tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN July 18, 2014 2:00pm-4:01pm EDT
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feel they are not part of it? how are you going to make sure the results of this investigation are not contested by the russians? >> i don't know that we can ensure that. again, i think it is only natural that because this took place in ukrainian territory, that they would have the lead on the investigation. that is pretty standard procedure. they have welcomed and invited in a range of countries, a range of international outlets and expertise. indication ofs in their openness to an international investigation. >> you want the russians involved? >> i'm not in a position to make a decision on that. we are not in the lead on the investigation. >> from the list of calls you listed the secretary had made, there wasn't a call with by mr. lavrov?
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i realized the president spoke yesterday, but is there a reason he is not trying to reach out to his russian counterpart? the two diplomats from the two countries should be talking about? >> there is a great deal of focus on a very senior level in the administration on this issue. the president spoke with president putin yesterday and the president of ukraine yesterday. i'm sure that secretary kerry happy- would be more than to speak with secretary lavrov. >> the president saying the equivalent -- it could have come from the russians. it seems like you might want to have a conversation with your russian counterpart. >> we are in conversation with russia. we have a large embassy there. we have a great deal of engagement with russians. the question of whether the secretary will make a call -- that is certainly possible in the coming days.
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don't havepredict, i those plants in front of me. >> were you able to get an answer about these missiles? the sa 11, which is what ambassador powers said was likely used to shoot this plane down -- is that among the materials that the russians sent into ukraine, according to your information? >> i believe that the reports that have been out there have -- what to you missiles we have expressed concerned about surface-to-air missiles, we have not specified those in that level of detail. we don't have information we can share on that particular missile system. >> what you and other officials were talking about missiles, along with tanks, going from russia into ukraine and to help
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supplies separatists -- did those missiles include 11's?ants -- sa >> i'm saying i don't have any more information to share. >> you don't have any information to share with us about whether you even know for sure that sa 11's were in the -- >> i don't have anymore information to share about the type of surface-to-air missiles we have seen in the hands of russian separatists. -- ift i appeal to you to this isn't among the arsenal that you say was moved -- >> i would remind you that aside from that, one of the points that ambassador powers made this morning was that there was an sa reported hours before the incident.
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>> i understand that. i just wanted to note that if that sa levens were some of the things that were sent in over the past two months -- >> if there is more information to share publicly, we will make that available. >> i know you were still trying to determine exactly what happened. regardless of whether he came from the russian side of the border or he came from one of the separatists, that you feel the russia has a responsibility here. whether they gave them the ravens -- weapons, they have operatives that did it, or whether they gave them the weapons and an instruction manual. >> that is not at all what we said. they laid out specific details of the events that we have seen happening on the ground. all of that is important context. we are not going to prejudge the outcome of the investigation. certainly, aside from the specific tragic event, we have concerns about a range of the
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steps that they were outlined, including providing access to weapon systems, providing materials to the separatists. we will see the investigation through before we make a judgment. >> do you think that this will change president putin's calculus in terms of his support for the separatists? or for his kind of bid to destabilize ukraine? >> it certainly should. this, as the president said, was a wake-up call to the world. to many european entries it too many european countries -- it should be to rush as well. this is of great concern. it is something we think certainly that president putin and the russians should take a close look at. >> do think that this will harden europeans'resolve in terms of the severity of the measures you have been considering? >> we can make a full production of that for obvious reasons.
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certainly, seeing the terrific event that happened yesterday, seeing the families who are mourning their loved ones, all of the information is available should be a wake-up call to everyone. >> are you going to push the europeans to take a tougher line on russia? >> i think again, we're are going to see this investigation through. we have been engaged in discussions with the europeans about think shins for months now. -- about sanctions for months now. those will continue regardless. >> after ambassador powers's comments, but in particular her comments -- how can you say that we are not going to prejudge the outcome of this investigation? outlined what uss -- the conclusions of looking into this so far.
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blamed the russians for it. not a specificom area, but a rebel held area . that it was a specific kind of missile that was used. it seems to me that is prejudging. or you have done your own investigation, and those are the results. >> we have not done our own investigation. we are participating in the international investigation. there is a range of information, most of which is publicly available. ambassador power lay that out in her room marked this morning. that is all relative context. there is an official can't -- progress that will be seen through. >> is not public information 11 was responsible. and that it was fired from rebel held territory.
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>> i said the vast majority. >> in presenting those conclusions, those assessments, that seems to me -- unless you have done your own investigation, it seems to me there has been a prejudgment of what happened. >> at was not the intention, and i pointed to where she stated in her remarks that we don't have it -- there will be an investigation. remarks byed out her saying russia must end this war. how is that not a prejudgment? a concern there is here outside of this -- an ongoing concern about the escalation. certainly come outside of this investigation, we have remaining concerns about the steps of russia and the materials they have provided to separatists. >> you don't regard what she said, and what the president
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said as prejudging the outcome of the investigation? >> why then, are you tying this incident -- if you don't know, and you are prejudging -- i know you aren't prejudging the exact details. but it seems that you are prejudging that these events are direct results of the conflict in ukraine, of which you have said russia is the main instigator? >> i don't think that is what they said it all. i think outside of this, there is no way, given this event happened in ukraine, given their his accusations being tied back and forth, i can assure you that cnn and every other outlet has been tying this to the events happening on the ground. of course we look of that context, and look at the concern about rising escalation. that is why we called for a return it to a discussion about a cease-fire. certainly, the context of what has happened over the last several months, given the
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accusations back and forth, is incredibly relevant. >> if you say that you don't believe that the ukrainians have this type of missile, and you say came from eastern ukraine, which would indicate -- and you say that you believe separatists were responsible. you are blaming russia for its support for the separatists. what does that logically point to russia as having some type of culpability here? >> when there is a conclusion of the investigation, we will have more to say about will culpability is, and what it means, and what the applications will be. the ambassador to the u.n. said that ukraine should have close its airspace. >> i have not seen those particular comments. that theed yesterday faa took a couple of months ago, you may have all seen this -- the faa, after considering recent events, determines an increase in our prohibition area
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is necessary. they have issued a notice to airmen to prohibit all us-led operations within to flight information regions within eastern ukraine. that was a recent step since yesterday. >> it suggested that the fault lies with ukraine. >> certainly this area, aside anm crimea, which there was aviation regulation in place since april on -- this is been an open flight area. >> that happened since yesterday. >> yes, given the events. additional questions about why the ukraine air-traffic controllers would have routed this jet over an area that is a conflict zone -- do you have any response or reaction to that kind of question being raised? >> i think it is important to remind everyone that this action
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thetaken in an area that conflict there was caused by the intervention and the engagement of russian separatists, supported by russians. otherwise, there are certain regulations that the faa and other flight organizations put into place -- there wasn't one over this particular area in eastern ukraine. --you think it is a relevant you think it is irrelevant? >>. that important to note people have voluntarily alter roots -- routs >> his raising the question of why did ukrainian air-traffic control move the plane over this area, you don't feel that's particularly relevant? >> no, he was open airspace. it was plain -- there were
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planes flying over it. all russian diplomats say this would not have happened if it hadn't been for the ukrainian government resuming its military operation in the east. what is your reaction to that? >> i think it is important to remember that the entire conflict in eastern ukraine is due to the illegal intervention of russian backed separatist. the support of russia with military equipment and other materials. that is where the conflicts came from. they went into exile in country -- they went into a sovereign country, that is why we are here. >> you do not accept that. >> yes. incident hasble shaken up the entire aviation
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industry. hour, a, within half an youndia went through love -- went through luckily, and landed safely. he was about to come within one hour, but they changed their roots. what i'm asking you is -- as well as these kind of weapons are concerned, do you think other terrorists may have these in afghanistan and pakistan? how can you stop them? this is the first of its kind incident. >> i'm trying to follow what exactly your question is. is an investigation is ongoing with international support about this specific incident. i would caution anybody about broadening that into what it means into other countries. obviously, there are steps that the faa has taken here, other national or international civil
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aviation now let's may take similar steps. we will leave that to them to determine. [indiscernible] it's a huge amount of territory. >> is why we are very concerned. those who say they're going to participate in or welcome this investigation, need to give unfettered access. lisa, we didn't see that when these individuals were there for 75 minutes. >> does the united states government have any information as to the whereabouts of the black box? in whose custody it presently resides? ofthere has been a range reports of those being in the hands of separatists. i don't believe we have any independent confirmation of the location. when it fair to say that the president tells us we still await definitive judgments on likelygin point, and
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culpability for this attack -- is it fair to say that the has at least reached a per limiter a conclusion about those matters -- eight preliminary conclusion about those matters? we will at the official conclusion be made. obviously, ambassador power wouldn't have said that if there wasn't a reasonable belief that that was accurate information. can you see a possible conflict of interest that people might see when the eventual report comes out of how this happened? the u.s. government, given her they ares at the u.n., than sending the fbi to also be a part of this investigation. difficult for the results of this report to stick if we are already hearing sort of a line from the u.s.
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government that they believe it is russia's fault? the government is directly involved in this investigation. exactly what either the president or investor power said. said --id or power ambassador power said. of fbi clearly has a range important expertise in criminal investigation. that expertise could have in hand in this case. that is what they will be offering. be a range of expertise and entities sees that will participate in this investigation. >> one more. she said we cannot rule out the gavebility that russia some sort of technical assistance. why not? is she referring to the tapes that ukrainians have resented
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that she referred to earlier -- is that when she made her asked the question? >> she is referring to the technical complexity of the essay 11. 11, and the likelihood that russians ever just could operate that kind of system without assistance from knowledgeable individuals. officials bee former soviet soldiers or ukrainians? >> she said rule out. we can't rule out. >> she's not intended to make the accusation that there was russian assistance in operating sa 11 system.-- like him of questioning why air-traffic control routed the plane --
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>> we can hardly conflate the two. give it was open airspace. >> i understand you were saying you are waiting for the final results. -- for a final -- 48 cabinet four eight cabinet member to say -- given that you are careful and all these other areas to say -- you are not saying with 100% certainty that russia is involved come up at you are pointing the finger russia. to save you are not is disingenuous. a range ofaying out contextual facts that we have been concerned about for some time. >> you are building a case against russia. >> i wouldn't put it that way. i think it is clear with the sa 11 --host: -- the sa she was making a statement of fact. she said we couldn't rule it out.
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she didn't say it absolutely is, there are a range of fact in this case that are publicly available information, or information that we have assessed. she said in her own statement that there is going to be an investigation. >> i think that if you are reasonably sure that you felt the russia had some capability here, you wouldn't even be laying out a possible russian involvement. --capability is different culpability, i said capability. i think if you look at what she stated, and what her remarks outlined, it was information laying out the context of what we have seen happen on the ground. more? just do a few >> i have two questions. imposede u.s. has sanctions, on russia, then this putin askedresident if there is a connection. how could a passenger plane
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the mistaken for a military aircraft? >> these are all excellent questions. this happened just 24 hours ago. there are questions we don't yet have definitive answers on. as the secretary makes these messages part of the that is about europe stood up to president putin? and put in some real sanctions? >> i think it is important to note that we have been working in lockstep with our european counterparts on announcing sanctions, and rolling out additional on sequences. clearly, -- much as thiss country would have hoped. a number of taken steps. there has been an impact. there is no question that the economic impact on europe is
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different from the economic impact on the united states. we're also talking about dozens of countries that need to agree, and work together. we are one country. regardless of all of that, we have worked very closely with the europeans. they announced a new set of sanctions just this week. if events continue to escalate, if president putin continues to choose escalation over de-escalation, the international community will continue to but consequences in place. minister wasime very definitive. he said that if malaysian plane ukraineby russia over -- did he have information we don't? >> there hasn't been a call from here with the turkish prime minister. he on that, i don't have any other speculation. i think i've outlined where we
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stand. they spoke a great deal about the events in gaza. they are all coordinating on and discussing the events that happened yesterday in ukraine as well. >> we are here all day. >> do you consider this an act of terrorism? would you call this a terrorist outfit? >> you don't know the origin. i think anytime the loss of innocent lives -- or we see a loss of innocent lives, that is a horrific act. we will see the investigation through. i will not put additional labels on it the on the -- >> the act itself -- was this an act of terrorism? >> i will not put additional labels on it. >> do rule out that it could have been an accident? >> we don't feel this was an accident. i think you heard the president and ambassador power give very
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definitive remarks on this. we are going to see the investigation through. saidesident biden yesterday this was no accident. the department stands by those remarks? >> there has also been remarks the point of that from the president and ambassador power as well. clouded thehe with what -- i think you have muddied the waters here. you do not believe this was an accident. you do not believe that whoever fired the missile wasn't aiming for something else? you believe that whoever fired this missile intended to hit and take down a passenger airplane. civilian passenger airplane. >> i wasn't stating that. i am not going to go farther than i had gone. >> it may have been an accident, in terms of whoever they -- whoever fired this thing,
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thought that they were hitting a military target. >> correct. >> that is a mistake. that is an accident. x there is a range of ways of defining it. >> you are not saying that you boeing 777 wasis targeted by the people who fired this missile? >> we don't know more than what has been stated today. >> when you say we don't feel this was an accident, you are expressing a preliminary conclusion, correct? >> that is not my intention. we have been pretty clear we are participating in the international investigation. we will let that conclude. that is a range of events are all relevant. but this happened 24 hours ago. -- accidentaying and mistake are two different things. if you are saying that we don't
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feel this was an accident, you are saying that it's still possible that this thing just came down from the sky because of the along with the plane? >> this happened 24 hours ago. there hasn't been an investigation that has been underway. we are participating in that process. i am not going to prejudge it. i'm not going to have much more data from here. >> when you say accident, you motive orver the whoever they were shooting at, they were shooting at something. this wasn't a malfunction of the plane? is that what you mean by accident? i'm getting hung up your on something. when you say accident, you mean the engine failed or something like that? >> there is no evidence of that to date. i don't have anything more in terms of analyzing what exactly happened here. a range ofthere is
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contextual information of what is happening on the ground that is relevant. this again with the national security council meeting this afternoon -- there is going to be a call for an immediate cease-fire. what you support that -- will you support that? we have certainly seen the reports. i would note that no action requiring a vote has been proposed from the session. we are not aware that that has changed. we are certainly supportive of diplomatic efforts to end the ongoing violence. our focus is on the egyptian initiative, and the role that can play as a means of moving to a cease-fire, moving forward. that is where our efforts remain. >> president obama and john with -- their conversation benjamin netanyahu -- do you
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feel that really, this is giving israel tolight to strike with whatever might it has in gaza? >> i would point you to the readout we issued last night, as well as the president's comments. specific statements of the it is ouris that understanding that the current military ground operations are designed to deal with the tunnels. we are hopeful that israel will continue to approach this process in a way that minimizes civilian casualties. you can read the secretaries which wasnetanyahu, consistent with that. i don't think either of them were stating what you just it. >> they are saying this operation may be 10 days or 14 days. you support that? do you support an operation that
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would go on for about two weeks in gaza? >> i'm not going to give a timeline. i think we have been clear that these ground operations are designed to deal with the tunnels, and the events that happened over the past 24 to 36 hours. the president and secretary have both -- their call with netanyahu last night spoke to that. >> you are not aware of any issues the united states to be taking to end the violence? >> the engagement we outlined earlier in the briefing with the secretary and his counterparts around the world. with israeli prime minister netanyahu, the egyptian prime minister, and our efforts to encourage all parties to work through the egyptian cease-fire proposal. we have sources saying [indiscernible] >> i have no travel to announce jv. he is prepared to go it we
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decide that is the right step to take to de-escalate the situation on the ground. >> should any cease-fire proposal include rings to relieve the human pain and suffering under the closure of the entry points and border points? should it include that, any kind of cease-fire? them i said yesterday in the prime minister call with made clear that it is important to take every step possible to reduce civilian casualties. respectg all parties to the civilian nature of school and medical facilities. certainly our effort and focus is in order to prevent more civilian deaths. >> yesterday i asked you about a hospital in particular.
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would this have made any difference at the time? i think our view has been consistently that facilities like hospitals, service shelters -- hospitals serve as shelters for those fleeing the conflict. i cannot predict what would have happened. then the readout last night secretary -- it secretary -- it said the secretary told we would like to see israel ease use precision. -- see israel ease use precision. israelis use precision. has the u.s. seen israel use
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orition to go after strikes do you have concerns that they -- that they as are not doing as much as they possibly could to minimize civilian casualties? part of that reference was certainly to the deaths of the four boards we talked about yesterday. -- the four boys we talked about yesterday. we are encouraging israel and both sides to continue to take as many steps as possible to reduce civilian casualties. i don't know if there is going to be a point of satisfaction so much as we are encouraging both sides to continue. >> i am not asking you to give them a grade. i'm just wondering if the concern still exists or if they have addressed those concerns?
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it is more like a pass fail. then as well as billion slides are put at risk it is a call we will continue to make. >> yesterday a statement was put out apologizing to israel for the fact that rockets were found in one of their schools, a vacant school. to have a comment or response to that? that,ave not seen possibly due to the range of events in the past 24 hours. >> this is a complaint that they have had for some time now. i'm wondering if the it ministration has any thoughts on that.
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are you aware that reports of family members of the boy who was killed, the palestinian teenager was killed and apparently set on fire was because an american citizen who -- that they have been to tame by israelis? if you are aware you have anything to say? >> we are aware. our conflict general in jerusalem has been following this closely. we understand several family members were charged and placed into detention. we were shocked by the treatment and strongly condemn any excessive use of force. we are deeply concerned about this latest development and reports. >> can i ask what is the cause of your deep concern about these detentions? >> the rest of family members without charges and the
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placement of them in detention. certainly the backdrop is of the treatment of their family members. >> it is possible, isn't not, that the israelis have good reason to arrest these people? >> there were no charges filed. >> had you made your deep concern clear directly to the israelis? plaques that is a good question. i believe we have. >> it did not come up in the conversation. >> let me double check for you. >> do you have any details about when this happened? >> it is over the last couple of days. i don't have a specific day. number ofcific members of the family? >> we don't have that.
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>> why has the u.s. -- the consul general taken a particular interest in this? is there some kind of u.s. -- other than basic interest and rights, is there some kind of special american interest? >> obviously we were deeply shocked by the treatment of their young family member. we have taken an interest in this case. certainly the treatment of family members would be of interest to our team on the ground. >> these are relatives of the american citizens who were beaten up or because this is relatives of the palestinian teenager who was killed? >> i don't want to pick one or the other.
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obviously we have seen the suffering this family has gone through. >> most palestinians are arrested without charges. >> i think i just answered that question. >>ther question the echo there have been protests in and inf the council istanbul. can you give us some more details? >> i don't believe i have any more details. let me check and see about
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whether or not that came up on the call. give me just one minute. i don't have any additional details on that. >> while talking about the , he said that israel -- is undertaking a genocide. would you agree to this? >> certainly believe their statements are a sense of wrong. of course this kind of provocative frederick is helpful. it instructs an urgent efforts to bring about a cease-fire. >> how may people have to die --
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>> i don't have any more information available for you. >> does that cost the today genocide? >> it is her thick there have been losses. >> the circumstances of what is ongoing, with the death of 250 civilians -- >> i'm sure we can connect you with an expert on this particular issue. >> i don't believe you appreciate -- >> i always appreciate site need. >> these are pretty strong and offensive comments. do you know if anyone from the administration plans to take this up with either him or the foreign minister?
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>> i can check and see if that has already happened or if there is a plan otherwise. turkey is a nato ally. it is a country the government has some relationship with. thinkst wondering if you they deterred this, given the comments of the prime minister. if air showing so much, if their leader is coming out with comments that you find offensive and wrong about your ally israel? our view and west we are continuing to convey to any country in the region, including turkey, is that the most productive role they can play is proposing -- is supporting the
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cease-fire proposal. when there are concerns about comments made or actions taken, we certainly do not hesitate. >> you is say that these comments mean the government of turkey is an obstacle rather than -- is an obstacle to peace or cease-fire? i stated they are unhelpful. there is a role that many countries can play. >> you don't think they forfeited their interests? >> no, i don't. >> he also talked about there is a crusade today. he said there is a crusader -- againstpflaum slam --
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>> i'm not even sure that is -- what that is a reference to. happening is a new crusader movement against islam. >> i think it is safe to say that is not an effort the u.s. is undergoing. >> just to follow-up on that. what israeli is doing today is collective punishment. >> the president of the united states just spoke to this. i don't think i have anything more to add to this. them i did he ask and use that influence with hamas to try and accept a truce? >> that is part of the message that he is conveying and discussing with any of his pet
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that his counterparts in the andon, encouraging also -- all countries to accept the proposal. >> did he get any joy as to whether he would use them? keeping out of it? >> we are playing to the maximal position. >> do you have any concerns that inflammatory remarks such as this will have a major negative mall that you have been trying to engineer between the turks and israelis? >> they are certainly not helpful to moving that forward. >> they are not helpful to revolve -- to resolving the situation in gaza.
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they are not helpful to getting a cease-fire to ultimately result in the peace process more ?roadly >> i think that kind of frederick is generally unhelpful. -- kind of rhetoric is unhelpful. >> i certainly would not say that. it is an ongoing process. >> israel has been doing for -- has been deliberately disproportionate in collective punishment. do you disagree with your
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british allies? >> i would leave it how we have stated and viewed it. the president of the united states outlined in the last two hours. hi would leave it at what public comments we made. >> in terms of negotiating a regional power has changed with qatar and the egyptians and the muslim brotherhood. we had people call on the egyptian army. efforts the mediation actually work and how does the u.s. fit in at this stage? clearly they are not able to actually talk to hamas directly at the moment. they don't seem to have that kind of connection. they are at odds with the egyptians. fitting in?s is this simply not the time to
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discuss cease-fire because the attorney generals are too busy with their ground incursion? no otherew is there is serious cease-fire proposal being discussed other than the egyptian proposal. secretary engagements with leaders in the region certainly have made that clear. you are right that there are a range of different dynamics in the region. there are also a range of country and officials who do engage with and speak to hamas. we are certainly encouraging them to play a role and encouraging hamas to have a discussion about the cease-fire proposal. the reason there would be benefits to the people and civilians in the region who are currently at risk. in terms of our role secretary's engagement has been pretty expansive. he is trying to engage each of these countries with determining what roles they can play. of as you know this is
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complicated and difficult. there are countries that have a role they can play. they are encouraging them to be more constructive. there are countries that certainly have a significant stake, like israel and egypt, who have put forward a proposal. there are a range of conversations he is having in the region. certainly the united states has a stake in seeing stability and a return to the de-escalation of what is happening. >> there is not much point is a cease-fire with limited easing of some of the restrictions. that is where we were last time. here to an opportunity try to perhaps make this a slightly longer term agreement? , i think our immediate focus is
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how we can end the violence now. a range ofbviously dynamics that existed long before the events. it will certainly exist after. >> a cease-fire would mean there isn't a back-and-forth shooting of rockets putting civilians at risk. them of the atmosphere in turkey -- >> the atmosphere of turkey is at the point where the israeli embassy has been crawling. are complaining about incitement, not just from the prime minister but media outlets.
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i wonder if you have any comments about this situation as it relates to anti-semitic and anti-writ -- and anti-israel sentiment. spoke to the comments that were made, obviously the circumstances around his -- around it. i really do not have anything more. we can get you something if you need. >> there were anti-semitic tweets. thdo you think they are not playing a role into -- >> i am not going to make a sweeping generalization. see comments or statements that are of concern we will make that announcement.
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is sunday.line treaty with the negotiators. the chinese chief negotiator said it was likely that there would be an extension of that deadline. russia is saying it could be a four-month extension. could you update us on where we ?re >> our team is on the ground in vienna talking to the uranium's about what the contours of an extension would look like. tangible progress has been made but there is more work to do. optionse a range of being considered and discussed with our partners and with the iranians. of course there is a lot of speculation, as there always is, .bout what that will mean i'm not going to make a
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prediction of that because the discussions are ongoing. >> you are talking about an extension? , yes. -- >> yes. july 20 deadline is now nolan foyt? >> we -- is now nolan and devoid? void?now null and >> i would not say it is void. do you believe the extension will be for a week or for several months? detailsare a range of and options being discussed but i do not want to get ahead of the negotiators. >> would it be the terms of the jrpa?t such as there is a free for a certain amount of sanctions
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relief that would then be applied to any extension of the talks order would add additional things that would be added? that when wein make an announcement about whatever the next step may or may not be we will have more details to share what they will look like. everything is being discussed right now. i think we are talking about an extension. stay tuned all weekend. they are currently on the ground. >> apparently the iranians have left. >> there are individuals discussing the contours of an extension. >> did you offer every doubt with the meeting secretary kerry had with the jewish leaders? i presume it was from iran.
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>> i did not. i'm sure we can look into that for you. there were a range of topics discussed. >> they signed an operational agreement. to say on that? -- do you have anything to say on that? can get you something after the briefing. let me give you an update on what is happening in afghanistan. morning update. there were 30 teams of auditors, 102 boxes were reviewed. i want to make sure i have accurate numbers in front of me. credited -- 160 will be coming.
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60 will be u.s. id implementers. staff has been moving the boxes from other parts of afghanistan. we anticipate that will be ramped up. him >> the results would be ?ccepted >> they have stated that. it is ramping up quickly though. know the total number being reviewed? >> that was just as of this morning. i believe there were just over 30. the number of observers are increasing rapidly. we are expecting to get to the pace of a thousand dollars per day. >> 30,000. -- as far as the
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,revious was concerned including billions of dollars of investment and a civil nuclear agreement, now the prime minister said that time has come and unitedhe imf nations security council. what is the future of those pending issues? this is a question on u.s. india relations and the future. what is happening on those issues here? and also the civil nuclear agreement and the reform of the united nations security council. >> they are important issues. i think we are looking forward to welcoming the new prime minister to the united states.
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obviously the secretary will look forward to visiting india sometime soon and a range of other shows will do the same. go ahead. >> last night you put out a andt concerning your friend former colleague in the administration. that generated a lot of criticism. what is your response? -- >> is there a roof there a specific criticism? i actually believe in the use of social media and do it quite frequently. in i think you are referring to an opinion p use that a former colleague of mine wrote about the role women can play in being both smart and having outside interests. that isink as a woman an important message we can send to the world. >> critics have said you use
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twitter to convey messages. him when you put out tweets like that it kind of -- correct. >> i can assure any critics i was here for about 17 hours. i put out a range of statements. that is my primary responsibility. i think all of us, whether you are a woman or not, can represent the interests of making a point that you can be studious and smart and you can also have outside interests. i think that was the point i was making. >> i ask you a question about cambodia and the u.s.. du have an answer? plex i do.
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>> we condemn the violence that occurred in freedom park on july 15. it resulted in injuries to numerous security personnel and protesters. parties toon all exercise restraint and to avoid further violence and escalation. we emphasize the importance of to process and call for the relief of the cambodian national rescue party. him we also urge the cambodian per -- cambodian government to lift the ban on demonstrations and allow for the peaceful exercise of freedom of assembly. we are very concerned by reports that journalists and the ceo of the newspaper were sentenced to forears of hard labor
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publishing investigative stories about a weapons factory. this sends a wrong message to freedom of expression, including for the press the burmese government has made tremendous progress in the last re-years, working to develop an environment conducive to free and independent media. this is a critical element of a vibrant and well functioning democracy. we urge the government of burma to continue that trend. we do the last one in the back? i have an update on our engagement in the u.n.. was that your question? >> no. >> ok. why don't you ask your question? >> earlier this week -- i think the u.s. is also a member of this anti-money laundering. on this?ive a comment >> i don't have a particular comment on that. i can give you an update on our engagement with the u.n.. i can confirm that on july
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17 the united states u.n.cipated in the security council consultations on serious threat posed by north series ofcent ballistic missile launches, which were june 2, july 9, july 13. as the president reported to the press after consultations, all members of the security council condemned these launches as violations of the security council resolution and urged north korea to fully comply. the remarks of our representative, we express can expressed particular with jeopardizing the safety of aircraft and ships. we will continue to monitor the situation can -- situation closely. have a good lunch.
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>> if you missed any of the briefing you can see it in its entirety on our website. the un security council met this morning in an emergency session to address the attack on the malaysian plane. this is a live picture from the u.n.. ambassadors will be returning to discuss the escalating palestinian conflict. live coverage of that meeting here on c-span as it gets under way in just a moment.
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>> again the un security council is in special session to discuss the israeli-palestinian conflict. this morning they talked about the malaysian plane shootdown. president obama talked about the malaysian airliner tragedy, acknowledging that at least one american died. he was in the white house briefing room when he made that statement. he also addressed the increased tempo of fighting in the middle east. here's what he had to say. >> i spoke with prime minister netanyahu. we discussed israel's military operation, including efforts to stop terrorist infiltration through tunnels into israel. i reaffirm my strong support for israel's right to defend itself. accept rocketsd
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being fired into its borders or terrorists settling into its territory. while i was having the conversation, sirens went off in tel aviv. also made clear that the united states and our friends and allies are deeply concerned about the risks of further escalation and the loss of more innocent life. have indicated, although we support military efforts, to make sure that --kets are being fired into are not being fired into their territory. we are hopeful that israel will continue to approach this process in a way that minimizes civilian casualties. and that all of us are working hard to return to the cease-fire that was enriched in november of
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2012. secretary kerry is working to support the initiative to support that outcome. i told prime minister netanyahu prepared to travel the region following additional consultations. >> you can see all of what he had to say when he largely addressed the malaysian shootdown. you can watch it in the c-span video library. this is live picture from the un security council. they are meeting to talk about the situation between israel and hamas. we will have it live when it starts here in -- start here on c-span. u.n. ambassador samantha power addressed the security council when they met this morning. here is what she had to say
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about the malaysian flight 17. >> thank you, mr. president. yesterday we were shocked by the downing of malaysian airlines flight 17. as we stared at the passenger list yesterday we saw next to three of the passengers names a i. the letter iw stands for infant. to the families and friends of the victims it is impossible to find words to express our condolences. a full credible investigation must begin immediately. the perpetrators must be brought
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to justice. let me share our assessment of the evidence so far. malaysian airlines flight 17 carrying these people from amsterdam to kuala lumpur was likely downed by surface to , operated from a separatist held location in eastern ukraine. of the airliner was traveling at a cruising altitude of 33,000 feet and it's it was typical for an airliner on an established flight corridor. the flight was transmitting it assigned transponder coned -- transponder code. there was nothing threatening or provocative about it. systems,erational
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located near the border, only the sa 22 systems are capable of hitting an aircraft at this altitude of 33,000 feet. we can rule out shorter range ,nown to be in separatist hams including systems which are not capable of hitting an aircraft at this altitude. early thursday as system was by a western reporter and separatists were spotted hours after the incident with the system at a location close to the site where the plane came down. separatists initially claimed responsibility for shooting down a military transport plane and posted videos that are now being connected to the relation airline crash.
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later messages were deleted. because of the technical is unlikely the separatists could have effectively operated the system without assistance from knowledgeable personnel. thus we cannot rule out technical assistance from russian personnel in operating the systems. ukrainians do have systems in their inventory. however we are not aware of any systems in the area of the shootdown. more importantly, since the beginning of this crisis you -- of this crisis ukrainian officials -- this also follows a pattern of actions i russian backed separatists. separatist shutdown a ukrainian transport plane, carrying 40 kercher burress and nine crew. as this council was meeting to welcome the unilateral
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cease-fire we received word that separatists found a ukrainian helicopter, killing all nine on board. separatists claimed credit for the downing of a ukrainian cargo plane flying at 6000 meters and if indeed russian backed separatists were behind this attack, they and their backers would have good reason to cover up evidence of their crime. thus it is extremely important that it investigation be commenced immediately. instance thest special monitoring mission should act as a first response or -- first responder, laying the efforts by individual nations, including those whose citizens were a victim of this tragedy. assureddent obama poroshenko that experts were offering all possible assistance. president poroshenko has invited the independent and credible --ernational in
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international aviation association to join in the investigation. all those concerned, russia, pro-russian separatists, and ukraine must agree to support an immediate cease-fire. snm, also toe reach an agreement with separatists to make this possible. all evidence must remain undisturbed and entity -- and any evidence should be promptly returned and handed over. russia needs to help make this happen. take some time to establish who shot down the thee with that shut down plane, members of the international community have been warning for months about the devastation that would come if russia did not stop what it started. the context for yesterday's
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horror is clear. separatist forces backed by the russian government continue to destabilize ukraine and undermine the efforts of ukraine's elected leaders to build a democratic ukraine that is stable, unified, secure, and able to determine its own future. >> our meeting of the security council is called to order. the provisional agenda for this meeting is the situation in the middle east, including the palestinian question. the agenda is adopted. i invite the representative of israel to participate in this meeting. it is so decided.
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i propose that the council -- in the meeting and accordance of the provisional rules of procedure and the previous practice of this regard. there being no objection it is so decided. in accordance with rule 39 of the council's provisional rules of procedure i invite the secretary-general for political -- political affairs to participate in this meeting. it is so decided. the security council will begin its consideration of the agenda. floor to -- e
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>> mr. president, as we meet today in 10th indication of violence in the united nations was trying so hard to head off and become a reality in and around gaza. dismayingl the more as it comes so soon after signs of hope had emerged. specifically the attempt by egypt to broker a cease-fire followed by the united nations brokering over a communitarian pause. for five hours yesterday a temporary cease-fire, mostly , allowed by all part civilians to resume vital activities to sustaining their daily lives. allowed workers to start some repairs on essential electrical and water infrastructure.
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civilians were largely spared fire for the same. the secretary-general was therefore alarm when militants resumed the firing of projectiles outside the gaza strip after the expiration of the loaves. hopes thatates our the humanitarian pause would be the beginning of the escalation. it paints is that the much needed reprieve was so short. shortly after the rockets fired into israel it marked the end of the military and pause. premature netanyahu announced the launch of a ground operation into gaza. the israeli defense force has conducted some airstrikes, firing 91 missiles inside the restricted area. extended to three kilometers. of the idea that the barrier fired some tank shells while the
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shells,navy fired some since the end of humanitarian pause militants have fired 120 seven rockets and 29 mortar shells at israel. approximately 20 palestinian houses were hit. one -- were killed and and another 116 injured. one soldier was killed. of the secretary-general is extremely concerned that this escalation will further increase the already appalling death toll among gaza civilians. canel has legitimate security concerns. we are alarmed by israel's heavy response. the secretary-general was shocked by the terrible killing.
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three more children from one family were killed yesterday. illustration is needed. the violence must end. july, when hostility intensifies in the lead up to overurrent escalation, 2000 rockets were fired from gaza into israel, of which 1100 struck israel. two israelis were killed, including one civilian. 12 idf soldiers and 365 civilians were injured. in the same time some 261 palestinians, a majority of them civilians, including at least 40 eight women and 50 children have been killed. over 1600 have been injured.
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as a result from land, air, and sea. damage has been inflicted to schools, facilities, water, and infrastructure. palestinian families have had their homes destroyed her severely damaged. the beginning of this crisis the secretary-general has urged regional and international partners to exert all possible influence to bring about an immediate end to the suffering and bloodshed. since the last briefing to the council the secretary-general has been in touch around the clock to facilitate united and effective action to stop the violence in and around gaza and the unbearable stress from continued rocket attacks.
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hoped that the successful brokering of a humanitarian pause would help efforts led by egypt to facilitate a cease-fire on the basis of the understanding -- hasunited nations repeatedly expressed our support to all efforts. appreciate that israel accepted the proposal for a cease-fire. proposal president has been actively engaged with regional and world leaders. the president met with -- in cairo yesterday.
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system administered by the united nations. they are carefully studying this -- this request. all parties respect humanitarian and international rights law. we also asked them to do their utmost to ensure that humanitarian assistance continues to reach all those in need. the protectione of civilians and integrity of u.s. premises and staff. in this regard, the united nations released a work agency games united nations were
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he has strongly condemned the placing rockets and a vacant school in the gaza strip as a flagrant violation because of the premises under international law. the agency has launched a comprehensive investigation. we urge the parties to consider such windows so civilians can work freely and undertake vital activities. we have provided a lead role in providing shelter throughout gaza in 43 different facilities. flees who have nowhere to --
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operations cannot be accommodated in terms of supplies. president, unless we address the root causes of the current escalation, this dreadful violence will recur again and again. we cannot return to the status quo. concern israelis and palestinians share. it is imperative to immediately tackle the underlying causes. smugglingude weapons and bringing gaza back.
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tens of thousands of employees are will -- are not getting paid whereas thousands of employees continue to receive salaries from -- this is simply not sustainable. they united nations remains prepared to facilitate all efforts in this regard in coordination and consultation with all concerned parties. we see this opportunity to not only renew a cease-fire but also ,o support political security institutional, and socioeconomic progress that stabilize the gaza strip. the secretary-general noted, the impact is starting to be felt within the region. we would also note that since the meeting of the council on the implementation of resolution
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1701, at least 11 rockets were israel in five separate incidents between 11 and 18 july. according to the information available so far, five rockets hit israel. foundition, the lebanese and dismantled to rockets set to launch toward israel. the israeli defense forces retaliated on all occasions with several rounds of artillery toward the launching area. no casualties or significant damage were reported from either side so far. we immediatelye engaged with the idf to urge them to exercise maximum restraint and cooperation with
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unesco in order to prevent further escalation and restore this nation of facilities. the lebanese security forces announced the arrest of three in connection with the attacks. are lebanese forces increase the presence in the area. -- have shown the grave danger that the security situation continues to pose. on three occasions this month explosions and the rockets from the bravo side impacting on the to the idea to
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respond with fire on the bravo side. ,f in a very recent development syrian armed forces with heavy weapons deployed in proximity the human observation position 56. syrianhange between armed forces and members of the opposition resulted in mortar rounds impacting in the vicinity of the position. , members of the opposition approached -- demanding that you and marmol --rs asked asked armed forces to move away. attack which they would position 68 creative the threat was repeated today. a convoy was intercepted and
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members of the opposition handed a written notice threatening to attack operation position 56 if the syrian air force is to not make it. the faa f remains to the north and's -- north and south of position 56. and it is a communication hub for all -- these developments seriously threaten the safety and security of u.s. personnel and have the potential to jeopardize the cease-fire between israel and syria. well we focus on gaza today we must not forget the bigger picture. we also had repercussions in the west bank. including jerusalem. clashes occur between those demonstrating and in support of gaza.
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israeli security forces are heavily deployed. reported clashes have led to several palestinians being injured. persist, putting a strain on the security coordination between the israeli and palestinian security forces. the israelitands on and palestinian leadership to defuse tensions and act responsibly. the situation is ultimately the results of a collective failure to advance a political solution for the israeli-palestinian conflict. temporary fixes will no longer do. the international community must assume its responsibility to help restore a serious prospect for a two state solution that brings an end to the decades
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long conflict and occupation. this is the only way to make a cease-fire last bid this is the only way to break the seemingly endless cycle of attack and retaliation. the secretary-general is prepared to do his part. the he will leave for the region tomorrow to express solidarity with region tomorrow to express solidarity with israelis and palestinians, and to help them in coordination with regional actors to end the violence and find a way forward. >> i leave the floor to the permanent observer from palestine. >> thank you, mr. president.
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we have called this emergency meeting of the security council due to the existential crisis being faced by the palestinian people under israeli occupation. with every moment that passes, the life of another palestinian mother iswife, or cruelly taken by the israeli occupying forces in their murderous rampage of airstrikes and civilian bombardment against now aan areas, and massive ground invasion in the gaza strip, threatening the safety and survival of the entire civilian population. as we were driving to this additional children were killed, and i have their names and their ages. they range between the age of two years old to the age of 13.
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2, an eighteen year and a seven year old, four year old. despite regional and international efforts to bring an end to the violence and woodshed, as well as an end to the siege, isolation and , andhment of our people despite the broad consensus that there is no military solution to this crisis or to the conflict in its entirety, israel is in occupying power which has intensified its operating powers with full intention and full knowledge that civilian casualties will mount. in less than 24 hours, this is -- israeli assault
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has killed more than 40 civilians, including many children. cause aelithere are efforts to cease-fire, including efforts by egypt and turkey, and other concerned parties in the region and beyond, israel has instead chosen to continue waging war on our people. upon the direct command of the highest levels of the israeli government and army, occupying injuring, killing and ,- injuring civilians destroying homes and infrastructure, and displacing thousands of families. yet another disaster is being , tithing andgaza, terrifying the entire population and worsening the humanitarian crisis caused by israel ease -- repeated aggression, sowing widespread distress among
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the people. the savage israeli aggression cannot be justified by any means. it is not self-defense. it is military intervention perpetrated by the occupying civilian power under its operation. among the goals of this military campaign are the destruction of unity and collapse of the national consensus government. declarations made by israeli officials, from the prime minister's on down, are clear evidence of this, including the enumeration of specific aims of the aggression. we remind that the israeli government cynically used the killing of three israeli settlers to launch this aggression, a crime for which there has not been an independent, transparent investigation, yet which israel
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has insanely used as the basis , while barbaric attacks settlers and extremists continue to incite for more terror and harm to our people. or over, it is an ominous repeat of the numerous crises manufactured by israel over the years to evade all effort to advance a peaceful political solution to this conflict and justify its root causes, namely israeli denial and violation of the human rights of the palestinian people and 40 year illegal military occupation and colonization of the palestinian land. it is not by coincidence that this deliberate destabilization of the situation on the ground diverts international attention from israeli obstruction of keys efforts, particularly via its malicious settlement campaign jerusalem andt
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the west bank. mr. president, for crimes against humanity and systematic human rights violations are being committed by israel against the palestinian people. this is not simply the palestinian narrative. this is fact. before the eyes of the world, israel waging a war against a defensive -- defenseless civilian population, trampling human rights, creating breaches of humanitarian law, and destroying the pillars of the iternational system, as forces a double standard on the international community with its cynical pretext, including destroying the credibility of the security council itself, which continues to stand aside ss israel flagrantly violate its resolutions without consequences. thanact speaks much larger
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disdainful words and immoral lectures made repeatedly before this council why the israeli representative, all while his government and enemy kill innocent children, women, and men. nowpalestinian death total stands at more than 274. i have to add the four more children to make it 278 people killed. and more than 2065 people injured. the overwhelming majority of those killed and injured are civilians, including 66 children. we heard from feldman, 48 women and 17 elderly persons. more than 47,000 people have been displaced, the majority palestine refugees. these disturbing facts are
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collaborated by reports from you and agencies on the ground. the images of the palestinian children killed by the israeli occupying forces sierra our hearts and the conscience of the world. i am compelled to share the names of some of the families, elderly, and disabled persons killed by the israeli onslaught since our last appeal to the council. a majority killed in israeli air strikes on their homes. our children and women and all the victims have names. they are not only numbers that the israeli occupying army go and slaughter as they wish. omar al hadj,dj, hadj, all of the same family, were obliterated. abdulla, age four.
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yasmin, age four. agead helmi ala karnawi, five. nour, age 10. sabr, age 80. ola, age 31. both suffered from severe mental and physical handicaps, killed in an airstrike on a disabled person center. a family, of including six children and three women, one of them pregnant, were massacred, and 16 other civilians were wounded by the israeli occupied forces in a deliberately launched military airstrike at their home, which israel declared to be targeting a police chief in gaza.
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occupying forces in broad daylight as they were playing on the beach in the gaza city, and the incident that was referred to by mr. feldman. andrewkaya,4, members of the same family, killed in an airstrike at the mosque. ibrahim, age 10. his brother, age 25, and their age 27, a pregnant mother of three, and their elderly grandmother, habra. fulla, nine. her brother, age 10. and a seven-year-old. ahmad, age 14.
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13, and brother mohammed, age 15. rohab, age four. yaseen al hamedi, age four. mohamed, age 15. and mohamed sselim, age four. fahris, five months old. andoin our grieving people praying for their souls and asking for strength and resilience for their morning families and nation. president, the names of many of the dead or yet to be known, as emergency personnel sweep through the rubble and the israelis continue attacks. reality, in which the palestinian people are struggling to survive and suffering gravely under israeli occupation, as the right to
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reject and resist this in moral, inhumane, and illegitimate occupation, and their legitimate aspirations to realize their rights and freedom continues to be shamefully prevented, perverted by the occupying power. his reality is worsened by the repeated appeasing of israel from the failure of the international community to hold it accountable, and to impose the rule of law. we call on the security council once again to uphold its charter to implement act its resolutions regarding the palestinian-israeli conflict, as well as its resolutions regarding the protection of civilians in armed conflict and children and armed conflict. should the security council failed to respond to our appeals to uphold the law, to end these crimes and violations against our people and ensure their protection, and should our
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peaceful diplomatic and political efforts in this regard fail, we will have no recourse to turn to the judicial body of the united nations and international system. people toduty to our leave no stone unturned as we strive to and israeli occupation, repression, and colonial domination, and obtain our inalienable rights. we have called on the security council to adopt a resolution that condemns the israeli military aggression against the palestinian civilian population in the gaza strip, calls for its immediate secession, calls for the lifting of the israeli blockade on gaza strip, and calls for protection of the palestinian people, since israel's occupying power has clearly forfeited its legal obligations to do so. in this regard, we draw attention to the fact that such a resolution and the necessary
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action to implement has the full endorsement of the arab group, the oic, and the majority of the u.n. membership. mr. president, lastly, before concluding, i also wish to make an appeal to the international community to support the efforts to provide emergency humanitarian assistance to the palestinian population in gaza the graveo alleviate suffering and devastation they are enduring. support for the ,mergency appeal for gaza recognizing the vital role being played by the agency, along with other human agencies and international organizations on the ground to address this
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crisis and meet the needs of the population. before i conclude, mr. president, allow me to say a few words in arabic to our people in the gaza strip. >> we return. we return to the security council once again, after the house has failed to respond to the aggression against our people. we salute you from this counsel, and we vow -- we file for your resistance to our fallen martyrs. to our fallen martyrs, who fell as a result of this barbaric israeli act of aggression that spared no men, women, children,
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or other civilians of the 1,800,000 people living in gaza. you are right. you are right to be angry at this counsel, the council that has not stopped this act of aggression. you are right to be angry that the world watches as you suffer and as you lose your children and members of your family's. -- families. and this aggression has not stopped at. -- yet. however, the people of the world in their entirety are proud of you. while you struggle, while you spare no effort to attain your freedom to put an end to this barbaric act of aggression. we all know that you will succeed, and you will succeed soon, in putting an end to this barbaric act of aggression. thank you, mr. president. i thank the permanent
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observer of the state of andstine for his testimony, will give the floor to the representative of israel. sir, you have the floor. >> mr. president, in the face of terrorists kidnapping our children, we were left with no choice. in the face of rockets raining down on our citizens, we were left with no choice. sn the face of jihadist tunneling under our borders, we were left with no choice. if you hours ago, israeli defense forces entered gaza to restore the sustained quiet to the people of israel, while degrading hamas's terror capabilities. we did everything in our power to avoid this. prime minister vegan yahoo! made the courageous decision to made the netanyahu courageous decision to accept
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every cease-fire offered, even if the people of israel were under attack, hamas rejected , to restore the fight. this is not what we wanted. he has sent our children, our sons and our daughters, to face an enemy that lives by violence and celebrates death. our forces are fighting in gaza, but they are not fighting the people of gaza. for years, the citizens of israel have been the victims of unrelenting attacks, perpetrated by a murderous terrorist group. hamas has attacked us on our homes and our schools, and on our buses. stand now with israel to prevent the next barrage, the next kidnapping, and the next suicide attack, so that we may once and for all remove the threat of terrorism casting its dark shadow over the people of israel.
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president, the past month alone offers a glimpse into the israelting threats that faces. we are being attacked on four fronts. rockets have been launched from syria, lebanon, & i, and over 1500 rockets have been fired by terrorists in gaza. israel's great restraint is being met with unrestrained aggression. tuesday, israel held its fire. during that time, the world witnessed hamas's understanding of cease-fires. israel seizes and hamas fires. hamas did not fire one or two rockets. it battered israel with 50 rockets. everyone sent a message loud and clear that hamas is determined to wage war on the jewish state. two days later, the u.n. asked
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humanitarian truce. once again, prime minister netanyahu agreed that israel is not interested in a war. continued to defiantly launch rockets into israel. how did hamas use the humanitarian cease-fire? it cents 13 heavily armed terrorists through a terror with theward a kibitz, sole purpose of committing a massacre. this is the third time in the past two weeks that hamas has to infiltratels israel and try to carry out attacks. while, it was still launching hundreds of rockets. days, theent, for 10 ite of 5 million israelis -- has meant seconds to run for a bomb shelter.
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our largest cities, tel aviv, , have beenjerusalem bombarded on a daily basis. there is no country in the world that would tolerate such an assault on its citizens. israel should not be expected to either. we are acting solely to defend israeli from constant terror attacks. committed toen upholding international law. our army is a moral army, like no other in the world. it does not aspire to harm any innocent people. we are operating only against terrorist or gets, and generally regret any civilian loss. in contrast, there is no red line that hamas will not cross. there is no depth they will not sink to. they are even using ambulances filled with children to move their terrorists around gaza.
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there is no site that is off-limits for hamas. it is storing its weapons in family homes, launching rockets from mosques, and establishing its headquarters in the basement of a gaza hospital. camera -- amra admitted it found 20 missiles in one of its schools. i am sure it will make time to check its other facilities, and will discover this is just the tip of the iceberg. hamas is using u.n. facilities to commit a double war crime by targeting israeli civilians while hiding behind palestinian civilians. from the safety of the luxury leadersn qatar, hamas order room service with one hand and order hamas to use palestinians as human shields with the other. but you do not have to take my word for it. the palestinian delegate to the
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u.n. human rights council admitted as much in saying, and i quote, the missiles that are now being launched against israel, each and every missile constitutes a crime against humanity, whether it hits or misses, because it is directed at civilian targets. i hope the palestinian delegate , duringember that threats and entering some u.n. organizations. israel has been faced with a choice no nation should have to make. refrain from responding and subject civilians to rocket attacks, or engage with terrorists and risk injuring civilians. hamas uses palestinian casualties to fuel its propaganda machine. hamas's strategy is clear. it perpetuates the killing of its own people in the hope that the international community will place pressure on israel to
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grant its demands. sadly, many people have fallen for this cynical campaign by describing the fighting as moral equivalency, or "cycle of violence." those who argue that both sides are equally to blame are playing into hamas's hand and sentencing the people of gaza and israel to further suffering. ill-informed condemnations of israel strengthen the hands of terrorists. there is a clear difference between israel and hamas. the jewish people believe in the value of life while hamas believes in the value of taking life. how many more palestinians must follow the him before president abbas finally breaks his partnership with hamas? abbas is the president of the unity government that includes a murderous terrorist group. what exactly is this government united for? obviously not for peace. president, even as alarm
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sound throughout israel, some members of the international falseity are sounding alarms in the united nations. he told us that as soon as israel retreated to 1967 lines and dismantled its settlements, there would be peace, insisting the conflict was fueled by the so-called occupation. occupation? does no one remember anything? in 2005, when i headed israel's foreign service, israel turned every inch of gaza over to the palestinians. in the process, the world watched as we uploaded -- uprooted thousands of families from their homes and dismantled their businesses. when we were done, there was not a soldier, not a settler, not a single israeli left. all we left behind were greenhouses and other structures that would develop the gaza economy and allow the
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palestinian people to build a peaceful society. we open border crossings and encouraged commerce, because we wanted gaza to succeed. we hoped this would serve as a model for societies to live side-by-side in peace. hamas used the pretense of democracy to create a militant theocracy. first it wages civil war against and executesata political opponents. then it destroyed the greenhouses and businesses we left hind, and instead of using them to build economic institutions, it built a terrorist regime, complete with miles of underground tunnels. it seized funding that load from the international community to flood gaza with weapons. each and every month for the past nine years, hamas has fired toward israeli towns and cities.
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it expanded its arsenal of rockets from a few hundred to thousands. the weapons they have today are more sophisticated and can reach further into israel than ever before. escalatedyears, hamas attacks by launching a massive offenses. 2008, over three weeks, hamas fired 800 rockets that would reach one million israelis living in the area near gaza. 120012, hamas fired rockets in a single week, that could reach 3.5 million israelis in southern and central israel. in the last two weeks, hamas has fired 1500 rockets that threaten 5 million israelis, or 70% of our population living throughout the country. after each escalation, the international community brokers
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a cease-fire, and israel accepts it, hoping it will finally bring peace. after three rounds of major assaults and over 12,000 pockets in nine years, 12,000 rockets in thatyears has become clear hamas is not interested in bringing quiet to gaza. strategy.oying a when hamas finds itself on the verge of defeat, it agrees to a brief recess to reset, rearm, and resume aggressions. mr. president, for years we told you about the thousands of rockets that hamas was smuggling into gaza. we talked, and we repeated. we were met with silence. again, we were told the international community condemned the rocket fire, and we were met with silence. it is time for the international
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community to face the consequences of its in action. hamas used its foothold in gaza to trample on the palestinian hamas is using its abilities to export to gras. if hamas is not stopped it will mean more terror for israel and more tragedy for the palestinians. the unity agreement between fatah and the terror organization believed it would bring them closer to peafments does that sound logical? how could embrace ago terror group with the eradication of israel bring about peace? but now it should be clear that hamas is using the cover of the political agreement to gain legitimacy for its extremist objectives.
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