tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN September 20, 2014 3:00am-5:01am EDT
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those threats is getting more difficult every day. and now a new threat, i understand, in the middle east has emerged. and it's kind of hard to get people to talk about that, at least within the last day or so. what can you tell us about this new threat that's emerging from the middle east? with a new twist. i think this is what you're talking about, that al deployed aorward individualsqaeda pute sole purpose is to together an operation, excuse cute'm not trying to be here, i just look really bad in those orange jump suits with the so i'm on the back, trying to make sure i get this part right. >> understood. >> you actually look very boxy, it's very unflattering.
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( laughter ). this particular group, and we take it as a very serious threat stream, one that we're concerned about and sometimes it gets lost on the public the threatbased on of isil. is that is a threat. probably threat is more immediate and what concerns us most about it is the working with aqap and other affiliates to put together an that's successful mainly targeted at aviation targets, i think all of that has public, but it's serious and it's rising up. and it's interesting that where you see these operatives isn't necessarily where you might see some before. so you might see number s iraq, africa, in con swrungs with another affiliate. that's a new twist, the way we see it. so you have this immediate threat that we continue to push
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back on, this al qaeda threat, to what is aon growing national security threat isil and their ability to get people back into the united states. new threat, what do you see as their goal? is there one specific goal or them?a bunch of >> the best defense against terrorism is intelligence. muche need to get as intelligence as we can. thatve a unique resources no other country has, but we also need intelligence from the know whoso that we we're going after, where they are. isis is concerned, we knew they were there for years, but remember in syria, which is most dangerous place in the world, you had assad, the chemical weapons issue, then the moderate group. but they all a sue got
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reenforcements, unfortunately the reenforcements were al qaeda and isis. problem thatthat everyone was focusing on assad, but then you had some problems the moderatesand that we were standing behind. we what happened, isis as know is so severe, al qaeda kicked them out. and isis is very strong. they have probably close to a billion dollars. they were, and, was the old saddam hussein was fighting iran. remember, when we came in to worst things that we did was get rid of their military. militarytary was the that at that point al qaeda close to overwas 100,000 of them and that was the insurgency. resolved that and were able to get out of iraq, and by the way the reason we came out of --q because
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they wouldn't give us an immunity agreement to protect soldiers. we're not going to put our southerns at risk there. so then we have this issue with isis and they had momentum and they're smart and good, and the sunni population in iraq were not fighting with them but they were allowing it to happen because of maliki. whole intel to the generally, we have to show to the world that we're strong, we're not going to take it, that we're going to protect our homeland. it's rare that our country, 60% taker country wants us to on isis. so our strategy is a coalition. we have to get the arab and let thevolved arab countries start putting the boots on the ground. don't want us to have another two or three years in iraq or afghanistan. what we haveo do to coalesce our governments.
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for theof you voted yes authorization for the money and everything that the president and the administration asked for syriann and vet the opposition. but it pretty clear it's going to take more than just the authorization and the money to do this. it's going to take in some people's minds a herculean effort to train up this force and getit on the ground it operational and get it actually in a place where it can difference. ofinst isil and against all the things that they're fighting against in syria. assad aside. but when you look at this you kind of slice this up into something that's coupleing on for a years, you're talking about 5,000 perhaps fighters maybe a year or so,hin something on that order. >> that's about right.
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is it soonough, enough, kit happen soon enough, and what needs to happen in effective?ke it >> i would look at it several ways. i are at a little disadvantage because we have watched the vetting process year and a half probably. and how you would vet those individuals, how you would get to a training camp, the logistics that would be involved in all of that, and it's this is notand easy. this is not an easy solution. if i believe that this was the this plan, i wouldn't have supported it either. it won't work in and of itself. but we do have to have, i argue, individuals that are trained to our standards, under that have the, interest and capability and have to, you't just have to get a little better than the enemy in these cases we can give them those skills and they have that
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intention and will take some coalition,rom the which is important, and the united states, we think that you the firstly have individuals back into syria to five months. it's not 5,000. that'scan be a unit cohesive, has good command and control, has the ability to move intelligence on selected targets, can take a little direction. but that will also take, by the way, and this whole boots on the ground thing makes me nervous, that unit will be effective, you will have to have u.s. personnel with special capabilities down range. so this debate, and that doesn't 101st airborne division, but it certainly people in this room understand that, you have to have the ability to move collectorse downrange, as well as people who with help with command and and logistics. so if we don't have that as part
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you iti'll guarantee won't work. and the second part is that there has to be other kinetic syria thatening in shouldn't wait for months. it shouldn't wait two months, next week,ait candidly. sendse if we don't finally a message to isil and the thousands and thousands of people who are sitting in canada and the united states and great britain and jerp any -- are thinking,who this looks good, they're winning. i fate --in the cal they already have 15,000 people there, that's astonishing, you have to cut pipeline off. you have to show that they're not winning, they're just a slit of criminal thugs who people's throats, rape women, the moth brutal things that walk the face of the earth and we need to treat them way. i believe it can work. it's not going to be perfect.
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also stop saying moderate rebels. when you look at the folks that there, we'll prefer anyone that doesn't just hate us wake up inen they the morning, i'll take that. that would be a good day for us. individuals there, important they're fighting isil today. they're taking casualties, isil elements today. they're taking casualties bashar al-assad. are feeling a bit overwhelmed. and sometimes a friend can be particularl in those circumstances. and here's the other part of this that i thought was so critically important. sawed arabian government is publicly acknowledging they're be part of this fight. that is huge. we've had strong relationships
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a very longdis for time. a public acknowledgement. i think you'll see some other of these partners step up very soon, also very engaged and publicly acknowledging, if we want to defeat them, that's the path to do it. had we not voted on that and not voted yes, i guarantee you we would have lost all of that, they're already a little gun shy. this is probably not the plan i would have put forward, but circumstances that we're in, i thought this was an important step to get to dismantling. >> military is not the only way. it's a component of what we have to do. we were in iraq militarily, we left and we didn't get the and minds of the people. what mike is saying about the especially in saudi arabia, who will bring the rest of the countries in, that's what has to happen. working right now with sunni tribes and when they say isugh is enough, this
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ridiculous what isis is doing, a big difference. we have all this intelligence and military to protect our homeland. think mike and i are really concerned about we have passwordsnow who have who are going to syria to get radicalized. we had a situation where an individual went there, trained, came home, to see his parents and blew himself up and killed other people. our concern is not on isis, but there are other groups out qaeda, and the arabian peninsula. there's a lot of people out that are planning and plotting to attack us, because we're the ultimate goal right now. have expert bomb makers who are putting plastic bombs in and trying to get them through airplanes. so we have to keep our eye on isil.ll, not just you know what i love, too, if
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of thet to be the leader world and coordinator you've got to show your strong leadership. when the vice president said going to follow you to the gates of hell, that turned around a lot of momentum, i it made the american people feel better, and i think allies felt good. americans are standing behind us resources to do the job. >> so the best way to exceptionalism is to demonstrate it instead of talking about it. so thank you bearing with me on myselfish questions, and i appreciate that. to your questions which are the most important. first, you mentioned boots on the ground. to avoid resuming a ground combat role in iraq, don't we and others have to retrain and reequip iraqi armed forces? >> this is also the one that me into orbit. that it was a leadership problem
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in iraq military. so you had a political problem was disintegrateing. was clearly deciding to put his on his shia friends, and when he did that he leadershiphe channels in all of these military units. so before this was happening, isil was on the move coming across the bomb, rather than theing orders through civilian government to the military chain of command, which here, way we would do it he decided to pull all of his senior leadership away from those units while they were under siege, back to baghdad, to have a discussion about the way home. leadership away from those units to the point where you're getting bow there's some uncertainty about who my friends are or not, if it's my g. or someone else's government, it's going to clams. which is why i think you see the
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administration putting so much effort into getting this fixed, but wece chew gum atk and the same time -- it.n't even say the -- >> that's why dutch and i are here together. we'll be here all week, by the troy the lamb chops, you're love the person herring a-- peshmerfa, and the occurred, fighters in the north, the problem is they were running out ammunition, they were outgunned. these are military union that it were in retreat, they were andng we have to move back rearm. so when you look at these problems, it frustrates me a that we spent all this money and they just melted away. that is a very simple high level
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argument about what the problem isn't. and so i do believe that we can units,e some of these it's all about leadership. when the united states military is standing next to your side, it's amazing how much courage, conviction and effectiveness you it'sut of those union and we've seen it time and time again. so we have to reengage that. away fromjust walk these units. alonge going to need help the way. so i think that's a come point ebb we can fix. leadershipfix the portion of it. the officers, their senior core is not much to peek of, but their officers need to be at the showingnstantly and leadership. that piece goes away, we'll never get it back. back, nobodyhat can do that like the united states military. so i think that equation, you happened to the peshmerga once they were armed ended them up a little bit, u.s. boots were standing behind them, they
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in thetely reengaged fight and have been doing very well. so that piece can come back. we shouldn't just, again i'm not a believer in telling the enemy what you won't do. you imagine f.d.r. naming the five things that we wouldn't japanese? the not a good plan. so i argue we ought to stop well.that now as we ought to stop say wag we won't do. if we believe this is a threat to the united states, we ought to say what we will do which is beat themthem and completely. and i don't think anyone is calling for a big military unit, i'm certainly not. i think there's a way forward on and troops oniece the ground issue in iraq and syria, and i think we're in a don't loseon if we our nerve moving forward to actually have an impact, lasting impact this time. >> so part of the reason why what you'reng with dealing with is because there are so many voices out there, at
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both side.r from talking to the administration and talking to the other side as well. there are those who say you do this and those who say you should do that. but at the end of the day it's your job in congress, your oversight function that guides most of what the government does situations,ese especially these situations like spots, et cetera. because is there a need for the congress and the american people this.involved in all of do you get the sense that there oversight? or not enough overnight? yes. our committee, the we try to build up our agencies much we sit there, talk what are your right or and, what do we need to do, unfortunately you don cut everything across the board, so problem,using a especially in intelligence and national security.
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overnight, now, unfortunately it depends on what the committee and relationships too.e leadership starts with the leadership. mike and i made a decision to work together and i think if you the record we're doing now. things right let me get back to the other issue that you talked about as do to wint we need to the war. one of the things we can't do, said it, we can't tell our enemies when ear going to them.nd attack we can't respond to the national media, because that's what the here, and we have to out andd take somebody bring justice, we do it our way. that's where our strategy is right now. >> so we have about five minutes left and i have 48 questions. so i'm assuming that as we go shut up in a i'll second, if we don't get to some of these, perhaps you guys can
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these? to some of >> tell mike to do it in 20 seconds and i'll do it in 30 secretaries. question, you mentioned the balance between privacy and national security in the intel space. is the position about this balance, and you mentioned a lit what guidanceand is provided to the agencies? onwe spent a lot of time this issue. i think we found the right and there is more what peoplehan realize when it comes to what n.s.a. is doing. u.s. citizens who are traveling to syria and fighting, if we don't reach that certain level cause, gluck.ble i hope nothing bad happens when home.ome so i to think that we found the balance. we neednt the privacy,
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privacy, no question, but we have to have a bill. we need balance there. all the laws that we put have balanced mike brought in other groups to them. to and we taylored our legislation that.l with based on other kridz, we have privacy, and they -- and france, the oversight is there. two intelligence committees, the justice department, the administration, the courts. we're into the lightning round. we've talked a lot about war, we've talked about other elements, privacy. so what about cyber security? someis there going to be come prehencive meeting of the manifest will actually
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itself in legislation. >> we have a short window here get this one and lined up. i've had good discussions, dutch and i both have had good discussions. into -- >> we pass a bipartisan bill pretty difficult subject, and we did that by bringing all the stake holders out.e room and working it our problem was it was only a 13 to takel and it's hard anything serious in congress if under 2300 pains. don'tt we, what people realize, that 80% of the network is controlled by the private and our intelligence as betee is is a good anybody seeing these attacks come in. it's being like a weather forecaster, and you see sandy coming up the oas coast and you
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anybody.n other attackse are coming more and more, and we need to pass this information sharing. we've addressed the issues of privacy, and if we don't we're keep this happening, because believe me, china is very aggressive and they have billions, not millions, billions of dollars from our businesses. getting 2,000 are tax a day. >> congressman rogers just lean me what we all love to hear from editors at work and that is that you can run long. considering the fact that this guy is actually leading the venue of congress and going to competition, i'm a little afraid of that. me.e's divorcing >> to get back to the questions, much,ador, thank you so we have a few extra minutes, and us.'re willing to stay with
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so the question i'd like to ask you is, at this point is, in your view, does president obama congressional authorization for the operation isil?t >> look at the time. ( laughter ) >> you guys stay on time. >> understood. >> i believe that congress should do it. i believe that we should step provide the authority to the president to go after isil of its, in any shape or form wherever they are much i believe that congress should play an affirmative role in that we are going to put people at risk, and we're going to put people at risk in aren't, i believe,
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by the aunf. administration keeps saying if you'd like to do it that would be fine. say i need to have this and you should give it to me. congresse same time ought to have the current to stab up and say we need to do this and we should do it. we all agree that a sit is a threat to the united states and our european allies. so let's give the authority properly so the average citizen can say, okay, everybody is engaged, it's going to be hard, people.ose some we ought to be serious about this and if we're going to do the we ought to give affirmative authority to do it, i think. [applause] >> thanks, mom. >> that's your dad. using ourent is now constitution to protect american
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lives. when we get to the position when we're going to be there long-term, we need. there was a test a cup years ago hardike and i had to work to get that vote passed, because were were a lot of people, both on our caucuses, democrat and republican, we got more than nayour caucuses votes, but it was close. so you have to understand in wegress this is the problem have with this congress, because somebody else has a did it point of view, that doesn't mean they're the enemy. so we had to give them the facts and let them know why and what need to do to protect ourselves. about,gress has to be we're a great government because of the checks and balances between the president, congress judiciary. >> i think this one is right up your alley. and a a big space fan, knowledgeable person about it, very knowledgeable, for those of know.o don't do you think that the intensity or, of the intelligence
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on counterterrorism since 9/11 has led to insufficient attention to issues such as space technology, wmd elements? >> i'm worry about space, you know when we responded to came out andthey we thought they were going to control the world, with dispute nick, jfk put a -- sputnik, we had rockets, we went moon. everyone knew who the astronauts were. now that's changed. intele nasa, we have space and defense. there's not a lot of money for everything. ande don continue our pace if we don't -- we immediate the let the know howpeople important space is. we just have so far we've been the resources where we immediate to be from an intelligence perspective and to dond i work very hard that. but sooner or later, china and
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aggressive when it comes to space. and we don't want another world war, it's going to be space and cyber. generations younger to go into space. we are not getting those rocket into the spaceo program. russia and dhien china take their students and say you go space. so we need a plan. i think it's one of the most important things we do for our country and even the average systems, things like that a the public can under. when it comes to defense and the best're probably in the world and that's why we resources -- >> just quickly, we protected the space investment parts of and we worked pretty hard to do that. little more,ut a this year we went about $500 million over the president's budget. that as a republican? >> last i checked the
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defend then says united states of america. read that piece. [applause] protected both on cyber, we've plussed up cyber spending, we've gone, we've worked through some issues, but path to protect that. i think you can do both at the same time, the problem is it its not get the eangs deserves. space is rappedly becoming contested space, that's a problem for the united states and we med to make sure that our nextrces are meeting that generation challenge. >> so speaking of the next generation and space, there are significant concerns and a couple questions asked about cyber security, perhaps, and the relationship to space. believe the u.s. can best get the message to to any othersia, country that wants to infringe
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intellectual property as they've been accused of on many someions and there's been significant proof from the ntix a couple years ago, how do you the message -- >> you leverage it. china needs the towdz grow. the things, and i've had this conversation with china. you'rely have said if citizens are seeing what you're doing to us and stealing and you're dollars hurting our jobs and our economy and everything else, we're going to put the wore out, don't buy china, and you're going to hurt that.t, you don't want >> but doesn't that create a of sue do -- war.o into >> you have to do something about it and i think the farreds -- understands that. need is a global people program where
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cannot steal and if they do there's going to be accountability. words you can't ask them nicely. >> no, you have to ask nine nicely, because it's diplomacy, you don't just bang them over the head. there are ways to communicate with different countries. i don't trust russia, and i'm tell china, don't go to bed with russia or you're going to pay. >> somebody is not going to get a good night's sleep in that arrangement. he's notunderstand why going to radio to begin some or substantive news kind of operation. it's going to be comedy. and you will probably be his first guest, right? >> exactly. >> cyber is the greatest national security threat that handle.has not ready to i've never seen anything quite like it. and it's ramping up. you have international criminal organizations performing at the level of
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nation state cyber hackers. the longer we let this thing go are.orse we if we want to have an impact on china and russia, i argue we go after companies that have used stolen information from the united states, all of that, good. but the number one thing we should do is protect ourselves. if it's a missile system,nt, antimissile that's easy, the government can do it, we can self deploy it, we protect the united states. 85% of the networks out there networks, so when we talk about offense thriking our that attackhen comes back it doesn't come back goese united states, it privateo those networks. if we don't get this bill done processr the whole
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starts over. will guarantee you that it take another two years to get done. that's the first step in protecting ourselves, is allowing cyber sharing, allowing the intel community to provide way, malicious source code in a way that the private sector can protect itself. and we've got trapped up into this debate that that somehow is issue, it's not. it's about protecting your privacy as awe operate on a u.s. network. you don't have that privacy. you're swimming, your zeros and ones are swimming right next to the russians, chinese, and iran and north korea, and oh by the way al qaeda is out in recruiting individuals that have the capability to get swo the business. year.ter fix this this call your senator. has beenite house working a lot closer to us, they've been communicating with
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now, soregular base us i think they understand that threat, especially because of the other,some of and they're just going to keep going. one moregot time for question. yesterday the term i mack used.te collection was --ack ultimate immaculate collection. they used that term, to describe expectations of intelligence community behavior. what can an informed congress do to explain that the intelligence business is not a perfect science? >> you take that one. you're the chairman. ( laughter ) >> two things keep me up. spicey mexican food, and questions like that.
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cyber. part of our problem and our challenge is we have the working doing the oversight, in a classified way to protect those programs, to make sure getting the resources and comporting with the law. that's a big part what was we do every day. on the public side of this has as frustrating as anything i've ever gone through in the last year with the missed of information on the n.s.a. and other things, including what we're having to our european with colleagues. just trying to get the factings married up with the opinions, and it's been mentally challenging. and it has been very difficult to even catch the imagination of stuff,lic that hey this every day we're a whisper away getting one piece wrong that to done person through something god awful. we are always that one little
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making thatrom mistake. so we try to apply the facts so people have an informed opinion. can deadly, it's not -- candidly, it's not going very well. i'm not sure i know the answer. you just say? >> i have no idea. at least i wasn't going to get us in trouble. what we've tried, again what we're trying to do is at least let americans know what we are doing. the problem is after they watch a little tv and watch a great they somewhere and then read a newspaper article that didn't base their whole article on one slide out of a thousand slide deck, and are clearly not right, it's hard to unwind them. they believe that we're listening to every phone call. we can type in a master community and type in a word and figure out whatever that code is and pick up a terrorist operating in cleveland. to trys rae frustrating to wind that back to understand no, we follow the law, we have
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it's a u.s. citizen, we have very high standards. impossible,s nearly you're dealing with billions and billions and billions of communicationings and it's our services job to narrow it down to that one person that's of interest. care about aunt mae's bunions, it's not that interesting. believe that. frustration. so how do you get america focused op what the real work is doing, what the real challenge is? we're working at it. >> tech not is growing and we have to stay ahead of russia and china and other countries on technology much and when we grow with tech not, the entertainment was great, but look at all the arecks and things that occurring right now. so we need to stand up and put together a system. my staff always gives me a hard time when i say something media, but it the was driving us christmas after the snowden issue.
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and all these things were come out, not all the media, but when people say n.s.a. is listening to you. about could care less aunt molly's bunions or whether you're ordering a pizza. they are focused people and dedicated people who are very upset about the criticism they had after snowden. were able to answer issues. i belief snowden we can make it positive. it is very negative, we've lost information, because he gave out sources and methods. now,f we can address this we can talk about what needs to be cleared what doesn't. too many clearances, in my opinion. we don't need everybody to have information. the key is not giving out sources and methods, that's what to protect. a professional successful business person in the united states.
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day he's tell me he thinks these threats are a bunch of hooey. even have any feuk lee rear missiles to work about. educated professional person. >> cucoo! ( laughter ) >> it was dutch's uncle. don't have bunions. >> but if you think about that how far we have to go, the intelligence community has worked itself interest a corner. all sweating about it. you're laying a wake at night nextg to worry about the proliferation issue or the next cyber or terrorist attack or the aerial that we have to worry about that's dangerous somewhere in the world. but america doesn't see any of it. and the example that he used, i found this interesting, he said kids don't have to get under their desks any more to attack.out a nuclear
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and if you think about it, how dumb was that? so here's the problem him how do reend indicated, and i got bad news for you, there are nuclear missiles at us. there are a float of nuclear submarines that are capable to mo up the united states. notsome of those gochs have been acting like good moral citizens lately. iran.e >> or russia and china. doubled itsarly nuke lower submarine fleet. russiansat what the are doing when their tactical veryhere arsenal, concerning stuff. but the public doesn't see any of it. so because of the work that our does andnce community keeps it at bay, they think everything is fine, all we have is when about kardashian has tweeted today. that's a problem for us and we
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figured out how to get around that. like thatave folks take that position, boy, we have got a lot of work to do. not to scare people, to scare them out of their daily lives in as toto clue them what are the real threats and what is the intelligence keep us safe at night. it's going to be a long challenge. >> this is the precise reason i personally believe that news is not what people are talking about. know.s what people don't and it's our job as journalists it to and i congratulate you for of because they are the epitome of pulling the you seeback and letting what's going on, would you giving away sources and secrets. much,.ou so [applause]
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>> our final speaker, james comey. the new director of the f.b.i. his career to me embodies the public-private partnership in to the nation that is both, the core of professionals. in the government, you're twice, twicedeputy deputy u.s. attorney. what may be less known to you is the eastern district of new york, he was the lead prosecutor on the cobar towers bombing. he is a former deputy attorney general, that was when i had the personal privilege of working with director comey when we were the early stages of building the intelligence infrastructure for the f.b.i. director comey is no stranger to
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industry. he served at lockheed martin for five years. as a senior vice president and a counsel. what is most remarkable and i think less known about you also, done inthe work you've academia. whether you were doing, while a u.s. attorney, an adjunct at the rich mob law school, or whether you were at columbia law school as a senior research scholar and fellow for national security. a profoundly fascinating career, and incredibly talented and i think that when the general swore you in the words i couldn't improve on the words, faithful leader and a advocate for the american people. with that, welcome, director for being here, we look forward to hearing from you. [applause]
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thanknk you so much, and you ladies and gentlemen. i don't know if i got the short straw, gettingng the friday an keynote event. ly try to be brief and then i'd a conversation with you about what are you'd like to talk about. and i've been in washington long enough that i will just avoid anything i don't want to talk about. would give you a sketch of where i see the see myself where i and the things i need to focus on at the close of 12 months in this wonderful job. i have eight years and 52 weeks left on this job, just having finished about 12 months. i have been somebody who has whole adultb.i. my life. i've worked with the bureau since i was first a baby federal manhattan in 1987. well.know it but when i became director, i also knew that i didn't know it enough to be effective as director, so i spent a lot of
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see theing to go and f.b.i., only a portion of which i can see from my 7th floor at headquarters, because my force is deployed. sub56 field offices, 400 offices off of those field offices and now approaching 100 offices around the world. so i have spent the last 12 months doing a lot of traveling. i visited 44 of my feel offices in the states, 45 when i hit albany next week. and i've been attache our legal offices around the country. the most important is the i juicetion where myself, then i want to hear from tom about what you need me focus on to be effective as your director. after i spend about nine months that, i sent an e-mail to my buyer work force and they i write my own e-mails, i just type out a long to 35,000 send it out people and get, let me think,
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zero replies. almost nobody replies to the director much but after all that traveling, all that talking, i want to share with you what i to them was my vision for the f.b.i. the f.b.i., i believe, the be sentence.n a single we are a national security and law enforcement organization uses, collects and shares intelligence in everything that we do. that is the f.b.i. i was one of those who fought against dividing the f.b.i. into mi5 and scott lab yard after 9/11. some veryeven though thoughtful people on the other side had different views, i greatthat with a be a mistake. i thought there were great strengths that would prevent having thee from authority and responsibility, in the same place. i also thought it was very important that any national security organization that focused here in the states, be culture ofof a adherence to the rule of law,
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which is something that's at the the f.b.i. so one of the things that the 9/11 commission, one of the many got right commission is that the bureau should not be split up. and instead the bureau should to transform itself to be better at accomplishing, especially the national security of its, but all missions. so that's my picture of the f.b.i. today. where boban f.b.i. muller worked very hard to begin transformations, one of which i'll talk about with respect to intelligence. best inieve we are the the world, and i've also told them i'm not a fan of the miami cavaliers, cleveland but i am an admirer of lebron james. the beste is basketball player playing in the world today. to say best basketball player ever, because then i get into the whole michael jordan thing. i believe lebron james is the best on either playing basketball tomorrow. yet every off season he find a
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part of his game to try to that,e and he works on and that seems crazy, because he's already better than everybody else. my folks what is i admire about james is, he does measuringse he's not himself against others, he's measuring himself against himself. toknows the journey excellence is one without end. so i believe we are great, i anybody as there's good. so i told my work force i'm going to focus on three things provide --nal priorities. leadership. cyber, and intelligence. in a few brief word about why i chose those. some.b.i. has extraordinary leadership. i believe the f.b.i. should be the leadership factory of the government.s and it's not there yet. forve a lot of admiration the men and women in uniform, who produce tremendous leaders who go ontontry, leadership in private sector.
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i think we should be better than that. the private sector should wait for the f.b.i.'s leaders to leave. leavey to hire them to private enter price because they have had such amazing training ad experience as leaders in civilian organization in the united states. i learned from two different with two different leading companies, one inary row pace financense and one in that the best companies in the world obsess about leadership. it as the c.e.o. of lockheed martin would lock us, the senior leadership team, in a room for hours and hours at a time to down, leaders five levels where is she, what's her developinghow are we her, who is monitoring her, how we testing her, where is that guy, what's next for him. to be watched over, put to good use, and be accountable.
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so one of the things i want the tous on at the f.b.i. is drive that kind of culture, so we obsess over leadership. we recruit for it, we select, we and drive avaluate focus on leadership into everyone. senior leaders who look for junior leaders who look for more junior leaders and it becomes a perpetual motion machine. inheritedready, i've from bob mueller a fabulous leadership development program to give that lots of life. second, cyber. should be obvious to this audience as to why that is one of my three priorities. explain to people who know the world of cyber less touches that cyber everything i'm responsible for. counterterrorism, ofnterintelligence, and all our criminal responsibilities
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manifest in cyber. because it's not a thing, it's just a way. it's a vehicle for. it's -- vector. it's a way that bad people do things, because we as a people entire livesd our to the internet. it where my children play, it's where i bank, where my health my nation'sre critical infrastructure is, it's where everything is. this country and around the world. touchestor change everything i'm responsible for. i was recently in indiana, and gave me a local sheriff gave me a bullet fired from john dillinger's thompson sub machine gun. as i stared at the dillinger occurred to me that a great vector change of the 20th to the modernirth f.b.i. much because in the the's into the 30's, confluence of asphalt and the automobile was a vector change had never seen before. suddenly criminals could commit
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crimes across unheard of distances, two states, three states in the same day, moving speeds that were unimaginable, 40 miles per hour, hour.ll, 50 miles per county lines suddenly were not relevant. state lines were not relevant force was needed to respond to that vector was the firstere director of the f.b.i., jay modernoofer and the f.b.i. was born to respond to that new way.r, so as i stab there stairing at the dillinger bullet, it occurred to me that dillinger could not do a thousand states inin all 50 the same day in his pajamas from world. around the that's what today's vector change represents. of distances of dilling her and his ilk, the dillinger and his ilk
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are infinitely smaller and more and dissan the speed over which the threat moves today. the internet moves at 1 l 6,000-mileses perfect second, which is of light. of county lines, state lines, international lines, normal concepts of venue blown up and time are by this threat. i was in indianapolis, shanghai next to indianapolis on the internet. and time movement of the threat on the internet has shrunk the world to the size of pin. so if we're going to be effective at the f.b.i. at responding and met our counterterrorism threat 'all of our criminal threats, we have to operate effectively in cyberspace. recruit, to be able to retain, train, equip, 'deploy threat.that i was asked at a hearing earlier i was with jeh johnson how i was going to
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talent.cyber and i said i don't want to say, because i don't want jeh to know tricks but my primary trick is the fib is a cooler place to work, so should come work for us. but an enormous challenge. the threat blows up the normal concept of space and time, i think it has to stretch way we think about recruiting, training, deploying. assignoing to try and threats to particular field overses, because the notion of doesn'td time and venue really make any sense. to figure out where the expertise lies and the countryound without regard to where the testing in thean united states, so that we dole withtise and coordinate other officers who face that threat.
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, i think it would be arrogant to stab here and say i can picture what the f.b.i.'s pons to cyber should look like nine years down the road. what i've told my work force is plans thatariety of we think are reasonable and we're going to try to execute being open to innovation, so we can get ber at it. so leadership, cyber, and the last, tide for first -- is tide for first intelligence. bob mueller began this 9/11.ormation right after let me explain how i think about it. to me intelligence is real haven't to decision making. always,e the f.b.i. has always, always been in the intelligence business. at? are we great we are great at interacting with
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other human beings especially them.tting stuff from for 106 years that's been a core ouretence of the f.b.i., ability to connect with other people, get information from them and bring it back. we didn't know it at the time, maybe 50 years ago, but that was intelligence we were collecting. me the transformation is that,getting better at getting wider at that, getting deeper at that. the f.b.i. has often been accused over its history of working its inbox, that fairly unfairly it was see that we would work things where we had a relationship or existing source or someone in a police department who brought us something. part of the transformation that mueller began is getting much moreful about what we do. describing the organization in a way i like very much, which is threat based and intelligence driven.
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what i haven't her from bob is notrganization that tries to work its inbox, but to step back, first from washington, and ask this question. bad things that could happen to the united states and its citizens and the f.b.i. might by virtue of our authorities and doability conceivably something about. what are all the bad things that is doingpen, who things to try to mitigate those threats, and given that our threat, andf the the mitigation going on now against it, what should be our of youies across all inponsibility, not just counterterrorism, but given all assesseats in the way we them, what should be our priority list? lot of timespent a thinking about that from a headquarters perspective and then we asked each much our engage in the to same exercise and ask themselves the same questions about home antonio.ami or san what are all the bad things that
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could happen here? somethingght do about. who else is looking to mitigates threats, given the magnitude of the threat. omaha or sanin antonio or miami rank those threats. then we take the national and the local field office together and mash them we messy debates with a lot of smart people, and that process, each -- that is a process we caught review and prioritization process. it's an intelligence driven process. what don't wew, know, what are the gaps. ween that picture, how do assign weight to these threats. that's the first thing we do. constantly throughout the year we are looking to gather
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information to understand the share fromter and to nations throughout the f.b.i. to understand threats and to mitigate them better. measure throughout the year as to how we're collecting we're doingion, how at reducing those threats. is thaty others sometimes, especially with people who have been around a words like they hear domain, requirement, gaps, the of the intelligence profession, sometimes for people who aren't familiar with them it little bit foreign. i just describe the entire thing to you without using those words. what i've said to the special ats of the fib, the f.b.i. simply this.n, is the core of the f.b.i., is the tolity of the special agent interact with other human beings to get stuff. trying to get more thoughtful, so what stuff do we need to know, how are we going find out, and the stuff we fine out, who needs to know
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that. i need to wrape that gift in a donut of equally talented people who think about all day long. what >> that's my intelligence cadre, to surround that gift which is special agent. oversimplified but that is how i it.ceive of the transformation bob mueller began and i will continue is doughnut of smart thinking, creative thinking, everything the f.b.i. does so whether we are working a cyber or ase, counterintelligence or counterterrorism or training, thinking about security and budget and verything the f.b.i. does, all of those activities are -- suffused with that. what do we need to know?
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with what we tter have always done. to me this is about using the the broader benefit of our country so that you go find things out. if you are interviewing and a doctor from a foreign country in medicare fraud case you will get amazing stuff about the billing and partnership will help us understand the fraud. i want to equip you to find out other stuff. who has been traveling to that country? who do you know who went back in? get me lots of stuff and bring it back and smart people will do with r out what to it and who needs to know. because this has to be part of f.b.i. does i have taken the intelligence tape it out from the national security branch. i said that doesn't make sense i'm trying to drive what ay of tpaufhoughtfulness is it under the national
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security branch? i want it part of criminal, and everything we do. so i took it and created with ongress's permission intelligence branch. branchhed at intelligent boginski was running it. to as matured our approach this entire doughnut hole and ready t so that we are nd i have asking eric velez v everyone lar to shall the first of the modern era. there is workforce another reason i want to do that. want to stare at eric every morning at my table and say now is it going? transformation going? i think sometimes of the and nation of operations intelligence is a bit like an orange the marriage. -- arranged marriage.
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understand they come up with crowds of grandchildren and life long love and others don't. omaha, san antonio, miami? how are we driving to make it better? meantime, i'm going to have the quantico, right? to use i was lucky enough start chasing my wife when was a dating marriage that lasts and works. analysts and special agents we have a core curriculum integrated. they are majored in different things. i don't need the intelligence shoot well but sit in the classroom studying fourth mendment, writing, bureau policy, basics of intelligence trade craft all those things core re the common curriculum that you had in college i want them next to each night them together and before they leave i want them to
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run practical exercises. to replicate the counterintelligence squad, squad, squad, cyber counterterrorism squad as we run ll kinds of scenarios at the alley. i want that practice so when they hit the field they have in totally appropriate ways and the marriage is easier. we have made tremendous progress in transforming the way we think about there and our thoughtfulness. like any huge cultural change it is a generational change so to thing we will continue work on i'm going to push. leadership, cyber, intelligence. those are my three priorities tied for first. i believe the f.b.i. is a organization. doing all kinds of things all over the country and 13 years on believe even more strongly it would have been a mistake to mi-5 in into an scotland yard.
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in is a tremendous benefit of challenge with all of those authorities in the same for a bunch of reasons. o, i believe i have the greatest job in the world. i believe though that for the do everything it phrurbs we must -- accomplishes we must be believed by the american people. we are in a courtroom or congress or cookout when my olks speak they must be believed. despite what my beloved mother told me i care what other people of always. you have to in my business. because the trust of the bedrock people is the of the f.b.i. i especially focus on that today. one of my real worries in the healthy den world is concept inch can bleed over -- skepticism can bleed into cynicism. we should be suspicious of power
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nd that is why they broke it among three powers because you can't trust people in power. say to folks look i think i'm a good person, i think i'm trying to do the right thing, i hink i will honor my obligations. but don't trust me. you can't trust me. in a powerful ng position. instead ask how is the genius founders laying on top of this guy. interest being offseen nd how is he restrained and checked. there is an angel in those detai details. f.b.i.'s life is shot full of the design of the founders. today is frustrations piedmo people have lots of good is hard it find the space and time to give the answers. people nodding at cookouts or other places isn't the government wants to break encryption on the
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internet. is with lawful authority over seen by the third branch of overnment i need to be able to do that. if i show probable cause and go get a deral judge and warrant i will save children that way. will fight organized crime that way and fight terrorism in a way that makes sense. 60 seconds to say that. finding that 60 seconds in very an life today is difficult but we in government have a burden to fight for that space and to have that conversation. i reject the notion, the after, of of trade balance between security and liberty. because ihat tradeoff believe the most effective ecurity is that which enhances liberty. if i imagine in my mind's eye a where bang bangers are hanging out in a way that allows dominate the park but not to allow children or grand
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park and the the city puts a police officer in and security erty have been enhanced. that is when we are at our best. people talk about the internet. i believe the internet is one of dangerous neighborhoods imaginable. i must be able to offer security a way environment in that enhances liberty. but it requires a dialogue and conversation. there is great danger when you are in any position of authority love with ll fall in the sound of your own voice. injohn adams said in a letter to thomas jefferson power always a pure soul but the best antidote is a onversation, back and forth, finding the space in american life to say here is what i do use.hy and authority i what do you think? i think that is extraordinarily healthy. f.b.i.lso good for the because it enhances people's
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with that s and vision i believe comes trust. one of the eve, luckiest people in the world, maybe the luckiest to have the job i have. don't want to do anything else or be anything else. f.b.i. be help the what it is, which is a truly great national security and law organization that uses, collects and shares intelligence in everything we do constantly looks to improve that. i look forward to our you for ion and thank your support and advice and push i hope we will continue this conversation in years to come. thank you very much. applause] >> thank you very much. a number of questions and i have tried to lump them into categories. the first actually is really
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intelligenceat the reform in terrorism prevention f.b.i.dated of the a very broad question. s we approach the 10th anniversary of it, how would you not just, its i. rogress not just integrating intelligence and operations sperm l internally but integrating into the larger intelligence community so you don't want to flip that there you doughnuts there on the table. the answer is great, not good enough. as someone who left in 2005 and ame back a year ago, to me it is striking the transformation. from people e went who sat at the corner table in cafeteria and no one talked to us, maybe we are
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kids tablet the cool but it is a long table, we are same table. because i think people have come to know us. the bureau was a bit of a but ge -- not strange stranger to a lot of the intelligence community. folks have come to see the see what we produce. i had a visit not long ago from commanders who came to thank me and tell me hey are worried the people of the f.b.i. don't realize house of representatives of what we what we - how much of find benefits the war fighter. we have become part of it in a good way. i think in is room for improvement. i'm somebody who always thinks room for improvement. but it is much better, i think we have room to grow. >> so, in that respect, which stronger now, s he f.b.i.'s integration of intelligence community product
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into its operations or the f.b.i.'s service to the larger i.c. in providing information or larger national security community in providing nformation to them that furthers their mission? or are they both good? >> i don't know that i would distinguish between the two. i think they are both pretty good. as with the familiarity product grows that acceptance tkproes with it. i would -- grows with t. i would the about >> i have a series of questions about people. you put a big focus on people and specially your attention cadre.ional we are coming up on 10 years of f.b.i. orm bill and the got a very long section devoted title know in one of the mandates in the law f.b.i. create a intelligence career service and
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ou talked about quantico training, integration between agents and intelligence analysts agents, nk it was analysts, i think there were specialists in there as well. here is a hunger to find out what is your assessment of hrlast decade he cadre and is there a place where you think work remains. >> great progress has been made. 'm eager to have outside eyes give me sense of how much it is. i think it is pretty good but we a commission that ed middle meese. ed we have hired a tremendous number of talented people the the 10 years and now question is, so where are they
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going? are they going into the program leadership programs in my field offices? velar isn't eric velez an intelligence professional? be when the e.a.d. for intelligence and all the eaders down through the intelligence program came up through the intelligence career ervice and analytical pipe if you will and to me in a way it is a confession of immaturity in a little way eric is a special agent. the reason that he is in that i don't have the talent mature and senior enough to put but before i leave i need to be in that place where y leaders up the intelligence career service are not special agents, they are people who and developed w -- ur intelligence katd cadre. i will ask a few questions the same way by the same element of the career
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service which are intelligence analysts. is that a particular area that needs more work, less work? your -- do you have a vision for the role of an in the ence analyst f.b.i. doughnut that you described? >> first, that is sort of at the op level a critical partner in the doughnut with the special agent because it only works with being robust and as i said think we are in a very good place but an inflection point. separately in the intelligence staff with the and i have done 44 visits and they are excited but hungry to see what their future is like. be able to advance the bureau into an asac vision and to be an assistant director in the f.b.i. and maybe ome day be the executive assistant director. they are hungry to see us
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deliver will. or will i lit a glass ceiling. glass ceiling. my view is to develop you and the entire to lead enterprise but we have to deliver on that as a leadership team. you.hank i think that answers it. now, there is an adjunct to this and so there is a culture. if you could comment, i experienced some of this personally so i will say it comes from me. in is a culture of agents in f.b.i. and everyone else. bad, that t good or just is. sometimes it is difficult if you else.e everyone one of the questions here is how , how do you describe he people that run the i.t. syste
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systems? that is in your doughnut. to here a cultural reason need to start talking about it differently differently, do the integration other than calling them support staff? >> labels matter. the terms i use i tend to think buckets.lks in three special acts, intelligence st f staff. and professional some people combine professional staff and intelligence staff. i visit field offices i break them into those three groups because i find the issues they want to ask break down into those three. 106oubt the organization is years old and the special agent f.b.i.ntral role in the what i told people as part of the transformation is making center holds more than one person because to be truly we need a symbiotic elationship between the gifted intelligence and acts and the
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marriage is best when leadership is made to make sure the two roles know each other. of use in the front seats cars on the way to meetings or interviews special agents smart intelligence analysts are and intelligence nalysts discover the gift and ability of special acts to get information and a partnership is tech nd it seems so low but that is human culture changes. the way things are done no matter what they tell but raining so you can't by definition train your way to a change in culture. t requires a change one person at a time. i describe it to folks as a zipper. blend the teeth and both sides to have an effective zipper. i see tremendous progress but to me it is not good enough but after to be understood only 10 years of a cultural transformation. that.gree with i think -- and you are only the
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in nth director 100-plus-year-old organization. cultures change slowly. we can move off the people into some cyber questions. , i think, anone is important informational one for this audience. is a very simple question. when should a company approach they suspect a cyber attack that they have been attack?m of a cyber >> i would wait six or eight weeks. pillow over your head and hope it goes away. answer.ay is the >> and their local field office? they should ere start. any significant private the folks should know at my field office. the strength of the f.b.i. is we every community in the
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country so you should make sure your security people know our start because there are only two types of companies. who have been hacked and those who don't know they have been hacked. with ed that relationship us. even if you don't know you need it, you will know you need it soon. counsel of twoal companies so i understand i can people yelling at my why doesn't the government tell us more and what are they going o do with the stuff we give them? how do we know it won't be used damage competition or our brand. i get that. that's why we need help from giving clear rules of the road to those general counsels so they can have the answered as to what their exposure is if they cooperate. mistake to rmous think you can handle it yourself, self-help in some way there.t you we need to talk quickly. we are working very hard to try the value equation for
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private enterprise. we have long had something in f.b.i. that is a malware data base. data base enormous into which we put every piece of in san and when an agent diego opens a case they query been seen in as boston or columbia, south carolina. that connects to there and that. make that data base available to private enterprise hat is participating in our program so they can sit down at a keyboard and type in their own and get a report in seconds, maybe minutes as to what that connects to. value in that for me because it fosters cooperation for the ndous valuable private sector. these are things that will get outs of -- we are responsibility dilling er speed against a threat that is moving at the light.of the machine to machine is where we're slowly crawling. f.b.i., in addition to a very important cyber mission has
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a very important mission and igence has forever had a very important counterintelligence mission on united itory of the states. can you give us your top counterintelligence threats within the confines of an symposium that you think we are facing? >> i can't really. it is the usual suspects. states, the tendency for people to think espionage is an is very much deal alive and real and very aggressive players. aggressive and difficult to deal with by that vector change. your need to meet somebody after drawing a chalk to get a mailbox something is probably less important if you can move at the from half which around the world to get the same information. c.i. threat inhe hat cyber vector is
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nonnegotiable. we have to do that effectively. every you also launched invigorat invigorated or strengthening of insider threat program in the post-snowden era? >> very much so. bureau, through hard lessons a pretty s long had aggressive insider threat detection and prevention program given the nature of the threat and given the vector change people don't need to stuff documents into their pants so many hey have abilities through the vector hange that we need to -- we can't ever be confident that we have it so we have done a number the way we change have approached. we have set up an insider threat together every responsibility it touches it and ave it report to a single executive who reports up to the
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deputy director and director. on it.eps the focus the problem with leadership is i can fall in love with the sound voice and an institution can fall in love and ability and the antidote is pushing and conflict and we are trying to an event disciplinary threat center. a question gears, ith -- it says f.b.i. versus v.h.s. which i know is not the case any longer but it is a question. we had a homeland intelligence was very, very powerful. has vast amounts of information. he question is, if you can characterize your relationship and d.h. sfps. and intelligence ensure d. ract to
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d.h.s. can perform both its and national intelligence mission? >> on the intelligence front it fabulous thanks to relationships built by some cohen and john having frank there. in of you who worked washington structures matter but the nature of the people matters more. so we have that. they have a lot of responsibilities, i have a lot responsibilities. we bump into each other in a lot of areas primarily law enforcement related. as i told my troops i have no patience for turf battles. american ink the people have patience for them. i sometimes hear folks say is agency or that agency encroaching on our traditional my reaction is that reminds me of a wide receiver any new york football giants saying the quarterback is not throwing to me enough. my response is run great routes,
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get open and every time you score a ball touchdown. you will get the ball. just be excellent. my folks. message to be excellent. so, but on the intelligence place.we are in a great any other bumps we are working them out. i known jaye johnson since i was baby and we have made it our mission to night us together and e are in a good place on intelligence on cyber specially and criminal responsibilities. a do you feel that we have in picture, what we would d.o.d. call a common operating picture of threat threats to the homeland that you can ook at, that d.h.s. look at, and people can know like that where the threat are as a community i guess i should say? >> i think so. the ones i one of never want to answer with high confidence because i'm constantly worried so what don't i know. the threat vectors we have
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their nature by let's take home grown violent extremists by their nature opaque. by their nature it is a threat pajamas beingt in radicalized by isil and getting the training to emerge with a us to identify that particular part of the threat mitigate that threat. i think we have a good picture away face -- we face. but a lot of those threats it is to see. on the cyber threat, both d.l. sfpd -- both d.h.s. and f.b.i. -- not the past not had been thought of as branded , chnical organizations incredibly capable organizations ut it is that change you were talking about.
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and here core capabilities skills that you need to grow in shift with e this you on the technical side? >> yes. >> will you buy it or will you make it? > i will try whenever people not to make a custom bureau product. software, hardware, people i like to make, we manufacture in our basement. dimensions i se feel pretty good from a software perspective. we as you know from having there, we fail to invest s an organization 20 years ago in the infrastructure that was needed and my friend bob mueller has a , has played catch-up. we have progress to make. one reason i needed questions to get a -- sequestration to get a budget i
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have to invest in equipment. i have no aircraft carriers or satellites. i have people doing great stuff i need people, training and technology. a big part of that is investing pipes that i the need to move enormous amounts of the we need to move around country to be effective. so we have made great progress. another place not good enough we will continue to work on. larger, maybe more global questions about intelligence in general and this question about the sort of freighted nature of term domestic intelligence. t is something we made a conscious decision not to write into the law. here is still just foreign encounter. it is the operations so we don't have such a thing. it does make people uncomfortable the use of the term. theyou describe the role of
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define?n bridging that you speak the intel and interact where that ribal term -- it does make people uncomfortable. how would you assess the progress there? views about your the term domestic intelligence? another word or should we not care? >> i think we have to care. think that words can illuminate or obscure. i think that word especially in we often speakre in the united states obscures and concerns people which is why . use stuff the reason it would have been a mistake to split the bureau so much of the that is on we get useful to the war fighter, to andcounterterrorism mission counterintelligence mission and policy makers is stuff that is
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sheriffs in anty encounter, police officers in an encounter. omebody at the border in an encounter. what i want from them is stuff -- robably >> it is actually good. >> i need facts, information. what did you see? did you hear? what did you find? -- any way, i think it obscures. if i talk domestic intelligence freaks people for good reason. it has dark overtones to it. , is aware -- what we are in stuff business. it is the director creating a effort on the criminal side by creating intelligence. no. already being pretty aggressive trying to find crime and stop it. i'm trying to be more thoughtful about what are we learning in our criminal matters that could weuseful in the other things do and can be useful to partners?
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that that s why i want intelligence professional looking across the entire enterprise to make sure we are figuring out at what stuff do we know? hat have we learned in drug cases or child pornography cases that might be of use elsewhere. >> excellent. so, another sort of cosmic intel relat related. you have spoken eloquently about your desire to your recreation the u.d.a. position and message it sends because of the but tonce of the mission national security in general. probably not a fair question but one of these, can you tell us hen you talk about integration and intel and ops the d.o.d. crowd we get that. up with that in my blood with a combat support agency. we get it. can you help us understand, if
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you are successful, what would you from ok like to the f.b.i. world? know?ow will you tphoe >> that is a great question and one i'm working on to teug out. are the -- working on to figure out. i use to tell ll if i have success. the highest way to describe it, may sound odd and backwards, when no one talks about any more.n it is just that i say to the new analysts at quantico my success will be you forgot that i ever raised this. just was part your d.n.a. f course i'm constantly interacting just as in a defense intelligence i'm interacting with the war fighter. we are part of the same team. that is what success will feel like. metrics i will use along the journey to that? that is a work in progress for me. one of my charges to
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velez valar. >> there are a number of i will s on cyber and try to do five in one question. there are questions surrounding publi public-private partnership in it might be think more interesting if you could describe it relative to the domain. do you have a view of what that would look like? a good one. et me start with why it matters. without effective public-private artnership on the cyber side i -- i'm eta farr street with e parse -- lls but 85 85% of the world is on the other side. we have to devise a way for a
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op on the beat to see through the walls and pass information through the walls and receive information from those walls. else i can't protect the neighborhood because 85% of it in private hands. we have to figure out a way to civil consistent with liberties, addressing people's concerns about effectiveness and whatnot. and success will look like a phmache sharing information from the government, all parts of the government of indicators we see, warning signs of danger and machine speed information from same ivate sector of the data. somehow we have to find a way to consistentt which is with our values and disparate interests on both sides. in the government have made phaoeupmind you i left nine years ago and came back and cyber was i used to call it 4-year-old soccer that i
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five children so i watched a lot of 4-year-old soccer and in a clump.the ball so everybodys cool was following the ball. now it is seventh grade soccer. we understand the need to spread out and pass it each other. at the bad guys are playing world cup level so we have to continue to improve the speed of with me and effectiveness which we pass. some things that have been developed since i left that are aiding that are the gionta task force 15 agencies sitting together watching the threat and dividing it up. passing to each other in a way so we are not following each clump.n a that is a great start. maybe that is high school level soccer. lots of ways smart people can get to us a world cup
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with among ourselves and the private sector. -- do you hink that have lanes in the road sort of quared away with d.h.s. in tfrp terms of critical infrastructure? roll questions about the of the f.b.i. protecting critical infrastructure. is that something that is or do you pretty much have a sense of how your team will cooperate? -- s that the the ncijtf has been a tool to that out. d. d.h.s.'s escribe recovery and tion resiliency and they overlap and you have a tkpwragr and secret h.s. service that is investigating
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intrusions that relate to especially ime credit cards. it feels like it is in a pretty depends.e but it we think we have it mapped out with the right structures but the tures only work if people are right in them so it depends on people talking to each other. a hink we have come tremendously long way. jay and i both think we can make it better. privately with ike rodgers from n.s.a. on a regular basis to see how it is going. we divide the three responsibilities but as low tech we find benefit saying what problems are you hearing? and helps us some problems sends a message to our folks .hat we want it worked out all three of us our heads will there is we find out a turf battle. we have plenty of work. >> we have time for one more is on the d one that mind and this is this many of our audience. , how do you tell us
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and f.b.i.l threat united protecting the states from that threat? to think that the best way describe did is i see the isil of a threat element that i have been talking about since the day i got this job, the terrorist threat that is manifesting in the same syria-iraqlied by the region. isil is most prominent among greato it is a subject of focus of ours. but there are other groups in ar-- same area and others areas of north africa, mediterranean. it has metastasized. has shrunk in or pakistani stan and
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has made it t challenging. isil reau's response with and others is to do everything we can to understand what if any presence or connection do they have in the united states and especially who is traveling. i'm very concerned about the travelers. concerning there is and more concern is the coming back. just seen in the news australia acting against a isil connected. i also worry about the way it home grown ith the extremist threat, the vector has made it possible to train and inspire people to do heir work without ever having met the paoeeople, troubled sou eeking meaning in some way in their basement could be the soldiers of groups like that. the bureau is about trying to who is nd who is going, coming and who is connected to
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those groups that's in the united states. >> thank you. his has been an absolutely phenomenal session and i can only say thank you on behalf of the audience. you.hank [applause] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2014] >> president obama unveiling a new effort to combat sexual campuses is llege negligence. vice president speaks at the forum. women's leadership then a debate with the candidates in the arizona governor's race. tonight live coverage from the between rnor's debate terry branstad and jack hatch. shows branstad with a wide lead. live campaign 2014 coverage from burlington, iowa, starts at 8:00
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p.m. eastern on c-span. c-span cities tour takes book tv and american history tv traveling to cities to learn about their lift. we partnered with comcast for a st. paul, minnesota. >> st. paul in the 1930's i ouldn't call it las vegas but it was a very lively city brought he gangsters their guns during prohibition biggest jazz artists of the decades here. t was a very lively place partially because the gangsters were welcome here. major gangster kidnapper and bank robber and lived and worked within here.e block radius of john dillinger, baby face nelson. creepy carpet were all
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here. people don't know that. statues of them but this was the epicenter of 1930's in the era of john dillinger. federal bureau of investigation with j. edgar hoover had this building as their headquarters. also the building where all of those bat leggers and bank robbers were tried and sent to alcatraz, leavenworth listen and other prisons. is where it began and where it ended. > we are standing at the historic fort snelling looking over the junction of the innesota and mississippi rivers. st. paul is up the mississippi river from fort snelling and the was here before the city was. it is connected in the creation st. paul. 181830's there much groups and they were competing for resources and felt
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they should be removed from the property. they were moved to the other the and they found what was nucleus of st. paul. when you think of the story and region you think beyond the walls of fort snelling. do is push we try people to think more about what oes it mean when all of these ch cultures came together. >> watch all of our events from t. paul today noon eastern on c-span 2's book tv and sunday afternoon on american history tv c-span 3. >> president obama and vice president joe biden have service a new public campaign against campus sexual assault. specifically urging men to intervene. it is called it is on us. ncaa, upported by the center for american progress and various media companies. talked about it
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for about 30 minutes. >> good morning. i'm truly honored to be here. hard.g into college is getting your college back, eclaiming it as your own after sexual assault is nearly impossib impossible. raped just a few weeks into my freshman year. i watched educational opportunities slip away. i found out that the student who had raped me raped omebody else i filed a disciplinary complaint.
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i joined survivors across the announcing our truce n activism team to the lone lyons of surviving assault. help e truth is it didn't me reclaim college. because whether you are thinking scared because you are of the boy down the la salle or because you are planning a eeting with the college president recalling rape always hur hurts. irony of e terrible sexual assault activism. protectur experience to others from rape is so that itng and important also tethers you to your pain. heard i had to talk about the night in which violence silenced me. when nonsurvivors step up and be hurt to need to care about assault they give ourivors permission to move hearts from the edge of our
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sleeves back to where it belon s belongs. my friends and professors say to stay hurt for us to take this seriously. hat freed me to finally mourn for my freshman self. that is when i got my college ba back. allies do more than prevent assault. they carry the heavy truth that colleges can and should be safer. only together with we ensure we can n we look back say it was compassion forth changed the world. it is now my pleasure to man who has been an unyielding advocate and survivors. ally to please join me in welcoming vice president biden. applause]
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ladies and gentlemen, when you want to know what the definition of courage is, look lovely woman. applause] a lot of you here i have been trying to impact on this ime.a long taoeupl i have never heard anyone say as eloquently as you just did what like, now every single time even today she stands up matter ks of this no what she says he she relives it and momcond in her mind and dad, so do you. would you guys stand up? applause] >> thank you.
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changing the lives of an awful lot of young women by doing what you are doing. thank you. appreciate it. there is, i believe, no reater pain than a parent can or rience than their son daughter being victimized. and over parent prays for one second their son is art is born -- daughter born. let them be safe. let them be safe. how i felt because unfortunately i knew all the when i dropped my beautiful daughter off at a
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1,500 miles away and there was an extra prayer for be safe. let her those in lks like .ront of me know the statistics one are real and it is young girl at a time. one of these statistics is a life. in order to be able to have an experience that you have to have a sense of security. you have to have a sense that i'm ok. don't have to worry about anything except i learn what i'm learn.d to
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ll these survivors are our daughters, our sisters, our classmates. and many of them are in this room today. not the only survivor in this room today. when we first start writing this violence against women act over 24 years ago few people wanted the fact of violence against women, that it was happening. to use it is an ugly thing they wanted to ignore it. some on today want to ignore it. women like lilly who came forward during those face on this power and abuse of forced america to look into their eyes. women of my staff ad an incredible idea it write a report, "violence against
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wom women, one week in the life of american women" and document it 21 1,000 times a week in america these heinous crimes take place. but the fact is that we made a progress because, lilly, predecessors stepped up, had the currently, to tell theirrage story. we made a lot of progress. shelters and crisis centers when we first proposed them was be they were going to indoctrination centers. biden is setting up centers.ation you much told that as you upported that, these were endoen tko endock -- indoctrination centers. you are going to ruin the
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american family. you demonstrated to the world it makes a hat gigantic difference. we now have health professionals domesticn patients for violen violence, special victims unit convict more perpetrators. rates of domestic violence in america have fallen 64% the years. but when i asked my staff to dig lynn rosenthals, here, we learned one place had not changed much. ages of 16 to 24 were one out of every 10 of them was being physically and 20 d 10 years ago years ago. the number is still the same, of 10. it was the greatest disappointment of anything that engaged since getting in there. so, we knew we had a lot more do to truly change the
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culture, especially on college campuses. there's no doubt that colleges and universities have to step up game. they have to take legal responsibility and it is a moral to protect their students and hold perpetrators accountable. awful lot of data available to them now as to how better.his so much but three years ago, when i posted the video on facebook and twitter asking what can we do to those mpuses safer from kinds of heinous crimes we got more than 2,000 responses immediately. know what the top one from students was? get men involved. because violence against women is not a women's issue alone, it issue.n's so, we released a couple of p.s.a.'s with leading male movie stars, sports
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i called every one of them. what the wasn't sure response would be. without exception everybody me in, noy said count matter highway called. a lier this year i held meeting with a group of folks many in this room today that who are 16 ung men and 18 years old, 25 years old, 30 years old. can we engage w men to stop this form of violence? because the majority of young men are decent and want to do right thing. they all asked what they could got in.lp and they all that is why we are here today. it is in all of us to change the that asks the wrong culture still ur asks the wrong questions. the right question for a woman to ask what did i do? never never. get it straight.
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nev appropriate for a woman to ask what did i do? he question is why was that done to me and will someone do something about it? asked what will change, what will be the mark of success. the mark of success will be when not a single woman in america blames herself and every man in it will not stands end the violence but every man nderstands there is no circumstance other than self-defense that he has a right a woman.a happened to none. zero. who o the guys out there are watching there on television, step up. responsible. intervene. you have an obligation to make a those on campus who abuse another person. this s how we can change culture. on any man who
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raises his hand. no means no in the classroom, in a car in a bedroom. no means no. step up, you guys. speak out. now, ladies and gentlemen i want a man who e to you has stepped up his whole life. know who anyone i understand understands at his core what is about. he gets it. it is on all of us. is on all of us, with him leading the way in this new i believe we can make gigantic progress. ladies and gentlemen, the united states, my friend, barack obama. applause] >> thank you so much, everybody. please have a seat.
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welcome to the white house, and thank you to joe biden biden, not just for the introducti introduction, not just for being vice president, but for decades, since long before he current office, joe has brought unmatched passion to .his cause [applause] >> he has. a time when daytona 500 was all too -- when domestic seen as a private matter he was saying this was unacceptable. thanks to him and so many others last week we were able to commemorate the 20th anniversary wrote which transformed the way we handle violence buse, the against women act. we are here to talk today about priority for is a me.
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that is ending campus sexual assault. i want to thank all of you who are participating. particularly want to thank lilly for her wonderful and grace.n want to thank her parents for being here. as a father of two daughters, the one hand i'm enraged about what has happened hand many other empowered to see such an be so ble young woman strong and do so well. we are going to be thrilled atching all the great things she will be doing in her life. really proud of her. white house nk the council on women and girls, good j job. [applause] >> thank you. i want to thank our white house on violence against women.
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the work that you doer ofry day totnering with others prevent the outrage in the crime with violence. we outstanding law makers with us. senator clare mccasskill here missouristat grit state of blumenthal and congress woman susan davis. thrilled to have you guys here. [applause] also want to thank the other members of congress who are here on this issue so hard for so long. a lot of the people in this room on the frontlines in fighting sectionle with assault for a-- sexual assault long time. and i wasn't to thank all of the survivors who are here today and the country.round [applause]
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