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tv   Question Time  CSPAN  July 13, 2014 9:00pm-9:36pm EDT

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during this week's question time british prime minister discussed allegations of missing files and 1980s ver-up from the concerning child abuse claims. the prime minister has orders a the inquiry into allegations. this is about 35 minutes. jewels in the crown of the welsh economy and the nato summit provides an excellent opportunity to showcase those. >> order! questions to the prime minister. >> the prime minister. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i'm sure the whole house want to join me in thanking all those involved in the start of the tour de france in britain. >> here, here. >> from the it organizes to all the cycles. disc showcases the best of yorkshire and the whole of britain has to offer and i was glad to see such incredible support throughout the race. mr. speaker, this morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others, and in addition to my duties in this house, i shall have further such
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meetings later today. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i will join with the good news the prime minister has just named. the northern island quality commission is threatening legal action against a family-owned bakery because they wouldn't print a political message on a cake. the requested message was completely -- with the company's christian values. does the prime minister agree that so-called equality is an oppressive threat to religious freedom? does you further agree that such freedoms should be protected by the introduction of our conscience clause? >> well, i'm not aware of the specific case the gentleman raises. of course, i'll go away and have a look at it but if you think a commitment to equality in terms of racial equality, in terms of equality to those of different sexes, in terms of people with
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disability or in the tolerance of the quality of people who have different sexuality, all of that is an important part of being british. >> with the prime minister like to welcome the president -- >> order. i want to question to be her. i want all questions to be heard. >> with the prime minister welcome the president, in piece and others of german parliament to sing a joint concert with our choir and westminster hall tonight to commemorate -- and the monarchy? >> very happy to join my right honorable friend in welcoming this german choir. i suspect after last night results they will be rather in good point i think. i think it is important on a serious note that we properly commemorate the outbreak of the first world war, the key battles of the first world war and, of
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course, armistice day as we come up to these vital 100th anniversary. i'm determined that in britain we will mark it in appropriate ways. there will be a service in glasgow and a number of different events. i think it's very important women the lessons of that conflict and we commemorate those that fail. >> ed miliband. [shouting] >> mr. speaker, at like to join the dry miniature in paying tribute to the way the the organizers and the noise of fans by the tour de france such a brilliant success for britain. i was proud to watch it on the street as i know he was. i was in leeds with hundreds of thousands of people lining the street. let me say, tried to all of us have been horrified by the instances of child abuse that had been uncovered into the allegations that are being made. all of the victims are not just code to justice but are owed an apology that it took so long for their cries to be heard. does the prime minister agree all inquiries including by the
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police and those you set up, must go wherever the evidence leads them in whatever institution of the country, including our own, to get at what happened the? >> i also be agreed with the right honorable gentleman. child abuse is a despicable crime and the victims lived with a whore for the rest of their lives. it's absolutely vital whether it is the to increase announced by the home secretary or indeed the final police inquiries that are being carried out that no stone is left unturned. i think the whore of the jimmy case -- the horrors, almost on occasion they were committing crimes in plain sight and it took far too long to get to the bottom of what happened and for justice to be done and that is absolutely what this government is committed to achieving. >> can the prime minister clarify where the ministers were first performed and what action they took which disagreed that it cannot be reviewed into the original review but must seek to
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what happened to the file, who knew what about the file, and whether activation was covered up? >> first of all it was parliamentary last year that revealed the points about the 2013 in quite the what i say to ms. it's absolutely vital that he will carry out this year in the right way, that he is all the powers he needs and lesbian absolutely clear he wants more powers and if that inquiry once to have a greater powers and ability he can ask for it and the moscow exactly the evidence leads. were determined to get to the bottom of what happened. >> ed miliband. >> the most important thing in relation to these files to clarify what happened to them and why they went missing. i welcome the overarching inquiry that's been set up at home secretary. candi prime minister to say more about what the terms of reference of that inquiry will
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be? can ask whether he will consider the very sensible recommendations made today by the coming up with a view of criminal offense and ensuring there is an obligation on institutions to report abuse where it occurs the? >> we are taking the right honorable gentleman's second first. should we change the law so that is a requirement to report a naked comeuppance not report. the government is looking at that and, of course, both were usually able to examine this particular point advice is according to a figure may well be time to take that sort of step forward. on the issue of the terms of reference of the wider lessons reviewed, we're happy to take suggestions from other parties in this house. the main aim is as i said before you've got a number of inquires being carried out in the specific hospitals including the stafford inquiry, within the bbc, and other inquiries including into welsh children's home and also but what is vital
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is the government learns all the lessons of this review. where i think the source review can help is by having a panel of experts that can advise us about all the things that need to change in order these institutions. for instance, the church, the bbc, the nhs but also if necessary in this place and in government, too. >> i welcome what he said including cultural change in this. it's crucial in all institutions. i want to turn to another matter, the health service. last week he said that the waiting times has gone down but within 24 hours the house of commons library called them out. average and waiting times have gone up. willie now corrected the record a? >> what i said last week at prime minister's questions is absolutely right, if he goes on the website -- you to go to the website of the organization -- i also come if you remember, mr. speaker, the end of prime minister is questions there were some point of order and i said very specifically that the
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number of people waiting longer than 18, 26 and 52 weeks to start treatment are lower than they were at any time under the last government. now that was directly contradicted by the shadow health secretary images want to give the figures to the house now so people can see that i got my facts right. first, in april 2010 there were 217,000 people waiting over 18 weeks. it is now 186,000. lower. in march 2010 there were 92000 people waiting 26 weeks for treatment. it is now 59,000. lower. andrew kuchins awaiting 52 weeks, 52 weeks for treatment, in april 2010 there were 21,000 people waiting that long. the figure now is 510. lower. [cheers and applause] >> mr. speaker, it's very
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obvious -- it's very obvious he doesn't want to talk about what he said on accident and emergency with house of commons called him out. let's go to the commonsense definition of what a waiting -- >> order, order. as always doesn't matter how long it takes. the question will be heard. they yelling at the calculated shouting might as will cease. we'll keep going as long as is necessary. mr. ed miliband. >> let's get to the definition of what a waiting time in a&e is. it's the time between our writing at the a&e and leaving the accident and emergency. the number of people waiting more than four hours is at its highest level in a decade. why does he just admit the truth which everybody in the country knows, people are waiting longer in a&e? >> the figures i gave last week are correct, you are published by the health and social care information center which is the average waiting time was 77
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minutes when the shadow health secretary was health secretary the average waiting time is now 30 minutes. but the fact is, mr. speaker, we can trade statistics across the floor of the house and i'm absolutely are the health service is getting better, but there's a reason why it's getting better, if we took too big strategic decisions. we said let's put more money into the nhs. they said that was going to fall. we said cut the bureaucracy in the nhs which they wanted to keep. and that is why the our 7000 more doctors, 4000 more nurses, and he is made a massive mistake keeping a failing health secretary as a shadow health spokesman. [shouting] >> i would read every shadow health secretary than their health secretary any day of the week. and i'll tell you what, i'll tell you come up a with seven in health service, although he what's happened in the health service, we have a top down
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reorganization that nobody wanted and nobody voted for and it's diverted millions of pounds away from patient care. and mr. speaker, the contrast we see is between the complacent claims of the prime minister and people everyday experience. people are spending longer in a&e and hospital a&e, as a&e missed their target the last 50 weeks in a row. mr. speaker, while he tries to begiget the things are getting better, patients, nhs staff and the public can see it is getting worse right before their eyes. >> he still has to defend a man who provide over -- [shouting] were standards of patient care were so bad yet patient's drinking out of dirty bases because of standards. look, but the point is this. the reason we been able to cut bureaucracy and the reason we been able to put more money into the nhs is because we have taken difficult decisions, including
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having a 1% pay cap in the nhs, which, of course, labour said they would support but this week they have decided they will back strike. and, mr. speaker, mr. speaker, i have here, i have your the labour breathing of strike. and it says this, do we support a strike? no. will be condemned the strikes? no. they are we have it. [laughter] that is his leadership summit up in one go. how they got a plan for the nhs? no. hohave begun plan for our econo? no. is remotely up to the job? no. [shouting] >> thank you, mr. speaker. is the prime minister aware that british airways are to seize the link between aberdeen and london city in favor of increased services to already -- glasgow,
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edinburgh and london quickly support the campaign to maintain this link which is vibrant to the visit economy of the north of scotland and? >> very happy to look in this issue with the honorable gentleman. it is a vital service, particularly when you consider how strong the economy in northeast scotland is performing so i'm happy to look at this issue with him. >> tomorrow i will be in -- summit firefighters, the backbone of local committees. [inaudible] >> the point i declared that it don't think the strikes all right and i condemn these strikes and i think that people should turn up for work. it's a pity would've so much clarity on that issue from the party opposite or indeed from his party. but let me just give one example. the national union of teachers is proposing a strike based on a
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ballot that they had almost two years ago on a very small turnout of their members. no really, is a right to continue with the situation when so many children's education is going to be so badly disrupted? >> mr. david nussle. >> thank you, mr. speaker. speaking from the opposition backbenchers on the ninth of december, 2002, the prime minister said i find the european arrest warrant highly objectionable. i still think it seems highly objectionable. does the prime minister? >> the point i make to my honorable friend is we made a series of changes to the european arrest warrant so that you don't have the problem people being arrested, for instance, for things that aren't a crime in this country. but the question we all have to ask ourselves as having achieved this vast opt out from justice and home affairs which is the biggest return of power from brussels to britain, which are those few things we need to go back into in order to fight
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crime and terrorism, and obvious i think the home secretary and the justice secretary judgment has been absolutely right. >> the head of the civil service says the business case for universal credit has not been signed up to the department of worker pensions has. who is telling the truth of? >> the budget for universal credit has been signed off in each and every year by the treasury and ugly will continue to disappear for good news on universal credit is that next year we will have one in eight of job centers rolling out universal credit. now i thought we find the party opposite would be in favor of a system that makes work to pay but what we can see today is they have gone back into the hole of being against every single welfare changed and everything that is getting this country moving.
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>> up to 30 websites has pornography, another form of sexual abuse to does the primers agree that posting such material has to be recognized for what it is? a criminal sexual offense against its victims? >> i think by right honorable friend is right. this is an appalling offense and a dreadful thing for someone to do, and declared has criminal intent and i'm glad she is championing this cause and help have been looked in detail at the amendments she is suggesting that we can take up this cause. part of bush achieved in government in terms of making sure we do far more to do with internet pornography and the very good work she did in offi office. [inaudible] why is the head of the home civil service saying he hasn't signed it up?
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>> what has happened is universal credit has been signed off in each and every year by the treasury. i make no apology fo for the fat that we're rolling it out slowly. we have learned the lesson of the last labour government in which he played a prominent part where tax credits were introduced in one go and was a complete shambles. >> the north west air ambulance as three helicopters and has logged thousands of missions since 1999, one of which saved the life of a friend of mine after horrific car crash. cost 4.2 million pounds a year to win. there are 27 such bear services throughout the whole of united kingdom and did one of them may soon become a royal air ambulance service. will he pay tribute to those who man the helicopter saving lives throughout the country? and also praise on the thousands of people who raise funds every week on street corners so they
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make sure they carry on flying and carry on saving lives of? >> my honorable friend is absolutely right. our air ambulances provide a completely invaluable service. i think we should all be true to the men and women who staff and support them, who often have to undertake very difficult landings and takeoffs and noted to rescue and get people to hospitals. he is right up and down the country people are giving charitably in order to fund these vital services. >> i'm sure the prime minister will agree that dealing with terrorism and violence, peaceful and democratic means were fundamental in moving northern ireland forward and and taking us from where we work to where we are today. and will the prime minister agreed a new northern ireland of 2014 republican -- must only be deplored by that everyone, government, governmental bodies in northern ireland and in the community will stand up against
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such threats, must commit themselves to fundamental freedoms and upholding democracy and the rule of all? >> all threats to violence in northern ireland are unacceptable and should be condemned on all sides. i'm very clear about that. what i hope we can achieve in the coming weeks and it will take compromise and brave decisions on all sides is to get the talks process on going again with commitments from his own party as well as from the unionist party and from others to si sit down and discuss thesa thing so we can make some progress. my fear is if we don't make progress on these issues, you leave space open for extremists on all sides of the debate to start pushing their ideas which would be deeply unethical to the future of northern ireland. [inaudible]
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>> can i invite my friend joining me this august by promoting -- a fantastic a charity. >> i wish my other friend will but he's making and enticing invitation, and i'm a big fan of what the district has to offer and the very difficult to say but i think it is notable in his constituency the claimant count has fallen i-40 2% since the election and the youth claimant count has come down by 39% in the last year. what we are seeing is this economic revival and we need sector plan to get the deficit down to a people with tax cuts, make it easier for firms to employ people chew produced schools and schooling and to reform our welfare and immigration system. that is the plan we mistake and it's a plan is delivering for high peak. >> thank you, mr. speaker. a 62 euros man -- year old men
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sought an appointment for his wife. he was told it would be five weeks to see her gp, two weeks to see any gp. if this is the way the nhs treats a person with dementia, does the primers agree it is time to get patients like that the right to a gp appointment within -- [inaudible] spent first of all what i want is is there are 1000 more gps today than they were when i became prime minister. i also think what we are doing is reacted to seeing the name to gp for frail, elderly people which of course labour got rid of. that is one of the reasons combined with the disastrous gp contractor labour introduced that there is so much pressure on her accident and emergency system. we need to learn from the mistakes that labour made rather than repeat them all over again.
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[inaudible] to several thousand pounds a year to get education because the labour control council has reversed, has reversed the support given by the previous democratic administration? will be -- will he see what central government can do to promote their access to education? >> my friend makes an important point. as he noticed the developer transport, for education and training rests with local authorities, clearly this local authority now controlled by labour have made this decision to of course we've introduced the 189-pound fund to support the most disaffected young people and perhaps that is something his counsel and his family to make the most up.
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but i can combine in agreeing with him this is another example the fact that labour cost you more. >> mr. speaker, its estimate of the each day 179 british girls are at risk of being subjected to sgmp are joining a total of 170,000 ending the kingdom who have been cut. next week he holds a summit on this issue. does he agree with me that sgm is not cultural, it is criminal? it is not tribal, it is torture. would you please, please read the report, implemented in full so we can eradicate this horrific abuse from our country? >> can i can be on will jump in for the work home affairs select committee has been on this issue. i think he's absolutely right this is a brutal, a polling practice that shall have no place in the world but certainly no place here in britain, and it's appalling that people
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living in our contracting subjected to this appalling practice. i will study the report very closely, but the whole aim of the conference which i'm very keen on us holding is to make sure these two practices of early enforcement and female genital mutilation are wiped out on our planet. >> mr. speaker, does my right honorable friend except it would be totally unacceptable to have a statutory limitation on overseas aid without having a similar statute covering expenditure to guarantee our native commitment to? >> what i say to my on will bring is that we are in a have a position in this country of meeting the 2% spending on defense which nato members are meant to undertake and women hold at the nato conference in wales in september we should be encouraging other countries to do the same and, indeed, to meet some of the new targets for spending on new equipment that can be used in nato operations which we certainly made in this country. but as well i think we should be
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proud of the fact we are meeting the promise we made a spending more on overseas aid and that is saving lives all over the world. i wouldn't divorce it from our defense spending because the money that we spend in places like somalia or mali or nigeria or indeed in pakistan is about reducing the pressures of asylum and immigration and, indeed, terrorism making our world safer. that is what our defense budget should be about and i would argue it's what our aid budget is about as well. >> does the trend to agree that all conditions -- primers agree, therefore -- [inaudible] i agree with honorable lady. minus 10 is they did have to work but look closely at the particular condition she braces and perhaps write to her about the approach to it. >> thank you very much,
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mr. speaker. businesses report high skilled workers benefiting from the tax cuts which this government has introduced and hard-working apprentices and joined the sort of opportunities they couldn't have had just a few years ago. does the prime minister agree the plans of our and yet more money while keeping tax on british business and make it more expensive for employers to our young people and no more and no less than a long-term economic stance? >> i think my friend is right. what we've got to do is stick to the plan and that plan peshawar on track to hit too many apprentices train under this government. the worst thing to do would be to start spending and borrowing and taxing more which is exactly the proposal made by the opposition. >> with the prime minister it's going to does what it is the only people who feel that the problems in the national service
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our members of the conservative party? >> what i say to the honorable gentleman is every single health system right across the developed world is facing huge challenges and pressures. the pressures of an aging population, the pressures of new drugs and treatments coming on stream, and the pressures of children surviving with conditions that will need to be treated throughout the lives. the question is how to respond to those pressures? fund to help serve the protected from cuts and to reform the health service, getting rid of 5 million pounds of bureaucracy so there's more doctors, more nurses and the biggest fee for themselves because you could see more people being treated. that is one main were being treated every year an accident and emergency, 40 million more people getting gp appointments. but it's only because we taken the difficult decisions that frankly labour have not taken in wales and that's what in wales you see longer waiting lists and
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real problems in the nhs. >> should taxpayer money be used to gather information on mps which is then repaid or shredded a? >> if my honorable friend is referring to the situation that took place in the welsh assembly which is reading about overnight, that does seem to be a very worrying development if he's referring to something else, he might have to be a bit less -- right to me and i will get back to him. >> thank you, mr. speaker. with the prime minister look into the case of a young man in my constituency who has a significant spinal injury that has left her unable to walk? or gp has referred her to an urgent appointment with an or a surgeon. cookie prime minister explained to her and no country why surgery on his watch means a four-week weight lying in pain
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and? >> i will absolutely get the case that he raises and the most up to look at individual cases but the figures i quoted earlier werlegitimacy when you look at e people waiting 18 weeks, 26 weeks or indeed 52 weeks, they are lower now not just when this government came to office but are lower now than at any time under the last labour government but i'm happy to look into the case he mentioned. >> thank you, mr. speaker. is the prime minister aware since 2012 when he made his promise to increase access to patients for cancer patients, the number of -- has decreased in some hospital by 70% and state of the art machines have to remain idle? can ask intimate with me and other cancer care campaigns to discuss this a scandal before more patients are refused a trade and? >> i read the report that she
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was referring to over the weekend and i'm happy to meet with her and, indeed, with them to discuss this. what we have done is introduced they cancer drugs fund which is not just for drugs but also for innovative treatment. i know there have been changes as well in the way that radiotherapy is carried out and the new technology that is being used which may be part of the explanation for the figures that she does but it happened to discuss them in more detail. >> jobs growth wales has been huge success in tackling youth unemployment. outperforming similar streams, schemes across the united kingdom. will they prime minister, therefore, join me in congratulating welsh businesses and enterprises, the welsh government and, indeed, the young people of wales who have made it a success? and in doing so he can end his agenda of attacking wales, and who knows tha, he might even gea welcome to the hell side. >> -- hillside. spent i want to do it again to
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support economic recovery in wales and that is why, for instance, i think in september when the nato conference comes to wales, which is entirely initiative launched by me, it will get a huge, very strong welcome in the valleys and i'm pleased this will be i think the first time that a serving american president has ever been to wales. so i'm looking forward to that. we are doing everything we can to help business in wales to employ more people and to grow the economy. >> question 14, close question. >> fourteen, serve. >> i met with the chair on monday what hosted a meeting in birmingham to mark agreement of the growth of deal which will see over 350 million pounds invested in greater birmingham. the projects and the deal will help create up to 19,000 jobs, live up to 6000 homes to be built and generate up to 110 million pounds from local partners and from private investment. >> with employment just 1.5%,
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and down by over 28,000 across the whole region, doesn't that demonstrate that the model bolstered by those growth funds awarded on monday is working? but how does my right honorable friend plan to build on the success and encourage the most ambitious lift which includes the greater birmingham lived to promote the local economy still further? >> as i said at the meeting with the greater birmingham, i think it's a big step forward for birmingham and the west. it will reach your in more jobs, houses but it will see more railway stations, new transport links built but i think we need your ambitious both in terms of the money we can find and central government to support these schemes but i also local councils going birmingham city council will look at every piece of unused brownfield land, look at every extra bit of development they can put on the table so these growth fields get ever more ambitious.
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[inaudible] offering this huge region 10 pounds per head just 37 days before the junta election, may be too little, too late. >> i think you can probably tell the difference between a ray of sunshine and the honorable gentleman on this issue and also on many others. [laughter] this is an excellent deal. if he doesn't think so he might want to explain why sir albert, the leader of birmingham city council, the labour leader of the birmingham city council said this is good news for birmingham. a number of major projects will not be accelerated. of the money will go to developments which will give much new jobs to the city but i think he needs a bit more time with sir albert. >> thank you, mr. speaker. tomorrow britain faces damage and destruction from strikes.
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it's taken 39 from united alone saying he will not stand up to union barons. will be prime minister to make clear we are on the side of the public who by three to one voting for us to stop this sabotage the? >> i think my honorable friend makes a very good point and, frankly, i think the time has come for looking at setting thresholds in strike balance. i mentioned the strike earlier which was a ballot that is taking place to sure i know they're paid for by the union so they might want to listen to this because it will disrupt our children's education. the strike balance took place in 2012. it's based on a 27% turnout. how can i possibly write, be right for our children's education if it disrupted by trade unions acting in that way? it is time to legislate and it will be in the conservative
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