tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN October 22, 2014 6:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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absence of objective values. he says if we cannot believe in a complete transcendent set of propositions about right and wrong, findable rules that are direct us to live righteously, any premise flounders on the grand says who. in order for any normative evaluation to be binding and unquestionable, the evaluator must be beyond question. the evaluator must be the unjust judge, the untold legislature, the grimace maker who rests on no premise. the great i am, god. he admits that if god is rejected the result is the total elimination of any coherent, even more than momentarily ethical or legal system dependent on authoritative
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premises. this is a way of saying forget or a constitutionalism rule of law that is more than skin deep. when man replaces god the focus is not on god but his power. it may be useful to contemplate rejoinder, a dogmatic belief and objective value is necessary to the very idea of a rule that is not tyranny or obedience which is not slavery. it is on this idea of objective value to believe that certain attitudes are really true, and others really false, the america was established. the founders believed the statement adapted by thomas jefferson on the virginia declaration of rights, edited and endorsed by those who we holdthis republic, these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
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that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable these areat among life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. jefferson statement is the most single -- most famous single entence, or perhaps the second most famous sentence after coke is it. [laughter] another more recognizable choice it, or may the force be with you. you get the idea. seemsnowledge, what self-evident would be patently false or meaningless to the great men who shaped our clinical -- our political imagination.
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we could add the names of american presidents like wilson and roosevelt to the list of those who argued for liberation from constitutional piety. evaluation ofreal the constitution. natural rights and its evil twin , the rights of men, seem to antiquity.eerie economic rights and economic freedom grew up side-by-side with the nationalist refusal to accept objective value. this is a problem for marja entity -- modernity. these truths represent the principles on which this nation is founded. exists for a regime founded on the lex eterna if no one believes in anymore? this is where the life of a
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conservative judge who favors limited government becomes difficult. does notphy that realize that recognize moral norms cannot limit the state power. it is not clear that a legal philosophy that does recognize absolute moral law arms can. -- absolute moral norms can't read to divorce the government monopoly of force from conceptions of what is right and wrong is ultimately to justify tyranny in its most naked form. with cure hearts and good intentions and servitude judges, most convicted of the accuracy of the founders intuition, and anxious to reserve a constitutionalism that can limit government have instead of defending the constitution unilaterally disarmed. with high hopes and grand theories, the proponents of the living constitution have rewritten the charter.
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.he result is incoherent the consequence of everyone going into business for themselves is not just the eclipse of natural law, it is the privileging of unnatural law. once skepticism, moral know was him becomes pervasive. realityal of any moral beyond mere convention is both callable and incoherent and leads to different but equally destructive errors. if there is no principled way to navigate competing moral claims the only option is for the proponent of judicial restraint to remain silent. his position has the virtue of being entirely consistent.
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why that recommends itself. nihilism, devoid of any normative authority and range from generally excepted standards, visit code theory of jurisprudence, and conceptions of democracy and to radically personal convictions. it is worth considering where these theories translated into styles of constitutional interpretation lead. example is the former chief justice of the israeli supreme court. it is safe to talk about him. [laughter] he is candid about what he believes and how he does this. he also doesn't have the constitution. it is better.
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he argues that judges must defend democracy by defining ultimate values. he suggests a process of common conviction must take place among members of society regarding the truth and justice, norms and standards people cherish before we can say a general goal has been reached and that these should be binding. presumably when the consensus changes, so does the law. couples judging on abstract generations -- generalization, this approach allows judges to impose objective predispositions under the guise of an objective standard. a similar defense of judicial subjectivity can be found in justice breyer's book, active liberty. judicial quietism and adventurism are both problematic. the result is either democratic despotism or judicial supremacy. neither bode well for the
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sustainability of american constitutionalism, . i consider myself to be one of them. it is a principled position and there are good reasons to fear arbitrary discretion in the courts and promote what is called the morality of the jurors, a discipline that require -- requires judges from giving desires free play. self-restraint is part of judicial prudence. the founders believed human nature provided the standard by which to judge clinical institutions. the argument for ratification marshaled in the federalist papers were framed in terms of real moral considerations and recognition of the feelings inherent in human enterprise. focused on the perceived inconsistencies in jury ---- story
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jurisprudence. he wonders of the approach owes the classical christian tradition. story was a child of the american revolution. ideas about liberty, and sacred honor part of the air he breathed. he had a deep understanding of the way the first principles of moral reasoning were intercooled to the things that i find american constitutionalism. any good regime must respect the nature of the creature to be governed. the obligatory force of the law derivede is the with equal incidence of the will of the crater -- creator.
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the law of nature is that system of principles which human reason has discovered. these reflections illustrate a very on the mental distinction between a vision of natural law embraced by the founders and revered by american conservatives, and progressive ideas of inevitable transformative progress. highlightssive idea the difference between progress in science and technology, which can be cumulative, and morals and politics, which must start with every generation. there is a deep paradox in the progressive insistence that the nature of history is settled in the nature of man opened to any definition that captures the imagination of the moment. absolve this field humanity is take with precisely with the constitution sought to preserve. john adams said he always viewed the settlement of america with reverence and wonder, as the opening of a grand scene and design in providence for the elimination of the ignorant and the emancipation of the slavish
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part of mankind all over the earth. he was not alone in this view. those who pledge their lives, fortunes, sacred honor in those revolutionary times repeatedly gave credit to a beneficent providence to divine intervention to be in the hands of a good providence. readsow hardly anyone who about the harrowing days of the revolutionary war escapes the intuition that america's success was something more than serendipity. there must be more than a frisian of awareness that something extraordinary was afoot. the hinge of history shifts radically every 500 years. 500 years back, the great reformation. echoesg view of history a shorter time frame the mythic struggle. he invokes saint augustine, regarding -- recalling how god
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enriches history. there is beauty in the composition of the world history ofsing from the antitheses contraries, a kind of eloquence and event instead of words. oftencludes the devil tries with great success to convert good into evil at the battle is never seated through him. evil, habitorged and instruction into instruments of his own design. the point is the reformation intended to purify christianity morphed into the enlightenment which begin by seeking to free this law,rom religion this twisting of light into darkness has the potential to turn politics into a sheer struggle for power.
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rosen says the enlightenment led to the repudiation of reason. reducing all that is not objectively verifiable to the realm of rhetoric, nationalism to perspective, and makes all prospective equal. since our choices can only be justified rhetorically that is even a quality reduced to the equal right of all desired to be satisfied. the assertion of a perspective becomes its justification. the claim is a particular perspective serves the general , and what is really served is the will to power. the enlightenment provided the impetus for the french revolution. contrasted reason with reason rightly understood. the american revolution rejected the idea of reason that made war on human nature. the mistake of the french revolutionaries was not
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contemptary charlie -- for man. in the words of the poet, two roads diverged in the wood, and we took the one less traveled like him and now we know ages hence that has made all the difference. at least for about 150 years it seemed like it would. [laughter] liberty is hard free government is not inevitable. it is only a possibility that it is fully realized when recognized by moral law. it requires self-control and self-restraint. -- freedom is not the power of doing what we like to the right of being able to do
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what we ought. natural law cannot always produce easy answers and sometimes it cannot produce any. it is a response to a hard question. him as man that you made little lower than the angels. and is glory and curis, trying to design a government of the people for the people and by the people we must relish an inherent part of humanity. we are not groups. we are not gods. before architects and structural feel to allow buildings to extend easily upwards, early .uilders invented a solution flying buttress his. this made the gothic cathedrals possible. thus the building stood and the not in spite of the tensions generated by opposing forces but because of them. human beings are similarly designed. and thegs of our heart
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destiny of our souls are forever straining against each other. is the devastating modern human thought. basic positions about reality that are simultaneously necessary and contradictory. the framers would easily have recognized, it did not st. paul antinomy.same i have the desire to do what is good but i cannot carry it out. when i want to do good evil is right there with me. years the ideaf of natural law played a dominant role in philosophy and history. --ero, calvin coolidge approved similar
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sentiment, a wonderful speech given in 1926 to celebrate the wonder had -- 150th anniversary of the declaration of independence. he lamented most of those clamoring for reform were ill-informed. america's foundation was spiritual, not material and the founders or people influenced by spiritual development required a great moral power. only the exercise of god's providence seemed out of it to explain the declaration of independence. he did not believe it should be discarded for something more modern. he concludes that all men are created equal that is final. if they are endowed with an unalienable rights that is final. if governments derive power from the consent of the governed that is final. no progress community on these propositions. anyone wishes to deny their truth and their sound is the only direction which he can proceed is not forwards but backwards.
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towards a time when there was not a quality, not rights of the individuals, no rule of the people. those who wish to proceed in that direction cannot wait claim to progress. they are reactionary. coolidge is exactly right. his insides seem counterintuitive. even after the great depression the spell had not been broken. speaking at a conference of judges, i was surprised that these were ninth circuit judges. it was in 1946. [laughter] anticipated the anti-democratic philosophies gaining ground in american universities. deny thehings essential elements of the regime devoted to the preservation of natural rights. he argued that denying existence of a moral law inherent in human nature which limits government
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coercion would be a prelude to tyranny. if there is no higher law there are no natural rights and if there are no natural rights the bill of rights is a delusion. man possesses,h his life, liberty and property and ifd by government, there are no external truths, if nothing changes, we may not complain when the standard of citizenship changes from freedom to stability. the democracy relapses into tyranny. remarkably, our regime never made the unnecessary choice between truth and reason. time, rejected the strict separation between what is just and what is legal. , a convictionead that there is such a thing as human nature, it is fixed and cannot be changed, and the same nature provides a standard by
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which to judge political institutions to unite john adams, joseph story, and calvin coolidge. to turn away from the principles of 1776, 1778, to turn back toward arbitrary government. that is why the idea of appointing the constitution is a useful analog. it suggests not only preparing but repenting and reorienting. in the early days of the republic, patriots hope for the perpetuity of the constitution. they were sensitive to the fragility of free institutions. story expressed his well-founded fear and a powerful metaphor, the centripetal force is far centrifugal.the that we would fly off and orbit and never return. what he feared came to pass. the nation cannot be sustained
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for the civil war and the civil war amendments shifted the balance from the states to the national government. america was granted a new birth of freedom. the declaration became an explicit part of the constitution. our time is different. in our age the sun has collapsed. becoming a dark star. a cosmic phenomenon sometimes called a black hole. a gravitational pull so strong it can bend light and hold time hostage. our peril was not that we will fly too far from the sun, rather than we are already too close. so close that liberty may be extinguished by the centrifugal force that overwhelms the idea of limits. the constitutional republic is bound by a law of and can always
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anti-itself. instead, liberalism no longer has anything to do with limited government. regulatory state has expanded its reach to encompass education, social welfare, and the transmission of culture. cannotnd legal scholars distinguish between liberalism. the comprehensive doctrine is one that addresses all aspects of life, including conceptions of what is of value, ideas of personal character, and of friendship. the constitutional principles of early american history limited the weight government could conduct the public is as it did not tell citizens how they should live their lives. the first amendment followed exactly this approach. was anrican constitution
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attempt to create a government strong enough to keep the peas, promote prosperity, about the power to affect were of course ordinary lives. new vision today's of the state should force citizens to be neutral, tolerant, egalitarian, and open-minded. wisdom iy, some learned at my grandmother's knee, it's a fine thing to have an open mind and not so open that everything in it falls out. [laughter] says, if your mind is open on these ultimate questions, let your mouth be shut. [laughter] the even more ominous view that government should force citizens to accept a singular secular vision of the good.
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this is where i think deference to the analyte and believe will take us. a secular uniform and vision of the future where we will be democrats who lack faith worth fighting for. while the earlier natural rights strengthens the charter of freedom, the newer understanding constraints, districts, and reduces. so long as we have unlimited lessnment we may need a limited view of the legitimate roles of judges. judges may need to intervene for the sake of individual liberty and they must sometimes do so with reference to ultimate values. western civilization's greatest achievements has been a network of principles that undergird individual liberties.
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somehow those sources of value should and must inform the act of judging. the solutions offered by in makingand either right or in a chorus to virtue based on a natural law that seems contrary to athens and jerusalem both. to the entire network of principled individual liberty. it would take more than i an exhaustivegest answer to the question of how to define the ultimate values that inform responsible judging in a constitutional democracy. there is some usefulness in saying no to these errors. the perceived opinion among a social group and mistaking it thedemocratic consensus, construction of the constitution that all the rise and limited
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government, positive rights, when the import of the constitution is the creation of a government of limited powers aimed at protecting negative rights. the air of indifference to the written test of the constitution. conservative judges have vigorously resisted the importation of extra textual ideas. they have been less adept at limits that are in the text. this is the point of recent books challenging judicial education and their criticism has some validity. it is no more principle to permit remnants to be written out of the constitution than it is to insert obligations that were never there. this is a modest proposal. no theory of everything is in it. ideasance defined at new that turn conventional thinking on its head should count heavily
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against any legal theory. reason that has destroyed authority or the untrammeled will that destroyed self-government can be endured. we must live with our attention for the true way is in the middle. politics is downstream of culture. the cultural problem will turn out to be a religious problem. rather than fleeing from the sacred perhaps we must embrace it. in the orthodox jewish tradition the world is filled with god's glory. protestant security lofty space in which to encounter god. , the world is man filled with law. the source of our differences may well be religious but a person or a nation's relationship to liberty is a spiritual matter. coolidge was right about that. we cannot have it both ways.
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for the promise of the permissive cornucopia authored by the limited state we give up freedom. if the state is limitless maybe judges must be too. that is second-best. a limited state is none other -- is never enter mentality. you cannot remain neutral to good. the question is whether we can read point our constitution so that we may preserve the fortress stones, rendering the legal, political, and constitutional principles that made us an exceptional nation. -- a wonder in the world, the land of the free. if we would be free, the unjust judge is a logical necessity. widespread consensus must exist. even high conceives the preservation of liberty requires a commitment to a narrative privileging ordered liberty.
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otherwise liberty loses to expediency every time. the grand says who is not enough. if you want liberty, something glory, worthy of reverence is required. something like the spirit that moved upon the deep and spoke the world into being, the one who lit the sun and later if cornerstones when the morning stones sang together. because of the logos, the great i am. [applause]
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>> i think you can see from that response how much we appreciate your fine words today and the judge has agreed to take a few questions and who would like to ask the first question? yes. roger? >> thank you very much, judge. i really enjoyed that. i'm with the center for equal opportunity. let me ask you this -- would an atheist judge go about deciding the meaning of the constitution differently from a christian judge? and why or why not? >> gosh. [laughter] i don't think those are going to be easy questions. hmm. that is really interesting. you know, i don't know because some of my best friends are libertarians.
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and they are mostly people who do not believe in, you know, in a supernatural being but nevertheless i think they would recognize that if you're going to have limited government, something must be the source of authority. the problem with this lack of normative foundation is all you get is whatever anybody wants to do. so i would hope that if, in fact, you are atheist or christian, it wouldn't really make any difference as long as you are committed to the limited nature of the regime. >> ok. the next question. yes. i'm with the institute
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for justice. you talked a lot about the declaration of independence this evening and its role in setting forth truths about human name and about the role of government that are true everywhere and always and you always made reference to the 14th amendment as a means of bringing the declaration into the constitution explicitly. more than one justice over the last few years, including famously justice scalia has said that the declaration of independence is not part of our law. >> i know. [laughter] kagan during his confirmation hearing was asked and she said basically to the extent that there are rights out there, i wouldn't want to you think that i would enforce those rights. how would you respond to
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that and any further thoughts about the reference to the declaration and the constitution. >> it's clear that the declaration was not part to have original constitution. there's a kind of interesting debate about that. one of the things that mclellan says that they didn't put that in the constitution because by the time they got around to drafting the constitution they were so over all that natural rights stuff, right? i mean, that was a kind of exuberant thing that they did but then when they got around to the constitution they were very sober and they did not bring that up again. my own feeling is that the reason that they did not say anything when they drafted the constitution about the declaration of independence was they understood what those words meant and just as it happened in massachusetts, it would have meant the end of slavery,
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right? that language was very powerful. so i think that's why it wasn't -- because they were very careful in the constitution. they were trying to hold this together. they were trying to keep this compromise working and so they were very circumstance spect in all of their -- circumspect in all of their language about slavery. but i still think that that was a background consideration to what they were doing. i don't think it was just sort of something that happened because they were trying to justify declaring their independence. so i think that that was always in the background of what happens -- what was happening, and i think the civil war congress, the republicans clearly thought that that's what they were doing. they said so so i don't know. i mean, i can't answer your question about how other
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judges look at this and, you know, decide that this is not there and that we should not have any concern about it. i mean, we have a court that has just, you know, refused to acknowledge that privileges and immunities is in the constitution. so we have, you know -- clearly there are currents in the jurisprudence on the supreme court that i cannot explain and won't try to. [laughter] >> thank you. manny from the reason foundation and individual rights foundation. this is a great moment for the heritage foundation and the great moment for the audience and the broadcast audience. my question to go back to your theme of reappointing
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the constitution, would you look for the type of mortar that wouldn't be too strong that maybe would be preserving the bricks of the constitution. a little bit of -- in that mortar? [laughter] >> whoa. he keeps telling me i have to speak into the mike because of the -- i forget. i'm a pacer. uh, boy. well, i'm going to take the coward's way out here. i am a sithing judge so -- [laughter] -- sitting judge, so -- [laughter] i'm going to decide that discretion is the better part of valor and i am not going to say anything more about that. >> john? >> so i want toe pose a question. did the declaration come in only via the 14th amendment
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privilege immune 'tis before -- was it in the main document insist because there's also privileged inimmune ties, there are principles there that seem to follow the declaration. we have compromises with those and we have to live side by side but isn't the root there first and if it is, how should a judge go about giving foist to those original claims? >> i think you make a good point and i believe that there was much in what they did. because my point in really focusing on the declaration of independence was what was it that they saw as necessary to limit government because they -- you know, this was the new thing that they thought they were seeing in terms of governance. one that consent had to come from the people, and two,
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that there were limits on what government could do to coerce a certain kind of creature, right? so i think that that was very much a part of what they were doing and that there are several things in the constitution which probably reflect that. but i have to acknowledge that they were very careful. i would say even the preamble has a little flavor of that but i think they were very careful not to say that out loud. >> clark? >> thank you. i've been waiting for the easy questions. by the way, heritage promised me only softball questions. [laughter] i think i need a little truth in advertising discussion with them. have served a lot of different judges in your
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career. can you identify one or two qualities that you find most admirable and desirable in judges from both sides of the aisle, but what are one or two qualities that are the hall marks of a good judge and the kind of judges we should want in our courts? >> wow. it's funny, i have been on a lot of courts and i've served with a lot of different judges and all of them are quite different but i think for me what, you know, the thing they like when i have a colleague who really is engaged, that really wants to dig into it, who's there because they love the work and it interests them, and who are willing to take the extra time to thoroughly investigate something and especially someone who -- you know, when you have a disagreement, and this is
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the thing about appellate courts. if you're a trial judge, you are the king. you know, your word is law. just whatever you say, you as like yul brenner 10 s ii in "the command." ." so let it be written, so let it be done. it's over. when you're on an appellate court, it's a symphony, a on sherto, it's never a -- concerto, it's never a solo. you always have to be -- have the ability to work with the other judges. to me, one of the best characteristics of a judge is one where you have a disagreement actually goes back and thinks it through. doesn't just grudgingly put in a couple of words and say
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ok i've addressed your concern but goes back and says how does that idea change the way i was pproaching this opinion. i think we're done. i hope so. [applause] dd >> judge, one of the things that we excellent recognition both for your distinguished career as judge and the other jobs that you've done but also of your talk this evening and your excellent thoughts and kids and the thinking and research that went into your fine work for tonight's talk , this is our statue of liberty, defender of liberty award and we're happy to present this to you. >> this is gorgeous. thank you so much. >> and also with it we have a --
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>> whoa! >> we have the commentaries on the constitution of the united states in two volumes by joseph story. >> oh, this is gorgeous. beautiful. >> and also, what we call the familiar exposition of the constitution of the united states by joseph story and with all modesty, i must say it has a forward by me. [applause] > oh, thank you so much. >> and now, if you'll join us all, and we have in the foyer, we'll have a reception where you can personally meet the judge but before we leave, i just want to thank you again personally for being with us for all that you've done for the law and particularly for being with us tonight. thank you very much. [applause] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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candidates representative michael grimm and recchia jr. also, the florida governor's debate. at 8:30 on c-span, it's the illinois 10th district debate with representative brad snyder and former representative bob dold followed at 9:00 by the new york 18th district debate. and then at 10:00, the illinois 13th district debate with representative rodney davis and ann callii is. thursday night live at 8:00 eastern, the iowa fourth district debate. c-span campaign 2014. more than 100 debates for the control of congress. >> last night a new hampshire senate debate was held in concord between ncumbent jeanneshaheen and
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former massachusetts senator scott brown. here's a part of that. approve, ways i in some ways i don't approve. there aren't simple answers yes or no. >> let me put is it this way. you have said you're the candidate for the citizens of new hampshire. scott brown often says that you vote with president obama 99% of the time. because obama's approval ratings are at an all-time low in new hampshire right now, 38% to 40%, how does your voting record jibe with serving the citizens of new hampshire? >> i work for new hampshire and scott brown talks a lot about one survey and 99% of the time they voted with the president, but the numbers i'm proudest of are the 259 people who are now working at the prison because i was able to get the prison open
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after it sat empty for two years. it's the 12,200 people who were being foreclosed on who our office worked to keep in their homes. it's the 1 9,000 veterans who can now get care close to home because the legislation that another senator and i got into the veterans reform bill. we need a senator who's going to work for new hampshire, who's going to address the concerns from our con stitch wefpblets, who's going to be willing to work with democrats, republicans and independents, anybody who can help us get the job done for this statement. >> she just described me because i was the most bipartisan senator in the united states cincinnati. ery survey has senator sheehan being one of the most partisan senators. she was the deciding vote for obamacare.
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she voted against every ability for us to keep our doctors, health care, and hospitals that people trusted and loved. as a result the costs are going up. care and coverages are going down. she's also voted to put in place a system where we have more and more gridlock by voting with her party, over 99% of the time. that's part of the problem -- problem right now. >> recent polling have suggested that new hampshire is leaning towards democrats. onorrow, terrance gainer washington journal. and then a look at the role of health care in the 2014 midterm elections. plus, your phone calls, comments and tweets.
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"washington journal" is live ever morning starting at 7:30 a.m. eastern on c-span. after meeting with his advisors on ebola. president obama gave a statement on the u.s. response to the disease and also discussed the parliament shooting in ottawa. this is 15 minutes. >> everybody all set? good. well, i wanted to give you an update i just received from the team that's been working day and night to make sure that the american people are safe and that we're dealing effectively with not just the ebola case here but the outbreak and epidemic that's taking place in west africa. a number of things make us cautiously more optimistic about the situation here in the united states. first of all, we now have
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seen dozens of persons who had initial interaction with mr. duncan, including his family and friends and in some cases people who had had fairly significant exact -- contact with him have now been cleared and we're confident that they do not have ebola and it gives, i think, people one more sense of how difficult it is to get this disease. these are people who in some cases were living with mr. duncan and had fairly significant contact with him. they, we now know, do not have ebola and once again i want to emphasize to the public this is not airborne. you had to have had contact with the bodily fluids of someone, which is why it makes it so hard to catch, although it obviously is very virulent. if you do come in contact with such bodily fluids. our hearts and thoughts and
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prayers are still with the wo nurses who were effected. we're cautiously optimistic. they seem to be doing per. i had a chance to talk to a number of their coworkers at texas presbyterian today. spirits were good. people were very proud of the work they've done and understandably so like i've said before, when it comes to taking care of us and our families, nobody is more important than the frontline health workers and nurses in particular who so often are the ones who have immediate ongoing contact with patients and they're very proud of what they've done and want to make sure that everybody understands how seriously they take their work and how important they consider their jobs to be. in addition, what we've also
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seen is two american parents who got ebola outside but were brought here to be treated and now been cleared. we're obviously very happy about that and i know their families are thrilled about that. we received news that the world health organization, both nigeria and senegal are ebola-free. these are countries that are adjoining the three west african countries that are experiencing the most severe aspects of this disease. and again, gives you some sense that when it's caught early and where the health infrastructure operates effectively, this outbreak can be stopped. what we've also been talking about then is dealing with the particulars of the situation as it o-- arose in dallas and what we're doing to make sure we don't have a repeat with some of the problems with the protocols that took place in dallas. first of all, with respect
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to dollar, working in coordination with governor perry, mayor rowlings and health officials throughout texas, we are now very confident that if any additional cases came up in texas that there's a plan in place where they would go to receive first-class treatment and we continue to actively monitor those who remain at risk because they were involved with mr. duncan. although a number of them have been ruled off the list of people who could possibly get it today, and each day more and more folks are cleared and be counted as not having ebola. we've search -- sent resources both to dallas and to cleveland, making sure the c.d.c. is on the ground so that if additional cases arise out of the dallas situation as well as the second nurse who flew to cleveland, that we're on the
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ground and we don't repeat any problems with respect to the protocols. the c.d.c. has refined and put in place guidelines that will make sure that both in terms of protective gear and how it's disposed and how we monitor anybody who might have ebola, that those are tight and our team has spent a lot of time reaching out to hospitals, doctors, nurses associations, health care workers. there were thousands who were trained at the center just yesterday, i believe, so we're going to systematically and steadily make sure that every hospital has a plan that they are displaying c.d.c. information that is provided so that they can take step by step precautions when they're dealing with somebody who might have
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ebola and i'm confident that over the course of several weeks and months, each hospital working in conjunction with public health officials in those states are going to be able to train and develop the kinds of systems that assure that people are prepared if and when a case like this comes up. and that ultimately is going to be the most important thing. you know, this is a disease where, if it's caught early and the hospital knows what to do early, doesn't present a massive risk of spreading. but we have to make sure that everybody is aware of it and obviously given all the attention that this situation has received, as you might expect, hospital workers and dentists and anybody who has contact with potential patients is paying a lot more attention and is much more open to making sure that they've got a sound plan in place and we're going to be helping everybody to make sure that they put that plan in place.
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in addition, i know that there's been a lot of concern around the issue of individuals traveling from the three nations in west rica that are most effected. so as has already been announced. all flights from those nations are now being funneled into three airports, five airports rather. each of those airports have systems in place so that all the passengers getting all off flights will be monitored. the c.d.c. announced today it's going to provide additional information to states so that they can actively monitor what's taking place with those persons for a period of 21 days in order to protect the citizens of their various states and will continue to put in place additional measures as they make sense in order to assure that we don't see a continuing spread of this disease. and on the international
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front, the good news is is that along with the billion dollars that we are putting in. we've seen an additional billion dollars from the world community to start building isolation units in liberia, guinea and sierra leone. health workers are beginning to surge there. we have 100 c.d.c. personnel on the groundswells more than 500 military personnel. our military personnel is not treating patients but that -- what they're doing is building the infrastructure. the logistical systems, the air transport, the construction so that as other countries start making contributions they can be confident that it's going to get in where it's most needed and it's going to be coordinated effectively and we just want to thank, as always, our men and women in uniform who are doing an
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outstanding job there. we're already starting to see some very modest signs of progress in liberia. we're concerned about some spike in cases in guinea. one of the good things that has come out of all the attention that this has received over the last several months, and frankly, the coordination of the united states with the international community is that people understand if we are going to protect all of our citizens globally, we have to do a better job of getting into these countries quicker and providing more help faster and american leadership has been vital in that entire process. so the top line, i think the key message i want to deliver is that, although obviously people had concerns with mr. duncan and our hearts still go out to his family as well as to the two nurses that were
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infected. in fact, what we're seeing is that the public health infrastructure and systems that we are now putting in place across the board around the country should give the american people confidence that we're going to be in a position to deal with any additional cases of ebola that might crop up without it turning into an -- and i want to emphasize again, this is a very hard disease to get and if a country like the united states that have a strong public health infrastructure and outstanding hospitals and health workers and systems, the prospect of an outbreak here is extremely low. if people want to make sure that as we go into the holiday season their families are safe, the best thing they can do is make sure nerve their family gets flu shot because we know
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that tens of thousands of people will be affected by the flu this season, as is true every season. if there's a silver lining in all of the attention that the ebola situation has received over the last several weeks, it's a reminder of how important our public health systems are. and in many ways, what this has done sell serrated that importance. there may come a time sometime in the future where we are dealing with an airborne disease that is much easier to catch and is deadly. and in some ways this has reated a trial run for federal, state, and local public health officials and health care providers as well as the american people to understand the nature of that and why it's so important that we're continually building out our public health systems but we're also practicing them
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and keeping them in tip-top shape and investing in them. because oftentimes, the best cures is to prevent illness and diseases in the first place. that's true for individuals and true for the country as a whole. all right? thank you very much, everybody. thank you very much. i appreciate -- thank you. i had the chance to talk with prime minister harper this afternoon. obviously the situation there is tragic. just two days ago, a canadian soldier had been killed in an attack. we now know that another young man was killed today. i express my condolences to the family and the canadian people as a whole. we don't yet know what motivated the shooting. we don't have all of the
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information about whether this was part of a network or plan, or whether this was an individual or serious of individuals -- series of individuals that decided to take these actions. but we have to remain vigilant when it comes to dealing with these kinds of acts of senseless violence or terrorism. to i pledged, as always, make sure that our national security teams are coordinating onlyclosely, given not that canada is one of our closest allies in the world, but our neighbors and our friends. obviously, there is a lot of interaction between canadians and the united states where we have such a long border. it's very important, i think, for us to recognize that when it comes to dealing with terrorist , canadahe t -- activity
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and the united states need to be in sync. we have in the past, and i'm confident we will in the future. the prime minister was very appreciative of expressions of concern by the american people. travel toance to parliament in ottawa. i'm very familiar with that area and i'm reminded at how warmly i was received and how wonderful the people there were. obviously, we are all shaken by it, but we will do everything we can to make sure we are standing side-by-side with canada during this difficult time. x [no audio] -- >> [inaudible] >> we do not have enough information yet. as we understand this better promote we will make sure it is something that we factor in. and the ongoing effort against counterterrorism -- against terrorist attacks in our country.
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we have really smart, really dedicated, really hard-working people, including a couple in this room who are monitoring risks and making sure we are doing everything we need to do to protect the american people. .hey don't get a lot of fanfare they don't get a lot of attention. there are a lot of possible threats that are foiled or disrupted the don't always get reported on. that don't always get reported on. and the work of our military , the centralteams intelligence agency, the intelligence community more lawdly, our local enforcement and state law enforcement officials who coordinate closely with us, we owe them all a great deal of thanks. thank you, guys. i appreciate you.
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[captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] >> canadian prime minister stephen harper will be giving an address about the shootings that happened in ottawa this morning. a 24-year-old turner list was killed while guarding the national monument in ottawa. we plan live coverage of prime minister harper when he speaks here on c-span. that is scheduled for about 7:45 p.m. eastern. until then, we will hear about a as partory in newsweek of the spotlight on magazines series. this morning for our spotlight on magazines series continuing in the last hour of washington journal. this week, we are focusing on the cover story of newsweek. it is the october 3 edition "the white vote."
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why focus on the white vote? guest: it's an important vote. the piece focuses mostly on what the pollsters called noncollege whites. not gone toave college. that is a demographic that is really shifting away from democrats. side ofhorn in the democrats. it's changing the composition of the republican party. fascinating and these midterms because so many of the seats up for grabs are in states that have a lot of working-class white voters. arkansas, louisiana, north carolina, south dakota. it seemed timely to me. host: will these noncollege whites have an impact on this election cycle? guest: they surely will. one indication is that they tend to be a bigger percentage of the electorate during midterms than general elections.
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minority turnout is kind of lower. they become a larger percentage. they can really make a difference and they have really moved away from the democrats. one way of looking at it is a virginia that is out of reach and presidential races. host: the senate race as well. rockefeller -- open seat. it will go to a republican. guest: that is one prominent indication you see it elsewhere in the polling. this is an issue i've wanted to focus on. the noncollege whites vote for president obama in 2012 and 2008? guest: he lost by about 833 point margin.
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-- a 33 point margin. .e got pummeled with white men he really got pummeled their. that thateresting is well-known growth in the minority voter has really made a 2,fference so that in 201 mitt romney got a larger percentage of the white vote than ronald reagan. he lost because of the minority voters. host: look at the exit polls for 2012. broken down by gender and race. mitt romney getting 62% of the white man vote. the larger percentage of minority voters overwhelmingly going for president barack obama
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in 2012. does the white vote have clout anymore? guest: it is certainly declining. there is still a huge percentage of the public. as much as time has been focused rightly on the growth in the latino vote, this is a huge block. new york times this morning. their editorial sing president obama remains highly unpopular with white voters. why? guest: a couple of things. it's worth noting that this is a trend that has been going on for a long time. there has been alienation from the democratic party. prominent in issues that have helped cement his base
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of minority voters. when you look at the things he has become known for besides obamacare, you see things like the heavy regulation of the coal industry and gay marriage, immigration reform. these are not always popular among working-class whites. that has made it harder. host: inside the magazine, white out. white men are disgruntled and both parties are trained to loot them -- woo them. guest: part of it is with the nine college whites, its top in this economy. with the noncollege whites come it's tough in this economy. part of it is the unique of whitents men.
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.hite male paranoia they are much less optimistic than other groups. the minority poor have greater optimism about their own personal future that these people do. host: we are talking with matthew cooper of newsweek. his cover story, "the white vote ." we go to bill in alabama. democratic caller. caller: good morning. ironicit extremely regarding the right-wing , especially among politicians, they reject evolution. yet, they endorse social pulltion by telling people
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yourself up by your bootstraps. climate of survival of the fittest. that is highly ironic. rejecting it on a biological level but endorsing it at the social level. host: have you always been a democrat? caller: i was an independent prior to the 2000 election. in the 2000 election when george bush tried to create what he thought was a democratic policy of having a committee select the and cheney ended up choosing himself. ton i saw that, i switched the democratic level and i have remained a democrat ever since. host: what do you do for a living? caller: i'm a retired professor. host: of the educated white
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vote. .ending toward democrats guest: definitely. if you look at the philadelphia suburbs, historically republican. they have become much more democratic, much more affluent. thishas been a big part of coalition of the ascendant. john in go next to pennsylvania. independent caller. caller: the question you just vote about why the white is abandoning obama, from the get-go, go down a list of 30 things from not doing anything tout the war criminals geithner and summers to bowing
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turn toisrael at every waffling on numerous things. i'm a white independent. i used to be a democrat. basically useless. host: did you vote for him in 2008? caller: the first time around. party --his by two-party monopoly. the perception among white working-class voters -- obviously not all of them. the president's policies don't affect them. that is hurting the democrats.
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the still negative perception of obamacare has been very hard on democrats. it is perhaps not as bad as it might have been a year ago. now that more people are getting health insurance. there's an overwhelmingly negative perception of it. that is hurting democrats. this idea that obama has not done anything. that is very hurtful host. host: democrats are shunning the president at their own peril. not talking about the benefits of obamacare, not talking about the stimulus package. that is going to hurt them with the black vote in the midterm election cycle. i think that might be a good point. of transparent when
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you voted for the vast majority of the president's policies and then you disown them and emphasize the smallest of differences. on the other hand, democrats are going to do what they can to prevail on these close races. nervous andats are working-class white men used to go with the democratic party like hot dogs and mustard. now, not so much. why? guest: it's a whole bunch of things. some of it is cultural issues. i open the piece with an anecdote from 1970 when there was an anti-war demonstration in lower manhattan that was broken up by construction workers. it became quite violent. that was one a signal moment in which you saw white working-class voters feeling
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alienated from a big constituency in the democratic party, finding conservatives more attractive. ,he idea of the reagan democrat blue-collar voters supporting republicans. some of it is cultural issues. days, perhaps things like same-sex marriage. a lot of it is the economics, the perception that policies are benefiting the poor and not the middle class and not them. those kinds of resentments cymer. simmer. host: fred in new york. republican. caller: good morning. in this minority country is the white taxpaying christian male.
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orare either racist chauvinist or whatever you want to call it. every minority that is being taken care of we have to support. not an entirely unknown sentiment. the counterargument would be that there are many government programs that deserve the middle the middle class like the home mortgage direction -- home mortgage deduction. things like social security and medicare for the elderly. there is a counterargument that government does intervene on behalf of the groups the caller talked about. host: maryland. independent. i used to vote democrat.
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now i'm independent most of the time. the democrats have no spine. they're running away from good things they have done. this will come back to haunt them. host: democrats want to see a party member with a spine. guest: this is one of the greatest issues of the race this year. mayor sayingnta minority voters in georgia were michelleo acknowledge nunn was not going to support president obama and they were prepared to sit that out.
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spine istion of whether full throated democrats are going to be sad and stay home or whether this is going to prove to be smart politics. races doch key senate you think the white vote could make a difference? guest: poor white states like louisiana and arkansas and west virginia. some in the south. also in the midwest. kansas, whichnd have become competitive races for democrats. all up for it. host: the financial times had
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this piece yesterday. these are senate seats in the old confederate south. in louisiana, purple because each party holds one senate seat. for to come in north carolina, on?nsas -- what's going guest: you have a long process. saidn johnson famously that we have lost the south for a generation. perhaps it's been two generations. it has been leaning republican and conservative for a long time. some of these cultural issues have not played as well for democrats like same-sex marriage and such. some of the southern states will to ratify or have same-sex marriage until it becomes a national event. there.e a lot of issues
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you see some of these numbers come in states where obama gets 9% of the white working-class vote. host: we are talking with matthew cooper about his cover story in the october 3 edition of newsweek. the white vote in this midterm election cycle. protections for what -- where it will matter in future elections as well. let's go to philip in pennsylvania. democratic caller. caller: hello. just wanted to ask, do you think in the future races the college educated portion of the distinction will be removed because of the rise in college attendance by my generation? the education portion will be removed and replaced by prosperity or the likeliness of having a good future. guest: i think that is a good
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question. be whethern will it's just income that determines that vote or whether the particular set of experiences one has in college can inform voting as well. it's the right kind of question. maine.tanley in independent. caller: good morning. thank you for c-span. the main thing for me is the irs has to be replaced. the one person that can do that is ben carlson, who would be able to help out with the health problems in the country. he is an old black man. looking ahead to 2016, if
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ben carson or another republican is on the ticket versus hillary clinton, what happens with the white vote? guest: it's hard to see white would not keep trending the same way. hillary clinton did better with these kind of voters against barack obama. there was a saying among hillary apporters, you can tell hillary voter by her shoes. if she had the worn shoes of a waitress or schoolteacher, that meant they were working-class and they were more likely to support her. i think it's likely to trend that way. i think the republicans will have to face these tax reform questions. so hard to get even modest tax reforms. minnetonka beach,
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minnesota. republican. caller: you stole my thunder. i was just going to say we already know the democrats games and how they play them. old whitell those people to vote for the old white lady that's going to run for your party. host: do democrats need hillary clinton? guest: not entirely sure of the caller's point. clinton is going to be the leader. she was that way in 2007 as well and she was not the nominee. you never know. host: carl in south carolina. independent. guest: i have to laugh when people talk about dr. carson. he's just making money.
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hillary will do good in everything. i don't think america is going to sit back and watch people take down a white lady. i think congress will turn around. it was just obama. can try to pass the same laws. we just don't want to make obama. they don't want to see the black guy do good. it's tough for everybody. host: is there racism here? hard: i think it would be to say there is no racism ever. these trends have gone on for a while. they hurt john kerry and al
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gore. if al gore had been able to carry clinton's state of arkansas, there would not have been a need for a florida recount. caller: good morning. i wanted to make a comment that , they sayhat voted most of the majority of black people voted for obama. that thent to say reason why is because you can't just follow the color. abouty he talked consolidating or bringing together the united states -- that is not what we had with bush. he was a separate test. ist.e was a separat against just minorities white people or anything like that.
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if you are white and you have been voting for white people for years and you have a message and you are good and you want to bring people together, you are going to get our vote no matter who you are. we didn't vote for jesse jackson. it's a bit more than blacks against whites and whites against blacks. ism inis still race america. supportbviously, the barack obama got was not just some kind of racial loyalty. the extended throughout the country. he was the first president since -- that's an win accomplishment that transcends race. host: what about the impact of unions and declining membership and unions?
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what impact has that had on the democratic party? guest: it seems to have had a big impact. if working-class whites are in a union, they're much more likely to vote democratic. they formed the union because they were democratic of the first place. that theequally true constant political education that unions have for their -- it goes from a third of the country in the 1930's to single digits. that makes a difference. host: we are talking two matthew cooper about his cover piece. "the white vote or co-talking specifically about noncollege whites.
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-- "the white vote." the financial times this morning had this piece we showed you about the shifting southern states. know what's going on in virginia, north carolina and georgia. guest: absolutely. , virginia wasup never a competitive state. now, it's the most purple of states. it's very competitive. you see an influx of these kind of workers, they tend to lean more obama. that is quick to make a big difference.
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it has helped a composition of colorado, western states. host: surely in new hampshire. republican. caller: thank you for c-span. i want to shout out for ray to the man who called from massachusetts who wanted ben carson for president. i'm with him. here, i'm veryt concerned with the way the government feels about corporations. i don't care how much a man makes if he owns a corporation. worked with the corporations instead of being envious of the money they make, it would be so much more people.eous for our
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they would have jobs that would cut out this welfare problem we have. the government probably would have more money to work with than they ever expected. jobs that are out there are low-paying. they can't have a middle-class life like their parents had. ceos withorporation huge salaries and huge profits. caller: everybody can't be equal. when i was seven years old, my father was killed in the battle of the bulge. my family was no longer equal with the middle class. it happens. pull yourself together and work. i live on next to nothing. i am so far below the poverty .evel, but i have food to eat
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i'm 77 years old and i'm going strong. host: what about this notion? where is the middle class right now? they are more spread out. there is a well-known feeling, about the costy of college and medical care and everything else. i think she raises a good point about wanting to have the policies that spur economic growth. the big political issue coming up -- if congress can never get anything done is how do you do that. do you have subsidies like the
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import bank? or various tax advantages for moving overseas? or do you pull back on the regulations? how you help companies is going to be an issue. host: jen in florida. democrat. theer: my question is about -- mortgage rates are down. oil was down last week. the dow is up this morning. unemployment rates are down. saving $4000 a year thanks to the health care situation. if the person in the white house is running again and his republican, don't you think they will get reelected with these numbers? guest: this is one of the paradoxes. -- the numbers have dropped out from under him.
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the expansion of the affordable care act has led to more people getting coverage, such as you said. after a summer of wild stories from the war in ukraine to the sudden surge of isis, the civil ,nrest in ferguson, missouri all of those things have made it tough for the president. -- carolol and florida in florida appeared republican. reasons theof the educated -- i'm educated, but i'm conservative. at least, i'm not socially conservative, but i am --servative in terms of
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fiscally, when it comes to money. the government squanders way too much. my daughter who went to undergrad and graduated from columbia's liberal because that is what they teach you at these schools. columbia andfrom is liberal. i think president obama has been one of the -- he is so divisive. it's always about him. said oneee what he even thethen he -- liberal media is giving fed up with all the times he contradicts himself. ludicrous that againstre discriminated
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when we have a black president and attorney general 20% of our federal workplace is black. federal40% of all --kers who are entitlement some of them don't do anything. white and waylow below hispanic. carol touched on a lot of things. including my alma mater, columbia. african-americans in the united states are not monolithic. experiencesset of that shape their political views. i don't think it makes sense to discount them because of a
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particular election or anything. i think it would be shortsighted. new mexico. independent. caller: i'm a 70-year-old white male. i have lived through eisenhower, nixon, ford, reagan and h w bush. none of these republicans could be nominated by the present republican party. policies without political labels, the last true democrat was richard nixon and the last republican was bill clinton. the republicans have drifted to a authoritarian party. they appealed directly to the economic inequality that we have been experiencing in this country.
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it appeals to that belief of the white class. don is right about the transformation of the parties. i don't know about dictatorial. certainly both parties are different than they were. 1980 when ronald reagan was elected, you had a slew of conservative democrats. republicans. the parties have become much more bifurcated since then. host: what about the white female vote? the fault lines are complex between married white women come a single white women. of see in many states a lot ads supporting legal abortion
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and addressing this hobby lobby case. what employers can decide for their employees. there are some differences. host: debra in mississippi. republican. caller: the reason i called is single.-- i'm we are under assault out here out obama letting criminals and trying to reduce sentences. they're running over and killing people on the street. we don't have no protection. a single white female, all we have is our god. -- all we have is our gun.
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it's very important to me to have my gun right now. thugs.t on, you can't defend yourselves up north where democrats are running those cities. i feel sorry for those poor people. host: if you look at the 2012 exit polls by gender and marital running foried men mitt romney in that election. married women, 46% voted for president obama. guest: right. that remains a big difference. it will be interesting to see whether hillary is able to expand that.
7:41 pm independent caller. to discussm calling the movement of our manufacturing overseas. manufacturing used to be 20% of our economy. it has now fallen to 10% of our economy. that is why there is no competition and labor rates are so low. there is no competition for labor. one day, an enterprising will win in a landslide and we have to bring those jobs back. the people who have $3 trillion in banks overseas have a keen related with their overseas operations will have to bring that money back to the u.s. to
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enjoy the benefits of it in the u.s. guest: i think there is a political dimension to that, too. there is much more pressure on republicans to reassess their free-trade stance. with their more affluent base are seeing more favorability towards free-trade. host: as we wrap up here and we look at your cover story, what will you be watching for on election night when it comes to the white vote? guest: whether democrats -- whether republicans will be able to break through with hispanic votes.
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those will be two issues that affect these midterms. host: what does it mean going forward for the next election cycle? sense, i a more cosmic think it's good for the body politic when both parties compete for each group. onen't think it's good that ethnic group or one demographic group totally migrates to one party. it's better when there is a robust competition because you are more likely to see ideas to americans. i hope that competition becomes more even among all groups. the cover but be part of campaign 2014 coverage. follow us on twitter and like us on facebook. of keys of videos
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moments. c-span is ringing you over 100 senate house, and governor debate, and you can instantly share your reactions to what the candidates are saying. the battle for the control of congress, stay in touch and engaged by following us on twitter and liking us on facebook. >> in a moment, canadian prime minister stephen harper will address the media about today's shooting in ottawa. a soldier was killed before the shooter himself was killed by security forces. soldier,ils about the the corporal was in his mid-20's and had a six-year-old son. he was a reservist based at of hamilton, ontario, train to join the canada border services agency, and he was killed today while guarding canada's national war memorial. increaseary did
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security at the tomb of the unknown at arlington national cemetery after those shootings in ottawa. at the i and homeland security department -- the fbi and homeland security department said there was no threat against the u.s. they did confirm the shootings as outrageous acts, saying we are all shaken by it. this into a little bit of what president obama said he for prime minister harper. before prime minister harper. i will begin by saying our thoughts and condolences go out to those were affected by today's shooting in canada, as well as to the family of a soldier who was killed earlier this week. the president was briefed earlier today in the oval office by his top homeland security adviser. details about the nature of this event are still sketchy,
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which is not unusual in a chaotic situation like the one -- like this one. is one of the closest friends and allies of the united froms and issues ranging the strength of our nato alliance to the ebola response to dealing with ifo -- isil, there is a strong partnership and alliance between the u.s. and canada. the united states strongly values that relationship and that relationship makes the citizens of this country safer. officials with in the u.s. government have been in close touch with their canadian counterparts today to offer assistance. that includes officials here at the white house. we have been in touch with the canadians about arranging a phone call between the president and prime minister harper at the prime minister's earliest convenience. he's obviously doing a lot today, but as soon as we can arrange that call, we will a you
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know. we will have live coverage of canadian prime minister stephen harper shortly talking about the shooting today in ottawa. we will see now president obama speaking about the shootings before we hear from prime minister harper. >> thank you very much. i had a chance to talk with prime minister harper this afternoon. theresly, the situation is tragic. just two days ago, a canadian soldier had been killed in an attack. we now know that another young and is killed today express on behalf of of the mayor can our condolences to the family. and to the canadian people as a whole. we do not yet have all of the information about what motivated the shooting. we do not yet have the all of about whethern
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this was part of a broader network or plan, or whether this was an individual or series of individuals who decided to take these actions. but it emphasizes the degree to which we have to remain vigilant when it am come -- when it comes kind ofng with this senseless violence or terrorism. i pledge to always make sure that our national security teams are coordinating very closely, given not only that canada is one of our closest allies, but they are on our nehru bruce -- they are our neighbors and friends. there is a lot of interaction between the canadians and the united states where we have such a long border. is very important, i think, for us to recognize that when it comes to dealing with terrorist activity, that canada and the united states have to be entirely in sync.
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we have been in the past. i'm confident we will do so in the future. prime minister harper was very appreciative of the expressions of concern by the american people. i had a chance to travel to parliament in ottawa. i'm very familiar with that area and i'm reminded of how warm they i was received and how wonderful the people there were. obviously, we are all shaken by it. but we will do everything we can to ensure that we are standing side-by-side with canada during this difficult time. >> [inaudible] >> we don't have enough information yet. as we understand that are exactly what happened, this is obviously something we will make sure to factor in, in the ongoing efforts we have to counter terrorist attacks in our country. we have a whole
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lot of really smart, really dedicated, really hard-working people, including a couple in this room who are monitoring risks and making sure we are doing everything we need to do to protect the american people. they don't get a lot of fanfare. they don't get a lot of attention. there are a lot of possible threats that are foiled or disrupted that don't always get reported on. and the work of our military, , yountelligence teams know, the central intelligence agency, the intelligence community more broadly, our local law enforcement and state law enforcement officials who coordinate closely with us, we owe them all a great deal of thanks. thank you, guys. i appreciate you.
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[captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> the white house did say the president obama did speak by phone with canadian prime minister harper. week -- we expect to hear from prime minister harper momentarily. but here are a couple -- >> here are a few of the comments we have seen on the ebola coverage. ex-wife can't the president get behind what -- >> why can't the president get behind what we want to do for the good of the people? that is, this ebola think it's overhyped by the media and they give it 10 to 12 minutes every morning when it first came out, and they are still talking about it. there are other things that are important to talk about, too. but they don't do it. but i would like to see c-span -- >> i would like to see c-span
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whether the about ebola virus means we should have payer health care system. we have seen what happened in texas with a capitalistic health care system. now it's going to cost us millions and millions to clean that mess up. >> regarding ebola and hospitals not being ready, you had a guest it could have been 8, 9 years ago. i forget the author's name. she wrote a book called and she went into how our hospitals were not prepared. it was during the bush administration. there was readiness for nothing. we had a shortage of doctors and nurses. i wonder how that fares today. her book "pandemic" said it all. we've were not ready then and we are not ready now.
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you should have her back on again. >> think of -- tell us what you think of the programs you are watching. call us. e-mail us. tweet.can send us a join the c-span conversation. like us on facebook. follow us on twitter. >> now we're going to go live to the canadian public affairs channel two-year from prime minister stephen harper talking to canada about what happened in ottawa today where a soldier was killed, before the shooter himself was killed in the parliament building.
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>> we believe now what is taking place is that more and more people are being allowed to leave. hill to beaving the questioned, we understand, by the police authority, if they have not already been. clement just tweeted a few moments ago -- finally out of the building. and we know from our conversation, some of our own staff are on lockdown and have been taken to locations off parliament hill to be questioned by police about the events of today. as we stand by for the prime minister, those events of today, shocking the nation here and the heart of the democratic process on parliament hill where we have today, shortly after 9:45 a.m. this morning, a man show up at
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the national war memorial, shoot ad kill at point-blank range canadian soldier doing ceremonial guard duty at the tomb of the unknown soldier. that soldier killed today identified as 25 euros corporal nathan cirillo -- 25-year-old in thete nathan cirillo reserves, doing honor guard duty at the tomb of the unknown soldier, gunned down at point-blank range by the individual who then made his way from there to parliament hill , thethe hallways cinderblocks, the hall of honor into the parliamentary meeting and caucus. shows whatic video happened next.
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opened fire on him just outside the parliamentary hall. of the other doors parliamentary library. it's not completely clear to us that the individual was killed there. his name has been made public by a number of media organizations, but not by police official sources at this point. he is 32 years old from the robins of québec -- province of québec. researching his background in the last couple of hours. he was known to law enforcement in both british columbia and québec. we did not hear from police today, and i'm not sure how much
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we will hear from the prime minister in his remarks today as washether this individual on the security forces watchlist. we have been told that there are 90 individuals, including soldier who was killed earlier this week. -- including the man who had killed a soldier earlier this week. security forces will continue to investigate over the next couple of days. we do know that as rare standing by in the next couple of minutes to hear from prime minister harbor in 15 or 20 minutes, and then we expect to hear from the leader of the opposition.
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we're going to try to get a .hone hookup we still do not know if definitively the gunman acted alone. the investigation is still ongoing. we are still conducting these lockdowns and trying to secure parts of downtown ottawa, but we do not have a definitive statement as to whether or not they have another gun man or anyone associated with the person shot dead on parliament hill. eyewitnesses said he had fled down the street just prior. there was eyewitness account. that is a big question about
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.ecurity we do know there is the possibility of someone else involved. there was a security conference this afternoon where they said no one was in custody. but there is no indication from that aent hill security number of largely federal buildings in the downtown area just outside parliament hill has been in range. some people have not been allowed to leave. some of those buildings are around the perimeter while security officials continue to clear these buildings and ensure there is no continuing
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