tv Islam and the West CSPAN July 4, 2014 10:35pm-11:55pm EDT
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able to go and leave the area. all accounts it was a crowded wal-mart. isn't it amazing that with a crowded wal-mart he, this permit holder was the only person in were ablert that they to go and kill? so, anyway, but i just want to point out something and that is, just in the last month been deluged with information about, as we have in the past, about what goes through these killers' minds. i'll give you a couple of examples. rodg, the killer in santa barbara. have you read this guy's manifesto? you go and read it and several in there, i'm just going to read you one, he explicitly alks about why he picked particular place to go and attack. anotherere he says, topia, in which
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have aople pour in to spring break party. a perfect day was i sawack isla vista but from youtube videos there were walking around. he's essentially saying -- and if you read this, the guy wants attention, he feels he's not attention, heer wants to give as many people as possible but worries that with officers there he'll be stopped because they have guns and they'll be able to him. brunswick killer in canada. this is from his facebook page. comicsy had a half dozen dealing with gun-free zones on his facebook page. just one of the comics he had. so he has a civilian who's being here, itby a criminal
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says, but wait, there's a gun ban in this city, you can't do passed a law. it's supposed to be all rainbows now on and ofrom course the criminal's basically he hasg what a moron, his gun in his back and getting ready to shoot it, knows that victim can't be there. this guy picked a place where he thereivilians around weren't able to defend themselves and it's something he obviously was thinking about. was a case in rogersville, earlier in june this month -- i'm just taking things, very recent cases. you lots of others. just reading from the news report there in the local newspaper, said, according to law enforcement officers, the teens intended to be the most notorious mass murders of all time with the highest body count. they allegedly wanted to be famous and their road to fame would be paved with bodies of classmates and teachers at
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volunteer high school in churchill. areorities say the boys who now 16, 17, even studied the columbine shooting made byng "mistakes" those shooters for the purpose of maximizing the number of death inand faculty the planned volunteer high school massacre. killing theluded school resource officer first. why did they do that? they knew he could be the one them. stop you have a uniformed guard there. guards, god bless them, but they have an incredibly difficult job. there. sitting targets it's hard to go and be consciously day after day, month after year, onar your toes in case something might go wrong. end up happening -- happen, not just here but in other cases, but those are the
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first guys taken out. the question is what's your backup plan? these guys aren't stupid and you do at that point when they're not able to go and stop them? i know i'm out of time here. so --ibles, -- i believe so, right? longer. talk you apologize. you know you've got that when you asked me to do it. i apologize. ignorance onclaim that. so -- and even then, i've made a of cuts from what i would have liked to have said. i really appreciate the time here. we've had nicki's talk and here.s and andrew's there's so much information that's here and the question is go and get this out because the media, you know, it's just amazing to me. get them to go and mention something as simple as gun-free zones. have attack after attack.
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my guess is this debate would be dramatically different if even once in a while when they're going through their chicago list list -- checklist of things, how did they obtain a gun, what type was used, often things that are difficult to determine and they make mistakes about, once in a while, the simplest thing to figure out is did the attack occur in a gun-free zone for the very reasons that nicky was talking it serves as a magnet for these type of comics and see the other things from these killers. if that was mentioned, my guess is that the political debate we have right now would be dramatically different from the way it is. thank you very much. i appreciate your time. [applause] [captions performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2014] >> next, a look at the relationship between islam and the west. that, a discussion on how sports can lead to a national dialogue about race and society.
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and later, a discussion on u.s. immigration policy. >> our endowment is the largest historically and pretty healthy, just shy of 600 million. that in perspective, vanderbilt is in our peer group, are at six billion. harvard, which represents the pinnacle of the nation's endowments is at 34 billion and $6 billion campaign going on right now just to put it in perspective. if we are going to aspire to have that type of excellence, those types of facilities to produce that type of excellence in our campus, we have to have type of investment so it's 17thsponsibility now and president's responsibility when named, to go out
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and expand revenue streams. >> howard university interim president on the challenges facing the predominantly black 8:00rsity sunday night at on c-span q&a. west.t, islam and the the featured speaker is nonie darwish. is 1:20. you, jerry. before i introduce our speaker tonight, i want to tell you just quick story. the other day i was chatting with a friend of mine and we were comparing great inventions of various civilizations. i mentioned the microchip, the personal computer and the decentt as pretty
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inventions on our side. he scoffed and said, that's with theompared islamic time machine. i said, islamic time machine? never heard of that one. takeid, oh, yeah, it can any country back 1400 years. featured speaker tonight was born and raised a muslim in strip.n the gaza her father was a prominent leader of the egyptian military who organized the fetaine andations which targeted killed hundreds of israeli civilians until he was killed in 1966. she grew up in an environment that cultivated a keen sense of grievance, anti-semetism and hatred of israel. she earned a degree at the american university of cairo, statesed to the united in 1978, and subsequently
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christianity. she founded the group, arabs for 1994., in 9/11 attacks the in 2001, she began writing islamicritical of extremism. she was a co-founder in 2009 of former muslims united. she's written extensively on islam including several books, recently, "the devil we side ofow, the dark revolutions in the middle east." as humans topics such rights and women's rights under islamic law. and women's rights under islamic law. contradictionke a of terms to me. she lectures on college campuses and internationally and apparently some organizations are fearful of the consequences of her message. just last month, in fact, she been scheduled as a keynote
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speaker for i-fest, a week-long pro-israel event at the university of california at irvine. unfortunately, one of the sponsoring organizations feared the appearance would be too divisive and canceled. had the wit to reject the teachings of islam and courage out eloquently and fearlessly about the harm that does inflictn and on its hosts. she deserves our appreciation and admiration. please help me give a warm and to nonieive welcome darwish. >> thank you. thank you. an honor. what an honor, a pleasure to be here with you. really, your group here just heart because i didn't
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know there were any conservatives in silicon valley. patriots of today. i learned from you. when i came from egypt and emigrated to this country, i baggage. i didn't know what liberty means. i didn't know what human rights women's rights. i didn't know equality. us.of this never taught to peace, the concept of peace, i any -- people like who if americans like you taught me what i am today so you.s why i want to thank i lived for 30 years of my life oppressive dictatorships and police states. i saw and experienced and met who were killed,
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mutilation, oppression of women, how polygamy destroys the family dynamics completely. ar a man to be -- have polygamist marriage, his loyalty to no one in the end. if you look at the modern is in mycontract which second book about sharia, cruel punishment, in the modern marriage contract there's a question for the groom, please of wife number one, wife number two and wife any.r three, if so the bride signs the marriage contract knowing that he does not vow loyalty to her. it's totally different concept marriage in the judeo theytian culture where
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both vow loyalty to each other equally. revolution brought to us by the judeo christian culture. see middle east marriages compared to my jewish friends or itistian friends, i find very different, having lived there and lived here. see america -- especially in israel, powerful men and powerful women who respect each other. in the middle east, you either find two kinds of women. theer the doormat or extremely aggressive, because much pressure on women, oppress them a lot, law, youy under the will either completely get suffocated or you become extremely aggressive and oppressive and that is something toouldn't want any woman experience. i want to start also by telling not here to
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theicize people or muslims, people. the problem is not the people. the ideology, and please, when i speak about islam, don't and think i'mme trying to insult muslim people. some of the nicest people i know muslims. we're not here speaking about human beings. theany gave us hitler and most horrific ideology called nazism but that doesn't mean every german was evil. communism was evil because it oppressing evil but it doesn't mean everyone who lives in so i don'tn was evil understand why in america we're not getting it. islam, we'recize criticizing anideiology, not people. there's good and bad in every made myself hope i
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clear because i often, when i speak, especially on college campuses and i make this statement, at the end, they come back and they say, but why are all muslims?ng which is not true. that accusation is happening to silence us, to silence people robert spencer, pamela gellar, all of us, bridgette gabrielle, all of us who are ideology.ticizing the ladies and gentlemen, we are living in very crucial times. just succeeded in ending war and now we are new -- we are confronting a new enemy but this enemy we are now -- we don't want to even name by name. americanirst time in history we are in a war and declared war against
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us, all over the middle east. we are the great satan. israel is the little satan. they have declared war on us in every mosque, in every mosque. friday prayers always end with "may god destroy the jews and the infidels, israel is the them andislam, go kill jihad, jihad, jihad." this coming here and we comment about it? we afraid of commenting about it? didn't we have enough with afraid ofng commenting on what happened? it's just a different ideology, that's all, but it's preaching same evil, if not worse, because with hitler he didn't to rely on and say it's god's will. an ideology that's been
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in war with humanity for 1400 we have to speak about and honestly and i think even muslims, the good and muslims, should join us, because they also, they reality, and if possible, to reform their by appeasing the situation and not wanting to and we keep getting hit and terrorized and our men women are being killed and airplanes are flying into buildings, and 13 years later we can't name them? something's wrong here. this is not america and we have start speaking out. a war you have to understand that has been imposed jihadists and it is
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by name,to call them and no appeasement. i'mave to call them by -- not saying go bomb muslims. not.urse but we have to identify our we remove anyn 9/11 memorial in new york, any reference from the jihad," what or " does that mean? us.eans terrorism worked on works, ladies and gentlemen. it doesn't only work on individuals. terrorism affects the psyche of whole nations. it makes them elect the wrong people.
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it makes -- [applause] whole nations can fall into the stockholm syndrome. it's not just one person, a was taken hostage hearst.ricia no. whole nations. this can be a syndrome that this inand i am seeing america. america is totally divided itself. half of america wants to know the truth. in half of america is denial. and they're fighting each other instead of looking at the enemy that wants to destroy us. healthy.ot so what have we done since 9/11? we have hired muslim -- sympathizers
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in our government. muslims who are rebelling against sharia. the whiteing in house, in homeland security, and in several of our top even mohammad homelandhe's a senior security official. he's a muslim and he tweeted something after egypt had its the muslimolution, brotherhood. he tweeted statements -- this is ourn who is a leader in homeland security, represents america to egypt, in the mind, he represents america. what he so he was supporting the muslim brotherhood against the people took the muslim brotherhood
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the moree was against secular government -- and i'm goodaying military rule is but they are the only ones who tyrants. up to the the only people in an islamic stand up to the humaney style regime or saudi only one regime that can stand up to them and man the military and this was criticizing the people who took out the muslim brotherhood was critical of the egyptian minority in that's being slaughtered in egypt today. egypt was, to our freedom.ainst ther people are supporting muslim brotherhood.
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that's the message. it has never happened in history. always on the side of people who are for freedom, few years, wet have been siding with the wrong people. is -- a very delicate situation. not try to just criticize obama. mistakes happen. but what happened is obama has new level, a totally new level. we have been trying to appease the terrorists in even previous organizations. have fought on the side of kosovo against the serbs. muslims against the serbs. iraq against -- i
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kuwait, tohalf of liberate them from iraq. our children to defend muslims. what has that gained us? and republican administration are doing it just like democratic. should not go kill our defend muslims! it is about 54 islamic countries in the world. are totally capable of defending themselves. [applause] you know, we are -- we don't the consequences of when we interfere and help muslims, first of all, it doesn't work. they don't appreciate us.
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when we went to saudi arabia to defend saudi arabia from saddam, saddam took kuwait and he was moving into saudi arabia oil, thet up all the oil fields, he set them on fire. took us, america, a year and out.f to put it it was causing an environmental ok.lem, do you know that when we were in wasi arabia, our military considered by the saudis as infidel filth that is land.ating our them,nvite them to defend filth.y regard them as they bombed the building with a our servicemen who died. so really you have to understand
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infidelsre going to be in their eyes whether we do something good or bad. are, in their eyes, infidels. islam is radical, they will always look at non-muslims as infidels. just look at how they treat the jews and the christians in the middle east. just look at them and understand, do you know that the egypt are trying anyppease the muslims by means because they're a minority, by any means, and nothing works. are kidnapping girls and force marrying them. --y are burning their chumps, churches, they are killing the women. it's unbelievable. works so i hope america gets the lesson. don't appease! it's not going to work! defeat radical
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islam. america has suffered trauma iser 9/11 and no one discussing it. after thelooking average american citizen who loves his country and i'm very we expect too much from the american citizens. it's us who always have to put up with the rest of the world. us who always have to be world but third countries, you know, they are so oppressed. you have no clue that tyranny can come from any nation. poorest nation on tyrannical so being a third world country does not thatyou immune to become tyrant. there was a sheikh recently in who stated the following,
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to are commanded by god terrorize and it's in our koran." if you check the word terrorize you find it all over. mohammad himself, he stated, "i throughn victorious terror." they're doingwhy terrorism. it's in the koran. their ideology, their books are telling them that. that's why i'm not criticizing the people. i'm criticizing the books, the because it's creating martyrs and this is have to deal with. if anybody comes to tell you, because you racist criticizing islam, say, no, no, i'm notnot a racist, criticizing people, i'm criticizing the ideology. firm andto be very
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self confident that you are ideology.g the there are white muslims, there are black muslims, there are in between so it has with don't be intimidated by the words, you are racist. racist, i'm racist against my race. deal with know how to me, they eventually just call me a name. you're a racist. does race have to do with what i'm saying? i want equality for everybody. i came to america, when i job, i was --rst as a new immigrant, i was reading everything. whenever i went to work, i read wall,note written on the every map i see, i check, you and ias a new immigrant saw a sign at my work on the wall. nobody ever -- i notice nobody
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looks at it, and it says the following. "this institution does not discriminate in hiring on the basis of race, general origin, or anything." it andead it and re-read re-read it. like, oh, my god, does that mean i'm equal to men? here i am, i'm coming from an area of the world where you have different legal system for women, different from men. woman, your testimony in court is half the value of a man. can you believe this? if i go to court, and i am manifying and there's a testifying, and we contradict he'sother, he wins because a man. that's the law. that is not the culture. legal system.
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so when you come suddenly to you're confronted that you're equal, it's almost like, oh, my god, i'm equal? deal with that? really, it took me a while for me to really feel equal. it's not easy when you're living a prison. it's not easy to see the freedom right away. and that's why i'm speaking, i love this country. i'm just very grateful for this country. my freedom. [applause] 9/11er since -- after happened, a lot of americans, remember, were saying, where are easternes of the middle people to speak against jihad and to stand up to this terrorism? know, and i was one of the first people who started speaking. i started speaking and
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gradually i felt i'm being silenced, i'm being shut up, and now, they call me me islamay, they call phobe and racist. one i am, i'm being invited, college champs -- campuses to used to speak every semester six, seven times and the time whening there is israel apartheid week. every year there's an attack on israel on campuses and it's an anti-semitic week, really. and the jewish kids are intimidated. no israel apartheid week, i don't care to go but be some balance so they invite me to speak and they -- to hear myhe message and my message is very reasonable, by the way. i'm not attacking people, like i
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said, i'm attacking the ideology no you can't come. so anti-israel groups have all speak on college campuses, nobody's bothering them and pro-israel people are and being called names aftere i am after 9/11, ask, where are the middle eastern people in america to against radical islam and now we're being silenced. correct. politically so this is a very strange touation, for a country reject or stand against people theire speaking about enemy. i don't know if it ever happened history. i have -- you know, i study a lot of history.
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i don't remember any nation that taboo to speak about an enemy that's actually declaring nation.nst that it's very strange. syndrome.a stockholm compliant,now very are -- issing, and we it any coincidence, is it any firstdence that election -- and i'm not a i took ay, by the way, few classes of psychology in -- my university. you don't need a psychiatrist to understand, is it a coincidence that the first -- asst person to elect president after 9/11, his name rhymes with osama? this a freudian thing.
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is something that we have to think about. this?e we doing so we are defending the culture that flew airplanes into our buildings. is what america's doing. preventing our -- you our discussing it even in homeland security, calling anything related islam. and now we need to confront and what -- what is islam, what does it do to a nation? what does islam -- why is it so dangerous? do to a nation? example.give you an
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the seventhgo in century, there were two superstars in the world and they were not the united states and the soviet union. the byzantine empire and persian empire. byzantinepart of the empire. nation.s a christian egypt used to have queens, not two, many queens. not just cleopatra. nefertiti, we had hatsupsu, the most brilliant one. slaves,d and she had slaves all over. twot had one of the countries that had slaves. and persian empire and byzantine fighting, having
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10-year wars between them. hating people started their leadership. and there comes out of the arabian peninsula a fresh army. they had a sword in one hand and in the other hand and they were looking at these civilizations that had rivers, that hadgold, beautiful women, and they wanted conquer them, they wanted to conquer jerusalem to end the jewish people. they conquered egypt and persia same year, the year 639. egypt's language was changed to lookc by a culture that we down upon, the arabian -- nobody to conquer arabia. had nothing. it was a desert. conquer us to
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because we had the rivers, we had the wealth, we had the gold, the agriculture. conqueredme and persia and egypt and their wealth, changed our religion and imposed a tax on anyone who thanices anything other islam, and all the money went to arabia. saw its glory days again. and today egypt is like a third world country that cannot even itself. 1919 has undergone a 1952 revolution, a a 2013volution, isnter-revolution and there still talk about another
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revolution. is this what you isn't can to superpowers, ladies and gentlemen. islam, when they penetrate a not --, because it's it's a dysfunctional system. it oppresses human nature. it causes chaos. oppressive legal system, culture. called sharia. you a few of the laws of sharia so you can judge for yourself the impact of the laws on society. the laws that humiliate women womenat women and kill and stone women for sexual misconduct, put aside all of that. sure you know that part. i'm going to give you a law will --aria that you i'm sure you've hardly heard it and it's as follows.
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it's regarding government. it says the following. has a fate can come to power through seizure of power, through force." if you haveeve it, a law like that in your constitution? an american head of state can power through seizure of force,meaning, through revolution, assassination, coup d'etat against the government and everybody cheers for them. hello, it's the new president. good! assassinate the old president. it's legal under islamic law, notl if the president is enforcing sharia pick-up -- 100%. law like that do? it makes a muslim head of state paranoid at the least. he surrounds himself with lots guards and he starts to rule
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fist.n iron is it a coincidence while all have tyrants?es it's not because everybody loves east,s in the middle that's why they have tyrants? it's not because their nature is so bad. some of the men who've led in the middle east really deep down inside them they're they don't but if become tyrants, they will be assassinated. law.l goes back to sharia and they want to bring sharia law in america. thatust giving you one law makes a nation unable to rule itself in peace. i'll give you another law that inl never make a nation live peace. it's the obligation of every do jihad, and this is
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the definition of jihad. according to their books, by the way, everything i'm saying is from their books. like from weird book somewhere. no, no, this is mainstream islamic sharia books. here it says, every muslim must only everyd not muslim individual but every muslim head of state must do jihad against neighboring non-muslim countries. consequence of a law like that. live in peaceer because it's surrounded by ruled by dictators afraid to be assassinated if and don't follow sharia sharia tells them you have to do non-muslimst countries, which is the closest non-muslim country in the middle east? israel. that's why we have an
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if the west just understand what will understand who's the victim and who's the east.sor in the middle they will understand the arab-israeli conflict but west to understand because we have an idea in the west that religion must be protected. we have to protect religion. anybody who says this is my religion, we have to give them all the rights, even if the that if has a law in it a person leaves that religion be killed. why is it that i cannot visit any muslim country? because i'll be killed on the street by anybody and the police say, we never saw who killed her. this is happening every day in the middle east to christians nobody being killed and knows who killed them. nobody's in jail for the murder in egypt ora, --
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apostates. country, a more radical than egypt, it's not just people on the street who will kill an apostate. the government actually arrests you and puts you on trial and condemns you to death. even if you're a pregnant woman like what's happening there. hear about this? ok. according to mohammad, one time he did condemn a woman in the seventh century to death but ok was pregnant and he said we have to wait until she hervers and then we kill and they killed her after the baby was weened so they're what's inexactly their books so the problem is not the people, it's what's in and we have to stand up and say, what's written in
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your books is barbaric. whole groupdemn a of people called jews, call them that's of allah, barbaric. they are doing that and what happens because the jews rejected mohammad, they didn't want to convert to islam and they were living in medina with so he actually participated in killing almost 900 jewish men of one tribe. beheaded these men. the first holocaust on the jews hitler. it was mohammad. the rest of the tribes and then he took all the hostages.exual does that remind you of what's happening in uganda now? uganda, the 300 young girls. nigeria. -- the killing, they're
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same thing. it's under islamic law, sharia, you're in a world with rightslims, you have the to take the women as sexual slaves and there are people in the middle east today who are advocating you have to do this in the open. by the way, some muslim women in with their head completely covered, only their signs thatarrying what's happening -- what happens is ok.ria hallelujah, they've converted 300 christian girls, hal hallel, they're saying. doesn't matter how they convert them -- kidnap them, kidnapping minors and force them, hallelujah! that is the value system that's ourlly contradictory from
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value system. i don't -- what just scares me and i don't understand is why beerals who are supposed to the holders of the feminist and freedom and democracy and let's burn our they?ok, where are i'm under attack the judeoence between christian culture and the is huge.ulture it's the opposite exactly. christians and judeo system concentrates on wanting to yourself from within. and i didn't know that. when i was a muslim, i was an anti-semite. better. know
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that's how i was brought up. i came here and went to a synagogue with a girlfriend of ok, i'm goingd, to hear them. of course, muslims, we curse them in the mosque, you know. that's what i thought, i thought andybody curses in churches synagogues, they must be cursing islims like we curse them so sat there and my jaw dropped. they were praying for everybody, humanity and i'm soe, oh, my god, that's different. and they were constantly in the the churches, constantly talking about how to fix yourself. sinners, that's what they say in churches all the time. we're all sirns. what a concept, because in my allgion of origin, they are sinners. we are muslim. -- in order to go to
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heaven. that's the difference between judaism and and islam. christianity and judaism wants to change yourself, make yourself a better person, put the penalty -- responsibility on you. muslim is consumed with changing and self criticism is a crime. is this enough to make you understand? how much do i give you information to make you -- for instance, the name abdullah is the most popular islamic name. god.lah is slave of the way we look at god in islam, god. slaves, he is in christianity, we're children of god. what a concept. big difference. so important in
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the bible, both the jewish bible bible. christian forgiveness is so important and sins, theyeadly discuss fixing yourself and if society fixes itself, we're ok. psychology even. basic decency. let alone religion. islam, muslim are forbidden from forgiving their enemies of allah. they are forbidden from i was invited on arabic tv to discuss my book and what happened, they told me, your father was killed by israel and traitor, you're not worthy of being his daughter, mean, i was insulted bad and harassed because you forgave that killed him.
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i said, forgiveness is the best shoulde can do and we forgive them and they should forgive us. to god, the guy almost -- wanted to kill me because he couldn't understand the concept of forgiveness. muslim forgive your friends but you can't forgive non-muslims. it's against islamic culture. that's whyology, and it's very hard for a muslim to gooduly, to truly be a muslim and be really want to peace with the jews. it's an oxymoron and it goes mohammad killed them. the minute muslims make peace themthe jews and consider not as pigs and enemies of allah like mohammad stated in the
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koran. if they -- if they eventually that they're human beings, by the way, oh, my god, beings, they're not enemies of allah? then oure admit that, prophet was a murderer when he killed them. it's an existential problem for hate education. and islam doesn't have the confidence in themselves to stop hate. actually, islam, they were recently the egypt punishment, you know, killing young people some in egypt were saying we shouldn't force people to islam. to we should leave it optional. there comes one of the top islam and he
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addressed this. name is kawhri, he is number one in islam and he said and the on youtube, if we end the capital punishment for those islam, islam will end. this?u believe it's like the pope, for pope,ianity, like the making a statement, if we don't catholics who leave catholicism, then catholicism will end. they have no confidence in their own religion. in should we have confidence it ourselves? we shouldn't have confidence in it. it theldn't give respect. those are people who don't forgiveness, redemption. want the only way under islam to to shevin -- 7 is is -- heaven
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is to kill non-muslims in the jihad. killed in the jihad against israel. i was only 8. remember until today, i was broken hearded, really. said, came and congratulations your father now is in heaven. it's the only guarantee to go to die in the process and heing non-muslims was killing jews. what an honor! and with my 8-year-old mind, i myself, i don't want my dad in heaven, i want him down here with us and i was at with such disrespect, muslim?en't you a aren't you a good muslim? so i learned to keep it to myself. never criticize jihad. that was the message. and that's why i remember it
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until today. so islam seeks to control people by not allowing them to leave death penalty.a the difference is huge between the judeo christian culture which produces a stable society, harmony ande's trust between people because everybody's responsible for themselves. islam is -- everybody's responsible for everybody else except themselves. reduces a society that lives in constant chaos because everybody thinks they're the boss of everybody else. a girl has a boyfriend, her her.r goes to kill you know why her father goes to -- her brother, because he to thehow his face society anymore. death.ll shame him to
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society's very cruel on men, not just women, in islamic society. they forced the father to kill. have you ever seen the movie, the stoning of soriah? do you remember who threw the first stone? the father. they gave the father the first known to stone his daughter. , and then the rest of the village. they forced the men to deny their humanity. to kill their women. and liveto save face with some little pride. islamic culture is cruel on men as much as it is cruel on women. just in a different way. islam, wherever it goes, seeks government control.
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they are already in our government. christianity and judaism -- judaism doesn't even want to spread itself outside of the jewish people. christianity tries to spread itself through reaching the hearts and minds of people. by knocking at their door and showing them the bible. islam doesn't want to waste that time. islam forces itself through government on the people. that is why they seek government right away, wherever they go. i want to give you an example of the history of islam. am i too long? minutes.e i want to tell you a story. the history of islam in the last 1400 years, you will see islam conquering
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countries through controlling the government and forcing itself on the people by making it illegal to leave. is not a personal relationship with god. being a muslim is a contract with the state. when i was born, my birth certificate was stamped muslim. my student id muslim. my passport muslim. i am caught in the country in a church, i could be killed. you're being a muslim is not a relationship with god. are ani arabia, if you owner and it is time to pray and you don't go to pray, the police can arrest you.
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muslim isbeing a really a contract with the state that you cannot violate. this is a very different concept of god. how islam expanded. when it went to india, eventually, muslims were the minority and they finally said we want to have our own country. we want to practice sharia law and the rest of the hindu said we don't want you to practice sharia law. they took an area of india called pakistan. did they and their? -- end there? no. pakistan hates india and they are terrorizing india all the time. it is never-ending. some muslims during the turkish go to eastern europe and
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they are majority muslim. why is there a war between the serbs and kosovo? thing whether it is india and egypt, kosovo -- during the ottoman empire, also some muslims lived in certain areas of russia and became strong enough. they want a separatist movement from russia today. they are constantly bombing schools. killing 200 babies. they go to theaters and blowup theaters. they blowup something every now and then in russia. the chechnya ends. ladies and gentlemen, i am predicting we will have a chechnya in france. we will have a chechnya in the united kingdom and if we don't
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do something today, we can have a chechnya and america. are we going to allow our grandchildren to fight the war we should fight today? are we going to let them fight from door to door in school to school ,nd restaurant to restaurant our grandchildren and maybe our children? after we are all gone? this is my question. not even doing muslims of favor with appeasement. muslims are human beings. they want to live happy. most of them. but we are telling them their religion is ok. ok, terrorize us and it's we are not racist and we're sorry. what is this? we have to say it like it is. you terrorize me, i terrorize
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you. but we are not doing that. and let me tell you, arabs respect power. andre showing them weakness we are not even doing islam or muslims of favor. and we are allowing the muslim brotherhood to penetrate us. there is a law that president obama recently made it easier for asylum-seekers from the middle east to come here even if they have a little bit of a linked to terror groups. did you hear about that law? they did it unilaterally and i think this is designed, on purpose, for muslim other brother -- other muslim brotherhood escaping egypt today because they are illegal now. what are we doing? we are absorbing the terrorists and the muslim brotherhood in america.
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look at the middle east. this is just a joke, but i am telling you that sometimes what is really -- for someone like me that lived in islamic terror, it scared the hell out of me especially when i saw president obama in the rose garden. with the father of that man. he went awol and brings the life. do you know what that word means? it means i am a muslim. it is the first word in the islamic higher.
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-- any islamic prayer. these are the first words, five times a day, muslims say this at the beginning of their prayer before they curse. i cannot imagine bush. only obama can be a fool like that. but he's not a fool. i think he is doing it on purpose and i think he is of americanr noses that islamic thank you very much. [applause]
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>> we will start your questions. you have some already active >> are you able to hear me ok? >> yes. >> westerns will come from over here. out cards to people and people will write their questions down and we will bring them over here. i do have a couple questions to start us off. if islam gave up hating all non-muslims, what would the essence of islam be? >> where are you? what is the question? >> if islam gave up hating all non-muslims, what would the essence of islam be? >> it would be an empty shell because 64% of the carranza is cursing non-muslims. koran is consumed
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with other religions. they are obsessed with the outside world and if you remove that from the ritual, you're left with prayer five times a day and ramadan. rituals which will make islam, no matter what, become christian. islam?do we win against morals and up to our values, by knowing we are strong. and by taking pride in our culture again. taking pride in the truth. standing up for the truth. ending appeasement and political correctness. i am not saying to be blunt and
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rude, but standing up for our principles. islamic immunity expresses outrage and is quick to mobilize and demonstrate when they feel their religion or culture has in this respected. outrage when acts of terrorism are performed by islamic extremists? >> that is a very good question. where are the moderate muslims to object to the kidnapping of 300 girls? i do not see them in the street. women saw was some muslim in london saying this was good. and where are the moderate muslims? there is a little statement on the internet. we condemn the kidnapping of 300 girls. that's all we do. but you don't see them demonstrate and burn and kill.
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there was a cartoon. her member when the cartoon happened about mohammed in europe? they were demonstrating all over the middle east. burning and killing. if they are really moderate, how comeope they are, they are not -- i don't want them to burn and kill, but why don't they say, release those 300 girls? i can only see jews and christians who care. i don't see muslims. moderate muslims are not speaking. >> we're getting a lot of questions from the audience. viable movement in any middle eastern country with a realistic chance of creating a non-theocratic democracy? >> there are movements but they are such a minority that they get swallowed by islamists eventually.
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2011, it was started by students. but the students were in the thousands. egypt is 80 million. the minute it happened and succeeded, they got the vote. the same thing in gaza. they vote and thomas because of the majority of people, that is all they know. all they know is islam. you're living in a system that forbids anybody from even looking at the bible. , youu go to saudi arabia get -- we will confiscate it. there living as muslims in muslim world unable to know if there is any god other than a lallah. vote, they say,
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i will vote for the religion of aallah. islam thrives with ignorance. >> [indiscernible] >> they don't treat it. when i was a muslim, i never really cared to read the thee koran. like they were victims. but now i look back. my god, it is not the truth. arabs don't want peace. they don't want peace and that is the truth. the reason is because they don't treat it. they don't treat the hate speech koran. carran
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>> a couple questions may be complementary and one may answer the other. how do you balance religious freedom against the desire to take over the world? given your description of what islam is and does, how can it be considered a religion? >> that is a very good question. i think we should define what a religion should be. and i will tell you what my definition will be. given respectl be in america to be practiced only if it respects basic human rights. [applause] we have to define religion. as a setine religion if alues and morals, religion condemns those that
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tove it to death, its right be practiced in america will be know and avoid. canthat is the only way we get rid of that. and we can judge islam by the way muslims practice in america. how it to judge islam by is being practiced in iran and saudi arabia. because wherever it is a majority, it is different. when they are in the minority, even in the koran -- lie and slander and act like you like peace. a religionling with that teaches that lying is a virtue. >> islamists are notoriously hostile for people that renounce their ideology. you must be a real foreign their side.
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have you personally experienced violence or threats? i have been told i will die if i go to egypt. the only country i can visit in the middle east is israel. this is the only country i can visit and stay alive. >> what should we do in syria? sense?king any side make >> they have huge armies. if they want to save the syrian people, let them do it. they are both bad. [applause]
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shiites and sunnis are both terrorists. they both want to kill us. >> can you comment on recent events where a jewish-based university reversed an invitation to give an address at commencement? >> i will tell you something. people are not standing up and inviting people who are like me. let me tell you something. it is time for us non-jews to stand in the front line. we should not leave the jews to do that job. it is our job. it's the job of christians. . am not speaking out
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of course, i would have liked them to keep the invitation and not resend it. it's a shame. why then understand jews have done enough fighting for their life. against radical islam. it is time for the rest of the world to wake up. >> can you name any prominent leaders that understand and give voice to the threat? >> to the threat we are facing. >> i think there are republicans that are caused -- called racists and bigots. unfortunately, we have neutered our politicians. we have a lot of great men and women.
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we have sarah palin. [applause] we don't have a shortage of good politicians. a lot of people are angry at our politicians. you know who i am angry at? us who don't go and vote. election, the reason mitt romney did not vote is because a lot of christians were saying we don't want to vote for a mormon. this is ridiculous. person by his character and the man had very good character, very good family. and what did we get? that is what we got. so we are getting what we deserve. >> when shiites and sunnis fight and kill one another, should we do anything besides sit back, make popcorn, and enjoy the spectacle? >> absolutely.
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way, i am totally against going into iraq and doing nationbuilding. excuse me. we are becoming a poor country. we have a lot of poor in america. we don't nationbuilding other countries. let their muslim brethren build their nations. they have plenty of money instead of sending it here. let them fix their own country. why does the west give money to islamic terror groups like the muslim brotherhood, al qaeda, thomas, and others? -- hamas and others? >> i think it started when egypt had the peace treaty with israel. it is like an insurance policy. egypt is a poor country and here
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is somebody going to fight israel. i think that is more or less the reason that we give money to egypt. that is the truth. we don't admit it, but it's the truth. should support israel, absolutely financially. israel has been abandoned by the world. look at what the united nations is doing to israel. we are helping egypt so they don't attack israel. bank,za and the west don't give them a dime. encourage thema to do the terrorism. support them or leave them to fend for themselves and get a job. they need a job. the palestinian people need jobs, they don't need terror.
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>> [inaudible] arabia is the most dangerous country in this world. in my opinion, more dangerous than iran. you know why? because at least around flights -- its own man fights for it. has other nations fight through terror. that scares me more than countries that are upfront. they tell you i am your enemy and i'm going to kill you. saudi arabia says i am your allied. go fly airplanes into buildings. it is the most dangerous nation in the middle east.
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islam whereme of mohammed came from. >> why do you suppose the muslim slaves don't revolt? the one billion muslim slaves. because when you put somebody , for a very long time, in a prison, if you open the gate, they don't run right away. like me, when i came to america, i did not get it right away. it took me a long time. ofis also the power oppression of society around you if you live in the muslim world. it is different from being a muslim and you live here. ands easy to dump islam adopt american values. when you're living there, the social pressure on you to go
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