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tv   Robert Egger on Leadership  CSPAN  September 1, 2014 10:29pm-11:17pm EDT

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place in it. if we abandon the process by which we know it, if we eschew, if we let go of everything that people have learned before us, if we stop driving forward, stop looking for the next answer to the next question, we and the united states will be out-competed by other countries, other economies. now that would be okay i guess. but i was born here, i'm a patriot. and so we have to embrace science education. to the voters and taxpayers that are watching, please keep that in mind. we have to keep science education in science, in science classes. >> one tiny bit of important housekeeping, the county is now under a level two snow emergency. drive home carefully. you have a lot to talk about but drive carefully. this debate will be archived at it will be at that site for several days. you can encourage friends and family to watch. thanks so much to mr. nye and
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conversation, like us on facebook. follow us on twitter. now british prime minister david cameron announces new measures to seize the passports of u.k. citizens suspected of terrorism. that announcement came after the u.k. raised its terror threat level from substantial to severe in response to the isis threat in iraq and syria. his portion is 50 minutes. >> prime minister. >> thank you, mr. speaker. with permission i would like to make a statement on this weekend's european council and on the measures we're taking to defeat extremist and to keep our country safe. first, on the council we agreed that poland's prime minister should serve as the next council president and italian foreign minister should become the next high representative for foreign and security policy. it was made clear in the acceptance speech that he
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playses a high priority on addressing britain's concerns over the e.u. i look forward to working with him in his new role. mr. speaker, the council spent most of its time focuses on the big international issues that have concerned us all this summer, the situations in ukraine, gaza, and the growing threat of isil in iraq and syria. i want to discuss each. the presence of russian soldiers on ukrainian soil is completely unjustified and unacceptable. i met with the president before the council on saturday and with our support, he was invited to address the council. the real cause of this conflict is rushia's refusal to recognition ukraine's independence and sovereignty. decisions on ukraine's political and economic relationships should be for the people of ukraine, no one else. russia appears to be trying to force ukraine to abandon its democrat choices at the barrel of a gun. in the last two weeks, we have seen a dramatic stepping up russian military support for the separatists in the eastern
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ukraine including russian troops fighting on the ground. mr. speaker, we know from european history the grave danger of a nation state being threatened and undermined in this way. so the european council agrees that the economic costs it has already imposed on rushia must be stepped up if moscow persists with the indefensible actions. new sanction measures will be drawn up within a week. mr. speaker, i don't accept the suggestion that sanctions are not having an impact. capital has flown out of rushia, banks are short of finance and the russian stock market and reboundle have fallen significantly. mr. speaker we have to show real resilience and resolve. rushia needs to understand if it continues on the current path, then it's relationship with the rest of the world will be radically different in the future. turning to israel and gaza, we have all been deeply saddened by the violence we have seen and the dreadful civilian suffering its caused particularly to innocent people. the government has worked hard with our international partners to help bring about a
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sustainable cease-fire. we warmly welcome the agreement reached in cairo. mr. speaker, the lost of life this summer has been trueling appalling and the number of civilian casualties completely unacceptable. the life of a palestinian child is world the same as a child of any one of our, but support of a lasting settlement that includes a palestinian state does not mean we should support the tactics of hamas who rained down rockets on israel and continually refused to accept cease-fires. we will continue to support israel and israel's right to defend itself, but that does not mean we support every decision the israeli government takes, most recently the appropriation of nearly a thousand acres of land in the west bank near bethlehem is utterly deplorable. it's illegal under international law and do nothing to create the kind of peace process we all want to see. we urge the israeli government to reverse this decision. mr. speaker, while i understand
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the many strong emotions around this tragic conflict, i am deeply concerned by growing reports of anti-semitism on our own streets here in britain. let me be clear, we must not tolerate this in our country. there can never be any excuse for anti-semitism and no disagreements on politics or policy should be allowed to justify racism, prejudice or extremism in any form. turning to the terrorist threat here in the u.k., we have been shocked and sickened by the bar barism we witnessed in iraq in summer. the widespread slourt, the persecution of christian priorities, the enslavement and raping of women and the beheading of the american journal james foley with the voice of what seemed to be a british terrorist recorded on that video. the european council conclusions could not be clearer and i quote. the european council believes the creation of an islamic in
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iraq and syria and the export of terrorism on which it is based is a direct threat to every european country. on friday the independent joint terrorism analysis center increased the threat level in the united kingdom from you be stan to severe. we now believe that at least 500 people have traveled from britain to fight in the region. this is in addition to 700 from france, 400 from germany and hundreds more from countries including america, canada, austria, denmark, spain, sweden, the netherlands and switzerland. they crack down on those traveling to fight in syria and iraq and making sure that all european countries are taking necessary steps to tackle this problem of radicalization. we should be clear about the root cause of this threat, a poisonous ideology of islamistic extremism which believes in using the most brutal forms of terrorism to force people to accept a what wered world view and live in a
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medieval state. we should be clear this has nothing to do with islam which is a religion peacefully observed and devoutly observed by over a billion people and one that inspires countless acts of kindness every day there is. to confront the presence of extremis, we need a tough, intelligent, patient, and comprehensive approach to defeat the terrorist threat at its source. we must use all the resources at our disposal, our aid, our diplomacy and our military. we need a firm security response with a military action to go after terrorists, international corporation on intelligence or uncompromising action against terrorists at home. britain has already providing equipment, directly to kurdish forces. we support u.s. military air strikes against isil in iraq and we have secured united nations security council resolution to disrupt the flows of finance to isil, to sanction those who are seeking to recruit to isil and to encourage countries to do all they can to prevent foreign fighters joining the extremist
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cause. alongside a tough security response, there must also be the right political response. we know that terrorist organizations thrive whether it's political instability and weak or dysfunctional institutions. so we must support the building blocks of free and open societies. in syria, it must mean a political transition and an end to asaad's brutality which has allowed isil to flourish. in iraq, it must begin with a new and genuinely inclusive it government uniting all iraqis against the shared threat. the summit in wales this week will provide us an opportunity to look at the effectiveness of the response so far and discuss what more we should do to help the region overcome the isil threat. britain will continue to consider what further role is in our national interests including any further diplomatic, humanitarian, or indeed military measures we might take. mr. speaker, let me turn to how we address the terrorist threat
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at home. we have already taken a wide range of measures including stopping suspects from traveling to the region by seizing passports, barring foreign nationals from re-entering the united kingdom, legislating so that we can prosecute people for all terrorist activity even where that activity takes place overseas, and bringing forward emergency legislation to safeguard our use of communication data. we have stepped up our operational response with a fivefold response in iria-related arrests, the removal of 28,000 pieces of extremist material from the internet this year alone including 46 isil-related videos. i have said all along there should not be a knee jerk reaction or the introduction of sweeping new blanket powers that would ultimately be ineffective. that is not what those who worked so hard to keep us safe actually want. they want a targeted approach that reflects a for seven sick focus on the threat we face and that protects the operation of
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independence and decision-making. to achieve this there are two key areas where we need to strengthen our powers to fill gaps in our armory, around preventing suspects from traveling and dealing with those already here that pose a risk. i want to mention them both briefly. first, stopping people from traveling in the first place. mr. speaker, passports are not an automatic right. the secretary has the discretion to issue, revoke and refuse passports if there is reason to believe that people are planning to take part in terrorist-related activity. when police suspect a traveler at the border, they're not able to apply for the prerogative and to only have limited stop and search powers. we will introduce targeted legislation to fill this gap by providing police a temporary power to seize the passport at the border and investigate the individual concerned. this will have safeguards and oversight arrangements. mr. speaker, the house should
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also be aware that our current royal prerogative powers are being challenged in the courts. i want to be clear. if there is any judgment that threatens the operation of our existing powers, we will introduce primary legislation immediately so that parliament, not the court, can determine whether it is right that we have this power. i can announce today that we'll start preparing the legislation and consult parliament. what is stopping people going, we must also keep out foreign fighters who would pose a threat to the u.k. we do have important powers to block return. we can deprive nationals of their citizenship to stop them returning. we can bar foreign nationals on the threat they pose. we legislate the immigration act to allow stronger powers to strip citizenship from naturalized britains. those do not apply to those who are solely british nationals who could be rendered staysless. we should deal with this gap by
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criminalizing travel to certain countries or fundamentally changing our burden of proof. it would be wrong to deal with this gap by fundamentally changing core prisons approximatelies of our criminal justice system. it is abhorrent that people who declare allegiance elsewhere are able to return to the united kingdom and pose a threat to the national security. we're clear in principal, we need a targeted discretionary power to exclude british nationals from the u.k. and we'll work up proposals on this basis with our agencies in line with our international obligations and discuss the details on a cross party basis. mr. speaker, we're also putting on long-standing arrangements on aviation security around the world on a statutory footing. airlines will have to comply with our no-fly list arrangements, give us information on passenger lists and comply with our security screening requirements. if they do not do this, their flights will not be able to land in britain. second, we need stronger powers to manage the risk posed by suspected extremists already
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here in the o'clock u.k. the home exert can impose terrorist prevention and investigation measures on security grounds including overnight residence requirements and internet restrictions. the intelligence agencies and the police believe they need stronger powers to impose further restrictions and the independent reviewer of counterterrorism legislation, david anderson, agrees. so well introduce new powers to add to our existing terrorism prevention and investigation measures including stronger ocal constraints on suspects either through exclusions or through relocation powers. mr. speaker, dealing with this terrorist threat is not just about new powers, it is also about how we combat extremism in all its forms. that is why we have a new approach to tackling radicalization focusing on all types of extremism, not just violent extremism. this has included stopping the funding of organizations that promote extremis, banning hate
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preachers and ensuring that every part of government from schools and universities to prisons are all focused on beating the scouring of extremism. putting a deradicalization program on a statutory footing. anybody subject to the investigation measures will be required to engage with the prevent program. mr. speaker, we are proud to be an open, free, and tolerant nation. but that tolerance must never be confused with a passive acceptance of cultures living separate lives or people behaving in ways that run completely counter to our values. adhering to british values is not an option or choice. it is a duty for all those that live in these islands. we will stand up for our values. we will in the end defeat this extremism and we will secure our way of life for generations to come and i commend this statement to the house. >> miliband. >> mr. speaker, i thank the prime minister for his
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statement. this summer of international instability has demonstrated the need for britain to be engaged and build alliances across continents to tackle the problems the world is facing learning lessons from the past. starting with the summit, the appointment of a new high representative and council president which we welcome to commend the excellent work over the last five years. in particular in helping mediate kosovo and leading the efforts for iran to abandon its nuclear program. she has served with distangs. turning to ukraine, before the summer, we are appalled by the shooting down of the airliner. we need to face the reality that we have seen no let-up in russian aggression and incursion into ukrainian territory. if anything, the situation has gotten worse, not better. this continued russian aggression must be met with a robust, coordinated and united international response which sends a clear message to president putin.
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does the prime minister agree this is the time for further sanctions including key energy like energy and financial services. can he also tell us what plans for the nato summit to provide support to ukraine. on the situation in gaza, mr. speaker, we deeply regret the loss of life of 2,000 palestinians including many children and israeli soldiers and civilians. -- the rocket attack and defend israel's right to defend itself. but israel's response in this crisis could not be justified. i agree that today's anextation of palestinian land in the words of the prime minister is deplorable. mr. speaker, the truth is that history tells us that this appalling cycle of violence will simply continue unless there are meaningful negotiations towards a two-state solution. can the prime minister tell us what steps he and the e.u. will be taking to be an insistent
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advocate for those negotiations? mr. speaker, i also join the prime minister in saying what other views on this conflict, nothing can excuse anti-semitism wherever we find it at home and abroad. turning to iraq and syria, the campaign of terror against the innocent including christian minorities and the crow terrific acts of violence have shocked people across the country. it's a particular type of threat that can't be ignored. they threaten the mistake iraq state and seek to redraw borders to establish a repressive and brutal state of their own. this is a danger of the export of in ideology. at the same time we must learn lessons from the events. past decade including the 2003 war in iraq and proceed with the requisite humility. that means being clear about our objectives, the means to achieve them and always conscious of the need to built legitimacy and alliances well
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beyond britain and the united states. we support the u.s. air strikes that are protecting innocent people at risk from isil. we believe it is right to provide crucial support to the kurds' military effort. however, as president obama has said, defeating isil cannot be achieved by military means alone. so can i ask the prime minister some questions about that. first, i agree with him there can be no defeat of isil without attacking the sources of its support in iraq. what role the e.u. is playing in ensuring the new iraq government promotes a new settlement which does indeed end the years of exclusion of sunni minorities. second, isil would not be the force it is if other countries in the region had not overtly and covertly provided ideology as well as financial and other support. can i ask what discussions he has had with countries in the region or will have including our traditional alies to make clear the stand that needs to
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be taken against isil and its ideology. what further steps does he think can be taken to encourage neighboring countries including turkey to tighten their borders to stop the flow of arms and fighters to syria and iraq. third, does he agree to any strategy to tackle isil and neighbors countries including turkey, saudi arabia and iran. i agree about what he says about a political transition in syria. does he is a how he believes this could be achieved. the given the need for a multilateral approach he talked about, how is he using our chairmanship of the security council to build the alliance necessary. final, beating isil home must show the same determination overseas and proceed on the basis of evidence. just as we were shocked by the actions of isil, so people across britain are appalled that british citizens are a part of isil's murderous activities. we see when ideology turns to
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act of violence. to make it easier for border authorities to seize the passports of those participating in the conflict and will study the proposal. mr. speaker, let me say on his discretionary powers on excluding british nationals from the country, it's unclear what he is proposing. i'm happy to talk in cross party conversations. can he give more information at this stage about what his proposals might consist of. with regard to the most serious high risk cases where convictions in the court cannot be achieved, i welcome the prime minister's recognition of the independent reviewer on terrorism. in particular, the inability to relocate suspects away from their communities. relocation was indeed a central part of control orders and it was a mistake to get rid of them in the first place. does he also agree, mr. speaker, that we need a mandatory and comprehensive program of radicalization, not
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just for those under, but on the fringes of extremism in iraq and syria. and further, does he agree we need to stop young people being recruited to isil in the first place. i urge him to overhaul the prevent program which has been on the police response to extremism and needs to do far more with parents and communities. as we tackle these domestic controversies of isil, we work with the government to face the threat at home. the events of this summer how turning the back on the come plexes of our world is not an option. we must also show that britain has learned the lessons of our history with an approach based on a general multilateralism. in responding in this way, our government will have our full support. >> prime minister. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i thank him for the points he made and the tone that he made them. there is widespread all party support for most of the issues that we're discussing today. first of all, i think he is right to praise cappie ashton.
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let me add my voice to his. she has done an excellent job. that job isn't complete. she is involved in extremely negotiations not at least with iran. we wish her well. on ukrainian sanctions, he asked if we were looking at further sectoral sanctions, we are, the council set it out. what is important that we fill in some of the gaps that have been left so far. on financial sanctions, we need to make sure that we press home on things like syndicated loans which others are opposed and we have been prepared to support. in terms of the support we give to ukraine, we give financial support, technical support. there is obviously a partnership between ukraine and nato and nato will be undertaking some exercises in the western part of ukraine, i don't believe the right approach would be to arm the ukrainian rebels. we should focus the support in the areas that i have identified. the best thing we can do to help ukraine is to build the alliance across europe and
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america more strong sanctions to demonstrate to rushia that the relationship with the rest of the world will be fundamentally changed. on gaza, he asked what we were doing to get meaningful negotiations underway. of course, one of the things we do is one of the most important funders of the palestinian authority, want to encourage the palestinian authority to restore its authority in gaza and that could be a stepping stone towards further negotiations. in terms of isi search, i agree with what he says there is no military solution. we should work with partners. we should work with countries in the region. we should learn the lessons from the past. i welcome his backing for what we're doing to help resupply and support the kurds and we should continue to do that. he asked a series of questions in terms of pressure on the iraqi government to reach out to all parts of iraq, part of the solid international pressure to make sure that happens. in terms of talking to powers in the region to make sure that financial support is cut off
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for extremism, those are conversations i have had with many over the summer and will continue to have. in terms of turkey, we're working more closely with turkey than perhaps ever before on this issue in terms of our security intelligence and other cooperation. in terms of measures at home, i'm delighted he is going to support our measures for seizing passports. of course, we're happy to discuss it on an all party basis as we introduce this legislation. i welcome what he says about all party discussions about other discretionary powers to make sure that we correct the problems that we have in a proper way. on his last two points, on prevent, i think it is important that prevent is focused on counterradicalization. i think in the past, some money was spent on organizations who actually were perhaps parts of the problem rather than parts of the solution. i believe it's very important we just don't target violent extremism. we target the extremist narrative from which the men and women of violence draw
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succor. that is important. final on the issue of terrorism prevention orders and controlled orders, let me quote what david anderson, our terrorism visor who he quote the has head. he said this in his most recent report. there is no reason to put the clock back. the majority of changes have civilized the system without making it less effective. that's why we should take this as a basis and amend them as necessary. >> does the prime minister recognize that one of the reasons why there are misguided british jihaddists fighting in arabia is because of the folly of those in the gulf and in the west who first encouraged and then supported a rebellion against the syria. we must avoid under the banner
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of democracy intervening in religious civil war which has lready lasted for 1,300 years. >> on this occasion, i'm not sure i do agree with him. i would argue that the rise of islamic state of a cyst has had two prisons approximately causes. one is the brutality that asaad has shown to his own people and the second is the failure of the government in iraq to represent all of its people. i think it's those two issues we need to recognize have been the principal cause of this problem together with the real problem which is the islamist extremist narrative that finds my broken state, any source of conflict, any sign of weakness and exploits it. >> mr. jack straw. >> thank you, mr. speaker. in an article which the prime minister had in the daily telegraph on the 16th of
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august, he spoke about the need to build alliances in the region, including he said, perhaps even with iran. the does he agree that, yes, while there is a negotiation to be with iran a nuclear dossier, but frankly as he indicated, we need iranian corporation more than ever. it's one of the few stable stable states in the region. given that, say, therefore, what actions he has taken to lead the full establishment of diplomatic relations with iran because the embassies have still not been fully
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>> i greatly respect the right net -- the right honorable gentleman. we are cautiously re-engaging with iran. and he knows about the steps taken, which will lead over time to the rest of it. but we should do so cautiously, knowing the history of the country and what it has done, including support for terrorist organizations. what is most required is an iraqi government that represents all of its people. those who have been most excluded lately have been the sunni population. but we need the assistance of other countries to make sure this comes about. >> mr. campbell. >> some of the reports from over the weekend suggested -- [murmurs of dissent] united kingdom nationals from the united kingdom. expressing doubts as to whether that would be legal, not least of which being our international obligations into treaties and conventions. additionally, hardly anything has been dated about the
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practicality of such a proposal. who would decide? would any appeal be appropriate? in most circumstances a great deal of work would need to be done. >> he is right, we should not be tearing up international obligations to bring this about. the point i am making is that as we stand today we are able to deal with, for instance, foreign nationals who want to return to britain. we can deal with dual nationals by taking away their rich asked her. these represent -- they have the edge allegiance to another state and there is a gap, and if there is it will be properly dealt with. [shouts of dissent]
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there should be no questions of british troops on the ground, but we do need to support the kurds particularly. neighboring nations need to take a ownership. could he press our close ally, this audis, to stop funding medieval bombers. finally, could he schedule a on foreigndebate policy? the world is a very dangerous place at the moment, including between russia and ukraine and we need to have a proper debate. on the last point, we are looking at that. it would be worthwhile if time could be filed. it would be extremely worthwhile. i very much agree with the tenor of what he said that what we
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should be looking to do as asking how we can best help those on the ground of the iraqi government and the forces that are doing their best to prevent catastrophes. and make sure things are appropriately addressed. we can help, instead of hoping the west can lead and overtake an intervention. there is no question there should be british combat troops on the ground. i agree with the nature of what we face. reports thateen they carried out air attacks in libya. any sign that arab states in the west would join together? think my friend's
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contribution is among the same lines, we should be there to help those on the grounds. is magical thinking to think we could make a solution on her own. the jordanians and others recognize the huge threats that face them and threaten us. our goal should be to help the kurds and jordanians and iraqi governments to address the threat. speaker, last to live myself asked for two things. expose thel, to poisonous ideology of the extremists and secondly, we asked for more support to be able to challenge these messages so that the next generation of young people does not end up in
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the hands of the extremists. i am disappointed that there is so little to say. need measured and effective -- i would very much like to see them. that she isppointed disappointed. it comes down to the issue of countering the extremists narrative. we are, if you look at what the extremists have achieved in terms of radicalization in prisons, on campuses, in schools, and working with muslim organizations themselves that want to deal with this problem. legalstance, giving them backing when it comes to legal centers. those things are happening. thank you mr. speaker. may i congratulate my friend on
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the broad spectrum. i do share the concerns that have been expressed about the suggestion that it is nationals, however they may be alleged to behave, can be prevented to return to this country. it offends principles of international law and basic principles of our own, and law as well. i would recommend the best course not to be these -- bring these individuals to justice. we have successfully been it doing just that over the course of the last nine months. >> my friend is absolutely right. wes is the first approach should be taking. trying to prosecute and convict people in our own country. the have been successful. it has been successful, but i think the most important thing is to make sure, in listening to the intelligence services and the police, than any gaps in the armory are addressed.
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that is why we're looking at terrorism investigation measures. you are at confiscation measure. returnees, itof is important that we address that as well. you kc profile it was dire as we are led to believe, the prime minister give [indiscernible]. at the funding settlement for the security agencies, it has been generous compared with other organizations. i am happy to look again at the question of resources, and if more is needed, i am sure that
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more can be found. nothing matters more than this. let me say, i know that's always there are suspicions when politicians stand up and talk about threats to our nation. the organization that independently decides the level our country, they decided depending on the thread in other countries, not just isil but also al qaeda, and because of numbers of people traveling to that region from britain, it was right to raise that level. it was their decision and not mine. whateaker, can you tell us discussions you have had with the other leaders about stopping the sale of oil by isil on the black market. and what discussions you have had about stopping banking to iso. and under what circumstances the
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united kingdom will decide to join rather than support uss strikes? >> first of all, on the first point. you are absolutely right that those are things we should pursue. we should also publicize more the fact that isil makes money presidentng oil to arafat. that demonstrates the character of these people. in terms of our engagement, we have brought to bear our diplomatic, political, and other tools in our armory. tear -- i military has been delivering aid and providing surveillance and other capabilities that are helping americans. we support the american airstrikes. we think they are right. keep asking the question, how can we in britain
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push our national interests, and help those on the ground to a doing the most to combat iso-. has pledgedister will stand up for our values. i hope he will. can you explain how it is compatible to continue to sell arms to countries like saudi arabia, which regularly helps those people and is one of the most significant groups funding the group's worldwide? >> will some of the toughest rules on exports than any country in the world. they are subject to the world of law. we have to make sure that they are. in terms of saudi arabia, will it take a very different view to many rules and regulations in saudi arabia. it is true to say the saudi authorities have changed their radical views around the world. >> has my honorable friend
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-- leafed than under domestic legislation in certain countries may render that person -- when that person acts inconsistently or has declared allegiance for another state and education of allegiance. is that not extremely important to get that right, does the honorable gentleman not understand that the situation made clear?t be >> that is a very good point and that is why we need to discuss and examined this question further. in thetually sticks call, the idea that someone can
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go from this country to city aea, declare jihad an make contemplation of returning to britain and declare -- after declaring allegiance to another union. that is what we need to address. does the right honorable gentleman recall that when he made his previous statement on , that the israelis could kill but not wound. 2000 palestinians, including five from children, have been killed by the israelis , and an enormous amount of physical damage which may -- makes life in the gaza strip nearly impossible, but with the british government to during a further attack on gaza that will come sooner or later if not stopped?
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directly, butery we must always convince everyone that it is worth to get around the table and negotiate a solution to the underlying question, which is the need for a palestinian state. we need to persuade the israelis to make it a greater priority the route tol be security. we need to persuade the palestinians and those have supported have mass that terrorist attacks on israel will not bring palestinian statehood. speaker, the most immediate faced by the region is the regions around isis who find their boat is being dissolved. --t will bear the first first brunt of the need to to protect civilians. we can help. there are those who are bearing
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a burden even now. have you received a specific request for arms? how are we responding, and if he has not received that request, how will he respond if so? >> what we have received so far as requests from the kurds to facilitate the transfer of arms and immunization from jordan and albania to the kurdish authorities. we have done that. i am not aware of a specific request direct from the kurdish authorities for arms and military support. they are our allies. friends.our we believe they are helping to put the pressure on the isil and we very much want them to be a part of a future iraq. we take a very conservative view. the german chancellor has
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decided it is in germany's national interest to provide the kurds with arms. the prime minister tell me when he thinks it would not be in britain's interest to do so as well? what would he require to make him change his mind? >> i do not think there is any difference between what the german chancellor is saying and what i am saying about this. if the kurds would make a request, we upon it very favorable because we think that is what they need. have we failed to respond to russia's imminent threat? doesn't the nato summit need to send a much stronger signal?


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