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tv   Newsmakers  CSPAN  August 31, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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i had republican sources close to tom price, who is likely to be the house budget chairman, because paul ryan is moving on to ways and means, likely, indicating he would likely keep elmendorf. and the reason i think people were saying that is if they try to present a very conservative budget they want a neutral referee judging it. like the idea that they would install a handpicked referee and then do the budget might give the budget less credibility. he could possibly day -- stay on but it does remain to be seen. >> thank you very much for your time, appreciate it. >> thanks. >> tomorrow night, a debate between bill nye, the science guy and awe for ken happen on the theory of evolution.
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mr. ham is a supporter of evolutionism. here's a portion of that debate. >> inherent in this world view is that now, noah and his family were able to build a wooden ship at would house 14,,000 individuals. there are 7,000 kinds and there's a boy and girl for each one. so about 14,008 people. and these people were unskilled. as far as anybody knows they'd never built a wooden ship before. furthermore they had to get all these animals on there and they had to feed them. i you said -- understand mr. ham has some speculations on a that when i frankly find extraordinary. this is the premise of the bid and we can run a test.
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people in the early 19 hunts built an extraordinarily large ship, the wyoming. it was a six-masted schooner, the largest ever built. it had a motor for winching cables and stuff. this boat had great difficulty. it was not as big as the tie tantic but it was a very long ship. it happened twist in the sea. indict it would twist in the sea. it would twist this way and this way and this way and in all that twisting it leaked. it eventually foundered and sank, the loss of all 14 hands. 14 crewmen aboard a ship built by very, very skilled ship wrights in new england. they were the best in the world and they couldn't build a ship as big as the ark is claimed to have been.
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>> when we look at the human population we see a lot of differences. ut based on darwin's every lewisism. he did teach there are lower races and higher races. would you believe that back in the 19 hunts, one of the most pop already text books used in north america tauth this -- at the present time there exists five races of man and finally, the highest type of all, the caucasians. can you imagine if that was in the public schools today? and yet, that's what was taught but it was based on darwin's foundations that are wrong. >> watch the full debate of creationism us tomorrow night at 8:00 eastern on c-span. theassociated press reports
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u.s. is providing fighters in iraq with new shipments of arm beginning next month. according to germany's foreign minister, the weapons are being sent as part of a larger humanitarian aid effort. this comes after a mission that was carried out last night by the u.s., australia, france, and britain that provided food and water to thousands of people in a city north of baghdad. for more we talked this morning with former policy magazine writer shane harris. >> what can you tell us about time, st action inside ira the u.s. conducted a number of ir strikes in a humanitarian supplied drop in a town about 110 miles north of baghdad this s a town where a number of
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shiites have been besieged. about 15,000 in this town. most of the residents are actually teenagers. a young group of people. this is really reminiscent on the siege we saw on the mountain and we first started conducting air strikes in iraq and dropping supplies to them. the latest news out of iraq this morning is that the iraqi security forces reports that they have broken through iciss's siege of that town where those people are stranded and have barricaded themselves. but no more world on how many iraqi forces have gotten through and what the status of the conflict is what this shows you is is that the conflict in iraq far from ratcheting down is widening and moving on to other places. the united states have to go around with these air strikes trying to repel iciss in these various towns that they're now trying to take over in iraq.
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>> let me get your take on other big headlines. the salledy king is publicly warning that jihaddists could attack the u.s. and europe within months. why is he coming out now saying this? >> i think we're seeing that there is a desire for the saudis to ratchet up the pressure on the united states to do something about iciss. we saw last week air forces from egypt and the united arab emirates striking at, not iciss, terrorist lammists groups in libya. they're afraid of the threat they would pose if they came to saudi arabia. what they're trying to say is look, it just doesn't affect us. it could affect you and president obama you need to do
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something. i think you're seeing the pressure grow for him domestically too for him to ratchet up the response. world leaders i think are raising the alarm about this and the question is barack obama going to follow suit. >> let's bring there further back to washington and the white house and capitol hill now because we are seeing this headline. dianne feinstein, who heads the intelligence committee in the senate is saying that the president is being too cautious on iciss right now. congress is back in a week but here are some of the voices. what do you make of it? >> i think probably senator feinstein is trying to give some political cover to the president and maybe some encouragement too if he were to decide to launch air strikes in syria. we saw this question come up in a press conference last week when president obama said there are no immediate plans to do an air strike against iciss in syria.
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members of his own national security team have said you can't simply stop iciss in iraq. you have to go to where they're based across the border in syria. now the question is does the president need congress's approval to conduct those strikes in syria? of course the government there hasn't invited us to do that as they have in iraq. i think the senator is trying to give political cover to the president should he decides he wants to do that. let him know that at least in his own party there will be support for that. >> what are you looking for in the next hours, perhaps couple of days on this story? >> whether the iraqi security forces did, in fact, get there to this town and if they did, where is iciss going to go next? first they had the siege and then moved to the mose you will
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dam and they're kind of moving around to these various pockets. the second question is going to be whether he hear anymore, i think, out of the administration on the possibility of air strikes in syria. the president really tamped down and played down this idea last week. he didn't rule it out but that question remains. i think in the next week look for members of congress to be coming out and saying whether they would support a strike on syria or whether they think the president needs to come to them to get their permission. he didn't seem to think he needs to come to them but that's another think thing we'll be looking for. >> shane harris, thanks a lot for getting up early and giving us this update this sunday morning. >> thank you, my pleasure. >> victoria stilwell talks about the economy and unemployment.
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and david madland talks about nions in this country. as always, we'll take your calls and you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. washington journal is live at 7 -- 7:00 a.m. eastern on c-span. steve perry is the founder and principal of a high school in hartford, connecticut that semis first-generation low-income minority students. he spoke recently at -- about social work at clark atlanta university. his is an hour and 20 minutes. >> folks, i want to thank you so much for having me here today. i am truly humbled and honored to be at clark atlanta.
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because you are the epi center of what atlanta needs. you're really at the center. and so we're going to have a conversation today, and i mean that because what i know is that i don't know everything. and what i also know is that you're seeing things on your side of the front lines that i'm not seeing. but i can tell you this -- i'm a social worker first, second, and third. [applause] i find myself squared off against the teachers unions pretty regularly and i'll get into why. it starts with the fact that they don't care about our kids. so one of the things that -- one of the knocks that they've had against me is they say he's not even a teacher. e's a social worker.
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i'm always amazed when i hear educators complaining about how hard their jobs are. like they've never met a social orker. will and i were downstairs talking and he said i saw you pick up kids in the morning. hex wow, educators don't do that. but i said every social worker does. how many times have people said you can't put people in your car. how are they going to get home? i'm supposed to just leave them here? so what we do is so vital on so many levels and so many dustries, but the problem is the e are too silent african-american community in particular, people from struggling, disadvantaged populations in general need our
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voices. the problem that i have with my brothers and sisters who are social workers is their silence. you see the problem before the roblem turns into a problem. tupac said that. the real one. that when an illness is new, it is difficult to detect but easy to cure. as it matures it becomes easier to detect but more difficult to cure. you see the challenges that our community failses and you see them on a microand macrolevel. you see how so many of our people, not just children. because everybody shouldn't work with young people. one of the things they struggled with when i was in social work school was that there were people ill didn't think were called. i believe that you're called to be a social worker.
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some people do it because it seemed like the easiest masters they were going to get. some did it because it seemed like there was nothing else to do. but for those of us who are called, we take great offense to having those people, even in our classes. right, because then you get stuck with them in a group. you can't eat without being in a group. you can't go to the bathroom. social workers have to work together. where are you going? the water fountain. come on, i'll go with you. for those of us who are called, we see something that other people do not see. we get access to people's lives and i think people, not just children, because very often, the most difficult client that i have is the parent of my child. who thinks that they know every thing that there is to know and
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they have no understanding or respect for the context within which i'm talking to them. the reason why you're here is because your child is acting a fool. maybe if you listen to somebody we could curtail some of this tomfoolery and get this boy back in class. but for those of us who are on the front lines, our voices are silent. we talk to each other, rights, in our professional meetings. we sit down, how are we going to handle it case by case. you go through and talk about what you did or didn't do. we don't make those conversations public. when i was doing my social work internship in philadelphia, at a school called strawberry mansion, which is a very pretty-sounding school but there was really nothing beautiful about it. when i was doing my social work internship, i felt like i was
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running up a hill of sand. come into my would office and we'd work for 45 minutes on an issue. and then i would send him out into the very environment that created the issues for the next 23 hours and 15 minutes. and if it was a boy, the first 15 to 20 minutes or the first two or three weeks, he didn't say anything. you all right? yep. why do you think you're sitting here? i don't know. do you want to talk about anything? nope. and there we sit. watch the game last night? nope. you know you watched the game. we have to, regardless of
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whether or not you're microor macro, whether or not you want to be a therapist or you want to be an administrator. our conversation needs to be elevated to the public sphere because every single issue that's being discussed in our community you have solutions for. a socialbecause you're worker, i don't have time for all that stuff. just give me my clients and i'll deal with my clients and i don't feel like -- i get it and we respect that about you but you have to cut that out. it's time for social work to grow up, mature. to recognize that the other organizations have organized into united nationses that are speaking on their behalf to make their jobs easier even if they don't produce a better product.
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they've worked hard to positions themselves in the eyes of politicians and the communities so that they're the ones we trust. whereas we're the ones who are making their jobs easier. there's not a single instance where social work cannot help you. not one. we're everywhere. go to major corporations and they are helping lives get -- people get their lives back together so they can sell health insurance. but we are not talking -- i know the whole thing about confidentiality, which y'all are taking too far. we need to talk about the systems that are causing our children the real issues. and we need to talk about this in a real way. foot just esoteric social work school way because you know how sometimes we get -- not just
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talking about racism and the aggregate but talking about it in its nuances. not just the racism of a white person to black people but the racism of black people to black people. the deep-seated self-hate we carry out out -- around with us on a daily basis that makes it when an african-american social worker comes into a room they're suspicious of you. you would think that's your calling card but that makes the black person that you're working with even more suspicious and then the white person that you're working with even more suspicion. taking a look at gender and how has a -- as a profession, because there are so many women in it, it doesn't get the level of respect that it should. we need to have these conversations and we need to come forward with solutions. we have ourselves a real problem and the problem is us.
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there were two reasons i went to social work school. the first was i had an interest in politics. i thought i was going to be a politician one day. i thought i was going to be a policymaker and i felt like you can't be a policymaker if you don't understand the issues that people are confronting so i should go to a place that are learning how to deal with people's issues, which is a social work school. that was one reason. but the main reason i went to social work school was because i grew up in a family where there was domestic violence and i'd seen women who i loved, women who i thought were strong carrying on a lie. i'd watched them explain away bruises. or the conduct of their husbands or boyfriends or kid's father. i'd seen the destruction that it had on not just the woman but
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all the people involved. everybody who's in on the cover-up, rights? not just the woman who's been hit but the children who saw it. the mother of the man who beats the woman who has to come up -- the reason why she was her would esell out sister before she would correct her son. or the woman who lost her way and feels like it's ok for her to get in a man's face and start pointing at his face and challenging him. i saw from that particular experience in my own life that there were so many entry points here people needed help. we all came to social work
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because we were inspired by some thing. there's a story behind each social worker. a person who was raped as a young person and therefore wants to help rape victims. a person who grew up with nothing and wants to help those who don't have. or a person who grew up with so much and wants to extend those gifts that they've been given. every single social worker has a story. every single one of us has a reason why we decide to work longer hours than any other profession. why we will go into the most dangerous communities and don't think twice about it. i remember when i was at social work school and i was dead broke. so i was working two jocks. my first job was at an
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alternative school and i worked with kids who were placed out in these -- it was a residential program so you know how bad a kid has to be to be placed in a residential program at any era because nobody wants to place the kids, rights? they want them to sit and tough it out. when they need significant mental health support. they figure they can walk it off. because everybody thinks they can do our job. like there's no real skill involved. you just talk to people, right? the second part of my day, i would work from 8:00 to 3:00 in the martin luther school then drive for 45 minutes and work from 4:00 to midnight at a -- it was a private adjudicated youth program, much like a probation officer and my job was to go and do visits, right? so i would go to the homes of the kids and i would go do
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visits and i remember one time my supervisor, a white dude from the west coast named sonny. that was his name. it was his birth name, sonny. and he was the quintessential stereotypical west coast dude. sonny said to me one time -- i had drawn the short straw essentially because during this particular summer i was the only black person employed by the organization so i got the dubious distinction of getting sent to the properties. and they would send me to the properties in a blue crown vic with numbers on the side. and then they wanted me to bring a walkie-talkie because that's what every social worker wants, rights? a blue crown vic with numbers on the side and a walkie-talkie because those are the tools of
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the trade. i was sithing there, what am i going to do with this walky, throw it at somebody? all it's doing is getting in the way. sonny called me franthically on i'd lky -- cell phone -- gotten back to the office and sonny said we've been looking for you because one of the kids, his mother hit him. and i said and? he said well, conventional wisdom says you're not supposed to hit kids. i knew this particular john. he needed to be hit. i asked him at which convention did you attend where they said that you couldn't hit a child? when we don't bring what we know to the policy conversation, the policies become so broad and
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thoughtless that i was supposed to go back and essentially call the police on this parent who had just had it to here. her son was about 6'3" and she 5 about 5 i so even if -- fauth 5. even if she connected she wasn't going to hit him square. all she was trying to do was get her son to stay out of trouble. and what this supervisor who was just hired by the organization to do our work was saying was that we should slate this level of morality on this family and essentially pull this mom and son out of the house. our silence keeps that going. our silence on so many levels keeps it going. those of you who work in schools, you've seen it. the kids are the first ones to tell you they don't even like
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us. right? you sit in a group session and the first adult they can find to tell, they say they don't like us. how can they teach us if they don't like us? and you think -- they really don't. they can name the teachers in the school who don't care about them. they can name the administrators in school who don't care about them. they can name them by name and they have great examplets of things, intuitive things they can tell you about why they think these individuals don't care about them. but because of our silence, that kid gets in trouble because he skipped class. he skipped class because he wasn't going to learn anything and he didn't want her talking like that anymore. he felt like if he went in that class one more time, she was going to say money -- one more
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thing, one more slick thing, he was going to react and we know that. and too often what we do dutyfully is we go get the killed. come on, son, you can't go out like that. don't let this do this to you. we know that in some neighborhoods when you walk away that's the worst thing you could do. you have now become a mark. you're going to let her play you like that? you're going to let her say something to you in class like that? oh, you ain't walking home. we have been silent for too long . we have been silent for too long. because we don't go over to the administrator and say can i talk with you for a second? i've had six kids come to me and say that this math teacher humiliates them.
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i'm not here to get into this man's way of making a living but i got six human beings here. who have as much right to making a living as he does. this dude is ripping their confidence apart. they don't even raise their hands to answer questions anymore, i hear. they said they don't like school anymore. you see, there is a connection between the m many -- micro and the macroand you know it but we don't do anything about it. we don't form or put our policy platforms. we don't speak up, we don't organize our community of well- knowing, well-educated and very caring individuals. no one has more credibility in our yitcht communities than us. nobody does what we do. no one goes into those homes where they asked you you want something to eat?
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no, i'm good. i don't care how hungry i am, i am not eating in here. places where places where the stench of filth is so powerful that when you walk on the steps you can smell it. it smells like something is dead in the house. you have been to homes where people are squatting. they do not have electricity. you have seen this. you have seen it. no one understands the problems more than you. o one. teachers, for the most part, see kids in school, on their terms, and then they do not typically see them again. every other part of their life, you see them in, including


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