tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN October 3, 2014 4:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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there are two things we need to do. number one, and mike administration -- and my administration as been supportive, we have put money into new technologies to make sure we can burn coal cleaner than we have, and the second thing is that we need to do is to make sure that some of the new opportunities in clean energy and in natural gas and other energy-related industries, that they locate in places that used to have coal or used to be primarily coal country. because the the trend lines are going to be inevitable. because if you burn coal in a dirty way, that's going to cause more and more pollution, including pollution that causes climate change, you're going to
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see more and more restrictions not just of coal here in the united states but around the world which means we have to get out in front of that to make sure we have the technologies to use coal cheaply and we got to be able to send those technologies to other countries that are still burning coal. because there are going to be countries like china, india, and others that still use coal for years to come. they're poor and they're building a lot of power plants quickly. they don't have as much natural gas as us. they're going to be interested in figuring out how can they use their coal supplies and how can they import our coal. but if we're doing a good job giving them technologies that allow them to burn it clean then it's a win-win for us. not only are we able to sell coal to them but also selling the technology to help them burn in the cleanest way possible. we've been making those investments and we got to keep
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on making those investments in order for us to get ahead of the curve. reat question. all right. gentleman back there in the tie. there aren't that many ties in here so there you go. >> thank you. hi, mr. president. my name is ed yudel with the fabricators and manufacturers association one of the founding partners of manufacturing day. thank you for your support. >> thank you. [ applause] >> i'd like to ask you about r&d. u.s. manufacturers do more r&d than any country in the world. it makes us productive and innovative. would you talk about policies and ideas to continue to support r&d activities to promote and accelerate manufacturing? thank you. >> the -- when we think about manufacturing, you know, we always think about the traditional, you know, guy with the hard hats, the glasses, the
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sparks flying, and noisy. these days you go into a manufacturing plant like this one, first of all, it's clean. it's quiet. o much of it is running on computers and automation and new systems. so if we're going to stay competitive in manufacturing, we've got some terrific advantages. energy, by the way, is one of our biggest advantages. because we have some of the cheapest energy in the world that is part of the reason why companies want to relocate here in the united states. we also have to stay ahead of the curve in the new technologies for the new kinds of manufacturing. every budget i've submitted has called for an increase in our r&d budget, research and development budget. we've specifically been interested in putting more money into research and
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development in manufacturing. so, in fact, today i announced the fifth -- the proposal for the fifth manufacturing hub that we're creating, we want to actually create about 50 more of them after this -- and what it's doing is linking manufacturers with universities d researchers to start developing some of the new technologies that we know are going to be key to the future. for example, we already created a manufacturing hub around 3-d printing. everybody know what 3-d printing is? it's actually pretty interesting. asically, the idea is that using software you can manufacture just about anything from a remote location just by -- you send the program to some site and then the machine
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builds whatever it is that you signed off a computer from scratch. and we know that over time this is going to be more and more incorporated in the manufacturing process. what we want to make sure is all that stuff is done right here in the united states of america. so we created a hub for that. today i'm announcing a hundred million dollar competition to reate a new hub around phototonics -- i had to ask penny to make sure i pronounce it right -- but business basically, the science and technology around light, which is used to transmit data and information. everything from -- and also is used in the manufacturing process for everything from lasers to some of the stuff the department of defense is doing. what these hubs allow us to do s instead of having a slower
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process where somebody in some lab coat somewhere figures something out, and then writes a report on it and then maybe five years later some manufacturing says, huh, i wonder if i can tinchinger around with that and use that in my manufacturing process, you have a system where the businesses and the researchers are working on it at the same time, which speeds up the discovery process and means we're moving from discovery to application a lot faster. now, germany has about 60 of these manufacturing hubs and so far i've been able to create five of them or four of them. this is going to be the fifth. and as i said, i want us to make sure we're doing a lot more than that. so that's just one example of y our investments in
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manufacturing, research and development is going to be so critically important. it allows us to keep our lead. america has always been the top innovator in the world. that's the reason why our economy historically has done so well, because we invent stuff faster and better than anybody else. if we lose that lead, you know, we're going to be in trouble. can i just say one last thing about -- because i appreciate you working on this national manufacturer's day. for the young people here and anybody who is listening, the reason we set up this national manufacturing day is because too many young people do not understand the opportunities that exist in manufacturing. because so many plants were shut down and so much offshoring was taking place, i think a lot of people just kind of gave up on the idea of working in manufacturing. the problem is, for a lot of
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young people manufacturing . fers great opportunities i was in wisconsin. somebody told me an amazing statistic, which is the average skilled tool and die operator in wisconsin is 59 years old. these folks are making 25, 30 bucks an hour. benefits. you are solidly middle class if you have one of these jobs and the work force is getting older and older in the area and young people aren't coming in to replace them. so the idea behind national manufacturing day, we got 50,000 young people going into factories all across the country and learning about -- look at all the jobs you can get in manufacturing.
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engineering jobs but also jobs on the line, technical jobs. all of them require some skills. all of them require some higher level learning. but not all of them require a four-year degree. you can make a good living. so that's part of what we're trying to encourage, getting young people to reorient. we're actually also talking to gh schools saying to them, try to encourage young people to think about manufacturing as a career option because not everybody wants to sit behind a desk pushing paper all day ong. different people have different aptitude and interests and talents. if we can set up a situation where high schools are starting to connect to manufacturing then a lot of young people can start getting apprenticeships early, realize how interesting some of that work is, then they have a better idea if they do end up going to college it's a
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little more focused around the things that they're actually going to need in order to succeed in manufacturing. so thank you for participating in that. it's really important. all right. we've got how much more time? i just want to make sure i'm not -- we'll make it two. make it two. that young lady right there. yes, you. yes. all right. hold on. let's make sure we got the microphone here. >> hi. my name is jay cooper a secondary english education student at usi. thank you for coming here today. it is such an honor to hear you speak. being in the job force in the next couple of years i'm worried about equal pay as a woman. you talked a little bit about that. how can we get there? what can we do to get equal pay for women? >> well, it's a great question.
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here are the statistics, first of all. women on average make 77 cents or every dollar a man makes. now, what folks will tell you sometimes is you can't really compare the situation because a lot of women by choice and working less, when they have kids, decide to stay home and so it's not the same thing. but here's the problem. it turns out that actually in a lot of companies sometimes it's still the case that women are getting paid less than men for doing the exact same job. so one of the first bills i signed was called the lilly ledbetter bill. illy, who is a friend of mine, she was doing a job for 25 years.
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and about 20 years into it just happened to find out that for that whole time she had been getting paid less for doing the exact same job as a man had been doing. when she tried to sue to get er back pay, the court said, well, it's too late now because the statute of limitation has run out. she said, well i just found out. that doesn't matter. so we changed that law. that was the first thing that we did. what we've also done is through executive action what i said is any federal contractor who does business with the federal government, you've got to allow people to compare their salaries so they can get information about whether they're getting paid fairly or not. there is a fair pay bill that's before congress, but so far it's been blocked by the house republicans. t hasn't come up for a vote.
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we need to keep putting pressure on them to get this done. this is just a matter of basic fairness. i don't think my daughter should be treated any different than somebody else's son if they're doing a good job. they should get paid the same. it's also a matter of economics, as i said before. the key more women are bred winner in the family. if they're getting paid less that whole family suffers. so this is something we have to take care of. i do want to mention, though, going back to the first argument, people saying that women make different choices when they have children, well, part of the reason they have to make different choices is we don't have a good child care system. it's because we don't have a good family leave policy. child gets sick, you need to take care of a sick child, you can get unpaid leave under the
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family medical leave act. but what if you can't afford to give up that paycheck? or you got an ailing parent. they have to go to the doctor one day. they don't drive. you need to drive. you need a day off. if you take the day off, now you can't pay your rent. so there are family friendly policies that we could put in place and some states are doing so improving child care especially early childhood education by the way. we know every dollar we invest in that makes our kids do better in school the whole way. it also -- so it's good for our education system but also just good for parents. somebody mentioned my wedding anniversary. i can tell you the toughest
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time when we were married was when our kids were still small and i was working and michelle was working and sometimes i'd be out of town and the babysitter doesn't show up. and suddenly michelle is having to scramble and i promise you .hen i get home, it's rough but we were actually in a pretty -- you know, we were professionals. we were both lawyers. we were in a better position to get help than most families. but it was still hard. so the more we do on early childhood education, high quality daycare, making it affordable for families, family leave, those family friendly policies, that will help make sure the women are able to take care of their families and
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pursue their professional careers and bring home the kind of paycheck that they deserve. we need to do both. it's not a choice between one or the other. we have to do all those things. all right. i got time for one more question. the gentleman right here in the blue. >> mr. president, i would like to thank you also for visiting. my name is randy perry. i do have a small manufacturing company in rural america, but how do you speak to us small manufacturers that want to raise the minimum wage >> right >> but we have to compete. >> well, as i said before, the first thing we need to do is to make sure that the economy as a whole is strong, because remember what i said when the economy is strong as a whole, there's more demand for workers. that gives workers more leverage to get pay raises. the same is true for business.
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when demand is high, for whatever product you're producing, then you can afford to charge a little bit more. and, well, the truth of the matter is, is that for a lot of small businesses, there's going to be more pressure than large businesses when it comes to wages because you just don't have as much margin for error. but overall our economy is going to do better and small businesses do better when there's greater demand out there for products and services and there's greater demand for products and services if people have money in their pockets. and one of the biggest problems we have in our economy right now, and this includes one of the biggest problems for small businesses, is that when a bigger and bigger share goes to folks at the top, a lot of that
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money they just don't spend. you know, i had lunch with bill gates the other day. bill gates has got a lot of money. and he's doing great things with it, by the way, doing great, charitable work. but the truth of the matter is an extra gates gets million dollars, it's not like he is going to spend more money on food or going to buy an extra car or buy a new refrigerator. because he's already got everything he needs. but if somebody who is a low wage worker gets a raise, first thing they're going to do is spend it. maybe on a new back pac for the kids or finally trade in that old beater for a new car.
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and that drives the economy. it picks it up. it boosts it. and when that happens, then more demand exists for services and goods and that means that all businesses are going to do better including small businesses. and that then gives you higher profits which then allows you to pay your workers a little bit more. you get in this virtuous cycle. this is part of the argument that i've been having with my good friends in the republican party for quite sometime. if you look at the policies we've been pursuing, investing in research and development, rebuilding our infrastructure, making sure that college is more affordable, improving child care, fair pay legislation, increase the minimum wage, i can point to evidence that
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shows that that's going to put more money in the pockets of middle class families. that's going to increase growth at a faster pace. and the economy as a whole is going to do better. and their main response typically to me is two things. one is they'll say we got to get rid of regulations. except the problem is for example the last big crisis we had was precisely because we didn't have enough regulations on wall street and folks were selling a bunch of junk on the market and doing reckless things that ended up costing everybody something. and then the second argument that they make is we need more tax cuts for folks like me who make a pretty good living. folks at the top. and i've got to tell you, you know, there's no evidence that's going to help middle class families.
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there's no evidence for this trickle down theory that somehow another tax cut for folks already making out like bandits over the last 20 years is going to somehow improve the prospects for ordinary families. it just doesn't exist. they keep on repeating it. but they don't show that that's actually going to help the economy. that's not going to help you. not going to help you. your ot going to help business. you know, i made a speech yesterday in northwestern. i just said, just look at the facts. since i've been president, unemployment has gone down from 10% down to now 5.9. the deficit has been cut by more than half. our energy production is higher than it's ever been. our health care costs are slowing. ore people have insurance.
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high school drop out rates have gone down. college attendance rate has gone up. graduation has gone up. our production of clean energy is doubled. solar energy has gone up ten old. wind energy has gone up threefold. exports more than ever in history. corporate balance sheets are doing great. stock market all-time highs. housing market, beginning to recover. there's almost no economic measure by which the economy as a whole isn't doing significantly better than it was when i came into office. [ applause] >> those are just facts. i mean, you can look them up. i'm not making it up. that's one thing about making president if i stand here and say this, all these folks are filming me so they'll go and
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check. that's the truth. but what is also true is that ages and income have continued to be flat even though the economy has grown and businesses are making more money. that tells me the one thing that people are still concerned and the one thing that if we could change would really give more confidence to the economy wages and t, is if income start going up a little bit. if all the productivity and if we start sharing that a little more with more folks and ordinary families start feeling like they got a little cushion that would be
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good for everybody. that's the one thing that really we haven't seen as much improvement on as we need. what everybody should be asking is how do we increase wages? how do we increase income? because if we do that things are going to be better. they're pretty much just a handful of ways to do it. number one make the economy grow faster so the labor market gets tighter. number two, pursue policies like the higher minimum wage or making sure that, you know, are able to get child care. driving down health care costs. the kinds of things that affect people's pocket books drastically. those are the things i've been pursuing since i've been president. those are the things i'll continue to pursue as long as i have this great privilege of being president. thank you so much everybody. god bless you. [ applause] >> appreciate you.
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♪ >> president obama there in indiana at the millennium steel plant. here in washington, d.c. the president has brought together a team of officials to deal with the ebola outbreak including health and human services secretary sylvia burwell, the administrator of usaid, and also the head of one of the offices in the nih. they're all scheduled to brief reporters shortly here. actually it is expected to
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start about 4:30 eastern time. we'll bring you that briefing live on c-span as soon as it starts. before the briefing begins, though, on ebola, here is some of the discussion from yesterday held at the atlantic council. we'll show you as much of this as we can before the ebola briefing begins. >> good afternoon. i am the director of the africa
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center here at the atlantic council. on behalf of the atlantic council's chairman governor john huntsman and its president fred kemp it's my pleasure to welcome all of you, those here present at the council in washington and those joining us around the country through c-span's coverage of this event, this important discussion about battling the ebola outbreak, lessons learned from and prospects for the international response. like to welcome among those present this afternoon, acknowledge several people with several links to the region most affected by the current epidemic, in particular a word of welcome to his excellency stevens, ambassador of the republic of sierra leone who honors us with his presence. your excellency, our thoughts, prayers, and best wishes go to the people of your country as well as to those of liberia and guinea. i might add that sierra leone
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from the diamond fields to the beaches of free town and the lush highlands north of mckenny has a special place in my own personal history and affection so our thoughts really go to you. also other representatives of the diplomatic community here in town and present among us including the honorary council of the republic of south africa in the republic of sierra leone. we're also honored to be joined by john blayney the first u.s. ambassador to the republic of guinea, liberia, excuse me, following the civil wars as well as my old friend ambassador robert griffin former u.s. ambassador to the entral african republic of rwanda and at the embassy in free town. before introducing our panel of distinguished experts and practitioners to whom we're deeply grateful for making the time to brief us at this critical point permit me to say a word about the atlantic council's africa center.
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it was established in september, 2009, with a mission to help transform u.s. and european policy approaches to africa by emphasizing the building of strong geo political partnerships with african states and strengthening economic growth and prosperity on the continent. the center seeks to engage and inform both policy makers and the general public of the strategic importance of africa both globally and for american and european interests in particular through programs and publications as well as a robust media presence. within the context of the atlantic council's work to promote constructive u.s. leadership and engagement in international affairs based on the central role of the atlantic community in meeting international challenges the african center supports and collaborates with public and private sectors in forging practical solutions to the challenges and opportunities in africa. and it is in the spirit of this mandate i'm pleased we're able to host this particular
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discussion. just two months ago during the historic africa leader summit the largest event any u.s. president has held with african heads of state and government we had the privilege of organizing 11 high level side events with presidents, cabinet ministers, business leaders, and representatives of civil society as we celebrated the strengthening of ties between the united states and one of the world's most dynamic and fastest growing regions. now it is incumbent upon us both as concerned americans and as friends of africa to do our part in tackling the challenges such as the ebola virus which represent not just a threat to the economic prospects, hopes, and dreams of the people of the nations affected but as president obama noted at last week's united nations meeting on ebola, also a growing threat to regional and international security. while much has already been done and i expect some of our panels will highlight the
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response including the donors conference that convened earlier today in london the remains that the president noted last week still a significant gap between where we are and where we need to be. in this respect this is not unlike the situations we found ourselves in the recent past including the response to the earthquake in haiti in 2010 and the ongoing crisis of refugees from syria where a number of issues related to the ability of national and international actors to manage complex crises and apparent short comings with respect to coordination and unity of effort have had or continue to have impacts. in this context this panel is not so much about epped ep edemiology or public health but assessing where we are at and identifying some of the lessons we learned or need to learn or relearn. please join me in welcoming our
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panel. full biographies are available -- >> we leave this now going to take you to a current conference under way with health and human services secretary sylvia burwell about the ebola virus. >> that is evidenced by the people here with me today at the podium. we are doing a number of things to address this epidemic at its source in west africa first and foremost. we are also enhancing our domestic preparedness and ability to respond to isolated cases here in the united states, and, as importantly, we are rallying the international community to contribute to this response and that would seem most recently when the president spoke at the united nations last week and we had an unprecedented vote in the u.n. security council to contribute and to show galvanizing forces of the international community to contribute to this response.
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the strategy the united states is executing has four key goals. to control the epidemic at its source in west africa, to mitigate the second order impact of this epidemic, to spon and to ated build a robust global health security infrastructure so we are prepared over the long run to confront epidemics such as the one we're facing today. i think it's very important to remind the american people that the united states has the most capable health care infrastructure and the best doctors in the world bar none. it's why people travel from all over the world to receive medical care here in the united states. finally i want to emphasize that the united states is prepared to deal with this crisis both at home and in the region. every ebola outbreak over the
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past 40 years has been stopped. e know how to do this. and we will do it again. with america's leadership i'm confident and president obama is confident that this epidemic will also be stopped. with that let me turn the podium over to secretary burwell. >> thank you, lisa. since the outbreak began the united states government has been engaged in preparation both at home and abroad to protect our homeland and stop the epidemic at its source. we've been working for many months to ensure that the united states is protected. cdc sent out our first guidance to state and local officials on july 28 and has been followed with six additional sets of guidance and the latest was just issued yesterday. in addition, we have enhanced our surveillance and laboratory
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testing capacity in states to make sure that they're able to detect cases. been in regular and repeated contacts with state officials and health departments including developing guidance and tools for departments to conduct public health investigations. we're continuing to provide guidance for flight crews, emergency medical service units at airports, and customs and border patrol officers about reporting ill travelers to the cdc. we're continuing to work with hospitals and health care workers around the country to prepare most effectively both in terms of detecting symptoms and then responding appropriately. as we saw just a few months ago, almost two months ago in carolina's medical center in charlotte, north carolina, and at mount sinai in new york, hospitals and health care systems reacted and took appropriate steps. fortunately, in those cases the
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cases were not positive. we saw emory's ability to handle the first cases that returned from west africa followed by the nebraska medical center's ability to do the same. in dallas, the public health system is now handling the case with the protocol that we know controlled this disease. we recognize the concern that even a single case of ebola creates on our shores. but we have the public health system and the public health providers in place to contain the spread of this disease. we have taken a number of precautions to prevent the spread. we've instituted exit screening procedures in west africa to prevent those who have been exposed to ebola or sick with ebola from traveling. the department of homeland security is in the process of advising all travelers returning to the u.s. from country with ebola outbreaks in west africa to monitor their health for 21 days and
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immediately seek medical help if any symptoms do develop. the centers for disease control stands ready as it has in dallas to deploy expert teams when needed. finally, our scientists at the food and drug administration and the national institutes of health are working tirelessly to develop new vaccines and treatments for ebola. we remain focused on working with our partners on the ground to stop the epidemic at its source and we're continuing to take the necessary precautions across the united states government to prevent the epidemic from spreading further. and i'd like to now turn to dr. tony fauci, the director of the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases at the nih to talk a little bit about epidemiology. >> thank you very much, secretary burwell. i'd like to provide some basic but important facts about ebola and its transmission.
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although ebola is an extremely serious viral disease with a high fatality rate, it is not easily transmitted. specifically, the ebola virus is not easily spread like a cold or influenza. you must come into direct contact with the bodily fluids of a sick person or through exposure to objects that have been contaminated with infected bodily fluids. ebola is not a respiratory disease like the flu and so it is not transmitted through the air. this is important. individuals who are not symptomatic are not contagious. in order for the virus to be transmitted, an individual would have to have direct contact with an individual who is experiencing symptoms or who has died of the disease. we have considerable experience in dealing with ebola both in controlling and in preventing outbreaks. this is based on experience with almost two dozen outbreaks in central africa since the
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virus was first isolated in 1976. the key elements to that control and the prevention of outbreaks when ebola rises in a community is to first identify cases, isolate them, care for them under conditions that protect the health care workers, and, importantly, perform contact tracing. people in direct contact with a sick ebola patient should be monitored for symptoms for at least 21 days. if no symptoms arise, the individual is cleared. if symptoms arise, the person is appropriately isolated and cared for. this formula has worked very well over many years. the situation in west africa has been very difficult, largely due to the lack of an adequate -- of an adequate health care infrastructure to deal with the outbreak. i want to reiterate what the secretary said. our health care infrastructure
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in the united states is well equipped to stop ebola in its tracks. as the secretary said, in addition to managing the issues associated with containing the situation in dallas as it exists today and addressing the very dire situation as it exists in africa today, we are working very aggressively and energy etically to test a vaccine, to prevent ebola and therapy to treat it. now i'd like to introduce the administrator of usaid, dr. hah. >> thank you. i'd like to take a moment to describe the moment in west africa which has been noted includes a major effort to control the disease, includes specific actions to deal with the secondary impacts of the crisis in several west african
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countries including making food, water, and government support more available, and the effort to build out an international coalition as lisa previously discussed. our response in west africa started in the spring and accelerated dramatically over the summer. this coordinated civilian response included the largest ever disaster assistance response team from usaid, the large eliot ever, more than a -- largest ever more than a hundred persons centers for disease control capability deployed to liberia, sierra leone, guinea, and countries throughout the region, and efforts partner wg our department of defense colleagues to more than double the laboratory and diagnostic capacity in west africa to ensure that cases could be identified and positively confirmed. since that time, we've helped deliver more than 120,000 sets of personal protective equipment, build out ebola treatment units, provide technical assistance for airport screenings throughout
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the region, and increase the basic capacity of what has been a weak existing health care infrastructure to deal with this disease. as the president noted in his comments at the centers for disease control a few weeks ago, our strategy now is clear. first, we are investing in a strong, incident command system at the national and local level throughout the region to identify cases and trace contacts. second, we are building out ebola treatment units so that enough bed capacity exists for as many positively identified atients as possible to receive isolation and treatment. we are on path to put in place the w.h.o. plan of more than 2500 beds in liberia according to their thrines and in the past several days have seen significant new ebola capability come online including the largest treatment unit in liberia the new island clinic which we helped build
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and staff. third, we're engaging in an extensive community care strategy that includes a ten to 20 bed community care units that are placed throughout rural communities and help isolate patients in those communities and support the distribution of hygiene and protective equipment kits so families can protect their patients and their families. we've distributed more than 9,000 of those kits together with unicef and the world health organization and are on path to have about 10,000 arriving country -- arrive in country and be distributed through liberia on a weekly basis. in recent days we've been successful in scaling up the effort to identify, reach, and in a safe and dignified manner deal with bodies of patients who are deceased from ebola. we now have more than 50 safe burial teams with full protective equipment and careful protocols in place. we're noting that more than 3/4
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of all bodies this liberia of positively identified patients are now being cleared safely within the 24-hour period. this is critically important because that is an important existing mode of transmission. i further note that the scale up of centers for disease control and u.s. aid efforts through june and august was quite significant but the complexity of building out ebola treatment units and providing the logistics support in terms of protective equipment and medicines required the significant additional resources brought by the department of defense and announced by president obama. so i'm pleased to introduce general david rodriguez, the commander of africa command to describe those specific efforts. thank you. >> thank you, administrator. as we deploy america's sons and daughters to support the comprehensive united states government effort led by the united states agency for international development,
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we'll do everything in our power to address and mitigate any potential risk to our service members, civilian employees, and their families. as director shah or administrator shah mentioned, the areas that we're focusing on are command and control and that is to help support and coordinate the efforts of both usaid and the international community. we are also working on training the people who man and manage the ebola treatment units. we're supporting the engineering efforts to build out the ebola treatment units and we're also doing an effort in the area of logistics, which this is a tremendous logistics effort as the administrator pointed out. for our soldiers prior to deployment, we'll provide them the best equipment and training that we can >> we are assessing risk based on the service members' mission, their location, and their activities in execution of their operations. we're implementing procedures to reduce or eliminate the risk of transmission, as service
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members go about their daily missions, including the use of personal protective equipment, hygiene protocols, and monitoring. prior to redeploying service members back home, we will screen and identify anyone who faced an elevated risk of exposure and take all necessary steps to minimize any potential transmission in accordance with the international standards that our medical professionals have given us. in the end our equipment, training, procedures, and most of all the discipline of our leaders and our force will help us to ensure that our team accomplishes its mission without posing a risk to our nation and our fellow citizens. thank you. >> thanks very much, general rodriguez. first i want to thank our -- the folks who are with me at the podium. but most importantly, the dedicated military medical and development professionals that they represent and who are working so hard on this problem. i think with that we're happy to take your questions.
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>> ms. monaco? >> yes >> you talked about these ebola country. why not do more active screening, like ask people have you had a fever, have you been in contact with people? that's been done at least in some countries and other circumstances. on the face of it, it would seem a reasonable thing to do. >> i think this goes directly to what dr. fauci talked about and secretary burwell. we are taking steps to address the source, the people coming from the source countries and we think those are the most effective steps we can take. the temperature testing, the questionnaires, testing for fever, and making sure that people who are symptomatic and as dr. fauci said and dr. tom friedman has talked about this repeatedly, you cannot get ebola other than from direct contact with bodily fluids of somebody who is at that time
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symptomatic. so the most effective way to go about controlling this is to prevent those individuals from getting on a plane in the first place. i think it is important to remember that since these measures have been in place, dozens and dozens of people have been stopped from getting on flights in the region. >> but we now know people have gotten on planes anyway, so why not have the u.s. customs and immigration people ask them, clearly, it's not effective to do it merely on the african side. >> i think what we've seen is we've had an individual in texas who did come to this country and later became symptomatic. that person is now being isolated and dealt with and significant contact tracing is being done. your question about passive versus more active screening is i think understandable. but as secretary burwell indicated, we've taken a number of steps to ensure customs and border patrol individuals are,
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a ms are trained to identify symptomatic individual and where they do present people who may be symptomatic, they have instructions about what to do and how to handle that. that is all of which is to say that we are constantly going to evaluate what may be the most effective measures we can take. secretary johnson is constantly evaluating that with his team and in consultation with the medical professionals. right now the most effective measures we think are focusing at the source countries and taking the steps, the very concerted training and precautionary measures and notification measures that we've taken with the cdc folks here on the receiving end. >> talk kind of in broad terms about hospital procedures here and obviously in dallas and break down a couple points. i'm wondering specifically lessons from the dallas situation. and while we have you here,
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maybe you can tell us what the u.s. knows about the latest state video we've seen with the hostage and another american as well. >> on the latter issue, julie, let me just address that and then ask secretary burwell and dr. fauci to address the medical measures in texas within the constraints that i'm sure you understand safely operating. if it in fact proves to be authentic it is a demonstration of the brutality of isol and our hearts go out to the british aide worker who we believe is in that video and the remaining hostages and their families. just again yet another very clear example of the brutality of this group and why the president has articulated and is moving out in a comprehensive way to degrade
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and destroy isol. let me now turn to my colleagues on the latter part of your question. >> with regard to the efforts that the cdc is pursuing and we've been pursuing, as i mentioned, we've had the efforts in charlotte we saw and we saw it work in mount sinai. we have a case here actually i think everyone knows howard and the question there. and so the systems are in place. we continue to communicate. we continue to give good instruction. i think it is important to reflect on whatever lessons we learn, we build and incorporate. s i said, we've issued the seventh of these health alert network notices to make sure if there are any lessons learned as we go forward we will continue to incorporate those. >> can you repeat what the lessons learned from some of these failures in dallas were and how you may be changing or modifying -- >> what we know are the critical steps that we have said throughout the process. and that is about
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identification. identification at the point at which there is actually a temperature and as dr. fauci said, when something can be done. what we are doing is making sure that hospitals, health workers across the country know that when they see that, what steps to take, how to isolate, and what to do immediately when they see those steps. and we'll continue to do that and make sure we are responding to the questions that we're getting from the community. >> what about the potential case at howard university? is there any new information about that? and to dr. fauci, if it doesn't spread like the flu or cold why is it spreading so quickly? are you confident we won't see an outbreak in the u.s.? >> with regard to the nigeria case haven't seen the results of the test yet. i think that is the most definitive and important thing. what you see is people taking precautions because the symptoms are malarial but it could be this. i think everyone is taking the appropriate steps. we believe that is the right thing to do. cdc gets contacted. we make a determination and
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work with the community and the health center. in this case to do the test. when we get that definitive as you know in each of the cases we make public as quickly as possible what we know about that. >> are you being informed of all of these suspected cases? >> let me answer the question here first. you were saying if it is only transmitted a certain way -- such anut why is there outbreak? if one goes to liberia or sierra leone or ginny, you will see the conditions that make it very, very clear that coming into contact with bodily fluids, the oft efficient way transmission is unfortunately the very thing that holds families together. someone gets sick, they take care of them, they touch them.
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if they are not aware of the fact that you cannot come into personal contact without having the proper protective equipment. funerals are another way as well as preparing the bodies and customs, the long-range traditions that have gone with the funeral. the mechanism of transmission, which we've all said, direct contact with bodily fluid, amply explains what is going on right now in the west african countries. >> you're convinced it's not a significant outbreak in the u.s.? >> the reason there is an outbreak now is because the health care infrastructure and system in those countries is ofdequate and incapable actually handing the kind of identification, isolation, rapid treatment, protection of the people who come into contact and contact tracing, and that's something we have very well established here. we have a case now, and it's
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entirely conceivable there may be another case, but the reason we feel confident is that our structure, our ability to do those things would preclude an out right. >> are we being notified of cases? this goes directly to what the doctor just said -- we have an infrastructure that is in place. we have a public health alert system through which cdc has distributed information from and established a laboratory network for testing. when there are potential whotomatic individuals present themselves a medical facilities, those precautions are immediately taken, this test are undertaken through a network of laboratories that cdc has validated and provided a clear guidance to, so we have the structure in place when we identify potential cases to arelve those, and if there
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actually confirmed ebola cases, as we have seen one of in texas, we take the immediate steps to isolate them, provide treatment, undertake the contact tracing, and our infrastructure works to make sure we are aware of those cases and take the steps. >> we had a case at howard, but it was not said -- a potential case, i'm sorry -- but did not say there was another potential case at shady grove, and the put out aas already warning. >> you have indicated and talked about the potential case at howard. we will see the resolution of that as secretary burwell discussed. those reports as they come in will be addressed. those tests will be undertaken. the public health infrastructure taking the and is
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steps necessary to isolate that individual. every hospital in this country has the capability to isolate a patient, take the measures, put any in place to ensure that suspected cases immediately isolated, and the follow-ups that have been mentioned -- the follow-up steps that have been mentioned are immediately taken. >> to what degree have you are youinternally, and ever going to be prepared to recommend to the president what some have suggested today, a for these countries? how do you think you're deployed assets are as far as catching up with what you intend to do, and do you think it is time at some point to have military medical people actually involved in the direct care as opposed to ? tting up the infrastructure >> i will take the travel ban
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question first. i know that has been an issue that has been raised. i take note of dr. frieden's comments in this remark, just to say that right now, we believe those types of steps actually .mpede the response they impede an slowdown the ability of the united states and other international partners to actually get expertise and capabilities and equipment into the affected areas, and as we've said and stressed from this podium and others, the most important and effective thing we can do is to control the epidemic at its source. what we want to be able to do is make sure we are getting the assistance, getting the expertise, and getting providers into the affected region and not impeding that. americansyou go, many might say half a ban, not getting there but exiting? are you considering that? >> as the measures are being taken to screen individuals who
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are departing from the affected countries, and we have spoken to that, cdc professionals have provided the assistance and the training and advice to airport officials in liberia, guinea, and sierra leone, and as a result of those measures and those screenings, of steps that have been undertaken, many, many people -- dozens of people have been stopped from traveling, so we see those issues -- those steps actually being effective. general. >> for us, the speed with we are moving out is really focused on the ebola treatment units. that will take us several weeks. we are working with the armed forces of liberia, working with contractors, and we are working with a logistics chain of events to get the materials there as fast as we can we are also doing some of the ones in some fairly isolated areas, and those will take us the longest.
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we are not certain military personnel will be treating people. that will be a decision made in the future. >> you do have folks capable of doing that, don't you? >> yes, we do. three labs operating out there done by military medical professionals right now, and that's doing a great job identifying who has the disease and who does not. >> have you considered a waiting period between issuing a visa and travel? >> i think we're going to move around a little bit. >> help me understand -- something you talked about in terms of preparedness here in this country, the conversations with hospitals, coordination with local authorities and all seems very dissident, i think, two people in the country who look at basically the first case or one of the first cases and
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see that the whole thing broke down. every step of the way, there were breakdowns. it broke down, as the person back there was saying, when he lied on the form. it broke down when the hospital turned him away. it broke down when the materials that were in his apartment have not been thrown away. it broke down -- i mean, it americans,-- two like you guys are up here talking about "we have this great imperfect system that's going to be able to contain this virus because we done all this preparation," and yet, it does not look like it's working. how should the regular or average person have confidence that whether it is the case and howard or some case somewhere else in the country at the moment that somebody is not being turned away there, that somebody did not get -- or their temperature got taken in africa but did not get caught, so they are on a plane as we speak? where's the distance between your confidence and the fact that things do not seem to be working.
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>> i think the american people should be confident for all the reasons that we stated in the president has spoken to, and that's because the public health infrastructure we have here is so expert, so extensive, and is considerable. the situation in liberia, sierra leone, and any could not be more publice in terms of the health infrastructure and the ability of officials to immediately isolate an individual case. what you are seeing in texas is the isolation of that patient, doneontact tracing being meticulously by cdc and local health professionals. the other thing i would say to your question is -- it is true, we had a case in texas, the howard case that has been mentioned. it is a potential case, and i would defer to the medical
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professionals at howard to give the definitive view on that, but i think it is very important to remember this outbreak again in began in march of this year. since that time and since the screening measures we discussed from this podium began over the summer, there have been tens of thousands of individuals who have come to this country from the affected regions, and we've now seen one case, and it is entirely possible we will see another case. andver, i would point you others to the fact that we have now seen tens of thousands of people in the time since march , and we nownt day have this isolated case in texas, but we have a public health infrastructure and medical professionals throughout this country who are capable of dealing with cases if they present themselves and as dr.
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frieden has said, we are confident that we can stop this and other cases in its tracks. explain within that public health infrastructure what the lines of authority are? once you have a confirmed case, for example, in dallas, does the cdc -- is there a federal authority? is it up to the local health department -- who is in charge at that point? >> when any test is done, it is reported to cdc, so we have a network, and we want the tests to be able to go quickly. part of the preparedness we did was we created capability all around the country for the test that they could occur quickly. however, when that test occurs, cdc is alerted to the test occurring, and the results of the test. with regard to who controls the patient, i think, is the question, that is done at the local level, and we supported matt. 10 people would on the ground
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from cdc immediately -- i think you all know -- in terms of supporting the local health departments in doing contact tracing and any other issues they have, whether they are issues of the testing, whether they are issues of the contact tracing. we stand ready to do that. while the local health officials -- because this is a local issue, and that is really a big part of how you are going to do the contact tracing, and they make the decisions on the ground -- we are there hand-in-hand in support, had 10 people on the ground and work hand in glove with them. >> are people in dallas concerned about being isolated in a highly congested apartment area? >> protocol that could be repeated in other communities, but the contract tracing is that isolated, that's the best place to keep them in an environment where it may be a
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high-density apartment? >> that gets to the earlier question with regard to how local officials are handling their case specifically. highyou have not had a risk exposure, what needs to happen is basic temperature taking two times a day on a regular basis. high risk exposure creates different needs. how a local official -- how local officials choose to implement that -- we work in conjunction, and we have given the guidance out in terms of what we do, but those are decisions made at the local level. i have to move around, i think is the rule. up -- is quick follow no one concerned that there were these breakdowns in dallas? are you confident there will not be a breakdown elsewhere? >> when i spoke to the fact that on ourinued to work
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education and continue to work with locals and put out more and more information, we put out more information and updated information. whenever there's anything we see we can do a better job of communicating, we will do that. generalnk the mentioned, too, we are going to learn every time and every step, but i think what we are confident about his these processes work. if you look at what happened in nigeria in terms of the cases in nigeria, what happened is we quickly activated -- and cdc was a part of supporting the country of nigeria, both at the state and federal level to put in place the things that it needed to put in place. it is about detect, isolation, treat the patient due to contact tracing. those are the steps, and now we see where we are in nigeria in terms of the cases and them having moved through, so we believe that as we take these steps, these core fundamental steps, and we are in the middle of that in dallas in terms of
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the contact tracing and making sure that the people that should be taking the temperatures are doing that, so that is how and why we believe that this is going to work. >> islands of the vaccine question in a second, but i just wanted to make the point that you were making. there were things that did not go the way they should have in dallas, but there were a lot of things that went right and are going right. if you look at them, the person is in isolation being properly taken care of, and the fundamental core basis of preventing an outbreak, contact tracing, is now going on, and that is the important thing, and that's going on very efficiently. the cdc sets down very clear and protocols on how to do that, and that is being done. although certainly it was rocky to the perception of people in reality, but the fact is the reason i said there would not be an outbreak is because of what's going on right now. even though there were missteps, there were good is that happened
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also. to the vaccine, i don't know who asked the question about the vaccine -- obviously, we would hope that vaccine could be a part of the response, even the public health infection control is still the core of getting this under control. we have a vaccine, a couple of candidates -- the one that's most advanced is the one we announced just a while ago, the first person in a phase one trial received a vaccine on september 2 at the nih in bethesda. that's the first of a multiphase trial to develop a vaccine. it's called phase one because its primary endpoint is safety. if we determine it safe and looks good so far and also that it reduces a response that you would predict would be protective, which we will know probably by the end of november or the beginning of december -- when you get through that phase, then the next phase is a phase
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two, which is many, many more people conducted in the environment where you could prove its efficacy, and that would be west africa. the next phase, sometime likely in the first quarter of 2015, we will begin a trial to determine overall long-range safety and importantly, whether it works or not. -- as aerstand the medical professional and dr., what concerns you most about this outbreak and this particular disease now that it's in the united's rates? >> now that it's in the united states, the concern is that i do not ever like to see people get sick and people suffer and die, but as a medical professional who has witnessed and experienced a whole 38 years since 1976, i never say i'm not
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concerned because that is interpreted as taking something lightly. i take nothing lightly, but i'm convinced by what we have all said today that the system that with our health care infrastructure would make it extraordinarily unlikely that we would have an outbreak, and the reason we know that is if we and at the situation nigeria, as the secretary mentioned, is a classic example of that -- the reason we're having this devastating, painful, very difficult in the west african countries is because they don't have the system to be able to contain it. if they had the system, we would not be seeing all the suffering and dying in west africa. >> if that's case, if it's one case in the united states now, as we know it is, why are we having news conferences like this, and why are we also afraid? if there's no chance of an outbreak, what is it about this disease that frightens you and us? >> ok, so we are having the
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press conference because we need to get information out because there's a lot of fear, and the reason there's a lot of fear is that there are many things when you have outbreaks -- it's the unknown, the cataclysmic nature of it, mainly, it is a cute. it kills in a high percentage, and it kills quickly. that in and of itself almost intuitively makes people frightened. the other thing that makes people frightened -- can this happen to me without my even knowing it, without my having any behavioral change at all? that's the kind of thing that we have to keep over and over again emphasizing. we respect your concern. we understand your concern, but the evidence base tells us that that is not going to happen, and we have to say that a lot. we have to say it today, and i'll have to say it tonight on we will try as best as we can to continue to get the message out.
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>> one follow-up -- who bears ultimate responsibility for what did happen, the breakdown that happened in texas? is it the hospital that did not send a clear enough guidelines in the beginning? and you are taking steps to make sure this does not happen again, sending clear guidelines, being more communicative? what specifically is being done? >> i think, as with most things, it is about making sure -- i think in the response the question he just said, we cannot over communicate about this issue, and we cannot over communicate in two ways. one, because of the question that was posed with regard to how people feel, and the second is this is an execution game. in terms of both what is happening on the ground, and that is why it is so important to have the united its military because there is no one that can help with execution -- it is the same in the united states, so the steps that we have to take our about making sure execution, execution, execution, and that
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gets to your question, which is that's why we need to communicate and communicate again and communicate with clarity. that's why there are 100 different documents that have been put up on the cdc website. we put up the document, we get the call. if there is a question and for some reason people do not deal it is clear or have an additional question, we headed up. we answer their question, but we are trying to disseminate that information more broadly. because this is about communication and execution, we want to continue to do that and do it is much and as quickly as we can. thank you. -- do it as much and as quickly as we can. thank you. >> later tonight, for parks by retired supreme court justice john paul stevens. -- remarks by retired supreme court justice john paul stevens. will have his comments starting at 10:00 here on c-span.
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on the c-spannd networks, tonight at 10:00 eastern on c-span, a conversation with retired u.s. supreme court justice john paul stevens. on saturday night at 9:00 eastern, the founder and former chair of microsoft bill gates on in ebola virus outbreak africa. and the director of the smithsonian's museum of african art. anight at 8:00 on c-span2, talk about war and the constitution. authory night at 10:00, heather cox richerson on the history of the republican party -- author heather cox richardson on the history of the republican party. tonight at 8:00 on american ,istory tv on c-span3 historians and authors talk about world war i 100 years later. saturday at 5:00 him eastern, warm or at the eye agents on catching the unit bomber suspect
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ted kaczynski. and sunday afternoon on american artifacts, the 100th anniversary of the panama canal. find our television schedule at and let us know what you think about the programs you are watching. us, e-mail us, or you can send us a tweet. join the c-span conversation. like us on facebook. follow us on twitter. the c-span twitter tour -- the c-span cities tour travels u.s. cities to learn about their history and literary life. this weekend, we partnered with comcast for a visit to boulder, colorado. >> my book is called "the beast in the garden" because it is a book about a large animal that in engine times or in american history we would have called a beast, the mountain lion, in what is really a garden, and that is boulder, colorado. boulder is a beautiful,
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seemingly natural place, but in many ways, it has been altered by human kind. when you get this wild animal coming into this artificial landscape, you actually can cause changes in the behavior of that animal. a mountain lion's favorite food is then as an -- a venison -- is venison, eating about one deer a week, and the city attracted the deer. so we had a deer herd living in downtown boulder. when the lions moved in, they ran open space area where there were lots of deer, in then they discovered here in town, so the ed the lions into town. in the lions discovered they could eat outs and cats. that's food for them. the lions were learning and have this is where they will find food. there are certainly food up there, too, but there's lots to eat in town. >> should talk what is a retreat eat,autauqua is a richer
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generally a beautiful place for enlightenment, in richmond, and coming together. the people who were the intended audience of the chautauqua were really what we would call the middle class. the programs were very similar, a combination of speakers of the whatalso a variety of both we might consider highbrow and lowbrow entertainment. opera, classical music, probably what would be considered the vaudeville of that day. >> watch all of our is an's from boulder saturday a new eastern booktv" and sunday afternoon on american history tv on c-span3. >> last night, oklahoma governor mary fallin debated her democratic challenger, joe dorman in their first and only debate of this campaign.
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the race is rated solid republican. the debate ran about an hour. first, though, we will look at some of the ads running in the state. >> i'm joe dorman, and in my hometown, my mom lives close by. we talk every day. here, i learned to stretch every dollar, to support the second amendment and to value my public education. >> joe dorman. >> as governor, i will improve schools by taking franchise tax revenue out of the hands of legislators and using all of those funds for classroom instruction -- no exceptions, and no tax increase. i'm joe dorman. i will be a fiscally responsible, pro-gun, pro-education governor. >> the last 20 years have challenged us in ways we never match in, and we've come through stronger, tougher, better under the leadership of governor mary fallin, oklahoma has changed for the better. she made the economy her top priority, and today, we are a
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leader in job growth and attracting new business and opportunity. she promised to make government smaller, smarter, more efficient, and she has, closing a 500 million dollar budget shortfall and balancing the budget while cutting taxes. she stood up against an intrusive federal government, fighting obamacare and an out-of-control epa. when we faced our greatest challenges, she was there to lend a hand, lead a prayer, share a hug. it's what makes her who she is -- a leader, a friend, our governor. mary fallin -- because no one cares more about oklahoma. no one. >> i'm joe dorman. as governor, i will always put oklahoma first. mary fallin is just out of touch. she sided with washington bureaucrats on common core, and when she vetoed three second amendment bills, i worked with leaders in both parties to override her veto. >> and a plus in ra rating and a
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body, welcome to the campus of oklahoma state university for the first and only 2014 gubernatorial debate. i and the professor of political science here at oklahoma state university, and it's my pleasure to moderate tonight's debate. the production of this event is a combined effort of the league of women voters of oklahoma and oklahoma state university. now, let's introduce the candidates -- republican governor mary fallin and democratic state representative joe dorman. [applause] >> each candidates will be asked a series of questions from journalists. rachelel members are
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hubbard, the associate director 0s radio. and the oklahoman news ok. we need to go over the ground rules. these rules were agreed upon by both candidates. questions from the journalist panel will you delight extracted at both candidates. we ask that the candidates mind the time limits. they will ask questions submitted by osu students from the audience. student ushers are circulating peas paper to write down questions. we ask students name and their year on their question.
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made up by a representative of the college republicans, college immigrants and league of women voters. become three questions will be asked to the candidates. for people in social media using a #even share your thoughts. we asked the audience hold their applause until the end of the debate. toss,ined by a coin dorman will be first. >> it is a pleasure to be here tonight. i want to thank the panelists for agreeing to this debate. i want to thank osu and the league of women voters, for conducting the form. i want to thank viewers like you watching on television tonight for participating in this important our democracy. i grew up in a small town called rush springs in western oklahoma. i had many great opportunities.
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she made sure that i studied hard and had every opportunity. that led me to come to college here at oklahoma state. i worked hard through school and my first job out of college was working in the mailroom at the house of representatives. i am that person that started in the mailroom and has worked my way up to hear. -- here. i had my opportunity to serve my district 65 and have worked for them for 12 years. during that time washing -- saw realleaders, i leaders working. trying to shape policies that would make lives better. unfortunately i do not feel we have seen that open the last four years. we have seen problems especially
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with education where teachers have not received a pay raise, where students have had trauma placed on them through third grade high stakes tests, and cut in education to the tune of $200 million for common education, $100 million for higher education. we simply must invest in the future. we need real leadership that will work across the aisle to do that. thank you for being here tonight. >> thank you. you have two minutes. >> thank you very much. it is a pleasure to be here tonight on my campus. i grew up in oklahoma. it was always a lot of fun to go to school here. i appreciate our panelists and hereainly the students tonight. we are very proud of oklahoma state graduates. it is great to be here. i want to remind our family
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where we were four years ago when i ran for governor. during a toughe time. we had gone for a national recession. oklahoma had a 7% unemployment rate. our state was broke. we had $2.03 and are make account. -- in our bank account. we had thousands unemployed. we had a budget deficit of $500 million. i told the voters of oklahoma i was going to deliver on conservative, common sense principles, low taxes, fair rules and regulations. fiscal responsibility and budgeting. and focus on creating high school educated workforce for our state. we prioritized the budget and lower taxes. i also promised voters that i was going to stand up to washington dc and federal
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bureaucrats when they stepped on oklahoma states rights or create bad policy on our state. we did those things. the results have been that now we have the nation. jobs, and 103,000 unemployment has dropped to 4.7%. we have half $1 billion in the state savings account. i was able to put more money to education and higher education during my four years as governor of the state. our challenge moving had is to continue the forward momentum. >> representative doorman, as we talked people about this debate many people have complained about public education.
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governor henry bowman led the charge for a master plan for oklahoma education system. since that plan ended in 1998 80 new laws have been enacted to reform schools without such a master plan. do you think the station have a master plan for education? how can we hold you accountable for your leadership in developing one? -- that is mode -- >> that is the most important issue in this debate. oklahomans are concerned about the future generation. over the past four years we have , whichlicies past unfairly grace our school system. we have seen poor school districts that have been penalized because i lack of funding and increase. we have seen $200 million cut. that is unfortunate. we have seen our schools
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implement their great high-stakes test. we should instead be putting these funds into remediation into the ring -- and tutoring. we have seen 900 teacher positions filled through an emergency certification this year because we do not see enough teachers going into the field. we have not vest get thed in the future. and -- invested into the future. when we do not provide the investment we will not see opportunities for the future. the economy will not continue if we do not have the proper resources to provide for the future generation. >> there is nothing more important to oklahoma's future than creating a high skilled educated workforce.
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education is critical to oklahoma's future prosperity. the first thing we had to do when i took office as governor, is to bring prosperity back in oklahoma. as i mentioned, we had a $500 million budget short fall. we were broke. we i've been very proud over the last four years that we've been able to increase funding for education by the tune of $150 million new dollars for k through 12 education, plus adding more money for higher education and career tests in our state. you must have high academic standards and accountability. i said standards can one of our top priorities, that we would make sure that our schools were accomplishing this goal and that is to make sure our children are getting a high quality education. that's why we did sign ending social promotion in the state of oklahoma. making sure our children can read at grade appropriate levels. that's why we passed-a through-f
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to make sure our parents in their communities know how they're performing and to be able to repair that and help them do better. our children deserve nothing less than a quality education in oklahoma. >> thank you. the next panel question will come from dick pryor, managing director of oete. governor, representative, good evening. oklahoma ranks seventh among reliance on all federal founds. more than .43 of all dollars come from the federal government. which do you think are permissible to accept and which ones do not. please explain your ration ell. >> oklahoma taxpayers pay those taxes that go into the federal government. that's the way our democracy in
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the united states was set up. there are times we have received federal funds that might hurt oklahoma. i'll give you a couple of ideas and examples of that. one of the things we worked very hard over the years and i had the chance to serve in congress on the transportation committee was to make sure oklahoma got its fair funding of money back on the gas tax. we've been able to reduce our -- we've been able to get more of that funding back for our state. certainly medicaid dollars, medicare dollars, always important to the state of oklahoma. social security dollars, same as education dollars. making sure we have control over education, standards and policies. >> thank you very much. representative dorman, you have
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90 seconds. >> thank you very much. we've seen quite a bit of hypocrisy on this on selecting certain federal funds which are good but then demonizing other programs. money that has been paid in by oklahomans through their taxpayer dollars. that money should come back for oklahomans to use. when we talked about transportation fubbeding -- funding obviously we need to make sure that money comes back. we've seen the problem with our roads and bridges. why not look at the medicaid expansion? why not look at those funds that will address 1 0,000 oklahomans, many of them children? those ones working. that fund would address those individuals who are the working poor. those ones earning minimum wage jobs. it is important to make sure that the money that goes into washington, d.c. come back for the use of our citizens. we also lost the flexibility
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with education because the governor's regents refused to make the no child left behind waiver by addressing those as workforce ready. and then the board members that the governor appoints to the state department of education also refused to certify those as workforce ready. that hurt our public schools. the policies that we've seen with the fallin administration and janet -- have damaged oklahoma and we must turn that around. thank you. >> the next panelist question will come from rick green, bureau chief of the oklahoman and news ok. his question will be directed to representative dorman. >> oklahoma fairs poorly on a number of measures of public health, including preventable hospitalizations, drug overdose, death, obesity, violent crime crime and children in poverty. hundreds of thousands lack
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medical coverage. what would you do to help this problem? >> i blove we need to max mies the opportunity to bring in the federal funds. the oklahoma hospital association has shown numbers that say between 12 and 36 hospital as cross the state of oklahoma will either shut down or reduce services significantly. that means people can travel up to 40, 45 miles for the birth of a child or for some emergency situation. we must work to keep those hospitals open. i am tired of oklahoma being at the bottom of the list. often we've heard at least there's mississippi. but in too many cases that's not the case any longer. we must work to move oklahoma up the charts and improve the quality of life. we must make sure they have access to health care. we must work to expand opportunities through tele medicine. so oklahomans will have access to the best quality health care. we must work to make sure that those doctors are located all over the state. we must provide opportunities
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for those students to become doctors. david summed it perfectly whenever he became the president of the university of oklahoma, we had seen about 50% of the state funds going to education. when he became the president it was at 33%. today it's in the teens and specialty program like nursing, 7%, that's unacceptable. >> thank you. governor. repeat your question. >> on a number of measures of public health, preventable hospitalizations, obesity, violent crime and children in poverty. hundreds of thousands of people lack medical coverage. what will you do to help with these problems? >> that's a very good question. first of all, health is very important to oklahoma's future because if we don't have a healthy workforce and healthy families, it hurts our prosperity as a state. one of the things we've done in my administration is to launch a
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comprehensive statewide health improvement plan. i'm happy to report oklahoma has actually improved its health rankings. we've reduced our smoking and tobacco products by great amounts. we've reduced our amount of children who die, child mortality. we reduced those rates. we've also worked very hard to focus on obesity. you might have seen last week kevin durant our most valuable player and thunder team was able to join me and talk to our school children in the state of oklahoma about health and nutrition and exercise. medicaid expansion in our state, we are concerned about those who don't have health care services or access to health care. we are concerned about health insurance premium costs. but we also know that if we were to expand obamacare and medicaid they would cost our state over $1 billion which will take away
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from education, infrastructure and corrections. as -- which goes directly to our hospitals. by the way, your time clock stopped there. >> we are working on that to make sure that works. but you hit your time mark perfectly. thank you. next question will be coming from rachel hubbard and that question will be directed to governor fallin. >> oklahoma's income tax brings in three out of $8 in state revenue. we've seen incremental tax cuts and more specialized tax credits. fees for licenses and such have increased close to $2 million. it's a political -- politically
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unpopular issue but what would you do to reform the tax code? >> we should have one session dedicated to the state budget and have the next session to legislative policy. there are a lot of people who are new to the legislature that don't quite understand all the different finances of the state. it's complicated. it's difficult to deal with. i think it would help us all to be able to focus on the finances of the state. one of the things i've advocated is we continue to lower our income tax in the state of oklahoma, something representative dorman said is meaningless and a waste of time. i believe in letting people keep more of their hard earned money. it helps us to balance and generate a strong and vibrant economy that creates jobs. as far as the fees and the different taxes, one thing i ask the lecture to do is look at the
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exemptions, look at the fees. they don't create welt, if they don't stimulate economic growth in our state we need to look at possibly removing some of those things. i actually propose that a couple of years. we didn't -- we have a lot of great incentives that create jobs in our state, but we also have some that i think we need to look out to make sure they're really doing what they're intended to do. >> thank you. representative dorman, you you have 90 seconds. jrs thank you. i certainly agree with the governor. i'm glad she's followed my leadership on this. not only do we need to put the time into the budget, but we also must be thoughtful on the policies. when legislators rush through policies we have to create new bills to fix the problems of the
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past. that is something that require whore thought and insight from our ledge lateors. we must look at the tax structure. oklahoma's tax structure -- we looked as municipal -- municipalities. school operate on property tax. our state would operate on the income tax as you said. we must look at the structure and make sure it's fair. we've said -- we've seen what's happened in the past with a oil bust. from the with every boom there will be a bust and we must work to prepare for that. we have made sure that the state 's savings account, our rainy day fund is solidified right now. that has been through legislative action to make sure we've been responsible. i do want to point out some tax policies championed by my opponent.
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she promoted a tax increase to help build storm shementers in schools. she promoted an income tax change that would have raised income taxes on middle class oklahomans. we must be thoughtful and review those. >> thank you. the next question will come from pryor and will be directed to represent dorman. >> for many it was the latest in a series of cuts over the last several years. since 2007, the% ath of oklahoma's total tax collections that go to the state's main operating account, the general revenue fund, has shrunk from 55% to 48%. what do you say to people who have seen services they and their family need eliminated or reduced or their jobs cut while the state is spending increasing amounts of tax dollars on dedicating spending, including tax credits and incentives?
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>> we've seen a growth in our state budget. in fact, my opponent signed the legislation that put into effect the largest budget in state history with $7.2 billion. we also face a $180 million short fall. that was a problem because we had to find a way to cut those services. the department of corrections is operating at 53% staffle levels of the governor's chief legal counsel says that is fine. those employees are in danger. we've seen the problems with our teachers by not giving them the opportunity to earn a decent living. we must go through and make sure these agencies have the proper resources. i think we should go through and save funds through auditing the
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agencies. i'm certainly not in favor of consolidating the arts council, the historical societyity -- society. we must make sure that the an and in him and him and and a resources are in place. we must be responsible with our taxpayer dollars. that is how we will get more money into our education system. we must provide those resources to make sure the teachers have are the resources in the classroom, to make sure the employees are safe, whatever their job might be and make sure they have the best roads as possible to drive and on in oklahoma. you >> thank you. governor, you have 90 seconds. >> we certainly did see a in difference in the revenue that
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we thought would be coming in this year because so much money the has been taking off the top. nine it is true that we only get .4 of every $1 for taxpayers which in makes it very hard for a governor or even legislate lateors to prioritize our i spending on things like education, transportation, and corrections, health and public safety. that's one of the things i've been talking to the legislature about and pushing them to change is that we need to do a thorough review of all the exemptions and the money off the top, so we can prioritize that money and put it back into the things that will really make a difference in the state of oklahoma, to grow our and economy, improve education and and and improve the quality of lives. i will tell you representative dorman did vote against agency you consolidation. and one of the things i promised the in a people of oklahoma was i was going to make government more you efficient and effective and find ways to eliminate government in waste. we consolidated some to save taxpayers' money so we could put it back into education. in i put $150 million new
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dollars and into education. so twice the amount of what he proposed. and we also did do an audit of in we also did do an audit of the department of corrections and we have added new money to the department of corrections. >> i apologize to the governor. we are having some technical difficulties with our time clock. if we can all bear with it. >> i appreciate that. >> the next question will be coming from rick green and will be directed to governor fallin. >> oklahoma incars rates -- incars rates oklahoma become a justice reform initiative but didn't fund it. do you have a plan for reducing the state's high incarceration? >> absolutely. and if you read the paper, you would see it. i know you do. we do support the act. one of the things i did this past year was to bring on a fellow who spent over 500 hours looking at the justice reinventment act in our prison act, along with the audits that i asked the state aud -- auditor to do. i've been very consistent on this. we have to be smart on crime and
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tough on crime. we have seen some conditions recently that reinforce why we want to be tough on crime. the act gives us a way to -- it helps with being able to diagnose what the true issue is with the inmates, whether they're criminal , whether they have a mental health or substance issue. that's why you saw me put $17 million into mental health issues. i have pushed for drug court so we can keep the prisoners that are a threat -- we have been working as -- as far as the funding itself, we put new dollars into corrections this year. we are looking forward to working on the justice reinventment act. >> thank you. representative dorman, you have 90 seconds.
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>> thank you very much. my opponent's memory is hazy. the act was a promise that we would reinvest the dollars in the public sector to make sure that what was wasted in corrections would instead be turned around to public safety. that was passed but less than a year after that after meeting with private prison industry and officials many of those reforms were repealed by a new speaker. that was unacceptable. i have worked on this issue for years. in fact, i want to personally thank my brother-in-law. he used to be head of the prison ministry for the southern baptist convention. we spend too much money locking up people that we're mad at and
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not locking up the people who are truly the criminals, the ones that we're afraid of. we must work to do a better job. we must provide opportunities for rehabilitation. we have gotten away from the term corrections in the department of corrections because we're truly not correcting behavior. the third highest rate of incarceration for oklahomans -- basically for anyone in the nation. the number one incarceration rate for women. these numbers are unacceptable. we do not have the worst people in the country so why are we locking up the most people? we must do pay better job. all of that goes back to education. we must provide the funds in education. when we invest early, we won't have to worry about the corrections. >> the next question will be asked by rachel hubbard and directed to representative dorman. >> in the past few years laws
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ranging from abortion, to others, the attorney general's office had to defend some of these laws. what is the role of governor in vetting the signs of law -- >> certainly any bills that come across my desk as governor, the number one thing i would look at is the constitutionality of that language. i want to make sure taxpayer dollars are spent wisely. we've seen that happen time and time again. in fact, i asked the attorney general's office how much has been spent on lawsuits and they would not give me that figure. any time a legislature -- legislate legislator who serves on the committee asks for -- let me show you a problem. we were given the budget bill, a $7 about the 2 -- the first vote on that bill was at 12:30, two
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and a half hours later. when our legislators do not have the proper time to review the budget, we certainly cannot see the best type of budget for oklahoma. we must be responsible with those taxpayer dollars. we must make sure that the legislation passes is constitutional. again, it goes back to that thorough review for one year. that is the way we will see better legislation and better opportunities for oklahomans. that money athat is currently being wasted on lawsuits, it should go back into the classrooms. it should go for teachers and a pay raise, to protect benefits and to help students rereceive those resources to achieve their highest potential. >> thank you. governor, you have 90 seconds. >> any time we review a law that is passed by our legislature, we give a thorough review with our legal team and the legislative staff and their review team. staff and their review team.
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i don't think there's anyone in the legislature that passes a bill that we believe is unconstitutional. that have been challenges to laws that have been passed and signed by the governor. we don't want to waste taxpayer money on challenges to lawsuits and constitutionality of the laws. there are some laws that people challenge that they are constitutional. there are some that are ruled the other way. that's the way the system works. we certainly don't want to waste taxpayer money on lawsuit. we want to make sure the laws we pass are constitutional. i agree with representative dorman that we do want to put more money towards education. we do want to put more mon
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