tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN October 9, 2014 2:00am-4:01am EDT
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veterans back their arms and legs. we cannot give them back their eyes, their heirs, the pieces of themselves that have been lost, or the minds that have been altered, but we can give them, and we must give and our support. ouriate military leaders admiral william h. mccraveen gave the commencement speech of a the university of texas. the motto at u.t. is what starts changes the world. and he gave lessons from what he learned in his seal training that the students could implement to change and as theye the world graduated and went forth into society. lessons was about having to swim under a ship at thet and find the keel,
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centerline. and the deepest part of the ship. this is the darkest part of the ship where you cannot see your front of your face, where the noise from the ship's deafening and where it is easy for even a well-trained navy seal to get disoriented and fail. said everyraveen seal knows that under the keel darkest moment of the mission is at the time when you most calm and composed. when all your tactical skills, power and all your inner strength must be brought bear. if you want to change the world, your very best in the darkest moment. enough for our nation's freedom providers, our
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but we can always show them we appreciate what they sacrificed for by doing a little bit more to give something back to them. americans benefit from the freedom and security provided by our military very simply, if every citizen in every neighborhood in and every town and city and every state would out it a priority to seek and serve the nodes of the veterans -- the needs of the familiesand military within those communities, to have the courage to take to walk withtion our veteransion many of whom lived through the darkest moments of life in combat or have come home physically and injured and may face many dark moments ahead, if we, show oure, will hoe appreciation with a willingness serve above self, to help them move forward just as
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wastenant dante elector was was ableto do then we will be r very best in someone else's darkest moment. thank you for allowing me to speak at this important ceremony. i'm proud to have played some small role in the effort. brave warriorse in attendance today for everything you have done for our country. may god bless all those still serving in harm's way, our military families, and may god bless and watch over our america help us to continue to honor our heros so that we may long endure. thank you. [applause] ♪
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[applause] >> let's hear it once more for army band.states first lieutenant joel dubois. you know, recently president secretaryinted a new of veterans affairs, the honorable robert mcdonald who us secretary mcdonald is a 1975 of the united states military academy at westpoint alumnus of the university earned anere he m.b.a. an army veteran and airborne and
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ranger qualified he served with the 82nd airborne division. military service awarded thenald was meritorious service medal. secretary mcdonald joined procter & gamble, a fortune 50 company and rose ranks to become executive officer and president. retired in june of 2013. obama as by president the eighth secretary of veterans affairs on june 30. confirmed by the united states senate on july 29, 2014. and we are grateful to him for andservice to our country our veterans. secretarycome macdonald. >> thank you, ray.
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secretary jewell, mrs. pope, sinise, mr. wilson, distinguishedtched guests, i'm deeply honored to gratefulcate a nation's memorial to veterans life.ed pore individually and collectively they are the life it is blood of democracy. recentlyent obama reminded us, when the world is threatened it calls on america our on because of them, our country's principles and ey ideals endure. our nation stands as the world's foremost example of free freedom,justice and opportunity. men and women we honor today in whom this memorial honors
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perpetuity endure the pain and meet the challenges of lifelong disability. through their sacrifices and perseverance they have contributed not only to the freedoms that we all enjoy, but also to the medical advances benefit so many people. more than any others the veteran's affairs department serve them. they are the v.a.'s most important focus and their disabilities and needs continue drive progress across our triad of care. in v.a. research that advances science. in our training that prepares to treatnd nurses veteran patients according to highest stan of excellence leading and respect and edge medcare that promotes treatment, healing and
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liqueurs.ain aultimate ultimately, cures. of v.a. medical professionals recognized by prizes and seven awards among many other honors. v.a. researchthat developed the cardiac pace maker, the first successful transplant, the nicotine patch and the world's most advanced prosthetics including the revolutionary brain beat thagatethat makes it possible fr totally paralyzed patients to control robotic arms using only their thoughts. with over 1800 educational institutions the no equal in training america's healthcare professionals. all u.s. 70% of doctors have trained with the year v.a. educates
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62,000 medical students and residents, 23,000 nurses and over 33,000 trainees in other fields. from mean to manila, v.a. qualityonals deliver compassionate care using state-of-the-art systems like the electronic medical records the v.a. pioneered and the error reducing bar code software that ensures the correct medications correct dosage administered to the correct patient. all of this is carried out in veteransedge that disabled in service to our country are at the heart of v.a.'s mission. have given more to america and here in the shadow of the capital, this symposium memorial stands as a powerful of their service and their sacrifice. at v.a., we are reminded every single day of their outsochid contributions to our country --
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to oured contributions country and it is our pride and privilege to claim the honor of borne for those who have the battle. inspiring mission in all of government. thank you. and may god bless us all. [applause] mr. secretary. also with us today to share insights are two disabled veterans, both of whom have devoted countless hours to memorial.on of this the first speaker is dennis joiner, a director and secretary of the disabled veterans life wasrial foundation who awarded the bronze star and for his service in vietnam. and welcome dennis
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him. [applause] >> thank you. thank you, former secretary lahood. guests, thank you. distinguished guests, friends, veterans, andbled their families, today we come to dedicate the american veterans disabled for memorial. i would like to take a few moments to share the journey familyings me and my here today. only 32 daysnam when i was wounded. recon unitned to a with the united states army theh infantry division in macong delta we were on patrol wen we came to a canal needed to cross. with the tide coming in causing undercurrent those that
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already crossed went back to help the nonswimmers across. back in single file formation, little did i would walk the last three steps of my life. that third step, my life was going to start over. never heard the explosion that june 26, 1969. never losing consciousness, i could see exactly what had happened to my legs and my left immediate -- my immediate reaction was let me die. that he must keep me from going into shock, sergeant reynolds slapped me across the face and screamed joyner you live for, you have a wife back home waiting for you to die?n and you want sergeant reynolds, i would never have survived without you on
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battlefield that day or for the last 45 years without the assurance that i had a lot to me. for that you gave i owe you my life. [applause] saving my life has had a profound effect on you and your family as the visions memories from that day are mind andtched in your mound and i'm so blessed that ed reynolds to his family are here today share in this historic event. ed, please stand up. [applause] thanks, buddy. i was sent back to valley forge under apital to recover craigarmy surgeon dr. craig roberts who was not yet even 30 years old. eventually healed
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cleanly and although fitted with prosthetic legs i opted for a chair. for me, i have been blessed to pieces from this day in vietnam and live a life of fulfillment. although we disabled veterans different than most. we have been most fortunate. alone.t have to go it we had our family and friends with us for the entire journey, through the good times and the difficult times. our families and friends have also had to deal with the caused by our injuries. fear, theagine the terror that must have been in my family's hearts and minds that received the telegram explaining the severity of my injuries with no way to contact the hospital or even know where awas 12,000 miles away in war-torn country. and probably more difficult than
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that, having to walk those long hauls at valley forge army hospital for the first time not knowing what to expect. what was i going to look like? attitude would be? troying to think of what to say the first time minus three limbs. a walk my mother would often say longest walk of her life. and how difficult must it have been for my wife to hear the words her daddy doesn't have any one of my by daughter's kindergarten classmates and the laughter that room, all the children laughing except for one, my daughter. as tears filled her eyes she said, why are they laughing at daddy? or the lifelong impression that a 14-year-old girl's young mind as she visited wounded soldiers on ward 4cd
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at valley forge army hospital an years,utee ward for four helping lift our spirits and encourage us on. i thank you and we will forever remember and love you done forhat you have us. to my family, my sister and that dayho were there that my parents received the telegram from vietnam, to my and daughter who have had to live their lives as children disabled veteran with a father who at times was unable to be as normal as their friends' dads. and to my wife donna who came very difficult a time and who has always accepted that i i want you all to know that a to say i'mwants
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sorry that you have had to share lifetime sacrifices as a deepled veteran, but down in my heart, i can't apologize. thank you for showing your love for this great country beside me being throughout my journey. toay, i have been honored share a small part of my life as thesabled veteran and impact that it has had on my friends.nd my we are not unique in our story. are just one example of the affected by lives the lifelong disabilities that are the terrifying consequences of of war, although i have been blessed with many achievements the achievement that i am most proud of is this
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memorial. [applause] give gives me and the many thousands of other disabled veterans like me a sense of contentment knowing that what we families gave, and what we continue to give will be forever remembered here our nation's capital. nation's disabledon's tisdale veterans and god bless the united states of america. [applause] >> dennis, i know that everyone here will agree with me that
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your words were moving beyond measure. i would like to add that tennis honored by -- dennis was honored by president ronald reagan as handicapped american of the year and as the national disabled veteran of the we are. dennis, all of us here are to our sacrifice. thank you. [applause] and now, a man of enormous who defines what this about.l is all mr. wilson, cofounder and president of the disabled veterans life memorial foundation. art sevenned in vietnam, the thailand, and taiwan and for much of his life outspoken advocate of disabled veterans, striving to ensure that america sacrifices made
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by disabled veterans. pleasure to introduce the leader and outstanding leader, art h. nationaletired the disabled veterans known to all d.a.v. art! [applause] and good morning to all of our friends and distinguished guests, to my mostw board members, and of all, to my fellow disabled veterans. it is humbling for me to be here wethis historic occasion as dedicate a permanent place of whose sacrifices and contributions for freedom of oursured the duration
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nation's way of life. hardis a culmination of work, support and vision shared by many. them, are some dear friends who are here in spirit above.ching from we gather in our nation's capital, a place where honor is bestowed upon nearly every cause in history is remembered in bronze and stone from every vantage. we honor our fallen. we honor every branch in the battles and the bold. but until this day, this very rememberede not those who lived and whose lives changed by the sacrifices they made in uniform. stories,without their and the experiences of their as a peoplewe cannot know the cost of war.
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acknowledging their sacrifices, we forget the ensures our freedom and the promises we have made to defend our land. on theseiences etched walls remind us that for those families,and their war often continues long after bullet is the most difficult fight often isins after the injury sustained. feliciaes people like weston. on february 26, 1991 while an army radio scudtor in saudi arabia, a missile struck the barracks adjacent to hers. soldiers lost their lives that day. specialist weston was among the nearly 100 who were severely wounded. though partially blinded by the
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attack, show recounts on these feeling ofewildering helplessness. i felt so alone watching what happening. but this point i knew i had been but i just wanted to find someone from my company, she said. you know, the purpose of this memorial is to honor those and to show them that they are never ever alone. of my dearwords friend the late jesse brown a tragic story of life unraveled by military battle there are a dozen tales of individuals who have managed to triumph over the harrowing of war and ruin." feliciay of people like weston toewest does not end wite destruction of war brought to her person and instead shows a
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beginning. reminds us in granite and and water of the hope and the gratitude that they earned. many on these walls have done much more than survive the war, a path for their brothers and sisters to follow. and debrisbandages were removed from felicia's day ofhe visions of that terror were not. wounds show faced took years of intensive recovery never fully heal. yet, instead of distancing militaryrom the service she has dedicated more than 15 years of her life direct advocacy to fellow veteransen suring that they have -- veterans, ensuring that they have someone they can count upon. bobby barrera who was in an inored personnel carrier
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vowest familiar when a command detonated mine today known as an i.e.d. was detonated under his vehicle. his fellow marines pulled him firey wreckage but not before he suffered burns over which resultedy in the loss of his right hand and his left arm. here today, bobby had a choice to make. to te despair or direction. when he made the choice to live he decided to dedicate each to making the world a better place. with his wife by his side he tackled his education. he became a counselor, serving defense.tment of he became involved in veterans and roserganizations to the ranks to back the national commander of the veterans.merican i have a purpose in life that has been to help other military
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families through some of what i had to go through, bobby's words generations. if i had to go through it myself okayder to help others i'm with that. these walls represent veterans multiple eras and conflicts. those who are represented give voice to the many who are part of a nationwide community of intergenerational heros. they include men like army jason pepper, te deployed memories as het dove on two of his soldiers to cover them from a rocket hepelled grenade was this would never see his wife or his child again. survive.would his last words proved to be prophetic. the blast cost him his sight. in spite of his injuries, he has pursued his education and is planning to start a
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new business. seegh he may never actually his first born daughter he and his wife heather added two more children to their growing family. in a sense, veterans like sergeant pepper and many others have sacrificed one life to country and service in an dreams their hopes and for the future were shattered. but with the love of their countrymen and the support of their family and their communities they rediscovered purpose in life to learn to accept or overcome the havecles their injuries imposed. these walls remind us, to, that on behalf ofade our nation is most often shared caredhe loved ones who injured wh every individual dream reverberates to the families, survivors and communities on whom our wounded rely upon for
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advocacy.are and we are at this point in time it appears dissentingling ourselves from more than a dozen years of war. time we have september our sons and -- sent our sons battleghters in the field. these may be the first wars on notrd where our society has fully experienced the mobilization of an era. our nation has become so great and so prosperous that we can to fight twoes wars without any type of or demand to change the lifestyles of the general public. the bestreated military in the history of the world. we have given our fighting men best arms and done our utmost to ensure that every soldier deployed comes home. of through the capabilities our forces, which are great and their valor is unquestioned, the
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war has taken on their bodies and hearts and their minds is a timeless reminder of need for this memorial. for so long as a nation that we long as we send our young to fight, we have entered promise with them as we drafted and enlisted them into sacreditary we made a promise -- this is our greatest social contract, the men and into harm's way will be made whole should they injured in service that they should enjoy the dream defend.ough without this agreement it would be inconceivable to ask our young to be willing to fight and die for our country. and without their doing so, our a nation, our freedom and our prosperity would not exist. this obligation etched here in stone to recall the deepest
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foundings of our father george washington is when together here to behold those who have head limbsblood or lost their in service of their country. injuredigation or our service men and women first proclaimed by general washington perhaps the highest form of public justice. stand here in sight of our nation's capitol, the centerpiece of our democracy we must pray that the price paid ros nation's heroes will be that we have those elected to represent us. we must pray that the veterans remain a commitment that goes above partisanship and they remember those for whom the battle continues. ask the lev venices as those represent tips ascend to walk the of power and
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>> ladies and gentlemen, it is privileget honor and to introduce to you the president of the united states, barack obama. [applause] >> thank you so much. bed afternoon, please seated. to all our disabled veterans, woundedaordinary warriors, we gather here today gorgeous autumn day in of you because each endured a moment that shaped the thatf your lives and speaks to our debt as a nation. maybe it was there on the bullets andas the shrapnel rained down around you.
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you lay there, the medics tending to your wounds. perhaps it was tay days or monts in that hospital room when to.finally came perhaps it was years later as or innt about your day the midnight hour when the memories came rushing back like flood. wherever you were, whatever your was the moment that binds each of you forever. that moment of realization that life would not be the same. your arm, your hand, both, your sight, mind, a part of you was gone.
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speaking to fellow veterans of oliveril war the great wendell holmes jr. once said as i look into your eyes i feel a great trial in your youth differentifferent, from what we could have been without it. and he said we learned a lesson early which has given a different feeling to life, a of of duty that burns like the heart. to lois pope, art wilson and at the memorial foundation, and our incredible organizationsce who devoted some years of effort friends at the toabled veterans of america, all of the architects and crafts lent your talents to bring this memorial to life,
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congress, secretaries jewell and mcdonald, guests but most of all to our veterans who have come to know a different feeling to life and your families. it as great honor to be with you here today. for more than two centuries have left everything they have known and loved, their their friends and to win forward to serve our i independence, to preserve union, to defend our democracy, to keep safe this this we love. and when the guns fall silent, veterans return home ready to play their part in the next story. of our american
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as a nation we have not always fulfilled our obligation to those who served in our name. painful truth.u and few have known this better than our veterans wounded in war. years after our revolution when the young nation thel resisted the idea of standing army, veterans of the continental army returned to be indifferentd to their service. hands mangled by british musket ball was deemed unfit for labor and frustrated to secure ality disability pension he wrote that p of those who aided in areuering the enemy suffering under the most distressing poverty. againthe civil war, and after the first world war, our disabled veterans had to and march for the earned. they had count the decades, our nation
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has worked to do better. right by these patriots. because in the united states of who have fought for our freedom should never be shunned and should never be forgotten. another stepake memorial wethis commemorate for the first time the two bats our disabled veterans have fought. the battle over there and the at the battle to recover which at times can be even harder and certainly as long. as you walk these quiet grounds, pause by the pictures of these men and women, look into their and read their words, and we are somehow able to join them speak speaks to the endurance of the american spirit
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you our veterans and wounded warriors, we thank you for sharing your journey with us. we feel your fears. the shock of that first moment when you realized something was aboutent, the confusion what would come next. frustrations and the worry as as one veteran said that thee i wouldn't be quite same. and then here we see your refusal in the face of overwhelming odds to despair or to cynicism. decision. your choice to overcome. ise the veteran who said it possible for a man to lose half stillysical being and become whole. your here we can see unyieldinge, your
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faith that tomorrow can be better. determinations often through years of hard recovery and surgeries and rehab, learning the simple over again, how to button a shirt or how to write to name, in some cases how talk and how to walk and how when you have stumbled, when you have pickedyou on, you up, carried up. never given here we get a glimpse of the wounds within. i relivean who says the war every day. no matter what war you served in, and whether they shell shocked or battle fatigue or the thousand yard stare or post traumatic the unseen know that wounds of war are just as real
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as any other and they can hurt just as much if not more. reminded that none of you have made this journey alone. beside each of you a wife or a husband, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, sons and andhters, and neighbors friends who day after day, year have been there youing you up, pushing further, rooting you on. who said iregaver love him for who he was in his had that.he still today we salute all of your love that never quit. finally, here we see that our wounded veterans are defined you can't to but do. you can
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just ask captain dawn hattheker. iraq her humvee was hit by an r.p.g. and she suffered burns a bones.ken lost her right arm. she struggled physically and emotionally, but with the help of fellow wounded warriors she she said not on what i lost but on what i still had. and today, what she has is the respect of her fellow veterans that she mentors, a business of own, one that hires veterans, and a beautiful 6 month old son. dawn's picture, this member of the 9/11 generation now graces we are honorednd that she is here today. up., please stand [applause]
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overhave seen dawn's story and over and over again and all of the wounded warriors and had the honor to meet from walter reed to bathes to bagram, i know in dawn's life many of you see your own. want every american to see it. after everything you have of the loss,r all you summoned the best in strengthand found your again. how many of you learned to walk again and rund again? how you have competed in races and marathons in the paralympics on team u.s.a. you found joy and love. getting married. raising children. how you found new ways to serve, your units or starting newbies or teaching our -- new businesses or serving our children or your fellow veterans or leading
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in your communities. america, if you want to know what real strength is, if you see the character of our country, a country that never men andook at these women. and i would ask all of our disabled veterans here today if you can stand, please stand. please race your hand so that our -- raise your hand so that our nation can pay tribute service. we thank you. we are inspired but you. you.e honor [applause] >> from this day forward, americans will come to this and ponder the immense
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behalf.e made on their the heavy burden borne by a few that we might live freedom and peace. of course, our reflection is not enough. our expressions are gratitude are not enough. the heart of our nation's capital, this memorial all of us, ae to reminder of the obligations this country is under. and if we are to truly honor veterans we must heed the us speak to let's never rush in to war because it is america's sons and daughters who bear the scars of war for the rest of their lives. [applause] intos only send them harm's way when it is absolutely necessary. let's always give them the strategy and the mission and the support that
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they need to get the job done. the mission is over, as our war in afghanistan comes to a responsible end in two months, let us stand united as americans homeelcome our veterans with the thanks and respect they deserve. [applause] home havingcome left a part of themselves on the our behalf, this we must tells us what do. when our wounded veterans set out on the long road of recovery, we need to move heaven and earth to make sure that they benefit, everye single bit of care that they they deserve.hat [applause] >> if they are hurting and don't if they can go on we need to say loud and clear as family
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andfriends, as neighbors coworkers, as fellow citizens and as a nation you are not alone. it is all right to ask for help. be we are here to help you strong again. because our wounded warriors may a different feeling to life, but when we are truly when we givem, them every opportunity to and continue their enormous contributions to our country then our whole nation is stronger. all our lives are richer. andf you are an american you see a veteran, maybe with a arm or leg, maybe their face, don't ever look away. turn away. you go up and you reach out and you shake their hand and you in the eye and you say those words every veteran should
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coverage of presidential hisidate gary hart and alleged extramarital affair changed political reporting. also your calls and comments on national security issues in campaign 2014. "washington journal" is live beginning at 7:30 a.m. eastern c-span. our campaign 2014 coverage continues with a week full of debate is. at 7:30 p.m. eastern live coverage of the illinois debate for the 17th .istrict between and later at 9:00, live coverage the illinois governor's debate with pat quinn and bruce and friday night, the wisconsin governor's debate between scott mary burke y and live coverage of the iowa senate
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debate. and sunday, live at 8:00 p.m. eastern, the michigan governor's incumbentween rick snyder and mark schauer. >> in minnesota, democratic franken up for reelection. a recent poll has senator his opponent by eight percentage points. the candidates held the first televised debate last week in duluth, minnesota. this is an hour. >> the election year is in full swing. we are pleased to carry the debate. >> next is the u.s. senate debate between al franken and mike defatted. -- mike mcfadden. we will begin with senator franken.
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>> i would like to thank the tribune and the chamber for hosting this debate. northeast minnesota took it on the chin and the great recession, but you are fighters, and duluth is coming back strong. i have done everything i can to be a partner in the process. we have got to make sure recovery reaches everyone. i have worked across party lines to pass a bill to make sure american steel is used in federal water project. and to secure the funding used in the dredging of lake superior. i successfully fought to get millions for harbor improve. i fought to make sure the fighter wing became an active associate unit. if you continue
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to be at the center of the aviation sector. i have seen aar partner with lakes. college to train new mechanics to service the jetliners at the airport. we have the skills gap in the country. 3 million plus jobs the businesses cannot fill because they cannot find workers with the right field. i took this model of community and technical colleges working to train guild workers -- skilled workers and made that a focus of congress's first successful reform of the workforce training system. now more americans will have the opportunity to train for these high build, good paying middle class jobs that will make our economy stronger. it has been an honor working with and for the great people of
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minnesota and the united states senate. we have a lot of work to make sure our country works for all minnesotans. i look forward to this debate to build on what we have achieved so far. >> thank you for the invitation. i want to thank the audience. i appreciate you being here. want to thank senator franken for your service. i want to recognize franny. the two of you are celebrating your wedding anniversary. i would like to congratulate you on 39 years. you can use it again. i am running for u.s. senate because we can do better. we have to do better. i would like to describe myself as just a dad. my wife and i have been married 26 years, and we have been blessed. mary kate and i are so concerned
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about what we are handing off to our children, 17 and a half trillion dollars of debt. now we're asking them to pay for our health care system with a system that doesn't work and needs to be fixed, and i will do that. we also have an overzealous regulatory agency that has been an enemy of mining and farming. i am running against al franken, who has voted with president obama 90% of the time. i hear that people do not believe the press event is leading us in the right direction. it would be food, gasoline, energy. we are the greatest country in the world.
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i know how to get us on the road to growth and prosperity. i have a plan. my plan is the three e's. energy and mining. education and effective government. >> we have nine or 10 questions. i want to ask about the negative things some of your opponents have said. you side with corporations and hide your money offshore. how do you respond to critics who say you are wrong? >> i am proud of my business career. i worked very hard. my dad grew up on a dairy farm. my dad was able to go to college because my uncle john paid for it.
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i have been able to participate in the american dream. i will not apologize for it. i am disappointed in al franken to run negative ads. every news organization has come forward and said they are false. i run a company headquartered here that pays income taxes in the united states. we can do so much better. i am so tired of holiday excess usual. i entered the private sector. i believe the single biggest issue is we created this class of politicians. i believe senator franken has become part of that class. he is the most partisan senator in the democratic are two. he has voted 159 out of 161 votes with the democratic party.
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that makes him the most partisan senator in washington. that is a fact. i left my job and put my family at risk because i believe we can do better. we have an opportunity to see our best days ahead of us by getting on the pathway to growth and prosperity. it begins with effective government. i will get pipelines built. that will get more money and your pockets and allow us to grow. >> thank you very much. if you believe some of the commercials, you are nothing more than a comedian, don't spend any time in minnesota. you vote with obama and even proposed abortion on demand.
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how do you respond to critics who say you are wrong for minnesota? >> i don't ascribe to those websites. i always vote in what i believe is the interest of the people of minnesota. in an era where there has been a lot of gridlock, i have worked across party lines to find commonsense solutions. i worked with so many republican colleagues -- with vic luger on the diabetes prevention program. 75% of the cost of health care is chronic diseases, and diabetes is one of the biggest. on workforce training. on pharmaceutical safety i did a bill with pat roberts of kansas.
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the farm bill, i cowrote the energy title. i work for renewable energy. my first bill with johnny isakson of georgia was a veterans bill. we have a propane crisis. i have worked across party lines and gotten things done. part of the reason we had this meltdown five years ago was because the credit agency gave aaa ratings to all this junk. i did a bill to regulate these so they cannot give aaa these financial products. i did that with senator roger wicker, the republican of mississippi.
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you can slice and dice these numbers anyway you want and come up with things that say pretty ridiculous they miss, but i work for minnesota every day, and i have been proud to do that. >> let's get to the issues. >> i was told we would get a rebuttal. >> one thing i am going to ask everybody to do is watch his actions and not his words. the magazine ranks him on a bill to cosponsor legislation. that is a fact, not the opinion. he has done nothing to accelerate. he has not approved the keystone pipeline. look at his actions, not what he
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says. >> we can take these issues one by one. that study said ted cruz was one of the most nonpartisan senators in the united states senate. he is the guy who led the shutdown of the government. if you are fighting that kind of thing i think that shows a weak position. that's all. >> they are opposite sides of the actor. al franken is the ted cruz of the democratic party. >> exec but -- except that ted cruz is more bipartisan than a majority of the senate. >> let's move on with some of the issues. what is your position of safe transport of oil and where you stand on the expansion of pipelines?
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>> i am a huge fan of energy and pipelines, and i will work hard to get pipelines ill-timed approved. we are sitting on the doorstep of an energy renaissance that will allow us to see the best days ahead of us as opposed to behind us. we have the opportunity to be energy independent, which is historic. we have not been energy independence since the early 1960's. what energy independence allows me to do for you is put more money in your pocket. heating bills go down. gasoline prices go down. we have had 1000 days of gas being above three dollars a gallon. in december of 2008 it was one dollar 60. we have become a manufacturing superpower once again. we are able to compete globally. we are able to in source
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high-paying jobs, not outsource them. i am a huge supporter of u.s. steel. i am going to tell you the facts. the number one way to make our steel industry as competitive as we can globally is to lower the cost. al franken wants to get rid of the coal industry. half of that ship out of the sport is cold. at the mine they spend $1.3 million every month on electricity, which is driven by cool. i will make our industries more competitive. i will get us back on the road to growth and prosperity. that is why i want you to vote. >> we need a diverse portfolio of energy, and that includes fossil fuels. global warming is real, and
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eventually we are going to have to move to renewables is real, and eventually we have to move to renewables. you can grow a big crop. if you cannot get it transported someplace that is a problem for market. that is why this so much is for crude. i have been going to the transportation board since i got to the senate. i worked with the republican of louisiana to get the cost of filing a complaint with the transportation board that regulates the railroads from $20,000 to $350 so people can file a complaint. i got the transportation board to come out here. i got them to come to minnesota and to make sure they would get
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fertilizer to our farmers. then i got them back out again. it is not just grain. it is coal for our utilities. i don't want to get rid of coal. one thing we are using for electricity is natural gas. that came from fracking, which was developed by the department of energy. that is why we like to do energy research. i am chairman of the energy subcommittee, and this is something we will talk about. >> with all due respect, your lack of energy policy and lack
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of energy policy from president obama has caused a shortage. you have it approved any pipeline. the keystone pipeline has been under review process for six years. that is crazy. that is too long. pipelines are proven to be the most efficient, most environmentally sensitive way to transport oil. until you start passing pipelines we are going to have a rail car shortage. i know how to get us on the road to growth and prosperity. you are putting band-aids as opposed to going to the root causes. we need pipelines in this country. i want everyone to know i am for pipelines. i will get them built. that is the number one way to alleviate our railcar shortage. >> the keystone pipeline has nothing to do with this oil.
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>> how about alaska? >> what i voted is to not circumvent the regulatory process on keystone. let me tell you what i have voted for. i have voted for if we build the keystone pipeline it will be built with american steel. mcfadden said it would be ok with him if the keystone pipeline were made with chinese steel, if we are a little bit cheaper. those are minnesota jobs. i fight for minnesota jobs. maybe that is the difference between me and mr. mcfadden. maybe he sees profit over people. when i see a pipeline i wanted
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the old with american steel. we have other pipelines. we have to make sure they are cited correctly. pipelines are efficient in many cases. >> i want mr. mcfadden to address the chinese steel issue. >> the difference between mr. franken and myself is i will talk straight to you. i don't want to see for and still used in pipelines anymore. he doesn't want you to know he voted against the pipeline. he has voted against the pipeline multiple times. i will get the pipeline built. by taking advantage of the renaissance is the number one way to make u.s. steel as competitive as it can be. i know that and will get it done.
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they have been working to get permitted nine years and working to get precious metals. do you support copper nickel mining? can it be done safely? we will begin with you. >> i think the vast majority of minnesotans want those jobs to happen. they are going to be good paying jobs. i thought -- i think they want to make sure the groundwater isn't contaminated. minnesotans want to make sure this is done right. they say this process is a good process. they say the regulators are
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tough but fair, and they want this done. they say the project has improved. it is safer. it is less likely to contaminate water for possibly centuries. i have the same view as the entire iron range delegation. all the delegations have a uniform view on this. let's do this right. we want to make this happen, but let's make sure we do it right. the only thing worse than taking a long time to get this right is getting it wrong. right. the only thing worse than taking a long time to get this right is getting it wrong. rangers want sustainable mining.
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this is a new kind of mining. i just expanded what they were doing to help get permits. important to our state. we need sustainable mining. >> can metals mining be done safely? ?> did you say nine years i want everyone to know i will fight for minors. over 2t it has taken million dollars in regulatory review is not acceptable. it is crazy. i remind you the democratic had the opportunity to put
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forth in a platform that they support mining, and they didn't. actions andnken's not his words. times onitten multiple because he is connected at the hip with extreme environmentalists. i am tired of this that you are for the environment or for jobs. you can do both. i do not want to do anything that would harm our 10,000 lakes. we have a process that has taken nine years and we still do not have an answer. this is lunacy. says they're okay with
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the process. they have to say that. in regulatory limbo. they can't tell was they really think. the it's been a reasonable process. absolutely not. we have to demand that this be efficient. we need effective government. will fight for it. i've been in the private sector my whole ife and i know how to have efficiency and make efficiency. the miners and mines. the senator has had six years progress. >> can i give you a minute to rebut that. talking to the expect i'ves from the time i got here. i speak with them frankly. they know that this process has the project to make it less likely to contaminant the ground water which would be a disaster.
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>> the forest service has to weigh-in because it has land exchange. this is too important not to get this right. if you talk to anyone, talk to the range delegation, the state legislators in the delegation. they get elected by the people on the range. sustainable mining. they want to make sure this is done right, and if it is done right, then this will be sustainable. >> this is the difference between ql franken and myself. he's gone to washington and he has been washington ties.
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that nine telling you years has been reasonable. that is the definition of unreasonable. it is not acceptable. we talked about it conceptually for the good people up on the lostrange, they just another generation because there is not jobs. but with the whole thing up there. bass it is the largest in the opportunity s the to create thousands of jobs. and billions and billions and dollars of economic impact in this state and in a region of the state that has one of the highest unemployment rates. it's almost twice the unemployment rate around the state of minnesota. i'm here to tell you today that will fight for miners and rangers and i'll win up in the advocate.use i'm your >> let's talk about the affordable care act. t has with stood dozens of challenges in congress. scrutiny of od the
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the supreme court and the law of the land. in his a settled issue or your opinion where should we go from here? start withddon let's you. >> we have a healthcare issue in this country. butow that as a businessman i guarantee you that obamacare is the wrong answer and it's a trek and that's quoting and this train continues to wreck. and al was the 60th vote. this disaster e frankenstorm ken franken it's a largest domestic policy generation and it was signed and nobody read it and then it was based on
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mistruth. the first one being that you could keep your insurance policy. 140 minnesotaians found out that wasn't true. he second being that you could keep your doctor. well, we know that's not true. is the biggest lie of all will cost i've come forth with my own plan. look at cost and accessibility and quality and my plan will costs, increase and maintain quality. put a proposal for it and obamacare is a disaster and it's too expensive and i will roll up sleeves and go to washington
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it get this fixed and i'll make preexisting ith conditions can get insurance at a reasonable rate. a promise. >> senator franken? problems withbeen the rollout in a.c.a. job is to make the affordable are act work as well as it can minnesotan. minnesota has 95% of its people inh health insurance, second the country. people with preexisting conditions can no longer be down because they have a preexisting condition. if and you hit your lifetime limits you are thrown out.
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3:29 am in to need to continue incentivize healthcare and not sick care. we have so many accountable care organizations in minnesota that delivery unbelievably reform. understand this. if they eels this -- repeal this it goes back to square one. it goes back to square one and back to a divided away.ess and all this goes >> mr. mcfadden. clear, he obamacare is a train trek and i'll fish our i've travelled around great state and been to all 87 six ies, al, in the last months and i have story after story for people where this working. not
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type ear-old man who has two diabetes and has to go on the exchange and costs two times more. one.less i hope he is doesn't have pre r to findd one bus he has a new policy. a woman came up to me with a eyes between fear and anger. she works in the mayo clinic and her premiums in the mail. you know what it's going to cost her next year? 50% increase. 220% increase in a deductible. that's not fair. e do have the best healthcare in minnesota. that's the difference between al i.nken and i want to solve it on a state level. i believe minnesota has the best in the i believe the states are laboratories for experiment. if we allow the federal do it our to healthcare will look like the v.a. and i won't allow that to happen. for you. >> senator? it is a state
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system and understand this and at a turning point here. we can do one of two things. we can repeal the affordable act. no guarantees you get healthcare for preexisting -- if two have conditions. no guarantees you won't pay more if you're a woman. no because you're a woman 50% of all bankruptcies in this country caused by healthcare crises. that's a choice here. the difference between mr. mcfadden and me. mistake about it. you beeal this and it there will 538 different health plans and o you think this congress now as gridlocked as it is is
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to come up with a healthcare plan that gives and all the tees other stuff that we have seen. >> the great recession is still especially up here in northern minnesota where the been quite as quick as it was elsewhere. what could washington be doing encourage he ceconomic recovery. senator franken, let's begin with you. of e had 54 straight months rivate sector employment increases. but it's not going to the middle class. part of that is because this is lot of wn economy and a companies is rigged offshore. hey make their corporation in
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ireland or in bermuda. they do inversions. to focus on the middle 70% of our economy is consumption. hen people have money, that's when businesses hire people is when people are spending money. that's why i he oh i'm so gap.ed on this skills three plus million jobs sitting can be filled if these jobs are -- if these and it will make us more competitive. it will -- it will give people jobs. this is win-win. e also need -- there's $1.2 trillion sitting out there in student debt. student debt. let people refinance their student debt. car loan finance your
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and your home loan. you can refinance a business loan. able to refinance a car loan? raise the minimum wage. can't you refinance a student loan? people are delaying buying a house. delaying starting a family because of the student young d it's not just people but parents and grandparents that are carrying this. introduced the bill in the senate. we got three republican votes. can get this done. just allow people to refinance their student loan and put that into the economy. the facts. ever since senator franken took obama who president l franken has voted with we have had the slowest we bound in the history of the united states. stagnant economy.
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in minnesota wages have only over six a week years. that's not acceptable. it is not acceptable. here's another fact. federal debt has gone up 70% to r al franken's watch $17.5 trillion. plan.e a it's the three e's. and mining. it's education and it's effective government. get the mines open. that's a huge game changer. get pipelines built. senator franken said we're only keystone out the pipeline. we're talking about the sandpiper, last can and many ore if we start getting this review process accelerated. we need people who go to d.c. done and i'mthings glad you brought up education agree more we
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with jo-- skills s with jobs. great esota, we have public schools. but unfortunately we don't have reat public schools for everyone. in fact they're the worst for minority. and lowest for his panics second lowest for african americanses and below 50%. that is immoral. where is the moral outrage on that? in in an involved inner city school in one of the toughest neighbors where 90% of latino or e african-american and we have 100% gratification rate and 60% of the cost. i want to radically change the in the inner city. all children regardless of zip right to a first class education. senator franken one minute rebuttal. issue is economic recovery.
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> well, by some measures it's been slowest recovery from a recession. it was called the great a reason.for this is the worst recession that ever had. we had 54 months of private jobs. growth in so much of the income has gone that's a at the top and big problem. in the 'sixties ratio to average worker was 20-1 and now 300-1 of the we economy.p down you want someone who is going to in the ing for those middle and those striving to be in the middle. to raise the minimum wage. we need to make sure that women work.aid equal for equal
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those are things that mr. mcfad do not is against. 560 ed against minnesotans -- 560,000 who would benefit student loans.g >> you've been in washington the you don't have. >> what you a that number? 97% of the time. 99% of the time. i have a plan to get this on the road. i've traveled around this great state and been to all 87 in the last year. have you been to 87 counties in year?ast >> i've had over 1300 public -- you done a town hall meeting since elected. i believe president obama has halls than you
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have in this state. public done so many meetings in which people have a chance to ask questions. in ve a minnesota breakfast washington every wednesday that to and -- and they --ed questions > so, don't listen to what he says. look at his actions. i was at the university of minnesota last week. supposed to debate. decided he ken didn't want to debate. he showed up spoke and left. hour and here for an ask a town skphal took multiple, multiple questions and i was students. college i loved doing that. i got to listen to the people. eople know the economy is not working. young people know that. i'm winning with als:dical /* melanin
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the administration says we will not commit ground troops. we deal with pose this issue of this growing mr. mcfadden? that the ery happy president went on in front of nation and said we're going to do strategic bombing in syria and iraq. isis is a huge issue. they are barbarians. they need to be stopped. but i can't tell you how i am with the complete lack of foreign policy from this president and franken. this president went into office six years ago saying i'm going o sit down with the leaders of
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venezuela, north korea and iran and we'll make things work out. was naive. the world is a more dangerous place today because we've not leading from behind is a mistake. e had an ambassador that was killed in benghazi and we did nothing and the world watched. president drew a red line in syria which was crossed. and we did nothing and the world watched. there should be no surprise as ukraine appened in the r in gaza or now in syria and iran. what's really scary are the that in minnesota we become the number one recruiting terrorists in minnesota. and i'm really concerned about that. want to know what al franken has done over the last six years because this didn't with isis. his started in in 2008, 2009
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and it wasn't until a couple weeks ago that al franken sent a letter to the attorney general. a letter. i mean, after this has been for multiple years. that's a day late and a dollar used to always day. equip ted to train and the rebels in syria. syria.ort the bombing in object serve the border between iraq and syria we either.t
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let's talk about the terrorist recruiting. incredibly devastating families. there are about two undrededfuls, about 10 or 12 minnesotans who have been recruited to iraq and syria. this is an issue right when i we knew that he was beginning to recruit from communities. the first days that i was in office i got -- i went to the fbi and got briefings on that in washington. briefings cess i got from the special agent in charge in st. paul. the e worked with community. law e worked with enforcement. pressed the secretary of homeland security. i pressed the director of the this hearings on
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recruitment. going diminish what was letter on d.o. spend more recesses in our said yes, nd they they would did that. and i was at a community meeting two weeks ago wiand the who understood this was important to get those resources in. couple comments. voted to support the president in the arming of syrian rebels. record o make sure the is clear. this president was advised by of the national security counsel and his arm the of state to free syrian rebels two years ago and he declined to do so. was also advised by every
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staff, of the chief of staffs to keepof a residual force in iraq and he to so. he supported 97% of the time and when we talk about the terrorist recruitment in minnesota i met community leaders and one of the biggest concerns is education. education worst outcomes for minorities. the worst. lower than 50s andal l franken committee education and he's complicit these are the causes that need to be addressed. i'll get them addressed and i'm solver. mr. little over a year ago mcfadden had the opportunity to weigh in on what to do in syria president assad used
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chemical weapons. every candidate for the united states senate was asked public radio for their views on what to do. answered except for mr. mcfad do not. answer.sed to because it was a tough call. lot of tough calls. it is easy to score political from the bleachers. job. is a serious real choices make in real time. this.tand every republican candidate for asked by nprte was syria and ould do in mr. mcfadden blinked. transportation from dredging
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to make luth harbor sure they're safe. it? o we pay for senator franken. happy we got the money for dredging. i fought for that. need to pay for in infrastructure. and the highway tpruft fund is out of money. now there are certain ways we it. there's money there to pay for this. or example, i voted to end the subsidies, the oil and gas companies. are il and gas companies the most successful, riches, companies in the history
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of the world and yet they get in ions of dollars a year subsidies. was i voted to end the billions of dollars of oil and gas companies. was attacked because that's increasing taxes. we should not be sub sid dies. be building roads. we should be building highways. that . mcfadden was asked at press conference we would be tax and he the gas said yes. then he reversed himself. said let melear, he against it. and
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there are other places that we money.ting to in the ding up next 30 years a trillion dollars our nuclear weapons arsenal. weapons we will never use. question. it's a great we have a huge infrastructure ssue tkph this country and i spent the last six months traveling around minnesota. repaired and e to bridges. it is the role of the federal we need t to fund it. overhaul how we do it. you
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need to take responsibility for calls.wrong i believe that the way that we fund for in from a structure working right now. the gas tax is unsustainable to get as cars continue more and more gas mileage, we'll have less and less revenues. we got to find a better way to o and got to be part of a dramatic overhaul of the tax code and in order to accomplish we got to traumatically change the mindset in ashington, d.c. it's so partisan and no one takes responsibility. republicans don't take responsibility for outcomes. they say, we can't get anything can't work with the president or harry reid. the democrats say we can't get done because we can't work with the house of representatives. well, this is democracy. you'll always have 46. ou'll rarely have one party
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rule. it's the wisdom of our founding constitution.r i put forth al franken has proven over the past six years part of the problem and not the solution and the most partisan senator despite what he says. at what he does. votes.ted 159 out of 161 he is number one in the democratic party. in a universe of one. e is part of the problem and solution. f the you cherry now how pick those votes. i've taken a lot more votes than that. i can tell you again, one of the things that i by the mcfadden ampaign was voting to get rid of a tax break for companies overseas. jobs
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i was in winona a come of years ago and i talked to a woman this in tears. she told me how trw made her mexican workers who is going to replace her in guess in mexico. and what? a tax deduction for closing the factory and workers up there. i'm sure they're wonderful people, the workers. want to get rid of that to help pay for the things we need like infrastructure. mcfadden cked by the campaign for taking that vote. >> thank you, gentlemen. more minute. >> thank you, roger. i appreciate it. this is t to be clear, from open congress. you can go on the website. his is a ranking how often democratic senators vote with the majority of the senate, the 113th caucus for
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session of congress which is the last session. over the last two years. al franken is number one. there's only one member of the party in the u.s. senate that is number up with. e's the most partisan senator in the u.s. senate in the democratic party. that is a fact. one again i caution you, look at facts and look at not what al franken says. i'll go to washington to fix things. i'll roll and my sleeves. have received the endorsement for many people from the independence party and the republican party. even have a number of reagan democrats that are supporting me. and build washington consensus. i've spent my whole life in business doing. to fixing forward this country and getting us on path of growth and pos parity. >> we're nearing the end of our ime together and alert to our
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broadcast partners we might run want over 9 o'clock but we to allow efficient time for each candidate to have a closing remark. senator franken. we allow 2.5 minutes to wrap it up. for ank you and thank you hosting this debate and i want mcfadden for being here. and for mentioning that and i are having our 39th wedding anniversary. married 39 ll be years. many of them happy. applause] we were blessed 16 months ago with a grandson, my is named from o my dad. in washington. liveughter and her husband there. -- heading up
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programs in the elementary skolz. one of the things i get to do is after a day of work and put my grandson to bed. when he's asleep i think about possibilities for this kid. parents love him. they're well educated and he's going to do fine. i think about when i grew up park. louis my dad didn't graduate high school. my mom didn't go to college. dad with you a printing salesman. a two bedroom one bath rambler. common post world war ii home. i felt like the luckiest kid in world because i was. my ought the world was oyster and it was. want.ld do anything i
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i want to -- i think a lot of that way feel anymore. and i want to make sure every that way.nesota feels that they have a shot and that can bet on themselves and opportunity e the to put a ood job and roof over their family's head nd put food on the table and have access to quality and be able to go on vacation and pension will be here and social security will be there. that's what i want. on nt minnesotans to bet themselves. and i know if we bet -- i know minnesota. of and if we bet, we have great nnovators and great entrepreneurs and research universities. do this.
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thank you. >> thank you. mcfadden. final word? >> first of all, thank tout moderators. a phenomenal job. i want to thank al franken. appreciate your time today. i think it's important that innesotans have a chance to hear about both our visions for our country and our state. want to thank the you an kwrepbs /* aud -- audience. you've been respecful. for the u.s. senate because we can do better. the t to go forth and set world on fire. i'm running for my six kids. 'm running for the minnesotans that i've met around this great fundamentally believe that this country is not going in the right direction. they don't believe that obama is leading us in
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the right direction. al i'm running against franken who has voted with the time and 97% of the the most partisan senator in the democratic party ask there is a the two trast between of us. there is not a lot of gray. e's for more government and more regulation and high cost nergy and obamacare and the status quo and the education system that doesn't work for vulnerable most citize citizens. i have a much different vision. for effective and efficient government and smart regulation and i'll get the mines open. a promise. i'm for low cost energy and build pipelines. healthcare system that works for all citizens that's first class that is run pwaesed in minnesota and not by the federal government and radically revising the education system in the inner city. promise to each one of
3:59 am in the as your next senator in the great state of minnesota i won't down.y head i'll keep my head high and lead. i have a plan. i will be independent. i will go to washington to do something and not to be something. i will fight for you. my name is mike mcfadden and i'm unning for the u.s. senate and i'd love to have your vote on november 4th. thank you. of us, half of all thanks for joining
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