tv Newsmakers CSPAN August 24, 2014 10:00am-10:31am EDT
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>> joining us from indianapolis, mike pence. >> we have a national politics reporter and read epstein, the national political reporter with the wall street journal. >> thank you for being here. you have been mentioned as a possible two thousand 16 presidential contender. give me an assessment of how you see the emerging republican field. the republican party has a very deep bench.
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i am always very humbled to be oftioned among a long list very accomplished men and women in our party who like inc. are part of a rising generation of leadership. at the stated level. i have served 12 years on capitol hill and about 1.5 years as the governor of indiana. whatconvinced the cure for ails us will come north from our nation state capitals that it ever will from our nation's capital. i hope more republican-led states are really leading the way with the kind of results that are demonstrating that when you put these republican principles into practice this all works. i am very optimistic about the future. i'm very humbled and grateful to be among the company of so many accomplishment and women in our party across the country.
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i like our chances. for the it be a mistake party to nominate someone who is in washington now? do a mistake would for our party to continue to look to washington for a place we are going to solve many of the intractable problems facing our country. is less about where the leadership emerges from than the focus. to some extent, our party in the last quarter century has become as washington center as the democratic party. in my short tenure here as governor of the state of indiana message to policy leaders on capitol hill is very simple. when republicans regained the
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senate the fall and when republicans regained the white i think it is incumbent on our part to promote policies that will permanently reduce the size and scope of the federal government and restore to the state the resources and flexibility to solve problem's of their own jurisdiction. i believe in areas from education, health care, transportation. states are under equipped. i would say it is not so much about where the leadership comes from but my hope is that our , being a republican party that truly believes in the thetitutional framework of 10th amendment and beyond will
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look to the states as there are the way forward. >> winning over all this clinton,n, hillary what are her strengths? are her weaknesses question mark how can republicans beat her? >> i will be reading you very intently to find out. >> what is your take on clinton? i have had the occasion to work secretary clinton for many years. it is an immense political talent. the american people are less interested in public men and women talking about what is wrong for the other side than what is right about their side. is that in this falls
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elections are party will put out ofubstantive agenda solutions grounded in republican principles. i think that is what will carry or day more than criticisms comparisons with the competition. speaking of the issues that there is a loty, immigrationn about and how to appeal more to the growing hispanic population. last few weeks republicans voted to rescind president obama's program. is that something that you would have voted for that? here ine my hands full
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indiana. >> is that something you would support? avoid hypotheticals about a job i used to have. you have no mean long enough to know i waited into this debate of2006 when i was chairman the house conservative caucus. i worked with senator kay bailey hutchison. to this day i still believe that by saying no to amnesty, by making a strong commitment to border security that there is a create awe could
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21st-century guestworker program. i proposed it eight years ago. it is an idea whose time will come. waslieve ronald reagan right when he said a nation without borders is not a nation. ourselves tot border security and enforcing the rule of law. economy continues to get back on its feet, i really do believe that parts of the long-term solution is a modern guestworker program. can operate as a public and private partnership. is a plan that i believe someday we will return to. it reflects the commitment to the rule of law. that honors system
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those that would like to come into the country temporarily, make a contribution and come home. >> he said no amnesty. what does that mean? no past citizenship? believe that we should not reward people with citizenship whose first act of this country was a violation of the law. i continue to hold that view. 20 of wrong here for compassion -- room here for ofpassion -- there is plenty room here for compassion and crafting a solution that will do with this issue in the long-term. even though i remember when i made this , he wrote a favorable column about it.
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you're being criticized by the hard right and hard left you might be onto something. i think we were and i still think we are. when president bush said there had to be a rational middle ground between mass deportation and amnesty, i think we came pretty close to finding it. commit to setting amnesty aside. there will be room to do with the future needs of the country by creating a rational guestworker program. this, creating a legal avenue for people to participate in our economy and to be able to return to our own country under the color of the law, that would allow our border security for
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snow to focus on those who are attempting to come into our country outside the law. >> you've often defined yourself as a jack kemp republican. ,s you look toward the midterms how are republicans adjusting the divide between the rich and the poor? do you have to take a different position on the minimum wage? you do have an anti-poverty plan. what is the answer. i appreciate you mentioning jack kemp. not only was a hero of mine in the 1980's but jack and joanne became very good friends. they will become mentor and friend until the untimely death.
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our party was founded by abraham lincoln. simple principle of equality of opportunity. jack kemp understood that. he knew that the message of a society where there was opportunity for all to create the kind of economic policies that would open up the american dream for every american knew no boundaries. i think the key is not about changing policy. it is about changing the way that we communicate policies.
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everybody longs for the american dream. my grandfather came to the country and got on a boat -- got off the boat in ellis island. we all long for that. jack understood that. this is not about offering what the other party offers -10%. about offering a positive optimistic solution that says american prosperity is available for everyone. to create the conditions that and through education economic incentives, expanded job opportunities. >> this week a federal judge review to personally on the gay marriage issue.
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and issue orders to agencies in indiana. that in 2016 the republican nominee needs to be someone who is firmly opposed to same-sex marriage? >> i support traditional marriage. i will continue to hold that view. >> is it possible to support traditional marriage and be open to same-sex marriage? say that i support traditional marriage. i will always hold that view. that issuesbelieved of this nature are best decided by the people and not be courts. before the courts. the state of indiana is in the middle of litigation that is moved to play into the court of appeals and will be part of the
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consideration of this issue. ago,said a couple of days while my views are what they are, i won hoosiers to know that we will uphold the rule of law. when the lower court made their decision, we took action to implement that decision. took the same position. now the supreme court will make a decision. as one who believes in the role of law, i want my constituents to know that our administration will uphold the rule of law and respect the decisions of the courts. asking about the politics of this. let me make it more narrow. let's say senator rob portman who support same-sex marriage was the republican vice presidential nominee.
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is that a ticket you could support, someone who supports same-sex marriage at the top of the republican ticket? thatnever answer questions are hypothetical. i know better than that. >> can they be comfortable with , a leader that supports a different view than yours on marriage? you this isust tell asissue that will be decided it has been for centuries in this country by the. i have always believed that that bearthis nature upon so closely in our communities and our society are decided by the people. this is now before the court. some point court at will either decide this is an
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issue that can be resolved at the state level or they will .ake a different decision we will uphold the rule of law in indiana. as defined by the supreme court of the united states and we will move forward. >> what about on foreign policy? you have been to germany recently. we see a lot of unrest with isis in northern iraq and syria. what should the president the doing? what would you be doing? and is an extraordinary time. consequence of the policies of this administration that it made a from afghanistan and iraq. the primary object is of american foreign-policy.
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ent the wrong message to others that are regard to recent russian aggression. while i was in germany i said that rather than one more harsh coalesceion or tend to europe behind some tepid sanctions what we ought to be doing is passing the transit link did -- transatlantic trade authority. it sends a very strong message to russia about our commitment economically. the was offended by administration.
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weakness the view that arouses evil. the perception of american withdrawals, america pulling back, i truly do believe it has enemy's ofthe freedom. it will be by communicating a stronger commitment to our economic our stronger relations. iraq, during my years in the congress i traveled to iraq and afghanistan 10 different kinds. to see thet time extraordinary tragedy this week that took lace. our hearts go out to his family.
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the u.s. must respond. in a forceful way to support efforts to drive isis out of the rack. there has been a change now in baghdad. it is absolutely essential that the president provides the kind of leadership and military thatrt that will ensure the iraqi that was secured by much american sacrifice is intact. >> does not need boots on the ground? >> i would leave that to military experts to decide. when you see the rise of a motorist, secretary hagel said it is far beyond some small terrorist organization. i think it is absolutely
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with allies inng europe and across the region that we come together. we find a way not just simply to focus on this atrocity this week but that we literally bring justice to this murderous army that we restore peace and integrity.nd >> live about five minutes left. hase have all watched what gone on and ferguson, missouri. been the amount of military like assets that have been handed down has gone too far. like every american it has been very troubling.
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my heart goes out to the family of michael around in particular in -- and everyone who has been caught up in the turmoil of the last several weeks. as governor of the state of indiana, it is not my place to the response by the law enforcement community or the state of missouri in that case. >> the question was do you think that local leased departments, that it is accepted for them to have some of these military like pieces of equipment? >> it is important that they have the ability protect themselves while they are protecting our families and communities. i know there has been a lot of the logistics of that.
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i do not want to pass judgment on the decisions that were made by the local law enforcement. ibm is important that all of us -- i think itly is important that all of us keep the families and allow the system of justice to do the work. confidence that the justice system in missouri will be able to bring forward the and determine what is rick wired in this case. my mind goes back to that day in april 1968 when bobby kennedy was here in indianapolis. was a day. martin luther king junior had been assassinated.
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bobby kennedy announced to a that dr. king had died. i thing every american would do well to read through it this week. he spoke words in the moment that are not only historic that spoke to the hearts of the people of our community in .ndianapolis he challenged everyone to pray and return home. find ways to to come together after difficult for consensus. >> i will and where i began on politics. and a lot of ambitious republicans are hitting the campaign trail. you to travel
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around the country and help out with republican candidates? >> i have been doing that. part ofghted to be a the republican governors association. we have some fantastic candidate running for election and reelection. as we move into full-scale elections after labor day, the ones in indiana allow me to do it. i will be traveling around the country. at the state level. put these republican principles into practice it still works. the progress we are seeing in education are all a result of the act that we are putting these into practice.
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i love telling that story. pence, thankike you for being our newsmaker. >> let me turn back to our reporters. >> i think these are better than a lot of old realize. he is floating at the fringe of a discussion. there are bigger personalities out there. rand paul who are getting more headlines. he is a social conservative. be a litmus test or they could beg seen as a candidate who could rise later in the race. >> who ever it is should come from the state level.
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think that is a re-teaming quality for voters for the republican base? democratslear that who are angry look at the congressional approval ratings. it is not a surprise to hear a that this ought to come from the state capital. have to a coalesce a lot of the parties various elements. it can be harder to do when you have a day job running the state governor.
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sometimes it is that are poised. i think parents would come into this with the network established in washington. >> what about americans for prosperity? there.been >> he is someone who speaks the language of movement conservatism. he is an outsider now, he started his career as a soft-spoken rush limbaugh. he has a nice pattern. what he disciplined him says and does not say. he is poised to be someone who
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could win hearts on the right. >> is he somebody that is going to get activists excited? he's not somebody who is a bombthrower like ted cruz. he is not an ideological hardliner. a's going to have to navigate passage on a lot of these things. >> his gubernatorial record coming he came out of the gate in 2010 for christy and really started to have these reforms that that nationwide attention. it's pretty low-key. todoes not have a record distract access. very careful about what
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he doesn't say. in hisvery careful response to you. >> is very careful on immigration and gay marriage. he made it clear that he is personally is not for same-sex marriage. he did not draw some of the .arder lines on that that you >> what does that mean for 2016? >> he is leaving himself a lots of leeway. his drawing that space for himself later. be ants to come out and hardliner and some of those issues. a year from now he can do so , without looking
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like a flip flopper. say that he will respect the rule of law. republicans do not get the southern border issue addressed. look at their just irks, a very small percentage of hispanic voters, it was not going to hurt them in the elections. they're representing 2016 though. how are republicans going to of trying toissue >> ite members reelected? is a difficult balance. he talks about how he is opposed to a pack of legalization is not want
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