies and go from there. we don't have the money to do this. we have to get out of these kinds of wars. .e don't need to be thank you for the call. returns this week with the expectations of approving the next secretary of hhs. obamas new nominee must follow
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the precedent of oregon. action less than that will suggest that the fix is in. there is a state-by-state breakdown of the ample mentation -- affordable care act. profiledy standard has these jihadist. there are good reasons to believe why the taliban has long wanted these five freed from gitmo. top commanders in u.s. custody and are still revered. the five have been wanted for the u.n. for war crimes. to thee are high risk u.s. and its allies. he isl go next to edmund. joining us from new york.
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he is him the democrat line. caller: i just want to say thank you for your program and what you do. god bless america. for this sergeant to go home shows the government can work together when they try. this decision, congress would not be able to pass any legislation. we can work together. thank you. host: thank you very much for the call. judy is from north carolina. caller: good morning. observation is i am hearing people say that republicans are outraged by this. i don't believe it's that. i think they are concerned about other issues.
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like the wife of the marine that is being held until after she has her child. i think there are people concerned about that. they are wanting to know why nothing is being done. i am elated that one of our military is coming home. the republican concern is how elated the family and the followers of these terrorists are that they are coming home and what the repercussions will be. host: another viewer is saying this, would they leave him there to be the only pow from bushes for? it is primary a week again this week. a lot of focus is on
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mississippi. he is facing 18 party primary challenge. post has then headline. the republican nominee will face challenger. this is predominantly a red state. next is sarah from a west virginia. she is on the republican line. caller: thank you for taking my call. many body bags must five detainees that got let go. that will be in the future.
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maybe we won't even know. it won't be directly because of those five. i am glad that this soldier is home. there is a little bit of question about how he became a prisoner. was an has said that he active shoulder. he just walked away from his group. i am glad he is home and safe. i hope we don't have more body bags coming home because of the five that got let go. obamaere let go because could not find anybody else to take them. host: as that soldier is released, peter baker will be joining us in a couple of minutes. we will get his reaction to this story.
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the president gave a speech at west point. it was a major foreign-policy speech. the hill is read ported on his announcement as officials will protect the national security. the president said he called to thank officials for their cooperation. the taliban had released the 28-year-old army sergeant. then came reports that the five taliban members were repealed -- release from guantánamo bay. are arguing that he could put more troops in danger. if you're just tuning in, we are focusing on the release of these five taliban detainees. john is in chicago. good morning. lines, if you had two
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you inferred every veteran that calls say who rot to get this guy home. to get this guy home. that guy should be coming home very he is worth 1000 of them. you should've had two lines in every veteran would have the 500,000eek ago, veterans that were in washington dc for moral day, you would've heard it to colorado. or those who fight for it, freedom has a meeting that others will never know. i hope everybody understands that statement. thank you for having this program. host: thank you for adding your voice to our discussion. herald,ge of the miami
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a look at dodging bullets the last eight years with hurricane season. the chicago tribune is looking at the babies of ireland. the front page of the richmond a soldier ish, free from afghanistan. phil is joining us from north dakota on the independent line. caller: good morning. north dakota is in the news. the best state in america is north dakota based on its unemployment rate, median income, property value, it is
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number one on the bottom of the list, new york, connecticut, illinois. i just wanted to pass that along. caller: as far of some of these people who are calling in here, we should understand we are all americans and we care a lot about every american in this country. go, ig these criminals don't think president obama did a good thing. he is here to protect this country thomas not one person or one family. our hearts go out to that family. country,o defend our not one family. millions hundreds of of people who need to be cared for. thank you for your time. host: one of our viewers says on fox lies to lead
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your conversation. it is a right-wing network. losing respect big-time. another issue getting attention is the first ladies effort for school lunch programs. .athleen parker the house and senate continue. here is more from the first lady on this issue. from the frozen tundra deep inside the white house kitchen, richard sermon -- sherman is
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hard at work. this is how champions are made. let's go to our sideline reporter to hear more. >> richard, take these to your final plate. that is the result you are going to get. >> where did you learn how to do i knows question mark >> how important it is for everybody to eat right. whether you are a pro athlete or just a kid at school, you have to put the right fuel in your body in order to perform at your best. >> i couldn't agree more, richard. thank you. are you ready to eat? i am always ready-to-eat. from the let's move
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campaign. this is getting a lot of attention. kathleen parker is writing about the school lunch program and the cost around the country. granting committee is a waiver to those school districts. another moment or two with your phone calls. don from philadelphia, good morning. caller: i just want to say that i believe it is despicable how people are saying that they should let one man go and worry about all the other people. i think it is important that they did let this young man go. he is an american. there are always going to be terrorist. there are still going to be more. thank you for taking my call. our last call is from
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sandra on the independent line. caller: good morning. it is not just president obama. it is everybody. it is a line of people. you cannot make a move in the government without going to this one or that one. wake up. people are freeing a human being. he spoke to different languages or more. he may be working for our government doing something in secret that they won't let you know. you want to believe in something that is wrong. host: thank you for the call.
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this is from the idaho state journal. his parents are speaking to the reporters after the president made the announcement official. this would part of the conversation on the sunday morning programs which you can listen to on c-span radio beginning at noon. the full lineup is a venerable online at we partner with the networks to bring the sunday morning programs on c-span radio. we will turn our attention to the latest developments in the white house and the president fallen -- four and a policy speech at west point. we will also talk about the agenda for the next two and a half years. theill have calls about overhaul of the nation's mental
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health system. you are watching and listening yuriko wegton journal are back in two minute. >> my son was in the hospital. we were waiting to have his open-heart surgery. he had been i noticed with heart defects. part of the waiting for the surgeon to come back from in that was being hospital and realizing all these other families are there. you are in the trenches with them. had been through nine surgeries in nine months. there were various different problems. we were feeling for them. we were in the waiting room every day and walked past them.
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surgery,f paul's maggie's family wasn't there. she had passed away the night before. imagine that they had spent so much time waiting for her to get out of the hospital and she did not make it. we went into surgery that day. it was his first open-heart surgery. as we are sitting in the cardiac that was aare unit, moment in of itself. the nurse comes over and says you have a phone call. they brought me the phone and it was maggie's mom checking on halls surgery. the strength in the grace and the fortitude it took for a mother who had lost her daughter the night before to call and
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check on our child, it was a moment that i will always remember. >> bret bair on his career and his book. it chronicles the life and near death experience of his son paul. washington journal continues. back we want to welcome peter baker. his book is now out in paperback. thanks so much for being with us. your newspaperof is the soldier freed by the taliban and. what happened? host: this is been the last american pow in afghanistan. president obama is trying to turn a page on that war. he went to visit the troops and
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came back to washington and announced he was going to withdraw all troops by the time he leaves office in 2016. finishing up the war in afghanistan means ringing home the last prisoner. he was not going to leave him behind. the trade-off is it required people that you don't want to do business with. five inmates from guantanamo were spent to cutter. the republican say we should not be trading bad guys for us. they could do more damage down the road. a statement from a republican from california. jim and off is the ranking
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member of the senate armed services committee. this is what they had said in a joint statement. the presidenthis, violated law that would require dayso notify congress 30 or explain how the threat has been mitigated. birdoy at the release is a because of the president who chose to nor the law not to mention sound policy to achieve it. host: there is process and there is policy. thing. is one that is probably not the most important thing. guys for there's question mark in the history of war, we have had risen or swaps repeatedly, even during the cold war. the question is, do you
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encourage violence or kidnappings? how big of a battle will he face? guest: at the end of the day, it is a done deal. his poweris it is during wartime and it is substantial. bushw that during the administration. images of him coming home are going to be very compelling and powerful. thee is a great desire on part of that are in zen military people to have one of their own home. host: they pointed to the white house new the president was violating the law and one of the rationales is when he signed tiesinto law, he said this
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the hand of the commander-in-chief and i don't supported. guest: we saw this during the bush administration. law andl sign a lay -- say this unconstitutionally tries to can train the hour of the executive. this is a very explicit manifestation of this idea of presidents are picking and choosing sections of a law that they think are constitutional and ones that they don't. host: the president addressed his foreign policy at west point. i want to go back to wednesday's speech and share with you and the audience part of what the president said to the graduating cadets at west point and his next two and half years in the white house. >> this is my bottom line.
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america must always lead on the world stage. if we don't, no one else will. the military that you have joined in will always be the backbone of that leadership. be they action cannot only or primary component of our leadership in every instance. have the beste hammer does not mean that every problem is a nail. should expect every civilian leader and especially your commander-in-chief to be clear about how that possum -- awesome power should be used. what kind of reaction to
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the president get? guest: not great. it was widely panned by a lot of foreign policy people in washington. they found it wanting. i think the white house said that was ok. these are a bunch of elites and he is in touch with the views of the broader american public that is wary of war and wary of playing a larger role. host: let me tell you what the new york times wrote. the president has been deeply frustrated. and private conversation, he has used a salter variation of the phrase don't do stupid stuff, enforcing ade no-fly zone in syria or
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ukrainianweapons to troops. to a: he has boiled down bumper sticker type slogan. this idea of don't do stupid stuff. the policy of caution and restraint is a reaction to the bush era. is that it does not work out all that well. front page ofthe the washington examiner. how much of this speech was aimed at rand paul? critics on the other side would say this. are two different types of critics he is responding to. rand paul does not like the word isolationist, but he does have a more libertarian kind of view of the world.
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he is responding to him on the one side. lindsay have the graham, john mccain winning that is more hawkish about aggressive foreign-policy. president obama is trying to address those critics as well. he is trying to find a middle ground between those two extremes. int: let me put these events perspective. the wars began in the bush administration. what is your take away? guest: here we are, 13 years later. it is striking that we are still debating and grappling with the issues that had their roots in the bush era. so may things on the front page like the nsa and gathering
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images of people around the world, that has its roots in the bush era. is hugelybate today important. we need to understand where it came from. book one quote from the that is relevant to any president, in the summer of 2008, the thing that pressed -- .urprised him about the that is what obama is experiencing. the idea the presidency is magnified. it is only one part of our government. it is constrained by other factors. each president comes in thinking that they will be the master of the universe. each one discovers how hard it is to push that rock up the
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hill. it might be domestic legislation dilemmas around the world like air of israel he conflicts. peter baker is the white house correspondent for the new york times. we thank you very much for being with us on this sunday. we are going to get to your phone calls in just a moment. the d-day anniversary is friday. a tradition. not go in 1964.
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nixon was dealing with watergate said he did not travel in 1974. guest: you don't appreciate the idea of an anniversary. this was a very bloody day. that was not an appropriate thing to celebrate. he came to believe that it was of honoring heroism. president obama will go in on of those troops. there will be vladimir putin who invited by the french. this with the first time that president obama and food and havebeen in the -- putin been in the same place at the same time. host: this is the g-8 summit. now the g7 summit will be in poland. the president flies out
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monday night. wants to celebrate 25 years of freedom from common-ism in poland. electionspolish and to reassure the polls and the eastern europeans that america will be with them. he will meet with all of the leaders of the baltics. thealso will be there bulimic resident of the ukraine recently elected president of the ukraine. and then he goes to brussels, and was going to be the g-8 meeting, it is now the g7. they have picked out russia for this year. the main topic of
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conversation, they will have to think through what comes next in ukraine. there seems to be something of a pause in the moment. is it premature to think that is pulling back is a turning point in the crisis? he still holds crimea, and does not seem that he will give it up. there is a lot of violence in eastern ukraine that the russians are tied to. and then president obama goes to paris them and will have dinner with russ while hollande francois hollande, the french president. whether they crossed paths on any of these days, i am not sure, but the president of france is trying to become a middle ground between the two.
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i want to share with our audience one quote from a pc uoad -- piece that yo wrote -- guest: this is a neo-containing the kind of policy in the sense they are trying to figure out what happens after this is over. he and putin do not connect, they both personally and politically and geopolitically have written off the idea that they can find any real common ground.
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russians aret, the still cooperating with us on the wrong talks, trying to find a talks, trying to find a way to get them to minimize their nuclear program. on space,ooperate they are the only option for us to get to the iss. the obama industries was to continue that sort of thing, but they are no longer looking at any sort of reset or broader neweration or friendly trade agreements. the rest of those things are gone for the administration. from ohio, a republican line, good morning. i just had a question as am media.e mainstre
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they feel like they are a check on government, that they speak truth to power. i want to know come and your guest opinion, he came up in the nchools of journalism, whe themainstream media became guard dog for democrats is that of the watchdog for the american people. what stories are not being covered that you think should be covered? caller: nothing on benghazi. there's nothing to see a herbal. folks., -- they swaying another, they are not impartial. they have chosen sides. opinion, mccarthy was
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right, they have got a little overzealous in their pursuit of the communists among us, and , nowse of that witchhunt people can just say you're being a mccarthyite. with red of down the fox news channel on his own personal story, but also on his work at fox. that duende program airs tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern. guest: i get a question. we certainly appreciate the concerns. cover a loto of things that would be of concern to the caller.
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lots of stories about benghazi. we do not cover it with the intensity of fox news, and we do not cover with the intensity of msnbc on the other side. take a middle ground approach without taking sides. i understand the people on different sides to not always see it that way. hear from our conservative friends and our liberal friends that we do not cover this or that the way they wish we would. we do try very hard to take a neutral balance, unbiased approach. as no bias, but everyone is human, we are influenced by partisanship and ideology. we do try very hard. aviv, israel, watching us online, go ahead. caller: good morning.
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to comment,d because being here in israel it is so striking for me to your orut the residence what -- me to hear about the prisoner swap. this is an issue that israel has struggled with for veneration, treating terrorist for captive soldiers. most recently in 2011 we traded over 1000 terrorist for one soldier. from my perspective, i feel like obama got a very good deal in a 541 swap, where we have had to trade many more terrorist just to get one soldier. host: do you know the particulars of this deal in terms of these five taliban individuals? how long they will be in custody, and when they will be freed? guest: i do not know all of the details.
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i know that there is a one-year travel ban that has been issued on these five. i have to assume that once they are out of our custody they will be free at one point. these are the first five we have to get a specific soldier back in this way. would we have spent -- when we to butnt people back they sometimes returned to the battlefield, and that is part of the concern. there is a real danger and a real trade-off. and that is what the decision in congress was trying to address. we need to make sure that we feel like are people who will not pose a risk, or who will pose less of a risk than others. experience in instructive, but i do not know - we should judge 541 being a better than aeing
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1000 for one on numerical basis. host: the house is in recess this week, the senate is in session and we will hear from lawmakers on the release of the sergeant. traveling toma is europe, to poland on thursday and normandy on friday. coming up on newsmakers, representative buck mckeon. here is a clip. told the president, it is close to a year ago now that -- he was talking at the time about going into syria. venturet the we should into another war. we came out of a rock, and we did not leave a residual force behind. we lost the opportunities we
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achieved there, and is now as much of a problem as before we went in. in my concern about afghanistan, we have upwards of 30,000 troops there. i know we are on a glide path to bring about by the end of the year, and things look to be progressing there, but at the time when he was talking about going into syria things were not so rosy. just not, would we are cutting a trillion dollars out of our defense we should not be asking them to carry out more missions berever they think would helpful around the world. you cannot cut their ability and keep asked them to do more. with buckconversation mckeon on newsmakers at 10:00 a.m. eastern time. the counterargument from the white house, from secretary kerry, who said that you do not
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ghan the af government a deadline, we will be there forever. he put a timeframe on it, that they did not want. bywants to be out of there the time he leaves office. he wants his legacy to be that i ended two wars, that the united states had been involved in for many years. the war does not end just because we pull out, so the real question is what does happen then? things flare again an. we have no guarantees after we leave, and that is what people are concerned about. host: a tweet -- go to james, in atlanta, georgia, our democrat line. caller: good morning.
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i have two pings to ask you about. the reagan doctrine, about power. lebanon,s in beirut, they were blowing up things. you have to have a willing partner, reagan had irish partners who worked with him. out for budget was put a vote with replicants and democrats -- republicans and democrats, they worked together. when obama came to office you had a group of republicans who opposed everything he did. the simple fact is that these troops, why did you not cover iraq and all of this money they have missing?
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you drop the ball, will you miss that -- will you admit that? guest: i am a little bit confused. i do think the comparison but people have made with president reagan and the speaker tip o'neill during those days is one that we hear a lot. an aidetthews, who was him wrote a book last year. today is certainly a seemingly more polarized moment between obama and speaker boehner. speaker boehner has had a harder time getting that direction, then tip o'neill did when he decided the caucus should go in one direction or another.
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host: let's go back to our earlier point about the speech in west way. you mention the republican critics he is facing. is available online. says, why not let conditions dictate the drawdown? is this how a great nations decide matters of war and peace? one party polished the reputation of one man? marvel at the smallness of it all. guest: i think this idea that the president is not swaggering stage ishe world's trad a common one in washington.
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the president is trying to argue back and say that not everything has to be a male. -- nail. the choice that he set up in the ist point beach -- speech where he basically says that we will not be sending troops all over the world to solve all of our problems. but, they see something in between his policy and that kind noteaction that people do want. they do not feel like he is living up to that, and exercising that leadership. host: do you have any insight into who worked with them on the beach -- with him on that speech? on speeches like this the president tends to dig a draft
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that his staff gives him at really write a lot of it through himself. he cares a lot about the speeches, he wants them to say what he wants them to say. they are not just for always -- throwaways. they are usually a product of his own work as well as people like ben rhodes and his other speechwriters. nytimes.e available at com. show you that as we go to randall, and oakland tennessee. good morning. caller: good morning. he saidin the speech the best hammer but that does not mean that every problem is a nail. what does he mean? we have the best military in the world, but just because
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we do that does not mean we should be sending it all over the world to solve every military problem. i think this is shaped by libya, the notion that americans can go into various places and try to help and find that it is more complicated, more difficult, more problematic than we imagined. ability to shape events outside of our borders is much more limited than we think it is, but because we do have such a great military he's trying to argue for a policy of restraint and a policy that is less reliance on force. host: a comment from another viewer -- items the policy agenda that came from the speech was this partnership on $5 billion. here is more from the president at west point. these resources will give us
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>> ability to fulfill different missions. including training forces in yemen who have gone on the offensive against al qaeda. supporting a national course to keep the peace in somalia. working with european allies to train a functioning security force and border patrol in libya and facilitating french
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operations in mali. host: from was went on $5 billion fund, will congress go along with it? guest: it is hard to know how much of this is genuinely new money, new programming, versus repackaging old things. we have not gotten the details, the explanation of that from the administration. what he is trying to do here is outsourced the war on terror to some extent. we are going to pull back, no stationing hundreds of thousands of troops in iraq and afghanistan, bolster and strengthen the hand of the states in the region, and those around them better facing this diffuse threat from al qaeda affiliates or allies.
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creating a stronger set of allies in that war is the goal. otherwill nato and the european countries go along? guest: they are tired of being asked to do things that are not in their own sphere. if he comes asking for money, they are not willing to pony up. they are eager to begin getting out of it in a stand as well. the house intelligence chairman is also weighing in. here's what he had to say here in washington last wednesday. like you cannot have an executive ranch that globals wolfsthings -- that lone these things. i think it is candidly quite dangerous. because what will happen in the next months? we will go from 30,000 t
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troops two 9800 and nine months. all of the, and energy is going to be on the ground, it is no small undertaking to remove that any troops and equipment, and do it safely. it will consume 90% of their efforts in the next few months. we have a safe haven developing and afghanistan, and this is what happens when there's no interaction and discussion about how something like this would work. mike rogers anticipating what the next few months would look like. sense he is right in the that any time in military. the man is focused on the very complicated logistics and mechanics of making that work. it is not easy. they have a chance in these next few months to play a role beyond what and 9800 is roughly the military was hoping for four llter 2014 so they can sti
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help to shape events, but they are going to take a backseat. the afghans are going to have to move forward in this fight and prove themselves after a dozen years of american training in efforts to build them up. --t: this is from richard guest: nothing good. it was a disaster for the soviet union. they said 15,000 men, and they international pride and stature. it really helped to accelerate the fall of the soviet union, and it really drains that in a us inat vietnam drained terms of lives and treasure as well as international credibility and capacity to influence the rest of the world. woke thatr baker's
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came out last all -- book that came out last fall is in available in paperback this week. caller: good morning. i read the times, and i voted for obama twice. the reason that i called is that , that foron friday the president into office who hope to restore this as a force for good in society, the veterans affairs threatens to undercut his reputation for effectiveness. in light of the benghazi debacle, and syria, where he seems to have a theory of speak hisly carry a little stick,
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response to ukraine, egypt, can you give authority or examples of where he has been effective? -- forthank you or your your call and comments. meant to say this cuts away at the public perceptions of effectiveness like other issues. that is what makes the shinseki thing such a threat to the president because it comes to the conclusion that he is not running government very effectively, and that is a devastating thing for any president. i was not trying to argue he has ever repetition for effectiveness, i was trying to argue that this will weigh at the public perceptions, and that is what they are trying to avoid by getting rid of shinseki early.
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they're trying to get their hands around this problem to avoid that kind of public faith damage. all of this,ing of we have shown the clip of all of 2008 candidate convention. the budget has doubled over the last 8-10 years, and so by all accounts money is not the issue, it is leadership. what happened? guest: president obama mentioned that these are problems that preceded him, and he is now five years in. it is a long-term issue, but having now owned it for the last five years it is hard to argue that you did not have a perception of that and a perception that has not been asked the way it ought to -- fixed the way it ought to. clear we knew that the
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thertment was not working way the veterans are wanted. take the risk to possibility. on whatbe judged happens these next months and years by why he's -- by whether or not he is able to fix it. a new book by hillary clinton. any reaction? ratherthey're having a masterful rollout of this, a huge amount of anticipation for this book. excerptrted with an on how much she loved her mother, and now they are putting out the benghazi chapter because they know there will be interest in that.
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they are trying to use this as a way of dealing with that issue. if she runs for president this will doctor campaign and they want to get her version out. the whole thing comes out on june 10. it will not be a huge memoir as much as it is a campaign argument. host: here are two excerpts related to benghazi -- guest: she is trying to say, to her own supporters and people in
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nothing to see here has been answered. i do not think it will satisfy skeptics or critics on this. i do not think she will be able to win them over on this. this is a touchstone issue that symbolizes the flaws of this , and heration specifically at secretary of state. this is a political liability that needs to be addressed one way or another, and you will see her try to pay that on other aspects of the book that they would prefer to talk about such as her accomplishments as her time at secretary of state. retweeted out the -- there
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was a tweet that talked about the unscheduled lunch that she had with president obama. not always know what is happening at the white house commanded should make white house reporters about our ability -- humble about our ability to know which. this is a fairly significant visitor that a lot of people would have not to of known about. sheoes suggest how much she is a candidate. his degree, if he has a successor who will carry on enhance his legacy by winning the that would be his or were secretary of state, hillary clinton. host: we will be dealing with a new press secretary later this month. what is the back story? jay carney had been there
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for three and a half years as president terry -- press secretary, it is very hard job to hold onto to for a long time. you get enough by the likes of us, i think he does genuinely want to spend more time with his family. i saw him at his daughter's little league game. it was an exciting game. his successor will be josh person, a longtime obama from the early days of the campaign back in 2007. he does not have the same close obama that the first secretary did, but he is seen by the reporters as helpful, friendly, and as trying to respond to our questions and useful way.
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host: norma, from england. like to hear from you. i would just like to put in a question and a comment. when we look at the middle east it is like a tinderbox, and is not just iraq, afghanistan, and is now syria and others. you said the word trade, and that is a word that we hear all the time over here. we're going to train them. i would like to ask the american public how they would feel if we said we would go into your country to train them. in angoing to help them advisory capacity. is something that
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al qaeda could use, like look out they are referring to us, as someone who can be trained. tweet --lowed up by a guest: i think they are not going to have them out in the countryside in a way that he would be exposed to more danger because of fewer numbers. as they shrink the numbers they will shrink the mission. eventually they will be pulling back to the main base north of kabul. they will not be out in the south and east, which has been so dangerous over the years. .orce protection is a big issue
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they will not be so low they cannot protect themselves. thes remarkable how much casualties have fallen over the last year or two for american troops in afghanistan. host: our last call from the democrat line. caller: good morning. think that the president's speech was a great speech. i also want to thank president obama for the release of the sergeant. in response to the previous caller's question about president obama's affect of ms. veryfectiveness, i begins effective in killing osama bin laden. cannot think of anything else, you can say he was effective in doing that. i have a question for mr. baker. when will the press address conferences -- congress's responsibility regarding the v.a. scandal?
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whale they be held accountable for their failure to meet the needs of the veterans and their individual states? guest: we actually had a story about publication today the fact that the congressional whoes are pointing out voted against and for different issues. see howhave to wait and this comes up in the midterm elections in the fall. we have covered that, we will cover it some more. has been president raising a lot of money for congressional campaign, not doing public events at the moment. will we see him publicly campaigning, or will he be behind-the-scenes?
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he will only be in certain places, there are certain places he will be more useful than others. certain candidates will want him to appear, and others will not. for the moment, they do see fundraising as the best ping he can do for the party. he still is the capacity, as any president does, to bring in millions of dollars of that no other figure can do. he has been pretty active in doing that. book is out in paperback this week, and i want to follow-up on one final story that i reread last night, the connection between george w. bush and tricia nixon. guest: isn't it funny? his dad set him up on a date in the whiteer was house. they went out on a date, but it does not sound like it went all
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that well because there was no second date. imagine what would've happened if things had turned out differently. what dickelen knew he grew up -- what vehicle he drove up in. guest: a green gremlin, he did not really impressed them that day. a short dinner, i think he said . it was a setup, not something he was seeking. history takes on turns at different moments. host: thank you for being with us. we will take a short break and when we come back we will turn armitage kids into the very serious issue of mental health, especially in light of the tragedy in santa barbara last weekend. doris fuller will be joining us from the treatment advocacy center.
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you're watching the washington journal, and listening to it on c-span radio. we will be back in a moment. ♪ >> one of the stories that resonated with me was the moment when they are dithering about they need tot inject seawater into unit one. the clock isr of ticking and they are down to the wire. the plant superintendent, who in the end would have to make the final call know they need to get water in there very quickly. everybody wants a say.
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the officials and government officials are all hemming and hawing, and yeshiva gets an order from one of the supervisors that the government has not signed off on this and he has to hold off. but he has already started. hisasically calls one of staff people over and says i am going to give an order but ignore it. proclaims, to halt the seawater injection, when effects they did not. there is a human element in that story we in which japan, where ignoring the rules and acting on your own is not rewarded, here was a moment where a guy knew that if he did not act things would go even worse than they were going. >> more about the tsunami and the resulting meltdown at the
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nuclear power plant tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern. from a policy perspective, the way that they should work, appoint anhould agency that has the authority to manage the spec till resources thehe -- the resources of country so we can manage all of the functions but also drive the spectrum of the needs of the country. 8:00nday night at .astern host: as we focus on america's mental health system will we want to welcome doris fuller.
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thank you for being with us. this headline from usa today, following the shooting that resulted in six that's in santa barbara last weekend. with one fact, back in 1995 we had nearly 8 illion seriously mentally that's.ith 161,000 -- beds. and today we have a greater need a smaller capacity. guest: that is correct. it is actually worse than that. we put out a report that shows that we have about half of what
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is available is reserved for criminals. when we are talking about people -- have not talked about who of not committed a crime, that is about 17,000 beds. we have a loved one new has been hospitalized multiple times with a mental illness. the we found is because of dearth of beds, they were give her for a few days and then be released. she would never be stabilized. we need to do a lot of things to address this problem. we need more beds, more psychiatric crisis centers in this country. we do not do to have a cause bubbles, but we need help and -- hospitals, but we need more beds and more ways to get people into them. one of the stories that
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came out over the weekend, the thatngton post reporting the sheriff department had met with elliott roger the and yet never did a background check that would have determined whether or not he was purchasing weapons. guest: we can say in retrospect that anytime there is a call to check someone's mental condition that there ought to be a check whether to see they purchased weapons. hindsight is always 2020. we wish we would have had hindsight for that one. tim murphy hadat to say about mental health, and what congress and the government need to do. episodesakes these 10 so confounding is that they are entirely preventable.
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states, ellie rodgers family would have been able to ask a court to order an emergency psychiatric evaluation. but in california, the law says they cannot. ae families know that when loved one is that a mental health crisis and their gravelyn is deteriorating, but in some cases they are shut out from being part of the recovery team. americans from the horrifying tragedy in connecticut is that we had that her take off our blinders and let -- deal with such illnesses or we are sure to face the same problems again. is not only what is in a that makes his act violent, but also his mind. host: your reaction to what he had to say? what congress needs to do? guest: congressman tim murphy is of solving these
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problems right now. he has written the most apprehensive piece of federal legislation in half a century. it is not going to solve every problem, but it will solve a lot of problems. aboutin 2012 we spent $230 billion on mental health house hasd the white $147 billion. break that money, where does it go? who gets it? itst: by and large, who gets are people who are well enough to walk into a mental health center and say i need help. most of our federal funds and our federal funds and or state funds are not targeted to this really tiny percentage of the population that is most at risk. they are targeted to everyone else. has beenresident obama
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who areg on those grossly underserved, but these are not focusing on the big problems. civil commitment laws exist all have for arld, they long time. they are the laws that make it possible to order someone into treatment against their will if they are not capable of walking into that mental health center and saying i need treatment. about halfremember the people with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder have a occurring condition that make it impossible for them to realize they are ill. if you do not think you are ill, you will not volunteer for service.
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host: generally speaking, if you suffer a heart attack, if you beat cancer, if you break a leg and the wound heals, you're very open to talking to people about how you were covered in that ethical injury. why is there such a stigma with mental health? guest: there has always been a stigma with mental health. we do not understand it. if you have not seen it firsthand, your impression as in forms like things like the horrible headlines. aboutese headlines are circumstances there are very rare. they are the extreme outliers. what we need to be doing is looking at having a better understanding of our every day severe mental illness and being able to spot it better. how to -- host: how do you treat it?
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guest: mental illness is not a disease like cancer is a disease, like heart disease is a disease. it can be treated with medication at therapy. with psychotic disorders, which are mostly involved in the most episodes,lent medication is always essential. the treatment advocacy center is a center who focuses on those most at risk. we focus on increasing access for those who cannot ask his treatment themselves by reforming the laws, by working emergencyate more facilities for these people. otherwise raise the public awareness about what we need to do to help these people.
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host: people can follow you on treatr, or online at thank you for being with us. , andhone lines are open our twitter feed. here's what greedy had to say the senator had to had t say. we are focused on crisis intervention, what do we do long-term? how do we provide for people long-term? the plan was, and haveoke my heart -- i
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spent the last three years of my worrying about if he would end up homeless or in prison. that does not seem like a bad option now. att we are going to looking makeng-term care, how we sure that people are not released until they are ready to be released. deeds, at was cree state senator and his entire speech from the national press club is available online at aest: tragically, it is microcosm of what is going on in america. fore is not enough beds people in crisis, those who need to be in a hospital because of
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their systems. we start with we do not have a bed. virginia law at that time said if someone was taken to a hospital and psychiatric crisis, they had to be evaluated within four hours, six hours with some allowance. four hours is not very long to find a designated examiner, rolled into the hospital, get the examination done. dying examination was not four hours, you would be cut loose. son, theyiance of his did not get that examination was, so he was let go, he taken home, and the next morning he stabbed his father and killed himself. good morning. thank you for the program this morning.
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i just had two comments. one has to do with a family member who has been diagnosed as bipolar, she has had multiple , extraordinarys experiences in wait times. with one wait times, parent there waiting for admission because there was no one ready to see her. she is occasionally violin, -- violent and verbally abusive. she has been hospitalized multiple times, as i have said, and she might stay there five days and then they release her. severe, event was very and upon release my niece was asking what do i do about her
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violence, and her verbal abuse? and she was told to call the authorities. process of this child being railroaded into the criminal system, and ending up with a life of incarceration. host: where is she at the moment? caller: at home. -- miraculously, she has responded to treatment, and is working. she has a job now. host: how old is she? caller: 16. also, my niece is concerned that is onhe reaches 18, she her own more or less in terms of her own care. she can do whatever she wants. host: your reaction?
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guest: stories like this break my heart, because we get calls like this all the at a and we are looking ythetion where family member no longer has control, they are cut out of the system when they turn 18. party members need to be a of this process, and they are typically not. they are ignored. look at elliot rodger. hehave family members saying is dangerous, he needs help, and it did not produce the and it could have produced their new that is just the tip of the iceberg.
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imagine that your loved one had a heart attack, and you're sitting around wondering where can i get him treated? andhospital will reject him look at him for an hour and then turn him out. there are so many endemic problems in existence over the country. host: his family issued a statement that was read this past week. they described their experiences of hell on our. what can they expect, moving forward, having raised a child that did such a horrific crime? a lot of the families of the masculine is just disappear after that, because their death deaths -- there are threats against them and their younger siblings.
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and some become advocates. a family will go through this and they say this has to stop. host: a twitter question -- guest: that is a really good question. of a perfectt economics,litics, social trends. in the 1950's we had 150,000 psychiatric beds in this country. 300 beds for every hundred people. they were deteriorating, states were worried about the cost of rehabilitating these hospitals. big factors that happened the that in 1963 we had last major mental health bill in
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america passed. it contained some incentives for states to close their psychiatric hospitals. the idea behind it was wonderful, the idea was that we do not want people who are sick housed in these big cold warehouses, let's bring them into the community, let's have small community centers. let's treat them there. the state tos, sell the incentive to close hospitals, they seized on the opportunity to close these facilities, but the community centers were not built. got rid ofdid is we the safety net for people who are most ill, and we did not replace that safety net. the community centers that were built did not treat those people who would had been in hospitals.
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of the federal followed by the medicaid legislation, followed by the states incentives to get rid of these hospital itsel -- hospitals that they would have to repair, we do not want to force people into treatment. part of the whole civil rights movement. some people cannot choose we got ridand so of the bad, and now we are down hadess than 10% of what we at a time when the population has almost doubled. have talked about the potential increase of federal dollars, but here is a break down of states over the past five years.
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by about $5 billion in cuts from 2009-2012. they get closed every day. there are private heads -- beds, are being closed because they are money losers. most of the people who are most , hospitalized multiple times, they do not have jobs, they do not have insurance, they do not have resources, so the, a public responsibility. if you are a for-profit hospital, they come out of your but online -- bottom line. host: a tweet -- guest: it covers mental illness in the sense that it assures
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parity in treatment. we are still waiting to see how that is going to play out. e justinsurer -- we ar waiting to see how it plays out. i am hearing some concerns about it, like we do not have enough psychiatrist in this country. what happens if more people need them? --t: another tweet let's go to calvin from new work on the delaware. , delaware. diagnosedhave been --h a disorder with a bio
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there others in your family who have had mental illness? at your level? caller: yes. and what led your diagnosis? i woke upe day thinking i was osama bin laden, and that the fbi and cia were after me. iran outside half naked, when i woke up, i was laid out in the middle of the street, surrounded by cops. ever since then, my life has .een turned upside down during host: do the question? caller: i have a comment. i see a people's input on the mentally ill, the issue for me and a lot of us is the stigma that society continues to place on us.
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lunaticst all deranged , plotting shooting sprees. what a tragedy happens, it is lamed on a person with mental illness. this is the core, we are continually being perceived as being out of touch with reality. are everydayou, we people dealing with a lot of emotional challenges. it is how we management -- is how we manage them that makes a difference. host: we will get a response, do you feel the treatment you underwent has helped you? caller: i'm stable, i am taking i am stable now. there are some positive things about the mental health care
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system, but there are many breakdowns in my experience. had to be an advocate for myself and others in these hospitals, i saw these failed policies failing us. that has been my history, every time i went in had been an advocate, i have filed grievances because of physical and the meals you'll abuse -- physical and emotional abuse. no one has responded. our request have fallen on deaf ears. you for the, thank call. sharon, your experiences from delaware. first of all, congratulations to calvin for taking care of his own recovery and staying on medication. it makes a huge difference. let's talk about the stigma issue, it is terrible. i have a young adult daughter, i worry about her getting a job job because of her
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psychiatric history. it affects employment, and affect social life. people are sort of like, ew, schizoaffective people -- people are afraid. the number one problem is the association with violence. this is so unfortunate. personal, the vast majority of people with mental illness will never be violence. is notority of violence caused by people with severe mental illness. isever, the fact is -- this one of those uncomfortable truths that a lot of people do not want to talk about. people with untreated mental illness are more likely to be severity is overall three times more violence on a first psychotic break. they are more likely to commit violence than you and i. we have this tiny number love people committing acts of violence, most of them not
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bubble size. the things like elliot roger are the exception. we have a small number of people committing these acts, and they cause the stigma against people who would never commit an act of violence. how we approach that? ae way is we deny there is link between violence and mental illness. we just say, it doesn't exist, you will hear a lot of that after every one of these tragedies. our position at the treatment advocacy center is, this is a treatable disease. people who are treated are no more likely to commit violence come over and up in jail, or end up on the streets than uri. or treatment, to people who were at one point lying in the street thinking they are osama bin laden. if people don't get treatment when they are in that state, there shouldn't be a stigma. one of the neighbors going to think? treatment is the answer.
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host: we welcome our listeners on c-span radio, 90.1 in the washington dc area, streamed on the web at our guest is doris fuller, she with the treatment advocacy center. caller: good morning ms. fuller. i would like to bring up a little experience. i have a daughter who is i believe 42 now. she has been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, bipolar. she is very mean. she had to spend time in jail for beating her mother up. tried so much to try and have her do better, she is supposed to be on medication but will not take it. she think she doesn't need it. ssi about 15on
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years, this is what i can understand. the state of connecticut know she has a problem. she continues to get her funds, but will not take her medicine. so i don't know why the government doesn't require her to take her medicine to be able to get her monthly funds. this is unacceptable to me. i will tell you to other points. they didn't know what this kid in california committed those crimes, they knew about it, they knew there was a problem yet there was no indication between him and our police. knowing that he had a problem, being able to buy guns. it is the same thing with the guy who bombed in massachusetts, at the races. they knew he went to russia, they knew he was a problem. russia called us. our government doesn't keep track of these people, doesn't let the proper people know. looks to have all this --
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at our e-mails, they are tapping our phones, they know everything that is going on. that everything gets by them. host: next call, and think you are sharing your own experiences. guest: he mentions a serious problem. i mentioned how people whiskey suffering and bipolar do not know they are ill. your dollar would fall in that class, it's called lack of insight. she doesn't think she is sick. she is had repeated interactions with police, with hospitalization, she won't take the meds. started at the beginning and said we need facilities, we need better laws. one of the laws, it's in 45 states in the u.s. but not in connecticut, is called assisted outpatient dreamy, or court-ordered outpatient treatment. it is a law that allows a judge to order somebody who needs certain -- who meets certain criteria, typically which includes multiple
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hospitalizations, multiple arrests. the criteria also include a refusal to take treatment. typically these are people and -- to include these are people who do not think they are sick. we have this law that says if someone meets these criteria, they are not going to succeed in the community. they are going to keep going off their meds doing the same thing over again. at the treatment advocacy center we call that the revolving door. if connecticut had an assisted outpatient treatment law, there would be the capacity for a judge to say to your daughter, we are going to put you under an order to take your medication and see her social worker. if you don't do it, we will take you to a hospital and have you evaluated, and see if you need to be hospitalized because of your symptoms. that is not going to happen in connecticut because they have not changed the law. host: our guest earned her masters from vermont college, and is the executive director of the treatment advocacy center.
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jan has this point on our opposing beds- because they are money losers, for-profit hospitals don't care if you get well, it is all about the benjamin's. here's more from republican congressman murphy who chaired the subcommittee. [video clip] in the year and a half i've been committee,ng on this even with my 30 year background in clinical psychology, i have been shocked to learn just how much our country has failed those with serious and persistent mental illness. the report reveals that the current mental health system does not respond until after a crisis is already occurred, because we do not empower parents, patients among clinicians, law enforcement and others to stop it from happening. in the face of these tragedies we have been too uncomfortable to knowledge the sobering fact, it is the last bastion of stigma
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in mental health concerns those with serious mental illness. republican congressman murphy, that hearing is available on our website at found was is from new jersey. caller: i have a question, and i also have some comments. i want to no one talks about the of ssriside effects uptake inhibitors, including violent behavior. the number of studies involving food and how it can affect mental health, ease of been done all over the country, including in schools. they find that when they fixed the diet, and they take out the processed food in the junk food, even imprisoned, the violent behavior disappears. host: are you aware of this? research to is no indicate that antipsychotic medicines cause violence trade host: what about food? guest: i have not seen any research on that. e-mail --
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guest: the percentage is actually pretty stable. host: let's go to rick, from louisville, ohio. caller: i have some questions. what percent of the population has over 50% of the wealth to date? 50 years ago, one percent had two percent. for health,money apple computers is sitting on $175 billion, the walmart heirs are sitting on $250 billion, bp sucks out money out of the system every year. the top one percent is controlling over $1 trillion. there is no money for the va, there is no money for mental health, there is no money for infrastructure, there is no money for health care. there is no money for nothing. well, there is money.
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we are spending on mental illness. here's where we are spending it, we are spending it on jailing people, homeless services, they are very expensive. we are spending on law enforcement, i read since last week's tragedy, santa barbara wellnessve at least 10 checks every single day, many of them involving mental illness. we are investing enormously in responding to untreated mental illness, with our cops, with our prisons, with homeless, with emergency hospitalization. every time someone walks into an er because they are psychotic, and they have to sit there, there are people sitting in er is for six weeks, two weeks, 10 days. they are sitting there for that time, that is costing someone money. if we look at this more holistically, looked at what we and putting on this it into treatment, we would have more money for all sorts of
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other things. host: one final point, why is it so difficult to connect the dots? guest: on the money issue, for example, the jails and prisons would save money. but the political system doesn't say, ok sheriff, we will take this money for jailing people, but it's them, and then you will need the money. we need it, we are silent. there not bringing all forces that are effective together to come up with a holistic solution. host: our guest is the executive director of the treatment advocacy center doris fuller, thank you for being with us. we'll turne back, our issue to climate change and global warming, a major policy address tomorrow by the obama discretion. we will get a preview. washington journal continues on this sunday morning, we are back in a moment. ♪
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>> the problem now is future peace, that is your job in germany. and attitudect while on guard inside germany, you can lay the groundwork of a piece that could last forever. or, just the opposite. you could lay the groundwork for a new ward,, and just as american soldiers had to do the job 26 years ago, so other american soldiers, your sons, might have to do it again in 20 odd years from now. germany today appears to be beaten. hitler, out. swastikas, gone. propaganda, -- nazi
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propaganda, off the air. consideration camps, empty. you will see ruins, you will see flowers, you will see some mighty pretty scenery. don't let it fool you. you are in any country, be alert. suspicious of everyone. take no chances. something moren than tourists scenery, you are up against german history. it isn't good. >> in the first of five-part look at hollywood directors who made u.s. government films during world war ii, real america features academy award andctor frank capra, commentary from award-winning authors. one of american history tv on c-span3. for over 35 years, c-span brings public affairs events from washington directly to you, putting you in the room with congressional hearings, white house events, readings and
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conferences. and offering complete gavel-to-gavel coverage of the u.s. house, all as a public service of private industry. we are c-span, created by the cable tv industry and 85 years ago, and brought to you as a public service i your local cable and satellite provider. like us on facebook, follow us on twitter. washington journal continues. host: we want to welcome back amy harder of the wall street journal, your headline this week, the epa set to unveil the climate proposal. from tomorrow mccarthy. what we learn? see thee will cornerstone of barack obama's climate change plan, which he laid the foundation for last june in a major climate change speech in washington. we will see the details of these epa regulations that will control carbon emissions from
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the country. there are 600 coal plants that would be hit the hardest am a we theseee standards that utility companies must meet to cut down on carbon emissions here in the u.s.. minor point, but speculation has been that the president would announce this proposal. it is coming from epa minister, why? guest: i think there was some calculation about whether or not the president himself should announce a proposed regulation. two weeks ago, the epa minister dena mccarthy said on online chat that obama will be personally announcing it. that, thef days after ministry to backtrack. i think they realized that presidents rarely announce proposed legislation. he did his radio address on the issue, he is holding a call on monday with the american lung association, he is very much involved in the issue. but he is not going to announce a regulation that isn't -- is a draft format.
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for theell be on hand final announcement, which is expected next june, in 2016. host: the president using his weekly address to talk about climate change, global warming, it's health impacts. here is more from the weekly address. [video clip] >> 40% of america's pollution comes from power plants. right now, there are no national limits to the carbon pollution that existing plants can pump into the air we breathe. none. we limit the amount of toxic chemicals like mercury, sulfur, and arsenic that power plants put in our air and water. but they can dump unlimited amount of carbon pollution into the air. it is not smart, it is not safe, and it doesn't make sense. i directed year ago, the environment protection agency to build on the efforts that many states, cities, and companies, and come up with common sense guidelines for reducing dangerous carbon elution from our power plants.
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this week, we are unveiling these proposed guidelines emma which will cut down on carbon pollution, smog, and set which threaten the health of the most vulnerable americans, including children and the elderly. in just the first year that the standards go into effect, up to 100,000 asthma attacks, and 2100 heart attacks will be avoided. those numbers will go up from there. these standards will created in an open and transparent way, with input from the business community. states and local governments weighed in too. over 1000 mayors have signed agreements to cut their cities carbon pollution. the idea of setting higher standards to cut pollution in our power plants is not new, it is just time for washington to catch up with the rest of the country. guest: amy harder, the weekly address in the backup -- the
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of a hospital, using these issues for a driving force in climate change. guest: you are seeing a strategic move to focus on the health side of this regulation. that really pulls the heartstrings of people better than, let's move to room renewable energy. he tried that, it doesn't resonate with people that much as health does. scientists say that climate change is increasing gas emissions in the atmosphere, it creates greater ozone and overall great conditions that could lead to these felt effects. it is not quite as direct as saying higher mercury emissions can cause asthma. but there is a connection down the line about this health issue, and you will see the administration and president obama himself focus on this issue on monday when he holds a call with the american lung association. host: republicans are using the economy as an argument against some of these proposed regulations, in a tweet that he sent out saying this is the
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obama administration's war on:. coakll. [video clip] >> on monday, the epa is expected to unleash what is essentially a federal cap and trade proposal aimed at our nations existing coal-fired power plants. rule, as ite this will adversely affect coal miners, and coal mining communities throughout west virginia and the nation. at stake is our economy, and the livelihoods or coal miners, are steelworkers, electrical workers. those a keep our freight trains running, and families and businesses that rely on affordable energy from coal. even though we don't have the details of the rule yet, from everything we know, we could be sure of this. it will be very bad for jobs. the only real question is where on a scale from devastating to a
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death blow the new rule will fall. i have written to the omb, opposing the new source performance standard rule for future power plants, and calling for the director to return the draft rule to epa, and calling on epa to go back to the drawing board on their proposal. i joined 181 members of this body, in a letter to mr. mccarty, asking that the normal 60 day comment. period be extended to at least 120 days. and from westress virginia, amy harder as we hear from republicans and immigrants on this issue, what is the political battle ahead? guest: the politics on this are not good for democrats, it even though within the party they can publicly admit that they won't say publicly. you see the states that produce the second-most amount of coal in the country, he is up for
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reelection. if he loses, there will be no democrat in west virginia, assuming a republican wins in the senate race there. you are seeing this play out in the cold dependence states around the country. 40% of our literacy comes from coal, but there are states the get even more than that from coal. a democrat is up for election, estate is about 53%. even in louisiana, were you see senator landrieu up for election, you see that issue come up for elections. host: why is the white house announcing it now, before the mid-campaigns? i think it's a balancing act, if he doesn't announce an audi won't have time to get it done before he leaves the white house. he wants to make this a legacy issue, that is why he truly believes that. he wants to get started with it, it is very ambitious. it is already cutting it close in the timeline. something he realizes
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he is going to be out of office, it is something he has already delayed a couple of times anyways. he is already a little bit behind casual. amy harder who covers this issue from the wall street journal, her work is available wsj.comat andill get your calls comments, our phone lines are open or you can send us an e-mail at here is a tweet from our viewer, it saying is that reforming, and mark humans contributing to the warming? guest: that's a question that will dominating the debate, and has been coming up in a lot in the run-up to this legislature. yes, an overwhelming amount of scientists agree that human's burning of fossil fuel is exacerbating climate change, and clausing -- causing the
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temperature to warm up. i to say, and that is what the imagination is going off of. theadministration released national climate assessment report several weeks ago, which was part of the foundation for this regulation. that also talked about how climate change is causing extreme weather throughout the country. i think the scientists have based it on that front, it's not quite as on consensus as it is that the planet is warming. but there is at least some -- ance that increase warmer planet is causing greater drought, and more intense weather in various parts of the world. host: this next week kind of goes to the point of threading the needle, this is a viewer from west virginia staying he will shamelessly pander for votes rather than protect the environment for future generations. that's a great point.
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in west virginia, it has traditionally been a democratic state. over the last several -- over the last decade or two, it has traded to the republican side because of the national democratic stance on energy and environment issues. representatives regulations,these and people will say they are not doing enough for the environment. it seems at this point in time the critics of the epa politically have somewhat of a louder voice right now been those who are defending the regulations. i haven't seen a lot of vulnerable democrats go to the floor in congress to defend these regulations. at least not yet. host: will the regular cost more money? guest: u.s. the chamber of commerce, they said it will cost the economy $50 billion. you cost be -- you talked to the administration, they say it won't. certain partsl in
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were they are incredibly dependent on coal. i think there are not a lot of ways you can get to cleaner energy without increasing the cost of electricity somewhat . the response to the administration -- they're responsive that has been the cost of coal has not been externalized. the pollution cost has not been adequately revisited the price. i think only time will tell, to see how the plans that the states amid to the epa will play out. i think in places you might see higher illiteracy prices. the cost ofweet on regulations, saying it will increase by an estimate of $289 billion. william is joining us from portland, oregon. caller: hello? host: you were on the air. caller: thank you for letting me speak. i'm just curious how you feel
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about an issue that no one really talks about, fukushima is still actually leaking. how do you feel about that affecting the climate? are we poisoning the earth more than just warming up, kind of a knee-jerk reaction is a generalization of the overall problem, the we're cutting down forests. mining all the resources out. where do you think the sense of apathy comes from that the public expresses towards these issues? my children, my children's children will have to deal with on a very real level. where do you think that apathy comes from? is a capitalism that is fed this feeling of disinterest? or -- host: thank you. first, for shema. -- fukushima. guest: you hear from nuclear companies such as exelon, they
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say bees -- depending on how stringent these relations are is going to go along ways towards seeing how many of their plans might need to be shut down . nuclear power has been stagnant, it is projected to decline slightly in the year ahead. of the only baseload sources of power that is carbon free. i suspect you will hear a lot about of that from the it ministration, about how important nuclear power is to the climate change agenda. a former top aide to president obama recently joined us -- join an advocacy group to promote nuclear power. i think that is an important part of the bid. what if this happens? major disasterne to really damper of public support for this kind of energy. host: the color also brought up the issue of apathy. guest: most americans do not
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care about climate change, in terms of other issues, when they asked what do you want covers to focus on? climate change is usually dead last, or second to last. that is a concern. --hink against this part apart from extreme weather, which some scientists are hesitant to connect any one piece of hurricane weather to climate change, absent that connection, people have a hard time sacrificing the problems of today for the problems of tomorrow. i think that is a real concern for the administration. host: barber is next from bristol, tennessee. this -- are you with us? caller: i listen to c-span all the time, i appreciate the program. i was listening to the speaker before concerning mental health
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in this country. i tried to get through, i was unable to get through. but what i would like to say is, i agree with the speaker on the climate proposal. i do not it think that most thise are concerned about climate problem that they say we have, or say we don't have. other people might benefit more from getting more involved into an issue that is dear to me, the mental health outlook in this country, and what is going on. could devoteaker that issue time to which is very important in this aretry, people's lives being destroyed from within. that is what i want to talk about.
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issues atm doing two one time, but i couldn't get through on the mental health question. proposal and climate problems to me our way on the back burner to problems in this country. that is where i'm coming from. host: ok, our first sentiment reflecting what polls have indicated. guest: there is a large body of work about the psychology of climate change. the event several papers and reports. there is interesting work about how to make climate change a more relevant issue for people. host: our next call is from anthony, in regina, minnesota. caller: good morning. , it's good that america has free speech. i'm happy to see you guys on the air. my comment is, when taking climate affect into consideration, there are so many
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aspects that a lot of scientists and people are ignoring. number one is the son. -- number one is the sun. the data that is coming from our satellites, the sun is going into a lull, i low. [period. our planet is actually cooling. there is this major debate, and in theuctant -- gorilla room is that our planet is cooling, and carbon has nothing to do with eating the planet anymore. the lack ofsun, coronal mass ejection, solar spots, the solar wind and everything, is cooling the planet off. i'm wondering with all the scientists involved, why they are not bringing in all of the aspects of science to include sun's cooling of the
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earth, is the cyclic thing that is happening. if you watch suspicious observer, and an asset information -- the nasa information -- host: thank you. guest: you bring up this larger debate about the extent to which climate change is real, it will hang heavily over this debate about epa regulations. they are legally required by the supreme court, since the 2007 rule that carbon dockside as a pollutant, bp had the right to regulate it. the epa what i had in did that as soon as obama got into office. these doubts are significant because they drive the debate, the political debate here in washington. i will reiterate that most scientists do agree with a large body of work that says that global temperature is warming.
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i think the administration needs to be ready to handle these questions about the science, that does really linger throughout this debate. host: let me go back to your piece this past week, advancing what will happen tomorrow. you report that the release of these new carbon emission rules are likely to be met with political opposition. but also with losses, how so? guest: i think the lawsuits are a bigger problem for the administration than the politics. of course, if it helps turn the senate into a republican-controlled, that may not be great for the it ministration. but on the legal front, that is going to be a big issue. i know they're watching it carefully. this part of the clean air act that the law is using right now, called 111 d. the epa has only used it five times since it was first created under the clean air act in 1970. there's really no legal precedent, which is somewhat unusual for this type of
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regulation. you're going to see the critics of the epa, which included several states, and most utility and coal mining illustrates -- that the epargues doesn't have the right to take a very broad sweep of regulation which would allow cap and trade regimes to be traded under the system. he will see lawsuits. the legal fight will take years to unfold. host: congress and steve stockman has this tweet, turning to politics and the economy, also tying it into the school lunch program. senator sheldon whitehouse, a democrat from rhode island, says climate change is a tsunami in denial. climate change and a castle built on sand, its collapse is inevitable. the question is whether or not we can address it in time.
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denial part,k the many republicans deny that climate change is real or deny even wanting to talk about the issue. i'm noticing a very slight shift in the rhetoric within the republican party. saying, well i am not a scientist, i will not comment on the science. but these relations will kill the economy. that is a slight distinction, they're refusing to comment on the science of climate change, when they were openly talking about whether it is real. senator marco rubio who has taken some heat for his comments on it recently. i think you are seeing a shift there. in terms of his comment, i think an alarmould call that mentality from the democrat party. i'm not sure if that's unable ultimately help the cause and not, alarmist comments turn people off. but not a lot of other things have really put this issue on the front burner. host: i'm not sure if you follow
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this part of the story, senator ed markey from massachusetts, his office issued a statement saying he met with pope francis to talk about this issue, and to engage the catholic church. meeting, iw that thought it was. justin. the pope that said something about climate change being a moral issue shortly after him taking that position. i think that is part of the job to makearty's this a bigger issue than politics. in 2009, with the whole climate , climateil scandal change got very political. the democratic party is trying to extract it from the political debate. i think these relations will not help do that, i think he will make it more political, at least in the short term. i think his move on that is really trying to bring in someone who is very popular around the world, the pope, to talk about how important this issue is. host: this issue has also been
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key for al gore, behind-the-scenes. are you familiar with what he is trying to do? is he working with the administration to lobby congress? guest: i think there is still a little bit of hope that congress will actually do something itself. they not now, but the interesting thing about this epa regulation is that up until just recently, these regulations were really the stick to prod congress to act on a climate bill. that was more properly addressing i'm a change throughout the u.s. economy, extend -- instead of just the utility sector. you see movements by al gore and others to try and get congress to actually do something on this. --that of justin nine instead of just saying no, trying to get congress to say yes. host: these changes will be announced tomorrow here in washington dc, we will have coverage of her remarks.
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also available online, you can check it out any time at james is joining us on the independents line. caller: good morning. c-span, you have been with them a long time and have done a great job. i would just like to take a breath and ask america to rethink their energy. , i thinklly apolitical america needs to realize the wall street journal especially thomasson says is a business newspaper -- you can make money with alternative energy. i have a friend that sells scrubbers for smokestacks, for coal-fired power plants. he always does better with the democratic administration. once again, i'm apolitical, that is money and that youmans pocket. gentleman's pocket.
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they're making they are better for us all. i think republicans like to think that alternative energy is bad for the economy. wrong. the one that is because of necessity doing the most with alternative forms of energy because they need to, as china. granted, they have a different government, they can do whatever they want. but i am disappointed in obama, i voted for him both times. havenk he had a chance to a broad perspective, almost of a in 20 years, we will have a different level of particulates in the air, we will achieve that goal. he didn't really do that. i see this as energy light. i would suggest that everyone listening read energy for future presidents come i have nothing to do with that book. it is a great book about the different things that are out there. host: james, thanks for the call from orlando. guest: you make some good points about the potential for making more business progress in
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renewable energy. i think that's what the administration is going to talk a lot about. you have for them say this already, that every time there is a big relation, industry comes in and says this is going to ruin the economy. we are not going to be able to provide electricity for people. it is going to be this disastrous results. every time they said that, the disastrous results never really came up. you saw that with the acid rain back in the 90's. the industry was wary of that, but there was a lot of innovation made. i think that is what the administration is saying it is going to happen this time it. i think it will. back in the first part is an attrition, mr. obama was much more bullish on renewable energy. he talked about a lot more in his first term when they had the stimulus bill, he you but $90 billion into clean energy. that was what i like to call the
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down payment on what was supposed to be the cap and trade system that congress is going to pass but never did. that down payment ever happened, so this renewable energy didn't get off the ground as much as it could have otherwise. but now you have this epa regulation, the it ministration is going to argue that these regulations will further that innovation, and the renewable energy space, and provide that momentum. how you find renewable energy? guest: renewable energy is and it doesn't come out of the ground, in terms of wind, solar, geothermal, hydro. our electricity comes from her new g, that includes hydro. if you take out hydro, that is about six percent. that is growing. it is supposed to get up to 20% in the next several years. host: what is clean energy? guest: clean energy and
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definition changes whoever you ask. has definedration clean energy as nuclear power, sometimes natural gas. although natural gas has sort of moved in terms of what category it falls into. and all the renewable energy. host: we keep hearing the phrase cap and trade, for those who are not familiar, what is this? guest: cap and trade is a market-based mechanism where, depending on -- you can have a cap and trade for just one will only address utility sector. or you have an economy wide cap and trade system. or regional one. who hasere one company more coal that another company that has a lot of renewable energy, that renewable energy company can sell some of its credit or allowances of the missions, and they will sell it to the company that needs to be able to meet the cap or the
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standard. it's a way you can trade among companies in that sector, whoever is underneath the standard. confusing, it is a much more flexible way to meet a standard and to set a hard standard where you have to mediate but plant by plant. the cap and trade bill in congress was demonized as a cap and tax. and trade why the cap relations might be included in this epa regulation may be criticized. but it is most industry supported. ast: i realize you were reporter, and a scientist, but what is the ozone layer? guest: i'm not sure i'm going to have a good answer for that. -- withst a layer that more greenhouse gases it is going to deplete the ozone layer, and it is a concern. host: that is been part of the argument, that a weakening ozone
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layer is changing the climate and making us hotter in the summer, colder in the winter, and creating tsunami like storms like hurricane sandy. guest: i think different parts of the world are affected differently by climate change, because the ozone layer changes throughout the world. i think that is a big part of the debate, the science will be pushed on this. --hink the administration to needs to be ready to answer this. host: public in line, with amy harder of the washington journal. question is, what about the alaskan part that emits low rate airwaves and boils the atmosphere, which changes the atmosphere? -- can you sayms something about that, i will take my answer off the air? host: what is your own knowledge about this part of alaska? guestcaller: i saw a thing on television a few weeks ago that
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was telling about it. youtube, ifup on anyone would like to go to youtube and look up alaskan heart, it will tell you all about it. thank you. this --e easily with are you familiar with this? guest: i'm not. alaska is ground zero for climate change in a lot of ways. most senators from that state talk about how climate change is a real issue that must be addressed. -- theve very different senior republican in the senate in that state, and then senator mark vegas, the democrat who is actually up for reelection, they both talk about how we need to address climate change. but neither of them will agree, i don't think with it ministration's epa proposal. host: lances from fort lauderdale, florida. caller: good morning.
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i have a comment and a question. to me, so much of this seems bass-akwards. up ourr we do, building play, opening one up, what we handicapping ourselves and illuminating our chances of building the economy that would lead to innovation. i think people are looking forwards, but not if it is going to cut their throat. you're putting us in a position where we are in a race, and we have to win 50 times. i just wanted to put that out there. where is the skepticism from the president on the science? guest: i think you make a good point about china and india, that is one thing that a lot of the critics of these regulations will point out.
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the u.s. utility sector accounts for about 6.3 to 6.4% of global carbon emissions. it is not that much. if we reduce that, it is my going to make a difference globally speaking, because china is now the largest producer of carbon dioxide in the world. what the administration says no -- president obama can affect the global response on climate change. he hopes that this action domestically will promote corresponding action in china and india. tohink they are sympathetic this issue in those countries, where they have to decide. i need to get their people out of poverty, that requires cheap energy. right now, fossil fuels are cheaper than renewable energy. i think that is a real question that they would answer. host: our guest is on the energy beam for the wall street journal, before that she worked for national journal. this is from jay sanders.
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is it too much to ask if the regulars will be effective in stopping global warming? guest: that's a great question. i think the simple answer for that question is no, they won't in and of themselves stop global warming. that is why this issue is such a hard issue, that these regulations will hopefully spur action by china and india. there is a big climate change paris, at the, in administration is really looking for in terms of what it can deliver at that point in time. i think that is an important part of this discussion. host: from upstate new york, scott is on the phone. caller: good morning. i have a comments, and i have a solution which is a multibillion dollar illness -- business for our economy in america. my comment is that almost 20 years ago, i was a frequent caller from tennessee. i was talking about -- way
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before al gore was vice president, he didn't even know about his inconvenient truth. i talked about world -- global warming. i saw 20 years ago. the answer is, a marijuana plant. the very first motor diesel was made to run off have diesel. -- hemp diesel. if we were to go back to that, under want to plant contains more photosynthesis than any other plant known to man on earth. energy, be growing our as we are growing our energy, our energy could be purifying the air. scientists and politicians and all the rich oil people need to realize and admit the truth. i was right about global warming 20 years ago on c-span, and nobody wanted to hear it or talk about it. -- millions of dollars. fuel,were to go to hemp
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we would have to start opening up factories out of detroit, and start making diesel motors again. seeds toship our hemp refineries which would refine it into fuel which we could run in our cars, which would provide tens of thousands of dollars for the united states economy. along with our own fuel. host: fixed the call. a lot there. guest: i think that is one of many a debate of ideas that could get an idea -- a leg up with these regulations. it goes back to these regulations providing a market signal for ideas like that i can finally have some market incentives to succeed. i think you're going to see that with more traditional renewable energy, like wind and solar. and maybe some weed powered energy as well. host: we go to freddie, in los angeles. caller: i was just following up
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with that color was kept cool. so am i. your reporter doesn't seem to give skeptics any credit. scientists have been wrong somebody times on so many issues. eugenics is a prime example. edt. -- ddt. china syndrome, which stop the development of nuclear power plants, turned out to be a lie. heterosexual aids. these phrases that scientists say. -- of field of science climate change itself, scientists say. they get these views because they have government support, and they want to keep that money. they will keep on doing the party line. host: freddie, thanks for the call. amy harder? guest: despite the overwhelming number of scientists that agree that human caused climate change
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is real, there is a lot of doubt out there. i think the people who doubt climate change are often the louder and those people who had knowledge that is real. gallupee holdings from and other places that show most people do think i'm a change is real. i think the bigger hurdle is people who do not think anything should be done on climate change, at least at the expense of jobs and the economy. i think this lingering doubt about the science, and doubt in science in general is a big issue, and will become an even bigger issue as these regulations are announced. from one ofow-up our viewers, who says ms. harder , come back and see me when china cuts in co2 to our levels. it speaks to the global issue that this is, and the global cooperation, if there is global cooperation. guest: i think that's a major issue. i think that is one of the most salient arguments from people concerned about these relations.
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i spoke with congressman van hollen from maryland, democrat, about this issue the other day. he knowledge that this is a concern, and he said perhaps congress could pass some sort of bill that puts tariffs on products coming into the u.s. the don't have some sort of carbon regime where they come from. that would be an incredible controversial bill, because we import so much from china. but you have tariff wars between countries, if you have climate programs about those that don't. china is doing quite a bit actually on climate change. but because they are trying to get so many people out poverty, and they have so many people who want have cars, and power their economy, it is very hard. it is very hard to address climate change when you have a population that keeps growing. host: our last call is from north carolina, steve is on the phone. caller: good morning.
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i'm a retired science teacher. i want to do a little science lesson here on the conservation matter, which says we cannot create nor destroy matter. we sibley rearrange it. -- we sibley rearrange it. everyday, 1.5 million gallons of fuel is being burned-year-old -- burned. that is a lot a day. this is a global problem. people can deny the science all they want to, but right there, it explains all. guest: yeah. i think scientists can come up with a lot of different numbers to make up a whole variety of points. you assume the it ministration really laid the foundation for climate change in order to announce this regulation. but i think you still have a lot of questions to be answered. i think you will see that question come up again and
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again. the science we pushed on this issue. host: amy harder of the wall street journal, we will look for your reporting tomorrow. thank you very much for being with us. the front page of the idaho statesman, on the hailey idaho native who has been released and at a german hospital. this this morning from a medical center in germany, saying he arrived this morning at 9:00 eastern, trained health care providers will evaluate is conditioned to get any medical care and assist in the recovery process. meanwhile, the new york post has the details on exactly what went down yesterday morning as the sergeant was picked up by helicopter in western afghanistan near the pakistan border. after climbing aboard, the 28-year-old idaho resident try to communicate with his residence -- his rescuers over , asking of the rotors if his rescuers were special
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forces. yes, one of the men shouted. we have been looking for you for a long time. the political reaction to this, including the statement from congress and buck mckeon, and senator jim them off, who is the ranking member of the public services committee. host: we will have more on this on c-span radio, as we bring on the sunday programs at noon eastern time, and to morning, on the washington journal. we will also focus on a number of issues including american ray lahood will be among our guest, and we will turn our attention to immigration with derrick morgan
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of the heritage foundation. and your money, a $2 billion allocation for the job corps training program, david has been following that for the washington post. that's all tomorrow morning, on c-span's washington journal, 7 a.m. eastern time. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2014] >> coming up this morning on c-span, "newsmakers" with buck mckeon. it then president obama announcing his plans are u.s. troops in afghanistan
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