tv Washington Journal CSPAN June 3, 2014 7:00am-10:01am EDT
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american coalition for clean coal electricity. >> epa is reposing a clean power plant that will cut carbon pollution from our power sector by using clean energy sources and cutting energy waste. ♪ good morning. with the official announcement yesterday by the epa administrator, the debate over climate change, coal and other energy forces is now front and center. we will begin with your reactions to the white house plan. the president has arrived in warsaw, poland. the first stop in a five-day trip in europe that will conclude with friday's d-day ceremonies in normandy.
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returns this morning. the house is in recess for the week. the senate judiciary committee meets in three hours for a hearing on the supreme court committee considers a constitutional amendment on campaign spending. a senate subcommittee also meeting this morning to talk about the impact of climate change on agriculture and wildlife. we will begin with your calls and comments. here's our question. are you concerned about climate change? .f you say yes, (202) 585-3880 no, (202) 585-3881. undecided on the issue, (202) 585-3882. you can join in on the conversation on twitter and facebook. we already have a poll up on good morning on this tuesday. we want to begin with a quick look at the headlines.
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climate. ahead on the california might be able to cash in on the epa rule. this from the arizona republic. the latest epa rule signals a bleaker future for coal. the chicago tribune taking the health aspect on the issue. from the richmond times dispatch, the impact it would have across the commonwealth of virginia. fair and blake is joining us on the phone. things for being with us. -- aaron blake. the president is in poland today. we heard a few minutes ago that in a news conference with the polish president, he defended the announcement over the .eekend walk us through the week's event. caller: obama is going to spend
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a couple of days in poland where he is going to be meeting with the polish president. they will be talking about what is happening in neighboring ukraine. the reason the white house is going to poland is to set up a bit of a contrast between the polish embrace of ukraine'stions and tethered to russia. obama will also meet with the president-elect of ukraine while he is in poland. vice president biden will be going to kiev to take part in the and operation ceremony. aboutrip is really all what is happening in ukraine. we also just found out this morning that president obama has announced he is calling for the bigger troop presence in eastern europe to show solidarity with their nato allies who are in the region who are being somewhat threatened by moves that rush is
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making an ukraine right up. president obama will be calling four $1 billion from congress in order to fund those troop movements. caller: there is substance and ceremony taking place this week with the d-day ceremonies on friday. among those in attendance, vladimir putin. according to your paper, no plans for the two to have a bilateral meeting. that is correct. i would not expect them to make this into some sort of political or international thing. this is a very significant sermon because of the d-day remembrance. to have any meeting while they are there would be a distraction from that. i don't think the two sides feel the need to meet in person. antagonist is an relationship between the two an openhere has been
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line of communication. it's not the situation with iran where there have not been any talks between the disco sides for decades. this is an opportunity for them to sit down with each other. -- between the two sides for decades. n of thee hometow how much political backlash is the white house expected to face on the release of sergeant bergdahl? there has been a rather large backlash. there are a few reasons for this. one is that republicans in congress aren't terribly happy with the deal that was made. we also have democrats in congress who are unhappy with the amount of notice they received. generally they will receive a
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heads up about this kind of thing. said that shen had none. she expressed some concern about that. the other aspect of this that we need to recognize is that, for the military members of this country, which is a very large portion of this country, every member has military members in the district, there is concern about what sergeant bergdahl did as far as allegedly walking away from his station. the fact that there is a bunch of military members out there asking why the country had to put themselves on the line in order to get the sergeant back, i think there are a lot of uneasy feelings about that from a large portion of this country. host: talking with aaron blake from the washington post. you -- theck in with
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front page of the washington post. the epa's proposal romping a backlash. this is going to be a leading the midterm elections, especially in louisiana, kentucky, north carolina and alaska. host: these are all states with a democratic senator who is running for reelection who is now faced with a decision about whether or not they will support their president and the administration on a significant climate change initiative. all of those states require -- rely heavily on oil production. running inrs are very conservative states. if members like that can support this step, that's a significant blow to the administration. we are seeing hesitant see from others who are not even up for reelection. including tim kaine from virginia. which has produced a lot of: the past.
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-- a lot of coal in the past. republicans are very staunchly opposed to this right now. host: thank you for him with us and sharing insights on the president's travels and the epa ruling yesterday. number of editorials related to this. obama's war on electricity. the times says that coal is mined mostly in the places that obama derisively described as gers towith bitter clinke guns and religion. $51 billion and 224,000 jobs each year through 2030.
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"man-made climate is real and needs to be addressed by republicans who look foolish by denying it. ." to do two things. by setting achievable and forcible stakeholders to cut carbon pollution per megawatt hour of electricity generated. second, laying out a national framework that give states the flexibility to chart their own customized path on how they meet their goals. 2030 am a when the states meet their final polls, our proposal will result in 30% pollution in comparison to 2005 levels. host: that announcement from
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gina mccarthy. the full speech available online at gordon is joining us from wyoming. are you concerned about climate change? caller: yes. i want to qualify my statement. forest put out tons of oxygen everyday. on carbonut pamphlets dioxide. our national debt is a much bigger threat. host: thanks for the call. from hillsborough, new jersey. your take on all of this. caller: good morning. i am 20 years old and i just graduated from a community i finished up in environmental studies course. we cover all of these climate change issues. ,'m truly not concerned because as i try to make the argument in
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my class that the free market needs to decide as to whether or not these newer, greener technologies -- there is not a demand for it. it you're not going to bring the cost down until there is a demand. -- this radical ,ush towards the screen agenda there is not the market for it. i don't see it as an issue. at the national debt and other issues such as foreign policy are more important. don't forget to vote today. i just voted today in the new jersey primary. thank you. it's primary day in eight states. a lot of attention on mississippi. more on that later in the program. also alabama, iowa, south
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dakota, montana, new mexico and california. on our facebook page, we are asking the same question. are you concerned about climate change? you can weigh in with your comments. this is what it looks like right now. alexander bolton writes about the policy -- the politics of all of this. "republicans are raising questions about whether hillary clinton knew about the white house plan to release taliban commanders in exchange for the u.s. prisoner of war. reporting on the political implications of all this come into getting that in states like kentucky and arkansas, it could be a big issue. trudy from summerville, south carolina. good morning. caller: good morning. you are one of my favorites. i'm very concerned about climate change. i'm very concerned about the droughts in california and
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nevada and texas. it's a terrible thing. forget about power if you have no water. fortunately, i live here in south carolina. i saw a bunch of rush limbaugh -- i moved in land. i figured another 100 years, we will have waterfront property. thank you. host: thanks for the call. elliott has this point. democrats should exploit climate change scare. jeff is joining us from savannah, georgia. you concerned about climate change? about: yes, i'm concerned climate change because we live in savannah and you can see a life.hange in the river the crabs, the fish, the shrimp. you can see a huge change in the rainwater runoff. look in your rivers and your
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marshes and you can see all kinds of debris and changes and everything else and you can also play and look at the summers and winters over the last 10 years in savannah and that will tell you something is wrong. call.thanks for the as we indicated, the hill newspaper reporting on the release of sergeant bert bell and the meeting that took place between the president and hillary clinton. -- release of sergeant bert gdahl. front page of the washington times. the dod knew about the location rescue for risk deserter. they had ground-level intelligence on where he was being held captive. down to how many gunmen were
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guarding him. the special operations commanders shelved rescue missions because they did not want to risk casualties for manic they believed to be a deserter. commanders on the ground debated whether to pull the trigger on a rescue several times in recent years. the conclusion each time was that the prospect of losing highly trained troops was too high the price to pay for rescuing a soldier who had to walk away from his unit in 2000 and. inside the washington post is another photograph. detainees who were released as part of that deal. back to your calls on climate change. is this an issue that is of concern to you? chuck from raleigh, north carolina. concerned about climate change. people don't believe in climate change. they need to think about the weather patterns. those previous callers talking they the national debt --
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are not thinking clearly. thesee change -- we have floods. they run up the national debt. these hurricanes and stuff come through. they mess up our water and air. people with asthma can breathe. they are overheating. i think people are not thinking clearly. they are in it for profit. host: things for the call. one of our reviewers and, ,ventually, like it or not fossil fuels will have to be given up. globalship on a warming." climate change just got real. it's about time. the obama administration's proposed new rule for existing power plants, reducing heat trapping carbon emissions by up to 30% by 2030 is ambitious enough to get anyone's attention. this is one measure that will
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not halt or reverse human induced warming of the atmosphere. but the rule is necessary in the context of seeking international consensus on solutions and significant in its own right. from wyoming weighing in on this. the leading coal producing state along with west virginia and kentucky. regulations from washington is not what america needs right now. states already have the flexibility in how they approach environmental stewardship and many of them have come up with creative solutions. senate and the congressional western caucuses issued a report called washington gets it wrong. states get it right. the report showed how regulations imposed by washington are undermining the work being done at the state level to manage our lands and manage our natural resources and to protect our air and water.
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they are success stories. sixtthe work being done by stats is more reasonable, more effective and less heavy-handed than the rules ordered by washington. not need washington to pay lip service to flexibility while mandating huge price increases in energy. america wants washington to stop the overreaching regulations and the mandates and actually allow the states to get it right. host: making his comments yesterday on the senate floor. the house is in recess but the senate is in session. all of joining us from north carolina. good morning. caller: please let me finish my comment. i have engaged duke energy in one of the largest conservation movements in eastern united states.
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over their management of environment. ,hat people are not seeing here when you talk about the clean air act and the coal and all of these things -- the power companies say it's going to be passed on to consumers and cost the consumer and all that. it's never taken into consideration the fact that all usedese utility companies the manifest destiny laws to take all these lands. they have been regulated by the government and now they don't have the regulation they used to have. and the cost of any type of environmental management or throw onnt they try to the customers. to keep the customers against any environmental improvement. the truth is, they have had a
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free ride. they make billions off of selling lakefront property projects where the land was taken under threat of eminent domain. none of those profits have gone back to the rate base to help pay for environmental ofrovement, improvement producing electricity. it's the same with all the corporations when it comes to environment. they say they are doing a good job. -- even if they been given a free ride, they still say they are not making money. it will cost the public or the consumer double if they do their practices better. host: things very much for the call. another viewer makes this point.
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in a northern state, not too long ago, your house was covered by a glacier. that's climate change, too." nearing a climate legacy. the president's credibility will be enhanced by the fact that he has begun this process on his own in the face of a hostile congress. after a bill proposing a price on carbon that passed the house in 2009 found no takers in the senate. two supreme court rulings said he has the authority under the clean air act to do so. how tough the standards can be and how they were achieved is the issue now. next is ted from carrollton, texas. you concerned about climate change? caller: good morning. i'm not concerned about man-made
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climate change. carbon is not a pollutant that everybody thinks it is. the biggest greenhouse gas is water vapor. it's approximately 10,000 parts per million in the atmosphere. can be as high as 590 parts per million. 10,000 versus 590 is not a problem. the variation in water vapor is enough to swamp the co2 signal. the last thing to think about is, since we started doing pipelines in the united states, the gas that we pull out of pipelines comes out of the ground 59 degrees. it was like that when we ran the first pipeline and it's that temperature today. host: thanks for the call from texas. front page of the boston globe. a scene from that plane cr ash over the weekend. the headline from the boston globe. data recorders found in rubble.
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below that is a look at the history of the gulfstream for has few blemishes on its safety record. press -- "is it time to fix the car recall system?" the hattiesburg american in mississippi. today is the day voters decide primary elections. there is this. -- thehe 36 years since chamber has experienced dramatic changes. intense partisan debate and name-calling have become more routine. cochran himself has not changed. he is still open to negotiating
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behind the on major issues such as farm programs and defense spending legislation. he still looks at ways to use old-school politicking to help you stay. he still known as a southern gentleman in the senate where such traits seem almost out of style. mississippi one of eight states with primaries. show that polls cochran was up. that is within the margin of error. ,t the campaign this morning their biggest concern is turnout. supporters are more motivated to vote today than the cochran supporters. he is in jackson, mississippi for primary night remarks. from huffington, massachusetts. the morning to you. -- good morning to you. caller: i'm very concerned about climate change. i believe the entire planetary
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are concerned and understand that this is an issue that is affecting the planet in a way that has not happened for millions of years. i also believe that a lot of the opposition to climate change as a result of funding by exxon through anonymously purchased opposition to climate change. from that the opposition the cigarette industry. host: james has this question. why are the lines divided differently this morning? because of the question. are you concerned about climate change? we welcome our listeners on
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c-span radio. no, and undecided. a recent poll shows one in 4 are solidly skeptical about global warming. carbonate income inequality is the editorial. also from the body of this editorial, notably, the plan requirements may endanger the reliability of the electrical grid. shows powerold snap is essential to keeping the lights and heat on. the risk of rolling blackouts as real as the epa reengineer's the system. the damage will do nothing for climate change. based on the epa's own carbon accounting, shutting down every coal-fired power plant tomorrow and replacing them with zero carbon sources would reduce the earth's temperature by about one 20th of a degree fahrenheit in 100 years.
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chris is joining us from new haven, connecticut. good morning. caller: good morning, steve. issue been fighting this my entire adult life. i have felt that we've been on the wrong track all along with our energy production and our automobiles. i think we need mass transit. i think we need a totally different way of approaching the issues. as more obstacles have been put in the way of alternative energy production. i can remember when ronald reagan or down jimmy carter's -- tore down jimmy carter's solar collectors on the roof of
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the white house. another problem we have is that the power -- we still have nuclear waste stored all over the country. imagine the water and swampingoming a nuclear power plant. need to rethink this whole thing from beginning to end. ont: jim also weighing in the way we divided our phone lines and saying we would have the same color breakdown if we alternated between democrats and republicans. it's amazing how partisan this issue is. members of congress wing income including gerry connolly. weighing in, including gerry connolly.
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that tweet from gerry connolly. ed markey says this is the beginning of the end for america's long, dirty power plant era. "these proposed rules will go a long way toward keeping our air clean and protecting the health of seniors, children and families. ." "the president and the epa are sending a clear message that liday from ho responsibility is over. go the front page of the new story insides a the politics of all of this. democrats in coal country run from the epa plan to cut emissions. democrats andack incumbents and for energy rich states with recorded phone calls yesterday and today in alaska,
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colorado, louisiana and virginia. -- in four energy rich states. liberals were telling the president on monday. next is one the from hayward, california. -- wanda from hayward, california. caller: i just want to say that i do believe in climate change. the climate has changed. over many years -- i can remember when it was hot during the summer and cold during the winter. understand -- i've wondered for so many years why
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individuals in these red states were always voting against their best interests. the corporations have pretty .uch bought out the epa they pretend that the epa is a bad thing. there are summative people within the epa just like there -- there are so many people within the epa that will turn around and say that it's obamas fault. -- it's obama possible. if these corporations -- it's obama's fault. these corporations -- the stuff was leaking into the water and they disowned it and filed for bankruptcy. the law allowed him to do that. gon these same people will and vote against their interests
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because of the propaganda that in these newspapers you are reading. what else can people do but vote against themselves? host: front page of the financial times. the climate change issue is the front page. the epa set its targets for emission cuts designed to reduce the with dependence on coal-fired power plants. equivalent to canceling out from twoollution thirds of the trucks in the u.s. jonesville, virginia. good morning.
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caller: good morning, steve. all, god put that coal -- we are supposed to use that. that's what he put it there for. change -- there is a way to heal our land and our president will not do it. if my people shall humble themselves and pray and turn willtheir wicked ways, we forgive their sins and we will heal their land. we have a way to get out of this and people will just study the bible -- they won't let them teach history in schools.
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i appreciate you taking my call. host: thanks very much. michael in the washington post -- a foreign policy stuck on stupid. after 5.5 years, president obama has a foreign-policy doctrine all of his own. don't do stupid stuff. fdr had his four freedoms. jimmy carter would use military force if necessary to defend u.s. interests in the persian gulf. george w. bush would support the growth of democratic movement and institutions. obama does not do "stupid stuff." the president does not inspire, does not persuade. he justifies himself. the world he predicts -- to
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depicts. to earliere referred about a luncheon between hillary clinton and president obama. republicans are raising questions about whether hillary clinton knew about the white house pause plan to release former taliban commanders in exchange for the american prisoner of war. the white house has said it will not give a readout of the president's lunch with former secretary of state, calling it a private event. next is richard from fairmont, west virginia. caller: good morning. thanks for c-span. i'm definitely concerned about climate change.
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the science is there. it's verified. westvious caller mentioned virginia and the troubles we have been having. in west industry virginia has had a tight grip on the politics of west virginia since the 1800s. they don't want their profits messed with. they will fight it every way they can and that includes all of our representatives. host: thanks for the call. we go next to cindy in texas. the impact this might have on electrical rates around the country. caller: hello. 57 and i can remember growing up, going to the lake and walking up to the water and you could see your feet.
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abouttime they go talk these companies, they always talk about climate change. there is a lot -- climate change -- we want our kids to grow up and have clean water, a clean things have changed. it's not like when we were growing up. it's pollution. you go to the lakes and you see slime and trash. understand that there are a lot of people who would like to have a clean earth. plant plants all the time and be pute plants have to in shade. that makes me think there is a climate change.
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my mother is changing her planting habits. she is planting them early and they don't grow like they used to. she even thinks there is a change. i don't know if it's the ozone or what. ont: jan makes this point our twitter page. "why cling to old technology?" the money section of usa today focusing on the future of the coal industry. the epa carbon cutting plan could see a power shift. this is hundred 45 page plan is -- the 645 page plan recognizing that coal-fired facilities amid more carbon than emit morents -- yo
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carbon than other plants. our next caller is from baltimore. i live near the chesapeake bay in baltimore city. mankind is just running the earth with climate change. it is for real. is destroying the earth with climate change. , they have 3-4mi feet of water. they have come to the realization because of climate change, miami is going to flood over. .hey have pumps now pumping stations just like new city from keep the being flood over. there are so many factors of climate change. our weather is changing on this earth. you have the polarized caps
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melting. scientists have already told us that by the end of the century, the level of our seawater will be eight feet. host: we appreciate the call. roy has this point. what will states think of 80% of from coalgy generated fired plants do? this week marking the 25th anniversary of the uprising in china. will be joining us later this morning to give us his perspective. he's the chair of the house subcommittee focused on human rights issues. inside usa today, their selection going on in syria. the outcome is pure deigned. president assad will be reelected.
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the three-year civil war that has claimed more than 160,000 these posters that adorned damascus and other cities around syria that shows a -- that showes positive images of assad. the president travels to europe. he arrived in warsaw, poland early this morning after flying all night on air force one. he is just -- he has just held a joint news conference with the polish leader. summit.eads to the g7 after russia annexed crimea. the president will be enormity for the 70th -- in normandy for the 70th anniversary of d-day. it inside the new york times, taking a page from the health care act. climate plan relies on states. the piece says the president's new plan to fight climate change
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depends heavily on states devising individual approaches to meeting goals set in the nation's capital. this is the strategy similar to the one used to expand the health care law. rather than imposing a uniform standard for reducing power plant carbon emissions, regulations unveiled yesterday offer the states flexibility to pick from a menu of policy options. the policy could lead to a patchwork of rules that frustrate businesses and invite resistance from states that oppose the policy. from summerville, south carolina. caller: thanks for c-span. change inave climate any sense of the word. es through a cycle. when developers build in miami,
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they are building the wrong places. the ocean is just rising. the climate is suddenly going through its changes. the earth has always done this before. people are making billions of dollars off this idea of climate change. energy bills are going high and nobody is taking an interest. given $535 million. six months later, they were bankrupt. politicians are making money off this idea of climate change. what we have to do is use some common sense. we have to let common sense prevail in this situation. there is nothing technical about this. the earth is simply reclaiming some of the area that it has not had before. we have taken away the habitats from our animals and everything.
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man has to come to terms with common sense. the call.ks for roger green says this. "i wonder how many liberals will still support the new epa rules after their electrical b bills triple?" speaker boehner also weighing in on this yesterday. he called the president's plan suts and says the president' national energy tax will condemn families to hire bills and fewer paychecks for years to come. this from the house energy and commerce amusing that the epa proposal is just cap and trade by another name. all economic pain with no environmental gain. many of you also weighing in on the question. are you concerned about the issue of climate change? in our participate on ou
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poll on facebook. not concerned enough to tell others that they can and cannot do. the pa is the biggest lie of all. they pay big bucks to pollute and just keep doing it. -- the epa is the biggest lie of all. from our facebook survey. next they call her from east petersburg fro, pennsylvania. if you are standing by the ocean and the water comes up , then it goes back down and take some sand with that. everything not as deep as it should be.
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it has to go somewhere. we're talking about energy costs. energy costs are going to go up because we have not prepared our electrical grid in years. grids. outdated it's like having condition or you've had for 50 years and do expect the same service from it -- like having an air conditioner. climate change is going to bring us to our knees. there is too much water that has nowhere to go. water is a very powerful force of nature. a lot of us are going to die and a lot of us are going to live. up will either have to stand or pull yourself up. fires --een too many
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in places that are supposed to be cold, they are not cold enough. host: thanks very much for the call. we will hear from ron in ohio. good morning. caller: i grew up on a farm here in ohio and there is no one more concerned about the environment and farmers because they produce our food and so forth. ruse.limate change is a started toago, we see climate change. the climates are supposed to change. i live where the glaciers used to go through in ohio and there were major groups in the rocks in lake erie. miamiople whining about -- why would you build on a swamp or nearshore anyhow and expect not to get flooded? host: a hearing will be taking place at 10:00 this morning live on c-span3 focusing on climate
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issues. the senate subcommittee specifically on a per culture and wildlife. the senate reconvenes for the -- bernie sanders in competing proposals to dress the address the issues .t v.a details available from a reporting online. we will take a short break and we will continue with our discussion on the issue of climate change. two different perspectives on the epa announcement. r and paul bailey. later, chris smith of new jersey will be at the table. we commemorate the 25th anniversary of the tenement tuare co. test --
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ienemen square protest. we are back in a moment. ♪ >> we wanted a building that was very accessible to the community. you needed to be able to incorporate at future that we do can't predict the future. part of the problem with the old library is that we work cap out on as many computers and wiring we could fit into the structure. our new building the day lot of flexibility and movement into needed a lot of --x ability of movement
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flexibility and movement into the future. we have a rectangular structure on the west side that we call the bar and the crescent wall on the north and east side. all of these different geometric features are bridged together with skylights. the light flows through the building at all levels and we have a total 360 degree view of our surroundings. for ahink it is vital community to have a library that brings people together. this particular space was geared in bringing the community together. it's an opportunity for people to remember the things that hold a city together. the public safety officer, the mayor and his various departments and the library all
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work together to build a city. i like that we have physically done that with our architecture. learn about the rich history and literary life of salt lake city, utah. sunday at 5:00 p.m. on c-span3. c-span's new book, sundays at eight, include financial journalist michael lewis. >> we are living through a . we areraumatic period at the beginning rather than the end. there are real structural problems. -- i'm will be living not an economic forecaster. everything i read suggests we will be living with unusually high levels of unemployment and a lot pain from over indebtedness. a quarter of the country is on food stamps. it's not a great depression.
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we are not repricing exactly what happened in the 1930's. >> read more of our conversation with michael lewis and other featured interviews from our book notes and q&a programs in c-span's "sundays at eight." "washington journal" continues." host: we want to continue our discussion on the new epa rules. david doniger and paul bailey. thank you both very much for being with us. i want to begin with two takes on this story from two different newspapers. page of the chicago tribune. the carbon cuts offer a healthier chicago. this from the arizona republic. the latest epa rules signal a bleaker future for coal.
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let me begin with you, paul bailey. guest: my take on the two headlines -- the reality is a lot closer to the arizona republic headline. the future for coal already had put it percent of the coal fleet announce it's going to retire. fleet of the coal announces going to retire. guest: this is a big move for public health and protecting our climate. at extremely low cost. if you do it in a smart way, consumer electric bills will go down. not up. we can protect our children and our future. this is an important way to start. host: the debate is now focused on jobs and the economy versus health and the environment. let's take the economic side first. the washington times points to a
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u.s. chamber of commerce estimate that the cost of shutting down these power plants to meet the new regulations will cost the economy $51 billion in as many as 224,000 jobs between now and when he 30. -- between now and when he 30. and 2013. now some pollutants have been entirely eliminated. the economy is still growing and is triple the size it was in 1970. we can protect our health and protect the climate without hurting the economy while the economy grows. the chamber just made that stuff up. the new york from times this morning. nearing a climate legacy saying the ministration has already rate -- this could further enhance that. protect the environment and protect the air we breathe.
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guest: let me respond to david's comment. we were not associated with the chamber study. we have done analyses of our own . the cost of regulations -- there is a cost to regulations. we estimated $13 billion-$70 billion per year. the carpet rules are going to -- carbon rules are going to know i have no effect. andt: it is not expensive it has huge benefits. the public health benefits of the epa's proposal, looking at i like $50 billion in public health and climate $50ection -- are like billion in public health and climate protection. the cost is no more than $8
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billion. this is a tremendous -- conservatives want benefits compared to cost. benefits compared to cost here swamped the cost. it's a huge deal for our country. host: is the climate changing? guest: the climate is changing. there is still debate about what extent to which man is causing those changes. what we suggested was a responsible program for reducing carbon emissions. the epa has gone a different route. now we have a program that costs consumers somewhere between $5 billion-$8 billion a year. guest: if you do this in a smart way when we focus on energy efficiency in our homes and ings, you can have all the benefits of electricity and lower bills.
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you can do this all at the same time. pleadingust a for fuel which is being beaten in the marketplace and has drastic come about effects on our health and on the future of our planet. marketwe are all for the making their own choices. when natural gas is better for consumers, that is what the marketplace should do. right now, we have epa putting its thumb on the scale with these regulations that make electricity too expensive. host: from senator obama back in 8 -- he had this to say on cap and trade. the cap and trade system, electricity rates would skyrocket.
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aboutless of what i say -- because i'm capping greenhouse gases, coal power you nameatural gas, it. whatever the industry was, they retrofit their operations. that will cost money. they will pass that money on to consumers. host: i know you've seen this video. got a lot of attention yesterday. was the president wrong then and right today? guest: this is not a cap and trade plan. president --become the benefit of the environmental protection agency energy department and the whole government working on this, they have figured out how to do this and then an expensive way with huge benefits for consumers -- inexpensive way with huge
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benefits for consumers. >> they are wrong. [applause] thank you. any small sharp turn change in electricity prices would be within the normal fluctuations of the power sector that they have already dealt with for years. any small price increase we see is the price of a gallon of milk or month. it is glossed by the huge benefits. this is an investment in better health and in a better future for our kids. host: yesterday's announcement by the epa administrator. what it means for consumers. paul bailey, your reaction. guest: president obama was right. prices are going up.
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that theepa admitted nationwide average electricity rate increase would be 7%. the utility industry shutting right now --nts president obama had it right. host: we discussed the issue of climate change. thank you both very much for being with us. that is our line for republicans. we also have a line for democrats and independents. and you can send us an e-mail. edward is joining us from seaport, new jersey, republican line. good morning. as far as missions is concerned, adaptation to climate
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change is what we should be concerned about. people are going to keep living the way we are living. let's try to adapt to where that will be in the future. that is my comment. >> what should that be? said, adapting to our consumption of consuming less or in different ways, may be less or more. concern that we are making? in missions are the byproduct of what we are going after. host: thank you for your call. something the president said in the past, energy is in all of the above policy. is that still the same question may -- same?
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he said this is a moral issue for him, to take care of his children and our children. we cannot let the energy system just caps off these omissions that cost pollution and health problems and endanger the future of the planet. his position is that we need to control that kind of pollution and if these sources can be cleaned up, they will be continuing to be used. the coal industry and national -- natural gas, they use the atmosphere of a free waste dump. there should be an obligation that you do not create harm or health problems and you do not to the entire planet as a byproduct of doing business. the column before talked about
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adaptation. people in the new york region know about adaptation because of hurricane sandy. they have seen clouds and hurricanes. we will have to live with these things. we must not keep letting them get worse. we have to stop the pollution, which is driving the problem. we have to do that and still have the benefits of electricity if we do it in a smart way very generate from cleaner sources and use the energy us efficiently as we can, so we do not need in -- as much to run the refrigerator. electricany coal-fired land were shut down tomorrow, what impact would it have on our environment in the next couple of decades? >> virtually none. the coal fleet in the u.s., the entire electric set your --
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sector, if we shut down the entire electric utility system in the country, we would be reducing greenhouse gas emissions by four percent. it will have no effect on climate. host: let's take that point and follow up with you. guest: everyone would agree we need cooperation from all around the world to solve the problem. the united states is one of the biggest contributors. largesthe second polluter now. takehinese are starting to action at home. the indians are starting to take action. everyone looks to us for leadership. year, they have produced more electricity from
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sources other than call for the first time in five years and they are shifting away from call as they develop and they have terrible pollution from china. the leadership knows it needs to act that everyone is looking to see that every other big buyer is in the game. this is a way to show the united states is in the game area this is right now, the chinese amid more carbon in one month and this -- then this program will reduce in an entire year. this is an expensive and unnecessary program. president obama's his legacy will be a cap and trade program of carbon rejected by congress three or four years ago because it was too expensive. legacyresident obama's will be to start the pollution that causes this to drive global warming. a low cost in the way consumers save money. >> other countries enjoy the
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benefits. host: what is your background on this issue, david doniger question mark --david doniger? helped write the treaty that protected the ozone later -- layer. that is my background. , yourpaul bailey background and expertise. guest: i started as an engineer working for a large utility system. we were building nuclear plants in those days. i started working on fossil fuel power plants and spent a lot of and on the clean air act here i am on c-span this morning. leon has written this from
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with the headline "the obscure 1970 compromise that made obama passes climate rules possible." a lot of questions in terms of what he announced yesterday. here is what he writes today. critics of the move say the president is making an end run around congress, stretching the law to achieve eye executive action what could not be accomplished through the legislative branch. writes.flat wrong, he more than four decades ago, congress expressed a clear desire to regulate collusion from power plants in the form of the clean air act. theow because i worked on legislation, including the key part of the act. was the bill's main offer -- author. to ensure all nationally prevalent sources of air pollution were never located, and one sub sects -- subsection of that has become the legal
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basis to act. act was notlean air designed to regulate carbon. now have a 650 page proposal which will show how difficult and complicated it is to reduce carbon emissions in this country. exactly right. this is why the act is written the way it is. to dear with -- deal with new problems. the supreme court ruled twice that carbon pollution is subject to the clean air act if it is determined to be damage -- dangerous. companies sued again over the finding and the courts ruled against them. the supreme court turned the case down here in the law is crystal clear on this. this is what it is for, to deal
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with illusion problems. the senator and the congressman at the time knew about, -- climate change. we knew carbon dioxide was hoping up in the atmosphere and starting to overheat the planet. time to start curbing the pollution. questioning is from rhode island, democrat line, good morning. >> good morning. thank you for c-span. i have two questions. the first one is, in the interest of transparency, i would like to know the corporate funding sources, if the majority of your funding comes from portrait versus from each of your guests respective organizations you request we will get a response and come back with a follow-up. >> ours did not come from corporate sources. he comes from individuals and foundations. guest: ours is corporate funding. caller: my follow-up is it is my
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taxpayersing that already funded a significant -- invested a significant amount of money in clean coal. i am interested in the amount of --k rest that has been made progress that has been made, and why over the next four years, we do not think we will be able to advance the technology to a place where clean coal is a possibility very close let me try that one. it is a very good question. the answer is the electric utility industry, power plants, billionnt close to $150 by the end of 2016 on a mission controls. technology.ying
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there are at least 50 clean technologies in use today in power plants. i think the caller is referring to, the government spent $8 billion developing that technology. we are optimistic about the future but we have another -- coal plants,ld new we will not be able to develop carbon capture storage further. host: why no place for alternative fuel jobs in coal country? guest: there should be a place for clean energy jobs. ohio, clean energy economy is booming. in west virginia and kentucky, is what that, there is a transition already underway. we take the last point. kohl's
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fundamental problem is that it is not competitive. even without the standards, is not edited. no one wants to build a coal when because investments in energy efficiency are cheaper. the power companies are looking out for their interest in looking out for his interest. want coal plants if they are more expensive than the alternative. for coal states is just as large as it is or other midwestern and other manufacturing bases to turn to the clean energy economy and there are hundreds of houses of good -- hundreds of thousands of good blue-collar jobs created in dates that choose to do it. host: the proposal prompting a
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backlash. let me take another issue the administrator talked about yesterday -- flexibility among the states.. gina mccarthy. >> this plan is about flexibility. it is ambitious and also achievable. it is how we keep our energy of oracle and reliable. the glue that holds a plan together and the key to making it work is that each state's goal is tailored to their own circumstances. tailored to restore goal in whatever way works best for them. we follow and look at where they are heading. each date is different for each goal and each task -- half can be different. path can be different. not curee goal does the problems for the proposal. it is a bad for also.
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it is not quite as bad as it would've in because it's like all. that does not cure the problems of the program. you are laughing why? guest: the industry spent the last year or so saying, give us flex ability. it is smart they have done this. it is a different standard. this is fair from a two state. a lot of flexibility is given to the states to figure out -- do you want to retrofit whole plants? we think that algae is ready for prime time. it may not be economic to do it, but it is ready. do you want to build different kinds of lance? are you want to conserve energy in people's homes? all of the tools are available. part of the clean air act involves states making part of those implementations. an example of flexibility is, on
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average, the first caller who called it was talking about using less electricity. this is epa flexibility forcing states to force electric consumers to use 10% less electricity. host: a counterargument in the papers this morning -- there'll misleading, be an opportunity for power companies and others to help people invest in better heating and cooling systems and better insulation and better windows and better lightbulbs. if you can get all the light and eat and cooling for 10% less electricity, it is heck of a good deal. it means my bill goes down. it is not so easy to figure out how to do it. you need help. you need power, these and state officials that help create a marketplace for programs for the
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contractors are there to help you do this and loans are there to help you do this and where the payment lands are there to help your for this and in states which have created energy-efficient programs, but does go down and consumers are better off and the air is cleaner. >> does this create a patchwork system? model is basically going to be the same model we saw with the help care model. >> really, it is the model of the clean air act air it federal standard, it says, here is where your target is. it is what you do to protect health and the environment here in most of -- most of the , the pa does not do implementation unless they refused to request the bottom line is, if the proposals are will utility prices go up for consumers? >> a proper emphasis on
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energy-efficient the, bills will go down here in electricity rates will go up. bills may go down because people will assume less electricity because electricity costs more. this is using less electricity because dos more. that is what it is all about. guest: better for juniors, betting heating systems -- better heating systems. all of which cost money. you're just joining us, we're are focusing on epa regulations announced yesterday by tina mccarthy. david doniger is with the national resources defense , theil and paul bailey american coalition for clean coal electricity. we will go to john in san antonio area good morning and thank you for waiting. are you with us? we will go next to jim in
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franklin. caller: good morning. i love c-span. questions here it what in the 1970's are we talking about the glacier ice age? doesn't the hot air come out of the sea? -- d.c.? the science is extraordinarily clear and strong . if you're going to diagnose it, cancer, from 97 doctors, you would not shop around until he found a buddy who told you weren't -- you are not sick. you would seek treatment and take it seriously. someis what we have got scientists on climate change. it is so clear. you watched the speech in its entirety? guest: i was there.
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guest: i saw pieces of it. host: your reactions? in theshe is a believer program. saying things like, energy prices will not go up is misleading people. electricity will increase. you will be using less electricity because you will spend more for more efficient appliances and so on. i hope the epa will be open to comment during comment time. they have done a good job of outreach over the last few weeks and we hope that will continue so we can seek some changes to the role. that has been extended to 120 days. guest: the president sent out a .chedule yesterday here from now to have the final rollout. a year from that, the states would be submitting their plans on how they would take this.
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states are already engaging were engaged with utilities and epa is engaged stakeholders all over the country. the smartest, cheapest, best way to carry this frankly, to strengthen it. the energy efficiency opportunity is so large that the epa did not tap it out. are much more energy savings for people and energy pollution savings area host: you were in her room, her tone and demeanor. guest: she's a down to earth person with a thick, boston act and. accent. she understands this stuff and connects with people. springfield, kentucky, republican line. caller: [indiscernible] the rest of the country and the
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they cant thinks that tell everybody else what they need to do in those protections are only as good as the grants they get from the big --ironmentalists like peter who will not give out the money unless they get favorable recommendations from the ones that they back. will get a response. you are calling from kentucky. what part of the state and is it in coal country? if you are on a extent income, between obamacare and all the regulations they are sticking on everything else, the federal government and the federal are the only ones able to keep their head above water
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and the more regulations they think they know all the ideas going on in the world, but they do not know what the average temperature should be or what should be from 1000 years ago. they cannot predict -- much less what will be in the next 20 years. host: thank you for the call. fossil fuel industry is spending tens of millions of dollars trying to influence how people think about this, protect coal interests, fossil fuel. the money is on the other side, my friend. the caller brought up a dimension of this issue we do not talk about. the average family in this country right now make about $50,000 before taxes.
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over the last 10 years, the average family has in the energy prices go up 27% and their real income go down 22%. -- families in particular cannot afford high energy prices we will need from also, lowers. income and fixed income families suffered this proportional higher energy prices. line: this is a classic with statistics. i believe paul's numbers fall with gasoline, which has nothing to do with electricity. it has been stable and cheap and cheaper in most parts of the country over this time. is -- the low price of natural gas has driven prices down and that is the reason coal is having such trouble. it cannot compete. renewable energy is cheaper than it ever was before. energy efficiency investments if youave you better off
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could get all you want out of electricity with a lower month the savings rack up month after month. to give you an indication of the areas of the country that would be impacted the most, the 2020,ion output by essential part of the country would have the biggest impact. both of you are partisans on this issue but i have two fundamental touches. why target existing power plants? guest: i will let david go first. guest: existing power plants are the source of pollution. these are the power plants that exist and produce the pollution. they turn over extraordinary slowly. powerplants last for decades. a way for the new ones to replace old ones, we just cannot ever solve the problem.
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the map you're talking about is showing the levels of not carbon, but the sulfur in such an smog collusion that would be cut by this standard as well. that translates to 100,000 fewer asthma tax each year, going up to 100 to 2000 before two 6000 lives saved every year. to releasing the carbon pollution driving climate change. this is hugely beneficial or our health and children and kids with as an older evil who, thousands of them are dying to as of this kind of pollution each year. we can cut this down and say evil slides. -- people's lives. guest: cut by 90%. that is almost $150 billion that has been sent to achieve those
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reductions. because, their standards, each time their proposed, the industry fight. they do comply with them once the fight is over. .tandards are put in place our health is a lot better here in hundreds of ounces of lives are being saved and there are more thousands of lives he saved. -- to be saved. host: how will they be regulated? guest: we have an expansive program being laid out. a flexible program. people will be you using a less electricity. people will pay more for electricity and they will use less electricity. a lot of the issues you mentioned earlier was how long the states will develop these lands. the states we have talked to, a
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gathering of states in north dakota several weeks ago, the dates were indicating they thought they needed as long as to develop these programs. the longer it takes to develop a program. we think the timeline is rushed and arbitrary. paul bailey and david doniger. james sent as an e-mail. -- another viewer says, if the science is clear --
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caller: i just wonder if the two of you know what is going on in spain right now. i will explain. as everyone knows, it went green with their economy in 2000 and. then the crisis happened. for every green job they created, they lost two regular jobs or they had 20% unemployment. recently, the government has run out of money to give subsidies for all the green energy projects. companies are passing that on to the consumer and everybody posses electric ill doubled in the country, if not tripled their do you want to comment on that? host: thank you for the call. guest: i do not know about spain. this is an urban myth story circulating. i do not think it is right. i know about health and new york in the northeast. i know about illinois and the states where these programs are
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in place in the energy bills are going down and pollution is going down. you do this in a smart way. yesterday to take all these tools and do this in a march way to fulfill our moral obligation to protect our kids. and the interest. from this build up of dangerous climate change. >> we talked about this earlier, but if we stopped adding all of the io to, would climate change continue? yes, but the question is, how bad will it be? if you drive a car at 60 miles an hour were a wall and cannot miss the wall and you would rather hit it at 30 or 20 miles an hour, hinted at escape. you would not want his it up. -- to speed up.
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we have to reduce pollution to slow down the pollutants to get other countries to come with us. and we load down the climate change to the point where the previous caller says we might be able to adapt to some of it there the world in the future, will be unrecognizable to our descendents and to us, if we do not tackle the problem. from orlando veatch. less good morning. first time caller. --host: david from orlando. caller: good morning. first time caller. i think you minimize the problem when you call it pollution. i used to work at one of these coal power plants doing cleanouts.
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thateaned out the filters were before this tax -- the stacks and what was left was residual dust behind. do is get auld material safety data sheet and show the cancer-causing agent being blown out from the plants. say it is a pollution is an understatement by far. what i have to say, we follow your train of thought and we they with fossil tools, how long before our energy off go down? guest: you are right. this is dangerous pollution, dangerous in many ways. it causes asthma attacks, heart
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disease, lung failure. -- weolutions involved control standards for all of these luden except one, carbon -- pollutants, except one, carbon dioxide. that is what this loophole is. i am not quite sure i understood the last question. right now, states that rely on coal, electricity, about 20% less than electricity prices. the states that did not rely on coal. david raised a point about natural gas prices. there is nothing wrong with that because consumers benefit from that. these rules will have no meaning for love act on climate change. they will reduce temperature increase i left than a fraction of a degree.
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there are two concentrations, one percent. they will reduce sealevel rise. the climate events are all pain and no gain. impact of thehe commonwealth of virginia, the timing is somewhat uncertain on environmental proposals. my question to both of you is why the president announced this now in june of 2014 as opposed to waiting for six months? a factor both sides are taking into account as well. less than resident made it there he clear in the first term, he dealt with car pollution, heavily from vehicles and fuel economy and he tried to get legislation. he made it clear in the second term his legacy issue as a father and as the one looking out for the future.
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forould ask congress operation. if he did not have cooperation for congress, he would use the law already passed for the clean air -- clean air act. last june, the timetable i decide, opens a on power plants to get these standards in place in the remainder of his term. they will be complied with from 2020-2030 you're that is the way things work. you have to start and put something in place in order to have it grow and bear fruit. this is a radical plan. we assumed the president would not adopt such a radical when. the legacy will be a regulatory it is notade program
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a cap and trade. it is silly. this room them is is on controlling emission rate. if there is no mandate to put a choosewhere, it states to convert this into a cap and trade of them, and there are some aides who already one those programs, new states will make their own choice. this cap and trade stuff -- host: what is co2? carbon dioxide, a molecule. property that it ands the heat in the sun, that is why, as the blanket of co2 gets the care, temperature goes up. from the rising temperature of the heat, that is what drives
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changes in the weather. we get more dream weather. two different perspectives on the issue here at the table. on twitter -- host: joining us from pennsylvania, independent line. good morning. i have a question or david doniger. i was wondering, you are concentrating on just different generation concerns very systemwide, this is an infrastructure problem. ,s it in the purview of the epa
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where he can actually have less generation to start with and more of it means of transmitting the energy on the weight of generation to the merc? tax, to havee a more efficient, you know, electrical trance mission on the states or whatever? click the epa does not have any of artie to tax anybody area it is already set standards limiting the amount of pollution . if it does have the authority to work the states, -- there are many ways to achieve that. can put changes in the plan itself your those are all fair game. wheren do things to shift
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the power is generated and how much power is needed because of where it is in the transmission grid. can reduce the number of megawatt hour we need to keep warm. they have the option to use rudder approaches to meet the standards the epa sets. they are not mandating any of that. host: is it correct that disapproving the keystone would foreclose co2 emissions comparable to yesterday causes proposal? guest: i do not know and i'm ari. i go back the same numbers i quoted yesterday. china admits more than this program reduces here in the u.s. host: we cannot force china and
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other to go along with this we do not make changes ourselves. guest: we can put in place a reasonable, relatively this -- affordable -- program that is not what the epa proposed yesterday. we can reduce carbon emissions for far less money than this program is. host: you also weigh in on a phased full. you can join at -- it's. are you concerned about climate change? ., florida, good morning. -- eric, florida, good morning. caller: the gentleman, mr. david doniger, made some point.
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what you plan to do with the windows and iterators and stuff you plan to replace? will you make them into mcrib sam which is? -- sandwiches? the green energy movement -- endangered -- killing endangered species. they're trying to hoist on everyone else. obama seems to have a huge carbon foot rent, seems to have all the planes flying with him. you will give me the necessity clause that he needs to fly to africa. the king of africa, here is a quote. if you think about all of the -- in africa, if everybody is raising living standards to the point everyone has got a car and everyone has a seat, the planet will blow over. this is the kind of hurts and we are dealing with.
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guest: it is tough to respond very when you take for drips out of homes am a they are recycled here that is the late should be. to focus on making my home more energy is asian. driving power that gets good gas mileage. we are living the life here. hypocrisy about hypocrisy. host: let me go back to the editorial. it frames the debate over jobs and the health of the economy and the health of americans. over time, these jobs are likely to be replaced by new jobs created by the retrofitting of much of the current energy system and by the extension -- expansion of current energy sources. --
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host: paul bailey. thet: they are recycling same arguments they make on every quality rule. three -- signed a merc mercury rule. asthman rule based on and prevention of heart attack, was have nothing to do with carbon. we had a merc or he rule, for example, that will cost consumers 10 elion dollars a year. -- $10 billion a year. we can reduce mercury with $2 billion a year. we can reduce carbon for far less than the administration causes row graham. -- program. new: the president posses
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energy rule is a huge tax on the poor and the middle class and then make this point. in eight short years, the administration will have accomplished the largest transformation of power since the 9030's. -- 1930's. guest: the last part is right. the markets, the lower price of natural gas, green energy, over energy am a and the money-saving character of energy is saved. these eggs are picking up coal is losing out. up.hese things are picking coal is losing out. if it is created in a smart way, everybody, from the most wealthy to the middle class will have the opportunity to have the programs to use less electricity and still keep you warm in the summer. the hypocrisy of heaven the wall
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street journal, the voice of the aboutrcent, lecture us who is interested in regular people and poor people. it is just amazing. compare the new york times and the wall street journal. two different takes are both available online as we listen to jim from -- last call. thatr: i agree with david efficiency comes to money savings. couplenately, we save a thousand dollars on gas and oil and electricity and so forth. there is very little you can buy in society that will not cause someone to consume a lot of energy, to make that product. if the premise that energy savings is going to sell health problems.
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guest: look, i drive the same number of miles one way or the other, but i jive them in a car that gets better fuel economy and makes less carbon pollution. it is your gain for the environment, with the economy the money you save, education for your kids, emily vacations. who can argue with that? host: we will conclude with paul bailey. guest: to gabon with one of the last callers said -- to pick a bone with what one of the last callers said, fixed income families pay disproportionately
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higher amounts for energy. those families that get harmed when energy prices a lot, that epahat will happen on this program, regardless of the soothing words we hear about the stability -- flexibility. this does not help climate change and it cost consumers a lot of money. host: paul bailey and david doniger. gentlemen, thank you both for being with us. when the administrator -- jenny mccarthy available on our website. check it out. when we come back, we will turn our attention to an anniversary , 25 week. the uprising years to go. a congressman will join us at the able to talk about the
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impact today. later, we will open up our phone lines in an open phones ekman. first, a check on some other news. with that, nancy. good morning. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] >> good morning. president obama spoke in a joint news conference with the polish president, kicking off a weeklong trip to europe. president calling for an trip. this amid tensions with russia in the you rain. he all on congress to provide up to $1 billion to support the effort. to reassure european allies of continued u.s. support their the president is also augmenting on the release of a sergeant, saying we consulted with congress for some time and he added the u.s. needs to take certain risks with prisoners in terrorism. cbs news white house
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correspondents we did this our that martin dempsey said of the rest you soldier that on no any , we will this condom continue to care for him and his family. he went on to add the army may pursue a desertion investigation of the sergeant. those are some of the latest headlines. >> for over 35 years, sees and brings up with tears event -- public affairs events to you. offering complete apple to gavel coverage of the u.s. house, all as a public service of driving industry. tvpan, created by the cable industry 35 years ago and brought to you as a public service. follow us on twitter. "washington rural" continues.
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--journal" continues. christer a smith has .onducted more than 50 hearings the uprisings in china. what happened 25 years ago? there was a tremendous move. 400 cities and beijing as well. students and others all joined in, and for the and respect for fundamental human rights. it was probably one of the greatest hopes and expectations all of us had ever had. after two month, approximately two months of relatively peaceful demonstrations, the dictatorship decided to come down with an iron fifth -- fist. they sent in and a large number of they net wielding soldiers , tookthey hunted down to
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many to prison, where they were tortured. the labor camps, which many of them ended up in erie it was one of the worst, write in plain view of time magazine. cnn was covering it live. of chile, the response from the west was very weak. and enabling. perhaps unwittingly, but it was. very little outrage. fore was a big move democracy. we saw it in the union and the east block, but not so for the beleaguered activists who have sat five so much erie it i just had a hearing. with ofred it friday the activist who were there, all of whom spent some time in toldtion or in prison, who
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the story of make -- missed opportunities, especially including june 4, when there was such a lackluster response from interested parties around the world. host: there have been varied accounts and we have been looking for -- at some of the pictures. toll?as the final death >> it is still open for discussion. the government never allowed and in the end and investigation. on times, the numbers are in the thousands. at least 200 were killed right on this where as all of this was happening. the interesting music you years invitedresident clinton the operational commander who ordered the slaughter of the students, had him into the white i thinkave him is moot, he should've been held liable for crimes against humanity. a horrible erie it he went to
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the army war college and said in answer to a western in 1996 thomas nobody died at this where. i put together a hearing and had who of those who were there said, we watched as people were killed by tanks, bayoneted, shot and beaten by the time to death. press back in china, how he went to the white house and was treated like an honored guest. was a horrible show of lack of concern with the man who said to go in there and kill those students. >> you talked about reaction. let's go back to june 6, 1989. george h.w. bush had this to say at the white house area --
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house. student standing in front of the tank, and then, i might add, seeing the anchor driver exercise restraint here and i'm convinced -- restraint. the forces of democracy will overcome these events in the square. on the commercial side, i do not want to hurt the chinese evil. -- people. i believe commercial contracts have led, in essence them to the west or more freedom. i think people have commercial incentive, whether in china or other totalitarian systems, the move to democracy becomes more inexorable. president george h.w. bush served -- and china. . was that strong or tepid? guest: i think tepid.
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to talk about hurting the chinese evil, our trade deficit and trading relationship with china at that time was miniscule. many of us were arguing in the 1980's and 1990's we need to link it can progress in human rights with a most favored trading status so the chinese. x -- chinese get well treated. but only if human rights are followed and ed. two. be achieved, significant progress. bill clinton actually called president bush's response -- he called it coddling dictatorship. even though i am a republican, i agree with him. then bill clinton did one of the most shameless things in history. we had the votes to take away most favored nation status. totally bipartisan.
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in 1993, the president said to just if him a year. he wrote out any that you order that talked about significant progress in all categories of human rights observance. it was a beautiful order. true solidarity. in, no matter what they do in china, they were going to get the trading privileges and human rights will nearest waste the bin. i met with foreign minister people. hundreds said we stand with clinton and we mean it. if you do not improve, you will lose the trading privilege. i was laughed at in beijing. a big smile came on the face of one of my interlocutors. sure enough, on may 26, 1994, and c-span covered the press a friday, i had, on
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when no one was left in congress were very few were still around, late in the day, a new cycle was over. though clinton took his exit of order and ripped it in half. even though there was no progress, there was sickness and deterioration. no human rights conditionality what's a lever. -- what so ever. that is when we lost china. andut rockets above people above torture, religious persecution, and all the other human rights abuses. president bush was wrong. clinton got it right. then buckles, may 20 6, 19 -- 1994, we lost china. host: part of the diplomatic
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equation is the debt we had with china. is how that has impacted this debate. >> hillary clinton made the her first trip in china. she said, i will not let human rights interfere with little to -- interfere with global climate change issues. many activists, all of the great activist who have spent decades of their lives in prison suffering torture. harry role was in my office a day or two after she made that damon. he got angry, his hands were shaking. he's at, clinton does not care about human rights. .t is through the dissonance human rights always at the center piece of our relationship
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with a country am a and human rights and christians ain't persecuted, always at the center of that relationship and not so with china. that again was another iteration of 1994 capitulation with her husband, bill clinton. these are all unnecessary. there have been missed opportunities get i asked the question friday. all of the witnesses recounted these opportunities staring us right in the face to have the facts of the best and brightest in china whose effort human rights. changs and these other great men and women, who just want democracy and freedom and they deserve it erie these our universe the -- universally recognized values. host: let me get your reaction to these headlines. --
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guest: i have been working on the internet or balance and answer ship issue as well. i had a hearing devil years back in which we had mike is, google, yahoo!, all test the five. i soar all of the individuals in. swore all of the individuals in. names were given up of e-mail .ccounts telling in prison for an engineer in new york city what they could and could not do around the observance of tiananmen square. we cannot have corporate complicity either. google and some of the other internet providers now support a bill i have introduced, called
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the global online freedom act, which would require a full disclosure of what is being answered. i went to a computer café in beijing and googled my name, block. i googled obama's name, locks. and i gottorture guantanamo and what the japanese did to d china and world war ii. i got a guantanamo report but on the scathing report torture against chinese dissidents, christians, muslim lakers, and tibetan looted -- and tibetan buddhists. be seen oncould regular google but not on china.
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two things are necessary for a dictatorship to survive, a strong secret police -- it is ubiquitous. .econdly is the propaganda if you ask a student in tnm and square in beijing -- in tnm and tieneman square. he serves on the house foreign affairs committee and is the chair of the foreign affairs subcommittee focused on global human rights. thank you for being with us. we will get to your phone calls. call -- good morning. caller: good morning, steve.
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i worked with a man in china. really killedy 3000 people and he was there at tnm and square. he said no, they killed 30,000 people. they inflated the numbers i'm sure. it is unbelievable. guest: they hunted down those people involved in this happened in 44 cities around china, excluding beijing. when you are apprehended by the chinese secret police and you are tortured under this -- under extreme duress. even the strongest and most numberless of people will give up another name.
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the hunt was gone -- the hunt was ongoing and pervasive. caller: good morning and kudos to the c-span team for all the work you do. a couple of quick comments. back in the 70's president nixon did his famous trip to china to reestablish relations. -- withith mousing tone mao tse tong. mail in china -- china has never stopped being communist. as long as we become economically entangled with them -- of course to have a permanent seat on the united nations security council. interact -- you mentioned
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something interesting when you mention corporate complacency. all of the cheap quality goods we as american consumers, like at walmart and other places, get a chance to spend our shrinking value dollar on comes from china, vietnam, and other places. totainly human rights need be respected, whether it is africa, south america, russia, or china. but because of our economic entanglements and because of the corporate compliancy, we are sort of between a rock and a hard place. yet we still have to do business with them. >> this tweet from a viewer saying -- it is well over $1 trillion but we do have a $17 trillion debt. the congressional budget office says it will be $27 trillion and
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it will be $7 trillion in 10 years. just one very brief thing on that, the congressional office suggests by 2024, the largest , just underagenda $900 billion, will be interest on the debt. in on spending, not let china bayless out in terms of buying a u.s. treasury. the point made out nixon is an excellent point. a year and a half after tiananmen square frank wolf and i travel to china. we went to beijing as a number one where out -- where activists look like auschwitz survivors. the products they were making , and, shoes, jelly shoes
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the sox were being exported here, being made by tiananmen square activists. that, we made a complaint, and frankly they put an import ban on that. tong. with lee he was involved with this terrible killing field. when i and frank wolf product human rights between nixon and the human -- and the chinese government, what a missed opportunity that was. ernest were we to bring china into the u.n., which they eventually displaced taiwan. and then they did not have the foresight to say that democratization and respect for liberties is all-important. there was just an article recently about sleep on's
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daughter,- about his who says her greatest sense of tragedy was she was compelled to follow the one child per couple policy with forced abortions and forced sterilization. she was never allowed to have a second or third child. another horrible legacy of human rights abuse where brothers and sisters are illegal in china, forced abortion is commonplace, and the toll on women and the missing girls, maybe as many as 100 million missing girls in china -- host: 100 million? guest: 100 million. the discrepancy between was and girls is huge. this relates to unbelievable instability created gangs will be formed -- instability. gangs be formed. the traffic issue is skyrocketing.
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sex trafficking, human trafficking. systematically exterminating. could have been in the area of missed opportunities. if we had linked human rights , for thee and said protection of these women for the atrocity this gender crime of forced abortions, which has caused unbelievable psychological image to women in china -- >> what we have been doing on the world stage, we have the moral authority to tell countries what to do anymore? guest: we to make mistakes. one of the beauty of this country -- beauties of this country is the can admit it.
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we have two primary parties that are adversarial. it really helps to keep this country -- a media that is free and unfettered to ask the hard questions. sometimes they don't but they should. they have the opportunity and freedom to do so. and then checks and balances with the judiciary as well as the executive branch. our founders were incredibly and did us a great favor, the world, by saying do not trust government. supported, but make sure it is kept on the straight and narrow. when it comes to human rights, yes, we make mistakes. we also have corrective mechanisms in place to try to fix it. -- i often ask why
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we don't speak out about nigeria. i will be there on behalf of the terrorist issue. why do we have that platform? we are the world. has its immigrants here. it is one of our greatest strengths. poland, theening in polish americans made sure we were doing the right thing. same goes for china. the chinese activists do feel let down that the united states has missed opportunities, has missed under obama. resident obama gets the nobel peace prize. -- is still president in china. his wife -- is still in prison in china. he is having a serious
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psychological depression. he was not allowed to receive the award. i was there. with whodent meets zheng tao. they have a white house press conference. thatd dissidents saying publicly asking for his release. -- saying -- publicly asking for his release. when they had the press conference, who zheng tao -- zheng tao stumbled around and did not give much of an answer. president obama said, while they have a different culture and different political system, they have evolved in the negative. just read the state department's human rights report.
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the washington post did a piece, and editorial, taking our president to task. she said how outrageous it was nobelhe two players, our peace prize winner was defending the chinese system. year witharing last , all of whom got here on asylum. a great human rights defender, who has been tortured almost to death. the five daughters gave riveting testimony. i had to hold myself back. they look at these wonderful girls, saying please let our dad go. they said president obama has two daughters.
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he will understand. i sent a letter to the president, followed up i multiple phone calls. know what the answer was? president obama is too busy to meet with the five daughters. meet with these five wonderful daughters. they are doing it right before he was going to a meeting with xi jinping. please, raise our fathers cases and meet with us. look these young girls in the eyes and see their passionate defense of their dad. the president wouldn't even meet with them. that is very disappointing. host: have you talked to him personally about this? guest: i have tried to get a meeting several times with the president to talk and not been able to get through.
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that would be great if i could ever do it. host: on the phone from fremont california, welcome to the conversation. caller: thank you for call -- for taking my call. my father came over from china in the 1940's. about thecared much second amendment or owning firearms until after i witnessed , in union city, what took place there. all those people had in her hand signs and banners and we had a political party and this country is trying to implement gun control of the same manner here. if you want to see a tiananmen square here you will allow that to happen here. that is all i have to say. host: let's move on to bruce in westport kentucky.
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guest: i think chris is doing a great job. politicians have sold us down the river. they have sold the middle-class family down the road -- these people cannot find a job. guest: i am a prolabor republican. to do ano get ustr investigation into unfair labor practices employed by the chinese government, where average workers get between $.10 to $.50 per hour. there are a large number of factory fatalities as well as injuries. we couldn't even get the ustr to investigate. , in 1994ce of trade
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the bill clinton shredded leakage to human rights, the balance of trade was $29 billion in favor of the chinese. is $318 billion. wholesale manner has lost jobs here in the united states, which were high-paying, highly skilled factory jobs. they have been outsourced to china. there is next to no protection for intellectual property rights. the business to community for years, human rights should be seen as being very much connected to privacy laws, copyright infringement, and the like. -- thechinese routinely chinese routinely rip off intellectual property rights and patents.
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as a result counterfeits. it they are ripping off all of these wonderful -- all these things are innovators came up with. i had a hearing on how many of these products and that in africa because china is on a tear to ripoff resources in africa. number of characters that look like they care -- look like the american model which are much lower price -- they even package it as something coming from the u.s.. i want to go back to your hearing. a former pro-democracy leader, here is a portion of what he had to say. [video clip] >> eventually my friend and i
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forced ourselves past the barrier and continued toward tiananmen square. had triedore people to persuade anyone going toward the danger. i had to go. leader.student we initiated movement. this initiated the movement. -- we initiated the movement. we saw the people's liberation vehicles, moving into tiananmen square. helmets and ak-47s were randomly shooting at a protester. they chanted a slogan.
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-- riend and i xiong testifying last week. this image really captured what happened. for you personally, this is a passion. face in -- my faith in being our brothers and sisters keeper -- everyone deserves fundamental human rights and respect for freedoms. the chinese government has repressed them with an iron fist and we have a moral obligation, -- a democratic china will not be feared. the will be partners in
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world in a dictatorship threatens its neighbors of japan, sochi, taiwan, and beyond. they are marketing their governance model in many parts of the world, including government. and some socialist governments like venezuela. killed millions of people, particularly in the war they imposed on south sudan some years back. that is the chinese model. a partner inve promoting human rights pieces and democracy. this government is a disaster. host: matt is calling our conversation -- let's go to arnold from tennessee with congressman chris smith of new jersey. good morning. caller: good morning. listening to all of this, it starts to sound pretty much helpless for human rights and
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maybe for the entire planet. i believe there is only one that is going to change the direction we are heading in, and it is a very simple thing called love. a quote that goes, when the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. i would invite you to go to a website that i have, godis read a book that i co-wrote with presence.l i would add tough love. if you care about the oppressed and tortured, we need to be , and have theite
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back of the chinese dissidents. we do not have their backs now. host: shone from florida on the independent line. caller:. how long is it until all these atrocities start occurring here in the united states? seems to me we are heading in the same direction. i am flying out tomorrow to a i getation and i know if in line at the airport and started making jokes about .ecurity i can be arrested if i make the wrong moves i can be arrested. the newspapers, the television stations, they don't really mention what is going on. i am curious to find out how until we start seeing the same kinds of atrocities here in the united states.
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host: based on what we saw on tiananmen square, based on your thesis or theories, could the u.s. reach that level in which individuals are killed in a, street? caller: absolutely. look at what happened with the wall street demonstrators. i thought i was a piece of genius, channeling them in a certain area. if you look at what happened during the vietnam war, looked up at the united states. -- look at the dissent in the united states. guest: george washington once said the price of peace is eternal vigilance. applies not just overseas challenges but to domestic ones as well. i think americans do need to become much more aware of rights when being threatened, particularly speech rights.
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i am speaking as candidly as i can. there have been concerns of that kind of -- a much more focused way of repressing. i think the irs scandal this administration has engaged in has not got the kind of press or scrutiny it deserves. right to life groups have been targeted. committee,right life something i once headed as executive director, is now being audited by the irs. there are different tools used by different governments to cower people. god forbid we have anything that looks like tiananmen square. there are other more subtle and nuanced but deadly and effective in terms of their ability to cause dissent to be quelled. we need to send. hopefully it is always peaceful.
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that is what debate should be all about. the debate here in washington. this is a marketplace of ideas. host: our last calls from missouri. caller: i want about bullying. the world champions of bullying are bernanke and yellen. they have paid no interest rates to senior citizens to save the banks and wall street. what is congressmen'? -- congressman's duty? guest: i think there has been a recklessness with quantitative easing.
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i can understand a short burst of health -- of help. when you do it year after year and your balance of trillions that they hold, it only exacerbates the debt. be reason cbo says we would under $900 billion of interest after 2024 isear because those interest rates cannot be artificially kept low or ever. there is a degrading of the economy that happens, possibilities of other negative consequences, and one of those consequences are people on fixed income find their ability to get interest -- they think the market is too volatile. -- fixed income instruments and it will give you anything. it's like putting your money a note or -- money under a mattress.
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host: a story on the release of sergeant boberg doll -- boberg bergdahl.we do you think the united states paid a high price? guest: i am glad he is free. untold stories is 614 people have been released from guantánamo. is thee -- and this result of an official inquiry intelligence operation bill of 2004 -- one of them has reengaged in the battlefield, killing americans, killing afghanistan region fighters and military and children. 104 went to the battlefield.
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qatar,ive terrorists in where are they going to be in six months or a year and a half? one was the vice-chairman of intelligence for the telegram. .- for the taliban these are terrorists with a great deal of concern for all of us. the former secretary of defense was against this when it was discussed in 2010 and 2011. this will not be lost in terrorists around the world. host: one headline from "the london daily mail," some in his platoon say he should face court-martial. militaryat is for the
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to decide. there are reports six soldiers died searching for him. friends continue to grieve to this day for the loss of those six. all of that needs to be sorted .ut an of those who were released went back to the battlefield. that is the official number. smith is a member of the foreign affairs committee and chair of the subcommittee on global human rights. thank you for's dropping by -- for stopping by. to take a short break. we are going to open up our phone minds and talk politics. it is primary day in eight states. here are the numbers --
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first a look at some other news. the president is overseas. nancy callow is in our c-span radio studios. >> there is reaction to one of the comments the president made earlier today in poland when he he consulted with congress for some time about prisoner exchange. house intelligence committee chairman ike rogers made remarks on nbc, saying there has been no help briefing since 2011 on the possibility of a prisoner swap with the taliban. he went on to administrate -- to say the administration -- the associated press reports beijing is putting additional police on the streets and have detained government critics as a
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part of a security crackdown on the eve of the 25th anniversary of the pro-democracy protests. please to man checkpoints and patrollingy troops pedestrian overpasses and streets surrounding the square feet of -- the square. in april.rices rose the increase was the smallest annual gain in 14 months. price gains have slowed this year as sales have faltered. says prices rose 10.5% in april from 12 months earlier. it is down from march. an 11.1% increase. those are some of the latest headlines on c-span radio. >> sundays at eight include michael lewis. >> we are now at the beginning. there are real structural
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problems. i'm not an economic forecaster. everything i read suggests we're going to be living with unusually high levels of unemployment, a lot of pain from .ver debt it is not a great depression. not reprising what happened in the 30's. mead -- read more of our conversation from q&a programs. from public affairs books, now available for a father's day gift at your favorite bookseller. journal closed quote continues. host: we will continue this tuesday morning. a live look at the u.s. capitol. the senate is in session. includingf hearings, one at 10:00 eastern time.
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looking at the supreme court case. ato hearing getting underway 25 to 30 minutes on the impact of climate change. live coverage on the c-span's networks. this line from the hattiesburg newspaper. it is primary day in mississippi and seven other states. turn our attention to the mississippi primary with someone following the story for the associated press. thank you for being with us. in this race between the -- hascan challenger there been any reliable polling recently on what to expect today? caller: there have been a number of polls out in this race. the question is reliability. mississippi is a very small state.
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people i've talked to say it is a bit difficult to get an accurate read on how this is looking. it is a stink shaping up to be a very tight race today. ugly contest an and people are saying this is the nastiest campaign mississippi has been seeing in more than a generation now. the campaign blew up 2.5 weeks ago. there were four people who were arrested and charged in what police are calling a conspiracy .o take photographs used at the end of an anti-cochrane video that was posted briefly online on april 26. share with our audience the two latest ads from
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the cochran and mcdaniel campaign related to this issue. [video clip] >> now chris mcdaniels radio cohost and longtime friend charged with felonies. had enough? >> senator cochran is what makes mississippi great. he voted against obamacare over 100 times. rise up and say no to dirty politics and yes to our strong conservative leader. host: the latest from the campaign. he has been in the senate for the last 36 years. this response from his perp of look and -- from his republican challenger. >> thad cochran voted for billions in wasteful spending, like the bridge to nowhere. he even raised his own pay eight times. the alternative, conservative republican chris mcdaniel.
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as a state senator he fought wasteful spending. and he put prayer back in schools. chris mcdaniels. >> i approved this message. host: two of the latest ads in the mississippi primary. a sense of chris mcdaniel's background and why he decided to challenge senator cochran and who is supporting him. guest: chris mcdaniel is an attorney and he was elected to the state senate in 2007. he comes from jones county, which is in the southern part of the state. he has been ambitious since he arrived at the state capitol. aggressive onry pushing gun rights and other issues. he was seen as an up-and-coming politician among tea party supporters. of that is where he is getting a lot of his support.
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host: senator cochran's wife suffering from dementia and blog posting that video, where was the trajectory of the campaign? guest: i think people were looking at the usual advantage of the incumbency. mississippi has a long history of sending people back to the senate for a very long time. the last time the state voted was in 1942. host: what are you seeing so far? what are you expecting? guest: the polls have been open for just over an hour and a half. he have a reporter telling us he has and seeing a light turnout at this point. parts of the in state, which could affect people who are apathetic and don't want to bother getting out to vote.
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election officials are protecting a light to medium turnout. host: thank you for being with us. some other headlines on this tuesday morning. -- south carolina is the epa landmark rules to cut carbon dioxide pollution. the other story getting a lot of attention, their release of sergeant bowe bergdahl. anublicans are demanding open hearing on the negotiated release of sergeant bergdahl in return for those five taliban prisoners. senate republicans are pushing their democratic colleagues and the white house to agree to an open discussion of potentially classified information. the current disclosure has caused discord between the capitol hill and the white house. the relationship has been rocky for some time.
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tom is joining us from clinton maryland. on this tuesday. caller: i know this is the political season. the number one job the united states military is to protect and take care of its own. we determine whether or not there are any possibilities in any types of nefarious situations. for people to say the united states paid too much to bring this gentleman back is silly. we're feeding them, clothing them, let's get something out of them.
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allow the former vice president to implement plans that i am sure he has had the foresight to drop that seamlessly integrates -- into the v.a. system. we were greeted as liberators and paid for by iraq you oil revenues. you for the copied. front page of "the new york times" -- inside, a story by carl davenport and peter baker -- story focusing on the flexibility that is part of the epa plan. also an announcement yesterday that the time has been extended to 120 days. story that says this is within the letter of the law.
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the act was put into place 40 years ago. derek is joining us from maryland. good morning. -- caller: good morning. the guy before me was on point. dick cheney, what a guy. the last time i checked we were still waiting on someone -- i am calling because the republican party is a bunch of politics who just have a hard time accepting the fact that times are changing. they are not part of the change. they have a hard time realizing that things are changing. there is no more good old boy ronald reagan days. country -- we are the american people. i am talking about the majority of american people. they do not want the publicans
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running this country. time acceptingd that times are changing and it will pass them by. they don't have to vote anymore because they will not win. host: another story, quoting general martin dempsey. he says -- you can read the full story at reuters has more from the president in warsaw poland, commemorating the 25th anniversary of freedom day. is the separation of the then soviet union. the president will be in warsaw, part of a three nation tour. he said there is a possibility he might meet with russian president putin. on to brussels for the g7 summit. initially was going to be the g-8 summit in so she but that
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changed after -- in sochi but that changed after the -- xation of he follows the traditions put forth by ronald reagan in 1984. dj to commemorate the bravery of those servicemen on june, 1944. tulsa, oklahoma, independent line. >> i read a lot of books, several books on this climate change issue. i noticed one book that supports says volcanoes change their current and their current controls whether. it also stated that air current can change weather patterns for decades.
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one of the comment. of another caller said times are changing. they are changing for the worst. host: thank you for the call. here is a photograph of relatives of a soldier killed on d-day, june 6, 19:44 p.m. they visit the american cemetery in france to commemorate that ceremony. it there are will -- there are -- 1.8 6 million veterans still alive. seven other states also with primaries. attention in alabama, iowa, so -- south new mexico dakota, new mexico, and california. let's talk about some of these in, including
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a lot of attention on that republican senate primary. guest: there is a very crowded field. a handful of republicans, the front-runner is joe ernst. the real question is whether or not she will get the 35% threshold to avoid a convention, which would happen a couple of weeks later. goes to a delicate convention, which can be very unpredictable. republicans do not want that scenario. >> there's is also an open senate seat in south dakota. give us a snapshot of that race. starting out in the initial parts of the cycle, people thought mike rounds, who was the first republican to announce candidacy, might be vulnerable. that really hasn't panned out. we expect him to have a resounding primary victory.
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>> in california there are a couple of open house races. the polls will be open late because of the time difference. guest: we could be up to one in the morning to the results. this is the second cycle they have initiated a top two primary system. move ontwo recipients to the general election in november. there are a little -- a lot of contest. the true contests are on the 31st and third district. expect the results to come in until much later. >> questions about the mississippi primary. gene taylor, a former democrats now running as a republican trying to recapture a seat in the house of representatives. guest: absolutely. he is running against the republican who defeated him.
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there is a chance this keep -- this race could go to the runoff. we have one of our politic supporters who was in the city over the weekend. it was a tough sell to be a democrat for 20 years and then switch parties. things don't look too great for gene taylor. host: this is the headline from the daily journal. making a final pitch before election day. we talked with a reporter on the ground from mississippi. become a closely watched race in the mississippi senate primary? guest: because this race epitomizes this theme we have seen in so many primaries in the last couple of cycles. that is the establishment republicans, these longtime incumbents getting challenged by these upstart challengers. incumbent really epitomizes a lot of that.
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show cochran with just the slightest edge. there is a small minute chance this could also go to a third candidate. gets that 50%, we could see this race extended another few months. other -- host come -- host: the winner is expected to win in the general election. what is happening there? interesting an primary and one that has not got a lot of attention. eventual nominee is coming to congress. paul demarco is the front-runner. the question is who will get the second spot. it is between businessman will book or senator --
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i should men can -- i should -- this is a wealthy district. candidates are starving for cash, trying to get on the television airwaves. this has been a problem for these guys. " seven things to watch. you can check out the story online at thank you for being with us. minutes sout 10 more we will continue with your calls and comments with some other headlines this morning. front page of "l.a. times," -- there is this from the atlanta journal-constitution -- and from the pittsburgh post-gazette, a follow-up on that plane crash that killed several people.
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this is one of the issues that will dominate the election in pennsylvania. candidate will for one the primary last month. wolf won the primary last month. guest caller: it is a lose lose situation. we let an american die in the hands of terrorists. to --is sad that do whether he is a deserter or not he is an american. we will take care of he is a deserter or not. my country but go out of its way
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to bring me back. this things between second point. i've been listening to all of these political debates and elections. idealiticians have no whether they're just taking up from each other and just trying to prove this person or that person is dirty. it is not about who throws it out. it is republicans versus democrats. host: thank you for the call. stephanie of the washington post travel -- travel to the hometown of sergeant bergdahl.
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i am surprised media is not reporting the investigation on foundpeople -- they have unequivocal evidence that it does not point to a mcdaniel campaign whatsoever. yet the media is still reporting it leads to his campaign. i think the media has dropped the ball in been complicit in not telling the truth about some of these campaigns. i question their motives. this morning janet hook is writing about the mississippi senate primary inside the wall street journal. the headline -- one of her point is -- another story getting a love attention on this tuesday morning, you can see it online. in seattle, the first city in the country to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour.
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local businesses are expected to file lawsuits claiming they cannot do that. the full story available online at usa jeff from north carolina, good morning. >> i just want to make a comment about this trade that was done by the president. i just don't understand how we -- five five commanders commanders back. back tofive commanders , it just seems so unbelievable that somebody who is elected by americans would do such damage.
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i just hope america will at least see this president for what he is. supervises with the islamic -- it always falls on the islamic side of the ball. it is america being fooled. that is all i have to say. host: thank you for the call. spent some time talking to congressman's -- congressman chris smith about the 25th anniversary of tiananmen square. china's quite sent on the anniversary. that story from inside "usa today." robert from florida, good morning. turn the volume down on your set, we are getting in at go. you better. -- we can hear you better. robert e echo -- robert?
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we will move on to martha in st. louis, missouri. caller: it is barbara. i am very tired of every time we turn around we find obama has spies us again. -- has spiked at us again. spited us again. i don't believe anything that comes out of obama. we found out this morning what again he lied. and now talking to congress isut this trade, this trade putting all of us at risk. these people were designated by the u.n. as war criminals.
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they hang a young boy because he had dollars in his pockets. bergdahl and his father dare to criticize the u.s. for their violence? is he kidding me? host: the president continues to travel through europe. the pipe -- the vice president announcing he will travel to kiev for the swearing of the president of ukraine. in coal country run for the epa. the story from the new york times points out the national republican senatorial committee plans to attack democratic incumbents in for energy rich state. louisiana -- do,
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from virginia, good morning. i want to make a few comments about bergdahl's case. this trade was long overdue. those inmates in guantánamo, a ot of them had this -- it was natural for them to go anywhere. why not get something in return? is a lot of talk about leaving no soldier behind. basically we are grabbing them from the chills of taliban -- from the jails in taliban and
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put them in our worst jails. -- in our worst jails. they won't put them in jail because especially among afghans. the waris 13th year, has been frequent. there has not been much accomplished. natural, aressed is common thing. he should not be punished for it here it -- it. point on final obamacare -- thank you for sharing a diversity of opinions on a number of topics on this tuesday morning. you can check out all of our scheduling information. thank you for joining us. .e are back tomorrow morning enjoy the rest of your day.
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