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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  September 18, 2014 6:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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of our country. republicans, i y might add, that do much of the complex.industrial that is too anxious to get -- to send our troops all over the orld and put our people in harm's way. local people. he wants to carry the load. in india, a new prime minister there wants to carry the load in of the he's side with the people who want to carry their own load who are allies of ours. alliances with whoever will help us defeat without huge numbers of would eventually come and threaten our own security. president ukrainian will pad dress a joint session at 10:00 today. what are you expecting to hear them? guest: expecting us to ask us
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frankly -- i and don't know if he'll justify democratically elected government that seceded him. i'm the few republicans that -- i'm one of the few members of he house who do not see things most people e way see it. i think the european friends manipulated us in doing their bidding in ukraine. would hope we could be a force for peace there rather ukrainians,ming the we should try to find an agreement. of finding he way >> the house back in shortly to
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vote on two feels dealing with energy and tax breaks. the clerk: h.r. 4, a bill to make revisions to federal law, to improve the conditions necessary for economic growth and job creation and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i have a motion to recommit at the desk. the speaker pro tempore: is the gentleman opposed to the bill? >> in its current form, i am, yes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman qualifies. the clerk will report the motion. the clerk: instructions to report the same back to the house for thewith with the following amendment. add at the end of division i the following new title. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york. the clerk will suspend. >> may i ask for unanimous consent to dispense with the reading. the speaker pro tempore: is there objection? the gentleman from new york is recognized for five minutes in support of his motion. mr. bishop: thank you very much, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, this is the final amendment to the bill, it will not kill the bill or sebbeds it back to committee -- send it
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back to committee. if adopted the bill will immediately proceed to final passage. mr. speaker, my straightforward amendment adds three important provisions to the underlying bill that unfortunately continue to be ignored by the majority. first, this amendment declares that any company engaged in the offshoring of american jobs will be ineligible for federal tax breaks. i think that every member of congress can agree that if a company wants to ship domestic jobs overseas, u.s. taxpayers should not be expected to pick up the tab. yet h.r. 4 as currently written does nothing to prevent outsorcerers from receiving federal tax breaks. my amendment addresses this egregious omission. second, the amendment prevents hardworking american families from subsidizing so-called inverted domestic corporations. it is important to remember that an inverted domestic corporation is a business that used to be incorporated in the united states but whose leaders have chosen to incorporate overseas. these businesses typically
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reincorporate on foreign soil in order to avoid domestic taxes by finding tax shelters on unregulated shores of places like bermuda and the caiman islands. since 2012, these corporation bad actors have been banned from contracting with many agencies of the federal government, including the department of defense, nasa and the g.s.a. still, american taxpayers are subsidizing this corporate tax evasion to the tune of billions of dollars per year. i commend my colleagues, the gentleman from michigan, mr. levin, and the gentleman from maryland, mr. van hollen, for their leadership in introducing legislation responding to the rapidly increasing frequency of inversions by limiting tax breaks to corporations carrying them out, by tightening section 7874 of the i.r.s. code. this congress has the opportunity to make clear that it will not tolerate tax code manipulaters, taking advantage of tax breaks and sticking the middle class with the bill. finally, my amendment allows
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the house to move the economy forward by bringing up for consideration components of the democratic jump-start agenda. pay equity and increased minimum wage, student loan refinancing, paid family sick leave and early childhood education. these policies have the overwhelming support of the american people and are needed if we are to take seriously the goal of strengthening the middle class and making it possible for families to get their slice of the american dream. unsurprisingly the house has taken no action on addressing any of these pressing issues, but we can today by passing this amendment. rather than take up these important issues, the republican majority instead prepares to adjourn the house for a 54-day recess. that's right. 54 days. this impending recess is in addition to the 38-day recess from august 1 to september 8 from which the house just returned. in fact, the u.s. house of representatives will have been in session for a grand total of
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eight days in the 101-day span between august 1 and november 12. the american people sent us here to work and find solutions facing their families each and every day. this is simply unacceptable. mr. speaker, what more work needs to be done? let's pass this amendment and actually get to work on addressing the mounting and diverse needs of our constituents. the time for political games is over and the time for action is now. i urge a yes vote on the motion to recommit. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. for what purpose does the gentleman from ohio seek recognition? >> to oppose the motion to recommit. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. >> mr. speaker, the motion to recommit does not solve the problem that the gentleman talked about. there's one thing that will solve the problem that the gentleman talked about. and it's about lowing corporation rates -- lowering corporate rates and going to a territorial system which all other countries in the world who have been successful in stopping this problem have done.
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america has not led. america has fallen behind. chairman camp, the gentleman from michigan, has led. mr. tiberi: he has a draft that seeks to solve this problem. there hasn't been any leadership from the house democrats, there hasn't been any leadership on the issue from senate democrats and there certainly hasn't been any leadership from the white house. everything in this bill before us today, mr. speaker, is bipartisan. meaning democrats and republicans have supported it. everything in this bill, mr. speaker, will help americans create american jobs. there is no reason not to support this bill except what's happening in november. mr. speaker, i urge my colleagues to vote no on the motion to recommit and vote yes on this job creating, american job creating bill. i yield back.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. without objection, the previous question is ordered on the motion to recommit. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the noes have it. the gentleman from new york. mr. bishop: i request the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. all those in favor of taking this vote by the yeas and nays will rise and remain standing until counted. a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. pursuant to clause 8 and clause 9 of rule 20 and the order of the house of today, this 15-minute vote on the motion to recommit will be followed by five-minute votes on passage of h.r. 4 if ordered, motion to recommit, h.r. 2, and passage of h.r. 2 if ordered. this is a 15-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote the yeas are 191, the nays are 218. the motion is not adopted. the vote is on passage of the bill. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the gentleman from washington. >> mr. speaker, i ask the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. all those in favor of taking
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this vote by the yeas and nays will rise and remain standing until counted. a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. this is a five-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote, the yeas are 253, the nays are 163. the bill is passed. without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table.
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he house will be in order. would members remove their conversations from the floor, clear the well, clear the aisles . proceedings in the house will not continue until there is rder in the house. for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to speak out of order for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. >> thank you, mr. speaker. yesterday, our friend and colleague, congressman joe heck, was promoted to the rank of brigadier general in the u.s. rmy reserve.
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now. as you all know, while this gentleman from nevada has been serving in congress, he's also been working as a physician and member of the u.s. army reserve. since 1991, he has been called to duty three times, most recently in iraq in 2008. his accomplishments and service to our country in a variety of fields are truly remarkable. on behalf of this house, i'd like to offer dr., congressman, general heck our warmest, most sincere congratulations. yield back.
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the speaker pro tempore: without objection, five-minute voting will continue. the unfinished business is the vote on the motion to recommit on h.r. 2 on which the yeas and nays are ordered. the clerk will redesignate the motion. the clerk: h.r. 2 offered by mr. -- motion to recommit on h.r. 2 offered by mr. snyder of illinois. the speaker pro tempore: members will record their votes by electronic device. this is a five-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote, the yeas are 193, the nays are 222. the motion is not adopted.
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the question is on passage of the bill. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. mr. hastings: i ask for the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. those in support of the taking the vote by the yeas and nays will rise. a sufficient number having risen , the yeas and nays are ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. this is a five-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote the yeas are 226, the nays are 191. the bill is passed, without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table.
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the house will come to order. please take your conversations off the floor. for what purpose does the gentleman from mississippi seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the committee on house administration be discharged from further consideration of senate joint resolution 40 and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the time. of the joint resolution.
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the clerk: senate joint resolution 40 joint resolution providing for the appointment of michael lindsent as a citizen region of the board of regions -- regions of the smithsonian institution. the speaker pro tempore: is there any objection to the consideration of the joint resolution? hearing none, without objection, the joint resolution is read a third time and passed. the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the committee on foreign affairs be discharged from further consideration of house resolution 707 and ask for its immediate consideration here in the house. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of
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the resolution. the clerk: house resolution 707, resolution condemning all forms of anti-semitism and rejecting attempts to justify anti-jew joo -- anti-jewish hatred or violent attacks as an acceptable expression of disapproval or frustration over political events in the middle east or elsewhere. the speaker pro tempore: is there objection to the consideration of the esolution? >> i have an amendment to the text of the resolution at the desk, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment to house resolution 707 offered by mr. royce of california. strike the preamble and insert the following, whereas there is clear evidence of increasing -- mr. royce: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to dispense ith the reading. i might ask, mr. speaker, just unanimous consent to
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dispense with the reading if that's appropriate. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the reading of the amendment to the text is dispensed with. mr. royce: so i have an amendment to the preamble at the desk. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman will suspend. mr. royce: i'll suspend. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the amendment is agreed to and, without objection, the resolution is agreed to. the gentleman from california. mr. royce: mr. speaker, at this time i have an amendment to the preamble at the desk. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the amendment to the preamble. the clerk: amendment to house resolution 707 offered by mr. royce of california. strike the preamble and insert the following. whereas there is clear evidence of increasing incidents and expressions of antisesmtism -- anti-semitism throughout the world. whereas on april 30, 2014 -- mr. royce: i ask unanimous consent to dispense with the reading. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. without objection, the amendment to the preamble is agreed to and the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. mr. royce: thank you, mr. speaker.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? mr. royce: mr. speaker, i'm going to ask unanimous consent that the committee on foreign affairs be discharged from further consideration of house resolution 734 and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the resolution of the the clerk: house resolution 734 , resolution expressing the condolences of house of representatives to the families of james foley and steven sotlof and condemning the terrorist attacks. the speaker pro tempore: is there objection to the consideration of the resolution? hearing none, without objection, the resolution is agreed to and the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. mr. royce: mr. speaker, with that i ask unanimous consent that when the house adjourns today it adjourn to meet at noon tomorrow. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. the chair will receive a message.
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message -- matt: i have been directed by the senate to inform the house that the senate has agreed with h.j.res. 124, making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 016, and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: the chair will entertain requests for one-minute speeches. for what purpose does the gentleman from arkansas seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i seek unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. >> mr. speaker, i rise today to offer a special birthday wishes to someone very important to me. my father. kermit womack. mr. womack: dad turns 80 tomorrow. and it's a special honor to recognize him for his many
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outstanding accomplishments. he's a 35-year veteran of the national guard, the missouri and arkansas. as an accomplished broadcaster, owning and operating five broadcast stations in arkansas, his old-school philosophy of community involvement radio is legendary. he's also a dedicated cattleman. mr. speaker, dad is also a great family man. he raised seven children and taught them the important and valuable lessons of life. and he should know because of the child in humble circumstances, dad won a three-state f.f.a. public speaking contest and a scholarship to pay his way through college. dad, on the eve of your 0th birthday, i want america to know the importance you have meant to your family, the communities you serve, the nation and this grateful congressman. happy birthday. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the
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gentleman from california seek recognition? without objection, the gentleman is recognized. >> mr. speaker, i rise today to highlight the valuable and life-saving contributions of america's clinical research efforts and to urge my colleagues to support my resolution to make september clinical research innovation month. innovation and scientific research are critical to ensuring america's future competitiveness. san diego understands this and has become a hub for innovation and technology. clinical research organizations are components of our leading innovation sector in san diego and across the country. they're fundamental to the development of drugs, bio logical -- biologics. last year alone clinical research efforts led to over 85 new drugs approved by the f.d.a. mr. peters: add -- aiding in the fight against ailments.
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clinical research connected to the veterans hospital in san diego is looking for the best ways to treat our brave men and women as they return home. the life-saving innovations coming out of clinical research are helping people across the country live longer and healthier lives and i encourage my colleagues to join me in establishing clinical research innovation month. thank you, mr. speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition? mr. thompson: mr. speaker, request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized. mr. thompson: mr. speaker, it's hard to overstate the threat posed by isil. former u.s. ambassador to iraq and afghanistan, ryan crocker, recently stated, and i quote, i call on al qaeda version 6.0. they're far better organized, equipped and funded. they're more experienced and more numerous and for the first time since 9/11 a determined and capable enemy that has the space and security to plan complex, longer range
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operations, end of quote. we are presented with few good options in confronting isil. however failing to confront this brutal terrorist group is not one of them. the combat component of this strategy must be executed by local forces. today the house passed a bipartisan resolution that reinforces this principle. the measure authorizes neither u.s. troops in a combat rule nor additional taxpayer funding. it does allow the department of defense to seek to reprogram existing funds for training and also includes new oversight provisions to ensure the administration's plan is managed within the confines of the law. mr. speaker, this action is a step forward in helping the region take on and defeat isil. which is fundamental to u.s. national security. and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? without objection, the gentleman is recognized. >> mr. speaker, today i rise to
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recognize brian foley as he retired at the end of september after 30 years of service. mr. swalwell: mr. swalwell: he grew up in california and has a degree in business administration. in 1986, brian joined the union city police department, fulfilling a dream of becoming a police officer. he worked for the union city police department in a variety of areas, including crime scene investigator, homicide detective and swat team member. his hard work and skills propelled him into leadership roles such as swat team leader, sergeant, captain and since january, 2012, chief. on behalf of the residents of union city and the 15th congressional district, i want to thank chief foley for his years of dedication and service. he's played a key role in helping keep the street it's safe and he'll be sorely missed. i also wish him well as he enters the next phase of his life. i'm sure he's looking forward to spending more time with his wife and children. after so many years of hard work for the people of union city, this opportunity is well
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deserved. and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition? >> address the house for one minute, revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: does the gentleman seek unanimous consent? >> yes, i do. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. fitzpatrick: mr. speaker, i rise before you today to recognize a doctor of yardly, bucks county, pennsylvania. a member of the eighth congressional district, my constituent and good friend. as a cardiologist, success businessman and faithful community servant, the doctor has been an incredible asset for the health of families that call the delaware valley home. as a member of both my physicians advisory and indian american communities, the doctor's talents and experience have been a vital part of my legislative and outreach efforts, as we work together to provide bucks county families with the type of patient-centered health care solutions that keep our communities happy and healthy. i am honored to call the doctor a personal friend of mine and
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look forward to partnering with him in the future so that bucks county continues to be a great place to live, to work, to raise a family and to grow old in. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized. >> mr. speaker, with unanimous passage today of h.res. 707 we send a clear bipartisan message condemning the rising tide of nti-semitism around the world. we've seen death threats against jews. there's been a growing sentiment of anti-semitism throughout the world. mr. nadler: we must ensure that the world views such actions for what they are, the violent hate-fueled persecution of an entire people rather than an acceptable expression of frustration when political events in the middle east or anywhere else. tragically 70 years after six million jewish men, women and children were murdered, simply
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for being jews, many jews in europe again face violent anti-semitism and must live in constant fear. anti-semitic injuries -- imagery have been on display at demonstrations against israel throughout the united states and the world. make no mistake, this is a new face on a very hold hatred. disagreing with israeli policy is no excuse for anti-semitism. want to thank my colleagues, especially peter roskam, anita lowey and i want to thank nancy pelosi, and others who helped bring this important bipartisan piece of legislation to the floor. i thank you and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? does the gentleman seek unanimous consent? mr. gohmert: i do. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. gohmert: there's an article today i want to read in part.
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meanwhile, back in afghanistan it's reported that jihaddists killed american soldiers. three were killed in kabul and the taliban claim responsibility. a fourth was killed in a so-called groan on blue assassination. he was an american there to train moderate islamist allies at a military base in western afghanistan and one of these afghans shot him dead and wounded two other before being killed. the last such attack claimed the life of general harold green, the highest ranking officer since the seat nam war to be killed in combat, training while -- killed while training moderate islamists. the taliban have devoted significant efforts to step up attempts to kill u.s. and allied forces. this is outrageous. we don't need to be helping the so-called moderate jihaddists. with that, i yield back, but mr.
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speaker, i ask unanimous consent to enter the full article into the record. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized. mr. green: i'm on a mission of mercy. i have a constituent who is missing in syria. we he is a son of mark and debra tice. his name is austin tice. on august 11, 2012, he celebrated his 31st birthday in syria. on august 13, he was reported missing. he is a graduate of george washington university and he was there pursuing his career in journalism. mr. speaker, his parents are
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gravely concerned. and we are asking anyone with any information concerning this young man, austin tice, to please contact the f.b.i. 1-800-225-5324. repeating, 1-00-225-5324. 202-225-7508. and i would like to now have a moment of silence for his return. thank you, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? the gentleman is recognized. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today to say thank you to bill mcmanus, who has announced
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his retirement as chief of the san antonio police department in the seventh largest city in the country. mr. gallego: he's been on board in san antonio for eight years but he brought with him 30 years of experience in law enforcement in areas as diverse as narcotics, tactical positions, investigations, internal investigations, the full range of experience. as a result of his service in san antonio, their police department is more well respected, more well trained, than ever in san antonio's history. steve mcmanus, i first met him when he was testifying before the legislature and i served as chair of the committee on criminal jurisprudence. i know his passion for law enforcement and his passion for people. we will miss him in the city but we wish him well in his future endeavors. thank you, mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition?
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without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized. ms. jackson lee: mr. speaker, i rise to honor and mourn a great american in my district. his name is joe samples. he made people happy by the wonderful jazz he played. born in 1939, in his high school he, joined with fellow students and created the jazz crusaders. in doing so, he enjoyed a wonderful career that saw him working with people such as miles davis, george benson, jimmy witherspoon, b.b. king, eric clapton, steely dan he incorporated jazz in many things he did but he also understood gospel, blues, and latin and the classical form. in talking to his family, this week and to his family and his wife, i give them my deepest sympathy, he said he was proud album.gospel music
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we're sad he lost his life in his battle against lung cancer but i'm delighted to salute him as someone who sheared his talent with young people who made texas proud and certainly is renowned throughout this great community of houston and the nation. starting the piano at five, joe sample never left his love of music and always tried to share it and be a representative of the value of what music is to children and the american people. i ask this congress to acknowledge with me this great hero, joe sample, a musician and american, someone who we can be proud of that lived good in this country. with that, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman's time has expired. the chair lays before the house the following personal requests. the clerk: leaves of absence requested for mrs. capito of west virginia for today and the balance of the week, mr. conway of texas for today and the --
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conaway of texas for today and the balance of the week, and for mr. hastings of florida on september 16. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the requests are granted. under the speaker's announced policy of january 3, 2013, the gentleman from nebraska, mr. terry is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the majority leader. mr. terry: thank you, mr. speaker. today, the house passed a commonsense approach to make our energy more reliable and more affordable. our vote today would create jobs, secure our energy future on north us dependent merican resources, not opec, venezuela, or others. i'm proud to lead this in support of lower energy costs and more american jobs. with commonsense policies like these, we can make real progress toward reducing prices at the
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pump and protecting families from higher monthly electric bills. lower energy costs also mean lower prices for groceries and other consumer goods. and by producing more american energy, we can create more american jobs. these are the issues that families struggle with at the kitchen table every night and keep you awake at night. but house republicans have put forward a positive, bipartisan solution to strengthen our energy policy that will allow us to begin fostering the development and use of our own energy resources. today, the house acted. we passed a commonsense energy legislation that takes advantage of our abundant north american energy and put our country on a path to better infrastructure.
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this approach is simple. it's a package of 13 bills the house has already passed on a bipartisan basis, including three of which were even voice voted. they're not controversial. for instance, this bill includes the natural gas pipeline permitting reform act that would expedite and modernize the federal review process for natural gas pipeline permits to help facilitate the construction of new pipeline infrastructure. this bill passed with 26 democratic votes. it also includes h.r. 6, the domestic prosperity and global freedom act, sponsored by my good friend cory gardner from colorado. this would speed up the approval of liquid natural gas exports. we have abundant supply of natural gas in the united states, an abundance of which will allow other countries to become dependent on us for their energy needs.
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now, our energy and commerce subcommittee, several of us on the republican side, went to north dakota last year. to visit the oil fields. we flew in at night. you look, when you fly over western north dakota, at night, it looks like you're flying over a birthday cake. with lots of candles. those candles is flaring off natural gas. because the price is so low and it is so plentiful that it just makes better economic sense to burn it off. so we need to find additional sources and uses for the natural gas. they're already there, exporting, transportation, we just need to focus more on those. just today, we heard at a joint meeting of congress from the president of ukraine, he talked about the security in his own country and the strong
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partnership with the united states. can you imagine how much weaker russia would be if the ukraine was more dependent or would use north american, u.s., natural gas resources? former obama national security advisor, general jim jens, testified before the senate that vladimir putin uses energy as a weapon. i believe we would be using our energy resources as our weapon and by expediting the permitting processes for liquefied natural gas terminal, it would allow taos export natural gas to countries like ukraine and our european partners and japan. these policies to develop natural gas would further cement u.s. leadership in the world. and grow our economy. and create jobs here at home. secondly, this package includes the electricity security and affordability act. that would protect an affordable
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and diverse electricity portfolio by providing reasonable alternatives to the e.p.a.'s greenhouse gas emissions rule. it would require the e.p.a. to develop practical solutions for new coal-fired power plants, including just saying that you can't implement a rule until the technology exists. doesn't that make sense? to have a rule that the technology can actually comply with instead of making a rule where there's no technology allowing you to comply to it? i'm wondering if there's another agenda bheend that. lastly, this bill encludes h.r. 3. the northern route approval act. which would approve the permit for the keystone x.l. pipeline. tomorrow, tomorrow marks the sixth birthday or anniversary of the filing of that permit. six years.
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we've liberated continents and put a man on the moon in less time than it's taken to review this permit and aprove et. it not only has strong bipartisan support in the house, it's one of the few issues that enjoys broad bipartisan coalition in the senate as well. we can't get this done because the president lacks the leadership to make a decision. he'd rather make a decision based on politics, continuing to delay the decision until after the next election. it's just now the third election. consider these few things about the keystone pipeline that come directly from this administration's environmental impact statement on the keystone pipeline. it would create over 42,000 jobs directly related to the construction of the pipeline project and downstream jobs. during the construction of the
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pipeline, it would contribute $2 billion in wages to the economy in the united states. $2 billion. and the administration acknowledged that by not building the keystone pipeline, we'd actually increase carbon emissions by 28% to 41%. many people come up to me and say, well, i don't get how it would reduce. well, the reality is the alternative is the pipeline that canada is building to the he's and to the west will then be exported so that oil then is put on a ship tanker, at least for the west, it's going to be shipped directly to china, maybe even the east coast pipeline will go down to the panama canal and to the east. so when you use the energy take ton ship it to china and then refined in china with less pollution controls and emission controls in their refineries
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than we have in the united states, you will actually be increasing the co-2 carbon emissions. now, like every other piece of legislation in this package, this is stuck in the senate and being hold hostage by the majority leader. time is of the essence before the clock runs out on this congress. so this package of energy bills to grow our economy actually does harry reid a favor. instead of having to schedule 13 different bills, mr. speaker, he only has to bring up one. . we have nearly 400 bills that this house chamber has sent to him that have not been acted upon. let's make it easier, package them together and if he passes 10 of the bills like this, then maybe we're making some real progress. the senate floor wants the
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comprehensive package and hold one vote to meet our national energy needs and grow our economy. . speaker, i ran to make our country energy-independent. to have the level of security, national security, when you can be in control of your own economy and destiny. in my view, the cornerstone of a dynamic economy is your own energy and your own resources. you compare the countries that have the resources that they can control themselves and not be dependent on others, and you .ee the strongest economies this is the corner stone it. creates jobs. it creates security -- stone. it creates jobs. it creates security and just don't understand why our majority leader -- the majority
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leader in the senate won't bring these great bills to the senate floor. in fact, i think he's scared they're going to pass. and they will. they have a great deal of support. so, let's say yes to american energy, yes to more affordable energy in the united states and i'd like to recognize the gentleman from indiana to say a little bit more on how we secure america's energy. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from indiana is recognized. >> thank you for yielding, congressman terry. i rise today in support of american energy and the families that it supports. mr. speaker, american families are struggling. many are living paycheck to paycheck as the price of everything continues to rise. mr. bucshon: a gal of gas, a gallon of milk, electrical costs. and you know he what the rising electrical costs, who they will
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affect the most? america's seniors on a fixed income and the poor. here in the house we have solutions like investing and expanding american energy production. it creates jobs in which families can depend and lowers costs at home and for businesses. mr. speaker, my father was a united mine worker in illinois for over 30 years. it was hard work but it was a good paying job and provided for our family and we are proud of the work my dad did. it afforded me the opportunity to pursue an education and become the first person in my family to receive a four-year colonel degree. -- college degree. i went on to medical school and became a surgeon. his job as a coal miner made the american dream possible for me. this is what america is about. my home state of indiana, over 80% of our electricity comes from coal. my district is home to nine coal mines, every mine in the
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state, and they employ thousands of hoosiers. next door in southern illinois, more coal mines, which employ hoosiers. coal not only keeps the lights on in indiana, but it puts food on the table for hoosier families. i've been to several coal mines , recently went down a coal mine, because i like going down in coal mines since i did it when i was a kid, talked to the hardworking men and women who are every day working these jobs. and i keep hearing the same thing, mr. speaker. washington regulations are crushing our business and i'm afraid for my job. what that may mean to my family. the fact is coal is being mined cleaner and safer than it ever halls. despite what this administration would have you believe, the coal industry has made great strides in protecting our environment while providing low-energy -- low energy costs for their consumers. but every time we invest, they
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invest their own money to improve their mines, this administration moves the goal post. they do this without consideration of how many jobs there are -- they are eliminating in southwest indiana and other coal-producing states. how this impact on the energy prices consumers pay has affect on indiana's families. in my district, two coal-fired power plants are closing because of this administration's energy policies. it's not just coal jobs that are being threatened. indiana's manufacturing jobs are beginning to feel the impact of these harmful energy regulations. you see, manufacturing makes up over -- around 28% of our gross state product. we're a huge manufacturing state. in fact, the highest percentage of gross state product in the country. indiana also leads the nation in manufacturing employment and
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low-cost energy is part of the reason. but the plants in my district are telling me they may not be able to survive when washington continues to squeeze them more and more. how can alcoa with 3,000 jobs stay open in my district if their energy costs double or triple? we can bring more manufacturing to the united states, mr. speaker, more jobs, which is what this is about, if we just get washington, d.c., out of the way of american businesses. yesterday in a committee hearing, i asked the e.p.a. to visit my district and for that matter other coal producing states to hear our story and listen to what my constituents have to say. while we wait for their response, the house is working. i'm proud to have supported h.r. 2, the american energy solutions for lower costs and more american jobs act. this comprehensive package, as
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already outlined by congressman terry, included the best energy ideas that the house has produced this congress. the most important piece of this legislation is it will ensure every american access to affordable, reliable energy. this legislation proves the -- approves the keystone pipeline, the most studied pipeline in history. which even the president's own state department has determined will not negatively impact the environment. this project is critical to our future generations, to address their future energy needs. but unfortunately this administration has been blocking this project for years for politics. while they turn their back on our nation's energy needs, they have been implementing new regulations that are costing our nation billions of dollars. it just doesn't make sense. part of h.r. 2 includes representative bill cassidy's bill, the energy consumers relief act, which ensures
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congressional oversight of energy-related rules costing more than $1 billion. this commonsense bill will allow congress to have oversight, which some of these -- those billion-dollar regulations that are crushing american -- american consumers across the nation probably won't meet our standards once they're looked at by congress. they're just costing too much with no benefit. other than ideological approach for the administration. we need to get back to science and common sense. h.r. 2 also included legislation that helps speed up the permitting process on federal lands, protects our nation's electrical grid, and protects coal mining jobs. most of these bills already passed the house and are sitting over in the senate, waiting for action. waiting for a vote. in fact, they're waiting for a hearing, waiting for a debate amongst our senators about the energy solutions the house has passed.
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i understand that the senate at this point, at least one party in the senate, may not agree with these ideas. but let's have a discussion about it. let's hear your ideas in the senate to lower our nation's energy costs. the house has spoken. this is what our constituents expect of us, mr. speaker. an honest, vigorous debate about the issues facing our nation. doing nothing is not an energy policy and it's no way to legislate. i hope our friends across the capitol and the president are watching and learning from the house's example. mr. speaker, finally in closing i want to say, we need to tap our energy resources. we're on the verge of an energy renaissance in the united states, a manufacturing renaissance, what does this mean? low-cost energy, american jobs, putting families back to work and that's what we all want. that's why we're here. that's why we ran for office,
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mr. speaker. to help people. provide for lower costs, we're doing it in a cleaner wathan we ever have -- wathan we ever have. mr. speaker, -- way than we ever have. mr. speaker, let's not look right in the face of success of creating jobs and look the other way. i'm hopeful that the senate will take up some of the house-passed bills, including this one, before the end of the year. if not, mr. speaker, the next congress, this house, will act again to show the american people we want costs lowered for their energy, we want good paying jobs, we want manufacturing in america and we will act again and hopefully the senate in the next congress can see it, to where they'll step forward and act. i yield back, mr. speaker. mr. terry: thank you, mr. bucshon. you mentioned manufacturing and how important it is to your state. the reality is also that
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manufacturing is reliant on affordable and reliable energy. i'm the chairman of the commerce, manufacturing and trade subcommittee under energy and commerce. and we did a series of hearings, mr. speaker, on manufacturing in the united states. and we had industries of all sorts testify in front of our committee. and you know, i left that series of hearings very optimistic about manufacturing in the united states, because what we're seeing is many manufacturers returning to the united states. and there was one common theme to every one of the manufacturers that were moving to the united states or returning to the united states and it was affordable had and reliable -- affordable and reliable energy. many of them use natural gas, whether it's the steel industry that'ses having a resurgence
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right now -- the steel industry that's having a resurgence right now. by the way, they are looking for workers right now, $77,000. that's the middle class that's being hammered right now. we need to create those jobs, expand those jobs, but you need affordable and reliable energy. so what is this administration doing? ey pass a rule that on existing electrical generation plants, existing plants, not ones yet to be built, and they say, you have to lower your emission rates to the level of using natural gas. so when we talk about, will bucshon and mrs. brooks that's going to come up here and talk about the impact on coal and jobs, that's the war on coal. they aren't using don't use coal. they just put the number of emission particulates below what you can get if you use coal. but now here's what happens in a state like nebraska.
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the state of nebraska has older coal-fired plants, most of them are smaller in our rural areas of nebraska. they won't be able to afford to pay for all of the changes that have to occur to meet that. and by the way, this rule is not even finalized yet, but when it becomes finalized, these plants have until june 30, 2016. we're in september of 2014. that's less than two years that they have to prepare. and that's why some of these rules are just so ridiculous and so obvious of how they're attacking our energy sector. and making affordability and reliable -- reliability a question mark. now, i'd like to yield to the gentleman from south carolina, jeff duncan. mr. duncan: i want to thank the gentleman from nebraska for his leadership on energy and for
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having this opportunity to discuss with the american people the things you're talking about. the impact that the rules and regulations of the obama administration is sputting forward with coal-fired power plants. in my state of south carolina, with the number of power plants that we have, there are coal-fired generated, whether he see rates go up. and as you say, they have until 2016. the obama administration will leave office in 2016 and that's when you're really going to see the impact of rates going up in states like south carolina, nebraska and others that use coal. the administration won't feel the impact or the pressure from the voters because they'll no longer be in office. let me tell but a winning message and that is jobs, energy and the founding fathers. things we've talked about this week as we pass this energy package. jobs. let's unleash and unbridele that spirit in america, let americans create jobs with the understanding that government creates jobs, the government creates government jobs. americans create american jobs. and they do that through
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energy. energy is a seg way to job creation and -- segue to job creation and if you dispute that fact, go to north dakota, go to texas, go to louisiana. look at the jobs that are created there. low unemployment rates, even negative unemployment rate in north dakota. it's an energy-driven economy, jobs and energy. energy's a segue to job creation. our founding fathers unleashing that entrepreneurial spirit, understanding the american dream, understanding limited government, free markets and individual liberties. . we do that by simple things like improving the keystone x.l. pipeline, bringing that canadian oil down to our refineries, working with our best and largest trading partner to the north. it just makes sense as you approach american energy independence but if we as congress can't approach american energy independence and also looking south to mexico, they
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just did away with the nationalization of the energy sector. privatizing more and more of team x and the other resources, opening up the transboundary hydrocarbon agreement area in the western gap, a million and a half ache sers open to production on the mexican side aned the u.s. side of the western gap. in south carolina, we want offshore energy production. i want to applaud the policy forum that shows the economic impact. when people think of energy jobs and offshore they think about the guys in the hard hat out there turning the drill on the derrick but it's all the job crease ated on shore to support those jobs offshore. those are the auto body mechanic the supply vessels and heat and aeroreparaguays that go out to the rigs and repair the heat and air and refrigeration and other things going on out there because it's a way of life. those guys are onshore at home, eeething at their local
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restaurants, tipping their waitresses, tithing, joining the united way and the chamber of commerce and sponsoring ball teams. 's a trickle down, the first step. i want to applaud the energy committee and also doc hastings. it opens up onshore and offshore production, it opens up oil and gas production and solar and wind and look at the map, the mp of the west a lot of sunny areas in the desert, but guess what, you own it, america. your taxpayer dollars set it aside. it's federal land. but it's off limits. even if you believe in solar and wind, it's off the table for that type of energy as well. the fracking regulations, we've
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got an abundance of natural gas in this country, find manager and more onshore. we can build l.n.g. terminals. we heard a great speech from the president of ukraine today. if we can export l.n.g. from america to ukraine, lessen ukraine's dependence on russian gas and export the technology we have for fracture, they want that technology to lessen their dependence on russian gas because of a word he mentioned over and over today, mr. speaker, freedom. freedom. freedom from russian gas and that dependence. europe wants it as well because they're dependent on russian gas as well. plus, ex--- let's export the l.n.g., the gas we're producing in abaund -- abundance in this country and help our allies. all we do, all the bills we've talked about, we've had an absent senate and we've had an absent white house when it comes to energy indepen -- indemens
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other than supporting solyndra and wasting taxpayer dollars. we need real things that work. t takes 24-7 to make the engines of the economy work. 24-7, what does that mean? base load put, what does that mean? when you flip the leeth switch, the light comes on. when the companies that are manufacturing products across this great land, when they cut the machines on, the power supply is available to turn the engines of the economy. producing american jobs. producing american manufacturing items. that happens with 24-7 base load power that comes from coal, natural gas, hide row, that comes from nuclear power, all the things we should support. while we continue to work on the necessary components for wind and solar to work, and that is storage capacity because wind and solar is intermittent. the sun doesn't always shine, the wind doesn't always blow. but i'll tell you what works.
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the proven technology of oil and gas, nuclear, hide row, things we're talking about and the bills we passed today that actually work. jobs and energy and our founding fathers, let's put americans to work. let's unleash that innovative and entrepreneurial spirit. let's have an energy-driven economy and we can do it. south carolina wants to be part of that. nebraska is part of that. indiana, i've talked to indiana folks that are there. south carolina wants to be part of that as well. i thank the gentleman for his leadership on this and with that, i yield back. mr. terry: thank you, i appreciate that. now ms. brooks from indiana as well. you're recognized. ms. brooks: thank you, mr. speaker, thank you to the gentleman from nebraska for bringing together my colleagues with tremendous energy, my colleagues who have the energy to talk about this package of bills to encourage investment in our infrastructure, lower energy prices and create good-paying jobs for millions of americans.
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my home state of indiana is especially well positioned to take advantage of chairman upton 's what they're calling in energy and commerce, the architecture of abaundance, embodied in the bill we just voted on and passed. last week the commissioner of indiana's environmental management testified that in fact 28,000 hoosiers are employed in the coal industry and that our state sits on top of a 300-year supply of this abundant resource. by rolling back the disastrous proposed e.p.a. regulations on coal-fired gas plants, this bill will save hoosiers 32% on their electric rates and keep our businesses competitive. as the nation's leading manufacturing state, indiana heavily contributes to the oil and gas extraction business by producing the equipment that makes the energy renaissance
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possible. in fact, the industry already contributes $16.6 billion to the hoosier economy while supporting over 136,000 jobs. h.r. 2 will expedite l.n.g. export applications, approve the keystone pipeline, initiatives we know will add billions in annual g.d.p. to our economy and create tens of thousands of good-paying jobs. make no mistake, i also fully understand the value that renewable resources play in our energy mix. my district alone is home to two ethanol plants a wind farm and a newly opened solar plant. renewables bolster indiana's local economies while supporting 53,000 hoosier jobs. this is massive growth sector in our state and h.r. 2 would continue to promote the development of alternative sources of energy for the benefit of our economy and the environment. the congressman from nebraska's
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bill makes pipelines more feasible and as the nonpartisan congressional research service found, pipelines provide safer, less expensive transportation than railroads that currently carry gs and oil system of pipelines mean fewer spills, less emissions from vehicles transporting fuel, and better access to natural gas which produces 0% less emissions than petroleum. republicans are committed to a responsible environmental policy that protect ours children from pollutants and preserves our pristine wildlife for generations to come. however, american ingenuity and technological advancements have allowed u.s. energy related carbon emotions -- emissions to follow their lowest levels in nearly two decades, showing we can tap into our vast national resources while being responsible stewards of our environment. as our governor, indiana governor mike pence and 14 other governor wrote to the president they quoted in their letter, the
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economic health of our nation depends on accomplishing a balanced energy and environmental policy. madam speaker, that's exactly what this bill does. i hope the president listens and i applaud the gentleman from nebraska for his leadership on this issue. i yield back. mr. terry: thank you, representative brooks. and mr. brooks. you mentioned something that we really haven't injected into this particular conversation and that's the renewables. i'm proud that our local power district has 30% of their energy produced by wind, renewable source. and i personally think that solar is going to, over time, be a significant part of our portfolio but maybe not in the way many people think because many people think of, you know, filling the desert with these solar panels.
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the reality is the technology today is to be integrated into buildings. think of your office buildings -- building's windows generating power. that's exciting technology that's in the research labs right now. and so we need to include that and i'm glad you brought it up because with people listen -- because people listening may think we're only -- want fossil, but it's just that only fossil fuels are under attack and you need a diverse portfolio. otherwise you really jeopardize your economy, if you're only on oil, and you're only -- you only get it from overseas, you can see where you're in jeopardy. i wanted to thank you for bringing that up. need oks: thank you, we an all of the above energy policy, and it's more jobs, creates even more jobs.
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and again also works to ensure we are and i applaud you for your effort to always think about the environment as well. mr. terry: thank you. i want to recognize the gentleman from georgia, i don't know if you're a bulldog or not, but you are in congress. i now recognize rob woodall, the gentleman from georgia. mr. woodall: i thank my friend from nebraska. we're all bulldogs in georgia, even those who went to the trade school in downtown atlanta known as georgia tech. we're still bulldogs at heart. i want to thank you for leading this hour tonight because so often when folks think about what we do here, they're thinking republican this, democrat that, partisan this, partisan that, folks get mired down in philosophical debates. what you have done here tonight is get into that core of what i think we all as americans care about. we're talking about energy security. we're talking about something
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that in all an alm of the above energy strategy that lowers energy prices, puts more money in the pockets of every single american family through lower prices. it creates job opportunities, not just in your state or my state but all across this country and madam speaker, that provides us with energy security. i grew up in the 1970's, i remember the gas lines. i remember sitting outside. that was our great president from the state of georgia that was presiding in those days and i will never forget president reagan's first inaugural address. he was talking about the challenges that we were facing as americans. he was talking about the big dreams that it was going to take to overcome those challenges. he conceded that they were big dreams. but he said, why shouldn't we dream those dreams? because after all, we are americans. we're americans.
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what my friend from nebraska said about the oil exploration in canada really struck me. we have this debate about whether or not we should build a pipeline to bring canadian energy down into america to provide american jobs, american construction, american manufacturing, and there are those who say, well, no, don't do it. because it would be better for that oil stayed in the ground. that's not a choice. that's not an option. -- that's not an option that's anywhere in this house, that's anywhere in our jurisdiction. the gentleman pointed out exactly the truth of the matter. if we don't do it, somebody else will. if we don't do it, somebody else will. and there's not a nation on the planet that's going to burn that oil more responsibly than we will. and i love that about us. madam speaker, i love that about us. that no one will do it better than we will. this bill is h.r. 2. we reserve those numbers for the most important things that we do. i don't know if folks know that.
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those top 10 numbers in the bill calendar, we reserve those for the biggest and best things that we do. but because people think this is such a partisan institution they might think we save those number for the republicans are the greatest act. they might think we save those numbers for, it's our way or the highway act. nonsense. we save those numbers for the thicks that matter to everyone. -- the things that matter to everyone. everyone. my friend from nebraska can correct me if i'm wrong, but we have packaged together a collection of bills that have passed this house. put them together in h.r. 2. and every single bill in that package passed with a bipartisan vote. mr. terry: it's true. mr. woodall: i want you to hear that. we had a chance here, republicans run this show, if we wanted to jam something through, we could. but when we talk about energy endependence, we're not talking about republicans and democrats, we're talking about americans. we're talking about every family in this country. what the gentleman from nebraska
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has done is put together the commonsense ideas that have been agreed upon by both sides of the aisle, bipartisan votes, every one said, let's not let this year expire without doing those things we can do. agreeing on those things on which we can agree. mr. terry: may i interrupt you on that point for a second? when i'm back home and maybe you get this, we get input from our constituents. one of the most frequent ones is, why don't you do the bills that you do agree on? and in essence that's what this bill does. because we've had 30, 40, 50 democrats involved in the bills and voting for them, so this is an amalgamation of bipartisan bill, but yet we had less democratic support for today's bill than we did as individual bills. .