tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN September 26, 2014 2:00am-4:01am EDT
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and asking them if they are registered, because registration is going to start cutting off for some states as early as october 7. it is very important that we get that word out. be on the phone calling all of my family saying, you better get ready. you have to get to those polls. we have to do that. that just by talking. i want to make sure that everybody here knows that we come here today to bring you tools to help you do that. committee, the leadership conference, the naacp, all of us work together. the national coalition for black civic dissipation plate we put out toolkits that every community group can use good we have a new when it just comes out.
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another one for you voters. that thoseake sure toolkits talk about not only registering the vote, what is going on the local communities, that they also talk about making sure that people stay engaged, because the problem is the reason people don't want to go to the polls is because they get disgusted putting people in office who don't do what they were promised to do. they get angry that they are not making sure their children are having the best education. they get upset when the mayor is not holding the police force accountable. >> let me interject. >> that's why we have to make sure we hold people accountable and that we engage in this process all the time. greathink you make a point. thank you ray much. thank you very much.
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we throughout the word account of early all the time. why aren't we holding mayors accountable? why aren't we holding state legislatures accountable? in cities that have 2000 churches, very few of those members attend city council meetings. activees where we have organizations, a lot of times they don't show up at the state legislature. , how do we begin to better engage folks to do what barber is talking about on a consistent basis? >> it is a great question. i am honored to be here. i am honored to be a part of this conversation. very important. voting is the length of democracy. if you don't vote, you don't count. number two, voting should be a non-partisan issue. partisanship, particularly a corrosive, toxic subvertedip, it has
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the right to vote and democracy as we know it. i want to give just a brief history lesson of why this issue is important, ok? i would say about how. when president obama was elected in 2008, he shattered every record about voter turnout of participation. hugerth carolina you had a turnout of african-americans. in virginia, indiana, it was mind blowing. the night he won the 2000 and , robert draper documented an event that took wherein our -- washington many came together to talk about how to regain power and subvert
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president obama's legislative agenda. that was on the night of his inaugural ball. skiertember, 2009, an of congressman from south carolina by the name of joe wilson, who was attending a joint session of the house and senate, yelled out during a presidential address, you lie. it was an attack on the presidency and an attack on president obama. he was rewarded with a nine point victory and a war chest of untold proportions generated by what he did. 2010, tea party activists came to town and spit on congressman emanuel cleaver. they threw racial epithets at john lewis and other members and argued that this was really a free exercise of the right to express their views. i mention all of this for the following reasons.
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this is a concerted effort to subvert the president's agenda. it began on the night of his first election. the failure on the part of black voters to respond in 2010, as we responded in 2000 and eight, cost us everything. houses,both state control of our ability to set the site agenda, and we're still paying the price. >> what do we do? i would love it if we put up a slide that shows some the black voter turnout between 2010 and 2012. my concern is about the house. really quickly. we talk about the electorate and what the electorate didn't do, but a lot of times i did not see resources, infrastructure, organization and large part pushing to ensure that that turnout was going to be at the same level.
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advocacy in the black community, organizing the electric are scarce. -- organizing the electorate, or scarce. be real. we know that your vote is always sought election time. there is no infrastructure on the part of the national party to support organizing in the black community. i am not here in a policy mode. bestow one party or another. i'm saying our interest should determine how we cast our vote. in the event we don't vote, we are ultimately harmed. here's the connection. when you look at the states that have failed to provide medicaid assistance under the generous provisions of the obamacare beall. -- bill. it is an inducement to have are affectedle who by medicaid are poor people, black people, white people,
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latinos. the states that are denying them that right are largely in the south. truth is we can't get healthcare and we desperately vote willd our determine whether that is carried out. >> let me do this. >> yeah. and would like you come in for you to deal with the how. curious about how because i think everything that up was but i'm interested in for those of us that are in cincinnati are in indianapolis, or oakland,urgh wherever they may be, how do we 365-day engagement in a voter process that creates civic engagement, not just an activity of voting? to that?say something >> yes, ma'am. >> yes. need to be half as good as
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forefathers and foremothers. we just need to be half as good. goodness. >> they didn't have a degree. they didn't have college graduation. didn't have high school. but i'm telling you, when black right to votethe get870, black women didn't it until 50 years later, 1920, those brothers five five yearsf slavery, out of slavery with the new hats and the little turn over shoes and their little collars wrapped themselves the polls for 25 years. they didn't miss a vote! men toy elected 24 black the congress. by themselves. because they didn't need to
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educated. they didn't need that. they understood that. they elected 24 black people to congress. powers this be have always understood the promise and the the black vote if it exercised. in our hands we have the seed of our own liberation. >> amen. it.nd we do not use now, have to talk about what gets us out there? do? we can what the organization, we got our day for barack obama in 2008. >> big time. >> what did that? because what we do, we vote for people. vote for issues. and in barack obama we had the issue and the per person combino
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we could come out. right.'s >> you remove the african american president, state level, allral level, it is connected. we get myopia, we can't see anything. don't educate ourselves as to what is going on in our communities. missouri is an abomination. black vote? and 6% votertion turnout? wonder you got any on the police force. so we have been fighting for the vote and to hold on to the vote ever since we first got it in 1870. it is nothing new. it has always been under attack. decide the supreme court they were going to review the voting rights act case? days after obama was elected in 2012. >> okay. >> three days! so i mean we -- we -- the
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foundations don't fund it. all right, they don't fund it. organize. don't all right, we not organized. >> that's right. >> is our individual duty to self-educate? >> yes, yes. >> self-educate. >> yes. [applause] >> yep. organizeour duty to and educate others and it is local. >> yes. >> it begins at home. everybody. the community meetings. the school board. >> yes. people should be known active.ost politically >> active. >> active folk in this nation. >> in the country in when they and we are over 18 they ought to automatically know voters.are >> thank you so much.
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elaine, what i need you to do time, i need to hear more passion. you are not passionate enough. a little more energy. >> oh! oh! oh! loved it. sister.ight, my >> congresswoman fudge, and i know you have to transition but have a sticky question. and i know normally you can deal questions and wade brought up something that i think is important. >> i did. times that is that often even democrats treat the african american community like baseball who only watch the world series. they just show up in october. right.'s right, that's >> and so how do we begin? because i think elaine really dealt with the fact that there is self-internallish somehows that we need to deal with. >> yes. going to there also is support issues from those who we support.
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engage thedo we democratic party in a more effective way of supporting we can see have a chance of winning but don't get broader support? and, this unbelievable infrastructure, some of which ofple in this room represent people that work in the political space and are always brought into meetings to give advice, but never hired. >> yes. consultants. >> well -- electoralthis infrastructure. >> all right. >> jeff, the answer is really easy. self-preservation is human nature. >> um-h'm. finallyo when they have realized that 45 a percent of the vote of the democratic party minority then they pay attention. >> um-h'm. >> when they realize that they want to hold the in the and realize that in louisiana they need our vote and it is 30% of the vote in louisiana, 30% of
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the people in louisiana are black people. same.a, almost the in georgia, almost the same. almost therolina, same. i was in arkansas on monday -- i sunday, arkansas, only 15% but in a close race 15% is a lot of votes. difference. >> now that they realize that they need us like they always needed us, come on, black and supportut here the democratic party, once they make a difference we went to them and said you want thise are players this game. right now the dscc is getting ready to spent $67 million in seven states. guess who is going to get some now?at money we going to get some of that money now. >> i hope so. supported our sunday effort. churchesmost 3,00 3,000 last sunday to talk about getting out the vote. i think it is just important
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dot you have to make people what is right sometimes. we expect them to do what is expected that we of the masses, too. we expected them to -- of the, we expected them to take care of us because we were worth something and had some value. sometimes you to make them do it. and now we are making them do it. because if they don't, then they lose. i tell you when, my life ain't going to change a whole not will changeut what is my neighbor's when their kids can'teat or when they keep a roof over their head. we are saying to the democratic of thell three houses democratic party you better pay attention to us because if you don't, everybody loses. if we win, everybody wins. loses when everybody black folk don't vote. >> thank you. at this time we are going to shift gears a little bit and i want to talk about what is on lot of people's minds, many of you have seen in the last 24
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hours that people were in the in ferguson. >> yes. >> that there is conversation protestersbout blocking the st. louis cardinals game as they go into the playoffs. there is also right now a video that was released of john crawford shooting. >> yes. >> in ohio. >> yes. >> in a wal-mart where it was he was -- the police stated he was a gun-wielding was a gun, but it that was sold in wal-mart that buy.s getting ready to i think as many of us said because we had heard about the video that there was no warning, police didn't identify themselves. he was shot from behind the first time. was killed in many cases what they believe was a second shot. ferguson is an example of what is happening in cities all country that either no it catches on video or doesn't bubble to the surface. i would like to, barbara, if you
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to dealime in first with -- and actually if i can second, congressman lewis, if you could chime in. issues as to the militarization of local police, relates tos as it what the rules for accepted force are. more importantly and what concerned with, how do we create policy that hold police accountable in substantive ways versus superficial ways so we don't thatnue to see people shoot someone and tomorrow they are back on the street or on paid leave? >> that's right, um-h'm, um-h'm. >> i think it is important. i think it is a must that we acrossorganized all america with the ability and the capacity to speak up and not wait until there is an incident. didn't have960's we a website. we didn't know anything about the internet. facebook? we didn't have a fax machine. >> that's right.
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old mimeo good graph mashown. machine. many of the communities are just too darn white. some noise.ake organize and organize. we have to use the vote, yes. to organize dissident campaigns. was a sit-in, a freedom right, a march, we steadied and prepared ourselves. >> that was my next question to you. when i i get concerned hear elders sometimes talk about engagement of young people but there isn't a real analysis of the fact that your generation got trained and you couldn't be on the weren'tes if you trained or you couldn't be at a weren'tunter you trained. >> before the freedom ride.
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trained before we boarded a bus to travel from washington, d.c. to new orleans. >> and you all weren't using some sophisticated multimillion dollar funded institution. >> no. knowing howested in peopleorking with young or college students moving them to address the issues of the the issues ofs brow brutality what are the to do the training? >> recruit a cadre of young people. yes.d, smart, yes. prepareaverage joes and them to be prepared stand up and speak up and organize the and be prepared to mobilize. i want to go back to just one point. the vote. if you want to change ferguson to user places, we got the vote. it is the most powerful
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theiolent tool we have on democratic se society and if we to use it we will go backwards. becerra.ssman elaine talked about something that was critical. cases poem o cases people of cr first and issues second. i don't often see candidate looking for young talent outside of the party system. i'm not sure about the work that doing, it but how do we just to, and i don't mean brilliant college students, i'm to beg about young ones philosophyed and on the block and connected to a politic aboutrm because they care something. and then we have the ability to talk them and pull them in. createe ways that we candidate incubators and electoral incubators so we are seeing a different feeder of
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folks woulding no the school board and state leg or mayor's races. >> you look at people and they say i tried to find a good of minority background but they are not out this or they don't come to me. the chairman of the democratic caucus. staff on theof my democratic caucus are people are color and women and i had no of them anding any they are as talented as anybody out there. >> that's right. >> and so you just got to push envelope. you can't let people get away with the excuse. agree but not i completely with the nose that we based on -- with the notion that we vote based on the person. we vote based on our ability to survive. when ferguson occurred, i think people said that is me. rights movement got strong, people said that is
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me. and that is when people came out. had what happened was you success, we saw that we got the passed.ghts act we saw that we got the voting rights act passed and we said we looking for.ere and we got complacent. and we sat and we didn't teach next generation the john be readyf the world to for the next time. it is coming up all of the time just onesomeis many. oneexample. to teach an dog new tricks. to -- an old dog new tricks. it is tough to change bad habits. got to teach our young folks never to have those bad habit. some of our own money and skin in the game on not just on whether the parties will do it for us pulpit our own money we will never fully get there. will only do it every year there is an election. we need it to be done every year
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child's life so when they turn 18 it is just like a driver's license, when you turn 18 you go out and vote a rite of passage. what xavierild on just said, when i listen to and elainend wade and we hear the passion and talk about our history, what happens comfortable. let me spoke to the younger folks in the audience because mr. lewis said was they were trained. they were trained because they conviction and it affected them. resolve isge to our whether you are on the more mature end of this audience, corneru get that corporate office, you remember that there is somebody that fileroom.e in the and when you get there with all you have toentials, remember that there is someone
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your contemporary. what i'm saying is you get the one person in the corporate highest levelhe and they don't bring people along. emulate when our young folks come along they leaders int our those environments are doing because we like all of the attention on us. mr. lewis and everybody was marching, it was never about him. about the cause. years2 black women, 101 ago, had the courage to convince the united states to let them be the only women of women's march in the suffrage march. it wasn't about them. it was about the cause. agree on the people, but it is always about the cause. this forum, you are in here for free. you will attend things late in the evening for free. so everything you have for free,
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check back to a the cause. >> all right. naacp,her it is to the whether it is to the kaw can are no freeatyou prefer but the rides. mr. louis and all of his they didn't ask anybody for a dime to feed them. they didn't ask anybody to get ticket to get on the bus. the rosa parks created modern civil rights movement for one year black folks didn't get bus. could you imagine today if joyce stand with to you this group and walk for a week what would happen? go old and lastly that is why we are doing this panel because we stand on the shoulders of someone. you stand on the shoulders of of someone. >> that's right. >> it is time for us to give a for our young folks can stand on. thank you. >> thank you. >> barbara, if i can -- because
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if you that there is -- ask somebody walk with you for a much of i remember so what made the bus boycott so was just was it started with one tay. day. what we are seeing in ferguson is we areleased about seeing young and old people alike on the ground that aren't waiting for anybody to come back. >> that's right. aren't waiting for a national leader to come in. someonen't waiting for to tell them how to do it and there is continuity that we are starting to see. issues, if you will, on the policy side as it brutality thatce helped turn the needle? is it civilian review boards? blocking federal funding? what are the things that people should be looking for from a policy piece so when they are going to the polls they know what to look for by way of ways level?this at the local >> thank you so much. first of all, i want everyone to that there is a unified
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put outt that has been rightseast 15 civil organizations on ferguson reforms, on police reforms nationwide. it i wanted to be -- i want to be very clear that this is not a letter talking about we we are so annoyed and disgusted and angry. this is a letter that says governments, state governments, low college governments,do these 14 thingst burying our children. do you know in august alone killed over ad hundred people? this is not a moment as reverend says, that it is about a movement, that is the work of generation. this is the work that we have to get done.
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cannt you to know that you become a signatory to this statement. thecan get copies of statement. some of them are outside of this also at booth number 230 in the exhibit hall. sign up.t you to i want you go to and become a signatory. sayalso, what i wanted to is that to all of the questions asking, jeff, the beauty of the moment that we sit miss where we are right now in this moment and where we are going in the future. a shout out to all of my young brothers and created hand i want to give a out out to all
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brothers and sisters, black lives matter. give a shout out because those brothers and sisters have done it with no dimes. and figured out how to get from new york to ferguson. and figured out how to get from florida to whatever. they have done it. i want us to be clear that we have a youth generation that is and all of the x others using their talents. andknow, darnell moore phillip caruthers and agnew and the brothers and is sisters that are standing up isause they understand this not just an issue about black issue about black boys, it is an issue about black women and black girls. god, two days after the
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policeg of mike brown, phoenix,killed in couseau who was 50 years old, mentally disabled, her hand andin they decided to shoot her 20 times. the community was so disgusted marched with her casket and took it to the city hall and put it in the middle of the rotunda in the lobby. let's be very clear that country blackthis people are rising up. that we are standing up and killings of our people but we need, we need ande systematic institutional reforms. toneed to dig deep and fight make sure that the change happens. here on the sitting panel next year talking about the latest people they shot and killed. no. brothers and sisters we can
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raisial racialtting the guidance passed. by getting the funding taken away from the departments that have histories and clearly are brutality. police we can change this by making all of the places wear the cameras gets out.e story by having dash cams on police cars. people to keep statistics on who is being shot killed. by making simple changes who is in fact employed. by having community civilian review boards that are role. powerful and can subpoena and punish and have the ability to have community of brokennstead windows that makes it racial profiling legal. things that we got to do. listen, i stand here because you family was invaded by a s.w.a.t. team. at 5:00 aty home night. you think ferguson had some
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military gear? came in with night goggles. i kept saying turn on the going to kille some of my people. turn on the lights but they with their night going toes, their shield, all -- night goggles and the shields they held us under armed three hours while they "executed a search warrant that produce.dn't these are the realities. we need to be clear about the that we are in. i don't want us to ever forget, kin that wes black black lives matter, hands up, don't shoot. organizations.e we can create the organizations that you are talking about. a 365ioneed to have you know, day review on what is ourg on politically and at local, state and federal level. that we can hold people accountable. technology. we got the means.
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we just have to do the work. in this audience, elaine, that seed you talked here. they are right and they are going to take what they learn today and change it america.w thank you. >> thank you. >> what i want to do is i want question but i hate when we have three minutes left and then we open the floor only two people get to ask questions. >> uh-oh. >> so there is a mike in the middle here that will be available for those that want to ask questions. we will get so as many as we can which is why i want to open it as quickly as possible. if you would begin to line up there in the center aisle following this question. and is for both wade elaine. we wanted to talk about this -- what is the socioeconomic impact on african americans? >> yes. >> and so wade, i would like for you to just talk about some of small ways that we are impacted because there are so many? also talkuld you about something that representative becerra talked
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how do weh is financially impact the voting process? and what we can do to play a more sophisticated game on fund raising, on donating to the kind of candidates that we want and fundraising role within parties if we so choose that space?role in guys and then elaine. >> voting obviously matters. example. good eric holder who is now the attorney general in the united states would not be in office obama. not for barack without eric holder in office it is unlikely we would have gotten called the fair sentencing act that reduced disparities and took off three years of sentences for many. if it were not for eric holder wouldn't have an attorney general arguing that people who were convicted of felonies be entitled to vote. if it were not for eric holder
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we would not have a effort to reduce sentencing disparities based on that haveminimums been generated. guys.ctions matter, when eric holder is challenged by the house of representatives censorshipinto a fight, that is something we concerned and when people talk about the potential to impeach president carried oute he has policies that are in the best country,of the understand that is an attack on his record and the programs that pursuing. so when we don't have a jobs responds to the high level of unemployment in the african american community, because obstruction of the jobs program was seen as being in the interest of his political opponents, that is a consequence we have to deal with. challenged about providing resources, i mentioned
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there arearlier, school costs for public bycation that are affected elections. so there are a number of both and micro issues affected by the outcome of elections. i'm looking to use what we have. given us ferguson has a moment that will help generate a movement and yes, i'm delightd groups like color of change and others are in the effort. for am now looking hashtag that says hands up, go vote. >> yes, that also. >> hands up, go vote. >> we can do that. a connection between what you do and the consequences that we are feeling on the ground. so when the president supports providing body cameras for a way officers as helping to protect all of us by happened,film of what that is a positive. or when holder, who has
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for writingty guidance from the department justice, that determines how used in law enforcement purposes, that is something that only he is capable of organizing and doing. and so i'm saying yes, we do ourselves.cate to look, i want to go back something congresswoman beatty said. there is a judge in this damon keefe, a 92-year-old retired judge out of michigan. an incredible guy. me once, look, wade, you floors you never scrubbed. you walk through doors you never opened. you have an obligation to do who come behind you. raisingwhy at 92 he is hell and encouraging people to do what is necessary. walk acrossdid buck floors you never scrubbed and yes, you do walk through doors never opened, and the key is using the power that we already
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our hands to determine the outcome of change we want to see. >> thank you so much, elaine. was your question? >> my question was how do we play -- please, a round of right.e is al all [applause] ohhow do we play a more sophisticated financial game in local politics? politics is local. it is not national. organization at our community level we with go national. do. is easy enough to and we are already organized to do that. havee used to have and we to get back to it, in our communities they used to be called voting crusades or voters or the voter league. this committee did was
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for something like your home, in terms would do is of the police department, who hires these people? officials? >> who are the officials that fire the police? public safety,of you know. you look what role did the play?or what role does the mayor play? publicle -- who are the policy people that bring them on the force? when the local election comes we can have a direct connection between the person who is running and the composition of the police department and what their power is. in other words, it is an ongoing education process about what at home. at andget the voting leagues you keep informed locally and then you come together and you can even collect your money locally. well, we like what so and so is saying and what so and so is
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about this so we are going to give in $500 to that campaign. to -- just -- i mean you can -- and it is where your power lies. so that is how you do it. and that also builds awareness. awareness. we are not -- we are engaged spasmodically. spasmodically, episodically. we are 365 years. being engaged. power of the vote. when somebody tells you they are registered and you doubt it, get with them. or go with them. let's go check your registration sure the address is right. it is all in the details so when aey show up they don't have problem when it is time to vote. that is your power and it starts
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locally. you need your organization locally. you need your research group. folks who think about the money. you need your community meetings. >> yes. >> you don't have to have them every week. once a month, there ought to be community meeting about what is going on here at home. and you build. it iss how you -- organization and structure. >> thank you so much. i want to make sure that we get as many questions as we can and so there are three rules, mese that have been with when i have moderated before know the rules. the first rule is ask a question. >> please. >> the second rule, ask a question. >> the third rule is we have confirmation on this? breaking announcement pelosi needswoman important.t is >> thank you. i do -- this has been
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i want to thank congresswoman joyce beatty, a of congress for her leadership in putting all of this together. seniornford bishop, a member of congress, a champion for veterans for putting this together. thank you again. and i also want to acknowledge that while we are here this week, the president has been at the u.n. and i was proud to president made the official appointment of housea lee to be the democrat representative at the assembly.ions general i pined this s find this to be i associate myself with the comments that wade made about the excellence of our great holder. general eric >> yes, yes. >> i do want to, though, say that the congressional black instrumental in almost every one of the
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initiatives. chairwoman fudge that the leader high possible.tde i salute the congressional black caucus. and donald payne, we talked earlier.r dad and john edwards who joined us earlier. now that theis attorney general will resign today. country.s served our >> what? >> wow. well.y, very but the message is that the attorney general will be submitting his resignation to the president. >> wow. >> let us salute him once again great, greats work. >> that is so bad. that is terrible.
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devastating. >> wow. >> that is devastating. >> that is so sad. wow. >> thank you so much, leader pelosi. >> wow. >> and that is a shock. is >> did you know that was -- >> did i not. havemost like we need to another panel about attorney general holder. i do want to make sure we honor nose line. those in line. rules were ask a question. the third rule is ask a question. thatave 30 seconds to set question up at which time i will question. ask the direct to one member of the panel, would be helpful. if not, we will direct one to answer it so we can get to as many questions as possible. yes, sir? allow her to hold the mike because it is talkstically proven you 30% longer when the mike is in your hands. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. prior to the march on washington there was a coalition of civil
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social justice organizations, the naacp, the rainbow push. inculpate in our young people's minds that voting is not just a right it is a responsibility? it is a responsibility to ourselves, a responsibility to who we love, live in community with, it is a responsibility to the world. so >> how do we organize -- >> i got your question. to -- coalition >> how do we organize the coalitions, some of which barbara, ift and so you wouldn't mind talking about alreadyitions that exist? the crux was how do we get young indoctrinated in that? >> the coalition around ferguson
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iat we put together county sick bed.thatfrom my i was at home with a back infection when it was just, you own way. moving in his i was due be out of the country with wade and some others to about, youe the u.n. know, our voting rights and other rights, criminal justice issues. and when i saw what happened to mike brown and i started seeing twitter blowing up and i started knew wecalls, i now couldn't just do nothing. i called tonya clayhouse who is audience, our brilliant public policy director who was able to help me convene civil rights organizations as we could get on the phone. talked, you know, we had all of the experts and that is unifiedame up with the statement. we decided not to just do our
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organizational thing but that we needed a coalition. if you are talking about movement, you can't do it with organization. movement requires everybody. i'm here seeking and andciting your individual organizational signature on that statement because coalition building. i love about what darnell, charleen, phil and all of the involved in hands up don't shoot, the ferguson form reformpolice row also ares that they coalescing. this group will take the lead on having a march on this weekend, saturday. the next group do it the next one and that they come and support each other. do. is what we have to so coalition is absolutely in our bones but we got to make it happen. egos are a problem.
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organizational credit is a problem. there are so many problems you have to overcome when you deal with coalitions but i will tell you this they can be overcome. i fight with it every day, and i push people forward, and we get it done. we had a meeting with the white house. a meeting with the kep departmef homeland security. we have done all of this work through coalition. so, jeff, i want to tell you it, that the young people get it, and the final is thatust want to say there has never been a successful movement in america, never been a successful movement of african americans that wasn't intergenerational. that it takes the elders, the the in between. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> sir, really quickly, i want to your question, there are young people who just want to be listened to.
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>> yes. of times we are trying to get them to do something a methodology that they are not in.rested you show me a city and i will show you young people that care so busyimes we are telling them how to do it. how to do we need to listen. we need to support them as directors.ot as they already have coalitions of their own. >> right. >> sometimes it is about bridge. the many of you know that in the hours that jake sued kendricks lamar. in miss songsage and the folks are suing him. i felt like it was a real to say all for jakes right, brother, let me talk to you about this copyright infringement but let's have a conversation because kendricks line was an honor. a positive song. a positive message. something in jake's voice that they admired and used
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it. and so there was an opportunity even thoughridge jake may not have liked the language or the approach. two often we got old people that to help build the bridge and elders this don't want to help build it. you so much. >> yes, ma'am? >> i'm brittany. was at the university where we get a specialto hear. this could go to elaine or have beencause you touching on it. what are things we can do as young people to continue the prominent orm national figures? because we are still going to hearings. being briefe brief on politicalcy issues. issues.- policy because the cameras are no longer around or cnn is no longer on our tracks how do we continue to engage and garner
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prominentom the figures who showed up? the naacp who showed up when the us?ras were around >> restate the question for me? >> how do we as young people support to garner that from you all so it is no longer just a young people's movement that time and that is so cute versus that long-term movement need?al that we >> thank you so much. one,t me just give you just one example. most people didn't hear about thelma until 1965. but members of the student coordinating in 1962. went to that historic building. movement.a and so when dr. king, martin thelmaking jr. came to in january of 1965 it brought more press attention.
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students,people, the lock, we create -- look, we created a coalition. the march on washington was a coalition. young johnolph, lewis 23 years old was there in at the table. so, when people tell you to be quiet, speak up. speak out. find a way to get in the way and make some noise. >> thank you, congressman. i can't do that right now. i got to get to the next question. yes, ma'am? >> yes, thank you. is anise jenkins. i'm with stand up for democracy d.c. coalition. the 650,000 peopleresent who live in the nation's capital say-so over the life and death issues. we have no representation, no vote in the house, no vote in although we pay the highest federal taxes in the
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country. this a citizeng needs to do. so your question, ma'am? blackant to thank the caucus because they are leading our they are leading. i want to thank ray henderson. at theause he testified first hearing in the senate in 20 years. >> i appreciate your need you to but i ask a question for me, please. >> my question is how can the black caucus reach out to the other members of the house and get them on board with our legislation to become the 51st state? >> thank you so much. wade and then congresswoman. a great question, thanks for asking it. i would only say this, look, deserves the vote. we struggle to bring democracy tobaghdad, we bring it afghanistan and we deny it right at home on the potomac. it is up to d.c. residents
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itself. ourselves to raise our voices to make this a national issue. has been caucus incredible. they signed up their own members. aagai agenda.this going to get other members of congress to support the bill we have to as makeessman lewis said, some noise and get in the way and make this an issue that people are forced to address because it is democracy plain and simple. we can do that. we have the power here in d.c. it happen. >> we also strengthen the black caucus when we vote for all of those people that they have to deal with across the congress. >> thank you. >> if they know they got a group of black folk out there who are listening. are when he got something to say, they going to listen. much.nk you so >> i will leave that answer right there, congresswoman and come back to you on the next one. sir? >> good morning. king.nold
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i'm from prince georges county, maryland. my question is what can we do to more african americans to get involved in city issues more? words, what can we do to get people in the neighborhood get involved in city issues? to -- went >> i appreciate the question and i will make sure to get them to answer. do the grass roots piece and get people engaged at just citylevel in not politics but i'm sure across the board. wants to take that? >> let me speak. >> elaine, go ahead. stories. are moved by by what our folk have done. dahmer 1966.ernon looked white. didn't have to be black. looked white. a saw mill.
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mississippi, told people i will pay your poll tax, you come out vote. klan came and the burned down his house. later ofed three days smoke inhalation and on his tombstone right now, if you don't vote you don't count. he is one of many that gave their lives. we need to go through them, have young folk come in and see our martyrs. modern day martyrs, i'm not talking about 1870's. the 1970's andut 1960's and up and to the present. in his brown is laying grave now because we didn't get to the polls and do what we have to do. people don't have medicaid because we didn't show up in to vote. >> tell the story. >> thank you so much. and thank you for your question. sir.
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yes, sir? america, from central honduras. i wanted to make a statement to very much for all stretch all of this. i'm honored to be here amongst of these phenomenal legacy owners of the african american struggle. in central america we actually and we imitate what african americans have done actually every brief --- i will be african descendant around the world looks to you and your parents. you are our north. when it was said that we don't know the power that we have in through the vote, it is such a true statement. commit that my sphere of influence will be get out and vote. >> hear, hear.
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>> to get out and not only register but to actually get involved in every one of those local areas because another point -- you room,ot -- i gave brother. i gave you room. >> all right. honduras.d i'm like i got to give him a minute with the comment but you can't have two. the point was a great one. it i appreciate that because does say how many people are watching us. and with all of the resources wet we have at our disposal have an unbelievable opportunity to be an example to those who often have less than we do to can happen. thank you very much for that comment, sir. yes, sir? you.ank congressman lewis. peoria, park fres parker from illinois. i'm a well known activist back there. years ago i ran for the school board and my election would have made a black majority on the board. two days before the election, the states attorney had my name
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and id from the ballot found out that was done illegally. voting out that my rights were violated and the people who chose to vote for me and signed all of the petitions to get on the ballot. >> i need you to ask your question, brother. coming right now. >> thank you. >> i found out that you were going to speak at the king day celebration in january. and i know 50 years ago -- >> i need your question, brother, please. >> 50 years ago. >> honor the people that are behind you brother as i'm honoring you. >> 50 years ago you would have to fight against stuff like that. what do i go back and tell my that youo support me are condoning that the people are doinglated my rights to them? >> i don't understand the condoning.w am i >> you have chose ton speak at
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the king day celebration in january. year.t i'm not so sure that i will be peoria or in other place in january. i get a lot of invitations from aroundf places all america. i'm not sure that i will be speaking there. >> thank you. >> but go out and run again. don't give up. don't give in. bitter.come don't become hostile. go out there and continue to fight. stand up. >> that's right. you.ank yes, sir? >> from the poise foundation which is an african american owned and operated community foundation from the pittsburgh area. my question is around the military and overseas voter empowerment act of 2009. >> yes, yes. >> which allows uniformed officers to now vote online and so when we talk about trying to get young people the voter process we got to peek their language language andtheir their language is online. do you see us moving forward
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if the pilotre program is successful to moving system?an online voter >> thank you. >> it is a great question. it as great question. military actnew that you referred to is an important contribution to democracy. to make sureave that we safeguard and protect vote.tegrity of the >> right. >> and we have to make sure that the machinery that we use is not sub vert the very vote that we are trying to lift up. >> right. >> so i got you. places like oregon that are experimenting and it is a positive thing. but i'm going to say this, brother. like i'm on twitter. i'm wade for justice, okay. bottom line. telling you. the bottom line is we have to social media tools but we also have to engage where are.e there are people who are not plugged in and they need to cast a paper ballot. >> that's right. >> there are some who are and could have alternatives. but our job is to organize that
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senseity in the broadest and link issues of importance to what they do. talked about economics, jeff, and this is my last point. scourge, aing is a scourge in the communities. there are potential regulations that are going to be issued soon determined by the obama administration and in part created by a group called the protectionnancial bureau. that the caucus struggled to make happen. is why we are getting this progress. i'm saying don't disconnect what on the ground with the importance of the vote that you cast. how i think we tuesday. we use that anger -- how we use it. we use the anger to motivate people to come out and make a difference in their own lives. point oute, we should to people that one of the best voting reforms that has been happening in the country is voter registration. >> right.
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>> if your state doesn't have got to push for because it has been radical in getting people to sign up and to register to vote especially young people. so that is where we are seeing promise of online, you know, online technology in voting. don't forget that when sandy happened, all of a sudden, new a way to doed out online voting. so we need to understand that but we got totial make sure that the technology is available to everyone. thank you. >> and immediately following this panel for those of you from virginia and d.c. registrationr right outside the door. >> all right. right.'s >> my name is garrett morgan and my question is how can we really not only take this time to change this movement, i mean take this opportunity to turn this movement into a moment.
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>> yes. do,ut what can we honestly why are we afraid to speak to the real issue which i feel is supremacy? >> restate your question for me. -- we tip we tip that toe and dance around the real issue, the root of the issue which i feel is racism and white supremacy which handcuffs us all. >> let me do this because we all know that within a week of being eric holder said that we as a nation -- we were a nation of cowards as it relates race. issue of >> yes, yes. >> and so any of you who would like to take that on? love for congressman lewis to lead that off. >> let me just say this, young brother. i don't think any of us, not one us want to deny that the
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scars of racism is still deeply embedded in every corner of the american society. we are not going to run from that. and we are going to deal with it. deal with it alone. you got to use the vote. you got to organize. and mobilize. you just cannot talk about it. to do something about it. that is what another generation did. >> let me just -- let me just to that. >> congresswoman, as you answer that because i want to push back a little bit. that as we are dealing with younger and younger this notionthere is we kept having to fight the racialof the post america and that notion being pushed out. >> we are not dead yet. >> but you have a younger generation that is so happy where we are and doesn't have the historical context of where we have been and to his point have a son who until i started having to
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indoctrineate a little hard guest: harder. we brought upme things about black people he got a little nervous. he as a young kid in a school dealing with that be able to see for what it is without it weighing him down. to do that soegin when we have rough conversations the racismn from conversation and at the same a time that we don't blame for it?ng >> good question. >> let me say that the town hall the 70 some workships are because of your question. the congressional black caucus is sensitive to that because newrsity has created a problem for us with the younger folks who don't understand the of what a mr. lewis or a lane or others went through.
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young people,the congresswoman marcia fudge is town hall forum tomorrow morning and bringing the dream defenders so young folks can be engaged in that. e we have 70-something workshops. we have african-american members, plaque flokes in the congressional black caucus who have planned this because they want you to understand the behind the scenes. getting the contracts, making sure we have black folks that are engaged. the hotels we are in, because we understand that racism exists. we have insisted on things because we know racism prevails. i think if our -- it's our other counterparts who wanted to put that post-racial out there so we, too, would get comfortable. so to the young folks in the audience, don't think you don't have members of congress that
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belong to our tricaucuses who aren't fighting for us, every day that congresswoman marcia fudge walks in that house of representatives, i assure you there is an issue or someone she's taking to task and it's usually for the least of us. there's a reason they call us the conscience of the congress. it's because we're black and we know racism is still there. >> thank you for your question. we are nearing the end. ky in the get everyone in the line. but what i'd like to do is get the last three of you to one right after the -- of you to, one right after the other, concisely state your question, we'll get the panelists to answer that. the next three and if others have you questions, tweet them. if we're able to get to them we will. but those last three if you'd concisely state your question. >> hi my name is lela, woirk with cbn national a nonprofit t i'm also a volunteer local
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government committee person and i'd like to know how we can engage individuals to be part of local government and other areas where where your leaders actually do come from. how can we engage people who are the most effective -- affected who may not have access to technologies? >> thank you so much. yes, sir. >> my name is anthony prescott, i'm a student from clayton, ohio. i want to know what we could do to possibly gain the respect, the proper respect, from our country. >> that's all. ok. yes, sir. >> that's good. >> my name ladell reese, i'm a washington, d.c., native. you talked about the militarization of the police force. i want to know why in june did the congressional black caucus te 80% against the grayson amendment that would have prevented the pentagon from
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transferring military arms and equipment to local and state police. >> we have these questions. we have the congressional black caucus support of the bill to help militarize police. we have the question on the simple task of how do we get the country to respect black people. and then we have the first question on -- i think it's a great question. >> it's a great question. >> but there are college level courses and ministries that are engaged in that on an everyday basis. but the last one, how do we get people on the ground who are most affected, i think similar to the candidate incubator process. how do we get those most affected by what happens in public policy to be in the electoral process. clearly a member of the black caucus can address the militarization of the police and -- that we supposedly 80%.
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>> do you want me to do that first? i don't want hat, do anything else. >> i've heard so much about this. it was a dumb amendment. any time you say you cannot give any police department any equipment goes to the extreme. i represent the city of cleveland, one of the poorest cities in the country. you think i'm going to say my police department shopt get bulletproof vest or helmets or guns or radios? but the grayson amendment would not have allowed that to happen. everything is not ferguson. so why would you vote for something that is so extreme that you hurt yourself? it just doesn't make any sense? so yes, we voted against it, and yes i am glad that we did because it was the right thing to do. >> thank you so much. how do we get local folks, those folks that are most affected by
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local policy, to be engaged in the local process, and in a robust way, not just a superficial event kind of way? >> we've got an institution that every day gives us an opportunity to do that, that's our public schools. because every day our kids are going to be indoctrinated and what we can do is make sure they are coming out ready to run for that senior class president that treasurer. to be part of that school council for those -- for that particular school to get the training. we've got to teach our kids, every time there's an election coming, they've got to be excited as if it were christmas. say, mommy, daddy, are you taking me to the polls, it's time to vote. we've got to tell the church that always takes people to the nonals election day, you need a new bus, we'll raise money to buy you a new bus or another bus because that's what we want to find institutions that want taos do this. if we give the incentives to our
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young folks to be the leaders, as was said earlier, not wrust to follow but to actually lead with our guidance, then they become the leads of the future real quick. >> i'm excited about this one. and all of you have the chance to address these in your closing remarks, but i'm excited, elaine, about you answering, how do we get america to respect black people. >> it's a great question. it's a great question because, you know, you don't really have like me. but as long as i know that i live in this constitutional democracy, and i have a vote, and i have a people, and we have common interests, and we're working together and we will be counted in this process, you're going to respect me. now you don't have to respect me as much because you can treat me
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the way you do in ferguson and different places and you can devalue the life of my black sons and brothers. you know -- and you do it, you know, regularly. it's not -- it's almost routine. but what would get us the respect and engagement is our local folk who are disengaged and don't have all that education that we have out here and all those degrees but who are affected every day. you start talking about criminal justice, they're all affected by that. you start talking about criminal justice at home. and what we can do as a community to change this system. you will go to an issue that speaks to them. and i bet you if we really work on it, and they will come out and tell us what the issues are,
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and how they think we can help, but we have to show some solidarity and some community with our own. and we'll get the respect. but we give it to each other. >> congresswoman, what we'd like to do before we go to closing remarks is recognize the other members of the congressional black caucus who are here with us. >> thank you very, very much. donald payne jr. from new ersey. robin kelly of illinois. of course you've met our co-chair, joyce beatty from columbus, ohio. barbara lee from california. donna edwards from maryland. are there any other members here? oh, of course, and again, i just want to thank our leader for being here, nancy pelosi.
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thank you very much. >> thank you so much. and before you all do that, point of personal privilege, there are two others in the room that need to be acknowledged for their unbelievable service and those are my children. who are out of school today and are angry with me for pointing all this attention to them. miles and madison, i love you both so much. everything i do is for you all. so will y'all stand up just for a minute? allow everyone to see what i'm so proud of? glaring at me,is it's a problem. i might have to become a member of the n.r.a., just for the rights, not for the politics. let's do this. i need you all to be able to
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give closing remarks in two minutes. will be respectfully, ridiculously interruptive after the two minutes. if we can start with wade and end with the congresswoman. >> thank you, jeff. thanks to the audience. a great and important program. let me say, guys, again this is all about the vote and our power. and i think we've underscored that. but i want to talk to the brother who raised this issue about bias as my closing remark. you know, we have a study out from the department of education, 4-year-old kids, black kids are 16%, 18% of the preschool enrollment. yet they are 46% of those who are expeled from preschool. now i'm telling you guys, bias is out there. it's real. but if you're going to deal with it, you're going to need a multiracial coalition. you're going to need a coalition because only in coalitions is
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there strength. and beyond what we can produce ourselves. we've got to be in coalition. and we have to recognize that every issue has an interest that we serve. the brother here from honduras. immigration is a black american issue. just as it is an issue for other communities and we need to be a part of these debates. so i would say we have the power . hands up, go vote, and i'm looking to see us make a difference in november because if we don't, then this effort would have been for naught and an interesting conversation, but if we don't turn it into a real show of power and force, then we're not anywhere. and thank you for the pportunity to be here. >> we have had the right to vote for 144 years. since 1870. women have had it for 94 years.
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since 1920. voters -- voter suppression is nothing new. nothing new. throughout -- we have had the right to vote on paper for that amount of time. there have been three periods that you have had severe voting prere-presentation. one started in the 1890's after the brothers elected those 24 blacks. they started lynching them and changing the poll tax, that was the first period. and they drove us all out of congress in 1901. next back from the south got back with mel watt back in 1972. next, 1992. next, the second period was the voting rights act, 1965. all the folks through the 1950's and 1960's try to give us a voting rights act to give us our
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rights. the third voter suppression period is when? right now. we're in it. so others know our power. we have to know it. peff to -- we have to protect it and despite what they do, we've got to find a way to get to these polls and make our vote count. that's all. >> thank you so much. >> congressman lewis. >> jeff, thank you very much for moderating this group. i don't want to say that much enough vote, i think has been said. i think it's important for young people to understand our history. to understand the distance we have come. the progress we have made as a people and as a nation. we're not there yet. we have not yet created the beloved community. but in the process of moving, we must learn to be kind to each other. and respect the dignity and the
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worth of every human being. in this country, thon little piece of real estate, we've got to learn to live together as brothers and sisters. it doesn't matter whether we're black or white, latino, asian american or native american. we're not going any place. we're going to be here. the country is changing. and there's so many of our brothers and sisters living in fear. they fear the unknown. but you must not be afraid. and understand that our struggle is not a struggle that lasts for one day, one week, or one month or one year or one lifetime. but you must do what you must do. and pay your dues. like our forefathers and ancestors did. >> resources. i want to just give a few resources. for people to use in helping
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people become voting rights champions all over this country. i mention the tool kit on our website at we also just put out a mobile app for your smartphone where you can call anybody in the country and say, are you registered to vote, and if they say, i don't know, i think so. whatever. i don't think so. whatever. you can actually look it up for them and tell them if they're registered. you can tell them where to go register. what the rules are in their state. and you can also use the app to tell them how to register online. to use the national voter registration form. it has all that information. et that app right now by texting 90975. that's 90975.
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once again if you go to you'll find that information. the other resource we have for you right now is you can call our hotline. we have legal volunteers available to answer your questions. if you don't know if it's possible for somebody to -- who is an ex-felon to vote in your state if you don't know what the rules are about voting in your state and you're curious about voter i.d. if it applies, etc. call 1-866-our-vote. 1-866-our-vote. 1-866 hp 867-8683. we've got people to give you the information. ultimately, as somebody said, it's about resources. these are resources that help you to be a great voting rights champion. i hope that you'll sign the statement. i hope you'll be there.
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i am thrilled at this moment. i'm not negative at all. because -- >> but you are out of time. >> change is coming and as car cus corby says, look for me that the whirlwind. >> yes, ma'am. textd just to repeat that, epapp to 90705. just want to make sure we got that to 90975. >> let me begin by first thanking chairwoman fudge and all the members of the black caucus for inviting me to be here as well. we've heard the word them for a long time. that's always troubling. when they use the word them, we know what comes. but has it ever been different? have you ever heard a different
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word? and today we had a great conversation about all the things we need to do. but they're still using the word them out there. about a month ago a lot of us believed in the latino community that something great was going to happen because the president was going to do something congress would not because republicans kept blocking reform of a broken immigration system. but it didn't come there is deep disappointment and as was said, this is not an issue just for the latino community. deep disappointment. but there's now a movement to tell people, you should not go vote because people didn't come through the way you wanted them. to that is a dangerous thing. every month for the next 20 50,000 latinos a month will turn 18. if we're smart, we see the power that is right there in our hands. so let's do something a little demincht congress.
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we no longer talk so much about the congressional black caucus, the congressional hispanic caucus or the congressional asian pacific american caucus. but about the tricaucus and how we're working together. so my message is, we can't be on the defensive. we can't just react when ferguson comes along. it has to be the offensive. nancy pelosi, who has stayed throughout this entire session and it's not often you get a lead wher sticks around for two hours, can tell you best that we could have all the will power we want but if you don't put skin in the game if you don't put money on the table, it's going to take a lot longer system of my final message is this. we need to own voter registration. we need to own voter registration. no one else will do it for us. we need to own voter registration. got to put money on the table for it. we decide how it gets done for us. don't let them do it. let us do it.
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we need to own voter registration. >> thank you. congresswoman fudge. >> thank you so much. i want to thank everyone for coming, especially this panel and jeff. i was listening to elaine and i had been thinking about it earlier, i was think, 50 years after the civil rights act, we are still begging people to vote. i do not understand it. there are two things i want you to think about. i hope you'll spend this much time with your local elected officials. i guarantee you most people in this room have not done that. with your school board, with your city council. then you won't be calling me talking about somebody to pick up your trash. you need to call your city council person for that i say it that way because i need you to understand, we all have a role to play. and the congressional black caucus cannot do it all by ourselves. everybody has to do their part. we are a very resilient people. we have come through more than any race of people on this earth.
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and you mean to tell me we can't stand up to fight for ourselves? i don't know what to say to you. but i will say these words to you. the black caucus fights for you every day. even when you won't fight for yourself. we fight for you. whether it's immigration or education. whether it's food stamps. whether it's housing. we fight for you every day system of my message to you is to contain your complaining. contain your complaining. you need to take it. we all talk about we're christians and all that. you need to take your eyes off of your circumstance and look to the future. because today is not where we're going. today may be a bad day. maybe they don't respect us today. but take your eyes off of your circumstance and look to god if you're a christian. and if you're not a christian, just look to the future. but stop complaining about today. and make tomorrow better.
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>> amen. >> if we could do this very quickly, anybody in the audience who is under the age of 21, will you please stand. it's all right. if you're under -- and you're -- you all stay standing. if you're under 25, please stand. >> all right. >> if you're 30 or under, please stand. now let's be very clear. it was said earlier that there's never been a movement without young people. and i have to give a caveat. there's never been a movement that has not been led by wrung people. and so it is essential that all of us in the room who are not standing up look at these young leaders. because this is theirs. if we fail to support them if we fail to help them be trained. if we fail to lift up their issues. if we fail to listen to their
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voice. if we fail to elevate their voice. kill our -- we will own legacy. because whether we agree with how these young people do it or not is not the issue. it's that we support them even in the face of that disagreement when they are operating in the call that god has for them before any of us were here to lead our community to the next level system of for all those standing, i salute you. i salute the work you're doing. i support the -- i salute the medaling you're using. i applaud your intellect and your willingness to do it different even in the face of haters. bless you all and we are here for you. god bless you. let's give this panel an unbelievable round of applause. congresswoman marcia fudge. congressman becerra. barbara. congressman lewis.
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elaine, can i get some of that energy? and wayne henderson. thank you all so much, have a great conference. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2014] >> eric holder is stepping down as attorney general. this morning he'll speak at a black caucus meeting. we'll have live coverage at c-span 3.rn on on c-span 2, congressman jordan and senators cruz and paul will speakers at the family research council's values 8:50a.m.mmit, live at
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eastern. next on c-span, president obama calling on world leaders at the do more to combat the ebola outbreak. then an event from georgetown the ebola virus. addressing world leaders at the united nations, president obama said that countries need to do spread ofght the ebola. the president's remarks are 10 minutes. >> mr. second general, thank you for bringing us together today urgent threat to africa, butf west also a potential threat to the world.
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our africanpecially partners, ladies and gentlemen, here today, the are sierraiberia crisis.d guiney are in as the secretary general and dr. chen have already indicated, the ebola virus is spreading at alarming speed. thousands of men, women and children have died. are infected. if unchecked, this epidemic hundreds of thousands of people in the coming months hundreds of thousands. horrific disease. it wiping out entire families.
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it's turned simple acts of love kindness, like holding a sick friend's hand, or a dying child, into acts.ially fatal if ever there were a public health emergency deserving an usual ent, strong and coordinated international response, this is it. than as is also more health crisis. it is a growing threat to global security. liberia, sierra leone, public collapsed.ems have economic growth is slowing dramatically. if this epidemic is not stopped, could cause a humanitarian catastrophe across region.
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and in an era where regional crises can quickly become global threats, stopping ebola is in us.interest of all of the greatest men and women fighting on the front lines of whatdisease have told us day need. they need more beds, they need more supplies. workers, more health and they need all of this as fast as possible. patients are being left to die in the streets putuse there's nowhere to them. there's nobody to help them. in sierra worker leone compared fighting this outbreak to fighting a swarm with spray bottles. help they can put out the blaze. last week i visited the centers for disease control and prevention, which is mounting the largest international response in its history. i said that the world could count on america to lead, that provide the capabilities
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that only we have and mobilize the world the way we have done in crises of similar magnitude. i announced that in addition to civilian response, the united states would establish a toitary command in liberia support civilian efforts across the region. today that command is up and it is running. our commander is on the ground, in monrovia, and our teams are working as fast as they can to personnel, equipment, and supplies. working with senegal to set up an air bridge to get workers into west africa faster. we're setting up a field hospital which will be staffed from the u.s. public health service. and a training facility where we're getting ready to train health workers from around the world. we're distributing supplies and kits to hundreds of
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thousands of families so they can better protect themselves, with our partners we'll quickly build new treatment liberia, where able tos will be receive care. meanwhile, in the past week four countries and organizations have stepped up their effort, and so has the united nations. newsecretary general, the u. n. mission for e body ra emergency response that you bringced last week will all of the u. n.'s resources to bear in fighting the epidemic. for youryou leadership. so this is all progress and it encouraging. but i want us to be clear. fast enough.ving enough.ot doing now everybody has the best of intentions, but people are putting in the kind of
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resources that are necessary to epidemic. to this there's still a significant gap between where we and where we to be. we know from experience that the to an outbreak of this magnitude has to be fast and it sustained. it's a marathon, but you have to run it like a sprint. only possible if everybody chips in. if every nation and every thisization takes seriously. more.ody here has to do international organizations have to move faster and cut through mobilize partners on the ground as only they can. nations need to contribute critical assets and airbilities, whether it's transport or medical evacuation or health care workers or treatment.r more foundations can tap into the networks of support that to raise funds and
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awareness, more businesses, especially those who already in the region, can quickly provide their own fromtise and resources access to critical supply chains to telecommunications. and more citizens of all nations can educate themselves on this crisis, contribute to relief effort and call on their leaders to act. so everybody can do something. today.why we're here and even as we meet, the urgent of ebola, it clear that our nations have to do more to and respond to future biological threats, before they full blown crisis. tomorrow in washington i'll host our globalto advance health security agenda, and we are interested in working with shares thisthat commitment. emphasize the issue of speed again, when i was down at the c. d. c. and perhaps this discussed, butn
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i want to emphasize this. outbreak is such where at this point, more people will die. slope of the curve, how arrest the spread of this disease, how quickly we can is within our control and if we move fast, if imperfectly, that could the difference between 10,000, 20,000, 30,000 deaths, versus hundreds of thousands or even a million deaths. one where there wrangling andt of people waiting to see who else
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everybody has got to move fast in order for us to make a difference. if we do, we'll save hundreds of thousands of lives. stopping ebola is a priority for the united states. is asaid that this important to national security anythingfor my team as else that's out there. we'll do our part, we will continue to lead, but this has priority for everybody else. we cannot do this alone, we to dohave the capacity all of this by ourselves. we don't have enough health workers by ourselves. build the infrastructure, and the architecture to get help in, but we're going to need others to contribute. by fellow leaders from liberia, and guinea to the people of west africa, to the are onhealth workers who the ground as we speak, in some cases putting themselves at that i want you to know you are not alone. we're working urgently to get you the help you need and we
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will not stop, we will not we control this all.mic once and for i hope i am properly communicating a sense of urgency here. do not stand by thinking that somehow because of what we've taken care of. it's not. take care of't this now, we are going to see a secondary effects from this that will have long time.ns for a above and beyond the lives that will have been lost. of you particularly those who have direct access to to makeds of state, sure that they are making this a top priority in the next several and months. thank you very much. [applause]
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i'd like to show a few slides, primarily from the time i spend in sierran august leone, and close with two slides with very strongly held opinions wayed -- based on that experience and clinicalg i've done in medicine and research and public health with regard to what i happening and what needs to happen to respond to ebola crisis which is now in west africa but soon may be elsewhere. this is a sign from sierra leone that you fine everywhere, the signs and symptoms. theearly clinical parts of
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illness are very nonspecific, fever, diarrhea vomiting. that means that they are very much like common diseases in africa like malaria or typhoid. someonehard to know if has ebola or the much more common other disease such as malaria. symptoms, fever, diary, a which may be bloody, may be bloody. the red eyes, the extreme in thes occurs very late disease. early on it a problem to ebola from other more common diseases. see is a sign also that you everywhere. this we saw this on churches,
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clinics., buildings on the street, in the airport. a there's unusually perception that ebola is not real. virus thatot a causes contagious infectious death. and rapid from yesterday's world health on theation update number of people, i think this is a minimum estimate, number of people with ebola, liberia now than 3,000, sierra leone almost 2,000 and guinea more 1,000. nigeria there are 20 patients. senegal there's one patient who traveled from guinea. from yesterday, world health organization, as far as the location, this is a of three countries in west africa where the outbreak is most intense. in the north, and then
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freetown and liberia further is where monrovia is, most is the most impacted, devastating part of the epidemic right now. the outbreak started right at the confluence of the three countries. it spread through multiple rural almost every district, cases,one not having any as well as most places in liberia. capitals.ree outbreaks of ebola in the past in africa it's always areas, never been in big cities and certainly not capital cities. now.his is different that's why i emphasize that is
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it's urban and rural, but it's not the same for 25 yearsnown since it was discovered. different, it's different in terms of our way of therolling the outbreaks in past, whicher very effective. isolation of people who were ill and quarantine of people who exposed, and it went back into the animal reservoir where in bats, gorillas and chimps. this time the control methods are not effective, and in my own benion they're not going to effective in monrovia, freetown and perhaps other cities much numbers, 348 health care workers in west africa have become infected with the virus have half i want to emphasize, however, that that means almost half have survived. the people who have survived or been cured of ebola through
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own immune system and the is veryy've received important and very underemphasized. once they fully recover can potentially donate antibodies against the virus from their own blood. be most of all they should no longer stigmatized as having ebola. so i'm going to have to wrap up in a couple minute. personal protective equipment, this is what you need to wear, perhaps even more. on of the is doctors without borders. p.p.e. has more complete than with a we have here. so this is a training exercise i was privileged to participate in as trainer. along with colleagues from the u.k., weone and the train each morning, in this type of personal protective
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equipment. this is the largest ebola unit, which ison precioushree most hospitals i've ever worked in. this is the one large pediatric of sierra leone, and it closed august 18, all the patients were discharged, sick with malaria, because there was one patient with ebola that wasn't recognized, and some people were exposed. and the decision was made to close it. so many children and adults now access to medical ,are for diabetes, malaria complicated chai birth, because of this outbreak. this cascade of event is having devastating effect across the society, beyond the virus itself. screening at the
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airport, this gentleman is taking the temperature of people. i was tested twice. i had to fill out a .uestionnaire ofs is really just a few many slides that could be shown, but i think it's important that there's a regional campaign west africa. we can't stop it on in one country and expect it to be the that won't happen. control methods, as i mentioned, they're not working in monrovia, or freetown and i don't think other largeing in cities. there's the lack of enough health workers and there's a lack of enough good high quality personal protective equipment. it's very important about survivors, there's an op ed in the post two days ago with to the situation in sierra leone and the person he's not asized,
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health care worker himself, he's an author, emphasizing the survivors.much many important aspects of should be they transformed from being stigma sized to being honored. they can bring care to people who are sick including young children, of whom there are many. offer antibody from their blood that their systems developed against the viruses are and they are living proof ebola can be cured. so my last slide and my last minute, crisis, in my opinion, it all be a long time, more than year before we have sufficiently large amounts of safe and antiviralvaccines and drugs and antibodies against the virus. likely to last until 2017 and will spread to more cities inside and outside africa, that's my strongly held opinion him i hope i'm wrong, now,t's important to act as if these are going to be facts in the near future.
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call ebolat i clinical trial unit, based on of aids clinicrs experience. if ebola becomes endemic in west that's a real possibility, then we need a campaign like the global smallpox eradication program, who is hereor participated in, as well as the first ebola outbreak, stopping in 1976. have onould ask as i multiple media interviews last week, and i'll continue to do, my own experience i think there's a huge gap that can and must be filled soon, in other we need to have an athoritative expert and global health crisis leader, someone who is experienced in both, global health crisis outbreaks and ebola outbreaks, and control, like
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the success that the world had against sars in 2003. person who led that global response against sars and who has extensive experience with ebola outbreaks in the 70's and 90's, has been working in africa years, was with the w. had h.o. for many years, to that with the c. d. c., wouldfferent haines, he be hi first vote, but there would certainly be other candidates. i'm out of time so i have to top here. your time.or plus. speaker is the assistant commissioner for for policy andorism emerging threats at the food and drug administration. the f.d.a.'ss medical countermeasures , and lou is
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instrumental in the f.d.a.'s s to the respiratory syndrome in the middle east and two the recent bird flu that has concern in east china, and will be back soon, i or decembervember >> thanks for inviting me today to discuss these actions to ebola epidemic. it takes a very special soul to all thesetness to diseases, as you do, and try to make a big impact in its management. needless to say, this outbreak is the most heartbreaking and
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we have witnessed. in recent history. there are many complex challenges that we are facing, minimal healthe care and public health infrastructure within the infected countries have made this very difficult. and as ben just mentioned, the for containingh epidemics like this, the and true public health measures are not working. difficult toy implement them in such a large and with this limited infrastructure. we're talking about identifying patients,confirming taking care of patients, learning about their contacts, providing personal protective equipment to health care burial teams. indicating the population. being able to detect secondary frame thatin a time
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can contain the outbreak. all this has been very challenging. in addition the limited health care infrastructure has made it almost impossible to provide care to the patients who need fluid, by that i mean things we take for granted in world. the ebola kills twice, it kills people who are infected and it who haserybody else other diseases and cannot access medical care. die in childbirth, people die of a broken bone, of malaria, so many other things. and the added complexity is that have no specific treatments or vaccines that have been shown fore safe and effective ebola. and needless to say, a safe and effective vaccine will be a changer.e we have, we know from history a vaccine can change the evolve,ctious diseases
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small box, for example, polio was another example, and one of have withles we malaria is the fact that we don't yet have a vaccine for use.pread so i think all of a lot of to be put into establishing a safe and effective vaccine. tell you thatto often times the f.d.a. is depicted or perceived to be a barrier to responding to this.ions like people talk about f.d.a.'s regulatory hurdles, which delays causes development and unnecessary delays in public access to investigation of products. but in fact, i'd like to tell you that f.d.a. is a catalyst for product development. we work to facilitate the to facilitate manufacturing, to scale up manufacturing, to facilitate the
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availability of investigational medical products. a very large professional staff who has very expertise inific all aspects of product development and we provide that all oure through colleagues in government agencies that are working to develop products, with the private sector. so we support h.h.s. agencies of defenseent agencies. and work very closely with them in tandem as they move these programs forward. interactivelyery with the medical product developers to advance their including manufacturing scaleup to make sure that the products move possible.ast as this is a very resource process, but the f.d.a. is highly committed to doing that. see any want to unnecessary delays in product development and availability.
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we also review data as it becomes available, so every time there's a new piece of information, the companies will submit to it the f.d.a. and we time, again real process because that is how is depicted in textbooks that many aspects of development can be done in parallel and that's where the fda plays a big role. we can guide the developers to do things in parallel and where can i expedite studies again with the idea of moving things quickly, as quickly as we can. also collaborate nationally international nder counterparts health canada ema, the german and bigotry agencies as well as the u.k. and all of the west african regulatory counterparts. this is really crucial because fda is seen as a leader in product development and regulatory developments others
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