tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN October 23, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT
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plan is -- he does not have a plan. what is going to happen is more cuts to schools and more dollars taken out of our transportation plan. a proven job -- he has taken $1 billion out of the transportation plan so far and all you will do it take more that's all he will do is take more. more businesses closing in 2013 than opening. this year, the rest of the country is double the job growth that we have in kansas. this experiment is not working. it is not going to work. it is time we understand that and move forward. think about how we are going to be able to restore the cuts to public education when we are in $1.3 billion in debt. it will not happen. we have to end of the experiment now and we have to restore those
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cuts to our public schools or we will not be able to grow as a state. >> rebuttal? >> paul davis is lying. we have invested record amounts of money in schools. go check with the department of education. we have fixed the pension system which was in bankruptcy. that he helped get into bankruptcy in the legislature now it is out. his method of getting us to grow is raising taxes. we have also done every project that has been announced and said that we would do, including the one recently in wichita right now that is a nice big project to fix congestion that we have in this city. we are moving forward. what he is saying is data he did during the legislature, not what i had done. >> representative davis, you can answer this question first.
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what resources should we protect, promote, and what resources should we dispense with? >> i want to respond first to the comments the governor just made. so disappointing. the kansas city star recently wrote an editorial called the relentless lies of sam brownback. the things you have said in this campaign have been disproven over and over and over again, but you keep going. i was part of the bipartisan coalition that put that built together to fix capers. all you did was sign it. the legislature did not want to go down the road you wanted to go down which is going to keep the liability even worse than it was before. what we need to do as a state is to get back to the basics. we need great public schools. i am the son of two teachers. this issue is personal to me.
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all across the state, all i hear from parents, from teachers, principals, school board members is the concern that they have never seen before to the state of our public schools because we have a governor who has never made public education a priority. when he was in the u.s. senate, he voted against education repeatedly. foot against afterschool programs, against teachers, head start. he tried to get rid of early head start. he cut k-12 education. there is no way that we can grow and prosper as a state if we have a governor who will never make education a priority and that is his record. >> governor brownback? >> that is completely false. why didn't you fix capers when governor parkinson was a governor when you did not need the governor to get this done? because they would not step up and deal with the problem.
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we have the second least funded pension when i came in. we had the worst funded system in the country next to illinois. that's what gets you into bankruptcy. $9 billion hole and they would not fix it. look at where we were in jobs last decade. we lost private-sector jobs. during my administration, we have added 58,000 new private sector jobs. 58,000 new private sector jobs during the time i have been governor of the state of kansas. those are the things that have happened. the question was on resources. i think we need to deal with the issue of water. the resources that we have in reservoirs. i think we need to have a good solid discussion about this. i have credibility in this area. i've worked on the issue of water for years. i was the agriculture secretary.
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i think we have a serious issue we need to confront and deal with if we have a future in the state. it is one of the major issues over the next 50 year outlook that we have. we have a discussion going on. we are going to address the issues of water moving on forward. we have done some of it already. they use it or lose it and we to do more of that moving forward of addressing the critical issues of water. >> the governor mentions bankruptcy. that is exactly where his economic plan is heading our state. $1.3 billion in debt over the next five years soley caused by the governors economic experiment. economists deem this the worst economic plan in the country.
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the conservative republican senate tax tears stood up when this bill was being debated and said this was the worst tax fell he had ever seen. the governor proceeded recklessly down the road and we are deep in debt if we don't end this experiment now. >> this is a whole bunch of questions into one. the need for labor, plus needed changes in immigration policy times changes in voting rights equals emotional upheaval. what can we do to change this equation? >> you have a lot of questions rolled together in that particular one. i think there are issues we need to work on together. what i have tried to do in working with the legislature's say what can we do to move something forward? what can we do to unite together. there are a lot of difficulties and emotions. we have had a lot of success in
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moving things forward as a state and dealing with issues like the caper system. like getting some growth. those are important things for us to do like issues like water. what you have to do is not say, ok, it has to be this way or that, but the governor has to set a course. you have a say things that are important to deal with. i said we had to get some growth happening here. our budget when i came in was huge. i was facing a $500 million deficit in the next 18 months. we had virtually no money in the bank account. we have lost private-sector jobs. we were making half payments to schools. that was the fiscal situation we had at that point in time. it was what paul davis helped create. he wants to take us back to that because the taxes were raised before that. his answer is to raise taxes, you will get less growth and be in a bigger budget problem.
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it is bringing people together -- that is how you solve this. >> when governor brownback came into office, we were poised for success. you talked over and over again how there is no money in the bank. he uses this $876 figure which has been disproven over and over again but yet the governor keeps talking about it. it is one of those relentless lies of the kansas city star mentioned. there are over $230 million in the bank when governor brownback took office. you know why? because people like me voted for a one cent sales tax so we could spare our public schools from another round of cuts and we could pass a comprehensive transportation plan. governor brownback has been more than happy to show up at every ribbon-cutting he possibly can for the transportation plan. when it was being debated in the legislature, he was adamantly opposed to it. if he was governor, we would've
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never had a comprehensive transportation plan and he is using every opportunity he can now to attack me for it. you cannot continue to have it both ways. immigration reform is critically important to our state. the federal government frankly needs to get their act together and pass immigration reform because it is a crucial part of our economy. we have many immigrant workers in the state that are vital to the economic success of kansas. i also stand behind the green act. i think it was the right thing to do. governor brownback was absent when he was in the senate when it came time to vote and it failed by one vote. >> i will agree with paul on this. $876 -- that was what was in the bank account the year before i came into office. it was actually $23 million deficit. the prior administration deficit
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spent and move expens to the next year so didn't show a deficit because you cannot legally deficit spend in kansas and yet they did that because the fiscal situation was a complete wreck. we were looking at no end in sight unless you started to really address the problems we had as a state. >> question is for you, representative davis. how will your administration respond to the diversity of thought, the diversity of culture, and the necessary sensitivity associated with this issue? >> when i was in the legislature, we debated this issue. i do not support the constitutional amendment. i did that because i thought it would damage the welcoming image our state has had dating back to when we became a state. the people of kansas decided they wanted that in the
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constitution and they did so by significant majority and i respect that decision. the fact of the matter is this issue is out of the hands of politicians. there is nothing i can do, nothing governor brownback and do to change this issue. the courts will decided. i think a lot of people on both sides of this issue which the supreme court addressed. the courts will have to deal with this and we have to go on from there. >> i stand with the people of kansas. the marriage is between a man and a woman. they voted this by nearly 70% and put it into the constitution. now, you have judges seeking to rewrite that. it comes back to the issue of judges for governors. this is something each of us have impact on. do you want somebody appointing liberal judges like paul davis? do you want somebody to appoint
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judges that will stay with the law like the ones i appointed? i have had a lot of experience with working with judges. i was on the u.s. senate judiciary committee in selecting john roberts. i have appointed judges here in the state. i have worked with administrations who appointed those. it is something the governor does which is to defend the constitution of kansas. in some places, the governor or attorney general decided they would not defend the constitution even though that is the way the people have spoken. the attorney general stood up and said we would defend the kansas constitution and i have stood behind them. paul davis has not announced a position. that is not leadership and you cannot duck the questions. you have to deal with the issues as they,. you cannot take them as governor. they arrive on your doorstep and you have to do the best you can, but you can do that.
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it is not true there is nothing you can do. >> rebuttal? >> governor, your first choice to the supreme court referred to funding for public schools as wasteful spending. i would not call that a good selection of somebody who we want to have decided critical issues. we don't need to be given the governor more power over the judicial branch. i want to go back to this welcoming image because we need to let people know we want people here. governor brownback was in early endorser of a bill that would legalize discrimination and thankfully the senate president pulled that bill from the agenda because it would've been terrible for kansas. >> next question. the phrase kansas common sense is used in great deal. what does this phrase mean for you, governor?
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>> and means to me what looking the way my dad would at the world. he was a native farmer in eastern kansas, one of those areas where leadership of the democratic party have put down. that is my hometown. it is looking at the world he would. he would say basically i am a conservative, but it has to work. that is what i have done. i am a conservative but it has to work and that is what we have done in putting forward plans and proposals to create growth because we were not growing. bob dole is one of my cochairs. he was originally elected the first time at the oldest six congressional seat in kansas. we now have four and we will be heading to three if we don't change the trajectory. that continues to drive people out of the state because we are losing people to the surrounding
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states, but nebraska. we are getting people from all of our surrounding states, but colorado but it takes time. we know prior, if you have high taxes, you will drive people out of the region. common sense to me is doing the things you know you'd should do to get people on the right track and get off the wrong track. that is what common sense means to me. >> common sense means to me working together. bringing people together to find solutions that work. that is what i have done for 12 years as a legislator. i built a bipartisan coalition after bipartisan coalition. there is a reason those 180 current and former republican elected officials are supporting me because they know i am the kind of leader that will unite people. i have been able to work with democrats, moderate and conservative.
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the governor has not been able to work with democrats very well and has not been able to work with a lot of republicans. decided to basically declare war on an entire wing of the republican party during the last election. it means we bring together people who have good ideas, who have a lot of experience. we will have the most bipartisan administration in kansas history because i don't believe that all the good ideas are in one political party. when we set about to put an economic plan together i asked john moore and gary scheer to put together a business advisory group. they went out and find seasoned business professionals, community leaders to advise us how it is we grow the economy. the governor did not do that. he hired a discredited, out-of-state economist that the state of kansas paid $75,000 to to design this economic experiment that is a total
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failure. >> rebuttal? >> representative davis and his complete left-wing move in his party -- make no mistake about it, he talks about being a moderate but he has one of the top 10 most liberal voting records in the kansas legislature. representing the community of lawrence and puts for that policy consistently. that is fine, that is his proposal. that is not the way kansans want. she switched party being a republican because he driven his party so hard to the left. a number of republicans that support him also support raising taxes and they support obama care neither of which i support but he does. >> last question before we moved to the closing statements. this is a good one. >> they are all good. >> what one thing, this will be
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for you mr. davis to begin with, what one thing can your opponent say or do that might get you to vote for him in this election? [laughter] >> well, it is a little too late, i am afraid. i think governor brownback would say the same thing. i had hopes when we had a new governor coming in. and, i hoped that he would be able to achieve consensus in the legislature. i thought you would be a strong supporter of education. he came to the legislature to deliver his first message and said public schools are to kansas what the national defense is to the federal government. i could not agree with that more. that is right. the public schools are that important. the very next day he submitted his first state budget and that
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budget contained the single largest cut to public school funding in state history. four months later, he got his wish. he signed that bill into law and he declared that it was a victory. historic cuts to public education, a victory. we've all seen the consequences of this. we've seen the larger class sizes. the parents paying more fees than ever, test scores go down. we need a governor that will make education the very top priority. i have that track record. it is a personal issue to me. our daughter will walk into a public school classroom for the first time next year and i want her to have the very opportunities i had growing up here in kansas. strong public schools are the very foundation of a strong economy and that is why we need a champion for public schools in the governor's office. >> it is pretty late for that. there are things i can hear that could move me. if he said he did not want to
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raise taxes -- actually, if he actually told me where he stood on a lot of issues. he is not saying this is what i will do. if he said he would require work if you are on welfare which he voted against. the way out of poverty is not to give penance the people. the way out is work, education and family structure. he would not even say if you are able-bodied you had to work. if you say on judges i am not going to appoint liberal judges that want to rewrite the law or have the lobby as they see it rather than as it is. i want a judge to be an umpire, not a baseball player in the game. if he would say and stop lying about education. we are at over $13,000 per
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student. we just had a ranking of our public education system. we were ranked as the fifth best public education system in america. kansas public schools. we have invested heavily. he voted against the last 1, 100 $30 million in property tax relief and education funding. paul davis voted against it but thought the other way. the cuts they made during the big height of the recession, i respect that but don't blame me about the cuts you made. >> governor, it doesn't change the fact that you signed into law the single largest cut to public school funding in state history. i'm glad you brought up poverty. what he or first goals was to do something about that and you have certainly done something about that. you made it worse. we have more people living in poverty than ever before. one in four children a living in poverty. no wonder people like mary are
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wondering what happened to their governor. they need a governor who was going to stand up for them and do something about poverty and that is what i will do. >> two-minute closing statements. >> i want to quote this from the website. kansas poverty rate is coming down. and measurement released a last weekend that it dropped 2.3%. the poverty rate stands at 11.8% compared to the nationwide average of 15.9%. that is what the facts are. i would hope you look at the facts in this election and decide whether or not you want to go hard left, obama left with paul davis or you want to continue the course of growth, improving the state of kansas. i want to return one more time to the issue of judges because
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it has not been discussed this much in this campaign. it is one of the key things a governor does -- appoint judges. it is a key function for as far as which way we will go as a state. one of the supreme court judges in kansas hosted a fundraiser for paul davis. i cannot believe they did that but they did. this is a liberal judge -- liberal court that has overturned cases like the carr brothers. they will be appealed to the united states supreme court. it matters what judges you appoint and whether they stick to the law or rewrite it. it has not been discussed this much in the campaign but it is critical how you move forward as a state. i will appoint judges that stay within the boundaries of the law
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and the constitution. we feel this constantly in the society today and i asked for your vote in november on that direction and not on obama direction for the state of kansas. >> representative davis. >> thank you for being here today. when i decided to get into the race, i knew governor brownback would run an ugly campaign with personal attacks. when i didn't think the ads could get worse, i turned on my television this morning and i saw an ad that he is running linking me to the carr brothers murder. i knew one of the victims. governor, you trying to exploit that terrible tragedy to help get elected is disgraceful. you ought to be ashamed of it. i have taken a lot of hits in this campaign, but you know what? they are worth it because the future of kansas is on the line and i don't want to see four more years of what we have had. four more years of a stagnant
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economy, of degrading our transportation front, of cuts to education, early childhood, k-12, higher education. i mentioned that i will see our daughter will walk into a public school classroom for the very first time hopefully in topeka. my wife and i are like any other parents who want the very best for her. she and her friends will not be able to achieve those great opportunities if we continue to have a governor that is never made education a priority. a governor that is turn our state into a science lab, trying to gain national acclaim. his experiment put our stay deep into debt, damaged our economy and it has jeopardized the quality of education for entire generation of kansas kids. we don't need a red state model, we don't need a blue state model -- we need common sense solutions that work for kansas. we will restore the cuts to our
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public schools and we will get our economy moving again. we will use proven ways to grow or economy. no more experiments. the future of our state depends upon it. i ask for your vote on november 4 so we can restore kansas together because we must. thank you for being here today. >> everyone, let's give a great round of applause. [applause] our candidates for the office of governor in the great state of kansas. thank you all very much. >> in about 30 minutes, we will take you live to new york for a debated the 23rd district between income but republican tom reed and his democratic challenger martha robertson. is listed- the race as republican favored. you can watch it live at 7:00 eastern on c-span. immediately after that, live to iowa for a debate in the fourth district therebetween steve king
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and enigmatic challenger, jim mower. as safee is listed republican. don't forget to join the conversation on facebook and twitter. founder ofrning, the flex your right on the criminal justice system -- inc. stop by the police and an individual's rights. david stevens of the mortgage bankers association with the recently approved rules aimed at increasing lending. plus your phone calls, your facebook comments and your tweets. that's "washington journal" tomorrow at 7:00 eastern. also a debate in louisiana's fifth district. here are some of the ads voters in louisiana have been seeing >>ing this race will stop life is filled with ups and downs. >> but man's character is based on how many times he gets up and stands again. >> i'm lucky to have been
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blessed with a great family and a wonderful christian life. >> and i'm blessed to have a husband who owns up to his mistake and never gives up fighting. >> we approve this message because some things are just work fighting for. >> 100% louisiana. the city is broken and getting worse. to a career politicians, broken promises and embarrassments. that's why we need harris brown comic proven conservative and job creator who knows the value of a hard days work and won't rest until the job is done. in congress, he will protect the promises to the greatest what ison and ensure needed to those who comes. >> i'm a proud conservative and i approve this message. us downngton has let and the politicians have let us down and it's time to fix it. here is my plan -- we are going to repeal and replace obamacare
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with a plan that works and put us in charge. our energy tap into resources, creating thousands of jobs for folks in the fifth district and finally we need to tell the government to respect our christian values and art. given liberties. -- god given liberties. ,> as we sat here this morning thousands of women and children crossed the border over the rio grande river. this is going on as we speak every day. where is border security? do we have a border? a country without a border is not a country. you can't beat us in switzerland. tarpley and i approve this message. >> recent polls list this race as wide open between the republican candidates, overall gop column. the
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>> earlier today defense secretary chuck hagel held a joint news conference at the pentagon with south korea's defense minister. "the wall street journal" reported the u.s. and south rea are negotiating an agreement for south korea to take control of its military in the event of war on the korean peninsula. if a war broke out between north and south korea under current agreements the u.s. would be in charge of military operations. the briefing ran about half an our. >> good afternoon. i appreciate this opportunity welcome the minister to the pentagon. this is his first trip to washington since he has been
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minister of defense. so we are particularly pleased to have had an opportunity to spend the last two days with him and his delegation. i also want to acknowledge retired colonel william e. distinguished korean war veteran who is here today and will receive special the korean from government and to you, colonel webber, thank you for your service to our country and what you did and continue to do to strengthen this friendship and this partnership between the korean people and the american people. this is the 46th security consultant meeting between our o nations and today minister
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haan and i were joined by general dempsey, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, dmiral locklear, our pacific commander, the commander of and their in korea, distinguished korean counterparts. i want to thank all of our participants both the koreans and the americans for a very oductive and direct exchange today and look forward to continuing our discussions later with secretary kerry and the foreign minister. this special annual event highlights the enduring bonds between our military, our governments, and our citizens. it reminds us of our nations' shared history of sacrifice, commitment, and partnership.
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d it reinforces the strength and resilience of the korean american alliance which has contributed to stability and prosperity for over six decades. this afternoon, minister haan and i began our meetings by focusing on the bed robak of our military alliance, our combined forces on the korean peninsula. we signed a memorandum of understanding that outlines a conditions based process for transferring our war time operational control of our allied forces. agreement will delay the scheduled transfer of operational control it will assure when a transfer does occur korean forces have the necessary defensive capabilities to address an intensifying north korean threat. reaffirming the united states commitment to our alliance and
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to the defense of the public of korea, i also reiterated our policy of maintaining our current force posture on the korean peninsula and continuing to strengthen the u.s. military's readiness and capabilities across the asia pacific region. this now includes the rotational presence of combat ready u.s. army soldiers, which began earlier this year when n and women from the first cavalry division began a nine-month rotation. this innovative program is already enhancing our combined defense posture and a second rotation is now under way. our alliance commitments are as important as ever because north korea's destablizing policies and dangerous provocations continue to pose a grave threat security and stability in
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northeast asia and around the globe. north korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programs require our alliance to maintain robust and credible deterrence. the minister and i reviewed the implementation of our tailored deterrent strategy. a strategic framework that minister haan's predecessor and i signed in seoul last year. i emphasize that the united states remains committed to using all our military capabilities both on and off the korean peninsula including conventional strike, missile defense, and our nuclear umbrella to ensure that our extended deterrence is credible and effective. the minister and i endorsed our new operational concept to detect, disrupt, destroy, and defend against north korean missile threats. through a comprehensive strategy, our alliance will deepen our cooperation in
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ballistic missile defense as well as intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. and our combined forces will work even more closely together. we also discussed the importance of a broader regional approach to information sharing of north korea's nuclear and missile programs and agreed to continue tri lateral discussions with japan, building on our meeting at the shangri la dialogue earlier this year. because korea's interests and responsibilities are global, mr. haan and i also addressed our nation's partnership beyond the korean peninsula. i thank the minister for the republic of korea's partnership in the global effort against ebola in west africa and in the broad multi national coalition fighting isil. we discussed korea's other important contributions to global security as well from counterpiracy to peacekeeping to counterproliferation. we took stock of our broadening
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cooperation to address new and emerging threats in space, in cyber space. st month our nations concluded a new agreement on space situational awareness. in closing, let me thank minister haan again for his partnership, his leadership, and his friendship. et me also acknowledge the united states' new envoy to the republic of korea. the ambassador who i have some association with. he is a trusted friend and adviser. of ambassador liberty. he goes to seoul at a very critically important time. i know, the president knows, we all know his leadership and stewardship there as he continues to work to build a stronger alliance will do nothing but strengthen the bonds of this alliance in the years ahead.
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thank you very much. >> this is the answer of the republic of korea. this year's meeting is very special in that it marks the first year of another 60 years we'll enjoy following the success of the first 60 years. north korea is continuing to launch new types of provocations including an additional nuclear test, development of new mrl's and tactical missiles, infiltration by miniature u.a.v.'s and machine gun fire. as such, the security situation on the korean peninsula is more precarious than ever. in light of this, secretary hagel and i discussed diverse topics and ways the alliance may cooperate to respond finlt to north korean threats and provocations as well as maintain peace and stability on the korean peninsula. we achieved significant results through the discussions.
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first, secretary hagel and i agreed on a conditions based transition. we agreed that considering the heightened nuclear missile threat and the fluid security situation on the peninsula and in the region this would ensure a stable condition that enhances the alliance's response capabilities in addition to strengthening the combined defense force by the public of korea. the republic of korean military will target the middle of 2020 in order to secure the capabilities that will be utlined by the postponement of
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the transition. this would be able to ensure a stable transition, given the security situation in the korean peninsula in a way that contributes to the combined defense posture. as korea and the united states agreed on a condition based transition we also agreed that until the time of the actual transition we would maintain the combined forces headquarters in its present location. we believe that this would be able to deter north korean provocations as well as contribute to peace and stability in northeast asia. secretary hagel and i believe that the rotational deployment of battle ready u.s. forces will be able to support
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stability in the korean peninsula. and also the combined group will be able to contribute significantly on the tactical level. in order to more finlt respond to the long-range artillery threat by north korea, secretary hagel and i agreed on force augmentation plans to be ompleted until 2020. we also agreed that the brigade would remain in its current position in relation to this project. secretary hagel and i also reaffirmed the united states firm resolve toward extended deterrence to korea.
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furthermore, we highly appreciate the joint efforts to come up with the imemmettation plans for the tailored -- implementation plans for the tailored deterrence toward north korea. in light of the increasing threat of north korean ballistic missiles in order to respond efficiently to them, korea and the u.s. agree to highly appreciate the principles and concepts set forth in the comprehensive countermissile operations of he alliance. secretary hagel also commended the republic of korea's contributions and efforts to support reconstruction in south sudan, participate in p.s.i., and other efforts for world peace and stability. we agreed to continue
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cooperating closely to respond to regional and global security challenges. secretary hagel and i highly appreciate the practical cooperation in the cyber domain between the republic of korea and the united states and agreed to further promote space and cyber cooperation between the ministry and department in the future. finally, i assessed this year's 46 scm as having been a crucial opportunity to further consolidate the alliance and would like to express my deepest gratitude to secretary hagel and the pentagon officials who offered a heart felt welcome and will continue to cooperate closely for another 60 years so we can grow into an even stronger strategic alliance. before we move on to q & a, we would like to commence with the alliance award ceremony.
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>> obviously i'm humbled by this honor and if i am deserving of it for that which i have done, i promise i shall continue that effort until the day i die. sadly, in american history the korean war is really just a minor footnote when, instead, it should be a benchmark that we should take pride in as a people. for just as surely as we fought world war ii to save the world for democracy and its people, so, too, did we as a people fight in korea to save the world from enslavement from
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communism. in ought to be something which our nation should remember and honor every moment of its existence. to my comrades from the republic of korea and to mr. secretary, as i said, i'm humbled and honored, and i hank you so very much. > thank you. >> okay. i have a gift for the colonel but i'm not going to impose on him to take more hardware home now but i will give it to him and i know you've got some questions. so, colonel, i've got something for you. but that's okay. nothing as fancy as a medal
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like that. but, nonetheless, sincere tribute on behalf of the men and women of the defense department and all of america we will give you something we think is very special and, again, thank you for your service to our country. >> i appreciate that. thank you. >> we have time for just a couple of questions. we'll start on the korean side then go to the american side. i think we'll only have time or one each. question inaudible] >> the other is the u.s. orces.
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[ question inaudible] what is your position about that agreement? the second question is, secretary of state john kerry said the u.s. is ready to reduce american forces in south joins f north korea re the talks. what is your own position about this question and what is the position of the u.s. government? thank you. >> thank you. may i have some clarification? your first question, was it about the fads? i got it. i've heard of it. thank you. thank you very much. first, no decisions on thad have been made. there have been no formal consultations with the korean government and the american government at any level.
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obviously all options are always being explored with allies. but no formal consultations, no decisions have been made. that is your reference to secretary kerry's comments. i hope i made clear in my statement that we, the united states, do not intend to change our policy on deployment of our forces in the republic of korea. in fact, i think just the opposite, what i said, we continue to strengthen and advance that policy we've had for over 60 years. we are upgrading it, adjusting on deployments, on rotational deployments. we think there is more stability, more security, more continuity in those deployments. >> next question --? >> mr. haan, do you still think
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king jong un is fully in control in north korea and have you seen in recent weeks any opportunity for warming of relations? secretary hagel if i could turn your attention to iraq for a moment, 80% of anbar is in control of isis. this morning you spoke with iraq's new defense minister and he said he is willing to take the fight to isis. in light of that commitment, are you confident that u.s. make a orces wouldn't difference? do you think it is time to reconsider those constraints on .s. ground forces? -- it seems that
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kim jong un is effectively controlling, exercising control. however, it's a diplomatic isolation and its chronic economic crisis will in the ong term increase instability. there are many different threats that can arise p from that instability and the korean government and military are fully prepared against such threats. >> on your question, let me begin with my conversation as you noted with the new iraqi defense minister this morning. i think admiral kirby read some of that conversation out and as you said one of the points that he made when i asked him what his priorities were, getting the iraqi security forces in the position to take the offensive and in areas they are. so that's accurate.
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second, i think we have made it very clear and i have and i know president obama and others that this is a long, difficult effort. we believe that our strategy is working. we think that the progress that mixed, made in iraq is yes. t the reality is that isil has controlled and still does control a significant amount of round in iraq. i don't think it is any different from any complicated, difficult contest that there ill be mixed and various outcomes daily. his is not a daily measurement. this is an overall strategic longer-term measurement of how well they're doing. changing our
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policy. we're thinking it's working. many of you heard general austin's analysis of where we are last friday when the press had an opportunity in a press conference to ask him some of these questions. we were with him again last ight and got an update which we do almost daily on where we are, where he thinks we are based on our field commanders. so that is the way i would answer the question. >> why wouldn't it make progress faster? >> i think general dempsey and our commanders have said if they feel that that would be required or necessary, they'll make that recommendation. they have not made that recommendation. i've not had any discussions with any of the commanders based on that. they feel confident that what we're doing is working and as i
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said you heard probably directly from general austin last friday on this. >> thank you very much everybody. that's all the time we have today. > thank you. >> coming up live on c-span we'll head to iowa for a debate n the fourth congressional district between republican candidate steve king and his democratic challenger jim
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mowrer. we'll have it live at 8:00 eastern time. you can also join the conversation on facebook and twitter during the debate. tomorrow morning on "washington journal" the founder of flex your rights, steve silverman, will talk about the criminal justice system, people who have been stopped by the police, and an individual's rights. then david stevens will join us from the mortgage bankers association and look at recently approved rules aimed at increasing lending and we'll take your phone calls, facebook comments, and tweets all on "washington journal" starting live tomorrow morning at 7:00 eastern time. >> this weekend on the c-span networks friday night starting at 8:00 eastern on c-span our campaign 2014 debate coverage continues in primetime. on saturday night at 10:00, the women of color empowerment conference. sunday evening at 8:00 on q & a, filmmaker and daughter of robert f. kennedy on her latest film "last days of vietnam." and friday night at 8:00 on
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>> we take you live now to elmira, new york for the debate between incumbent tom reed and his democratic challenger martha robertson. recent polls list this race as epublican favored. >> 18 news presents the 23rd district congressional debate. here's your moderator, jeff stone. >> hello everyone. welcome to our debate between the two candidates running for congress in the 23rd congressional district. this district covers the finger
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