tv Washington Journal CSPAN October 25, 2014 7:00am-10:01am EDT
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down to, do you normally wait to look very in to pick your candidate, or are you waiting to see a few more campaign ads? give us a call. central, it is democrats, call (202) 585-3880, you can catch up on all social media pages on twitter. ate-mail us a good set of morning. a few recent headlines on the issues of undecided voters. here is one. to the detroit, a recent column theathleen gray, who writes key to victory in november is undecided voters. she writes under its -- undecided voters are like gold.
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to this headline for the bangor daily news under crush of negative ads, undecided voters in maine's second restrict appear -- district a pure key. -- appear key. this is from the politico polling center. a few races with undecided voters. here is the colorado governor's race with 8% undecided voters in that race. the colorado senate race before that, 9% undecided voters. minnesota governor's race has 4% undecided voters. to an octoberng 14 through 16 survey. senate race has undecided voters at 3% between al franken and mike mcfadden. race is gubernatorial
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tight, 8% of the electorate there listed as undecided. on through several of the most recent polls that have come out. a few schools of thought on undecided voters and why they wait this long, and who they favor when they finally go to the polls to pick their candidates. the first summed up by ron fourier of the national journal, when he wrote that elections tend to break towards the challenger, because of undecided voters are by nature looking for a change. that is a recent piece by him in the national journal. on the other side of akamai counterargument comes from the looking atpost, undecided voters. the headline -- no, undecided voters don't break for the challenger. according to a study of five
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competitive senate races held few years, they tend to break for the incumbent more than the challenger. challengers studied, only nine challengers took more undecided votes. the numbers suggest that as election day approaches, it matters less how below 50% they are, and more, whether they are beating their opponent. if these incumbents can keep it close or maintain a small lead, they can secure a win. aaron blake had a story from in may this year. we want to hear from undecided voters. are you an undecided voter? what will it take to get your vote? call (202) central pacific, mountain or call (202) 585-3881. ,e can also take your tweets
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and will look for your comments on facebook and twitter as well. though social media pages are open for the discussion. i want to read one more column, this from craig earlier this month from the "news herald," out of michigan. what does the word undecided mean? that i can't make up my mind, or haven't made up my mind yet? that i'm not ready to make a decision, or not going to tell you? does it mean i haven't got a clue, or something complete with different? that they truly haven't decided to vote yet, and therefore can be swayed by last-minute electioneering. i don't, i really don't think they're true undecideds out there. instead, i think those who say they are undecided are either reluctant to make a decision until the moment they color in a
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circle on the ballot, or they have made their decision and aren't going to tell anyone. we want to hear from you if you are an undecided voter. which one of those categories do you fall in? we start with judy, from anchorage, alaska, where there is a key senate race this cycle. caller: good morning. -- and youave your have to have your head examined if you haven't decided at this point? is there anything more than anyone is going to learn? i think it's more about the voter than the election process. it is incredible to me with all the stuff that is on the internet, that you can really's newspapers from all over the country, you can watch c-span. 10 billion commercials that are going on. i just see how anybody could not
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have made a decision by now. what party are you registered with, and how are you voting? caller: i'm a registered republican. and i'm voting republican. host: how do you think that race is looking for your party? caller: i do a lot of reading. i certainly hope that my candidate wins. everything i read says that polling in alaska is a very difficult situation. i think it looks good for my candidate. he is a veryink nice man. unfortunately, he has tied all of the programs of our president. he is genuinely a big supporter of our president very. i think he believes, lock stock and barrel. his heart is in the right place. he thinks president obama has
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the right solutions for our country. i just have a different vision of the public interest. that is why i'm not going to be voting for him. host: judy from anchorage, alaska. we want to talk to undecided voters. the small slice of the electorate that still hasn't picked a candidate this morning. we want to hear from you. what are you waiting for? what do you want to see, and when will you make your decision? lots of talk about undecided voters on our facebook page this morning. in that the undecided voter is milquetoast and falls for just about anything. below that, steve wright undecided breaking for the incumbent is good for democrats if it holds up. pop-ups all over the maps for democratic senate seats right now. go blue. we want to hear from undecideds.
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your thoughts on undecided voters. whether you think of undecided voters are going to break one way or the other, for the challenger or the incumbent. cycle, our phone lines are open. we are doing it regionally. if you were undecided, be prepared to talk about what party you may be registered for, and where you stand on which election we are talking about. house, senate, and gubernatorial races this cycle. a few recent headlines that had to do with undecided voters. here's one from politico, the blog about joni ernst, the --ublican smattering snubbing the des moines register. he skipped out on a scheduled meeting on thursday. joni ernst's noting undecided voters. a spokesperson said the root -- this from the
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spokesperson, joni is barnstorming the state, visiting all 99 counties and talking face-to-face with voters about the issues they care about the most. recent editorials make their position in this race very clear, and it is one the many voters seem to disagree with. with less than 12 days to go, time is precious. joni wants to spend every minute talking to undecided voters, hearing their concerns, demonstrating why we need a change in washington. if you are interested in how many undecided voters there are in that race, a new poll out thursday shows that ernst has a slender reed, a 2% lead. poll, jonio that ernst leads 48% to 46%, with 4% of likely voters undecided. plenty of stories as well about other polling in races around the country.
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this from the closely watched colorado race. senator mark udall in a tough reelection race against republican cory gardner, a remember -- a member of the republican party. that internal poll from udall's camp shows that he holds a one-point lead over cory gardner. gives udall 45% to gardeners 44% among likely voters. 6% remain undecided. we want to talk to undecided voters. it is a small slice of the electorate. back in the summer, we can show you where the undecideds stood, in which state had the most undecided voters. this from the university of minnesota. their public policy center did a study of undecided voters in the states with the most undecided
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voters, heading into the key months of the election. come up poll from january through mid-july. ,n that timeframe, in michigan in that the population senate race did not know who they were going to vote for. the next highest was iowa with 17.6%. 15.8%, west virginia, 13.8%. oregon, and north carolina, other races. withiana was the lowest 7.4% undecided. just 7.4% in that race. where mary landrieu is facing a tougher election battle.
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we will be talking about elections this morning. we will be talking later today -- about young voters and millennial's. in the issues important to them. about key talking money battles with letter goes -- politico. i want to show you some headlines about some of the key moves in senate races around the country. the usb. story from the ap and -- the fresno bee. the ap noting they are spending tens of millions of dollars for republicans, with one omission, the georgia senate race. the political director of the u.s. chamber of commerce joined our newsmakers program, that will be airing on sunday. ,his is a bit of the director
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and why they haven't endorsed the republican. [video clip] >> georgia is my home state, and we act him in the runoff. we surveyed georgia, and their advice was we stay neutral in this race. what we learned last time, after the 2012 elections, was that sometimes we should be measured by what we don't do. we reflect the will of our membership. georgia has more board members than any other state in the country. we've listened to our membership, and followed their correction of not taking a view in this race. there is a possibility that georgia could go to a runoff that would be decided in january. do you see any chance of rethinking were reconsidering a decision not to endorse purdue? >> we look at each race individually.
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we will sit with our membership and get their views and opinions, and reflect the will of the membership. should he go to a runoff, which at this point, and is likely. host: you can see that entire interview with robbing storm of the u.s. chamber of -- rob engstrom sunday morning at 10:00, and also airing at 6:00. we are talking this morning about undecided voters. we will also open up the lines to others to talk about your candidate in this election. who you are supporting in races around the country. we will keep those lines regional. eastern and central united states call (202) 585-3880, mountain and pacific call (202) 585-3881. we will take your calls about who is your candidate, but also if you are undecided, we want to hear from you as well. a few thoughts on undecided voters, this from carol holds on
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twitter. many that say they are undecided at this late date are either uninformed or not interested in voting. another tweet this morning, this saying undecided means an interested and not worth the time. can say is i blame people. will make much of a difference either way. to talke lines are open about undecided candidates or who you are supporting. rn and central, rest(202) 585-3880, the call (202) 585-3881. the front page of the washington post today has a story on al franken, the former saturday night live comedian. franken called debate a boring persona is the headline. to caution if it
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them eyes is a scripted politics in which the winners take all. -- his conversion to caution if you demises policies. he decided a strategic boredom was the way to turn him into a serious politician, focused on small bore policy. he won by three to 12 votes, but only after an extended recount delayed his swearing-in by six months. since then, franken has worked to perfect the pose of dull the diligent later. -- legislator. one of the stories on the senate battlegrounds, here's the front page of the houston chronicle. cornyn stands to gain clout in senate. talking about john cornyn, the republican and member of the republican senate leadership, should he and the gop prevail.
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he would rise to the number two position in the senate republican leadership. that is in the houston chronicle. we want to get your calls. election 2014, talking about undecided voters and asking who is your candidate. from lincoln,ic nebraska. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. what has been said about undecided voters, simply not wanted to say who they are voting for to a pollster. i'm the furthest thing away from an undecided voter. i do think undecided are doing is simply waiting until the last minute to pay attention. nasty, there campaigns are protracted and long. it's the equivalent of them -- the equivalent of going to do their christmas shopping the day before
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christmas. make ast want to last-minute decision, not waste a lot of time. host: what party are you registered with, who are you voting for? caller: i'm independent, and i'm not voting republican. host: what are the key races you are watching in nebraska? caller: i'm watching all of them. i'm watching the gubernatorial race and the senate race, and congressional race. the whole line yards. host: that's eric from lincoln, nebraska. we go to palmdale, california. lynn, good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. i have been watching c-span for the last 20 years. i'm a registered independent. i became a citizen in 2009. i'm originally from the caribbean islands. , and my sun become
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decided to become an independent line became a citizen. but i have been voting ever sense. i'm happy about that. i watch very closely across the country. vote whomever i think is the best person to do the job. and i do read it. a pickup up publications to keep myself informed. we have a lot of different proposals coming up. that iad to make sure stay informed. i voted already. i did by mail. host: you voted already. what do you think about folks who are still listed as undecided? do think they are not paying attention, or still waiting to hear more? was trying really hard. the other gentleman pretty much summed up what i was going to
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say. i wanted to add, i don't want to be judgmental. there are a lot of people that are working very hard, to entry jobs, they are raising their children. they are busy. understand if they don't have the time. focusright now they will on it when it is closer. payrs just a want to attention, and maybe just look for the soundbites. they get influenced by the television ads. those i have a problem with. i think you should take the time to be informed. it is so critical, so important for democracy. host: that's lynn from palmdale, california this morning. a few more tweets. if people are undecided, it's because we never get the best candidate for the job, only to the two parties want to promote. or, people are, fed up with the political system and are voting none of the above. thoughtso get your
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on undecided. the phone lines are open. they are split up regionally. eastern or central, call (202) 585-3880. mountain and pacific regions, call (202) 585-3881. some sad news out of washington. , from athe olympian libya, washington. two shot dead and four hurt in marysville school shooting. noting that a burst of left twon marysville students dead, for more wounded and a grieving community asking why? the shooter, a freshman athlete, took his own life after opening fire during the days first lunch period. a girl who has not yet been publicly identified. for the victims, all students, remain hospitalized.
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three incredible, one in serious condition. you can see the pictures there from the daily herald out of washington this morning. on the issue of gun violence in america, an issue that has become a campaign issue. here's a story from the new york times today. a new tv ad puts the focus on guns. michael bloomberg is injecting $1.7 million into the closely contested race for governor in connecticut, with an ad drawing attention to the far-reaching gun control bill signed by governor dana will i in the mass shootinghe at sandy hook elementary. it's a broader effort to aid candidates with bipartisan credentials that would make curbing gun violence a priority and is financing an ad supporting a strict gun control bill signed a 2013 with republicans support. the money is coming from mr. bloomberg's independence usa pac, which plans to spend twice
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a million dollars backing moderate candidates of both parties before the midterm elections. -- $25 million. undecideding about voters. let's go to tyrone, from north carolina. good morning. caller: good morning. i'm calling in because people shouldn't be undecided. only he have to do is go back for the last six years and see what the republicans have been doing. when children get killed in sandy hook, the nra told republicans they vote for gun legislation, they were going to beat them out. up, theagedy that comes republicans use it for political gain, and that's not right. ben ghazi, and ebola for political gain. they shutdown the government. everything that has been going bad for the last six years, the republicans did it and blamed it on the president so they could win elections. ,t's not right to use tragedies
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human lives, for political gains. people should pray, make their minds up, and vote democrat. have a blessed day. host: that's tyrone from north carolina. another facebook post, jay martin writes about undecided voters -- it is getting tougher to make a choice between the two parties. you always get the same outcome no matter who is in charge. there has got to be a better way. let's go to bernard calling in from rochelle, georgia. another key battleground state. good morning. caller: good morning. nunn,vote for michelle she's the best candidate. i urge all democrats to go out and vote for michelle nunn. host: how closely have you been following that race? have you keyed in in the last couple of days or weeks, or have you been following it throughout ?he months since the primary
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i think we lost bernard, but scott is waiting in youngstown, ohio. thanks for taking my call. i'm not going to vote for either. the federal reserve central bank owns both parties. we are being charged interest on funds being created of thin air. it's a big fraud. people did wake up. you just mentioned bloomberg. he's as i honest traitor to america. -- a zionist traitor to america. that scott in youngstown, ohio. we are asking who is your canada, and europe thoughts on that slice of america -- your thoughts on that slice of america that are still listed as an decided -- undecided. kim is up next in columbus, ohio. caller: good morning.
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ohio,lling to say that in he is hiding. he won't do anything. are of the republicans trying to do any debates down here in ohio. anyway, i'm going to vote democrat. he's let them drill in our state , guns could go in our schools and bars. and libraries. it kind of went kind of crazy down here. he's taking all the money out of our schools, gave it to these private schools. i thought private schools were paid with private money. we have all of our counties down where he isally for, constantly going property taxes. i'm going democrat all the way down. we are very motivated. we are coming to the polls.
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i can't stand seeing this no more. i love this country. and seeing how it is going down, with these silly jokes the republicans are playing, and they have been playing for six years, gets tiring. it gets sickening. we have serious things going on in this country. so yes, i'm going democratic. i also want to say that system -- this is my first time. i don't no one is is my first time, but i do know why i didn't vote every couple years. i'm really proud about that. it motivated me to go, that's the republicans. i have to fight them. host: this is the first time you've ever voted in the midterms? we lost ken, but this is stewart in virginia. caller: good morning. most of the people calling in are not independence -- independents.
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i bet if you did another survey themdependents, and asked if they would name a candidate who is running, they probably couldn't name one. anyone who is not decided by now has a problem with a core belief. moray's and every thing else. host: do you consider yourself an independent? caller: i am. host: how do you pick candidates? caller: i'm really conservative. and republicans aren't always really conservative. host: tell me how you have gone through the primaries in virginia, and how you picture candidate between two republicans -- picked your canada between two republicans? caller: i didn't really support brand. i thought campbell was a good candidate. but i have been paying attention to the to college professionals -- professors running in a district. wherethis is the district
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mr. brett knocked off the former house majority leader eric cantor. caller: yes. i vote conservative because i truly believe this country is really in trouble. we have got to get a hold of it. i think we need more conservatives in congress. things up there that are not right. it's not all democrats fault. >> senator warner, i think, is a pretty decent man. but i do have my differences reason i and for that will support gillespie. >> gillespie, the republican running in that race. you for the call. mike is next in atlanta, georgia. >> good morning. >> go ahead mike.
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>> i am really voting against the republican candidates more than i am voting for carver. the undecideds, they have had plenty of time to choose. >> and, my, when did you make your decision in this race? >> very early. the governor is one of most corrupt politicians a country has ever had. he doesn't deserve another term. he didn't deserve a first-term. >> my calling in from atlanta, georgia. a key senate race as well. in georgia in marietta. good morning, martin. >> i'm calling in to piggyback off the previous caller. i am voting for jason carter.
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i'm voting for michelle nunn. reason i'm doing that like the last caller, the policies. if you follow his track record, the ceo of be dollar general. you have to follow these very closely and hope, you know, for the interest of yourself and the interest of your country. republicans have been blocking every policythat come about state point of view, federal point of view, just for the sake of making the president look bad. vote going on here. >> marvin from marietta.
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sunday at g note - 6:30 am we will be airing the governors debate. races, on those georgia the latest polling -- atlanta journal-constitution poll from october 16 through david purdue, the republican, up 46%. answer w or don't know category, still 6%. governor race, another poll, this one also october 16 through the 23rd. nathan at 46%. the don't know or no answer category at 7%. have some time left to chat about your candidate and also chat about the undecided voters. nick is calling in from
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pennsylvania. am calling in -- i'm just trying to tell people that they should definitely a look at yesterday's vladimir putin speech that he for about three hours and people that elect -- they should elect people that are going to change the policies that we have now. i'm ou understand what saying? >> how does that relate to vladimir putin. >> you have to watch the speed to get it, but that is what i'm getting at. people should check it out before the vote. it is three hours long. he laid out everything, pretty much. he was real, he told the truth and he told everybody that we are not doing anything.
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america is pushing at us. i wouldn't be able to explain short period like this, you know. something k it is extremely, extremely important it you realize that, like, is pretty legit. >> next, how are you using that your candidates in pennsylvania? >> personally, i do not vote for each side. i vote for the person and what i think they're going to do. the two-party system does not really work that well. i don't know -- it depends on the person and we need a big change in this country and i think it will start from a grassroots kind of place. people need to educate themselves on politics and what is going on around the world. a lot of people don't. a lot of people watch regular and don't get the actual information.
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media now seems more like it is of entertainment instead actually educating people. >> didn't mean to cut you off next. the to let folks know that new york times -- putin accuses us of backing neofascists. notes that k times vladimir putin releases strongest attack against the us yet. using his view that america is meddling and has sparked most world's recent crises, including ukraine. mr. putin said during a appearance at the conference, the united states groups from ious open neofascist to islamic radicals. to support such people?
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they do this because they decide to use the message to in ce along the way achieving their goals, but then burn their fingers and recoil. that is a bit of the new york times story. let's go to carolyn anne tyler, texas. >> good morning. i will be voting as a democrat. we have several very reputable people in texas running as democrat. we have wendy davis who is running for governor and greg abbott. i will be voting for her. running leticia juarez for lieutenant governor against dan patrick. i will vote for her. but mainly, i want to say that we have a lovely lady by the name of dr. shirley was running
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congress in our district, which is district 1. running against the republican gulmur. congressperson for too long. have done work on her behalf and i have encountered he has cans that thinks to go, but they vote for him because he is a republican. all the democrats in texas, especially district 1, to get out and vote. >> carolyn calling it from texas on the issue of the 2014 elections. the lead editorial today in the 2014 et journal - race card, noting that democrats are now playing the
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race card to scare voters. at the milder end of the is the committee's appeal that them but it should be a gesture in racial solidarity. have made it clear that they want our president, barack obama, to fail. if you do not vote, they will. the harder, nastier edge is out in individual campaigns. displaying a flyer two young children reading do not shoot. the editorial board of the street ton -- wall journal noting that the by a rats do no good playing racial divisions. they will keep doing it until photo stop rewarding them with votes. if you want more and that, it is in today's wall street journal. we will keep talking about
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the next for about 7:53 minutes and then we will bring in politico's editor about how the money has moved in the last days and weeks of the campaign's. let's go to oregon. >> good morning. >> go ahead. >> good morning. i am an independent voter and i and watch your show for quite some time. i have gotten more of an indication from your show than any other news media out there, and i thank you for that. you pick your candidate? on a sit down and i go government website and actually at how n and take a look each candidate -- the measures have been voting for, if they are voting present, or if they have actually done something for our state or for,
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you know, americans. bruce has done a lot. >> who is that? >> he is the republican. he has done a lot for protecting second amendment. >> and what else do you like about him? >> he is also interested in our things aren't use being funded. been of promises have made by democrats, you know, our schools are suffering for it. another comment? go to kaled in atlanta, georgia. >> i hope that people understand what i am about to say. tricked hey don't get by republicans because every bill that they talk about, they
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of obama on it and that is just like saying -- say the "n" used to word. obama is not running for they use his name on every bill that is being passed. when they vote against -- when to vote ans get you obama, you never hear about kids fighting the wars don't go to war. >> just recently, i read the wall street journal editorial board. they're talking about democrats playing the race card to scare african-americans to the ballot box. do you think that is happening? they talk particularly about a that shows two children holding up signs that
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say don't shoot. what do you think about those, flows from the democratic party? >> that is just some people standing out with some plackards. but i'm talking about what is happening everywhere. blame obama for everything and that is just saying the "n" word. and he used the word abortion. don't believe in abortion, but the republicans believe that once the baby comes here they are at is why against welfare, they are against food stamps and everything -- they just wait and let it et here die. they are playing a vicious check on the american public. >> we'll get in sherry calling from hempstead, north carolina. >> good morning. i am so glad to talk with you.
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i'm calling because i am an ex-republican. of m so sick of tired hearing how obama. when he took office, unemployment rate was over -- he took office -- things have just installed. he gave us loans that we cannot afford and then they sold our houses. i'm an action republican becausei'm tired of the deceit. rate has our unemployment down to 6.7%, i think. we aare producing more gas in in the ted states, oil united states, than in our whole history. debt is down 70%
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faster -- 17% faster than any other administration except for clinton. we n clinton left office, had millions of dollars. we have a humongous national debt. it is a republican national debt! >> sherry in hampstead, north carolina. this is all the time we have in section of "washington journal", but up next, steven shepherd joins us for the latest money moves. and later we will focus on important to millennial's and young voters. but first, earlier this week, the candidates from massachusetts faced off in
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their one-on-one television debate. the candidates were asked about state spending projects. here's a bit of that debate. >> i have been straightforward order to move in forward, we need to invest in the state. we need to invest in our businesses, we need to invest in a kids. are use otherwise you missing that equation. with charlie proposes is maybe $600 million according to the boston globe. he also talks about all the he wants to do, including workforce development. so where does that money come from? my priorities are - investing in kids, investing in roads and businesses. had to raise taxes, what would those when ues be sought increase the burden? >> they would be taxes on
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are the top 2%-- >> how do you do that? are exploring ways to have a more gradual income tax. >> quickly, please. >> every four years, someone says then i can raise taxes on the middle class -- says they are not going to raise taxes on the middle class. registry fees, middle-class. most of these taxes, fees for sports, all of this land on the middle class. that is one of the reasons i going to raise taxes. the last thing they need is another four years. >> "washington journal" continues. >> we are joined now by steven shepard, political campaign and election editor.
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is there still time for races in the midterm election to come into the field? seeing that this week. republicans are starting to that they are building, particularly house races come onto the radar. belongs - the suit that to bruce braley in iowa. of at is one that has sort come onto the radar. parties are spending money there. even out in nevada where the eight points on by in 2012. it is the district that takes the las vegas suburbs. that one has come onto the radar. in there roads going with him one million-dollar ad
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by this week. they are spending there, so even though you think you know the race looks like, we're seeing some come on late. >> the high-profile money moves taking place in the kentucky senate race. talk about the moves of money in and then back out and then back in again by the national democratic party. >> yes, the committee ran a flight of tv ads. those ended on october 13 and they didn't buy more to on the air to help challenge the senate minority leader. they are now, after the state of recent polls, looking good again. >> the lot was made of them the race as well. >> that is right.
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>> did they re-up their money? >> yes. now, according to the latest, they are not going to be back up until october 28th. they will be back in the final week. they think that independents be breaking towards grimes. only pproval ratings are in the low 40's. >> we talked a bit about undecideds already. what is your take on how undecideds usually break? >> everyone has a role that incumbent say that they break against the incumbent. very notably, there was a pollster in 2012 -- up in at polls that looked in florida that saw the
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said, well, undecideds are going to break for mitt romney. evenn though the race is -- he states are so very different. in wisconsin, and the governor is there, that is one of the most hotly contested races on the map. it is also one of the most polarized states. in 2012, they tried to recall him and have a long fight. walker won that fight. they have made up their minds whether they want walker there or not. right now they show they are pretty much even with 1% to 2% undecided. there are a bunch of undecided voters. republicans have been borrowing money. the republican national go $5 tee last month to million loan. that was to the national republican senatorial committee. that is where both parties are focused. go t money is going to largely to -- that is the biggest line item on the
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individual campaign budget. democrats also think that would have an advantage in some of are really that and up states -- colorado iowa, for example -- is very difficult for us to measure here in washington. in 10 days, we are going to get the ultimate measure of a field operations and that is whether not their voters turnout and they can win those races. >> stick to the senate for and talk about the mass that the democrats are working here. so y need to gross succeeds, how important -- gross 6 seats so how important is the states? >> absolutely. seven seats that are -- mitt romney won in 2012. republicans think that they virginia in , west
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the bag, and increasingly they think south dakota, which has come on late. so you are now at three. they are in a really good position in arkansas. they think that even though go to a runoff, they are in a strong position in louisiana. it down to alaska, and again, they think they are in a strong position. set of n have that tossup races - north carolina, colorado, iowa, maybe new hampshire. republicans do not need them there if they win their. then there are those that they kansas, nding - georgia, and kentucky. if they hold those three, they not need to win colorado or the others. the math y complicates a lot if they were to lose one
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of the states that they are defending, georgia, for example. other complications about georgia -- the states may go to a runoff. be y georgia runoff wouldn't until january 6, which is three days after the senate is supposed to meet. so that really could scramble only might not know, not on election night, but we may not know for two months you controls the senate's. if louisiana in december and georgia in early january is decisive, you are going to see of money and personnel personnel s that are fun.
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and efforts that are fun. >> we will be talking about those possibilities -- >> we're joined by steven shepard of political. your questions and comments of different races. we start in hillsborough, new jersey. thomas is calling on our line for republicans. my question is concerning, of course, the senate race. i know that mitt romney lost
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the state whom i voted for in 2012. he lost by 18 points are so. but i was wondering what your opinion is on that. >> sure. the senate read this year, thhere are a lot of republicans here in washington were excited about jeff bell. that said, he is not really gotten any attraction. it looks like cory booker is going to be safe. as leonard lance goes, he will be pretty safe, as well as scott garrett. new he republicans in jersey are favored to pick up the third district. the republican s and they are re favored >> we talked a bit about the and the national committees borrowing money. comment on twitter - if you cannot find your campaign without borrowing, you do not need to be in charge of anything. how difficult is it to borrow
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money at this late stage? not unusual at all. particularly for these who raise -- the $16 cratic committee race million last month in a $10 ber, so to take out million loan, they will be able to pay that back in the early part of 2015. that said, taking out the loan means that raising money for the next senate cycle, they will sort of start ad hoc. but there are confident that the time to spend and we have the chance to keep control of the senate and we need to do everything we can to act on that. >> and what about candidates loaning themselves money? >> we mentioned georgia in the senate race.
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david is put into her three times his own money. what cannot be considered itself under? >> he has never been a huge self under his campaign. this is the first time his acted in this sort of overwhelming way. he has raised a ton of money over the course of the campaign, but, you know what, the 1.8 will be a small percentage and he may not end up spending all of it in the final weeks of the campaign. >> lots of interest from georgia callers. billy is calling in unaligned for independence. >> good morning. robert says it was, but nunn says it wasn't. she must think it is all right when the democrats paid up -- what they did to the hot dog vendor of their misery. they discovered it up. they say the democrats are races, but they beat the black people up. >> some of the local issues in the race. what are some key local issues in the georgia race? >> georgia is really interesting and democrats think win it en if they don't this year, georgia is coming on as a battleground state for the presidential election. what really is going on -- is really interesting is that there are tuples that came out yesterday. one out of georgia and one out of new hampshire. the new hampshire is a state that president obama won twice. in new hampshire his approval rating is now 37%. georgia, estates that john and mitt romney won his
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approval rating as much lower. you look at -- george's a huge minority population, particularly when you talk about hispanics. new voters of the so georgia is changing geographically. also, democrats look at 2016, is a 2024, georgia battleground state and georgia has 14 or 15 electoral votes. state might urple be georgia in the coming years in coming cycles? >> yes. we're talking about how
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democrats were to turn texas blue. georgia is better off and about a third of the size. in other battleground state the senate cycle, iowa. we go to iowa where george's waiting in a line for democrats. >> good morning. what is your ng between jody and bruce, i see that -- as i'm coming up a democrat -- we are building a ground game. and also i would like your fourth district, did have one debate and steve king did not do himself any favors by saying not be in eople will heaven. i would just kind of like to get your opinion. i have already voted yesterday. >> okay, john. steve shepard.
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looks like now that coming out were ahead. democrats think, though, that their ground game in iowa to flip the oing race. they are really close race. democrats think they have the edge when it comes to turning out the voters. iowa will be one of the big test of the ground game. democrats probably had their cycle with - last the presidential electorate, the agriculture secretary, they were excited about that campaign -- but steve king is someone who is going to be outspoken. he is very conservative. he is someone the democrats are always going to look to take out. if not this year, they will be talking about it next cycle.
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to rewatch that debate, you can rewatch it on one of the more 100 debates c-span has been airing. you can see them all on note for this evening, the colorado governors debate is happening at 8:00 pm. show that on c-span hickenlooper nor and incoming bob. more will have at least 10 debates next week in that final week before the election. go to our c-span campaign 2014 website. dan in maryville, tennessee on a light for independence. >> good morning. good morning, mr. shepherd. >> good morning. >> just a quick comment on the the decision nt on
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or indecision, have you decided. i am an independent, but that is primarily because the republican in tennessee, lamarr, is more of a rhino than a republican. i consider republicans a small part of the nd people, but, you know, he is all there is to choose from. if you want to democrat, just look at detroit. you have a good example of what democrats will do when you look at any large city. the inner-city is what happens when democrat and liberals run things. it is crime infested, it is corrupt. to get into some of the point segment, o in the which is money. good at dividing people and they are the ones with money.
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you can probably tell me better than i can remember, but they in e outspent republicans this election cycle by -- i forget how many millions of dollars. and another thing is that has been evidence of fraud -- and these are democrats again doing the fraud -- and the last point was i cannot understand why these democrats don't stand behind what they voted for. you asked them if they support obama and they won't even admits that obama is alive. they support the policies that they vote 95% of the time and they all denied. >> okay, dan, a lot of points to your money issue before steven shepard jumps in. you the latest numbers,
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the national republican committee reported $6.1 million. they give them about $10 million cash on hand when that october report came out. democratic senatorial campaign committee received $6.5 million. million transferred from the dnc. to give them$7.8 million on hand. and that was before the $10 million loan? >> that is correct. this goes back to september. >> this was the september receipts? >> yes. an increasingly the money is not coming from the two party committees, it is coming from the outside. it is coming from super pacs the senate majority pack really the major -- the almost all democratic super
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pack is making a difference. republicans are more divided. the have things like independent action fund. they just announced $6.5 million in new advertising in week for the is final two weeks of the campaign. of y are spending tens millions of dollars down the stretch. that so comes from groups aren't super pacs. become from groups that can vote for this like date -- under a group americans for prosperity, tens of millions of dollars from summer ll through early and television advertising and now they are spending our field operations. caller also bringing up
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the issue of obama and how he is playing up the campaign, saying how some democrats will not admit that obama is life. would you like to talk about how he is playing? where iding kentucky there been asked -- most by the board -- whether she voted for president obama in 2008 and 2012. of right to sort vote enables her to say i don't have to tell you i voted for. in the debate earlier this week brown, he was asked a simple question. called by a asks if you t approve or disapprove of president obama. she said that she approves of some things and disapproves of others.
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even like new hampshire where he has won twice, he is unpopular and they are trying to show that they are going to be independent. sandy on twitter asked, will mounting terrorism under new a like islamic axman in york and ebola calamity fuel and tied obama gop? of the ainly the rise islamic state in iraq and syria, and the videos of here in gs we have seen americans, that and ebola panic is certainly not helped democrats. it really contributes to the world is often fire. that might boost -- certainly republicans think they can take advantage of that. brown in new hampshire
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you need to stop all arrivals from west africa through jfk. he is looking to take advantage of that late in the race. >> plenty of ebola news out today, and we will get to that during our open phone segment. but we want to stick to the campaign's, the elections and the late money moves. let's go to keith on a republican line. >> good morning. i would just like to comment on the governor's race in pennsylvania. governor wolf has put up $10 million of his own money and he started way early back in early spring and is flooded the airwaves with ads.
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thank you. >> that is absolutely right and that is what propelled him. he was up 2%. and he searched to the front of the pack for quickly. and allison waited until the advertise knowing that -- she ended up spending about half of what wolf spent. thought she had enough, but she was not able to climb out of that. she finished second and he's been about 20 points ahead. it is going to be a tough break for democrats. >> that race has long been considered the one most likely to flip a gubernatorial's. >> absolutely. they also believe a conflict arkansas. that will probably be number two on the list. governor mike beebe is not running. it is a race between two former congressman. republicans have the edge there, it looks like. tougher races nto like illinois where republicans have been targeting the democratic governor. but, pennsylvania is, by far, most likely to flip. connecticut on the line. >> good morning. nice to talk to you.
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i would like to respond very mr. kly to some of regarding comments democrats involvement, or popularity, involving the middle east. also, the virus, ebola. nobody in the world that in a reasonable way, comment -- - or even that one political party or another political party favors negativity from these groups against the united states. that is ridiculous! nobody in this country once ebola. wants a terrorist attack. if you're sn't matter
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a democrat, republican, or from outer space somewhere. so, i would like to respond to that. second, i am going to be voting for governor malloy in connecticut. as a matter of fact, countrywide, i will respond to the gentleman from political. which, by the way, politico is a talking point agenda for the republican party. but i will say this. in kansas, for instance, senator roberts is going to lose. and one of the reasons he's going to lose is because on before the ame senate, in his wheelchair, asking for his vote on the disability bill. roberts voted against it.
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nonpartisan journal. malloy never saw a surge of popularity after taking office. the big know, one of issues -- malloy is trying to the new an issue -- is gun laws following the sandy hook shootings. that adds a whole new layer. and the arkansas senate race, which the caller mentioned. right now, polls show it's basically tied. it is a really weird race. we also talked about the math. even more difficult is we do not know which party they will conference with. greg said he is going to try to use his love is to try and extract good for kansas.
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to see what can a deal he can get from the two parties that benefit his new constituent. >> let's go to angie in montgomery, alabama. good morning. >> good morning. from laughing at the color tennessee because -- caller because if you care, you need to vote. that is number one. number two - democrats in detroit. that came from when clinton was president and they blackmailed him. what happened in detroit is that jobs got shipped overseas. they can't control companies. stop coming on here saying that. number three is romney.
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they lost because you all are not counting minority votes. independents, and a few democrats are white. going to show up because these people are trying to put us back in slavery. not just black people, but what people to. $400,000 an hour, yeah, that doesn't matter to you. the republicans are about to lose. thank you. >> angie brings up healthcare and outsourcing of jobs. yes, outsourcing of jobs has not , basically -- we do see this coming and it hasn't been appearing in television debates across the country. i started in georgia where, of tioned david purdue, some
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the companies -- they sent a lot of jobs overseas -- and he is talked about his prior business life. michelle nunn, the democrat that against him there about how proud he is of outsourcing jobs. it in the eing massachusetts governor race. the ceo running against the democrat. for ccepted award excellence in outsourcing back before he ran for governor in 2010. in just seeing it policy debates, where in new hampshire, she said that you support a job that went overseas. candidate h the doesn't have a record of outsourcing jobs, it still becomes the issue.
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how these districts deal with republicans who support policies that lead to job outsourcing. to steven waiting in tulsa, oklahoma. on with steven shepherd. to make sure -- i didn't understand the information about the funding. it got cut off and someone said was back in september. to hear that again, but also i would like to lost my that i just medical insurance. we've opted for water down people across or the nation. so that is about all i have to say. thanks. we talked umbers that about -- the committees are required to disclose on a monthly basis. 20th of every month what happened the previous month. so the numbers you are reading
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much they raised, spent, and had on hand from september 1 through september 30. they were required to disclose those on october 30. the $10 million loan was what the democratic committee said they had taken out to fund their and of election activities. and also, the other thing about does is that the election not necessarily end in 10 day. and georgia looking like it run to a runoff will need more funding. could possibly see more fundraising pitches from committees here after the november 4 election. >> there are people who are emails and we're thanking that the good news is that in 10 days from now they will go away. they will not go away.
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>> jesse in muskegon, michigan. >> good morning. let me clear up a few things. republicans are calling in saying that democrats are playing the race card. you know what? i was born in mississippi. called by my name. [inaudible] to talk about -- white people have done more people crime than black have ever done. look, ignorant black people,
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white people, calling in, they have never been in those places. jesse, the race card was the lead editorial in the wall street journal and how it's been playing in the selection. talk about his comments? street journal is -- the wall street journal editorial board is one of the leading conservative voices. surprising to be upset with how democrats are conducting themselves. new york upset if the without bsite republicans are conducting -- new york times were upset with republicans are conducting themselves. we are talking about states like alaska and arkansas and lot of the nd a states are smaller, more rural. in this a divide country -- it is one of the
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reasons the republicans have a strong hold -- there is a divide between people who live in cities and those who live outside the city. increasingly, they do not seem the same page, particularly when it comes to politics. that is why democrats do so well in the city's and read around the cities, but dominate in other areas. if you look at a map of red and holds a ed on who congressional district, you can point out the cities by the blue on a map. parts of western wisconsin, parts of northern minnesota, onto, icans are holding but democrats are going after them. we have sorted ourselves -- the american people have. an re we live is increasingly good predictor of how we feel about politics.
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>> louisville, kentucky where in for calling democrats. >> good morning. i was a democrat, but pretty disgusted when -- my one point is about mitch mcconnell. these coal is about mining jobs, but his wife to the sierra club who is also very against coal jobs. they never mentions louisville. louisville drives the economy in the state of kentucky. we have strong union jobs here. we do a good job. is a fair guy -- our mayor is a fair guy. i will not cast a vote for mitch mcconnell.
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thank you. >> call in kentucky. big issue -- coal is a big issue in the appalachian states. mitch mcconnell is not popular, even among republicans. coming home for him and that is why he has had the this race, dge in but -- allison grimes, we talked about this earlier, obviously her campaign decided that that was the best course of action. having a video statement saying that she voted for obama would in a tially find itself mitch mcconnell attack ad, they decided they wanted to avoid that. but this is a race that is going to come down to -- i was talking someone from kentucky who is excited to get down
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go door to door, get people to turn out and get folks excited for that. it is going tobe one of those races that come down to the ground game. the issue of re on coal, tune into the "washington journal" on tuesday morning we will be joined but had for clean, energy. but we go to burnside, kentucky. good morning, lewis. go ahead, sir. >> yes, can i go ahead? hello? >> yes, sir. what is your comment or question for steven shepard. >> steven shepard? what is he running for? guest on the show.
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>> okay. you talking about which mcconnell in their. you're talking about other the president has done. he hasn't done anything. but -- turn wis, if you have to down your tv when you are calling in. mcconnell of the supporters in kentucky. is in jacksonville, florida on our line for democrats. fine od morning to you gentleman. reporter saved the states
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-- it takes seven because if you get a tie, the president has to decide and even vote. thing, your articles -- i have on my facebook page -- i read all of them. they sound pretty fair. gop, whatever, but you don't responses to your articles because i read them and most of them are friendly democrats. they make, you know, big bad remarks about the republicans, etc. say they brought maybe -- do y'all read those? >> it is a great question. of of the first pieces advice i got, sort of in the
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internet comment age, was don't read them. occasionally you do. you do read them. my email address is on folks can reach out and occasionally will have a dialogue back and forth about some of these races. florida something we haven't talked about today. it is the most expensive race. spent cott has already over $80 million in that race. is a huge state, obviously, with some expensive markets. will spend about half of what rick scott is spending, but right now, the state is about that even. the most stunning thing is is that voters dislike both of them. >> and you want to talk about if math. what happens there's a tie.
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of different a lot variables here, like independents who is currently caucusing with democrats. that can move and change the math, but right now there are democrats and two independents. it means that there would not be a tie, but if they only when be 50 50., it would it all depends on all that stuff. if it were 50 50, then vice would break e biden the tie. michael in butler, pennsylvania on our republican line. >> good morning. i would like to make a think tion that i politico could get ahead of the world. watch for fraud.
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in the past 20 years, it has been unbelievable. what amazes me is that it is not really covered on a national level. the last le, in presidential election, i believe it was 59 precincts in philadelphia voted 100% for barack obama. statistically impossible and worse about it -- and they are all democratic you'll see elections -- you'll see 18% turnout. presidential turnout - 90%. last election, one precinct voted 117% for barack obama. this frightens me because it means that votes to not count. >> michael, running out of time. steven shepard on voter fraud. >> it is certainly an issue people are focused on.
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especially in states that elected secretary of state. about a which we talked little bit, has a really great post governor race. a conservative who is concerned with voter fraud. sense among republicans -- particularly like i talked about with the we sort ourselves -- if you in a small city, everyone know might be democrat, but the state votes republican and there is the chance that your vote is not counted. it happens in reverse. pennsylvania is a great example. cities on either end and the vast middle. philadelphia is very solidly democratic. our caller would say to solidly democratic.
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a lot of time to come close to canceling themselves out. pennsylvania has gone in the most recent presidential elections. middle of the state might feel that. >> before we let you go, any projections for the senate and house in gains and losses for the two parties? >> i would project that republicans in the senate will pick up between four and nine seats. i'm not in the prediction business. it is going -- i am struggling to think of a midterm year where it was sort of this uncertain. particularly with these two runoffs, the idea that we just don't know what the math is to start. know on election night -- this is one of the most suspenseful elections in recent years.
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is underway. showing how policy, law, or branch by the judicial of the government has affected you or your community. there's cash prizes totaling $150,000. for a list of rules go to student "washington journal" continues. >> we're taking some time this morning to talk about issues that are important to young voters. we are joined by alex smith, forcollege l chair committee national and atima omara, president of young democrats of america.
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voters keeping young from coming out? >> i think a tremendous disappointment with this president. they are dismayed with the present over the past six years. when they elected obama in to get one expected thing and they didn't get it over four years. that my generation decided the presidential not tion and they still do have the economic opportunities they were promised. it is absolutely affecting their propensity to turn out in the selection. >> and, atima omara, what is keeping people from turning out? >> the economy, i think campaigns could do more to engage people.
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i do not think it has anything to do with disappointment with the administration. hard th the youth vote so to turn out, why should politicians pay attention to issues that are important to young voters? >> young voters are voting in larger numbers than eever before. certainly the last several cycles. we will be inheriting a full generation to vote by 2020. should be finitely paying attention because this an actively engaged generation. >> for a practical reason, as well. young voters have actually made importing gains in midterm elections. for you look at illinois, example, in 2010, if the republican candidate had gained just two more points, he would've won the entire election. >> so what are the issues that are important to young voters? >> jobs in the economy.
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the top issue in every poll across every demographic. young people are tremendously concerned with not having a job. indebted he most generation in history and they are struggling to pay back the loans have taken out, personal debt they might have, and young people are looking for an economic opportunity. something they did not fight with president obama. >> atima omara, would you agree? i would absolutely agree. except about the president. this president has done more belgrade's to help slower to help lower socioeconomic students attend school.
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he has done a lot to make sure that young people are not hampered by this economy. of course, it is harder for young people to recover because they have less expense to rebound with, but he has done what he can. >> if you want to join us on a conversation this morning millennial's and young voters. epublicans can call at 202 585 3881. democrats at 202 585-3880. and a special line for young 585 3883.02 as the youth leader of the does this party, concern you?
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>> i think young people are tremendously independent. this is a generation that are of the political institutions. i am part of a persuasion to come to my party. for our party for a long time, not spoken to young voters. we have not made a pitch to young voters. to ocrats have had six years make the case, and in terms of party and edification, they seen much more -- party identification, they have seen more young voters leave. not started a conversation. head of my being the million e by putting $2 on the ground. pitch, is the elevator 30 second pitch, to
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somebody on a college campus? >> that the change that our has given to technology starts from the ground. so why should we have one solution like obama care or other blanket policies that do work for this generation. atima omara, what is your pitch? >> young voters respond to the democratic pitch. they do believe, by 60%, but the government should support. they are generation that, while high with other than party affiliation, they are
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also a group that response to democratic party messages. our job is easier and that we are able to go out and messages on these the ground and it is working across several different states. young people, in large numbers, are favoring the democratic candidate. >> how does one become the president of the young democrats of america? >> well, i think we have about 4060 chapters. they have a bi-annual convention and they hold a vote. how did ame question, you become the chair of then college republican national committee? are the oldest organization, so it is tremendously big shoes to fill in the organization that i run. but in terms of how we elect
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have a biannual convention where we elect our leaders. last june and ed them to miss the privilege to serve in this position. what issues king that are important to young people. it into visual form for voter turnout. washington post projected turnout or actual turnout in a midterm election year. 20% for those w 18 29-year-olds. you can compare that to those who are 65and older. you can see the midterm election among those for 65 and 60%, and t about slightly higher in the presidential year. your questions and comments as we talk to the head of the republican national committee and the young
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democrats of america. we start with frank from pennsylvania. would like to ask alex a question. so supportive e of millennials, why have they not supported aca which allows stay on their parents health care until 26? why have they not come through of the minimum wage wages supports and raises across the board, particularly at the lower levels? and why are theypreventing college-age students from voting. for example, taking the away from voting those campuses that are continuously try to get college age kids to vote. >> i'm happy to answer them. in terms of healthcare, this a althcare thing has been disaster for millennials.
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they have footed the bill for this healthcare plan. we are paying, as young millennials, the premium to people on e older this plan. so young people have seen their premiums rise. others have seen their the rage drop with so-called "junk plans". a lot ofyoung voters were others plans. not supporting obama care, this is been a harmful are two millennials. university of colorado boulder where in the me workers student services were told that the hours would be capped at 25 hours because of obama care. so that a student jobs that were cut to the university because of a healthcare plan. republicans have supported have measures that alternatives, that have included letting students stand there healthcare plans.
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but in terms of real reform, what we need is jobs. millennials need jobs to pay what they need. minimum wage would also be a disaster to jobs. those first jobs coming out of what we, the millennials, rely on in a lot of cases. raising the minimum wage would cause a lot of those jobs to get cut. what we of, you know, aspire to -- let's aspire to beyond the minimum wage. of, you know, protecting the integrity of her ballot box, i think republicans terms of the way in voter id. >> now giving you a chance to respond. >> yes, one of the most issues to young
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people is that young people are not allowed to stand employer-based health care plan. because they have the health market to going to end a 92% pay an average of $92 per month. this gives them the opportunity to take a job in entrepreneurial. a constant minimum wage, to people out of on poverty, especially college-age and whatnot. president stly, this has done more to serve expand opportunities for young people and entrepreneurial opportunities benefit as a to generation. in los ie is up next angeles, california on our line for republicans. >> hi. to these -- to be specific, the
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get the economy going is to definitely cut out the minimum wage completely. cut taxes. cut spending. what it does is it causes more poverty because it draws more regulation on the businesses. we have to reward the entrepreneur. to reward have unskilled labor. >> alex smith on regulation which has just become an issue in several races. >> absolutely. of stripping the regulations, look no further than our republican governors created hundreds of thousands of private sector jobs by taking out all regulations that have inhibited the growth.
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and look to a state like ohio turned around ted strickland's 350,000 job loss. he has added nearly 200,000private sector jobs in doing so. i think that could be an important step to us creating jobs and expanding economic opportunities. special line this morning in the segment of our "washington journal" for 18 to 29-year-olds. robert colligan on that line from virginia beach, virginia. good morning, robert. >> good morning. would be nted to say i voting for republicans in november the use i believe they have for all age c plans groups and getting the country back to work and keeping low taxes. that is helping generate economic growth.
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>> atima omara, if you met robert on the street, how would try to persuade him? >> the economic mess that the has inherited -- the unemployment rate has gone down. additionally, this president of worked to address a lot the banking regulations and credit card regulations that especially for young people, to succeed economically. so i think this president and this administration has done as much as they have possibly can. and the results have shown. >> i would say that he has made an excellent choice to vote over senator warner. senator warner has voted with 90% of the over time -- the president over 90% of the time. i think that having senator take back the senate will be tremendously important
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to ensuring that we have economic opportunities for all americans. >> also oon that line for 18 to 29-year-olds, pam is coming from brooklyn, new york. a democrat. important he most issues to you? able to have access to a lot of things we are looking for two in our district. so that is why my question to both of your guests is - with many opportunities to vote, do any of your guests believe age should be lowered people be ave young more engaged? not only more educated. omara on lowering the voting age. >> younger people are getting more and more engaged in
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politics, so i would certainly of exploring the idea because i believe that young people are paying more as they n, especially get older, and our generation is more politically minded. >> in terms of fostering excitement in our generation and motivating them to get more involved, i mean, there is no greater motivator other than the fact that this generation has $1.2 trillion in student loan debt. more personal debt than any generation in history. so what we're doing is a party is encouraging people to think along those lines. their very future depends on the elections. so in terms of anything we can do to stimulate that -- that an early age -- i'm certainly in favor of exploring. when they ertainly turn 18, that is when i have my chance to get up.
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>> one way of doing that that has been proposed is compulsory voting for those, say, under 30. legally legally requiring those under 32 votes. if they don't - community service or five. favor of be in compulsory voting? to the ink they'll be up free exercise in our country. i do not think we i would be in favor of the penalty for not chhoosing that right. >> atima omara. >> my parents both came to this when i was young and they gave me, certainly, the values and appreciation for the freedom to exercise our rights. or hink the freedom to vote not vote -- and we, as the, -- is hat you do vote very important.
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>> we're talking about the important issues to young voters and how the two parties appeal to 18 to 29-year-olds. talking about one of do that with ads. we want to play a bit of the ad from florida and come back and talk about it. >> rick scott is perfect. rick scott is becoming a trusted brand. he has new ideas that don't break your brand. >> but mom has other ideas. >> i like charlie. it is expensive and a little outdated, but i know best. forget that charlie comes with an extra cost. there is $2.6 billion in debt. add 15% tuition increases. >> but i'll be paying this off for the rest of my life.
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>> we cannot let her walk out of the voting booth like that. >> mom, this is my decision. and i see a better future with rick scott. hard to let it is go, but it all works out in the end. >> and alex smith of the college republican national committee actually wrote the script to that ad. talk about that added what you are trying to do. we create f all, when our ads, we started with the principle that young people are tuning out political ads, as usual. we found that out to extensive did in 2013 - we six different focus groups. are tuning outthe direct candidate ads. a wayto get to find creative, to start a conversation. in the gubernatorial
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race will remodeled our ad after the mtv show "catfish" where people are saying that when they're really another. this is kind of been our stick for a while. we have been modeling after popular culture to sort of conversation with young voters. incredibly cial was successful in virginia. the commercial, up t online, a numbers went by double digits to reelect governor rick snyder in michigan. so we have been incredibly encouraged by her as. this is research-based. this is not people just coming up with ideas. have extensively thought about these kinds of ads and the way we want to betray them. bottom line is what we communicate to young voters that we are going to be
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playing on campuses in 16 different states. of $1 million project. so what is the theme of this one? we start with the theme that democrats are bad bargain. that their policies are too expensive. that they are not a good buy for young voters. what is the second most highly 18 to show among 34-year-olds -- scored the second highest? "say yes to the dress" on tlc. so that is where we started. to convey vehicle that theme which is a "say yes to the dress" parody. i wrote this with a majority female staff. i raised the money produce this ad and put it on. in our focus groups that we tested over the summer, we had participants saying that it was it was female driven, would something that
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capture their attention and at least start to think about the issues. that is exactly what we want to do. conjunction g in with our fields campus. the ad is born and we're seeing great results from it. >> atima omara, what do you think about the ad? a lot to ght it did benefit democrats and our republicans what are failing to message. was quite tone d deaf and even if it was written by feeble writers, it had a bit of a sexist tone. biggest issue, for me, was that while "say yes to the dress" was a popular show, women are particularly savvy when it comes to understanding politics and the issues that concern them. that is very
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popular is "revenge". women want to go see female super action -- superheroes on-screen. they want to see empowered women leaving very complex lives because that is what they live. leaving the decision on who you should vote for candidate in a wedding dress is quite simple. >> i think that, you know, with all due respect, we tested this message. we did the research to ensure its effectiveness and it is working. we see that through the online engagement rates, which i have the opportunity to see and she has not. it is part of a $1 million project. which include es
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shark tank and parodies of different shows like "csi". it is clearly part of a broader hear and i would like to from atima omara what comparable effort she has. >> the outreach to reach young voters? >> yes. that will go ng as the in a few states in next few weeks to call in for our major u.s. senate races and on the groundwork. i have been traveling around the country focusing on those efforts. our messaging, for us, has been that people are very supportive of the president and done with the economy, health, equity, and raising the minimum wage. well in these ery areas, and the polls show that. >> the best way to reach them in the upcoming midterm
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elections, now just 10 days our line is carlos from georgia. >> good morning. how are you? the time to host a am ng voter session, bbut i glad i am up. i'm a first-generation democrat, and as i listened to the republican message, i continue to feel out of touch. reaching out in to colleges and spending $1 to do it -- she keeps bragging about them $1 million project -- i think that is nice s, and what about democrats -- this is my first are getting really involved in election -- is that we do not need to have that money. with the ge to connect and ger generation -- increasingly the republicans, in a state like georgia, is
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continuing to alienate the minorities. we could have an ad running to telling the minority voters, you are going to lose a huge sector of the population. involved in the election - getting more people to vote in the presidential elections? >> yes, i was doing an internship and was able to send my ballot in 2012, but i was not involved actively politically. but what i want to get to is students and young voters, read about the history and right ho sit on the side of history -- that is what we are inspired by.
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>> alex smith, giving you a chance to respond. getting in terms of reach out to the money m i'm putti where -- i am putting the money where my mouth is to make a has structure to it that will deliver real results on election day. that is what i meant by the cost of the project is that it shows the amount to which i about reaching my generation and keeping our principles. i think that we do have to be a party for everyone. we have to engage everyone and that is what our field program is aimed at doing. being a part of the campus culture. reaching out to all kinds of of ups and all kinds students on campus. running on different platforms hulu, spotify,
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which are reaching hundreds of thousands of different viewers. what we put f together and it shows how much i care about reaching our generation. >> from reading, pennsylvania for democrats. good morning. >> good morning. i just want to make a statement that i agree with the political science major. how she can k republican as a woman? there's something wrong with that. want to tima omara, i ask her how i can assure my young family to vote?
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they do agree with the democrats values. i feel like you have lost hopein our system. how can i assure them to vote? >> let's start with atima omara. >> i think it is two things. it is further identifying what motivates them whether it is the environment, minimal wage. this president has been as successful as he can, but if they do not vote, it will be much harder for him to get stuff done. this particularly nominated republican congress has made it as part of the agenda to stop him. so if the next two years are going to be successful, it is important to get them engaged. especially in a place at pennsylvania where there are so many races online. >> and on that topic, a recent headline - millennium voters a new worry for dems. that is the latest way for hold rats fighting to their senate majority. predictions that they will turn out at the polls next month. alex smith, i want to give you just answer the caller's question on equal pay for women. >> as a proud republican woman, i do know that we stand for equal pay. in terms of empowering women to that ed, this is a party champion small businesses. were the fastest growing owners of small businesses? women. we not talking about how small businesses to
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grow instead of talking about that is a redundancy, something that would add another layer of flaws we have existing laws to protect equal pay for equal work. republicans are absently for that. >> good morning, andy from raleigh, north carolina. couple of quick comments response to there from mrs. smith. first of all, i want to commend you on the ad. the ad is probably one of the guess, ones and, i congratulations on that even was gh i think it miss omara is correct that women are particularly savvy. one of the main points was that
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you mentioned karl rove coming up through the ranks of college republicans. i certainly hope you are not him in any way. he had big shoes to fill. i certainly hope you do not try to fill those shoes and uses tactics. probably the most divisive political figure we have had in decades. which dea of wedge issues he just mastered the use of. he is the bigger reason why we anger in this country, pitting americans against americans, and these anchor point wedge issues, particularly disgusting practices. >> let's give alex a chance to respond. >> sure. in terms of talking about her history, what i meant to a mmunicate was that we have long storied history of
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producing leaders -- whether disagree with them or with them - and the republican party. great place to learn and serve the political process early. let's go to jane we have on the line for 18 to 29-year-olds. she's calling in from brooklyn, new york. good morning, james. >> good morning, everyone. as a young voter, i want to ask i should vote for. for example, i-pac is the the est group involved in insurance of congress and that not hy citizens are satisfied with congress and i think that this election -- >> his talking about boycotting
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elections. do favor boycotting the elections? >> no. done with e have young voters, we have seen that young voters very much realize that america has lost its standing in the world. we have gone down the wrong path. we are no longer leaders in the world. to the t is largely due president's ineptitude and handling of a number of foreign affairs. i think the young voters very much realize that and would like to see change. think it has already been a growth of isis and issues in the middle east. become a domestic issue. responded to and specifically responded to.
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anti-kerry has done wonderful state on the y of ground to make sure we are building a broad. >> michael is calling another line for independence. >> good morning. thank you very much and i want to say that i enjoy c-span. my comment is to what was just being spoken of in the disappointment of america being a leader. and i want to ask a very serious, serious question to both of the young ladies there. it is concerning the suicide rate in the millennials. this generation has the since the icide rate demise -- and not all of the lost their s have bubble, in the housing the medical situation, they are losing hope and showing the lost hope the grandparents, as well as the parents whose hours are being diminished.
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with high coming home college debt -- and also, i do want to say that every great nation rises and falls and they're seeing that america is backside of the mountain and they are losing hope. i want to know what these young ladies think about giving these young people hope. >> alex. >> i think that suicide is a tremendously important issue. mental health and mental a tremendously important issue, especially for this generation. this is a generation that has a lot of struggles. that being said, i think that this is an optimistic generation. this is a generation that has driven change through but has open doors that we had never dreamed possible. in terms of encouraging that optimism, i would have people look to the success that our generation has brought to the world through that change in technology. >> atima omara on suicide
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young people ing hope. >> i do believe that young people are an optimistic generation. do think that it is unfortunate that mental health has not got the funding that we need. what we did find out is that is one of the -- and the provision of beds and care for folks who are going to mental illness struggles -- is and black thing on it that republicans -- on the chopping block that republicans cut. putting a lot of people are very bad positions. >> david on our line for democrats. >> good morning. i enjoy your show. one of the best shows on in the
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morning. to ask the e republican lady there what is on how well the -- how well the republicans have done for minorities in the middle class. the republicans have done well to create more jobs, including minorities. >> lawrence from pennsylvania on our line for republicans. both would like to ask young ladies why neither party has chosen to debate the drug war. would like to point out that i don't think either one of girls know the depth and importance of this issue to the
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future of america. >> okay, lawrence. we're talking with the two women who are in charge of the democratic -- young democrats of america and the republican national committee on the drug war. >> as an african-american am fairly well aware with the issue regards to the drug war. there have been several taken the who have justice criminal reform, which addresses legalization issues especially as it occurs to minimums and that nature. booker is one of those relating on the democratic aisle. >> speaking to that, i think what atima omara is referring is a bipartisan efforts in terms of reform in that area led by senator paul on our side. it is certain the conversation
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that is taking place. place in rsation take our states and also at the federal level through bipartisan initiatives, as well. >> about 10 minutes left in a roundtable as we talk about important to young people. we want to talk about social it be there will for millennials? our 2013 focus groups, actually asked the millennials to define what makes their generation different. really the responses sticks with me because one of the responses was that we were going to be the first not see a that will dime of social security. young people aware of these programs that are going to run out of steam. i think that it is another a massive how government program just is not -- it is antithetical to this generation. it does not operate the way and
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industrial top-down government years and years ago, which generation k this need for reform. >> i think that people on both especially in the middle are concerned about that. concerned with economic reform and havingserious discussion on where we're going as a country. >> jeffrey waiting in alabama our line for independents. >> good morning. i enjoy c-span. i've a question for both ladies. voting not electronic cause more fraud? and would more regulation by the hurt this country more? >> atima omara, electronic voting.
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>> electronic voting, i believe he means at the voting booth. it means as having a more faster and efficient voting process. i do not think that is the case. we certainly know that florida held up in 2000 because we not have electronic voting and that became a popular word for it while. i think that electronic voting is great. as regards to regulation, if we hadn't had more banking regulations, we probably would've had the problems in 2008. >> alex smith. >> in terms of ensuring the integrity of the voting think that technology brings new challenges. at illinois, for example, which has recently voting problems they are. our ave to ensure that
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it's remains intact to ensure the fairness of our process. and regulation is the number one job killer in our states and is something the republicans are leading the way. it is something that has drawn people back to states like michigan and ohio and florida and pennsylvania where our governors there are working overtime to add hundreds of thousands of private sector jobs. and a lot of that is by stripping regulations. >> ken is an airline for republicans. good morning, ken. >> good morning. i would like to talk -- it appears that democrats are for more big government and the labor potential rate has gone down under obama and they have manipulated the numbers on unemployment, whereas republicans are more in favor of private enterprise. education system is full of philosophy and the government has nothing unless it takes actually people who create and work. -- the current administration -- i do not believe the current administration is manipulating numbers. we've had the largest, in terms of private sector jobs, growth in the past months. unemployment has gone down took president obama
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office in 2009 from 10% to 5%. this president has done a lot to invest in economic opportunity. also knows that millennials are in entrepreneurial generation. funding undertaken opportunities at colleges to allow people to take advantages of new opportunities. working a 9-to-5 job, but in entrepreneurial businesses. >> in terms of the unemployment not ers, what they do always reflect his those who have given up looking for work. something that was it under ayed but this bush, president has and abysmal record. were living under poverty under president obama. this is a president to his
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jobs for my eate generation and has failed to do so. the government cannot create jobs. the private sector creates jobs. and obama care kill jobs. in our republican led states, seeing economic growth are in terms of emboldening the private sector to give opportunities to millennials. we're seeing gridlock and the president's insistence on killing private sector jobs. >> good morning unaligned. >> good morning. i think that aware of the fact that our government is a divided government. 50% on the republican, 50% on the democratic side. it is really unfair that when you look at
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the way this government is divided and there's so much opposition against the president. even with the stress of a divided government where say no to s just everything, they cannot point to a specific program or policy to t they have created benefit any american. any whatsoever. the president saved $1 trillion by ending the iraq war. $400 billion by getting out of afghanistan. he kept the economy from collapsing. 10 million americans from losing their homes. he created more jobs than anyone in the history of america. the reduced and cut unemployment rate in half. he gave americans healthcare for the first time. and i can go on and on and on. my point is that millennial that this president has -- millennial's need to president has
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accomplished more than any other president. >> would you like to point to a policy that gram or pitted americans? saying me start off by that the president had control of the house and senate for two years. to suggest that this has been a perpetually divided government cannot get u anything done is a little misleading. the president had his three unity with all levels of government, and all we got was obama care, which to be a n itself failure. of the democratic senate with the majority leader having a job bill, he is taken action on anything benefit ld private-sector job growth and expand economic opportunity for americans. that are of plans
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benefiting americans, look to our governors who are creating opportunities for small businesses. they are providing investment for small businesses and startups. help on that level. we also see that governors have done a great deal to help students in their states. look at governor walker and his tuition freeze in wisconsin. perry's governor $10,000 bachelor degree where he is making it easier to get a college degree in that come out with so much that. i think that republican our states have advanced, you know, our principles that work for the citizens of the states. i can only hope we take back the senate and 10 days now and with the federal level. >> time for one more caller. good morning. >> hello?
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this lady, ed to ask the republican, about the voter id law that they have going in texas. i wondered if it was going on everywhere where you have to have a gun permit in order to vote? >> voter id laws in texas and around the country. >> i think that republicans passed voter id laws, they have done so with the voter integrity in mind. ensuring that our process is of processes or lewd -- process is orderly. for a lot of republicans out of re, and for a lot americans out there who are concerned with issues of voter issues related to elections, we wonder why you shouldn't have to do this. i just voted by absenteeism in pennsylvania. that was not a tremendous burden on me to show my id.
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i think that americans realize that showing id is not an id. you have to show it to get access to many different places, and this ensures the integrity of their ballot. >> atima omara. definitely on voter id, does not help voters whose ideas are harder for them to obtain. in some states you cannot even have a student id and vote if a drivers have license yet. i did not have a drivers of ense for a good portion my college career. in regards to, specifically, the president and his effectiveness in the last several years. i would say that the first use he got plenty done.
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a fair pay act plant. credit card protection act passed. he has done a lot which has led to the economic boom which we have seen in the last few years. i think it is interesting that have thinks republicans done for -- students have at a ance their loans 3.6% rate, but republicans blocked it because that would've meant closing the gap for millionaires. >> atima omara is the president of the young democrats of america. alex smith is the chair for the college republican national committee. to continue the debate, it will be online.
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we appreciate both your time this morning. the ext, we will open up phone to you to talk about any debate in our last half-hour of the "washington journal" today. we will be right back. >> the 2015 c-span to do in cam 2015 c-span student competition is underway. policy, law, or action by the branches of government have affected you or your community. there are 200 cash prizes totaling $150,000. how to ist of rules and get started, go to >> with the 2014 midterm over a week away,
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c-span's debate coverage continues. senator debate on tuesday, followed at 8:00 pm the massachusetts governor's debate. then at 9:00 pm the georgia senate debate. at 10:00 pm, the minnesota senate debate. 11:00 pm, the hawaii governor's debate. at 7:00 pm ning eastern, live coverage of the south carolina senate debate between the three candidates. followed at 8:00 pm by the new jersey senate debate. night at 8:00 pm, live coverage of the louisiana senate debate between three candidates.
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>> c-span campaign 2014, more more than 100 debates washington journal continues. >> we are opening up the phone to talk about campaign 2014 or any other public policy issues want to talk about, the phone lines are open now. public policy issues help america's specific at the concerns about ebola and the
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new york times today or district ebola quarantines. quarantines for all people entering the country's own area airport that they have direct with the ebola patients in west africa. measures go beyond what federal guidelines require and what infectious disease experts recommend without consulting the city's health department. both governors betrayed them as a necessary step. this is too serious public health situation, ebola also of the president's weekly message this week.
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seven americans treated and all seven survived. i have had two of them in the office and now we are focused on making sure the patient in new york receive the best care as well, so here is the bottom line, patients can beat this disease and we can beat this disease, but we have to say vigilant, we have to work together at every level. we have to keep leading the global response. the best excuse americans saying this to stop it at its source in west africa. we have to be guided by the science, guided by the facts and not by fear. yesterday new yorker showed us the way, they do what they did buses, ay, jumping on riding the subway, getting into work and writing parks. that spirit and that determination to carry makes it cities of most great the world. >> different stories from the financial times. off ebola et sharks
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worries -- shrugs off ebola worries. our phones are open, we want to talk about campaign 2014 on any public policy issue, let's go to bill waiting in washington on the life democrats. >> good morning to you and thank you 50s band, i want to remind the american people what republicans do women get hold of this country. they go up to the last administration, remember, they took us to war and caused the 5000 of our people including babies and women, they put this country in a financial doubt that they might not get out of
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why would you want to give a foreign country access to the largest market in the world, the united states, the united states market, the consumer market of the united states. they have written a chapter in the book when they talk about, that he wrote about the great nation, the suicide of a great nation and in pain he has a chapter about free wish that you would -- he has been taught about the disaster free trade for three years plus. >> thank you for the tip let's preston in new york. >> thank you for taking my call i much more of a republican. i am actually living a few blocks away from a patient who has recently been tested positive for a bowler.
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-- ebola. scanning the tv yesterday, this guy doesn't know what he is talking about and he is the chairman of the house oversight committee of ebola. who is a ng republican, he says that are wrong about ebola, they don't understand it, that you can catch ebola by breathing the air. it is not true. this guy lives a couple of blocks from me and i go to the same pharmacy that he goes to, know whether congressman king is lying or stupid.
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either one, it is unacceptable. especially with a curious situation like this. it has got me mad. >> bringing up house government oversight and reform committee chairman darrell eisman. also known as one of the wealthiest members of congress. wealth of congress jumps by $150 million, he is the assistant editor. j hunter good morning to you. >> know it was primarily
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numbers? >> we go through financial disclosures that members have on an annual basis, we numbers, use minimum totals to come up with a conservative minimum network, we do this because there are a variations to nt the categories including open-ended ranges of 50 million the top which affects five members, which is the member including jay rockefeller. >> some members are
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>> average americans did not see a big jump the media about 70,000 per household. >> j hunter is the assistant and or for information research with cq roll call. thank you so much for joining us. we have 10 or 15 minutes left to our open lines we want get your opinions. earnest is calling in from michigan on our line for democrats, good morning. i wanted to ask, i hear all these people particularly it ublicans complaining that disaster, what do they
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know that the 10 million people have signed up do not know? they cited all the talking points for the republicans, it's just amazing how the just lican parties can turn things around and lie about issues in order to get done. the republican party has been taken over by the meanest individual you ever want to meet in your life. you will see gridlock like you've never seen before if they take over. >> let us go to our line republican, jim, waiting for us in pennsylvania. your thoughts on our last colas comments. >> i have to agree with him, i'm a republican and identify
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with being conservative but i have to agree with him. one thing that ronald reagan said back in the 80s that a lot of people don't remember, i am from the government, and i am here to help. we have to stop this overreaching government. encourage the young people, wonderful insight, and encouraging for me as a 15-year-old man to see young people like this coming on to television and getting involved. encourage our young not in the are backside, we have a situation where people feel disenfranchised and uninvolved and we need to encourage them that we can get involved, the want to do that is reduce arab government footprint. the overall arching point.
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this government has become too large. >> are there certain agencies do away with? >> in 1978 jimmy carter who to be a democrat, and i don't want to point fingers created the epa agency to reduce our e dependence on foreign oil. it has become multi-dollar billion democracy which is not done anything. >> it dates back a little bit further than that, it dates back to the nixon administration. were other agency would you put up there? >> most of them. a single government agency that we have right now are
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doing their job. the government agency are good at spending our money and getting very little done, we don't get it as much bang for our buck as much as we should. we need to put the power back into the people. the last thing i want to say, let's encourage our young people to be more personally responsible for the decisions made. and to use admin law, let's go and the democratic rule constitutional rule instead of inculcating asks with so much administration law. >> let's go to angela waiting for us on the line from democrats. >> good morning and thank you to c-span. guy forgot one thing,
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they used to be something called acid rain. he also forgot all the big fish kills all across the country. he would like for us to get rid of the epa and allow the to dump companies whatever waste they want into the rivers and streams and the -- he doesn't even have to disclose the chemicals they are using. one of the biggest commodities in the future of this country is going to be clean water. republicans are shooting themselves in the foot. >> i have steve waiting online, from rochelle illinois.
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for taking my call, something i want to talk neither something that party has spoken about. money as debt. money is circulating system is g as that in place you're going to slave us economy, e especially when they pay interest payments upon the debt issuing that the currency. i suggest that we bring into the discussion and begin having government issuing
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the currency and spending into circulation through public works, that where you do not enslave the economy to the debt system. go to alan now, in holden ville oklahoma. >> good morning, i want to see what is going on about the office electronic voter fraud. appeared ng machines to be programmable, sadly they controlled by the unions and the unions tend to vote democrat. there is a senate or other congressmen tried to vote for himself because the machine opted to vote for the guy he was running again so i'm trying we can ever have a
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good vote if we cannot find out for sure? >> an issue that we would talk get to he closer we election day. keep watching for those, we have five minutes left this on open phones. richard good morning. >> i just want to address the increased poverty under obama, he is constantly tried to raise the minimum wage even he republicans won't talk about it, that would raise people out of poverty and help the economy. this is an example of how the obama icans have fought twos and nail through his whole administration. thank you. >> michael is next, what joy to chat about?
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about would like to talk the upcoming election. i want people to focus on the what date themselves and they stand for, never mind if their republican or democrat, clearly our system in washington is dysfunctional and it is not working. ebola, t the cbc with look what happened to the borders, look at the scandal with our tax system. washington, the lobbyist, money has corrupted and eroded our company from the heart. that is what we need to fix. remember the first
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thing, we are americans first and we owe it to our next leave a generation to better country behind so our children can survive so, serious this is a very election coming up and i want people to stop bickering and up with a creative solution with common sense. washington lacks common sense, and it is what it is. thank you letting me share this, have a good day. good morning. >> thank you for taking my call, i just want to piggyback on the last call with the minimum wage issue. i'm 67 years old and i have the struggle for
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there be able to pay their own food and home care. and it would put more young people to work. i know a lot of people are holding down two jobs. if people had more adequate wages they could spend more time with their children and family. there be more jobs available further people who are not working. i don't mind paying a little bit more fur a hamburger or stake. >> good morning donna. >> good morning, i am 76 years old and i went through a lot of minimum wage issues. the minimum wage was under a dollar. it was under a dollar, but at that time you could get a dollar gasoline for $.25so when it goes up, everything else goes up, and does not go up e to cover the cost of everything else going up. you could buy, when i was could buy chool, you
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hotdogs and an order french fries for a dollar a pop. you won't be able to buy that now. >> i appreciate your call. it for us today, and want to make sure that you come back here tomorrow morning when joined by associated reporter darleen superville. and then look at the best and ads of we hope you have a great saturday.
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