tv Question Time CSPAN September 8, 2014 12:00am-12:37am EDT
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> monday night on "the communicators, robert mcdowell and michael copps, former f.c.c. commissioners. >> basically getting hammer locked. this is something we as a democracy rely spon to govern ourselves. >> the adoption of smartphones is faster in nordic communities than it is in affluent white communities. that is fantastic news for america. you are seeing the developing world adopt such technologies
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very, very rapidly. for a lot of people to have the benefit of information, it will change their political expectations, economic exmeckations, and other positive ssues. >> now british prime minister david cameron takes questions at the house of commons. then a discussion on the future of islam in america. examines the forum israeli-palestinian conflict.
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>> during this week's question time, david cameron discusses the escalating violence in iraq and the distant -- and the decision to reengage talks with iran. question time is about 35 minutes. >> questions to the prime minister. >> thank you, mr. speaker. let me be clear, our opposition will be here and abroad. there is no way to appease it.
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the only way to defeat it, is to stand firm and send a very straight-forward message. country like ours will not be cowed by these barbaric killers. if they think we will weaken in the face of their threats, they are wrong. it will have the opposite effect. we will be more forth right in the defense of values, liberty of law, freedom and democracy we hold dear. and i'm sure a united message will go forward from this house today. mr. speaker, i had meetings this morning, and in addition to my duties in this house, i shall have further such meetings later on today. >> mr. cunningham. >> may i speak about the american hostage. can i say to the prime minister, when he -- some years ago, he said he wanted to stop conservatives pining on about europe. what has happened?
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>> a lot of things have changed in europe, not least the eurozone crisis which had eased but is beginning to reappear. this has created an enormous tension within the european union. those countries within the euro-zone that need further integration, and those countries outside that want a more flexible relationship with europe. it is right that we debate these matters in the house. above all, it is right we include the british museum. and under my leadership, they shall have a decisive say. >> will the prime minister join in those who have reduced unemployment by 36% in my constituency. and does he agree that our long-term plan is working? >> i'm delighted to join my honorable friend in that way. unemployment is coming down
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right across the country. in the east of england, the number of people in work is up by 400,000 since the election. private sector employment is up, the number of business is up, investment is up, and in the news today we have about about he g.d.p. figure revisions shows that this country has grown faster than germany, france, or any major economy apart from canada and the united states of america. in should not be complacency because the job is not yet done, but this is the way too secure a better future for our country. n as the barbaric murder of steve sotloff and expressing deep concern about the british hostage being held. this will be >> i join the prime minister in about ng the revulsion the murder of the american journalist and with concern about the british citizen being
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held. this is a horrible murder by isis of the innocent. christians, muslims, anyone who does not agree with their ideology. and i agree with you, events like this should strengthen, not weaken, our resolve to defeat them. >> i thank the leader of the opposition for what he said and in the way in which he said it. i think this house should send a united message. i think what has happened to the two hostages so far and may happen in the future is utterly abornt and barbaric -- abhorent and barbaric. this is not something that divides this house pliltcally, it is something that everyone, and i'm sure the entire country agrees with. >> this killing which shocked people not just in britain but across the world, does not it
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further mean that we in this country have a -- an obligation to stop this group, including countries like turkey, saudi arabia, and quatar, especially the arab league against isis. >> i would say the way the opposition leader is approaching this is entirely right. we should see this crisis where we are there to help the people on the ground and the countries in the region that want to solve this crisis. we should not solve this -- see this as one where this is somehow a western-led intervention. we have the kurds that are defending communities, including minority communities, we have the government in baghdad, which badly needs to get itself together so it can represent all of the country, then we with our allies and neighbors can make sure that this oorgs feels the full pressure of international, regional, and global
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condemnation. as it is said, we should use all the assets we have, focusing first on humanitarian aid and saving people from hunger and starvation. using political pressures to make sure there is a government in baghdad that can represent all the country, and marshalling all the others until the maximum pressure is put on. i think if we can continue in that way p. asking ourselves, how can others in the neighborhood do their work and keep our people safe at home? that is the right approach. >> mr. milliband. >> i agree with the prime minister. work is a key part of building the effectiveness of the tell us with -- can you what plans you have to use the u.k. security council to build that national consensus, as he talked about. >> so far we used the united nations to put pressure to make
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sure that no nation is providing sanctions or resources to these people. they should be cut off. that has been the approach thus far. but we do have the ability to marshall international support. this is unacceptable and needs to be squeezed out of existence. that is what we should do. and we should aim to get the maximum support from the up up for the measures taken right across the board. >> returning to the threat we faced in britain, all have been shocked and disgusted there are british voices on the video. on monday the prime minister announced he would introduce relocation power to suspect elled terrorists. he has our full support for this change. can he confirm this will go ahead and can he give a time table. >> i can confirm it is going to go ahead. and it will require legislation. the key is to put the advice of david anderson, the independent
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reviewer of terrorism, to put those into action. what he's spoken about is some combination of exclusion and relocation. it is that, that needs to be introduced into the terrorism prevention and investigated -- investigative measures. i think we should try to do this on a cross-party basis and send a clearer message. >> the best way to deal with terrorists is strict criminal prosecution. he also introduced the possibility of blocking british citizens from returning to the u.k.. can you say more on whether this is legally per misible? >> the short answer is i do believe it is legally per misible, but it is going to take some work. we already have the power with people trying to return to the united kingdom. if it is a foreign national we can exclude them. if -- if it is a naturalized
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britain, you can under our new laws passed recently, can you strip them of their british nationality. but i do believe there is a ga gap where you have someone born and raised a british citizen, much like the individual we discussed on monday, that he wanted to return in order to do hample against our country. the best thing you can do is convict. but there may be owe indications where we need to exclude. therefore i think we should fill that gap in our armory and i believe it is pooble -- possible to do it. >> finally, i can i ask him to represent the case in terms of resources and community engagement. after all, mr. speaker, that is essential to stop people being indock natured into this poisonous ideology. we need sift action to build alliance across the world
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against isi -- it is what the world needs. in pursuing this, you have our full support. 4. clear about is it's not enough to target those who preach by the extremism. we need to go after those that promote the extremist narrative and life view that gives the terrorists and the men of violence support for what they do. it's not unlike the cold war where we did not just pursue those who wanted to do such harm. we were set to challenge all those who gave them suffer. that is what we need to do in this struggle which i think will last for decades and we need to show resilience and as you said unity in pursuing it. >> in this parliament our coalition government has
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increased health spending by over 17 billion pounds a year. [shouting] as a direct consequence to that, the block grant to scotland which supports funding in scotland has increased by 1.7 billion pounds a year. does by right honorable friend agree with me that this -- propaganda about the nhs? >> my right honorable friend is absolutely right, because of the decisions we took, long-term decisions after a careful assessment to increase been on the health service that is given extra money for scotland has been on the nhs so that is one of our examines claims. a second claim that somehow a westminster government could privatize half of it in a just and scotland is complete and utter nonsense. the only person who could privatize parts of nhs scotland is alex salmond. you can tell someone has lost
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the argument when they start making ludicrous ideas about what they would do themselves. >> there's been word in the court over the past week about a rise in malnutrition. going back to children going home after the school holy. -- holiday. [inaudible] it's his job to do something about this. >> i think it is welcome all entrants will preschool meals as they go to school this week, and that will be welcomed to many comes up and down the country. the evidence is 99% of schools are providing those preschool meals. i have to say the best way we can tell people is get more people into work, and we are coming to make a our economy continues to grow and make sure it delivers for hard-working people. i know the labour party want to give his narrative up and running about in equality but let me give them some statistics
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to show why it is not true. there are 300,000 fewer children in poverty than when labour were in office. [shouting] in equality in our country has gone down and not up. one of the series courses of poverty, long-term youth unemployment, is now lower than when this government came to office. that is how we're changing people's lives and changing people's life chances. >> a prime minister a great friends in the middle east to share a basic commitment to pluralism, democracy and peaceful change from syrian national coalition, palestine to the elected government of kurdistan and libya and we hope iraq must by now be fighting british support inconsistent, fragmented and and strategic. isn't it time for more consistent strategy? >> i don't agree at all with the honorable gentleman. i think this government has massively increased our engagement with the gulf and middle eastern states.
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everybody knows that our view is that you in favor of democracy, of human rights come of the building blocks of democracy but also of naïve interventionists to believe you can drop democracy out of the back of an airplane. it needs to be built. they know that is what you do we engage with all of those states en route to maximize not just our influence by the chance of regional stability in that vital area. >> does the prime minister share public concern that terrible abuse can happen to children? most recently a 1400 sexually abused girls. yet directors of social services and other senior officers pay no penalty, and often move on to even higher paid jobs. surely, it's the context of the people at the top mean they cannot be stacked in such circumstances, maybe the contracts need looking at. >> i agree entirely with what the honorable lady has said that
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first of all what we've seen is deeply shocking, and as i said i think it demonstrates a failure in the local government system there in the children's services department and in policing, and all those issues need to be addressed which is why vast the home secretary to chair a group of ministers to look at how we learn the lessons even before we get our child abuse inquiry fully under way. we are -- where she is right is that local authorities when they employ these people should look carefully at the contracts and make sure that the people don't do the job properly, they can be removed. it's of vital. you cannot please all of this from white help your local government has responsibly for the people it employs and should hold them to account. >> thank you, mr. speaker. can i concur with the prime minister's earlier comments on bad behavior and say we all stand right behind him. track of his net migration in uk has continued at the present level we can fill a city the
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size of leads every three years. it's not only unsustainable but potentially a stabilizing to the country. does my right honorable friend i agree with me that the sooner we adopt of these only system for all foreign nationals, the sovereign parliament to decide his those are the best? >> first walk in a thank my auto honorable friend for what he says about the stamp of us all take against terror and terrorism. on the issue of immigration, we have done a huge amount to restrict migration from outside the european union and the figures are down almost 30% since this government came to office. we are closed and 700 bogus colleges. we introduce an economic limit but i agree we need to do more. of course, freedom of movement is important principle but it is not an unqualified right and it should not be the freedom of movement to claim benefits and we should make sure when new member states join the european
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union, we don't necessarily have transitional controls that simply last for a number of years. where transitional controls that make sure they will not have full access to our markets until their economies are of a different size and shape. >> the most recent uk ambassador to nato has today said that an independent scotland would be welcome in nato and that she is voting yes in the referendum just like so many other undecided voters who want a better scotland. earlier this year the prime minister get a commitment on scottish television to take part in a program with undecided voters before the referendum. will he be doing that or running a we just as he ran away from the foreign minister in the debate? >> on scottish television i asked a format and, indeed, they seem to run away themselves. [shouting] on nato, i refer to listen to
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loren roberts, the segregation of nato is absolutely clear that scotland will be better off inside the united kingdom and the united kingdom will be better off with scotland. and the problem with the right honorable gentleman when it comes to all of the big questions, what currency with a separate scotland use? will we be the position in data? what would be the position in the european union? they've not been able to provide a single credible answer. >> does the prime minister agree with me that one, it is accepted to hold an opinion, it is not acceptable to promote boycotts of goods produced in israel are kosher goods and bits of policy of -- with judaism and also in turn anti-semitism. what reassurance can the prime minister get my constituents that this government will address boycotts and anti-semitism and united kingdom? >> we have been very clear that we don't support boycotts and we don't support measures that are
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intended to delegitimize the state of israel which has a right to exist. we argue has a right to piece within its proper borders. and i do think he makes an important point, which is wished absent a clear that you can criticize israel and israeli government for its actions without being anti-semitic. but what we've seen in recent weeks is a rise in anti-semitic attacks in the country but as i said on monday that is completely unacceptable. >> could i refer the prime minister to -- does the prime minister agree that a common thread in the -- summit has been referred to earlier -- [inaudible] all to often be driven by considerations other than the best interest of the child? and reflect a sad lesson for all of us will be agreed to remand
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the modern slavery vote -- summit with reflecting the best interest of the child to all the relevant authorities and the service is? >> i am very proud of the fact that this government is introducing the modern slavery bill, a bill in strong support and i will care that the specific suggestion that he makes. let me make a brief comment on the other points that he makes. i think to be fair to the authorities involved in the case, they all want to do the best for the child but that is what they're thinking of i think what happened was the decisions were taken that were not correct and didn't chime with a sense of common sense and that unfortunate been put right. what all of us in public life and public offices have to do is examine with the legal requirements or but also make a judgment and those judgments can sometimes be more important. >> thank you, mr. speaker. if even the respected hampshire police can use the european
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arrest warrants a great and injustice, can my right honorable friend have any confidence that other member states with less well-developed legal systems will not use the arrest warrants for worse purposes in the future? >> what i would say to my honorable friend, i respect his argument, police are, they can make their judgment and is a just and they don't always get those judgments right. the question i'd ask ourselves in this house is we have to think about a situation potentially where a terrorist has attacked our country and is on the run for europe to other countries and how quickly want to be able to get that person back in front of our courts to face british justice. there's not an imagine a set of circumstances to this is exactly what happened in 2005 after the dreadful london bombing. so we do need to think about this. i am all for making sure that powers afloat from brussels to london, and they have been the case of justice and home affairs
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will we have repatriated over 100 measures. but i also want to be a prime minister who can with the british people in the eye and say we'll keep you safe from series crime, from terrorism and put people back in front of british courts as soon as possible. >> thank you, mr. speaker. prime minister, we now know in the event of separation scotland would no longer -- that was a good laugh. [laughter] >> will no longer have a formal -- [inaudible] [inaudible] >> response, an independent scotland share the national debt. stomach. [inaudible] i think it is one of the most chilling things that has been said in this referendum campaign that a separate scotland would consider defaulted on its debt. we all know what happens if you don't pay your debt. no one will lend you any money and you pay an interest rate.
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we all know what that means for homeowners, much, much higher mortgage rates. for businesses crippling interest rates. those are the consequences of what the separatists are proposing and we need to get our message out loud and clear in the coming days. [shouting] >> spent for all the reasons that have been given, if we were to lose the unions that would not only be a disaster for scotland but a national humiliation of catastrophic proportions. but. [inaudible] perhaps would've been a bit complacent up to now. me i urge them in the next two weeks to drop everything else, stand shoulder to shoulder to fight for the game we love and believe in? >> i think my honorable friend is absolutely -- >> order. just a moment, prime minister. mr. mcneal, you ought i decent chap, you are very over excitable, very over excitable
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individual. you should calm down. you aspire to be a statesman. try behaving like one. the prime minister. >> i agree with my honorable friend about the importance of this referendum. what i would say is i think the leaders of the parties in the south have all put aside their differences and said in spite of the political differences we have, we all agree about one thing. not just that scotland is better off inside the united kingdom by the united kingdom is better off with scotland inside. perhaps as well as the leader of the conservative party, as a member of parliament for an english seed i say on behalf of everyone in england and was in northern ireland we want scotland to stay. [shouting] >> prime minister we're all very aware of your interest in the middle east and particularly iraq. what is happened since were last year for pmqs a particular the last 24 hours. [inaudible] christians have been displaced, they're been beheadings, they've
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been told to convert or die. it is time to consider further action for christians and additional sanctions against isil? >> i think we should do everything we can to protect them persecute miners including christians but also the yazidi communities and that's her we been using our resources but after nevada's most been humanitarian aid which we been delivered through a militant asset, through raf planes come working with others to make sure they are protected but we should also as part of the strategy work with the kurds and others so the isil can be beaten back and the christians and others are persecuted. >> increasing numbers of british family are leaving the uk because they believe they will get a more fair trial in family courts abroad rather than family courts he. does the prime minister agree with me that parliament should look at the reasons for this? >> we do break into the debate in this house family law. this government has made some amendments to family law after
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long debates within government and in this house and it is arguing they should be for the parliamentary opportunities but, of course, there are backbench days and other opportunities to raise these issues. >> given the birthday present given to him from the member my clutch and come how many more birthday surprises ac expecting from the tory backbenchers? >> i'm sure i will get all sorts of pleasant surprises on my birthday. please don't spoil it by letting me know what they are. [laughter] [shouting] [inaudible] failed to provide a plan b should scotland become independent. does the prime minister agree with me that a vote -- what plan b is before a vote?
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>> and i think my honorable friend makes a good point which is those who believe in united kingdom, we can answer all of these question. we can answer what they united kingdom will look like in the future. those argued the separation have answered these questions. the most recent effort to say that somehow scotland would go on using sterling but not be part of the monetary union got a rebuff yesterday from the european commission who said that on that basis they wouldn't be able to be members of the european union. so yet again another piece of the puzzle completely falls aw away. >> mr. speaker, isn't the truth that isil won't be beaten without airstrikes in syria as well? and that means engaging, however unpalatable, with the assad regime in iran as well as of course the saudis? perhaps also resolving the bitter and dangerous shia-sunni conflict in the region. because ultimately isis poses a
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bigger threat to the nations in the region than it does to us. >> i make two points whose views on this our. first of all i would argue that assad's brutality has been one of the things that is help to generate the appalling regime that isis represents. the second thing that i would say is yes, of course what we want to see, what consistent across the piece on this is democratic government that a pluralistic and represent all of their people taking place. we want to see the in iraq urges why we support prime minister a body in his attempt to build an inclusive government and we should support a 10th century to have a democratic transition to a regime that can represent everyone in syria. >> g. high the crime in the name of the islamic state -- [shouting] [inaudible] so i welcome the plans by my
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right honorable friend to seize british passports from dual nationals and remove razors in the uk from foreign nationals who have been fighting with iso- in iraq answered in order to keep such good from -- in the uk. what progress is a government made concerning jihad is with only british citizenship? first of all let me be to do my honorable friend for his great work represent the people of dudley south for the last four years. and all the work is done. i think he is right to say that people in dudley south, indeed people across the country, take a basic view that if you leave this country, you travel to the heart of iraq, he declared that you are in favor of some so called islamic state and that is a country you want to be part of that you should forfeit effectively your right to come back and let it bring the that is what people feel and they feel it deeply and that is what it is right to look at how we can have legal powers not just
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to strip dual nationals of the british citizenship, not just exclude foreign nationals but those british citizens that make those statements should be stopped from coming back to our country. >> mr. speaker, a constituent is trapped in northern iraq, unable to travel home. in light of the threat from isil with the prime minister a look at this case and see what more can be done to expedite his return home as soon as possible concluding issuing a new travel document? >> i'm very happy to look at the audible ladies case and i'm sure the foreign secretary will have been listening to that. let me take this opportunity to commend the work that the foreign office officials do often unfeigned, supporting those who get stuck in different countries and, indeed, supporting families whose loved ones have been taken hostage. we are focused on iraq today but since i've been prime minister they're been hostages taken in countries like nigeria and somalia. we often don't hear about that
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work because it's better to keep people's names and identities from the public but i think it's very important that people know that when this happens, that meetings of covert are held to a take a personal interest in each and every one of these cases to work out what we can do to help the parent families, helping people and resolve these dreadful complex situations. >> chaos in iraq and syria, appalling events just best in gaza, libya in some disturbance, the appalling illegal annexation of crimea by president putin. yet this house has no proper opportunity to discuss these matters. [inaudible] certainly before the house recess, full debate to discuss these matters. >> i think my honorable friend is absolute right. we live in a very troubled and difficult world with huge changes taking place and he mentioned some a specific areas. in consultation with the leader
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of the house that would be a full day, i think as soon as next wednesday which would give honorary members of the chance to speak about these issues and it should go the other subsequent opportunities perhaps lucas in the individual questions that he raises. >> thank you, mr. speaker. the horrific disgusting abuse suffered by children my constituency should never have been allowed to happen. they still do not have the support they need and criminals are still on the street. child sex exploitation is not only my issue, it's a national issue. when will the prime minister a point and aggravated child abuse so no child will be let down by statutory agencies again? against? >> first of all can attend the honorable lady pictures right is because she does. this has affected not just -- is a grateful case in oxford where my constituency, very sober nature with similar failings in the systems but as i've announced the home secretary will be leading this committee
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of ministers to draw together government's response and the announcement of the person who will lead a broader child abuse inquiry will be made in the coming days. these are all vital. i think we have to ask ourselves a sense of questions about how the these individual services fail. yes, of course there's the issue about whether these problems were ignored because of concerns about racism and political correctness but i also think there is a big concern that sometimes the police and other agencies were ignored these people because they somehow felt they were beyond the pale. i think that offends all our senses of human decency that none of these children, none of these young people should be ignored or left behind our society. >> me i take my right of a friend back to the issue of hostages? my friend will be aware that often when these cases arise, those suggestions that ransom should be paid homage to those with fans that case take account of the fact that money is used
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by ransom is not distribute, for example, among the impoverished citizens of gaza, rather it is used to purchase weapons, to finance the training and manus of those are willing to use them, and otherwise defense the malevolent objectives of terrorism? >> i have to say my right honorable friend is absolutely 100% right here there's no doubt in my mind that the many tens of millions of dollars that isil have raised ransom payment is going into promoting terrorism, including terrorism affecting our own country. at the g8 i launched an initiative to try to get other countries to sign up to a very clear doctrine that in a case of terrorists kidnap, no ransom should be paid. britain continues with his policy. america continues with this policy. we need to redouble the effort to make sure that other countries are good to their
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