tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN August 9, 2014 2:00am-4:01am EDT
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choice, so much so, i've noticed a couple of things in d.c. when in the people start liking something, the federal government sues. there seem to be a correlation relationship. i do not really know what it is. in louisiana, they decided to go forward with the agenda and the department of justice decided, you cannot help poor kids get a better education. unacceptable. it will hurt public education. i assume that is what they said. do not quote me on that one. they said something like that as they attacked public education because of school choice. i believe the way you improve public education is to decentralized public education from washington, d.c. and send the control, decision-making, and money back to the states. [applause]
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think about the fact that the average employee at the department of education makes $103,000 per year and the average teacher makes $50,000. people keep telling we have a money problem in education. i think we have a priority problem. we are supposed to spend $700 billion annually on education. we can do better. we should demand better. the second part of the choice act, kids with special needs deserve to maximize their individual potential. everyone in america deserves to understand their own potential. what we say is that if you cannot get in the education your
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child needs in your zip code, you should make the idea portable just like we have school choice for honor roll kids, we should allow the same thing for kids with special needs. a great story is a young lady, at the time she was five years old and going to kindergarten and she had down syndrome, rachel lewis. doing pretty well in mainstream classes. the teachers got uncomfortable with her being with other students and tried to push her into special education. here parents fought to keep her in the mainstream classes. after a year and a half, her parents were successful and they realized that ultimately these teachers who fought to get her out of the classroom are now going to be responsible for educating her. they took her to a private school. 20 years later or 18 years later, just now 20 years old and
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she graduated from hidden treasures with a high school diploma. she does not have one job, she has two jobs. if we give people the opportunity to maximize their potential, they will succeed beyond our wildest imagination. one guy is above to do above what we ask for and that is the picture i want for the kids. thank you. [applause] a bottle of water, thank you very much. this is great. coming from south carolina where is 95 degrees, waking up to 58 or 60 degrees in colorado springs the other day and a little sniffle.
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i am going back tonight to south carolina and my body is still at adjusting. i will be ok. thank you for the water. i will tell you this though. the second part of the opportunity agenda is in fact how do we build a better economy? i would tell you a couple of things. i will finish in three minutes. it is simple. if you look at the economic recovery around this nation, if we did not see success in the energy sector, we would not have this terrible, anemic recovery we are having today. the balance of our success has been driven by our energy production. and today, our president is considering whether we should federalize the rules and
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regulations around fracking, drilling, and taking over. i think it is a bad idea. [applause] y'all think it is a bad idea? that is good. one of my bills and my opportunity agenda, i believe there are resources in the atlantic ocs, we will discover i believe gas. if we do that, south carolina can see $1.8 billion in revenue. 9 million jobs in america are connected to oil and gas and we could double in the next 15 years. we can see unemployment across all of america. once again, if it starts working right, the president thinks it
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is wrong. that is a problem we can solve. [laughter] [applause] we can solve that problem. let me close with this. over the next several months, you guys and gals will have an opportunity to send help to the united states senate via cory gardner. we have to have, cory's cousins are clapping to him. we need cory gardner. if we are going to succeed in 2014, we have to hold onto the 45 we have. i have colorado on the map. we need 51. if we are going to have a real
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shot, will want to improve the likelihood of of success, we leave the house and senate on the same page using reconciliation and a budgetary opportunities to push the agenda to the president's desk and make them say yes or no to things like the keystone pipeline and taxes. we want to figure out how to tackle the issues coming our way. it takes a majority in the senate and the house and with your help, this is a key state. the west was won by the conservatives. we need your help. by doing so, we will return america to the brightest path forward with the best opportunities for success and we will see more kids like me rising up not to be senators but to be ceos and presidents in their communities. god bless you. god bless the united states of america. [applause] >> former bush cheney campaign
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manager ralph reed addressed the event. quote moral and spiritual quickening in america. this is 30 minutes. >> thank you. thank you so much. good morning, western conservative summit. did you like hearing from senator scott? we need about 50 more like that in the u.s. senate. amen. let me say to senator scott and to his colleague, help is on the way. i think there is going to be a
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wall of water 50 feet high that is going to hit the beaches of this political system on november 4, 2014 and we will see real change. 4, 2014 and we wile real change. not the kind of change we were promised in 2008 by the way. remember that? we are the change we have been waiting for? remember when there was a candidate who promised that if we would just vote for him, if the waters would receive, partisanship in washington would come to an end. we would live in sweetness and light and the planet would heal itself and all would be wonderful. remember that? one journalist and
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editor of a major news magazine that went on television who said that barack obama uttered those words hovered over the rest of us kind of like a god. umm, you remember obamaeek" magazine after was elected did a cover story and the headline of which was " we are all socialists now." and wask" went bankrupt sold for one dollar after that headline. ie differences between eu and and millions who share our values and the folks who fail for that line and who fell for that false and misleading promise is we are not looking for a messiah, political or
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otherwise because we of are ready found our messiah. we do not look for that out of politicians anywhere. e want you to look at th outcome or product of the policies and leadership that were promised six years ago. the economicurn to landscape where we now have a $17 trillion national debt. a national debt that is equal to the entire u.s. economy. a national debt that is equal to the annual output of our entire economy top to bottom. economists tell nemic a warning sign of a growth, sluggishness, joblessness because those who
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are creating jobs are having to overweight cost of a government that is too big and spends too much and out of control. way, that $17 trillion national debt will be 20 choy in dollars by the time -- $20 trillion i the time barack obama leaves office. that is just the national debt and does not include $75 trillion according to the national center for policy nfunded medicare and medicaid and social security, promises made to future generations and beneficiaries that cannot be paid and will never be able to be paid. without either tripling the payroll tax, cutting benefits, or more. in addition to the national debt
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and in addition to the fact we are spending more on interest education we spend on and the military combined, you also have this debt timebomb of unfunded entitlement operations. we are still in the slowest and most anemic recovery from the longest and deepest recession since world war ii. a recession in which the federal government borrowed $1 trillion from the chinese and other lenders in order to spend it on cash for clunkers and digging holes and filling the backup and promising unemployment would never rise above 8%. well the lowest labor participation rate in 35 years. according to 40 economists, leading economists surveyed by "the wall street journal," in an article, they estimate that economic growth in 2014 will be
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a eurozone 1.6%. folks unless we see change, this is what we are staring at 4 staring -- we are staring at for as far as we can see. bloodiest east, the and most unstable region in the fkl -- flames from tripoli to the mediterranean. syria, a bloodthirsty dictator that this president drew a redline and said if he cross it, he would pay. and then retreated at the behest did takeir putin, dead -- that a dictator has of his own 160,000
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innocent civilians in order to keep our wall of this .dministration sat and watched catholic priests is have been -- catholic priests have been beheaded trying to overthrow that administration. the muslim brotherhood took place and began to destabilize the peninsula and turning get into the wild west and it has been replaced by a military regime. in iraq, isis, and al qaeda a radical of over iate, over 160,000 christians in iraq, the last remaining christians in that country have literally had to flee for their lives. and these terrorists are mocking
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the entire free world and essentially spitting on the graves of americans who gave their lives to liberate that country and in this administration cannot do think other than send 300 military advisers. behind,, we lead from leading to the attack on the compound and benghazi. in russia and crimea, vladimir crimea ands threatens in ukraine and the other baltic republics and as you know, this week, 239 innocent people lost their lives when malaysian airline flight 17 was shot down. i believe by pro-putin separatist guerrillas. what does the united states do? nothing. i do not expect any action about
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any of these things including the fact that in gaza, a terrorist haven occupied by firedfunded by iran has thousands of rockets into israel. thank goodness there is a leader in a benjamin netanyahu who will stand up for his people and defend his country. [applause] i know i speak for not only you but millions of americans when i say that we have israel's back in this struggle and they have every right to defend themselves. [applause] don't you wish we had a leader like that in the united states of america? what we get is what shakespeare called "words, words, words."
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talk, talk, talk. every now and again, they can free time on the schedule for being in the fitness center and watching espn or yet another hoops,ser or shooting whatever else is going on and you can go to the microphone to utter an empty condemnation of another act of tyranny. friends, weneed, my need a leader who will put down the putter and get off the golf course and give us moral current and deeds of action and not just words. [applause] that is the international theme. who would've ever thought that do even a generation removed
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from the fall of the berlin wall , the disintegration of the ofiet union, and in the end one of the most dark and evil kind,s that governed man namely the soviet union. as margaret thatcher correctly the coldald reagan won war without firing a shot. we would be looking at a world today that is more dangerous and more unstable and more of a threat to our vital national security interests. how does the culture affect this picture? my friends it affects us in profound ways. regardless of who we send to washington, we live in a nation today where one out of every two marriages roughly in and in divorce and half of all children, a majority of all
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children in america today will grow up in a home without either a mother or a father. usually a father. 40 percent of all the children born in america this year will be born outside of the institution of marriage. we talked a lot about the direct to theinstant -- threat institution of marriage by same-sex marriage and i believe very strongly that marriage should be defined as a man and a woman in a sacred union for their entire lives. [applause] that will tell you, straight folk have done more damage to the institution of marriage than just about anybody would've dreamed of doing. way in the african-american community, that figure is 72%. in it he has sped community, --
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in the hispanic amenity, is 52%. there is no way to build a society of future, productive, and engaged workers, citizens, and taxpayers without the family of an intact that gives a child tougher law. there is no teacher, no cop, and counselor,o juvenile no prison warden, no government program out of denver or washington or anywhere else that will be able to do for that child was only a loving mother and father can do for that child. [applause] and if you think that is just rhetoric, i want you to consider this. new yorkport in the times, a newspaper i do not make
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a daily habit of reading, but in this case, a fact was accidentally reported. [laughter] 80% ofreported that graduates of public high school in new york city, wednesday sought entry into the city of new york university system were either functionally illiterate, could not read or write, or required remedial classes to even get ready for college-level work. paper in south georgia a few years ago. the facility and they show me all the technology and product to be and amount of things and they were able to produce on a daily basis. and i was amazed after the sophistication, and the
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cutting-edge engineering and technology that they use. these were huge machines. at blinding speeds. afterwards, we want them to the office of the plant manager and i said, tell me the biggest challenge you face as somebody who is managing a facility like this with over 1000 employees. and i thought he would say the corporate tax rate or the eta or osha, government regulators. you know what he said to me? he said the biggest problem i have is hiring employees. i said, you have got to be kidding me? people are unemployed and get -- and needed jobs. i have a 100 jobs i have to fill in this plant every single year. the 1000 i have to fill a year. if i get 1000 applications, the
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first thing i do is administer a drug test. fuse --er flunked or refuse to take it. you do not turn down taking down a drug test if you are going to pass it. he said in the second thing i do is give them an eighth grade reading test. half of them flunk it. hire a, i have to hundred people out of what is left. and the moral of the story is , so, as the family goes goes the nation. what really makes america great in the end is not it streets of skyscrapers or- checkbooks or 401(k) plans, or wall street, or military power, or anything else. the thing that makes america
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great and will restore america character ofis the our leaders and the moral fiber of our people and our alliance on almighty god and do nothing short of those things will turn america around. [applause] now, i have painted was some of you may think is a fairly bleak picture this morning. i ask you, do i paint it fairly or do i exaggerate? i think i paint it fairly. here is the good news. we have been here before. in the dark here days of the american revolution when frankly, a ragtag bunch of patriots, most of by that point it did not even have shoes and were walking into battle with cloth wrapped around bleeding feet. we faced a did during the great
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depression stop and when we took on fascism and defeated the nazis. days of it in the dark before the civil war when a 600,000 americans lost their aves and brother faced brother and family member faced family member across 1000 bloody battlefields from one end of this country to another. we have been through valleys before. and we have always returned to things happen. number one, we need a moral and awakening --great spiritual great awakening that restores the foundation of this country. [applause] and we needed that great awakening to begin and our homes and our families, our marriages, our houses of worship, and
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community and we needed to rubble from there. if we want real change, we needed to begin with us. with a greater reliance on god and a renewed commitment to serving the lord, to glorify him , and to make america great again. and the second thing we need which i truly believe will be a byproduct of the first, we need change. and our political and civic system. changea real and honest not the counterfeit version we were offered six years ago. have meet this morning, we of thes until the end obama administration. not that anybody is counting. folks, we do not have to wait that long because we have an election that will decide
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control of state houses governorships and the house of representatives and in my view, most importantly, the u.s. days and was a lot of work to do to make sure that there is change that sweeps from one end of this country to the other and make it clear we will stand and will fight for our values. [applause] now, in order to do that, we have to build a strong grassroots organization. andork handily outhustled 2008 and 2012. barack obama had over 3 million volunteers and $4 million in 2008 and evil more in 2012. raised over $1 billion. you give me the white house $1 billion and air force one and i will beat you nine times out of 10. we have to be knocking on doors
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and registering voters and turn that vote out. at mys what we are doing organization, faith and freedom coalition. we have organizations in 34 states and we will be deploying over 2000 staff into every key, n thisitive race i country. what a voter file of 27 .5 million conservative christian and faithful catholic voters and them,l mail them, phone knock on their doors. we have a cell phone numbers all 42% of those over voters. we will text them. if they have not voted by election day, we will drive to their house and will get them to be polls and change the direction of this country. [applause] i think people are ready for that. i think people are ready to quit waiting for somebody else to
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save us. and they are ready to be the answer themselves. coalitionnd freedom right now, we are adding over 1000 new members every single day and we will cross the one million member mark sometime in the next 30 days. [applause] the second thing we need is a message. , a message ofope opportunity, a message that says america's best days are still we have answers and solutions for people who need a job, who need a safe and secure retirement plan, who need quality health care at an affordable price. beenn the way it has offered under the present administration but a consumer centric, freedom driven the health care system that will not allow bureaucrats to pick our
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doctors and tell us which plans we have to join, but will go out and do that ourselves. will compete among free insurance companies to get the most affordable plan that fits for us. [applause] you see, if we truly mean what to offernd we want this country a brighter future, we cannot say what we are against. we have to say what we are for. we have to vote yes and we have to have an agenda for every american. on the things that affect their daily lives. messengers, we need we need messengers who can deliver that message with a wisdom and love and with an inviting spirit to people who may not ever -- who may not always felt welcome. including seniors and young people and african-americans,
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latinos, asians. people who will not always been a part of our movement for real and honest change. bill rusher, the publisher of barryal review, once said goldwater believed all the things ronald reagan believed and reagan believed all the things goldwater believed. ronaldith a frown and said with a smile and he made all the difference. as you leave here this weekend, do me a favor -- smile. an invitingrward spirit and face and let people know that if they believe in the constitution, the declaration of independence, and the bill of on our we wanted them team. let's hang out a welcome mat and we wanted himn. on our team. amen. [applause]
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his the only guy who ended sentences with amen? i hope not. we need to be bold. the bible says we have been given a spirit, of love and power. there is power in this message. tried totly, they have get us to be silent bisecting the irs on christian and pro-israel organizations. they tried to conquer great regulations that set with cannot post voter guides on a website. listen, i have news for you this .orning -- i am an american my freedom has been purchased with the blood of a great cloud of witnesses that now stand up in heaven and look down on us
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and cheers us on to finish the fight they began. i am now going to cower or grovel or be silent or beg and plead to any irs or bureaucrats, any lawyer, any left-wing media outlet. i will stand up and speak out in what i believe and. [applause] mention, i have to wrap up now. i think this is really important. in that the boldness, we need to quit apologizing for our faith. we need to quit apologizing for being believers in christ. you saw where phil roberts of "duck dynasty," was dismissed by the network but cuts in an interview with "rolling stone," and don't tell me why he was talking with them, i do not
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know. i could've given immediate advice on that one. he expressed a belief and in the bible and they tried to dismiss them all fist -- facebook and twitter and e-mails and in phone calls and e-mails to the network , millions and millions of people said if you do not put him back on the air, we will never watch your channel again. a put him back on the air. -- they put him back on the air. [applause] when the obama administration tried to tell hobby lobby and other privately held small businesses and companies whose ceos are believers they have to pay for medication that causes the taking of the life of an unborn child, many of us went to court and we beat them like a drop in and we need to continue to stand and fight. [applause] who we are done apologizing for being christians -- and are done
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apologizing for being christians and the values we hold our eternal and they made a nation great and they will make a great again and we will be bold and unapologetic. we demand leaders who do the same. who do not retreat when they come under attack. close this morning by quoting a man who i believe is probably the best friend in this country ever had. winston churchill. his mother was an american. he loved this country. and even though he was a british citizen and a british leader, he the cause of liberty and the world on this and fellles -- rose with the prosperity of america. , the americansaid people always do the right thing
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after they have exhausted every other possibility. [laughter] he knew us pretty well. lastou know are over the 20 are 30 years, we have exhausted a lot of possibilities. we tried the sexual revolution and chemicals, whether drug or alcohol. we tried material it was at this is filling ourselves up -- inquisitiveness and filling ourselves up. who could dopeople stuff that only we could do ourselves. we have exhausted every other possibility. now it is time to restore this last hope for mankind to what it was created and intended to be which is one nation under god once again. thank you all v >> a panel of conservative
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i want to welcome back mary catherine. guy, james golden, newcomer. great book out there. thanks for being with us today. last night at the opening of summit 2014, we heard, we heard the remarkable dr. ben carson propose a truce between the "rinos" and the tea party. somebody came to me afterward, two sisters, the simon sisters the first words out of their mouth for that they are loving the program. right after that, john, don't ever let the establishment takeover the western conservative summit. let the est takeover the western conservative summit. you have to keep away from those "rinos."
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so there it is in a nutshell. one approach is conciliation. the other approach is polarization. let's get started with guy benson. who is winning the fight on the right? ,stablishment versus tea party drug legalizers versus drug enforcers, foreign affairs and national security hawks versus .oninterventionists who is winning, and are we hurting ourselves more than we are hurting the enemy? >> thanks for having me back. i heard this is a record-breaking year for the summit, so thank you all for being here. john and his team put on a tremendous event. all of us do a lot of conferences over the course of any given year, and the western conservative summit is one i'm always looking forward to. it is a loaded question that john asks, obviously.
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he covered a lot of ground in his question. i would say there's a few different ways i was ruminating about how to answer this. you can attack it from various angles. you can look at the 2014 cycle and some of the primary fights that happened. who has had the upper hand on this tea party grassroots versus establishment sort of struggle going on? there are examples in both columns. mitch mcconnell easily won against the tea party challenger in kentucky. -- on the grassroots side you have nebraska with his primary. eric cantor was defeated, something no one saw coming. and then the sweet spot examples, one right here in .olorado consensus-building candidates
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for the republican party. maybe we can get into that later on. another way to phrase the question is to look at it through the prism of the upcoming 2016 cycle and the potential republican field of candidates. while i think that is wildly premature, the first rule of political commentary is that it is never too early to baselessly and recklessly speculate about the next presidential election, so perhaps we will get into that. but if you want my candid and honest opinion to the very simple question, was winning the fight on the right? it is this. the left. the left is winning the fight on the right. because we are spending an enormous amount of time and energy and passion and money beating the tar out of each other. i was reading in "the wall street journal" earlier this week -- rino. what, -- would, >> it is a rino publication.
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they had an info graphic about spending from the biggest super pac's on the right and the left. they took the top three super tops on the right and the three on the left, harry reid's group, house majority pac, independence usa. they broke down the numbers. the democratic super pac's have spent $24.1 million, where the republican side has spent $13.8 million. so for a party constantly wringing its hands about big money in politics, the democrats are very comfortable spending lots of big money as long as it is big liberal money on politics. but if you look down a little further into the numbers, and this is where the journal's thee was so important, of $13.8 million spent by topper publican leaning super pac's, 74% of the money was spent fighting primaries. 74%. thehe democratic side, of
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$24 million, 90% of it was on general elections to be the right, to beat conservatives. only 10% went to primary fights. i'm not here to say we should not have robust debate on foreign policy and social issues. we should have those things. we are a party and the movement of ideas, and debating things openly is important. i'm not saying we should just crown people nominees without blinking an eye and sort of do with the democrats due, immediately and unquestionably stand up and salute. they are much better at that than we are. i don't think we ought to aspire to be just like them. however, we have to think about too tediously when it -- strategically when it makes sense to fight against each other, went to kiss and make up and go on to the real battle united. if we don't do that, the left will continue to es for lunch
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every single -- eat us for lunch every single cycle, and they are absolutely thrilled to see this inter-necine fight play out. that is the challenge, to figure out how to navigate those seas. on a positive note, what you have done on the senate race in colorado is exactly what needs to be done nationally. thank you. [applause] >> thanks. that gets us to a great start. thinking about that acronym we throw at each other on the right, "republican in name only," "rino." do you hear the other party calling people a "dino," democrat in name only? socialiste that the progressive nostrums that failed again and again are as extinct as a dinosaur but they don't call themselves that. that is revealing. guy says the left is winning the
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more we fight amongst ourselves. what say you? a coupleave won in instances, but you cannot talk about this without looking at where the battle between the nonestablishment and establishment comes from. that comes from people being very frustrated with republican versus democrat, not seeing a difference in the parties in washington. [applause] we have a why conservative movement and the tea party movement the way we have seen it is because after president bush left in 2008, president obama came in and people said, there's not a lot of difference between and what big spending republicans are doing and what big spending democrats are doing. that's why it is important that grassroots at this -- activists got into the cycle and had a historic movement. the debate is a very important thing. we can talk about serious issues without demonizing each other and come to some agreement. guy is right when he says the
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left is winning when we cannot come to agreement on big issues we agree on. the fact is, the establishment and conservatives agree on a lot of big things that can have big political impact. obamacare is one of them. the irs scandal is another one. if we focus on issues we can all agree on to fight the left, that is how we can win. it is really important to stay focused, that this is not a one-size-fits-all policy. guy pointed out the differences between lindsey graham winning in south carolina for example, different from what happened in virginia with eric cantor. the immediate headlines in the media, tea party loses or establishment wins. the media feels a lot of this wa r going on between us on the right as well, whether it is true or not. it is important to have healthy disagreement, and the best solutions are found by looking at our differences, airing our
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differences in a nonpersonal attack way. behind closed doors, talking about how we can come to agreements on some very big issues. we have a lot of them. you mentioned libertarian versus social conservatives. a lot of libertarians are pro-life. that is an issue we can win on. that is an issue that can bring other people were not on the right in on according to pol ling. nobody is going to get everything they want. one of the biggest frustrations, when ted cruz to the filibuster, for a double, the immediate reaction was he is crazy, why is he doing this, everyone will remember the government shutdown. nobody remembers the government shutdown. that was a false idea put forward by the media. i don't like this idea that the us government -- that the establishment, whenever there is any idea from the grassroots it is put off.
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when you have been in power for 30 years, you feel threatened and don't want that power taken away from you. by going back to the point at the beginning, we have to take is. look at where the fight -- a serious look at where the fight on the right comes from. in terms of big government republicans, we take a hard look at the way they are voting the way they are in bed with crony capitalism. [applause] easy for it is really people who have been in the senate or congress for 30 years to disapprove new ideas coming from the grassroots and say they will not work, when i don't think washington is working very well. we have seen conservative grassroots really infiltrate and cost problems -- cause problems, and there has been frustration about gridlock. it was set up in a way so we were not going through all these things.
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when republicans were in charge under george w. bush, we didn't do a very good job. we expanded government significantly. 2009, government was expanding significantly. we are at a tipping point where we have to rein government in or we will never be able to fix it. we can come to an agreement on the right. we should do it in a way that is not attacking each other necessarily. we need to take a look at where the fight comes from. it comes from people in washington getting very comfortable agreeing with each other on both sides of the aisle and not wanting to rein in government spending, which is why we are here today. >> that's great. thank you very much. [applause] james, move that laptop off to one side and lifted the camera in. get a load of the hat and jacket on james golden.
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summit 2013 veterans will remember that i had serious fashion and the web moderating the james golden panel a year ago. my staff did focus grouping. i wanted to be as hip as james golden in 2014. clearly, i have made very little progress. i am wearing the new centennial institute limited edition 1776 signature time. -- tie. the 2012 edition was blue. the 2014 addition is hope -- red, we hope politically prophetic. it's a great conversations either. -- conversation starter. be sure to get one at the exhibit booth. this is where i have gone out and gone pretty wild. with the example of george h.w. bush and egged on by our media
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team, we are now into the crazy socks. down --ast in the angle ankle down he's no longer a dinosaur. i will be working on the rest of me. no crossroads of america gets more of this debate than the rush limbaugh show. when somebody dials the number and wait in line for 90 minutes, you are holding them. what do you think? >> number one, i think you are a pretty hip guy, and proof positive is you are making such a difference with your leadership. the western conservative summit has grown to be one of the premier political events in the country. so congratulations to you and everyone who put this together. [applause] think about rush i want to say how blessed i am to have worked with rush limbaugh for so many
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years, and what a great and amazing human being he is. i thank him. i thank god for bringing that man into our lives and our country, and for all of you who listen and support the show, thank you so much. who was winning? it's obvious, you told me the left is winning hands down. not just the left. the left-wing media is having a field day. we are political father -- fodder. they play us conservatives as if sometimes a stradivarius. they know what we are doing wrong. if you want to know who else is winning, the forces of intolerance are winning. look no further than what just happened in mississippi. for an example of what happens when this gets really ugly. prepared to put everything into this battle against each other, and yet what
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we keep waiting for is for somebody to take the same energy and oppose the administration in washington, d.c. and that never happens. so what we get is this full-fledged war, and it has been a full-fledged war on the tea party since almost day one. i have never seen in my life where you have a majority handed to you in an election that conflict the house -- can flip the house. the 2010 midterm elections were historic, and they should have been. it was a sea change. have,d what you politically as a backstop to going -- what was going on with the obama administration, you have the republican leadership pretty much ignore the victory that was handed to them and squander what could have been a
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natural alliance with the tea party. [applause] who won? are they winning? is the tea party winning from this? absolutely not. the only people who could be winning politically are the left on this. one of the things we have to do as conservatives is win. thuiis is a war for the heart ad soul of the republican party. a third party will not cut it. you will just dilute it to the point that we will never win elections again. we conservatives have to win this fight for the heart and souls of the republican party, and that is our mission. it is that simple. [applause] >> well said. fourth point of view from the panel. mary katharine hamm was with us when the summit was just getting started back in 2011. skype lasth us via
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year. westernt official conservative summit baby got into this world. at home now with dad, 11 months old. i'm glad you're with us in person. who is winning the fight on the right? >> thank you for having me. thank you for allowing me to skype in last year. i would have brought in my daughter, but frankly she is a lot more quiet -- was a lot more quiet last year than now. it is an honor to be with you guys, who do so much work and wage this fight in ways that are big and small all the time. it's really cool to be here with you, who i have heard so much about for years. to meet you in person is a blast. to echo a couple things you said, yes, the media is interested in our fight. that's part of the issue, and
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leg into that is something we need to be wary of, especially when things get so ugly, as in mississippi. a brief example, a friend of mine who does conservative politics got a call from a reporter the other day putting together a panel of conservatives who disagree on gay marriage to talk about where the issue is going. when there are so many other things to talk about. she said, i am not really so interested in relitigating all these issues we disagree on. when she was done having this conversation with the media, she comes to me and says, i have never seen a panel with a put democrats with fracking advocates and have them fight about what they disagree about. [applause] i think we need to be aware of that. some of these things are not easily changeable. .f you go to war with the media
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but being aware of that is important. i want to maybe take this in a slightly different direction by saying that i think one of the issues with the fight we have with each other is that it can wall us off from the new people we want to speak to. ofause they hear a bunch "more conservative than you" bickering, and they just cannot relate to that. because perhaps they never identified as conservative. perhaps they are hearing only fighting, not ideas that speak to them. so that is something we need to be wary about. and i want to offer a couple issues where i think we can speak to new people, and for the most part many establishment folks and tea party folks and libertarians can come together on something. i apologize, i will get a little al sharpton on you. because these are going to rhyme, all right?
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here are the issues. , food andtion libations, education, and innovation. these are all areas where the left is full of nanny-state fundsuckers, trying to ruin everything. [applause] on overregulation, most of us can agree. this is something where the debate is healthy, because it is true that within the establishment the people who you have on the opposite side of these issues from conservatives, the opposite side from where they should be, they are establishment republicans. they have been inside too long, and they are functionally with the left on some issues. i think the tea party has done an amazing job of pulling some of those people back to where they should be, and we continue
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to fight that fight. all knowgulation, we that it crushes dreams. it creates situations where people cannot rise up. that is something we can all agree on and make an argument about. many people in america do not understand that these new hundredons, there is a handed down every day, they diminish the american dream little by little every time they happen. that is an argument we can make. on food and libations, first of all, young people who we would like to reach really hate michelle obama's school lunches. [applause] they also are not particularly fond of soda bans. >> when did the first lady turned into the lunch lady anyhow? area where wean can talk to new people.
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sometimes locally, frankly. when you have some people who are default liberals who really love food and farm to table and all these things the left talks about, those things require freedom. they require the fda not to come in and say, i'm sorry, your homemade sausage you would like to sell to your neighbors does not have enough nitrate in it for our taste, so you are not allowed to make those transactions among three people. when that happens, it crushes dreams, crushes a small business, and makes life less fun for people who would like to eat delicious pork products. we can make that argument to people. education, obviously. freedom to choose is of dire importance, of the most importance in communities we are not reaching. finally, innovation. that's right. it? like my al sharpton b
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uber, i know you guys know about it, the alternative to taking a cab. liberals love it. they are literally limousine liberals on this issue. they love having a limo pick them up because they ordered it on the smartphone, so suddenly they are libertarians and they don't want government and taxicab companies to come down on these things. young people are very transactional about politics. what is it doing for me? sometimes that makes me sad, because a lot of times we go, thank you, government, for doing this for me. but we can make an argument that this is where the government is ending in your way -- standing in your way. it is not doing things well. teaming up with unions to keep you from new innovation. so there are some areas where we can all say, i am on board. republicans, many of them establishment, have been good at
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identifying areas where we can make an argument. so i want to offer that with the caveat that yes some of the people we do fight on these issues will be establishment republicans sometimes. >> thank you. that is gray. -- great. [applause] >> three years at the summit. speaking of food and libation, i will see you al sharpton and raise you dr. seuss. "lessans, they always say green eggs and more hamm." i have a food theme. work with me. >> green eggs is just a metaphor. -- going out on c-span, folks.
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i want to go through the lightning round as time wan es. james and i are the ones with living memory of the great reagan victories of the 1980's. you have living memory, but you were all fairly young. the gingrich revolution of the 1994 with the contract for america. we wax nostalgic and say, it was great back then when the right was not so divided. we had our eyes on the prize and agreed on 80% and disagree amicably on the other 20%. i will start with you, james. is that just a false nostalgia? was it really better, or have we always have these fights? >> reagan was a better leader than what we had today. if you remember, the left absolutely detested ronald reagan. so didt as it is kept, certain republicans who we would now call establishment
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republicans. what made him a great president, ronald reagan did not waver from his convictions. he knew what he wanted to do. you can start going into the nuances of policy, but when you look at would reagan wanted to do, optimism was number one. he believes in the greatness of the american people, and he was not afraid to say it. this is a great country. i love this country. every particle of this man loved america, and that is one of the reasons america let him back. number two, he wanted a strong defense. he understands -- understood what the risks were from communism, and he was unafraid to build up the military. and he understood economic policy. they made fun of him, and yet this man together with margaret thatcher and the pope changed the course of history, rollback
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economic, gave us freedom and prosperity that has been unmatched since then, and did this with an unfriendly media and democrats that could not stand him. it is possible to do this again. [applause] it comes down to a leader who can inspire us around that approach. i asked the three of you, i think of these young guns, katie, how about you? you didn't live through that period, but as a pundit, have we always had these battles and divisions that we overcome? >> i had the honor of being at the reagan center yesterday. so i got a refresher on reagan's time in office. we have always had these battles, but what made reagan a
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great is when people said it was impossible to get this done in washington, he said, i don't care. we are going to do this way -- things this way. i think we can do it again. there have always been disagreements, and that is healthy. allow usisagreements to come up with new ways to do things and to get rid of bad ideas, and we are always going to have an establishment versus grassroots battle, as long as people are allowed to stay in office for 30 years at a time. when people want to hold onto power, they are not going to give it up easily, and they will want to disagree with people who want to pull back government, because that takes power away from both democrats and republicans. when people feel threatened, they disagree. but we are on our way. the 2010 election was an extremely successful, historic indictment against big 2014 we havend in
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some really good candidates who i think will go to washington and try to do their best to turn back the tide. we can do it again, and we will continue to have disagreements, but that is ok. >> i want to ask mary catherine twoguy to give us a name or that we would all agree -- it is futile to look for the next reagan, but that ability to inspire and unite around a common vision and bridge the divide. who do you see out there, mary catherine, who is good at this? >> let me say first that when it comes to reagan, i got a refresher course as well this week because i watch the address reagan gave after the korean airlines flight was shot down. thank you for thinking of me as somebody who didn't live through those years, but i do have some memories of it. [laughter] i noticed there was not an applause line for under 35 in
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the crowd, but -- i do remember some of that. i read watched the speech and course i will like reagan better than obama, if that is all the comparison is. but when i watched it, what really struck me, having been in politics when it four hours a day during this era for a while, assumed inellect he the american people. the confidence he had in them to listen to that 15 minutes of out ofosecutorial laying the facts. >> he gave us credit. he approached us like grown-ups, like citizens. >> that something i frankly get frustrated thinking about. maybe if you are explaining, you are losing, but i need to explain some things. you see studies of millennials where they are all over the map of what they believe politically.
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not a lot of confidence in government, yet they want government to do everything. they want budget cuts, but not to anything they like. there are always these paradoxes that make you scared that you cannot reach people. so having confidence that we can and being a good communicator and giving the american people credit is part of the battle. so i want to commend him for doing that. >> it is great to go back and find on youtube reagan addressing the flight shoot down from 1983. closing out very quickly, a couple names that you think are on the political scene and perhaps rising stars who have that ability to pull it together? if you care to mention a name or two letter examples of how we shouldn't do that, do that, too. >> you talk about how things have changed on the right. i want to point out quickly how the left has changed over the last few decades. the religious freedom
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restoration act passed congress with three total dissenting votes. both houses. 97-3 in the senate, unanimous in the house. sponsored by ted kennedy, signed by president clinton. this past week, every senate democrat voted to overturn the hobby lobby decision which was based on protections in that bill. we are not dealing with our democratic party any more. not even close. all this attention to how the republican party has gone to the right. they never talk about how radical the democratic party has become. [applause] so i wanted to make that point, which is not responsive to the question, but it is important to point out. >> we are on a hard break. i need any more to. >> i will now -- a name or two. >> i will answer that question.
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i have watched with scott walker has done in wisconsin with great admiration. they have thrown everything they have at the guy, and he has d out theto them, lai facts, treated the people like ,dults, got his agenda through and he is in for a very tough fight again this year. the media is out to get him. the long knives are out. if you can win for the third time in wisconsin, he should at least get a look from our side heading into 2016. [applause] >> he looks great kicking off the summit a year ago. lots of us were here. as we wrap up the panel, we catherine hamm, james goldman and guy benson, and as the rookie,, katie, we want to initiate you. i hope we have the slide.
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-- thanks. back up [a >> next, the federal communicationings commission discusses whether wireless topanies should be required allow cell phone users to send text to 911 for free. then the congressional internet advisory committee talks about online privacy. after that a debate between the in thetes running virginia senate race. tim phillips talks about the the 2014d issues in mid term elections.
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>> all week watch book tv in prime time, monday at 8:30, and tuesday through friday at 8:00. book tv feature is a wide range of topics including foreign law and legal issues, iran, coverage of book fairs and the bestuntry, sellers from this year. let us know what you think about the programs you're watching. call us, or e-mail us. >> the federal communications commission voted 3-2 that all wireless companies must allow tol phone users to send text 911 by the end of the year. the new regulations will also apply to third party messaging apps like apple's i message. came following a discussion on the matter in their opening meeting. wireless companies have until
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december 31st to comply with the new rule. this is just over an hour. i will call for the vote. all in favor say aye. no.sed, ayes have it. thank you very much. of yourureau for all activities, the request that you made for editorial privileges is granted. madam secretary, will you lead us to the next act. >> mr. chairman, commissioners, your agendam on will be presented by the public safety and homeland security bureau. entitled facilitating the
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deployment of text to 911 and generation 911 applications. >> thank you very much. admiral, are you driving this morning? >> yes, sir. i'm actually david is at the helm. helm.e is at the spoken like a true navy guy. okay, david, over to you, sir. you, chairman wheeler and commissioners. send reportsent a and third further notice of proposed rule making that commission's core mission of promoting safety of life and affirms the commission's commitment to ensuring access to emergency services for all americans. communication networks and services regularly migrate to consumersnologist and habit change. today's item ensures that the changes that have resulted in use of texting as a primary
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communications tool will also preserve consumers access to critical life saving services. mobile wireless communications in thecentral role day-to-day lives of americans with the good deal of daily centered around texting. family, myy own daughters, will not answer my phone calls. sorry, we can't deal with those kind of personal issues here. >> they will immediately answer a text, it's just a reality. the evolved nature, most country, if you send a text message to 911, during an emergency it won't be received. if you are one of the tens of millions of americans with a disability,peech the absence of text to 911 capabilities significantly your ability to get help wherever you are. of thisl implementation
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other, texting can provide a critical means of contacting 911 when a voice call may place someone in danger, such as an abuse shooter or domestic situation. recently a woman in bartholomew after gettinga threatened and prevented from leaving her home by her boyfriend was afraid to make a call to 911. she texted instead and successfully summoned police to intervene. this is one of the many emerging text to 911 success stories that badtoday preventing situations from becoming tragic. stories such as this one are four majorcause the wireless carriers took action on their voluntary commitment to to 911.t text on may 15 they reported that they had completed the work they agreed to. since then an increasing number answeringsafety points or piece apps have requested that these carriers text.11 today approximately 121 piece states are accepting
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text to 911 from these carriers. text 911 technology vendors, several hundred more thee apps are already in process. today's item lever ans the carrier, eabs a basic set of requirements that will ensure all covered text providers become text capable by the end of this year, and begin meeting requests for service in 2015. establishes a clearly defined on ramp for the remaining text to message service providers. with this certainty, states and local jurisdictions can more and fundly plan implementation for piece apps text to 911 service. clear bench marks and an operational framework provide a flexible path that acknowledges investment and work by the four major carriers but places to onus for interconnecting
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the existing carrier text to 911 the topties on the over providers. establishes a process to ensure messaging evolves the ability to use it to access it.evolves with we also propose an effort to work with the 911 stake holders to generate efficiencies. let me close with thanks to ronny wholefeel. i met with him and his talented call, they have a superb center, enabling his uniformed seven firstam to responders and to be first responders. nay have completed all the work to expert next to 9s1 and are ready to go i've after completing their training in the upcoming weeks. they put their most experienced veteran, charlene stein, on the transition task. onlily charlene just so happened
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to be the biggest skeptic of to 911. having led their integration project, she is now their biggest proponent. she gets it. wasexcitement in her voice clearly evident as she demonstrated to me not only the callssful completion of to 911 using text, but the potential to actually improve of the respects interaction with the public they serve. will lead us not only to the benefits of text to 911 but ultimately the full realization of next generation 911 capabilities. representsm significant effort of the staff and we appreciate the effort of many people throughout the commission. give special thanks to our deputy bureau chief as tim may,rica olson, ouri also want to thank
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chief technologist. in theryl king disability rights office of the keurm and government affairs bureau. in the office of strategic planning. michael and brian in the wireless telecommunications bureau and bill richard son in the office of general counsel. normally it's the tradition to have the junior person work on item.m present the but today with the importance of this item, we bring in a real seal.n, david when i point out that this year inks david's 30th year service to the commission. as an attorney advisor, david has provided a valuable legal expertise, first as a legal across to the judges, the competition, wireless publiccation bureau and safety. throughout dave has been a senior expert on all matters 911. david's comprehensive andrstanding of the rules
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regulations, coupled with his , has been an invaluable contribution to ensuring that the bureau provides the commission with the best recommendations for preserving public safety on this item. he started his career in the navy as an intelligence and assistant operations officer serving on board the mighty nuclear frigate. you., over to >> thank you. good morning, mr. chairman and commissioners. the bureau is pleased to present order andeport in third further notice of proposed rule making in the commission's to 911 next generation 911 dockets. the second report in order all commercial mobile
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providers,ces, cmls and interconnected text providers to support text to 911 and deliver 911 texts to while the piece apps, third further notice seeks comment on proposals for further to 911ments to text services as tech not evolves and improves. today's order requires all cmrs ofviders and other providers interconnected text messaging applications to be capable of to 911 service by december 31, 2014. text capable deadline, takeed text providers must preparatory measures necessary to provide text to 911, example, one, identifying the method of delivery, two, identifying and entering into any necessary contractual arrangements. plentying budgetary
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plans necessary to provide for to 911. of text the rules adopted in this order cmrs providers as well as to providers interconnected text messaging is services that enable consumers to send text messages to and receive text messages from text capable u.s. telephone numbers. does not require a condition of text to 911 by textterconnected providers, global, satellite system providers, in flight text messaging service providers and i.p. relay service providers. the order does not require delivery of 911 text messages ts that originate from wi-fi only locations or that are transmitted from devices that cannot access a cmos network. text providers have met this deadline for text have null, they will
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june 30, 2015, or six months a val i pieceof app request which, which ever is to implement text to 911 for that piece app. piece apps and covered text providers mutually agree to an alternative time frame without to obtain a waiver from the commission. the other provides for the commission to centralized data base through which piece apps may register and provide notice text ready.e the second report in order neutral technologically approach and does not mandate any particular model for to 911.ting text with respect to interdecked text providers, the -- interconnected text providers, networkat will choose a solution to deliver text to 911. thiscilitate the use of method the order requires that cmrs providers allow access to sms networks but does not
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obligation cmrs providers to sns networks.heir in addition, cmrs providers may sns to new text technologist, providing the new technology continues to support to 911 for their subscribers. the companion third further notice of proposed rule making seeks comment on proposals for further enhancements to text to 911 service as improved and arere technologies implemented. current sms tech not is capable emergency texts to the appropriate piece app, but does not provide enhanced location information with the text. the further notice proposes that providers be required to deliver enhanced consistingformation of the best available location that can be obtained from an available location tech not no later than two years from the date of final
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the further notice also proposes that covered next providers be support for text to 911. theater than two years from effective date of final rules. further notice seeks comment on as well as the, potential cost and the feasibility of the proposed time frames for implementation. notice seeksher comment on the capabilities of future texting services on and should the commission extent text to 911 requirements to additional services. notice seeks comment on the potential to deliver 911 text messages over wi-fi only networks and through the use of noninterconnected text real timenings, texting, tele mattic services. adoptionu recommends of this item and requests editorial privileges. thank you. much, david.very and thank you for the many years of leadership that you have agency, and the
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american people. >> you're welcome. >> commissioner. >> thank you. mr. chairman, helen kepter once alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. ofn you step away from all the technical details, this item relevant stake holders putting that principle into action. to send messages, photos and video clips as well innovations and broadband tech not can improve allcommunications for americans. text messaging play is a vital protecting life and property when making a call is impossibleerous or due to transmission problems. this tech not enables the more than 40 million americans with hearing and speech disabilities to use their mobile phones to
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effectively access emergency services. 911, they mayo possess the ability to make the unable toremain express what type of help they need. the commission has been trying for several years deployment of the text to 911, and other next generation technologist. the reality is that the wireless industry and public estate agencies have found it difficult to deploy these advanced services.ion the first substantial breakthrough occurred, however, of 2012, thanks to industry collaboration. carriers,ationwide the wireless carriers agree to on ay text to 911 nationwide bases by may 15 of this year. helped accelerate progress to more than 90% of the customers.reless
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the wider ability -- services,ty of these is also spurring public safety appsring points or piece to upgrade their networks so to 911n adopt next messaging abilities. work closely to help psaps services. 911 we build on that momentum with this item. the order makes clear that text should extend to consumers of all cmrs providers, well as those of certain interconnected over the top text aning services. we -- text messaging services. this actionto take thanks to the fact that several companies are currently sending messages using sms based
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theocols, routed over underlying carriers sms network. and the further notice released of this year, we expressly sought comment on the details about the various approaches over the top use to sendages can text messages. thisal companies offering service supported the tech not neutral approach that the today.ion adopts they also asserted that it is feasible to set december 31st, 2014 as the deadline for over the top message services to comply with to 9s1 mandate. i am pleased to see that the established ao centralized data base through psaps may register as text ready and notify all real van covered text providers of their
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ability to accept text. helpapproach can facilitate wider deployment of text to 911 networks. the further notice asks important questions about of these the delivery messages through more advanced tech not. seeks to comment on a proposal to require enhanced informationuracy when a 911 text is delivered. asks technical questions about delivering these messages networks andly tele mattic services. lasti left the billion night, mr. chairman, i was yats ticklythus support this item. but this morning i'm troubled by of an 11th hour proposal that would direct the communication security reliability and interopera billity council to form a task that would inquire into a
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number of issues. agree that it's appropriate to form a task force to examine the and architecture of our nation's psaps and to whether there are ways that psaps can promote operations, safety of life and cost containment. i must dissent, however, from proposal that came to my attention less than two hours task force inquiry into whether states tribal and that divert the fund should be en eligible to on various f.c.c. counsels, committees and working groups. so unnecessarily presently diss the issue and creates a voidable friction with our state partners that have worked for former joint a board chair to improve. thoser, today i commend
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parties who have been working constructively with the relevantn staff and stake holders over the years. aur collaboration is vital to successful transition to next generation 911 technologist, and to thankuld like admiral simpson, david firth, tim maycginnes in, and the other members of the public safety and homeland security bureau for working so diligently on this item. and i join you, mr. chair, in mr. siehl a happy anniversary. a fine way for all of us to celebrate with you. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> so earlier this week in new orleans i had the chance to help public safeion of communications officials mark their 80th annual conference. so it turns out the f.c.c. is not the only 80-year-old on the block. speaking directly to first responders about 911, brings focus the importance
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of our nationwide emergency number. does traveling around the country and talking directly to public safety officials on the lines. i'm proud to say i have been in 911 calling centers from to alaska, from new york to nevada, from california to colorado, and many, many more places in between. visit is striking, because operators amazed when crises mount and calls come in, they answer their phones with steely calm and heaven sure that help is on the way. every visit also remind me that the ways we communicate are changing. it was not that long ago that came onlycalls to 911 from land line phones. expanded 911, we service to mobile phones much we essential911 an
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webure of interconnected service. so technology marches on and we waysnew ways to bring the we communicate into the 911 fold. that is what we do here with texting. texting, after alling has become second nature to millions of americans, especially young people. phones morese our for ex-ing than speaking much we use texting to reach out to confirmnd family, to our plans, to vote in contests, online and on the air. to contribute to charities and campaigns. effort why i support the make to codify policies to sure that providers of text messages have systems capable of text to 911 service. this means that texting services that have become so essential to many of us can be there when we reach out in crisis. i know how critical these
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services can be, because i know texting to 911 can save lives. it already has in vermont. where i had the privilege of action in service in burlington. in addition, i know that texting to 911 can be a game changer for have who are deaf or speech difficulties. in fact, hi the privilege of up thethis up close just road in frederick, maryland where the service is available schoolre the maryland for the deaf is located. i also know, however, that to 911 can bring new complicationings. voicee let's be frank, calling still offers a speed and response that is superior to texting. countless public safety officials have told me, it forrs the ability conversation that a drop down menu of responses to an not.ency text does so educating the public matters. all stake holders will
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work together on outreach, because in times of crisis we to understand the best way to call for help. the future with texting, there are other 911 issues that require our too.tion today, more than 70% of 911 calls are made from wireless phones. that is more than 400,000 calls country every day. and this number is only going to grow. because for roughly two in five households right now, their is their only phone. here in the district of columbia that number is even larger. at one in two households. despite this nationwide change practices, our rules that provide first responders with information about where we are, when we call 911, well, they're stranded in the last century's call practices. they help first responders find when you call from a lab
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line phone. they assist first responders you callting you when from a wireless phone outdoors. but if you call from a wireless indoors, i'd recommend you hope and pray. because no location accuracy standards apply. this gap needs attention, because when you call for help, above all else, you want first responders to you. to close this gap, i think we should start with the four principles that public safety officials, equipment manufacturers, and wireless carriers have come together to support. dispatchable,e verifiable, flexible, and in reasonable i believe this is a strong foundation for improving location accuracy and finally fixing this problem. i see why am i, we update our modernize oure
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policies and we lay the tondation for making texting 911 more widely available. so this has my support. >> and we certainly agree with location.vation on i appreciate the four points that you have enumerated and with the various players, and as you know we have a procedure under way to deliver that. commissioner pie? >> the f.c.c. has no higher purpose than promoting the safety of life and property through the use of communications. it a goal congress sta established for us in the very first section of the act.nications and it's one i've taken seriously during my time on the commission. inspired my inquiry earlier this year to ensure that when he or shene calls 911 reaches machine personnel. effortso the tireless of frank hunt, mark fletcher and nation'srs in our
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lodging industry, we are starting to see real progress in in need with those those who can help. one the things i've learned from in inquiry is that there can be tragic consequences when 911 technologist do not match up expectations. fortunately, that's the case's divecourages the public to into text to 911 functionality in reality there's hardly any water in the pool. massive consumer confusion, will than advanceer public safety, i respect my dissent. headlines will no doubt lee consumers to believe that they text 911. just look at what already happened. jimmy kimmel informed millions of views that thanks to the f.c.c. text to 911, quote, accessible everywhere
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by the end of the year. and jimmy fall beened to tonight f.c.c.suers that the rolled out a new service that help.eople text 911 for there are countless reason why is all this media coverage and that will follow today's action is and will be misleading at best. me start with the fact that as mentioned, nowhere in this order. 2% of our nation's 911 call centers, known as public points, orering psapss, accepts text messages. 2%. so in your moment of need, if you try texting 911, you know for 98% of the country, you won't reach emergency personnel matter what application you use. nothing in this order will that fact any time soon. psaps areclaims that not accepting texts because the f.c.c. does not require carriers deploy it.
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this assessor does not stand up to scrutiny. largesty, the four wireless carriers make text to 911 service available to over our nation's wireless consumers. so the bolts neck clearly isn't sector.ate even in the few areas where accepting texts, there's no guarantee. for instance, if your phone is roaming, text to 911 won't work. if your device happens to be in wi-fi only mode, our rules won't apply. if you have a data plan that text but no sms subscription, your text to 911 go through. if you have a degree to let a texting app lack says your phone's location information, your text will fail. and today's mandate doesn't even most popular the and growing texting apps, like what's app. to text 911ied using those apps, you won't responders anywhere
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in the country, regardless of settings.'s put simply, we're adopting today that ebbsrk approach poses consumers to numerous pit falls. the domestic violence victim is desperate, when someone who is deaf or hard of hearing is in tod, we can't expect them navigate the intricacies of these rules to somehow inyou the the precise operating mode of their phone, or to know whether asir app is interconnected defined in the f.c.c. rules. indeed the commission itself has recognized the confusion about to 911 will harm consumers. that's why we adopted bounceback rules last year to mitigate the consumer confusion. be sure, we need to keep our 911 rules current with changes and consumer usage. but we must do so guided by a that dates principle back to the hippocratic era. first, do no harm.
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this order doesn't meet the standard. how many americans will waste precious second during an emergency attempting in vein to it. 911 because of second that could make all the difference. i fear the answer will be too many. many.y, just one is too another casualty of this order, it an ironic one, is that will delay if not disrupt the pro consumer transition of safety technology from ng911. the next general, 911 is not based on sms but rather the internet protocol or i.p. by allowing i.p. based text messaging, ng911 will general ng911 systems are built with redundancy in mind and the use allows widespread interopera billity. in11 will have built
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capabilities that will allow all consumers, including those with speech or hearing disabilities, have reliable real time text communication with emergency responders. in short, ng911 is truly a life that'sadvancement and why congress, public safety organizationings and industry urged thee all commission to focus its efforts on accelerating the deployment ng911. the public safety component of ae overall i.p. transition, clause that is close to my heart. sms has inherent limations for 911 purposes render it inappropriate for anything other than an enter sim stop gap measure. can be delayed, they can be lost, they can be delivered out of sequence. when iperienced that send sms messages, and i'm sure many of you have as well. these limitations might not matter for every day communications. they can have serious
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consequences when it's an counts.y, when it the f.c.c.'s own security, and,gs highlighted the limitationings in detail at the beginning of our rule making process. it observed back then that there remains disagreement about whether this method of access should even be considered for because of its unreliability and other factors. commenders have told us the same is true now. when we launchat this proceeding in 2011 we did so with a clear purpose of the development and deployment of ng911. even then that sms based text to 911 was an legacyfaction try technology that would not be part of the i.p. based ng911 world. but where we ended up today, we've lost sight of the forest the trees.
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the other says little about the and does evenon less to advance it. instead, it attempts to to 911ct a detailed text regime, based entirely on the sms network. and the proposed rule making portion of the order compounds by seeking comment on how we can graft additional and even more detailed requirements sms network. this won't serve consumers well. the record shows that diving down this rabbit hole will only ng911 transition. at one commenter put it, this approach takes industry off the path to ng911. set that requiring carriers to divert resources in tos manner will only serve delay the deployment of next generation emergency services, to 911ng robust text service. national emergency number association echoed these
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concerns, observing that solutions premised on legacy network elements and concepts will not form part of the long-term ng911ecosystem. short, this order will serve to frustrate, not further the ng9s1.ent of a 21st century public safety enableogy that will reliable text and multimedia messaging. confusion and delay of ng911 aren't the only flaws in order. the cost benefit analysis is another. it overstate the benefits by assuming the text to 911 is currently available nationwide. thething we know is not case. on the other side of the lentor, the analysis does not account for the tragic costs that will result from consumer confusion. does it contain any discussion of the costs interconnected app providers will incur as awe result of the order's approach which requires access use and pay for
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to other companies' software and networks. aadditionally, this other leaves far too many technical questions, some of them quite fundamental, unanswered. for example, mo is responsible transmitting bounceback messages to consumers now that apps will beor ott invoking the devices sms software, is it the ott provider carrier.reless will it be delivered to the ott the device's text messaging app. will consumer sending a 911 text ott app really need to press send twice as the item suggests, once when they use the ott app and a second time when the app invokes the native sms? will the f.c.c. allow a migration from sms to i. much based messaging. the only method for delivering relies on the sms
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network. this decision offers no guidance on these and many other technical issues and we can't step away from them. moreover, the other's legal flawed.on is it nowhere explains the statutory basis for the mandate, third party apps be given access to a phone's smsa.p.i. smsa.p.i. is a set of instructions that tells the componentsoftware should interact with each other. that is installed by the phone's manufacturers, not by wireless carriers. so how do we have the authority to mandate that an app developer get access to a manufacturingers software? once again, process concerns raise themselves. clyburn pointed out, it is not optimal when serious and substantive changes item are made with little notice to the floor and with no public input.r
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penalizes thether four nationwide wireless operators who volunteered to solution next to 911 without a mandate. reward those voluntary efforts, effort that we should be encouraging with toict regular willer mandates and the cool comfort that those new rules are generally consistent with their existing voluntary deployments. and this, as in other areas, the message to companies under the clear.s purview is doesn't matter how well you behalf or what commitments you take, thereunder will be no escape from the playground.ulatory when it comes to public safety, makingshare the goal of 911 more effective, responsive, and accessible to every american. i do not for a minute question the sincerity of those supporting this order.
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but adopting new rules that will confuse consumers during will delay theat ng911 transition, that will questions key unanswered, that undermines this goal. reasons, ise respectfully dissent. but i would like to conclude willa point that i hope unite supporters and opponents of this. it's a message i personally have from public safety officials all across this country. virginia, toy, sioux falls, south dakota to anchorage, alaska, and it's one need toican people hear. if you need to reach emergency call 911 if you can. reliable11 is the most means to reach someone who can help. best way tois the supply first responders with accurate information about your location. and calling 911 is the method most likely to give first the situational
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awareness that can help to save your life. thank you, mr. chairman. >> commissioner riley. >> thank you, mr. chairman. i have a -- i'll be brief as best i can. i visited new york city's answering point that toens a population of 8 11 million, and handles over 8 million calls a year. of new yorke city for bringing such disparate unit under one roof to improve coordination, enhance public safety and reduce costs and i staff for answering my many questions. from my lesson learn visit. if you expect public safety officials to perform at their best during catastrophes, it the needs oft for public serve can't to stay on the job hour after hour much in the building,en the architects forget to account for the basics, they didn't thereenough bathrooms and
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are no sleeping facilities. the commission seems to be decisionsimilar hasty here with this item. successful technology involved indepth analysis and machining, software testing.d regular some, however, appear completely comfortable replacing blind deadlines.tificial the theory seems to be if we mandate it, the technology will come. tech not development, however, on a 1980premised kevin costner to movie about baseball. another overarching concern of mine is the commission's pursuit regulatory scheme that presents private sector participants the choice of --her volunteer voluntarily or facing onerous regulation. problematic. it is inherently unfair to have of the federal
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government on one side of the sea saw. where is the voluntary part of this equation? even more worry some, in those instances where voluntary the goals were reaped, posts were moved just by imposing rules on the here the large wireless carriers rose to the challenge and enabled text to 911. but that did not free them from regulation. be hard finding companies to play this game in the future. item the commission also extend the text to 911 cmrsrements to smaller carriers. i find the arbitrary compliance deadlines troubling, especially sms tech not which was never intended to be secure platform.ions although this is not my preferred approach, i will theur with this portion of other pertaining to cmrs providers. i'm unable to support are the mandates imposed on text providers.
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i oppose the effort to pigeon cmrs,hese apps into the psan paradigm, especially based it's been clear since the nprn was issued that technological for interconnected text apps were uncertain. able to draw the schematics of how it might work on napkins, but three of of the supposed options do not exist. when looking at the one tiedable approach, a model to requiring access to a cmrs ofwork, i had a series questions about how the technology and regulations would work. unfortunately, i couldn't get consistent answers in which i could place any confidence as to their accuracy. prudent approach would have been to hold back on this portion and address it when this was tested, when other models were available. thephrase, perfection is enemy of good enough, has been recently used and it makes me our work would
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be measured as just good enough. american people more than good enough? good enough seems particularly when talking about emergency communications. forwe are partly to blame increasing consumer expectations, that text to 911 available by all communicationings platforms. let me be clear. it is not, and will not be for the foreseeable future. today as my colleague pointed than 1 point l% of it 121,i had 118, but with approximately 6800psaps can messages.xt if people just happen to live in theyther 98.2% of america, are out of luck. not, text to 911 is available if you do not use apps.onnected we have not required it. thest also dissent on
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further notice. it proposes to adopt enhanced roaming support requirements and seeks comment on expanding text to 911 on take, for instance, the portion on delivering enhanced vocation providers iny text a short time frame. nena states the further notice concludes and endorses adoption between the two year frame and seeks comment on such mandate. i am equally disturbed by the notion the commission could require the consumer's privacy settings be completely overridden to enhance location detection. my colleague pointed out, the cost benefits analysis contained in this item is seriously flawed. conjecture full of instead of incredible facts -- credible facts. further, we do not consider the
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