tv Washington Journal CSPAN June 15, 2014 7:00am-10:01am EDT
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montanaro. we will take your calls and you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. "washington journal" is next. ♪ good morning. the senate is back in session tomorrow. the house returns on tuesday and thursday. house republicans to meet to vote on a new leadership team with the department of eric cantor. kevin mccarthy is expected to be chosen by his gop colleagues but he is facing a challenge. this storycovering all week. the president is in palm springs, california today. he delivered the commencement address at uc irvine. to considerontinues options in iraq. this is the u.s. navy announced
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that they were sending an aircraft carrier to the golf as diplomatic and military efforts are being weighed the sunday morning. our phone lines are open. can also weigh in my sending us a tweet. our e-mail address is journal at us on facebook. already, many of you weighing in on the question. diplomacy or military in iraq. answer,g with one diplomacy. good sunday morning to you. we will begin with your calls and comments in the moment. the leaders in iraq directing troops to make their stand against advancing sunni militants and a flashpoint city revered by a shiite mosque in
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order to highlight the sectarian fighting that is tearing the country apart. the prime minister's order "came as he sought to put out fire in the belly of his troops in the , threatening ifi f to dance to the capital of baghdad, the iraqi military claimed they had regained a key new territory, a claim conflicting with other reports and security officials who had of then that 60% to 70% province remains in the hands of isi s. will get your calls in just a moment, but first a look of the other sunday morning programs that can be heard beginning at noon eastern time. of course, iraqi and the succession plan for eric cantor is front and center this sunday morning. nancy, good morning.
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>> you are right, they will be talking about the defeat of eric cantor in the primary election. the release of sergeant oberg all from the taliban, plus the situation in iraq. you can hear rebroadcast of those programs on c-span radio beginning today at noon eastern "meet the press. oh guests include mitt romney, joe manchin, and peter king. hear "this can week." on the program today, eric cantor, representative michael mccaul, and form your army vice chief of staff -- vice chief of staff, peter pirelli. on "fox news sunday," here tom , all and mike rogers republicans. also, actor robert deniro is on the program today. , with of the union" today
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another appearance by eric cantor. , majorindsay graham general paul eaton, and adam kinzinger of illinois. nation,", "face the with rance priebus and tom donnell on. showsnday network tv talk are on c-span radio and are brought to you as a public service by the networks and c-span. the lineup? noon.the press" begins at followed by "abc's this week," at 2:00. "fox news sunday" at 3:00. 4:00, "face the nation." all on c-span radio here in the washington, d.c. area, nationwide on xm 120,lite radio channel
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download our free app or go online. you for that, nancy. shiite forces push back in the rack, and from "the hill," we ise this, the president trapped between two international crises at a time when the military is facing cutbacks in the public is weary of foreign engagement. the story is available online. , john kerry, state pressing russia to halt the flow
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of tanks and heavy arms into ukraine and to help broker a cease-fire after the shutdown of military transport planes." with all of that, specifically with the rack, diplomacy, military options, what should the u.s. do? this is from our twitter page -- us on ourn is joining line for republicans. caller: good morning. we have spilled so much blood over there. our young men have been fighting over there. we are world-weary. why can't saudi arabia and some of those arab countries form out theirhelp neighbors, basically? put do they do, sit around, on jewelry and perfume and just lounge around and collect oil revenues?
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why do boys have to go over there time and again to solve their problems? host: thank you for the call. cynthia? caller: good morning. i wondered why we, first of all, went to iraq, but now that we have they are trying to pull out of their. we have trained the iraqi people over there and they cut and run when there is a conflict. i don't think that we should shed one more drop of blood over there or use any more military resources. if diplomacy does not work -- i really your last caller. countries around there, why are they not involved in this? why are we choosing to go over there? i think that america has given enough. it should be strictly diplomacy.
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the civil war has been going on for over a thousand years and it will go on for another 1000. i don't think that we should be shedding blood over there, sending our men and women over there to die for, quite frankly, people who really their feelings towards us are questionable. you mentioned the cost of blood and treasure, here are some facts with regards to iraq. u.s. combat missions began in the bush administration on arch 19th, 2003. the length of the mission was eight years, nine months, 12 days. 1.5 million americans served. 4000 500 died. u.s. troops injured? just over 32,000. monti has the support on our twitter page -- supporting him by air is a support for out -- policies to support iran in iraq . carl is joining us from
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litchfield. good morning. caller: this is somewhat amazing. how mitt romney could foresee all of these things happening. that when the russians took crimea and the news people poke fun at him? so did barack obama. everyone feels sorry for the president, that is why he gets paid the big bucks. all presidents have these crises to deal with. i have to bring this up. i seen -- i read in the paper that the irs has conveniently lost all of these e-mails from lois lerner to the white house to senator schumer, to senator whitehead. this is a crooked us administration since richard nixon. that is putting it mildly.
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thank you. stay on--host: can you the line for a minute? i want to share with you this story that mitt romney will be on "meet the press," this morning. his meeting taking place in three days, retreat of sorts in park city, utah, the headline is "republicans searching for a focus." one of the related stories from "the washington post close vote yesterday that some are encouraging him to run again, should he run for president again? lord, i hope he does. you know what? if he had been president of the united states? this country would have been a heck of a lot better off today. it is amazing how you can look into the future and see this stuff that is going to happen and how all you folks in the news media poke fun at him, tell him that you are just daydreaming -- well, he wasn't.
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he knew what was going to happen and he had the right answers. carl, again, thank you for the call. the story this morning is about mitt romney and his retreat from over the weekend, including a number of leading potential presidential candidates. we off -- also covered rand paul, bobby jindal, in des moines, iowa, for the state gop convention. the question this morning -- u.s. options in iraq. diplomacy or military? tj says that "president obama any policies in the rack, he and his zombies just blame bush. good morning, florida. caller: my opinion on this is -- no military option, minimal diplomacy.
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americans have given enough. we have been there for over 10 years and have given millions of dollars. they have equipment resources that we left behind. we left all types of equipment over there. them.ined if they refused the training that was given to them for that. of time and they are sitting there afraid or scared of the different factions, that is not our problem anymore. we went there under false pretenses, number one. number two, there was no good reason to be there in the first place. we dismantled the country, we made this mess, now everyone says we should stay. it really would not matter if we stayed there or were still there for the next five years. >> thank you for the call. jim has this point -- "diplomacy has a bad meaning in washington, usually it means how much money
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we are going to give to get our way." attentionaddress your to what tony blair wrote .esterday on his website "the civil war syria with its intended this integration is having a predictable effect. iraqis now in middle -- mortal danger. the home of the middle east is under mortal threat. we will have to rethink our strategy towards syria and support iraqi in beating back the insurgency will making it clear that iraq policy and politics will have to change for any resolution of the current crisis to be sustained. then we need a comprehensive plan for the middle east that correctly learns the lessons of the last decade and in doing so we should work with our allies closely across the region, whose understanding of these issues is crucial and two are prepared to work with us on root causes for extremism, which go far beyond iraq and syria." you can get the full essay
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online. allen is joining us next. good morning from asheville, north carolina. caller: good to be on the show. after world war i we learned our lesson, after a conflict if we are going to get involved, we have to be a stabilizing force and part of the world. we leftrld war two, troops in germany, japan, korea. after this conflict we pulled everybody out and now it went back. if we had left korea, korea would be back in the same situation it was. the united states has accepted, since world war i, actually, since world war ii, to be the stabilizing force of the world. if we are backing away from that, we will have to live with the consequences. at what price? how much should we invest in
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terms of troops and dollars? make sure should just it is a stabilizing force. look what we've done in korea and japan. we don't have tons of people there, but we have been there, we have been a force. we have deterred a conflict from becoming another issue. host: thank you for the call. the toy is joining us on the democratic line. u.s. options in the rack. diplomacy? military? what are your thoughts. i don't understand how you all could ask that question with the lives that have been lost over war that should not have been. youmany more lives would say should be lost? what question should we be asking this morning? caller: not whether we should stay there or not, that is
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clear, we should not stay there. they should be able to handle their own peace process. we are not the police of the world. very good. thank you for the call from ohio. on our facebook page, some of the comments -- is joining us next from wisconsin. good morning. caller: good morning. happy father's day. host: thank you. caller: you know, if it were not for w and his people, there would be no al qaeda in iraq. this country destroyed whatever stabilizing factor there was
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over there when they let saddam hussein out. we cannot do airstrikes or whatever, you know? diplomacy, let the middle east try to work it out. we can try to help them work it out dramatically, you know, let's talk about it, but under no circumstances should we even think about bombing, killing innocent people, because of a war that was started under false pretenses. help w and his people who ptarted the scrap -- this cra in the first place. host: thank you for the call. this message from a viewer -- "the new york times" sunday magazine is looking at terrorism and calling it "the next front," shifting
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increasingly to the remote and ungoverned areas of africa, the u.s. faces a tricky balance, fighting in him -- fighting an enemy without actually doing the fighting. "usa today," with this story, "that's heartbreaking as civil -- overtakes a rack overtakes the rack -- overtakes iraq." "the 55-year-old warren, michigan resident worries that everything that he and hundreds of thousands of other american soldiers fought for and died for , he worries they will be lost as they rampage through a rack -- iraq. if -- "if they are not going to hold their ground," they will take baghdad. . am heartbroken
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bitterness, even sadness as the same insurgency that took lastol of two major cities week now taking over those areas, with baghdad in question. the map of the region this morning, u.s. options in a rack, diplomacy or military. karl joins us from pennsylvania. republican line. iraq right now, real problem that needs real solutions. twice by been elected real politics with no solutions. that is exactly what goes on here. it will look like a lot of things that will give voters out, but nothing will happen because they just don't want to get to the real problems and solve them with real solutions.
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that is about the way i feel about it. thank you for weighing in. the other story getting a lot of attention? the leadership vote taking place on thursday as republican leaders meet to decide on a successor for eric cantor, who lost in his bid for the seventh can next -- seven congressional district last thursday. odds are for kevin mccarthy. he is facing a challenge, this is the cover story of "cq weekly ." the then there is this from " weekly standard." a look at kevin mccarthy. anthony, joining us from hackettstown, new jersey. good morning, democratic line. caller: thank you. i watch c-span because i believe that you bring the news as it
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truly is. host: you are the one calling in. let us know. do not think there will be peace in the middle east until the u.s. comes to terms with iran. it seems they are behind most of the problems there and the u.s. just tends to ignore or isolate them. centuries --ght eighth century theocracy is removed, there will never be peace in a rack or syria. i could be wrong, but they seem to be the guiding force behind everything that happens in the middle east. the u.s. tends to ignore it and look more locally instead of iran being the problem throughout the middle east. of differente stories from inside "the washington post," "iran ready to help iraq," that is from the president there saying that his
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government is prepared to assist iraq in its fight against ok'd inspired militants and "did not rule out cooperating with the u.s. against this new wave of extremism." the iranian foreign minister has also put a story into "the post ." "we can make a deal," a pledge .hat they will be peaceful daniel, joining us from goose creek, south carolina. good morning. yet -- caller: yes, happy father's day. have we not spent enough money in iraq already? be threears will dollar trillion to six dollar trillion? that is enough blood for america to spend. that is all i had to say, really.
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thank you for the call. this headline, the fast strike was "years in the making." he makes the following point -- "now that the president is weighing airstrikes as an option in a rack to block the military advance in the country, an examination of its history to its own documents indicates the group has been far more ambitious and effective than the u.s. officials judged they were as they wound down american involvement in the war. there is also a reference to testimony that took place back in february. this is from lieutenant general michael flynn, who testified on capitol hill saying that probably there would be an attempt to take territory, "similar to what we have seen in syria. now that the spotlight has shifted, the decision not to arm the rebels at the outset is coming under scrutiny to critics who say the hands-off policy
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flourish."remists to larry is joining us from northport, new york. good morning, your thoughts on all of this? caller: good morning, thank you for c-span. whether to go to war or have diplomacy really boils down to what is in the heart of these politicians. to me that over the last 20 years going back to bed -- going back to desert ,torm that when we do go to war it is kind of only halfway. tojust does not make sense go to war or we tied most of our military people's arms behind her back and we draw these asginary lines that just go far as baghdad, stop, leaving saddam hussein in power, or what we are doing now where we just do not finish the mission.
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if we are not going to fully objective ofhe winning, it seems to me that we should just leave our men and women home and not get them involved. that is my comment. for the call.u commenting on another call -- magazine new yorker tying the connection between iran and iraq and the meeting taking place tomorrow. along with envoys from britain, china, france, and russia, they will be meeting in vienna to work on specific terms for a nuclear agreement as washington and tehran find out they have common cause in preventing their -- their abrupt disintegration. their longtime strategies appear to be failing as the thugs of the is -- of the islamic state
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burn their way across the country. "twitter pundits already writing about potential the fact though scenarios along with ias i asked targets -- along with isis , whots to hold them back have been pushing towards baghdad. iran was the nemesis in iraq. american officials regularly armsing them for providing and strategic guidance to the iraqi militia. the u.s. ended its combat mission in 2011 and did not leave a residual force behind because a rack under iran's strong influence refused to sign a status of force agreement, granting immunity to u.s. troops for acting as criminals according to iraqi laws. a lot of details on the connection between iraq, iran,
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in the new yorker magazine. good morning from alexandria, virginia. my uh -- you my -- know, i don't want any american to go for their side. they don't take power in that area. they wouldn't take power in that area. want america to take the sacrifice for them. they are diplomats. that's it. thank you. thank you for the call. james says that extremists did not flourish in a rack, they came from syria. the president in anaheim, california, delivering the
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commencement address for uc irvine as he spoke about climate change and global warming. , joining us from burlington, kentucky. -- tom is joining us from burlington, kentucky. is just my opinion, but they have had these problems over there for thousands of years. we are a country that supposedly tries to stabilize the world. we went in and took out saddam. that theent in and did whole middle east exploded. he was the force keeping out -- keeping everybody else under control because they were so afraid of him. dick cheney when he was vice president said that this would be over with shortly and would pay for itself because we would get the revenue from the oil. of we have spent trillions dollars and gotten our people killed and i still don't understand why we are wanting to come back and do this again. that is what my comment is.
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do somethinge can more reasonable this time. thank you. for the call.u the front page story on what is next for the republican party, the headline from "the washington post," "headlines republicans struggle to understand the electoral earthquake that caused eric cantor to live -- to lose his seat on thursday. the party and fronts a paradox -- host: that is this morning's front page of "the washington post." democratic line, washington, good morning to you. caller: good morning.
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--comment, first of all, is we are the united states of america. we are the home of the brave and we are free, you know? we all the -- we are the ultimate in democracy. as far as, unfortunately, the episodes happening in iraq? we have to go back. it is said to say. you know? our men and women in the armed forces have to go back. but it is for a good reason. mccain, he as far as i think , he is what is considered a warmonger.
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host: thank you for the call. john mccain again on thursday called for the presidential national security team to step down. very critical of the administration. you can watch the piece as part of the video library. , who had the worst week column in "the washington post," gives it, unsurprisingly, to eric cantor.
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host: joe, next. caller: we had saddam hussein in iraq in a box. general powell and h w bush said that we should not go in there on the ground war. bush went, george w in there anyway. the consequences have been tremendous. to dollar trillion plus. the catholic population in iraq lived there for 2000 years with no problems. after we went in, they have been designated. there has been a holocaust there. there is nothing reported about what has happened there.
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we allow that to go on and we watched. saddam hussein had al qaeda and those people -- they were not never allowed to be in iraq. he would have killed them. we needed dictator over there, whether we like it or not. this iraqi freedom, this is a george bush wet dream. forer: thank you very much the call. the headline is the, nation of an ambitious plan to take over to countries with reference to iraq and syria. the story says -- when islamic -- "when islamic militants rampaged and robbed banks of hundreds of millions of dollars --
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from the inside of "the new york times." our question, what are the options for the u.s. government? george herbert walker bush with support vessels now moving into the region. he is joining us from port isabel, texas. good morning. my father is a world war ii vet. 62 years old. -- in arlington. he would be rolling over in his grave to see what is going on in this country. the boys are coming back not just with temporary injuries. they last a lifetime. they suffer forever. in the meantime we are defending someone else's border. our border in the south of texas is being invaded. by guatemala and all these other
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countries. why are these resources going to these people who don't value life as we value it? we traded five terrorists for one guy who is questionable, you know? they just cut off heads. those people coming in, they take the money and take care. let's take money and take care of our vets. just keep ons will going. you know? our border is being infiltrated by other countries at a tremendous expense. we just have too much money going overseas. what is this? they just don't value life as we do. for the call.u joe has this point -- inside of "the new york times," we have a map showing
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that her what things look like inside the country. below it are details. extremists now holding sway across a wide swath of the area, about 60 miles north of the capital city, extending about 200 miles north and another 200 fightingre continued has been taking place. that map this morning from inside of "the new york times," rebels north of baghdad and residents bracing for another siege. eric, maryland, good morning. i am wondering if anyone has noticed how weak this country is becoming. economically, our defense, our unsecure borders, while the president sits and thinks about it. everything seems to be burning out of control.
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iran is getting stronger. they are probably behind most of the conflicts in the middle east. the president wants to negotiate. open.r borders are guess who is in here? not the good guys. confused overeing president obama's handling of nothing, we will eventually be attacked and then everyone will be asking -- how did this happen? you for the call. a photograph from inside "the washington post. they are called ant eaters, the mascot for uc irvine, the president delivers the commencement address there for the students in southern california. he is spending the day in palm springs, will be back in washington tomorrow. from a own, new jersey, good morning.
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caller: i find it particularly interesting that taxpayers pay for the war and the company men profit. in a nutshell, that has to change, otherwise our country is always going to have war. as far as those people? we should just leave them alone. again, american psycho that we are companies are doing this to make a profit. it is very basic. thank you. call.thank you for the sheri, hampton bill, north carolina. options in iraq. what are your thoughts? caller: hi, this is terese. ago i was reading not long about how they were involved in and i think that we as americans really need to take a
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look at where all of this mischief is coming from. basically wrote an article about the saudi arabian mischief in funding a number of organizations that end up actually being dangerous to america. of sit we need to kind back and understand where the funding for isis is coming from. these are the extremists who are involved in syria. we need to understand that this is a conflict that has gone on in their country and we need to sit back and understand the context of the situation. thank you. for the call.u you can weigh in, many of you already have. the question we are asking, diplomacy or military, what are the u.s. options in iraq? "the christian science monitor," also weighing in.
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"ironically, george herbert walker bush celebrating his 90th birthday over the weekend, george h.w. bush making his way towards a rack, u.s. naval power steaming towards the region, show of force that gives the president more options, including the possibility of airstrike. the president made the announcement on friday that we would not use ground troops. this is a photograph of that u.s. naval aircraft carrier named after the 44th president." randy, missouri, democratic line. caller: can you hear me? host: sure can, go ahead please. caller: [indiscernible] here is my comment. it really kind of relates more to c-span and yourself. i, myself, watched you in 2006 consistently provide the use of the c-span platform to aid the push this waro
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and sustain this war in iraq. continue to give ati and especially the kagan family this platform to constantly push. just yesterday you brought on another warmonger. at the end of the day they sent , it was sent to youan in 2005, we called out about this very thing. the only response we got was back from peter. here is my point. that c-span,st because you are incapable of doing this in an honest way, to don't talk about this story. because you are going to slant it and aid the warmongers in .ushing this war i appreciate you listening to me.
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you have a great day. host: thank you for the call, you could stay on the line, but i could not disagree with you more. we don't push any agenda or any cause. if you watch this network and here the variety of voices that we put on, our mission is simple, it is to educate and give you the information and let you make up your own minds. we are not pushing any agenda or any specific cause. you could have the last word but i could not disagree with you more. caller: i appreciate it. in.: thanks for calling carl, michigan, good morning. caller: the biggest problem this country has is not what is going on overseas, it is the media. any story -- slant and it always has, about bush 41 and 43. if you recall, 41 went to war because of kuwait. nobody bothers to talk about kuwait and what was going on.
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because of the united nations we decided we would not take him out when we could have taken him out there he simply. we let him go back in and it started all over again. when we finally went in there because of weapons of mass destruction, the french, the russians, week. the democrats, everyone said that he had them. we go in there and after months and they are not there. surprise, surprise. he'd already used gas on his people. but the media keeps saying bush -- bush -- bush -- bush. it is so frustrating, they simply leave out the details of the story they don't want the people to understand. we are only as smart as the information that we get. the information they are getting is one-sided. not by you, probably. as are probably as upset everyone else around, other than fox news, which always has both
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sides of the story. msnbc and fox news religiously. msnbc is so one-sided it is pathetic, it is always the same story that the major media programs give and it leaves out detail. host: ok, thank you for the call. thank you for your comments. we will share some of them from our twitter page during the program. we will not repeat the language, but you can check it out. from some of our viewers, we have this from our facebook page --
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danny is our last phone call. good morning. callers were mentioning romney predicted this? thea predicted this before war even began in a rack. he said not to go in there. he called it a stupid war. over there and got these people to fight against one another? there is no way that you can win in a civil war. they had soldiers hands tied over their heads. i spent three chewers over there. they could not shoot at people unless they were shooting back at them. even if you knew what it was. to win thisgoing
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here? people don't even know what obama really said. he said the only way they would go in there is if whatever his name is -- host: malki. caller: if they included everyone. that is what lost the war over there. we was paying off the tribal leaders over there not to fight. that is when the surge was supposed to be happening. you for all the calls and comments. the conversation continues on our facebook website. you can continue to send into eats. turnwe get back, we will our attention to congress. last weekend this week, what is next for the house gop? the sunday roundtable will feature the politics of the midterm elections and we will later focus on the situation in iraq. kimberly kagan is going to be joining us. a new pew poll on polarization
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in america peter --. later in the program, you are watching and listening to "washington journal." back in a little bit. ♪ [video clip] >> during the war of 1812 it was fought from 1812 until after 1814, 1815, it was really about the america reestablishing its independence against the british . this was sort of our second american revolution.
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this flag is the object for which francis scott key penned the words that became our national anthem. the flagage in 1995, was made to look whole and restored. there is a whole section that was reconstructed. when the flag was moved into the u.s. division space, there was a deliberate decision by the curators not to do that again. what we wanted was the flag to become a metaphor for the torrent,tattered and still surviving. the message is the survival of the country and the flag not trying to make it look pretty, but we are trying to make it look like it has endured its history. >> this year marks the 200th anniversary of the british naval bombardment of fort mchenry during the war of 1812. learn more about the flag that francis scott key wrote about as we tour the smithsonian star-spangled banner exhibit,
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tonight at 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. eastern, part of american history tv this weekend on c-span three. >> i worry that a lot of these things -- when you see what is i thinkg at the ba, that the same kind of culture exists in other government agencies. not at the national transportation safety board, not at cdc, but i think another -- a number of other agencies there is a lack of accountability and indifference at best to taxpayers. they don't care about waste or efficiency. it is a sad thing, when you read the various reports -- agency after agency after agency with the same problem, year after year, nothing gets fixed. this is just my own anecdotal experience in dealing with government, but it seems to me
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the quality -- it is not just the quality of our politicians that has declined, but the quality of government employees and the bureaucracy. government,mpetent we have stupid government. we aim -- i am sure that we have some great federal employees, but that is not the norm. >> lisa myers is leaving washington, d.c. behind. find out wide tonight at 8:00 on "q&a." >> "washington journal," continues. host: our sunday roundtable includes derek wallbank and domenico montanaro. i want to direct the audience to your website and the complications facing the president as we see a drawdown on u.s. troops in afghanistan and the uss george herbert walker bush making its way to the persian gulf with the headline -- iraqi crisis and
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other foreign policy complications. no question about it. a lot of our foreign policy complications for the president don't have any clear solutions. no good options. you keep hearing that. you see political debates over and over again, democrats in the middle of this midterm with the president having to deal with something that has no clear solution. the other complicating factor is a real mistrust of prime minister malki. this is one of the big factors. many of the people who fled decided to go back because they felt that the isis group that was in there was better than the army that was shutting off streets and not providing services. you realize you have a very complicated situation here and what did the president do? did he somewhat aligned himself with iran?
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who the shiite faction is aligned with a little bit more? when you have that as your issue and you are the president and you sit there in the white house and you think -- what do you do here? even john mccain said that there were not any good options in 2011 for not leaving a residual force. he said it was time for the president to completely change is national leadership team. i think there will be a lot of criticism over what the obama administration has done going forward here. this is a chance for people who said very clearly at that point that you need to have an agreement with the government of of forcesve a status deal and be able to keep some people there and have additional
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security presence. that iraqis not ready. but at this point, as was quite rightly said, you have a very serious question about what you do now. it is all fine to say that we don't like what is going on, but to advance another option comes with its own set of risks and problems and, quite frankly, the american people are just not having it because they are sick and tired of being in protracted conflicts because they quite frankly have been sending soldiers to war consistently since the last part of 2001 nbc poll after poll that says they don't want forces on the ground anymore. host: the other issue this week, eric cantor losing in virginia. chris alyssa giving him the worst week in washington. theerms of policy issues, big question is immigration. this is what the current house republican leader had to say when he announced he was stepping down at the end of july
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with a succession vote taking place this week on capitol hill. position --[video clip] the position has not changed. the system is broken and needs reform. it is much more desirable and doable to do it one step at a time, working towards where we have common ground and believe things in common. i don't believe in this my way or the highway approach that the president has laid out and i continue to take that as edition. ground at then border. there is common ground. i would like to see the issue addressed by those who did not break laws and come here unbeknownst. again, i have always said that there should be and is common ground if we would just allow ourselves to work together. that is what he says. what is going to happen? >> the sad reality of it, if you
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are looking to see this passed, the time crunch that we have now is very acute. congress will be off for all of august. they will be campaigning for all of october. it leaves very, very little time to get something done. immigration was not looking good anyway, but with eric cantor going it has frozen a lot of republicans on the topic. democrats still say that if you bring immigration forward it would probably pass, but that is not something that congressional republicans were willing to do before. right now what we are hearing from republicans is that this is the ultimate wait and see message. one of the things that eric cantor was hit on was being soft on amnesty. a lot of people are frightened and unsure of what the dynamics are. >> did you want to weigh in? >> one leadership aide told the that the night that eric cantor went down he said that immigration was dead anyway. it was not going to happen.
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the president was sort of waiting to see and i think now there will be more pressure from advocacy droops for the president to do something unilaterally, some kind of executive action. we will see what winds up happening with the review that is due before the election. weekend wethe covered some potential 20 16 candidates, including senator rand paul from kentucky. again he went after the clintons, calling bill clinton on this network a sexual predator. in his remarks yesterday he had this to say about hillary clinton. [video clip] >> i got her in front of my committee on the way out, finally, and i told her look, if i had been president i would have asked for your resignation. [applause] i asked her a question. i asked her -- did you read the cables from the ambassador?
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she never read them. it is a dereliction of duty and something that should preclude her from ever being considered as commander-in-chief. guest: there is a reason republicans have been going after every clinton since after she was elected, democrats don't have a bench. she is really the only one who seems to have the strongest chance of beating the republican field or the presidency in 2016 and if the republicans take back the senate, they need a republican president to get something done so that you do not have a lame-duck mitch mcconnell majority leader just before the democratic president winds up coming in. yesterday hillary clinton was in a costco, hundreds of people signing up for her book. this is the story this morning from inside "the washington post." congressman john lewis greeted
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her as well. guest: this comes down to i should have renewed my costco membership. she has a popularity that i think a lot of people would kill for, frankly, in this really in theed by met. 52% bloomberg poll, down from where she has been previously, but the president, if you look at his surveys, somewhere in the low 40's. that makes hillary clinton very, very, very appealing. if you see her matched up against possible 2016 republican candidates, she wins in most of not all of the key states. really ahat that is key part of the attack clinton now, try to soft and that image a little bit, soften that popularity a little bit, because if you go in with her that far ahead into the actual fight after these midterm elections, it is going to be a lot harder.
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one comment that she made, that they left the white house dead broke. "i was dead broke." that will be $200,000, please." she did get a book advance. guest: this rollout has not been without some problems. when you look at just the houses issue, this is someone who has had secret service protection for 22 years. relate ability factor will always be the thing that most americans will look at. whether or not you are like me. john mccain had to deal with this tom a with how many houses he had or did not know how many he had. min romney was the same, with having to sell off his houses. he did not have the john mccain issue. on gay marriage you saw a little bit of the -- not so much a policy problem but that
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prickliness that sometimes when the clintons are pushed you see that style issue and that is some of what potentially could drag down some of those popularity ratings, but right now far and away she beats the republican field and democratic field by a lot. host: the analogy to the disney film "frozen." when will hillary "let it go"? i think on substance, most in the gay community will sit there and look and say, ok, she may have, like a lot of democrats, this position where she was pro-civil union because it was politically palatable. then she decided to change her mind as the culture and the country has changed. herhe does decide to run, position will be a stark contrast from whoever the republican nominee is. guest: the headline is really
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appropriate. this is somebody who is most who'sable -- somebody most vulnerable moment was also her strongest moment in the last campaign -- somebody whose most vulnerable moment was also her strongest moment in the last campaign. she is sitting around the table and she breaks a little bit. it was a really humanizing moment for hillary clinton. in that song, "let the storms rage on, the cold never bothered me anyway." there were people who were advising her to please break out, please show your personality, please show you are human. the country will be fine. part of her problem last time was that she was very guarded. there were a lot of people trying to protect her. let's be fair. she has lived in the sort of security bubble for a while.
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since she has come out, it is a lot of people telling her how great she is. political campaign, not everyone is going to tell you how great you are. they are going to hit you in the nose. it is what you do next that is important. host: when will hillary let it go? in the frozen kingdoms of two polarizing queens. we appreciate you both being with us. andill get to your calls comments in just a moment. another issue getting a lot of attention. in just over a week, the runoff will be taking place in mississippi between chris mcdaniel and thad cochran. we want to get your reaction to the latest round of ads from that race. >> this is trent lott. over the years, we had to fight for funds and contracts and to maintain programs -- on june 24, we have a critical
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election about our future. without thad cochran, we could lose some of these important facilities. ins is really about jobs south mississippi and security of our country. senator cochran has the experience and the power to protect the gulf coast. >> i'm thad cochran and i approve this message. >> domenico montanaro, this is in stark contrast to the tea party that said government is too big. you have a veteran republican running for reelection. duringlection was 1978 the carter administration. >> i think this will be a key election to see whether or not that kind of message -- whether you can bring home the bacon -- can still resonate, especially in a state like mississippi where they rely on a lot of government funding. i talked to haley barbour right after cochran fell behind and wound up going into that runoff. he says we need to remind people that even democrats in the state who can vote, because it is an
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open primary, that chris mcdaniel, the tea party opponent, is against federal funding for education. the problem for them is, is the republican base, is the republican party at that point right now where they can make this message? , thereama, common core was an article written up about how that is what has been firing up the base there. in virginia --aw those two issues. is this going to be an election where a candidate says i bring home federal funds, you want me to be there -- that's going to be a key question. also whether or not thad cochran -- he has not shown that he is completely on top of everything in the past couple of weeks. his first article saying he didn't remember who she was after she had interviewed him a half-hour earlier. you saw an interview this week
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on fox where he didn't know what happened in the air at cantor race and says he wasn't following -- in the eric cantor race and says he wasn't following what was happening. this could be very problematic. host: not getting a 50% threshold in mississippi. [video clip] toit's sad what happened thad cochran. he has served well. but after five decades, he has lost touch. in washington, he votes with the liberals on spending, on judges, even on funding obamacare. refuses toppi, he debate, hides from voters, and throws mud. thad cochran is entitled to respect. he is not entitled to a lifetime seat in the senate. action isrowth responsible for this advertising. host: what can we expect on tuesday? guest: we can expect a guy in that mcdaniel who has said
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-- who has embraced that david brat win over eric cantor. that campaign message -- we've seen that before. that played in several races in 2010 against senior house committee chairman -- guys like overstark. they had been around for a while. they have done a great service. thanks, cheers, it's time to go on. it was a very effective message in those races. it is one that, frankly, a lot of senior people haven't figured out how to rebut. it has been run time and again quite successfully. article, the fox appearance -- those hit back at thad cochran's message. his key point is i can do things. when he looks lost on the campaign trail, it undermines his key reelection pionts -- poi nts. one of the things the profiles are missing is that thad cochran has, quite frankly, a very
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senior staff that has been able to do a lot of things. thad cochran held up the thorn built to make sure -- thorn -- the farm bill to make sure there was a program for mississippi. when he goes on the trail and looks a little bit lost, it really hits at that key argument that he has to sell to get his seat. , that's our585-3881 line for republicans. (202) 585-3880, for democrats. we welcome your e-mail at let me ask you to set up thursday's vote. a lot of back and forth. sessions is in, sessions is out. itwe speak at the moment, looks like kevin mccarthy will be the next republican leader. guest: prohibitive front-runner right now. labrador got in late after mccarthy had set up what his folks will tell you is a majority of people.
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the old adage always goes that the only person you can count on is someone who says i'm not with you now and i'm never going to be with you. mccarthy has lined up a lot of support from powerful committee chairman. he is seen as an heir apparent. it would be a promotion. there are a string of republicans i've talked to who have said, look, this is a continuity issue. this does not mean that he gets it for the 114th congress. this just means he gets it for for the restgress, of it. steve scalise has a built-in base of support. peter roskam, the chief deputy whip, is making a job -- an argument that he is doing the job harshly already. already.b partially and then the guy from indiana. it is a wide-open race. it could be very interesting. host: domenico montanaro, let me
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share you -- share with you this. "mccarthy's personality is one of his greatest strengths. he is surely the best light republican in the house -- the best liked republican in the house, at least among republicans. in two thousand six along with peter roskam of illinois and michele bachmann of minnesota. for two decades, he worked for bill thomas, a brainy gop house member, and ran his california office. the question is, how conservative is he? he is not a tea party republican, libertarian, or a neocon." there are a lot of tea party members who are not sold on this leadership team, because none of them are from states that are in the south where the republican base is, at this poin t.
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-- he is of labrador probably more liberal than eric cantor on immigration. he was one of the gang of eight trying to negotiate on this until he walked away. mccarthy has showed some openness on immigration. no one is going to act on it now because the rest of the congress is so -- so much so has to look over their shoulders for doing anything on it. mccarthy will be somebody similar to eric cantor. they were friends. the dissension will remain within the republican conference. host: from north carolina, good morning. caller: c-span guests and america, good morning. host: good to hear from you. caller: if it was any better, i would be greedy. veteran.etnam era please allow me as much time as you did the gentleman from west virginia. it appears to me that reporters
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nowadays on news media are stenographers. they don't report anything. let me give you an example. you had rand paul saying -- boasting about how he had chastised hillary clinton for not reading cables. anybody who knows anything about civics knows good and well that is something that happens with the undersecretary or below. not only that, if these reporters pulled the senate report in january, 20 14, at the bottom of page 20, top of page one he won, it says ambassador page 21,efused -- of it says ambassador crocker refused security. host: i didn't chastise him. he had the last word. i just told him that i thought he was wrong. i knew he was wrong. caller: you disagreed with him. what i'm asking you to do is
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prove it. would probablye be considered neutral. if you bring somebody from "wall street journal," or "new york times," you know they would be biased. american soldiers, godspeed to all of you. thank god for you. host: he hung up. i was going to let you have the last word. the great thing about this network is that everything we cover, every word, every frame of video is all available online at if you feel there is an agenda, let us know. i just respectfully disagree. we have a different mission. thank you for the call. did you want to weigh in? guest: people have their passions on these issues, absolutely. i think that we do try to do our homework. he clearly did his homework.
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i'm glad he pulled the report and was able to cite things. that is the job of a journalist. maybe he should start a blog. host: we will go to joe in oxford, georgia. good morning, independent line. >caller: how are you this morning? host: fine, how are you? caller: i don't think hillary or elizabeth warren will have a chance to be president. i spent time in brazil. this sustainable development -- all mexicanshave in here so they can rule. they are working with -- it is treasonous. these people ought to be put up on treason charges and found guilty, probably put to death for treason on this country. you wouldn't believe what is in these videos. host: what is your source of information on this?
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caller: c-span. c-span took them down after 2012. i have the numbers on the videos if you will give me a minute to get them. it is sustainable development. foley. earth institute. north carolina chappel hil -- chapel hill. national geographic. --ey're talking about host: let me take his point in the larger issue of foreign policy and what yesterday, bobby jindal, who is likely to run for president, speaking at the iowa republican party convention in des moines, had to say. [video clip] i thought long and hard about
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what i want to share with you today. i want to share with you my greatest concern, my greatest frustration, my greatest fear of the obama administration and his legacy. there is so much that worries me about president obama. i worry about $17 trillion of debt. i worry about an epa that will strangle our economy. i worry about more taxing, spending, borrowing. i worry about a diminished america on the world stage. i worry about economic growth of 2% that he calls recovery. me theng that worries most, not only as the governor of louisiana, but as the father of three young children, is this president's attempt to redefine the american dream. by that? do i mean if you listen to this president long enough, if you watch his policies, what you hear, what you see is a focus on class envy. what you hear and what you see is a president intent on dividing us by geography, by age, by gender, by success.
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what you see is a president who talks about redistribution -- a president who seems to believe that america is about equality of outcomes instead of equality of opportunity. i don't know about you, but that is not the american dream my parents taught me about. the american dream is not about growing the federal government, growing its taxes, it's spending. the american dream is not about managing the slow decline of the great economy of this great country. the american dream is not about making us more and more like europe. host: domenico montanaro, that seems to be the theme we are hearing from republicans taking aim at the president and hillary clinton, foreign policy, the economy. guest: those of the two issues we are dealing with right now. what you don't hear about his health care. it is interesting. that seems to have shifted a bit, especially when we look at this midterm. you have so many issues now as a hotbed on the foreign-policy front that the president having to do with that is -- seems to
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be the avenue where rep opponent -- where republicans are able to hit the president for being weak. the economy is not gangbusters, but it has been pretty even and down from a high of 10.8% unemployment to about 6.3% now. foreign policy is where republicans think they can hit the president, calling him weak, worse than jimmy carter almost is what they are saying. -- : the cleanout fundingknow cantor was local gop party housekeeping to cleanout tea party/paul anti-neocon leadership? guest: before he had his battle over leadership in the local republican party -- he lost that battle. it was one of those things that i think people after the fact have been saying, maybe we should have paid a little bit more attention to that. it was one of those inner party ner-party battles
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that was kind of on a small scale. there were no polls suggesting he was in trouble. his internal had him up to 34. up 34 inee how you are your internal and down 11 in the actual. the only neutral pole was up, like, 11 or 12. it was a surprise. that was only if there was a canary in the coal mine. that was probably the only one there. i've seen it happen in couple of times and it did not translate on the electoral scale. host: your former colleagues --d the impact of the poll it did suppress the cantor people. if he is going to win by that margin, no need to show up. guest: we had a reporter at the strawberry fair. our reporter said, you know, bra
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t got there in the morning, 10:00 a.m., when the doors opened, he shook every hand in the place. eric cantor kind of breezed through five hours later. there weren't even strawberries anymore. he thought the race was no big deal. you saw the stats. they spent more on steak than brat spent on his entire campaign. we rely so much on polling. there hasn't been a lot of good polls. you would think the internal poll would be better. that is by anecdotal reporting. still, pretty underrated. we do need to be out there and talk to people. big thing with that internal poll is that the internal poll is used not just a leak to the media and go, oh, well, this is a joke race. the point is to see where you are with your own strategy. if you think you are up 34, what you are playing for is margin of victory.
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can i getaying to see above 60, can i set myself up for a possible leadership thing later? cantor was the heir apparent to boehner. if his internals had showed him he's5, up 1, up 10, running a different race. if it is up 34, you run the race that eric cantor ran. you try not to mess up. you try not to give yourself opportunities to take a winnable race and throw it away. guest: they think it was democrats that swayed the race. they say the eric cantor's campaign manager came out and said, there have to be 15,000 democrats who voted. the problem for the party is if they continue to have this kind of denial attitude that there wasn't something that actually happened, it was just democratic didn'tg, president obama legitimately win in 2012, it was voter fraud -- if they continue
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to have that kind of attitude, you don't fix the problems that do have electoral consequences. host: all the attention on randolph macon college. two candidates from the same college in the seventh congressional district. our guests, derek wallbank of bloomberg news and domenico montanaro of the pbs newshour. we welcome our listeners on c-span radio heard coast-to-coast. good morning. caller: good morning to you. i just would like to know from your guests what hillary's credentials exactly are, what her accomplishments were when she was secretary of state. pressing reset buttons with russia didn't seem to work. putin just laughed at it. we see the middle east blowing up. so, what policy positions does
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she actually have? guest: i think in a lot of ways she will say she pushed for smart power. that is her philosophy of how you go about foreign-policy. i think there are a lot of avenues for republicans to try and hit back on hillary clinton, as you've already seen, and as your guest just noted. i do think that from secretary of state to senator to having been in the white house, she is somebody who is widely known. i think that name identification is a big issue when it comes to presidential politics. that is why you are sucking her lead in so many polls. -- you are seeing her lead in so many polls. caller: good morning and happy father's day. i wanted to say first of all that i think hillary is extremely out of touch. she may have name recognition. however, as a woman who has, her whole life, voted across party
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lines for any woman, she is one that i would not vote for, especially not for commander in chief. anybody who is that clueless about her so-called, suppose it safety and security on the anniversary date of 9/11 is not fit to be commander-in-chief. i would like to see ben carson run for president. i think he would make a measured, intelligent person who could maybe straighten out our health care system. and i do believe that we need to have -- border know what kind of security, but something has got to be done. this has just gotten crazy and insane, what's going on down there. it is terrible. host: are you a republican or independent? caller: i was always a lifelong democrat until right after 9/11.
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that gore was god not in office when that happened. host: can i ask you a question? one of the stories driving the weekend was in "the washington post" and "the l.a. times," about mitt romney who criticizes clinton as a candidate. the record has been extraordinarily lacking and ineffective. it is hard to think of a place in the world where our foreign-policy interest were enhanced by virtue of her serving as secretary of state. your thoughts on his comments? some speculate on a third presidential bid in 2016. caller: actually, i didn't know much about him when he started. as i started watching him as a person, i felt like he was a good, decent human being and would do the best he could for the country. however, i don't think he has a
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chance, but i do fully agree with everything he has to say about hillary. i also might like to point out that he was correct in everything that he rebutted obama about during the debates. host: thanks for the call. domenico montanaro, react to the call. portman,, senator rob mike huckabee, senator rand paul, all mingling with romney donors. guest: so is brian schweitzer, the one democrat who could possibly run against hillary clinton, which is interesting. what is interesting about the you talk about the 9/11 switch for her from democrat to more hawkish security, she is what the bush people would have identified as a security mom. that's what they felt were the swing voters in 2000 and 2004. there is that pocket of who
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they see as a suburban security mom, who they feel like is a group open to a republican message, especially on national security. outink as was pointed earlier, polling across the board has shown the world weariness that less lines up with doing more and more lining up with doing less. host: mitt, 2016? guest: i just think that is a fantasy. it is fun to say, it looks like he is thinking more about running than before, but i think this is about legacy. if you watch the mitt documentary, it got under their skin. they felt like they were made to be a joke. he feels like his family -- he is a guy who is really successful in business, turned around a lot of companies, and feels like he is a real thought leader. i think that's what he wants to be. host: this is from jan.
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eric cantor's loss should be a warning -- a wake-up call to all politicians. don't get comfortable, work for every vote. guest: true. all,u are in politics at whatever you want to do in washington, whatever committee you want to chair, whatever leadership position you aspire to hold, it all depends on coming back. if you are not here, you cannot win. host: a lot of speculation on the quickness of the vote for house republican leader. [video clip] >> i do think the members are going to make this decision. we are going to do it next week. i'm sure some will argue it is too soon, some will argue it is too long. but it is important we resolve this issue in a fair amount of time so that we can do the work that we were it left it to do. and so, the members will -- we were elected to do. and so, the members will make a decision. >> do you want kevin mccarthy at
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your side? otherork with all 434 members of congress before. i can work with whoever gets elected. host: did you want to weigh in on those points? guest: there is no question that holding an election quicker helps mccarthy. when i was talking to pete sessions -- ultimately decided not to run. he was running for a couple of hours. we were talking with him on the floor of the capitol after he came out of lunch with the texas delegation, which endorsed him, the biggest state delegation for republicans. sessions was asked if he wanted more time. he said, sure, i would have liked more time to be able to run this. sessions eventually drops out. there is no question that people who are a little bit nervous about having somebody who is seen as being in the leadership establishment -- they would have
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liked a longer campaign. they would have liked for the club for growth and heritage to be able to play a little bit more, to have people start getting fire under their feet. mccarthy moved very fast to consolidate his position. he was working on this from pretty much tuesday night, the second they realized eric cantor was going down. they had two outstanding whips going on, one on the agricultural bill and one on the highway funding measure. i don't know what the results of those are. what has been going on since, eric cantor, in absolute shock and mccarthy's folks got in gear real fast. by wednesday, you saw a bunch of key people in mccarthy's camp ready to go, ready to commit their political will. he moved lightning fast. he had a bunch of support locked up before other people were in
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or out. guest: it helps to be the whip. you have the private phone number and e-mail. you can organize a campaign much quicker than any opponent could. host: and there is this tweet from james who says, "mitt out romneyt turns was right about everything obama is wrong about." there was this influx of -- the your guests addressed southern border and the influx of children, or has the administration instructed media not to discuss? guest: we will have a piece on the border this week about these unaccompanied children that are coming in. i was on a conference call at the white house earlier this week. what they point to is not that there is a magnet because there is some openness from president obama on immigration reform. if you look at the murder rates in countries like honduras, el are the highest
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in the world because of the increased drug trafficking there and what is happening in those countries. people are being flushed out of those countries. four reasons why people like my father came to this country -- they come here because they see the united states as somewhere you can be free and there is economic opportunity and there might be some family connection. that is why you are seeing this influx. what the white house points to is, they will say, if it was the case that it was the immigration openness from obama, you would see more people from countries like mexico, which are contiguous, and places like nicaragua and costa rica. you are just not seeing that as much as you are from honduras, el salvador. host: dolores is joining us from mcminnville. caller: good morning. happy father's day to everyone. the reason i'm calling is because i'm very concerned as a tennessee resident about
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obamacare, which i think is a good thing. i love president obama. i respect him. i wish some of the republicans would start working with him and show a little more respect to our president of the united states. have republican congressmen, republican governor. governor haslam. not exceptingthem obamacare, taking on the medicaid. it is going to cause our hospitals to close down in rural ourties, which 70% of hospitals are in the rural counties, even the ceo of river park hospital is concerned that they are not making enough money because they don't have medicaid patients. and i think it is a crying shame that because they don't like
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obama, they are not going to accept medicaid for the state of tennessee. host: thanks very much for the call. we are seeing that in virginia as well. guest: you're seeing this across the country. republican states are places where you are not seeing medicaid expanded and where you are seeing it fought. i've written about this on pbs. i think the only time you are really going to see the health care law become a net positive is when you do have a republican president who decides to say this isn't going anywhere, we are going to try to fix it. because we are republican, we will show how it is going to be managed better. make some sort of message that way and you bring people over on the republican side to let the antipathy -- as long as president obama is president, you will see this split and probably as a net negative. host: we covered a moment
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online. he traveled to angel stadium in to deliverlifornia, the commencement address to uc irvine. this is the headline this morning. he madeery end, reference to something he talked about in 2004 and at the keynote -- the theme of his campaign, hope and change. [video clip] >> cynicism has never won a war or started a business or fed a young mind or sent men into space. cynicism is a choice. hope is a better choice. hope is what gave young soldiers the courage to storm a beach and liberate people they had never met. studentshat gave young the strength to sit in and stand up and march for women's rights and civil rights and voting rights and gay rights and immigration rights. against allbelief evidence to the contrary that there are better days ahead and
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that together we can build up a middle class and reshape our immigration system and shield our children from gun violence and sheltered future generations from the ravages of climate change. today thee fact that single largest age group in america is 22-year-olds who are all just itching to reshape this country and reshape the world, and i cannot wait to see what you do tomorrow. host: uc irvine yesterday. guest: i think part of the problem for the president in these last couple of years, and what happens to a lot of presidents, that hope, that positivity fades. beendent obama has somebody who has talked about hope and change since 1991. all the way back then, we dug up an old video of him when he was at harvard, on a panel talking about how people in the inner-city don't have hope. i think this comes from a little bit of a defensive point of view at this point in his presidency,
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where he is trying to fire up young voters, get them to understand that, even beyond his presidency, he wants to see his legacy carried out, especially on climate change, some of what they are doing with the executive orders. host: this from one of our viewers, bill saying, "hope? yes, indeed. 92 million now out of the workforce and actually 19 million unemployed." caller: good morning. happy father's day to all of the fathers. y'all are supposed to be newscasters. i want you to answer a question. this is the best we got. the world cup started thursday. and all them people are running around on that field spelling brazil wrong. it is with a z, not an s. why y'all don't catch it?
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y'all don't catch nothing. guest: to your point, they spell it with an "s" in brazil. in american english, we spell it with a z. that, i think, is the reason. let me say in a moment of mourning, domenico's team beat my team yesterday morning. speaking to the point the president made in that commencement address, the whole thing -- it has been his message for a while. the audience that he is speaking to is dealing with a new challenge. the new challenge that audience is dealing with is $1.2 trillion worth of student loan debt. this is one thing the democratic party has had a struggle to try and figure out how to fully solve. were younger voters
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instrumental in the president getting in, but you're not seeing that necessarily continue on to the people who are in that 18-year-old to 25-year-old range right now. i think part of that is because they are saddled with debt. he is talking into people who are coming out some time with their equivalent -- with the equivalent of a mortgage in student loan debt. host: we have just a few minutes left. i want to put a couple of other issues on the table. looking at the past 25 years. take clintondents as the most admired president decades,last 2 1/2 followed by president obama, president george bush -- george w. bush, and his father, george herbert walker bush. guest: it becomes a difficult situation. in the second term, we always
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see numbers drop. when you look at the midterms, that could have real potential problems for democrats, when you look at those coattails and the lack of the coattail. especially because of where these races are being run. apublicans, however, you have couple of potential problems, in two names in particular, mark pryor and they ditch -- and beg ich. they are both winning their races, with a lot of time to go. host: "this hope thing is such old news." did you want to weigh in? guest: this is one of the difficulties the administration has. how do you continue to try and run a campaign-style inspirational thing for six years, seven years? when you take years -- at some point, there is a policy thing that goes on. i think the legacy that this president is going to have is how well his signature health care law works.
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it was in the health care law that he wanted originally, but it is the one he wound up getting. it in popular talk. -- it has his name on it in popular talk. i think he hopes this health care law works as well as he hopes it will. host: from chula vista, california, charles is on the line. good sunday morning to you. caller: happy father's day to everyone out there. i'm calling because my major concern, like your color with the comment -- your caller with the comment about brazil and folks nominating president clinton as their favorite president -- our country needs to get educated. i think if people were to bring themselves up to date on what is really happening in washington and look at the problems that have been exasperated by our current president, then it wouldn't take much to convince
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them that what is happening right now is not working. our country is the greatest country in the world. right now, we are the but of jokes from the international community. we need to educate our voters, have them get their stuff together, and then go vote intelligently, instead of voting for somebody because they are a woman or because they are black. we are talking about the most powerful man in the free world, and we are voting for them for all the free -- the wrong reasons. i think we need to take that seriously. and see whatolls happens. host: do you have an early favorite so far? caller: i like ben carson. and it is not because he is black or not black, because i think he is best qualified. he is pretty sound. it is just my opinion, just my feelings about the way this country needs to go and the direction we are not going right now. host: thanks for the call. let me put another potential
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candidate on the table. rick santorum, the former pennsylvania senator, who spoke at the iowa republican party state convention. it is on our website at he brought up the issue of marriage and morality. here is rick santorum. [video clip] >> yet, where are we as republicans? i'm not talking about going out and fighting the battle of redefining marriage. i'm talking about the battle of reclaiming marriage as an institution that we should be promoting in america. [applause] we have lost the marriage debate in america for one reason -- the cause, during our watch, marriage has been redefined. marriage is now, by most simply acalibration, romantic relationship between two people that the government of firms. ladies and gentlemen, if that is all marriage is, then, as far as
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i'm concerned, everybody should be able to get married. that's not what marriage is. at least that's not what it used to be. marriage used to be the union of a man and woman for the purpose of coming together to have children, to raise the next generation, and give every child in america their birthright am a to be raised by their natural mother and natural father. play how does that message out in iowa specifically for rick santorum if he runs for president in 2016 and among the party base generally? guest: pretty good. he won it last time, iowa. hot speech,nd of he is still thinking about running. i think we will see a lot of those same folks who ran last time and some other people thinking about testing the waters these time around. you could have another long, protracted republican primary where you have lived the -- have the d&c following them around, listening for those one or two -- the dnc following them
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around, listening for those one or two bites. hillary clinton doesn't have to worry about her base as much. host: this hope message getting a lot of attention on our twitter page. one of our viewers saying "we reform, immigration higher minimum wage, voter rights legislation, etc.." caller: i have the same hope. you guys do a great job. host: and bloomberg news. we appreciate the them as well. theer: i do want to applaud young lady from tennessee that .alled the real reason i was calling was in response to mr. romney's challenge to name anyplace where our relationship has been enhanced by the term of --
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halfld think -- point to of the world population. women and young girls. also, i would have to name places where disasters have taken place. usaid has been in the forefront of recovery -- haiti, indonesia, sri lanka. even beyond that, in the political sense, i think the relationship has been well enhanced, well beyond what we faced with mr. bush, in places like asia, latin america, and africa. host: ok. who would like to take back? -- take that? guest: i think that is one of the key things that hillary clinton tried to do. when she was secretary of state, she tried to go to as many places as she possibly could. she broke records for her amount of travel. her big initiative was to try
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and elevate women and the poor around the world. and i think that is where she wanted her legacy to wind up. i think you will wind up seeing her talk a lot about that as she goes forward. host: back to your earlier point, this is from "cq weekly," thrones" is the headline. cantor as eric majority leader this week is a short term price. -- prize." on kmployed as lobbyists street - -- on k street. the question is how wealthy does eric cantor want to be. guest: we went through the financial disclosure forms. he is the wealthiest member -- republican member of the house leadership. by not a small margin.
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and he is the sort of person who is very well-connected on wall street. for wall intro point street folks who are looking to make gains with republicans. he is going to go away. job, wants a wall street if he wants to do consulting for that sort of thing, he can set up a printer in his house and just start printing off the $100 bills, because that's what's going to happen. or he could keep his political options and he could be the first person mentioned in the commonwealth of virginia for governor, senator, anything like that. this is the sort of world that eric cantor has to navigate. if he wants to take the money now, those future options might close themselves. it is a question for him and then open one, -- and an open one still. host: conversely, kevin
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mccarthy. does he still sleep in his office? guest: he does. kevin mccarthy has some fairly well-off friends. he is buddies with elon musk of tesla. he is not nearly as well off as cantor is. most of his money in sort of broad funds. he is not looking to move up. why? guest: because she couldn't. she initially said she was keeping her options open for majority leader and with. -- whip. both of those closed fairly quickly. republicans continue to have a woman in their top four, which is something boehner felt was very important. mcmorris rodgers -- i think the other thing you have to look at is, like jeb hensarling, who said he wasn't going to run, mcmorris rodgers has very young children as well. the additional job that you have, the additional responsibility is actually quite a lot.
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i think in both of those cases, hence are laying and mcmorris rodgers -- hensarling and mcmorris rodgers, that might have played as well. guest: i think you need to keep someone like mcmorris rodgers in service. when you look at the 2016 field, women are not something to be overlooked in this next election. they have made up 53% of the electorate. hillary will make that appeal very clear. just as one caller mentioned that african-americans voted overwhelmingly for president obama, and they normally do for democrats anyway, with the first woman running, and you have a lot of women who have come through the feminist movement -- they are going to be as fired up to get to those polls. host: good morning. thanks for waiting. caller: good morning.
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the american people got what they deserved by voting for who they have over the years. doggone wars. i'm going to go for elizabeth warren or bernie sanders, because i'm tired of my jobs being outsourced overseas. we have to get jobs to. we have to protect everybody. i just don't understand it. i heard germany is threatening to undo trade with america because of the workers rights we have. we have no workers rights. we are an oligarchy. we are rich people. host: how does the president thread the needle? knowing that if iraq does fall into enemy hands and mala key is forced out in some way, then he will be blamed for the -- and maliki is forced out in some
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way, then he will be blamed for the situation in iraq. he was an early critic of the war in iraq. guest: absolutely, calling it a dumb war. he has tried to stick to the message he had in the rose garden the other day. essentially, this is -- this wasn't a war that he wanted to wage in the first place. it has been wound down. fromneed to stop isis getting closer and maybe work some back channels, figure out what the nonmilitary options are. it is very difficult, i think the white house believes, to bomb or do any airstrikes as maliki has wanted in the western part of the country and as some republicans have advocated for, because you see that mixing of the sunni population, who are on trusting of the maliki government. host: chuck hagel had some harsh
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questions from house leaders now that sergeant bowe bergdahl is back in the u.s. where does this story go next? guest: i think this story will continue. it will continue mainly because you have five people, at least four of whom had very senior taliban ties, who are now back in qatar. what they do next is going to determine a lot of what this story does. if you see any of those folks at all back in afghanistan doing anything that could be inciting or combat-related, this is going to get brought up again and again and again. sergeant birdsall -- sergeant bergdahl, getting him back has a competition. people say we don't negotiate with terrorists. what that means is we don't have a grand tradition of negotiating with nonstate actors. it is a different world because
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we are fighting nonstate actors in many ways. we went to afghanistan to fight the taliban government and get continued and then we fighting the taliban. we were fighting a nonstate actor and waging a conventional war against a nonstate actor. negotiating with people we don't like -- long, storied history of that. negotiating with nonstate actors? that's the issue. tose folks being able possibly go back on the battlefield, that's where this story stays alive for years to come. host: patrick is joining us. brooklyn, new york. good morning. caller: good morning and then god for c-span -- and thank go l for c-span. happy father's day. this is to both gentlemen. this is america and immigrants come from all countries, looking for peace, prosperity, and trying to make a better life. it is not that they all can't live here, but we want to give
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everybody a right to be peaceful and have a right to have freedom. all we need is a little hope. hope is and always today or tomorrow. it takes time. if the gentleman that are the reporters -- the gentlemen that are the reporters report the news honestly, people can make a decision who to vote for. host: thanks for the call. if you get through, turn the volume down. that in the many the echo we were hearing -- that eliminates the echo we were hearing a moment ago. guest: we look at what is happening. despite that winds up happening over immigration -- this fight that winds up happening over immigration. everybody acknowledges there is a problem with immigration, but nothing weapons of getting done because of pallet can become thrown into the -- nothing winds up getting done because of how it can become thrown into the political machine. it suddenly gets turned into a political issue.
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the messaging war kicks in. you figure out what the political capitalizations are and nothing winds up happening. immigration -- we saw in 2005, 2006, 2007, when a republican president tried to put it forward. the problem is -- this is the third rail. we've talked about social security being the third rail. immigration is a third rail for republicans, and it is something they are going down to deal with in 2016. host: let me conclude with a look at the week ahead. the houses back this week, as is the senate -- the house is back this week, as is the senate, but all eyes are on thursday. guest: the key for c-span watchers to note. you have one election for majority leader. if kevin mccarthy wins, you have another one for whip immediately. mccarthy being the favorite, that opens up the whip's job and that is going to be a very contested race.
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three people running, all of are credible candidates. it is wide open. nobody has majority support right now. it is going to be really exciting to see where it goes and fairly consequential. host: where does this put congressman steve king? he sent out this tweet, "looking for a good republican leader. those who support amnesty need not apply." guest: steve king has the difficulty that there is probably an ideal candidate out there for him and that person isn't running. i'm not sure who that ideal candidate is, frankly, if it is came more michele bachmann or somebody like that -- if it is king or michele bachmann or somebody like that, but they are not running. there is some discontentment that somebody of their ilk isn't running. there are not many people to the right of raw labrador -- of raul labrador. he is one of 12 people who did
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not vote for john boehner for speaker in 2013. and if you had boehner and his top lieutenant was someone who didn't vote for him as speaker, that would be interesting. host: what are you looking for this week? guest: this leadership race is going to be kind of fascinating to watch. we will see how that goes. you have the faith and freedom coalition forum. a lot of the 2016 hopefuls will come in. mccarthy will also speak. do we see some of the sting -- steve king cost discussion -- type ofe king discussion? host: we will follow your work on the pbs website. thank you for being with us. who follows the house leadership or bloomberg news, your expertise on what is happening -- leadership for bloomberg news, your expertise on what is happening on capitol hill. thank you very much.
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we will turn our attention back to iraq, options for that region. kimberly kagan will be joining us with your calls and comments. later, a news survey showing just how polarized the u.s. is, a new survey from the pew research organization. c-span'satching "washington journal." back in a moment. >> for over 35 years, c-span brings public affairs events from washington directly to you, putting you in the room at congressional hearings, white house events, briefings, and conferences, and offering complete, gavel-to-gavel coverage of the u.s. house, all as a public service of private
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industry. we are c-span, created by the cable tv industry 35 years ago and brought to you as a public service by your local cable or satellite provider. watch as in hd, like us on facebook, and follow us on twitter. >> cable in the 1990's -- when a lot of the current environmental regulatory did have over 90% of the market ash today, cable has a little over 50%. the business has matured. you either have to do two things , lower cost and keep your margins good or find new sources of revenue. they are attacking both of those things. the focus on the revenue side -- one, looking for new ways to delight and hold consumers. if you look at comcast and its investment in the platform, if you can make video on demand more attractive, easier to use -- number one, don't lose what you have. you have to innovate, keep what you have. you also see them taking advantage of broadband.
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that is a blessed source of new business opportunity for our industry. it is growing much faster. it still has a >> the rapid change in telecommunications, technology advances, and the future of the cable industry with echo powell on the communicators on c-span2. "washington journal" continues. >> our guest is the founder of war. kimberly kagan is with us. ,s of the situation in iraq what are the options? takee president has to
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military action. in some way, shape, or form right now in this situation. airstrikes are obviously being discussed and are on the table. the theory is to bomb some of the positions held by isis. the city taken over and is moving southward. airstrikes alone do not help with the problem which is shoring up the iraq he security forces which have received a terrible blow to their confidence. they need assistance commanding and controlling their movements. from where they are to where they need to be and maneuvering
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on the ground. the united states really ought theend advisers to help iraqi security forces and make the airstrikes effective. you need good ground intelligence to make sure that airstrikes do not kill civilians. movement ofuge them the population alongside isis and the problem of killing civilians is very high. remained the u.s. have in iraq? should we include old out completely -- have pulled out completely? it is very important that the united states really put a sizable force on the table
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in negotiations and discussions. >> should we have? >> yes, i think so. a force of some size, not to do combat operations but to secure to act as aer buffer. them from encroaching on iraq he 70. that would've been an excellent idea. one of the things that we saw is that the day after the troops came out of iraq, the prime minister turned to targeting his sunni political colleagues including his vice president in order to move his rivals from government.
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havenited states could inflammatoryt action. >> how many refugees are inside iraq and how are we doing -- dealing with that humanitarian issue westmark --? fall ofprior to the 70,000, there were displaced families. they were living across iraq. some of them were in the kurdish region. if you add to that the displacement and fleeing from cities like most low -- mosul, you probably have twice of that. they are moving around and looking for shelter. >> how much blame should go to
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the government for that. theome blame should go to iraqi government. they have been deliberately insideting sunni rivals the political arena. they have failed to negotiate when they had a popular and peaceful protest movement. some blame for the should go to for moving, to bowe bergdah so quickly to harm iraq is and destabilize the government. >> this is the front page of "the new york times." this is been years in the making. it would create an allotment -- islamic state in iraq and syria. back, the look
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islamic state of iraq began its campaign to retake iraq almost as soon as united states forces left. in 2013, a campaign was created to free the prisoners from al qaeda that were held within iraq. they started killing massive numbers of civilians. they actually maneuvered from tore they were in mosul spread this campaign throughout iraq. it was very deliberate. we started seeing the signs that the security forces were weakening as early as april
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2013. >> we have been talking about members of the president's party do not want to see troops on the ground in iraq. this is a piece from "the hill." the president is trapped between international crises at a time when the military is facing cutbacks and the public is wary of foreign engagement. most troops will leave afghanistan by the end of this year. the u.s. is facing a serious threat in iraq. the uss george herbert walker bush is moving into the area.
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at the we take a look president's reluctance to put troops on the ground, it is understandable. thectually constrains policy options and the nuanced hollis he options that he has. -- policy options that he has. i do not want to put large-scale combat troops on the ground. our special forces have superb capabilities to do two things. one is to track down the importantlybut more to work with foreign military to improve the way that they fight. obama does not want to but combat troops on the ground, that is absolutely understandable and the situation does not want it.
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but to save the lives of those iraq he security forces they will need people with them. and to deal with the rise of the , the united states has to be there in small numbers. we can help save lives in that situation. withe conversation kimberly kagan. she is a professor at the u.s. military academy at west point. she is the founder and president of institute for the study of war. understate is we have an ally in israel. i have not heard much about the
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issue with the avowed enemy in iran sitting in the republican and how it is that we have bombing to on using assist iran in their quest to save iraq. it was iran that was an avowed enemy with iraq and fighting was going on there. i would like to have some information on how that could work out. host: thanks very much for the call. guest: let me explain how i think the iranian influence inside of iraq can best be countered. we do have confirmed evidence thatding iranian sources
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people were killed in iraq in past days. we have iranian elements including commanders working to organize some of the iraq he response. i think that is actually a grave challenge and grave threat to the united states. tohink it is a grave threat the long-term stability of iraq. ae iranians have pushed for unified shia government in iraq. in doing so, it will create an atmosphere of lyrical exclusion that will only exacerbate the insurgency. don't think the united states should send its military assets without demanding concessions right now from the prime minister of iraq and his colleagues to start reforming an
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inclusive government. to send the iranians and the shia militias that they back back to the places where they belong, which is the mobilized. they should not be fighting alongside the iraqi security forces. has penned a front page story and is joining us live on the phone. host: are you with us? i think we have lost the connection but we will try again. margaret is in chapel hill, tennessee. caller: my concern is that , people got us into this situation to begin with. i think it would be good if we got summit to speak the truth
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about the situation. my question to the young lady is how much blame you are asking should go to the bush cheney government for getting us into this and how many civilians do you actually think we are responsible for killing in iraq? host: how would you answer your own question? cheney? caller: i think that they got us into this mess. the prime minister is just following what america is telling him to do. a lot of the blame goes to the other administration. they got us into this needless war to begin with. host: thank you for the call. guest: one of the things that the surge in iraq in 2007 did
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was reduce the sectarian violence that was ongoing. it created political opportunities for the iraqis. gave a stable and secure government. having been in iraq in 2007 at the height of violence and having spent many times inside iraqsubsequent to that, was on a track for peaceful and political engagement. as 2010. host: he is the baghdad bureau chief for the "new york times ." i think we lost him again. are you with us? the third time will be the charm. let us go to arden temple florida. -- art in tampa, florida. i would like to ask
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kagan, when bush and cheney invaded iraq, they took out a strong man that kept these people under control. and otherqadhafi leaders that kept these people under control. out?ouldn't you just stay host: we will get a response. guest: i think that your question is why is it impossible to leave strongmen in charge of these situations. one of the problems that we are seeing now is the current thenistration and evaluated prime minister as a strong man and he was not as strong as we thought he was.
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point out want to that it is important to recognize that there is not a dictatorial solution. that is not suitable for human beings in any part of the world, including the middle east. host: what is the institute for it isudy of war? guest: an organization that does not advocate or. we study it. we study ongoing conflicts in order to provide policymakers and decision-makers with the best possible information about what is going on in war zones, including iraq, syria, afghanistan, lebanon. we went to help them by giving them the best possible information to make their own decisions about matters of war and peace. the organization is
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donors,hrough private iundations, corporations, and think it does not take money from the united states government in order to keep itself fully independent from the government. host: a headline from the christian science monitor, the navy is steaming toward the persian gulf. what possibilities are there for the navy and the military? guest: the naval powers going toward the persian gulf are significant. this is a platform for launching iranianor deterring engagement. i simply don't think it is sufficient given the complexity of the situation.
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we have seen over the last week and a half. we have seen isis move into moz and the security forces fled. they were joined by sunni insurgents. iny are preparing attacks anbar. of we have a sophisticated and intertwined sunni movement. it is integrated with this army of terrorists. we have full mobilization of the shia populations in iraq. this is all occurring in urban areas and not of the countryside. it is not the best situation for a show of force or for airstrikes. host: that is on the phone on
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the republican line. say i: i would like to was a supporter of the war in iraq. i have really given up on the iraq use. at what point are they going to be required to take a stand? at what point do the civilians have to choose between freedom and isis and al qaeda. we killed osama bin laden. at what point do the people of iraq me to choice? guest: i think they had made a choice with extraordinary vigor. only 12, after the prime minister started to re-attack his political rivals in government, there was a
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protestad popular movement that did not get much coverage in our press. sustained, multicity and multi-sectarian. it went on for a full year. i know that we think about protests in egypt and how much coverage that got. this was year-long popular protests against the iraqi government. that sunniemanding politicians remain integrated in government and demanding the release of sunnis who were taken prisoner and were being held without bail and without access to their families. that is the kind of peaceful protest movement that really makes me feel strongly that the
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iraq use are capable of democratic and peaceful protest. tried to express through political means a lot of their frustration. the prime minister use of violence against these groups. thatbegan the insurgency has now turned into this full kale -- scale war. they going to need security. this is notronment, an environment of negotiation. this is an environment where every human faces an existential threat. host: we welcome our listeners on c-span radio. our guest is kimberly kagan. it we are discussing options for the president inside iraq. we welcome your comments on
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social media. we nohe iraqis that longer want to participate in a useless campaign for democracy in the middle east. we have spent our lives and treasure. we have to recover from all of those years of devastating loss in our own country. iraqthere any al qaeda in before america invaded? saying it me start by do not have the intelligence to answer that question. what i haveeport read in the newspaper. thatwe understand is saddam hussein brought al qaeda elements into iraq. what decision-makers knew at the time back at the beginning of the invasion and why it is that
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they acted, some of these things have been proven to be miss assumptions. whether or not it turns out in the end that such decisions were based on mistaken intelligence. we were litigating the situation back in 2002 and 2003. evaluatingided when the actual problems that we have right now. is resurgent within the middle east. it has created a state that extends from syria to iraq. it has a government that is trying to put in place in these locations. it represents an existential threat right now.
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there are foreign fighters that returnt of the isis who to places like europe. we have seen foreign fighters participating in their campaigns who are from a the united states. we must not focus as much on the political debates and -- on what that happened before. we are in a crisis moment out. the iraqis aret being terrorized as we speak right now. the al qaeda are going after civilians. there is no security force to
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protect them. host: iraq is driving the discussion on our facebook page. this is from scott olson. we need to keep roots off the ground until the rules of engagement are changed so our soldiers can fight. tim o'neil says bring back the draft. unnecessary war are all wars would be abolished through public outcry the next day. dan is doing is from elizabeth hill, pennsylvania on the independent line. caller: good morning. 10,000 mercer in areas -- mercenaries arrived in iraq. what is happened to him? the prime minister has to have everything cleared with the cleric. fatwa cleric has issued a
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that all homosexuals should be killed in the most severe way. that's what it is. homosexualsturing and it is all because the prime minister and society. these are two different people and to different religious figures. is anti-iranian. taken apart in iraq the politics. he has worked to have a peaceful religious establishment inside iraq. we did see him over the past days asked iraq these to defend themselves.
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this is been a tragic mistake on his part. i do not think he meant to provoke the widespread mobilization of militias. of tribal elements to the iraqis purity forces and the mobilization of these shia militias raiding an environment in which we will see some more sectarian telling. we started to see this over the executed some soldiers they had captured on a they areorthern iraq. doing this because they are cruel and they are doing this to provoke sectarian violence. provoke sectarian
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violence. they are trying to provoke a sectarian war. this civil war will pale in comparison. iraq may need to be carved up. inmade that comment back 2008. guest: iraq has tended to want to be a unified state. we saw that in 2010. sectarian platform and ticket got the literal majority of votes, they were not allowed
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to form the government of iraq. to kurds have not chosen depart iraq. i think after this particular inflection, we may see the iraqation of rock -- naturally into component parts. control. have now that we have a shia mobilization that will secure southern iraq in a way that is very different from western iraq may not be secure. this is an unnatural state. it will have consequences to the region in taking away the boundaries and borders of the state that had formed the core of the alliance system that we worked with for so many years.
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this is what the islamic state of iraq once to create. they want to create their own emirates on the road to a state that spans through islamic countries. host: rick makes this oink. no yellowcake. why did bush elect to invade iraq? guest: i think we are asking the wrong question. if we go back and focus on the decisions and actions in 2002 and 2003. what decision-makers thought at the time was that saddam hussein had a chemical weapons program. we have discovered that that wasn't true. he was engaged in concealing the fact that he did not have one. if you go back and relitigate
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the situation, we are in an emergency crisis now. and al qaeda splinter is taking control of terrain in the heart of the middle east from which it attacksnch terrorist and establish a state. it has an organized army. the question is not relitigating what happened in iraq for. the question is what do we do about the fact that there is a splinter group that has a terrorist state in iraq right now that can threaten us. we have to focus on that problem. looking at the decisions of 2003. it does not matter. we have to deal with this crisis right now. host: anthony is on the democrat line.
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this is the only place i can get some truth. you seem to be an apologist for the administration past. why is it that the united states let defense contractors. they used enron. they a methyl money. -- they embezzled money. we went through sanctions and inspections. basically -- that was so much conflict of interest. thewas cheney allowed to be president of the united states and take us into a war.
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twitter person posed the most important question. thank you, c-span. host: what is our gain if we go into iraq again? reiterate me just that i advised the bush administration for their war in iraq. icannot state enough that think they made mistakes in evaluating the situation. they thought that what they knew at the time was true. what i think is incredibly important right now is to understand that we are not talking about re-invading iraq. we are not talking about sending boots on the ground and combat
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forces in large numbers to iraq. there is an iraqi security force there. it needs to be bolstered. it needs to be bolstered through advisers who can help overcome the flood that we have seen over the last year. the security forces have low morale. they have not replenished their units with new soldiers as they have sustained losses against al qaeda splinters and other enemies. spent $20 billion to train these forces. correct. i think that part of the problem that we have had over the past two years is that we have thrown money at training the iraqi forces rather than sustaining some of the effective at were
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keeping the security forces effective. we have weapons systems. we removed our embedded advisers from the security force units. that has been a disaster. the u.s. should not pay for any more wars. if we give any aid to iraq, they should bear the financial burden. oil-rich ron is joining us from dublin, ohio. caller: i want to thank you all.
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i am very appreciative of your guest. is a keying at this point with respect to the change in status of forces. this seems to be the pivotal in the decline i just learned and i want to ,erify that this is correct that the prime minister was willing to give us us that as of forces that would have allowed troops to stay but it was president obama and his administration that insisted that the status of forces go to the iraqi legislature and it was not politically acceptable. up for failure by
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insisting that the status of forces be approved in a way that it would not be approved so he had the excuse to pull out the u.s. troops. i just read that in a small article. i can't possibly get into president obama's head and understand exactly whether he set himself up to withdraw from iraq. agreement that the united states and iraq were discussing back in 2011 was an agreement that would have left a limited number of u.s. forces behind as of thentor of the safety
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iraqi state. it was a way of controlling the airspace. is contrary to theadministration policy, administration did ask for a legislative agreement rather than an executive agreement in order to execute that status of forces agreement. the prime minister did not have the support in parliament to pass it. need -- made a mistake in trying to do this through legislation rather than an executive order. i think what is going on in the ground in iraq would be different had we left a small number of forces. we're only talking about small numbers of forces.
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thousandspon tens of of combat forces. kimberly kagan is a professor at west point. think you so much for your expertise this morning. -- thank you so much for your expertise this morning. is talking about iraq. we are going to take a short rate. we will get your calls on political polarization. we are more polarized than ever.
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also on the program will be robert de niro. followse of the union with another appearance by eric cantor. lindsey graham will also be on the program. at 4:00, it is face the nation with cbs. lindsey graham once again and ryan's priebus. network tv talk shows are on c-span radio. they are brought to you as a public service of c-span. the rebroadcast begin at noon with meet the press, 1:00 with this week, 2:00 fox news sunday, 3:00 state of the union, and 4:00 face the nation from cbs.
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a whole bottom section that was reconstructed. there was a decision by the curators not to do that again. to be tatteredg and torn and it still survives. the we are making it look like it has endured its history. we want to celebrate its history. >> this year is the 200th anniversary of the british ofbardment during the war 1812. the smithsonian's star-spangled banner exhibit. american history tv. >> c-span brings public affairs of ants directly to you.
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we put you in the room at congressional hearings and white house events. we offer complete gavel-to-gavel coverage of the u.s. house. there c-span, created by cable tv industry 35 years ago and brought to you as a public service. watch us in hd, like as of facebook, follow us on twitter. continues. journal" host: newsmakers is coming up live at the top of the are. we went to spend a next few minutes on a poll from the pew organization. blending red and blue is the editorial. an important and troubling new study from the pew research center confirms what has been evident of american politics. differences are
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deeper than they have been in two decades. they are more committed to their worldviews more than they were. they consist of ideological activists, half of each party's donors revile the opposition as a threat to the nation's well-being. what else did you find in the survey and how many people did you question? guest: it was an enormous survey. we interviewed 10,000 americans. itlook at three main topics. was the growth of ideological consistency, the growth of antipathy, the third aspect was the dimension of all this.
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how do people live their lives and how does polarization affect that? host: i want to show this contract -- contrast between 1994, 2004 and now. how do we get to this point? guest: it is happening in different ways and different parties. the growth of ideological people who, we mean hold consistently liberal or conservative views across a range of issues, not just role of government. overall, it has doubled in the we see itars. happening in both parties. it happens in different ways in both hardee's. isthe republican party, it in the last decade. have had a gradual
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rise over 20 years. dividedngress is more and so are voters. iners are not simply parties, they are adopting more consistently liberal or conservative viewpoints. how does that play out in the public opinion and legislating in washington. this is a relatively small segment of the public. it is very influential. these are the people who voted high rate. they contact their elected officials of high rates. they donate to campaigns at high rates. they punch above their weight politically. thisis why they have impact. host: i want to go back to this editorial. it talked about rebuilding the
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political center. how'd you do that? guest: the center is there. it is alive and well and we show americans have consistent views, they are mixed across many issues. these peopley is are less engaged in politics. they vote at lower rates. they are not just inclined to participate in the process. host: i wanted to elaborate on this graph. liberals want more walkable communities. conservatives want more room. guest: that is one of the things we went after. --t do you prepare people what do people want in a community? what kind of house would they like?
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aberals said that they wanted you coulduse that walk to amenities. conservatives wanted a big house even if they had to drive to places. the polarization is growing. that is not a surprise. it is not affecting people's daily lives. when you look at these community preferences, these divisions go pretty far beyond politics. they dislike each other personally's. they have very different preferences. host: he is a director of research at the pew research center. you can get more information at the pew website. let's open up the phones.
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leonard is joining us from new york. guest: good morning, steve. i would like to address all are is a nation with health care. understanding, this model that is being used and i don't understand why the washington journal did not bring on the heritage foundation to discuss the model of the health care plan, it is a conservative plan. the 90'sns back during when hillary clinton was getting her plan addressed, they used this model to counteract what hillary wanted to get through back in the early 90's. explainget them on to what this model is all about? the media helps to polarize.
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it is just regulation. could you please bring on and do something valuable by bringing of the heritage foundation to explain and get the politicians in congress when they were supporting this plan? on.: we have had them we do this with other think tanks. we don't have a relationship with them. we do cover their events across the board. thank you for the call. tamara is in fairfax, virginia. guest: i think a lot of the polarization is because people are so angry because the government is not doing the will of the people.
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they are playing with us in the sense that there is no line between democrats and republicans. take this iraq stuff that is going on. we are making a mess of things internationally. we would be much better served doing something about gun laws or making this place a better world. everything we are doing in the middle east has been a disaster. and notd pull out intervene militarily anymore. we mess up everything we touch. we are making the world a much more unstable place. host: the front page of the new york times, rebels strike back in iraq. post, iranwashington is saying they are ready to help iraq if asked. tomorrow the u.s. is sitting down with iranian officials
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about their nuclear program. good morning. i agree with a virginia. we are very concerned about terrorism. --k at our mastic terrorism a mistake terrorism. the escalation of violence is mind-boggling. we need to do something about that. i think another reason for such polarization is women's rights. we are 10 runs below that of a cow. we have no rights. just speaking politically. i am talking ideologically. host: dan from new york is on the democrat line. caller:
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host: we're are going to move onto don. caller: somebody was critical of your programming this morning. they talked about the march to war. forum and educational the are open to all points of view. the last twoogram mornings a programming you have had on neocons talking about the march to war in iraq. this morning you had kimberly kagan. a call-in program is not an educational forum. an educational forum is when you have discussions back and forth between two groups of people and not someone calling in. i am critical of you for saying that this is an educational
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forum. it is not. it is a call-in program in which prejudices are aired. is we tryoint earlier to present all sides of a point of view. we do this on all of our programming. if the audience has any issues they can go to the website and get their point of view. i am not critical of the caller. we do not have an agenda. we will have other points of view as well.
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thank you, don. david is joining us. caller: how are you doing? i love c-span. about the polarization, it boils socioeconomics. right now what i see is republicans have a closed-door policy when it comes to african-americans. african americans that i do see inside the republican party are with theonnected african-american community. runningcratic party is as democrats get elected. i became an independent because i don't like what is going on in
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the democratic party from where i am from. anybody can have money. i think the polarization goes in many different directions. know what is going on in north carolina. they are doing a great job and they are very courageous. i think people need to put more eyes on that situation. deale suffering a great and the injustices that are going on with the fracking and the water, it seems like republicans only care about dollars. host: that will be the last word. we will continue this conversation monday on "washington journal."
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we will have a conversation about gop politics. com davis --m virginia will be here com davis rum virginia will be here. a former state department official will talk about iran. that is tomorrow morning. a happy father's day to all the dads and grandfathers. hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. have a great week ahead. ♪ >> newsmakers is next. he is the chair of the house
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democratic caucus. we will hear from chuck hagel testifying before the armed service committee on the exchange of bowe bergdahl. >> we would hear from him shortly. first, house speaker john boehner and his reaction to eric cantor's defeat. how important is it for unity in your conference to have a red state republican? >> the members are going to make this decision next week. -- argue it iso too soon. it is important to resolve this
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issue and a fair amount of time so that we can do the work that we were elected to do. the members will make the decision. >> it is a good deal for you. do you want kevin mccarthy at your side? >> i can work with whoever is selected. a lot of people are saying that immigration reform is dead because you will not move out of what happened to mr. cantor. don't believe the first premise of your question. immigration reform has not changed. the he did it again with the release . i reminded him yesterday that every
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