tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN October 3, 2014 10:00am-12:01pm EDT
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people. for people with coverage, host of that coverage is still through private plans. around 64% of people had coverage through their private insurance, and about 54% of people have coverage through job-based plans. government coverage covers about a third of all people. more of those are covered by medicaid and medicare. host: charles nelson, noam levey , thank you both for being on the "journal." we will be back tomorrow morning. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute]
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>> and here on c-span, our life running except that newbies -- our life programming except that newbies did. -- noon eastern. president obama travels to princeton, indiana today, talking about the economy. we will have that life for you here on c-span. on c-span2, a discussion on the use of military drones. author richard whittle has written "predator: the secret origins of the drone revolution." we mentioned president obama's scheduled speech on the economy. it is likely he will talk about the latest unemployment figures released earlier today. 248,000 jobs added in the month of september. the jobless rate falling to 5.9%. >> this weekend on the c-span
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networks tonight at 10:00 eastern on the stand, a conversation with retired supreme court justice john paul stevens. on saturday night, the founder and former chair of microsoft, bill gates, on the ebola virus outbreak in west africa. dr.ay on "two and a," genetical. tonight on c-span2, authors john yoo and bruce fein talk about war the constitution. saturday, heather cox richardson. upic, supremebisk court biographer. on c-span3 tonight, historians and authors talk about world war i. former fbi agents on catching the unabomber suspect.
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sunday, the 100th anniversary of the panama canal. find out television schedule at and let us know what you think about the programs you are join the c-span conversation. like us on facebook, follow us on twitter. >> more campaign 2014 coverage now with another debate, one of over 100 we will bring you this campaign season. it is the candidates -- next, it is the candidates to be connecticut's next governor. dan malloy anton fully -- dan malloy and tom foley debated at the university of connecticut. report"k political lists this race as leans democrat. this is ian hour.
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>> live from the university of connecticut, the hartford current, the connecticut daily newspaper association and uconn bring you the gubernatorial debate. >> good evening, i'm from fox connecticut news. tonight, we are joined for a one-on-one debate weeks ahead of election day. here tonight is republican candidate tom foley, and our current governor and democratic candidate, dan malloy. we will cover several major topics, after which they will deliver their closing statements. here's the format. once the question is asked, each candidate will have 90 seconds to answer. they will have up to three minutes in rebuttal time, but each candidate will have only 15 minutes of rebuttal time for the entire debate. that will require some strategic discretion.
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joining me at the desk is jim bernstein and chris keating. the candidates have drawn cards, and the audience has promised to remain quiet, no cheering or applause or outburst of any kind. our first topic deals with something very important to all of us here in connecticut, the economy. chris keating will ask the first question. >> our economy has only grown by 1% total the past three years. what specific steps should state government take to kickstart the economy, and how big of a role should financial incentives play? >> let me say it is great to be with you and i want to recognize my wife cathy, who is here with
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me today, and the great lieutenant governor. the economy is very important. i am proud that we have seen the creation of 60,000 private sector jobs, but that is not enough. i won't rest until every person in connecticut who wants to have a job has a job, and we are making progress in that regard. you asked are there incentives that should be applied -- of course there are. one of the things i am proudest about is the express program. before nancy and i were sworn in there was no toolset to help grow small businesses in connecticut, even the most job creation takes place in small businesses. what we have done is created a tool that allows us to stand alongside small businesses, many owned by minority group members and women. we saw 1200 of those companies make very rapid progress in employing people and building our confidence and investing in our economy. that toolset is extremely important and is part of an overall set to make sure we are
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adding to our economy. there are other incentives that we have supplied. what i think is really important is that for the first time in a long time we are making the kinds of investments that will produce jobs well into the future. in this university, we are seeing massive new investments in technology as well as bioscience and other areas. >> thank you. mr. foley? >> i'm also pleased to be here and would like to recognize my wife, leslie, and my running mate. i want to thank you to fox for hosting this debate. you hear a lot of figures and numbers tonight from governor malloy. i call it malloy math. some are true but most aren't. but i would like you to be particularly careful because when the government says, "let me be perfectly clear," because what he is about to say probably
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isn't either clear or true. so let's talk about the economy. 1% growth -- the worst growth rate of any state. i believe that at least part of the reason why our growth rate has been so slow is because governor malloy slapped the largest tax increase in connecticut history on its citizens. he has done other things that have been policy driven, driving up electricity rates. families don't have as much money as they used to. he has also let spending grow out of control. public spending is now crowding out the public-sector. if you look at just the public-sector growth, it has actually shrunk. and if the governor is correct, private sector wages shrank, too. this is a very bad situation for connecticut. we have to do something. later in the discussion we will
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talk about the policies. >> thank you. time for both of you to have your rebuttals. you are pulling time out of your 13-minute rebuttal bank. you are limited to three minutes per question. >> before nancy and i came to office, connecticut had failed to create net jobs for 22 years. no growth at a time when the rest of the country, 48 states, shared the creation of 23 million jobs. what we have done since then is seen the creation of 60,000 private sector jobs. but i would like to point something out. in the last two quarters of 2013, after we made historic investments in the future in connecticut, we grew faster than other states. 3.1% and 2.8%, the fastest growth in new england. we are growing faster than new jersey, a place where mr. foley brings in the governor on a regular basis. we're also making sure that we are paying our long-term
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obligations, something that connecticut has not done for a very long time. listen, i am not happy that we had to raise revenue and cut services and go back to the negotiating table but that is what a leader does. when you inherit a state with the largest per capita debt in the nation, somebody has to lead. it fell upon us to do that. we are investing in transportation, investing in education, we are going to make sure every child has an opportunity for prekindergarten experiences. the first in the nation to do that. we have also made sure that people have health insurance. we were the most successful state in the nation when it came to implementing health care, in large part thanks to the work of the great lieutenant governor. we have done many other things, including the toolbox i was talking about to make sure we are creating jobs for the future in connecticut.
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the last may class that graduated from uconn found it easier to find a job than any class in the prior six years. we are seeing job growth that is consistent with job growth around the nation. we are seeing economic growth that is consistent with other cities. some are higher and some are lower. but we're making real progress and what we're doing for the first time is investing in our future. >> mr. foley? >> a couple examples of malloy math. you claim that 60,000 jobs were created since you and your lieutenant governor came to office. that is not true. 25,000 of those jobs were created under governor brown. you only created if your numbers are right, 35,000. you say the economy is growing, are
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you aware we lost 3500 jobs in august alone in connecticut? you are not right about growth rates. we have lagged to massachusetts. massachusetts grew 11% and we have only come back 2-3%. a couple other things you forgot to tell people, that you are antibusiness. your antibusiness policies have drained jobs. in the meantime, you are giving away billions in taxpayer dollars to large, wealthy corporations. it simply hasn't created any jobs. in many cases you have typed these incentives the things that have no relation to jobs. you provided utc $400 million but not one job was created. that's ridiculous. when i'm governor, we will have policies that actually create jobs in this wonderful state. we will stop having antibusiness policies that discourage employers from investing and wanting to grow. we will get the economy growing and get things back on the right
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track. not with this governor and not with his policies. thank you. >> mr. malloy, do you wish to respond? >> no thanks. >> we will move on to question two. >> the size of the state government often gets blamed as being a drag on the economy probably because of the taxes it takes to support it. should the size of state government be reduced and tell specifically which areas or functions you would cut. >> spending has gone up by over $3 billion. roughly 16%. that is simply too fast. we must do something to reduce the growth in spending, it is crowding out private sector activity. i will hold spending flat for two years -- that will allow residents to catch up and balance budgets and get our spending back in line. but that doesn't require reducing the size of the state employees. in many areas we may actually be understaffed.
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recently, the dmv had some of the longest wait times of any state in the nation. that is probably a management problem. i will bring 35 years of management experience and i can help with that. in some cases we are understaffed. i don't think we should reduce the size of the state work force. there are areas we can make savings. i want to save money in the delivery of health care services, not just to state employees and teachers but to everyone in connecticut. it will be a huge boost to the economy. we will see real and rapid growth if we can bring down the cost of delivering health care services. i'm not talking about changing benefits, i am talking about -- if i heart attack cost $90,000, let's make it cost $85,000. i can do that with my business
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experience. >> mr. foley talks about his business experience. i ran a city for 14 years. i saw it grow during the time i was mayor. added housing, added educational institutions, made progress. but we also understood that we have to build a city for the long run. we have to invest in infrastructure. guess what we are doing in connecticut? just of that. we are not driving the state into bankruptcy. what we are doing is making sure that we are making steady progress. heading up the infrastructure that will allow us to compete with massachusetts who are doing some of these things long before we were. in the last two quarters of 2013
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when we outgrew every state in new england. things made statements, like "not asmany jobs as we said," that's wrong. total private-sector job growth over the time of our administration is much more than 60,000. at the same time government has gotten smaller. government has gotten smaller while i have been governor of the state of connecticut. sure, we should be more efficient. sure, we should be investing in technologies we did not have in our state previously. when i inherited this state because you elected me governor, the largest department spending 18% of our money was operating on a format from the effective age of 1989. >> i'm sorry to cut you off. now onto the rebuttal phase. mr. foley. >> i'm glad the governor brought up his experience in stamford. taxesmford, he raised seven times and i understand the debt was significantly higher.
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the thing that bothers me most about governor malloy's term in stamford is that it was the city in connecticut with the largest achievement gap and he did nothing about it. he may talk about being interested in improving education, but while he had the opportunity in one of connecticut's largest cities with the biggest educational challenges, he was not up to the task. he was also investigated for corruption while he was mayor and he leaves that out. listen, we have a great state workforce in connecticut. i know what it takes to run an organization that has a mission and direction to do a good job. government is there to serve the citizens. we need a state workforce that is the right size for the job. i believe it's the right size for the job right now. they also have to have confidence in their leadership. they have to feel secure in their jobs. they need to be well-paid,
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secure in their jobs. they need to know they can take care of their families while they're working and in retirement. that's the kind of leadership i want for the state workforce. to get this government working for the citizens, get the economy going, get the state turned around. >> mr. molloy, your rebuttal. >> everyone watching from home, i want to have a sidebar discussion. every republican says democrats will only raise your taxes, so that we tell you about a candidate that tom supported for governor many years ago. his name is tom rowland. he raised taxes numerous times before he went to prison. the last two administrations raised taxes 1.8 billion dollars between 2002-2009 but here's the
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difference between what they did and what we did. we changed how we are doing business. he says we are spending more money but we are spending at a lower rate than either of my predecessors. in the period going up to the great recession they were increasing spending 7.4% per year and our average is less than 2.8%. quite frankly, some of that money is being used to make sure that we honor our commitments to the very workforce tom was talking about. when we inherited this state we had pension plans that were 42% funded. this last year we had a 15.5% return. we are making real progress on reducing our long-term debt. we reduced it by $12 billion. this will pay dividends in the future, but when a republican says a democrat will do something, let's look at the reality of what happened. i did not drive this state into the ditch that we found it and when nancy and i took office. we are doing our best to work
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with you, the people of connecticut, to turn it around. do you want your teachers to be laid off? do you want police officers and firefighters to be laid off? that was the choice. when tom ran for governor four years ago he had a plan to follow a $3.6 billion deficit by cutting expenses by $2 billion. that leaves $1.6 billion unresolved but it would have led to losing 36,000 jobs in the state. that's a study uconn did in 2010. we are working hard, folks. i'm doing everything i can to help us get through this and i appreciate the relationship we have together as we pull together this state. >> mr. molloy, thank you very much. mr. foley, do you have a rebuttal or would you like to move on? >> there he goes blaming his predecessors again. when i'm elected, i will not blame you. >> you're doing enough of that tonight. [laughter]
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>> well, there is a lot to complain about. >> moving onto the next question. question number three. >> a viewer named christine says she knows people who are moving out of connecticut due to the high tax rate. are there other taxes you would look to reduce in the future? >> we are reducing taxes. we've already reduced taxes since 2011. tom has made some statement about energy costs. for most the time i was governor they were 12% lower from when i was sworn in. last month electric costs went down 14%. we have policies going forward that will make sure that it happens. with respect to taxes, we have already backed things out of that package in 2011. you will not hear about those things but one was a tax on energy. there was not only a tax on
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energy, a plan when we came in, but they were going to borrow against the energy bills hiking them up even further. i canceled that. i'm happy we did so we could make progress. we are restoring the deductibility of over-the-counter drugs. you look at those things and some of the others we've done with respect to how we tax pensions, for instance. we are making some real progress. every chance we get to lower taxes we should take it. we have demonstrated a willingness to do that and we have done it each year since 2011 when we have wrestled with the issue i was talking to the viewers about, the largest per capita deficit in the nation. >> thank you. mr. foley. >> i find it extraordinary the governor thinks he's lowered taxes. you put the largest tax increase in connecticut history on the citizens and now you want spending to grow by $3 billion?
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you squandered that tax increase. you squandered it. where has the money gone? you talk about electricity rates. you put on an expanded generation charge on people's electric bills that have driven them up by quite a bit. are you talking about the generation tax that you took away? you actually put that on the generators while you were governor. that's like the $55 rebate you gave us and took back. i don't know. maybe we are living in different states but there are not many i'm talking to who believe you reduced taxes. they remember your tax increase and i think a lot of people suspect that if you are reelected governor you have no plan to reduce spending and no choice but to raise taxes again and i believe them. >> rebuttal.
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>> we will not raise taxes. i never took a promise not to raise taxes because i knew how bad a job had been done before i got into office. the tough things i'm getting blamed for doing now had not been done. we went back to the table. we cut rejected spending increases and we had to raise revenue. when i became governor, the shortfall was 18%. if we had done the things my opponent suggested then, and apparently is suggesting now, in your hometown, you would have lost teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators. you would have lost the lease -- polivr officers in places like new haven, hartford, bridgeport where we have cut the crime rate by more than 32%. if you had a fire in your home, you would have been less safe. the reality is we have cut taxes since 2011. the bigger reality is we inherited a gigantic problem and i asked for shared sacrifice and people responded.
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it did not make anyone happy but it was required. someone had to take charge and make decisions. i'm taking a pledge not to raise taxes but also to make sure we continue to have an efficient state government. that's why you should know that increases in spending are far below the rates of prior administrations during my administration and that's the way it's going to stay. >> mr. foley. >> governor, why should anyone believe you? you have made so many promises you have not delivered on. you said you would not raise taxes, largest increase in state history. you said you would reduce spending. it's gone up by 16 percent, $3 billion. you said you would bring down electricity bills and you've loaded in all of these electric charges. whose bill is lower today than 3.5 years ago when you were elected? nobody's. why should the citizens believe
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anything you say particularly with all of the malloy math we've been hearing tonight? you said six or seven things that are simply not true. i hope the media will look into them and vet these things. there's no reason why anyone should believe what you're saying here tonight particularly with respect to raising taxes. you did it seven or more times when you were mayor of stamford. you did it after you were elected governor and you're going to get it again if you are elected governor in november. >> as i pointed out, republican governors have raised taxes substantially in excess of what we raised taxes. that's the reality. every republican says every democrat is a bad guy because they're going to raise taxes. i suppose what i should point out is if you are going to keep the promises you already made, you're going to have to balance your budget on the backs of local property taxpayers. that's the only way to keep the promises you've done. what we did not do in the state of connecticut, unlike republican-led states like new
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jersey and others, wisconsin, we did not shift our burden to local taxpayers. why? of all of the taxes paid by people in connecticut, the local property tax is the most damaging. >> mr. foley, anything more to say on this question? >> no. >> we're going to pause for a quick break for we move onto her next set of questions. you are watching fox connecticut 2014 gubernatorial debate at uconn. stay with us. we'll be right back. welcome back. the next question deals with quality of life in connecticut from jane bernstein. >> mr. foley, both of you are
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from lower fairfield county that has endured major traffic tie ups on the merritt parkway. what should be done to fix the state transportation problems not only in fairfield county but the bottlenecks of places like water berry in new haven? how would you pay for it? what role should public transportation play? >> very good question. thank you for that. i think one of the biggest annoyances other than the governor's tax increases are traffic congestion. i drive all around this state and traffic congestion has gotten much worse in the last three and a half years. i think it is partially because we underinvested in our roads and bridges and we under invested in mass transit. we have problems with our mass transit which has the potential for providing transportation services to people who do not need to use our roads or bridges. the governor instead of using the gas tax, which is dedicated for the maintenance of our roads
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and bridges raided the special transportation fund. it was set aside by some wise policy people who knew if those taxes, which is a user tax, were put into the general fund, they would not be recommitted to maintaining and improving our roads and bridges so they created a special fund and it was supposed to be to protect that money that was taken from taxpayers and used to maintain the roads and bridges. this governor went in and raided that fund, and took that money to pay for pet projects. i'm not sure where all the money's gone, but it has not gone to our roads and bridges or mass transit. we've had some major problems on our metro north. >> sorry to cut you off. your time is up. mr. malloy. >> the allegations were
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investigated by "the hartford courant" and were found to be untruthful. you read the article. you should change your talking points. what we are doing is investing in transportation at unprecedented levels. $500 million more than my predecessor's administration. even more than my democratic colleague, the great governor of connecticut bill o'neill. what we are doing is investing in highways and bridges. bus systems and railroads. we are making a real difference. just today, i was down in norwalk celebrating the plan to replace the bridge and we received $160 million from the government to help the net cost. i met on multiple occasions with the secretary of transportation. what i like to see is that money come in so it will allow us not just to fix the bridge but free other bridges. i am proud that the head of the commuter council has now endorsed my candidacy and
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indicated to people that they would be foolish to vote for tom foley. what we're doing in transportation is very important and we will continue the unprecedented investment. >> mr. foley, your rebuttal. >> the "courant" article said you did raid the transportation fund, just not for $189 million as was claimed. $40 million is a lot of money to most people in connecticut. you say you invested a lot of money in our transportation infrastructure. you drive around connecticut. you see our roads and bridges. you ride on metro-north and other mass transit. do you think a lot of money has been spent on transportation infrastructure?
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where has the money gone? please explain it to us. we simply do not believe you. i have some ideas to reduce traffic congestion. in other states in some instances, they use tolls for traffic management to reduce congestion and there are other good ideas out there. you're not pursuing any of those ideas for sticking with the plan that's not working. >> your rebuttal? >> no, thank you. >> mr. malloy, the issue of gun control continues to divide the state. should the post-sandy hook changes such as banning certain assault weapons be extended or rolled back? should they be left as they are now? >> as someone who takes the safety of our citizens seriously, i am proud of the changes we made with respect to gun laws that are making people safer. i'm proud we are going to have universal background checks and limiting the size and capacity of the weapons to get 94 shots off in just a few minutes.
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that's what happened at sandy hook. we also said in the future we don't want these weapons of mass destruction to be sold in our state. i believe in all of that. i believe we need to invest in mental health and that's why we're doing it as well. my opponent, tom foley, is telling you that he would repeal that law. that law that allowed us to lower homicides by 32% in 2013. that law that's making children safer in schools and on the streets of bridgeport hartford, new haven. that law which we came together on a bipartisan basis in the minority leader of the state senate championing that legislation. and larry cafaro, coming from an urban environment, championed it as well. tom foley will repeal it. i will never, ever do that.
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>> mr. foley. >> governor malloy is, again, not telling the truth. i never said i would repeal the gun law and i won't. the gun law he passed has not made people in connecticut any safer. we had a terrible tragedy in newtown. i said to the governor through the media, not personally, please, let's fix the problem. let's figure out the cause of the problem and let's address it. and not do an overreaching gun bill, which is what he did. the source of the problem was mental health. the governor had an opportunity to address mental health issues here in connecticut, which i would like to address as governor. it's a serious problem. there's not enough care for certain people with certain mental health problems. he had an opportunity to take a good policy direction as a
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result of newtown and instead he went off in a direction that was unnecessary and when he did, he took away the rights of the people who consider those rights important. you recognize in our debate tuesday night that those rights exist and they are important. why did you take them away? we are not any safer? this inconvenienced a lot of people. i want to move on and address things that are more important down the road in the future like jobs, the economy, getting control of spending in the state. >> mr. malloy, your rebuttal. >> mr. foley, i've had a lot of respect for you over the years. but tonight you've just told everybody in this state something that's not true. you have said repeatedly that you would sign a repeal of the gun law. you said it month after month after month. and now that you understand that people are catching on to what you would do to their children, their streets, their urban
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environments, and now you want to fishtail around and flop that forth, have it both ways. let me be clear, ladies and gentlemen, there's only one candidate out of three running for governor who will never sign a repeal, never advocate for repeal. my opponent has done those things. if you believe as i do that these laws are making us safer, that they are connected with a declining homicide rate in our city, then you should vote for me. if you believe convenience is more important than the laws, that i guess you will vote for someone else. the hunter can still hunt. gun owners can still own their guns. the people who had high-capacity magazines still have them but we are building a safer connecticut. mothers, take care of your children. dads, teach them responsibility. but let's not go back to where
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we were on december 11. >> governor, when you started the rebuttal, you said let me be perfectly clear and then you said something that was not true. let me tell you what i said. the governor does not make the laws in connecticut. when i was asked if the legislature passed a bill to repeal parts of the gun law or the gun law in its entirety i said i would not veto it. that's not saying i would secret -- seek repeal. i never said that and i won't. let's be truthful with the audience and the citizens. [laughter] >> audience, please. moving on to question six, unless there is a further rebuttal? jane bernstein.
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>> this comes from the uconn undergraduate government. how does your plan connect to primary and secondary education in connecticut? >> the governor had an education reform bill that i call education reform lite. it did not include things to have a high impact on educational outcomes like in other states. it mandated a number of things on all schools in connecticut including schools that are doing very well. we have some of the best schools in addition to some that simply do not perform very well. don't go fixing things that are not broken. he imposed common core standards on schools that are performing different assessments that they are satisfied with. they are doing a good job with educational outcomes. i don't know why he would do that.
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he imposed evaluations on teachers statewide. they were mandated in school districts and even the local control was working well and they had their own teacher evaluations. i think this governor made a tremendous mistake in both the way his education reform bill was conceived and it was never really implemented properly. it was not funded. he did not fight for funding and the legislature. most of these were never implemented. i do not believe we should mandate common core across the state. i believe that was a mistake. i won't do it when i'm governor. >> common core was instituted by the republican governor of connecticut. yes, we are in the process of implementing it. i'm working with school districts all across the state to make that as easy as possible. that's why we've made millions and millions of dollars in technology grants to school systems. that's why we're reaching out even as we speak to the federal government to make sure we can
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lessen the amount of tests that 11th graders would take. tom talks about teachers, so let me share something with you. two teacher unions have endorsed my candidacy. they did that after they saw what tom wants to do. he wants to get failing grades to schools. he wants to take money away from schools that are poorer performing and give it to other schools in the district. he wants to play a game with language and pretend that high-performing schools are not already busting at the door. he talks about allowing people to go to those schools when i don't know of a single high-performing school in the state of connecticut that is already not filled. his plan would be a disaster if you live in an urban environment. his plan would be a disaster if you live in the second district or some of the poorer districts that are not urban. i have sent more money to your towns and i'm going to continue
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to do that if i am governor. that's a promise i'm already kept and will continue to keep in the next four years. >> mr. foley, rebuttal? >> listen. the two things i proposed, this was in my urban plan. most of our underperforming schools are in the cities. i've proposed a system so that parents understand how well the school their child is in is doing, and so they can make a decision about whether or not they want to move them to another school. gov. malloy said i want to give schools a grade. you said you have already given them an f grade. it was implemented by massachusetts and florida, two states that used to be behind us in our educational outcomes and have since passed us. massachusetts is number one. this is something that has been proven to work. governor, you are talking about taking money away from schools.
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money follows the child worked. the marketplace works. we do not want to spend taxpayer money supporting schools that are not doing a good job educating our young people. there's no point rewarding failure. you are reconstituting schools under your commissioners network. that's exactly what this would do. if an underperforming school is not getting the funds it needs, it gets reconstituted and set up to perform better. >> mr. malloy. >> if you want more schools to lose money and get worse as a result, vote for tom foley. if you believe what he is saying with a-f and i have given schools that have competed to be in the commissioners network an f, he simply does not understand what we are already doing.
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we are proving turnaround models here in connecticut. in some cases they replicate models, in massachusetts and elsewhere, and in some cases they are homegrown by teachers coming up with a plan for higher student achievement. we are working together for the first time in a long time. the battle was tough, but we are there now. graduation rates are going up rapidly particularly in the urban environment like bridgeport, new haven, hartford. they've seen an increasing graduation rates of 10% in the last few years. the things tom is proposing are dangerous and i urge you not to accept his explanation. if you want your school to get an f, he's your guy. >> mr. foley. >> listen, i understand what you are doing. you're not giving a decent education to 100,000 young people in connecticut. it is absolutely shameful. you should be doing much more.
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to be claiming credit for what you have done is absurd. listen. you have done exactly what i'm talking about doing, but you do not want to grade everybody and you want to keep giving taxpayer money to schools that are underperforming. this is not solving a problem. you talk about the tough work you've done. this situation is not getting better. you refer only to the 12th grade reading test -- actually, two tests, fourth grade -- that have gotten worse in connecticut while you have been governor. two beats one, if you understand math. the achievement gap in connecticut is worse since you became governor than three and a half years ago. guess what? connecticut has the worst achievement gap in the country. a little more humility on the progress you've made. you can talk about things you said you are going to do but you've made zero progress on
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education. >> i will stand by the teachers union, who have looked at your plan. tom, explain to people how taking money away from a poor school will make it better. try that with teachers in the room. try to explain how taking resources from districts already fairly stretched will do that. this is a very important issue. tom talked about where we are. all of the decline occurred under republican administrations. we were number one with a democratic governor and we will be number one again with a democratic governor. >> mr. foley. >> gov. malloy receives very large contributions from unions, over $900,000 contributed by public-sector unions as an independent expenditure supporting his campaign -- >> i have to cut you off because your three minutes are done for
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this question. we will take another break. when we come back, more questions and closing statements from the candidates. stay with us. welcome back. the final question has to do with personality and character. chris keating has the next question. >> mr. malloy, who has been the greatest influence on your decision to go into politics and why? >> my mother was. i grew up with very serious learning and physical disabilities that took years to overcome. some people in those days it referred to me as mentally retarded. my mother knew that it was not true.
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she also had a different message. "you have an obligation to leave the world a better place than having lived in it." it's what kept me going when i had to listen to all of my textbooks on recorded books for the blind and make a decision about whether i would apply to law school knowing there was via a test one day that i might not pass if i did not make a lot of progress. i graduated magna cum laude from boston college, i went to law school, i took the bar exam in three different states. i was the first to take the exam orally who wasn't blind. i have done my best to fight for you. this estate was in a lot of 18% deficit, a i had nothing to do with, and i had not been part of state government with the deficit, but we worked together.
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those words that my mother said to me almost every day that we shared this earth together, "you have an obligation to leave the world a better place because you were in it." every morning i could look myself in the mirror and say i'm doing my best, mom. >> mr. foley. >> i finally found something we agree on. it was my mother who also got me interested in politics because her family had been very involved in politics in wisconsin. we talked a lot about public service and making our communities and the world a better place and doing that by backing candidates, getting involved in the political process. no one had ever run. i got to understand how much power it has to shape the future and people's lives. i took a step over and decided to run for office. i have a lot of people i admire who served in public office. teddy roosevelt was an
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extraordinary person, and of course ronald reagan was an extraordinary person, and going back to our founders and of course president lincoln. the thing i most admired about them or their character. they were honest, truthful with the citizens. they were ethically above reproach and they were guided by principles and they supported the constitution of the united states. they supported the principles that made this country so great. that's what motivated me. those are the people i would look to for guidance as governor and serving in elected public office. >> hard to imagine you would want to rebut each other, but you do have time left on the clock if there's more you would like to say? >> i would like to say something, tom has attacked my integrity several times tonight and i've kept quiet about it, but i want to say that is not the way we treat one another. certainly someone in a glass house probably should not be
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throwing stones. i was not the person who was fined by the election commission $16,000. i was the one who did not fail to disclose to the fbi that i he had been arrested. i'm not the one who did not tell the full truth about incidences you struck women in your car going as fast as 50 miles per hour. i'm not the person who denied the ability to get that police report. you've said a lot of things about me, but this is what i want people to understand. i was a prosecutor. i tried 23 felony cases over 18 months, convictions in 22 of them. a lot of the investigations i did had to do with sexual assault and making people understand the law so we could build a case against perpetrators. i'm proud of that record, what i
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did in those years when i was in the district attorney's office. it's one of the reasons i took community policing to stamford and brought it to other communities in the state. i have other inspirations but i can look what's going on in other places and understand that people don't always do what you do. they do not bankrupt companies. they do not lay off workers. they do not treat people the way you've treated them in the past. you've questioned me and my integrity. i would not have done that to you nor would i have brought the subject up but for the fact you've gone a little over the top. >> mr. foley, a response? >> have you seen any of your attack ads? [laughter] you are a prosecutor. you are a better prosecutor then you are governor. you repeatedly have not been truthful about things you said about me including tonight. i think an important aspect of leadership is being truthful. you referred to a fine.
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i was never fined, but you were investigated for corruption in stamford. you were investigated for corruption. i'm not sure what all of these things were talking about, most of which are not true, but even if they were, they happened 25-30 years ago, have to do with connecticut's future. yet you are telling people on television when i'm sure they would much rather hear about your plan for getting the state back on track and getting the economy going so we can create jobs and get people's lives moving forward. >> if you believe in telling the truth, tell us how you lost $2.8 million in two years and why you did not pay any income tax in 2011 or 2012? why did you disclose that information to the public so
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they can put in context what you say is a great business career. that's the second time you brought up the investigation. you should tell the people i was cleared and thanked the prosecutor for my frankness and giving them documents they could not have otherwise received. what you are doing is trying to imply that somehow i'm corrupt. i'm not. people who work with me now know that's the case. they may have disagreements with me. they may not agree with the policies i've implemented. but they understand i worked really, really hard, sometimes too hard. perhaps sometimes i take the work too seriously. that's a charge i will plead guilty to. i've never been charged with hitting another car five times that had two women in it and then lying to the fbi about it. you did that. you got a job as a result of not disclosing that information and then you told us it was a minor traffic offense. nobody in this room thinks hitting a car at 50 miles an hour five times is minor. >> mr. foley, you have two minutes and 55 seconds of rebuttal time left if you care to.
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>> the governor is talking about something that happened 30 years ago where there were never any charges filed. it was dismissed. you say to bring up the fact he were investigated for corruption and it was dismissed means i should not bring it up? you are a prosecutor. you know that people do not get investigated when there's not a lot of suspicion or reason to suspect that something went wrong. a lot of people are not charged with things, they just could not get the proof or there was not enough evidence. listen. we can call a truce on this, which i think would serve the connecticut citizens well, or we can keep it going. i think what the citizens would like to hear is what is your plan going forward? you have not talked about how you will reduce spending. you say you will not increase taxes but without reducing spending, you have to increase taxes. your corporate welfare program is not working. we lost 3600 jobs in august.
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why don't you tell us how you are going to solve that problem? we are not hearing any new ideas or literally any plans that you have for the state of connecticut if reelected. >> mr. foley, we need to move on to closing statements now. i have to inform you we have enough time left for each of you to take 60 seconds for your closing statement rather than 90. 60 seconds. mr. malloy first. >> thank you for tuning in. we're making progress in connecticut. tom might try to deny that time after time, but if you look at the cranes up in stamford, you understand things are being built. if you see the cranes in new haven, a company that left years ago is coming back. bioscience is growing rapidly not only in new haven but in farmington. you understand we are making
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massive new investment in the new london community as well. if you are from torrington, you understand we are investing in your community. if you are in hartford, you are celebrating 1500 units of housing no one ever thought was possible. if you work for united technologies or any one of their 75,000 folks who supply them, you understand striking that deal saved jobs in our state. >> mr. foley. >> in four and a half weeks you will be making a very important decision. do you agree with governor malloy that everything's ok in connecticut? or do you agree with me that under governor malloy we've lost a lot of ground here in connecticut and we are on the wrong track? governor malloy slapped the largest tax increase on you and your family in connecticut history, slowing down the economy. he's failed to get spending under control. he is wasting billions of your taxpayer dollars giving it to large corporations and the job
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program simply is not working. he's not talking about any plans he has to fix this. i've talked about lowering taxes, getting control over spending, reducing regulation to get job growth back. with new leadership and smarter policies, we can get this state going again. working together, we can restore pride and prosperity here in connecticut. thank you for listening. >> mr. foley and mr. malloy, thank you very much. that concludes the fox connecticut and "the hartford courant" gubernatorial debate. thanks to the candidates for participating. thank you to the connecticut daily newspaper association, the league of women voters. and to uconn for letting us use this facility. good night. >> more alive campaign 2014 withage coming your way,
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the debate to be, montana's next congressman. 8:00an watch that life p.m. eastern on c-span. live programming will pick up in about an hour or so at noon eastern. global poverty issues and entrepreneurship, hosted by the american enterprise institute. later on, president obama traveling to princeton, indiana today to a steel plant, holding a town hall talking about the economy. it is likely he will also talk about the unemployment rate. triggered the is unemployment rate dropping to a six-year low of 5.9%. reaction to that from speaker "everyday i hear from people in my district to say no matter how hard they work, they are still struggling to make ends meet. instead of trying to convince americans that things are great, washington democrats ought to
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show they are serious about helping middle-class families get ahead, not just by." >> this weekend on the c-span networks -- tonight at 10:00 eastern on c-span, a conversation with retired u.s. supreme court justice john paul stevens. on saturday night, the founder of a richer of microsoft, gates, on the ebola virus outbreak. sunday on "q&a," the director of the smithsonian museum's exhibit on natural are. brucepan2, john yoo and fein on war and the constitution. saturday, heather cox richardson. upic, supremebisk court biographer. c-span3, historians and authors talk about world war i 100 years later. saturday at 5:00 p.m. eastern, former fbi agents on catching
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the unabomber suspect. sunday at 6:00 p.m., the 100th anniversary of the panama canal. find our television schedule at and let us know what you think about the programs you are watching. join the c-span conversation. >> we will bring you a debate between the candidates to be minnesota's next governor. dayton debates republican jeff johnson. and independent hannah nicollet in rochester minnesota. they did was first elected. the last independent elected was just even terror he was elected in 1998. is listed as likely
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democrat. here are some of the ads. years ago, things and minnesota were not going very well. a new coach. who made tough decisions. now, things are looking up. over 150,000ded new jobs and tab one of the fastest growing economies in the nation. taxes increased a rainy day fund and invest in education. a good coach. >> i am jeff johnson, as governor i will audit every state program. i am thorough. have you done your homework? let me just double check that. did you eat this? helddayton should be accountable for wasting our money. he wasted money for obama care democrats, that proves he is out
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of touch with middle-class minnesotans. it is time for a governor who gets it and gets us. a state plagued by partisan dysfunction and special interests, a team of extraordinary candidates have stepped forward to restore minnesota's government. brandon borges as attorney general, the secretary of state. pat dean, the state auditor. together, they are the independents. coming november 4 to a state capital near you. ♪ 2014 minnesota gubernatorial debate. governor mark dayton. republican challenger jeff johnson. and independence challenger hannah nicollet. they face-off for the first time. tonight's debate highlights issues important to greater minnesota. the final stretch of the 2014
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race starts now. the 2000 14 minnesota gubernatorial debate is hosted by the coalition of greater minnesota cities. it is brought to you by the public television stations of minnesota with support from aarp of minnesota. this election season, aarp is focused on making sure older voters know where the candidates stand on issues that matter. i doubt more at \yourvote. orn clean fuel in claremont. it produces sustainable and renewable products for the world. -corn in minnesota. education minnesota. school staff and higher education staff working together.
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for successful lives. me minnesota. a union of 43,000 workers for excellence and public services. dignity in the workplace. and prosperity for working families. now, from the mayo civic center, the 2014 minnesota gubernatorial debate with your moderator jay furst. ♪ good evening. welcome to the mayo civic center in rochester. for the first debate of the 2014 campaigned for minnesota governor. i am jay furst, editor of the "post-bulletin" in rochester. the event was organized by the coalition of greater minnesota .
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it will be broadcast on my tv and well beyond. we are joined by the three major party candidates. governor mark dayton, republican candidate and head of the county commissioner, jeff johnson, and the independent party can do let -- independent party candidate hannah nicollet. take you for being here. you can applaud. [applause] are the ground rules. i will read the question, each candidate will have 90 seconds to respond. we have highly skilled timekeepers to keep us on track. i have the discretion to ask for a 32nd rebuttal, or i can ask for a follow-up if the candidate has not addressed the question. tobehooves the candidate address the question. halfway through, we will have a
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lightning round. very quick yes or no type questions. then, we will resume with three -- three or four full-length questions. the questions were dreamed up at the debate sponsors and the candidates have not seen them in advance. cut cards backstage to see who gets the first response. we have a lot to cover, so we would appreciate it if you hold your applause till the end. the candidates have a lot of friends here. the best way you can help your candidate is by holding your applause till the end. are we ready to roll? the first question is on minnesota's economy and tax and spending issues. one of the first tasks is to submit a budget. budgetmate for minnesota estimated a surplus of 600 $3 million.
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here is the question. considering the budget estimate, what changes would you make in the budget and tax system to enhance a business climate? you won with an ace, asa being high. you go first, followed by dayton and ms. nicollet. to thank you and the host for putting this together. you will see a fundamental difference between the governor and me as to where we put our priorities when it comes to the economy of minnesota. every state that surrounds us has billboards saying open for business. we don't have those in minnesota, unfortunately they are billboards are working. we learned from the bureau of labor statistics last week that over the past year minnesota has had the worst job growth rate in the midwest. and 41st worst in the country. we also see underemployment at 53 percent.
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half the people who are working are overqualified and underpaid. directly relates to our taxing and regulatory, and in some cases, spending policies. you will see me working hard to reform the taxes. i have a strong belief that the tax system should the low, broad, and simple. any economist will tell you that's what you need to do. you will see big changes in the second biennium because we only had a few weeks to make changes. system, a a lower tax simpler tax system, with their tax, we will encourage the growth of the good jobs we have been losing to the surrounding states these past years. >> governor dayton. ago, we had $6.2 billion deficit for the next biennium. the fiscal situation
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of the state was dire. now, we have a surplus of $603 million. an additional 400 million dollars was transferred over to the health care access fund. do not hold the schools anything. we have eliminated most of the rates from the other accounts. we have a sound fiscal platform to go into the future. revenue forecasts in november and february will set the table for what we have to work with. i do not see raising anyone's taxes. i think we may taxes less regressive due to the actions in 2013. we have a government which has been widely claimed in the past and that is the best barometer of taxation. that is one of the lowest it has been that has been recorded.
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we have spending under control. we have made new investments and higher education. in early childhood, and all-day kindergarten education. we have a robust job growth. >> thank you governor. ms. nicollet? >> thank you for having me. that, where we are going, i agree that the bureau of labor statistics came down with statistics for our growth. that concerns me for the future. our economy has grown at 6.8%. we need right at sector job growth, because that creates wealth. wealth is stuff and services that people want. government jobs are not usually wealth producing. i would like to get rid of the corporate tax in minnesota. it is the third highest in the
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nation. there is nothing we can do about -- they are going to ireland where they have 12 .5%. we could compete much better if we did not have the third highest corporate tax in the nation at nine point 8%. it is 4% of revenue and is costly to collect. put a sell on having a business in minnesota. then, we would grow revenue. when you make it cheaper to have a business, businesses want to come to your state. i would also address our burdensome regulations. , forve an abundance instance, if you have a wetland on your property and you want to do something with your property, you have to go through nine different local and state agencies some who conflict with one another. we go to one standard, and the answer is yes or no. observing thef timecard. question number two.
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local government aid or lga. it helps communities pay for services people rely on. lga has been successful in narrowing tax base disparities between cities without supreme property tax burdens. the partial restoration of state aid law in 2002. would you make lga a budget priority and restore the remaining $48 million to bring lga back to the 2000 two funding levels? governor dayton, followed by ms. nicollet, and commissioner johnson. >> i made it a priority because it is essential to providing the services that people depend upon from their government such as police, fire protection, social services, and the like. the waiter set up in the state of minnesota creates minutes of full governments and set up terms by which they can operate.
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the way it is established is too many sources of revenue for the local governments of minnesota. one is a property tax, the other is local government aid. when you cut local government aid, the greater minnesota cities have noted over the previous decades there is no choice than for property taxes to be increased and for services to be cut. and 2014 we increased local government aid. the result was noted as one of the lowest increases in property tax rates in the history of the last century. also, it gave local governments the ability to go back and make investments to upgrade their operations, facilities, police and fire equipment. local government aid depends on depends on the
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revenue forecast. local government aid will continue to be a strong priority of mine. >> ms. nicollet? priority in it is a the sense that it is an issue of unfunded mandate. the state requires the city to provide services that they do not pay for. that is a problem for cities who do not have the funds to pay for the services they are required to provide. so, the way i see it, any surface the state requires the city to provide, you cannot cannot someone -- you require anything of anyone you do not expect to pay for your self. if the state requires it, then they should be willing to pick up the tab. we consider it a mandatory service, whether it how effective services, under the constitutional responsibility of state government, we provide for
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public safety as a constitutional responsibility. child protective services falls under that bolan. inc. you. that ba thank you. >> there was an increase. the largest portion we have ever seen in local government aid went to minneapolis. expense ofthe communities in greater minnesota. that has been a theme in the tion.n administrat greater minneapolis has become an afterthought. you are looking at some of the regulations that are killing our farmers, and loggers in the state. lga, there is at a metro centric philosophy at the capital. i believe, in the original providef lga, was to
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for communities that have a low property tax base. likeovide basic services roads, bridges, police, and fire emergency services. like, sewer and water. we have moved away from that. we are directing it to cities that do not need the help. -- will we promise to increase government aid? i won't make that promise, but i will do everything i can to direct the money to communities that need it, because that is not happening right now. >> governor dayton, since this is a greater minnesota debate, i will give you a chance to have a rebuttal. alleges that the bonding bill, 38% went to greater minnesota. 28% to the metro, the rest to statewide projects. in percent went to the state
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capital project. unemployment rates in rochester are 3.3%. when you look at the development projects downtown, the bonding bill, the focus has been on greater minnesota. that is why the economies are expanding. >> question number three. it is on mnsure. it was in the news today. varynal insurance rates widely. they are the lowest in the twin cities this year. people in southeast minnesota have the highest rates and the lowest choices. with that further changes are ahead and rates. as governor, how would you make sure that men sure rates and plan options are equitable in all corners of the state. ms. nicollet, it is your turn. >> thank you, obviously, it will
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be difficult. had the -- we will have to fix it. as long as there is a federal mandate that requires we have federal health insurance, as a state. i do not see as handing over federal and role. if we have a federal exchange, we lose federal subsidies. that addresses another subject. federal we receive in government. minnesota sends $90 billion a year to the federal government and receives $45 billion back. we received $.50 on every dollar and we have to jump through hoops to get it.
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i am not willing to give mnsure -- if we do not have mnsure we do not have the subsidies that, along with having our own exchange. if you don't have a federal change you do not get the subsidies. we need to fix it and implement it. as a software developer, i learned you do not reinvent the wheel. we find software and administrative handling of an exchange that is working well and tailor it to minnesota and implemented here. -- implement it here. >> johnson? >> we had the best insurance system in the country prior to mnsure. you desperately wanted to be the first state to implement obamacare in minnesota in the form of mnsure. it has been an unmitigated disaster and it is hurting people. -- 4500 who have been
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forced off of their plans. rates have increased. they will spike in next year. we have the highest adoptable's and the country. we have parents with babies who cannot get their babies on insurance because this is such a mess. you had a press conference today and said you do not lose any sleep over mnsure. i lose sleep over it. hundreds of thousands of sleepotans are losing over it. i will demand a section 13.32 waiver under the affordable care act alt a state innovation point to a starting bring some things that worked better pack. we cannot get that until 27 teen. in the short term, i will fire every member of the board and staff because they are incompetent. abilityake away their to make rules without public input.
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i will remove barriers so the public sector can compete with mnsure. we are not the best in the country anymore. because of that, thousands of people are being hurt, and i believe we need a governor to do something about that. >> the announcement today, for the second year in a row, minnesota will have the lowest rates of any health exchange in the country. we kept the insurance cost low. it is a four point five average increase that varies from one part of the state to another. we have the rate of people who were uninsured in minnesota down by 40%. we have the lowest rate of people uninsured by any state in the nation. hundreds of thousands of people had access to health care that they did not have before because of a disqualification from pre-existing conditions. the total amount of health expenditures in their
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lifetime. there are other ways the affordable care act has opened the door for people to be able to afford and to be insured they will have already care. areave statistics that misleading. 140,000 people with health care plans that were not a ca compliant. they were required to become so. the insurers had to adjust the plans to offer them something better than what they had before. that is a purpose of the affordable care act. to ensure people they will have coverage for their needs. a lot of people don't find that out until it is after two late. half of the personal bankruptcies in the country are caused by health care costs that exceed people's means. most of those people have insurance. round of quick questions. we are looking for straight yes or no answers. a second or two of collaboration.
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the state building code was updated to mandate home indoors bring core systems for homes over 45 hundred square feet. that will add to the cost. do you support the mandate? >> absolutely not. governmentis that always knows best. consumers should choose if they want to put sprinklers in their homes are not. .> yes, i support it people who have not had the experience of going into a burning building and risking their lives to put out a fire, they are in no position to judge what the firefighters of the state say is necessary for their protection and for the safety of people who live in the residence is. >> ms. nicollet? >> i don't. i think it is the work of lobbyists to make sure it that every luxury available is mandated to put into building codes. it is only affordable to the wealthy. lower income,a
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this can make a difference. a few years ago was every 5000 u.s. onto the cost of a house that eliminates 35,000 people from being able to own that house. i support affordable housing. >> i will give you a chance to have a rebuttal to the comment about the firefighters. >> no matter how much we agree with the lobby, it should not dictate our policy. when it comes down to, is the parties,te from both we are increasing the costs of homes and pricing people out of being able to buy homes. a 20e stages created million dollar fund to expand the broadband infrastructure. the broadband task force recommended an additional $200 million for the next two years for the infrastructure grant fund. do you support the hundred
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million dollar recommendation? >> it is one of my priorities. between 800ted million and $3 billion to complete the broadband access and minnesota. operation,pensive but a step in the right direction. accesspport broadband throughout rual areas. i think that is a hindrance of businesse to do in those areas. our new mode of communication is the internet. as far as how it is being allocated, my concern is that right now we are at 99% of people being connected at acceptable download speeds and 75% at acceptable upload speeds. par on upload speeds. , what we have see
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had problems with, is that the government has had been competing with private business. they installed cable and then had a price war with the cable companies that were already there. i would rather focus resources on areas that are not connected. is a lot of money. it is important. it may also not involved wit -- the future may not involve laying cable at all. i would rather go ahead. and public buildings, we want to make sure our schools are hooked up and can be hot spots. we want to make sure all of our areas that are not covered, are covered. >> that was a few lines more than i was expecting. would you support the tax force and their $200 million recommendation? >> provided that it was
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allocated to areas that are not already connect it. >> i don't know if i would support that exact number. i can tell you broadband connectivity will be a priority, because i believe if we want to be competitive from a business standpoint, every area of the state has to be connected. i agree that i am not a big fan of the government injuring the private market as a competitor. money for thethis private sector, i would be supportive. development ofhe a high-speed passenger rail, called zip rail? we will go with ms. nicollet first. >> i am more concerned, we have -- we have farmers with grain that are sitting on rail and not able to move. it is a crisis situation. i would like to see that rail
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issue addressed. we also have a rhodes --roads crisis. half of our roads are over 50 years old. we also have a thousand bridges. we keep dropping billions on people rail. i have nothing against ant, but i concerned that we are not focusing on our needs, but we are focusing on our wants. we need to refocus our priorities. we need roads and bridges. having good roads and bridges is essential to the economy. that is where i would focus the effort. we have come up with $4 billion for biking stadium and several lines of rail already. i think we could find the $9 billion we need. moneyts every minnesotan not to take care of that. i am less concerned with rail projects. though should be secondary to our roads and bridges.
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we addressed those first. show me a cost-benefit analysis. i'm not a fan of rail projects in general. i think they are an inefficient use of transportation dollars. i have been told by advocates that this one will pay for itself. i am skeptical, but if someone can prove that to me, i will consider it. johnson, itith mr. needs to go through a benefit analysis. also, it needs to be i -- it needs to be used in conjunction with the destination medical center. as a result, this area will be transformed. the private sector employment next 10 or over the 20 years. it will have an impact on our state and medical technology industry. university of minnesota has
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the opportunity to become a magnet for that growth of opportunities. the zip rail would enhance that connection. >> a few more lightning round questions. the quicker the answers the better. the most recent proposed amendments to the minnesota constitution were controversial. currently, only a few are required to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot. -- >> i don't think it should. i think the system is proven to have worked in the past. >> governor dayton? >> no. >> that is very concise. i appreciate that. >> no. we are all the same. in thelast question quick round. should the cell of alcohol be permitted on sundays? >> my great-grandfather would turnover in his grave if he knew
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i was for selling anything on sundays. i don't think we should distinguish a liquor from other commodities that they want to buy -- that people want to buy if they want to shop on sundays. to isolate one day and say you can do this and you cannot do that. >> ms. nicollet? legal product should be able to sold on any day. religious holiday for christians, saturday, friday night, that is the separate for jewish people. -- the sabot for jewish people. why did we pick sunday? it seems unfair to other faiths. any legal product should be able of theold on any day week. if you are a business owner, and you want to be closed on sundays, go ahead. i am also against the fact that
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60% of minnesotans want sunday alcohol sales. why shouldn't they have it? >> yes. this is frustrating because everyone says let's do it. there has been a big push for the last two years. we will get it done if i'm governor. willter that exercise, we go back to longform questions. you will have 90 seconds to answer. this one is about destination medical center. destination medical center is a new approach for public-private our airships. it comes for local investment to occur before state funding is released. that will drive regional economic roads and provide a boost for the state. some suggest the plan could a model for economic development in other parts of the state. structureee with the as a way to promote economic
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development, and which you promote other public eye that partnerships? followed by, commissioner johnson, and governor dayton. put inplan has been place, and it is a multiplier. the destination medical center has been promised. buthould keep our promises, what i saw as the larger issue in regards to the destination medical center, and the problem with the multiplier, is that the attorney general and governor's office are not in communication. i don't know if you have seen, as an independence party, we have been working as a teen. all five candidates have pulled together. we are working on issues together. together as a team. i believe in being a team player. that is what i believe the role
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of governor is. finding talents and asking issues. i would like to see us asking everything as a team. the fact that they are not in communication is concerning. i would like to see them working together to improve the whole state. >> i believe the entity is good for rochester, and good for minnesota. i believe the government has a role to play in public-private partnerships when it comes to infrastructure upgrades and paying for roads and bridges. i would have had a difference in opinion on the definition of infrastructure. i been a legislator and not being able to change it, i would not have supported it. had i been governor, i would have sat down with the authors and figured out how to work the difference out. i think, it is something that is important. as hanna mentioned, it will come up again next year because we
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have had another misunderstanding of what was in the bill from the governor's office, and there's in -- there is a disagreement from the office. people say is an easy fix. there is no easy fix when it comes to something controversial. but, i will work to get it done when i am governor. not need to be fixed if it were not existing at all. that would be the case, if they said we have this vision for the state of minnesota. government and legislative leaders, it was bipartisan. the representation in rochester is bipartisan. if he had not stepped forward and had not had an enthusiastic yes, that they would partner with the city and county, and with the donations you would raise, you would not have to fix it. in this case, we will get the
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matter resolved at the beginning of the next legislative session. it is not difficult. we will proceed with the project for rochester. it is phenomenal for the state of minnesota. it could be a model for other partnerships of that type. absolutely. i believe there is a role for government to provide incentives. and to partner with the private sector in order to make these projects happen. when you look at jackson, minnesota, when you look at projects all over the state, they are projects that have been moved forward because of investments. will -- the same kind of seating that has been crucial to get the projects expanding. >> do you think this model works? can you envision it being used
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in other parts of the state? >> i can see it being used in other parts of the state, as long as the definition of infrastructure is about infrastructure. there would probably be negotiation in respect to that. agree.uld when we provide what we have promised to provide as a state for a new infrastructure, we provide roads, sewage, all that. then, it is effective. maybe, an issue with the broadband. biting, we are providing transportation and infrastructure -- providing we transportation and infrastructure. estimate, state highway funding will fall $12 billion short of what is needed. last year, the commerce program was created to increase capacity
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on key highways. over 120 projects were submitted, and 10 received funding. a task force of mayors from smaller cities are developing programs and plans to fund minutes a boat road improvement. what is your vision for ?vesting in commissioner johnson, you get the first crack followed by governor dayton. the core doorsrt of commerce program. i don't think we spent enough enough moneyad -- on road. and the last couple of years, all of the energy and focus in transportation is on everything but roads and bridges. it is on light rail, trolley, streetcars, sidewalks, and complete streets. that is backwards.
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we rely upon roads and bridges by far more than anything else. even if you do not drive a car, you rely on roads and bridges to get goods to the grocery store war to get the fire truck your house. my focus will be heavily on roads and bridges. yes, we have a funding problem the gas tax by itself will not fund what we need to do. it is about priorities and saying we will put this on the top. willg this is where we spend first, and worry about other things later. more i would support significant bonding when it comes to transportation projects. that may require a constitutional change, but i would be willing to push that. we have to focus on roads and bridges over other forms of transportation. i agree with commissioner
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johnson about the need to increase expenditure and the bonding capacity. now, the minnesota department of transportation is up to 20% of its revenues for the bond issue. it is at capacity, and that needs to be addressed in the next legislative session. over 20 years, 6 billion over the next 10 years. what we need to spend to keep the system as it is, to maintain the status quo, which we all know has to tear your rated and created a congestion. more accidents and fatalities. the next session, we will face up to and come up with additional money that is necessary to make the investments to at least break even, and ideally improve the system. will have an administrative efficiency in the department of
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transportation, which is a very important aspect. it won't come close to the amount of additional expenditure necessary. the people of minnesota have to decide, are they satisfied with the way things are, are they willing to pay additional money, thingse want to improve in which case we have to invest more in. or, do we want things to continue to deteriorate, which will happen unless the investments are increased. >> do you want to respond? >> yes. when i say we need to prioritize, my answer was not that we need to find efficiencies. although we do need to do that. we have not made this a priority. particularly over the last two years. i would like to talk about the senate legislative office building. we are spending more on that.
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the priorities are not there, and this needs to be at the top of the list. >> on to you. , under the constitution, transportation is a responsibility of government, and we have not been doing it. it is a public good. not aching care of the roads and bridges costs money -- not taking care of the roads and bridges costs money. the return on investments for every dollar that you put, toward a cost-benefit aces, every dollar that you put toward roads are bridges comes back at three dollars or four dollars each. versus light rail where you get $.42. the cost-benefit does not benefit all of minnesota. it is an instance where the twin cities gets the lions share. we need to move our priorities.
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a found $4 billion for vikings stadium and light rail. the things we have been throwing money at. in the meantime, we have been neglecting our roads and bridges for a long time. here for quite a while. i would like to see, it however we get it done, we need to make it a priority. first, we need to reprioritize. we need to stop buying toys when we need food. afterwards, if we need to raise the gas tax by a certain number to make it happen, we will make it happen. >> on the workforce and jobs. according to the department of employment and economic development, job creation has been uneven since 2010. greater minnesota lags behind the metro area. it is extremely tough to find
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qualified employees for many types of jobs. with 35,000 more jobs projected, there is concern over whether people will be year who are trained and ready to step into the jobs. and employer focused job-training program was introduced in the legislature last year. as governor, would you support the $10 million program? how would you address the worker shortage and the shortage of trained workers and greater minnesota? do your best. governor dayton, ms. nicollet, and commissioner johnson. >> when you say, the economic is creating, and we do not have enough --. we want to expand and create more jobs. we cannot because of barriers
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because of lack of housing. we are also looking for assistance to increase housing for people that they want to hire. border,the iowa jackson, through the fern, worthington, they could not expand because of water deficiencies, which they are correcting. have good healthy economic growth going on in minnesota. not uniformly. same kind ofch the moving forward. we need to train people for the jobs. looking for welders, engineers, technicians in order to expand. we need to realign the training program starting with high school and junior high school to get them aligned with the campuses. and trained young people for the
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jobs of the future rather than the jobs of the past. that will require investments for modern technology and equipment. the payoff is significant, and one we should pursue. >> do you support the $10 million program? >> yes. the state has a job-training program, i'm not sure there is a lack of funds. in that respect, the lack of campuses oror the the equipment, technology, and improvements that are necessary so the training is being trained -- so the training is being trained for the state-of-the-art jobs that are out there. >> would you repeat the question? the program that was introduced at the legislature
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last year, $10 million that would be used for job-training solutions. generally, what would you do to generate more training programs for workers? -- then you mentioned economic development in the rual areas. development, first, i want to get rid of the corporate tax. that would start more businesses in rual areas. oft would affect all areas the state equally. also, we need to get all areas of the state connected to the internet. that is another area. education is another area. we need to address the achievement gap. we have schools with major problems that we have not addressed. needuld look -- we do not to reinvent the wheel. areas of the country are having tremendous success. we could implement what they
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have done if we are willing to anovate and make changes as state. and not the student focus and our policies. we attack education, we go after the taxes that have been prohibited. ve.have been prohibi we provide education, and we would see economic growth in the rual areas without a doubt. >> commissioner johnson? >> let me mention, when the governor said economic growth is going gangbusters in minnesota, it is not. we just learned that. they told us we are the worst in the midwest for job growth great. the kauffman foundation, a nonprofit nonpartisan group shows that in the last four
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years, minnesota has created the fewest numbers of new businesses per capita in the country. it is an issue all over the state. it is particularly problematic wegreater minnesota, because have not paid a lot of attention to greater minnesota. number one is infrastructure. let's work to expand broadband. that is a very important piece. another piece is economic development. ae government has to be cheerleader for greater minnesota. i was born and raised in detroit lakes. and familieslues, are in greater minnesota. i will be here cheerleading for greater minnesota. finally, here is a difference between the governor and me, we have opportunities to create a great jobs. one of them is mining in northern minnesota. are hundreds of good paying jobs.
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they are desperate for the jobs. we are slow walking that process. i don't think it will open if the governor is really did. i will get it open if i governor. you 30 seconds to respond to the last part of the comment. the commissioner has decided before the review process is complete that he has jumped on one side. which may be the final outcome, and the proper one, but a jump in at this point in the review process and the environmental impact statement that is fairly close to completion, to say that we will forget about the environmental considerations and pander to northern minnesota jobs is very irresponsible. a chance toive you respond now that mining is the topic. >> i think it is safe to say we
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should ignore the regulatory process. they have spent hundreds of millions of dollars. we have seen they can do this in an environmentally friendly way, which is important. we should not make the environmental review process and here. we have to make sure it is timely and fair. we are dragging it out so we can say we are not going to open it after the election. regarding -- regarding mining? i am on par with the green line. we are at a point where we can go ahead. i have concerned that we have had instances where mines have declared bankruptcy because there is a lot of cost involved on the latter and. it takes $200 million to close the mine. provided that money is set aside and available, and not
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abandoned, absolutely. we needed for economic growth. >> that is the end of the platform versions. each candidate gets two minutes for closing statements. we cut cards to determine who went first. the cards are still here. perhaps we will have a game of texas hold 'em later. want to thank the debate moderators and the people who held the debate for having me. i appreciate that. this is the only debate i have been confirmed to participate in. i thank you for that. i shouldant to make -- introduce myself. i am a mom of two kids. my three-year-old and 7-year-old is here. my husband is here. i am a former software developer. people wonder what that has to do with being a governor.
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i love to solve problems and build teams. my lieutenant governor candidate is the best. look into him. he wrote a book where he presented a new model for environmental policy. i believe in teambuilding. that is why we are all working as a team together. that is how we would like to solve problems as a state. why minnesota? myove my state, and this is dream job. i would rather be governor of minnesota then president of the united states. i think we can work together than with special interests. the independent party needs a voice because we represent the people. people wanted a viking stadium entirely privately funded, what about privately funded to legislators
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not understand. when they can't get it passed a referendum, they have back room deals. if you have more than four people in a meeting, you are subject to open meeting. so, they only had four people. and asked what they were doing, they said they were talking about fishing regulations, all to give us what we did not want. .ou need a lobbyist you should not need a high paid lobbyists to represent you at the capitol. in my administration, you wouldn't. much -- thanky you very much. [applause] >> commissioner johnson. , the host, and all of you for being here. i am pleased that we are having the first debate. it has been frustrating to watch istruths and the
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lies that you have had on tv. whether that i would cut the minimum wage, cut education -- which i voted three times against. it is good to be able to talk directly to the people and let them choose on their own. let me share my vision. it is a vision of a state where every kid has access to a great education and a great teacher, regardless of where they live or how rich or poor his or her parents are. where patients and doctors are making health care decisions, not insurance companies and eurocrats. a state where politicians understand the middle-class works hard for their money. and we spend it -- and they spend it as carefully as if it were coming out of their own pocket. a state where entrepreneurs want
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to start a business. we will want businesses to expand here. n who isnnesota willing to work at a full-time job. i have a vision of a state where we have an and to bitterness and envy over income differences. all we can do is just move around the money, and instead celebrate people who are successful. we are never giving up on people who are poor, and we are preaching that the poor can become middle class, and the middle class can become rich. anyone who starts with nothing can achieve anything. that is my vision, and that is why i am running for governor. thank you for being here, and i would love your support. [applause] thank you commissioner
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johnson. governor dayton. nicollet,ust saying, i think you should be on the debate site. the independence party is a major party. affordedou should be the same opportunities. going back to the question at hand. i was born and raised in minnesota. the state has been good to my family and myself. i started running for governor in 2009 because the state was heading in the wrong direction. had the minnesota national recession, the economic slump in minnesota was greater than in other states. the tax system was regressive, and not enough revenue was generated to meet the needs of the public education system from early childhood to higher education. i came in in january 2011 in a
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fiscal mess. forillion in budget deficit the next two years. along with the republican majority in the minnesota legislature. we cut $2 billion of spending in the state expenditure. debt.d off the school we raised taxes only on the wealthiest 2%. million taxpayers received a cut. we invested that money in education, which has been slacking relative to other states and relative to the needs. early childhood education and all-day kindergarten are two of the most critical needs that we can address, the achievement helping them all the
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way until they can enter society as productive adult citizens. [applause] >> thank you governor. we are done. we did a great job and wrapped up. i appreciate the audience control. on behalf of the debate sponsors, we appreciate your efforts and wish you the best as the campaign goes forward. we hope this will be the best of the i've debates. a respectful campaign, and to the audience and viewers, election day is november 4. use an already built. however you choose to do it, make your voice heard. this was made possible with support from aarp of minnesota.
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this election season, aarp is focused on making sure older voters know where the candidates stand on issues that matter. find out more at\yourvote. -corn fuel in claremont. we believe in adding value to the investment while producing sustainable products for the world. minnesota.t education minnesota, 70,000 teachers, school, staff, and higher education faculty working together to prepare students for successful lives. and, asked me minnesota. a union of 43,000 workers who advocate for excellence in public services, dignity in the workplace, and opportunity and prosperity for working families. ofs has been a coproduction pioneer public television, appleton,
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