tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN October 3, 2014 6:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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i don't think there's anyone in the legislature that passes a bill that we believe is unconstitutional. that have been challenges to laws that have been passed and signed by the governor. we don't want to waste taxpayer money on challenges to lawsuits and constitutionality of the laws. there are some laws that people challenge that they are constitutional. there are some that are ruled the other way. that's the way the system works. we certainly don't want to waste taxpayer money on lawsuit. we want to make sure the laws we pass are constitutional. i agree with representative dorman that we do want to put more money towards education. we do want to put more money
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towards lowering our taxes which he opposes. i'm for lowering taxes in the state of oklahoma. we do want to put more money toward our state services that make a difference like mental health and substance abuse, focusing on pruzzyoon -- prison reform. we were able to give corrections more money this year. those are important topics for our states. we need to put more money on roads and bridges. we need to focus our resources there. >> thank you. the next question will be asked by dick pryor and it will be directed to governor fallin. >> governor, following the deadly tornados of 2013, including the moore tornado that killed elementary school students, each of you pushed for safer sheltrs at school. if elected, what will you propose in the next legislative session to address the issue of school safety and security and why do you think your plan is the best idea? >> the moore tornados and all the tornados that we had
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throughout the community and all the different devastating things we've had over the last four years has been very disheartening for the state of oklahoma. i was there on the ground during the moore tornados. i was there within a couple hours after it hit to walk through the devastation to know that we had loss of life during that time, to work with the first responders. i want to give a shout out to all the first responders and all the charities that worked so hard to help people who were suffering a great loss at that time. we want to make sure our children are safe in their schools. i did propose that we would allow schools and local control over local school districts and local citizens to be able to
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have the opportunity to vote for a bond if they chose to be able to put in safe rooms or some other safety precautions. representative dorman did propose that a couple years ago. the same position when he talked about he wanted to increase property taxes. i wouldn't be increasing property taxes. the voters will be voting on that. this year he proposed that we spend $500 million on a bond issue. that money would have to come somewhere out of the state budget. both of us care deeply about children, safety, storm shelters. i will continue to push we have local control where local communities can decide what they need in their individual community. >> thank you. representative dorman you have 90 seconds. >> thank you very much. this issue has probably led me to the decision to run for governor more than anything else. working with family members in moore, nikki, danny, nicole and
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other pants, trying to get initiatives passed to build storm sholetters. we found we could use the franchise tax and use that money and match with fema dollars and that would have provided the $2 billion necessary to build storm sholetters in school and improve security. that meant -- we did pass a a bond issue to repair the capital building. i do see a flip-flop there, a flaw in the decision making policy and the rationale which shows the capital building was more important than the public schools are our kids and grandkids go. we must do what we can to ensure these schools are adequate and safe and provide the security. the governor championed the property tax. she was pushing a bill that would increase property taxes locally.
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we have provisions in the constitution that protect against tax increases. we will not see legislation go through. so her saying i've been for tax increases is simply flawed logic. >> thank you. the next question will be asked by rick green and it will be directed to representative dorman. >> what is oklahomans biggest environmental problem and what is your biggest approach to solving it? >> we must work with our different conservation districts to provide the necessary resosses. resources. the dams that we have in oklahoma were built for a 50-year life. but it's been well over 70 years since they've been fixed. we must provide the proper infrastructure and we must make sure the federal dollars come back so we do not have to ask our citizens to put in more. we have seen too many tax credits issued. in fact, the numbers and the estimates say that we almost
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have $7 billion in tax credits for businesses with corporate welfare. we must reassess those and use that money to be put back in to make sure we have proper conservation programs. we have been leaving our farmers behind. we must work to make sure they have the proper programs for conservation and to raise those crops. we must certainly work on developing better water policies four our state. we need real leadership that is in touch with the needs of the citizens, all four corners, all points in between, we need leadership that will sit down with those folks at the coffee shop, listen to their ideas and bring them back to the capital and have the vision to pass policies that will work for oklahomans. we must do this in a bipartisan
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manner, working with republicans and democrats alike. >> thank you,. governor, you have -- >> thank you. let me comment on a previous answer. first of all he said he wanted to take the franchise tax to pay for bond issues for storm shelters. he also said he wanted to take the franchise tax and put that towards education funding which once again is half of what i already put in education and funding for our state. by the way, rush springs did have a ballot issue to be able to raise their local mark issues in their community to put in storm shelters. i appreciate his local community
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actually putting that on on the ballot. it had to get a 450% margin. at least we have schools who are already currently doing that in the state. back to the environment issue. let me just say i think one of the biggest issues facing oklahoma right now has been the drought and water. water is important to so many sectors of our economy. we've initiated a statewide water implementation plan for the state for water conservation. we want to be good stewards of our land, water and air. we can conserve our water. just last week and a half ago i hosted a drought forum in oklahoma that focused on ways that we can repurpose and reuse water and to work with our communities and our industries to do that. >> thank you very much. it's time now to hear from oklahoma state university students. our journalist panel members will each read a question. the first question will be read by rachel hubbard and will be directed to governor fallin. >> this question is from catherine, a junior at oklahoma state university. she asks, do you agree or disagree that there's there's a connection between fracking and
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the increase in other quakes? if you do, what do you intend to do about it? >> catherine, that's a great question and thank you once again for going to oklahoma state university. first of all, i think oklahomans have been concerned about earthquakes and what is causing them. we've had a long history in the state of oklahoma of earthquakes. we have a lot of scientists. we have the u.s. geological survey. we have other experts from our universities, oklahoma state, university of oklahoma, we have industry sector people who are looking at what is the cause of the earthquakes, are they man made are are they just a natural course of maid yure itself. and so the information and determination has been unclear at this point. one thing we do know in the state is we have to make sure
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that we get the information correct. we've dealt with facts and research. i've started a governor's council that takes the u.s. geological survey and private sectors to join together to gather the facts, data, and information and to make sure we understand whether it is man-made or whether it is caused by something else. the corporation commission has been working with us. they have a system that deals with the wells in the energy system. certainly a red line if it could cause an earthquake. we've been dealing with many regulatory agencies to make sure we're addressing this issue. >> thank you. representative. >> i certainly want to thank you for that question because that is on the minds of many oklahomans. there was a meeting that happened about a month ago to discuss that topic. because oklahomans are
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frustrated as we have seen an increase in earthquakes in our state with no reason. the science has been done. we just need action taken. we need to make sure the industries are plying safe practices. we need real leadership that is in touch that will deal with these issues. the thousands of dollars of damages that have occurred to individuals' home with what we saw at saint gregory's. this is unacceptable. we need action and we need leadership that will address this problem. we must work together as a bipartisan legislature and executive branch to come up with those solutions, working with the corporation commission also, but holding the industry accountable and making sure that the practices are safe. whether it be fracking, whether it be injection wells, we need to see the results and we need to do something about that. we must act responsiblely and we must make sure that the stit zens and their property and their safety is of the upmost and highest consideration. >> very good: the next student question will be read by dick pryor and it will be directed to representative dorman.
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>> this question is from shane who is a senior at oklahoma state university. if elected or re-elected, what will you do to ensure college students not only stay in oklahoma after graduating or -- >> thank you. as we've seen with the education field. too many in that program are leaving our state to go to greener pastures across the lines where they're paid $15,000 more starting off. that's unacceptable. we must work to improve the situation we face in our schools. we must provide a teacher pay raise. we must protect their benefits. those teachers that have worked hard their entire lives, they deserve that benefit and we must have responsible leadership. too many teachers are struggling
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right tpwhow when they become retired. they have to go find a second job. that's not right. we must work to provide those opportunities for all businesses. about 80% of the businesses in oklahoma are small businesses but often they're overlooked. instead of chasing the brass ring and trying to bring bring in a big corporation, we should work with the small businesses. they will work with the career teches to provide training. we must work to make sure that the job training is top-notch and that will help us improve those small businesses and eventually build those small businesses into larger businesses. we must provide those opportunities and i think that includes paying a living wage to oklahomans. >> thank you. governor, you have 90 seconds. >> first of all, shane, we're looking forward to you graduating and staying in the state of oklahoma. that's been one of my very top goals is to create the right
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type of economy, create the right kinds of good paying jobs that will help you achieve the american dream. as a mother of six, my husband and i have six children between us, we want to make sure that all of our children can stay in the state of oklahoma and find a high paying good job so they can do better than what wade and i have done as adults. so we have been able to create over 1302,000 new jobs in the state of oklahoma. the per capita income in the state of oklahoma is one of the top rising income levels. it's doubled the -- it's double the national average. we also have the four fastest
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g.d.p. growth in the nation, making oklahoma one of the hottest markets. just this week i saw an article that said we're ranked seventh in the nation for young professionals to locate in oklahoma. don't forget about that low cost of living in our state. we're ranked as one of the top states in the nathes for -- nation for having a low cost of living. we are making sure you'll be able to graduate from college, find a good job and be able to stay here and contribute to oklahoma's economy. i'm very proud of our college completion program. >> thank you. the final student question will be read by rick green and it will be directed to governor fallin. >> bayly,-o-s-u freshman. in light of recent natural disasters and school shootings, how do each of you plan on updating emergency plans for oklahoma's public school system? >> bailey, that's a great question. we certainly want to make sure all students in the state of oklahoma are safe. i just recently this week received the n.r.a. endorsement which i'm very proud of. i'm a big support of the second
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amendment. we want to make sure we do everything we can to dree e create safe facilities at our schools. that's why i i propose local school districts to be able to look at their local needs to decide if they need to enhance the safety, to be able to make the decisions and -- i certainly work with our highway patrol, our homeland security in making sure we keep the public aware of any potential threats. we had a very tragic episode that happened in the state of oklahoma that shook us down to our very foundation and we want to do everything we can to make sure oklahoma is aware that whenever there is a threat that we address those concerns very quickly and we keep our public informed. giss to get back to say we're
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doing everything we can to make sure an emergency plan in place and we certainly have initiated that many times. i was actually lieutenant governor when we had our federal building that was bombed back many, many years ago. i was there during a very difficult time. i want to do everything we're can to make sure we're safe as citizens and protect our second amendment rights. >> thank you. representative dorman you have 90 seconds. >> thank you very much. talk is cheap. we need real leadership and real action that will respond to that. four years ago when janet took over in the state department of education, one of the programs she eliminated right off the bat was the emergency hotline to call in for issues that might be facing your school. we saw when the council met just a couple years ago that was one
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of the first suggestions to reinstitute. now the board and my opponent appointed has backed up all of these policies that we've seen that have hurt our schools. we must see real action and real leadership that will sit down. i championship that after the school shootings a year ago. we had a meeting in my hometown of rush springs. i invited school professionals, teachers and parents from all over the state to discuss what we can do better. we almost saw a tragedy similar to what we saw on sandy hook. but that was diverted because students acted the right way. they reported a situation. we must encourage these students to look for the situation and work with their school administrators. i want to see more resource officers in the schools. partnerships between the munsalities and the school districts -- municipalities. we must work to make sure our teachers have the right resources. we cannot continue these cuts. >> thank you very much. that concludes the question portion of the debate.
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we will now hear closing remarks. and according to the predebate coin toss, representative dorman will go first. representative, you have two minutes. >> again, i want to say it's a great pleasure to be here tonight. i have memory great memories here in the student union on this campus. it's hard to believe i'm up here having this opportunity. i want to make sure we have the right voice and the right vision at our state captafment we need someone who will work across the party lines. as i've traveled around the state, i've had the opportunity to visit with my democratic and republican colleagues, both sides taking me around, introducing me to their constituents and voters. this has been an amazing experience as i traveled around the state learning about the needs of oklahomans and i want to have the opportunity to serb serve you as the next governor of the great state of oklahoma. we need real leadership that
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will not simply talk about the issues but take action. and work in a bipartisan manner, not veto bills but sit down and work with the legislators to make sure the policies are right when they come across the desk the first time. to address the needs all around oklahoma. to make sure that water is protected and not given to texas with a memorandum of understanding like we saw. to not shut down the necessary programs that help those oklahomans in the most dire situation. we must make sure that we provide proper funding for mental health issues. my opponent says she increased funding. but the reality there was a $21 million cut to mental health programs. we must seek real leadership and certainly going back to education, we must have a champion for those students, a champion that will eliminate these ridiculous tests, put appropriate standards in, listen to the oklahoma experts and do what's needed to help provide
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the best opportunities for our students to achieve their highest potential. i humbly ask pour your vote on november 4. thank you. >> thank you. governor fallin, you have two minutes. >> thank you very much. it is a great pleasure to be here tonight. it is certainly a wonderful opportunity to be able to speak to the oklahoma voters. first of all i ask for your vote and support. i want to thank you for the great opportunity and pleasure of being able to serve the great state. i promised the voters of oklahoma several things when i took office. first of all, that i was going to work on creating jobs and building a better brighter future for oklahoma families, to help our small businesses to be able to grow and prosper, to be able to turn the budget around and to create new wealth and new revenue for our state, to be
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able to prioritize our spending and put more money back into education. to be able to put more money back into roads and bridges. to be able to reform our corrections system and to do things that the reinventment act . to be able to stand up to washington, d.c. whenever washington does things to take away our rights. i'm the only candidate in the race that's done that. i'm the only candidate that stood up and voted against obamacare and stood up and said no to a failed policy. president obama said if you like your health care plan you could keep it. he promised your insurance premiums wouldn't go up. he promisesed if you like your doctor you could keep it. none of that has come true. my opponent now wants to take more of obamacare and put it into the state of oklahoma through medicaid expansion there. are ways that we could help the state with improving our health care without adopting a big government take overof our -- takeover of our health care system that is already making
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other states go broke. it is estimated the cost will cost over $1 billion if we were to im-- implement medicaid -- i've been endorsed by the pro-life groups, the national rifle association. we stood up for things that are important to the things of oklahomans. i haven't brought in some of those big national groups into the state. i'm the only conservative in this race, and i will continue to lead oklahoma with conservative principles. [applause] >> thank you. >> that concludes the debate. i would like to thank governor mary fallin and state representative dorman for a spirited deposit. i would like to thank the panel, rachel hubbard, dick pryor, and rick green. i would also like to thank the partnership of oeta tv, the oklahoma league of women voter and oklahoma state university
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for putting on this debate. it was a good debate. be sure to vote on november 4. good night. [applause] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute] >> if you'd like to see this or any of the other debates we've covered this election season, they're available on our website . >> later tonight, remarks by retired supreme court justice john paul stevens who spoke recently at georgetown law school about his life, legal career, and the supreme court. we will have his comments at 10:00 p.m. eastern on c-span. and tomorrow we will show the house foreign affairs subcommittee hearing on a u.s. marine held in a mexican prison where he is awaiting trial.
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c -- saidndrew terry it was a terrible mistake. here is a brief portion of the testimony. >> thank you for the invitation to testify today. i am grateful to talk about my son and his ongoing can't -- and cursory and in mexico. there are a few horrific memorable quotes i recall in which to share with you. i believe these not only frame and willcter of my son also highlight the current predicament my summons it -- my son is in. at the age of 17 he said, i am
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scheduled for my solo flight today. i will be getting checked off on my pilot license. at age 18, after having graduated from public school and having been afforded the ford heght scholarship he said wanted to be a commercial fisherman. 2008, god just nudged me to join the military. i'm going to enlist in the marines. 2010. he would phone home with he could -- when he could. in 2010, we just got hit by an ied. mom, i blacked out. i hit my head on one part and i was black out. they found me. 2013.
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of, i'm dropping out aeronautical university where i was enrolled with a bachelors degree for the commercial pilot degree because i can't concentrate on the academic work. march 31, mom, i got lost. i made a wrong turn. i met the mexican birder. you need to know this because i have been surrounded by military. the following morning, april 1, i have been arrested. please secure me an attorney. april 5, mom, i'm not going to make it through the night. do not come do,
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down here to investigate. do not come down here to ask questions. you will be killed as well. i need you to go underground. i need to cancel your bank accounts. i'm not going to make it to the night, don't come down to investigate. april 14. i tried to kill myself because the guards and the inmates were going to rate, torture, and execute me for personal information. i needed to protect you. mom, it has been 25 days. i have been in four point chain restraint spread eagle on a cot in the infirmary. are horrific in varying degrees to a mother, pale in comparison to the statements that my time in mexico has been far worse than my two combat
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tours in afghanistan. ofjust some on the hearing eesi being held in mexico. >> this weekend on the c-span conversation with retired u.s. supreme court justice john paul stevens on saturday night at 9:00 eastern. the founder and former chair of microsoft bill gates on the ebola outbreak. african art.of the they talk about war and the constitution. heather richardson on the history of the republican party and sunday at noon.
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8:00, historians and authors talk about world war i 100 years later. agents on ted kaczynski. the 100th anniversary of the panama canal. find a television schedule at and tell us what you think about the programs you're watching. , or you can send us a tweet. the conversation, like us on facebook, follow us on twitter. the chair the republican national committee land -- rinse reince priebusnse
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discuss what republicans can do to win voters. it began with an introduction by the hannity who now has graduate school of political management. this is about an hour. >> welcome to the george washington university. i'm mark kennedy. please to be the director of this the first of foremost school of applied politics in the country and planet. we are here because a lot of people have done a lot of hard work. i want to thank the many people who have done that. we are pleased to have our chairman of our board. we are pleased to have the rnc here with us. mike shields, sean spicer, sarah florez. on our side, i want to thank john branson and angelique, and everybody that put this event together.
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we teach how do you advance causes, candidates, commerce and ethical way? in doing that it is best to bring people that are actually in the arena that are working at it and figuring out how you move things forward. every election cycle comes with a new skill, a new strategy, a new tool in better understanding, and making sure they have the latest and greatest and best. that is why we are pleased to welcome someone who was in the arena. all of you know that reince priebus, prior to being the chairman of the republican national committee was chairman of wisconsin public in
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committee. as a minnesota and, there are good things you can say about wisconsin. [laughter] they share a border. that is amongst the best things. reince priebus did a wonderful job in the state of wisconsin. he has done a great job in his two terms as the head of the rnc. what does a party do? they focus on making sure the party across elected officials can't try to bring a common message. it provides the infrastructure for campaigns. these are important issues for our students to know. we are very pleased and honored to have reince priebus. please give him a great george washington welcome. [applause] >> the packard's are playing the vikings tonight on thursday night football. good luck. good morning everybody.
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director kennedy, professor brown, thank you for inviting us here today. talk about the election and the principles of american revenue will. election day is 33 days away. early voting has begun in some states. many have labeled this a referendum on the policies of president barack obama. in many ways it is. if he asked the country, most would say they know our party opposes many of those policies.
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we oppose them because we know there is a better way. republicans have new ideas to solve the country's problems, bottom-up solutions, founded in the free market, compassion, responsibility, and the idea that america is headed for better days. before november, i wanted to take a moment to cut through the noise and talk about what is driving the republican party. people know what we are against. i want to talk about the things that we are for. our overarching vision as a country that offers unlimited equal opportunity for everybody. in pursuit of that vision are parties record values have been a strong economy, strong society, and strong defense. the principles of american renewal fit into those categories. they represent ideas across our party. these 11 principles unite us as a parting and inform policymaking, whether you're running for governor in new york, or congress in the south, or the statehouse in the west. these principles cover 11 vital topics,, spending, veterans, national security, poverty,
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values, energy and immigration. the first is about our constitution. principle number one, our constitution should be preserved, valued, and honored. our rights do not come from government. as a declaration says, they are rights endowed by our creator. the government's job is to protect these natural rights. our constitution, our founding principles are unique in human history. it created a government of limited power and empowers all of us to preserve those limits. our constitution is a source of american exceptionalism.
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it is good policy. when followed, and it maximizes freedom, opportunity, and individual well-being. as i will discuss many times, the fact of a commitment to the constitution is resorting power to we the people, from our work to eliminate poverty to improve education and health care, states need the ability to respond to residents needs. this is a make constitutional sense. it makes common sense. the federal government has boundaries. when it oversteps them it is encroaching on your personal freedom. your god-given liberty to decide what is right for your life. that guides our thinking on every single issue. the americans say the economy is the top issue. we need to start growing america's economy instead of watching the economy so that
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working americans see better wages and more opportunity. bureaucrats, lobbyists, out of touch politicians need to get out of the way. to american workers and businesses and freedom to create jobs. overtaxing and overregulated creates jobs for the wrong people, lobbyists and bureaucrats. as money pours into d.c. they take jobs with the people who need them. middle-class moms and dads, young people out of high school or college. minority communities or unemployment. you hear republicans talk about regulations a lot. there is a reason. regulations come between you and a job. they make your paycheck smaller. it is one thing to protect consumers. it is nothing to protect national interests come outdated
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regulations. what would it look like if government regulations got out of the way? take a look alone republican governors are doing across america. every year states governed by republicans topped the list of best places to do business. i don't mean the congress should close up shop. some would say they have artie done a long time ago. there are some things congress can do to get the economy going again. for example, senator tim scott proposed the skills act to help people get job training for new jobs. many ideas were included in the workforce innovation and opportunity act. mark morreale said the bill
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would mean hundreds of unemployed and underemployed workers in urban youth to receive job and skills training and support services they need to chart a path to a better future. that is the kind of thing the republicans support. bills like the skills act, the lead act. to support apprenticeship. or the career act. senator rand paul's idea for
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economic freedom zones could create jobs in unemployment and health alleviate poverty. part of the equation is getting washington, d.c. to stop spending our money on things we don't need. that brings us to principle number three. we need to pass a balanced budget amendment to the constitution. make government more efficient and lead the next generation with opportunity, not debt. the most popular names for girls will likely being him a and sofia. the most popular name for boys is reince. just kidding. liam and noah. a newborn baby some grass is so strong that he can support his entire weight in midair with just the strength of his curled fingers. hanging on for dear life is a great skill for babies born today to have. we are leaving each child born today a share of almost a trillion dollars in national debt. a debt for every child. how is that fair?
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shame on us. taking care of one generation should not mean robbing the next. that is why paul ryan and jim jordan hebrides budgets that would reduce an freespending. businesses run more efficiently. home is run more efficiently. our federal government gets bigger and more expensive. it is a make any sense. let's apply efficiency to the 20th century yurok received. save money. balance the budget. we need to start over with real health care reform that is patients and doctors in charge. let me ask you this. at the most critical moment of
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your life, when your health and maybe your life hangs in the balance, how do you want decisions made about what kind or how much health care you are going to be allowed to get? we need health care solutions that reduce costs, provide greater access to world-class care, and give americans more control. republicans trust americans to make their own health care decisions. democrats get defensive. their comeback is to ask republicans what is your plan? we are glad they asked. if they will just listen to the answer, here it is. first, the problem with the affordable care act is it didn't
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make health care more affordable. address the larger issue, republicans have solutions and they want to do what obamacare was supposed to do, lower prices and expand coverage. here are six examples. allowing consumers to purchase health care across state lines like any other good or service. allowing small businesses to pool together to negotiate lower insurance rates. stopping frivolous lawsuits that drive up costs. we need tort reform in this country. expanding the allowable expenses for health savings accounts. restructuring the tax codes of the american buying individual plans get tax seductions, leveling the playing field with those with employer insurance. protecting crisis for individuals and pre-existing
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conditions who maintain continuous coverage. unlike obamacare none of these reforms require new taxes. no handing over your information to a nonsecure websites. if you like your plan you can actually keep it. improving health care access and quality gets right to the heart of the next issue. veterans affairs. our veterans have earned our respect and gratitude, and no veteran should have to wait in line for months or years just to see a doctor. the v.a. scandal under president obama is unconscionable. it is another example of how mismanaged this administration really is. the most important thing in making sure the veterans get the care that they need, it is number one.
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it shouldn't matter that is in a v.a. facility were not. that is why republicans are proud to support a bipartisan venture access to care through choice, accountability, and transparency, of 2014. he gives veterans the ability to get care from non-v.a. facilities when they live too far away or they have waited too long. republicans have proposed such measures even before the scandal made national headlines. other scandals and issues have not the v.a. out of the news for now. that doesn't mean everything is fixed. republicans will be vigilant to make sure the v.a. gets its act together and no one who risks their life or our country dies waiting to see a doctor. we have to keep our word to our
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veterans, both because it is a moral obligation and because the service of our armed forces is critical to our national security. that brings us to principle number six. keeping america safe and strong wires a strong military, growing our economy, energy independence, and securing our borders. the federal government has no greater responsibility than keeping us safe. if you're not safe, if your family and kids aren't secure, nothing else matters. with ices we face an enemy who wants americans dead and our way of life destroyed. we need leaders who will defeat terrorism, not manage it. we need leaders who elect decisively, not downplay a threat as jv. we need leaders who take responsibility, not blame the intelligence community. this is no time to weaken our military. it is the time to strengthen our military.
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we can eliminate waste and bureaucracy inside the pentagon. we must have more resources for trips creed we have to recognize that security threats of the 21st century and improve our cyber security has to be important. that is why chairman mike rogers introduced a bill and mike mccall introduce a cyber security enhancement act. national security includes more than just our military. it means pursuing energy independence and securing our borders. i will come to that soon. first let's move on education. principle number seven. every child should have an equal opportunity to get a great education. no parent should be forced to send their child to a failing
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school. down the street from here, there are two good parents. they have the means to send their kids to the best school in town. not every american has the money to choose a good school for their children. like president and michelle obama. if you can't afford to go to a private school, or you can't afford to move the better school district, educational access is a civil rights issue of our day. school choice is one of the most effective ways to expand access. house speaker john boehner has been a champion of the opportunity scholarship program here in washington.
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there is a reason. it offers children in the city hope. one of the former students there talked about waiting to hear if she would receive the scholarship. she said i started praying every day because i didn't want to go toward neighborhood school. school choice can truly the answer to a child's prayer. we want more ways to help this disadvantaged kids get out of it at school and into a good school. that is why governor casey quadrupled scholarships in his state. louisiana expanded its scholarship program under bobby jindal. i don't understand why the obama justice department soon louisiana to take away scholarships from kids. why democrats oppose the dz opportunity scholarship or why harry reid would not put a charter school bill of for a vote. we can improve education with accountability at the state and local level. governor martinez in new mexico and lamented and eight-a rating system with education reforms which included raises, training,
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evaluations for trainers. they are now the number one state in the country for improving regulation rates. republicans are working to lower costs and increase flexibility at the post secondary level. one example, senator michael he proposed the hero act. to open up avenues for nontraditional students like single parents. there is a lie on the left that republicans want to cut education. it is not true. republicans want a good education for every single child in america. we should measure how much we care about education by how much we spend. but how much students learn. right now we see money wasted on the priorities of teachers unions, not children. education is too important to let policies be dictated by special interests.
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education is key to opening doors of opportunity and for fighting poverty. it brings us to principle number eight. the best anti-poverty program is a strong family and a good job. our focus should be on getting people out of poverty by lifting up all people and helping them find work. we need an effective the safety net. the federal government anti-poverty programs have become mismanaged and ineffective. we should restructure and consolidate them, give them more power to the states and actually measure the results. doing this same thing get the same result. 45 million of our fellow americans are living in poverty. as my friend and my congressman paul ryan has said, the problem isn't bad motives, it is that ideas. as he puts it, instead of fighting poverty federal
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government has resigned itself to managing poverty. we are spending $800 billion on 92 anti-poverty programs. it's not working. that is why his new plan would consolidate 11 programs into one funding stream. states will be rewarded for lifting people out of poverty and be free to figure out the best ways to meet people's needs. we know a single mother in new york faces different challenges than a family of six in nebraska. whatever we do we have to take a fresh approach for ending poverty. too many families are hurting. family brings me to the ninth topic. principle number nine. our country should value traditions of family, life, religious liberty and hard work. we should champion policies that advance these values.
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sadly we have witnessed over the past decades the breakdown of the family unit. too many kids don't have the stability and support they deserve and need. i senator rubio has said, kids in single-parent homes are 70-80% more likely to spend their childhood in poverty. the american enterprise institute reminds us that research shows marriage is key to financial stability and basic happiness. there are actually government policies that discourage marriage. senators rubio and lee have proposed eliminating the marriage penalty and increasing the child tax credit. and the family first act, to update the dependent care tax credit to match inflation.
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we are pro-family. we are also pro-life. when a woman faces an unplanned pregnancy, society should offer support and compassion. she should know that a adoption is possible. our laws should be improved to make adoption easier path for families who want open their homes to children. just as our government shouldn't stand the way of family, it shouldn't stand in the way of religion. family life is long synonymous with religious life. republicans will fight for protecting the right to free exercise and free expression, and freedom from government coercion to violate one religious belief. finally, we want to uphold the value of hard work. hard work is a value. one we pass on to our families and communities. it is what built this country. we need to make it easier to go to work in the first place.
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last month, congress passed the child care and development block grant act giving state funds to help low income families pay for childcare when a parent has to work or go to school. it can be a model for other programs. using block grants, states can do what is right for their residents. in addition, republicans have passed the working families flexibility act to allow employees to convert overtime hours and paid time off. that is more time with your kids and less pressure to choose between work and family. ultimately, our goal is to make life more the filling and more affordable. one of the places where americans spend money every year is energy. sensible number 10, we should make america energy independent by anchorage and investment in domestic energy, lowering prices, and creating jobs at
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home. america is blessed with abundant resources. we don't need washington, d.c. picking and choosing what energy we can use. we have to build the keystone pipeline. it is good for jobs and a descriptor national security. democrats say they don't want oil because they don't want to burn fossil fuels. opposing the pipeline meet the oil gets shipped to china. it is not getting over there any prius. a great american renaissance is that our fingertips if we use every energy source available to us. we can get prices down and people working. that is a win-win. the kind of american policy we need. finally, i want to talk about an issue that is often in headlines, a personal issue for many people. immigration.
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principle number 11, we need an immigration system that secures our borders, uphold the law, and boost our economy. for security must come first, the mentoring crisis the border made that abundantly clear. the president's planned overlook the border crisis and act funeral laterally to rewrite immigration law is unacceptable and unconstitutional. his plan to make further changes to the system after the election will only make the fix harder. as a nation of immigrants we must fix our broken immigration >> as a nation of immigrants, we must fix our broken immigration system. we can't reward those who break those whond punish lawfully wait in line. legal immigration has strengthened this country. we want to continue that legacy the american worker. as i said, this issue is
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personal. it's whato is greek, happens when a greek and a german get married, a little bit cultural disaster. by the way, i did name my kids jack and grace. family tradition is over. but my mom is greek. sudan. grew up in she immigrated to the meeting ands after marrying my dad, who was in the army in ethiopia. but they moved back to the united states. to queens,ent new york. and she took an oath, though. 1970's, in newton, new jersey. remember butng to my mom will never let me forget, the opportunity that our country us inven every one of this room. so i've seen the american dream own family. my we need to make sure america
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remains a place where people aspire to work and dream and live. our country should be a those whoplace for want to come here and do it the right way. 11 principles i have outlined today represent the unifying goals. thenyone asks, how is republican party going to work for me? these principles are part of the answer. our leaders have also put agendastheir positive that uphold these principles. hisker boehner gave five-point speech, that if implemented, would give more people in places that need them. and let us take advantage of america's energy boom. our focus always remains on fornding opportunity everyone in this country. or, as republican conference chair katie rogers put it, to
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quote,that in america, we are not bound by where we came from but empowered by what become. one election won't fix everything. thewe can take a step in right direction this november. if the american people hire us, be ready on day 1. so thank you for the chance to you today. it's my honor to be with you today. thank you for listening. however you vote on election day, thank you for being a part and successful experiment that is the american democracy. much.nk you very god bless you! and let's have some questions. appreciate it. [applause] >> thank you. >> there we go.
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you. thank >> you bet! you bet! >> thank you for having me. it's a great setting. great opportunity. much appreciated. >> we're just thrilled that you chose to come here and discuss principles of the rnc and we're excited to get into some questions. >> good. have been which brought to us by our students. them'm sure you will find interesting. so the first one i really want about, which our students talk about a lot, is actually that in the 2012 election, obama's campaign had two million volunteers, 300 digitalorking in the world, and in fact -- >> don't remind me. >> yes! know, one of the things you discussed in your audit is sort republicans to catch up on digital. and the question that i have for you is, after this election, whether you win the majority or how are you going to measure whether or not you've
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actually achieved something? because electoral success may or may not be attributable to the digital. >> there's so many paints you're making -- points you're making here. just sheer horsepower on the ground. the digital and data really gets, which to the heart of who you're going to target and whether you know people,essage to those and then number 3, if you're making these improvements and so're claiming that you're much better, how can you actually prove it as opposed to just saying, well, it was a good midterm election, the wind was at your back, of course you were going to win these states. >> exactly. >> how do you connect that? i think those are great questions. heart,really goes to the by the way, of what the rnc has to do. i mean, one of the things -- do mind if i just take a few minutes? >> no. fine. a we had to stop being national party that decided that it was okay to show up once years, five months before an election.
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trailerecome a u-haul of cash for a presidential nominee. that is a loser strategy. meantime, four years previously, the democrats hired ten people every ten blocks, in cleveland, in south florida, wherever they needed to be, and each one of their volunteers had names on the piece of paper. and they were going to get to know those people. >> yes. >> what the digital and data effort does is it allows us to what types of people and who do we think we need to polls.t to the everything about all of you, what you buy and don't buy, what magazines you subscribe to, what car do you drive, how many money make, how many kids do you have. fromanalytics can tell me, a scale of zero to 100, what's your propensity to support our candidate? so if i'm in iowa and i want to make sure that i get -- let's 100,000 absentee ballots in the door over the
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next two weeks, well, i need to 100,000 people do i absentee ballot request forms to? you a that's important and it's something that i think we've made tremendous improvements on the rnc. u-haulyou're just a trailer of cash and hand it off to the presidential nominee and you're not building and building building or your participating in a traveling obama is building a $100 million data youastructure -- right -- have to be a national party obsessed over the mechanics, ground game, a over the data game. when i walked into the door of the rnc, obviously we had to build from scach. i think we've -- from scratch. i think we've made some big improvements. the last point. well, how do you tell, although the narrative is you're making these improvements, how do you tell that it's because of
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made theovements that difference? we're working on a project right now to help us measure that so in and say, okay, you have a full-blown field wards,on in these 100 you're doing voter engagements, data work, facebook connections, the tools and the platforms are, you'll full bore in these 100 wards. >> these two, there's nothing going on. test the voter outcomes in different wards, in different demographics, based on a control group and based on all the things you're doing in order doing whether what you're and saying and selling is actually working. employed methods and ways to do that through the midterm. one last thing. we also have become a midterm party that doesn't lose and a party that doesn't win. and that's because voter engagements -- my opinion -- i
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believe voter engagement, engagement, on the ground work, is a-1. and it's even more important in a presidential. state of wisconsin. the republican party wins by everything you can imagine, from board to governorrer. we haven't elected a republican 1984.ent there since there's something that goes on in presidential elections that we have to get our act together what we'ret's working to do. >> okay. well, thanks for that. turn to another piece of what was in the gop sort of internal audit. referred to it as the autopsy. >> well, the media did. we call it the growth and report.ity but -- we're not dead. [laughter] autopsy.hings have an >> but it was -- one of the things you addressed in there outreach to women and the need to encourage more women think for office and about elected politics.
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we're heading into a where itial cycle looks as though the office of party, the democrats, are likely to nominate the first woman of a major party. so my question to you is, you have some women, state elected officials, what have you done to them?out to >> the odd thing is she doesn't pull very well, as well as you think with women. but first of all, i think, number 1, we've done a very good of electing women to congress and to the senate. thee got leaders all over country. i mentioned suzanna martinez, haley, indian-american governor in south carolina. i think sometimes we do really a bad jobagging -- bragging about it. as far as like putting obviously party up, on our the news on sunday morning, making sure that we're placing people better. we've improved on that a lot.
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making sure that, in our case, something that you might not as far ast initially, recruiting women in politics, is candidates much the but doing a better job of training women to run campaigns, campaign manager, to be the communications director, because getting women involved the senior levels, at the rnc, and on campaigns is another in more women as candidates and leaders and people that are talking for our party. we've done a lot of work in that area. we've had a 14-and-14 program, ourh is a program that coach here has spearheaded and done an incredible job in recruiting women to be volunteers in campaigns, and campaign workers and activists. also she's done another great job in doing another regional training opportunity for women within the party. though, obama is
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case as well. our if you look at polling -- i think i saw a poll a week ago between republicans and democrats, it was 43% so thet, 42% republican, statistical data, although i'm not going to argue with your premise that we need to do better, because i think that's that i'm just telling you barack obama has so atrophied women,the board, as to as of today, they don't have a sizeable advantage and the party, over the republican party, as much as that narrative has sunk in. as well.o the youth you'd be surprised to know that an actually beat -- that's separate issue -- beat terry on voters between 18 and 24. mean, these are -- he's a guy.y conservative but obamacare wasn't delivered as promised. want to be --on't
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don't want to believe that obamacare was intentionally over,ed to screw them which it was, and they don't really like the idea of nsa reviewing all sorts of e-mails and communications. these are things that really -- mean, security and free markets solve. and that's why we're seeing a young people coming back to our party. >> thanks for that, because it's into what i was going to ask next, because our students here are certainly in this issue. >> right. >> how do you reach out to young voters? like the size of student debt on your agenda and party's agenda? it's certainly something of concern for many of the students graduating from college. >> yeah. i think it is. i think it's resonating on campus and one of the things i can do is, when you have an opportunity like this today, this is an important thing for so id our party, appreciate you all being here. it's important to me and where we want to take our party and into the and i chose to do it here with
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all of you, at a university, i want to make the point as well that i want to speak to young people and what's happening -- i feel like i'm kind of young but -- [laughter] >> i feel like it. old.u're >> with all you guys so -- but i think it's really important. college, i was a republican when i was in college. and i'm not saying you have to do all that. i always remember students, when i was in school, like the most patriotic people on earth, loved the opportunity to be at an incredible university and love our country and want to be involved in politics and care know,the future and, you that's real. and when i was in school, i took -- i went to a pretty reasonably priced school as an undergrad, so i didn't really have a lot of debt in undergrad. but when i went to law school, it was really expensive. i went to university of miami out with a lot of 85,000 orthing like
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100 grand. it's still a lot of money to pay off. things, where i'm going with this, is that when i loan and signed all those papers -- i can't remember sort of was, some counseling area -- i didn't actually understand or feel like was going to be really real. i was like, so what, i'll be money whene a lot of i'm done and i'll be able to pay it off. then you get done and that shack that you've -- that check you've got to write every month, and the automatic withdrawal, it is money.f and you wonder, like, okay, i'm doing really well, got this job. where is all the money going? and my point to all of this to debt -- is that it's real. at some point, it's gonna come has to be paid. and whether you're married or you're going to be married and kids, when you do, like this light switch pops in your
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brain, when you have a child. you start to -- all those things au hear -- and maybe it's hokie cliche, but it really clicks in you when you have a child. and you start to wonder whether all these opportunities that we all have are going to be there for our kids. i think students in college get that. they also get that government shoved down your throat isn't helpful. i feel like we're doing much better. but it's doing things like this, getting involved in campuses openedthe country -- we college republican chapters at morehouse, central state university. i think the college republicans are also doing an incredible job on campuses. a couple hundred campus training.oming in for they have a permanent infrastructure on campuses across the country that can and talk about the values of the republican party. >> on that note, what do you think about the college latest ad that is a grad?ff of say yes to the
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>> i don't know how many people have seen that or not. i think it's a pretty clever ad. you know, you have to remember too, i think -- i don't know if alex is here or not, but i think she's like 23, 24 and she is really plugged in, i'm program.that nowadays, advertising and messaging is targeted. it -- you're not taking one ad and putting it on the, you know, national league play-off series. you're going to programs on -- is microtargetted now. so if you want to appeal to a certain segment of the want to speak i to college students, well, i can hire an ad buyer that will tell me, at 8:00 to 9:30, on these ten shows, you're going to get type of audience at this time. i mean, everything is targeted. this analysis that goes on with ads, you gotta consider, where could i place get me to theould audience i want?
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and that's -- politics is not a different than when abraham lincoln said find every them to the polls. think about it. find every wig. how do you do that? data, knowing more people are watching, knowing as much as you can about what messaging works people, then getting them to the polls is another mechanism. thing withme advertising and data and everything else we're doing. >> absolutely. so taking sort of a different tack, this is more a long-term question. basically, since the early 90's, swapped powerve every few cycles. sort of unusual to see one party win two cycles, the other party come back and win one.ext and really, this alternating mom always jokes that we're not bipartisan, we're bipolar as a country -- and i
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think she's right. what's generally happened is that people have gotten into office, decided that a hugection was validation of their platform and principles and oftentimes, it was really the voters rejecting at party that was in office that moment. so the larger question to you, is,he republican party, should you win 2014, how can you look to maybe not just win 2016 but to win longer term? thoughts about how not to, i guess, become too huberus that you behind?e country >> i think that things under bush '41, clinton, bush '43, are far different than
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under obama. look at reagan and tip o'neal and bush carrying 1992, bill clinton -- when they had a government shutdown, newt gingrich -- you may not remember, some of you -- was at the white house every day. there was a camera stand and a microphone outside of the white day., every single there was a cooperative nature, at its core during those administrations and getting things done. the basis of both parties get angry by that or that it's not -- it shouldn't happen. i think this president has taken it to a new level. i think that if you talk to a of democrats appraisally, they're -- privately, they're very frustrated. speaking about bipolar, i think it matters that a leader, i think, in the white house can take -- speaker boehner and we'rereid and say, guys, gonna knock heads here and
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figure out what we need to do to passed, to deal with this issue in syria, whatever it might be. what we't obviously there's some people here that think, of course, you're saying this is part of the rhetoric. i think it's very different. i really do. i'm honestly telling you, i president has taken this sort of nonengagement to a level that we haven't seen in american history. point, though, there now --r 350 bills right some of you may not realize -- sitting on harry reid's desk. well,rrative is, republicans aren't standing for anything, is what people -- or standing. they're not doing anything in congress. the truth is, the isublican-controlled house the only body doing anything. 360-some bills. a lot of those bills, i think of them, were bipartisan.
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the majority of them passed by a two-thirds vote. i think 50 or 60 of them were actually authored by democrats. and the republicans passed all those bills authored bipartisan, and they're sitting on harry's desk doing nothing. doone of the things we can is with a republican-controlled senate is take some of those be 100, 200,r it 300 or 50, and put them on the desk and sort of say, you're gonna have to sign some of this stuff here. our country.t to i think when that happens and you see the president signing you have a republican-controlled senate and house, i think then people are say, okay, this is how a normal functioning body should operate. and i think that's going to sort of set the stage for 2016. next year then, would you moret there to be sort of confrontations with the
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president which maybe perhaps might lead to more negotiation? >> i actually think things can get done. there's enough sitting in the senate right now that the president is going to have to deal. he's gonna have to sign something. saycan't pass 300 bills and nothing here is worth signing. and i think it's going to set stage for 2016. >> so you envision there might moreme more vetoes and passages? >> but i also think there's enough that's waiting there for president that he's going to be forced to sign some of this stuff, which is important. i think i'm going to take just one more question, because we want to make sure to get you here on time. and the last question really with youro do principles. i think what i'm most interested what, you know, we hear often is more of this conversation about the economy. seems as though every day a
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new story comes along to sort of the economy off the front pages. and it's not to say that important or the scandals in the v.a. or whatever in the secret service. but certainly the american people are most concerned on a daily basis about, why hasn't really recovered? and you touched on this in some of your principles with regard regulations. but how do you actually look at the idea that government can push forward jobs? mean -- >> and that's -- so it can be you don't break it down into a specific example. keystoneor sure is pipeline. it's just very clear. whether you like it or you're on democratic side and you're against it, i think most people country.t in this it's a clear example of
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thousands of new jobs. if you ever go to north dakota or any one of these oil patch areas across the country, a airport withal about 500 pickup trucks parked of these airports, and they're great-paying jobs, good for families. us the national security as well, in becoming more energy independent. but that's one. and that's sitting on harry reid's desk. likeor a while, it looked a lot of these senators that are democrats were in favor of it. and the president, after a billionaire named tom steyer decided to spend tens of millions on campaigns, all of a backed offpresident of keystone pipeline. that's one good example. in can legislation washington create jobs? that's one. another one is, when paul ryan or six budget proposals, now, they're tough but they're real. when they just didn't do
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anything or go anywhere for five years, that the president was in charge of this country as the ceo and didn't budget in five years, that stifles job creation in country. obamacare is another example of jobs. losing small businesses closing up because they don't want to pay premiums. there are three examples of where a republican-controlled the difference. and i think it's important that we do that, not because of our party but because of our country. >> okay. well, thank you for your time here. >> you bet. you, everybody. i appreciate it. >> thank you for sharing your perspectives. certainly there are plenty of students here who will be say hello to you if you have a minute to shake hands. >> i do. perfect. >> and thank you again for coming here. >> thank you. [applause]
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>> this campaign season, make c-span your debate headquarters. than 100 house, senate and governors debates. held inhose debates was texas, in the governors race. wendy davis and republican greg debated in dallas recently. their last debate, from september 30, is up on our website. watch it anytime at webb webb -- at
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preview.s a >> it's incredibly important, a woman whotalk to is a victim of rape or incest, the we start with compassion and support they deserve. that's what i have done as attorney general, by providing a record amount of financial support to victims and victims' organizations, supporting women been victims of rape and incest. that's what i've done as arrestingeneral, by more sexual predators than all attorneys general in history of the state of texas. the issue, andp you know that i'm pro-life and catholic. and i want to promote a culture of life that supports both the and safety of both the mother and child, both before and after birth. texas, let's be clear about the law.
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woman has five months to make a very difficult decision. >> thank you very much. senator davis? davis, you catapulted into the spotlight. but you recently told the editorial board that you might if -- whatlibustered kind of abortion restrictions are you willing to accept? >> i have always believed, bryan, that it is for a woman a woman guided by her faith and her family and her doctor, make these very difficult decisions for themselves. i do not believe that the government should intrude in that most personal and private of decision makings. greg abbott, on the other hand, believes that it is his right to a woman hasn when
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been the brutal victim of a rape, or has been the victim of incest. no surprisecome as to us, given that mr. abbott's attitudes towards women have revealed themselves in other ways. he pays women in his office less male assistant attorney generals. he campaigned with a known who has bragged about having sex with underage girls. your positions, though? >> this weekend on the c-span networks, tonight at 10:00 eastern on c-span, a pall john paul --john paul stevens. of microsoft, bill gates, on the ebola outbreak in africa. smith --irector of the smithson the warors talk about and constitution.
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tv.ook author heather cox on the history of the republican party. noon, a legaly at affairs editor and supreme court biographyer. historians and authors talk 100 yearsd war i, later. sunday afternoon, on american 100th anniversary of the panama canal. let us know what you think about the programs you're watching. call us. us at comments at or send us a join the c-span conversation. like us on facebook. follow us on twitter.
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traveling to u.s. cities to history andtheir literary life. and this weekend, we partnered toh comcast for a visit boulder, colorado. >> so my book is called the beast in the garden, because a book about a large animal that in ancient times or in history we would have called a beast, a mountain lion, in what is really a garden, and that is boulder, colorado. boulder is a beautiful, seemingly natural place. in many ways, it has been altered by humankind. when you get this wild animal come nothing this artificial landscape, you actually can cause changes in the behavior of that animal. lion's favorite venison. about one deer a week. and then the deer, living in this beautiful, lush city, where we have irrigated gardens and
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lawns, the city attracted the deer. so we had a deer herd living in downtown boulder. then the lions moved about one . and then the deer, living in this beautiful, lush city, where we have back into the area. they first were on open space ofa where there were lots deer. then they discovered there were deer in town. lured the lions into town. then the lions discovered they dogs and that's food for them. so the lions were learning, and isy have learned, that this where they will find food. there's certainly food up there lots to eat ins town. retreat, in a beautiful place, for enrichment enlightenment, entertainment and coming together. the people who were intended to audience of this area were really what we would call the middle class. were very similar, a combination of speakers of the a variety of both what high-brow andder opera,w entertainment, classical music and probably
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whatwould be voir dire -- would be considered the vaudville of that day. >> c-span's 2015 student cam competition is under way. this nationwide competition will 150 prizes totaling $100,000. seven-minute- to documentary on the topic the three branches and you. include c-span programming, show varying points of view and by january 20, 2015. grab a camera and get started today! >> canadian prime minister steven harper spoke in the house of commons today about his country's role in combating isis. 20 minutes. over
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ministers, they honorable prime minister. >> mr. speaker, in recent months, the international community has been virtually unanimous in its indignation and concerns with the rise of this state.ed islamic >> the self-proclaimed caliphate. launch a terrorist jihad not merely against the a global basis. indeed, it has specifically
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canadians,nada and urging supporters to attack, canadians inieving any matter. vowing that we should not feel in our homes. >> it would be easy to minimize statements like that, saying they're just being made by weren't fors, if it the fact that isil isle acting on these words. >> shockingly, isil's words are matched by its actions. territory isil has occupied, it has conducted a campaign of unspeakable against the most innocent of people. beheadedrtured and children. it has raped and sold women into slavery. minorities,htered captured prisoners and innocent civilians, whose only crime is
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being or thinking differently from isil. by late last summer, isil stood on the brink of genocideg large-scale in northern iraq. >> and that is what pushed the international community, under the leadership of president obama, to intervene. and as canadians, we joined in. ofi announce that members the canadian army, in a noncombat role, would advise and assist security forces in iraq, battling the terrorists. >> we had already started with canadian air force to move provided and material by our allies towards security forces in northern iraq. >> we are prepared to do more. today we are bringing forward a this house to
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confirm its confidence for a government decision to join our and partners, the united states, the united france, australia, netherlands, bahrain others in launching air strikes against ankle. against -- against isil. >> in addition to these sire ofikes, the government canada, at the behest of iraqi authorities and other allies and partners, will continue to provide assistance as part of other combat roles in this fight terrorism. >> to our surveillance aircraft and the necessary air crews and personnel. in addition, we are extending noncombatment in a role of the up to 69 members of the canadian army, advising and assisting security forces in iraq.
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be nowill, however, ground combat mission, which is -- explicitly ruled out in the resolution. >> there will, however, be no isund combat mission, which explicitly ruled out in the resolution. clear on the objectives of this intervention. significantly degrade the capabilities of isil, specifically its ability to either engage in military to operatef scale or bases in the open. >> this mission will stop the region andsil in the will significantly reduce its to conduct acts of terrorism beyond the region. to be clear, this intervention
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tol not make it possible eliminate this terrorist group guaranteeomatically that another shape of government or type of government will take iraq or syria. clear, whileto be isil will not be eliminated, the risks presented from the which it operates will be significantly reduced to similar other, ungoverned spaces in the broader region. there are, mr. speaker, two other matters on which i wish to elaborate. first, the resolution confirms the government of canada's to strike isil and its allies. attack isilll only where canada has support of the country in question. where canada has the clear support of the government
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of that country. at present, this is only true in iraq. if it were to become the case in syria, then we will participate inair strikes against isil that country also. government of canada has thehidden its distaste for actions of the assad regime. but what we are doing is in acipating operationrorism against terrorist allies. we are not conducting war on any region.nt in the >> the government is seized with of avoiding the quagmire in this part of the world. we havection that end.nced will be to >> precisely to avoid a
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situation that was clearly wider and much more conflict. say that the military measures we are taking do not in any way preclude humanitarian actions. there is no either/or here. >> horrified by the human suffering. we are already providing shelters and emergency medical assistance to thousands in iraq, by supporting humanitarian organizations present on the well as providing assistance to the government of iraq. large scaleon to financial assistance already being furnished to the of countriesumber in the region that have been impacted be i the humanitarian -- by the humanitarian ca catastrophe in
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syria. the government will continue to broaderd with the terrorist threats against canada. we have strengthened laws in the country to deal with issue of so-called canadian foreign fighters. broadened measures for revoking passports for participating in terrorist actives and we have taken steps to remove citizenship from people with dual citizenship. >> and we will bring forward measures to strengthen the ability of the -- of our security services to monitor aspiring terrorists, to where possible, prevent their return to canada or two, where that is not possible, give greater tools to be able to charge and prosecute. to return to the matter before members to urge all consider and to support the motion we have presented. this, mr. speaker, in
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recognizing that in a democracy, especially one approaching an election, there is rarely a political upside in supporting any kind of military action and little risk in opposing it. >> but to guarantee regional and global security and the security of canadians, this intervention is necessary. better than the fact that the mission has been launched by president obama, the withdrawn had american troops and proudly ended the war in iraq. of course, mr. speaker, one could say that while the mission evidently necessary, we don't have to be the ones doing it because others will. but mr. speaker, throughout our has never been the canadian way, to do only -- [applause]
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it has never been the canadian way to do only the most easy and praise worthy of actions and to fore the tough things others. colleagues,speaker, we should be under no illusion. if canada wants to keep its voice in the world, and we should, since so many challenges global, being a free rider means you are not taken seriously. [applause] threat isil represents is
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explicitlyus, and directed in part at our country. >> left unchecked, this terrorist threat can only grow, and grow quickly. as a government, we know our responsibility is to protect canadians and to defend our citizens from those who harm to us or our families. >> we also know that our country, like its allies, shares the burden that falls upon all free populations to fight threats to the world when it is able to do so. allies recognize and respond to a threat that would also harm us. theanadians do not stand on sidelines. we do our part. monday, the house will presented, motion calling for an air campaign against the islamic state. >> and, of course, our support
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mr. speaker, first of all, i would like to thank the prime minister for having come to the commons today to make this important announcement. ours, itcracy like should go without saying, the prime minister will be determining the fate of many women, courageous men and women, who will risk lives. >> sending young canadian women and men to fight and risk making the ultimate sacrifice in a foreign war. the prime minister is asking for this parliament. he's asking for canadian support. the prime minister has refused their questions. let me quote the prime minister. understand, you can i neither have the will, nor the desire, to get into detailed discussions of military operations here. desire.the will nor the
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it was not just about the details. the prime minister hasn't outlined a broad strategy blueprint for the mission. even answer basic questions about the breadth or cost of canada's military deployment. when do canadian forces arrive in iraq and how many? no answer. what contribution of our american allies -- have they requested? no answer. cost?ch will this mission what are the rules of engagement? what is our exit strategy? answer. no answer. no answer. not hypothetical questions. just conceded its involvement in afghanistan. was alsohe beginning andosed to be a short-term restrictive mission turned into oureld of operations where military personnel were deployed
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for if long -- the longest time history, 12 years. billion, over 40,000 160 beds,f that war, thousands injured, and thousands suffer fromo now posttraumatic stress. is that mission accomplished? in this case, at the beginning, the afghan mission few dozended a soldiers. and 29 days ago, the insisted that canadian -- canada was only a noncombat mission with only a few dozen soldiers. again, they had their doubts. canadians had their doubts. the only ally of the prime minister was the liberal party, which unreservedly supported a mission that, without a doubt, was going to lead us to where we are today. >> the only ally of the prime
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minister's plan to begin a theay mission in iraq was liberal party, even though there wasn't a shadow of a doubt that whereould lead us exactly we are today. troops aret canadian committed, conservatives are telling us the mission will be expanded. strikes, refueling capabilities, aerial surveillance, and now the prime is specifically opening the door to bombing in syria, from mission creep to mission leap. the united states has been in for over ten years. they have been fighting isis, another, fore or over ten years. while isis has renamed itself 2004,l times since al-qaeda in iraq, the islamic state, the islamic state in iraq, in syria, this is literally the same insurgent forces have been battling for over a decade.
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even the foreign affairs in a moment of rare candor for this government, admitted that there are no quick he called the fight against isis and groups like it, the struggle of a generation. that may well prove to be an understatement. in one of the prime minister's few real answers about this he said canada would no longer hasis the capability to launch attacks in iraq, syria or anywhere else. claims it will be only six months. it can't be both. the defeat of the insurgency in iraq is a goal that the united states has been trying without success to achieve since 2003.vasion of all of the horrors unfolding before our eyes are the results of that failed mission. remember back in 2003? this prime minister at
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the time leader of the opposition, who went to the americans to berate the canadian government for not getting he considered a just and noble cause. their nostalgia is such that his immigration minister, during the emergency debate in this house just a few days ago, actually weapons of mass destruction to try to justify this war. insists thatister this mission in iraq will not be become a quagmire. but isn't that precisely what our american allies have been facing in iraq for the last ten years? will canada be stuck a decade mired from a war we wisely avoided entering a decade ago? plan for the war? do we have a plan for the thousands or tens of thousands have thens that we sacred responsibility to fully after? in years
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>> we must hope that the debate monday will held bring answers and that unlike the emergency debate, the ministers responsible will be there and that they will be able canadians. >> many feel these questions haven't been answered. a few examples. to ware for canada to go in iraq has not been made. no.he kurds, to stay >> the toronto star editorial, the prime minister fails to make the case for canadian combat role in iraq. there are dozens of editorials and opinions like that across our country. >> military intervention is not the only tool -- at canada's is not thed iraq only place where horrendous violence has been committed. congo, 15 years of killing, five million dead.
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but the prime minister has never military intervention in congo. darfor, hundreds of thousands of people dead. who fled, butople the prime minister never considered a military there.ntion >> why is military action supposedly our only choice this not considered elsewhere? >> what does the prime minister through can accomplish military force what has not been able to be accomplished since 2003? >> isis has thrived in iraq and syria precisely because those countries lack stable governments capable of maintaining peace and security within their own borders. canada's first contribution should be to use every andomatic humanitarian financial resource at our theosal to respond to overwhelming human tragedy unfolding on the ground and strengthen political thoseutions in both countries. [applause]
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with the well-deserved credibility canada earned by rejecting the initial iraq, weed invasion of are in a position to take on that task. the tragedy in iraq and syria with another western-led invasion in that region. [applause] it will end by helping the people of iraq and syria to the political institution -- capabilities they need to oppose these threats themselves. should not our part, rush into this war. part, shouldr our not rush into this war. >> thank you, mr. speaker.
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>> c-span's 2015 student cam competition is under way. competition for middle and high school students will award 150 prizes totaling $100,000. create a five- to seven-minute documentary on the topic the three branches and you. videos need to include c-span programming, show varying points and must be submitted by january 20, 2015. for more information. grab a camera and get started today! >> later tonight on c-span at 10 supremetern, retired court justice john paul stevens. withoke recently georgetown university law students. tomorrow on c-span, a house foreign affairs committee on marine sergeant andrew tahmooressi. he's being held in a mexican prison. the sergeant says it was an
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innocent mistake. his mother testified before congress. hearing,atch that tomorrow at 4:15 p.m. eastern. a brief look. >> mr. chairman, ranking members of the committee and congress, thank you for the invitation to testify today. i am grateful for the interest regarding sergeant tahmooressi, my son, in his ongoing incarceration mexico. as a mother of a high-achieving fewg man, there are a horrific memorable quotes i recall and wish to share with my son.rding i believe these quotes will not of myrame the character son, yet will also highlight the predicament my son is in. 2006, at the age of 17, he said, mom, i'm scheduled for my today.ight i'll be getting checked off on
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license.e pilot at age 18, after having graduated from public school in affordednd having been the florida bright scholarship, he said, mom, i'm not ready for college yet. i'm going to head out to alaska. i'd like to be a commercial fisherman. one of his favorite shows at the time was the deadliest catch, if was remembers that. nudged meom, god just to join the military. i'm going to enlist in the marines. home whenould phone he could, with battle stories. am a brave mom. i'm a mom of a mariner. in 2010, mom, we just got hit. in 2012, mom, i blacked out. atop the machine, hit my head and i was blocked out. they found me. dropping out of
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the aeronautical university, where i was enrolled in a bachelor's degree for the commercial pilot degree, because then't concentrate on academic work. 14 or march 31 -- sorry -- 11:25. year. mom, i got lost. i made a wrong turn. the mexican border. you need to know this, because i've been surrounded by military. in case anything happens to me, i need you to know where i am. morning, april 1, 2014, mom, i've been arrested. secure me an attorney. april 5, mom, i'm not going to make it through the night. not comeyou do, do down here to investigate. do not come down here to ask questions. you will be killed as well.
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i need you to go underground. you to cancel your bank accounts. let the broward sheriff's office know. but mom, i'm not gonna make it through the night. don't come down to investigate. kill 14, mom, i tried to myself because the guards and the inmates were going to rape, and execute me for personal information. i needed to protect you. days. mom, it's been 25 i've been in four-point chain restraint, in the infirmary. quotes, horrific in mother,degrees for a pale in comparison to andrew's time in mexicomy has been far worse than my two tours to afghanistan. >> just some of the hearing on
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the case of sergeant ahmooressi, being held in prison in mexico. you can watch the entire hearing >> coming up next, white house officials holding the briefing on the u.s. response of ebola epidemic/ . kentucky senator rand paul campaigns for republican candidate in north carolina. a conversation with john paul stevens on his career and life in the nation's highest court. >> the c-span cities tour takes american history tv on the road. this weekend, we partnered with comcast to visit boulder, colorado. >> it is a book
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